ABRSM Grade 6 Theory
ABRSM Grade 6 Theory
ABRSM Grade 6 Theory
By Tim C
I will go through each of the questions, giving points for each one:
Question One b)
1. Choose suitable chords - primary chords should be very common, with chords
ii and VI to spice it up.
2. The extract should be split into two sections (normally split midway through
the piece) - use an interuppted or imperfect cadence to end the first, a
perfect (( I 6/4 - V 5/3 - I 5/3) etc) cadence to end the whole thing.
3. Make sure the bass notes 'go with' the style of the notes above - e.g. not too
many big leaps, and contrary motion of notes always sounds nice. If you see
a scalic passage, doing contrary motion with that is a winner.
4. No parallel octaves or fifths.
5. Remember to sharpen the leading note if you are in a minor key.
6. If you don't know already:
6 is first inversion
Question Two
1. The vast majority of the time, your chords should have: 2 root notes, one
third and one fifth.
2. Start with a nice open chord. Never get your notes too squashed or too
spread out.
Melodic Decoration
Auxiliary Note - a note which falls between 2 chord notes which are the same. It can
be described as higher or lower.
Passing note - a note which falls in between 2 different chord notes (which aren't
the same). They can be described as unaccented / accented and harmonic /
Note of Anticipation - a written chord note earlier than expected.
Pedals - when either the tonic or dominant note is played continuously, while the
chords in the other voices change.
A mordent
No. of semitones
Minor Second
Major Second
Major Third
Perfect Fourth
Perfect fifth
Minor Sixth
Major Sixth
Major Seventh
Terraced Dynamics
Unity of mood
melodies and rhythms will often be heard over and over again.
Polyphonic Texture
Classical Music
Virtuosic Passages
A lot of dissonance
Rhythms are free and flexible with irregular accents and rhythmic ostinatos