Making Sausages

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that sausage making has a long history dating back thousands of years, different cultures have developed various sausage styles, and ingredients often depended on local availability.

Sausage making has a history that dates back thousands of years, with some of the earliest evidence found in ancient Mesopotamia. Many cultures around the world have developed their own sausage traditions using available meats and seasonings. The traditions were also influenced by factors like climate.

Some of the different types of sausages mentioned include dry-cured sausages from the Mediterranean region, semidry-cured sausages from Germany, and fresh sausages. Specific sausages mentioned are salami, chorizo, and linguica.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Equipment
CHAPTER 3 Supplies
CHAPTER 4 Health Matters
CHAPTER 5 Grinding, Mixing, and Stuffing
CHAPTER 6 Cooking Sausage
CHAPTER 7 Sausage Smoking and Food Smokers
CHAPTER 8 Fresh Sausage
CHAPTER 9 Cured Sausage
CHAPTER 10 Emulsified Sausage
CHAPTER 11 Fermented-Style Sausage
About the Author

Copyright 2010 by Warren R. Anderson

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without the express
written consent of the publisher, except in cases of brief excerpts in critical reviews and articles. All
inquiries should be addressed to: Burford Books, Inc., PO Box 388, Short Hills, NJ 07078.
Printed in the United States of America.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Anderson, Warren R., 1939
Mastering the craft of making sausage / Warren R. Anderson.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-58080-155-3
1. Sausages. 2. Cookery (Sausages) I. Title.
TX749.A688 2010




A Brief History of Sausage

The word sausage has a dignified and long pedigree. It originated with the Latin word salsus, which
means seasoned with salt. From Latin, the word successively went into Late Latin, Old French,
Middle English, and finally Modern English. At each step, the pronunciation and meaning changed a
little until it became sausage, the word we use now.
When humans began applying salt to meat, the foundation for the evolution of sausage was
established. At first, salt was applied to meat because it not only helped preserve it, but also made it
taste better. And, because meat was precious, even the scraps were salted. Scraps of salted meat were
put in whatever containers were available; eventually it was discovered that offal, such as cleaned
intestines, bladders, and stomachs of the slaughtered animals made ideal containers.
It is believed that the Sumerians, living in the area that is now called Iraq, were making sausage as
early as 3000 BCE. In approximately the 13th century BCE, the ancestors of the modern Chinese
began using salt to preserve food. In Chinese literature dated 589 BCE, a sausage made of goat and
lamb meat was mentioned. Sausages are also depicted in paintings of Chinese kitchens dated around
500 BCE. In ancient Greece, the famous poet Homer mentioned a kind of sausage made of blood in
The Odyssey, and around 500 BCE, a Greek play was written entitled The Sausage. Sausage eating
became so popular at Roman festivals that the conservative church banned it. Sausage has existed in
the diets of cultures around the world for a very long time.
As time went on, sausage making evolved in most of the worlds cultures, particularly in those that
raised domesticated animals to eat. Meat from pigs, cattle, sheep, and goats was used most often to
make sausage. Native Americans, however, used wild game to make a sausage-like product called
pemmi-can. The seasoning used in the various sausages was determined by availability and tradition.
Climate, too, had an influence on the kinds of sausage that evolved. In the hot Mediterranean
region, dry-cured sausage requiring no refrigeration appeared. In the cooler climate of Germany, the
semidry-cured sausage had a sufficiently long storage life.
The most profound changes in the taste of European sausage came with the gradual influx of exotic
spices and herbs brought from the Spice Islands and other parts of Indonesia.
The pilgrims who settled in America brought with them the knowledge of sausage-making that
existed in England, their mother country. Soon, they were able to get breeding stock from England,
and could make sausage using pork and beef, as well as wild game. Most of the seasoning and other
ingredients used in the sausage were those that were locally available, and uniquely American
sausages appeared.
As America developed and expanded westward, various immigrant groups such as Germans,
Italians, and Poles came to the United States to share the American dream. Most of these groups
brought with them the love of sausage and, more importantly, many of them brought sausage-making
Industry was rapidly developing in the large cities, and employment opportunities concentrated the
immigrants there. The skilled sausage makers among them opened sausage shops, and they flourished.

Some of these shops eventually grew into sausage-making companies.

With the opening of slaughterhouses and sausage shops in the large cities, sausage making was
becoming more of an industrial activity than a farming activity. As such, more efficient production
methods were needed. In the early 19th century, lever-operated sausage stuffers were invented. Meat
choppers (grinders) were also invented; the first ones were made of hardwood, with steel blades. A
hardwood box housed three hardwood gears, and the steel blades were attached to two rotating
hardwood cylinders. Hunks of solid meat were put into one end of the grinder, and chopped meat came
out the other end. These and other technical advances, such as refrigeration, helped mark the
beginning of the sausage-making industry and the decline of sausage making at home or on the farm.
The United States sausage industry currently produces about 200 kinds of sausage, and makes more
sausage than any other country in the world. In Germany, however, there are over 1,000 kinds of
sausage on the retail market and the per capita consumption of sausage is much higher than the United
States. If the population of Germany were the same as the United States, it would be the worlds major

Homemade Sausage Today

In the history of sausage making, there has been no better time than the present to make sausage at
High quality fresh pork, beef, lamb, and various specialty meats used to make many of the worlds
sausage varieties are easily purchased at local grocery stores. It is no longer necessary to wait for cool
weather to butcher the animals and gather the scraps of meat for sausage. We can buy large primal
cuts, such as a whole pork shoulder butt, and make sausage any time of the year.
When we buy our fresh, chilled meat at the grocery store, we take it home and safely store it in our
refrigerator, or we can even freeze the meat if we cant get around to making the sausage soon. The
refrigerator and freezer also keep wild game fresh until it is made into sausage. When meat is being
processed into sausage, the refrigerator is used repeatedly to keep the raw materials cold. Nowadays,
we take the refrigerator for granted, but the availability of refrigeration in our home means that we
can make the sausage more leisurely. We need not worry so much about the spoilage that was so
common in the old days.
In this age, there are almost no restrictions on spices and seasonings. We are not limited to items
that are produced locally. Most of the flavorings we need are available at our local grocery store.
Obtaining seasoning for an exotic sausage might require searching for it in ethnic grocery stores or on
the Internetbut a few minutes search on the Internet will locate almost anything. In short, we can
find the seasoning ingredients needed to make almost all the sausages of the world.
We no longer have to mince the meat on a chopping block with a cleaver in each handthe
inexpensive hand-cranked meat grinder does a better and faster job. With a little more money, we can
even buy an electric-powered one to make grinding even easier and faster.
One of the most tedious jobs in the old days was stuffing the casings by using a special handheld
funnel and poking the sausage paste into the casing with a wooden dowel. The invention of several
configurations of stuffers has now made sausage stuffing a task that many find pleasurable, and
certainly not tedious.
With the Internet, sausage-making supplies and equipment are literally at our fingertips. No matter
where we live in the world, our Internet order will be put on our doorstepif a delivery truck can
reach our house.
YES, there has been no better time than now to make sausage at home.

About This Book

A book about sausage making is actually a kind of a manualat least it should be. If a manual is well
designed, it will be fast and easy to find needed information. This manual has been organized into
chapters, each of which present information on one broad subject. For example, sausages recipes have
been grouped into chapters according to type. Hence, recipes for common uncured fresh sausages are
in the same chapter. Cooking techniques are in a chapter dedicated to that subject, equipment
requirements are in a single chapterand so on. The table of Contents will get you to the correct
chapter quickly. When you know the chapter that you want to find, flex the right side of the book
downward and spin the pages with your right thumb. The chapter numbers and titles on the top of the
right hand pages will flash before your eyes.
For specific sausages or specific topics, the index will get you to the exact page you are looking for

Why This Book Was Written

I moved to southern Japan with my family in 1980 to teach English as a second language. After living
in Japan for five years, I longed for some good breakfast sausage, smoked salmon, pastrami,
bratwurst, and the like. Some of these things might be available in Tokyo in special stores dealing in
imported foods, but they were not available in southern Japan where I lived. I decided to try to make
these things myself, and I had my brother send me every book he could find on food smoking and
sausage making.
Very few books were available on these subjects, and the books that did exist did not provide
adequate information. I persisted, nevertheless, and by trial and error, I was able to learn how to make
the products I had been longing for.
After smoking food and making sausage for over twenty years, I felt that I knew enough about the
crafts to write a book or two that would be helpful to others and contribute to the accumulated
knowledge on these subjects. The first book I wrote was on food smoking: Mastering the Craft of
Smoking Food. It contained a chapter on sausage making, but the present book is entirely dedicated to
that subject. I hope you find this book useful and helpful.



Many varieties of sausage can be made without special equipment, or with very little special
equipment. Some special equipment is not essential, but it makes the job easier. Equipment useful for
sausage making at home is listed below. Appendix 5 may assist you in locating hard-to-find items.
If the equipment described is measuring equipment (for measuring volume, thickness, weight, etc.),
the desirable measurement ranges are first given in the measuring system used in the United States,
and then they are given in the metric system (in parentheses). In cases when a precise metric
equivalent is not critical, it may be rounded off. The practice of indicating both systems of
measurement is used throughout this book.
The list of equipment, below, is in alphabetical order, not in order of importance.

Casing Perforator (Sausage Pricker)

When sausage is stuffed into casings, invariably there will be air pockets visible just under the casing
membrane. If these air pockets are not eliminated, unsightly fat and gelatin will accumulate there.
Getting rid of these air pockets is very easy; just perforate them with a sharp needle or a tool called
a casing perforator or sausage pricker. When the sausage is being cooked, these tiny holes will be
sealed by coagulated protein, preventing the escape of juices.
This tool is available by mail order from sausage equipment suppliers, and it costs about $7. It has
three needles embedded in a plastic handle. However, a large, sharp needle, such as a large sewing
needle, works equally well. I use a homemade casing perforatora sharpened stainless steel rod
embedded in a wooden handle.

Cutting Board
It is difficult and awkward to prepare meat for making sausage without a cutting board. If you dont
have one, you might consider buying the modern plastic type. Wooden cutting boards are porous and
difficult to clean, so they are good breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. A big board is better than
a small one. A stiff scrub brush, used with dish detergent and hot water, is very effective for cleaning
your cutting board. Use a bleach-and-water solution to remove most stains and to sterilize the board.

Food Processor
A food processor is required if the emulsified sausages in Chapter 10 will be made. A food processor
for home use will do the job, but it must be a powerful machine. If emulsification is attempted with a
small, underpowered processor, it might destroy the motor. A large and powerful Cuisinart brand food
processor, or the equivalent, is up to the task. With a 7-cup (680 ml) Cuisinart, I am able to process
1 pounds (570 g) at a time. The Cuisinart model I use is equipped with a 560-watt motor.

Hog-Ring Pliers and Hog Rings

Special hog rings and hog-ring pliers are made for use with large sausage casings, such as fibrous
casings. (They are not the same as the hog rings used for things such as furniture upholstery.) These
special hog rings for sausage making may be used to close both the bottom and the top of fibrous
casings, but they are most often used to close the top. They are a little easier and faster to use than
twine, and they look professional.
The spring-loaded hog-ring pliers are easier to use than the common type because they hold hog
rings in the jaws of the pliers, allowing two hands free to twist the casing closed. However, the springloaded type cost about five times more than the common manual type.
For 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter casings, use the -inch (10 mm) hog rings. The 3-inch (7.6 cm)
diameter casings require -inch (12.7 mm) hog rings. Please see the last section in Chapter 5, Stuffing
fibrous casings, for photographs and additional information. (If you wish to purchase these special
hog rings and hog-ring pliers, please see Appendix 5.)

Trimming and cutting meat is a major part of making sausage, but only two or three kinds of knives
are required. They should be of the proper shape and length to do the job at hand. If they are always
kept sharp and used properly, your work will proceed efficiently and safely. They need not be
expensive; almost all of my knives were bought very cheaply at garage sales or Salvation Army-type
stores. These used knives were of high quality and in good condition. They had been discarded simply
because they were dull.
Knives with plain edges are better than knives with serrated cutting edges. Serrated edges tend to
saw food, rather than cut it cleanly. Furthermore, serrated blades are difficult or impossible to
Knives should never be washed in a dishwasher, especially knives that have wooden handles. The
very hot water used for washing in a dishwasher, and the high heat used for drying, will gradually
damage the wood by removing its natural oils. The loss of natural oils and the resultant cracking of the
wood will cause the handle rivets to loosen.
If you are going to buy a knife, you may wish to consider the various materials described below that
are used to make a knife blade.


Carbon steel is the choice of many because it holds its edge fairly well and it is easy to sharpen. One
disadvantage is that the blade will rust and tarnishbut, if you use it often, it will not get a chance to
rust, and most of the tarnish can be removed with steel wool. Another minor negative point is that a
carbon steel blade may impart a metallic taste and odor to acidic foods such as tomatoes, onions, and

citrus fruits.
Stainless steel used to make high quality knives is not the same kind of stainless steel used to make
your mixing bowls or your rustproof mailbox. Stainless steel is a general term for many different
alloys. Your mixing bowls are probably made with 18 percent chromium and 8 percent nickel. An
alloy used to make high quality stainless steel knives might contain small amounts of molybdenum,
vanadium, manganese, and carbon in addition to the chromium and nickel. In other words, stainless
steel is not an exact term, but a high quality stainless steel knife will be made of an alloy that will
hold its edge for a long time. This is good, of course. The other side of the coin is that a knife that
holds its edge well, such as a high quality stainless steel knife, will be difficult to sharpen once the
edge is dull.
High carbon stainless steel knives are among the most expensive knives. The steel used in these
knives has the rust- and stain-resistant properties of ordinary stainless steel knives, but they sharpen
as easily as the carbon steel knives. Of course, because they are easy to sharpen, they do not hold their
edge as well as the common stainless steel knives.

The term boning knife may be a slight misnomer. With its slender blade and blade length of 6
inches (15 cm) or less, it is a very handy knife for boning meat, but it is more often used to trim meat.
For example, the first step in making sausage is to trim the meat before cutting it into cubes for
grinding. Cutting out the gristle, tendon, sinew, and blood clots is not a difficult job if a boning knife
is used. The boning knife is one of the essential knives for making sausage.


A knife with a blade about 8 inches (20 cm) to 10 inches (25 cm) long is an essential knife to have for
general use and for cutting meat into cubes that will fit in the grinder. A chefs knife, or some other
kind of knife with a stepped blade, is the best choice. (A knife with a stepped blade is a knife that has
the cutting edge considerably lower than the handle.) The stepped blade keeps your knuckles from
banging on the cutting board or counter top.

It is easy to slice large-diameter sausages if you use a straight knife with a blade at least 12 inches (30
cm) longlonger is better. If, however, you do not intend to make large sausages, there will be little
need for a slicing knife.

Meat Grinders (Meat Choppers or Meat Mincers)

Meat grinders are also called meat choppers or meat mincers. All these terms refer to the same kind of
hand-operated or electrically powered machine. The terms will be used interchangeably in this book.
Freshly ground meats bought at a food market can be used to make sausage. Eventually, however,
you will need a meat grinder in order to process meats to suit your taste; for example, ground pork
sold in grocery stores usually contains too much fat to make quality sausage. Also, some ethnic
sausages should be made with coarsely ground meat, which is difficult to buy at a common grocery


An old-fashioned (hand-operated) meat grinder made of tin-dipped cast iron will do the job very well.
Either the size #8 or the slightly larger size #10 is adequate for home use. These meat choppers clamp
on a table, a countertop, or on the breadboard built into most kitchen cabinets. If you buy a meat
chopper that attaches to the countertop by suction cups, you will be disappointed; suction cups are
inadequate to hold the machine in place.

An electric meat grinder does the job faster and with much less effort, but it is not necessary unless
you intend to make large quantities of sausage frequently. It should be mentioned, however, that
cleanup is much easier for the electric meat grinder because you need only wash the relatively small
and lightweight parts in the front of the electric grinder that come in contact with the meat. If a
manual grinder is used, the entire grinder comes in contact with the meat and must be washed, and
because the grinder is made of cast iron, the heavy weight makes it cumbersome to clean.
If you decide on an electric grinder, buy a powerful one. The VillaWare Elite ProGrinder model
V5267 (or the equivalent) is a good choice. It has a 550 watt, horsepower motor and a handy reverse
switch. It will cost about $165. If you happen to have a heavy-duty KitchenAid standing mixer, you
might want to consider a grinder attachment; these grinder attachments work very well and they cost
only about $65.

All meat choppers operate in the same way: Pieces of meat are put into the hopper, and an auger
(worm shaft) forces the meat into the holes in the plate. A four-bladed knife lies flat against the back
of the plate, and it rotates to cut off the meat that has been forced into the holes by the rotating auger.
If the grinder is not chopping the meat properly, or if it is chopping the meat too slowly, it may be
because the plate collar is not screwed down tightly, or it may be due to something preventing the
knife from lying flat against the plate (gristle, sinew, etc.).
The size of the holes in each plate determines the coarseness of the chopped meat. You should have
three plates with some combination of the following four hole sizes: inch (4.2 mm),
inch (4.8
mm), inch (6.4 mm), and inch (9.5 mm). Additional plates with holes smaller or larger than the
holes mentioned above are sometimes useful, but they are not required.


No matter what kind of grinding equipment you are using, it should be washed in hot, soapy water as
soon as the grinding work is finished. If the particles of meat remaining on the equipment become dry,
they are very difficult to remove. If the equipment cannot be washed immediately, spray it with water
or soak it in water in order to keep the meat particles moist.

After the various parts have been washed and rinsed, they may be air dried unless they are made of
unprotected cast iron or steel. Unprotected parts should be dried with an absorbent cotton cloth to
prevent rust formation.
Take particular care of the plates and the knife. If they are made of carbon steel, they can become
corroded and pitted if left in contact with the sausage paste for an extended period. In addition, these
carbon steel parts should be dried immediately after washing, and then wrapped individually in heavy,
oiled paper such as brown paper from a paper bagor, paper towels may be used. Put salad oil or
mineral oil on the paper, plates, and knife; do not use petroleum-based oils. Salad oil will become
gummy and sticky when it oxidizes, so make sure that the parts are separated with the paper;
otherwise, they will stick together. These parts, wrapped in oiled paper, are conveniently stored in a
small plastic food container or in a wide-mouthed jar.
If a grinder knife becomes dull, professional sharpening is strongly recommended; special
sharpening equipment is required. Some grinder knives cannot be sharpened, particularly those used in
electric grinders, and buying a new knife is the only recourse.

Mortar and Pestle, Electric Spice Mill

Chemists, primarily, use the mortar and pestle. A pharmacist might use them occasionally, but not as
much as he or she would have used them in the old days.
The mortar and pestle are also useful for a person who makes sausage or smokes food. Use them to
powder spices that season sausage or smoked foods. Powdering a spice will cause more flavor to be
released. Powdered spices are good for making sausage because they are less visible and are more
uniformly distributed.

The mortar and pestle can be obtained from a laboratory supply company or a chemical supply
company. A pharmacist may be able to order a set for you. Because they are popular with gourmet
cooks, they are also often available at a large culinary supply store.
Nowadays, the electric spice mill is gaining in popularity because it is much faster and easier to use
than the mortar and pestle.

Refrigerator Thermometer
The internal temperature of a refrigerator is very important; the proper temperature retards spoilage
and helps to prevent food poisoning. The refrigeration compartment should be kept within a range of
36 to 40 F (2.2 to 4.4 C).
There is a temperature adjustment dial in your refrigerator. The easiest way to measure the
temperature is to use an inexpensive refrigerator thermometer. Leave this thermometer in the
refrigerator so the temperature is easy to monitor.
A refrigerator thermometer is specially designed so that the reading will not change the moment the
door is opened and warm air rushes in. It will take fifteen seconds, or so, before it begins to change.
During that time, the thermometer will show the temperature before the door was opened. You can
find these thermometers in any hardware or culinary store.

Rubber Gloves
A pair of rubber gloves will be useful to protect your hands from salt when mixing sausage. In
addition, when ground meat is taken out of a 38 F (3 C) refrigerator to be mixed with seasoning, the
hands may be in contact with the cold meat for several minutes. The pain caused by bare hands
touching cold meat for an extended time is considerable. Rubber gloves will insulate the hands from
the cold very well, even if the rubber is thin. Additionally, it is obviously far more sanitary to mix
meat while wearing rubber gloves than it is to use bare hands.
Disposable latex or nitrile gloves made especially for food handling are excellent, and a box of 100
of them can be obtained at a wholesale grocer or restaurant supply store.
Rubber gloves of the type used to wash dishes and do light household cleaning are also effective,
easy to use, inexpensive, re-usable, and obtainable almost anywhere. Of course, these gloves should be
reserved exclusively for making sausage.

Food Mixers
It is not at all difficult to mix up to five pounds of sausage by hand. If you intend to make more than
that, or if you have some kind of physical limitation, you might want to consider a standing mixer
with a paddle attachment. KitchenAid makes good, heavy-duty mixers for home use. They also offer a
meat grinding attachment that works well. The sausage stuffing attachment is not recommended (see
Sausage stuffing tubes and sausage stuffers, below).

Sausage Molds
In Chapter 5, please see the section Making sausage patties for information about sausage molds.

Sausage Stuffing Tubes and Sausage Stuffers

Before the early 1800s, when levered and gear-powered sausage stuffers were invented, sausage
casings were stuffed by hand using a special kind of funnel designed for that purpose. These funnels
were known by several names: stuffing funnels, cones, or horns. They are increasingly difficult to buy,
but you might be able to find one on the Internet.


The various words that were used for the handheld stuffing funnels are now used for the modern
sausage stuffing tubes that are mounted on a mechanical or an electric stuffer. Consequently, in
addition to tubes, they are called funnels, stuffing cones, or horns. The words nozzles and spouts, too,
are sometimes used.
A mechanical or an electric stuffer is usually supplied with three stuffing tubes. The exact diameter
of each tube varies with the manufacturer, but inch (16 mm), inch (19 mm), and 1 inch (25 mm)
are common. The tube with the smallest diameter is used for sheep casings, the medium one for hog
casings, and the large-diameter tube is used for large casings, such as fibrous casings. The tube used
for collagen casings depends on the size of the casings.


Some stuffing tubes are designed to be attached to a meat grinder. Most electric meat grinders, and
some hand-operated meat grinders, come with one or more sizes of stuffing tubes. Stuffing sausage
with a meat grinder will do the job, but when stuffing tubes are used with a grinder, two people are
required to stuff the casings. One person must keep the hopper full of the sausage mixture and try to
keep it packed firmly to reduce the number of air pockets; the other person tends the casing as it is
being stuffed. Because two people are required, and because air pockets in the sausages are more
likely to be created with this method, using a stuffing tube that attaches to a meat grinder is not
However, if a grinder is used as a stuffer, make sure that a spacer plate is used in place of the knife
and grinding plate; this prevents the sausage from being ground again as it is being stuffed.


Three-pound/1,360 g (or five-pound/2,270 g) cast-iron or stainless steel lever-powered sausage
stuffers are popular. (They are also called push stuffers.) They are called three-pound stuffers because
the manufacturers claim that they will hold three pounds of ground meatthey wont, but that does
not cause an insurmountable problem. (In fact, if a three-pound stuffer is loaded with more than about
1 pounds/680 g of sausage paste, it is very difficult to push the lever handle down: If the stuffer is
more than half-full of sausage paste, the leverage decreases significantly.) These lever-powered
stuffers will do the job; they are very durable, are reasonably priced, and can be operated by one
person. They will allow the stuffing of any size of sausage casing.
The feet of these sausage stuffers have notches so that the stuffer can be mounted on a platform
with bolts. If it is not mounted on a platform, it is certain to slide on the countertop and even tip over
when the casing is being stuffed. Mounting on a board, or directly on a tabletop, is imperative.

The diameter of the pressure plate is a little less than the internal diameter of the elbow-macaronishaped ground-meat hopper. The smaller diameter is necessary so that the pressure plate can pass
through the curved hopper cavity without binding. This smaller diameter of the pressure plate creates
a minor problem, however: When the lever is pushed down, most of the sausage will flow out of the
tube and into the casing as it should, but some of the sausage will flow back around the edges of the
pressure plate. This problem is called backflow.
This backflow problem can be minimized or eliminated if a homemade gasket is used. Cut a
circular gasket from dense foam rubber; the diameter should be a little larger than the internal
diameter of the hopper cavity. Wrap this gasket in plastic food wrap (to keep it clean), and place it
between the sausage paste and the pressure plate. The gasket will prevent almost all of the backflow.
Another way to reduce backflow is to tear off about one foot of aluminum foil and fold it twice,
making a square with four layers of foil. Place this between the sausage paste and the pressure plate.
The foil functions as a gasket and reduces the backflow.
Another minor problem with these stuffers is that the pressure plate will not push out all of the
sausage. This is because the pressure plate will stop near the front of the stuffer at the point where the
nose of the stuffer begins to taper down toward the stuffing tube. About pound (150 g) of sausage
will remain in this conical-shaped cavity. Most of this sausage can be pushed into the stuffing tube by
using the following method:

Crumple two sheets of newspaper into a ball, and place it in a plastic bag. Seal the bag with a breadbag twist tie and place it just under the pressure plate. Most of the sausage paste remaining in the
stuffer will be forced into the stuffing tube by this crumpled newspaper in the plastic bag.
Another option is to use a molding compound called water putty to mold a cone that will push out
the remaining sausage paste into the stuffing tube. (Such a homemade cone is pictured in the
photograph of the lever-powered sausage stuffer.) Water putty is available at all hardware stores, and
instructions for use as a molding compound are on the container. For sanitary reasons, the cone should
be wrapped in plastic food wrap before each use.
Appendix 5 offers suggestions about where to purchase these stuffers.

The most popular gear driven stuffer is the five-pound capacity upright style (also called vertical
stuffer), and this style will be discussed below. Except for the different orientation, the horizontal
style that lies on its side will operate in about the same way as the upright style.

Compared to the lever-powered cast-iron stuffer, the gear-driven stuffer has a couple of negative
pointsbut many positive points.
The negative points are:

The price of the gear-driven stuffer is several times that of the lever-operated, cast-iron model.
The gear-driven stuffer will not tolerate as much abuse as the nearly indestructible cast-iron
stuffer. The gear-driven stuffer has some plastic and synthetic rubber parts, and the most fragile
of these parts are the plastic gears and plastic push-rod threads. If gorilla-like force is used when
the piston reaches the bottom of the cylinder, the threads might be stripped, or the gear teeth
might be broken. If reasonable care is exercised, however, it should last for many years. When
the piston reaches the bottom of the cylinder, STOPdont try to force out another thimble-full
of sausage paste!
The positive points of the gear-driven stuffer are as follows:
The crank on the geared stuffer extrudes the sausage paste more easily than the lever on the castiron model; much less force is required for the crank.
The gasket ring that attaches to the circumference of the piston prevents the backflow problem
that is common with the cast-iron lever stuffers.
The weight of the geared stuffer is much less than the weight of the cast-iron one.
A mounting board is not required for the geared stuffer; two C clamps will prevent the stuffer
from moving on the counter.
Cleanup is easier for the geared model because the stuffer is lighter and because only the parts
that are exposed to the sausage paste need be washed.
The five-pound (2,270 g) geared model will hold five pounds of sausage paste. However, the
lever-powered stuffer is almost impossible to use if more than half the rated capacity is loaded;
this is because a load of over half of the rated capacity rapidly reduces the leverage.
Appendix 5 offers suggestions about where to purchase these stuffers.


Water-powered sausage stuffers with a horizontal orientation allow hands-free operation. Both hands
can be used to manage the business of stuffing the sausage paste in the casing. The disadvantage is
that two garden hoses must be attached to the stuffer. One hose connects to a faucet with threads
suitable to screw on a garden hose, and the other hose goes to a floor drain or a catch bucket.


No matter what kind of stuffing equipment you are using, it should be washed in hot, soapy water as
soon as the stuffing work is finished. If the particles of meat remaining on the equipment become dry,
they are very difficult to remove. If the equipment cannot be washed immediately, spray it with water
or soak it in water in order to keep the meat particles moist.

After the various parts have been washed and rinsed, they may be air dried, unless they are made of
unprotected cast iron or steel. Such parts might rust if they are allowed to air dry, so they should be
dried by hand right away.

Thermometers for Cooking

Thermometers are desirable for cooking all sausages that have been stuffed in casings. The method of
cooking determines the best kind of thermometer for the job; sometimes two thermometers, used
simultaneously, make the cooking easier. The thermometers described below will meet all of our
needs adequately, and all of them are affordable.
We should not expect these inexpensive thermometers to be perfectly accurate throughout the
measurement range. Presumably, they were calibrated at the factory, or they met the tolerance
standards of the manufacturer. For a home-use thermometer, the manufactures tolerance is usually
about plus or minus two degrees. Nevertheless, it is a good idea to check the thermometers for
accuracy. I bought a digital thermometer with a cable probe recently, and I tested it using the method
described below. I discovered that my thermometer read 192 F (89 C) instead of 212 F (100 C)
an error of 20 degrees! I telephoned the manufacturer, described how I tested it, and they sent me a
replacement immediately.

To test the thermometers, fill a saucepan with water and bring the water to a boil. Next, measure the
temperature of the boiling water. We know that the temperature of boiling water is 212 F (100 C).
When the thermometer is read, the accuracy will be obvious. Of course, water boils at a lower
temperature than 212 F (100 C) if it is significantly above sea level. Consequently, if you live
somewhere like Denver, Colorado, compensation must be made for the high altitude.
If your thermometer does not read correctly, check the instructions to see if it can be calibrated. If it
cannot be calibrated, compensation should be made for the error whenever it is used, or the
manufacturer should be contacted for a replacement. The most important range for a sausage
thermometer is 155 F (68 C) to 165 F (74 C), but it is difficult to check the thermometer for
accuracy in that range. We are forced to assume the error in this range is the same as the error we
observed when measuring the temperature of boiling water.


The baby-dial thermometer is very useful to check the internal temperature of cooked sausage. When
it is used in this way, you might say that it is a kind of miniature meat thermometer. It has a
temperature dial about the size of the face of a mens round wristwatch. The stem of the baby-dial
thermometer will withstand very high temperatures, but the dial itself is delicate, and it cannot
withstand the hot temperatures present inside a kitchen oven, for example. Using this thermometer in
such a hot environment will likely destroy or damage it.
The baby-dial thermometer is also very useful for poaching sausages. This thermometer can be used
to check the water temperature, as well as the internal temperature of the sausages. It can also be used
to check the internal temperature of sausages being cooked in a hot smoker; however, the sausage is
usually removed from the smoker before using the thermometer. Because it is an instant-read
thermometer, the dial will show the internal temperature about 15 to 20 seconds after it is inserted.
The calibration of the baby-dial thermometer is from about 0 F (-18 C) to 220 F (104 C). You
should be able to obtain one from a mail-order establishment that deals in sausage-making equipment
and supplies, a hardware store, or from a retailer that sells culinary items.

A larger type of dial thermometer is calibrated in the same way as the baby-dial thermometer, and
can be used in its place for most applications. It has a longer and thicker stem, and it will probably
cost over twice as much as a baby-dial. The dial of this thermometer is just as delicate as the dial of

the baby-dial thermometer; it cannot be used inside an oven or in a hot smoke chamber.
These dial thermometers have the temperature sensors near the point not at the pointso they
must be inserted about 2 to 2 inches (5 to 6.5 cm) into the meat to get a representative sample of the
internal heat.


Improving technology has made it possible to manufacture digital stem thermometers and sell them at
a price that is competitive with dial thermometers. The cost is more than for the dial thermometers,
and they require a battery, but many people do not hesitate to spend a little more money for high-tech


Digital cooking thermometers with a cable and a probe are used to monitor the internal temperature of
meat, and they are very useful for cooking sausage. The internal temperature of the sausage can be
checked at glance, so the chance of overcooking is minimized. They can be found wherever kitchen
equipment is sold.

An additional advantage of using these electronic thermometers for smoking sausage is that the
smoke chamber need not be opened to check the internal temperature of the meat. Heat is lost every
time the chamber is opened, so the total cooking time will increase with every peek.
The probe is inserted into the sausage that is cooking in the smoker, the steamer, or is being
poached in hot water. The cable connected to that probe plugs into a digital display unit that is placed
on the kitchen counter or on the outside of the smoker.
If you try this kind of thermometer just once, you will probably conclude that you do not want to be
without it. In fact, you may discover that you want two of these instruments when the sausage is being
poached, steamed, or smokedone to constantly measure the internal temperature of the sausage, and
one to monitor the temperature of the hot water, the inside of the steamer, or the inside of the smoker.

Volume Measuring Equipment

You will need a set of American standard (or metric standard) measuring cups and spoons. Fluid
ounce units are never used in this book.

All volume measurements are intended to be level measurements. One teaspoon of salt, for
example, means one level teaspoon of salt. (However, fluffy spices such as coriander and rubbed sage
should be packed in the measuring spoon so that the amount will be consistent from batch to batch.)

Weight Scales
To the extent possible, measurements have been specified in terms of volume rather than weight. That
is, whenever possible, the amount of an ingredient is indicated in American teaspoons, tablespoons, or
cups (together with the metric equivalent). There are significant differences between the British and
the American system of measurement, even though the same words may be used; the British system is
not supported in this book.
Obviously, the quantity of meats must be expressed in units of weight, and you will need a scale to
weigh the meats. An inexpensive kitchen scale that will weigh up to about five pounds (about 2 or 3
kg) will do the job. If you intend to make large batches of sausage, a kitchen scale that weighs up to 11
pounds (5 kg) would be better. Such scales have sufficient accuracy if used properly.

Whetstone and Butchers Steel

You will need a whetstone to keep your knives sharp. A Carborundum whetstone is inexpensive, and it
is easily found at a culinary supply store or at a hardware store. It is suggested that you buy one that is
at least 8 inches (20 cm) long and 2 inches (5 cm) wide. A laminated stone that is coarse on one side
and fine on the other is convenient. If a thin stream of water is allowed to fall on the stone while
knives are being sharpened, the stones surface will not become clogged with metallic dust. The
kitchen sink is the best place to sharpen knives. Use a dishpan turned upside down as a platform for
the stone.
A butchers steel (also called knife steel or sharpening steel) looks something like a long rattail file.
Most sharpening steels will not remove metal from the knife blade, but they will straighten the edge
curl that develops when a knife is used. The butchers steel is not essential equipment, but frequent
use of one will prolong the sharpness of the blade. The longer the butchers steel, the easier it is to use
especially for knives with long blades. Ceramic rod is also used to make this knife-honing tool.
Ceramic works equally well.



You will need a number of consumable items. Your exact needs will depend on the kinds of sausage
you are going to make and the seasonings, herbs, and spices you wish to use.
The following list of supplies is in alphabetical order, not in order of importance.

Sausages made in the United Kingdom usually contain breadcrumbs. Traditionally, a kind of
breadcrumb called rusk is used. Some of the commercially produced sausages in the UK contain rusk,
and others contain common breadcrumbs. Amateur sausage makers in the UK tend to use common
breadcrumbs because rusk is difficult to buy in small quantities. Any kind of dry, unseasoned
breadcrumbs can be substituted for rusk, but coarse breadcrumbs are best. The best substitution, in my
opinion, is the Japanese style breadcrumbs known as panko. Because panko has become popular with
United States culinary buffs, it is now made in the United States. Small boxes of Kikkoman-brand
panko can be bought in well-stocked grocery stores. Larger, more economical packages can be bought
in Asian grocery stores.

Many kinds of sausages, particularly the uncured, fresh sausage varieties, do not require a casing.
These varieties are often made into patties or crumbled and used as a seasoning in cooking. However,
for many other sausages, tradition requires that they be stuffed in a casing.
Most certainly, not all the casings listed below will be needed. In fact, it is recommended that only
two or three kinds of casings be purchased in the beginning. When a casing is required for any sausage
in this book, one of the following two casings will do:
29 to 32 mm (about 1 to 1 inch) diameter small hog casing
2 or 2 inch (about 63.5 to 61 mm) diameter fibrous casing
There is a third kind of casing to consider: 24 to 26 mm (1 inch to 1
inch) sheep casing. This
casing is splendid for stuffing breakfast links, or any sausages such as frankfurters, that are best when
stuffed in a small-diameter, tender casing. They are highly recommended for some sausages, but hog
casings can be used in their place.
There are six categories of sausage casings: natural, synthetic (fibrous), collagen, muslin, cellulose,
and plastic.

The most commonly used natural casings are hog, sheep, and beef casings made from the carefully

cleaned small intestines of these animals.

The inside lining and the outside muscle tissue are removed, and the remaining thin, tubular
membrane is used as the casing. The casings are sized, dredged in salt, and then tied into a bundle
called a hank. (In the case of hog casings, a hank is 100 yards longabout 91 meters.)
There are several advantages to using natural casings, especially hog and sheep casings made from
the small intestines. Natural casings are fairly easy to obtain; they can be purchased in small
quantities (one hank); they are easy to twist into links; and, when making dried or semi-dried sausage,
the casings shrink as the meat shrinks.
You may find ready-to-use casings that are packed in a special clear solution rather than dry salt.
These casings must be used within one month, so they are not recommended unless you make a lot of
sausage and use them quickly. It is best to buy casings packed in salt. (Some producers pack the
casing in saturated brinebrine with a lot of undissolved salt in it. Packing in saturated brine is equal
to packing in salt.)
In addition to the small intestine, other parts of pork and beef innards are traditionally used to stuff
special varieties of sausage. In this book, the synthetic fibrous casing (described below) will be

Hog casings made from the small intestine are normally sold in four sizes (1 inch is equal to 25.4
29 to 32 mm
32 to 35 mm
35 to 38 mm
38 to 42 mm
They are, of course, edible. One hank of the smallest size will stuff 90 to 100 pounds, and a hank of
the largest diameter will stuff up to 135 pounds. In this book, the smallest size is used for many
sausages; it varies from about 1 inch to 1 inches (29 to 32 mm). As mentioned above, for home
use it is best to purchase casings that have been packed in salt or saturated brine; such casings can be
preserved for years under refrigeration.
Hog casings made from innards other than the small intestine are available: hog middles, hog
bungs, and hog stomachs. Certain large sausages are traditionally made with one of these special
casings, but fibrous casings are easier to use, are more economical, and do not have an offensive odor.

Natural sheep casings are smaller and tenderer than hog casings, but they are more expensive.
Depending on the vendor, as many as four sizes are available (25.4 mm equals 1 inch):
20 to 22 mm
22 to 24 mm
24 to 26 mm
26 to 28 mm
Sheep casings packed in either salt or a special preservative solution are available, and they are
used in the same way as hog casings. If they are packed in salt (or saturated brine) and stored in the
refrigerator, they will keep for many years.

Beef middles, beef rounds, beef bungs, and beef bladders can be obtained without much difficulty if it
is necessary to stuff a certain sausage in its traditional casing. However, large hog casings and fibrous
casings can be substituted for less money. Beef casing, by the way, is too tough to be considered

Collagen is a protein that is extracted from the bones, connective tissues, and hides of cattle. This
special protein is used to manufacture collagen casings. (It is also used to manufacture gelatin.) These
casings are made in various sizes. The wall thickness varies with the intended use of the casing. For
example, casings used for smoked sausage links need to be strong if they will be hung in a smoker, so
they will have thicker walls. Casings used for fresh sausage are thin and tender, but they may split
when stuffed. Some of these casings require refrigeration while being stored, but others do not.
Because collagen casings are uniform, and because their use requires less labor than natural casings,
they are widely used by commercial processors even though they are a little more expensive than
natural casings. People who do not want to eat sausage that has been stuffed in animal guts use
them. Collagen casings are also useful for making kosher sausage.
The various types of collagen casings are explained below.


Round collagen casing is manufactured as a long, smooth tube, and then compressed into a much
shorter tube of accordion-like pleats. The resulting sleeve is slid on the metal or plastic stuffing tube
in much the same way that a shirtsleeve is slid onto an arm. When a sausage is stuffed, the pleats are
pulled off the end of the tube a few at a time. (These sleeves are also called strand collagen casings.)
Some stuffing tubes are shorter than the collagen sleeve, and some stuffing tubes are tapered (the
overall diameter of the tube may be greater near the stuffer). In these cases, the collagen sleeve may
need to be cut in half in order to expose the end of the stuffing tube when the sleeve is slid on the tube.
As indicated above, there are two kinds of collagen casing sleeves. One type has thin walls, and it is
used mainly for fresh sausages. If this casing is used for smoked sausage, the links must be laid on a
smoking rack because the casing will tear if the links are hung in coils. The type of collagen casing
with thicker walls is used for smoked sausages that will be hung in coils on a support rod. The thicker
casing is strong enough to support the weight of the sausage coil without tearing. Both types must be
stored in an airtight plastic bag in the refrigerator to prevent them from becoming dry and brittle. Both
types are stuffed dry; they must not be soaked in water before using.

Both the thick wall casings and the thin wall casings are more difficult to stuff than natural casings
because they are not elastic. Because natural casings will stretch, they are more forgiving if the
sausage is slightly overstuffed or insufficiently stuffed. In addition, if collagen casings are twisted
into links, they will unwind. Consequently, it is best to divide the sausage rope into links with
butchers twine rather than twisting it into links.
The casing with a thin wall is very tender and is a pleasure to eat. The type with a thick wall is
technically edible, but few people eat the casing because it is very tough.
In my opinion, the bottom line for collagen casing sleeves (strand collagen casing) is this:
For the home sausage maker, the thick wall type has no redeeming merits at all, unless natural
casings cannot be used for personal reasons.
The thin wall type might be considered if the negative points can be tolerated. The cost and the
tenderness of this casing are comparable to sheep casing. It can be used for smoked sausage if the
links are laid on a smoking rack instead of hung on rods.


Flat collagen casings look similar to synthetic fibrous casings, and they, too, are used to stuff salamisize sausage and luncheon meat. They are not edible, even though they are made of collagen, and they
must be soaked in salted water before use. If casing made of natural material is an important factor to
the sausage maker, this casing may be of interest. However, flat collagen casings are not as strong as
synthetic fibrous casings, and they must be stuffed more gently. If you intend to use these casings,
please read the recommendations in the next paragraph regarding casing diameter and length. These
size recommendations apply to flat collagen casings as well as to synthetic fibrous casings.


Synthetic fibrous casings are very useful for large-diameter snack sausages or lunchmeat sausages.
These casings are not edible, but they are very strong, and they will not tear while they are being
stuffed. Fibrous casings are available in diameters ranging from 1 inches (38 mm) to over 4 inches
(120 mm). If fibrous casings are used, it is best for the beginner to use casings of no more than about
2 inches (63 mm) in diameter, and no more than 12 inches (30 cm) long. This size is easier to

process, and the cooking time will be faster than it is for casings with larger diameters. In this book,
this size is usually recommended for the sausages that are stuffed in fibrous casings. To make them
supple, synthetic fibrous casings are soaked in warm water before stuffing. Follow the manufacturers
instructions. If the instructions are not available, soak them in warm water for 20 or 30 minutes before
use. Be sure to flood the inside with water.
Depending on the vendor, sometimes the fibrous casings are not closed on the bottom, or sometimes
they are sold in 24-inch (60 cm) lengths only, and need to be cut in half. If the casings are not closed
on the bottom, or if they need to be cut, common twine may be used to close them. However, a great
deal of pressure is put on the bottom closure when the sausage is being stuffed. Consequently, if it is
tied with twine, the very strong butterfly tie (also called butterfly knot) should be used. The top
portion of the photograph demonstrates how to close the end of a synthetic fibrous casing with the
butterfly tie:
Cut a length of twineabout 5 inches (13 cm) long.
Fold the end of the casing in zigzag-like pleats. (It is best to use something like a clothespin or
a paper clamp to hold the pleats in the folded position.)

Tie the end of the casing with a common square knot about inch (2 cm) from the end.
Bring the ends of the twine around the bottom of the casing, and tie another square knot in such
a way that the ends of the casing flare (butterfly) to the left and right.
Another way to close a casing on the bottom is to use an aluminum casing clip. Please see the
Casing clips section of this chapter (below).
Fibrous casings are sold in two colors: clear and mahogany. The clear casings are actually
translucent and resemble very strong wax paper. They acquire a beautiful reddish-brown color when
they are smoked. However, if the sausage is not smoked, the clear casing looks pale and anemic. The
mahogany-colored casing, on the other hand, looks good no matter how the sausage is processed.
Fibrous casings do have one small negative point: They are not waterproof, although they are water
resistant and remain strong when wet. Instructions on cooking sausage in Chapter 6 describe how this
minor negative point can be addressed.

Finally, you may make casings of muslin. Such casings may sometimes be used in place of synthetic
fibrous casings, and they are traditionally used for German liver sausages such as Braunschweiger,
liverwurst, and some salami-like sausages. Because the muslin absorbs moisture readily, it is best that
they not be used for steamed or poached sausage. Hot smoked sausages are the best use for muslin

Teardo not cuta strip of muslin 8 inches (20 cm) wide and about 12 inches (30 cm) long. (To
the extent possible, the material should be torn rather than cut; tearing reduces the amount of cloth
fibers that will get into the sausage.) Fold the strip in half lengthwise. The folded cloth will now
measure about 4 inches (10 cm) wide. Sew it along the side and around one end; this will produce a
round casing with a diameter of about 2 inches (5.7 cm). If the cloth material is new, it is best to
launder it before it is used. Laundering will remove the fabric conditioners that are present in new
material. Turn this closed-end tube inside out, wet it with vinegar, and stuff it with sausage. The
vinegar prevents the cloth from bonding to the sausage.

Cellulose casings are not edible, and they must be removed before the sausage is eaten. They are used
for skinless sausages, such as breakfast links, hot dogs, and Mexican chorizo. When sausage links are
cooked, the protein in the meat just under the casings coagulates and makes a natural skin that holds
the sausage together when the cellulose casing is removed. Skinless frankfurters are made in this way.
(If you look closely at a commercially made skinless frankfurter, you will be able to see a faint slit
mark where a sharp blade has cut through the cellulose casing to facilitate its removal.) Home sausage
makers rarely use cellulose casings, and they are not suggested for use in this book. However, if you
want to try them, contact Allied Kenco Sales (please see Appendix 5).

The price of plastic casing is about the same as fibrous casing. Because it is waterproof (if care is
taken to seal the ends properly), plastic casing is useful for large sausages that will be steamed or
poached. The use of a waterproof plastic casing for steaming or poaching ensures that the sausage will
not be harmed by water entering the casing. However, smoke will not penetrate plastic, so they should
not be used for sausage that will be smoked.
The use of plastic food wrap when steaming or poaching fibrous casings helps to provide waterresistant properties similar to those of plastic casings. Please see Chapter 6 for details.
Plastic casings are more difficult to obtain than fibrous casings, but one source is PS Seasoning &

Spices, a company that sells sausage-making equipment and supplies. PS Seasoning & Spices offers
two sizes: 2-inch (6.35 cm) diameter and 4-inch (9.8 cm) diameter, and both are orange. Please see
Appendix 5 for contact information.


Ground meat bags resemble plastic casings. They may be used for breakfast sausage; the raw breakfast
sausage is stuffed in the bag, chilled, and then sliced into round, patty-like disks and fried. They are
not suggested for use in this book, but most mail-order suppliers can supply them. (See Appendix 5.)

Casing Clips
An aluminum cap-like device called a casing clip can be used to close the end of a synthetic fibrous
casing. (Some retailers may still use the original name, Clark clamp.) First, the end of the casing is
folded several times until it is small enough to fit inside the casing clip. Next, this folded end of the
casing is inserted into the clip, and the clip is secured by squeezing it with pliers. They are easy to
apply, and they provide a dependable closure for the end of the casing. There is a photo of a casing
clip in the Synthetic fibrous casing section earlier in this chapter. Casing clips can be purchased
wherever sausage-making supplies are sold; please see Appendix 5.

Curing Powder
The following is a bit technical, but a basic understanding of curing powders is necessary for those
who make sausage.
Curing powder is also known as Cure #1, Cure #2, pink salt, pink powder , or cure. It normally
contains either sodium nitrite (NaNO ) or a combination of sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate (NaNO ).
These preparations are widely used by commercial meat processors, amateur smokers, and sausage
makers. Many sausage formulas presented in this book require a curing powder.
These nitrites or nitrates in the curing powders are largely responsible for the pink color of some
types of sausages. Nitrites or nitrates also cause the pink color of ham, bacon, and luncheon meats.
The red color of corned beef, and the reddish color of most commercially produced jerky, are more
examples of the effect of nitrites and nitrates. Without these chemicals, all the fully cooked meats
mentioned above would be brownish or grayish, like ordinary cooked meat. The lean part of bacon, for
example, would turn brown while cooking, and luncheon meats and frankfurters would not be pink
they would be brownish.
Meats cured with nitrites or nitrates (including sausage) also have a distinctive flavor that many
people like; the flavor difference can be readily understood by comparing the taste of cured ham with
the taste of roasted pork. Furthermore, rancidity is inhibited, shelf life is extended, and positive
protection against botulism is provided with the proper use of these additives.
In spite of all the benefits provided by these curing chemicals, they are harmful if used in large
quantities. Fortunately, it takes only a very small amount to obtain the desired result, and the amount
of these chemicals specified in this book is considered safe. Nevertheless, if you never eat
commercially processed meats because of the additives they contain, you may not want to use a curing
powder in your sausage. However, if you make that decision, then you should forgo making smoked
sausage because smoked sausage without the addition of nitrites or nitrates presents a considerable
risk of botulism poisoning. It could prove fatal.

It was mentioned above that nitrites and nitrates are used in very small amounts. In fact, the amount
required to cure 2 pounds (1.135 kg) of ground meat is so small (approximately 2 teaspoon), it can
only be weighed accurately with scales found in a scientific laboratory or in a pharmacy. This is
obviously impractical for both the amateur smoker and a small commercial processor, and it is not
possible to measure such a small amount accurately with a measuring spoon.
To overcome this obstacle, several companies have mixed salt with sodium nitrite (NaNO ) to make
a product containing 6.25 percent sodium nitrite. Such a blend that uses salt as a carrier can be
measured with reasonable accuracy by using measuring spoons commonly found in the household
kitchen. Only teaspoon (2.5 ml) of this curing powder blend will cure 2 pounds (1.135 kg) of
ground meat. Prague Powder #1, Modern Cure, and Insta Cure #1 are three brands of curing powder
that contain 6.25 percent sodium nitrite. These curing powders have pink food coloring added so that
they will not be confused with salt. Consequently, curing powder is sometimes called pink salt or pink
When curing powders are commercially produced, a special process is used to bond the proper ratio
of salt and sodium nitrite into each crystal so that the blend will always remain uniform. Homemade
curing powders can be blended, but homemade curing powders will not be uniform, and the salt can
separate from the sodium nitrite. This is why the commercially prepared curing powders are
recommended. A uniform curing powder helps to insure that the correct amount of nitrite is added to
the product.
Whenever Cure #1 is specified in this book, you may use any brand of curing powder that contains
6.25 percent sodium nitrite. These commercial curing powders are readily available by mail order
from establishments that offer sausage-making or smoking equipment (see Appendix 5). Butcher
supply firms often sell curing powder; check out butcher supplies in the yellow pages. You may also
be able to obtain it from sausage-making establishments. You will not find these products in a
common grocery store.
There are some curing products available in grocery stores that contain a very low percentage of
sodium nitrite (about 0.5 percent) in the salt carrier. However, such products are not recommended
because (if used as directed by the manufacturer) they allow very little control of the salt content in
your products. Your products will probably be too salty.
Prague Powder #2 and Insta Cure #2 contain sodium nitrate in addition to sodium nitrite. These
special curing powders are mainly used for fermented sausages. Fermented sausages are not covered
in this book, so these curing powders will not be used. However, a class of sausages called fermentedstyle sausages is covered in this book, but these fermented-style sausages require the common Cure
#1, which does not contain sodium nitrate. (For additional information, please see Nitrites and nitrates
in Chapter 6.)

Fermento is a manufactured seasoning made entirely from dairy products. It contains lactic acidthe
same acid produced by bacteria when fermented, dry-cured sausage is made. It is the lactic acid in the
dry-cured sausage that gives it its fermented flavor and characteristic tang. Fermento imparts this
fermented flavor without fermentation of the sausage. The use of Fermento allows us to make
products like pepperoni, summer sausage, and Thuringer without the lengthy and difficult dry-curing
process. Please see Appendix 5 for sources of this product if you wish to make the fermented style
sausages described in Chapter 11.

Liquid Smoke
Liquid smoke is something you may want to add to your list of supplies. The use of liquid smoke will
enable you to make smoke-flavored sausages, even if you do not own a smoker.
If your smoker is a water smoker, you may want to try liquid smoke. Water smokers do not impart
as much smoke flavor as a regular smoker, so you may want to use a little of the liquid smoke to boost
the smoky aroma of water-smoked sausage. This is especially true if the smoking time is short.
Most large grocery stores offer Wrights Liquid Smoke, but liquid smoke other than this hickory
aroma (mesquite, for example) can be obtained from some companies that offer sausage-making
Use liquid smoke sparingly. If it is used in excess, the sausage will have an unpleasant taste. Tr y
teaspoon (2.5 ml) for a 2 pound (1,150 g) batch. Reduce or increase the amount of liquid smoke in
the next batch of sausage.

No matter what kind of meat is being used for sausage, it should be fresh. If the meat was frozen while
it was still fresh and is then properly thawed, it is equivalent to fresh meat. Ground meat will spoil
faster than solid meat, so it is best to start with fresh solid meat in order to ensure a wholesome
Traditionally, sausage experts consider the perfect fat-to-lean ratio to be about 25 percent fat and 75
percent lean. However, the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service permits up to 50 percent fat in
fresh pork sausages, breakfast sausages, and whole hog sausages. Considering this, 25 percent fat does
not seem to be excessive, but many people who make their own sausage prefer a healthier, leaner
Pork is the most commonly used meat for making sausage, and an economical cut variously called
Boston butt, shoulder butt, pork shoulder, or pork butt is most often used. Besides being inexpensive,
it is a very convenient cut to use because it contains about the perfect ratio of lean to fat. Any cut of
pork can be used, so use the most economical. In this book, the expression pork butt will be used;
however, please understand pork butt to mean any cut of pork that contains about 25 percent fator
the amount of fat you prefer. If you need to add fat, medium-hard pork fat is the best kind of fat to use
because it has a high melting point. Use a type of medium-hard fat known as back fat or fatback
whenever available. It is very convenient to have a supply of cubed back fat in the freezer to add to
any kind of meat that is too lean.
If beef is used to make sausage, any cut of beef may be used, but the expression beef chuck will be
used in this book. Beef chuck is economical, and it usually contains about the right amount of fat.
If wild game meat is used, it is best to trim and discard all the fat from the meat; very few people
like the taste of wild game fat. To replace that fat, use enough pork fat to bring the percentage of fat to
the desired level.
Poultry flesh is increasingly used for making sausage. Sometimes sausages are made entirely of
poultry, but it is more commonly added to pork, beef, or a blend of pork and beef. I often substitute
turkey or chicken thighs for the more expensive veal.
Often, there will be some pork, beef, or fowl left over after preparing meat to make a batch of
sausage. This meat may be frozen for future processing, even though it was previously frozen. Every
time meat is frozen, the ice crystals formed in the meat will cause physical changes that allow juices
to escape when it is thawed. This will cause no serious deterioration in quality unless it is re-frozen

many times.


Thawing in a refrigerator is safe, and it is commonly recommended. However, cold water thawing is
just as safe, and it is much faster.
If cold water thawing is employed, the pieces of raw material must be sealed in plastic bags to
prevent absorption of water (this is important). It is best to put only one piece of raw material in each
plastic bag. Remove as much air as possible. Place the bagged material in a deep container, and fill the
container with cold tap water. The meat should be pressed below the surface of the water. Set the
container in a sink, and allow a thin stream of cold tap water to run into the containeror change the
water in the container from time to time.
A large joint of meat (a whole pork shoulder butt, for example) might require only a few hours to
thaw in cold water, but the same joint of meat might require several days to thaw in the refrigerator.
This will be true even if the temperature of the water in the container is the same as the temperature of
the air in the refrigerator. Why does cold water thaw more effectively? The heat conductivity of water
is much greater than that of the air in the refrigerator, so thawing is much faster, even if the thawing
temperatures are the same.
Cold water thawing can be used in combination with refrigerator thawing. Even if you began
thawing in the refrigerator, you can finish the thawing quickly in cold water. This is especially useful
when you have underestimated the refrigerator thawing time and you need to begin your processing

Plastic Food Wrap

Plastic food wrap, which many people still call Saran Wrap, may be one of your most frequently used
supplies. If you find that you use a lot of plastic food wrap, you might want to purchase a larger, more
economical roll such as those used in restaurants and commercial kitchens. These rolls are about 6
inches (15 cm) in diameter; they are bulky, but the easy-to-use cutter provided with each roll makes
wrapping easier than with the home-use roll. These large rolls can be found at restaurant supply
grocery stores. The plastic wrap is normally 1 foot (30 cm) wide, and the roll contains 3,000 linear
feet (914 meters).

One of the best kinds of salt to use for all sausage-making purposes is the kind of salt known as
pickling salt or canning salt. This salt is over 99 percent pure, and it contains no iodine or other
additives. Another variety of salt that is equally acceptable is known as non-iodized table salt or plain
salt; only a freeflow agent (usually calcium silicate or magnesium carbonate) is added. This salt is
also over 99 percent pure, and the taste of the small amount of free-flow agent will not be noticeable.
When used for sausage making, curing, and canning, the impurities or additives in salt, depending on
the kind and amount, can cause discoloration and bitterness in meats, fish, and vegetables. The
freeflow agent will not cause problems for sausage making or meat curing, but the salt with no
additives should be used for pickling and canning.
A 5-pound (2.27 kg) box of pickling salt can be obtained in most grocery stores for about $1.50. A
25-pound (11.35 kg) bag of plain table salt (containing the acceptable free-flow agent) can be
purchased at a wholesale grocery store for about $3.50. There are few reasons to use anything other

than one of these two varieties for making sausage. Iodized salt and sea salt contain minerals that are
good for you, but they are not the best salts for making sausage.
Pickling salt and table salt are fine grain salts. Fine grain salts are best for sausage making because
fine grain crystals dissolve faster than large crystals and because fine grain salt can be measured
accurately by volume.
Kosher salt, especially the fast-dissolving flaked kosher salt, is quite acceptable for sausage making
because it is a pure salt with no additives. A negative point is that any given volume measurement of
kosher salt will weigh less than the same unit of fine grain salt; consequently, one tablespoon of
kosher salt will weigh lessand contain less saltthan one tablespoon of fine grain salt. All the
sausage-seasoning formulas in this book are based on the use of fine grain salt. If kosher salt is used,
the volume measurement of the salt needs to be increased, and the amount of increase will depend on
the brand and kind of kosher salt you are using.
Store salt in a tightly sealed plastic bag to protect it from humidity. Pure salt may become lumpy
even if it is stored in a plastic bag, but its quality will not be diminished. Storage time does not lessen
the quality either; so dont hesitate to by a large quantity if that is most economical.
If the salt becomes lumpy, break the lumps and use it. The best way to deal with lumpy salt, sugar,
or spices is to put the seasoning into a strainer or a flour sifter, and then break the lumps. If the
seasoning passes through the wire mesh, it is fine enough to use.

Spices and Herbs

For most of us, there is no clear distinction between the word spice and the word herb, especially
when the subject is seasoning for food. Even the experts do not always agree, so lets use the word
spices to mean both spices and herbs.
The main reason why one kind of sausage tastes so different from another is because of the different
spices and seasonings used in each. Of course, the varieties of meat used in each sausage contribute to
the differences in taste, but the spices and seasonings determine their main character. Appendix 1
contains a list of spices and seasonings commonly used in sausage making.
The sausage formulas in this book will suggest certain spices. If you have experience with the
suggested spices, and if you can imagine the resulting taste, you should make changes to match your
preferences. If you cant imagine the taste of the finished product, but you want to try the suggested
seasonings, you should make a small batch of the product. In fact, it is wise to make a small batch
anytime you make a sausage for the first time. For a small batch, it is suggested that the meat and all
other ingredients be cut in half. The resulting taste will be the same as a full batch.
The spices used should be of good quality. However, as far as quality is concerned, we have little
choice but to trust the reputation of the brand. Very few of us are qualified to judge the quality of a
spice by peering through the glass or plastic container.
The freshness of dried spices is, to some extent, under our control. There is often an expiration date
on the spice container. If you have some spices sitting around the house and the dates have expired, or
if you have no idea how old they are, the best thing to do is to throw them out.
The company that processes and packs the spice decides the expiration date. The expertise of
specialists in the company is used to determine the shelf life of the particular spice. They assume that
the spice will be tightly sealed, struck by an average amount of light, and exposed to room
temperature. If the actual storage conditions are worse than expected, the spice will go bad faster. If
the actual storage conditions are better than they expected, the particular spice may be usable well
past the expiration date.

In summary, the freshness and shelf life of the spices you use can be greatly extended by following
these suggestions:
Buy your spices at retail outlets that have a rapid turnover of goods. Dried spices sold at such
stores are likely to be fresher than spices sold at mom-and-pop-type retailers.
Buy spices in quantities that will be consumed in a reasonable amount of time, so that the
length of storage time before consumption is minimized.
Buy a brand name you trust, or get your spices from a distributor you trust.
Check for the expiration date; some brands have that date stamped on the container. The
expiration dates on the containers sitting on the same shelf of the grocery store may vary
considerably, even if it is the same spice with the same brand name. The spices towards the back
of the display may be fresher than the spices toward the front. The expiration date is sometimes
stamped on the bottom of the container.
Keep the spice in a container with a tight-fitting lid, preferably a screw-on lid, even if this
necessitates transferring the spice to a different container. This will help to protect the spices
from humidity, and it will help to retard the evaporation and deterioration of aromatic oils.
If there is space available, store spices in the refrigerator or freezer. This will help to protect
them from the other two enemies of spices: heat and light.

Some kind of sweetener is used in many varieties of sausages. Sweeteners help to mellow the harsh
taste of salt, and some of them act as a binder.

Whenever the word sugar is used in this book, please understand it to refer to the common granulated
white sugar made from either sugar cane or sugar beets. In some countriesthough not in the United
Statesnon-granulated white sugar is more common than the granulated type. If the non-granulated
type is used, and if you measure by volume, pack it in the measuring cup or measuring spoon. Use
about 10 percent more to achieve the same degree of sweetness.

Dark brown sugar has a stronger taste than light brown sugar because of a thicker film of molasses on
the surface of the crystals. Using brown sugar to flavor sausage is not common, but each one of these
sugars can impart a slightly different nuance of flavor to your sausage. Brown sugar is usually not
granulated. The common ungranulated brown sugar should be packed firmly in the measuring spoon
so that the measurements will be consistent from batch to batch.

If you have ever tasted honey-cured ham or bacon, you already know the special flavor that only
honey can impart. Use honey as a sweetener for seasoning sausage if you think it will help to achieve
your flavor goal. Keep in mind, however, that honey is the sweetest of the sweeteners; a one-to-one
substitution for another sweetener might make your product a little too sweet. If honey is substituted
for granulated sugar, reduce the amount by 20 percent.
If honey has crystallized, liquefy it by putting the honey jar in a pan of hot water for a few hours. If

you need to liquefy it faster than that, use a microwave oven at full power, and zap it for 15 seconds at
a time until the honey is clear. Of course, if the honey jar is not made of glass, you will need to use a
microwave-proof dish.

In this book, corn syrup is often used as a sweetener and a binder in sausage making. Corn syrup also
helps to retain moisture in sausage. The major sweetening component of corn syrup is dextrose
(dextrose is also called glucose), but it contains maltose, as well. The colorless variety known as light
corn syrup is preferred.

Natural or artificially flavored maple syrup is occasionally used in sausage making.
To retard mold formation on either natural maple syrup or homemade maple-flavored syrup, store it
in the refrigerator or freezer. If it crystallizes, liquefy it as you would liquefy honey (see above).

Powdered dextrose is made from the starch of corn or, sometimes, of potatoes. Consequently,
powdered dextrose is also called corn sugar. It is not as sweet as common sugar. In fresh sausages or
in ordinary cured sausages, it is sometimes used in place of common sugar because it helps to prevent
the sausage from losing moisture as well as reducing the harsh taste of salt. For such types of
sausages, corn syrup may be substituted for dextrose; use 1.5 units of corn syrup for every unit of
dextrose specified.
In fermented sausages, dextrose is the best sugar to use to feed the bacteria that produces the lactic
acid responsible for the desired tartness.
The easiest way to obtain powdered dextrose is to order it from one of the suppliers mentioned in
Appendix 5.

Cotton twine of the type used to tie rolled roasts is known as butchers twine. You will find it useful
for making ring sausages, tying links, and tying the ends of sausage ropes. It is particularly useful
when stuffing fibrous casings or collagen casings.
The diameter of the twine need not be large; I use 1 mm (0.04 inch between 2 and
twine for everything. You can get butchers twine at a culinary supply shop, but you might discover
that a large spool of cotton twine is cheaper at a hardware storethat is where I buy my twine.

Vitamin C and Related Chemicals

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and two chemicals related to this acid are permitted by the USDA for use in
meat processing. All of these substances function to accelerate the color development. They also
stabilize the color during storage. These two effects can be very important for commercial processors.
Rapid color development may lead to reduced processing time. Greater color stability can result in a
product remaining attractive, even after days of storage in refrigerated display cases that are struck
with artificial light. Without the use of one of these chemicals, the color may fade rapidly, and the
product will not be marketable.

The chemicals referred to above that are related to vitamin C are sodium erythorbate and sodium
ascorbate. You will often see vitamin C or one of these two chemicals listed as an ingredient on
packages of cured sausage and meat.
A person who makes sausage as a hobby has little need for these chemicals, so they are not
specified for use in this book. Nevertheless, their mention is deserved because some people have the
mistaken impression that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) will function as a color developer (color fixer) in
place of nitrites or nitrates. There is at least one book on sausage making and one book on food
smoking that says teaspoon of vitamin C per 5 pounds of ground pork or ground beef will cause the
pink or reddish color of the meat to be fixed. It wont; Ive tried it.
Apparently, someone in the past thought that a color accelerator was the same thing as a color
developer. It is not. None of these chemicals will function as a color developer (color fixer).
Furthermore, it must be emphasized that neither vitamin C nor the two related chemicals will provide
protection against botulism.
If you need accelerated color development or improved color stability, you may, of course, use one
of these three chemicals along with Cure #1. Vitamin C is the least desirable because it can cause
depletion of nitrite. Either sodium erythorbate or sodium ascorbate is most often used.
Your pharmacist, or a chemical supply company, may be able to order some for you. Also, you are
likely to find sodium erythorbate in the PS Seasoning & Spices catalogue (see Appendix 5). If you
must use vitamin C, be sure to use pure crystalline powder. Regardless of which one of the three is
used, you should add teaspoon (0.625 ml) to 2 pounds (1.135 kg) of meat. The teaspoon of the
chemical should not be added directly to the meat. It should be thoroughly mixed with the seasoning
ingredients first; this will result in a uniform distribution of the chemical.


Health Matters

In this age, the average adult in any modern country is aware of germs and the most common diseases
related to food. We are aware that sanitation prevents the spread of disease, and we know that
refrigeration retards spoilage. We are also aware that it is dangerous to eat raw or undercooked pork.
This level of knowledge helps to keep us healthy.
The amateur sausage maker, however, needs to have a bit more knowledge about such matters than
the average person does. This is because sausage making and sausage smoking involves subjecting the
food to conditions that come close to the limits of safe food handling. For example:
When fresh meat is ground to make sausage, the microbes that are normally on the surface of
all meat become mixed with the particles of ground meat.
Sausage is often smoked in a warm smoker for several hours.
Some sausage, including some pork sausage, is eaten raw.
Most sausage is cooked until it is safe to eat, but just barely safe.
Reading this chapter will not qualify a person to become a public health specialist, and it does not
cover all the health hazards related to food, but it will provide the basic information that a sausage
maker needs know.
Some of the following information may cause concern because it deals with potential health
problems related to food. I hope that it will be reassuring for me to mention that in all of the years that
I have made sausage and smoked food, not once has the product spoiled during processing, and not
once has a product caused food poisoning or any other health-related problem. If safe food-handling
guidelines are practiced, sausage making poses no more of a health risk than common cooking.

The parasitic disease known as trichinosis is most often associated with eating undercooked pork. A
little less than 1 percent of hogs in the United States are infected, and one of the main causes of the
disease is that pigs are sometimes fed uncooked garbage containing raw pork scraps. Well-informed
hunters usually know that bear meat can also harbor these nasty little larvae. Trichinae may be present
in the meat of any warm-blooded omnivorous animal, and they exist even in the meat of some
carnivorous animals and warm-blooded marine animals such as the seal.
The larvae in consumed meat will mature into adult roundworms in the small intestine of the host
animalor human host. Some of the females will bore a hole in the small intestine of the host and
deposit eggs. The resulting larvae enter the bloodstream and burrow into the tissue of various
voluntary muscles. The host, as a defense mechanism, forms a coating around each larva. This
coating, with the roundworm larva inside, is known as a cyst. In time, the cysts usually become
calcified on the outside. The larvae, inside the cysts, remain in the muscles in a dormant condition. If
the raw or undercooked flesh of this animal is eaten, the cycle repeats itself.

The cysts, each containing a coiled larva, are about 50 inch (0.51 mm) long. That is about half the
length of the comma in this sentence, more or less. Therefore, they are essentially invisible to the
naked eye. The U. S. INSPECTED AND PASSED stamp means nothing as far as trichinosis is
concerned: The inspection does not include microscopic inspection of the flesh of each hog.
Furthermore, even if the flesh of each animal were to be inspected by microscope, cysts may be
A drug has been developed to treat trichinosis, but it is much better to avoid contracting the disease
in the first place. Intestinal disorders followed by chronic muscular pain are two of the many possible
symptoms. This is the bad news. The good news is that it is very easy to kill trichinae before they
cause problems. There is no danger in eating pork that has been treated by cooking it properly or by
freezing it according to USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) instructions that are
described below.
The common way to protect positively against trichinosis is to heat all meat (from susceptible
animals) to a minimum internal temperature of 137 F (58.4 C) throughout. To be even safer,
commercially produced fully cooked meats, such as hams and sausages, are usually heated to a
minimum internal temperature of between 152 and 154 F (between 67 and 68 C). When we cook
pork in the oven or in a frying pan, the internal temperature usually climbs even higher than this.
Another way to kill trichinae in pork is to freeze it according to USDA regulations. Any one of the
following USDA approved freezing procedures will definitely kill all the trichinae in pork:

-20 F (-28.9 C) for 12 days

-10 F (-23.4 C) for 20 days
5 F (-15 C) for 30 days
You may freeze the pork in your home freezer if your freezer temperature is cold enough, but most
home freezers will not get that cold. Another consideration is that there are specifications on the
thickness and stacking of the meat. Finally, if it is done according to USDA regulations, the
temperature of the freezer must be accurately measured and monitored.
It is easier and safer to ask your butcher if he or she can order some Certified Pork. Certified Pork
has been frozen according to the USDA regulations, and it will not cause trichinosis even if it is eaten
Chain grocery stores may not be able to provide you with Certified Pork unless it is on the list of
items for which the butchers can make a special order. However, local meat distributors or meat
packers might be able to supply it, especially if they supply local sausage makers. An independently
owned grocery store or butcher shop is another possible source. The most commonly available cut of
Certified Pork is pork shoulder (Boston butt), and it is usually sold by the carton; one carton contains
several frozen shoulders. Be sure that it has some kind of tag, label, or stamp that reads CERTIFIED
There is only one case where Certified Pork, or the equivalent, must be used: when the finished,
ready-to-eat product contains uncooked pork. Examples of this are some varieties of fermented
sausages. For all other products, use a meat thermometer to make sure that the pork is fully cooked.
Note that in the above discussions of freezing meat to kill trichinae, I used the word pork. Strains of
trichinae found in some wild animals (especially those that live in cold or arctic climates) may be
more resistant to freezing temperatures than the strains found in the domesticated swine. It is risky,
therefore, to use the USDA freezing method to kill trichinae in the meat of susceptible wild animals
such as bear. Kill the trichinae by making sure that the meat is heated to at least 137 F (58.4 C)
throughout. Better yetheat it to 160 F (71.1 C).

If you intend to process bear meat, you may be interested in the results of a study by a Montana
State University researcher. The study was conducted from 1984 through 1989, and it consisted of
inspecting the meat from 275 bears. Bears infested with trichinae accounted for 15.6 percent of the
total inspected. In another study, this time by the University of Washington, it was reported that
trichinae in bear meat might survive the USDA freezing regulations applied to pork. Be safe: Cook
meat from potentially infested wild animals; dont depend on freezing to kill those insidious
roundworm larvae.
You should never put raw or undercooked meat from susceptible animals in your mouth, even
though you intend to just taste it and spit it out. Furthermore, always wash the cutting board and
knives with hot water and dish detergent if they have been exposed to such meat.

Tularemia (also known as rabbit fever) is a disease of rodents. It is caused by a bacterium that can be
transmitted to other animals and humans. If humans contract this disease, it is most often due to
handling infected animals or eating the undercooked flesh of infected animals. Tick bites, or bites
from bloodsucking flies, can also cause tularemia infection.
This disease can bring on a high fever, chills, headaches, vomiting, swollen lymph nodes, and
various skin problems. Fortunately, it is not a fatal disease, and antibiotics will bring about dramatic
Wild rabbits are the greatest source of tularemia infection for a person who hunts wild game. If you
handle wild rabbits, be sure to wear rubber or plastic gloves with no holes in them; it is believed that
these bacteria can penetrate even healthy and uncut human skin.
It is perfectly safe to use wild rabbit to make sausage, but it must be cooked as well as pork: 160 F
(71 C).

Food Poisoning
Salmonella food poisoning is common. (It is sometimes mistakenly called ptomaine poisoning.) The
United States Public Health Service estimates that there are as many as 2,000,000 cases of salmonella
food poisoning every year in the United States, and the incidence of this kind of poisoning is
increasing. It is rarely fatal, but it can cause death in infants, older people, and people who are in poor
health. With a little care by those who handle, prepare, and process food, there is little need to fear
this disease.
Salmonella has no connection with salmon. The physician who did most of the initial research on
these bacteria was named Dr. Daniel E. Salmon, and the bacteria were named in his honor. There are
about 400 kinds of bacteria in the salmonella family, and several of them cause the common
salmonella food poisoning.
These salmonella bacteria cause gastrointestinal infection. The symptoms may range from mild
intestinal cramps to very severe diarrhea. Symptoms usually begin 6 to 48 hours after eating the
contaminated food, and they persist for 4 to 16 hours. The right type of antibiotic for this bacterial
infection can provide a very effective cure.
The salmonella organisms that cause food poisoning most often occur in eggs (especially in eggs

that have a crack in their shell). It also occurs in poultry, meat, and in other kinds of animal products
such as whipped cream, as well as in contaminated water. The bacteria cannot be detected by odor, and
they can survive in frozen and dried foods. If salmonella bacteria are present, they will multiply at
temperatures between 40 F (4.4 C) and 140 F (60 C). Temperatures that approximate the
temperature of the human body are most favorable for their proliferation.
Salt and sugar help to prevent the growth of salmonella and other microorganisms. Salt inhibits
spoilage and the proliferation of pathogens by reducing the amount of water available for microbial
growth. Sugar inhibits spoilage and the proliferation of pathogens by creating an unfavorable
environment. Consequently, if a product is smoked at temperatures between 40 and 140 F (4.4 and
60 C), it should contain a substantial amount of salt and sugar, and it should not be smoked with
humid air. Do not smoke sausage or other foods in a water smoker below 140 F (60 C).
To prevent salmonella poisoning:
Keep all utensils clean, especially the cutting boards. Be sure to wash them after they are
exposed to raw meat.
Avoid cracked eggs, unless they will be heated to an internal temperature of 165 F (74 C).
Store food at 40 F (4 C) or below.
Thaw meat in a refrigerator, or use the cold water thawing method. Microwave thawing is safe,
but it is not recommended for the thawing of meat that will be used to make sausage.
Do not let raw meat touch other foods.
Keep hot foods hot.
Refrigerate or discard leftovers immediately.
Following these simple precautions from the first stage of processing to the point of consumption
will greatly reduce the risk of salmonella poisoning and poisoning from other varieties of bacteria. To
reduce the risk to zero is impossible, even if you become a strict vegetarian.
The following are other bacteria that cause food poisoning: staphylococcus aureus, campylobacter,
listeria monocytogenes, clostridium perfringens, clostridium botulinum, and Escherichia coli O157. A
few of these bacteria can also form toxins if the food is stored between 40 F (4 C) and 130 F (54
C) for an extended time, and these toxins cannot be destroyed by normal cooking. Consequently,
proper storage not only helps to prevent spoilage, it helps to prevent food poising from pathogens and
the toxins that some of them produce.
Clostridium botulinum and E. coli O157 require additional explanation.

Botulism is a word that was coined by Dr. Emile van Ermengem in 1896 when she was investigating
the cause of food poisoning related to the eating of German sausages. Botulus means sausage in Latin.
Botulism is an often-fatal form of food poisoning caused by clostridium botulinum. Eating
improperly canned foods is the common cause. Another cause is eating preserved foods that have been
improperly processed and packed in an airtight plastic package or in an airtight casing. Commercially
prepared foods rarely cause botulism because of the precautions taken by commercial processors.
Foods improperly processed at home, particularly home-canned foods, are the main culprits.
No food-processing procedures in this book will lead to the formation of botulin, the toxin that
causes botulism. However, the processing of smoked sausage could result in botulism if the specified
nitrite curing powder is not used.
Clostridium botulinum spores are everywhere. They are in the soil, on fruit and vegetables, and on

meat and fish. Consequently, they are also found in the human intestines. The spores themselves are
harmless; the poison, called botulin, is created only when the spores reproduce. In order for the spores
to multiply, several conditions must exist at the same time: an airtight environment, a certain
temperature range, a favorable chemical environment (non-acidic, for example), and a period of
storage favorable for reproduction. The processed food will be free of the toxin if any one of these
required conditions is eliminated.
None of the processes mentioned in this book specify packing the food in a perfectly airtight
container, such as a can or a sealed canning jar. Tightly sealed plastic bags or vacuum packs are
suggested for use while cooking, refrigerating, or freezing the product; nevertheless, they are never
suggested for storing or processing foods under conditions that might cause spores to reproduce.
However, sausage casing that is packed tightly and sealed tightly can approximate an airtight
container, so caution is prudent for sausages that will be smoked. The smoking temperature and
lengthy smoking time could encourage spore reproduction.
Fortunately, there is a very easy way to make the smoked sausage perfectly safe: Change the
chemical composition of the sausage in a way that will positively prevent toxin formation.
There are several ways to do this, but most of these approaches would make the sausage taste awful.
There is one way, however, to change the chemical composition of the sausage and make it taste even
better: Add a very small amount of sodium nitrite (NaNO ). Toxin formation is positively prevented if
a specified amount of this chemical is mixed with the raw sausage. Not one person has ever been
known to contract botulism after eating sausage properly treated with sodium nitrite. You can feel
confident that sausage properly treated with this chemical will be free of the toxin.
One of the commercially produced curing powders known as Prague Powder #1, Instacure #1, or
Modern Cure is recommended for treating the sausage. Used as directed, any one of these products
will impart exactly the right amount of sodium nitrite into the sausage. The sausage will be
wholesome and free of botulin. (Commercial meat processors are required to use sodium nitrite in
cooked sausage and luncheon meats, as mandated by the Federal Drug Administration.)
If you decide that you will not use chemical additives for processing your sausage products, you
should also decide that you will not make smoked sausage. Untreated raw sausage (also called fresh
sausage) can be made, cooked, and eaten safelyeven if it is stuffed in casings. However, smoked
sausage made without the above-mentioned nitrite may be deadly because, as men- tioned above, the
sausage is usually smoked for a long time in the temperature range that encourages spore reproduction
and toxin formation.

E. COLI O157
I had never heard of this bacterium until the summer of 1996. I was living in Japan then, and it
became headline news in that country. Almost 10,000 Japanese became ill, and at least eleven people
died. Later, I found out that 700 people suffered the same kind of food poisoning in the U. S. in 1993;
they ate undercooked ground beef at a hamburger sandwich chain.
E. coli O157 is a new strain of the intestinal bacteria that are known collectively as E. coli. Most of
these E. coli bacteria are either harmless or cause temporary intestinal discomfort and diarrhea.
However, one of them acquired genes that enabled it to cause severe illness in human beings. In 1982,
U. S. scientists isolated it and labeled this new strain. They called it Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli
O157 is an abbreviation of the technical name).
Food poisoning caused by E. coli O157 is much more severe than that caused by salmonella food
poisoning, and it is very difficult for doctors to treat; antibiotics can worsen the condition. Symptoms
appear several days after consuming the contaminated food.

In a technical report published in March of 1995, it is reported that there are a minimum of 20,000
cases of E. coli O157 infection each year, and about 250 of these cases result in death.
Continuing research will clarify much of the mystery surrounding this new health threat, but there
are some useful facts available at this time. It appears that non-chlorinated water and almost any food
can become contaminated with E. coli O157 bacteria, but meatparticularly beefdeserves special
attention. About 1 percent of healthy cattle have E. coli O157 in their intestines. Improper
slaughtering can cause contamination of the meat. If this contaminated meat touches other meat or
other fooddirectly or indirectlycontam-ination can spread.
One outbreak of E. coli O157 infection is especially important for the home sausage maker. From
November 16 through December 21, 1994, there were twenty cases of E. coli O157 infection in the
state of Washington, and three more cases were identified in northern California. Investigation and
testing confirmed that all cases resulted from eating a certain brand of dry-cured salami purchased
from the delicatessen counter of a specific chain grocery store. The suspected product was recalled
all 10,000 pounds.
The salami involved in this incident was traditionally dry-cured salami. This type of salami is
fermented while it is being slowly dried under controlled temperature and humidity conditions. It is
never cooked, and it is intended to be eaten raw. The combination of the lactic acid produced by
fermentation and the loss of moisture preserves the sausage and kills the harmful microbes. This drycure process has had an excellent safety record for hundreds of years. In this case, however, the E.
coli O157 present in the sausage were not killed.
Subsequent tests by the USDA have confirmed that E. coli O157 can survive the process of
fermenting and dry curing. The USDA is currently doing research to develop processing techniques
that will insure the destruction of this bacterium in dry-cured sausage. In the meantime, the producers
of dry-cured sausage of any variety are being required to validate (prove) that their process results in a
sausage that will be safe to eat. Some processors accomplished this by using a longer fermentation
process; other processors used thermal treatment. (Thermal treatment means heating the sausage to a
certain temperature and maintaining that temperature for a certain number of minutes.) However,
many processors of dry-cured sausage have gone out of business; some refuse to change the traditional
curing process to a process that will result in an inferior product, and other producers have found the
validation requirements to be too burdensome or too expensive.
What does all this mean for people who make sausage at home? It seems to be clear that it is no
longer safe for the average person to make dry-cured sausage. The meat that we might use for drycured sausage today, or next week, may not be contaminated by E. coli O157, but there is a chance that
we will unwittingly use contaminated meat sometime in the future. If we use that meat to make drycured sausage using traditional methods, the people who eat that product could become very ill, or
even die. If that same meat is used to make fully cooked sausage, the sausage will be perfectly safe
because the E. coli O157 will be killed. The same precautions used to reduce the risk of salmonella
food poisoning, or any other food poisoning, are equally effective for E. coli O157; cooking sausage to
an internal temperature of 160 F (71 C) will kill E. coli O157.
In this book, there are recipes for salami, summer sausage, Thuringer, and the like, but they will be
of the fully cooked variety. Instead of fermenting the sausages, a product called Fermento will be
suggested. This commercially prepared product contains lactic acid, and gives the sausage a taste
similar to fermented sausage. Some of these products will be semidry-cured, but they will be fully
Although we can no longer make dry-cured sausages at home safely, I do not think that it is a great
loss. In the culinary world, it is commonly believed that making dry-cured sausages is the most

difficult task that can be attempted with meat. Special rooms or enclosures with round-the-clock
temperature and humidity control are required. But even with these special rooms or enclosures,
failure must be expected because it occurs as often as success. Dry-curing sausage is so difficult that
many chefs with excellent credentials will not attempt it.

Nitrites and Nitrates

At least as early as ancient Rome, impure salts that were mined from certain locations were used to
cure meats. The salts from some of these locations were prized for their ability to flavor meats and to
give the meats a reddish or pink color, even when fully cooked. A few hundred years ago, it was
realized that nitrates were the impurities in those salts that caused the unique flavor and the color
fixing effect noted by the ancients. Since then, nitrates have been added to pure salt to cure meats and
sausage. The most commonly used nitrate was potassium nitrate (KNO , commonly called saltpeter),
but sodium nitrate (NaNO , also known as saltpeter or, less confusingly, as Chile saltpeter) has also
been widely used. The Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 officially authorized the use of nitrates for
the curing of commercial meat products.
Later on in the early 1900s, scientists discovered that the nitrates used for curing would slowly
break down into nitrites. It was also discovered that those nitrites were the chemicals that led to the
color fixing and flavor changes. Consequently, the U. S. government permitted the direct use of
nitrites to cure meats, but placed a limit on the amount that could be used.
In the late 1960s, it became clear that the use of nitrates and nitrites could cause nitrosamines to be
formed under certain conditions, and nitrosamines in substantial amounts were known to act as
carcinogens in test animals. Therefore, in the early 1970s, there was much research and discussion
about this. Tentative conclusions and a set of guidelines regarding nitrite and nitrate usage were issued
in 1975, and there have been no significant changes in the guidelines since that timethis is in spite
of continuing research.
Several problems confound this research: Nitrates and nitrites occur naturally in human saliva, in
vegetables, and quite often in drinking water. For example, celery, beets, and radishes contain between
2700 and 1600 PPM (parts per million) of nitrites. The ham and sausages commonly available at a
grocery store will contain not more than 156 PPM of nitrites.
Below is a summary of the most important considerations and conclusions made by researchers and
government policymakers:

The risk of botulism in some kinds of cured meat is very great. Nitrates and nitrites are the only
palatable additives presently available that will positively prevent this often-deadly form of food
Though nitrosamines can cause cancer in test animals, it is not clear whether they will cause
cancer in humans.
Tests on commercially prepared products occasionally show trace amounts of nitrosamines, but
the amounts detected are much lower than the amount that would be required to cause cancer in
test animals.
The net result is that the danger from botulism is a real danger if these chemicals were to be
banned. The degree of danger from nitrosamines posed by the continued use of these chemicals is
unknown. Actually, there may be no danger at all. Considering these points, it was decided to continue
to permit these chemicals to be used in some products (bacon, for example), and to mandate that they

be used when there is a clear botulism hazard (smoked sausage in casing, for example). At the same
time, however, they placed many restrictions on the usage of these chemicals in order to minimize the
risk of exposure to nitrosamines. This approach allowed the continued production of traditionally
cured products, preserved the protection against botulism offered by nitrates and nitrites, and
minimized the exposure to carcinogens.
One significant restriction is that nitrates (not nitrites) are banned for all products, except
fermented sausage and products cured with traditional dry cure. (Such products undergo a lengthy
curing process, so the slower dissipation rate of nitrates is required.) Another change was that the
amount of nitrites permitted in various categories of foods was reduced.
Of course, the U. S. government cannot prevent an amateur sausage maker from using nitrates and,
furthermore, cant regulate the amount of any additive he or she uses. Nevertheless, since the federal
regulations for the commercial use of nitrites and nitrates are for protecting our health, it is in our
interest to follow those regulations to the extent possible. Consequently, nitrates are not specified for
use in any sausage curing procedure in this book because fermented sausage formulations and
processes are not presented.
Government regulations for commercial products specify nitrite content in parts per million (PPM),
and the required or permissible amount differs according to the product. For example, more nitrite is
required in sausage than is allowed in bacon. Since few of us have the equipment or expertise to
measure nitrite in PPM, we will rely on the commercial curing powdersthese curing powders must
also meet federal regulations. Used as directed, they are formulated to give you a product that will be
within government regulationsa product that will positively prevent botulism and pose zero to
minimal risk from nitrosamine exposure.


Grinding, Mixing, and Stuffing

Preparing the Meat

Note: Before reading this section, it might be helpful to review the Meat section in Chapter 3.

The meat to be ground for sausage should be fresh and well chilledbut not frozen. A little more
meat than the recipe requires should be prepared to allow for trimming waste.
Trimming and cutting should be done on a clean plastic cutting board; cutting boards made of wood
can harbor bacteria. With a boning knife, remove all blood clots, bone, and as much connective tissue
as possible. It is impossible and unnecessary to remove all connective tissue, but try to cut out and
discard tissue that is gristly, or tissue that might jam the cutting knife of the grinder.
Most sausage formulas suggest that the meat should contain about 25 percent fat. Here are two ways
to get the fat-to-lean ratio you want:
After the meat has been trimmed, cut the fat away from the lean. Precision cutting is not
required here; if the fat and lean are roughly separated, that is fine. Now you can easily weigh the
amount of fat and lean you want. This is a fast and reasonably accurate way for a home sausage
maker to get the desired ratio.
Probably the most widely used method for home sausage making is to look at the meat and
make a guess as whether fat needs to be added or removed. Experience will improve accuracy of
judgment. Pork shoulder butt (also called Boston butt) contains about the correct amount of fat.
For beef, selected beef chuck usually contains the proper ratio of lean to fat.
It is best to cut a large hunk of meat into slabs about inch (2 cm) thick, and then proceed to cut
the slabs into -inch (2 cm) cubes. A medium or large chefs knife with a stepped blade works best
for cubing. The size and shape of the cut meat is not critical; the sole purpose of cutting the meat is to
prepare pieces that will go into the hopper of the grinder easily. It is not important for the pieces of
meat to have a cubical shape.
After weighing and preparing the correct amount of each kind of meat and fat, return the cubes to
the refrigerator until they are thoroughly chilled. In fact, anytime the meat is not being worked on in
some way (trimming, cutting, grinding, stuffing, smoking, etc.), it should be chilling in the
refrigerator. Because this is so important, most recipes in this book suggest that the meat should be
refrigerated after certain steps. Here is a hint that is not mentioned in most of the recipes : If you want
to proceed to the next step soon, and you want the chilling to be accomplished as fast as possible, put
the meat in the freezer rather than in the fridge. It should not stay in the freezer long enough to freeze,
but no harm will be done if the bulk meat, the cubes, or the ground meat is a little crunchy on top.

Grinding the Meat

Note: It might be helpful to review the section Meat grinders (meat choppers or meat mincers) in
Chapter 2.
A food processor can be used to shred the meat. If you have a powerful food processor, you might
wish to try it. However, if a food processor is used, small amounts of meat should be shredded at a
time; this will reduce the strain on the machine. Be careful not to process the meat too longthe
particles will be too fine.
Even though a food processor will do the job quickly, a meat grinder will provide a better texture
because it will mince or chop the meat instead of shredding it. A meat grinder will also allow the fat
to be ground finer or coarser than the red meat; this is necessary for some sausages.
All meat grinders work in the same way, whether they are powered by arm muscle or electricity.
The desired plate (fine, medium, or coarse) is placed in front of the knife (chopping blades), the collar
is screwed on tightly, cubed meat is stuffed into the hopper, and the handle is rotatedor the switch is
turned on. That is about all there is to it, but a few pointers may be helpful, and a few techniques may
be useful.

When the meat is ground and the particles are extruded from the holes in the plate, the stream of
particles coming out of each hole should be distinct from the other streams. If the streams blend into a
sticky mass or look mushy, this is called smear, and grinding should stop until the problem is
corrected. There are three possible causes for smear:
The meat is too warm. It should been chilled to almost the freezing point. However, fat can be
ground when it is frozen. Chill the meat and try again.
The collar that holds the plate and chopping blades together is not tight. Tighten the collar.
Sinew and other connective tissues are clogging the holes in the plate, or they are tangled
around the chopping blades and plate. Unscrew the collar, clean the plate and chopping blades,
and reassemble. Make sure the sharp edges of the blades are flat against the plate.
Some sausage makers separate the fat and the red meat, and they grind the fat a little finer than the
muscle meat. The theory is that if the fat is fine, it will be more evenly distributed in the sausage, and
less fat can be used to achieve the same taste. The theory sounds plausible, but when fat is ground
without being mixed with muscle meat, the ground fat tends to clump together, and separating the
clumps into particles is tedious. Techniques for dealing with this problem will be explained a little
There is another reason for grinding the fat finer than the muscle tissue. Coarsely ground muscle
meat has less surface area than the same weight of finely ground muscle meat. Consequently, less fat
is required to moisten the surface of the muscle meat particles if the particles are large.
The technique I use for most sausage grinding is easier than grinding the fat separately, and I think
it gives about the same results. I roughly separate the meat and the fat, cut the meat into -inch (2
cm) chunks, and cut the fat into smaller chunks. Then I mix the meat and the fat together and grind it.
This technique helps to reduce the tendency of the fat to clump, and distributes the fat very well. After
grinding, however, the meat and fat particles are the same size.
For common sausages, most people use neither one of the techniques mentioned above; they grind
all the fat and muscle meat together without making any special effort with the fat grinding or
However, for some sausages, a very special effort must be made when working with the fat. Salami
and some Asian sausages must have very noticeable specks of white fat. Mortadella has cubes of fat
mixed with a sausage paste that looks much like the sausage paste for bologna. This highly visible fat
in certain varieties of sausage helps to define the kind of sausage. If it does not have the white specks,
for example, it is not salami. If it does not have cubes of fat mixed with the sausage paste, it is not

No matter how you are grinding the meat, when you get to the end of the grinding session, there
may be hunks of meat and fat just behind the plate that the auger was not able to push into the path of
the chopping blades. Ignoring this meat and discarding it is the easiest thing to do, but it may be
wasteful. If there is some useable meat behind the chopping blades (much of this will be unusable
gristle and sinew), it can be minced with the chefs knife and added to the sausage mixture.

Mixing the Meat and Ingredients

After the meat has been ground and is chilling in the refrigerator or freezer, the seasoning and other
ingredients are prepared and blended.
It is important that the finished sausage paste be perfectly blended and uniform before it is made
into patties or stuffed. This goal is likely to be accomplished if all the seasoning ingredients are
uniformly blended before the ground meat is added. Also, it is easier to accomplish this if at least one
of the ingredients is a fluid: water, wine, broth, beer, juice, etc. The fluid dissolves, or partially
dissolves, most of the other ingredients, and it acts as a carrier to spread the ingredients uniformly
throughout the ground meat.
All the sausages in this book are prepared in this way; all ingredients except the ground meat are
blended first, and this blend is always a thin paste or a viscous liquid. This seasoning should be
prepared in a mixing bowl large enough to mix in the meatat least a 5-quart (5 liter) bowl if 2 lbs.
(1,150 g) of sausage will be made. No matter where a recipe is obtained, it is an easy matter to change
the recipe so that all seasoning ingredients are mixed with water or some other liquid before blending
with ground meat. If this procedure is followed and the meat is blended properly, the taste of the
entire batch of sausage will be uniform. If a recipe from another book, from the Internet, or wherever
says to sprinkle the seasoning on the ground meat and mix it, this may result in some sausages tasting
differently from other sausages in the same batch. For best results, change the recipe so that the spices
and other ingredients are mixed together with a liquid before the ground meat is added.
The fluid-seasoning blend should be chilled before the ground meat is mixed with it. While the
ground meat and the seasoning blend are being chilled, it is a good time to take a well-deserved break.
Or, if you still have energy, use this time to wash the meat grinder and put it away; final cleanup will

be faster and easier if that is done.

After the seasoning mixture is thoroughly chilled in the large mixing bowl, add the ground meat to
the same bowl. The ground meat and seasoning paste must be mixed with the hands or with a heavyduty standing mixer. Mixing with a wooden spoon, or the like, requires much energy, is tedious, and it
will not do the job.
After one or two mixing sessions, mixing up to 5 lbs. (2,270 g) of sausage by hand becomes very
easy. For sanitary reasons, and to insulate the hands from the ice-cold meat, it is best to wear rubber
gloves. First, flatten the mixture in the bottom of the bowl with your fists, then fold it in half, and
flatten it again with your fists. Next, spin the bowl about 90 degrees clockwise by twisting the fists,
fold the mass again, and flatten it again with your fists. (It is a type of kneading processsimilar to
kneading dough.) Continue doing this until the ground meat and seasoning mixture looks uniform.
From start to finish, mixing by hand will require about three minutes.

If a mixer is used, it should be something like an upright 5- or 6-quart (5 to 6 liter) KitchenAid

mixer with a paddle attachment. (Please see Food mixers in Chapter 2.) Mix for about one minute at
slow speed and one minute at medium speed.
The friction involved in mixing the sausage generates heat, so the sausage needs to be thoroughly
chilled again in the freezer or refrigerator before making patties or stuffing into casings. The making
of patties or stuffing should be done the same day, however. If the bulk sausage is allowed to set in the
refrigerator overnight, the salt causes the mixture to become stiff, and it will be difficult to stuff.

Preparing the Natural Casings

For home use, it is best to purchase casings that have been packed in salt; such casings can be
preserved for years under refrigeration. If, however, you are using casings that have been packed in a
preservative solution, they can be used immediately after a brief rinse; the preparation steps below
need not be followed. Unfortunately, these casings have a shelf life of only about one month.

Natural casings that have been packed in salt are prepared for use by the following steps.
1. Measure the length of casing required for stuffing the batch of sausage. About 7 feet (210 cm)
of small-diameter hog casing is required for 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, and about 14 feet (420
cm) of the large-diameter sheep casing will be required. It is best to cut a little more than you
think you will need; leftover casing can be returned to the container and re-salted with plain salt
for future use. (Using a ruler or a tape measure to measure the length of the casing is awkward. It
is better to use some kind of gauge. For example, the distance from the left side of my kitchen
sink to the center of the drain is 1 foot, and I use this as a gauge to measure natural casing.)
2. Tie a short piece of string around the cut end of the casing remaining in the casing container so
that the end will be easy to find next time.
3. Place the measured casing in a bowl, dishpan, or pot. Fill the container with cold water, and
rinse the salt from the surface of the casing. Change the water about three times.
4. Open one end of the casing, and let water flow through the inside of the casing for a minute or
soslowly at firstuntil the casing has fully opened and the water is flowing through it freely.
Occasionally, there will be a hole or a tear in the casing. Cut out this bad part.
5. Place the rinsed casing in a small, non-reactive container with a tight-fitting lid; add about a
cup of water and refrigerate for use the next morning. Optional: Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per
each cup of water before refrigerating. Note: The acid in the vinegar causes the casing to become
puffy and rubber-like, and this results in a more tender cooked casing. However, most sausage
makers, including myself, do not use vinegar in the water, so it would be wise to compare the two
techniques. Two negative points about using vinegar are that the casing is a little more difficult
to slide on the stuffing horn, and that leftover casing should be discarded because the vinegar
causes profound changes in the casing.
Note: If there is not enough time to rinse the casing the day before and refrigerate it overnight, it may
be rinsed very well and soaked in lukewarm water for only 30 minutes. The casing might not be as
tender and will not be as slippery, but it will be useable.

Making Sausage Patties

Generic bulk sausage that is purchased in a grocery store is usually sold in a Styrofoam tray. However,

a nationally known brand of bulk breakfast sausagesuch as Jimmy Deans breakfast sausageis
usually sold in a plastic ground-meat tube. If it is sold in a ground-meat tube, the raw sausage can be
sliced into patties by cutting through the tube at approximately -inch (10 mm) intervals.
Similar ground meat tubes (also called bags) can be purchased wherever sausage casings are sold,
but making patties using a mold is a cheaper and better option. A metal ground-meat mold that will
make one patty at a time can be purchased, but the homemade patty mold described below is better;
the homemade mold will make four patties at a time. I made the mold shown in the photographs in
1993, and I have used it countless times since then. The mold was cut from -inch (1 cm) plywood,
and the diameter of each hole is 2 inches (6.3 cm). Because it is coated with polyurethane varnish, it
will withstand washing in hot, soapy water for a lifetime. In fact, it will certainly last long enough for
me to pass it along to my grandchildren. It is very easy to use, and it produces patties of uniform size
and thickness efficiently.


1. Tear off about 18 inches (45 cm) of plastic food wrap, and spread it on the counter top. Place
the homemade sausage mold in the middle of the food wrap.
2. Place an egg-sized ball of bulk sausage in the middle of each of the four mold holes.
3. Slap the top of each ball of bulk sausage repeatedly with the palm of your hand until the
sausage fills the mold. Add or remove a small amount of sausage, if necessary.
4. Lift one edge of the mold, and gently push the patties out of each of the mold holes. Let the
patties fall back down on the food wrap.
5. Remove the mold completely, and fold over the edges of the plastic food wrapleft, right, top,
and bottomto make an airtight package for the four patties.
6. Stack the sausage packages on a dinner plate or other flat surface, and place in the freezer.

Stuffing Hog and Sheep Casings

Note: Before stuffing hog or sheep casings for the first time, it might be helpful to review the section
on Natural casings in Chapter 3, and the section Preparing the natural casings in this chapter
The directions below assume that you are using a cast-iron, an upright, or another similar stuffer. If
you are using a stuffer attachment for a manual or electric meat grinder, two people will be required,
and the tasks indicated below will have to be divided so that one person feeds the sausage paste into
the grinder, and the other person does the tasks associated with stuffing the casing.

Stuffing natural sausage casing is easy to do, but there are a few pointers that should make the
learning process go a little faster.
1. Remove the prepared casing from the refrigerator. Rinse the casing one more time, and allow it
to set in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. The final soaking in lukewarm water makes it a
little easier to slide on the stuffing tube.
2. Just before the casing is slid onto the stuffing tube, open the end of the casing, and dip the open
end below the surface of the water. When this open end is raised, you will have scooped water
into the casing. Do this several times so that there will be a puddle of water inside; this puddle
will lubricate the casing interior as it is being slid onto the stuffing tube.

3. Attach the proper size stuffing tube to the stuffer. Use a -inch (2 cm) tube for hog casings,
and use a -inch or -inch (13 or 16 mm) tube for sheep casings. The main idea is that the
casing should fit loosely on the tube, but not too loosely.

4. Wet the entire length of the stuffing tube with water, and slide the wet casing onto the tube.
Bunch the casing on the tube so that it looks something like a compressed accordion (see photo).
If the casing will not slide on easily, the casing can be elevated so that the puddle of water will
flow to the stuffing tube and lubricate it. If the puddle of water in the casing is used up, open the
far end of the casing and add a little more water. Raise the far end of the casing so that the water
flows to the stuffing tube and lubricates it.
5. The hog or sheep casing should be slid on the stuffing tube before the sausage paste is loaded
into the stuffer. The reason is this: Sliding the entire length of casing on the stuffing tube takes
time, especially for those of us who are learning the technique. And, during this time, the sausage
paste will gradually become warmer if it has been put in the stuffer in advance; this is not good.
Sausage paste should be stuffed in the casing quickly and efficiently while it is cold, and then the
stuffed casings should be returned to the refrigerator immediately.
6. If you are using a lever-operated stuffer, filling the stuffer half full with the seasoned sausage
mixture will allow the handle to provide greater force (greater leverage) to the pressure plate. If a
gear-operated stuffer is used, the cylinder may be packed with as much sausage as it will hold.
No matter which kind of stuffer is being used, it is important to pack the sausage paste in the
stuffer a little at a time, using your fist to pound out the air pockets. The fewer the air pockets in
the sausage paste, the fewer the air pockets in the sausage links.
7. Press the stuffer lever handle down (or rotate the gear crank) so that a small amount of sausage
begins to emerge from the tube. Slide about 1 inches (4 cm) of casing off the end of the tube.
Force all the air out of the end of the casing, and tie a knot at the end. Alternatively, close the end
of the casing by using twine. I find that twine is faster, easier, and wastes less casing, but most
people tie a knot in the casing.
8. If you are right-handed, you will probably be most comfortable if you operate the stuffer
handle (or crank) with your right hand. With the thumb and fingers of your left hand, slide the
casing off the end of the tube as the sausage paste is being forced out. Keep your left hand cupped
under the tube and toward the front of the tube; part of the palm should support the sausage
casing as it is being filled. As you can see, your left hand will be very busy.

9. When the sausage mixture is forced into the casing, the goal is for the stuffed casing to have a
uniform diameter and to be rather firmbut not so firm that the casing ruptures when you are
twisting the sausage to form links. If an air pocket appears in the casing at any time, prick it right
away with a sausage pricker or a large needle. When the stuffer will no longer force sausage paste
into the casing, there will be a small amount of sausage remaining in the front of the stuffer body,
and the stuffer tube (horn) will be full of sausage paste. Discarding this is wasteful. Remove the
stuffing tube from the body of the stuffer and use the handle of a wooden spoon, or use a wooden
dowel, to push the remaining paste into the casing. (I made three dowels of wood for this
purpose. The three dowels diameters match the internal diameters of the three sizes of stuffing
tubes. The dowels were coated with polyurethane varnish to make them easy to clean.) Make a
patty with sausage remaining in the stuffer, fry it, and treat yourself to a snack.

10. Links can be made any length. Start from either end of the sausage rope. To make 5-inch (13

cm) links, pinch the sausage 5 inches (13 cm) from the end of the rope with the thumb and index
finger of one hand, and 10 inches (26 cm) from the end of the rope with the thumb and index
finger of the other hand. Then, twist the link between your hands four or five revolutions
clockwise. Pinch the rope again in two places that are located 5 and 10 inches (13 and 26 cm),
respectively, from the last twist. Twirl this new link counterclockwiseor clockwise; the
direction of the twist is not very important. Continue making links until the other end of the rope
is reached. It is best to use some kind of gauge to make sure that the links are the same size;
something like a measuring stick, masking tape stuck on the counter, or two marks on a sheet of
paper will work well as a gauge. Masking tape works best for me.

Stuffing Collagen Casings

Note: Before stuffing collagen casing sleeves for the first time, it might be helpful to review the
section on Collagen casing in Chapter 3.
Stuffing collagen casing sleeves is no more difficult than stuffing natural casings, but there are several
points that require caution and attention.

Collagen casings sleeves are stuffed dry; they are never rinsed or soaked in water before using.
If the collagen sleeve is longer than the stuffing tube, the sleeve must be cut in half, and half the
sleeve is stuffed at one time.
If there is a taper in the stuffing tube that prevents the sleeve from sliding all of the way on the
stuffing tube, the sleeve must be cut in half, and half the sleeve is stuffed at one time.
If collagen casing is twisted into links, the links will unwind easily. It is best to use butchers
twine to separate the links and to tie the ends of the sausage rope.
Unlike natural casing, collagen casing is not elastic. Consequently, it is more difficult to stuff
the right amount of sausage paste in the casing.
Except for the special considerations listed above, the stuffing of the collagen casing is much like
the stuffing of a natural casing. The main difference is that collagen casing is not slid off the end of
the tube as it is being stuffed. Instead, the accordion-like pleats near the end of the tube are gradually
unfolded by gently pulling the casing as the sausage is being stuffed.

Stuffing Fibrous Casings

The common way to stuff fibrous casings is with the largest horn of the sausage stuffer. First, the
fibrous casing is prepared for use by following the manufacturers instructions. If the manufacturers
instructions are not available, soak it in warm water for 30 minutes. Be sure to put some warm water
inside the casing.
Slide the casing on the stuffing horn, bunching the casing on the horn so it looks something like a
compressed accordionthis is similar to the way natural casings are put on a stuffing horn, but the
fibrous casing will be very loose. Initially, the bottom of the casing should be at the end of the stuffing

Hold the casing tightly around the front part of the sausage horn with your left hand (if you are
right-handed). Pump the sausage paste into the bottom of the casing, and let the casing slide off the
horn as it fills with sausage paste. Take care that air pockets are not trapped inside. When the fibrous
casing is almost full, twist the top closed, and seal it with a hog ring or butchers twine. (Of course,
butchers twine must be used if a thermometer probe has been inserted into the top of the casing.)
Using a funnel with a very large diameter spout is another way to stuff fibrous casingsand it is
very efficient. (I usually use a funnel because it is faster than using a sausage stuffer andmore
importantlycleanup is very easy.) Slide the casing on the funnel spout in the same way as described
above, and pack the sausage into the casing with a large diameter dowel while the casing is held
tightly around the spout with the left hand. Suitable funnels are difficult to find, however. Some
kitchenware specialty shops stock them. Such funnels are probably intended for loading a container
with solid foodstuffs such as dry beans or whole grain.


Cooking Sausage

The last step in making a great sausage is cooking it properly. It is just as important as carefully
grinding, seasoning, and mixing it.
Most sausage is cooked (dry-cured sausage is the main exception), and if the cooking is done
improperly, it can ruin an otherwise perfect sausage. Sausage is delicate, and no matter what method
of cooking is used, it must be slow and gentle if the best result is desired. Overcooking is the most
common mistreatment of sausage; it must be avoided.
Any method of cooking will accomplish the primary goals: to change the raw meat to cooked meat,
to prevent parasitic diseases, and to kill pathogenic microbes. However, in addition to the primary
goals, we want to prevent, to the extent possible, the escape of juices and melted fats. These fluids
make the sausage delicious and succulent, and careful cooking helps to keep them in the sausage.
Important Note: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), together with the Food
Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), recommends that ground beef, pork, mutton, and similar
ground meats be cooked until the internal temperature reaches a minimum of 160 F (71 C).
For ground poultry, 165 F (74 C) is the recommended minimum internal temperature. In
April 2006, the recommended minimum internal temperature for ground poultry was changed
from 160 F (71 C) to 165 F (74 C) because of the high risk of salmonella contamination and
because of salmonellas acquisition of some resistance to being killed by heat.
If these recommended temperatures are reached for even one second, there is no risk of food
poisoning. Actually, the temperatures could be 155 F (68 C) and 158 F (69 C), respectively, and
there still would be no risk of food poisoning. (The recommended minimum temperatures have a
safety factor of a few degrees for several reasons: thermometers are not always accurately calibrated;
temperature measurements of one or two samples are not always representative of the entire lot; the
thermometer is often not placed in the coolest partusually the exact centerof the sausage.)
The recommended temperatures mentioned above are for the benefit of the average consumer like
you and me. If we have a reasonably accurate thermometer and exercise care when measuring the
internal temperature, the sausage should be safe to eat if heated to the recommended temperature.
Actually, the same level of pathogen kill can be accomplished at a lower temperature if that
temperature is maintained for sufficient time; the microbes are not killed by temperature alonethey
are killed by time and temperature working together. For example, the same level of safety can be
accomplished by maintaining the internal temperature of the sausage at 145 F (63 C) for 4 minutes.
The sausage will be just as safe to eat as sausage that has reached an internal temperature of 160 F
(71 C). (The time that a certain temperature is maintained is called the dwell time.) Below, for
reference only, is a list of dwell times approved by USDA/FSIS for meat products that do not contain
130 F (54.4 C).. 121 minutes

135 F (57.2 C).. 37 minutes

140 F (60.0 C).. 12 minutes
145 F (62.8 C).. 4 minutes
150 F (65.6 C).. 72 seconds
155 F (68.3 C).. 23 seconds
160 F (71.1 C).. 0 seconds
Most commercial sausage processors use the lower temperatures with appropriate dwell times when
fully cooked sausage (or solid meat, such as ham, for example) is being produced. Unfortunately,
the expensive processing equipment required for this is not available to the person who makes sausage
in the kitchen at home. You may see sausage recipes in books, magazines, and on the Internet that
specify lower internal temperatures, but I believe food safety is paramount. Consequently, in this
book, cooking instructions follow the USDA recommendations for the normal consumer preparing
food in a common residential kitchen.

Sausage Cooking Technology 101

Lets look at what is happening inside a sausage while it is cooking. This will help us to understand
the best ways to cook it.
Animal fats do not have a specific melting point. First, they soften as the temperature rises, and
then they gradually turn to liquid. Poultry fats and wildfowl fats have low melting points, and if
these fats are being used in the sausage, some of these bird fats will become semi-liquid when the
internal temperature of the sausage reaches about 70 F (21 C). Medium hard fat, such as pork
back fat, is more desirable because it melts at a higher temperature.
The minced muscle-meat particles inside the sausage casing are coated with a protein called
myosin; salt used in the sausage draws the myosin to the surface of each particle. When the
temperature of the sausage mixture reaches 120 F (50 C), this protein begins to coagulate,
causing these muscle-meat particles to stick together. This coagulation is complete at about 130
F (55 C), and the result is that the coagulated meat particles surround both fat particles and
liquefied fat. When the fat continues to melt and juices are produced, the coagulated meat
particles will help to retain them. This step is best accomplished slowly, with moderate heat.
Pathogenic microbes, if any are present, will begin to be killed as the internal temperature rises
above 130 F (55 C). The killing is faster as the temperature rises and the dwell time increases.
If the sausage has been cured with a curing powder containing sodium nitrite, the pink or rosy
color of the meat will be fixed when the sausage mixture reaches about 135 F (57 C).
Trichinae in pork, and in meat from other susceptible animals, are killed when the sausage
reaches 137 F (58 C).
At 140 F (60 C), the sausage mixture begins to shrink, but it is unlikely that the juices and
melted fats will be lost if there are no holes in the casing. If the sausage was not cured with a
nitrite curing powder, the red meat in the mixture will begin to change to pink, and pink meat
will begin to change to gray-brown.
At 150 F (66 C), the meat in the sausage continues to shrink and a little fluid may be lost.
Uncured meat that was originally red will begin to change from pink to gray-brown.
Salmonella, E. coli O157, and all other pathogenic microbes are killed by the time the sausage
reaches 155 F (68 C). At this point, the sausage is fully cooked and safe to eat. However, to
provide an extra margin of safety, cooking should continue until an internal temperature of 160

F (71 C) is reached. However, the USDA recommends 165 F (74 C) for all sausage containing
ground poultry. (Please use this temperature as the target temperature if the sausage contains
fowl and you wish to follow the USDA recommendation.) There will be more shrinking, and
there will be some loss of juices and melted fats.
At 160 F (71 C)or at 165 F (74 C) if the sausage contains bird meatcooking should
stop. Cooking beyond this point will cause the sausage to become increasingly dry and mealy. If
excessive heat builds up in the casing, the casing might split open.
The information above provides a wealth of hints about the proper techniques for cooking. We can
see, for example, that an important concern is the shrinkage of the meat that occurs from 140 F (60
C) until the cooking is finished; shrinkage is the primary cause of fluid loss. We can also see that
overcooking will make the sausage dry and mealy, and may even cause the casing to split.
Another point that is perhaps less obvious is that the cooking heat surrounding the sausage should
be as low as possible (just a little above the target temperature) to prevent overcooking of the sausage
mixture just under the casing.
There is an important phenomenon related to the temperature of the cooking heat: The temperature
at the center of the sausage will continue to rise even after it is removed from the heat source. This is
caused by the fact (mentioned above) that the temperature of the sausage mixture just under the casing
is higher than that at the center, and some of this heat will migrate to the center after the sausage is
removed from the heat source.
The culinary jargon for this phenomenon is afterheat. What this means to us is that the sausage
should be removed from the heat source before the internal temperature reaches the target temperature
of 160 F (71 C)or 165 F (74 C). The temperature at which the sausage should be removed from
the heat source is dictated by many factors, so there is no formula to help make this decision. Two of
the important factors are the temperature of the cooking heat and the diameter of the sausage. The
higher the cooking heat temperature and the larger the diameter of the sausage, the greater the
afterheat will be. For small-diameter sausages cooked with low heat, afterheat is so slight that it may
be ignored.
Experience with your preferred cooking method and your favorite casing diameter for a particular
sausage will allow you to make accurate predictions of the afterheat effect. In the beginning, record
the sausage diameter. When the cooking temperature is known (when poaching, steaming, or
roasting), record that as well. Remove the sausage from the heat when the internal temperature is
between 155 F (68 C) and 160 F (71 C)if your target is 160 F (71 C). The afterheat will likely
bring the internal temperature to at least 160 F (71 C). If it is a little less than this target
temperature, it is still safe to eat. If it begins to exceed the target temperature, try to arrest the
afterheat with ice water if the casing is water resistant (unless it is to be eaten right away). The ice
water helps to arrest afterheat, but it will not stop it immediately. The next time you cook the same
diameter of sausage in the same way, you will be able to get closer to the target temperature.
Even if sausages are to be eaten soon after cooking, it is best to wait a few minutes after they are
removed from the heat. When the sausages cool a few degrees, the muscle meat in the casing will
begin to absorb some of the juices that had been squeezed out of the meat, but remain in the casing. As
you probably know, roasted chickens, for example, should cool for 15 minutes or more before carving
so that more juices will be retained; it is the same principle.
The method of cooking any specific kind of sausage is largely based on custom and personal
preference. The various sausage-cooking methods are explained below. Cooking sausage by hot
smoking will be discussed in Chapter 7.

Note: Sausage casings should never be pierced with a fork, or the like, before cooking.


Bulk sausage is often used as an ingredient for pasta, rice, and potato dishes. It is also used in soups,
stews, and sauces.
Place the bulk sausage in a frying pan, and break it up with a spatula or wooden spoon as it is
cooking slowly. Continue to stir and cook the sausage until most of it has been browned. Place the
cooked sausage in a wire mesh basket to drain the melted fat. Alternatively, place about two layers of
paper towels on top of about four layers of newspaper, and drain the cooked meat on the paper. I use
paper towels and newspaper; it is much easier to discard greasy paper placed in a plastic bag than it is
to find a way to discard grease.

The best and easiest way to cook sausage pattieseither fresh or curedis to saut (fry) them. Any
kind of frying pan will do. Preheat the frying pan and apply a thin film of cooking oil; this helps to
prevent sticking. Usually, a medium-low setting is best, but the exact setting will depend on your
kitchen range; use a setting that will cook the patties slowly. If they are about
inch (1 cm) thick,
they will not dry out excessively when cooked with a medium-low setting, and the cooking time will
be reasonable.
Turn them over frequently. Many kinds of patties contain some form of sugar (it may be common
sucrose, or dextrose, or the lactose that is in powdered milk). When foods containing sugar are
sauted, the surface will caramelize: First, the surface will become an attractive reddish-brown, and
then if it is cooked too longit will char and become black. Obviously, the goal is a reddish-brown
surface. By turning patties over frequently, accidental charring will be avoided and the cooking will be
uniform. The patties are done when they become this color on both sides. If you want to check for
doneness, it is most easily accomplished by cutting a patty in half to make sure that the juices are
clear and have no trace of pink coloration.
If the patties are covered with a lid while they are cooking, they may cook too fast and become fully
cooked before the attractive reddish-brown color has developed. It is best to cook patties slowly,
without a lid.
When the patties are first put in the frying pan, they may be pushed down gently with a spatula so
that the meat makes good contact with the pan. However, after cooking is well underway, pushing
down on the patties with a spatula will result in precious juices being wastefully squeezed out of the


Sausage need not be made into patties or stuffed into casingsa common bread-baking pan can be
used to mold and cook the sausage. The finished product will be a loaf that can be sliced into delicious
and economical luncheon meat. The following instructions can be used to process and cook many
varieties of sausage in a bread-baking pan:

1. Follow the instructions in the recipe for grinding the meat and blending the seasoning. Knead
the mixture of ground meat and seasoning for about three minutes, or until it is uniform.
2. Rub the inside of a loaf pan with butter, margarine, or shortening, and pack the sausage paste
into the pan. (Some sausage varieties are emulsified before the paste is packed in the loaf pan.)
Cover the loaf pan tightly with aluminum foil or plastic food wrapfoil is preferred. (If
available, use a loaf pan made of non-reactive material such as Pyrex, ceramic, Teflon coated
metal, or stainless steel. If a non-reactive pan is not available, you might wish to line the loaf pan
with plastic food wrap rather than rubbing the inside with grease. My loaf pan measures about 8
5 3 inches. In metric measurements: 22 13 8 cm.)
3. Refrigerate the sausage overnight to allow flavors to blend.
4. Lift the aluminum foil cover, insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer into the
center of the loaf, and reseal the aluminum foil. Steam the loaf at between 170 F (77 C) and
180 F (82 C) until the internal temperature is 160 F (71 C)or 165 F (74 C) if the sausage
contains poultry or wildfowl. (For steaming instructions, please see the section Steaming Sausage
that appears later in this chapter.)
5. Remove the loaf from the bread-baking pan, let it cool in front of an electric fan for about one
hour, and refrigerate it. The loaf should remain un-coveredor covered only with paper towels
while it is being chilled. The next morning the loaf may be sliced and wrapped with plastic wrap.
Double wrap and freeze the portion that will not be consumed within a few days.


Sausage links stuffed in either natural casings or collagen casings are excellent sauted. Because
sauting causes the surface to brown, an extra level of flavor is added to the sausage. This is especially
desirable for fresh sausage links, but curedor cured and smoked linksalso benefit from the extra
For maximum retention of the juices, always cook the sausages over medium-low heat. A little oil
should be added to a frying pan that has been heated to the cooking temperature. A preheated pan with
preheated oil will help prevent the sausages from sticking. Slowly brown one side of the links, turn
them over and cover. Turn the links occasionally so that they will brown evenly. The cover over the
links helps to retain the heat and creates a high humidity environment. The result is that the links cook
faster and more uniformly, and the high humidity steams the links and helps to tenderize the casings.

A few tablespoons of water or wine will help to insure high humidity.

When the sausages appear to be approaching the target temperature, the internal temperature should
be checked with an instant-read thermometer. Insert the stem about 2 inches (6.5 cm) into a sausage,
and wait about 10 seconds until the needle becomes stable. At this point, you will need to decide
whether to cover the links to get the internal temperature going up faster, or uncover and try to
improve the browning.
The links are done when the internal temperature is between 155 F (68 C) and 160 F (71 C).
Depending on the thickness of the links, afterheat should carry the temperature to 160 F (71 C). If
the sausage contains poultry or wildfowl, the target temperature is 165 F (74 C), so you need to
remove the sausages from the saut pan when the internal temperature is between 160 F (71 C) and
165 F (74 C).
Another method of sauting sausages is to precook them first by poaching or steaming. Since the
sausages are fully cooked, they need only be heated and browned.

If stuffed sausage is cooked in hot water at a temperature well below the boiling point (or in other hot
liquids such as broth, beer, or wine), it is called poaching. Simmering also means cooking below the
boiling point, but simmering implies a slightly higher temperature than that used for poaching.
Poaching is a gentle and efficient way to cook sausage. It is gentle because the cooking temperature is
just a little above the target temperature. It is efficient because water is a good conductor of heat. The
water temperature is easy to control and provides uniform and gentle cooking with little effort.
The disadvantages are that poaching in plain water does not add flavor or color. In fact, there will
be some loss of flavor due to some salt and other seasonings being dissolved by the liquid. Poaching is
often used to cook smoked sausage and large lunchmeat-type sausages. It is also used to reheat
sausages that have already been cookedemulsified sausages, for example. If poaching is used for
fresh sausages, it is usually used for fresh sausages that will be fried, grilled, or broiled later.
To minimize loss of flavor when poaching sausage stuffed in fibrous casing, each chub of sausage
should be wrapped in at least two layers of plastic food wrap, and the food wrap should be twisted and
sealed at both ends with wire bread-ties. This will provide water resistant properties comparable to
that of a plastic casing.
Poaching is easy. Heat the water, or other liquid, to 180 F (82 C). A stock-pot is an ideal vessel
for cooking a large quantity. There should be enough liquid to cover the sausages completely. If water
is being used, add teaspoon of salt for each quart (liter). When the sausages are placed in the water,
they will lower the temperature. Bring the temperature back up to 175 F (79 C). While the sausages
are cooking, try to maintain the liquid temperature between 170 F (77 C) and 180 F (82 C). It is
best to use something like a round straining basket to hold the sausages under the water. Stir the
sausages from time to time to ensure uniform exposure to the hot water.

The links, or fibrous casing chubs, are done when the internal temperature is between 155 F (68
C) and 160 F (71 C). Depending on the thickness of the sausage, afterheat should carry the
temperature to 160 F (71 C). If the sausage contains poultry or wildfowl, the target temperature is
165 F (74 C), so you need to remove the sausages from the hot water when the internal temperature
is between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74 C).
If sausages stuffed in natural casings will not be eaten soon, immerse them in ice water until the
internal temperature is 110 F (43 C). Refrigerate immediately.
Sausage stuffed in fibrous casing should be air-cooled at room temperature for about one hour. The
use of an electric fan will help cool the chubs. After one hour of cooling at room temperature,
refrigerate the chubs, uncovered. Cooling these sausages in ice water might cause a loss of flavor
when the sausage cools and shrinks. This shrinkage can cause cold water to be sucked into the fibrous
casing, and the water will dilute the flavor.
The cooking and chilling of sausage packed in fibrous casings can cause the casing to wrinkle. This
wrinkling is harmless, but many of the wrinkles will disappear if the chilled chub is dipped into
boiling water for a short time.
Control of both cooking temperature and internal temperature is most easily accomplished by using
two thermometersone inserted in a sausage, and the other in the hot liquid. Electronic thermometers
with a cable probe or instant-read dial thermometers work well for these tasks.

When professional cooks steam food, they usually turn the heat high enough to produce a rolling boil,
and they cover the steamer with a tight-fitting lid. Under these conditions, the temperature of the
steam will be essentially the same as that of the boiling water. Cooking sausage in such a hot
environment is unnecessarily harsh; low-temperature steaming is perfect for sausage. For many years,
I used this low temperature steaming technique for cooking Chinese-style marinated-and-steamed
fish, and later I discovered that it is also very good for steaming sausage. In fact, I rarely poach
sausage nowadays; I steam it.

Low-temperature steaming, I believe, produces better results than poaching. When sausages are
poached, they are immersed in hot water. The hot water seems to extract more favor from the sausages
than does steam. Also, when sausages are steamed, the use of plastic food wrap gives even more
protection against loss of flavor; they are bathed in their own juices while being cooked. Wrapping
sausage links stuffed in natural casing may be a little troublesome and probably unnecessarybut it
is no trouble at all to wrap the larger fibrous casings with plastic food wrap.
A Chinese-style aluminum steamer works very well. The 12-inch (30 cm) diameter size is adequate
for home use, and it can be purchased by mail order, or at most Asian grocery stores, for about $45. A
stockpot with improvised steaming racks inside works equally well. When a steamer is used, it is best
to have two electronic thermometers with cable probesone probe continuously measures the internal
temperature of the sausage, while the other probe continuously measures the temperature inside the

Professional sausage makers often use a special steam cabinet to cook sausages. Surprisingly,
however, steamingfor some reason that is a mystery to meis not a commonly suggested cooking
method for sausages made at home.
Steaming sausage is simple:
1. Fill the bottom of the steamer with enough water to finish the steaming without going dry.
2. Place the cable probe of an electronic cable thermometer in the top rack of the steamer, and
locate it so that the pointed half of the probe will touch neither the sausage nor the inside wall of
the steamer.
3. Cover the steamer and heat it until the thermometer reads about 180 F (82 C). Place the
sausages on the racks in such a way that the sausages do not touch the sides of the steamer and do
not touch each other. Insert the cable probe of another electronic thermometer into a sausage to a
depth of about 2 inches (6.5 cm). Replace the tight-fitting lid on top. Note: To minimize loss of
flavor when steaming sausage stuffed in fibrous casing, each chub of sausage should be wrapped

in at least two layers of plastic food wrap, and the food wrap should be twisted and sealed at both
ends with wire bread-ties. This will provide water-resistant properties comparable to that of a
plastic casing.
4. Monitor and adjust the heat so that the steam temperature stabilizes somewhere between 170
F (77 C) and 180 F (82 C). Monitor both thermometers until the cooking is complete;
remember to allow afterheat to raise the internal temperature after the sausages are removed
from the steamer.
5. The links, or fibrous casing chubs, are done when the internal temperature is between 155 F
(68 C) and 160 F (71 C). Depending on the thickness of the sausage, afterheat should carry the
temperature to 160 F (71 C). If the sausage contains poultry or wildfowl, the target temperature
is 165 F (74 C), so you need to remove the sausages from the steamer when the internal
temperature is between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74 C).
6. If the sausages stuffed in natural casings will not be eaten soon, immerse them in ice water
until the internal temperature is 110 F (43 C). Refrigerate immediately. Sausage stuffed in
fibrous casing should be air-cooled at room temperature for about one hour; it is best to use an
electric fan. After one hour of cooling, refrigerate the chubs, uncovered. (Cooling these sausages
in ice water might cause a loss of flavor when the sausage cools and shrinks while immersed in
water; the shrinking can suck cold water into the casing, and the water will dilute the flavor of the
After a few steaming sessions, the proper setting of the kitchen range required to maintain the 170 F
(77 C) to 180 F (82 C) temperature will be learned. If the alarms on the thermometers are used,
most of the sausage steaming can be accomplished while you are watching TV or reading a novel.

Roasting sausages is an easy way to cook them. Heat the oven to 300 F (150 C). While the oven is
heating, put a little oil in an ovenproof pan and heat it over medium-low heat. When the pan is hot,
place the sausages in the pan, making sure that the links do not touch. If you have an electronic
thermometer with a cable probe, insert the probe about 2 inches (6.5 cm) into one of the links. Set
the temperature alarm of the electronic thermometer to ring a few degrees before the target
temperature is reached. The target temperature is normally 160 F (71 C), but it is 165 F (74 C) if
the sausage contains poultry. If a cable probe thermometer is not available, use an instant-read
thermometer to check the internal temperature from time to time.
There are two negative points about roasting sausages: They will not be browned as attractively as
sausages cooked by grilling or sauting, and the 300 F (150 C) temperature is rather harsh.


Please see Chapter 7 for information about smoking sausage and grilling sausage outside on a


Sausage Smoking and Food Smokers

About Cold SmokinHg oatn Sdmoking

WARNING: Do not smoke fresh, uncured sausage; it could result in a potentially fatal form of food
poisoning called botulism. To be sure you have prevented botulism, all sausages to be smoked must
have been properly cured with a sausage curing powder (Cure #1) such as Prague Powder #1, Modern
Cure, or Instacure #1. For additional information, please see the section on Botulism in Chapter 4,

Sausage does not need to be smoked, but most people like the unique and incomparable flavor
imparted by hardwood smoke, and this is the main reason for smoking sausage; the smoke gives only
a little protection against spoilage. The smoke deposited on the casing has anti-bacterial properties,
but significant drying would have to occur to retard spoilage. And, in most cases, the goal is to give a
smoke flavor to the sausage without drying it excessively.
The smoke flavor is most effectively imparted to the sausage when the sausage links are raw and
the outsides of the casings are dry. If the smoking is done at a relatively low temperature, the sausage
remains raw and the sausage casing tends to remain dry because very little juice and melted fat appear
on the surface. This is called cold smoking. Under these conditions, the sausage will be infused with a
rich, smoky flavor. The longer the sausage is cold smoked, the stronger the smoke flavor. The ideal
intensity of the smoke flavor is purely a matter of taste. Tr y two hours for your first smoking session,
and then increase the time, if desired, for future smoking sessions.
The exact definition of cold smoking is not carved in stone. Depending on the expert, it can mean
smoking at less than 85 F (29 C), or smoking at less than 120 F (49 C)or anything between these
temperatures. Actually, the definition of cold smoking often depends on the product being smoked.
When I smoke cheese, for example, I consider cold smoking to be less than 80 F (27 C).
Consequently, it might be said that the product being smoked influences the definition of cold
What does all this mean to a sausage maker? It means the following:
When the goal is to impart a smoky flavor to the sausage, keep the chamber temperature as low as
possiblepreferably below 100 F (38 C). The absolute maximum chamber temperature for cold
smoking sausage is 120 F (49 C); if the temperature rises above 120 F (49 C), the sausage will
begin to cook. Cooking is not bad, but when cooking begins, cold smoking has ended, and the ability of
the sausage to absorb a smoky flavor will be reduced.
After the sausage is cold smoked, it needs to be cooked. One of several methods of cooking is to
leave the sausage in the smoker, raise the chamber temperature, and hot smoke it. The details of how
to do both cold smoking and hot smoking are given below.


Sausages that are to be smoked should have been placed in the refrigerator overnight so that the Cure

#1 (curing power) will have had time to migrate to all parts of the sausage mixture.
The first step is to dry the outside surface of the sausage so that the smoky aroma will adhere.
Remove the sausage links or chubs from the refrigerator, and place them on a table (on wire racks or
on paper towels). Direct an electric fan at them, and turn them over from time to time. (If there are
pets in the house, it is best to use a room that can be secured against their entry.) At first, moisture
will condense on the cold casings. Drying will be faster if this moisture is removed with a paper towel.
The sausages are dry when the tips of the fingers slide easily on the surface of the casing and they do
not feel clammy or tacky. This will require at least one hour.
Another way to dry the sausage is to place it in a 130 F (54 C) to 140 F (60 C) smoker with the
smoker vents fully open.
When the surface is dry, place the sausages in the smoker by laying them on wire racks or hanging
them on rods. If the sausages touch each other, smoke flavor cannot adhere at that point, and there will
be no coloration at that point. If the sausages are on wire racks, it is best to turn them over from time
to time to minimize the marks left by the racks.

Smoke at the lowest temperature possible for at least two hoursor as long as six hours if a
stronger smoky flavor is desired. Do everything that can be done to keep the temperature below 100 F
(38 C)or to make the temperature as low as possible: Open the vent fully, direct a large fan at the
smoker, place a shallow pan of ice in the chamber, and open the smoker door from time to time.
After this cold smoking is finished, raise the smoke chamber temperature to about 140 F (60 C)
with or without smokeand hold this temperature for one or two hours until the sausages take on an
attractive mahogany coloration. While smoking at this temperature, close the damper most of the way
in order to reduce the airflow and, thereby, reduce dehydration. (The damper should never be closed
all of the way, no matter what kind of food is being smoked. If the smoke becomes stagnant in the
smoke chamber, it will impart an unpleasant taste to the product.) Holding the sausages at this
temperature is done only to impart coloration, so it is optional.

After the desired coloration has been accomplished, cool the sausages at room temperature for 30
minutes to one hour. During this time, the sausages will bloom (become darker)blooming will
make them even more attractive.
After this cooling and blooming period has been finished, refrigerate them immediately, overnight,
to allow the smoke flavor to mellow. Do not cover the sausagesor cover them with paper towels
only. If they are tightly covered, they will sweat and their appearance will suffer.
The next morning, these smoked, raw sausages may be cooked by any method explained in Chapter
6, or they may be frozen for up to two months for later use. They should be eaten or frozen within two
days. If they will be frozen, it is best to wrap each link or chub in plastic food wrap before placing it in
a sealed plastic bag.


Two things should be kept in mind when deciding whether to hot smoke sausage instead of cooking it
by another method. The first consideration is that hot smoking takes more time than cooking by any
other method. The reason for this is that hot, dry air is a very poor conductor of heat; it does not
impart heat into the sausage effectively. The second consideration is that hot air continuously flowing
past the sausage removes moisture from the sausage. The loss of moisture is not significant for
sausage stuffed in fibrous casing, but it is significant for sausage stuffed in sheep casing. When sheep
or hog casing is used, the loss of moisture needs to be considered. In general, if juicy sausage is the
goal, hot smoking may not be a good option for cooking; it might be better to cold smoke the sausage
and then cook it by some other method. If, however, your goal is to make semi-dried sausage such as
pepperoni sticks, drying in the smoker is the best way process it.
Hot smoked sausages are first cold smoked, or at least smoked at the lowest possible temperature
for a while, and then the temperature is raised until they are fully cooked.
In order to have the entire hot smoking process all in one place, much of the initial cold smoking
step, explained above, is repeated here.
Sausages that are to be smoked should have been placed in the refrigerator overnight so that the
Cure #1 (curing power) and seasoning will have had time to migrate to all parts of the sausage
The first step is to dry the outside surface so that the smoky aroma will adhere to it. Remove the
sausage links or fibrous casing chubs from the refrigerator, and place them on a table (on wire racks or
paper towels). Direct an electric fan at them, and turn them over from time to time. (If there are pets
in the house, it is best to use a room that can be secured against their entry.) At first, moisture will
condense on the cold casings. Drying will be faster if this moisture is removed with a paper towel. The
sausages are dry when the tips of the fingers slide easily on the surface of the casing, and it does not
feel clammy or tacky. This will require at least one hour.
Another way to dry the sausage is to place it in a 130 F (54 C) to 140 F (60 C) smoker with the
smoker vents fully open.
When the surface is dry, place the sausages in the smoker by laying them on wire racks or hanging
them on rods. If the sausages touch each other, smoke flavor cannot adhere at that point, and there will
be no coloration at that point. If the sausages are on wire racks, it is best to turn them over from time
to time to minimize the marks left by the racks.
Smoke at the lowest temperature possible for at least two hoursor as long as six hours if a
stronger smoky flavor is desired. Do everything you can to keep the temperature below 100 F (38 C)
or, to keep the temperature as low as possible: Open the vent fully, direct a large fan at the smoker,
place a shallow pan of ice in the smoker, and open the smoker door briefly from time to time.

After this cold smoking is finished, raise the smoke chamber temperature to about 140 F (60 C)
with or without smokeand hold this temperature for one or two hours until the sausages take on an
attractive mahogany coloration. While smoking at this temperature, close the damper most of the way
in order to reduce the airflow and, thereby, reduce dehydration. (The damper should never be closed
all of the way, no matter what kind of food is being smoked. If the smoke becomes stagnant in the
smoke chamber, it will impart an unpleasant taste to the product.)
Raise the temperature gradually (over a one hour period) to somewhere between 170 F (77 C) and
180 F (82 C). (During the period of hot smoking, the generation of smoke is usually continued, but it
is optional.) Check the smoke vent again; it should be only about open to reduce drying. Insert the
cable probe of an electronic thermometer 2 inches (6.5 cm) into a sausage. Hot smoke at this
temperature until the internal temperature is between 155 F (68 C) and 160 F (71 C). Depending
on the thickness of the sausage, the afterheat should bring the internal temperature to 160 F (71 C).
If the sausage contains poultry, the target temperature is 165 F (74 C), so you need to remove the
sausages from the smoker when the internal temperature is between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74
If the sausages have been stuffed in natural casings, remove them from the smoker, and immerse
them in cold water (or spray them with cold water) until the internal temperature is below 110 F (43
C). (The cold water helps to re-solidify the fats and minimize shriveling.) Cool the sausages a little
more at room temperature for 30 minutes to 1 hour. During this time, the sausages will bloom
(become darker). Blooming will make them even more attractive. Refrigerate the links overnight; this
allows the smoke flavor to mellow.
If the sausages have been stuffed in synthetic fibrous casings, remove the chubs from the smoker
when they are fully cooked, and place them in front of an electric fan for about one hour to cool. (If
sausages stuffed in fibrous casings are cooled in ice water, water will enter the casing and dilute the
flavor.) Refrigerate them overnight to allow the smoke flavor to mellow.
When refrigerating the sausage, cover them with paper towels only. If they are tightly covered, they
will sweat and their appearance will suffer.
The next morning, these smoked sausages may be re-heated by any cooking method explained in
Chapter 6, or they may be frozen for up to two months for later use. If they will be frozen, it is best to
wrap each link or chub in plastic food wrap before placing it in a sealed plastic bag. Because they have
been fully cooked, sausages left in the refrigerator will keep well for at least a week.


Instead of fully cooking the sausage in the smoker, it can be partially hot smoked and then poached,
steamed, grilled, or sauted. This method will reduce the dehydration caused by hot smoking.
Follow the instructions for hot smoking, including raising the chamber temperature to somewhere
between 170 F (77 C) and 180 F (82 C). However, instead of fully cooking the sausages, remove
them from the smoker when the internal temperature is at about 125 F (52 C).
Cool the sausages at room temperature for 30 minutes to 1 hour. During this time, the sausages that
have been stuffed in natural casings will bloom (become darker), and blooming will make them
even more attractive. Refrigerate the links or chubs overnightuncovered, or covered with paper
towelsto allow the smoke flavor to mellow.
The next morning, these smoked sausages may be cooked by any method explained in Chapter 6, or
they may be frozen for up to two months for later use. If they will be frozen, it is best to wrap each
link or chub in plastic food wrap before placing it in a sealed plastic bag.

Manufactured Smokers
Manufactured smokers are sold at prices that range from less than $100 for a small amateur model, to
thousands of dollars for a large, fully automated, professional model. Descriptions of manufactured
smokers will be limited to smokers that are designed for amateurs and have a modest price tag. The
more elaborate and expensive smokers will have a built-in thermometer and automatic or manual
devices to control factors such as temperature, airflow, humidity, and the feeding of smoking fuel.


Almost everyone can afford a portable electric smoker, and they are very easy to use. Although they
employ electricity, there are no electrical controls to operate or adjust. They are lightweight and
compact (some of them even have a knockdown design). Depending on the size, electric smokers are
capable of holding anywhere from 20 pounds (9 kg) to 100 pounds (45 kg) of product. These smokers
are designed to operate on the electrical power system used in all households in the United States and
Canada. (Any appliance that specifies 110, 117, or 120 volts will work properly on this system.)

The electric heating element in the bottom will simultaneously provide heat to produce the smoke
and heat to cook (or partially cook) the product. A small pan of hardwood chips is placed on this
heating element to produce the smoke. Smoke-laden hot air rises to the top and escapes through vents.
If the external (ambient) temperature is more than 70 F (21 C) and there is no strong wind, the
internal temperature of the smoke chamber should reach at least 150 F (66 C).
The proliferation of these inexpensive manufactured smokers is the most important reason for the
popularization of smoking as a hobby. These units are capable of producing a first-class smoked
product, but they do have a few limitations and disadvantages; these are summarized below.
Because these aluminum smokers are not insulated, and because there is no easy way to provide
supplementary heat, the maximum temperature produced (if the smoker is used according to the
manufacturers instructions) depends on the outside temperature and the strength of the wind
blowing on the smoker. The resulting temperature may not be hot enough to cook the sausage
thoroughly; in order to hot smoke sausage, the temperature needs to be maintained somewhere
between 170 F (77 C) and 180 F (82 C).

There is no easy way to lower the internal temperature for cold smoking, except to partially
open the door, to open the flap near the bottom, or to use an electric fan directed toward the
These smokers do not have a thermometer to measure the smoke chamber temperature.
In summary, these portable smokers cannot be used for hot smoking unless the ambient temperature
is very high, butif used correctlythey will do a superb job of cold smoking sausages. Before a
batch of product is smoked, the smoker should be tested. Follow the manufacturers instructions for
setting up and using the smoker, and then measure the internal temperature of the smoke chamber
under various ambient temperature and wind conditions. The smoker can be used for cold smoking
under any conditions that permit a temperature of 120 F (49 C), or below, to be maintained in the
chamber. You might find, for example, that sausage can be cold smoked in your smoker if the ambient
temperature is 60 F (16 C), or lower, provided there is an electric fan blowing on it.
Most of these portable smokers are not large enough to improvise a way to hang sausages, so the
sausages must be placed on the wire racks provided with the smoker. Turn the sausages over from
time to time to minimize the rack marks on the links.

A little less than a year after my first book was published (Mastering the Craft of Smoking Food), I
received a phone call from the Bradley Smoker Company in British Columbia, Canada. My book had
come to their attention and they were selling it as an accessory on their website. The reason for the
phone call was to ask me if I would join a special Bradley team that was developing several curing
mixtures. (Curing mixtures are blends of salt, flavoring, sweeteners, and sodium nitrite to cure meat in
preparation for smoking it.) I joined their team as a consultant, helped them formulate four curing
mixtures, and I did all of the testing.
After the formulation and testing was finished, they asked me to write instructions for making
various smoked products using the new Bradley curing mixes. Instructions for 23 products were
written: ham, bacon, smoked salmon, pastrami, smoked duck, jerky, several smoked sausages, etc. To
test these products, they gave me a deluxe Bradley smoker that they call the Bradley Digital Smoker.
This was my introduction to the Bradley smokers.
The Bradley Digital Smoker was very impressive; the smoking fuel bis-quettes are fed into the
smoker automatically onto a small hotplate where they smolder and produce smoke. These bisquettes
are disks of compressed hardwood chips (hickory, apple, oak, etc.) with a diameter of 2 inches (5.7
cm) and a thickness of inch (1.6 cm). Each bisquette smolders for 20 minutes and is replaced with a
fresh bisquette automatically. If extra heat for hot smoking is desired, a built-in heater can be used.
The desired temperature can be selected, and the heater is controlled automatically, much like a
kitchen oven.
I could find no fault with the smoke generator or the automatic feed of the smoking fuel. These
features worked perfectly. However, if extra heat for hot smoking were used, the smoke chamber
temperature would swing about 15 F (9 C) above and below the selected temperature. For example,
if the temperature were set to 140 F (60 C), the temperature might swing between 125 F (52 C)
and 155 F (68 C). The temperature swings were worrisome, but I hot smoked many solid-muscle
products (non-sausage products) such as ham, pastrami, and chicken; the results were perfectly
The digital smoker was acceptable for cold smoking, but the ambient temperature had to be low.
For example, if the ambient temperature were 40 F (4.5 C) to 50 F (10 C), the temperature inside

the chamber would remain under 120 F (49 C). Cold smoking of many products, including sausage,
is possible at this temperature. If the chamber temperature climbs higher than 120 F (49 C), the
Bradley Digital Smoker can still be used for cold smoking if a tray of ice is placed on the lower rack
(between the smoking fuel hotplate and the food). Opening the door from time to time, and opening
the smoke vent all of the way, also help to keep the heat down.
As indicated above, the Bradley Digital Smoker works fairly well for cold smoking sausage, and it
works well for cold smoking and hot smoking solid-muscle products. Nevertheless, the wide
temperature swings of the heater make it unsuitable for hot smoking sausage or for making semi-dried
sausage. When I began writing this book on making sausage, I explained that problem to my contact,
George Radke, at the Bradley Smoker Company. Mr. Radke offered to provide me with an Original
Bradley Smoker to use for testing smoked sausage formulas. The Original Bradley is about the same
as the Bradley Digital, except that the heater is manually controlled on the Original. I accepted his
Approximately 75 percent of the cold smoked, hot smoked, and semi-dried sausages that I included
in this book were processed in the Original Bradley smoker during the colder months of the year, and
the remainder were processed and tested in my homemade smoker. (My homemade smoker has an
offset smoke generator and a long flue to cool the smoke, so I used it when the ambient temperature
was too high to use the Original Bradley smoker.)
In my opinion, the Original Bradley Smoker is the best modestly priced smoker on the market for
the home sausage maker. I have not seen any other affordable brand of smoker for home use that will
smoke at temperatures as low as the Bradley. The low temperature smoking is possible because the
small hotplate that smolders the bisquette smoking fuel consumes only 125 watts, so it generates only
a little more heat than a large light bulb. Moreover, the heater for the chamber is independent of the
hotplate and can be controlled manually. The automatic feeding of the smoking fuel is another feature
that you will not find on other smokers in this price range. I have not been able to find another brand
of a reasonably priced smoker with these important features. The Original Bradley Smoker is not the
cheapest smoker available, but at about $399, or less, it is affordable for most serious hobbyists. The
only way you might get a better smoker for the same amount of money is to build a homemade
smoker with an external smoke generator and a long smoke flue. (Please see Appendix 5 for the
Bradley website.)

Recently, the Bradley Smoker Company has offered an accessory that they call the Cold Smoke
Adaptor (please see photo). This accessory is useable on all Bradley smokers, and it can be attached
easily without tools. The adaptor is very effective at reducing the internal temperature of the smoker
when products are being cold smoked. To use the adaptor, the smoke generator is removed from the
smoker and attached to the Cold Smoke Adaptor; this act creates an offset smoke generator. An
aluminum smoke tube cools the smoke as it flows to the smoke chamber. The Cold Smoke Adaptor
sells for about $99, and it is available wherever Bradley Smokers are sold.

Since ancient times, the Chinese have used steam cookers. These cookers have a pan of water that is
placed between the food and the heat source. Cooking food in this way results in slow and moist
cooking. Indeed, this is a simple but ingenious way to reduce moisture loss while cooking foods.
Properly used, this cooking method produces food of unsurpassed succulence with minimal shrinkage.
A minor negative point is that the lower cooking temperature results in a cooking time about twice as
long (or longer) as cooking in a kitchen oven. This Chinese method of cooking stood the test of time,
and it eventually found its way to a place as distant as North America.
The southern portion of the United States, particularly, had a many devotees of this style of
cooking. Some of these Americans made a habit of putting hardwood chunks on the charcoal fire. The
entire system was put in a single enclosure to ensure that the food was exposed to steam from the
water pan and smoke from the hardwood. By doing this, water smoking was invented!
A typical water smoker will hold a maximum of approximately 50 pounds (22 kg) of food. The

smokers come in various shapes, but they are often round, have a dome-shaped lid, and their height is
about twice that of their diameter. In addition to the traditional charcoal-burning units, some
manufacturers offer the easier-to-use propane and electric models. The propane models have a control
knob to control the heat by regulating the flow of propane. I use a Brinkmann propane water smoker,
and I am very satisfied with it. It is easier to use than the charcoal fired type, and it is more durable
than water smokers with electric heaters. I fitted my Brinkmann with an adapter hose so that a
common propane tank can be used instead of the small, disposable propane cylinders.
No matter whether charcoal, propane, or electricity is used, the sausage will taste the same if it is
seasoned and processed in the same way. Many of these water smokers can be used as barbecue grills
if the water pan is not used.
Heat is produced in the bottom of the unit directly under the water pan. There are chrome- or
nickel-plated cooking racks above the water pan. Wire mesh baskets can be purchased separately, and
they are particularly useful for cooking small sausages.
For the charcoal burners, putting water-soaked chunks of hardwood near the charcoal produces
smoke. The propane and electric models require that the water-soaked wood be put on a special tray or
in another designated place. In some cases, the instructions will suggest wrapping the chunks of
smoking fuel in aluminum foil to promote smoldering and to contain the ashes.

Hot water is put into the water pan, and the chamber is preheated. When the heat gauge or
thermometer indicates that the correct temperature has been reached, the sausage links are put on the

racks or in the baskets and hot smoked. You need to check the heat chamber thermometer and the
water pan from time to time to make sure everything is progressing properly. Make sure that the water
pan is always filled with hot water, and make sure that the water pan never goes dry. If the water pan
goes dry and the residue in the bottom begins to scorch, the food will be tainted by that odor. Avoid
raising the lid frequently to peek; this will cause excessive heat loss. Every peek will add about 10 or
15 minutes to the cooking time. Try cooking sausages at 180 F (82 C) this will give the best
results. If the cooking is too slow to suit you, boost the temperature up to 190 F (88 C) or 200 F
(93 C).
In spite of all of the wonderful characteristics of manufactured water smokers, there are a few
negative features:
If the water smoker is electric, the same precautions as for the portable electric smokers must
be taken; it should be used on a concrete surface and protected from rain.
Because the units are not insulated, wind, precipitation, and external temperatures can affect the
cooking time.
Too much heat is produced for smoke cookers, such as water smokers, to be used as cold
It is difficult to maintain a steady flow of smoke because the heat that is produced to maintain
the correct cooking temperature may not be optimal to smolder the smoking fuel slowly. The
wood will fail to produce any smoke if it is not heated enough, and it will burst into flames if it is
heated too much.
Most water smokers have a built-in heat gauge, but these heat gauges are not accurate and not
consistent. The heat gauge may indicate such ranges as WARM, IDEAL, and HOT, but
sometimes the IDEAL range is not ideal. The ideal temperature to cook solid meat and poultry
in the water smoker is between 225 F (107 C) and 275 F (135 C). Fish should not be water
smoked at more than 225 F (107 C). The hot smoking of sausage should be done at about 180
F (82 C). However, the temperature in some water smokers may be 280 to 300 F (138 to 149
C) when the needle of the heat gauge is in the middle of the IDEAL range. Consequently, it is
best to use a real thermometer to measure the smokers internal temperature. Try an instant-read
dial thermometer with a stem. Wrap a small cloth around the stem, and plug it into one of the
vent holes. Better yet, drill a small hole just above the heat gage, and then insert a short-stemmed
dial thermometer.
Smoking food in a water smoker produces a less intense smoke flavor than smoking it in other
kinds of smokers. One reason for this is that the steam absorbs the smoke aroma that would
otherwise be imparted to the food. But the main reason is that the steam condenses on the food; a
dry surface is required for the smoke flavor to adhere and penetrate.
It was mentioned above that the IDEAL range of many water smokers is often too hot to get the
best results. Unfortunately, turning down the heat to 180 F (82 C) might cause another problem: It
could cause the water to stop simmering, and that might lower the humidity. To prevent this problem,
you may wish to alter your smoker so that more heat will hit the water pan directly. If your water
smoker uses lava rock to spread the heat, you need to move all the lava stones away from the center,
and pile them around the edge. This will allow more heat to strike the water pan directly. If your
smoker has a metal heat deflector, you may be able to remove it or have some large holes punched in
it. If it can be done easily, try to move the water pan closer to the heat source. However, before any
changes are made, it is best to get to know your water smoker well. Try to avoid making irreversible


Cooking sausages by grilling them outside on a barbecue is the most festive way to prepare them. This
is also one of the tastiest ways to cook sausages because a slightly smoky taste is added. However,
grilling is more of an art than a science, so experience can be expected to improve the results.
There are many shapes and sizes of hot smokers on the market, and they will all do a good job if
used properly. The manufacturers instructions together with your experience will enable you to learn
the techniques quickly. Whatever brand or type you use, it should always be used outside, and it will
probably be necessary to soak the smoking fuel in water so that it will produce smoke rather than
Both of the methods listed below have many devotees.
Precook the sausages by poaching or steaming them. They are fully cooked when you put them
on the grill, so you need only concentrate on browning them to add new levels of flavor and
attractiveness. The heating should be just enough to make them hot all the way through. This is
accomplished by placing them nearbut not overthe flame, or the medium-hot charcoal, for
part of the time in order to brown them slowly and evenly. The rest of the time, they are covered
and heated a little further away from the heat source. When precooked sausages are being grilled,
the internal temperature is not usually measured.
Grilling raw sausages is a little more difficult because they have to be cooked to the target
temperature in addition to browning them attractively. The key is gentle heat and slow cooking.
The browning is done in the same way as indicated above, but the cooking should be done very
slowly. After the links are browned, keep them covered, and place them in a position on the grill
where the internal temperature will climb gradually. On some types of grills, placing the
sausages in a covered cast-iron frying pan helps to provide uniform and gentle heat. The links are
done when the internal temperature is between 155 F (68 C) and 160 F (71 C). Depending on
the thickness of the sausage, afterheat should carry the temperature to 160 F (71 C). If the
sausage contains poultry, the target temperature is 165 F (74 C), so you need to remove the
sausages from the grill when the internal temperature is between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74


Fresh Sausage

In the world of sausage making, some expressions have a special meaning. The expression fresh
sausage is one case in point. Fresh sausage means sausage that does not contain nitrites or nitrates.
The opposite of fresh sausage is cured sausage. Sausage makers tend to use the word cured whenever
nitrates or nitrites have been used. However, food smokers (not sausage makers) will often use the
word cured even if only dry salt or common brine has been used. It is confusing, but we cant change
the ways that people use the English language. We have to live with it.
Fresh sausage can be used as bulk sausage for seasoning, made into patties, or stuffed in casings. If
it is stuffed in casings, it is still called fresh sausage, but some people prefer to call it stuffed fresh
Note: The sausages in this chapter have been arranged in alphabetical order. WARNING: Fresh
sausage must be fried, grilled, roasted, poached, or steamed. Smoking stuffed fresh sausage, or
cooking it at low heat for a long time, could cause botulism, a potentially fatal form of food poisoning.

Andersonville Brown Sugar and Honey Breakfast Sausage

The Johnsonville Sausage Company makes a very unusual and very tasty sausage called Brown Sugar
and Honey Breakfast Links. The combination of sweeteners makes it unusual and tasty. This sausage is
not exactly the same as that made by Johnsonville, but it is remarkably similar.

Make the sausage into patties, or use natural casings. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 116 in.) sheep casing is
to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing will be used,
prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak
in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator, too. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) honey

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) maple syrup

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) lemon juice
2 tsp. (10 ml) mild-flavored unsulfured molasses
1 tsp. (5 ml) Mapleine (imitation maple flavor)
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) MSG (optional)
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) onion granules
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork with a -inch (6.4 mm) or smaller plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the mixture into
-inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff the sausage
into collagen, sheep, or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Basic Turkey Sausage

This turkey sausage formula was developed by an organization that promotes the consumption of
turkey meat. They assume that the ground turkey available at grocery stores will be used. Vegetable
oil is added to the seasoning mixture to compensate for the insufficient amount of fat in commercially
ground turkey. The oil is not required if the amount of fat in the ground turkey is about 20 percent of
the total meat.
This sausage is pleasantly seasoned, and it is suitable for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It may be
made into patties, stuffed into natural casings, or even stuffed into synthetic fibrous casings to make
luncheon meat. However, it cannot be smoked because it is not a cured sausage.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If
small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in
water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of turkey. Use the skin and fat, too. (Ground turkey available at a grocery
store is also usable. If this ground meat has an inadequate amount of fat, add the vegetable oil listed
below.) Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder
and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt

1 cup (240 ml) onion, minced
2 tsp. (10 ml) parsley, dried 1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper 1 tsp. (5 ml) thyme
1 tsp. (5 ml) nutmeg
1 tsp. (5 ml) ginger powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) red pepper flakes
2 cloves of garlic, minced
cup (60 ml) vegetable oil (if requiredsee above)
cup (60 ml) cold water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the well-chilled turkey with a medium plate. Refrigerate the ground fowl for about 30
2. Measure the seasoning and other ingredients (everything except for the ground turkey) into a large
mixing bowl, and mix well. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground turkey to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
4. Make the sausage into patties, or stuff it into casings and twist into links. Refrigerate the sausage
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

To me, this light colored sausage is elegant and delicate. In Germany, however, bockwurst is
considered a two-fisted beer-drinkers sausage. It is commonly eaten while drinking a strong, dark
beer called bock beer; hence, the name bockwurst was given to this sausage. In some parts of the
United States, bock-wurst is also known as white sausage because of its light color. The formula is
complex, but the numerous and unusual ingredients complement each other very well. It is one of my
favorite sausages, and I make it several times during the spring when wild chives appear in my

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casings. Rinse the casings, and soak them in water overnight. Rinse the
casings again, and soak them in warm water 30 minutes before using.

Prepare the following meats. Refrigerate the meat, and put the meat grinder and sausage stuffer in the
refrigerator, too.
1 lbs. (800 g) fatty pork butt
lb. (340 g) veal, chicken thighs, or turkey thighs (veal is traditional)


cup (60 ml) fresh milk
2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) onion granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) chopped parsley, dehydrated
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, finely ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) celery seed, ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) lemon juice
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) green onions or chives, minced
2 eggs
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the meats with a -inch (9.5 mm) or smaller plate, and refrigerate them for 30 minutes.
2. Except for the meat, mix the seasonings and other ingredients well in a large mixing bowl. Chill
this mixture for at least 15 minutes.
3. Add the ground meat, and knead at least three minutes until the seasoning and ground meat blend is
4. Stuff the sausage, and make the rope into 5-inch (13 cm) links. It is best for the stuffed sausage to
be refrigerated overnight, or for a few hours at least.
5. Steam the links until the internal temperature is 160 F (71 C)or 165 F (74 C) if chicken or
turkey was used. Spray the sausage with cold water for one or two minutes, or cool in front of an
electric fan. Refrigerate, uncovered, until chilled. Package the sausage in plastic bags, and freeze
the portion that will not be consumed within two days. Bockwurst is traditionally eaten with mild

Cajun Boudin Blanc

Several distinctly different Cajun sausages use the word boudin in the name. If blanc is used in the
name, the sausage is whitish because it does not contain blood in the formula. Not only are there many
formulations for boudin blanc, there are many approaches to blending, preparing, and cooking the
sausage. The list of ingredients, below, is typical, but the processing method of the sausage in this
recipe is one of the easiest I have seen.
It is certainly an unusual sausage. In addition to meat, it contains vegetables and rice. It is truly a
meal in one, and it is very popular in Louisiana as a snack food.
The way that Cajun boudin blanc is eaten is also unusual. Because there is cooked rice and
vegetables inside the sausage, the sausage is not firm and the teeth will not cut through the casing
when it is bitten. Because of this, almost no one will try to eat the casing. Instead, they will squeeze
the contents out of the casing into their mouth and discard the casing when it is empty.

Prepare 12 feet (360 cm) of hog casings. Rinse the casings, and soak the casings in water overnight.

Rinse again the next morning.

Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of minced pork butt. The sausage will be less greasy if the fat content of the
meat is about 15 percent rather than 25 percent. Use a -inch (6.4 mm) plate to grind the pork.


6 cups (1,440 ml) cooked rice, long grain preferred, cooled
cup (180 ml) onions, finely chopped
cup (180 ml) parsley, finely chopped
cup (180 ml) green onions, chopped
cup (80 ml) green bell pepper (or 1 jalapeo), finely chopped
cup (80 ml) celery, finely chopped
4 tsp. (20 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) minced garlic
1 tsp. (5 ml) red pepper flakes
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) sagepacked in the spoon tsp. (1.25 ml) bay leaf powder tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme


1. Except for the meat, mix the seasonings and all other ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Next, add
the ground meat and mix again. Before stuffing, chill the sausage mixture for at least 30 minutes
longer is better.
2. Stuff the sausage. Make 6-inch (15 cm) links. Wrap the sausage links in plastic food wrap and put
them in plastic bags, expelling as much air as possible. Freeze or refrigerate immediately; this
sausage is very perishable. If it is frozen, it will keep for 2 months, but refrigerated sausage should
be eaten within two days.
3. To cook, steam the thawed sausage links at 180 F (82 C) until the internal temperature is 160 F
(71 C). Continue steaming the links at the same temperature for an additional 30 minutes. This
additional steaming will tenderize the vegetable ingredients.

Carls Italian Sausage

A friend of Italian ancestry helped me tailor this sausage so that it closely matches the flavor of the
sausage that he ate so often as a child. Carl Preciso was raised on a farm near the Columbia River in
Northern Oregon, and his grandfather, a farmer who was born in Northern Italy, raised hogs on this
farm. Whenever a hog was butchered, Grandpa made sausage of the type presented below.
The following is the mild version that is popular in Northern Italy; it is also called sweet Italian
sausage. To make the hot type, add more cayenne and, if you like, more paprika.
This sausage is traditionally stuffed into hog casings, but it can also be processed as bulk sausage,
made into patties, or used as a pizza topping.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casings. Rinse the casings and soak them in water overnight. Before
using, rinse the casings again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910
g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the
meat, and put the meat grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator, too.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) black pepper, coarsely ground
2 tsp. (10 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
2 tsp. (10 ml) anise seeds, cracked
2 tsp. (10 ml) fennel seeds, cracked or powdered 1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic powder
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) paprika
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (3.75 ml) thyme, powdered
tsp. (0.625 ml) bay leaf powder
cup (60 ml) lemon juice
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the pork with a -inch (6.4 mm) or smaller plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Except for the ground pork, mix the seasoning and other ingredients in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing
bowl. Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
6. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions. (Sometimes Italian sausage is browned in a frying
pan, and then a little red wine is added; the sausage is covered and steamed in the wine until fully
cooked. This is one of Carls favorite methods of preparation.)

Chaurice (Creole)
This sausage probably came to Louisiana with the Spaniards. It is also believed that its name is related
to chorizo, the well-known family of sausages popular in Spain and Mexico.
Chaurice has many variations and different levels of heat. The ingredient formula below is typical.
The level of heat in this formula will be considered hot by most of us. However, a native of Louisiana

would consider this sausage only moderately hot. If it needs to be hotter, increase the amount of
cayenne and crushed red pepper flakes. This is an easy-to-make and flavorful sausage; the challenge is
to get the heat adjusted to suit your taste.
Chaurice is good on a hoagie roll, and it works well for seasoning beans, potatoes, and sauerkraut.
Louisiana natives say it goes well with eggs for breakfast.

This sausage is sometimes made into patties, but stuffing it into hog casings is more common. If
small-diameter hog casing are used, prepare 7 feet (225 cm) of casing. Rinse the casing, and
refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fatty pork shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While
this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
cup (120 ml) onion, minced
cup (60 ml) parsley, finely chopped
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) chili powder
2 tsp. (10 ml) garlic, minced
1 tsp. (5 ml) thyme
1 tsp. (5 ml) red pepper flakes
1 tsp. (5 ml) cayenne
1 tsp. (5 ml) sugar
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
tsp. (1.25 ml) bay leaf powder
cold water to make a seasoning slurry


1. Grind the well-chilled pork with a coarse plate. A coarse grind will give the sausage an authentic
bite texture. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. Except for the ground pork, measure the seasoning and other ingredients into a large mixing bowl,
and add enough cold water to make a slurry. Stir until it is uniformly mixed. Refrigerate for at least
15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning and flavors to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Sauting or grilling the links is suggested. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking details.

Cheeseburger Sausage
This sausage is perfect for cheeseburger lovers. Grill, or cook in a covered frying pan. Serve on a
hotdog bun with your favorite hamburger garnish.

Rinse 8 feet (240 cm) of small-diameter hog casing, and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse it
again, and soak the casing in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare the meat listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. Cut the cheese into inch (6 mm) cubes. (Any kind of cheese is acceptable, but many people prefer American cheese for
use in this sausage.) While this meat and cheese is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage
stuffer in the refrigerator.
2 lbs. (910 g) of lean beef and lb. (225 g) of beef or pork fat or 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fatty beef.
(Part of the beef may be replaced with wild game or pork.)
6 oz. (170 g) of cheese


1 tsp. (5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) seasoned salt
cup (60 ml) onion, minced
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground mustardpacked in the spoon
2 tsp. (10 ml) dried parsley flakes
tsp. (2.5 ml) liquid smoke (optional)
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) water


1. Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat and cheese
cubes for about 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a large mixing bowl. Refrigerate this
seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Fold in the cheese cubes. Chill this meat, cheese,
and seasoning mixture again while the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Chicken Breakfast Patties

Boned chicken thighs or turkey thighs will make the best sausage, but it will be good even if it is made
with ground turkey sold at supermarkets.

This sausage is best made into patties, but if it will be stuffed into 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep
casing, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it overnight in
water. Rinse again, and soak it in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of boned chicken or turkey thighs; be sure to use the skin and the fat. (If
commercially ground poultry is used, and it appears to be deficient in fat, be sure to use the optional
vegetable oil listed below.) Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the poultry and put the
meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
cup (60 ml) dry breadcrumbs
2 tsp. (10 ml) dried parsley
1 tsp. (5 ml) poultry seasoningpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground ginger
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
1 egg, beaten
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) olive oil or vegetable oil (optionalsee above) cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the poultry with a medium plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning and other ingredients (except for the meat) in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the mixture into
-inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff the sausage
into sheep casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Chinese-Style BBQ Pork Sausage

Almost everyone has eaten cha shuflavorful Chinese-style barbecued pork that originated in the
Hong Kong area of China. This delicacy is usually colored red on the outside. As an appetizer, it is
thinly sliced and served in Chinese restaurants with a small dish of hot mustard and toasted sesame

seeds. A small amount of hot Chinese mustard is smeared on the pork, and then it is dipped in toasted
sesame seeds. Cha shu is also used in fried rice, or in other dishes, as a seasoning ingredient.
This sausage is based on a recipe for Chinese barbecued pork that appeared in a cookbook published
in China. However, instead of barbecuing the marinated pork, we will grind it coarsely, stuff it in
synthetic fibrous casing, and cook it by steaming or poaching.
The pork is marinated for a rather long time before it is ground and stuffed. This marinating imparts
the unique flavor of Chinese barbecued pork. If you like pork, this product will probably become one
of your favorites. My friends appreciate the taste imparted by the ingredients listed below.
Cha shu is traditionally used as an appetizer, but this sausage can also be used for gourmet
sandwiches, or it can be used to season stir-fried vegetables. Cooks with an active imagination will
use it as an ingredient in other dishes.
In China, red-orange powdered food color is used in the marinade. However, the red food color
liquid available anywhere in the United States works perfectly. Large bottles of this food color can be
obtained at restaurant-supply food stores inexpensively. Chinese cooks here in the United States
usually use the American liquid food color.
Below, you will see that clear honey is required. If your honey has crystallized, it may be clarified
quickly in a microwave. Put the required amount of honey in a small bowl, and zap it for 15 seconds at
a time repeatedly in the microwave oven until it is clear.

The casings should not be prepared until the marinating is finished and the marinated meat is ground.
Fibrous casings 2-inch (6.35 cm) in diameter are recommended. For 2 pounds (1,150 g) of sausage,
two fibrous casings12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required. Prepare the fibrous casings by
soaking them in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. Be sure to put warm water inside the casings.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat. Cut the meat into inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the pork while the marinade is being prepared.


cup (80 ml) honey (clear)
cup (60 ml) sugar
cup (60 ml) sherry, or shao hsing wine
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) soy sauce
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) grated fresh ginger, or 1 tsp. (5 ml) powdered ginger 1 tsp. (7.5 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) red food color (liquid)
tsp. (1.25 ml) white pepper, finely ground
2 cloves garlic, minced, or tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic powder


Day 1, morning
Prepare the marinade. Marinate the cubes of pork until the morning of Day 3. Stir the pork cubes or
shake the container several times a day.
Day 3, morning

1. Remove the meat from the marinade and drain. Do not rinse. Discard the marinade. Grind the wellchilled pork with a coarse plate. A coarse plate will give the sausage a country-style bite texture.
Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. Stuff the sausage into fibrous casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the
open end of one of the sausages. Close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
3. This sausage is a type of fresh sausage, so it should not be smoked. Steaming is recommended.
Steaming and other cooking options are explained in Chapter 6.

Chipolata Sausage
Because this sausage has a Spanish-sounding name, I was surprised to learn that chipolata has been
made in England for such a long time that the English consider it a British sausage. In fact, many
people believe that the famous English banger is based on this sausage. The chipolata sausage, it
seems, originated in Mexico, and somehow found its way to England; hence the Spanish-sounding
These mild, unassertive sausages are stuffed into sheep casings and twisted into short links2
inches (5 cm) or less. The links have the nickname little fingers. They are often used as cocktail
Powdered skim milk is not used in this formula. It is not required because the breadcrumbs function
to retain moisture and plump the sausage links.

Sheep casing must be used if the sausages are to have the proper appearance. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1
in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare at least 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. Rinse the casings, and
soak them in water overnight. Rinse them again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat. Cut the meat into inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and chill the meat grinder and the sausage stuffer in the


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, finely ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) paprika
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme
tsp. (0.625 ml) cayenne
cup (60 ml) dry breadcrumbs, not packed in the cup
cup (80 ml) cold water


1. Grind the well-chilled pork with a fine plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. In a large mixing bowl, mix all the seasoning and other ingredients except for the ground pork.
Place this mixture in the freezer to cool rapidly.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into 2-inch (5 cm) links. (Because the sausage
rope will be twisted into many short links, it is best to stuff the casings a little more loosely than
normal to prevent ruptures.) Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed
by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within one day should be wrapped in plastic food wrap, placed in a
plastic bag, and frozen.
Saut or grill the links. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Classic Breakfast Sausage

This is not a clone of the popular Jimmy Dean brand breakfast sausage, but the taste is similar. It is
good made into patties or stuffed into sheep casings.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare at least 14 feet (420 cm) of
casing. Soak it in water, in the refrigerator, overnight. Rinse again, and soak it in warm water before


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) sage, rubbedpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) parsley, dried, crushed
tsp. (2.5 ml) coriander, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) MSG (optional)
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) water
cup (60 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.

2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the mixture into
-inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff the sausage
into sheep casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Cumberland Sausage
The Cumberland sausage is one of the oldest and most popular in England. As with all famous
sausages, there is no definitive recipe; each of the butchers and sausage makers has his/her own secret
recipe. But no matter which recipe is used, there are certain things that they have in common. For
example, breadcrumbs are mixed with the meat, and the sausage is always stuffed in hog casings. The
British claim that there are several good reasons for using breadcrumbs in sausage: When the sausage
is cooking and the juices are being squeezed out of the shrinking meat, the breadcrumbs absorb and
retain these juices inside the casing; and, because the juices are retained in the casing, the link does
not shrink or change its shape.
All the recipes I have seen call for nutmeg and black pepper, and most call for mace, as well. Many
of the recipes have belly bacon (the common bacon in the United States) in the list of ingredients, and
insist that the pork must be coarsely ground. In some of the recipes, small amounts of marjoram
and/or sage are used.
The sausage mixture is traditionally stuffed into pork casings as long as 20 inches (50 cm), and is
coiled and roasted in an oven. In modern times, however, the sausage rope is often twisted into shorter
links and sauted.
The traditional and common way to cook a Cumberland sausage coil is to roast it in a 300 F (150
C) oven for about 30 minutes (longer for medium- to large-diameter hog casings), basting from time
to time. The cooked coil is cut into serving lengths, placed on a bed of mashed potatoes, and
smothered with onion gravy. This makes a great stick-to-your-ribs meal, British style. Onion gravy
mix is available in many United States grocery stores, but you may have to search a little.

Rinse 7 feet (210 cm) of small-diameter hog casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again
before using.


Prepare the meats listed below and refrigerate them. While these meats are being prepared, chill the
grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
2 lbs. (910 g) of lean pork and
4 lb. (115 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (1020 g) of fatty pork shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes.
4 lb. (115 g) of common belly bacon. Chop roughly.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt

1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper

tsp. (2.5 ml) ground nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
1 oz. (30 g) plain breadcrumbs, dryabout 6 Tbsp. (90 ml)
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) boiling water
cup cold water


1. If fatty pork is being used, separate the fat from the pork to the extent possiblecomplete and
perfect separation is not possible and not required. Grind the lean pork with a coarse plate, and
grind the well-chilledor partially frozenfat and bacon with a fine plate. Refrigerate the ground
meat for about 30 minutes.
2. In a small bowl, mix the breadcrumbs with the boiling water. Stir well and let set one minute. Add
the cold water, stir again, and place in the freezer.
3. Mix the seasoning in a large mixing bowl. Remove the wet breadcrumbs from the freezer and add to
the seasoning mixture. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
4. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into four very long links each about 20 inches
(50 cm) long. Form each of these links into a coil. Or, if you want to saut or grill the sausage
instead of baking it, twist the rope into whatever sized links you desire. Refrigerate the coils and/or
links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
6. Sausages that will not be eaten within one day should be wrapped in plastic food wrap individually,
placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Curry Flavored Sausage

Most sausages have a cultural base, but Curry Flavored Sausage does not. Someone conceived the idea
of seasoning sausage with curry powder and made the sausage. Several versions appeared, and this is
one of the simple ones.
The tablespoon of curry powder in this recipe gives the sausage a mild and pleasant curry flavor.
Even people who are not particularly fond of curry are likely to enjoy this sausage. Curry aficionados
will want to increase the amount of curry powder and add some more heat in the form of pepper or

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing.
If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it
in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water 30 minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While this meat
is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) curry powder, mild
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper
cup (60 ml) cold milk
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the well-chilled pork with a medium or fine plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and milk in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed. This
will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer and casings are
being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into links. Refrigerate the links overnight to
permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Any cooking method described in Chapter 6 may be used for these links.

Currywurst Sauce
Since World War II, currywurst has gradually become the most popular fast food item in Germany.
The sausage for currywurst is grilled or sauted, cut into bite-sized pieces about inch (1 cm) thick,
and topped with a curry flavored tomato sauce; it is usually served with French fries and a roll. The
sausage used for this fast food item is usually the common uncured
bratwurst, but any kind of stuffed sausage may be usedeven cured Polish sausage.
Consequently, instructions for making currywurst are not instructions for making a unique sausage;
they are directions for making the curry flavored tomato sauce that is splashed on top of any kind of
sausage link.
Each of the currywurst vendors usually has his or her secret recipe for the currywurst sauce, but
many amateur recipes are available. Most of the amateur recipes are very simple and use tomato
ketchup as a base. The sauce below is a little more sophisticated, and it is similar to the sauce served
by the professionals; yet, it is easy to make. This sauce will serve six to eight people.
While the sauce is being prepared, saut, roast, or grill bratwurst, or your favorite sausage. If you
wish to serve it in the authentic German fast-food style, you should also prepare French fries and hot
rolls. Instead of the German fast-food style, my wife and I like to eat it with steamed medium-grain
rice and a salad.
If onion granules and garlic granules are used in place of the fresh items, the preparation time for
this sauce is much faster.


2 cans (15 oz./425 g size cans) of tomato sauce

1 onion, medium, choppedor 2 tsp. (10 ml) onion granules
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) honey
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, finely ground
2 cloves garlic, slicedor tsp. (3.75 ml) garlic granules 1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika
1 to 3 tsp. (5 to 15 ml) chili sauce (season to taste)
1 to 3 Tbsp. (15 to 45 ml) mild curry powder (season to taste)

1. Pour the tomato sauce in a medium-size saucepan. (Because tomato sauce is somewhat acidic, a
stainless steel or enameled saucepan is best.) Add all other ingredients except the chili sauce and
curry powder. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 to 30 minutes if the sauce was made with fresh onion
and garlic. Simmer for 5 minutes if onion and garlic granules are being used.
2. Strain the sauce, and discard the chopped onions and sliced garlic. Return the sauce to the pan.
3. Slowly add the chili sauce to taste, and then add the curry powder to taste. Simmer about five
minutes more to bring out the flavor of the curry powder.
4. Slice the sauted, roasted, or grilled sausage, and place the slices on the individual plates with the
French fries and roll. The slices should be about inch (1 cm) thick. (If hog casings were used for
the links, the casings may be removed before the links are sliced.)
5. Let each person drench the sausage in the desired amount of sauce.

Duck Sausage
This sausage has a variety of seasonings and spices that are commonly used for sausage, but the main
ingredientduckmakes this an exotic sausage. Domesticated duck works as well as wild duck.
However, if domesticated duck is used, be sure to use duck that has not been pumped with brine (salt
Save the duck carcass. At the end of this sausage recipe, there are easy-to-follow instructions on
how to use the carcass to make delicious duck soup.
If you happen to have a lot of duck meat on your hands, you might wish to try the cured duck
sausage, Duckwurst, in the next chapter.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing.
If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it
in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (910 g) of duck meat; the skin and fat should not exceed about 20 percent of the total
meat. Cube the duck. Prepare lb. (250g) of bacon; cut into squares. Refrigerate these meats for at
least 30 minutes. While the meats are being prepared, chill the meat grinder and stuffer in the
Mince the meats with the smallest plate available. It would be best to mince the meats two times;
mincing twice provides a finely textured sausage. Chill the meat between each grinding. After the
grinding is finished, chill the meat again for about 30 minutes.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) coriander seed, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) celery seed, ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) sage, rubbedpacked in the spoon
8 tsp. (0.625 ml) summer savory
8 tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) finely powdered milk 2 Tbsp. (30 ml) red wine


1. Except for the ground duck and ground bacon, measure the seasoning and other ingredients into a
large mixing bowl, and mix well. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
2. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
3. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into links. Refrigerate the links overnight to
permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
4. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
It is suggested that the links be sauted in a small amount of vegetable oil or grilled. Please see
Chapter 6 for detailed cooking instructions.

Duck Soup
It takes only a little work to make a very delicious and unique soup using the bones left after carving
the meat from them.

duck bones
1 each: duck heart, gizzard, and neck
1 quarts (1 liters) water
4 green onions, roughly chopped
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) sherry or shao hsing (optional) tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder (optional) 5 bouillon
cubes, chicken flavor
1. Put all the ingredients in a pot, and simmer about one hour.
2. Strain the soup into another pot. (There will be scum on the sides of the first pot.) If froth or scum
is on the surface, skim it off. Save the heart, gizzard, and neck to use as a snackor mince this

meat and add it to the strained broth. Discard the bones and the green onions.
3. Add 1 cup (240 ml) of very thinly sliced celery to the broth, and simmer a few minutes until the
celery is barely tender. If desired, the soup may be thickened with 1 tablespoon of cornstarch mixed
with 3 tablespoons of water; add the cornstarch and water mixture to the soup slowly while stirring.
Boil gently for one minute. Check the seasoning. Serve.

English Bangers
This sausage is stuffed in hog casings, and it is very popular in the United Kingdom. The special
feature of this sausage is the use of breadcrumbs as one of the main ingredients. The breadcrumbs
retain moisture, and they cause a significant amount of steam to be generated in the sausage when it is
cooked. The pressure generated by the steam is often enough to make the sausages rupture or explode;
they are called bangers for this reason.
You may use the prepared, unseasoned breadcrumbs available in all grocery stores in the United
States, the coarse Japanese-style breadcrumbs available in Asian food stores and even in common
grocery stores (known as panko), or you may make your own breadcrumbs by raking dried bread with
the tines of a fork. I prefer panko, the Japanese-style breadcrumbs. Depending on the kind and amount
of breadcrumbs you use, you may have to adjust the moisture content of the stuffing mixture.
Powdered skim milk is not used in this formula. It is not required because the breadcrumbs function
to retain moisture and plump the sausage links. Pork broth is often used in bangers. However, I find
that chicken consomm powder mixed with water is more convenient, and it tastes just as good.

Prepare 8 feet (240 cm) of hog casings. Rinse the casings, and soak them in water overnight. Rinse
them again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes before using.

Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat. Cut the meat
into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and chill the meat grinder and the sausage stuffer in
the refrigerator.


1 tsp. (7.5 ml) chicken consomm powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
1 egg
cup (180 ml) dry breadcrumbs, not packed in the cup
cup (120 ml) cold water


1. Grind the well-chilled pork with a medium or coarse plate. A coarse plate will give the sausage a
country-style bite texture. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. In a large mixing bowl, blend the breadcrumbs, chicken consomm powder, water, and egg. Mix

well, and set aside one minute. Add the seasoning ingredients and mix again. Place in the freezer to
cool rapidly.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the egg-and-seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly
mixed and uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the
sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Because the high water
content of the sausage will create internal steam pressure, it is best to stuff the casings a little more
loosely than normal. Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the
meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within one day should be wrapped in plastic food wrap individually,
placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Saut or grill the links. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

French Country Sausage

The French use a blend of four spices to season various dishes. It is even used in some sausage
formulations. They call it quatre pices, and it is used in this French Country Sausage. Quatre pices
can be purchased, but it is very easy to blend it in your own kitchen; please see Appendix 1 for
blending instructions and additional information.

Patties or natural casings are the best for French Country Sausage. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.)
sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing will
be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again,
and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) parsley, dried
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) quatre pices (see Appendix 1)packed in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) white wine


1. Grind the pork with a medium plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Except for the ground pork, mix the seasoning and other ingredients in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing
bowl. Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Make patties, or stuff
the sausage into sheep or hog casings.

4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

French Garlic Sausage

Garlic and black pepper are the predominant seasonings in this sausage, but other seasonings
including the brandy or sherrymake a decided contribution to the flavor.

Small natural casings are the best for French Garlic Sausage. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep
casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing will be
used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and
soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) black pepper, coarse grind
2 tsp. (10 ml) garlic, minced
1 tsp. (5 ml) nutmeg tsp. (3.75 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) ginger powder tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
2 eggs, large
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) brandy or sherry


1. Grind the pork with a medium plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Except for the ground pork, mix the seasoning and other ingredients in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing
bowl. Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Stuff the sausage into
sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Fresh Bratwurst
Bratwurst is one of the most popular sausages in North America, and it is available in almost all
grocery stores. In the German language, brat means roast or bake, but this sausage is most often
grilled or sauted. Serve it between two halves of a rollexactly like a hotdog. Garnish it with
horseradish mustard, chopped onions, and dill pickle sticks. Served with cold beer, this will be an
unforgettable meal.

Rinse 7 feet (210 cm) of small-diameter hog casing, and refrigerate it, in water, overnight. Rinse again
in warm water before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lbs. (680 g) of lean pork and 2 lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (910 g) of fatty pork
2 lb. (225 g) of lean veal (beef, chicken thighs, or turkey thighs may be substituted).


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground mustardpacked in the spoon
tsp. (3.75 ml) ground nutmeg
2 tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) water
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 eggs


1. Grind the meats together with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for
about 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning and all other ingredients except for the ground meat in a large mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the hog casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Refrigerate the
links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

In the past, domesticated goose was the traditional Christmas dinner fare in many households, but
turkey and ham have replaced it. Goose, however, remains a popular wildfowl for hunting in Canada
and the United States.
This recipe can be used for either domesticated or wild goose. However, domesticated geese sold at

grocery stores are commonly pumped with a salt solution before freezing. If such geese are used to
make this sausage, the sausage will be too salty. You might have to search for a goose that has not
been pumped.

I always make patties with this sausage, but it can be stuffed in casings. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16
in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing
will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse
again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of goose that contains about 20 percent fat. The skin may be used. Cut the
meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If
the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
cup (60 ml) minced onions
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) prunes, finely chopped
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) sherry
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) honey
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) rosemary
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic powder


1. Grind the goose flesh with a medium plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning and other ingredients, except for the ground goose, in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing
bowl. Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the ground meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the
mixture into -inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff
the sausage into sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Greek Sausage (Loukanika)

Loukanika may not be found in a common grocery store, but it is a fairly well known sausage among
sausage makers. This uniquely seasoned sausage is delicious as a snack food, a main course, or as an
ingredient for various dishes.

Loukanika may be made into patties, or it may be stuffed into hog casings. If you intend to use small-

diameter hog casing, rinse 7 feet (210 cm) of the casing and refrigerate it, in water, overnight. Rinse
again before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is
being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lbs. (680 g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (910 g) of fatty pork
shoulder. lb. (225 g) of lean lamb
NOTE: This sausage is also made with beef instead of lamb, and it is often made with 100 percent
pork, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) olive oil
1 tsp. (5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano
1 clove garlic, finely minced cup (60 ml) red wine
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk cup (120 ml) minced onion
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water
grated orange peel from one orange (orange zest)


1. Grind the meats together with a medium-size plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2. Mix the seasoning and all other ingredients, except for the ground meat, in a large mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Irish Breakfast Sausage

This is one of those sausages that people never tire of eating. It is mildly seasoned, and it goes well
with everything, anytime. Like most UK sausages, it contains breadcrumbs to hold the juices.

The sausage mixture is traditionally stuffed into sheep casings and twisted into 4-inch (10 cm)
links. It would also be very good formed into patties or stuffed into hog casings.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing.
If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it
in water overnight. Rinse again before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (910 g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fatty pork
shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the
grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) mace
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (1.25 ml) rosemary
cup (120 ml) plain breadcrumbs, drynot packed in the cup
1 egg, large
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) boiling water
cup (120 ml) cold water
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) whiskey (optional)Irish whiskey, if you have it


1. Grind the well-chilled pork with a fine plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. In a small bowl, mix the breadcrumbs with the boiling water. Stir well and let set 1 minute. Add the
cold water, stir again, and place in the freezer.
3. Crack the egg into a large mixing bowl, and beat well. Add the seasoning, including the optional
whiskey, and mix well. Remove the wet breadcrumbs from the freezer and add to the seasoning
mixture. Stir until uniform. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
4. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into 4-inch (10 cm) links. Because the sausage
will be twisted into short links, and because the high water content of the sausage will create
internal steam pressure, it is best to stuff the casings a little more loosely than normal. Refrigerate
the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
6. Sausages that will not be eaten within one day should be wrapped in plastic food wrap, placed in a
plastic bag, and frozen.
Saut or grill the links. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Irish Sausage
The Irish are not famous sausage makers, but all the Irish sausage that I have eaten has been
delightful. Pleasant, unobtrusive flavor seems to be their hallmark. Like most UK sausages, Irish
sausage usually contains breadcrumbs to hold the juices.
This sausage is best stuffed into sheep casings and twisted into links. It would also be very good
formed into patties or stuffed into hog casings.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 15 feet (450 cm) of casings.
If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (225 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate
it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water 30 minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (910 g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fatty pork
shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the
grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (13.75 ml) salt
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) marjoram
1 tsp. (5 ml) thyme
2 tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) basil
tsp. (2.5 ml) rosemary
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) plain breadcrumbs, drynot packed in the spoon
2 eggs, beaten
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) boiling water cup (120 ml) cold water


1. Grind the well-chilled pork with a medium or coarse plate. A coarse platewill give the sausage a
country-style texture. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. In a small bowl, mix the breadcrumbs with the boiling water. Stir well and let set one minute. Add
the cold water, stir again, and place in the freezer.
3. Crack the eggs into a large mixing bowl, and beat. Add the seasoning ingredients, and mix well.
Remove the wet breadcrumbs from the freezer, and add them to the egg-and-seasoning mixture. Stir
until uniform. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
4. Add the chilled ground meat to the egg-and-seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly
mixed and uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the
sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into links. Because the high water content of the
sausage will create internal steam pressure, it is best to stuff the casings a little more loosely than
normal. Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a
covered container.

6. Sausages that will not be eaten within one day should be wrapped in plastic food wrap individually,
placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Saut or grill the links. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Italian Farm-Style Sausage

Italian farmers in northern Italy use recipes similar to the one below. There is nothing in the recipe
that identifies it as originating in Italy. Actually, this recipe is similar to the simple farm sausages
made in countries all over the worldif that country has a culture based on European culture. The
sausage is simple, mild, and pleasant tasting. It can be formed into patties or stuffed, and it can be
cooked by any method other than smoking.

I usually make patties with this sausage, but it can be stuffed in casings. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16
in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing
will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse
again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) granulated sugar
tsp. (3.75 ml) black pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
8 tsp. (0.625 ml) cayenne
1 clove garlic, minced
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork with a -inch (6.4 mm) plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes. (Because this is a
country-style sausage, coarsely ground meat is appropriate.)
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading the two for about three minutes. Shape the
mixture into -inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff
the sausage into sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Italian Sausage with Lemon Zest

Most of the spices used in traditional Italian sausage are used in this sausage, but less of these spices
are used so that the lemon zest and white wine can impart a bright, tangy flavor.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casings. Rinse the casings, and soak them in water overnight. Rinse the
casings again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) parsley, dried
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) anise seeds, cracked
1 tsp. (5 ml) fennel seeds, cracked or powdered
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) grated lemon peel (lemon zest)
cup (60 ml) white wine
cup (60 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork with a -inch (6.4 mm) plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, lemon zest, wine, and powdered milk in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Italian Turkey Sausage

Much of the seasoning used in this sausage is typical of Italian sausage, but some of the seasoning
particularly the sageis typical of American breakfast sausage. The variety of seasonings makes this a flavorful sausage, but the quantities of the
various seasonings are modest, so it is not strongly flavored. However, one thing is certain: It is a
versatile sausage that can be used as bulk sausage for seasoning, can be formed into patties, or can be

stuffed into natural casings and used as a main course.

The meat specified in the original recipe was ground turkey sold at grocery stores, but boned turkey
thighs together with the fat and skin would make better sausage, so they are suggested in this revised
formula. Obviously, pork could replace part of the turkey.

Forming the sausage into patties is certainly an option, but if 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep
casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing will be
used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and
soak in warm water 30 minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of boned turkey thighs. Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes.
(Alternatively, use ground turkey purchased at the grocery store.) Refrigerate the meat, and put the
meat grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) poultry seasoningpacked in the spoon
tsp. (5 ml) ginger powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) oregano
tsp. (2.5 ml) fennel seeds, cracked or powdered
tsp. (2.5 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme, powdered
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (1.25 ml) anise seeds, cracked
8 tsp. (0.625 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meat with a -inch (6.4 mm) or smaller plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Refrigerate the links overnight to
permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.

Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Jewish Beef Sausage

This well-seasoned beef sausage makes an excellent main course. The seasonings enhance the beefy
flavor of the meat. Be sure that these sausages are not overcooked.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing.
Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few
minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of beef chuck. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While this meat is
being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt (or 1 Tbsp./15 ml kosher salt)
2 tsp. (10 ml) whole mustard seed
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (3.75 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) dry mustard
8 tsp. (0.625 ml) bay leaf powder
8 tsp. (0.625 ml) ground cloves
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) finely powdered milk
cup (120 ml) cold water


1. Grind the well-chilled beef with a medium plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. Measure the seasoning, corn syrup, and powdered milk into a large mixing bowl, and stir with a
whisk until well blended. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground beef to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into links. Refrigerate the links overnight to
permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Sausage with sauerkraut as an ingredient is popular in some areas of southern Germany. It is usually
poached in beer, and then grilled or sauted. Krautwurst is served on a roll with mustard, and is eaten
while drinking dark beer.
As usual, this recipe uses 2 pounds (1,150 g) of meat. However, because there is pound (225 g)
of sauerkraut used as an ingredient, the final product will weigh a little over 3 pounds (1,360 g), and a
little more than the normal length of casing will be needed.
If the sauerkraut is sprayed with cold water briefly before it is mixed with the meat, the tartness of
the sausage will be reduced. If it is thoroughly rinsed
in water, the tart taste will be very mild. In any case, before it is chopped, the kraut should be
squeezed to remove as much moisture as possible.

Rinse 8 feet (240 cm) of small-diameter hog casing, and refrigerate it overnight in a cup of water.
Rinse again in warm water before using.


Prepare the meats listed below. Cut the pork into -inch (2 cm) cubes, and cut the sliced bacon
crosswise into squares. Refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage
stuffer in the refrigerator.
2 lbs. (910 g) pork shoulder lb. (225 g) bacon


lb. (225 g) sauerkraut, rinsed (optional), drained and squeezed
2 tsp. (13.75 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (22.5 ml) light corn syrup
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) onion granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) marjoram
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground mustardpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground caraway seed
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) whole mustard seed
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) water


1. Grind the pork and bacon together with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) or larger plate. Refrigerate the ground
meat for about 30 minutes.
2. Chop the rinsed (optional), drained, and squeezed sauerkraut with a stainless steel knife. (A carbon
steel knife might impart a metallic taste to the acidic sauerkraut.) Transfer the chopped kraut to a
large mixing bowl.
3. Add the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water to the same bowl, and mix well. Refrigerate this

seasoning mixture for at least 15 minutes.

4. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage into the prepared hog casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links, or tie the
sausage rope into four rings. (Rings are traditional for this sausage. See photo of sausage rings in
Chapter 9, Ring Bologna.) Refrigerate the sausage overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed
by the meat. Use a covered container.
6. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Lamb SausageMild
This sausage has a variety of seasonings and spices, but the amount of each item is modest. The result
is a flavorful, but mildly seasoned sausage. It works well as a breakfast sausage when it is made into
patties. It makes a tasty appetizer when serving cocktails if it is stuffed into sheep casings and twisted
into 2- to 3-inch (5 to 7.5 cm) links.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing.
Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water about 30
minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of lamb, or 2 lbs. (910 g) of lamb and lb. (230 g) of beef. In either case,
the total fat content should be about 20 percent. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While this
meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano
tsp. (1.25 ml) coriander seed, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) rosemary
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) white wine


1. Grind the well-chilled lamb and beef with a fine plate 8 inch (3.2 mm), if available. Refrigerate

the ground meat for about 30 minutes.

2. Measure the seasoning and all other ingredients, except for the meat, into a large mixing bowl, and
mix well. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into links. Refrigerate the links overnight to
permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Saut the links in a small amount of olive oil, or grill them. Please see Chapter 6 for detailed
cooking instructions.

Lincolnshire-Style Sausage
We never hear about, or see, Lincolnshire sausage here in the United States, but it is impossible to live
in England without being introduced to it. Hardcore Lincolnshire sausage connoisseurs in the UK
insist that Lincolnshire sausages must be made in Lincolnshire County, and must be made with pork
from English pigsand there are more requirements in addition to these!
This sausage is a very simple and conventional fresh sausage. Sage and black pepper are the
predominant seasonings, and there is a bit of ginger and a hint of mace and allspice. Thats about it.
Nothing special. From the American standpoint, the only thing of special interest is that it has
breadcrumbs in it, but this is common with United Kingdom sausages. Nevertheless, some of the most
simple sausage formulations make excellent tasting sausages that you will want to eat repeatedly. You
may find, as the Brits have found, that this is one of them.

Prepare 7 feet (225 cm) of hog casings. Rinse the casings, and soak them in water overnight. Rinse
them again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 25 percent fat. Cut the meat into inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and chill the meat grinder and the sausage stuffer in the


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
cup (60 ml) dry breadcrumbsnot packed in the cup
cup (120 ml) cold water


1. Grind the well-chilled pork with a coarse plate. A coarse plate will give the sausage a traditional
country-style bite texture. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. In a large mixing bowl, mix all the seasoning and other ingredients except for the meat. Place this
seasoning blend in the freezer to cool rapidly.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and uniform.
This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer and casings
are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within one day should be wrapped in plastic food wrap individually,
placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Saut or grill the links. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

MerquezLamb Sausage
This sausage is popular in northern African countries such as Tunisia and Libya. The name is often
spelled Merguez, and there are, of course, variations in the formula.
This sausage is best stuffed into sheep casings and twisted into 3- to 5-inch (7.6 to 12.7 cm) links.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing.
Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water about 30
minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of lamb, or 2 lbs. (910 g) of lamb and lb. (230 g) of beef. In either case,
the total fat content should be about 20 percent. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate. While this
meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) paprika
2 tsp. (10 ml) onion granules
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) parsley, dried
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground coriander seedpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) cumin
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) cold water


1. Grind the well-chilled meat cubes with a fine plate 8 inch (3.2 mm), if available. Refrigerate the
ground meat for about 30 minutes.
2. Measure the seasoning and water into a large mixing bowl, and mix well. Refrigerate for at least 15
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into links. Refrigerate the links overnight to
permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5.Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap individually,
placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.

Saut the links in a small amount of olive oil, or grill them. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking

Midwest-Style Breakfast Sausage

In the Midwestern part of the United States, breakfast sausage seasoned as indicated below was made
on small farms. In the towns, small butcher shops made it themselves and sold it in bulk.

If natural casing will be used, rinse it well and soak it in water overnight in the refrigerator. Rinse
again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
cup (60 ml) minced onion
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) dried parsley flakes
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) rubbed sagepacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) dried ginger powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork with a -inch (6.4 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate.
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the mixture into
-inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff the sausage
into sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Minnesota Fresh Bratwurst

There are many recipes for bratwurst in North America. In particular, there are many for Sheboygan,
Wisconsin style bratwurst. This Minnesota style is not as well known, but this formula is quite good.

Rinse 7 feet (210 cm) of small-diameter hog casing, and refrigerate it, in water, overnight. Rinse again
in warm water before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lbs. (680 g) of lean pork and 2 lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (910 g) of fatty pork shoulder.

2 lb. (225 g) of lean veal (beef, chicken thighs, or turkey thighs may be substituted).


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) milk
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
1 egg


1. Grind the meats together with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2. Mix the seasoning and all other ingredients, except for the meat, in a large mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.

4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Mr. Mattsons Potato Sausage

When the Swedes immigrated to the United States, they usually settled in states like Minnesota,
Wisconsin, and Michigan, which have climates similar to Sweden. They brought with them their love
of potato sausage and the knowledge of how to make it. In those areas of the United States, potato
sausage is available in grocery stores, but a few people still make it at home, and the homemade kind
is best.
Pam Nordeen, the great granddaughter of an immigrant named John Matt-son, gave the following
recipe to me. Her family is still treasuring his recipe; it is written faintly in pencil on paper yellowed
with age. Mr. Mattson emigrated from Sweden and became a dairy and root crop farmer in Michigan.
When he retired, he sold his farm to Henry Ford, and Mr. Ford built a power plant on it for a nearby
motorcar factory. John Mattson passed away in about 1968 but his sausage recipe lives on.
The basic ingredients and the processing of his sausage are the same as for the Swedish Potatis
Prov, but his seasoning is a little different. It is normal for the ratio of meat to potatoes to vary with
the source of the recipe. His ratio of meat to potatoes is 1 to 2, and Mr. Mattson was adamant about
this ratio. He complained frequently that the commercially prepared potato sausage contained too
much meat.
The kind of seasoning in this sausage is clearly indicated in his handwritten recipe: salt, pepper,
mace, savory, allspice, and sage. Unfortunately, the amount of each seasoning was not specified, so I
made educated guesses, made a test batch, and then made changes according to the advice of Pam
Nordeen and her sister.
The traditional version of Potatis Prov does not use savory and sage, and it usually calls for nutmeg
and garlic instead.
Potatis Prov is often served for breakfast. It goes well with eggs prepared in any manner.

Hog casing must be used, and about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing will be required. Rinse it well, and
soak it in water overnight in the refrigerator. Rinse again, and soak it in warm water for a few minutes
before using.


The meat: Prepare lb. (340 g) of pork shoulder butt and lb. (115 g) of beef chuck; cut the meat
into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and put the meat grinder and sausage stuffer in the
The potatoes: Weigh 2 lbs. (1020 g) of unpeeled potatoes, and peel them. After peeling, the
weight will be about 2 lbs. (about 910 g)just right. Cube the potatoes to about the same size as the
meat cubes. Place the cubed potatoes in a stainless steel or plastic pan, cover with water, add 1
tablespoon of lemon juice, and refrigerate. (The acid in the lemon juice helps to retard the darkening
of the peeled potatoes.)

The onion: Peel one medium onion and chop it coarsely. Refrigerate.


4 tsp. (20 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) summer savory
tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) sage
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meat and chopped onions with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) plate. Refrigerate.
2. Drain the cubed potatoes, but do not rinse them. Grind the cubes with a -inch (6.4 mm) plate.
Place the minced potatoes on paper towels that have been laid on several sheets of newspaper.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes. (The paper towels and newspaper will absorb the excess moisture.)
3. Mix the seasoning ingredients and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. After mixing, the
seasoning mixture should be a thick liquid; if it is not liquid, add a little more water. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
4. Blend the meat and onion mixture, the ground potatoes, and the seasoning by kneading for about
three minutes. Chill this mixture while the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage into the hog casing and twist the sausage rope into 5-inch (13 cm) links.
Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat and potatoes.
(The sausages will darken; this is normal and harmless. The darkening is caused by oxygen passing
through the casing and reacting with the potato particles lying just under the casing.)
Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days. (These sausages are very
perishable; dont exceed two days of refrigerator storage.) Wrap the remaining sausages in plastic
wrap. Place the wrapped links in a sealed plastic bag and freeze for up to two months.

Cooking is accomplished by poaching the links in hot water or chicken broth until the minced potatoes
are tender. It is best if the hot liquid is about 180 F
(82 C). The closer the temperature of the liquid comes to the boiling point, the more likely some of
the sausage links will explode due to steam being generated in the casing.
Depending on the thickness of the links and the temperature of the water, cooking will require
between 45 minutes and 1 hours. To test, cut off a bite-sized hunk of sausage. If the minced potato
is still raw, close the cut end with twine and continue to cook.

Oxford Bangers
In addition to the common English banger presented earlier in this chapter, England is noted for
another banger known as the Oxford banger. The formulas are considerably different. The Oxford
banger is spicier, and has much more sage in it. Another difference is that the common banger is made
entirely of pork, whereas the Oxford banger is traditionally made of about half pork and half veal.
(The formula below will suggest that chicken or turkey thigh be substituted for the veal.)

Prepare 7 feet (225 cm) of hog casings. Rinse the casings, and soak them in water overnight. Rinse
them again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes before using.


Grind the following meats with a -inch (9.5 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the meat, and chill the
meat grinder and the sausage stuffer in the refrigerator, too.
1 lbs. (800 g) fatty pork butt
lb. (340 g) chicken thighs, or turkey thighsboned, and with the skin and fat attached (veal is



2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) lemon juice
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
2 eggs
cup (80 ml) dry breadcrumbs, not packed in the cup
cold water to make a slurry


1. Measure seasoning, eggs, breadcrumbs, and water into a large mixing bowl, and add enough cold
water to make a slurry. Mix well. Place in the freezer to cool rapidly.
2. Add the chilled ground meat to the chilled seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly
mixed and uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste while the
sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
3. Stuff the sausage paste into the casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
4. Sausages that will not be eaten within one day should be wrapped in plastic food wrap individually,
placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Saut or grill the links. Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Russian Farmers Sausage

This is a coarse and hearty sausage with a simple, but strong, seasoning.

This sausage is good made into patties or stuffed into hog casings. If small-diameter hog casing will

be used, prepare 7 feet (225 cm) of casing. Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight.
Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 cup (240 ml) chopped onions
cup (60 ml) parsley, dried
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) caraway seeds
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) dill seeds
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) garlic, minced
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper, ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) sugar
cup (120 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork and onions with a coarse plate, and refrigerate the mixture for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the ground meat and onion mixture with the seasoning by kneading for about three minutes.
Shape the mixture into -inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap.
Alternatively, stuff the sausage into hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Scandinavian-Style Sausage
Potatoes or potato flour is traditionally used in some of the sausages made in Sweden, Norway, and
Denmark. Certain elements of several Scandinavian sausages were combined to formulate the sausage

If hog casing is used, about 7 feet (225 cm) will be required. Rinse it well, and refrigerate it in water
overnight. Rinse again, and soak it in warm water a few minutes before using.

Mince the following meats with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) plate:
2 lbs. (910 g) of pork butt lb. (225 g) beef chuck

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) granulated onion or onion powder
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) salt
tsp. (1.25 ml) white pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
tsp. (1.25 ml) granulated sugar
tsp. (2.5 ml) chicken bouillon powder or chicken consomm powder
cup (120 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
1 cup (240 ml) boiled and mashed potatoes, unseasoned, chilled


1. Blend all the seasoning ingredients, including the water and powdered milkexcept for the mashed
potatoes. Then add the mashed potatoes and blend again.
2. Blend the ground meat with the seasoning-and-potato mixture. Knead for about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into the hog casing, and twist the sausage rope into 5-inch (13 cm) links.
Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat and potatoes.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten the next day. (This sausage is very perishable.) Wrap the
remaining sausages in plastic wrap. Place the wrapped links in a sealed plastic bag, and freeze them
for up to two months.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions and instructions.

Toulouse Sausage
Toulouse is the city in southwest France where this sausage originated. The sausage formula is one of
the most simple of all the sausages I have examined. One version of this sausage is seasoned with
nothing more than salt, pepper, and nutmeg. The version here is a little more complexit has six
Traditionally, this sausage is coarsely ground, stuffed into hog casing, and twisted into links about 5
inches (13 cm) long.

If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of casing. Rinse the casing, and
refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper

tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules

tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) good-tasting white wine


1. Grind the pork with a coarse plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, corn syrup, and wine in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate this
seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Stuff the sausage into
hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Turkey Breakfast Sausage

Turkey, chicken, or any kind of wild or domesticated fowl can be used to make sausage. In my
opinion, dark meat makes the best sausage, and boned thigh meat is the easiest to use. Chicken
drumsticks can be used, but turkey drumsticks are troublesome because of the numerous tendons. Below is a very simple but tasty breakfast

Breakfast sausage made into patties is good, but it can be stuffed in casings. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to
1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog
casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight.
Rinse again, and soak in warm water 30 minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) turkey, chicken, or other fowl. Use the skin and fat up to 20 percent of the
total amount of meat. Cut it into cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and put the meat grinder in the
refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) poultry seasoningpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) sage, rubbedpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) fresh ginger, grated or minced
tsp. (3.75 ml) black pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (1.25 ml) liquid smoke (optional)
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the poultry with a medium plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Except for the meat, mix the seasoning and other ingredients in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the mixture into
-inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff the sausage
into sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Turkey or Waterfowl Italian Sausage

Turkey, chicken, or waterfowlwild or domesticatedcan be used to make this sausage. If turkey or
chicken is used, dark meat with the skin and fat is best. This is a tasty, but mildly seasoned, Italian
sausage with a little poultry seasoning added.

If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing.
If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it
in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water 30 minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fowl that contains about 20 percent fat, cut the meat into -inch (2 cm)
cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and put the meat grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, coarsely ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) poultry seasoningpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) oregano, powdered
tsp. (2.5 ml) fennel seeds, cracked or powdered
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme, powdered
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (1.25 ml) anise seeds, cracked
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the fowl with a medium plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate

this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.

3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes.Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 5-inch (13 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use a covered container.
5. Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

Warrens Country-Style Bulk Breakfast Sausage

I made this sausage for the first time almost thirty years ago when I was living in Japan, and it was the
first sausage I ever made. The wife of a Christian missionary gave the recipe to me. It continues to be
one of my favorite fresh sausages. The use of poultry seasoning in a 100 percent pork sausage makes
this an unusual formulation.

I always make patties with this sausage, but it can be stuffed in casings. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16
in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing
will be used, prepare 7 feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse
again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, or use 2 lbs. (910 g)
of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fat; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat,
and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it as well.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) poultry seasoningpacked in the spoon 1 tsp. (5 ml) sage, rubbedpacked in the
spoon tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano or marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) red pepper
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork with a medium plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the mixture into
-inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff the sausage
into sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.

Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.


Cured Sausage

NOTE: Cured sausage contains a sausage curing powder (Cure #1) such as Prague Powder #1,
Modern Cure, or Instacure #1. It may be cold smoked, hot smoked, or cooked by any method.
The sausages in this chapter have been arranged in alphabetical order.

Alsatian French Sausage

Alsace is a region in northeastern France between the Rhine River and the Vosges Mountains. This
area is the home of Alsatian Sausage.
In Chapter 8, there is another sausage, French Country Sausage, which also uses the special French
blend of seasoning called quatre pices. The French use this blend of four spices to season various
dishes. It can be purchased ready-mixed, or it can be blended in your own kitchen; please see
Appendix 1 for blending instructions and additional information.

Natural casings are best for this sausage. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is to be used,
prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7 feet
(210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water
a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat. Cut the pork
shoulder into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat, and put the meat grinder and sausage stuffer
in the refrigerator while the meat is being prepared.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (3.75 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) quatre pices
tsp. (0.625 ml) ground ginger
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water


1. Grind the pork with a fine plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2 . Mix the seasoning, corn syrup, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate this
seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.

3. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Stuff the sausage into
sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.
This sausage is not smoked. Please see Chapter 6 for sauting or poaching suggestions.

Several varieties of andouille are made in France, but most of us associate this sausage with Cajun
cooking. The Cajuns, too, make many varieties of this hot, spicy, and well-seasoned sausage. Some
kinds are to be eaten just as they are, and other kinds are used primarily as an ingredient for boiled
beans or other dishes. The andouille produced by this recipe works well for either purpose.
In spite of the convoluted French spelling, the pronunciation of andouille is very easy: an dewy.

Hog casing, or the more tender sheep casings, may be used. If you wish to use the small hog casing, 7
feet (210 cm) will be required; if sheep casing will be used, prepare 14 feet (420 cm). As usual, rinse
the casing, and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water for a few
minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fatty pork shoulder; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While
this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) onion granules
2 tsp. (10 ml) cayenne
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) mace
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard powderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) whole mustard seeds
tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
tsp. (0.625 ml) cloves (powdered)
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the chilled meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for
about 30 minutes.
2. While the meat is chilling, mix all of the remaining ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3 . Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog or sheep casing, and twist the sausage rope into 6-inch (15 cm) links.
Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container (or cover with paper towels) so the casings will dry.
Usually, this variety of andouille is hot smoked. If you wish to smoke the links, please see Chapter 7
for suggestions and directions. If you wish to omit smoking, please go directly to the cooking
suggestions in Chapter 6.

Berliner Sausage
This German snack sausage is cured and seasoned very simply with salt, pepper, a little garlic, and
minced raw onion. In this recipe, the traditional 20 percent veal has been replaced with chicken or
turkey thighs.

Any size of fibrous casing may be used. A large casing such as a 4-inch (10.16 cm) one is most
common, but a 2-inch (6.35 cm) casing is easier and faster to process, so it is recommended. For 2
lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two of these casings12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required. Prepare the
casings by soaking in lukewarm water for 30 minutes. Be sure to put warm water inside the casings.

Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of pork butt, lb. (225 g) of beef chuck, and lb. (225 g) of either boned
chicken thighs or boned turkey thighs. Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. The total fat content
should be about 20 to 25 percent of the meat. (Beef heart or venison may be substituted for some of
the beef chuck.) Refrigerate the meat for 30 minutes. While the meat is being prepared, chill the meat
grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. Chill the meat again while the seasoning and other
ingredients are being prepared.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, finely ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
cup (60 ml) finely minced onion
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) cold water

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup


1. While the ground meat is chilling, mix the seasoning and other ingredients in a large bowl until the
slurry is uniform.
2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into fibrous casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the
open end of one of the chubs, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4. Refrigerate the sausage chubs overnight to blend the seasoning and curing powder with the meat.
5 . The next morning, the chubs may be smoked. (Cold smoking followed by hot smoking is
traditional.) Please see Chapter 7 for smoking details and suggestions. If the sausage will not be
smoked, steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in
Chapter 6.

In spite of the name, bierwurst does not have beer as an ingredient. It got its name because it goes well
with beer. It is sliced and eaten cold as a snack sausage or luncheon meat. Bierwurst is a hot smoked
sausage, but smoking is not essential.
A few hours before this sausage is made, it is best to soak the minced garlic in the rum and water.
This will help to distribute the garlic flavor better.

Bierwurst is traditionally stuffed in large beef bungs or small beef bladders, but 2-inch (6.35 cm)
fibrous casings, or large hog casings, are easier and faster to process, so they are recommended. For
2 lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two fibrous casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required.
Prepare the fibrous casings by soaking in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. Be sure to put warm
water inside the casings. If large hog casing will be used, it should be prepared a day in advance.

Prepare the meats listed below. Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. The total fat content should be
about 25 percent of the meat. While the meat is being prepared, chill the meat grinder and stuffer.
1 lbs. (680 g) pork shoulder butt
lb. (225 g) beef chuck
lb. (115 g) bacon
lb. (115 g) beef heart

Refrigerate the meat for at least 30 minutes, and then grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate
or use a plate with smaller holes, if available. Chill the meat again while the seasoning and other
ingredients are being prepared.

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) garlic, minced and packed in the spoon (about 4 cloves)

1 tsp. (7.5 ml) sugar

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (3.75 ml) black pepper, ground
tsp. (3.75 ml) MSG (optional)
tsp. (1.25 ml) cardamom seed, ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
cup (60 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) cold water
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) white rum


1 . While the ground meat is chilling, mix all the seasoning ingredients, powdered milk, water, and
rum in a large bowl until the slurry is uniform.
2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the open end
of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4 . Refrigerate the stuffed sausage overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
The next morning, the sausage may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking instructions and
suggestions. If it will be smoked, hot smoking is recommended, but cold smoking and steam cooking
will also yield good results. If the sausage will not be smoked, steaming or poaching is recommended.
Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Chinese Cha Shu Sausage

This exotically seasoned, piquant Chinese sausage is very good for seasoning stir-fried dishes. The
seasoning of this sausage is similar to some varieties of Chinese style barbecued pork served as an
appetizer in Chinese restaurants. This sausage, too, can be sliced thinly and served with hot mustard
and toasted sesame seeds. The special character of this variety results from the use of five-spice
powdera special Chinese spice blend with a unique aroma. In Chapter 8, there is a similar recipe for
a Chinese cha shu sausage, but it is not cured and does not use five-spice powder (see Chinese-Style
BBQ Pork Sausage).
Nowadays, many Chinese culinary ingredients are available in the ethnic sections of well-stocked
grocery stores. But, if you cant find what you need, try an Asian grocer or use the Internet. The
Chinese light soy sauce is milder than the common soy sauce, but regular soy sauce can be used for
this sausage. The five-spice powder must be Chinese style; there is a European five-spice powder, but
that is not the same. A certain American company manufactures many Chinese culinary ingredients,
including five-spice powder, under the brand name of Sun Luck. This brand is sometimes available in
common grocery stores. For additional information on five-spice powder, please see Appendix 1.
Some people love the unique and distinctive aroma of five-spice powder, and others cannot tolerate
it. Consequently, you might wish to reduce the amount from tsp. (2.5 ml) to tsp. (1.25 ml) for the
first batch of this sausage.

Sheep casings are definitely preferable, but small-diameter hog casings may be used. However, please
keep in mind that the required drying time increases as the diameter of the casing increases. If you
wish to use the small hog casing, rinse 7 feet (210 cm) of casing, and refrigerate it overnight in a cup
of water. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm).
Rinse the casing again, and soak it in warm water for a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork butt. Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate.


cup (80 ml) honey
cup (60 ml) sherry
cup (60 ml) sugar
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) Chinese light soy sauce
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) hoisin sauce
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) ginger root, grated OR 1 tsp. (5 ml) ginger powder
2 tsp. (10 ml) sesame (seed) oil 1 tsp. (7.5 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (2.5 ml) 5-spice powder (vary this amount to suit taste)
tsp. (1.25 ml) white pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced


1. Day 1, morning: In a large plastic food container with a lid, mix the seasoning and other ingredients
for the marinade. Add the cubes of pork and stir well. Refrigerate. Shake the container, or stir the
pork from time to time to redistribute the marinade and to recoat the pork cubes.
2. Day 2: Shake the container of marinating pork (or stir) two or three times.
3. Day 3, morning: Drain the pork, and discard the marinade. Rinse the pork briefly, and drain in a
colander for at least one hour in the refrigerator. Chill the grinder and stuffer in the refrigerator.
4. Grind the meat with a coarse plate, and refrigerate it for about 30 minutes while the sausage stuffer
and casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage into the casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Cut every other twist so that
each link is joined to another link to form a pair.
6. Dry the stuffed sausage for one or two hours in front of an electric fanuntil the surface is dry to
the touch and the fingertips slide smoothly on the casing. Remove the sausages to a smoker
preheated to 140 F (60 C), and open the smoker vents fully. (Do not smoke the sausage; use the
smoker for drying only.) If possible, hang each pair on a rod. If they must be placed in baskets,
ensure that there is adequate space between the links to facilitate drying.
7. Raise the smoker temperature to 175 F (79 C) slowlyover the period of one hour or soand
continue cooking without smoke until the internal temperature of the thickest link reaches 160 F
(71 C). Remove the links from the smoker, place them in front of an electric fan for one hour, and
then refrigerate themuncovereduntil they are well chilled.
8. Hang the sausage pairs on a rod in the refrigerator and allow them to dry for three days. When the

drying is finished, wrap them in plastic food wrap, put them in a plastic bag, and freeze the links for
future use as a seasoning ingredient for other dishes.

Chinese-Style Mushroom Sausage

Chinese sausages tend to be highly seasoned, and they are often sliced thinly, minced, or julienned for
seasoning stir-fried and steamed dishes. This sausage is a milder, somewhat westernized version of
the true Chinese mushroom sausage, so it is a better match for the American and European palate.
A few ingredients have no good substitutes, and a few are unlikely to be found in a common grocery
store. Hopefully, there is an Asian grocer in your town. If not, these ingredients can be found on the
The Chinese light soy sauce is milder than common soy sauce, but regular soy sauce can be
substituted. The black mushrooms (shiitake) in the recipe are actually Japanese mushrooms, and dried
shiitake are easy to buy in Asian food stores. However, if these dried mushrooms cant be found, use
about pound (115 g) of fresh button mushrooms, or fresh shiitake mushrooms. (Recently, fresh
shiitake can be found in common grocery stores.) Sesame (seed) oil should be available in the ethnic
food section of a well-stocked supermarket.

Sheep casings are definitely preferable, but small-diameter hog casings may be used. However, please
keep in mind that the required drying time increases as the diameter of the casing increases. If you
wish to use the small hog casing, rinse 7 feet (210 cm), and refrigerate it overnight in a little water. If
24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm). Rinse the
casing again, and soak it in warm water for a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork butt. Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While
this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


1 oz. (28 g) black mushrooms (shiitake), dried
1 to 2 cups (240 to 480 ml) water for soaking (rehydrating) mushrooms
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) Chinese light soy sauce
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) sherry
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) onion granules
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) sesame (seed) oil
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) sugar
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) ginger, powdered
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) salt
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) liquid smoke (optional)
cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Rehydrate the dried black mushrooms by putting them in a bowl of water for about 30 minutes. (If
fresh mushrooms are used, omit this step.)
2. Grind the pork with a coarse plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30 minutes.
3. Remove and discard the hard stems from the black mushrooms, chop the mushrooms finely, and
put them in a large mixing bowl. While the ground meat is chilling, add all the rest of the
ingredients to the same mixing bowl. Stir until well blended. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15
4 . Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage into the casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Cut every other twist so that
each link is joined to another link to form a pair. (Later on, each pair will be optionally hung to dry
over a rod in the smoker and a rod in the refrigerator.) Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the
seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. (It is not necessary to hang them at this time.) Use an
uncovered container, but cover the sausage with a paper towel.
6. The next morning, dry the stuffed sausage for one or two hours in front of an electric fan until the
surface is dry to the touch and the fingertips slide smoothly on the casing. Remove the sausages to a
smoker preheated to 140 F (60 C) and open the smoker vents fully. If possible, hang each pair on
a rod. If they must be placed in baskets, ensure that there is adequate space between the links to
facilitate drying.
7. Raise the smoker temperature to 175 F (79 C) slowlyover the period of one hour or soand
continue cooking without smoke until the internal temperature of the thickest link reaches 160 F
(71 C). Remove the links from the smoker, place them in front of an electric fan for one hour, and
then refrigerate themuncovereduntil they are well chilled.
8. Hang the sausage pairs on a rod in the refrigerator and allow them to dry for three days. (If they
cant be hung, place them on paper towels.) When the drying is finished, wrap them in plastic food
wrap, put them in a plastic bag, and freeze the links for future use as a seasoning ingredient.

Cotto Salami
Cotto salami is one of the best-known lunchmeat sausages in the United States. The origin of this
sausage is Italy. In Italian, it is called salame cotto, which means cooked salami. Each region of Italy
has its own variation of seasoning ingredients, but beef and pork are invariably used.
Cotto salami is usually smokedand smoking is recommendedbut if it will not be smoked, the
optional liquid smoke will impart a similar smoked aroma. If the recommended amount of liquid
smoke is exceeded, it may produce an unpleasant taste.

Any size of fibrous casing may be used. A large casing such as a 4-inch (10.16 cm) one is most
common, but a 2-inch (6.35 cm) casing is easier and faster to process, so it is recommended. For 2
lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two of these casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required.
Prepare the casings by soaking in lukewarm water for 30 minutes. Be sure to flood the inside of the
casings with warm water.

Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of beef chuck and 1 lb. (450 g) of pork butt; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm)
cubes. The total fat content should be about 20 to 25 percent of the meat. (Beef heart or wild game
may be substituted for some of the beef chuck.) Refrigerate the meat for 30 minutes. While the meat
is being prepared, chill the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plateor use a plate with smaller holes, if available. Chill
the meat again while the seasoning and other ingredients are being prepared.

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 tsp. (10 ml) black peppercorns, cracked
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper, ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) caraway seed, ground
tsp. (0.625 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
tsp. (0.625 ml) nutmeg
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) red wine
tsp. (1.25 ml) Wrights liquid smoke (optional)
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup


1. Mix the seasoning, red wine, corn syrup, powdered milk, and the optional liquid smoke in a large
bowl until the ingredients are uniformly distributed. Refrigerate for 15 minutes.
2. Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniformly mixed. This will
require about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste for about 30 minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into fibrous casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the
open end of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4 . Refrigerate the sausage chubs overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
5 . The next morning, the sausage chubs may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking
suggestions. If they will be smoked, cold smoking followed by steam cooking is recommended. If
the sausage will not be smoked, steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or
poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Cured Bratwurst
Most recipes for bratwurst are for fresh bratwurst, but some people like the cured variety, and others
like it both cured and smoked. The formulation below is very similar to the fresh bratwurst in Chapter
9, except Cure #1 (curing powder) has been added, and nutmeg has been replaced by marjoram.
(Marjoram is used instead of nutmeg or mace in many bratwurst formulas.) If this sausage is served
between two halves of a roll and garnished with horseradish mustard, chopped onions, and dill pickle

sticks, it will be a memorable treat. Dont forget the cold beer!

Rinse 7 feet (210 cm) of small-diameter hog casing, and refrigerate it overnight in a little water. Rinse
again in warm water before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lbs. (680 g) of lean pork and 2 lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (910 g) of fatty pork shoulder.

2 lb. (225 g) of lean veal (beef, chicken thighs, or turkey thighs may be substituted).


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground mustardpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
2 cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) water
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 eggs


1 . Grind the meats together with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat
for about 30 minutes.
2 . Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, eggs, corn syrup, and water together in a large mixing
bowl. Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4 . Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Cover the links with paper towels.
5 . Sausages that will not be eaten within two days should be wrapped in plastic food wrap
individually, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.
6. If you wish to smoke the links, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. If you wish to
omit smoking, please see the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

Deviled Ham
Recipes for homemade deviled ham appeared in homestead cookbooks in the 18th century. Making
deviled ham was a way of using the scraps of ham left after a whole ham was carved. The scraps of

ham were chopped or ground, mixed with seasoning and other ingredients, and spread on bread,
biscuits, or crackers.
In 1822, an Englishman named William Underwood set up a small company that initially processed
and sold mustard. Soon, other condiments packed in glass jars were added to the list of products. After
1836, Mr. Underwoods company made a fortune selling various foods packed in tin plated cans. In
about 1864, William Underwoods sons developed the famous canned deviled ham by blending ground
ham with special seasonings and canning it. They printed the now familiar trademark drawing of a red
devil on the can label in 1870. Today, the same brand of canned deviled ham is still sold in grocery
For me, and for many others of my generation, deviled ham sandwiches were regular fare in the
lunch boxes we took to school. Deviled ham is nostalgia in a can. For some reason, kids love deviled
ham sandwiches and deviled ham spread on crackers.
Making the deviled ham from ham scraps, as they did in the old days, is very easy, especially if a
meat grinder is available. However, with just a little more effort, we can cure cubes of pork and
change them into ham. These cubes of homemade ham provide the main ingredient required for
deviled ham, and we need not wait until we have scraps of ham on hand.
The basic plan for making deviled ham from scratch is as follows:
Regular Boston butt (shoulder butt), or other pork that is commonly used to make sausage, will be cut
into cubes and cured for five days. This pork should contain about 15 percent fat. At the end of five
days, these cubes of fresh pork will have been changed to cubes of cured ham.
These cubes of cured ham will be rinsed, drained, and finely ground.
Seasoning will be added, and the deviled ham will be steamed or baked. It can be stored in the
refrigerator or freezer for future use.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork containing about 15 percent fat. Cut this pork into -inch (2 cm)
cubes. Refrigerate these cubes until they are well chilled.


1 Tbsp. (15 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (2.5 ml) onion granules
2 tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water to make a slurry


1. Day 1: Measure the cure ingredients into a plastic food container that is large enough to allow the
cubes to be stirred easily. (The container should have a tight-fitting lid.) Add enough cold water to
make a slurry. Place the pork cubes in the container and stir the cubes vigorously to ensure that all
surfaces of each cube are coated with the seasoned cure. Push the cubes down in the curing
container so that they are packed together tightly. Cover and refrigerate.
2. Days 2 and 3: Each day, stir the cubes thoroughly at least one time in order to recoat each of the

cubes with cure. Push the cubes down to re-pack tightly.

3 . Day 4: The curing is finished. Remove the cubes from the plastic container, place them in a
colander, and spray with cold water thoroughly to remove all curing compound from the surfaces of
the cubes. Drain well in the colander, and then place the cubes atop a paper towel with newspaper
underneath. Refrigerate the cubes while they are on the paper. While the deviled ham seasoning is
being prepared, chill the meat grinder.


2 Tbsp. (30 ml) flour
1 tsp. (5 ml) Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) white pepper
2 tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) paprika
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
cup cold water

1 . Grind the cured ham cubes with the smallest plate availablethe smaller the better. Refrigerate
for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure the seasoning and other ingredients into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Add cold
water to make a slurry. Stir until the mixture is uniform. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the chilled seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Place the deviled ham paste in the freezer, and stir
the meat every 10 minutes or so. The goal is to chill this sausage paste in the freezer until most of it
is crunchy, but not frozen hard.
4 . When the sausage mixture has become crunchy, grind it again with the smallest plate available.
(This second grinding is optional. The second grinding will cause the particle size to become
5 . Place the deviled ham paste in a Pyrex, ceramic, or non-reactive baking dish, and cover with a lid
or aluminum foil.
6 . Steam at 212 F (100 C), or bake at 220 F (104 C) for 3 hours. Place the loaf on a wire grate
to drain the rendered fat. Discard the fat. Let the loaf cool to almost room temperature. Divide the
loaf into about four parts, wrap each part with plastic food wrap, place in a plastic bag, and freeze
or refrigerate.
Deviled ham can be used as a sandwich spread, veggie dip, or as a topping for hors doeuvres. When
time comes to use the deviled ham, thaw it in the refrigerator, add one or more of the following (or
anything else that appeals to you), and blend the mixture by using a food processor. There are also
numerous recipes on the Internet for using deviled ham.
Minced dill pickles
Sweet pickle relish
Minced onions or minced green onions
Finely chopped celery

Sour cream
Chopped black olives

A little over ten years ago, while living in Japan, a retired Japanese radio announcer who was a good
friend of mine used to give freshly harvested wild duck to me, and I would cure it, smoke it, and share
the smoked duck with him. Duck hunting was one of his hobbies. The cure that I used for the smoked
duck was one that I developed especially for wild waterfowl.
This sausage formula is based on that cure for smoked wild duck. It makes a spicy and aromatic
duck sausage, and it works well with either wild or domesticated duck or geese.
Duckwurst is clearly gourmet fare, and is best served in a way that suggests that it is on a higher
level than a common sausage. For example, after stuffing, smoking, and cooking, I recommend
removal of the hog casings before slicing. Thin slices that are not more than the diameter of a fiftycent piece look very attractive on delicate, whole-grain crackers.
Save the duck carcass. At the end of the sausage recipe, Duck Sausage, in Chapter 8, there are
simple instructions on how to use the carcass to make delicious duck soup.

If you wish to use small hog casing, rinse 7 feet (210 cm), and refrigerate it overnight in a little water.
Rinse the casing again, and soak it in warm water for a few minutes before using.

Domesticated ducks sold at grocery stores are commonly pumped with a salt solution before freezing.
If such ducks are used to make sausage, the sausage will be too salty. Ducks that have not been
pumped are available, but you might have to search for them.
Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of duck meat; the skin and fat should not exceed about 25 percent of the
total meat. Cube the meat, and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes. While the meat is being prepared,
chill the meat grinder and stuffer.
Mince the meat with the smallest plate available. It would be best to mince the meat two times;
mincing twice provides a finely textured sausage. Chill the meat between each grinding. After the
grinding is finished, chill the meat for about 30 minutes.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) poultry seasoningpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) paprika
tsp. (2.5 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules

tsp. (0.625 ml) bay leaf powder

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water


1. Mix the seasonings and other ingredients well in a large mixing bowl, chill the mixture for about
15 minutes, and then add the meat and blend well. Knead for about three minutes.
2. Stuff the sausage.
3. To ensure migration and blending of the curing agent and seasonings, let the sausage rest overnight
in the refrigerator.
4. Cold smoking followed by hot smoking or steaming is recommended please see Chapter 7 for
instruction details. Please see Chapter 6 for suggestions if the sausage will be cooked without

German Bologna
The commercially produced bologna luncheon meat sold here in the United States is, in my opinion,
almost inedible. However, this homemade bologna is delicious. The taste, texture, and appearance are
completely different from that offered in supermarkets. Furthermore, we can be sure that this product
does not contain any mystery meat such as pig snouts or cow navels.
The sausage in this formula is not emulsified. If you prefer emulsified bologna like the kind sold in
the supermarket, please read HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE in Chapter 10 and follow the
emulsification instructions given for either Beef Bologna or Bologna in that chapter.

Soak fibrous casings in water for 30 minutes before using. Make sure that there is a liberal amount of
water inside the casings. If you are using 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter casings that are about 12 inches
(30 cm) long, two of them will be required.

Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of beef chuck and 1 lb. (450 g) of pork butt, and cut the meat into cubes.
Refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Refrigerate the grinder and the stuffer while the meat is being
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plateuse a plate with smaller holes, if available. Pass the
meat through the grinder twice if you want it to be particularly fine. Chill the meat thoroughly while
the seasoning is being prepared.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) celery seed, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic powder

tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon

tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. While the ground meat is being chilled, mix all the seasoning ingredients thoroughly in a large
bowl, including the water and powdered milk. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
2. Add the ground meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniformly mixed. This
will require about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the open end
of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4. Refrigerate the stuffed sausage overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
The next morning, the sausage may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking instructions and
suggestions. Cold smoking and steam cooking are recommended. If the sausage will not be smoked,
steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Hot and Spicy HamCoppa Style

Sometimes there is a fuzzy line between sausage and cured meat, and this recipe is a good example.
This product is made of pieces of seasoned and cured pork that are stuffed into a fibrous casing;
stuffing the meat into a casing seems to make it a sausage. However, the meat is not chopped into tiny
piecesit is cut into hunks that, on the average, have a volume of about 1 cubic inches (3.8 cubic
centimeters). Considering this, Hot and Spicy Ham could be called cured ham that is stuffed into
casings. (A similar product, Krakowska, is presented later in this chapter.)
The inspiration for this product came from an Italian sausage called coppa. Coppa is similar to Hot
and Spicy Ham because both are cured hunks of pork that are seasoned in a similar way and stuffed
into casings. Coppa, however, is dry cured using a lot of salt, and it is not cooked before it is eaten.
Hot and Spicy Ham is gently cured with just the right amount of salt for good taste. It is lightly
smoked, and is fully cooked for health and safety.

MEAT FOR 212 LBS. (1,150 G) OF HAM

Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of lean pork. (Usually meat for sausage making should be about 25 percent
fat, but this is an exception.) These hunks of lean pork can be any shape, but uniform curing is easier
to accomplish if the hunks are not more than about inch (2 cm) thick. The easiest way to accomplish
the cutting is to slice the pork into -inch (2 cm) slabs, and then to cut the slabs into any shape that
measures something like 1 to 1 inches (2.5 to 4 cm). Any lean pork may be used. For example, the
cubes may be cut from pork sirloin, pork loin, uncured ham (hind leg), or even from the lean parts of
pork butt. Refrigerate these cubes until they are well chilled. Keep the meat chilled while the
seasoning and other ingredients are being prepared.


1 Tbsp. (15 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) black pepper, ground
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) coriander, groundpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) cayenne
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic, minced
tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) mace
cup (60 ml) red wine


1. Day 1: While the pork hunks are being chilled, mix the seasoning and other ingredients in a food
container with a tight-fitting lid. Stir the mixture until it is uniform. The container should be large
enough to hold all the meat cubes, and large enough to permit them to be stirred easily.
2. Add the pork hunks to the seasoning mixture and stir well. All surfaces of the cubes must be coated
with the seasoning cure. Push the cubes down in the curing container so that they are packed
together tightly.
3. Days 2, 3, and 4: Each day, stir the cubes thoroughly at least once in order to recoat each of the
cubes with cure. Push the cubes down to repack tightly.
4 . Day 5: The curing is finished. Remove the cubes from the plastic container, place them in a
colander, and spray with cold water while thoroughly agitating them. (This is to remove all curing
compound and excess seasoning from the surfaces of the cubes.) Drain well in the colander, and
then place the cubes atop a paper towel with newspaper underneath. Refrigerate the cubes while
they are on the paper, and prepare to finish making and stuffing the sausage.


Any size of fibrous casing may be used, but you likely have 2-inch (6.35 cm) casings on hand, and
these work well. For 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two of these casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) long
will be required. Prepare the casings by soaking in lukewarm water for 30 minutes. Be sure to flood
the inside of the casing with warm water.
1. Stuff the cured ham hunks into fibrous casings by hand. Insert the cable probe of an electronic
thermometer in the open end of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with
butchers twine.
2. Refrigerate the sausage chubs overnight.
The next morning, the chubs may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking suggestions. If they
will be smoked, cold smoking and steam cooking is recommended. If the sausage will not be smoked,
steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Ksewurst (Cheese Sausage)

Variations of Ksewurst (Cheese Sausage) appear in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Some of the
formulations resemble cured Bratwurst with the addition of cheese cubes. This formulation is similar
to that made in Switzerland, and it uses the famous Emmenthaler cheese of Switzerland, which most
people in the United States call Swiss cheese.
The melted cheese goes well with the ham-like taste of this cured sausage, so this wurst has many
Half a pound (225 g) of cheese is added to the normal amount of meat, so this formulation will
result in 3 lbs. (1,360 g) of sausage.

Prepare 9 feet (270 cm) of hog casing; rinse thoroughly. Soak in water, in the refrigerator, overnight.
Rinse again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes before using.


Cut lb. (225 g) of Emmenthaler cheese (or Swiss cheese) into -inch (6 mm) cubes. Place the
cheese in the refrigerator until the sausage paste has been prepared.
Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork butt; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat
for at least 30 minutes. While the meat is being prepared, refrigerate the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a coarse plateabout a -inch (6.35 mm) plate. Return the ground meat to the
refrigerator while the seasoning and other ingredients are being prepared.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) granulated garlic
tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano
tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) fresh milk
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1 . Mix the seasoning, milk, and powdered milk in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate this
seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
2. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes.
3. Sprinkle the cheese cubes on the sausage paste, and knead again until the cubes appear to be evenly
distributed in the paste.
4. Stuff the sausage in hog casings, and twist the sausage rope into links.
5. Refrigerate overnight.
Steaming or poaching, followed by grilling or frying, is suggested. Please see the cooking suggestions
in Chapter 6.

This sausage is similar to the Hot and Spicy Ham presented earlier in this chapter. Krakowska, too,
is a ham-in-a-casing sausage; it is named after the city Krakow in southern Poland. The fact that the
meat hunks are stuffed in a casing seems to be the only reason it is called a sausage. In the case of
Krakowska, the lean pork is cured and changed to ham within the casing, but the pork for the other
product earlier in this chapter is cured outside of the casing. The seasoning, also, is very different for
the two products. But if you like ham, you are certain to like one of them, and you will probably like
both. Krakowska, by the way, is pronounced krah-KOV-skah.
A good point to keep in mind about these products is that they are very low in fat. Therefore, they
are much lower in cholesterol than conventional sausage. Consequently, they may be among the few
varieties of sausage edible by a person on a low cholesterol diet.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of lean pork. (Usually meat for sausage making should be about 25 percent
fat, but Krakowska is an exception.) The pieces of lean pork can be any shape, but the thickness of
each piece should not exceed inch (13 mm). The easiest way to accomplish this is to cut the large
hunks of meat into -inch (13 mm) slabs, and then cut the slabs into smaller pieces. (Pieces thicker
than about inch, or 13 mm, would require a longer curing time, which is undesirable.)
Traditionally, the well-trimmed hind leg of the pig is used (well-trimmed, fresh, uncured ham), but
any lean pork will do. For example, the -inch (13 mm) thick pieces may be cut from pork sirloin,
pork loin, or even from the lean parts of pork butt. (I usually use pork sirloin because it is lean,
economical, boneless, and similar to fresh ham.) Refrigerate these hunks until they are well chilled.
Keep the meat chilled while the seasoning and other ingredients are being prepared. Stuffing the
sausage by hand is recommended, but if the stuffer will be used to stuff these large meat chunks,
refrigerate the stuffer while the meat is being prepared.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) mustard powderpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) white pepper, finely ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) coriander, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water

Any size of fibrous casing may be used, but you likely have 2-inch (6.35 cm) casings on hand, and
these work well. For 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two of these casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) long
will be required. Prepare the casings by soaking in warm water for 30 minutes. Be sure to flood the
inside of the casing with warm water.


1. Mix the seasoning, corn syrup, and water in a large mixing bowl, and stir the ingredients until the
mixture is uniform. Refrigerate the slurry until it is well chilled.
2. Add the pork hunks to the seasoning mixture and stir well. All surfaces of the cubes must be coated
with the seasoning cure.
3. Stuff the ham hunks into fibrous casings by hand, or use a large stuffing horn. Make sure that all of
the leftover curing slurry is divided equally and put into the two casings. Insert the cable probe of
an electronic thermometer in the open end of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the
probe with butchers twine. Refrigerate again until Day 3, morning. During this curing period, the
chunks of pork will become chunks of cured, raw ham.


On the morning of the third day, the sausage chubs may be optionally smoked. (Either cold smoking
for several hours and then steam cooking, or cold smoking followed by hot smoking until the meat is
fully cooked is recommended.) Please see Chapter 7 for smoking suggestions. If the sausage will not
be smoked, steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in
Chapter 6.

Linguisa (Portuguese)
This well-seasoned and flavorful sausage is a Portuguese classic. It is particularly popular in Hawaii
where there are many people of Portuguese descent. This sausage contains vinegar. If you have never
used vinegar in sausage, you might consider reducing the vinegar in the first batch; some people love
it, and others cant stand it.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casing; rinse thoroughly. Soak the casing in a little water, and
refrigerate overnight. Rinse again before using.

Prepare 2 lbs. (910g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder.
Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes, and chill this meat for at least 30 minutes. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer. Grind with a medium plate.

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano
tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Mix the seasonings, vinegar, water, and skim milk in a large stainless steel mixing bowl until they
are thoroughly blended and the powdered milk has dissolved. Refrigerate this mixture for at least
15 minutes.
2. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage in hog casings, and twist the sausage rope into links. For linguisa, links about 10
inches (25 cm) long are traditional.
4. Refrigerate overnight to allow Cure #1 and the seasonings to penetrate the meat. Do not cover, or
cover with paper towels only.
5 . Linguisa is sometimes smoked. If you wish to smoke the linguisa, please see Chapter 7 for
suggestions and directions. If you wish to omit smoking, please see the cooking suggestions in
Chapter 6.

Mashelles Hotlinks
Mashelle Cromis, a friend, asked me if I could make a sausage similar to her favorite brand of
sausage: Fletchers Louisiana Hotlinks. I accepted the challenge. A branch of a Canadian company
that produces ham, bacon, and sausage for the Pacific Northwest makes Fletcher products. A few
grocery stores in this area sell them.
I bought and tasted the Fletchers Louisiana Hotlinks. The Fletcher product is cured, and it seems to
be like a mild version of a sausage called Texas hotlinks. There is an uncured hot sausage made in
Louisiana called chau-ricesometimes called Louisiana hotlinksbut the Fletcher product is not the
I created a first-test formulation to imitate the Fletchers Louisiana Hotlinks. I prepared, cooked,
and tasted the sausage myself. I also gave some of the links to Mashelle so that she could serve them
as she usually serves the store-bought product. I then tinkered with the formulation to make it a little
closer to the Fletcher product. This testing, tasting, and tinkering was done several times, and the
result is below. Mashelle believes that I met the challenge; the taste is not exactly the same, but the
sausage is just as good, and the homemade version has a milder and more pleasant salt content.

The Fletcher product is stuffed in a collagen casing that is about the same diameter as a hot dog. It is
dyed bright red. To imitate that casing, I used sheep casing and dyed it red by putting about a teaspoon
(5 ml) of red food color in the water used to soak it overnight. About 14 feet (420 cm) of casing is
required. Rinse the casing well. Add the food color (optional) to a small about of water, and soak it in
the refrigerator overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes before using.
The red food color effectively dyed the casing and made an interesting visual impact. However,
using the dyed casing was messy because the red color was transferred to the hands and to everything
it touchedthough it was easily washed off. If this dyeing of the casing and the resulting visual
impact is desirable, you may wish to buy the red food color at a restaurant supply grocery store. A 16
fluid oz.- (2 cups or 475 ml) bottle purchased at a restaurant supply store is much more economical
than using the tiny bottles of food color sold at a common grocery store.



Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this
meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
4 tsp. (20 ml) black pepper, ground
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika
2 tsp. (10 ml) crushed red pepper 2 tsp. (10 ml) cayenne
1 tsp. (5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) granulated garlic
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard powderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) powdered bay leaf
tsp. (1.25 ml) powdered anise
tsp. (1.25 ml) MSG (optional)
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) cold water
cup (60 ml) cold red wine


1 . Grind the chilled pork with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2. While the meat is chilling, mix all of the remaining ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3 . Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
4 . Stuff the sausage into the casing, and twist the sausage rope into links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container (or cover
with paper towels) so the casings will dry.
5. If you wish to smoke the hotlinks, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. If you wish
to omit smoking, please go directly to the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

All of the famous sausages have many variations, and Mettwurst is no exception. Most recipes give
instructions for a cured mettwurst that is not cooked; it is smoked at about 100 F (38 C) for 12 hours
or so. Of course, when the sausage is finished it is still raw meatvery red and very raw. This raw,
ground meat is spread on crusty bread or crackers and eaten. To this, I say no, thank youI prefer
cooked sausage.
The following recipe will be for a cured and fully cooked mettwurst, made of beef and pork, stuffed
in a fibrous casing, and intended to be eaten as snack or lunchmeat sausage. It is a tasty, safe, healthy,
and appetizing sausage.

Soak fibrous casings in warm water for 30 minutes before using. Make sure that there is a liberal
amount of water inside the casings. If you are using 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter casings that are about
12 inches (30 cm) long, two of them will be required.

Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of beef chuck and 1 lb. (450 g) of pork butt. Cut the meat into cubes.
Refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Refrigerate the grinder and the stuffer while the meat is being
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. Chill the meat thoroughly while the seasoning is
being prepared.

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) whole mustard seed
tsp. (1.25 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) celery seed, ground
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Mix all the seasoning ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl, including the corn syrup, water, and
powdered milk.
2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into fibrous casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the
open end of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4. Refrigerate the stuffed sausage overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
The next morning, the sausage may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking instructions and
suggestions. Cold smoking and steam cooking is recommended. If the sausage will not be smoked,
steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Minced-Ham Lunchmeat

Many kinds of lunchmeats are actually sausages. A product variously called chopped ham, minced
ham, or pressed ham is one such product, and it is widely sold in grocery stores. The commercially
produced product looks good, but the taste of salt overrides all other flavors. If you make the product
described below, it is likely that you will no longer be satisfied with the commercial product. The
following minced ham will look similar to the commercial product, but it will have a delicious ham
flavor that is lacking in minced-ham lunchmeat offered by the large meat processors.

Fibrous casings about 2 inches (6.4 cm) in diameter are used for this sausage. Two casings that are
about 12 inches (30 cm) long each will be required. Soak the casings in water for 30 minutes before
stuffing. Be sure to flood the inside of the casing with warm water. If this product will not be smoked,
it may be processed in a loaf pan instead of fibrous casingsplease see Sausage Loaf (Lunchmeat
Loaf) in Chapter 6.

Use 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork butt. Roughly separate the lean meat from the fat. Mince the lean meat
with a -inch (6.4 mm) plate, and mince the fat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. The fat should be
partially frozen before it is ground. Combine the lean meat and the fat. Refrigerate the meat while the
curing mixture is being prepared.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) onion powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic powder
4 tsp. (20 ml) maple syrup OR 1 Tbsp. (15 ml) honey
cup (60 ml) water
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


cup (60 ml) water
1 . Mix all the seasoning ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl, including the water and powdered
2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the open end
of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4. Refrigerate the stuffed sausage overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
The next morning, the sausage may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking instructions and
suggestions. Cold smoking and steam cooking is recommended. If the sausage will not be smoked,

steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Old-Fashioned Frankfurter
The commercially produced frankfurter that we know today is made of emulsified meat. It is the most
popular sausage in the United States and in several other countries. The frankfurter is also called
wiener, frank, or hot dog. (Please see Chapter 10 for information about emulsified sausage.)
Many people believe that the original frankfurter was made in Frankfurt, Germany, though not all
experts agree on this. However, no matter where it
originated, it was not made with emulsified meat; meat emulsifiers did not exist at that time. It is
with this fact in mind that the words old-fashioned are used to name this product; the product below
will be much more like the original frankfurters than the ones sold in grocery stores today.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casing; rinse thoroughly. Refrigerate the casing overnight in a little
water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water before using.

Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of pork butt and 1 lb. (450 g) of beef chuck; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm)
cubes. Refrigerate the meat for 30 minutes. While the meat is being prepared, refrigerate the meat
grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plateor use a plate with smaller holes, if available. Chill
the meat again for about 30 minutes, and then grind it one more time if you want the meat ground
finer. Return the ground meat to the refrigerator while the seasoning and other ingredients are being


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) coriander, groundpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
1 egg, large, well beaten
3 cup (80 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Mix all the seasoning ingredients (including the egg, water, and powdered skim milk) in a 5-quart


(5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes.
Stuff the sausage in hog casings, and twist the sausage rope into links.
Refrigerate the links overnight in an uncovered container.
If you wish to smoke the franks, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. (Frankfurters
are traditionally smoked.) If you wish to omit smoking, please see the cooking suggestions in
Chapter 6.

Old-Fashioned Loaf
When I was young, this product could be found in all the large grocery stores, but I have not seen it in
recent years. It was not as popular as pressed ham, for example, but it was a good lunchmeat if the
processor made it with quality ingredients.
Old-fashioned loaf may be processed in a bread loaf pan and steamed please see Sausage Loaf
(Lunchmeat Loaf) in Chapter 6. If fibrous casings are preferred, the instructions are given below.
The sausage in this formula is not emulsified. If you prefer emulsified old-fashioned loaf, please
read HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE in Chapter 10 and follow the emulsification instructions given
for either Beef Bologna or Bologna in that chapter.
Old-fashioned loaf is not smoked.

The 2-inch (6.4 cm) fibrous casings work well for this sausage. For 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two
fibrous casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required. Prepare the fibrous casings by
soaking them in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. Be sure to put water inside the casings.

Prepare 1 lbs. (800 g) of pork butt and lbs. (350 g) of beef chuck. Refrigerate. While the meat is
being prepared, chill the meat grinder and stuffer.
Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes, and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes. Grind with a inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate.

2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) onion powder
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground celery seed
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) ice water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1 . Mix all the seasoning ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl, including the water and powdered

2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the open end
of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4. Refrigerate the stuffed sausage overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Parmesan Cheese Sausage

This is a tasty and unusual variety of Italian sausage. The copious Parmesan cheese and wine make the
difference. If a stronger cheese flavor is desired, Romano cheese may be used in place of all or part of
the Parmesan.

Hog casing is recommended. Rinse 7 feet (210 cm), and refrigerate it overnight in a little water. Rinse
again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes before using.


Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of pork shoulder and 1 lb. (450 g) of beef chuck. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes
and refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the


1 tsp. (7.5 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) parsley, dried
1 tsp. (5 ml) fennel seed, coarse ground or powder
2 tsp. (10 ml) whole mustard seed
2 tsp. (10 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) red pepper flakes
tsp. (2.5 ml) granulated garlic
tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano
tsp. (2.5 ml) basil, dried and crushed
tsp. (1.25 ml) powdered bay leaf
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (120 ml) parmesan cheese, grated
3 cup (80 ml) cold red wine
cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the chilled meat with a -inch (6.35 mm) coarse plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about
30 minutes.
2. While the meat is chilling, mix all the remaining ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3 . Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
4 . Stuff the sausage into the casing, and twist the sausage rope into links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container (or cover
with paper towels) so the casings will dry on the surface.
5. If you wish to smoke the links, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. If you wish to
omit smoking, please go directly to the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

Pastrami Sausage
After successfully making many kinds of tasty luncheon meats, I realized that I had never made a
luncheon meat sausage with 100 percent beef. I have never heard of a product called pastrami
sausage, but I thought that a beef-based product that is seasoned like pastrami would be very good; I
was correct. The kinds of spices used in this sausage are the same as those I use when I cure solidmuscle beef to make regular smoked pastrami.
The instructions below assume that you will use a fibrous casing. However, it may be processed in a
loaf pan insteadsee Sausage Loaf (Lunchmeat Loaf) in Chapter 6.

The 2-inch (6.35 cm) fibrous casings are ideal for this sausage. For 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two
fibrous casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required. Prepare the fibrous casings by
soaking in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. Be sure to put warm water inside the casings.

Use 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fatty ground chuck. You could also use 2 lbs. (900 g) of lean beef and lb.
(225 g) of pork fat if you have only lean beef on hand.
Another option for the raw material would be venison, bear, elk, or moose. Wild game meat that has
been trimmed of all fat and mixed with an equal amount of fatty pork or beef would make an excellent
Trim the meats, and cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat for at least 30 minutes.
While the meat is being prepared, chill the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate, or use a plate with smaller holes, if available. Chill
the meat again while the seasoning and other ingredients are being prepared.

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) light corn syrup
2 tsp. (10 ml) black peppercorns, cracked

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1

tsp. (2.5 ml) onion powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (1.25 ml) paprika
tsp. (1.25 ml) oregano
tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
tsp. (0.625 ml) ginger powder
cup (60 ml) water
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1 . Mix all the seasoning ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl, including the water and powdered
2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the open end
of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4. Refrigerate the stuffed sausage overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
The next morning, the sausage may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking instructions and
suggestions. Cold smoking and steam cooking is recommended. If the sausage will not be smoked,
steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Polish Lemon Sausage

This is a mildly seasoned snack sausage with a hint of tartness.

Any size of fibrous casing may be used. A large casing such as a 4-inch (10.16 cm) one is most
common, but a 2-inch (6.35 cm) casing is easier and faster to process, so it is recommended. For 2
lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two of these casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required. Soak
them in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. Be sure to put warm water inside the casings.

Prepare 2 lbs. (910 g) of pork butt and lb. (225 g) of beef chuck; cut the meat into -inch (2 cm)
cubes. The total fat content should be about 20 to 25 percent of the meat. Refrigerate the meat for 30
minutes. While the meat is being prepared, chill the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate, or use a plate with smaller holes, if available. Chill
the meat again while the seasoning and other ingredients are being prepared.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (3.75 ml) black pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) lemon zest (grated lemon peel)packed in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) lemon juice
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) cold water
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup


1. Mix the seasoning and liquids in a large bowl until the ingredients are uniform. Refrigerate for 15
2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes. Chill this sausage paste for about 30 minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into fibrous casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the
open end of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4 . Refrigerate the sausage chubs overnight so the seasoning and curing powder will blend with the
The next morning, the chubs may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking suggestions. If they
will be smoked, hot smoking is recommended. If the sausage will not be smoked, steaming or
poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Ring Bologna
Bologna is one of the most popular sausages in the United States, but because it is processed in a large
casing and sliced for use as a lunchmeat, probably most people do not consider it a sausage. This
product will look exactly like a sausage because it is stuffed in relatively small hog casings and tied in
a ring, as is Polish kielbasa. Tr y it either hot or cold.
This sausage can be emulsified easily, if you wish. Study the processing instructions for Bologna in
Chapter 10, and emulsify this product in the same way Bologna is emulsified.


Either small or medium hog casing may be used. If you wish to use the small casing, rinse 7 feet (210
cm) of casing, and refrigerate it overnight in a cup of water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a
few minutes before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lbs. (680 g) of lean pork and 2 lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (910 g) of fatty pork shoulder
2 lb. (225 g) of beef heart, or lean wild game


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) mustard powderpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
2 tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
2 cloves garlic, well minced
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the chilled meats together with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground
meat for about 30 minutes.
2 . Grind the meat one more time to make the meat particles even smaller. Refrigerate the ground
meat again for 30 minutes.
3. While the meat is chilling, mix all the remaining ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
4 . Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
5. Stuff the sausage into the hog casing, and twist the sausage rope into four long links. Use string to
close the end of each link securely, and then cut the casing between the ends to separate the links.
Tie the ends of each link together to form four rings. Refrigerate the rings overnight to permit the
seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container (or cover with paper towels) so
the casings will dry.
6. If you wish to smoke the ring bologna, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. (Ring
bologna is traditionally smoked.) If you wish to omit smoking, please see the cooking suggestions
in Chapter 6.

Savory Polish Sausage

This sausage is more robustly flavored than most Polish sausages.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casing; rinse thoroughly. Refrigerate in a small amount of water

overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.

Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork butt; cut it into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat for 30
minutes. While the meat is being prepared, refrigerate the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) or larger plate. Chill the meat again while the seasoning
and other ingredients are being prepared.

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) MSG (optional)
tsp. (2.5 ml) summer savory
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) water


1. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate
this mixture for at least 15 minutes.
2. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage in hog casings, and twist the sausage rope into links.
4. Refrigerate overnight, uncovered (or covered with paper towels).
5. If you wish to smoke the sausage, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. If you wish
to omit smoking, please see the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

Smoked Kielbasa
When I was living in Chicago in the 1970s, I frequently enjoyed eating kielbasa at the many sausage
stands in the city. Chicago has a very large population of Polish Americans. In fact, several people
told me that the population of Polish Americans in Chicago is greater than the population of Poles in
Warsaw, the capital of Poland. The large population of Poles in this country has doubtlessly
contributed to the popularity of their sausage.
In Polish, kielbasa means sausage, and there are many recipes for products called kielbasa. The use
of cardamom and ground mustard seed makes this recipe interesting.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casing; rinse thoroughly. Refrigerate the casing overnight in a cup of
water. Rinse again before using.

Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork butt; cut it into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat for 30
minutes. While the meat is being prepared, refrigerate the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. Chill the meat again while the seasoning and other
ingredients are being prepared.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) cardamom
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) water
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup


1. Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, corn syrup, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this mixture for at least 15 minutes.
2. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage in hog casings, and twist the sausage rope into links, or tie the sausage into rings.
(Rings are traditional for this sausage. See photo of sausage rings in this chapter, Ring Bologna.)
4. Refrigerate overnight, uncovered (or cover with paper towels).
5 . If you wish to smoke the kielbasa, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. (This
variety of kielbasa is traditionally smoked.) If you wish to omit smoking, please see the cooking
suggestions in Chapter 6.

Smoked Loukanika (Greek)

Fresh loukanika appeared in Chapter 8. The formulation of this cured and smoked version is a little

Hog casings are recommended. If you intend to use small-diameter hog casing, rinse 7 feet (210 cm)
of the casing, and refrigerate it overnight in a little water. Rinse again in warm water before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lbs. (680 g) of lean pork and
lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (910 g) of fatty pork shoulder lb. (225 g) of lean lamb

NOTE: This sausage is also made with beef instead of lamb, and it is often made with 100 percent
pork, as well.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1 1 Tbsp. (15 ml) olive oil 1 tsp. (5 ml) thyme
1 tsp. (5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano
2 cloves garlic, finely minced cup (60 ml) red wine
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (120 ml) minced onion
grated orange peel from one orange (orange zest)


1 . Grind the meats together with a medium-size plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2 . Mix the seasoning, powdered skim milk, and water in a large mixing bowl. Refrigerate this
seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is thoroughly mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4 . Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Cover the container with a paper
5 . If you wish to hot smoke or cold smoke the links, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and
directions. (These cured loukanika are traditionally smoked for a short time.) If you wish to omit
smoking, please see the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

Spicy French Sausage

Savory is not among the common spices used in sausage, but the other spices used in Spicy French
Sausage are quite common. Most of the spices are used generously, making it a flavorful product. It
tastes much like spicy cured ham.

Patties or natural casings are best for this sausage. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.) sheep casing is to
be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 7
feet (210 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm
water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 1 lbs. (800 g) of pork shoulder butt that contains about 20 percent fat, and lb. (340 g)

bacon. Cut the pork shoulder into -inch (2 cm) cubes, and cut the bacon into squares. Refrigerate the
meat, and put the meat grinder in the refrigerator. If the sausage stuffer will be used, refrigerate it, as


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper
tsp. (3.75 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) summer savory
tsp. (2.5 ml) oregano or marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (0.625 ml) bay leaf, ground
cup (60 ml) red wine
cup (60 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork and bacon together with a fine plate, and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
2 . Mix the seasoning, wine, and powdered milk in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate this
seasoning mixture for about 15 minutes.
3 . Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes. Shape the mixture
into 8-inch (10 mm) thick patties, and wrap them in plastic food wrap. Alternatively, stuff the
sausage into sheep or hog casings.
4. Refrigerate the sausage that will be eaten within the next two days, and freeze the remainder.

This sausage can be smoked. If it will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. If it will be cooked without
smoking, please see Chapter 6.

Texas Hotlinks
This hot, spicy, complex, and flavorful sausage is great for grilling, and it is popular with beer
drinkers. Because this is a well-seasoned sausage, and because this sausage contains beef, it is an
excellent candidate for conversion to a wild game sausage. Replace the pound of beef with wild
game trimmed of all fat, and use 1 pounds (800 g) of extra fatty pork shoulder. Even as much as 50
percent wild game would make an excellent sausage.

Either small or medium hog casing may be used. If you wish to use the small casing, rinse 7 feet (210
cm), and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water for a few minutes
before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes, and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lbs. (800 g) of fatty pork shoulder
lb. (340 g) of beef chuck


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 tsp. (10 ml) black pepper, ground
2 tsp. (10 ml) paprika
2 tsp. (10 ml) crushed red pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) cayenne
1 tsp. (5 ml) granulated garlic
tsp. (3.75 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard powderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) allspice
tsp. (2.5 ml) MSG (optional)
tsp. (1.25 ml) powdered bay leaf
tsp. (1.25 ml) whole mustard seeds
tsp. (1.25 ml) powdered anise
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (120 ml) cold beer or cold water


1. Grind the chilled meats together with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for
about 30 minutes.
2. While the meat is chilling, mix all of the remaining ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl.
The cold beeror cold waterwill make a slurry or a thin paste with the various seasonings and
ingredients. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3 . Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and
uniform. This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while
the sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casing, and twist the sausage rope into links. Refrigerate the links
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container (or cover
with paper towels) so the casings will dry.
5. If you wish to smoke the hotlinks, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. If you wish
to omit smoking, please go directly to the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

Turkey Kielbasa
Turkey is certainly not traditional meat for making kielbasa, and I have never heard of kielbasa with
poultry seasoning in the formula, but this sausage tastes good, nevertheless.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casing; rinse thoroughly. Refrigerate the casing in water overnight.
Rinse again, and soak in warm water before using.

Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of dark fowl meat (turkey thighs, chicken thighs or waterfowl), and cube the
meat. Be sure to use the skin and a reasonable amount of fat. Refrigerate the meat for 30 minutes.
While the meat is being prepared, refrigerate the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. Chill the meat again while the seasoning and other
ingredients are being prepared.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) onion granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper, finely ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) poultry seasoning
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) dried parsley
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) water


1. Mix the seasoning, corn syrup, powdered milk, and water in a 5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl.
Refrigerate this mixture for at least 15 minutes.
2. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into hog casings, and twist the sausage rope into links.
4. Refrigerate overnight, uncovered (or covered with paper towels).
5. If you wish to smoke the kielbasa, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions. If you wish
to omit smoking, please see the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

Turkey or Waterfowl Cotto Salami

Cotto salami (cooked salami) is usually made with beef and pork, but very good tasting cotto salami
can also be made with the dark meat of turkey or chicken. All of the meat on ducks or geese is dark, so
any part of these birds wild or domesticatedmay be used.

Cotto salami is usually smokedand smoking is recommendedbut if it will not be smoked, the
optional liquid smoke will impart a similar smoked aroma.

Any size of fibrous casing may be used. A large casing such as a 4-inch (10.16 cm) one is most
common, but a 2-inch (6.35 cm) casing is easier and faster to process, so it is recommended. For 2
lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage, two of these casings12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required. Prepare the
casings by soaking in lukewarm water for about 30 minutes. Be sure to put some warm water inside
the casings.

Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of chicken or turkey; use the dark meat only. Be sure to use the skin and
available fat. Alternatively, wild or domesticated waterfowl may be used, but make sure that the fat
does not exceed 25 percent of the total meat. Cube the meat, and refrigerate it for at least 30 minutes.
While the meat is being prepared, chill the meat grinder and stuffer, too.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate. Chill the meat again while the seasoning and other
ingredients are being prepared.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 tsp. (10 ml) black peppercorns, cracked
1 tsp. (5 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) coriander, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) Wrights liquid smoke (optional)
tsp. (0.625 ml) ginger powderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) water
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) red wine


1. Mix the seasoning and other ingredientsexcept for the meatin a large bowl until the mixture is
2 . Add the meat to the seasoning mixture. Blend by kneading until it is uniform. This will require
about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage into fibrous casings. Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer in the
open end of one of the sausages, and close the casing around the probe with butchers twine.
4. Refrigerate the stuffed sausage chubs overnight so that the seasoning and curing powder will blend
with the meat.
5 . The next morning, the sausage chubs may be smoked. Please see Chapter 7 for smoking
suggestions. If they will be smoked, cold smoking and steam cooking is recommended. If the

sausage will not be smoked, steaming or poaching is recommended. Cooking by steaming or

poaching is explained in Chapter 6.

Venison Sausage
The word venison usually referrers to deer meat, but the meat of other herbivorous wild game animals
such as elk, moose, antelope, and caribou is also called venison. The following recipe is good for all
varieties of venison.
This sausage may be stuffed into natural casings, cooked, and eaten on a bun as one would eat
bratwurst. It may also be stuffed into fibrous casings, cooked, chilled, and eaten cold as a luncheon
meat. If you have no casings, make it into patties.
The amount of any seasoning, except Cure #1, may be increased or decreased to suit your taste.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casing; rinse thoroughly. Refrigerate the casing overnight in about one
cup of water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water before using. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 16 in.)
sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm) of casing. If fibrous casing will be used, two
2-inch (6.4 cm) casings, each 12 inches (30 cm) long, will be required. Fibrous casings must be
prepared for use by soaking them in warm water 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to flood the
inside of the casings with warm water.

Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of lean venison; remove all fat and sinew. Also, prepare lb. (225 g) of lean
pork and lb. (225 g) of pork fat. Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat for 30
minutes. While the meat is being prepared, refrigerate the meat grinder and stuffer.
Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) plate; chill the meat again for about 30 minutes. Return the
ground meat to the refrigerator while the seasoning and other ingredients are being prepared.

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) onion powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) black pepper, finely ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) sage
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
cup (60 ml) of your favorite winewhite or red
cup (120 ml) powdered skim milk


1. Mix all the seasoning ingredients, the wine, and the powdered milk in a
5-quart (5 liter) mixing bowl. Refrigerate this seasoning mixture for at least
15 minutes.
2. Blend the meat and the seasoning well by kneading for about three minutes.
3. Stuff the sausage in casings. If natural casings have been used, twist the sausage rope into links.
4. Refrigerate overnight to allow the meat to absorb the flavoring.
If you wish to smoke the stuffed venison sausage, please see Chapter 7 for suggestions and directions.
If you wish to omit smoking, please see the cooking suggestions in Chapter 6.

Vienna Sausage
You may have heard of Vienna sausage. If you live in the United States or Canada, you may have
sampled the tiny Vienna sausages that are sold in a small can. Many of the ingredients in the formula
below are the same as those in the canned variety, but the finished product will be different. You
should not expect the same taste and texture as the canned variety, but you should expect that it will
be something that is very good to eat.
Near the end of Chapter 10 there is a sausage called Wienerwurst. Wienerwurst is another name for
Vienna sausage. If you want to make an emulsified version that will have a bite texture similar to the
canned Vienna sausage, try the Wienerwurst.
Vienna sausage is a cured sausage, but it is not normally smoked. However, it does have Cure #1 in
the formula, so it can be smoked, if you wish.

Prepare 7 feet (210 cm) of hog casings or 14 feet (420 cm) of sheep casing. Rinse the casing, and soak
it in water overnight. Rinse it again, and soak in warm water for 30 minutes before stuffing.

1 lbs. (680 g) fatty pork
2 lb. (225 g) lean beef
lb. (225 g) lean veal (traditional) OR chicken (dark meat)

While the meat is being weighed, trimmed, and cubed, refrigerate the meat grinder and stuffer.
Mince the meats with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. It would be best to mince the meats two
times; mincing twice provides a finely textured sausage. Chill the meat between each grinding. Blend
the pork, beef, and veal (or chicken) and refrigerate.


4 tsp. (20 ml) onions, finely minced
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) flour
2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon

tsp. (3.75 ml) paprika

tsp. (3.75 ml) sugar
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (0.625 ml) mace powder
cup (60 ml) cold water
cup (120 ml) skim milk powder


1 . Mix the seasonings, water, and powdered milk in a large mixing bowl, and refrigerate for 15
minutes. Add the meat and knead the mixture for about three minutes. Refrigerate this sausage
paste for at least 30 minutes.
2. Stuff the sausage.
3. To ensure migration of the curing agent and seasonings into the ground meat, let the sausage rest
overnight in the refrigerator.
Cooking by steaming or poaching is suggested. Please see Chapter 6 for suggestions.


Emulsified Sausage

We cannot emulsify a sausage mixture as efficiently as commercial producers can, but we can
imitate the process surprisingly well and produce almost the same result. To accomplish this,
however, a powerful food processor is required. It need not be a professional-grade food processor, but
a sturdy and powerful machine for home use is required. The 7-cup (680 ml) Cuisinart food processor
I use does the job; it is an old model DLC-7 rated at 560 watts. With this food processor, I am able to
process 1 pounds (570 g) at a time. If sausage is to be emulsified at home, a food processor
equivalent to this machine will be required. Emulsifying meat puts a lot of strain on a processor, and
the motor might be damaged if the appliance is underpowered.
I strongly recommend that you try to emulsify sausage at least once. It is not as difficult as it may
seem, and the results are nothing short of dramatic. It may not change the taste, but the bite texture
and appearance will give the sausage a special appealand making emulsified sausage will do a lot
for your image as a sausage maker. However, a good food processor is a considerable investment, so
if you have doubtsit would be wise to borrow a suitable processor from a friend or relative until
you are sure that this is something you wish to do.
A 2-pound (1,150 g) recipe of sausage is divided into two parts for processing. When the sausage
is being emulsified, about cup (120 ml) of crushed ice is added to each of the two 1 pound (570 g)
loads. This ice not only lowers the temperature of the sausage paste and makes it more fluid, but it
increases the volume of the paste as well. The air that is whipped into the sausage paste also increases
the volume. Finally, the volume is increased by interior garnishes such as olives and pistachio nuts.
Consequently, if natural casing is used, a greater length of casing than normal will be required for
emulsified sausage.
In addition, if synthetic fibrous casing is used, more volume capacity than usual will be required
because of the increase in volume mentioned above. Normally, for non-emulsified sausage, two of the
foot-long (30 cm), 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter casings will hold 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of sausage.
However, when sausage is emulsified and stuffed into synthetic casings, three of these casings will be
required. The three fibrous casings will not be full, but two casings will not hold all the paste.
Obviously, another option would be to use two 3-inch (7.62 mm) diameter casings, each 12 inches (30
mm) long.
Note: The sausages in this chapter have been arranged in alphabetical order. Most of the sausages
are cured sausages, but there are fresh sausages as well.
The emulsification process is the same for every sausage in this chapter, and that process is
explained immediately below:

How to Emulsify Sausage

Keeping the temperature of the sausage paste at less than 60 F (15.6 C) while emulsifying it is the
most important point to keep in mind. This might seem difficult, but I have emulsified sausage many,

many times, and I have never failed to achieve a good emulsification before the critical temperature of
60 F (15.6 C) is reached. If the ground meat is chilled in the freezer to the point of being slightly
crunchy, and the specified amount of ice is added, there will be no problem.
1. Follow the instructions for the sausage you wish to make. At the appropriate point, the instructions
will direct you to follow these processing directions (HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE).
2. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning and other ingredients, and knead this mixture until it
is uniform. This will require about three minutes. Place this sausage paste in the freezer, and stir the
paste about every 10 minutes while the food processor is being set up. The goal is to chill this
sausage paste in the freezer until most of it is crunchy, but not frozen hard.
3. Prepare at least 1 cup (240 ml) of crushed ice by processing about 10 large ice cubes in the food
processor. It is better to have a little extra rather than not enough. Refrigerate.
4 . When the sausage mixture has become crunchy, divide it in half. Put half in the food processor
with cup (120 ml) of crushed ice, and refrigerate the remaining half of the paste and the
remaining crushed ice. Process the sausage paste in the food processor for 30 seconds, and then
measure the temperature with an instant-read thermometer. If the temperature is under 40 F (4.4
C), process it another 30 seconds. Continue to process the sausage paste 30 seconds at a time until
40 F (4.4 C) is reached.
5 . When the temperature of the paste reaches 40 F (4.4 C), process it again for 15 seconds, if
necessary. Continue to process 15 seconds (or less) at a time until 55 F (12.8 C) is reachedor
until the paste is emulsified. Do not exceed 60 F (15.6 C); if this temperature is exceeded, the
emulsion will probably break, meaning that the fat will liquefy and separate from the emulsion.
Refrigerate the emulsified sausage paste. Note: Do not over-process the sausage paste. When it is
obvious that emulsification has been accomplished, the processing should be stopped, even if the
temperature of the paste is below 40 F (4.4 C). (Emulsified sausage paste will have a swirled
appearance like soft ice cream, and the surface will be glossy.)
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining half of the sausage paste. Refrigerate.
7. Return to the original sausage recipe for instructions and suggestions regarding stuffing, smoking,
and cooking.

Beef Bologna (Baloney)

Beef bologna is a popular variation of the version made with beef and pork. The bite texture will be
similar because both are emulsified. The darker color of a 100 percent beef sausage, and the
differences in seasoning, will provide a different appearance and taste.
Our sausage will be made with quality ingredients, and it will taste better than the commercial
offerings. The texture will be remarkably similar to the commercially produced products, but it will
have a milder and more pleasant flavor.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casings are used, three 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casings must be soaked in water 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casing with
warm water.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of beef chuck. (Lean wild game and beef suet may be substituted for some of

the beef.) Cut the beef chuck into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat until it is well chilled.
While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
tsp. (1.25 ml) MSG (optional)
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the beef chuck with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the better. Refrigerate
for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure the seasoning and other ingredientsexcept for the meatinto a large stainless steel
mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate for about 15
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared fibrous casings. If an electronic thermometer will be
used when the sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of the chubs. Close the ends of the
chubs with twine. Refrigerate overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be
absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the chubs.
5 . If the bologna will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking followed by steaming is
recommended.) If it will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6.

Bologna (Baloney)
Common, commercially produced bologna tastes awful, but it is popular nevertheless. The two major
reasons for its popularity, I believe, are the low price and the emulsified texture. People like the
emulsified texture, and because the product is emulsified, any meat deemed fit for human
consumption can be used; this keeps the price low, and the emulsification makes it impossible for the
consumer to identify the meat. Nowadays, even poultry is an ingredient in bologna lunchmeats, and
parts of the bird that you and I would discard are emulsified and used. The texture of our sausage will
be remarkably similar to the commercially produced bologna, but our product will be made with
quality ingredients, and it will taste much better.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casings are used, three 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casings must be soaked in water for 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casings with
warm water.


Prepare 1 lb. (450 g) of pork shoulder butt, and 1 lbs. (680 g) of beef chuck. (Lean wild game and
extra pork fat may be substituted for the beef.) Cut the pork butt and beef chuck into -inch (2 cm)
cubes. Refrigerate these two meats until they are well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill
the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork butt and the beef chuck with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the
better. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure the seasoning, water, and powdered milk into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir
until the mixture is uniform. It will be a thin paste. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared fibrous casings. If an electronic thermometer will be
used when the sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of the chubs. Close the ends of the
chubs with twine. Refrigerate overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be
absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the chubs.
5 . If the bologna will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking followed by steaming is
recommended.) If it will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6.

I like the taste of liver, and I have liked Braunschweiger since I was a kid. The fact that I could not
buy it in Japan is one of the reasons I began to study the craft of making sausage. Braunschweiger is
cured and usually smoked, but smoking may be omitted.

This sausage is traditionally made with pork liver, but calf, beef, or poultry liver may be used
instead. Pork liver has the strongest taste and is therefore not as popular as other kinds of liver; it is
seldom seen in common grocery stores. If you want to buy pork liver, look for it in ethnic grocery
stores. Beef liver is milder than pork, but stronger tasting than calf. Poultry liver is the mildest-tasting
liver, and chicken liver is reasonably priced and easy to buy. Depending on my mood at the time, I use
beef or pork liver to make Braunschweiger.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casings are used, three 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casings must be soaked in water for 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casings with
warm water.


Prepare 1 lb. (450 g) of pork shoulder butt, lb. (225 g) of bacon, and 1 lb. (450 g) of liver. Cut the
pork butt into -inch (2 cm) cubes, and cut the bacon into squares. Refrigerate these two meats until
they are well chilled. If large livers are being used, cut the liver into pieces that will fit into the hopper
of the meat grinder. Refrigerate the liver in a separate dish from the pork and bacon. While this meat
is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 tsp. (10 ml) onion granules
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram or oregano
tsp. (1.25 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1 . Grind the liver, bacon, and pork butt. Use a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the
better. It is best to grind the soft liver first; the bacon second, and the harder pork last. (The harder
pork cubes will help push the softer meats through the grinder.) Refrigerate the ground meat
mixture for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure all of the seasonings, water, and powdered milk into a large mixing bowl, and mix
thoroughly. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared fibrous casings. If an electronic thermometer will be
used when the sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of the chubs. Close the ends of the

chubs with twine. Refrigerate overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be
absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the chubs.
5. If the Braunschweiger will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking followed by steaming is
recommended.) If it will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6.

Cervelas de Strasbourg
Strasbourg is the name of a city in northeast France, and this sausage is a variation of the Swiss
Cervelat sausage, the next sausage presented in this book. In spite of the facts that the names are
similar and they are considered variations of one another, the respective seasonings and meat are
considerably different. (Cervelas is the modern French spelling of cervelatthese words are the
A distinctive feature of cervelas de Strasbourg is the tiny cubes of pork fat that are used as an
interior garnish. Pork fat cubes measuring only inch (3 mm) are mixed with the emulsified red
meat. This interior garnish has a visual impact and a unique bite texture, too.

Small, natural casing is best for this French sausage. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is
to be used, prepare about 18 feet (480 cm). If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 8 feet
(255 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water
a few minutes before using.


Prepare 1 lbs. (800 g) of marbled pork shoulder and lb. (340 g) of pork fat, preferably back fat.
Cut the pork shouldernot the pork fatinto -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While the pork
shoulder is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
Cut the pork fat into tiny -inch (3 mm) cubes, and blanch these cubes in boiling water for three
minutes. Place them a wire mesh strainer and rinse in cold water. Drain them on a paper towel that has
been placed on several layers of newspaper. Refrigerate these cubes in a small bowl (separately from
the pork shoulder). Blanching of the tiny pork cubes helps to prevent them from sticking together in


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (3.75 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) cayenne
tsp. (0.625 ml) cumin
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) finely powdered milk
cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the pork shouldernot the tiny cubes of pork fatwith a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate
the smaller the better. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes. (The tiny pork fat cubes will be added to
the sausage paste after emulsification has been finished.)
2 . Measure the seasoning, water, and powdered milk into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir
until the mixture is uniform. It will be a thin paste. Refrigerate.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Sprinkle the tiny cubes of pork fat on the emulsified sausage paste, and knead until they are mixed
uniformly with the paste.
5 . Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist the links. Refrigerate the links
overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the sausage.
Traditionally, this sausage is not smoked, but it can be smoked if desired. If the cervelas will be
smoked, please see Chapter 7. If it will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6. It is most
often poached, but it can be cooked by any method.

Cervelat is especially popular in Switzerland. The German speaking Swiss call it cervelat, the French
speaking Swiss call it cervelas, and the Italian speakers call it cervelato. The original formulation
specified pork brains as part of the meat, and all of these words are derived from the Latin word
cerebrumbrains (via the Milanese dialect). Basel, Switzerland was the birthplace of the original
contemporary recipe. It is traditionally emulsified, stuffed into Swiss cow casings, and lightly
smoked. Cooking is most often accomplished by poaching, but it may also be steamed, grilled, or
fried. The per capita consumption of cervelat in Switzerland is estimated to be 25 links per year, and it
is often referred to as the countrys national sausage.
There are many formulations for this sausage, but pork brains are no longer used. Some call for 100
percent pork, while others specify some combination of pork, beef, bacon, and pork rind. This recipe
employs pork, beef, and bacon.
Pistachio nuts are a common interior garnish, but they are optional. These nuts make a very
interesting addition to the sausage and they have a crunchy and pleasing bite texture when the sausage
is very fresh, but they become soggy after the links are a couple of days old. Personally, I prefer this
sausage without the addition of the nuts.

Beef casing is traditional, but hog casing works well. If small-diameter hog casing will be used,
prepare 8 feet (255 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse again, and soak
in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 1 lbs. (570 g) of pork shoulder, lb. (340 g) beef chuck, and lb. (225 g) of bacon. Cut the
pork and beef into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Cut the bacon into large squares. Refrigerate these meats until
they are well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the


tsp. (8.75 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (3.75 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) sherry
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) pistachio nuts, optional (see instruction No. 2, below)
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the three kinds of meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate the smaller the better.
Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2. Measure the seasoning and other ingredientsexcept the pistachio nuts and ground meatinto a
large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste.
Refrigerate. (The optional pistachio nuts will be added to the emulsified sausage.)
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4 . Sprinkle the optional pistachio nuts on the emulsified sausage paste, and knead until they are
mixed uniformly.
5 . Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist the links. Refrigerate the links
overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the sausage.
If the cervelat will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking for an hour or two is traditional.)
If it will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6. It is most often grilled or poached, but it
can be cooked by any method.

Chicken Wieners
Chicken is commonly used in sausages nowadays, particularly in wieners. In most cases, however, it is
mixed with pork or beef, or a combination of these two meats. This wienie is made from 100 percent
chicken, but you may add other meats if you like; fatty pork, for example, would make the wieners
Commercially produced sausage use what is called mechanically separated chicken. This means
that a machine is used to strip the meat from the chicken bones. When a machine is used for this, the
machine does not discriminate between the good meat and the poor quality skin and pinfeathers that
you and I would discard. Without question, homemade sausages using home-ground chicken flesh are
higher quality than those offered by the commercial processors.


If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is to be used (recommended), prepare about 16 feet (480
cm). If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 8 feet (255 cm). Rinse the casing, and
refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of boned chicken thighs (retain and use the skin and the fat). Cut the thighs
into small hunks. Refrigerate the meat until it is well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill
the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 tsp. (10 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
1 large egg, well beaten
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup 5 Tbsp (75 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the chicken with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the better. Refrigerate for
about 30 minutes.
2. Measure the seasoning and other ingredientsincluding the egg, corn syrup, water, and powdered
milkinto a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a slurry
or a thin paste. Refrigerate.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4 . Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist the links. Refrigerate the links
overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the
If the wieners will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (If they will be smoked, cold smoking is
recommended.) If they will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6.

Greek Gyro
When our family lived in Chicago in the 1970s, we often went to one of the numerous gyro restaurants
for a delicious gyro. What is a gyro? It could be called a Greek sandwich. It is thinly sliced roasted
meat piled on pita bread, garnished with chopped onions, chopped tomatoes, shredded lettuce, and a
little crumbled feta cheese. A dressing made of yogurt and shredded cucumber is drizzled on top of

these fillers. The round, thin, pita bread is folded over the fillingmuch like one would fold a flour
The word gyro comes from the Greek work gyros, which means to turn. (The meat is turned as it is
roasted.) I have heard the word gyro pronounced in many different ways, but one of the common
pronunciations is ye ro.
The two things that make this sandwich-like creation so decadently delicious are the exotically
seasoned roasted meat and the yogurt sauce. We left Chicago in 1980, and I have not been able to find
a gyro equal to the Chicago gyro. The ones I have had in Portland, Oregon, and even the ones I had in
Detroit, Michigan, pale in comparison.
The yogurt dressing is easy to make, and various recipes for it can be found on the Internet.
However, the meat filler is difficult to duplicate because recipes that produce roasted meat equal to
the taste of that used in the Chicago gyro could not be found. The gyro loaf recipe below is my
creation. The taste and texture are close to what I tasted in Chicago.
In Chicago, the professionals use a special roaster having upright panels that partially surround the
cylindrical-shaped mass of meat. The mass of seasoned meat rotates verticallynot horizontally, as
in a common rotisserie and the radiant heat inside the hot walls of the roaster cooks the meat. The
chef slices off the meat a little at a time when a gyro is to be prepared.
In this recipe, the gyro meat is cooked as a loaf. Custom meat processors here in the United States
prepare and cook large gyro loaves in a similar way and sell themcooked, presliced, and frozento
small Greek restaurants that want to offer gyros on the menu, but do not wish to invest in the special
Instructions for preparing the cucumber-flavored yogurt sauce, and suggestions for preparing and
serving the gyros, are below the instructions for making and cooking the meat.


A combination of lamb and beef is usually used for the gyro loaf. But, in the United States, it seems
that some people use only beef, others use only lamb, and yet others use various combinations of beef,
pork, and lamb. About 50 percent pork and 50 percent beef is suggested to start, and then you may
wish to use the more expensive lamb after some experience with the formulation and processing has
been acquired. If lamb is used, you might wish to use lean lamb, and use the more pleasant tasting
beef fat to replace the lamb fat. The total fat content of the meat should be about 20 to 25 percent.
Prepare 1 lbs. (570 g) of pork shoulder butt (or lamb), and 1 lbs. (570 g) of beef chuck. Cut the
pork butt and beef chuck into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate these two meats until they are well
chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) lemon juice
1 tsp. (5 ml) crushed dry mint
1 tsp. (5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (2.5 ml) granulated onion
tsp. (2.5 ml) rosemary
tsp. (2.5 ml) black pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) summer savory

tsp. (1.25 ml) thyme

tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
1 egg, well beaten
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (60 ml) powdered milk


1. Grind the pork butt and the beef chuck with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the
better. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2. Measure the seasoning, water, and powdered milk into a large stainless steel mixing bowl, and add
the egg. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4 . Grease the inside of a loaf pan with margarine, butter, or shortening. Pack the emulsified gyro
paste into the pan. (A loaf pan measuring about 8 5 3 inches works well. Metric measurements
are 22 13 8 cm.) Refrigerate the sausage loaf while the steamer is being prepared.
5 . Insert the cable probe of an electronic thermometer into the center of the loaf. Cover the loaf pan
and the thermometer probe with aluminum foil. Steam the loaf at about 175 F (79 C) until the
internal temperature is 160 F (71 C).
6 . Remove the loaf from the pan. Cool at room temperature for about 15 minutes. Cover with paper
towels and refrigerate. The next morning the loaf may be sliced and wrapped. Freeze the portion
that will not be used within a few days.

This sauce is spooned onto the gyro after the sliced meat, chopped tomatoes, sliced onions, and
shredded lettuce are put on the pita bread.
1 lb. (450 g) plain yogurt
1 medium cucumber, peeled, seeded, and shredded
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) olive oil
2 tsp. (10 ml) white wine vinegar tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules tsp. (1.25 ml) salt
1. The best tzatziki sauce is made from yogurt with reduced water content. This is not difficult to do,
but it is a little messy. Suspend a tea towel (a dish-towel) over a bowl by using whatever method
you can improvise: clothespins, a large rubber band, paper clamps, etc. Spoon the yogurt onto the
towel. Allow the water from the yogurt to drain through the tea towel into the bowl for 2 hours
while it is in the refrigerator.
2 . Remove as much moisture from the shredded cucumber as possible by placing it on paper towels
atop several layers of newspaper, or by putting the shredded cucumber in a tea towel and squeezing
3. Discard the liquids from the yogurt and the cucumber. Combine the yogurt, cucumber, and all the
other tzatziki ingredients in a small mixing bowl, and mix well. It may be refrigerated in an airtight
container for up to a week.

A generous quantity of cold, sliced gyro meat is piled on a piece of cold pita bread. This is put on a
plate and heated in the microwave oven for about 40 seconds.
Next, the chopped tomatoes, sliced sweet onions, crumbled feta cheese, and shredded lettuce are put

on the meat. Finally, the meat and vegetables are drenched in tzatziki sauce, and the pita bread is
folded oversimilar to the way a flour tortilla is folded. Enjoy!

Ham Sausage Supreme

Ham Sausage Supreme is one of those sausages that most everyone likes. As far as seasoning
ingredients are concerned, it is one of the simplest sausages in this book. Pork is naturally flavorful,
and pork made into ham needs only a few ingredients to complement that flavor.
This sausage is not difficult to make, but the processing time is long because five days of waiting
patiently are required to cure the chunks of ham that will be embedded in the sausage paste.
The basic plan for making this sausage is as follows:
Half of the meat will be lean pork; it will be cut into large cubes and cured for five days. At the end of
five days, these cubes of fresh pork will have been changed to cubes of raw ham.
The remaining pork will be ground, seasoned like ham, and made into emulsified sausage paste.
The cubes of ham will be mixed with the emulsified paste, stuffed into fibrous casings, smoked
(optional), and cooked.


Prepare 1 lbs. (570 g) of lean pork. Cut this pork into 1-inch (2.5 cm) cubes. (These small hunks of
pork can be any shape, but the volume should be one cubic inch, more or less.) Any lean pork may be
used. The cubes may be cut from pork sirloin, pork loin, or even from the lean parts of pork butt, for
example. Refrigerate these cubes until they are well chilled.


1 tsp. (7.5 ml) salt
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (2.5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
cold water to make a slurry


1. Day 1: Measure the cure ingredients into a plastic container that is large enough to allow the cubes
to be stirred easily. (The container should have a tight-fitting lid.) Add enough cold water to make a
slurry. Place the pork cubes in the container, and stir the cubes vigorously to ensure that all surfaces
of each cube are coated with the seasoning cure. Push the cubes down in the curing container so that
they are packed together tightly. Cover and refrigerate.
2. Days 2, 3, and 4: Each day, stir the cubes thoroughly at least once in order to recoat each of the
cubes with curing mixture. Again, push the cubes down in the curing container so that they are
packed together tightly.
3 . Day 5: The curing is finished. Remove the cubes from the plastic container, place them in a
colander, and spray with cold water while thoroughly agitating them. (This is to remove all curing
compound and excess seasoning from the surfaces of the cubes.) Drain well in the colander, and

then place the cubes atop a paper towel with several layers of newspaper underneath. Refrigerate
the cubes while they are on the paper, and prepare to finish mixing and stuffing the sausage.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casings are used, three 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casings must be soaked in water for 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casings with
warm water.


Prepare 1 lbs. (570 g) of regular pork butt that has about 25 percent fat. Cut this pork into -inch (2
cm) cubes. Refrigerate these cubes until they are well chilled. Chill the meat grinder and the sausage
stuffer in the refrigerator while this meat is being prepared.


tsp. (3.75 ml) salt
tsp. (1.25 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) brown sugarpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
4 tsp. (20 ml) cold water


Note: Half of the sausage filler is emulsified and half is not. Because of this, and in order to avoid
confusion, instructions are given in more detail than are given for other emulsified sausages.
1. Grind the pork butt with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the better. Refrigerate
for about 30 minutes. Important: Do not grind the previously cured ham hunks.
2. Measure the seasoning into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Add the cold water to make a thin
paste. Stir until the mixture is uniform. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the chilled seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed. This
will require about three minutes. Place the sausage paste in the freezer, and stir the meat about
every 10 minutes while the food processor is being set up and Step 4 is being accomplished. The
goal is to chill this sausage paste in the freezer until most of it is crunchy, but not frozen hard.
4. Prepare at least cup (120 ml) of crushed ice by processing about five large ice cubes in the food
processor. It is better to have a little extra rather than not enough. Refrigerate.
5. When the sausage mixture has become crunchy, put it in the food processor with cup (120 ml) of
crushed ice. Process the sausage paste in the food processor for 30 seconds, and then measure the
temperature with an instant-read thermometer. If the temperature is under 40 F (4.4 C), process it
another 30 seconds. Continue to process 30 seconds at a time until 40 F (4.4 C) is reached.
6 . When the temperature reaches 40 F (4.4 C), process it again for 15 seconds, if necessary.
Continue to process 15 seconds (or less) at a time until 55 F (12.8 C) is reached or until the paste
is emulsified. Do not exceed 60 F (15.6 C); if this temperature is exceeded, the emulsion will
probably breakthe fat will liquefy and separate from the emulsion. Refrigerate. Note: Do not
over-process the sausage. When it is obvious that emulsification has been accomplished, the

processing should be stopped, even if the temperature of the paste is below 40 F (4.4 C).
7 . Remove the previously prepared ham hunks from the refrigerator, and fold them into the
emulsified sausage paste so that the cubes are coated with the paste and are uniformly distributed.
8 . Stuff the emulsified sausage and ham cube mixture into the prepared fibrous casings. If an
electronic thermometer will be used when the sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of
the chubs. Close the ends of the chubs with twine. Refrigerate overnight (or for at least a few hours)
to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel
placed over the chubs.
9. If the ham sausage will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking followed by steaming is
recommended.) If it will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6.

In German, the spelling is knackwurst, and knacken means crackle. Probably it was given that name
because of the sound it makes when someone bites into it. It is usually stuffed in large size hog
casings and twisted into short links. Knockwurst is often, but not always, emulsified. It is steamed,
poached, or hot smokednever fried. The German version of this sausage uses about 60 percent veal
and 40 percent pork. This version uses 30 percent turkey, 30 percent beef, and 40 percent pork.
Knockwurst (or knackwurst) is most often used as an ingredient when preparing other dishes; it goes
very well with braised cabbage or sauerkraut.

Hog casing is recommended. If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 8 feet (255 cm).
Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few
minutes before using.


Prepare lb. (340 g) of boned turkey thighs (the skin and fat may be included), 1 lb. (450 g) of pork
shoulder butt, and lb. (340 g) of beef chuck. Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate this
meat until it is well chilled. While the meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in
the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) white pepper, ground 1 tsp. (7.5 ml) paprika
tsp. (3.75) mace
tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the three kinds of meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate the smaller the better.
Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure the seasoning, water, and powdered milk into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir
until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist into short links. Refrigerate the
links overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use
an uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the sausage.
If the knockwurst will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking followed by steaming is
recommended.) If it will be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6. It should be steamed or
poachedit should not be sauted.

Leber is German for liver, and kse means cheese; but true leberkse contains neither. Leberkse was
first made in the 1700s and, undoubtedly, there was a
good reason for calling it liver cheese at that time. The American headcheese is made from the
meat attached to the head of a pig, but it, too, contains no cheese. Nevertheless, this American sausage
concoction somehow acquired the name headcheese. The etymology of sausage names is interesting,
but this book is about sausage making, so well get on with the job of explaining how to make this
most unusual German sausage with the ill-fitting name: leberkse.
Many people have facetiously described sausage making as the art of making many flavors of meat
loaf. The making of leberkse is not far from this description; leberkse is, undeniably, a type of cured
and emulsified sausage, but it is cooked as a meatloaf.
Leberkse should be served as the main course for dinner, but leftovers make great snacks and
sandwiches. If you have some leftover, try a German strammer max: Toast a slice of rye or whole
wheat bread, place a thick slice of leberkse (heated in the microwave) on it, and top it with a fried
egg and a garnish of fried onions.


Prepare 1 lbs. (570 g) of pork shoulder butt and 1 lbs. (570 g) of beef chuck. (Lean wild game and
extra pork fat may be substituted for the beef.) Cut the pork butt and beef chuck into -inch (2 cm)
cubes. Refrigerate these two meats until they are well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill
the grinder in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (10 ml) salt
1 tsp. (5 ml) lemon juice
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (2.5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) sugar
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder

tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon

tsp. (0.625 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (0.625 ml) allspice
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork butt and the beef chuck with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the
better. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure the seasoning, water, and powdered milk into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir
until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Grease a bread loaf pan with margarine, butter, or shortening. Put the emulsified sausage paste in
the loaf pan, and shape the mass into a loaf by using a rubber bowl scraper dipped in water. Cover
the loaf with plastic food wrap, and refrigerate it overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit
the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. (If necessary, this emulsified sausage paste may be
frozen for up to two months either before or after it is put in the loaf pan.)
5. Preheat the oven to 300 F (150 C). Remove the plastic food wrap, and bake about 1 to 2 hours
until the internal temperature is a little below 160 F (71 C). (The cooking time will vary with the
thickness of the loaf.) Remove the loaf from the oven, and let the loaf rest a few minutes (the
internal temperature will continue to climb). Slice and serve.

This is one of the most popular German sausages, but only liver lovers appreciate it. Next to
Braunschweiger, it is my favorite liver sausage. A sandwich made with slices of either one of these
liver sausages, together with a slice of sweet white onion, is a popular way to eat them.
This sausage is traditionally made with pork liver, but calf, beef, wild game, or poultry liver may be
used. Pork liver has the strongest taste of any kind of liver and, because of that, it is not popular and is
difficult to locate; try ethnic grocery stores if you want to buy pork liver. Beef liver is milder than
pork, but stronger tasting than calf. Poultry liver is the mildest tasting liver. Usually, I use pork or
beef liver.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casings are used, three 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casings must be soaked in water for 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casings with
warm water.
Liverwurst is traditionally made with about 60 percent fatty pork and 40 percent liver. Some of this
pork can be replaced with lean venison or venison heart, together with pork fat.


Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of pork shoulder butt and 1 lb. (450 g) of liver. Cut the pork butt into -inch
(2 cm) cubes. If large livers are being used, cut the liver into pieces that will fit into the hopper of the
meat grinder. Refrigerate the liver in a separate dish from the pork. While this meat is being prepared,
chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) onion granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace or nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) sagepacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the liver and the pork butt. Use a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate the smaller the better.
It is best to grind the soft liver first and the harder pork last. (The harder pork cubes will help push
the softer liver through the grinder.) Refrigerate the ground meat mixture for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure all of the seasonings, water, and powdered milk into a large mixing bowl, and mix
thoroughly. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared fibrous casings. If an electronic thermometer will be
used when the sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of the chubs. Close the ends of the
chubs with twine. Refrigerate overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be
absorbed by the meat.
Traditionally, liverwurst is not smoked. Steam cooking is recommended, but it can be poached. Please
see Chapter 6 for detailed cooking information.

Bologna and mortadella are often said to be similar, and they are similar in many ways. Both are
similarly seasoned, have a large diameter, are Italian in origin, are emulsified, and are made to be
eaten cold. But there are differences, too. Mortadella is usually a pork sausage, but bologna is (or
should be) a mixture of beef and pork. When bologna is sliced, it is a plain-looking pink sausage, but
when mortadella is sliced, chunks of pork fatback and peppercorns are visible. If the mortadella
contains olives and pistachios, these ingredients will also be visible in the slices. Mortadella is a mild
but attractive sausage. The appeal to the eye competes with the appeal to the palate. In Italy, this
sausage is often served as bite-size cubes, but it is also served thinly sliced.

Large casings are used for mortadella3 to 4 inches (7.6 to 10 cm) in diameter, but the 2-inch (6.4
cm) diameter fibrous casing used for other large sausages in this book will do the job. Three of these

casingseach 12 inches (30 cm) longwill be required.

Fibrous casings must be soaked in water for 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casings
with warm water.


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,020 g) of pork shoulder butt and lb. (115 g) of pork fat-back. (Instead of pork
fatback, medium-hard pork fat from any part of the pig will work.) Cut the pork butt into -inch (2
cm) cubes, and cut the fatback into - to -inch (about 1 cm) cubes. Keep the fatback cubes in a small
bowl, separate from the pork shoulder butt. Refrigerate these two meats until they are well chilled.
While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (3.75 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (0.625 ml) cinnamon
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) good tasting winered or white
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
1 tsp. (5 ml) whole or cracked black peppercorns
cup (120 ml) black olives, pitted and cut in half lengthwise (optional)


1. Grind the pork butt with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the better. Refrigerate
for about 30 minutes. (Leave the small cubes of back fat in the refrigerator for the time being.)
2. Add the peppercorns (or the cracked peppercorns) to the small bowl containing the cubes of back
fat. Cut the pitted black olives in half lengthwise, and put them in the same small bowl with the
small cubes of fatback and peppercorns. (The fatback, the olives, and the peppercornsor cracked
peppercornswill be added to the emulsified sausage paste just before it is stuffed into the
3. Measure the seasoning and other ingredients (except for the meat, black olives, peppercorns, and
fatback cubes) into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a
thin paste. Refrigerate.
4. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
5. Sprinkle the cut olives, peppercorns, and fatback cubes on the emulsified sausage paste, and knead
the mixture until these ingredients are mixed uniformly with the paste. Stuff this emulsified
sausage into the prepared fibrous casings. If an electronic thermometer will be used when the
sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of the chubs. Close the ends of the chubs with
twine. Refrigerate overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the

meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the chubs. 6. If the mortadella will
be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking followed by steaming is recommended.) If it will
be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6.

Olive Loaf
Olive loaf was once one of the popular luncheon meats, but it is being pushed off the shelf by the
fancy, thinly sliced ham, turkey, chicken, and beef lunch-meats. Depending on where you live and
where you shop, you may be able to find it. It is a shame that many young people have never tasted it.
The main feature of this lunchmeat is the numerous green olives (stuffed with pimento) embedded
in the loaf, so it is an acquired taste. People who do not like the sour-bitter taste of green olives will
not like this product, but that unique taste is a treat for those of us who do.
Olive loaf may be processed in a bread loaf pan and steamedplease see Sausage Loaf (Lunchmeat
Loaf) in Chapter 6. If fibrous casings are preferred, the instructions are given below.
Olive loaf is not smoked.

If the olive loaf will be processed in casings, the 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casings used for
other large sausages in this book will do the job. Three of these casings, each 12 inches (30 cm) long,
will be required.
Fibrous casings must be soaked in water for 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casings
with warm water.


Prepare 1 lb. (450 g) of beef chuck and 1 lbs. (680 g) of pork shoulder butt. Cut the meat into -inch
(2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate the meat until it is well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill the
grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1 1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (3.75 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (0.625) celery seed, ground
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) good tasting white wine
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
1 cup (240 ml) green olives, whole, stuffed (see instruction No. 2, below)


1. Grind the meat with a

-inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the better. Refrigerate for

about 30 minutes.
2 . Cut each olive into quarters, place the quarters in a small bowl, and refrigerate. Measure the
seasoning and other ingredients (except for the meat and green olives) into a large stainless steel
mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate until well chilled.
(The olives will be added to the emulsified sausage paste just before it is stuffed into the casings or
put into the loaf pan.)
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4 . Sprinkle the green olives on the emulsified sausage paste, and knead until they are mixed
uniformly. Stuff this emulsified sausage into the prepared fibrous casings. If an electronic
thermometer will be used when the sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of the chubs.
Close the ends of the chubs with twine. Refrigerate overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the
seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel placed over
the chubs.
5. If the sausage has been stuffed in fibrous casings, poaching or steaming is recommended. Please
see Chapter 6.

Pickle and Pimento Loaf

Pickle and pimento loaf was a popular lunchmeat, but it is difficult to find nowadays. It is simple to
make if the easy-to-master technique of emulsification has been learned. I am sure you will find that
this homemade version is superior to the commercial product.
Pickle and pimento loaf may be processed in a bread loaf pan and steamed please see Sausage
Loaf (Lunchmeat Loaf) in Chapter 6. If fibrous casings are preferred, the instructions for using them
are given below.
Pickle and pimento loaf is not smoked.

If the pickle and pimento loaf will be processed in a casing, the 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous
casing used for other large sausages in this book will do the job. Three of these casingseach 12
inches (30 cm) longwill be required.
Fibrous casings must be soaked in water for 30 minutes before stuffing. Be sure to fill the casings
with warm water.


Prepare 1 lb. (450 g) of pork shoulder butt and 1 lbs. (680 g) of beef chuck. Cut the meat into -inch
(2 cm) cubes, and refrigerate them until they are well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill
the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
tsp. (3.75 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper

tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg

tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) onion granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder
tsp. (0.625 ml) celery seed, ground
tsp. (0.625 ml) mace
cup (80 ml) copped sweet pickle (see instruction No. 2, below)
cup (80 ml) copped canned pimento (see instruction No. 2, below)
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) good tasting white wine
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (80 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the better. Refrigerate for
about 30 minutes.
2. Chop the sweet pickles and the canned pimento into pieces about to inch (3 to 6 mm). Place
the chopped pickles and pimento on a paper towel with several layers of newspaper underneath.
Refrigerate. (The paper towel and newspaper will absorb the excess moisture.) Measure the
seasoning and other ingredients (except for the meat, chopped sweet pickles, and pimento) into a
large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste.
Refrigerate until well chilled. (The pickles and pimento will be added to the emulsified sausage
paste just before it is stuffed into the casings or put into the loaf pan.)
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Sprinkle the chopped sweet pickle and pimento mixture on the sausage paste, and knead until they
are mixed uniformly. Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared fibrous casings. If an electronic
thermometer will be used when the sausage is cooked, insert the cable probe into one of the chubs.
Close the ends of the chubs with twine. Refrigerate overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the
seasoning to be absorbed by the emulsified meat. Use an uncovered container with a paper towel
placed over the chubs.
If the sausage has been stuffed in fibrous casings, poaching or steaming is recommended. Please see
Chapter 6.

In German, weisswurst is written weiwurst and the translated meaning is white sausage.
Unfortunately, the Americans have assigned the nicknames white sausage or white wieners to
bockwurst, so it would be very confusing to use the translation of weisswurst.
Lemon zest does not appear in all versions of this sausage, so this can be considered optional, but it
does lend an interesting touch to the formula.

Sheep casings, or small hog casings, are recommended. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casings
are to be used, prepare about 16 feet (480 cm). If small diameter hog casings will be used, prepare 8

feet (255 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm
water a few minutes before using.


Traditionally, weisswurst is made of 50 percent veal and 50 percent pork. However, because veal is so
expensive and sometimes difficult to purchase, boned chicken or turkey thighs have been substituted,
and pork has been made the predominant meat.
Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of fatty pork shoulder butt and 1 lb. (450 g) of boned chicken or turkey thighs
(retain and use the skin and the fat). Cut the pork butt and fowl into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate
these two meats until they are well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and
sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5) parsley, dried
tsp. (1.25 ml) onion granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
tsp. (1.25 ml) celery seed powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) lemon zest (optional)
cup (60 ml) fresh milk
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork butt and the poultry thighs with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller
the better. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2. Except for the meat, measure the seasoning and other ingredients into a large stainless steel mixing
bowl. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4. Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links.
Refrigerate the links overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by
the meat.
Please see Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

White Wieners
White wiener is a nickname that Americans have given to a sausage that the Germans call bockwurst.
Depending on the area of the United States, they are also called white sausages, white hot dogs, and
white hots.
In German, bock means buckthe male of various species of herbivorous animals such as deer or
antelope. There is also a German beer called bock beer, and this beer is commonly drunk while eating

This is a mild and pleasant-tasting sausage, and the pale, almost white, color is the reason for the
nicknames given to it by Americans. In recent times, some processors emulsify bockwurst, and this is
the emulsified version. However, it is an uncured, fresh sausage, so it is never smoked. Botulism is a
possibility if these sausages are smoked, or if they are cooked at low temperatures for a log time.
Instructions for making a non-emulsified version of this sausage are in Chapter 8 (Bockwurst).

Sheep casings or small hog casings are recommended. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is
to be used, prepare about 16 feet (480 cm). If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 8 feet
(255 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight. Rinse again, and soak in warm water
a few minutes before using.


Traditionally, bockwurst is made of about 60 percent veal and 40 percent pork. However, because veal
is so expensive and sometimes difficult to purchase, boned chicken or turkey thighs have been
substituted, and pork has been made the predominant meat.
Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of fatty pork shoulder butt, and 1 lb. (450 g) of boned chicken or turkey
thighs (retain and use the skin and the fat). Cut the pork butt and fowl into -inch (2 cm) cubes.
Refrigerate these two meats until they are well chilled. While this meat is being prepared, chill the
grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
2 tsp. (10 ml) onion granules
1 tsp. (5 ml) parsley, dehydrated
tsp. (3.75 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) mace
tsp. (1.25 ml) celery seed powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) ginger powder
1 egg, beaten
2 green onions, finely chopped
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (60 ml) fresh milk
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork butt and the poultry thighs with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller
the better. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2. Except for the meat, measure the seasoning and other ingredients into a large stainless steel mixing
bowl. Add the egg and chopped green onions. Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin
paste. Refrigerate.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4 . Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist into 6-inch (15 cm) links.
Refrigerate the links overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed

by the meat.
Because bockwurst is a fresh sausage, there is a danger of botulism if they are smoked. Please see
Chapter 6 for cooking suggestions.

All European countries, and all countries in other areas of the world that have a culture based on
European culture, eat hot dogs. The word they use is usually not hot dog, frankfurter, or wiener, but it
is the same sausage, nevertheless. The world consumes more wieners than any other sausage.
The most common type of wiener in the United States and in many other countries is the
emulsified, skinless type. After the sausage paste is emulsified, it is stuffed in an inedible cellulose
casing and then precooked. When the cooking takes place, the sausage paste forms its own skin-like
coating just under the cellulose casing. This skin-like coating on the sausage is composed of
coagulated protein. The commercial sausage processor removes the cellulose casing mechanically
before it is packaged for retail sale. (If you look closely at a skinless wiener, you will see a faint slit
mark that goes from one end of the wiener to the other. This is where a razor blade has cut through the
cellulose casing to prepare for its removal.)

Cellulose casings can be used, but natural casings are more convenient. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1
in.) sheep casing is to be used (recommended), prepare about 16 feet (480 cm). If small-diameter hog
casing will be used, prepare 8 feet (255 cm). Rinse the casing, and refrigerate it in water overnight.
Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes before using.


Prepare 1 lb. (450 g) of pork shoulder butt and 1 lbs. (680 g) of beef chuck. Cut the pork butt and
beef chuck into -inch (2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate these two meats until they are well chilled. While
this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (12.5 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 tsp. (10 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) mustard, groundpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, ground
tsp. (2.5 ml) marjoram
tsp. (1.25 ml) mace
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) cold tap water
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the pork butt and the beef chuck with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller platethe smaller the
better. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2 . Measure the seasoning, water, and powdered milk into a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Stir
until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4 . Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist the links. Refrigerate the links
overnight (or for at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container with a paper towel placed over the sausage.
5. If the wieners will be smoked, please see Chapter 7. (Cold smoking is recommended.) If they will
be cooked without smoking, please see Chapter 6.

Wienerwurst (Vienna Sausage)

The word wiener that is commonly used in American English to mean frankfurter, is a shortened
version of the German Wienerwurst, which means Vienna sausage. (In the Austrian language, Vienna
is spelled and pronounced Wien.) Many people believe that the frankfurter did not originate in
Frankfurt, Germany; they claim that it originated in Vienna, Austria.
The formulation and instructions below are for making an emulsified version of Vienna sausage. In
the United States, Vienna sausage is usually the canned, emulsified type. In Chapter 9, there is another
Vienna sausage recipe (Vienna Sausage) for a version made with non-emulsified ground meat.
Beef, veal, and pork are the meats traditionally used to make this sausage. However, because veal is
expensive and somewhat difficult to buy, I replaced the veal with boned turkey thighs or chicken
thighs. The United States canned version of Vienna sausage also uses fowl instead of veal.

Sheep casing is recommended. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare
about 16 feet (480 cm). If small-diameter hog casing will be used, prepare 8 feet (255 cm). Rinse the
casing, and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water a few minutes
before using.


Prepare 1 lb. (450 g) of boned turkey thighs or chicken thighs (the skin and fat should be included), 1
lb. (450 g) of beef chuck, and lb. (225 g) of pork shoulder butt. Cut the all of the meat into -inch
(2 cm) cubes. Refrigerate these meats until they are well chilled. While this meat is being prepared,
chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


2 tsp. (11.25 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) onion granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (2.5 ml) white pepper, ground

tsp. (1.25 ml) nutmeg

4 tsp. (20 ml) light corn syrup
cup (80 ml) cold tap water
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) all-purpose flour
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk


1. Grind the three kinds of meat with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate the smaller the better.
Refrigerate for about 30 minutes.
2. Measure the seasoning, water, flour, and powdered milk into a large stainless steel mixing bowl.
Stir until the mixture is uniform; it will be a thin paste. Refrigerate.
3. Follow the instructions in HOW TO EMULSIFY SAUSAGE near the beginning of this chapter.
4 . Stuff the emulsified sausage into the prepared casings, and twist the links. Refrigerate the links
overnight (or at least a few hours) to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat.
5. Wienerwurst is not smoked. It is excellent grilled, or the links can be precooked by steaming or
poaching and then grilledor they can be reheated by simmering for about 10 minutes. Please see
Chapter 6 for cooking details.


Fermented-Style Sausage
Nowadays, it is dangerous to make authentic dry cured, fermented sausages at home because E. coli
O157 is becoming resistant to being killed by the lactic acid produced in the fermentation process.
(This is explained in Chapter 4, Health Matters, in the section on E. coli O157.) Furthermore, this type
of sausage is extremely difficult to make because the fermenting and drying process requires special
rooms or enclosures with round-the-clock temperature and humidity control. Failure must be expected
because it occurs as often as success. Finally, fermented sausages must be made with the difficult-tobuy certified pork because the sausage is never cooked and the meat is still raw when it is eaten.
In this chapter, we will make fermented-style sausages that look and taste similar to the classic dry
cured and fermented sausages, but they are comparatively fast and easy to make, and they are fully
cooked. To help accomplish this, we will use a commercial product called Fermento. Fermento is a
flavoring made from dairy products, and it is manufactured expressly for this purpose. Fermento
contains lactic acid. In true fermented sausages, lactic acid is produced during the long fermentation
process, and this is what provides the characteristic tangy taste of these kinds of sausages.
Because we are adding Fermento to give it the tangy taste, we do not need to wait for weeks for the
lactic acid to develop and for the sausage to dry; we can dry the sausage quickly. These sausages will
not be fully dry cured; they will be semidry-cured. Also, because we are drying them quickly and are
not cultivating bacteria, we need not maintain certain temperature and humidity conditions favorable
to the proliferation of the lactic-acid-producing bacteria.
In this book, there are recipes for salami, summer sausage, pepperoni, Thuringer, and the like.
However, instead of requiring weeks to process, they can be processed in just a little more time than it
takes to process the common frankfurter. And, because they are cooked, trichinosis and E. coli are not
a concern.
For all sausages in this chapter, dry seasoning and other dry ingredients are mixed together first.
Then wet ingredients are added, and mixing takes place again. There is a reason for mixing the dry
ingredients first: The mixing of Fermento with the other dry ingredients helps prevent clumping of the
Fermento when wet ingredients are added.
Most mail order companies in Appendix 5 that sell sausage-making supplies will offer Fermento.
Note: The sausages in this chapter have been arranged in alphabetical order.

Hot Sticks
Hot sticks are spicy, semi-dried snack sausages that are great with cold beer. They are usually
consumed with gusto. Consequently, once the formulation is tweaked to suit your taste, you will
probably want to double the formula and make 5 pounds at a time.
The instructions given below will result in a sausage weight loss of about 15 percent. If the drying
proceeds until 20 to 25 percent of the sausage weight has been lost, they will be even less perishable,
and the flavor will be more concentrated.

Sheep casings or small hog casings may be used, but sheep casings are best because the processing
time is faster, and the casing will be tender. However, if you wish to use the small hog casing, rinse 7
feet (210 cm), and refrigerate it overnight in a little water. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep
casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm). Rinse the casing again, and soak it in warm water
for a few minutes before using.


A mixture of about 1 lbs. (680 g) of pork shoulder butt and 1 lb. (450 g) of beef chuck is suggested.
Some or all of the beef may be in the form of beef heart, or lean wild game can be used. The meat, no
matter what kind is selected, should contain about 25 percent fat, and the total weight should be 2
lbs. (1,150 g). Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


Dry ingredients
1 tsp. (8.75 ml) salt
tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp (5 ml) crushed red pepper
tsp. (2.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) thyme
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) whole mustard seed
tsp. (1.25 ml) mustard powder
tsp. (1.25 ml) MSG (optional)
cup (60 ml) Fermento
Wet ingredients
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup
cup (120 ml) cold beer or cold water


1. Grind the meats together with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for
about 30 minutes.
2 . Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and uniform.
This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while the
sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
4 . Stuff the sausage into the casings, and twist into long links. Weigh one of the links, record the
weight, and mark it with a colored string, or the like. This weight is called the green weight.
Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container, but cover the sausage with a paper towel.

5 . The next morning, dry the stuffed sausage for one or two hours in front of an electric fan. The
drying is finished when the surface is dry to the touch and the fingertips slide smoothly on the
casing. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke, and
with the chimney vents fully open.
6 . Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for two to four hours. The temperature should be held
below 120 F (50 C), if possible. From this point, until the smoking, cooking, and drying are
finished, the chimney vents should remain fully open to encourage maximum drying of the sausage.
7 . Raise the smoker temperature to between 170 F (77 C) and 175 F (79 C) slowlyover the
period of one hour or soand continue cooking, with or without smoke, until the internal
temperature of the thickest link reaches 160 F (71 C). Weigh the link marked with the colored
string to determine if this link has lost at least 15 percent of its green weight. If it has, the smoking
and cooking are finished. Proceed to step 9. If not, go to step 8.
8. If the link marked with colored string has not lost at least 15 percent of its green weight, reduce the
smoker temperature to between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74 C) and continue cooking. Check the
loss of weight every hour or so. When 15 percent of the weight has been lost, proceed to step 9.
9 . When the sausage has lost at least 15 percent of the green weight, remove the links from the
smoker, and cool the sausage in front of an electric fan for one hour.
1 0 . Refrigerate the sausages overnight, uncovered. The next morning, cut them to single-portion
lengths, and then wrap them in plastic food wrap. Sausages that will not be eaten within a few days
should be individually wrapped in plastic food wrap, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.

Landjager-Style Sausage
Landjager is German and means land hunter. It is appropriately named because landjager sausage is
often used as a trail food.
The classic landjager is made with raw meat, and it is never cooked; it is only cold smoked and
The instructions below describe how to make the cooked version of landjager sausage. When the
cooked version is eaten, trichinosis and E. coli 0157 are not a concern.
This is a great snack sausage, and some people prefer it to jerky. You might notice that the salt in
the formulation is a little less than that normally used for cured sausage. The flavor is concentrated
when the sausage is dried, so less salt is required.
The instructions suggest that the links be dried until they have lost at least 15 percent of their
original weight. If the drying proceeds until 20 or 25 percent of the weight has been lost, they will be
even less perishable and the flavor will be more concentrated.

The size of casing used is a matter of personal taste. Any size of casing from a small-diameter sheep
casing to a medium-diameter hog casing may be used. The drying time for the sausage stuffed in
smaller diameter casing will be shorter, however. If you wish to use the small hog casing, rinse 7 feet
(210 cm), and refrigerate it overnight in a little water. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is
to be used, prepare about 14 feet (420 cm). Rinse the casing again, and soak it in warm water for a few
minutes before using.


Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of beef chuck and 1 lb. (450 g) of pork shoulder butt. Cut the meat into -inch

(2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer
in the refrigerator.


Dry ingredients

1 tsp. (8.75 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground black pepper
tsp. (1.25 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground caraway seeds
tsp. (1.25 ml) corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) cardamom
cup (60 ml) Fermento
Wet ingredients

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup

cup (80 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meats together with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for
about 30 minutes.
2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and uniform.
This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while the
sausage stuffer and sausage casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the casings, and twist into the size of links you prefer. Weigh one of the links,
record the weight, and mark it with a colored string, or the like. This weight is called the green
weight. Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container, but cover the sausage with a paper towel.
5. The next morning, dry the stuffed sausage in front of an electric fan until the surface is dry to the
touch. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke.
6. Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for at least two hours. Make sure that the smoke vents are
fully open; this will facilitate the required drying of the sausage.
7 . Raise the smoker temperature to between 170 F (77 C) and 175 F (79 C) slowlyover the
period of one hour or soand continue cooking, with or without smoke, until the internal
temperature of the thickest link reaches 160 F (71 C). Weigh the link marked with the colored
string to determine if this link has lost at least 15 percent of its green weight. If it has, the smoking
and cooking are finished. Proceed to step 9. If not, go to step 8.
8. If the link marked with colored string has not lost at least 15 percent of its green weight, reduce the
smoker temperature to between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74 C) and continue cooking. Check the
loss of weight every hour or so. When 15 percent of the weight has been lost, proceed to step 9.
9 . When the sausage has lost at least 15 percent of the green weight, remove the links from the
smoker, and cool the sausage in front of an electric fan for one hour.
1 0 . Refrigerate the sausages, uncovered, overnight. The next morning, cut them to single-portion
lengths, and then wrap them in plastic food wrap. Sausages that will not be eaten within a few days

should be individually wrapped in plastic food wrap, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.

Pepperoni for Pizza

Pepperoni is the most popular meat topping for pizza; it is more popular than Italian sausage. With
this homemade pepperoni, you can make your own pizza, or your can fortify a bake-at-home pizza that
was originally made with not quite enough pepperoni to suit your taste.

Large-diameter hog casings will produce a diameter similar to commercially produced pepperoni, but
small hog casings will make a daintier product. If you wish to use the small casing, rinse 7 feet (210
cm) of casing, and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse again, and soak in warm water for 30
minutes before using.


Prepare the meats listed below; cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being
prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.
1 lb. (450 g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fator 1 lbs. (680 g) of fatty pork shoulder
1 lb. (450 g) of lean beef


Dry ingredients

1 tsp. (8.75 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (7.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) anise
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
2 cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) Fermento

Wet ingredients

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup

cup (60 ml) red wine
6 Tbsp. (90 ml) cold water


1. Grind the chilled meats together with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground
meat for about 30 minutes.
2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and uniform.
This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while the

sausage stuffer and hog casings are being prepared.

4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casings, and twist into 10-inch (25 cm) links. Weigh one of the links,
record the weight, and mark it with a colored string, or the like. This weight is called the green
weight. Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container, but cover the sausage with a paper towel.
5. The next morning, dry the stuffed sausage in front of an electric fan until the surface is dry to the
touch. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke.
6. Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for at least two hours. Make sure that the smoke chimney
damper is fully open.
7 . Raise the smoker temperature to between 170 F (77 C) and 175 F (79 C) slowlyover the
period of one hour or soand continue cooking, with or without smoke, until the internal
temperature of the thickest link reaches 160 F (71 C). Weigh the link marked with the colored
string to determine if this link has lost at least 15 percent of its green weight. If it has, the smoking
and cooking are finished. Proceed to step 9. If not, go to step 8.
8. If the link marked with colored string has not lost at least 15 percent of its green weight, reduce the
smoker temperature to between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74 C) and continue cooking. Check the
loss of weight every hour or so. When 15 percent of the weight has been lost, proceed to step 9.
9 . When the sausage has lost at least 15 percent of the green weight, remove the links from the
smoker, and cool the sausage in front of an electric fan for one hour.
10. Refrigerate the sausages, uncovered, overnight. The next morning, wrap them in plastic food wrap.
Sausages that will not be eaten within a few days should be individually wrapped in plastic food
wrap, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.

Pepperoni Sticks
Pepperoni sticks are a great tasting snack food, and they are surprisingly easy to make. The
instructions given below will result in a sausage weight loss of about 15 percent; it is a semi-dried,
fermented-style sausage. If the drying proceeds until 20 or 25 percent of the weight has been lost, they
will be even less perishable, and the flavor will be more concentrated.

Any size of casing from a small-diameter sheep casing to a medium-diameter hog casing may be used.
However, please keep in mind that the required drying time increases as the diameter of the casing
increases. If you wish to use the small hog casing, rinse 7 feet (210 cm), and refrigerate it overnight in
about a cup of water. If 24 to 26 mm (1 in. to 1 in.) sheep casing is to be used, prepare about 14 feet
(420 cm). Rinse the casing again, and soak it in warm water for a few minutes before using.


Traditionally, beef is used for pepperoni, but pork can be used. A mixture of about 50 percent pork and
50 percent beef is suggested. Some or all of the beef may be in the form of beef heart, or wild game
can be used. The meat, no matter what kind is selected, should contain about 25 percent fat, and the
total weight should be 2 lbs. (1,150 g). Cut the meat into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While
this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


Dry ingredients

1 tsp. (8.75 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika 1
tsp. (7.5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
cup (60 ml) Fermento
Wet ingredients

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) light corn syrup

cup (60 ml) red wine
3 Tbsp. (45 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meats together with a -inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for
about 30 minutes.
2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and uniform.
This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while the
sausage stuffer and casings are being prepared.
4 . Stuff the sausage into the casings, and twist into long links. Weigh one of the links, record the
weight, and mark it with a colored string, or the like. This weight is called the green weight.
Refrigerate the links overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an
uncovered container, but cover the sausage with a paper towel.
5 . The next morning, dry the stuffed sausage for one or two hours in front of an electric fan. The
drying is finished when the surface is dry to the touch and the fingertips slide smoothly on the
casing. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke, and
with the chimney vents fully open.
6. Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for 2 to 4 hours. The temperature should be held below
120 F (50 C), if possible. From this point, until the smoking, cooking, and drying are finished, the
chimney vents should remain fully open to encourage maximum drying of the sausage.
7 . Raise the smoker temperature to between 170 F (77 C) and 175 F (79 C) slowlyover the
period of one hour or soand continue cooking, with or without smoke, until the internal
temperature of the thickest link reaches 160 F (71 C). Weigh the link marked with the colored
string to determine if this link has lost at least 15 percent of its green weight. If it has, the smoking
and cooking are finished. Proceed to step 9. If not, go to step 8.
8. If the link marked with colored string has not lost at least 15 percent of its green weight, reduce the
smoker temperature to between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74 C) and continue cooking. Check the
loss of weight every hour or so. When 15 percent of the weight has been lost, proceed to step 9.
9. When the sausage has lost at least 15 percent of the green weight, remove the links from the smoker, and cool the sausage in front
of an electric fan for one hour.

10. Refrigerate the sausages, uncovered, overnight. The next morning, cut them to single-portion
lengths, and then wrap them in plastic food wrap. Sausages that will not be eaten within a few days
should be individually wrapped in plastic food wrap, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.

Spanish-Style Chorizo
True Spanish chorizo is dry cured and fermented under carefully controlled humidity and temperature
conditions for about 20 days. Needless to say, if it is made in the traditional way, it is very difficult to
The Spanish-style chorizo described below will be semi-dry cured, but this will be done rapidly in a
smoker. The tangy, fermented taste will be accomplished by using Fermento. This is a semi-dried
sausage, but you can decide the extent to which it is dried. Traditionally, it is dried until it loses 25
percent of its moisture, but you might like it dried until only 15 percent of the moisture is lost. You
decide. Try this sausage in soups, stews, or egg dishes.
Ancho chile powder is an important ingredient that you may not have on hand. Please see Appendix
1 for more information on this special chile powder.

If small-diameter hog casings are used, the processing time will be shortened. Rinse 7 feet (210 cm)
of small hog casing, and refrigerate it overnight in water. Rinse again before using.


Prepare 2 lbs. (910 g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of fatty pork
shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the
grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


Dry ingredients

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
cup (60 ml) Fermento
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) paprika
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) ancho chile powder
1 tsp. (5 ml) cayenne
tsp. (3.75 ml) garlic granules
Wet ingredients

2 tsp. (10 ml) light corn syrup

2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meat with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and uniform.
This will require about three minutes. Chill the meat and seasoning mixture again while the sausage
stuffer and hog casing are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the hog casing and twist the sausage rope into four long links. Use string to
close the end of each link securely, and then cut between the ends to separate the four links. Tie the
ends of each link together to form four rings. Weigh one of the rings, record the weight, and mark it

with a colored string, or the like. This weight is called the green weight. Refrigerate the rings
overnight to permit the seasoning to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container, but
cover the rings with a paper towel.
5. The next morning, dry the stuffed sausage in front of an electric fan until the surface is dry to the
touch. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke.
6. Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for at least two hours. Make sure that the smoke vents are
fully open; this will facilitate the required drying of the sausage.
7 . Raise the smoker temperature to between 170 F (77 C) and 175 F (79 C) slowlyover the
period of one hour or soand continue cooking, with or without smoke, until the internal
temperature of the thickest link reaches 160 F (71 C). Weigh the sausage ring marked with the
colored string to determine if it has lost between 15 percent and 25 percent of its green weight. If it
has, the smoking and cooking are finished. Proceed to step 9. If not, go to step 8.
8. If the sausage ring marked with colored string has not lost the desired percent of its green weight,
reduce the smoker temperature to between 160 F (71 C) and 165 F (74 C) and continue cooking.
Check the loss of weight every hour or so. When the desired weight has been lost, proceed to step 9.
9 . When the marked sausage ring has lost the desired percent of weight, remove the rings from the
smoker and cool the sausage in front of an electric fan for one hour.
10. Refrigerate the rings, uncovered, overnight. The next morning, wrap them in plastic food wrap.
Sausages that will not be consumed within a few days should be individually wrapped in plastic
food wrap, placed in a plastic bag, and frozen.

Summer Sausage
The tart taste of lactic acid in summer sausage makes it very popular. We produce this taste by using
Fermento, a product made entirely from dairy products; we need not subject the sausage to a lengthy
and difficult fermenting process.
Summer sausage got its name because it was made in the fall or winter, but it was intended to be
eaten during the summer.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casing are used, two 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casing must be soaked for 30 minutes in warm water before stuffing. Be sure to put some
warm water inside the casings.


Prepare 1 lbs. (680 g) of lean beef, lb. (225 g) of lean pork, and lb. (225 g) of pork fat. Cut
into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and
sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


Dry ingredients

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
2 tsp. (10 ml) dry mustardpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
1 tsp. (5 ml) garlic granules

tsp. (3.75 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon

cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) Fermento
Wet ingredients

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup

cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meat with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed. This will
require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while the sausage stuffer
and fibrous casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the fibrous casings. Insert an electronic cable probe in one of the chubs. Close
the ends of the chubs with twine. Refrigerate the stuffed casings overnight to permit the seasoning
to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container.
5 . The next morning, dry the stuffed chubs in front of an electric fan until the surface is dry to the
touch. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke.
6. Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for two hours or more.
7. Over a period of one hour, raise the temperature to 170 F (77 C) and continue cooking, with or
without smoke, until the sausage reaches an internal temperature of 140 F (60 C).
8. Remove the summer sausage from the smoke chamber and finish cooking by steaming or poaching.
Please see Chapter 6 for these cooking instructions.

Thuringer used to be a very popular lunchmeat, and it could be found in almost every grocery store. It
is more difficult to find now, probably because fewer people prepare sandwiches for lunch at work or
Thuringer originated in Germany. It is much like summer sausage in taste and appearance.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casing are used, two 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casing must be soaked for 30 minutes in warm water before stuffing. Be sure to put some
warm water inside the casing.


Prepare 2 lbs. (910 g) of lean pork and lb. (225 g) of back fator 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of pork
shoulder. Cut into -inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the
grinder and sausage stuffer in the refrigerator.


Dry ingredients

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
1 tsp. (5 ml) black peppercorns, cracked
1 tsp. (5 ml) paprika
tsp. (1.25 ml) dry mustard powderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) ground nutmeg
cup (120 ml) finely powdered skim milk
cup (60 ml) Fermento
Wet ingredients

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup

cup (60 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meat with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate. Refrigerate the ground meat for about 30
2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed and uniform.
This will require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while the
sausage stuffer and fibrous casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the fibrous casings. Insert an electronic cable probe in one of the chubs. Close
the ends of the chubs with twine. Refrigerate the stuffed casings overnight to permit the seasoning
to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container.
5. The next morning, dry the stuffed casings in front of an electric fan until the surface is dry to the
touch. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke.
6. Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for two hours or more.
7. Over a period of one hour, raise the temperature to 170 F (77 C) and continue cooking, with or
without smoke, until the sausage reaches an internal temperature of 140 F (60 C).
8. Remove the Thuringer from the smoke chamber and finish cooking by steaming or poaching. Please
see Chapter 6 for these cooking instructions.

Turkey Salami
Salami made of domesticated birds or wildfowl is good if it is made of dark meat. The thighs of
turkeys or chickens are the easiest to bone and use. Duck and geese, both wild and domesticated, are
all dark meat, so any part of these birds may be used. Goose has a beefy flavor, so it makes
particularly interesting salami.
No matter what kind of fowl is used, make sure to remove all tendons, cartilage, and the like, before
grinding it.

If 2-inch (6.4 cm) diameter fibrous casing are used, two 12-inch (30 cm) casings will be required.
Fibrous casing must be soaked for 30 minutes in warm water before stuffing. Be sure to put some
warm water inside the casings. (Note: A kosher and very traditional casing would be the skin from the

neck of a turkey, goose, duck, or chicken. The ancient Romans are known to have used the skin from
chicken necks to stuff sausage.)


Prepare 2 lbs. (1,150 g) of dark meat, including the skin and a reasonable amount of fat. Cut into inch (2 cm) cubes and refrigerate. While this meat is being prepared, chill the grinder and sausage
stuffer in the refrigerator.


Dry ingredients

2 tsp. (10 ml) salt

tsp. (2.5 ml) Cure #1
1 tsp. (5 ml) pepper, ground
1 tsp. (5 ml) black peppercorns, cracked
tsp. (2.5 ml) garlic granules
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground corianderpacked in the spoon
tsp. (1.25 ml) allspice
8 tsp. (0.625 ml) cloves, ground
cup (60 ml) Fermento

Wet ingredients

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) light corn syrup

1 Tbsp. (15 ml) sherry
2 Tbsp. (30 ml) cold water


1. Grind the meat with a 16-inch (4.8 mm) or smaller plate, and refrigerate it for about 30 minutes.
2. Mix all dry ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Add the liquid ingredients, and mix well
again. Refrigerate this mixture for about 15 minutes.
3. Add the chilled ground meat to the seasoning mixture, and knead until it is well mixed. This will
require about three minutes. Chill this meat and seasoning mixture again while the sausage stuffer
and fibrous casings are being prepared.
4. Stuff the sausage into the fibrous casings. Insert an electronic cable probe in one of the chubs. Close
the ends of the chubs with twine. Refrigerate the stuffed casings overnight to permit the seasoning
to be absorbed by the meat. Use an uncovered container.
5 . The next morning, dry the stuffed chubs in front of an electric fan until the surface is dry to the
touch. Alternatively, dry the surface of the casings in a 140 F (60 C) smoker with no smoke.
6. Smoke at the lowest possible temperature for two hours or more.
7. Over a period of about one hour, raise the temperature to 170 F (77 C) and continue cooking, with
or without smoke, until the sausage reaches an internal temperature of 140 F (60 C).
8. Remove the turkey salami from the smoke chamber and finish cooking by steaming or poaching.
Please see Chapter 6 for these cooking instructions.


Appendix 1
Spices, Herbs, and Seasonings
Comments on the applications for the various spices, herbs, and seasonings that are listed below are
generally limited to their use for sausage. Culinary specialists, among others, distinguish between a
spice and an herb. The distinction is not necessarily maintained in the descriptions that follow.
ALLSPICE: The name of this spice comes from the fact that it has a flavor similar to a blend of three
spices: cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. It is most commonly used with red meats such as beef, pork,
and lamb.
ANCHOCHILE POWDER: Ancho chile powder is moderately spicy, but it has a hint of sweetness. It
can be bought on the Internet, but you may also find it in Latino grocery stores. Whole ancho chiles
(dried poblanos) seem to be easier to find than the powder. I buy the whole, dried ancho chiles,
remove the seeds, and grind them into a powder with a spice mill. This may be the fastest, easiest, and
least expensive way to get the powder. If everything else fails, substitute regular chili powder for the
ancho chile powder.
ANISE SEEDS: These small seeds have a mild licorice flavor, and they are sometimes used in
sausage. Some varieties of Italian sausage, for example, use whole or powdered anise seeds as an
essential ingredient.
BASIL: This essential herb for Italian cooking is also used to season lamb, poultry, fish, and shellfish.
It is used occasionally for other meats such as beef, pork, and game. Basil is a member of the mint
BAY LEAF: Bay leaf is very pungent. Use sparingly. Bay leaf goes well with all red meats, variety
meats (tongue, heart, etc.), and especially with game meats. If used in powdered form, consider a
pinch (less than teaspoon) to be equal to one bay leaf. When bay leaf is used in sausage, it is always
used in powdered form.
CARDAMOM: Some curry mixtures contain this aromatic, expensive, and pungent spice. Germans
and members of other European cultures use cardamom to season sausage. Guatemala is now the
largest producer. It imparts a complex flowery, fruity, piney, and eucalyptus-like flavor. Use
CAYENNE: True cayenne is extremely hot; it is hotter than red pepper. Quite often, unfortunately,
the names and labeling of these two spices are confused. Nevertheless, both products produce lots of
heat, and they are used most often to flavor highly spiced meats and sausage. Neither cayenne nor red
pepper is related to common black pepper.

CELERY SEED: The seeds come from a plant that is related to the celery that is grown as a
vegetable. Use this spice sparingly in sausages and marinades. It has a bitter, celery-like flavor.
CINNAMON: The use of cinnamon to flavor pork, lamb, and other meats is not unheard of, but you
should try it cautiously. Many palates rebel at the combination of cinnamon and meat. Nevertheless,
cinnamon is required in small amounts to make certain kinds of ethnic sausagethe Italian
mortadella, for example.
CLOVES: Use judiciously in sausage and with pork, beef, or fish. Cloves are very pungent. Used in
excess, cloves can be mouth numbing and overpowering. When cloves are used in sausage, they are
always used in powdered form.
CORIANDER SEEDS: The ground seeds have a mild flavor that is between the flavor of nuts and
citrus fruit. Taste a pinch of it. If you like it, use it in sausage and on any kind of meat, poultry, or
CUMIN SEEDS: Cumin is an essential ingredient in chili powder and curry powder. It has a strong
and spicy-sweet taste, and it is commonly used to season meats. The Germans and other ethnic groups
use it to flavor some varieties of sausage.
CURE #1: Cure #1 (also called pink salt or pink powder) is nothing more than common salt with the
addition of a very small amount of sodium nitrite (6.25 percent). A special process is used to bond
these two ingredients so that the mixture will always be uniform. Pink food color is added so that this
product will not be mistaken for common salt. Cure #1 is used as a curing agent and color fixer in
many cured sausage formulas in this book. When processing smoked sausage, it is used to prevent
botulism. The word Cure #1 is neither a brand name nor a trade name; Cure #1 is sausage makers
jargon for any brand of curing powder that consists of 6.25 percent sodium nitrite and 93.75 percent
common salt. Cure #1 is sold under several brand names. The most common brands are the following:
Prague Powder #1, Instacure #1, and Modern Cure.
DILL: Both dill seeds and dried dill leaves are used (the plant and leaves are sometimes called
dillweed). Both dill seeds and dill leaves have a mild, carawaylike taste. Of course, the same herb is
used to flavor dill pickles. Dill is often used on fish, lamb, and fowl. The use of dill in sausage is rare,
and it is generally limited to fish sausage.
FENNEL SEEDS: These seeds have a mild licorice flavor, and they are sometimes used on oily fish
and in sausages. Fennel seeds are essential in many Italian sausage formulas. Depending on the
sausage formula and personal preference, they may be used whole, cracked, or powdered.
FERMENTO: Fermento is a manufactured seasoning made entirely from dairy products. It contains
lactic acidthe same acid that is produced by bacteria when fermented, dry-cured sausage is made.
The use of Fermento allows us to make products like pepperoni, summer sausage, and Thuringer
without the lengthy and difficult dry-curing process. Please see Appendix 5 for sources of this product
if you wish to make fermented-style sausage.
FIVE-SPICE POWDER: Five-spice powder is a classical Chinese seasoning blend. The blend usually
contains five spices, but it sometimes contains six or seven. It invariably contains cinnamon, anise,
fennel, and cloves, and it usually contains Szechuan pepper. (Szechuan is also spelled Szechwan.)

Sometimes common black pepper is substituted for the Szechuan pepper, and sometimes ginger and
licorice root is added. East Asian grocery stores stock this seasoning, and sometimes the United
States-manufactured Sun Luck brand is available at common grocery stores. Several recipes for this
seasoning blend can be found on the Internet; use a good search engine and search for five-spice
powder recipe.
FRENCH FOUR SPICES: See Quatre pices.
GARLIC: Garlic granules or garlic powder is usually specified in this book, but garlic in other forms
can be used in most cases. Substitute minced garlic or garlic juice.
GINGER: The root of this plant is used worldwide to season all varieties of meat, fish, and fowl. It
has a distinctive bite and aroma. Individual tolerance for the aroma of this spice varies enormously.
Start with a small amount and, if you like it, add a little more the next time. Fresh ginger (root)
grated, minced, or sliced thinlycan replace ginger powder in cures and marinades.
IMITATION MAPLE FLAVOR: Imitation maple flavor is a liquid product made of natural
ingredients. It is used to impart an aroma similar to that of maple syrup. The most common brand is
Mapleine, and it is manufactured under the Crescent trademark.
JUNIPER BERRIES: Most of the berries harvested from the juniper evergreen tree are used to flavor
gin. They are used occasionally in fish and meat marinades. Their use in sausage is rare, but not
unheard of. Just a few berries will impart a piney, gin-like taste.
MACE: Mace is the outer covering of nutmeg. This spice can be obtained easily at a reasonable price
from ethnic grocery shops that sell products used in Indian cuisine. Both mace and nutmeg have a
similar taste, and both are used in some sausage varieties. The sweet, nut-like taste can be imparted
with very little mace or nutmeg. Use sparingly.
MARJORAM: This herb is closely related to oregano, and it has a similar, but milder, taste. These
herbs are in the mint family. Both are widely used to season any kind of fish, meat, or fowl.
MINT: Lamb is sometimes seasoned with fragrant mint leaves before it is processed. There are many
varieties of mint, and each variety has a distinctive aroma. The use of mint in sausage making is
MSG: Monosodium glutamate is not a true seasoning; it is a flavor enhancer. It works to intensify
other flavors. MSG is made from natural products, but it is considered a chemical food additive. Used
in excess, it tends to produce a distinctive MSG-intensified-flavor. Many people like it; many
people dont. It is quite rare, but some people have an allergic reaction to this product if it is used in
excess. The symptoms are dizziness, sweating, and chest pains; while the symptoms are unpleasant, to
be sure, no fatalities have been reported. MSG is used occasionally in modern sausage formulations,
but it is certainly not a traditional ingredient. However, if you like it, it can be added to almost any
sausage recipe.

MUSTARD: Both powdered and whole mustard seeds are used in many varieties of highly seasoned
sausages. The flavor is similar to, but sharper than, the prepared mustard we eat on hot dogs. Yellow
seeds are milder than smaller brown ones.
ONION: Granulated onion is often specified in this book, but powdered onion, minced onion, or
onion juice can be substituted in most cases.
OREGANO: See Marjoram.
PAPRIKA: This bright red powder is made from certain kinds of ripened red peppers. The sweet
paprika widely available in the U. S. has a very mild taste, and it is used for red coloration as well as
for its mild flavoring. Hungarian paprika is considered the most flavorful, and there are several
PEPPER: Black pepper is the most widely used spice in the world, and it needs no introduction.
White pepper is a little more aromatic than black pepper, but black pepper is more pungent than white
pepper. However, the flavors of the two are essentially the same. Use powdered white pepper when the
black specks are not desired. Alternatively, use black pepper powderrather than granulated pepper
whenever large black specks would distract from the appearance of the product. Black pepper powder
can usually be found in Asian food markets, and it will probably be cheaper than the white pepper
powder sold in a common supermarket. White pepper is made from the husked berries of the pepper
plant, but black pepper is made from the un-husked berries. The husk, of course, is black.
PINK POWDER: See Cure #1.
PINK SALT: See Cure #1.
POULTRY SEASONING: This blend of spices and herbs contains sage, thyme, black pepper, and
depending on the processormay contain coriander, rosemary, allspice, onion powder, marjoram,
celery seed, and cayenne. It is, as the name implies, excellent on poultry, but it is also appreciated for
seasoning pork. In this book, it is used in Warrens Country-style Bulk Breakfast Sausage and some
sausages that contain poultry.
QUATRE PICES: This is a blend of four spices often used in French cuisine and sausage making. In
the United States, this blend is often marketed under the translated name, French Four Spices. The
formula varies, but probably the four spices most commonly used are the following: pepper, nutmeg,
ginger, and cloves. It seems that pepper is always the predominant spice, but sometimes black pepper
is specified and sometimes white pepper is called for. In some formulas, cinnamon or allspice
replaces the nutmeg, ginger, or cloves. I make my own quatre pices, and I use the following formula:
1 Tbsp. (15 ml) ground white pepper
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground nutmeg
1 tsp. (5 ml) ground ginger
tsp. (2.5 ml) ground cloves
RED PEPPER: See Cayenne.

ROSEMARY: The needle-like leaves of this evergreen shrub have a strong, piney scent, and they are
used sparingly to flavor game, poultry, fish, and other meats. It is occasionally used in sausage.
SAGE: This very aromatic herb is an essential ingredient in American country-style fresh sausage. It
can be used to flavor all varieties of domesticated poultry and wildfowl, in addition to pork. Overuse
can impart a musty taste. Avoid using sage with fish.
SAVORY: This herb has a peppery taste, and it is used with sausages and fowl. Summer savory is
milder than winter savory, and it is the more popular of the two.
SEASONED SALT: A blend of salt and usually one other seasoning is known as seasoned salt.
Examples are celery salt, garlic salt, lemon salt, and onion salt.
SEASONING SALT: This blend of salt, spices, herbs, and sometimes MSG, will improve the flavor
of almost anything that is smoked. Excellent quality commercially produced blends are available, but
it is a simple task to make seasoning salt.
THYME: (The pronunciation is time.) Thyme is an herb that has very small leaves, and the leaves
have the aroma of mint. It is widely used with fish and fowl, and it is occasionally used with pork,
veal, and mutton. It is a pungent, but pleasant, herb, and it is often used in sausage making.
TURMERIC: Turmeric originated in India, and is it probably best known as a curry powder
ingredient. This golden powder is bitter and has a harsh aroma. Because of this, it is used as a foodcoloring agent more often than as a seasoning. A small amount will impart a golden color to curry
powder, and the gold color will make pale chicken broth appear to be rich and flavorful. It is almost
never used in sausage formulations, but the recipe for Curry Flavored Sausage in this book calls for a
small amount.

Appendix 2
Fahrenheit < > Celsius Conversion Table

Appendix 3
NOTE: When measuring salt by volume, the measurements will be accurate and consistent if
fine-grain salt is used. An example of fine-grain salt is common table salt. Kosher salt, on the
other hand, is a flaked salt rather than a fine-grain crystal salt. Because flaked salt is not as
compact as fine-grain salt, one cup of kosher salt will weigh less than one cup of common salt.

Approximate Equivalents (Volume to Weight Ounces of Salt)

Approximate Volume Equivalents (Volume to Grams of Salt)

Appendix 4
Weight and Volume Conversion Tables
Metric equivalents for U. S. weight and volume measurements are indicated throughout the body of
this book. The measurements are not always precisely converted, but the conversion accuracy is
sufficient, I believe, to produce essentially the same product. Precise conversion would result in very
awkward measurements, and it might require brain-numbing calculations. Such precision is not
The imperial (UK) units of measurement are not mentioned in the body of this book for two
reasons. The first reason is that metric units are replacing the imperial units rapidly. The second
reason is that great confusion could result because the words used for the imperial units of
measurement are often the same words used for the U. S. units, even though the actual quantity may
be different. You may assume the weight measurements in the British system to be the same as those
in the U. S. system: An imperial pound is the same as a U. S. pound. If it is a volume measurement,
you should assume that it is different from the U. S. system: An imperial gallon, for example is not
the same as a U. S. gallon. The last table in this appendix will help with conversions of the imperial
system to the metric system. Conversion to the metric system will allow conversion to the U. S.
system, should that be necessary.
If you need additional help to covert one measurement to another system, try the Internet website
Weight Conversion Table

Volume and Fluid Conversions: U. S. < > Metric

This table does not represent precise conversions: 1 cup actually equals 236 ml, and 1 gallon equals
3785.4 ml, for example. However, such precision is meaningless for sausage making. The table
presented below is quite easy to commit to memory, easy to calculate, and its accuracy is sufficient.

British Volume Measuring SystemMetric Conversion Table

If you compare the metric conversions for the British system of volume measurement to that of the
American system, you will note that there are significant differencesin spite of the fact that the
same words are used. For example, 1 US quart is about 944 ml, but 1 UK quart is 1,136 ml. Another
interesting feature is that 4 UK teaspoons are equal to 1 UK tablespoon, whereas 3 US teaspoons are
equal to 1 US tablespoon.
For food processing, the conversions indicated below are unnecessarily precise; they should be
rounded off to a unit that is convenient to measure. One tablespoon, for example should be rounded
off from 14.2 ml to 15 ml.

Appendix 5
Equipment and Supply Resources
You should be able to obtain most of your equipment and supplies locally at places such as
supermarkets, hardware stores, and home centers. For items that are difficult to find, consult the
Yellow Pages under the headings of Butchers Supplies, Culinary Equipment and Supplies, Restaurant
Equipment and Supplies, Sausage-Making Supplies, etc. In some large cities, the local industrial
suppliers are not listed in the common telephone directory, and you will have to consult a commercial
or an industrial telephone directory. For example, companies that sell restaurant equipment do not
normally sell to the public, so they might be listed in a special telephone directory. If your telephone
company publishes such a directory, a nearby library may have a copy of it. Another option would be
to request a copy from the telephone company.
Some equipment and supplies are most easily obtained by mail order, or by searching the Internet.
If you are connected to the Internet, or if you have a friend who is, you will be able to find many
suppliers who are eager for your business. The larger, well-established firms will send a free
catalogue. A few suppliers are listed below, but you will find many more on the Internet.


The Sausage Maker, Inc. is one of the largest and one of the best-stocked suppliers of everything
required for sausage making and smoking. They have a very comprehensive catalogue that they will
send to you free of charge.


Stuffers Supply Company is located in Canada. They offer a complete line of sausage-making
equipment and supplies, and they provide friendly and personalized service. If you have any questions
about sausage making, they will do their best to get an answer for you. In general, Stuffers does not
ship to the United States because of the special paperwork involved, but they may be willing to ship to
other countries.


This company has a very good free catalogue for anyone who butchers meat, smokes food, makes
sausage, or cooks outdoors.


As the name implies, this company offers a great variety of seasoning and spices, but they also offer
barbecuing, sausage-making, and cooking supplies. They would be delighted to send a free catalogue.

Bradley smokers, including the recommended Original Bradley Smoker, can be purchased in large
stores selling sporting and outdoor goods. Barbecue supply shops usually stock them, too.


Grizzly Industrial offers a 5-pound capacity vertical stuffer (also called upright stuffer), model
H6252, for about $70. Cast-iron or stainless steel manual meat grinders may also be ordered from this
Grizzly Industrial, Inc.
Order phone number: 1-800-523-4777


This company offers only a modest amount of food processing equipment, but the prices are very
reasonable. Compare the prices for sausage stuffers and meat grinders, for example. They offer a
lever-powered sausage stuffer for about $27 and a manual meat grinder for $15. Call the toll-free
phone number to get a free catalogue. When you request a catalogue, be sure to mention that you need
a catalogue that contains listings for Food Preparation Equipment. For international shipments,
telephone or fax the International Sales Department: telephone 1-800-221-1589, fax 1-952-895-6889.


A good place to buy an aluminum Chinese steamer is at a large Asian food store. However, if you do
not live near such a store, or if you cant find what you need for some reason, try The Wok Shop. It is
located in the heart of San Franciscos Chinatown, but it sells a variety of Asian cookware on the
Internet. They offer several sizes of aluminum steamers on their website. The 12-inch (30 cm)
diameter size that I use sells for about $40.
If you want to search for other sites on the Internet, search for wok steamer (do not use quotation
marks)for some reason, these two words are effective in pulling up various sites, and some of these
sites will have what you are looking for.

Appendix 6
Safe Cooking Temperatures

Appendix 7
Volume/Gram Conversion Chart
The following chart is for converting volume measurement of spices and other ingredients used in
sausage formulations from United States standard volume measurements to metric weight
measurement (grams)and vice versa. Source: Len Polis excellent website on sausage making. The
easiest way to get to this helpful website is to use Google or any other search engine and search for
Len Polis Sausage Making.
It is more accurate to weigh spices and ingredients than to measure their volumes. Consequently,
many advanced amateur sausage makers and professional sausage makers weigh the spices with an
electronic scale that has an accuracy of at least 10 gram. This is particularly true for European
sausage makers; in Europe, weighing of spices and ingredients for any kind of culinary endeavor is
common. Consequently, many sausage formulations measured with this system will be found on the
Internet and in published literature on sausage making.
Of course, the easiest way to deal with these metric formulations is to purchase an accurate
electronic spice scale and work in the metric system. The more difficult approach is to use the
following chart and convert the grams to United States volume measurements. Careful calculation
with basic algebra will be required to convert the metric weight measurements to American volume
measurements, but the result will be sufficiently accurate to produce a reasonably close approximation
of the original formulation. Occasionally, United States formulations expressed in ounces will be
found; one ounce is equal to about 28 grams.
Some comments on using this chart: The most common United States unit of measure for spices
and ingredients is the teaspoon (tsp.). If the unit of measure is not the teaspoon, that unit of measure
will be in bold in order to help prevent mistakes. For example, tablespoon (Tbsp.) will appear in bold.

About the Author

WARREN ANDERSON has worked as a chemical technician, an electronic technician, a carpenters
helper, a bilingual social worker, an Asian business specialist, and as an instructor of English as a
foreign language. As an English instructor, Mr. Anderson taught at several Japanese universities for
over twenty years. He also owned and operated a private English school in Kyushu, Japan. He speaks
Japanese fluently.

Mr. Anderson is a graduate of the University of Oregon, where he studied the Japanese language
and majored in East Asian Studies. He also earned a masters degree in International Business at
Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.
While teaching and living in Japan, he took up the hobbies of food smoking and sausage making,
and he has pursued these hobbies earnestly since 1985. At one point in time, he seriously considered
launching a new career in Japan as a professional food smoker and sausage maker. He concluded,
however, that it would be a better idea for him to use his teaching skills to write manuals about these
subjects. Consequently, in 1995, he began to write two books so that he could share with others the
knowledge that he had accumulated. The first book, Mastering the Craft of Smoking Food, was
published in 2006.
Mr. Anderson returned to the United States in 1998, and is presently semi-retired; he lives with his
wife in Aloha, Oregon, a suburb of Portland.

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