Guidelines On Traffic Calming

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Traffic Calming Guidelines



Rev B, February 2005

National Roads Authority
St Martins House, Waterloo Road, Dublin 4.
Telephone 01 660 2511 Fax 01 668 0009
Web site:

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Traffic Calming Guidelines


In July 1998 the Government published The Road to Safety, its Strategy for road safety
over the period 1998 2002. The primary target of the strategy is to reduce road fatalities by
2002 by a minimum of 20% on their 1997 level (472) and to achieve a similar reduction (at
least 20%) in the number of serious injuries from road accidents (2,182 in 1997).
Under the terms of the Strategy, the Authority will be required to undertake a number of
specific tasks including the finalisation of a five year programme for traffic calming on the
network of national roads.
Traffic calming is one important application in the road safety management of national routes
which pass through towns and villages. In the first instance, speed is reduced by altering the
appearance of the road on the approach to the town/village through the use of gateways and
by further traffic management measures within the town itself.
Over the past 10 years a number of pilot traffic calming schemes, based on different concepts,
were introduced and monitored for effectiveness. The preparation of this publication is based
on the results of the monitoring of the pilot schemes and also best ideas from abroad. The
guidelines will lead to a national uniformity of design for traffic calming.
I wish to record my thanks to the Traffic Calming Working Group for all of the effort they put
into the preparation of this publication. The members of the group were:
Finbarr Crowley
Harry Cullen
Ray Butler
Paul Crowe
Ciaran Jordan
Jack Keyes
Eamonn McMahon
Eimhin OMurchu

N.R.A. (Chairman)
Tramore House R.D.O.
Limerick County Council
Westmeath County Council
Offaly County Council
Dundalk Institute of Technology
Colas Teoranta

Landscape Consultants to working group

Murray and Associates, Dublin

Eugene OConnor,
Head of Project Management and Engineering
October 1999

Traffic Calming Guidelines


Traffic Calming Guidelines

FOREWORD TO GUIDELINES ON TRAFFIC CALMING.................................. i

Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
Chapter 1 Preplanning, Selection and Evaluation...................................................3





Accident Details


Speed Measurements




Future Infrastructural Development


General Principles for the Selection of Traffic Calming Schemes...........................6


Selection based on Accidents


Other Considerations


Monitoring and Evaluation........................................................................................7

Chapter 2 Traffic Calming Techniques Appropriate to the Transition Zone ......9


Statement of Problem .................................................................................................9


Design Elements for Transition Zones ....................................................................10


General Design Guidelines for Gateways................................................................11


Detailed Design Guidelines for Gateways and Transition Zones...........................12


Guidelines for Landscape Design ............................................................................15


Transition Zone Landscape Design



Gateway Landscape Design



Guidelines for the Provision of Rumble Strips or Rumble Areas...........................17

Chapter 3 Ancillary Traffic Calming Techniques Appropriate to Urban

Sections of the Route ..............................................................................19

Statement of Problem ...............................................................................................19


Design Elements for Urban Sections .......................................................................19


General Design Guidelines.......................................................................................20


The Maintenance of an Appropriate Carriageway Width



Traffic Calming Guidelines


The Provision of Pedestrian Facilities (9)(10)(11)




The Provision of Pedal Cycle Facilities



The Use of Kerbing



The Use of Road Markings



Urban and Landscape Design


Chapter 4 Consultation Process and Legal Considerations ................................. 29


Legal Power to provide or remove Traffic Calming Measures .............................. 29


Consultation Process................................................................................................ 29


Legal Obligation



Limit to Legal Obligation



Recommendations on Consultation



Consent of the National Roads Authority ............................................................... 31


Other Legal Considerations..................................................................................... 31


Speed Limit Signs



Road Signs and Markings


Chapter 5 Planting Specification ............................................................................... 35


Introduction.............................................................................................................. 35


The landscape proposals



Scoping assessment



Nursery Stock Selections ......................................................................................... 35


Nursery stock for cold, exposed inland areas



Nursery stock for sites consolidated by machines and re-soiled



Nursery stock for heavy soils



Nursery stock to withstand noxious fumes/polluted areas



Nursery stock for dry sites in full sun



Nursery stock for low maintenance



Selected specimen trees



Amenity value, plant associative table


Chapter 6 Technical Specification .......................................................................... 55


Introduction.............................................................................................................. 55


Design/Construction Specification and Layout Guidelines ................................... 56





Road Markings



Road Studs



Traffic Calming Guidelines








Flexible Surfacing



Refuge Islands






Rumble Strips



Cycle/Pedestrian Facilities



Cycle Facilities


References 65
Appendix 1 Traffic Calming Data Summary Sheet ................................................67
Traffic Calming Data Sheet Guidance Notes .....................................................................67
Traffic Calming Data Summary Sheet ...............................................................................69

Appendix 2 Sign, Post and Foundation Details .......................................................71

Traffic Calming Guidelines


Traffic Calming Guidelines

High speed relative to the environment has long been recognised as a road safety problem.
The concepts of speed management and traffic calming were developed in response to this

Traffic calming is essentially a way of reducing vehicle speeds by self-enforcing traffic

engineering methods. Traffic calming is commonly applied in urban and residential road
safety management and in the road safety management of through routes in towns and
villages. The latter application is the subject of this guideline.

Chapter 1 deals with preplanning, selection and evaluation.

Chapter 2 deals with traffic calming techniques appropriate to the transition zone on
routes between the rural and urban area.
Chapter 3 deals with ancillary traffic calming techniques appropriate to the urban section
of the route.
Chapter 4 deals with the consultation process and legal considerations.
Chapter 5 presents a planting specification.
Chapter 6 presents a technical specification.

The contents of the above chapters are complementary and should not be considered in
isolation. In preparing a scheme the designer should have regard to the entire document so
that an integrated scheme may be achieved.

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Chapter 1 Preplanning, Selection and Evaluation

Traffic calming schemes have been in place on the approaches to some of the towns and
villages on the National Route network since 1993 and the overall general public reaction has
been positive. As a natural consequence, Local Authorities are now facing an increased
demand for further traffic calming schemes. Given the limited resources available, it is
essential that a structured assessment framework be developed which will assist in identifying
priorities. This chapter sets out the major considerations for such an approach.



The following data should be collected and compiled:

AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic)

accident details

speed measurements


details of future infrastructural development.

Appendix 1 contains a data summary sheet that may be used to record the collected data. This
summary sheet may also be used for post-construction evaluation of the scheme.

1.1.1 AADT

AADT figures are obtained by a combination of manual and automatic counts. Classification
of vehicles, including cyclists, should be carried out manually while the overall volume can
be determined by automatic counting methods.

The automatic count should be of one

months duration, if possible. This figure can be expanded to an AADT value by reference to
NRA (National Roads Authority) permanent traffic counters on the route in question.

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Specific manual counts may be necessary to determine cycle and pedestrian numbers.
Pedestrian numbers, in particular, will be site specific, and this fact should be borne in mind
when making an assessment.

1.1.2 Accident Details

The location and type of all fatal and personal injury accidents which have been recorded over
the previous five-year period should be abstracted and plotted.

A detailed examination of the circumstances of each accident should be carried out. This will
provide valuable information as to countermeasures. The circumstances of pedestrian
accidents in conjunction with observation of pedestrian movements will help to fix the
optimum positions of pedestrian crossing places. The Fermoy and Mitchelstown Traffic
Accident Studies(1,2) provide guidelines for this approach.

1.1.3 Speed Measurements

As a minimum, speed measurements should be taken:

on the approaches

at existing speed limit locations

at suitable locations within the speed limits.

For the purposes of evaluation, the 85 percentile dry weather spot speed of vehicles should be
used(3). The method of measurement should be uniform in all respects to permit useful

Measurements using radar guns can be difficult to replicate and it is

recommended that inductive loops or magnetic imaging counters be used to achieve reliable

Traffic Calming Guidelines

1.1.4 Geometry

A detailed survey of the route should be carried out, locating:


existing pedestrian crossing points


street furniture


landscape features

future/proposed developments

bus bays.

The approach geometry, which will have an effect on speeds, should also be recorded. A
straight horizontal alignment will have higher speeds than a curving alignment, as will a
vertical down grade.

The right-of-way width (face of fence to face of fence) should be determined as this will
determine the choice of gateway design type. The paved width (including hard shoulders) and
carriageway width should also be recorded.

It is often helpful to use these data to divide the through route into reasonably homogenous
sections at initial design stage.

1.1.5 Future Infrastructural Development

Consideration should be given to likely future developments in the area which might impact
on traffic calming proposals. These could include:

future road developments

future utilities requirements e.g. water, sewerage, gas, E.S.B., Telecom etc.

planning permissions, altered land use etc.

Traffic Calming Guidelines


General Principles for the Selection of Traffic Calming Schemes

The engineer dealing with traffic calming may be faced with the problem of carrying out a
comparative assessment of a number of competing locations.

1.2.1 Selection based on Accidents

It is recommended that selection based on accidents should take account of both risk per unit
of travel and risk per head of population in the town or village under consideration.
Accident rates per unit of travel within speed limit zones on the national routes vary between
0.1 and 25.0 PIA/106 vkm (personal injury accidents per million kilometres of travel).
Accident rates per thousand head of population per annum vary between 0.1 and 9.35
PIA/1000 pop/annum (personal injury accidents per thousand population per year). For
selection purposes rates in excess of 5 PIA/106 vkm and 2 PIA/1000 pop/annum are deemed
The cost of the scheme relative to accident risk should also be taken into account to ensure
that schemes providing best value for money are assigned a higher priority.

1.2.2 Other Considerations

Quality Pavement Projects. Experience shows that where quality pavement

improvement projects are undertaken, operating speeds and accident risk may increase
in towns and villages on the resurfaced section. It is recommended that traffic calming
measures should be considered in tandem with such projects.

Bypasses. Where a town is being bypassed, the need for traffic calming measures on
the original route should be assessed and, if warranted, included as part of the overall

Planning Considerations. Major new developments in an area may give rise to

increased traffic volumes or changes in traffic make-up and type. Traffic calming may
be appropriate in addressing such issues, and could be considered as part of the
planning process.

Traffic Calming Guidelines


Monitoring and Evaluation

In order to assess the effectiveness of a traffic calming scheme, the impact of the scheme must
be systematically monitored after installation.

The importance of evaluation and monitoring can not be overstated and the accumulation of
this valuable information will assist in future assessment and prioritising of traffic calming

The primary purpose of traffic calming is to reduce the number of accidents by reducing
vehicle speed. It is essential that the extent of the speed reduction and the impact of this
reduction on accidents be systematically evaluated for each installation.

Each scheme is likely to have some drawbacks as well as the acknowledged benefits
associated with the installation. It is important that any assessment has regard to both prior
expectations and reaction afterwards of all road users, especially those of the vulnerable

The Traffic Calming Data Summary Sheet in Appendix 1 should be completed for each
scheme. A separate sheet should be completed for each route within the scheme.

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Chapter 2 Traffic Calming Techniques Appropriate to the Transition Zone


Statement of Problem

The transition zone between a high speed and a low speed road represents a difficult safety
management problem. Typically, these transition zones are located on the approaches to
towns and villages.

In Ireland the problem first became apparent over twenty years ago with the proliferation of
improved road sections with hard shoulders on the National Roads. Where these improved
sections adjoined towns and villages, approach speeds increased and the sections showed
higher accident rates than rural sections.

For many years it was thought that speed could be reduced in transition zones by the posting
of area speed limits. A large-scale Swedish experiment showed that the posting of a speed
limit alone without any physical speed reducing measure did not result in any significant
reduction in speed. The same result was experienced in Norway. Because the construction of
a by-pass was very costly in the Norwegian mountains, they developed the concept of through
roads with speed reducing measures


. The idea was quickly assimilated and put to work

under the designation Environmentally Adapted Through Roads. All studies of the effects
of such speed reducing measures in European countries indicate a significant decline in the
number of traffic accidents (5).

The design problem is that one end of the transition zone looks very similar to the adjoining
rural sections while at the other end there is generally an abrupt change to the streetscape of
the town or village. This is particularly true where hard shoulders are present.

The difference in appearance between rural and urban sections is largely explained in terms of
the concept of optical width


. In a rural situation the width between fences is generally

many times greater than the height of the vertical elements which bound the field of view. In
a very narrow urban street, the height of the vertical elements is much greater than the width.
A drivers perception of the appropriate driving speed is influenced by the relationship

Traffic Calming Guidelines

between the width of the road and the height of the vertical elements. It can be shown that
speeds are lower where the height of vertical elements is greater than the width of the road. A
combination of carriageway narrowing, appropriate landscape treatment and the introduction
of vertical elements can create this effect.

The optical width concept should be used progressively throughout the length of the
transition zone to achieve the dominance of the vertical elements culminating in a Gateway.

A Gateway is simply a concentration of vertical elements, which simulates an entrance to a

town or village.


Design Elements for Transition Zones

There should be a gradual change from rural to urban character in the transition zone.

A typical rural environment has informal character:

grass verge not mown

hedgerow composed of native species

trees planted in clumps

footpaths usually absent.

A typical urban environment has formal character:

mown grass verge

shrubs usually evergreen ground covers

trees planted as standards in single or double rows

footpaths usually present.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

The design elements, which may be considered, include:

the prohibition of overtaking in the zone, using signs, solid centre lines and gateway
islands as appropriate

the phasing out of the hard shoulder, using crosshatching inside the edge line to
increase the visual effect

the narrowing of the carriageway

the provision of rumble strips or rumble areas if speeds are not sufficiently reduced by
other measures

the use of signs with a vertical emphasis

the use of appropriate soft landscape elements such as trees, shrubs, and grass verge
treatment, which change in composition and degree of formality along the transition
zone into the town

the provision of cyclist and pedestrian facilities

the use of the town sign in conjunction with the area speed limit sign in the design of
the Gateway itself.


General Design Guidelines for Gateways

The Gateway should mark a definite change in the character of the surrounding area from
rural to urban. In addition:

the Gateway should be conspicuous and should be the most prominent element in the
transition zone and located at the end of that zone

the Gateway should be visible over the stopping distance for the 85 percentile of the
approach speed

the Gateway should not interfere with sightlines at junctions etc.

the Gateway location should take due cognisance of likely future developments

when the Gateway location has been fixed, the existing speed limit zones should be
reviewed and changed, if necessary, so that the location of the 50kph or 60kph speed
limit sign corresponds with the Gateway

public lighting, where provided, should extend at least two poles beyond the Gateway


Traffic Calming Guidelines

traffic calming gateway lantern kit should be used on gateway centre islands

kerbs on Gateway islands and build-outs should be painted (yellow and black)

direct lighting of gateway signs at gateways without a centre island is optional, but has
been found to be very effective, particularly on long approaches

the road surface should be of a reasonable standard before lining is undertaken (a

reasonable surface could be defined as one that is likely to be sufficient for the next
five years)

the road surface may be colour or texture coded for the length of the Gateway

a minimum width of 5.10m should be provided for between the edges of signs at the
entry side of the Gateway and this will accommodate the majority of loads. Wide loads
can use the exit side of the Gateway by prior arrangement

gateway signs and lighting column in gateway centre islands must be demountable and

fixtures on all central islands must be demountable as dismantling may be required

signage clutter should be avoided

all road signing and marking, other than where specifically mentioned in the text,
should be carried out in accordance with the Traffic Signs Manual(7)

hardshoulders should, in general, be replaced with parking bays within the Gateway

solid white lines may be used to mark parking bays within towns and villages

a 2mm high narrow rib may be overlaid on crosshatching lines.


Detailed Design Guidelines for Gateways and Transition Zones

A series of typical designs are presented in plates 1 to 18 covering a range of right of way
widths. These are detailed in types 1 to 5 below:

type 1

right of way width of 11.9m to 15.7m with no footpaths (plates 8 and 9)

type 2

right of way width of 11.9m to 15.7m with footpaths (plates 10 and 11)

type 3

right of way width of 15.7m to 19.2m (plates 12 and 13)

type 4

right of way width of 19.2m to 21m (plates 14 and 15)

type 5

where it is not feasible to accommodate cyclists off the carriageway

(plates 16 and 17)


Traffic Calming Guidelines

All signs shown in Plates 1 18, with the exception only of the gateway signs in Plates 10
and 12, and signs located on footpaths, should be mounted with a clearance of 1.5m.
Landscaping elements may be used to discourage pedestrians from passing underneath,
subject to sightline requirements. Careful consideration should be given to the provision of
frangible mountings to all traffic calming signs.

Plate No. 1

shows the traffic calming warning signs. Its intended meaning is that drivers
may expect to encounter ahead any elements associated with traffic calming
including road narrowing, channelising islands and horizontal deflections. No
other warning signs are required in respect of any subsequent traffic calming

Plate No. 2

shows the Do Not Pass sign. The section of road on which overtaking is
restricted is determined by the length of the subsequent solid white centre line.

Plate No. 3

shows the version of the gateway sign A (inbound) for use in Type 3, 4 and 5
designs (Plates 12, 14 and 16). The gateway will usually be located at the
50kph speed limit, but in cases where the gateway is to be positioned at a
60kph speed limit, the number 60 may be substituted for the number 50 in
Plate 3.

Plate No. 4

shows two versions of the gateway sign A (outbound) for use in Type 3, 4 and
5 designs. The appropriate version for the location should be chosen.

Plate No. 5

shows the version of the gateway sign B (inbound) for use in Type 1 and 2
designs. The gateway will usually be located at the 50kph speed limit, but in
cases where the gateway is to be positioned at a 40mph speed limit, the number
60 may be substituted for the number 50 in Plate 5.

Plate No. 6

shows two versions of the gateway sign B (outbound) for use in Type 1 and 2
designs. The appropriate version for the location should be chosen.

Plate No. 7

is a schematic layout that shows the ideal position of transition zone signs for
all design types. In the ideal situation, the length of the transition zone should

Traffic Calming Guidelines

be 400m. If the gateway is at the 50kph speed limit, and there is a 60kph speed
limit where the 60kph sign falls within the 400m transition zone then the sign
should be removed and the 60kph speed limit revoked.

Plate No. 8

shows gateway elevation for Type 1 design suitable for roads without hard
shoulders and with a right of way width between hedges of 11.9m to 15.7m at
locations where it is not proposed to provide footpaths.

Plate No. 9

shows the plan of the road in the vicinity of the Gateway for Type 1 designs. If
the existing carriageway is > 7m reduce to a maximum of 7m at Gateway.
Alternative colours and/or textures of road surface may be provided for a 10m
length at the Gateway.

Plate No. 10 shows gateway elevation for Type 2 design. This design will prove generally
suitable for roads without hard shoulders and with a right of way width of
11.9m to 15.7m and where there is an existing/proposed footpath and public
lighting adjacent to the Gateway.

Plate No. 11

shows the plan of the road in the vicinity of the Gateway for Type 2 designs.
Alternative colours and/or textures of road surface may be provided for a 10m
length at the Gateway.

Plate No. 12 shows the gateway elevation for Type 3 design.

This design will prove

generally suitable for roads with hard shoulders and with a right of way width
of between 15.7m and 19.2m and where public lighting exists or is proposed.

Plate No. 13 shows a plan of the road in the vicinity of the Gateway for Type 3 design. A
taper of 1 in 70 is desirable on areas leading to solid central islands and
termination of hard shoulders. Alternative colours and/or textures of road
surface may be provided for a 10m length at the Gateway.

Plate No. 14 shows the gateway elevation for Type 4 design. This will prove generally
suitable for roads with a right of way width of from 19.2m to 21m and where
public lighting is provided.

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Plate No. 15 shows a plan of the road in the vicinity of the Gateway for Type 4 design.
Shared cycleway/footpaths should be at least 2m wide but local narrowing of
the facility may be considered at the gateway sign itself. Any additional width
should be taken up with landscaping.
Care should be taken at house entrances to provide adequate exiting vehicle
and pedestrian/cyclist intervisibility.

A taper of 1 in 70 is desirable on

crosshatched areas leading to solid central islands and termination of hard

shoulders. Alternative colours and/or textures of road surface may be provided
for a 10m length at the Gateway.

Plate No. 16 shows the gateway elevation for Type 5 design. Where it is not feasible to
accommodate cyclists off the carriageway, then Type 5 design may be

Plate No. 17 shows a plan of the road in the vicinity of the Gateway for Type 5 design.
Alternative colours and/or textures of road surface may be provided for a 10m
length at the Gateway.

Plate No. 18 shows a supplementary sign which may be used in exceptional circumstances,
where it is considered necessary to provide additional advance warning. This
sign is to be located in advance of sign on Plate 1.


Guidelines for Landscape Design

Landscape design has an important contribution to make in traffic calming.

The design of

any landscape scheme should take into consideration such matters as sight distance
requirements, existing junctions and entrances, existing and future services and carriageway


Traffic Calming Guidelines

2.5.1 Transition Zone Landscape Design

Each transition zone should be individually treated according to the landscape character of the
area. The following are examples of the main design elements:

existing good landscape feature should be incorporated, where appropriate, into the

the grass verge should be maintained to a high standard over the length of the transition
zone to signal a degree of formality

hedgerows, when provided, should be 1.5m - 2.0m high and composed of a mix of
indigenous/ naturalised shrubs (70%) and deciduous ornamental shrubs (30%) at the
start of the zone changing to an even split between deciduous ornamental shrubs and
evergreen shrubs towards the end, so as to provide a higher amenity value in the
vicinity of the built-up area

full standard trees should be planted in clumps at the back of the transition zone signs
where a suitable backdrop does not exist
each clump should consist of three to five native or naturalised trees that
integrate well into the existing landscape
trees should be planted at 2.0m - 4.0m centres within each clump
no tree whose girth would be expected to exceed 150mm should be located any
closer than 4.5m from the road edge

a single row of full standard trees may be provided at 20m centres along the grass
verge or within the hedgerow in settings which are already urban in character.

Examples of typical transition zone landscape designs are shown in Plate No. 19 and Plate
No. 20.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

2.5.2 Gateway Landscape Design

The landscape in this area should reinforce the vertical character of the sign and narrow down
the drivers cone of vision. To achieve this:

provide evergreen shrubs, less than 1.5m high, to anchor down the sign

plant an upright standard tree within the shrub planting and behind the sign. A number
of similar trees (final height 8m 12m) should be planted at regular intervals inside the

embankments may be mass planted with ground cover shrubs and a hedgerow planted
along the boundary fence at the top of the embankment.

Typical Gateway treatments are shown in Plate No. 21 and Plate No. 22.


Guidelines for the Provision of Rumble Strips or Rumble Areas

The traffic calming techniques outlined in these guidelines should result in satisfactory
reductions in speed in the majority of cases. If a satisfactory reduction is not achieved at the
Gateway, the provision of speed reducing devices in the transition zone on the inbound lane
may have to be considered to reinforce the visual effect. The following two speed control
devices, described in Speed Control Devices for Roads Other Than Residential(8) may be

The T.R.L. Rumble Area installation overlaid on to the surface, generates little noise
and would prove suitable at most locations. The installation requires a length of 120m
and could be fitted in such a way that the last patch terminates 50m from the gateway

The Rumble Strip installation, which consists of bars of thermoplastic material, may
present noise problems if there are houses in close proximity. The installation requires
a length of just over 200m and may be installed so that it corresponds with the length of
solid white line running towards the Gateway in the transition zone.


Traffic Calming Guidelines


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Chapter 3 Ancillary Traffic Calming Techniques Appropriate to Urban

Sections of the Route


Statement of Problem

In Chapter 2, Design Guidelines were presented which have the objective of reducing speed in
the transition zones on the approaches to towns and villages. If the reduction is to be
maintained throughout the length of the through roads then ancillary traffic calming and
control techniques need to be applied to the urban section.


Design Elements for Urban Sections

Every effort should be made to ensure the harmonious integration of the road development
into the townscape of the town/village.

The design elements that may be considered include:

the provision of pedestrian facilities

the provision of pedal cycle facilities

the use of kerbing or road marking

to define road width
to provide channelising islands
to construct mini roundabouts
to shelter parking and bus bays
to provide horizontal lateral shifts.


Traffic Calming Guidelines


General Design Guidelines

3.3.1 The Maintenance of an Appropriate Carriageway Width

The selection of appropriate traffic calming techniques within the urban area is chiefly
influenced by the road width available. In particular the following recommended dimensions
determine the range of configurations possible for any given road width:

minimum kerb to kerb width for two way traffic flow - 6.5m

minimum kerb to kerb width for one way traffic flow 4.0m

minimum width of build-out - 2.0m (see

minimum width of central refuge island - 1.8m. (see

Schematic details of possible layout arrangements for different road widths are shown on
plates 23-31 inclusive and described below:

Plate No. 23 Road Width Between 7.5m and 8.5m

Within this width range it is not possible to construct either a central refuge
island or provide protected car parking along the road edges. Traffic calming
can be optimally achieved by providing a narrow hatched area along the centre
of the road.

Plate No. 24 Road Width > 8.5m

Construct build-outs along one side of the road, thus creating a protected
parking area, maintaining a minimum kerb to kerb width of 6.5m for two-way
traffic flow. It is possible to switch the build-out/car parking location from one
side of the road to the other by incorporating a lateral shift as per Plate No.31.
Build-outs should have a minimum depth of 2.0m and be constructed as per
detail 1 (Plate No.32) and provided at the corners of junctions as per detail 2
(Plate No.33).


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Plate No. 25 Road Width > 8.8m

Increase the width of the central hatched area to a minimum of 1.8m so as to
allow it to incorporate a right turn lane at junctions.

Plate No. 26 Road Width > 9.8m

Construct a central refuge island - minimum width 1.8m retaining a minimum
of 4.0m clearance between kerbs. Central area between islands can be hatched.
Islands should be strategically located at major pedestrian crossing desire lines
and to protect waiting right turning vehicles. Island dimensions to be as per
detail 3 (Plate No.34).

Plate No. 27 Road Width > 10.5m

Build-outs creating car-parking areas can be provided on both sides of the
roads while still maintaining a minimum clearway width of 6.5m for two-way
traffic flow. Build-outs on each side of the road should be located facing each
other to facilitate pedestrians crossing the road.

Plate No. 28 Road Width > 11.8m

A combination of a build-out on one side and a central refuge island can be
provided at road widths above 11.8m while maintaining a minimum kerb to
kerb width of 4m for one way traffic flows.

Plate No. 29 Road Width > 13.8m

With greater than 13.8m of available road width it is possible to provide buildouts on both sides of the road and a central refuge island while maintaining a
minimum kerb to kerb clearway of 4.0m for one way traffic flow. Central area
between islands can be hatched. Islands could be strategically located at major
pedestrian crossing desire lines and to protect waiting right turning vehicles.

Plate No. 30 Road Width > 13.8m

This layout is a variation of Plate No. 29, in which a mini-roundabout is
incorporated at any crossroad junction.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Plate No. 31 Provision of Horizontal Lateral Shift

Alternating footpath build-outs may provide a horizontal lateral shift where it
is necessary to limit long forward views.

The minimum carriageway width

required is 9.0m.
3.3.2 The Provision of Pedestrian Facilities (9)(10)(11)

In the general case, the biggest contributors to pedestrian risk on through routes in towns and
villages are vehicle speed (particularly at off-peak times) and crossing distance. The traffic
calming of the through route should reduce this risk by controlling road width and reducing
crossing distance.

The design element that contributes most to pedestrian safety is the

channelising island, since it not only reduces width but also simplifies the pedestrians
decision by dividing the crossing manoeuvre into two separate tasks.

Crossing places are provided to give access and easier movement to pedestrians. The needs
of people who experience most difficulty - the old, the infirm, children - should be especially
taken into account. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence to suggest that informal
crossing places well located and equipped with channelising islands are less safe than Zebra
Crossings or that Zebra Crossings are less safe than Pelican Crossings. For most locations in
towns and villages on National Routes the informal crossing will probably prove to be the
best choice.

If existing Zebra or Pelican Crossings are to be retained they should be incorporated into the
traffic calming design, ensuring that they remain conspicuous in the new layout.

In most cases a formal crossing facility will not be warranted. The principles governing the
location of formal crossing places apply equally to informal crossings.

Particular attention

should be paid as described below.

Pedestrians must be able to see and be seen by approaching traffic.

Visibility should

not be restricted by, for example, parked vehicles, trees or street furniture.
The footpath in the vicinity of any proposed crossing place should be wide enough to
accommodate both pedestrians waiting to cross and those walking along the footpath. A
width of 2m is recommended.

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Any survey of a proposed crossing place should take account of pedestrian movements
within 50m of road on either side of the site. Once a crossing place is defined the site
will become a focus of concentration for drivers and the areas on either side could
become potentially hazardous for pedestrians.
Crossing places should ideally be located 20m away from uncontrolled junctions on
through routes. If the desire line is closer to the junction, then the crossing, formal or
informal, should be incorporated into the junction design.
Where a central channelising island is provided, an absolute minimum width of 1.8m is
needed. The length requirements are discussed in
Generally a bus stop is better sited downstream of a crossing place.
If there is any doubt about the conspicuity of pedestrians then supplementary lighting
should be provided to illuminate the crossing, similar to that used at the gateway.
3.3.3 The Provision of Pedal Cycle Facilities (12)

National Routes have particular features that impact on cyclists, such as:
high speeds: 85 percentile speeds significantly in excess of 50 km/hour
high proportion of HCVs
relatively low volumes of pedestrians and cyclists, (it is recommended that urbanised
sections with low traffic speeds and high volumes of pedestrians/cyclists be considered
as a separate design problem with priorities shifting away from vehicular traffic)
occasional long lead-in roads through suburban type development.

It is essential to achieve a balance between the following three items:

function of road
use of road
geometry of road.

In many cases the designer will be amending an existing shape and will be constrained in
relation to achieving optimum solutions that fully cater for all road users.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Cyclists can safely share facilities with other vehicles provided that operating speeds have
been reduced to below 60km/h. Between the start of the transition zone and the point where
speeds have been satisfactorily reduced, it is preferable to provide a separate facility for
cyclists and pedestrians.
Cyclists may be catered for by means of a cycle track(12):
on the roadway
on the footway
physically segregated from the roadway by means of a raised kerb, grass verge or
similar (shared with pedestrians or exclusive to cyclists).

The design must aim to achieve the optimum balance between the safety of cyclists and other
road users. In these circumstances it is imperative that speeds be significantly reduced.

The following specific recommendations should be considered.

Segregated cycle facilities are desirable where high speeds/high volumes of motorised
traffic prevail (4). Chapter 2 recommends removal of cyclists from carriageways at the
Gateways where this is deemed to be feasible by the designer.
Consideration should be given, in the vicinity of Gateways, to combining low volumes
of pedestrians and cyclists on existing or modified footpaths. The minimum path width
required in such situations is 2.0m with a preferred width of 3.0m. Segregation may be
achieved using signage, road markings and/or different coloured surfacing.

The designer should particularly guard against the following:

imposing sudden deviation from parallel directions of travel on cyclists

the cyclist and other vehicular traffic sharing an unsegregated kerb to kerb width of less
than 4.0m.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

3.3.4 The Use of Kerbing

Kerbing can be utilised to control road width and reduce crossing distance in towns and
villages through the provision of footpath build-outs and central refuge/channelising islands.

Kerbing can also be used to provide horizontal lateral shifts in the carriageway in order to
limit long forward views. Footpath Build-outs

Increasing the width of existing footpath at regular intervals can reduce the road width
available to traffic.

Depending on the overall road width available these build-outs can be

provided on one side only or on both sides of the road or even in conjunction with a central
refuge island. A lateral shift can be introduced by alternating footpath build-outs.
Wherever possible the use of these build-outs as informal or formal crossing points
should be encouraged and they should be located in the vicinity of heavy pedestrian
Where the depth of build-outs exceeds 2m the area between them can be utilised as a
protected on-street parking area and should be delineated accordingly.
Typically build-outs should be 2.5m wide at the front with 45 degree side splays back
towards the footpath. See Plate No 32. Kerbs should be dished/dropped at the front,
while kerbs at the sides should be painted alternating black and yellow to improve
visibility. Alternatively, if there is no footpath and the build-outs are in the direct line
of travel of pedestrians, then the kerbs on both sides should be dished/dropped and
kerbs at the front should be painted alternating black and yellow to improve visibility.
The conspicuity should be improved by the provision of a post-type bollard, with either
a 100mm deep reflective strip or a 300mm diameter reflective keep right arrow. When
installing these bollards, care should be taken to ensure that they do not block the path
of pedestrians or cyclists. In addition, the area in the immediate vicinity of a build-out
should be hatched.
Where build-outs are provided care should be taken to address adequately surface water
collection and disposal.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

When deciding on spacing for build-outs consideration should be given to parking,

pedestrian desire lines and landscaping.

Typical examples of the use of build-outs to reduce road width and provide protected onstreet parking areas are given in Plate Nos. 24, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31. Central Refuge/Channelising Islands

Where the available road width is sufficient (greater than 10m) central refuge or channelising
islands may be provided to control effectively the road widths available to traffic and reduce
crossing distances for pedestrians.
such islands should have minimum dimensions of 1.8m in width and 4.5m in length
Signs should be provided at each end of the island. A 600mm diameter keep left sign,
in class 1 material, can be erected on a pole. Alternatively, a sign or bollard containing a
300mm diameter keep left sign, in class 1 material, should be provided. See sections
6.2.1 and 6.2.5 for details of approvals required. Irrespective of which type of sign or
bollard is provided, a further 600mm diameter keep left arrow should be installed at
2.5m mounting height wherever there is a likelihood of vehicles obscuring the lower
pedestrian guardrail or illuminated bollards may be provided, if considered necessary.
High visibility pedestrian guardrail should be used. This provides a minimum of 50%
transparency from all angles. If there is any doubt about the conspicuity of pedestrians
then supplementary lighting should be provided to illuminate the crossing, similar to
that used at the gateway
where a pedestrian crossing point is being provided, kerbs should be dished/dropped
along the sides to facilitate pedestrians, while full height kerbs facing traffic should be
painted alternating black and yellow to improve visibility. If no pedestrian crossing
point is being provided, all the kerbs should be full height and should be painted
alternating yellow and black to improve visibility
islands should be spaced at 70m 100m depending on the site.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Typical examples of the use of central islands to reduce road width and provide refuge for
pedestrians are given in Plate Nos. 26, 28, 29 and 30.

3.3.5 The Use of Road Markings

Typical applications for road markings are:

ghost or channelising islands
hatched median where available widths are limited
tapered approaches to solid islands and build-outs
improved definition of junctions
where it is required to reduce carriageway widths (unkerbed), or to create chicanes or
other lateral shifts
provision of lane markings/parking bays and hatched buffer zones between parking bays
provision of improved deflection at roundabout where kerbing would not be possible
because of turning circle requirements
arrows, text and other informational uses.

The use of standard road markings can be enhanced by incorporating a raised rib effect, either
through the use of proprietary materials or by laying an additional strip of thermoplastic on a
standard line.

For typical examples, see Plates 23 to 31.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

3.3.6 Urban and Landscape Design Soft Landscape

Soft landscape elements may be used alongside roads to complement and enhance traffic
calming measures in cases where sufficient width is available. They are most effective when
located between the road and the footpath and suggested treatments may include:
well-maintained grass verge to give a better definition of the road by separating it
visually from the footpath
mass planting of low evergreen ground cover to a maximum height of 0.6m to separate
the road visually and physically from the footpath
linear tree planting along the road edge to make the road look narrower by limiting the
drivers field of vision as well as offering some degree of privacy for residents. Hard Landscape

In cases where new footpaths are being provided or existing footpaths are being extensively
refurbished in conjunction with a traffic calming scheme, they should be constructed using
material of contrasting shade to that used in the road. The same footpath type should be
provided throughout the entire length of the urban area to give a sense of unity. The footpath
construction can be extended on to the carriageway at designated formal and informal
crossing points. Ideally kerbing should be 150mm high to clearly define the footpath as a
separate entity from the road.

All street furniture, such as lighting, bollards, seating and litter bins should be located along
the same line and should be of the same material and colour in order to create a theme for the
streetscape and give identity to the town.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Chapter 4 Consultation Process and Legal Considerations


Legal Power to provide or remove Traffic Calming Measures

Section 38(1) of the Road Traffic Act, 1994 empowers Road Authorities, in the interests of
the safety and convenience of road users, to provide such traffic calming measures as they
consider desirable in respect of public roads in their charge.
Section 38(2) of the same Act empowers Road Authorities to remove any traffic calming
measures provided by them under this section.


Consultation Process

4.2.1 Legal Obligation

The legal obligation to carry out consultative procedures before providing traffic calming
measures emanates from:
sections 38(3) and 38(4) of the Road Traffic Act, 1994.

The procedures to be followed are summarised in Table 4.1.

4.2.2 Limit to Legal Obligation

The legal obligation to follow the procedures set out above is limited as follows:
Sections 38(3) and 38(4) of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, apply only to such class or
classes of traffic calming measures as may be prescribed. Since the Minister has not as
yet prescribed such class or classes there is no current legal obligation to comply with
the consultation requirements set out in subsection 38(4) of this Act.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 4.1

Recommended Procedures to be followed.

Road Traffic Act, 1994

Consult with National Roads Authority


Publish Newspaper Notice


Consult with Garda Commissioner


Consult with other Prescribed Bodies


Make details of proposal available for public



Allow written submissions, representations and


observations to be made

Minimum period allowed for written submissions

One Month

Prepare Report to Council on proposal including


response to submissions made

Making of Final Decision on Scheme

(Reserved function once Traffic
Calming is prescribed)


Traffic Calming Guidelines

4.2.3 Recommendations on Consultation

Enormous benefit can be gained by full public consultation with all interested parties from as
early a stage in the design process as possible, notwithstanding the current limited legal
obligation to do so. Such consultation should take place.


Consent of the National Roads Authority

Section 38(5) of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, declares that no traffic calming measures shall
be provided or removed in respect of a national road without the prior consent of the
National Roads Authority.


Other Legal Considerations

Most traffic calming measures will include some or all of the following elements:
relocation of speed limit signs
provision of new speed limit signs
provision of new road markings
erection of regulatory traffic signs
provision of cycle ways or cycle tracks
provision of bus parking bays.

It will be necessary, in addition to following the consultative procedures required before the
provision of traffic calming measures, to ensure that the specific legal and consultative
procedures relating to the provision of these items are fully complied with prior to their


Traffic Calming Guidelines

4.4.1 Speed Limit Signs

Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004 sets out procedures for local authorities to make
special speed limit bye-laws.

Subsection (3) specifies the need to:

consult with sub-county local authorities (Borough Corporations, Urban District
Councils or Town Commissioners) before making bye-laws to apply speed limits to
roads within the administrative areas of these authorities and consider the views of the
members of these authorities.
consult with the Garda Commissioner and consider any views supplied (Note: consent is
not required)

Subsection (4) sets out details of the public consultation procedure to be followed if the local
authority still proposes to make bye-laws having considered any representations received
under subsection (3).

Subsection (7) states that A county or city council shall not make bye-laws under this section
relating to a national road or a motorway without the prior written consent of the National
Roads Authority.

4.4.2 Road Signs and Markings

Regulatory road signs, road markings and traffic signals should comply with the
requirements of the Road Traffic (Signs) Regulations, 1997 and 1998 (S.I No. 181 of
1997 and S.I. No. 273 of 1998).
Non-regulatory road signs and road markings should comply with directions of the
Minister for the Environment made under Section 95 (16) of the Road Traffic Act,
Regulatory signs/road markings may be provided by a road authority only after
consultation with the Garda Commissioner - Sub-Section 3(b) of Section 95 of the Road


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Traffic Act, 1961, as amended by Section 37 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, (Note:
consent is not required).
Non-regulatory signs/road markings may be provided by a road authority without any
need for consultation with the Garda Commissioner - Sub-Section 3(a) of Section 95 of
the Road Traffic Act, 1961, as amended by Section 37 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994.


Traffic Calming Guidelines


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Chapter 5 Planting Specification



This section deals with the selection of nursery stocks for traffic calming projects. It also sets
out to improve the environmental component of traffic calming schemes to complement the
other design elements.

5.1.1 The landscape proposals

The landscape proposals are documented in the form of a series of tables listing recommended
species of hardy nursery stocks for specific sites. These listings will serve as a guide for
design engineers involved in traffic calming projects. Various options and choices of plants
are considered for a range of different sites with different soils, micro-climates etc.

5.1.2 Scoping assessment

The scope of the landscape study provides information on selected nursery stock for specific
sites. This information on selected species provides details of height of plants at maturity,
spread and form together with the aesthetic qualities of foliage, flower, berry, texture. In
addition, plant spacings are provided for construction purposes together with plant associative
value, i.e. groupings of different species for visual coherence. Also, a selected list of tree
species is provided. These trees are deemed suitable for traffic calming planting schemes
since they are not too vigorous in growth terms, and most species recommended have a
columnar, or upright growth habit, which is suitable in confined vehicular/traffic areas.


Nursery Stock Selections

The attached Tables indicate a range of plant subjects suitable for growing such materials
under specific site conditions. The conditions selected are indicated as follows:


Traffic Calming Guidelines

5.2.1 Nursery stock for cold, exposed inland areas

Nursery stock indicated in this section must be capable of withstanding extremes of coldness
over the winter period. Frost, in particular, is capable of killing some mature specimens
outright (Table 5.1).

5.2.2 Nursery stock for sites consolidated by machines and re-soiled

A site consolidated by machines and re-soiled is often found at/adjacent to roadside margins
in situations where civil engineering works take place. In these difficult growing conditions it
is essential to select plants which will take root quickly and easily. Shallow rooting plants are
especially suitable (Table 5.2).

5.2.3 Nursery stock for heavy soils

Heavy soils contain a high clay content and are a difficult material to work to a fine tilth. In
addition, such soils contain high moisture contents and are slow to warm up in the spring
time. Plant material selected, as per Table 5.3, for such soils must be capable of establishing
under such conditions, favouring ground conditions with a high water table in spring time.

5.2.4 Nursery stock to withstand noxious fumes/polluted areas

With heavy vehicular traffic, smoke and fumes from numerous exhaust pipes contain
impurities and noxious gases which can be injurious to plant materials in confined locations,
semi-suburban areas etc. The soil becomes defiled by the pollution and plant foliage becomes
coated, often falling prematurely in the autumn. Growth is often restricted, resulting in plants
becoming stunted. In order to overcome such hostile conditions, a limited and selected range
of plants can only be used, and examples of these are contained in Table 5.4.

5.2.5 Nursery stock for dry sites in full sun

Dry, hot sites in full sun can induce a variety of disorders in a wide range of plants. The most
common condition is known as sun scald. This may, under extreme conditions, attack and

Traffic Calming Guidelines

scald the bark of trees or, alternatively, weaken the base of the plants.

Under normal

conditions of a warm Irish summer, there is a limited range of certain plant types which thrive
in hot, dry conditions, capable of withstanding prolonged periods of drought. Table 5.5
contains some of the popular choices.

5.2.6 Nursery stock for low maintenance

Low maintenance plants tend to be plant material that establishes and grows in an orderly
manner with few vigorous shoots developing in a haphazard manner.

Little pruning is

required as a result. This plant grouping also contains a large percentage of evergreens,
thereby considerably reducing the problem of weed control developing around the base of the
plants. Table 5.6 indicates a selection of plant materials that require little maintenance over a
10-15 year life cycle.

5.2.7 Selected specimen trees

A short listing of selected specimen trees is indicated in Table 5.7. All of the trees listed are
deciduous subjects of small to medium height. A relatively tight crown, oval or columnar in
shape, provides for a proposed layout that retains a sense of order. All of the specimens
indicated are hardy, reliable and particularly suitable to Irish growing conditions. All are
commercially available.

5.2.8 Amenity value, plant associative table

The final table, Table. 5.8, is the plant associative table, which combines a range of the plants
in all of the tables indicated into a suitable planting matrix. This table considers the different
characteristics of the various species of plants - height, spread, foliage, texture, flowering
habit etc., and provides guidelines for the successful combination of a number of different
subjects planted together as a planting unit using a range of selected tree types in the overall

It should be pointed out, however, that these types of proposals are in outline format only, and
the services of a professional landscape architect can be considered in large scale schemes.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.1

Species Name

Nursery stock for cold, exposed inland areas




1. Pachysandra
(Japanese Spurge)

Evergreen prostrate
carpeter. Small
diamond-shaped leaves
on short, erect stems.
Green-white flowers in
Feb.-March. Grows in
full or semi-circle.

20cm x 40cm


2. Spiraea x arguta
(Bridal Wreath)

Graceful, arching shrub.

Small, fresh green
leaves. Abundance of
small, white flowers in

2.0m x 1.5m

Arching, round/Fine

3. Berberis
(Green Barberry)

Excellent, strong plant

capable of growing in
hostile conditions.
Deciduous. Soft green
foliage takes on a
brilliant, orange-red
autumnal colour. Stiff,
reddish-brown thorny

1.5m x 1.2m


4. Berberis
(Green Barberry)

Robust plant capable of

growing in hostile
conditions. Evergreen.
Small dark green glossy
foliage with a silver-blue
reverse underside. Dense
thorny branches form an
impenetrable barrier.

45cm x 1.0m


5. Cornus alba

Wide spreading shrub,

capable of growing even
in waterlogged soils.
Coloured stems provide
scarlet hue in winter
period. Deciduous.

1.5m x 1.5m

Bushy thicket/Coarse



Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.1 (continued)

Species Name




6. Viburnum
(Guelder Rose)

Native, deciduous
hedgerow type shrub.
Green leaves turning
orange/red in autumn.
White flowers in June
followed by
translucent red berries.

3.0m x 2.2m


7. Philadelphus
(Mock Orange)

Graceful, arching
shrub. Small or
medium size, seagreen leaves with
richly scented flowers
of pure white.

1.5m x 1.5m


8. Euonymus
'Emerald Gaiety

Ground cover type

plant. Grows in sun or
even in deep shade.
Evergreen with open
habit of silver and
green variegated leaves

60cm x 80cm

Hummock, Ground
cover/Light, dense

9. Cotoneaster

Fan-like branches.
Ideal for banks.
Almost evergreen,
with small green
leaves turning orange
before falling to reveal
prolific red berries.

50cm x 150cm

Ground cover/Medium

10. Ulex europeus

(Double flowered

Evergreen and very

hardy, especially on
dry soils. Compact
bush with semi-double
flowers in May. Sterile
form which does not

1.5m x 1.5m

Round bush/Coarse,



Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.2

Nursery stock for sites consolidated by machines and re-soiled

Species Name





Deciduous, vigorous,
invasive shrub of
medium size. Grows
anywhere, even in deep
shade. Spreads by means
of dense clumps of
tender shoots. White
winter berries.

1.8m x 1.5m +

Thicket/Light, dense

2. Amelancheir
(Snowy mespilius)

Multi-stemmed shrub
with white flowers in
April. Deciduous. Superb
orange/red autumnal
colouring. Avoid dry,
shallow chalk soils.

2.5m x 1.6m

Wide and multistemmed/Light

3. Cornus

Wide spreading shrub,

capable of growing even
in waterlogged soils.
Coloured stems provide
yellow hue in winter
period. Deciduous. Very
effective when planted
with red-stemmed
(See Table 5.1 - No. 5)

1.5m x 1.5m


4. Prunus
(Spreading laurel)

Evergreen. Very hardy

and robust, will grow
even in deep shade.
Low, spreading form.
Glossy green, oblong

1.0m x1.5m


5. Salix lanata
(Woolly willow)

Spreading type, not too

vigorous . Round ,
deciduous, ovate silvergreen leaves with
yellow-grey catkins in
spring. Downy coat.

1.0m x 1.2m




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.2 (continued)

Species Name




6. Ribes

Will grow in any

reasonable soil. Fast
and effective,
flowering with red
currant-like flowers in
April. Deciduous.
Best in semi-shade.

2.0m x 1.5m


7. Lonicera pileata
(Ground cover

Evergreen, semivigorous, invasive

shrub of low growth
habit. Grows
anywhere, even in
deep shade. Small
Box-like leaves.

60cm x 1.0m

Ground cover
horizontal/Light, dense

8. Sambucus
racemosa 'Plumosa
(Golden Cut Leaf

Deciduous. Deeply cut

golden foliage. White
flowers in May, red
berries in autumn.

1.8m x 1.2m


9. Hypericum
(St. Johns Wort)

Hardy, reliable shrub.

Evergreen with large
green lanceolate
shaped leaves.
Numerous yellow
flowers throughout

1.5m x 1.2m


10. Weigela
'Newport Red'

Bright red flowers in

May-June. Fresh
green , well veined
leaves .

1.6m x 1.1m




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.3

Nursery stock for heavy clay soils

Species Name





Strong growing
evergreen shrub with
narrow shiny leaves.
White flowers in June
followed by large orange
berries. Resistant to Scab
& Fire-Blight diseases.

1.8m x 1.5m

Round, bushy/

2.Berberis media
(Barberry )

Small semi-evergreen
shrub of dense prickly
habit. Good ground
cover colouring well in

60cm x 80cm


3.Viburnum tinus
'Eve Price'

Medium sized evergreen

shrub of compact habit.
Winter flowering with
carmine buds followed
by pink tinged white

1.5m x 1.5m


4.Aucuba japonica
(Spotted Laurel)

Large evergreen shade

tolerant shrub of dense
rounded habit. Large
glossy leathery leaves,
scarlet berries on female

1.8m x 1.8m


5.Prunus 'Otto
(Cherry Laurel)

Compact evergreen
shade-tolerant shrub of
horizontal habit. Narrow
dark glossy leaves, white
spikes of flowers in

1.2m x 1.5m

Ground cover/Medium



Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.3 (continued)

Species Name




6. Rubus tricolor

Prostrate vigorous
evergreen ground cover
with free rooting habit.
Glossy foliage on stems
covered in red fine

1.2m x 1.5m

Ground cover/Medium

7. Potentilla
fruticosa Goldstar'

Small shrub of dense

habit with wiry twigs and
small deeply divided
foliage. Large yellow
flowers with long
summer flowering

90cm x 120cm

Round, bushy/Fine

8. Kerria japonica

Undemanding suckering
shrub with graceful
arching habit. Medium to
small mid-green foliage,
single yellow flowers in
April/May. Green stems
are most attractive in

1.8m x 1.5m


9. Symphoricarpus

Dense suckering shrub of

dwarf spreading habit.
Excellent ground cover
ideal under trees. Small
rounded leaves, spikes of
pinkish berries from
October onward.

60cm x 250cm

Ground cover/Fine

10. Spiraea

Vigorous shrub with

gracefully arching
reddish stems. Greygreen foliage, pure white
flower heads in May and
good autumn colouring.

2.5m x 1.5m

Wiry, bushy/Fine



Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.4

Nursery stock to withstand noxious fumes/polluted areas

Species Name




1Buddleia 'Nanho
(Butterfly Bush)

Compact shrub with

slender arching stems
and an open habit. Large
grey green leaves,
panicles of bright blue
flowers from July to

1.5m x 1.5m

Bushy, arching/Coarse

2 Ceratostigma
(Hardy Plumbago)

Small semi-woody shrub

that forms low rounded
bushes. Small lanceolate
foliage tinted red in
autumn, blue flowers
from July to October
followed by reddish

80cm x 60cm

Rounded bush/Fine

3. Prunus
(Spreading Cherry

Low growing evergreen

shade tolerant shrub of
horizontal branching
habit. Narrow willow
like glossy foliage ,
profusion of white
flowers in April.

1.2m x 1.8m

Ground cover/Medium

4. Cotoneaster
dammeri Queen of

Very low growing

evergreen ground cover
with long prostrate
trailing stems. Small oval
dark foliage, studded
with bright red berries in

2.5cm x 120cm

Ground cover/Fine

5. Escallonia
'Donard Radiance'

Strong growing semievergreen shrub of erect

habit. Medium sized oval
glossy foliage, large rich
pink flowers in June.

1.5m x 1.8m




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.4 (continued)

Species Name




6. Forsythia
'Beatrix Farrand
(Golden Bell Bush)

Hardy spring flowering

shrub of upright and
open habit. Exceptionally
large deep canary yellow
flowers in March, midgreen oval leaves open
after flowering.

1.8m x 1.5m

Bushy, erect/Coarse

7. Sarcococca
(Christmas Box)

Attractive shade tolerant

evergreen shrub of dwarf
densely branched habit.
Glossy dark elliptical
foliage, flowers fragrant
white with pink anthers
open in late winter.

4.5cm x 80cm

Ground cover/Medium

8. Mahonia
(Oregon Grape)

Semi-erect evergreen
shrub of spreading habit.
Large glossy pinnate
foliage tinted bronze or
purple in autumn, broad
golden flower spikes in
April/May followed by
decorative blue-black

60cm x 120cm

Ground cover/Coarse

9. Berberis darwinii

Medium to large semiformal evergreen shrub.

Small very dark glossy
green leaves, outstanding
displays of yellow
flowers in April /May.

2m x 1.5m

Rounded, dense/Fine

10 Skimmia
japonica Rubella

Slow-growing evergreen
shrub of densely clothed
rounded habit. Medium
sized oval glossy leaves,
numerous red buds in
winter open to pink
tinted flowers in spring

1m x 1.2m




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.5

Nursery stock for dry sites in full sun

Species Name




1. Caryopteris
'Heavenly Blue'
(Blue Spiraea)

Small late flowering

shrub with low-arching
branches. Blue green
aromatic small to
medium sized foliage,
Spikes of violet blue
flowers open in
September to October.

90cm x 90cm

bushy/Medium, Fine

2. Genista
(Spanish Gorse)

Forms a dense cushionlike mound of spiny

branches covered in
masses of golden yellow
pea-like flowers in May
and June.

60cm x 60cm


3. Rosmarinus

Dense evergreen shrub of

bushy habit. Narrow
linear aromatic grey
green foliage white
beneath, clusters of small
blue flowers in May.

1.8m x 1.5m

Dense, bushy/Fine

4. Spartium
(Spanish Broom)

Strong growing shrub of

loose erect habit. Stems
green and rush-like with
inconspicuous leaves
carry masses of golden
yellow pea-like flowers
throughout summer and
early autumn.

2.0m x 1.8m

Erect, bushy/Coarse

5. Teucrium

Small evergreen shrub of

dense bushy habit.
Square stems and under
side of the medium sized
foliage covered in white
down, pale blue flowers
throughout the summer.

1.2m x 1m




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.5 (continued)

Species Name




6. Hebe
(Shrubby Veronica)

Small evergreen shrub of

rounded habit. Large
light green pointed
leaves with reddish
undersides, long lavender
purple plumes of flowers
from July to October.

120cm x 100cm


7. Hypericum
(St. Johns Wort)

Medium sized semievergreen shrub with

reddish stems. Pink,
green and cream
variegated medium oval
foliage, large golden
single flowers freely
produced from June to

60cm x 60cm


8. Phormium tenax
(New Zealand

Architectural evergreen
plant with sword-like
textured rigid leaves.
Bronze red flowers on
long spikes in July to
September. Wind and
sea-spray tolerant.

1.5m x 1.5m

clumps/Very coarse

9. Euonymus
'Emerald and Gold'

Attractive low growing

hummock forming
evergreen shrub. Small
leaves with golden
variegation turning
bronze pink in winter.
Suitable for planting with
Table 5.1, No. 8.

45 cm x 60 cm


10. Cytisus 'Lena'


Fairly low growing late

spring/early summer
flowering shrub with
numerous slender stems
tinted with bronze hues.
Masses of pea-like
blooms in April.

60cm x 60cm

Rounded, dense/Fine



Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.6

Nursery stock for low maintenance

Species Name




1. Berberis

Fast growing large

evergreen shrub with
slender arching
interlacing stems
forming a dense thicket.
Small dark green leaves
covered in golden yellow
flowers in April.
vigorous medium sized
shrub of wide spreading
habit. Large mid-green
leaves colour well in
autumn, clusters of small
white flowers in June
followed by blue tinted
white berries. Requires
hard annual pruning for
best winter stem colour.

3m x 1.8m

Dense, bushy/Fine

2m x 2m

Bushy thicket/Coarse

3. Escallonia
'Slieve Donard'

Medium sized evergreen

shrub of arching habit.
Small dark green glossy
leaves, large panicles of
apple blossom pink
flowers in June.

1.8m x 1.5m

Rounded, bushy/Fine

4. Stephanandra
incisa 'Crispa

Small mound forming

shrub of dense habit with
slender arching stems.
Small pointed
attractively crinkled
foliage, crowd clusters of
small white flowers in

60cm x 80cm

Mounded Ground
Cover/ Fine

5. Eleaegnus x

Large fast-growing
evergreen shrub of dense
habit. Large leathery
foliage mid-green above
silvery white below,
small white fragrant
flowers in autumn on
mature plants.

3m x 2m

Densely Bushy/Coarse

2. Cornus alba



Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.6 (continued)

Species Name




6. Viburnum tinus.

Large evergreen densely

bushy shrub of upright
habit. Large dark green
glossy foliage, clusters of
pink buds open to white
flowers between
December and March.

2m x 2m

Densely Bushy,

(Golden Privet)

Medium sized fairly fast

growing semi-evergreen
shrub that forms a dense
bushy mass, ideal as
hedging or in mixed
displays. Small bright
green to yellow oval

1.8m x 1.5m

Rounded, Bushy/Fine

8.Viburnum davidii

Low growing evergreen

shrub of compact habit
forming a wide spreading
mound. Large oval
leathery foliage dark
above and pale beneath,
clusters of small white
flowers in June followed
by bright blue berries.

80cm x 150cm

Ground Cover/Coarse

9. Cotinus
coggygria Royal
(Smoke Tree)

Medium sized shrub with

small oval foliage.
Leaves are a deep wine
purple translucent in
sunshine, colour deepens
towards autumn, panicles
of pink grey flowers in

1.8m x 1.5m

Rounded Bushy/Light,

10. Choisya ternata

(Mexican Orange

Medium sized evergreen

shrub of dense rounded
habit. Leaves glossy
dark green and aromatic,
fairly large clusters of
sweetly scented white
flowers from late spring
to early summer.

2m x 2m

Dense, rounded/Coarse



Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.7

Selected trees for traffic calming planting schemes

Species Name




1. Sorbus aucuparia
(Mountain ash

Strongly ascending
branches form an oval
shaped tree. Sharply
toothed leaflets open in
early April. Orange-red
berries in autumn.
Adaptable to almost any

5-6m x 3m


2. Betula pendula
(Silver birch)

A tall domed crown with

graceful, pendulous
branchlets. Small,
diamond shaped leaves,
which turn butter yellow
in autumn. Striking
peeling white-silver bark
particularly evident in

6-7m x 3-4m


3. Acer platanoides
(Norway Maple

Emerald green leaves of

large size, five-lobed.
Rich autumn colouring
which remains over a
long period. Extremely
hardy species.

7m x 4m


4. Acer
(Sycamore type)

Dark green leaves of

sycamore foliage,
vigorous with dense
foliage. Excellent in
exposed sites.

8m x 4m

Upright/Coarse, dense

5. Alnus cordata
(Italian alder)

Pear-like, glistening
leaves which are retained
over autumn until
December. Catkins hang
in winter-spring. Very
fast growing. Excellent
for wet soils.

7m x 4m




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.7 (continued)

Species Name




6. Crataegus
(Hawthorn type)

A superb tree in the

autumn with orange
scarlet tones in the leaves
followed by persistent
crimson berries.
Compact in shape with a
profusion of white
flowers in June.

4.5m x 4m


7.Prunus padus
(Bird cherry)

A small to medium sized

native tree. Long oval
light green leaves with
small, almond-scented
flowers in late spring.

5-6m x 4-5m

Rounded with

8. Pyrus calleryana
(Pear type)

Narrow tailored tree

with glossy green leaves
borne into December ;
this tree is almost
evergreen. Masses of
pure white flowers in

6-7m x 3-4m

Narrow pyramidal

9. Sorbus

A small to medium sized

tree, normal round
headed. Leaves deeply
lobed, dark glossy green
above, grey underside.
Berries orange-red in

5-6m x 4m


10. Tilia cordata

(Small leafed lime)

Somewhat taller than the

other selections, but a
superb choice of tree.
The name describes the
shape, narrow, uniform
crown with round
cordate leaves. Branches
radially around the trunk
to give an even shape.

8m x 4-4.5m




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.8

Plant associative values

Species Name


1 Tree - Sorbus aucuparia

This medium sized tree spaced along the centre point of a planting bed with
background planting red berries or flowers of
Pyracantha rogersiana Mojave(Table 5.3-1) or.
Escallonia Donard Radiance (Table 5.4-5)
Plant the middle rows with a smaller sized blue coloured shrub,
Teucrium fruticans (Table 5.5-5) or
Buddleia Nanho Blue (Table 5.4 -1)
Face with a fronting of
Prunus Otto Luyken (Table 5.3-5) or
Genista hispanica (Table 5.5-2)

2. Tree - Betula pendula

This pendulous type tree spaced towards the rear of the planting bed with understorey
greenery planting consisting of
Berberis thunbergii (Table 5.1-3) or
Symphoricarpus chenaultii Hancock (Table 5.3-9)
Frontal planting composed of blue colouring of
Ceratostigma willmottianum (Table 5.4-2) or
Caryopteris clanodensis Heavenly Blue (Table 5.5-1)

3. Tree - Acer platanoides


This superb autumnal golden coloured tree planted among two bands of planting
consisting of white flowering background of
Spiraea x arguta Bridal Wreath(Table 5.1-2) or
Philadelphus Sybille (Table 5.1-7).
Frontal planting of strong red autumnal coloursBerberis media Parkjeweel (Table 5.3-2) or
Cotoneaster horizontalis (Table 5.1-9)

4. Tree Acer

This semi-vigorous tree of coarse, dense texture requires understorey planting of

shade tolerant plants in the background with light textured plants in the foreground as
a contrast. Background of
Prunus laurocerasus Mischeana (Table 5.2-4) or
Aucuba japonica (Table 5.3- 4) or
Eleaegnus x ebbingii (Table 5.6-5).
Foreground of contrasting light texture of
Cytisus Lena (Table 5.5-10) or
Potentila fruticosa Goldstar (Table 5.3-7) .

5. Tree - Alnus cordata

This semi-vigorous growing tree can be selected for wet ground. The background
shrubs suitable for the same soil conditions are as followsCornus alba Siberica (Table 5.1-5) or
Cornus stolenifera Flaviramea (Table 5.2-3) or
Amelancheir lamarckii (Table 5.2-2)
Foreground functional planting of
Salix lanata (Table 5.2-5) or
Rubus tricolor (Table 5.3-6).


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Table 5.8 (continued)

Species Name


6. Tree - Crataegus

The all year round qualities exhibited by this tree may be complemented by a number
of different masses of understorey plantings.
Background consisting of
Forsythia Beatrix farrand (Table 5.4-6) or
Berberis stenophylla (Table 5.6-1) or
Ligustrum ovalifolium Aureum (Table 5.6-7).
Mid-plantings of medium sized plants of
Viburnum tinus Eve Price(Table 5.3-3) or
Hypericum Hidcote (Table 5.2-9) or
Prunus Otto Luyken (Table 5.3-5).
Basal planting to the front consisting of
Skimmia japonica Rubella (Table 5.4-10) or
Euonymus Emerald and Gold (Table 5.5-9).

7. Tree -Prunus padus

Due to the flowering qualities of this May spring flowering tree, additional seasonal
interest into early spring-late summer can be introduced using the following
background shrubsBerberis darwinii (Table 5.4-9) or
Spartium junceum (Table 5.5-4).
Foreground planting bands may be considered using
Hebe Midsummer Beauty (Table 5.5-6) or
Mahonia aquifolium (Table 5.4-8) or
Hypericum moseranum (Table 5.5-7)

8. Tree - Pyrus calleryana


Background planting to consist of tall growing subjects e.g.

Viburnum opulus (Table 5.1-6) or
Eleaegnus x ebbingii (Table 5.6-5)
Middle mass plantings to consist of
Prunus laurocerasus 'Zabeliana' (Table 5.4-3) or
Phormium tenax (Table 5.5-8) .
Front, basal planting of
Viburnum davidii (Table 5.6-8) or
Berberis candidula (Table 5.1-4)

9. Tree - Sorbus

The green-grey colouring of this tree contrasts well with a planting consisting of
Escallonia 'Slieve Donard (Table 5.6-3) or
Choisya ternata (Table 5.6-10).
Frontal mass planting of Berberis media 'Parkjuweel' (Table 5.3-2) or
Sarcococca humilis (Table 5.4-7)

10. Tree - Tilia cordata


The formal shape of this tree requires a strongly structured planting arrangement for
best effect. In this regard, plant groupings with a rigid form would be recommended.
Background plantings of
Viburnum 'Eve Price' (Table 5.3-3) or
Hypericum 'Hidcote' (Table 5.2-9)
Frontal, basal type plantings consisting of
Symphoricarpus chenaultii 'Hancock' (Table 5.3-9) or
Prunus 'Otto Luyken' (Table 5.3-5) or
Stephanandra incisa 'Crispa' (Table 5.6-4)


Traffic Calming Guidelines


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Chapter 6 Technical Specification



This chapter sets out the specifications that should be followed in drawing up proposals for a
Traffic Calming Scheme and should be read in conjunction with Chapters 2 and 3 of this Report.

The Technical Specification presents information on various elements of the Traffic Calming
works under two headings for each element :

Design/Construction Specification which gives the designer the specific Irish, UK or

other reference for design and construction standards and issues.

Design/Layout Guidelines providing guidelines, in the form of Guidance Notes, for the
appropriate arrangement, layout, location and configuration of the various elements
associated with the Transition Zone and Gateway in Chapter 2.

Elements covered include:

Road Markings,
Road Studs,
Traffic Route Lighting,
Flexible Surfacing,
Refuge Islands,
Rumble Strips/Areas,
Cycle/Pedestrian Facilities.


Traffic Calming Guidelines


Design/Construction Specification and Layout Guidelines

6.2.1 Signage


Guidance Notes

Series 1200 Department of

Environment Specification for

Department of Environment Traffic Signs Manual

Series 1200 UK Specification

for Highway Works
Department of Environment
TS-3 Specification for the
Construction of Traffic Signs
Department of Environment
Traffic Signs Manual 1996

All signs used should be manufactured from Class 1 or 2

sign face material complying with BS 873 or equivalent,
as detailed on Drawings in Appendix 2.
Colours to be used as follows:
BS381C No. 537 Signal Red
Yellow BS381C No. 356 Golden Yellow
Green BS381C No. 226 Mid. Brunswick Green
BS381C No. 109 Middle Blue
Grey BS381C No. 693 Aircraft Grey
Tourist Brown BS381C No. 411
Black/White BS873 Part 2
All posts, brackets, sign frames and the reverse of signs
shall generally be coloured grey, unless otherwise
Traffic Calming Warning sign to be as per Plate 1 located
400m from Gateway.
Where it is considered necessary to provide additional
advance warning a supplementary sign (Plate 18) should
be used, to be located at an appropriate location in advance
of the location of Traffic Calming Warning sign.
Gateway Sign formats (inbound) to be as per Plate 5 for
Designs Type 1 and 2 and as per Plate 3 for Designs Type
3, 4 and 5. Where a 60kph. limit applies, the number 60
may be substituted for the number 50 in Plate 5.
Do Not Pass sign format to be as per Plate 2.
Gateway Sign formats (outbound) to be as per Plate 6 for
Designs Type 1 and 2 and as per Plate 4 for Design Types
3, 4 and 5. Version 2 of Plates 4 and 6 should be used
where the Gateway is located at the transition from a
50kph to a 60kph zone. Message on lower panel can be
decided locally, subject to approval of NRA inspectorate.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Signage Guidance Notes (continued)

Signs on approach to Gateways should be located as per
Plate 7 Position of Transition Zone Signs.
Gateway signs should be visible over the stopping distance
for the 85 percentile of the approach speed.
Signs should be located so as not to interfere with
sightlines at junctions, entrances, etc. and should, in so far
as possible, take account of future developments.
Direct lighting of gateway signs is optional.
All signs should have minimum 600mm clearance from
kerb or carriageway edge.
Inbound gateway signs should have 1000mm clearance
from kerb or carriageway edge. Approach signs should be
mounted with a clearance of 1.5m. Landscaping elements
may be used to discourage pedestrians from passing
900mm diameter speed limit sign should be provided on
central island at same level as corresponding Gateway
sign. Plates 12, 14, and 16 refer.
Engineer should examine the necessity for safety fencing
and/or post frangibility at sign locations cf. para.10.2.8
Department of Environment Signs Manual. Gateway
signs should be demountable and frangible.
Details of pole and foundation sizing are shown in
appendix 2.
Keep left signs consisting of a white arrow on a circular
blue background, manufactured from class 1 sign face
material, should be used at each end of the islands inside
the gateway. These may consist of a 600mm diameter
sign mounted on a pole, or alternatively, of an sign type
containing a 300mm diameter keep left sign. The type of
sign to be used must be agreed with the Regional Road
Safety Engineer.
Irrespective of which type of sign is provided, a further
600mm diameter keep left arrow should be installed at
2.5m mounting height wherever there is a likelihood of
vehicles obscuring the lower arrow.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

6.2.2 Road Markings


Guidance Notes

Series 1200 Department of

Environment Specification
for Roadworks

Department of Environment Traffic Signs Manual

Solid white centreline should commence 190m on approach
side of Gateway (all designs).

Series 1200 UK
Specification for Highway

Full hatching of hard shoulder should be achieved 70m. from

Gateway, with a lead-in taper of 1:70 in Designs Type 3, 4 and

BS 3262 Hot Applied

Thermoplastic Road

A 1m wide strip should be left unhatched on inside for

cyclists/pedestrians. An appropriate gap should also be left in
hatching to allow pedestrian/cyclist cross from shoulder to
cycle facility cf. Plates 13, 15 and 17.

City and County Engineers

Association Thermoplastic
Road Markings

Tapered hatching 70m. long should be provided on approach

side of gateway central islands and min. 1.5m. long hatched
area should be provided at offside, as per Plates 13, 15 and 17.
A raised rib of thermoplastic, approximately 2mm high x
50mm. wide may be incorporated in central hatching and in
last 100m. of yellow edge hatching on approach to Gateway.
White lining should be continued adjacent to kerbs at Gateway
Layout of road markings on various approaches to be as per
Plates 8 to 17 inclusive.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

6.2.3 Road Studs


Guidance Notes

Series 1200 UK
Specification for Highway

Department of Environment Traffic Signs Manual

BS 873 Part 4
Specification for Road

Approved reflective road studs should be used on approaches

to Gateway.
Studs should be spaced at 6m c/c on centreline and at 12m c/c
on carriageway edges. Studs should be continued inside the
gateway island.

6.2.4 Lighting


Guidance Notes

BS 5489 Parts 1 to 10 Road


Lighting columns should be kept clear and to the rear of

footpaths and cycleways cf. Plates 10, 12, 14 and 16.

BS 5649 Lighting

Two 150 watt ceramic discharge metal halide lanterns should

be provided on the central gateway islands, where such exist
cf. Plates 12,14 and 16. The lanterns should give an
asymmetric distribution, where the peak beam is directed
across the road, producing a bright band of light across the
road. Lanterns should be mounted at a minimum height of
6m. The lighting columns on the gateway central islands shall
be 1m in front of the gateway signs and should be 1m above
the signs except where this would bring the mounting height
below the minimum of 6m.

BS EN 40 Part 1
Series 1300 UK
Specification for Highway

Lighting column on central islands should be demountable.

It is desirable to extend TRL to the Gateways, and for at least
two columns beyond (approximately 50m).


Traffic Calming Guidelines

6.2.5 Bollards

Guidance Notes

BS 5489 Parts 1 to 10 Road


Bollards on Gateway Centre Islands:

Slimline largehead internally illuminated bollards should be
used at each end of the traffic islands at Gateways. Slimline
circular stem type bollards afford maximum visibility of
pedestrians. Circular signface should consist of white arrow
on blue background, cf. Plates 12, 14 and 16. Signs Manual,
Fig. 5.1(e) refers. Large diameter (900mm.) signface should
be used on islands at Gateways.

Series 1200 UK
Specification for Highway
BS 873 Part 3 Specification
for Internally Illuminated

Bollards on central islands inside gateway:

If reflectorised bollards are to be used at each end of the
islands, the circular keep left sign face should be 300mm in
diameter and consist of a white arrow on a blue background
manufactured from class 1 sign face material. Alternatively,
keep left signs may be used see 6.2.1. The proposed
bollard/sign type must be agreed with the Regional Road
Safety Engineer.
Irrespective of which type of sign or bollard is provided, a
further 600mm diameter keep left arrow should be installed at
2.5m mounting height wherever there is a likelihood of
vehicles obscuring the lower arrow.
Bollards on Build-Outs inside Gateway:
The conspicuity should be improved by the provision of a
post-type bollard, with either a 100mm deep reflective strip or
a 300mm diameter reflective keep right arrow. The use of
any alternative bollards must be agreed with the Regional
Safety Engineer.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

6.2.6 Flexible Surfacing


Guidance Notes

Series 700/800/900
Department of
Environment Specification
for Roadworks

Consideration can be given to the use of alternative road

surface texture/colour contrast at the Gateway, cycleways and
median. (No recommendation as yet on type). This should
extend over a distance of approx. 10m.

Series 700/800/900 UK
Specification for Highway
NRA Provisional
Specification for Hot-Laid
Thin Bituminous
6.2.7 Refuge Islands


Guidance Notes

UK Dept. Transport TA

Where there is sufficient width for central islands (Design

Types 3, 4, and 5), the first island should be located at the
Gateway or as close as possible on the town side of the
Gateway, cf. Plates 12 to 17 inclusive.

NRA RT206 Warrants for

Pedestrian Crossing
Series 400 UK
Specification for Highway

Gateway islands should be 4.5m to 6.0m. long and min. 2.1m

Where Gateways incorporate pedestrian crossing facilities use
may be made of guardrails at particular sites to stream
pedestrians. Off-centre positioning can deflect emerging
pedestrians and encourage them to face on-coming traffic
before crossing the road.
Where guardrail is used, care should be taken not to obstruct

BS7818 Pedestrian
Guardrails (metal)

Guardrails shall be high visibility pedestrian guardrail ie.

Vertical bar layout shall provide a minimum of 50%
transparency from all angles. Guardrail shall comply with BS
7818 and shall be certified.
Guardrail should not be erected within 600mm of the
carriageway/kerb edge.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

6.2.8 Kerbing


Guidance Notes

Series 1100/1700
Department of
Environment Specification
for Roadworks

Dished/dropped kerbs should be provided at all crossing

points both on pedestrian refuges and footpaths.

Series 1100 UK
Specification for Highway
Buildings for Everyone,
National Rehabilitation
Board (NRB), 1998

Kerbs on central islands should be painted alternating black

and yellow to improve visibility.
Kerbing, and preferably footpath, should extend from the
urban area to the Gateway. If footpath is not provided, the
area behind kerbs may be landscaped.
Where central islands are not provided, width of carriageway
(between kerbs) at Gateway to be max. 7.0m wide (Design
Types 1 and 2).
Where central islands are provided and where separate
provision is made for cyclists (Design Types 3 and 4) the
width between kerbs to be 3.5m.
Where central islands are provided with no separate provision
for cyclists, width between kerbs at Gateway to be 4.25m
(Design Type 5)
Where kerbing is introduced, care should be taken to address
adequately surface water collection and disposal.

6.2.9 Rumble Strips


Guidance Notes

NRA Speed Control

Devices for Roads other
than Residential

The provision of rumble strips in advance of the Gateway can

be very useful in alerting drivers to the installation ahead.
However, their use in close proximity to houses or residential
areas should be avoided.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

6.2.10 Cycle/Pedestrian Facilities


Guidance Notes

Series 1100 Department of

Environment Specification
for Roadworks

Absolute minimum clear width of footpath should be not less

than 900mm.

Series 1100 UK
Specification for Highway

2.4m. headroom is required for combined cycle/pedestrian


Buildings for Everyone,

NRB 1998
6.2.11 Cycle Facilities


Guidance Notes

Provision of Cycle
Facilities,National Manual
for Urban Areas
DTO 1998

AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities.

TRRL PA 2046/91 Translation of Dutch 30kph Zone Design
Cycleway should be provided as per typical layouts for
different right of way widths, cf. Designs type 3, 4 and 5,
Plates 12 to 17 inclusive.
Cycleways should be a minimum of 1.5m wide
Vertical clearance to obstructions, including signs, to be 2.4m.
Where cycleway is to rejoin roadway, it should do so at right
Beginning and end of cycleways should be accompanied by
the appropriate road markings and signage.


Traffic Calming Guidelines


Traffic Calming Guidelines

1. NATIONAL ROADS AUTHORITY, Fermoy Traffic Accident Study, R.S. 348, Dublin,
N.R.A., 1987
2. NATIONAL ROADS AUTHORITY, Mitchelstown Traffic Accident Study, R.S. 349,
Dublin, N.R.A., 1987
3. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, U.K., Vehicle Speed Measurement on all Purpose
Roads, TA 22/81, London, Dept. of Transport, 1981
4. JENSEN, K.H. & KILDEBOGAARD, J, Strategic et Ryt Begnet Vefpeanlaegninen
Report No. 28, Oslo, Road Directorate, Road Data Laboratory, N.D.
5. ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, Speed Management Through Traffic
Engineering, whole issue, Vol. 24, 1, February, 1992
6. DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL, Traffic Calming Guidelines Exeter, Devon County
Council, 1991
7. DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT, Traffic Signs Manual, Dublin, The
Stationery Office, 1996
8. NATIONAL ROADS AUTHORITY, Speed Control Devices for Roads other than
Residential, R.S. 387B, Dublin, N.R.A., 1995
9. NATIONAL ROADS AUTHORITY, Warrants for Pedestrian Crossing Facilities, R.T.
206, Dublin, N.R.A., 1981
10. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, U.K., The Assessment of Pedestrian Crossings
Local Transport Note 1/95, London, Dept of Transport, 1995
11. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, U.K., The Design of Pedestrian Crossings, Local
Transport Note 2/95, London, Dept. of Transport, 1995
12. DUBLIN TRANSPORTATION OFFICE, Provision of Cycle Facilities, National Manual
for Urban Areas, Dublin, D.T.O., 1998


Traffic Calming Guidelines


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Appendix 1

Traffic Calming Data Summary Sheet

Traffic Calming Data Sheet Guidance Notes

Marker Plate
The number of the nearest yellow marker plate plus chainage in metres to each Gateway should
be entered on the form.

Approach Geometry
A section of road with a curve radius greater than 2500m should be considered straight, for
sections with curves less than this value the radius should be stated on the form. Vertical grades
should be expressed in %, positive for upgrade and negative for downgrade.
The optical width should be given a value of low (height of vertical elements greater than the
width of the street), medium or high (typical rural situation).

Geometry at Gateway
The geometry at the Gateway will determine the choice of gateway design type. The right of
way width (face of fence to face of fence), paved width (including hard shoulders) and
carriageway width should be entered on the form.

Gateway Design Type

This will be determined by the geometry and should be entered as type 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. If
Gateway was installed prior to issue of these guidelines it should be described on the form as
other and an elevation drawing of the Gateway should be attached.

Treatment of Section between Gateway and Town/Village Centre

Details of traffic calming measures installed or to be installed between Gateway and town/village
centre should be given here.

If solid islands have been/will be installed, size and spacing of

islands should be given.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Rumble Strips
If rumble strips were/will be used, enter Y. Reasons for using rumble strips should also be

Accident Details
The total accidents and the total pedestrian/cyclist accidents on the through route for the five
years prior to the date of application for funding should be entered on form as should the
population of the built up area of the town/village.

Speed Measurements
It is important that accurate speed measurements be taken, both before and after the installation.
It is recommended that inductive loops or vehicle magnetic imaging counters be used rather than
radar methods. For the purpose of evaluation of traffic calming schemes the 85 percentile dry
weather spot speed of cars should be used. This is the speed exceeded by only 15% of the cars.
Vehicle speed should be monitored over a number of years in order to evaluate the long-term
effect of the installation.

Public Reaction
Public reaction (both of residents of the town/village and road users) should be assessed.
Comments should be summarised and entered onto the form.


Traffic Calming Guidelines

Traffic Calming Data Summary Sheet

Route Number:

Date of proposed installation:

Traffic Volumes









Gateway A at approach from__________

_____m from Marker Plate______in direction____

Gateway B at approach from__________

_____m from Marker Plate______in direction____

(1 = positive chainage, 2 = negative chainage)

Approach Geometry

Gateway A

Gateway B

Horizontal Alignment
Vertical Alignment
Optical Width
Geometry at Gateway





Right of Way width

Paved width

Carriageway width

Gateway Design Type

Treatment of Section between Gateway and Town/Village Centre
Gateway A
Cost of Installation


Gateway B

Kerbing and Paving
Public Lighting




Traffic Calming Guidelines

Traffic Calming Data Summary Sheet (page 2)

Rumble Strips

Type used


Total Accidents on
Through Route
Fatal Serious Minor

Accident Details:

Total Pedestrian or
Pedal Cyclist Accidents Population
Fatal Serious Minor

5 Years prior to opening of

the scheme

Subsequent to opening of scheme

Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5

Speed Measurement
Gateway A


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 4

Year 5

At existing speed limits
200m inside existing speed
Midway between Gateway
and town/village centre

Gateway B


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

At existing speed limits
200m inside existing speed
Midway between Gateway
and town/village centre

Public Reaction

Signed __________________________________ Grade EE/SEE

Date __________________________________

Traffic Calming Guidelines

Appendix 2


Sign, Post and Foundation Details


Post Diameter (mm)



2 No. Posts




(mm) Kg/m3 (mm) Kg/m3

Traffic Calming

Do Not Pass

Gateway Sign 'A'

Gateway Sign 'B'






1200 x 1400 x 600






1200 x 1600 x600






1200 x 1400 x 600






1200 x 1600 x600






1500 x 1650 x600






1500 x 1850 x600






1200 x 1400 x600






1200 x 1600 x600

Gateway signs must be demountable and frangible.


Traffic Calming Guidelines


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