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Principles of

Second edition

Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Loughborough University of Technology


London . Glasgow . Weinheirn . New York . Tokyo . Melbourne . Madras

Published by Chapman & Hall, 2-6 Boundary Row, London SEl 8HN, UK

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First edition 1983
Second edition 1995

01984, 1995 R.K. Turton

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Preface to the secotzd editiorz

Preface to the first edition

Symbols used: their meanit~gand dit~~etisions

1 Fundamental principles
I . 1 Introduction

1.2 Euler equation

1.3 Reaction
1 . 1 Application to a centrifugal machine

1.5 Application to axial pumps and turbines

1.5.1 Axial pump or fan
1.5.2 Axial turbine stage
1.6 Alternative operating modes
1.7 Compressible flow theory
1.7.1 General application to a machine
1.7.2 Compression process
1.7.3 Expansion process
1.8 Shock wave effects
1.9 Illustrative examples
1.9.1 Radial outflow machine (pump)
1.9.2 Axial pump and turbine
1.9.3 Compressible flow problem
1.10 Exercises



C H A ~ E2 R Principles and practice of scaling laws

Performance laws
Concept of specific speed
Scale effects in incompressible units
2.4.1 Hydraulic machines
2.4.2 Fans and blowers
Scale effects in compressible machines
Illustrative examples
2.6.1 Similarity laws applied to a water turbine
2.6.2 Compressor performance prediction problem
CHAITER3 Cavitation
Net positive suction energy (NPSE) or (NPSH)
3.2.1 NPSE available (NPSE,) or (NPSH;,)
3.2.2 NPSE required (NPSER)
3.2.3 Critical or limiting NPSE
Cavitation damage
Hydrodynamic effects
Thermodynamic effects on pump cavitation
Inducerlpump combinations
Concluding comments

4 Principles of axial flow machines


4.1 Introduction
4.2 Wing theory
4.3 Isolated aerofoil data

Cascade data



4.5 Radial equilibrium theories

4.6 Actuator disc approach
4.7 Stall and surge effects
4.7.1 Introduction
4.7.2 Stalling of fans and compressor stages
4.7.3 Surge and stall in compressors
5 Principles of radial and mixed flow machines

5.1 Introduction
5.2 One-dimensional approach
5.3 T\\.o-dimensional approach
5.3.1 Passage shapes
5.3.2 Impeller or rotating cascade

5.4 Three-dimensional problem

5.5 Discussion of theoretical approaches to analysis and design
6 Centrifugal machines
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Inlet or intake systems
6.3 Impeller
6.3.1 Eye or inducer section
6.3.3 Impeller design
6.4 Outlet systems
6.1.1 Vaneless diffuser
6.4.2 Volute or spiral casing
6.4.3 Vaned diffuser systems
6.5 Thrust loads due to hydrodynamic effects
6.5.1 Radial thrust forces
6.5.2 Axial thrust loads
6.6 Exercises
7 Axial machines for incompressible flow
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Axial flow pumps and fans




7.3 Axial water turbines

7.4 Forces on blades and their implications for design
7.4.1 Static blades
7.4.2 Rotating blades
7.5 Concluding remarks
7.6 Exercises
8 Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow
Approach to axial compressor principles
Axial turbine principles
8.3.1 General principles
8.3.2 Partial admission problem
Other problems
Computer-aided solutions
Illustrative examples
8.6.1 Axial compressor example
8.6.2 Axial flow gas turbine problem
9 Radial flow turbines
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Water turbines
9.2.1 Francis turbine problem
9.3 Radial

inflow gas turbine

Nozzle systems
Rotor geometry
Worked example

9.4 Ljungstrom or radial outflow turbine



10 Special machine applications


10.1 Introduction


10.2 Problems involved in special pumping applications

10.2.1 Gas suspension problems
10.2.2 Liquid-solid suspension pumping
10.2.3 Effect of viscosity change
10.3 Pumped storage systems

10.4 Comments on output control of rotating machines

Appendix - Soluriot~sto exercises



Preface to the second edition

The objectives outlined in the preface to the first edition have remained
unchanged in preparing this edition as they have continued to be the basis of
my teaching programme. This edition is therefore not radically different
from the first, which to my pleasure and relief was well received by those
who obtained and used the book.
I have taken the opportunity to correct errors that occurred, have
improved some diagrams and added others, and brought all the material on
cavitation together into Chapter 3: I hope that this gives a more connected
account of this very important topic. I have added some updated material in
places, have added some references, and hope that by this means the reader
can pursue some topics in more depth after reading this introduction.
The worked examples that were included in the text have been retained,
and extra exercises have been added where students have commented on the
need for further clarification. A major change has been the addition of sets
of problems for solution by the reader. These are given at the end of all
chapters but four, five and ten. These are based in most cases on the
questions set over the years in the Finals in the course on Turbomachinery
at Loughborough University of Technology, and I am grateful for the
permission granted by the University authorities to use them. While the
problems are placed at the end of each chapter, the solutions are collected
together at the end of the book. It is hoped that readers will attempt the
problems first and then turn to the end for help.
I hope that this edition is free from error and ambiguity. and as an earnest
seeker after truth will be grateful for comments and suggestions.
I must acknowledge the invaluable help of Mrs Janet Redman for her
translation of my sketches and of Mrs Gail Kirton who typed the new
chapters. Finally, my thanks to my dear wife who has been patient and
helpful as always.

Preface to the first edition

This text outlines the fluid and thermodynamic principles that apply to all
classes of turbomachines, and the material has been presented in a unified
way. The approach has been used with successive groups of final year
mechanical engineering students. who have helped with the development of
the ideas outlined. As with these students. the reader is assumed to have a
basic understanding of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. However. the
early chapters combine the relevant material with some new concepts, and
provide basic reading references.
T n o related obiectives h a x defined the scope of the treatment. The first
is to provide a general treatment of the common forms of turbomachine.
covering basic tluid dynamics and thermodynamics of flou through passages
and over surfacrh. with a brief deri\.ation of the fundamental governing
equations. The second objective is to apply this material to the various
machines in enough detail to alloti. the major design and performance
factors to be appreciated. Both objectives have been met by grouping the
machines by flow path rather than b!. application. thus allowing an appreciation of points of similarity or difference in approach. N o attempt has been
made to co\-er detailed points of design o r stressing. though the cited
references and the body of information from ~vhichthey have been taken
give this sort of information.
The tirst four chapters introduce the fundamental relations. and the succeeding chapter5 deal \vith applications to the various HOW paths. The last
chapter covers thc effects of cavitation. solids suspensions. gas content and
pumped storage s!.stcms. and includes a short discussion of the control of
output. These topics have been included to highlight the difficulties encountered when the machine is not dealins with a clean Ne~vtonianfluid, or in
systems where problems are posed that can only be s o h d by compromise.
Chapter 5 discusses all the conventional centrifugal machines, covering in a
uniform manner the problems faced with liquids and gases: since high
pressure rise m~ichineshave a number of stages. the ways in \i,hich fluid
is guided from stage to stage are introduced. Thrust load problems are


Preface to the first edition

described and the common solutions adopted are outlined. The discussion of
axial machines has been divided between two chapters, as the technologies
of pumps, fans and water turbines are similar but differ from those used in
compressible machines. Radial flow turbines form the subject matter of
Chapter 8, and the common designs in use in industry and in turbochargers
are discussed.
Worked examples have been included in all chapters but the last. They
are intended to provide illustration of the main points of the text, and to
give a feel for both the shape of the velocity triangles and the sizes of the
velocity vectors that normally apply. They are of necessity simplified, and
must not be regarded as representing current practice in all respects. No
problems for student solution have been provided. Teachers normally prefer
to devise their own material, and may obtain copies of examination questions
set by other institutions if they wish.
As a matter of course the SI system of units has been used throughout,
except in some diagrams. To assist the reader, a list of symbols used in the
early chapters, together with a statement of the conventional dimensions
used, follows the Preface. As far as possible the British Standard on symbols
has been followed but, where current and hallowed practice dictates the use
of certain symbols, these have been used; it is hoped that where the same
symbol appears to have different meanings the context makes the usage
The material presented forms the core of a lecture course of about 46
hours. and the author hopes that in the inevitable distillation no ambiguities
have occurred. He will be grateful for comments and suggestions, as he is
still an earnest 'seeker after truth'.
Finally, it is necessary to offer some words of thanks, especially to Mrs
Redman, who ensured that the diagrams were clear, to Mrs Smith and Mrs
McKnight, who helped with the typing, and finally to my dear wife, who was
so patient and who ensured that the proof-reading was done properly.

Symbols used :
their meaning and




acoustic velocity
passage height
lift coefficient (Table 1 . 1 )
drag coefficient (Table 4.1)
pressure rise coefficient (equation 4.15)
specific heat at constant pressure
specific heat at constant volume
drag force on an aerofoil
force acting in the axial direction on a foil
or blade
force acting in the tangential direction on
a foil or blade
acceleration due to gravity
specific energy
specific enthalpy
lattice coefficient (equation 4.11)
an alternative to ;, (= C,IC,.)
dimensionless specific speed
lift force on an aerofoil
pitching moment acting on a foil
Mach number (= Via)
mass flow rate
rotational speed
net positive suction energy
net positive suction energy available
net positive suction energy required
net positive suction head
specific speed
opening or throat in a turbine cascade

m s-'
J kg-J kg-'
m of liquid


rev min-I
IiJ kg--'
kJ k g - '
kJ kg-'
m of liquid


Symbols used: their meaning and dimensions

stagnation pressure
vapour pressure
volumetric flow rate
reaction (Section 1.3)
specific gas constant
Reynolds number
model Reynolds number
suction specific speed
blade thickness
blade passage minimum width or throat
temperature (absolute)
stagnation temperature (absolute)
peripheral velocity
absolute velocity
axial component of absolute velocity
normal component of absolute velocity
isentropic velocity (equation 1.34)
radial component of absolute velocity
peripheral component of absolute velocity
relative velocity
peripheral component of relative velocity
loss coefficients (equation 4.27)
blade number or position
angle made by absolute velocity
angle made by relative velocity
ratio of specific heats
stagger angle
deviation angle
fluid deflection
loss coefficient (equation 4.13)
static to static efficiency
total to static efficiency
total to total efficiency
camber angle
elastic modulus
absolute viscosity
kinematic viscosity
Markov's loss coefficient (equation 4.26)

N m-'
N m-'
N m-'
J s-' = 11'

k~ kg-(



kg m-Is-'

kgm-' s-'

Syn~bolsused: their meaning and dimensions





Thoma's cavitation parameter

velocity ratio (equation -1.39)
flow coefficient (V,,lu)
specific energy coefficient
r l . r - r / 2 (equation
Howell's work done factor
angular velocity


rad sCi

Subscripts 1, 2 etc. indicate the point of reference.

For a complete definition of blade terminolog!, please refer also to Fig.
4.2 and Table 4.1.

Fundamental principles

1.1 Introduction

An important class of fluid machine has, as its characteristic, the transfer of

energy between a continuous stream of fluid and an element rotating about
a fixed axis. Such a machine is classed as a turbomachine: fans, pumps,
compressors and turbines come into this group. Discussion is limited in this
book to those machines where the fluid is at all times totally enclosed by the
machine elements, so that it is controlled by passage walls. This restriction
excludes the Pelton turbine and wind turbines.
The machines will be categorized by flow path and by function, as
indicated by the simple line diagrams in Fig. 1.1 of the typical machines to
be covered. The ideal performance laws are introduced first: the discussion
centres on the Euler equation and its applications, it being assumed that
basic fluid mechanics and the principles of vector diagrams are understood.
The incompressible cases are treated first, and then attention is paid to the
problems posed by compressible considerations. Shock wave theory and
basic gas dynamics are also taken to be understood by the reader, who is
referred to basic texts l i ~ those
by Shapiro (1953) and Rogers and Mayhew

1.2 Euler equation

An outward flow radial machine is illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Fluid approaches

along the suction pipe, is picked up and operated upon by the rotor and is
discharged into the casing at a higher level of energy. The rotor has
imparted both a velocity and a radial position change to the fluid, which
together result in momentum changes and resultant forces on the rotor. The
resulting axial and radial forces on the rotating system are treated later:
present concern centres on the changes experienced by the fluid.
In the pump in Fig. 1.2 a typical stream surface is examined which

Fundamental principles

Figure 1.1 Typical flow paths in machines: (a) centrifugal or centripetal; (b) mixed
flow: (c) bulb or bowl; (d) axial.

Figure 1.2 Typical radial machine.

intersects the inlet edge at 1 and the outlet edge at 2. Since momentum
changes in the tangential direction give rise to a torque and thus to work.
moment of momentum equations for elemental areas of flow at the points of
entry and exit will be written down. The normal fluid velocities are V,, and


VIl2. If elemental areas of flow d a , and du2 are examined. the moments of
momentum entering the rotor at 1 and 2 are given by
dM1 = ( P \ ' ~ I ~ Q I ) V " I R I
dM2 = (p\',?daz) VU2R2
Thus the total moments of momentum are
MI =

JpV,, V , , ~ , d n ,

entering plane (1)

leaving plane ( 2 )

M7 = -JI?Vn2V,,,R2do2
The fluid torque is the net effect s i \ s n by

It is assumed that V,R is a constant across each surface. and it is noted that
IpV,da is the mass flow rate m . Then equation (1.1) hecomes

The rate of doing work is (,jT. and since tuR 1s the rotor peripheral velocity u
at radius R, equation (1.7) can be transformed to give \vork done per unit


= i(

( 1.-3)


This is one form of the Euler equation.

To distinguish this gH the suftis E ~ E u l e r \vill
) he used. and the t ~ v oforms
of the Euler equation used are:

If gH is the specific energ! change ttspcrienced h!, thc fluid and till is the
hydraulic efficiency, then


for pumps

rlh = -

for turbinc.5




1.3 Reaction

This concept is much used in axial flow machines as a measure of the

relative proportions of energy transfer obtained by static and dynamic
pressure change. It is often known as the degree of reaction, or more simply

Fundamental principles

;is reaction. The conventional definition is that reaction is given by,

energy change due to, or resulting from,

static pressure change in the rotor
total energy change for a stage

or, in simple enthalpy terms,

R =

static enthalpy change in rotor

stage static enthalpy change

1.4 Application to a centrifugal machine

A simple centrifugal pump is illustrated in Fig. 1.3. Liquid passes into the
rotor from the suction pipe, is acted upon by the rotor whose channels sre
wholly in the radial plane, and passes out into the volute casing which
collects the flow and passes it into the discharge pipe.
The velocity triangles of Fig. 1.4 assume that the fluid enters and leaves
the impeller at blade angles P, and p2, and that the heights V,, and V R 2are
obtained from relations like V R = QInDb. Applying the Euler equation,

Also it can readily be shown from the triangles that

On the right-hand side (RHS) of equation (1.10), the first bracket is the
change in fluid absolute kinetic energy. the second is effectively the energ!;
change due to the impeller rotation, and the third is the change in re1ath.e

Figure 1.3 Simple centrifugal pump.

Application to a centrifugal machine



Figure 1.4 ( a ) Inlet and ( b ) outlet velocity triangles for the pump in Fig. 1.3.

kinetic energy. Equation (1.10) is thus a statement that the total energy
change is the sum of velocity energy change (the first bracket) and the static
equivalent energy change (the sum of the second and third brackets).
Consider now the ideal case where V,, = 0 (called the zero inlet whirl
case). The inlet triangle is now right-angled and, depending o n the blading
layout. the outlet triangle can take one of the three forms shown in Fig. 1.5.
The outlet triangles are based on the same peripheral and radial velocities.
and they demonstrate how the absolute velocity V 2 and its peripheral
component increase with /j,. This increase. if the fluid is compressible. could
lead to high outlet Mach numbers, and in pumps would lead t o casing
pressure recovery problems, so that the forward curved geometry tends only
to be used in some high performance fans.
I t is instructi\!e also to study the effect of Dl on the inlpeller energy
change. So. considering zero inlet whirl, equation (1.1) becomes


for a given machine.

Equation 1.13 is plotted in Fig. 1.6 and this figure illustrates the effect of
/?? upon the energy rise. It will be realized that this only relates to the ideal
case, as the usual pump characteristic departs considerably from the straight
line owing to friction and other effects.

Fundamental principles

curved blade



Figure 1.5 Effect of outlet angle on the outlet triangles for a centrifugal pump.

Figure 1.6 Influence of outlet angle on the ideal centrifugal pump characteristic

1.5.1 Axial pump or fan

In these idealized cases, flow is assurncJ ( 0 h' p1s-1ti"b.:

1 .\dl\. 111,to the machine centre of rotation :It
remain constant as shown in Fig. 1.7.
K ~ J I L ~1:.
S 1 1 I
of flow is chosen,
~f one




. I ~ . , ~ I U I \LI ~i ~ l ~ l L ~ l l , ~ , ~ , l ,


Fundamental ~rinciples

wR and is constant through the machine. This, and the assumption that V, is
constant, allows the triangles in Fig. 1.7 to be drawn.
The Euler equation, equation (1.4), reduces to

or, using the extended form of equation (1.10),

The reaction, equation (1.8), can be expressed as

A convenient way of drawing the velocity triangles is to draw them together

on a common base (Fig. 1.8) or on a common height, which is not so usual.
The common base will be used throughout, and allows AV, and changes in
velocity size and direction to be seen at a glance.
To illustrate how the shape of the velocity triangles is related to the
degree of reaction, Fig. 1.9 has been drawn for three cases (a) axial inlet
velocity, (b) axial outlet velocity and (c) 50% reaction. Using equation
(1.16), the reaction in case (a) is between 0.5 and 1, depending on the size
of V,,. In case (b) R is always greater than 1. The 'symmetrical' case (c)
(50% reaction) yields R as 0.5, and has been much used in compressors
since V, = W , and V2 = W1. The triangles are symmetrical on a common
base, making them easy to draw and understand.
1.5.2 Axial turbine stage

An axial turbine stage consists of a stator row, usually called a nozzle ring,
directing fluid into the rotor row. Again the assumption is that fluid is

Figure 1.8 Axial velocity triangles based on a common base for an axial pump stage.

Application to axial pumps and turbine5







Figure 1.9 Effect of reaction choice on the velucit! triangles for an axial compressor

moving parallel to the axis of rotation, and equations (1.5) and (1.10)

Figure 1.10 illustrates blade layout. velocity diagrams and the common base
velocity triangles, which may be considered typical.


f'undamental principles



Inlet tnangle

Common base d~agram

Figure 1.10 Velocity triangles for an axial turbine stage (NGV = nozzle guide vane).

For an axial machine where the axial velocity remains constant through
the stage it can be shown that the reaction is given by the equation

Alternative operating modes


Nozzle guide vane


Nozzle guide vane

Figure 1.11 Effect of reaction on an axial turbine stage wlocity triangle: (a) z t m \
reaction. R = O (/i, = p2. W , = W-): (b) 50% reaction. R = 0.5 ( \ Y , = V,. 1.1': =


Two common reaction cases are sketched in Fig. 1.11. (a) zero and ( h )
50% reaction. Case (a) is the so-called 'impulse' layout, where the rotor
blade passages have inlet and outlet angles the same. and are of constant
area. Many steam and gas turbine designs use this layout. Case (b) is the
50% reaction la!out. so often used in compressors. Many turbine designs
use low reactions of 10-20% design, as then the 'leaving loss' due to I,', is

1.6 Alternative operating modes

Before going on t o discuss cavitation and thermodynamic limitations on

machine performance, a comment will be made on the possible modes i n


Fundamental principles

Positive rotation



Figure 1.12 Possible operating modes for a radial machine rotating in the posir~\f
(normal) direction.

which a machine may be used. For the centrifugal pump sketched in Fip
1.3, two directions of rotation may be applied: the normal for pumpinp.
identified as positive, and the reverse. Possible characteristics are sketched
in Figs 1.12 and 1.13. These possible modes are briefly discussed in Tabk

1.7 Compressible flow theory

1.7.1 General application to a machine

The preceding sections assumed that the density was constant throughout
the machine concerned. If the density does change considerably it is
necessary to relate enthalpy changes to the equations already discussed.

Compressible flow theor),


Figure 1.13 Possible operating modes for a radial machine rotating in the neg~ttive
(reverse) direction.

Table 1.1 Possible operating modes for ;r radial machine





in gl i


Niormal pumping mode

Energy dissipation. o u t w r d flow turbine. line
B' in Fig. 1. I1
Energy dissipation, rotor resisting back t l m
Pump being driven wrong way round
Energy dissipation
Turbine operation


Suppose that a compressor is considered to be the control volume (Fig.

1.14) and that the fluid system moves through the control volume in time dr
as sketched. If the heat added in the time interval is d Q and the \so&
extracted is dW. then application of the first law of thermodynamics to the
dt in Fig. 1 . 1 1 yields the equation (follonfing
system at time f and time f
Shapiro, 1953)

O n the RHS of equation (1.20). the first bracket is the change in internal
energy of the fluid in the control volume. the second is the difference


Fundamental principles
Control volume

Volume out
of control volume


~ o l l m out
of control volume

Time t+dt

Time t

Figure 1.14 Compressible flow theory example.

between the internal energy at exit from and inlet to the control volume,
and the third is the net work done by the system on the surrounding fluid as
nz passes through the control volume. If flow is steady, the first bracket is
zero and the second and third brackets can be rewritten in terms of
enthalpy, velocity and potential energy as follows:
dQ - dW


h , ) + ( ~ -f V~)R g(Zz - Z , ) ]


This can be expressed in terms of work rate and mass flow rate. The
suppression of heat exchange results. if stagnation enthalpy is used, in the


In a turbomachine.



Thus stagnation enthalpy change relates to the velocity triangles. The way
this relates to the compression and expansion processes will now be

Compressible flow theory


Figure 1.15 11-.( diagram for compression between two planes In a machine.

1 . 7 . 2 Compreiion proccs.

Figure 1.15 illustrates the compression from state 1 to state 2; both static
and stagnation conditions are depicted. Actual compression is shown as
accompanied b!. an increase in entropy from Sl to S,. The isentropic
comprsssion ir shown as increasing stagnation enthalp!. from point 0 1 t o
point 0 3 . Isentropic efficiency statements may be written as total to total

or a%\tatic to static

The choice of efficiency depends on the system in which the compressor is

onation conditions at
placed. tpl-.,- being appropriate for situations where sta=
inlet and outlet are proper indexes of performance. Th? equations apply to
the \<hole process of compression but. because of the divergence of the
constant pressure lines (Fig. 1.16). the sum of the stage isentropic rises
exceeds the overall rise. Thus. if 11, is the small stage efficiency and 11, the
overall efficiency.


Fundamental principles


s* s3 s4

Figure 1.16 Preheat effect in a multistage compressor.

The preheat factor is given by


overall rise

The small sta2e or polytropic efficiency is given by

dhjS- ~ f d p R Tdp




When integrated for the compressor this yields, if rlP is the same for all

If qp = 1 for the ideal compression process,


Figure 1.17 is a plot of 11, against the pressure ratio at \.;~rioi~s
Figure 1.18 illustrates a simple centrifugal compressor. Figure 1.19 is the
h-s diagram relating to the compression flow path. \\.hic.h has heen con.
this tisure.
gructed on the basis that /I,,, = 1703 = 1 1 , ~ ~From

1.7.3 Expansion process

In compressible machines some energy transformi~rion ti~kcsplace in a

nozzle before the fluid passes through the turbine rotor. I f heat losses in a
nozzle (Fig. 1.30) are neglected, the stagnation enthalp! rcm.dins constant.
The isentropic heat drop is hol - hz\ = Ah,,,,. If this soulti Iw utilized. the
outlet velocity would be


fundamental principles



Figure 1.18 Centrifugal compressor

Outlet A


Figure 1.19 h-s diagram and velocity triangles for a centrifugal compressor

Two other definitions are quoted by Kearton (1958):


Corn~ressib/eflow theory


Figure 1.20 Simple expansion process

where qc,,, is the efficiency with ivhich the inlet kinetic energy is converted.
If a complete stage 1s considered. the 11-s diagram in Fig. 1.21 results.
Also shown in this figure are the rotor inlet and velocity triangles. and a
sketch of a typical annulus. The 11-s diagram for the nozzle is based on
h,,, = /I!,,, and the rotor 11-s is based on h~~~~~~~~~~
- I
~ since
velocity vectors W , and 1Y, allon. total enthalpy relatitre t o the rotor blades
to be calculated. I t can be sho\fn by using equation (1.25) that for an axial

as assumed. Using the h-s diagram.

In general, t1.1.~is a more realistic statement for machines in systems where

~ applications
like the
the outlet velocit!. energy is not utilized, and 1 1 for
pass-out steam turbine where the energy is utilized.
Another efficiency much used in basic steam turbine theory is the socalled diagram efficiency:
'In =

work from velocity triangles

energy available to rotor blades


T h e h-s diagram in Fig. 1.21 is drawn for a reaction machine layout, but it
is necessary to comment upon the distinction between 'impulse' and 'zero


Fundamental principles
(stator) rotor

Rotor As

Figure 1.21 h-s diagram and velocity triangles for an axial turbine stage.

reaction' systems. By zero reaction it is understood that the whole of the

stage enthalpy drop takes place over the nozzles and none in the rotor. so
that the rotor 11-s diagram results in the shape of Fig. 1.22(a). If the true
impulse concept is applied. p2 = p 3 . The result is Fig. 1.22(b), and an
enthalpy increase from h2 to h3 follows. so the impulse concept is strictly one
of negative reaction.
Figure 1.23 illustrates the 'reheat' effect which follows from the divergence
of the pressure lines. The reheat factor is given by

where vr is turbine efficiency and 11, is 'small stage' efficiency.

Figure 1.24 is a plot of ?rr against pressure ratio for various qp. obtained
by an argument similar to that for the compressor.
Figure 1.25 illustrates a radial inflow turbine, and Fig. 1.26 shows the h-s
diagram and the ideal velocity triangles. For the turbine,

Compressible flow theory


Figure 1.22 Distinction between the 'impulse' and 'zero reaction' concepts.

Figure 1.23 Reheat factor.

Figure 1.23 Effect on overall efficiency and polytropic efficiency of espansion ratio.

It will be noted that it was assumed that ho, = hO2,but that since peripheral
velocities u2 and u3 are dissimilar, the rotor portion of the diagram takes the
shape shown.


Fundamental principles

Figure 1.25 Radial inflow turbine.

Inlet A



= V"2

Figure 1.26 h - s diagram and velocity diagrams for a radial inflow turbine

1.8 Shock wave effects

The reader is referred to Shapiro (1953) and Ferri (1949) for shock wave
theory, as the object here is simply to comment that when shock waves form
they create fluid dynamic difficulties.
In compressors, the conditions a t inlet to a row typically cause shocks to
form, and these have an effect o n the flow into the passages in addition to

Iiiustrative examples


Figure 1.27 Prandtl-Meyer shock-wale effect

the flow instabilities caused by the \i.akes of the preceding blade rows in a
multistage machine.
In turbines. flow near the trailing edges of nozzles is of particular
importance. If expansion ratios arc. selected thrit gi\.e rise to shock conditions, the flow is deflected by a Prandtl-Meyer expansion (Fig. 1.27), the
misdirection caused being several degrees. Horlock (1966), for example,
shows that a deflection of 12" resulted from n nozzle with an expansion ratio
over the critical. with a Mach number of unit! in the throat expanding to a
back pressure half that at the throat. Clearl!.. a substantial correction is
needed in design calculations.

1.9 Illustrative examples

1.9.1 Radial outflo\v machine (pump

The pump sketched in Fig. 1.28 is driven at ll7O rev minpl and delivers
1001s-I with a specific energy change of 400 J kg-'. Sketch the inlet and
outlet triangles. assuming a hydraulic efficient! and zero inlet whirl.
The shapes of the triangles are shoivn in Fig. 1.78. The calculations are as

The radial normal velocities VR1 and VR2 are found using the flow rate:
VR, = 0 . 1 1 ~x 0.2 x 0.03 = 5 . 3 l m s - '
VR2 = 0 . 1 1 ~x 0.37 x 0.03 = 2 . 8 7 ~ 1 ~ - '


Fundamental principles


Figure 1.28 Radial outflow machine.

The Euler specific energy rise is given h y

Vu2 = 16.52mr-'
From the inlet triangle,


= tan-' 5.31115.39
= 19.01'

Similarly, from the outlet triangle,

/& = tan-'2.87/(28.18

- 16.5) = 13.47"

1.9.2 Axial pump and turbine

The axial machine sketched in Fig. 1.29 is driven at 45 rads-'. If the energy
sketch the velocity triangles for both pumping and
change is 1 2 0 kgpL,
turbining modes of operation assuming V , = 12 m s-'. Ignore efficiency, and
assume zero inlet whirl for the pump and zero outlet whirl for the turbine.

l//ustrative examples


Figure 1.29 Axial machine

Work on the mean diameter.



= 33.63 m s-


For the pump.

120 = 23.63VU2
Vu2 = 5.OXrns-'

The velocit! triangles thus take the shapes shown in Fi?. 1.30 with

/jl = 26.9"
/I2 = 33.9"
For a turbine. the triangles follow as shown in Fig. 1.31 with

PI = 32.9"


1.9.3 Compresii ble tlow problem

A simple air turbine of the axial type has a nozzle angle of 20" referred to
the peripheral direction. The nozzle efficiency is 90/o. and the temperature
drop over the nozzle is 125 K. Construct the velocity triangles if the rotor
outlet angle is 30". and suggest the air power available. Assume a rotor
tangential velocity of 25Oms-I. no flow losses through the rotor, a flow
rate of 4kgs-l. and zero outlet whirl. (Assume also that C,, =
1.005 kJ kg-) K P ' . )
Using equation (1.34), and introducing the nozzle efficiency from equation
(1.35), the nozzle outlet velocity is given by
V, = d(2 x 1.005 x 10" x 125 x 0.9)



Fundamental principles

Inlet triangle

Outlet triangle
Figure 1.30 Velocity triangles.

Inlet triangle

Outlet triangle
Figure 1.31 Velocity triangles for a turbine.

Figure 1.32

Velocity triangles for compressible How problem

In the inlet velocit! triangle (Fig. 1.32) it is now possible to calculate V,,,.
and hence
/j, =

U7, =


With zero outlet \vhirl the outlet velocity triangle shape is as shown in Fig.
1.32 and
W 1 = 288.68 rn s-'

The air power is given by

IIIUV,,= 4 x 250 x 446.85
= 4.468 X 1 0 ' ~

1.1 A radial outflow pump has an impeller with an outside diameter of

305 mni. an inside diameter of 75 mm, and passage height of 49 rnrn. If
the blade inlet angle is 45" to the tangent and the outlet angle is 30" to
the tangent, find for a rotational speed of 1500 revolutions per minute


Fundamental principles

the flow rate, pressure rise, torque and power needed, ignoring losses
and assuming zero inlet whirl. Assume water is pumped.
1.2 A n axial flow pump has a rotor tip diameter 1.5 m and hub diameter
0.75m. If the rotational speed in 15rads-', the axial velocity through
the rotor is 10ms-', sketch the mean diameter velocity triangles and
estimate the Euler specific energ>- rise. Assume ideal flow, zero inlet
whirl, the outlet blade angle referred t o the tangential direction is 25"
and that water is the fluid pumped.

1.3 If the machine in 1.2 is used as a fan passing air of density 1.2 kgmP3
suggest, basing calculations on the mean section, the volume rate of
flow and the ideal pressure rise.
1.4 A n axial flow fan has a tip diameter of 2 m . a hub diameter of 0 . 8 m ,
and rotates at 1450 revolutions per minute. For the condition of zero
inlet whirl estimate the velocity diagrams at the tip section, if the inlet
absolute velocity is 5 5 m s - ' the air has a density of 1.2 k g m - h n d
losses are ignored. Estimate also rhe fluid power, if Ap is 5 kN mP2.
1.5 A small water turbine is of the axial type. and is installed in a river
barrage where the level drop is 8 m . The rotor tip diameter is 1.5 m. the
hub diameter is 0.62m, the ro?ational speed is 45rads-I, the axial
velocity through the rotor is 1Orns-', the hydraulic efficiency is 92%
and the machine mechanical losses plus electrical losses reduce the
turbine output by 5%. Estimate the mean radius blade angles assuming
ideal flow conditions, and the pouer output in MW.

Principles and practice

of scaling laws

2.1 Introduction

This section coLers rhc. fundamentals of similarity. scaling. and the problems
involved when models are used to predict full size machine performance.
The fundamental h!drodynamic principles leading to Euler's equation are
introduced and applied to incompressible and compressible machines, and
the problems associated with their use are discussed.
Three machine no\\ paths are possible - radial. mixed and axial flow. as
indicated in Fig. 1.1 - and the flow direction and rotation is related to the
machine action. either as energy input o r as extraction.

2.2 Performance laws

In a simple approach. a turbomachine can be considered as a black box.

Figure 2.1 describes a functional unit. A shaft transmitting torque is the
external work output input P. flow is passing through at a volume rate Q.
the fluid is experiencing an energy change gH. and the rotor speed is to.
How the energy gH is achieved. and its relation t o Q and P, were discussed
in Chapter 1. The quantities listed are all measurable externally, and can be
used to indicate machine performance in a way relevant for the user.
If a pumping machine is considered, the input power P is a function of
flow rate Q. specific energy rise g H , machine size (characteristic dimension
D ) , rotational speed ( , I . and liquid properties p , p and (modulus). Using
the principles of din~snsionalanalysis, sets of non-dimensional groups may
be obtained. one such being


Principles and practice of scaling laws

Figure 2.1 Machine 'black box'

The following may be noted for equation (2.1).

Grouping 1 is a power coefficient.
Grouping 2 is often known as a flow coefficient (or. since Q cc VD',
and w D I ) , 4 = Vlu, which is a velocity coefficient).
Since w'D2 x u< grouping 3 can be written as g ~ l u ' .and without g is
known as W . the head coefficient.
Grouping 4 is a Reynolds number based on a typical machine dimension.
Grouping 5 is a form of Mach number irrelevant in pumps, fans and
water turbines. but not in other turbomachines.

One use of the first three groupings is to present the typical characteristics,
shown in Fig. 2.2, in non-dimensional form as in Fig. 2.3.
They may also be used to predict the probable dynamically similar performance of the same pump running at different speeds, or of a pump in the
same 'family', using the 'scaling' laws

= constant

- - constant
Figure 2.4 illustrates the point.

Performance / a v \


Figure 2.2 Constant speed characteristics of a pulnp.



Figure 2.3 Non-di~nensional prewntation of the complete performance characteristics of a p u m p .

Equation (2.1) can thus be seen as a basic performance la\\. which should
be valid for all fluids. compressible and incompressible. pro\fiding account is
taken of changes in fluid properties. For compressible fluids it is conventional to express quantities in terms of inlet conditions. and instead of


Principles and practice

of scaling laws

Figure 2.4 Application of scaling laws to pump performance translation.

equation (2.1) there is an alternative form, much used in the gas turbine
industry in particular:

Conventionally the gas constant and D are not quoted explicitly (the gas and
size being specified separately), so equation (2.3) is often written as:

and performance plots are presented in Fig. 2.5 for compressors and

2.3 Concept of specific speed

The classical view of the problem of characterizing the performance of a

pump without involving its dimensions directly is discussed very clearly by.
among others, Addison (1955). He defines a pump as being of standardized
'size' when it delivers energy at the rate of one horsepower when generating
a head of one foot. This imaginary wheel has a speed termed the specific
speed. He shows that the specific speed Ns is given b y

where K contains the fluid density and the horsepower equivalent, N is in

revolutions per minute (rpm), Q in gallons per minute (gpm), and H in feet

Concept of specific speed


Figure 2.5 Yon-dimensional plots o f compressor and turbine performance: (a) compressor; ( h ) turbine.

of fluid. I t is custonlary t o suppress K. and for many years the accepted form
of specific speed has been

Though called specific speed, the dimensions of N, vary with the units
involved. N is usually in rpm. but Q can be in imperial o r US gpm, litres per
second or cubic metres per second, and H in feet o r metres. Caution
therefore is needed when N, is used.
The equivalent expression relating to hydraulic turbines takes the form

Here P may be in kilowatts or horsepower. so that care is needed in reading

!iterature. Neither of equations (2.6) or (3.7) is non-dimensional, and care
has to be taken to determine the dimensions used when using them. This
fact, and the introduction of the SI system. has given rise to the so-called
characteristic number k,:


Principles and practice of scaling laws




Figure 2.6 Variation of overall efficiency aith non-dimensional specific speed (after
the well known Worthington plot).

where (9 is in radians per second, Q in cubic metres per second and gH is

the specific energy change. This gives a non-dimensional result, as does the
R number (where Q and gH are in the foot, pound, second system) due to
Csanady (1964).
Figure 2.6 indicates how this concept may be used as an index to flow path
shape and type of machine in a range of applications. This figure is a well
known chart for pumps. It illustrates how flow path changes as the specific
speed increases. A low number means that the flow rate is low relative to
energy change, and a radial impeller is needed; a large value suggests a high
flow relative to energy change, and an axial rotor is required. It can readily
be seen that specific speed could be a basis for presenting dimensions. as
discussed by Balje (1981), for example.

2.4 Scale effects in incompressible units

2.4.1 Hydraulic machines

The use of models for predicting full size water turbine performance is well
established, but the same technique for pumps is relatively recent. having

Scale effects in incompressible units


Figure 2.7 Son-dimensional presentation of model and full size performance for the
Eggborouzh pump (adapted from Nixon and Cairnel.. 1977a).

been made necessary by the increasing size of cooling water pumps for
thermal power stations. Significant differences in efficiency between modcl
and full size occur, suggesting departures from strict dynamic similarity. It is
argued by both turbine and pump authorities that losses differ. and that
worklcapacity curves differ too. All are agreed that exact mathematical
treatment is not possible, and attempt empirical formulation from e s perimental data. T h e references cited, which show wide variations, may be
consulted as an extension of this section. The discussion here is based on the
reports by Nixon (1965), and Nixon and coauthors (1972a,b). which are
admirable examples of a logical approach.
A s these authors suggest, departures from the scaling laws are due to:

geometrical dissimilarities due to tolerances

clearance variations
surface finish
hydrod!mamic effects
testing errors
installation effects.

These were examined for the prototype and four models, three of which
were in aluminium and the other in fibreglass. but being one-eighth scale for
comparison with the aluminium surface produced. Figure 2.7 illustrates the


Principles and practice of scaling laws

variations observed from the prototype machine when the three aluminium
models were tested.
Geometrical dissimilarities and their effects were examined. For example
blade shape, as determined by blade angle, was compared. A variation of
k 0 . 5 " about a mean value which was 1.5" less than design was found for the
full size machine, and in the models the scatter was of the same order, apart
from the glass-fibre impeller in which it was much worse. It must be commented that much higher variations are quite common in commercial cast
impellers. Since the small aluminium models were shell mouldings the area
variations were small, but the larger one was floor moulded, giving at least a
10% variation in area from passage to passage. Again, larger variations have
been observed. particularly in cast impellers. The volute throat is a most
important area. and correction is needed if variations occur.
Clearances tend to be of the same order in models as on the prototype, so
leakage losses tend to be larger, and model surface roughness cannot be
supersmooth in scale without large cost. This is therefore a significant
problem because it affects boundary layers, as discussed in the following
Turning to hydrodynamic problems. Nixon and Cairney (1972), Osteraalder (1978). and Osterwalder and Ettig (1977). suggest the following







dD 1




Here, bM and SI are unaffected by the Reynolds number and h1 is usually
assumed to remain the same. hM is considered to vary as speed, in contrast
to the other hydrodynamic losses which tend to follow an ~ " a w , and
reduces with reducing speed at a lesser rate, thus being proportionally more
important at low speeds. Nixon and Cairney (1972) present a method of
finding bM, and suggest that prediction from low speed tests be limited to
differential head readings.
The estimation of disc friction loss has been a subject for argument, as the
classical work was done on plain thin discs rotating in a close fitting closed
casing. Nixon used work by Necce and Daily (1960) and Watabe (1958) for
'smooth' and 'rough' discs, and showed an error from measured data of
about 10%. Sutton (1968) studied this problem, particularly the effect of
leakage flow through wear rings and its relation to disc friction. Osterwalder
(1978) commented that there is little current data of general applicability.
but Kurokawa and Toyokura (1976) and Wilson and Goulburn (1976)
extended the database.
The same situation is found in attempting to correlate &. Both Nixon and
Osterwalder suggest the applicability of Nikuradse and Colebrook data with

Scale effects in incom~ressibleunits


Table 2.1 A selection of model scale formulae (as quoted for example by Nixon

(1965). Subscript m denotes 'model'

Moody (1942):
0 < 11 S 0.26

0.94 - Q-'I3'
-0.94 - Q
" i:'
I -,

valid between 1112 < K,,IR,

< 20

I -



a limiting Reynolds number criterion for 'transition'. Nixon proposes a

relatively simple approach which is applicable and gives reasonable accuracy. Osterwalder surveys the published material and does not propose a
general correlation. but indicates that a computer-based in-house study is
Nixon (1965). illustrating the deficiencies of a number of formulae in
predicting pump efficiency from a model (some of which are in Table 2.1).
demonstrated that there was little correlation. Anderson (1977) preferred a
'design' approach using a diagram based on data from many pumps and
turbines to estimate probable efficiency.
2.4.2 Fans and blowers
The prediction of fan performance from models was studied at the National
Engineering Laboratory (NEL), UK, resulting in a report by Dalgleish and
Whitaker (1971) in which work on three small fans was used to predict the
performance of fans at a scale of 1.5 : 1 and at a scale of about 2.5 : 1. The


i'rinciples and practice of scaling laws

report underlined Nixon's comments on tolerancing and proposed a formula

similar t o the pump equations just discussed:

where vA is the air efficiency and R, = p c , ~ ~ 2for

/ p a range 0.8 x 10"
6.5 x 10'. They comment that clearances are important. and that the best
efficiency moved to higher flow coefficients than suggested by scaling as size
increased. It is of interest to note that improvement in surface roughness
does not give better efficiency except for small high-speed fans.
2.5 Scale effects in compressible machines

Equation (2.1) was quoted as applying to compressible machines, but limits

of application apply, as for incompressible machines. If single-stage machines are considered, the effect of compressibility ma!. be neglected for lo\v
Mach numbers (below about 0.5); the divergence caused increases with
Mach number. Work with compressors using refrigeranr and other 'heavy'
gases indicates that the effect of the adiabatic exponenr may be neglected
for few stages. However. as the overall pressure ratio and hence the number
of stages increase, density change particularly is important. As an example.
if a pressure ratio of 8 : 1 is chosen. with air ( k = 1 . 1 ) the density ratio i\
4.41: 1; if k is 1.05 this becomes 7.23: 1. This is cleari! important in a
multistage compressor where the stages are designed assuming a constant
flow coefficient for air, but the machine is used for a hra\.ier gas ( k = I .05)
even though use of the gas reduces po\ver demand for dynamically similar
conditions since acoustic velocity goes down. The onl! technique proved
satisfactory is to blend gases t o give the right k. as Csanady (1964) showed.
T h e scaling problems in pumps, discussed in the previous section, occur in
compressors. For example, Henssler and Bhinder (19-7) studied the influence of size o n a family of small turbocharger compressors; these had
6 0 m m , 82 mm and 9 4 m m impeller diameters, and other dimensions were
scaled, but surface finishes had the same surface roughness. They show how
performance varied with flow coefficient and Reynolds number based on
peripheral speed. The authors comment that these change5 are not predicted
by the similarity laws, but d o not attempt to suggest the correlation that
different laws apply to different families of machines.
A contribution by Miller (1977) sur\.e!ed earlier correlations of scaling
predictions for axial compressors. His approach was based on the need to
conserve rig power consumption by testing at reduced pressure levels and
dealing with the associated problems of correcting efficiency pressure ratio
and flow to normal operating level, and was also concsrned with scaling
model tests to full size performance. Miller examined a number of Reynolds
number correction approaches and concluded that althnush careful testing

Illustrative examples


would yield effective prediction for one compressor design. this could not be
applied to another, and that pressure level effects appear to be more
pronounced than scale effects.
Others have contributed to the discussion as part of their study; for
example, McKenzie (1980) shows a scatter in his predictions. No completely
satisfactory general prediction appears to be available at the moment,
although individual companies and groups use their own approaches and
satisfy their own needs.

2.6 Illustrative examples

2.6.1 Similarity laws applied to a water turbine

The turbines in a river barrage hydroelectric plant are designed to give

55MW each when the level difference is 25m and they are running at
94.7revmin-'. The designed overall efficiency is 93%. and the runner
diameter is 6m. A model with a runner diameter of 300mm is to be tested
under the same level difference. Suggest the probable rotational speed, flow
rate, efficiency and power produced when the model is operating in dynamically similar conditions.
The full size flow rate is first calculated:


241 m3s-'

Applying the scaling laws, equations (2.2),

Q = constant


- constant

and substituting the known data, it is found that



= 1894 rev min=


The model efficiency must now be found using one of the equations in Table
2.1. The well known turbine equation due to Hutton will be used:


Principles and practice

of scaling laws

from which the model efficiency is found to be


= 89.77%

The model power developed, assuming the same mechanical efficiency, is


2.6.2 Compressor performance prediction problem

A compressor for hydrogen duty is to deliver 18 kgs-' while increasing the

to 16.5 Nm-'. The inlet temperature is
pressure from 1.01 x
expected to be 300 K, and the rotational speed 2900 rev min-'.
For development purposes a half-scale machine is to be tested using air as
the medium, with inlet conditions 1 0 ~ N m and
- ~ 288K. Suggest the model
mass flow rate, delivery pressure and rotational speed for dynamical

The full size pressure ratio is 16.511.01 = 16.34: 1. The model outlet pres~
Following equation (2.3), for similarity,
sure will be 16.34 x 1 0 ' m-'.


For hydrogen, R

4.124 kJ kg-' K-'; for air, R

0.287 kJ kg-' K-I. Thus


1499.15 rev min-I

2.7 Exercises

2.1 A centrifugal pump rotates at 185 rads-' and at best efficiency has a
pressure rise of 4.5 x 105Nm-' when pumping water at the rate of



0.28 m h - ' . Predict the corresponding best efficiency flow rate and
pressure rise when rotating at 80% of the design speed. If the efficiency
is 85% in both cases estimate the input power required.
2.2 If a pump geometrically similar to that in Exercise 7.1 is increased in
diameter to give the same pressure rise of 4.5 x 1 0 ' ~ m - ' when
rotating at 148rads-' suggest the scale ratio. and the flow rate and
power input if the efficiency is 85%.
2.3 A multistage pump is to lift water at a rate of 0.03 m ' s ' from a mine
820 m deep. If the motor speed is 2900 rpm, estimate the number of
stages needed if the specific speed in 20 (rpmm's-'.m). (Remember
that the specific speed applies to one stage onl! in a multistage
2.4 The specified duty for a hydraulic turbine is 37.5 hl\V at 90 rpm under a
head of 18 m ~vithan efficiency of 93%. The factor!, test bay can give a
head of 6 m and absorb 45 kW. Suggest the necessary scale ratio for a
model. its rotational speed and the flow rate. Assume that the model
efticiency is 93%.
2.5 .4 one-third scale model of a ventilating fan is to be constructed. The
machine to be modelled is to run at l 4 N rpm. with a dut!. flow rate of
5 m%-' and pressure rise of 450N m-' and overall efficiency of 78':)
when the intake conditions are 5 "C and 0.989 x IO'N m-'. The model
fan will draw air in at 2OoC and 1O'h m-'. Predict the model performance and rotational speed when performing under dynamically similar
2.6 X Lvater turbine is to develop 100MW when runninf at 93.7rpm under
a head of 20 m with an efficiency of 92%. The runner diameter is to be
7 m . If a water model is to be tested and the maximum test head and
How available are 5 m and 0 . 9 m 3 s ' estimate the scale ratio. the model
runner diameter and rotational speed and the poiver to be absorbed.
Discuss the possibilities of using air models to study such a machine.

2.7 A new design of compressor is to be tested. It is to deliver helium with a

pressure ratio of 12: 1 when rotating at 3000rpm ~vitha mass flow rate
of 12000 kg h-I. The inlet conditions are 10 bar and 300 K. For inhouse testing air is to be used with intake conditions of 1 bar and 300 K .
Suggest the pressure ratio, mass flow rate. and rotational speed to give
dynamically similar conditions and discuss the validity of your approach
and the use of air to model other gases.


Principles and practice of scaling laws

2.8 A gas turbine tested with air passed 1.5 kg s-' when the expansion ratio
was 1.6: 1, the rotational speed was 6000rpm, and the inlet static conditions were 10 x 1 0 4m-*
~ and 288 K. The same machine when used
for its designed purpose was supplied with combustion products
2 660K. If the expansion
at the inlet conditions of 1.4 X 1 O 6 ~ m Pand
ratio was also 1.6: 1, estimate for dynamically similar conditions the
rotational speed and mass flow rate. (For combustion products R =
2291 J kg-' K-'.)


3.1 Introduction

Cavities form in a flowing liquid in an area where the local pressure approaches vapour pressure: the entrained and dissolved gas form bubbles
which grow and then collapse. I n J. venturi section of a pipe, Fig. 3.1.
bubbles form near the throat and are swept downstream to an area where
the pressure is higher and Lvhere the!. then collapse. There are a number of
contributory factors: liquids absorb sas into solution (Henry's law) and the
capacity to retain gas i n solutions is a function of the local pressure. thus gas
is liberated as pressure falls. Gas and vapour nuclei act as centres of growth
and liberated gas helps bubble grourh. (Henry's law suggests that water will
absorb air through a free surface at 2tmospheric pressure at the rate of 2%
of the ivater volume; hydrocarbon fluids have a greater capacity to absorb
gas.) Bubble gro\vth and collapse i i rdpid. as Figs 3.2 and 3.3 indicate. It has
been observed that bubbles can burst and reform several times. indicating
that the process is unstable. This gi\,es rise to flow instability and in machines the result is noise. \ibration ;ind surface damage.
Since cavities form where the pressure is low. cavitation is a problem in
the suction zone of pumps and in the area of discharge from a water turbine.
Figure -3.3 illustrates the effect on rhe characteristics of a pump of reduction
in the suction pressure leading to cavitation, and Fig. 3.5 illustrates the
effect of cavitation on the behaviour of a turbine.
In a centrifugal pump. Fig. -3.b. the rotational effect of the rotor is
increasingly imposed on the liquid 3s it approaches the impeller blades. This
results in an increasing absolute \.elncity with a reduction in pressure which
continues until the leading edgsi of the impeller blades are reached.
Usually. the pressure then increases on the pressure side of the blades but
reduces further on the suction surface with bubbles forming if the vapour
pressure is approached. Flow in the blade passages is affected by the
formation and collapse of the ca\.iries and this gives rise to a reduction in
performance. as sketched in Fig. 3.4. and also to noise and vibration with, in
addition, damage to surfaces (section 3.3).




Figure 3.1 Cavitating flow through a venturi nozzle.


Size (mm)

- 3.0
Head 0.5

- 1SO

C Time (s)





Figure 3.2 The life history of a bubble when growing and bursting in regions at two
different pressure heads.

3.2 Net positive suction energy (NPSE) or head (NPSH)

Hydraulic machinery engineers have used a n expression for a long time

which compares the local pressure with the vapour pressure and which states
the local pressure margin above the vapour pressure level. In the e r a before
the SI system it was always known as the net positive suction head (NPSH)
and must now b e known as the net positive suction energy (NPSE). Two
definitions are used, that which relates to the pressure presented t o the

Net positive suction energy INPSE) or head (NPSH) 45




2 -


bubble size




Time (s)
Figure 3.3 The life history of growth and collapse for a sinple cavity over 6 microseconds (based on data in Knapp and Daily, 1970).










Flow Q

Figure 3.4 The effect of net positive suction head on a pump characteristic.

machine by the system (NPSE',) and that generated by the dynamic action of
the machine (NPSER).
3.2.1 NPSE available (NPSE,) or NPSH,

There are two main suction systems applied to pumps: the drowned system
and the suction lift system (Fig. 3.7). T h e lowest pressure P, in the suction




Figure 3.5 The effect of cavitation inception on a water turbine.

Total energy line

1 loading







Distance along
flow path

Figure 3.6 The variation of liquid pressure in the suction region of a pump.

Net positi\,e suction energy (NPSEI o r head (NPSH) 47

Figure 3.7 Sketches of typical suction h!.stems: ( a ) drowned system: ( b ) suction lift

line will occur at the suction flange. NPSE:, is then defined by the equation
NPSE,A = P,i/) - P,//I

( 3 .l a )

where P, is the total pressure of the fluid and P, the vapour pressure at the
temperature prevailing. In the older system

( 3 .l b )

NPSH, = total head - vapour pressure head

For the system in Fig. 3.7(a)


+ g H - flow losses in the suction line







Figure 3.8 Variation of vapour pressure of water with temperature

and. for the system in Fig. 3.7(b),


P f p - gH - flow losses in the suction line - PJp


where P is absolute pressure.

The flow losses must be calculated for the flow rate that the pump is to
deliver. An example of a calculation for the system in Fig. 3.7(b) now
A water pump has its centreline 5 m above the free surface in a sump
which is at atmospheric pressure. The water temperature is 20C. If the flow
losses are calculated to be 10J kg-' estimate the NPSE,. From data sheets
and Fig. 3.8, P, is 2.354 x lo3. Thus,


= --

5g - 10 - - 38.596, k g 1 (NPSH, = 3.93m)

2'354 103

As an example of an NPSE, calculation for a drowned suction, consider a

tank that has a free surface 2.3 m above the pump centreline, containing nbutane which is held at its boiling point of 37.8"C. Friction losses are
computed to be 5 J kg-' at the flow condition under study - estimate NPSE,

Net positive suction energy (NPSE) or head (NPSH) 49

if the vapour pressure for n-butane at 37.8"C is 3.59 bar, and the relative
density is 0.56.
Since the liquid is 'boiling' the free surface is at 3.59 bar, therefore
NPSE;, =

3.59 x 10'
0.56 x 103

+ 2.5g - 5

3.59 x 10"
- 19.525 J kg-'
0.56 x lo3 -

or, NPSH, is 1.99m of butane.

If the suction pressure is obtained from a pressure gauge mounted in the
suction flange instead of being estimated from the system data, it has to be
remembered that the gauge reads static pressure, so the total pressure is
obtained by adding the kinetic term,

3.2.2 NPSE required (NPSE,)

This is the statement of the margin above vapour pressure that the pump
can cope with by its dynamic action. It is clearly a function of the impeller
geometry and is very difficult to estimate with any accuracy. The classic text
by Pfleiderer (1961) contains equations that will given an estimate. but in
general the approach has been to use empirical data to give NPSE,. The
most common approach has been to use the Thoma number, first developed
for water turbines:

Machine g H

a = NPSHR/machine head rise


Figures 3.9 and 3.10 are plots of 17 against characteristic number k , . based on
well known diagrams to be found in the classic texts. This approach gives
conservative values of NPSER, and yields values which are based on design
flow and energy rise.
3.2.3 Critical or limiting NPSE

The two statements of NPSE are based on different criteria, so their relation
to one another must be discussed. If a pump is considered. NPSE:, and
NPSEK can be plotted against flow rate (Fig. 3.11). NPSE, will fall with
increasing flow rate since the flow losses vary as (flow rate)'; NPSER varies
in the manner shown. The point at which the curves cross is called the
critical flow, as at higher flow rates the pump cannot sustain the suction
pressure presented to it, and at lower rates the pump is supplied with

50 Cavitation

Figure 3.9

Variation of Thoma's cavitation parameter tvith characteristic number for


much larger suction pressures than it needs and cavitation should not be a
problem. It can be argued that at flow rates higher than the critical value the
pump will cavitate badly, and at lower flow rates it should behave satisfactorily. While this is a general rule, studies over the last 15 years have
supported the view put forward by Bush et al. (1976) that at low flow rates
recirculation in the suction line and between impeller and casing can give
rise t o cavitation-induced damage and instability (section 3.4).
In general, pumps are tested for their cavitation performance by reducing
the NPSE whilst maintaining the pump speed and flow constant. The resulting curve (Fig. 3.12) shows a level energy rise until at low suction pressure it
falls away. The point at which the performance is stated to be unacceptable
is when the energy rise falls by x% (usually 3% for standard pumps as laid
down by the American Hydraulic Institute). T h e corresponding NPSE is
called the critical value.
Hydraulic turbines, when model tested, are usually tested a t the design
full size head drop and the point at which cavitation is observed noted. In
turbines the effect is not s o marked as cavitation is downstream and air is
injected into the draft tube to reduce pulsations. Damage is. of course.

Figure 3.10 V ; I I - I ; I 01~ ~'l'liorna'\

~ ) I ~ c;~vitationparameter with characterist~cnumber
for Francis ;ind L ; I ~ ~ w;ltcr
. I I I turbines.


a problem


Figure 3.11 NI'SlI ;iv;~il:rI~le

and NPSE required curves presented on a base of flow
rate to illustrate rhc c.~iticalHow rate where the curves cross.




Critical NPSE


Figure 3.12 The usual way of testing and presenting pump cavitation behaviour.
(The test is performed of constant speed and constant 'design' flow.)

important in all machines so effort is expended t o reduce cavitation where

As an example of NPSER calculation consider a pump with a design dut!
of 35 m ' h ' when delivering against a specific energy rise of 409 J kg-' and
rotatine at 3000rpm. The system NPSE is computed to be 30J k g - ' .
Comment on the risk of cavitation.

from Fis. 3.9 o

0.05. thus
NPSE, = 0.05 x 490

24.5 J kg-'

or, NPSHR = 2.5 m of liquid.

NPSE, is greater than NPSE, by a small margin. This indicates that if cold
water is the liquid that there may be little difficulty, if the suction system
does not ingest air. If the fluid is volatile and is bubbly, there will not be
enough margin and some thinking is needed about the levels of tank and
pump and the suction system.
3.3 Cavitation damage

Surface damage is a serious problem in pumps and turbines. Many studies

have been made over the years of the causes and of the ways in which

Cavitation damage


Figure 3.13 The jet collapse model for damage due to cavitation as iilustrated by
Lush (1987).

damage can be reduced. Lush (1987a.b) summarized findings about the way
the bubble collapse gives rise to very high local pressures on the surfaces of
the machine channels. The existence of a microjet is proposed which, as the
cavity collapses, bursts across the void of the bubble t o hit the opposite
surface at very high velocity (Fig. 3.13). The impact results in very high
stresses which are equal to o r higher than the ultimate strength of the
material in many cases. There is a debate about the mechanism that leads to
surface damage, but there appears to be agreement that the material loss is
due to a combination of mechanical, chemical and electrolytic actions. A
suggested mechanism, based on the computed stresses being of the order of
2000 bar in some cases, is that work hardening with attendant temperature
rise occurs in the material a t the surface. This can lead t o small changes in
chemical composition and a spongy subsurface that leads t o cracking of the
hardened surface with subsequent penetration of the material. Eventually,
the molecular bonding breaks down and erosion and corrosion occurs.



Table 3.1 Relative losses of material under comparable conditions (obtained in a

venturi test device using water at 20C)


volumetric loss

Cast stainless steel: 12.88% Cr. 0.17% Ni, 0.43% Mn, 0.3896 Si
Stainless steel 18 : 8 Cr : Ni
0.33% carbon steel
14% Cr stainless steel (forged or drawn)
Manganese bronze
Gun metal
Cast iron (as cast without skin)
Typical cast aluminium alloy

Typical damage is described by Tillner er al. (1990) and Pearsall (1978) who
show ways that damage can be produced in the laboratory for test and
development purposes. The extent of the damage suffered depends on the
fluid. the materials and the hydrodynamic system, and it has been found that
even with advanced material loss the machine has developed the duty
required and damage has only been found during routine maintenance. In
pumps repair is usually by replacement. but in hydroelectric plant it is a
routine procedure to deposit metal in damaged areas and then to return the
surface to the high finish required. Table 3.1 summarizes the resistance of
common materials used in hydraulic machines.

3.4 Hydrodynamic effects

The effect of bubble formation and collapse have been discussed briefly in
the introduction to this chapter. The effect of reducing suction pressure was
illustrated in Fig. 3.4, with the flow range being progressively restricted as
suction pressure falls. Pearsall (1973) discussed this and proposed ways of
reducing the effects by increasing the suction diameter. While this is a valid
approach care is needed to ensure that the suction diameter does not get too
large as then recirculation can be set up at flow rates close to the design flow
and cause instability; reference may be made to Bush er al. (1976) and to
Grist (1986). The studies by Pearsall and his team at NEL (1978) dernonstrated a close relation between noise and damage and they proposed a
noise criterion for cavitation prediction. Wolde et a l . (1974) described the
problems to be solved in noise studies and demonstrated the validity of the

Thermodynamic effects oi pump cavitation


The effects on water turbines have been discussed b!, Knapp and Daily
(1970) and b! Klein (1974) who with others at the same conference illustrated the effect of cavitation on the performance envelope.
3.5 Thermodynamic effects on pump cavitation

It is well kno\vn that the cavitation performance of a pump varies with the
fluid condition. For example, when pumping water the required NPSE is
highest when passing cold water and decreases as the temperature rises. A
similar effect is noted when other liquids are being pumped. The change is
too large to be explained by the so-called Reynolds number effects. An
empirical approach to this problem is known as the B-factor or /I-factor
method outlined by Knapp and Daily (1970) and Stahl and Stcpannot
(1956): the technique correlates suction hydraulic behaviour with vapour
volume in the cavitating region.
When examining bubbles in cold water it has always been assumed with
some justification that all energy terms involving the vapour in the cavities
are negligible compared with those of the surroundinp liquid. When the
temperature increases such an assumption may not be applied since the
latent heat required to supply vapour to the cavity can no longer be ignored.
and neither can the energy exchange during the expansion and contraction
of the bubble. I f they are neglected and the NPSE calculated using cold data
the resulting 1-alue will be very conservative. As a consequence. boiler feed
pumps in the 1950s began to be uneconomic in size as both pressures and
temperatures rose with turbine steam conditions; e\.entually designers
developed techniques to design for lower cavitation numbers than those for
cold duties.
The heat required by vaporization must come from the liquid surrounding
the cavity. thus causing a drop in temperature and vapour pressure in the
immediate vicinity of the bubble. This has the effect of reducing the bubble
size from that \i.hich would apply in cold liquid. thus reducing the effect on
the flo\v. This reasoning has led to the approach of Stahl and Stepannof
(1956). Figure 3.14 shows the conventional NPSE variation curves for a cold
and a hot liquid. The two critical points where the 3% head drop applies are
B and C. Point B is known for the cold test, and the NPSE reduction can be
found to estimate point. C.
The volume ratio B or /I is defined by Stahl and Stepannof as
volume of vapour
B =
volume of liquid
they showed that using the Claperyron-Clausius equation





Cold liquid
Hot liquid


Figure 3.14 The variation on NPSE required of liquid temperature.

B' = ------ -


Figure 3.15, taken from Stahl and Stepannof (1956). plots B' for a number
of fluids based on refinery pumps of the double suction design and a 3% fall
in gH. Also shown are lines of NPSE adjustment in the relation
-NPSE adjustment

= 0


The method is based on the assumptions that the cavities are uniforml!
distributed across the flow cross-section and that there is the 3% drop
criterion. There are many other approaches but these indicate that there is a
considerable difference in opinion (see for example Hutton and Furness.

3.6 Inducer/pump combinations

In some applications the suction pressure is too low for the pump and it
cavitates. Where it is not possible to change the system design there is a
solution, an inducer, which is an axial flow stage that is placed just before
the impeller (Fig. 3.16). The device is a high specific-speed machine and is
required to give a small pressure rise that raises the pressure at inlet to the
main impeller to a level that it can sustain without cavitation. It has Ions
passages so that bubbles that form burst before leaving the inducer. so
that any damage is confined to the inducer blades. The blade shapes are




Vapour pressure energy (j kg ')

Figure 3.15 Plot of ther~nodynamicadlustment factors (from Stall1 and Stepannof.


archimedean spirals nith a very acute inlet angle referred to ths t a n ~ r n t i a l

The improvement in NPSE performance that an inducer can produce is
illustrated in Fig. 3.17. Work has shown that the improvement is only in the
flow range close to the design point, and away from that zone. bscause the
incidence angles are higher, the impeller inducer combination can give
worse NPSE values than the impeller alone. Contributions b!. Pearsall
(1978), Susada et 01. (1974). Lakshminarayana (1982), Turtnn (1984).
Tillner er al. (1990) and Oschner (1988), may be consulted for more information o n both the design and behaviour of inducers when applied to pumps.




Figure 3.16 Sketch of a pumplinducer design.

3.7 Concluding comments

The undesirable effects of cavitation, flow instability, noise, and surface

damage have been described, and basic guidelines for avoidance have been
introduced. For detailed discussion more advanced material may be found in
the references cited and in the textbooks listed.

3.8 Exercises

3.1 A pump is sited 5.5 m above a water sump, and the friction energy loss
at design flow is computed to be 8.5 kg-'. If the water temperature is
25C compute the NPSE, at sea level and at a level where the atmospheric pressure is 0.85 x 105Nm-'.

3.2 A water pump is supplied by a tank with a free surface 4m above the
pump centreline. At the design flow the suction system loss is 505 kg-'.

Concluding comments


Flow (American gpm)

Figure 3.17 Characteristic o f a p u m p fitted with a n inducer.

If the Lvater is at 25C determine the NPSE, when the free-surface

pressure is 10' N m-' and 1.3 x 10' N m-'.


3.3 If in the system described in Exercise 3.2 a limiting NPSE of 1OOJ kg

is required by the pump and the losses rise to 1OOJ kg-'. calculate the
necessary pressure on the free surface.

60 Cavitation

3.4 A system to deliver n-butane has a tank with a free surface at 5.511
above the pump. Calculate for a suction system loss of 50J kg-' thc
NPSEA when the suction tank free surface is at 3.5 bar gauge, and wher
it is at vapour pressure. Assume fluid density is 0.56 kgmP3, vapou,
pressure is 3.59bar absolute, and atmospheric pressure is 0.95 r
10'N m-2.
3.5 If the tank level in Exercise 3.4 falls to 4 m , and the free surface is a
vapour pressure determine the maximum suction system loss that can bc
allowed if the NPSEA is not to fall below 10J kg-'.
3.6 A pump is to deliver water at the rate of 80m3h-' against a systen
resistance of 50m when rotating at 1450rpm. The losses in the suctiol
line are estimated to be 25 J kg-' at the specified flow rate. Assuming
suction lift suggest the maximum level difference from sump level t(
pump that can be sustained. Assume the water is at 20C and thz
margin between NPSER and NPSE, is to be a minimum of 10 J kg-'.

Principles of axial
flow machines

4.1 Introduction

Axial flow pumps, fans. compressors and turbines have. as a common

feature. blades which interact with the fluid involved. Typical machine flow
paths are shown in Fig. 4.1, and in the two-dimensional approach that will
be discussed i t is assumed that the stream surfaces are symmetrical with the
axis of rotation. Both the isolated aerofoil and cascade data are described.
with the limitation just outlined. The three-dimensional problems are then
introduced. and the concepts of radial equilibrium. the actuator disc approach. and Honell's work done factor are related to the common secondarv
flow problems.
The basic equations and shapes of the ideal velocity triangles and their
relation with the Euler equation and the concept of reaction u r r e discussed
in section 1.7. Figure 3.2 illustrates a set or cascade of blade profiles. and
relates blade angles to fluid angles by introducing incidence and deviation.
The figure also demonstrates the difference between the arrangement of
blades used in a compressor. which increases the fluid energy. and in a
turbine. which extracts energy. Also illustrated are the other common terms
used to describe rows of blades, and the conventional definitions of the
coefficients in general use are defined in Table 4.1.

4.2 Wing theory

It is assumed that individual blades in a machine interact with the fluid as if

they were wings. and the presence of other blades is ignored. This allows lift
and drag data obtained from wind tunnel research on wing sections to be
The principles relating life and drag forces with the velocity directions for
a static blade will first be discussed using Fig. 4.3. It is assumed that the lift


principles of axial flow machines

Fan, pump, or
compressor stage

Figure 4.1 Simple axial machine stages.

Table 4.1 Definition of terms used with cascades of blades (to be read in conjunction
with Fig. 1.2)




Fluid inlet angle

Fluid outlet angle
Blade inlet angle
Blade outlet angle
Blade camber angle
Stagger angle
Incidence angle
Deviation angle
Distance to point of maximum camber
Spacing or pitch
Blade height
Space :chord ratio
Aspect ratio
~ i f coefficient
CL = L / $ ~ V(projected
Drag coefficient CD = D/&pv2(projected area)
Pitching moment M = LX
The projected area for a blade is usually (c x unit height). The reference direction used here is
the axial or normal. hut often, particularly in pumps. fans and water turbines, the tangential
direction is used.

Wing theory


Lift L

Suction side

Pressure side

Line of zero lift

Flow direction

Figure 4.2 ( a J Typical cascades of blades: (b) static cascade of blades; (c) forces on a
blade: ( d ) drfin~tionof pitching moment: (e) definition of angle of attack.

force 1- acts at right angles to, and drag D along, the mean direction. Thus
the tangential force on the blade may be \vrittcn a s
Ft = L sin /j,,,

+ D coslj,,

F:, = L cos /l,

D sin b,,

and the axial force as

64 Principles of axial flow machines

Dsin P,

D cos P,
Figure 4.3 Relative velocity triangles and forces acting on a static blade

Since the lift coefficient CL = L I ~ (projected

~ V ~
area) and the drag coef'
area), and the projected area is the blade
ficient CD = D / ~ ~ V(projected
chord times the unit height,

From equations (4.1) and (4.2) it can be shown that

Since Cr,lCl is approximately 0.05 for many blade sections. equation (4.3)
may be reduced to a commonly used equation by suppressing the term
containing CD:


2slc(cotlj1 - cot B2)sinPm


Since in machines blades move as well as being static, a blade movin,0 across
the flow field at a velocity U is shown in Fig. 1.4. Also shown are the
velocity triangles at inlet and outlet, it being assumed that the fluid relative
velocity directions are the same as the blade angles at inlet and outlet. Since
the blade is moving and doing work, work done per second = F,U. Thus.
since conventionally a work or specific energy coefficient is much used
) , done equation may be rearranged to read
(defined as ry = g ~ ~ ~the2 work

In many gas turbine textbooks and literature the axial direction is used as
reference for angles, and so equation (4.5) may be rewritten in the form

Isolated aeroioil data


Figure 4.4 Moving blade. the relative velocity triangles, and the forces scting.

Since CD/CI-may be neglected, equations (1.5) and (4.6) ma! be uritten

Thus. by using these equations and the ideal equations outlined in section
1.3. it is possible to construct the velocity diagrams, obtain the fuid angles
and determine the blade angles. By selecting a blade protils using the
appropriate lift coefficient, the probable solidity, blade numbers and stagger
angle ma!, be computed. Before considering approaches to dc.>ign in this
way the data available for blade profiles must be discussed.

4.3 Isolated aerofoil data

The simplest section that may be used is the flat plate, for uhich Weinig
(1935) produced a relation between angle of attack and lift:

This compares quite well for low angles of attack with experimental data
presented by Wallis (1961; Fig. 4.5). Also shown is some information for the
cambered circular arc plate. Simple plates of this sort are easy to manufacture, and some low duty fans use them without marked loss of performance (Fig. 4.6) compared with an aerofoil of identical camber line shape
but provided with a profile. In most cases strength considerations dictate
some profiling and a number of sections have been used. Some of them were


Principles of axial flow machines

Figure 4.5 Lift and drag characteristics of flat and cambered plates ( t l c = 0.02.
RCc = 3 x 10') (adapted from Wallis. 1961).

originally wing profiles, tested in wind tunnels at low speeds, which had a
flat pressure side: for example. profile (c) in Fig. 4.7, the performance for
which is presented in Fig. 4.8. Also shown in Fig. 4.7 are later profiles
developed for compressors, which ha\,e been designed to give particular
characteristics. Many families of profiles available are detailed in standard
texts like Riegels (1961), and Abbot and Doenhoff (1959) (which concentrates on the NACA profiles). Undergraduate texts deal with the hydrodynamic theory which underlies the 'design' approach to profiles. Carter
(1961) discusses this approach, and Fig. 4.9 from this source illustrates the
effect of choosing a 'concave' velocit!. distribution (a) on the variation of
drag with incidence, and contrasts this with a 'convex' distribution (b). As
can be seen. there is a marked difference in behaviour. Carter commented

lsolated aeroioil data


Figure 4.6 Eckert's results for an axial fan ( R , = 3.25 x 105. same camber and
rotational speed) showing comparison between the performance of cambered plate
and profiled blades.

Figure 4.7 Selection of profiles in use in axial machines: (a) axial compressor
(British); (b) axial compressor (American); (c) fan profile; (d) curved plate: (e)
transonic section; (f) supersonic section.


Principles of axial flow machines

Figure 4.8 Characteristics of the Clark Y profile (rlc = 10%. RCc = 8


that option (a) would give a better low speed performance, and option (b)
will be better for high speed applications. In practical terms the choice of
camber line geometry and the basic shape disposed round the camber line
determine the blade performance. Some typical camber lines are illustrated
in Fig. 4.10. It may be commented that if the point of maximum camber is
towards the leading edge (LE) (well forward), the largest surface curvature
and hence surface velocities will occur near the leading edge on the upper
surface. producing a generally concave velocity distribution; a more rounded
velocity distribution results if maximum camber is further towards the trailing edge (TE). It follows that profiles in the first category have a good low
speed performance, a high stalling CL and a wide range of operation but are
susceptible to cavitation in pumps, and those in the second have a lower
range of operation and lower stalling CL but better cavitation behaviour.
In practice the simplest camber line is a circular arc, but if the maximum
camber is placed away from mid-chord a parabolic arc is needed. Carter
suggested 40% of chord for maximum camber in fans and pumps, and 50%
for compressors. The maximum thickness should be as small as practicable,

Cascade data 69



Position on chord




Figure 4.9 Effect of velocity distribution on the profile drag coefficient: (a) 'concave'
velocity distributions, (b) 'convex' velocity distributions (Carter (1961) courtesy of

the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

and from data referred to by Carter it appears that thicknesses up to 12.5%
of chord d o not affect performance, and thicknesses above this dictated
by strength considerations will result in a drastic fall-off in performance.
Varying the position of maximum thickness has a similar effect to the
movement of maximum camber, and for many sections the maximum thickness is located at 30% of chord from leading edge. as in the C4 section. The
NACA 65 series all have the maximum thickness at 40% of chord. Table 4.2
summarizes the variation in thicknesses for some commonly used profiles. It
will be seen that the leading edge and trailing edge radii tend to be small,
although the leading edge for low speed use tends to be fairly large to allow
a tolerance of incidence changes typical of fans and pump usage, and in
compressors the leading edges tend to be sharper.

4.4 Cascade data

When blades are in close proximity or 'cascade', the individual blade behaviour is affected (Fig. 4.11) since the passages formed by adjacent blades


Principles of axial flow machines

Maximum camber

Circular arc

Parabolic arc

Maximum camber

Parabolic arc

Maximum camber

Figure 4.10 Common camber-line shapes

dominate the flow. A one-dimensional theoretical correction for this effect is

to insert a correction factor in the Euler equation so that it reads, for a

gH =


- VulUl)


This factor is shown in Fig. 4.12, and is a theoretical statement of the effect
of blade spacing and blade angle. Weinig (1935) studied the two-dimensional
problem by deriving relations for thin aerofoils which approximate to flat
plates. and produced a lattice coefficient K used to correct the flat plate
equation, equation (4.9):

CL = 2zK sin a


Figure 4.13 illustrates the effect on K of blade angle and spacing.

Cascade data


Table 4.2 Thickness profiles of NA C A 6510, C4 and

T6 sections
% chord

NACA 65 series



LE radius

0.687% of chord















TE radius


12% max. t
6% max. t

12% mas. r
6% mas. t

Performance of cascades of blades was obtained using cascade tunnels

sketched in Fig. 4.14 and by determining pressure and velocity changes at
the mid-height of the centre blade and its associated passages. The tunnels
had variable geometry to produce variations in incidence. and wall boundary
layer control to ensure a two-dimensional flow field for the section under
study. Figure 4.15 illustrates the typical performance of a cascade of NACA
65 series blades. T h e design lift coefficient CLOis related to camber for this
foil shape in the way shown in the figure.


Principles of axial flow machines


Incidence angle (in)


Camber angle

0 70 60 50 -

NACA 65 (27) 10






Figure 4.15 Data for an NACA 65 (27) 10 foil in cascade (P, = 45", sic = 1.0).
(Note that 65 (27) 10 means a 65 series foil. CLO= 2.7. t!c = 10b;CLOis design lift
coefficient, related to camber angle 13 as sketched.)

A pressure rise coefficient is often used:

and a tangential force coefficient using Y as tangential force:

Cascade data

(quoted as



Zweifel (1945)). From these,

Howell (1945) introduced a diffuser efficiency, defined as

and it can be shown that


= 1-

~ C D
CLcos 2&

Howell also showed (assuming CL/CDis constant, which is approximately

true for many profiles over a range of incidence) that /Im optimum is 45" and

This suggests that q , is maximum for a compressor row where

is 45".
Howell illustrates how
varies with Pm and the 1ift:drag ratio, and demonstrates the small effect of variation in CL/CDfor a conventional cascade.
Figure -1.16 gives cascade performance plots presented non-dimensionally,






Incidence (io)
Figure 4.16 Cascade data for a typical English cascade (after Howell (1945), courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).


Princi~lesof axial flow machines

Figure 4.17 Variation of losses with flow coefficient for an axial flow compressor

and allows profile loss to be assessed over a range of flows and corresponding
incidence angles. The other losses vary with flow rate, as Fig. 4.17 illustrates
for a typical compressor stage. Cascade testing has revealed strong two- and
three-dimensional flow patterns, the principal effects being illustrated in Fig.
4.18. Boundary layer and tip clearance effects have a strong effect on the
overall efficiency of a blade row and, owing to the secondary and wake flows
affecting blades in succeeding rows, the performance of the whole machine.
An example of this interaction is shown in Fig. 4.19, where time averaged
axial velocity profiles are illustrated for four stages in a compressor. The
effect is to cause a variation in work capacity of a bladealong its length, and
on the loading of successive rows. A much used correction in compressors is
Howell's work done factor Q, defined as used in

C,A T = GuAV ,


This factor is shown in Fig. 4.20.

The flows in Fig. 4.18 show that fluid angles are likely to differ from
actual blade angle, so that there is always a deviation angle to estimate
which is affected by blade geometry. Howell proposed a formula for the
deviation angle S:

S = m8d(slc)


The well known plots of m against stagger angle for circular arc and parabolic camber lines due to Carter (1948) are shown in Fig. 4.21. Carter's
discussion of blade profile behaviour has been referred to in section 4.2, and
some comments relevant to cascade behaviour which extend the isolated foil
now need to be made. Figure 4.9 shows a comparison of the behaviour of
two types of velocity profile in cascade. Carter further discusses the effect of
these profiles on loss (which is small) and shows that the effect of stagger on

Cascade data


Pitot press


Change in

pressure difference
across channel
Mid span


Change in fluid angle along

blade due to wall
boundary layer

Mid soan



Effect of relative motion, walls and blades

Figure 4.18 Secondary flow effects in a compressor cascade

blade velocity distribution is small. Figure 4.22 is a reminder that as stagger

increases, relative velocities must increase for the same flow rate and camber
angle in compressor and turbine cascades. The basic difference between
compressor (diverging) and turbine (converging) cascade passages is also
Figure 1.23 shows a zero reaction (impulse) blade cascade (b), illustrating
the constant area passage and the blade shapes which follow. Also shown is


Principles o i axial flow machines

Figure 4.19 Velocity profile changes in a four-stage compressor (adapted from

Howell, 1945).

Number of stages

Figure 4.20 Work done factor proposed by Howell (afrsr Horlock. 1958).

Figure 4.21 Deviation rules proposed by Howell and plotted by Carter (1948) (courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

Cascade data




H ~ g hdiffusion



High pressure

Figure 4.22 Simplified presentation of the effect of stagger o n cascade layout and the
velocity triangles.

a passage of a conventional reaction design (a). with a gradual contraction

to the throat or minimum area. In Fig. 1.23(d) typical profile coefficients for
impulse and reaction blades are illustrated. indicating the loss penalty
imposed by the profile shapes, and the restriction in incidence range involved when impulse profiles are used. Also shown in Fig. 4.23(d) is the
small variation in gas angle with incidence. demonstrating how the throat
geometry has a great influence on outlet angle. a distinct difference from
compressor cascades. A simple empirical rule much used by steam turbine
designers is. following Fig. 4.24

where o is the cascade opening o r throat. This is a good approximation to

actual gas angles for high Mach numbers. but Ainley and Matheison (1957)
comment that at low Mach numbers ( O < M , d 0.5)
u2 = [f(cosC1 IS)]

+ 3rle

(in degrees)


where f ( c o s ' 01s) = - 1 1 . 1 5 + I . 1% cosC10;s. and e is the mean radius of

the flank leading up to the opening o. They also modified equation (3.23) by
replacing o with throat area and s with annulus area just downstream from
the trailing edges.
The basic relations used in compressor and fan technology have been
introduced in previous sections, and are in coherent groups. since in compressors both stator and rotor blades are treated as behaving in the same


Principles of axial flow machines


- Impulse blade

--- Reaction blade

Base profile T6

Incidence ( i o )

p,, and p,,, -+ Stagnation pressures

Static pressure

Figure 4.23 (a) Typical shape of cascade or 'reaction' (gas turbine section). Reaction
blades may be standard section placed on camber line, like T6; (b) typical shape of
'impulse' cascade; (c) base profile of T6; (d) comparison of 'impulse' and 'reaction'
cascade performance (after Horlock, 1966).

way after allowance for rotor motion is made. In turbines, however, owing
to the very different histories of steam and gas turbines development, a
considerable range of relations exist, which need to be treated before considering turbine design (section 8.3).
A large range of equations has been used to express irreversibility in
practical terms. A simple velocity ratio

Cascade data



Figure 4.24 Empirical rule used by steam turbine designer

is much used, where ViScnis the velocity that could be expected if expansion
is isentropic to the prevailing back pressure. Kearton (1958) quotes three
nozzle efficiencies, as already defined in section 1.7. Horlock (1966) quotes
many different relations, among them Markov's (1958) loss coefficients:

He also introduces stagnation pressure loss coefficients

and shows that Y,. for example. is given by

Clearly such indices are only valid if used when flow conditions give rough
equality of M,.
The velocity ratio a,, is much used in steam turbine design for fixing the
optimum efficiency point:

Gas turbine engineers tend to use y :


For R

0, V/ = l/2afs;for R

50/o, V/ = l/&.


Principles of axial flow machines

Figure 4.25 Forces o n a fluid element in a rotating field of flow

For an isentropic turbine q~~ is unit!. but ~ T S< 1, and Horlock (1066)
gives 'design' charts that may be used in situations where often lprs is a true
refection of turbine effectiveness.

4.5 Radial equilibrium theories

Theory and experimental information \\as based on two-dimensional test

data, and corrections for three-dimensional flow have been outlined in
previous sections, but one effect that has not been discussed is the effect of
the strong centrifugal forces exerted b! blades. The centrifugal field distorts
the flow velocity profiles considerably. and particles tend to move outwards
rather than passing along cylindrical stream surfaces as classically assumed.
particularly in low hub: tip ratio designs. An approach known as the radial
equilibrium method, widely used for three-dimensional design calculations.
assumes that flow is in radial equilibrium before and after a blade row, and
radial adjustment takes place through the row.
Consider a small element of fluid (Fig. 4.25) rotating in a pressure field at
constant tangential velocity V,. If the angular velocity is to. the centrifugal
force is (,vdrdt9)w2r on the element. Smce V , = c w , the centrifugal force is
p V ; dr dt9 on the element.
The pressure force on the element. ignoring products of small quantities.
is given by
pressure force = r- dp do
If the two forces are the only ones acting (viscous and other effects neglected), the particle will move at constant radius if:

Radral equilibrium theories




If the concept of stagnation pressure p,, = p
shown that

+ ipv'

is introduced. it can be

and if p,, does not vary with radius, the usual radial equilibrium concept

d(v;) + 1 d(r-v?)


Although many approaches used in axial compressors are available as

solutions to equation (4.33) the two of interest in pumps are the free and
forced or 'solid' vortex solutions. If the ideal flow situation is considered,
Euler's equation will apply, which with equation (1.32) gives after integration:

Vur = constant


This is the free vortex law, and substitution in equation (4.33) results in
V , = constant.
In a solid or forced vortex,

- = constant ( ( - 1


and equation (4.33) becomes

a solution of which is

The free vortex solution is simple and, since I.,, is constant across the swept
annulus, allows easy comparison of velocity triangles. The sections are laid
out easily. As Horlock (1958) shows, the change in blade angles with radius
is considerable, and Fig. 4.26 is a sketch of such a blade showing the 'twist'
in the blade length.


Principles of axial flow machines

Figure 4.26 Root and tip sections of a typical compressor rotor blade illustrating the
degree of twist.

Figure 4.27 Typical vortex and velocity distributions in an axial flow fan as flow rate
changes (after Eck, 1973).

It must be said that though this approach works at design flow, considerable changes can occur in flo\v. particularly for long blades. Figure 4.27
following material reported by Eck (1973) for fans, illustrates the flow
changes likely.
4.6 Actuator disc approach

The assumption of radial equilibrium before and after each blade row is only
valid if the blade aspect ratio is small; for long blades it ceases to apply. The

Actuator disc approach




Figure 4.28 Actuator disc concept.

idea of the actuator disc where all the turning of the flow is assumed to
occur in a very small axial distance appears to approximate to actual flow
conditions in compressors and turbines.
Consider Fig. 4.28: radial equilibrium applies far upstream and downstream, but not necessarily in between, and changes in tangential velocity
occur in the disc. Bragg and Hawthorne (1956) deri\.ed equations relating
enthalpy and velocity changes, and Ruden (1944) extended the treatment by
assuming that the radial displacement of streamlines is small, and that the
V , term in equation (4.33) is small. The detailed theory may be followed
through in the references, but an approximate solution due to Horlock
(1958) will be discussed. He showed that the axial velocity changes follow a
relation of the form

where h is the blade height and Z is the distance upstream or downstream

from the disc. The axial velocity at the disc is

Thus, following Horlock's convention, V , far upstream is given by

and downstream by


Principles of axial flow machines

Interference between rows is developed by Bragg and Hawthorne (1956)

and Horlock (1958), and their contributions should be consulted for further
information and the actuator disc technique.
4.7 Stall and surge effects
4.7.1 Introduction

The phenomenon known as 'stall' affects axial flow pumps, fans and compressor stages when flow breaks away from the suction side of the blade
aerofoil, an event associated with incidence. A typical characteristic is
shown in Fig. 4.29. Surge occurs as an unstable and usually large fluctuation
of the flow through a machine, which results in a complete breakdown in the
flow; however, it is not directly related to stall.
4.7.2 Stalling of fans and compressor stages

The operation of single stage fans and compressor stages at flow coefficients
low enough to cause stall has been studied by many experimenters, one of
the most detailed studies being that of Smith and Fletcher (1954). Dunham
(1965) suggests that the stalling phenomenon may be a rotating or propagating stall, a band of reversed flow 'anchored' by spider supports, a socalled centrifuging effect (flow inwards at blade root, and outwards at blade
tip) and a flow 'in and out' at all radii. The last two effects probably include
propagating stall.
Rotating stall was observed by Whittle on the inducer vanes of a centrifugal compressor, and described by Emmons, Pearson and Grant (1955).
When flow through the stage shown in Fig. 4.30 is reduced. the incidence

Figure 4.29 Typical axial fan characteristic.

Stall and surge effects


Stall cell


Figure 4.30 Rotating stall cell in an axial flow rotor row.

angle increases and o n e or more blades may stall. Flow leaving the suction
surfaces causes an effecti1.e partial blockage of a blade passage, which
increases incidence on blade A; this blade will tend to stall, and blade C will
come out of stall. The stall cell will thus tend to propagate round the row.
T o an observer on the blades the cell propagates in the opposite direction to
blade motion at about half peripheral speed. Lakhwani and Marsh (1973)
studied. among other factors. the influence of reducing blade numbers by
half, and a compressor stage with 22 rotor blades and 33 stator blades. They
concluded from the single rotor studies that stall cells did not move at
constant speed while gron,ing. However. once stall cells were established
their angular \.elocity was a constant proportion of the rotor speed ( N ) . but
it reduced as blade numbers halved from 0.561V to 0.16.V. They found that
adding stators downstream had little effect on stall onset. They also found
that a theoretical prediction by Le Bot (1970) was fairly close for 22 blades.
but not for 11 blades. indicating a need for more data. The difficulty of stall
prediction. w . i n to the complicated cell patterns that occur. is discussed h y

Last stage
Limit imposed

. by f~rststage

last stage choking

Figure 4.31 Limits imposed by choking and stall on axial compressor performance.


Principles of axial flow machines

Horlock (1958), where he considers the wide variations found in earlier

experimental studies.
4.7.3 Surge and stall in compressors

The surge line on a compressor characteristic is the limit of stability, and is

determined by testing. Figure 4.31 illustrates a fairly typical characteristic
and also demonstrates the other limits posed on the performance envelope.
Also shown is the common condition that for a wide range of lower mass
flow the first stage at least is stalled, with other stages possibly so, and that
at higher flows it is quite likely that the last stage will be stalled at higher
pressure ratios. These phenomena are fully discussed by Horlock (1958) and
Eckert and Schnell (1961) among classical texts. They argue that surge in
the low speed region is associated with stalling of the first five stages. and
in the high speed region with stall in the rear stages. For further information the classical paper by Huppert and Benser (1953) may be consulted.

Principles of radial and

mixed flow machines

5.1 Introduction

This chapter is concerned with the basic principles governincg the shapes of
stream surfaces and o f the blades for radial and mixed flow pumps. fans.
compressors and turbines. In these machines flow either starts axial and
changes direction as in pumps. compressors and bulb turbines. or begins by
flowing radially inivard and is discharged axially as in Francis and Kaplan
turbines. In each case the rotor and stator systems produce the changes in
direction while modifying the f uid energy level.

5.2 One-dimensional approach

The basic equations relating velocities. blade angles and work interchange
between machine elements and the working fluid were introduced in section
1.2, and these may be simply related to machine element design by assuming
that the velocities are a\,eraged across the passage at the relevant planes in
the flow path. 'These velocities are assumed steady, incidence and deviation
are absent. and viscous and boundary effects are ignored. This approach is
one-dimensional, and the 'design' problem is to relate the throughflow or
meridional velocity to passage shape change.
Consider Fig. 5.1. which illustrates a typical mixed flow rotor in sectional
elevation, with the bounding surfaces and two stream surfaces. Figure 5.3
illustrates the three-dimensional nature of stream surfaces. and has a
velocity triangle sketched at point A . The velocity V , is simply related to the
volumetric flow as described in section 1.2.
If the same type of passage is considered (Fig. 5.3), the one-dimensional
method of deciding the progress of the stream surfaces, once the passage
walls are established. may be illustrated. A flow net has been sketched with
two potential lines and three intermediate stream lines. Each stream line


I'rinciples of radial and mixed flow machines

Figure 5.1 Mixed flow o r bowl pump.

Figure 5.2 Typical pump rotor and a stream surface

represents a surface of revolution, as does each potential line. Noting that

V , must be the same across each potential surface. it follows that

2nRd = constant


for the flow field shown, along each potential surface. Applying this rule to
each succeeding surface defines the progress of the stream surfaces, which
are approximately true.

Two-dimensional dpproach


Figure 5.3 One-dimens~onalapproach to channel flow

5.3 Two-dimensional approach

5 . 3 . 1 Passage shape..

Strictly, all flow motions \vill be three dimensional. and the one-dinlensional
approach is thus \#cry approximate as a tool to describe them. I n twodimensional theory. flow is assumed to proceed along parallel planes. and
much hydrodynamic theory may be used. This is based on the concepts of
irrotational flow. where Bernoulli's theory that flow energy is constant is the
connection between pressure and \.elocity distribution.
A relevant flow pattern is that obtained by superimposing a source and a
free vortex to produce the spiral vortex of Fig. 5.1. This forms the basic
model when considering flow in simple radial flow pumps, as described in
section 1.4. Since both the radial and tangential velocities vary inversely
with radius (the frec vortex law) it fol1o.r~~
that /j is constant. and the
resulting streamlines are logarithmic spirals. These relate fairly well to flow
in non-moving passages like volutes. but d o not fit well with rotating blade
passages, where the angle /& at the maximum radius is usually greater than
at inlet and V,,, > V,,. as Chapter 1 illustrates. Usually. blade profiles
follow a modified spiral. as discussed in section 5.3.2; for more theoretical
approaches see section 5.4.
Turning attention now to stream surface. we consider the contrast between Figs 5.5 and 5.6. In the first a bend is shown with streamlines based
on one-dimensional considerations. In this case pressure must increase
toward the outer wall. and Bernoulli's theory cannot be satisfied since


Principles of radial and mixed flow machines

Figure 5.4 Spiral vortex.

Figure 5.5 One-dimensional stream surface solution to a bend.

velocity must decrease toward the outer wall. Figure 5.6 shows how streamlines must be adjusted t o the requirements of flow net and Bernoulli principles. Acceptable stream surface shapes may be obtained using this
principle, such as that sketched in Fig. 5.7 for a Kaplan machine.
5.3.2 Impeller or rotating cascade

A common technique for obtaining a radial cascade is to use conformal

transformation of the linear o r axial cascades discussed in section 5.4. a

Two-dimensional approach


Figure 5.6 Adjusted stream surfaces allowing for pressure and \,elocity distribution.

Figure 5.7 Stream surface correction for a Kaplan turbine (dotted lines are the
uncorrected surface shapes (after Pollard (1973). courtesy of the Institution of
Mechanical Ensineers).

simple one being illustrated in Fig. 5.8. The equation of the vane after
transforming a cascade of flat vanes is

I// =

cot Plo,pCz



Principles of radial and mixed flow machines

b-d transforms
to this curve

Figure 5.8 Conformal transformation of a flat plate cascade to a circular cascade


2 nsinp

log, r,

The ideal performance of the transformed cascade may be predicted from

the relations already described in section 5.4.
The following must be noted in comparison with the straight vane system.
For centrifugal cascades. if PI < [I?, the angular momentum decreases with
radius. and the curvature is less than the logarithmic spiral. the case for
diffuser systems; and if 1,> /j)2, angular momentum increases as radius
decreases and vane curvature is less than the basic spiral (inlet guide vanes).
In a turbine, if Dl < /&. angular momentum decreases with radius and
curvature is greater than the basic spiral (this applies to the return passages
in multistage pumps and compressors).
The comments thus far relate to static cascades. In rotating cascades the
irrotational concept breaks down, since flow departs considerably from the
ideal shapes designed. Typical flow patterns observed are illustrated in F i g
5.9, and the velocity distribution across a passage for one flow is shown
in Fig. 5.10. It will be noted that numerous studies, particularly in compressors, suggest that this distribution varies with flow rate and is not steady.
as well as being related to blade passage guidance (blade number 2).
A number of theoretical approaches have been made to the 'correction' ot
the ideal Euler-equation-based rotor outlet velocity triangle to give an actual
change in V , rather than the ideal (Fig. 5.11). Busemann (1928) examined
the cascade of logarithmic spiral vanes, and produced a modified Euler
equation for a conventional backward curved bladed inpeller:

Two-dimensional approach



Suction face

vortex ~n

Effect of suction
and pressure face
boundary layers

Figure 5.9 Three-dimensional How effects In radial passages

Figure 5.12 is a plot of CH against slc. The factor Ck, corresponds exactly
with the factor in Fig. 4.12 and is called the throughflow factor. The term
including / I , , is a correction for the shut valve energy transfer or displacement capacit!. and Busemann presented a series of plots for h,, against radius
ratio for a range of values of /?* and demonstrated the effect of blade
number. Wrisner (1967) developed the Busemann approach during a study
of the various slip theories by using the approach of Stodola (1945) who
proposed t h a t the 'slip velocity' v be given by the relation

and. since

96 Principles of radial and mixed flow machines

V,, (ideal)

Figure 5.11 Ideal and actual outlet velocity triangles for a radial outflow impellsr

Two-dimensional approach 97


Figure 5.12 Busemann's throughflow factor.

He examined many correlations and compared data from o\.er 60 pumps and
compressors. From this study he proposed that the following relations
applied within the limits specified:


sin /j2


up to a limiting value of

and thereafter

Figure 5.13 is a plot of the Weisner factor plotted against the blade number
Z and the radius ratio for an outlet angle of 20". T h e full lines are the
Busemann factor and the dotted lines are the Weisner factor. The limit of
the radius ratio given by equation (5.9) is shown also in the figure. The
dotted lines are those given by equations (5.8) and (5.10).
Some empirical simple formulae which may be used as an approximation
approach are as follows.
Pfleiderer (1961):

91% Principles of radial and mixed flow machines


Radius ratio r,lr,

Figure 5.13 Plot of W e ~ w e rfactor apalnst blade number Z and the rdd~uhr d l o for
an angle of 20"

where gHE,,,, is the corrected value.

Stanitz (1952):

where 4 is defined in Fig. 5.14. For a radial machine where 412

equation 4.6 reduces to

1 - 0.6312

= YCI'


Stodola (1945) suggested an approximation to the slip velocity which has

already been quoted as equation (5.5).

Three-dimensional problem


Figure 5.11 Definition of

4 (Stanitz).

Figure 5.15 Sketch of Whitfirid's jet model.

There are discrepancies between these approaches as Stahler (1965) has

demonstrated. His article proposes an alternative relation that does not
correlate \vith the equations quoted above.
A more recent approach based on turbocharger design is that by Whitfield
(1974) based upon radial bladed compressor impellers. draws attention to
the lack of guidance of the emerging flow. proposes a jet model and suggests
a modification t o the Stanitz approach:

where ti': = 1 - 0.63812 ( 8 defined as in Fig. 5.15. A relation of K , with

blade nilrnber is given in Fig. 5.16. Whitfield's work supported the correlation. and further refinement is detailed in Whitfield, Doyle and Firth
5.4 Three-dimensional problem

Figure 5.9 indicates pronounced three-dimensional flow effects. some of

which are a product of boundary layer behaviour on the passage walls. If the


I'rinciples oi radial and mixed flow machines

.z, 2 -

Range of values

D al



18 0





Number of impeller blades

Figure 5.16 Plot of the velocity distribution factor proposed by Whitfield (1974)
(courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

V,,X = Constant

Figure 5.17 Approach to describing a three-dimensional flow in a curved passage.

Theoretical approaches to analysis and design


mixed flow model used in the previous section is used again, and flow is
considered to be a combination of rotational and meridional effects but
without vanes, the rotation follows the law of constant angular momentum,
and meridional flow is described by the stream surfaces as before. However,
the meridional velocity may not be constant but may be affected by the flow
curvature. Assuming constant energy, and considering the passage in Fig.
5.17, where both boundary surfaces are concentric about centre C, the
velocity distribution along a potential line such as AA will follow the free
vortex law:



The constant depends on the line of constant potential. If continuity is

applied, the total flow rate is given by

or if a defined level at a distance y is V,,,

It will be noted that increments of flow between adjacent streamlines must

be the same: V,2nrd = constant. Thus the streamlines cannot be concentric.
This, although an improvement on the earlier methods described, must also
be modified to allon. for the boundary layer with an injection of an assumed
velocity profile close to the n,alls. Practice appears to be that the real fluid
effects are ignored and the approximate approaches outlined are used.
5.5 Discussion of theoretical approaches to analysis and design

The idealized approach to machines has been to assume inviscid steady flow
and to apply the hydrodynamic equations. Actual flow is three dimensional.
unsteady and viscous. making rigorous mathematical solution extremely
difficult. Studies of centrifugal and mixed flow machine theory began by
assuming steady inviscid flow on asymmetric stream surfaces before and
after the rotor. Later contributions sought to modify the flow patterns round
critical surfaces. like the leading and trailing edges. to allon for boundary
layer separation. and to change stream surface curvatures to incorporate
corrections for three-dimensional flow effects.
One large school of solutions has followed the principles discussed by Wu
(1952) who proposed the use of two surfaces - the S1 plane from blade to
blade across a channel. and the S2 plane from hub to shroud (that is, along
the length or height of the blade). The solution then proceeds on the basis
of a two-dimensional stream surface shape through the machine following
the meridional approach already outlined. with a pseudo three-dimensional


Principles of radial and mixed flow machines

correction to the surfaces on the basis of a loss theory. The blade sections
are then designed along each surface in turn from hub to tip section. An
early English example of this type of solution is that due to Marsh (1966),
which was based upon inviscid flow; this was subsequently improved upon
by Perkins (1970). A later technique introduced the effect of viscosity by
incorporating a loss model in the form of a polytropic efficiency based on
experimental relations. This technique was used by Pollard (1973), for
example, to both analyse a number of machines and to perform design
studies. He considered a typical pump and a Francis turbine, establishing
first the stream surfaces, then performing blade to blade solutions on each
surface in turn. utilizing a conformal transformation due to Wilkinson (1968)
that produced a planar cascade. This cascade may then be used to study
velocity distributions with inlet and outlet angles and pressure distributions
that, when considered satisfactory, are then transformed back to the stream
surface. This process. repeated for each stream surface in turn, allows the
blade profiles to be built up from hub to tip. Pollard demonstrated how the
predicted pressure distributions matched experimental data for a pump, and
showed quite good agreement apart from the leading edge and trailing
edge areas. These techniques are being continuously improved, and many
contributions correlating experimental data to provide corrections to the
computer-based analytical solutions have been published. Some are referred
to in context in later chapters.
An example of the combination of an analytical solution approach with
experimentally obtained data is that due to Stirling and Wilson (1983). The
design of a mixed flow pump. illustrated in Fig. 5.18. is described in some
detail. They discuss their earlier work using a mainframe computer at the

Figure 5.18 Mixed flow pump (adapted from Stirling, 1982)

NEL. and demonstrate how a desktop computer system may be used to

produce the same design. Their method first determines the casing profiles
and the most suitable positions of the blade leading and trailing edges B , ,
B2, B3 and B4; the spacing of blade rows are about a half-blade chord in

Theoretical approaches to analysis and design


and the shapes are optimized to give good flow characteristics. The
method then proceeds to predict the velocity distribution without blades,
and moves on to select blade energy distribution and to look at the blade
solution for the rotor, including losses based on experimental and theoretical correlations taken from many sources. The rotor blades are then
designed. and the stator blades are designed in similar routines. and the
complete machine drawings may then be produced for manufacture. They
demonstrate the correlation betareen prediction and test for pump designs
having dimensionless specific speeds of 1.8, 2.5 and 3.2. The validity of the
approach. compared with the experimental and empirical approaches, was
demonstrated when pumps were designed by several engineers and quite
close agreement found between the techniques deployed. These are described in the papers by Bunjes and O p de Woerd (1982). Richardson
(1982). Thorne (1982) Stirling (1982) and Chiappe (19521.
A sur\.s! undertaken by Hughes. Salisbury and Turton (1988) reviewed
commercivl computer-bascd methods of analysing flmr through machines
pump and compressor passages. and also approaches to design. There are
now a number of manufacturer-produced software systems that interface
with computer-based manufacturing systems, and also give user friendly
method of pump selection. These are reviewed at intervals in such journals
as World Plo~1p.v.

Centrifugal machines

6.1 Introduction

Centrifugal machines of the pressure increasing type are covered here: these
include pumps, fans, and compressors or blowers. In all these designs the
fluid enters axially and is discharged by the rotor into a static collector
system and thence into a discharge pipe. Pumps and fans have a common
feature in that the fluid is considered incompressible. and in the compressors
and blowers there is usually a considerable density change.
Many machines are single stage designs as sketched in Figs 6.1-6.4, and
m e either have an axial inlet or a ducted inlet as shown in the double entry
pump shown in Fig. 6.2. The single stage pump is the workhorse of the
process and petrochemical industries, producing specific energy rises from
about 50 J kg-' to over 1200J kg-' (head rises from 5 to 125 m of liquid) and
delivering flow rates from 6.3 to 400m%--'. Single stage compressors in
turbochargers, for example, give pressure ratios up to at least 4 : 1 but more
conventionally will give about 2.5: 1; fans used for ventilation duties giw
pressure rises equivalent to a maximum of around 500mm water gauge.
Multistage machines like that shown in Fig. 6.5 are used for boiler feed
and similar duties, and may be called on to deliver an energy rise of
300000 J kg-' (or head rises up to about 3000 m of liquid).
Since the flow paths are the same for the different machines, the main
considerations involved in the suction area, the impeller and the stator
delivery system, are discussed in that order, with some attention being paid
to the design choices open to the engineer.
The chapter concludes with a discussion of radial and axial thrust loads.
and a brief discussion of the additional problems posed by the mixed flow
6.2 Inlet or intake systems

The simplest inlet system found in pumps, fans and compressors is the
straight pipe coaxial with the impeller centreline. as seen in Fig. 6.6, but

Inlet or intake systems

Figure 6.1 Simple centrifugal pump.

Twin inlet


Figure 6.2 Double suction centrifugal

Radial flow fan

Figure 6.3 Centrifugal fan.


106 Centrifugal machines

Centrifugal compressor

Figure 6.4 Centrifugal compressor.

space and suction system layout frequently requires a ducted inlet as shown
in Fig. 6.7. These can cause undesirable inlet velocity profiles and strong
three-dimensional flow patterns in the eye of the impeller. This is particularly true in double suction machines where the shaft passes through the
flow on both sides of the impeller, and a good treatment of this problem is
found in the paper by Matthias (1966). However good are the design flow
patterns. there will be problems at part flow with vortex formation in the
straight suction pipe which penetrates far into the suction from the suction
flange in the manner shown in Fig. 6.6.

6.3 Impeller
6.3.1 Eve or inducer section

As the fluid approaches the impeller it slowly takes up its rotation so that
the absolute velocity begins to increase with a resulting drop in the static
pressure (Fig. 6.8). This process continues till the fluid reaches the leading
edges of the rotor vanes, and then has to pass round the nose and into the
impeller passages. The pressure may tend to drop, depending on the incidence angle, and may in pumps reach the local liquid vapour pressure with
resulting cavitation problems. It is conventional to make allowance for
incidence angles up to 6O in design in order to allow for these effects.
In compressors, which tend to have radial blade sections at the outlet, the
inducer or inlet section is given a large amount of twist, as indicated in Fig.
6.9, to accommodate the relative velocity direction imposed by the inlet
motion of the gas. The incidence angle rule just noted for pumps is used but
great attention often has to be given to the shape of the nose. This is



Figure 6.5 Multistasts centritugal pump.

illustrated in Fig. 6.9. \\ hich shows the effect of three nose protiles and their
effect on the local M a c h number. shape 1 being preferred to allow smooth
local velocity changes.
The axial velocity is also an important parameter. and in pumps is kept as
low as possible to avoid cavitation problems. The size of this velocity is
related to the eye o r suction diameter, and empirical rules will be found in
Stepannof (1957b) and Turton (1994) among other tests. The relations


Centrifugal machines

Figure 6.6 Simple suction pipe.

Figure 6.7 Ducted entry suction.

between axial velocity and suction diameter were discussed in section 3.4,
and the risks of oversizing were outlined. In compressors the need to control
the velocity at the maximum diameter of the suction zone to avoid Mach
number problems is paramount. Figure 6.10 illustrates the probable design
relations that can be involved and used as design guidelines.
T o illustrate the basic approach, consider the following compressor
example. A compressor is to deliver air at the rate of 9 k g s - ' drawn from a
N and 295 K. The plenum
plenum chamber where the conditions are I O ~ m-'
conditions are stagnation. Thus, if it is assumed as the ideal case that there
is zero inlet whirl for the impeller and an acceptable axial velocity component of 75 ms-', the static conditions in the inducer, and the density and
other parameters, may be found. Assuming the stagnation conditions
remain the same along the inlet pipe (approximately true if it is short),
295 = T I + 752/2C,









Figure 6.8 Pressure changes on a stream surface in the suction of a centrifugal


Mach number
Figure 6.9 Inducer of a centrifugal compressor.




Figure 6.10 Design plot for a compressor/inducer.


Following the gas laws,

p o l / y l = (T,,,/TI)""-'

Assuming a hub to tip diameter ratio of 0.35,

The acoustic velocity at the inducer section is given by

The velocity triangle is drawn for the maximum diameter of the inducer.
using the assumption of zero whirl and a driving speed of 15000revrnin-I,
i.e. a tip peripheral velocity of 302.38 m s-I. This gives Wl = 311.54 m s-'. a
Mach number based on Wl of 0.91, and Dl = 13.93' (with incidence probably 16"). Similarly, for the hub diameter, W1 = 129.87ms-' and PI =

6.3.2 Impeller design

The inducer (or eye) of the impeller has been discussed. and attention may
now be devoted to the choice of blade or passage design.
As in all turbomachines there is a need to balance control with friction
loss due to guiding surface. It is possible using recent computer techniques
based on loss data to obtain blade numbers, which can then be fed into the
suites of programs for passage shapes. Empirical formulae for pumps and
compressors based on 'good practice' will be quoted here.
For pumps (quoted by Stepannof (1957b), for example) blade number is

Another, quoted by Pfleiderer (1961) and others, is

In these equations. D , and D? are inlet and outlet diameters of the impeller,
respectively, P2 is the impeller outlet angle. and P, is the arithmetic mean of
the inlet and outlet angles of the impeller. quoted with respect t o the
tangential direction.
Equally simple rules exist for compressors, such as

Another, quoted by Eckert and Schnell (1961). is

sin /1',
z = (0.35 to 3n
0.45) log, D21L)
Pump design conventions indicate backward tuned blades with outlet
angles p2 in the range 15" to 35" or 40". the lo\ver values being found
typically in high specific speed designs. Compressors have tended for stress
reasons to have outlet angles of 90". but some modern designs have been
provided with backward curved vanes; McCutcheon (1978) quoted an angle
of 33" for a 4.4: 1 pressure ratio machine with a rotational speed of
~ O O O Urev min-'.
Varley (1961) studied the effects of blade number on pump performance.
with the effects of blade angle and surface roughness as additional factors.
The machine used was a double entry design with an impeller diameter of
244mm, designed to give a duty of 16m at 6 . 4 4 1 ~ ~when
rotating at
1400 rev min-'. Figure 6.11 indicates that high numbers of blades resulted in
the head characteristic falling to zero flow. a condition known as unstable.
The best shaped curves apply to five and six blade designs, compared with
the seven suggested by equation (6.1) on the basis of an angle of 27". Figure
6.12 demonstrates that higher outlet angles gave unstable curve shapes. that

1 12

centrifugal machines



Number of




Number of

u p -



0 06

0 08


Flow coeff n e r : I 6 )
Figure 6.11 Pump characteristics with var!ing blade number (after Varlcy (1961)
courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).


Flow coefficient (4)

Figure 6.12 Effect of outlet angle on pump characteristics (after Varley (1961)
courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).


1 13

Figure 6.13 Angle ot blade o\.erlap

27" gave a characteristic \vhich rose steadily to shut valve. regarded as a very
desirable feature. and that this angle gave the best efficiency. Varley studied
the slip correlations outlined in section 5.3.2. and found that the Stodola
(1945) and Bu\ernann (103S) formulae compared well nith his data for lo\\.
blade number. a n d m g l t s . but deviated considerably as both angle and
blade numher so\?. partisulnrl! that due to Stodola.
Anothcr dt..;iy considc.ration related to blade number is the angle of
overlap. illu\tratd in Fig. 0.13 for a pump desiyn. Tests that deal \\ith
pump design susgest an ;~n$e of I S 0 as a good compromise for pumps of
conventional cit.signs. C'enrrifugal fans tend to have more but shorter blades:
Eck. in his clasic test ( 1973). demonstrated this for the usual circular arc
blades. and sho\ the discontinuity in characteristic curves due to local
stall effects. He gi\,es man! working formulae for blade and pitch based on
good practice. Some dara from work bj, M!,les (1969: Fig. 6.14) indicates
that for fans. ;IS tor pumps. the lo\ver angles give rising characteristics. This
paper also gi\r..; useful data about losses and their coditication in a manner
similar to the compressor diffusion factor.
Optimum proportions for compressors follow the same principles alread!,
outlined. but these have had to be modified to account for compressibiiitv
effects. :rnd t o \()me estcnt tor stress considerations in high speed machines.
As has alread! heen stated. the blades tend to be radial at outlet. so that
equation (6.3) indicates 30 blades. Although this will give good control at
outlet and reduce slip. there will be too much metal in the inducer area. so
that the usual arrangement is to make every other blade a half blade as
shown in Fig. 6.15. McCutcheon (1978) describing the backward curved
impeller. sho\f.ed half blades; he reported that empirical rules for blade
number were checked b!. finding blade loadings as a part of the design

1 14

C e n ~ i f u g a machines

Figure 6.14 Effect of outlet angle on fan characteristics (after Myles (1969) courtesy
of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

Figure 6.15 Provision of half vanes in a centrifugal compressor.

process using blade to blade methods. and he found quite close agreement
with the empirical approach.
Another important consideration is the shape of the blade passages. The
side elevations found in good pump practice are shown in Table 6.1, and the
placing of the inlet edge in elevation is seen to vary with specific speed. In
blowers the leading edges tend to be parallel to the axis of rotation; the flow
is high but pressure rise relatively small. In the majority of compressor
designs the tendency is to provide inlet edges close to the plane at right
angles to the axis of rotation, allowing for as long a passage length as

1 16

Centrifugal machines

Area of sections before adjustment





Figure 6.16 (a) Method of establishing passage area changes (at point P I . area A , =
b,a,2rrrl). (b) Cross-sectional area of impeller passage plotted apainst passape Irn_pth.

possible to give good flow control. Blade passages are designed to give a
controlled diffusion from inlet to outlet, so that the area changes required to
give this must be determined by the profiles of the shroud and the backplate, and by the blade shapes too. The texts cited give ground rules for
blade profile: in pumps and compressors the blades will follow an approximate Archimedian spiral, either using point to point programmes or
combinations of radii. When the blade profiles are set and the elevation
profiles determined the passage area changes must be checked as illustrated
in Fig. 6.16. The principles outlined in Chapter 5 may be used, but the area
changes must give smooth changes from inlet to outlet; if this is not achieved
by the shapes designed, modifications need to be made and the process
followed through again.
In compressors the pump approach just outlined may be followed but
compressible considerations demand care. Figure 6.17, for example, shows a
compressor design obtained by using meridional and blade-to-blade solutions that, by successive passes of calculation, achieve a smoother velocity
variation. Detailed discussion is not possible here, but the contributions
cited in Chapter 5 may be consulted as well as those given in this chapter.

M,, (rel) 1.4 r




Original shapes
7%" Hub slope

B" Hub slope

+ larger casing radius

Back plate

Figure 6.17 Effect of nall shapes on local relative velocit~ey!!I a compressor

The main featurez governing the design of good periormance pumps and
compressors have been outlined. but before leaving 3 Jizcussion of impellers
it is of interest t o consider again the paper by Varle! i :961). H e studied the
effects of surface roughness on performance. F i ~ u r f 6.18 indicates that
roughness cannot be ignored as unimportant. so thar :ost reductions which
lead to deliberatel! poor surface production give rise TO performance penalties. This is true for pumps, fans and compressors. al?:hnugh the latter. being
'high technology' machines. normally have high clsii finishes on all flo\4.
surfaces. In fans and pumps, of course. the selling price is also a consideration that may mociify material and surface finish choices. Other factors
affecting performance are clearances between rotntlns and static surfaces.
and their influence on leakage flow. This was briefl! remarked upon when
discussing the approach to performance predictior! D! Nison, in section
2.4.1. For efficient operation clearances should be L minimum, but tolerances in manufacture. and such effects as end float ir! bearings and thermal
gradients gi\.e rise to differential rates of espansiiln in many machines.
which result in largs cold clearances in compressc>;> and normally wide
clearances in pumps and fans. That care is needed ir: >c.ttling dimensions is
indicated b! a well known manufacturer of t u r b o c h ~ r g e r s .who reported a
drop of 2% in performance as the side clearance 5etween impeller and
casing (expressed as a proportion of impeller diameter I increased from 0.036
to 0.143. Pampreen (1973) quoted a similar drop in a compressor passing
0.904 kg of air per second when this clearance ratio changed from near zero
to 0.06.

Flow coefficient (4)

Figure 6.18 Pump characteristics with various impeller components roughened (after
Varley (1961) courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

Commercial considerations result, particularly for pumps, in the practice

of providing a range of impellers in one casing. and also in reducing the
diameter of an impeller ('turning down') up t o values approaching 15",, of
the maximum size. Head and flow may be predicted using the so-called
scaling laws:

These laws allow the likely performance to be predicted from the full size
characteristics, but d o not with accuracy allow prediction if the impeller is
cut down to less than 75% of the full size. Another well known 'adjustment'
technique is the process of filing the vane tips, which can make small but
significant adjustments in performance, as Fig. 6.19 illustrates.
For further illustration the example in section 6.3.1 will be continued.


1 19

Delivery (m3s ')

Figure 6.19 Effect of cenrrifugal pump blade tip shape on prrtormancc (after
Worster and Copley (I961 courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Englncerh).

Since the pressure ratio required is 3.7: 1. and the




+ O . S A T I T , , ~ ) ~'

AT = 135.37
T,,? = 330.37 K
Assumins zero inlet whirl

Assuming as a first trial t h a t D21Dl is 7.

Then. from equation (6.1).


2xsin 52"
= 16
0.45 log, 2




Centrifugal machines

Using the Stanitz equation, equation (5.12),

which gives
p = 0.876

and therefore


and, for 15 000 rev min-',

The passage height at this diameter is now needed. The density is required
as well as the outlet radial velocity, and to establish this some estimate of
efficiency or loss is required. For example the outlet stagnation conditions at
the discharge flange are known from the overall pressure ratio already
calculated. As a first trial calculation it may be assumed that half of the loss
of 20% implied by the efficiency of 80% occurs in the casing. Therefore a
loss of perhaps 10% may be assigned to the impeller passages, giving an
efficiency for the impeller of 90% as a guess. Thus, assuming that the
stagnation conditions remain the same from impeller outlet to the discharge
flange. a calculation may be made as follows:
~ 0 2 1 ~ 0=1 (1

+ 0.9

x 145.371295)'.'



Since in the limit Vz must not really reach Mach 1. the maximum velocity is
fixed by assuming that V2 equals the acoustic velocity; V 2 = 384ms-I. and
hence T2 = 367 K . Using the gas laws

If now a diffusion is assumed such that VR2 = 0.95VR1,

Outlet systems 12 1

Using Q 2 shows that an outlet area of 0.067 m2 is required. Allowing for the
blockage effect of 16 vanes each 2mm thick and, if the passage height is h,

which gives

h = 42mm

6.4 Outlet systems

Fluid leaves the impeller at an absolute velocity considerably higher than

that in the discharge pipe. The outlet system. therefore, as well as collecting
fluid from the impeller without affecting its performance. must also reduce
the flow velocity efficiently and so improve the outlet pressure from the level
achieved by the impeller working on its own. Figure 6.20 illustrates the basic
layouts used in fans, pumps and compressors. All the alternatives have an
annular space outside the impeller before the volute or diffuser ring. The
vaneless diffuser continues the annular space and will be discussed first; the
volute will then be described, and finally the vaned diffuser.



Figure 6.20 Alternative diffuser systems used in pumps and compressors: (a) simple
volute casing with (i) tangential discharge (ii) radial discharge: (b) diffuser system
with (i) vaned diffuser (ii) vaneless diffuser.

Figure 6.21 Vaneless diffuser.

6.4.1 Vaneless diffuser

A two-dimensional model of the flow in a vaneless diffuser is represented in

Fig. 6.21. The streamlines follow a spiral vortex path that. shown in the
figure. traces a streamline from the impeller outlet at point 9 to the casing at
point 3, the space between the points being the diffuser. Application of the
principle of constant angular momentum and the continuit!, equation hetween points 2 and 3 gi\-es (ignoring losses) an expression for the pressure
rise as follows:

This is the ideal pressure rise, and if flow losses between points 2 and 3 are
accounted for by using the diffuser efficiency. then

Ferguson (1963. 1969) discussed flon in vaneless diffusers and the approaches to the estimation of losses. He demonstrated (Fig. 6.22) uncertainties in flow regime, and strong three-dimensional flow as flow rate changed.
He discussed the relevance of the friction loss estimation approaches used in
normal diffusers, and concluded, as did Johnston and Dean (1966) that all
the available theoretical approaches ha\.e to be modified in the light of the
flow instabilities found in experimental studies. Of great interest are studies
published by Sherstyuk and his colleagues (1966, 1969) on the effect of
profiling the side walls on the diffuser efficiency. Figure 6.23. taken from
this work, illustrates the effect of quite limited changes in principal dimensions. Clearly the control of boundary layer behaviour pays dividends. More
recently, Whitfield and Sutton (1989) have shown how geometry affects
surge margins and flow range in compressors.

Outlet systems

Flow increasing


Figure 6.22 Flow patterns in a vaneless diffuser as pump flow changes (Ferguson.

Figure 6.23 Effect of geometry on vaneless diffuser performance (after Sherst!.uk

and Kosniin. 1966: Sherstyuk and Sekolov, 1969).

6.4.2 Volute or s p ~ r acasing


The volute surrounds the impeller. and is a spiral casing whose crosssectional area increases from a minimum a t the cutwater to the throat.
which is the beginning of the diffuser to the outlet pipe. as illustrated in
Figs 6.21 and 6.25. T h e cutwater represents the nearest part of the casing
to the impeller, and is aligned into the general direction of the flow leaving
the impeller. The cross-sectional area increases to take the volume leaving the


Centrifugal machines


Casing wall


1 Volute







Figure 6.24 Volute diffuser

Figure 6.25 Volute and a typical cross-sect~on

impeller; for example, in Fig. 6.25, if section AA is at 8 = 90" from the

cutivater. 25% of the pump delivery flon will be passing through the section.
If ideal flow is considered, the law of constant angular momentum will
apply. and the flow will leave the impeller on a logarithmic spiral path. In
many casing designs the cross-sections are circular sections, and the outer
wali follows an Archimedian spiral. It is possible, using integration across
each section of small elements indicated in Fig. 6.25. to schedule the area
changes and get the correct areas for all designated sections like AA. The
equations and solutions are covered in textbooks like those of Stepannof
(195%) and Pfleiderer (1961) though usually the effect of friction is
neglected as it has been found to affect the areas by very small amounts. A
much simpler approach is to size each cross-sectional area by assuming that
the throat velocity is constant round the impeller circumference. Stepannof
(1957b) also demonstrates this technique. based upon a velocity given by the

Outlet systems

1 25

Figure 6.26 Effect of the choice o f velocity distribution on pressure head vanation
around the impeller: (a) constant angular monienturn: (b) constant velocity (Kutschi.


In this equation K3 is an empirical factor plotted against specific speed. and

gH is the pump nominal design specitic energy rise. Rutschi (1961) presented a comparison of thc angular momentum and constant velocit!. approaches lvhich is shown in Fig. 6.20, and demonstrated little differencc. in
pressure head at successive sections round the casing.
Worster (1963) more recently studied the casing and its effect on pump
performance and proposed that the most important parameter was thc
volute throat area. He argued. as did Anderson and others referred to in his
paper. that the best efficiency or design match between the impeller and the
casing occurs when the impeller and volute characteristics cross. as indicated
in Fig. 6.27. He based his analysis on the simple casing cross-section shown
in Fig. 6.37 and maintained that. although the outlet angle /I'z and impcllcr
diameter Dz do determine performance. the correct matching of impeller
and casing is a decisive factor in the design process. Figure 6.28 illustrates
his point. and Fig. 6.29 is his design plot that allows the selection of the
correct volute area once the impeller is designed. This approach has been
used with some success. and Thorne (1979) has recently underlined its
Although the technique Just discussed has been applied to pumps. it is
possible to argue that it could be applied to fan and blower design since the
density changes are low. However, as Eck (1973) shows, the principles of
constant angular momentum or constant velocity are both used with empirical factors such as equation (6.10).
Considering pump design still, Worster (1963) used the loose or large side
clearance design approach, as against the more conventional tight or close

1 26

Centrifugal machines

Figure 6.27 Illustration of the approach to ~mpellerand casing matching proposed by

Worster (1963).





40 -


Figure 6.28 Illustration of volute area change on pump performance (after Worster
(1963), courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

y = Outlet area between vanes of impellerithroat

area of caslng

Figure 6.29 'Design' plot p r o p o d b! Ii'orster (1963: modified from that quoted b y
Worster. the symbols are defined in Fi?. 6.37).

side clearance designs. If the loose design is used the lvidth Y, in Fig. 6.25
will be the casing width needed to give adequate side clearance for the
impeller. If the tight design is used the dimension s should be fixed. as for
the \,aneless diffuser. to be a little larger than the impeller channel height.
The diffuser from throat to outlet may be a cone or. if the centreline
outlet shown in Fig. 6.20 is used. as demanded by the current I S 0 standards
for small and medium size process pumps. may be curved. Conventional
pipe diffuser data are not relevant to this type of diffusion since the flow in
the casing is complicated. and the presence of distinct jets of fluid issuing
from the impeller passages in succession will be causing disturbed three-

I 28

Centrifugal machines



Figure 6.30 Cutwater nose profile.

dimensional flows into the throat of the casing. The shape of the cutwater
nose is also important, as indicated by information published by Turton
(1966). It is also well known that the clearance between the impeller and the
cutwater nose is important, as too tight a clearance gives rise to noise and
vibration. A working rule is to arrange that the minimum clearance should
be of the order of 5-10% of impeller diameter. Depending on casting, the
cutwater nose may be blunt or sharp (Fig. 6.30). but must be aligned along
the streamline as shown in the figure. A blunt nose allows for tolerance of
flow misdirection and thus an accommodation for flow changes from design

The diffusion system is now a vaneless space whose radial depth follows
the same proportions as alreadv given for the volute cutwater clearance.
The fluid follows a spiral path up to the diffuser throat. is diffused over the
length bc (Fig. 6.31) and discharged into the spiral casing. Ideally the
diffuser vane walls should follow an Archimedian spiral but, since diffusers
are often machined, the surfaces abc and ef are convenient radius approximations. Each diffuser passage has an active length L, which a working
rule suggests can be between 3t and 4r to balance effective diffuser control
and surface friction loss. Clearly the sum of throat areas will follow the same
basic rule as the volute throat already discussed, and the number of vanes is
always different from the number of rotor blades Z, a working rule often
used bein? Z + 1. Many working designs that follow the rule for L given
above appear to have a ratio for D31Dz of 1.3-1.5, a constant width b which
is a little \vider than the impeller tip width, and a maximum diffusion angle
of 11". The vanes are as thin as practicable, following the type of profile
shown in Fig. 6.31. Designs using aerofoil sections have been used, but are
not conventional. Experiments with 'pipe' or drilled diffusers for flow that is
supersonic at impeller outlet have been used but are not general, as the
simple generated shapes of Fig. 6.31 are easy to produce and control.

Outlet svstems





Figure 6.31 Vaned diffuser.




0 30



Inlet flow ( W l T l p , ~ , )

Vane inlet
angle (degrees)

(Fig. 6.31 )

Figure 6.32 Effect of the choice of diffuser system on compressor performance (after
Petrie (1961) courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).


Centrifugal machines

Petrie (1964) reports a study for a helicopter gas turbine where four
diffusion systems were investigated. Figure 6.32 illustrates the effects on
performance of three vaned diffusers with different inlet angles, and a
vaneless diffuser. It can be seen that the larger angle and area both moved
the surge point to higher mass flows and extended the flow range before
choking. However, the vaneless diffuser lowered both the maximum
pressure ratio and efficiency, significantly extended the total flow range. but
did not significantly improve the range of flow from surge to choking at any
driving speed. The paper by McCutcheon (1978) also emphasizes the role
the diffuser plays in determining the range of a compressor, particularly
when the impeller tip Mach number approaches unity.
In multistage compressors and pumps the passages that guide the fluid
from one impeller to the next are partly diffusers and partly simple transfer
ducts. Typical shapes employed are shown in Fig. 6.33 for a multistage
The example of sections 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 is now continued through the
diffuser. The height of the diffuser passages (dimension b in Fig. 6.31) will
Return passage

Figure 6.33 Comparison of the effect of crossover duct geometry on pump


7hrust loads due to hydrodynamic effects

13 1

be 0.045 (larger than the t ~ pwidth h already found). and the number of
passages will be 17 (16 + 1). Diameter D2 in Fig. 6.31 will be 0.52 + 0.05 =
o.j7m, and the radius of the mean width of the throat will be 0.35 as an
Assuming free vortex floi\ in the vaneless space.
357.76 x 0.52


~ h u sthe tangential component of flow velocity at 0.57m diameter is

326.38ms-I. The radial component of velocity now must be found. One
approach is to assume constant density and then correct. or to guess the
radial velocity. Assume that V, = 55ms-'. Thus the absolute velocity =
V(5j2 + 326.38') = 330.9P. Assume that stagnation temperature remains
440.37 = T + 3~3).9~'/3C,
T,,,,,,, = 385.Si K
= 2.36 x lo5 N m - '
/ I ? = p07(-3~5.~7/340.37)i
The density thus becomes 2.1-3 ks m-'. and
V , = 9/2.lS3(nX 0.045

0.57) = 51.37

Thus another iteration is really needed. but the solution will be left at this
The throat width r in Fi:. 6.31 must now be determined. The radius of it>
centre is fixed. as a guess. at 0.35. The process is followed again, with the
assumptions that the stagnation temperature remains the same and that V ,
at the throat radiuh is 3s ms-I: this gives the width r = Itimm. The assumption of a diffuser efficiency then allows the solution. Alternativel :I
suitable change in area of the passage may be designed. and the design
checked to give a pressure rice. The solution will stop at this point.
6.5 Thrust loads due to hydrodynamic effects

6.5.1 Radial thrust torces

In vaned diffuser designs the pressure distribution round the impeller

peripher! remains approximately uniform for a range of flows, and to a
reasonable degree this is s o for vaneless diffusers. For the volute type of
design it is found that the pressure distribution is approsimately constant at
the design flow. but as the flow departs from design the distribution changes
as shown in Fig. 6.31.
Stepannof (1957b) suggests for pumps a simple equation for the radial
thrust force:


Centrifugal machines


Figure 6.34 Variation of pressure round an impeller with flow rate in a volute pump.

Here gH is the specific energy generated by the pump, and the other
dimensions are shown in Fig. 6.35 for a conventional design. K is an
empirical constant defined as
K = 0.36[1

- (Q/Qdcsip)'I


Other texts give more sophisticated equations that allow for recirculating
flow effects in the spaces between impeller and casing. All indicate that the
resulting radial loads to be absorbed by the bearings supporting the shaft
tend to be large, and in all cases mag not be neglected. The formulae are
used to size shafts and bearings, but it is found in many pumping installations that even though the shaft has been carefully sized, with a margin for
error, shafts do break. These events may be due to poor materials or to

Thrust loads due to hydrodynamic effects


Figure 6.35 Definition of dimensions used in radial force calculation.

misuse or poor fitting. In other cases the failures are due to effects not
allowed for in the formulae, which are based on steady-state flow conditions. This circumstance was studied and many researchers agree that,
since flow conditions are not steady. there is a substantial fluctuating force
component that must be added to the steady value. In papers by Turton and
Goss (1982. 1983) it is shown that the fluctuating forces ma! be of the same
size as the steady load. and this factor as well as the fluctuating nature of the
load effects gives rise to iibration and bearing and shaft failure in some
cases. The reason for the fluctuating components is felt to be the varying
velocity distribution leaving the impeller and interacting tvith the casing.
One device for reducing the radial loads is the double \.elute: two fo\v
paths are provided in the volute so that each receives half the flow from t h e
impeller. and the radial thrust loads cancel out. The penalty is increased
friction loss. which map result in probably a 2% reduction in efficiency. A
few other solutions exist. but the only tried method is the double volute.
6.5.2 Axial thrust loads

Axial hydraulic thrust is the summation of unbalanced forces acting on the

impeller in the axial direction. Reliable thrust bearings are available so that
this does not present problems except in large machines. but it is necessary
to calculate the forces. These forces arise due to the distribution of pressure
in the spaces between the impeller and the casing. In Fig. 6.36 the assumption is illustrated for the discharge pressure acting over the backplate
and front shroud in the single entry pump, and down to the wear rings for a
double entry impeller; the suction pressure is assumed to be distributed
across the area up to the wear ring diameter in both designs. It can be

1 34

Centrifugal machines

Figure 6.36 Pressure distributions leading to axial force.

Figure 6.37 Unbalanced force due to pressure distribution on a centrifugal impeller

argued that the pressure forces are balanced in the double suction design
and this is approximately the case in practice: the single suction irnpelle
clearly has an unbalanced force. In practice there is always an unbalance(
force acting on a double entry impeller due to such factors as unequal flo\
distributions in the two entry passages, and interference due to externa
features such as bends in the suction line, so that thrust bearings are alway
needed. Figure 6.37 illustrates the probable pressure distribution on thl
impeller surfaces. The actual pressure variation will depend upon surfac,
roughness of the pump surfaces on the side clearances, and on leakage fou
through any wear rings fitted, so that front and back net forces may var
from the design conditions assumed. The classic solutions assume that th(
fluid in the clearance space rotates at about half the impeller speed as a solic
mass, and the texts by Stepannof (1957b) and Pfleiderer (1961) may bt
consulted for the equations. The net result of the pressure forces and th,

Thrust loads due to hydroci namic effecr5


Figure 6.38 Rear wear ring, halance chamber and balance h ~ > l z method
of axial
force balance.

fluid change of momentum is a force towards the suction flange; the force
magnitude depends o n size. outlet pressure, rotational speed, and whether
the impeller is provided with a shroud. as in many pumps. o r is open. as in
many compressors. T h e most common way of reducing the axial thrust load
is shown in Fig. 6.38. A wear ring is formed on the impeller backplate. thus
creating a chamber vented to the suction through 'balance holes'. Suction
pressure is in this way applied to the backplate, up to the wear ring diameter. and hence reduces the delivery pressure related force. This increases
the risk of cavitation inception but is tolerated because i t reduces the load.
Other methods connect the balance chamber to the ~ u c t i o n by using a
balance pipe. or use the so-called pump-out vanes n h ~ c hcentrifuge fluid
back to the casing. These also work quite well but there is a critical clearance:vane height ratio. as too tight an axial clearance reiults in vibration. In
multistage machines these measures cannot be used. and in some d e s i p s
impellers are used back-to-back to balance thrusts. but the usual technique
is to use balance pistons or balance discs as illustrated in Fig. 6.39 for
compressors. The sizes of the components, such as \\ear ring diameter.
balance piston diameter and balance hole sizes, depend on the calculated
loads and the probable leakage flows considered acceptable. A common
design approach is to consider that 10% of the thrust load is taken by the
bearings and the remainder absorbed by the balance system being used. The
equations published in the standard texts refer only t o steady loads. and the
fluctuating load problems already introduced in section 6.5.1 again apply.
As Turton and Goss (1982. 1983) among others have indicated, the fluctuating component in some cases tends to be twice the steady value. and the
shafts and other components should be sized accordingl!. A comprehensive
series of papers on Hydraulic forces in Certrrifugal Sitlsle and Multistage
Pumps was given during an Institution of Mechanical Engineers Seminar in
1986. and this group of papers should be consulted for more detail on thrust
causes and cures.


Centrifugal rrrachines

Figure 6.39 Alternative s!.stems of axial force balance: (a) back to back la!~out: ( b )

balance piston: (c) balance disc.

6.6 Exercises

The second stage of an intercooled centrifugal compressor in a helium

line is illustrated in Fig. 6.40. The design rotational speed is 24000
revolutions per minute and the static pressure and temperature are 4 x
1 0 % and
~ ~300K
~ at inlet to the stage. If the inlet angle at point A is
30" to the tangential direction determine the mass flow rate and maximum mach number for zero incidence at point A if the absolute velocity
makes an angle of 3" to the axial and its tangential component is in the
same direction as the rotation of the blades. If the impeller total to total
efficiency is 90%, determine the discharge stagnation pressure.
The double suction water pump shown in Fig. 6.41 is driven at 1750
revolutions per minute and delivers 0.8 rn3s-'. There are seven blades
per flow path of backward curved design with an outlet angle of 25".
Flow can be assumed to be divided equally between the flow paths.



Figure 6.40 Exercise 6.1

Figure 6.41 Exercise 6.2.

Assuming zero inlet whirl, estimate the Euler specific energy rise and
the blade angles at points A and B on the suction edge of the blades.
If the flow conditions change to give an inlet swirl of 5 m s - ' in the
direction of rotation at point A, estimate the reduced specific energy
rise and the fluid angles at points A and B.


centrifugal machines

6.3 A single entry centrifugal compressor provided with a vaneless diffuser

delivers air at a mass flow rate of 10kgs-' when rotating at 30000
per minute. Air is drawn in from a large plenum chamber
where the stagnation temperature and pressure are, respectively, 290 K
and 1.25 x 1 0 ' ~m-'.
The impeller diameter is 270mm, the tip width 25 mm, the diffuser
passage height is 27mm and its outer diameter is 550mm, there are
eight impeller blades 3mm thick radial at outlet, and the compressor
efficiency can be assumed to be 79%.
If the Mach number based on impeller outlet absolute velocity is
limited to 0.95. construct the outlet velocity triangle.
Calculate the static pressure and temperature at outlet from the diffuser using a diffusion factor Cp of 0.5, and discuss the limitations of
this factor (Cp = ~ ~ 1 0 . Where
5 ~ ~V ~is the
. gas absolute velocity at
outlet from the impeller).
6 . 1 A single stage single entry centrifugal pump is to deliver water at the

rate of 100m3h-' when driven at 2900 revolutions per minute. The

pump is illustrated in Fig. 6.42. There are five backward curved impeller
blades each 3 mm thick, and the nominal outlet blade angle is 20" to the
tansential direction.

Figure 6.42 Exercise 6.3.

If a conventional volute casing is fitted, determine the specific energ!

rise generated at design flow and the probable input power needed.

Figure 6.43 Exercise 6.5.

If a vaneless diffuser is fitted with the same volute design placed

around it. calculate the probable extra spec~ticenergy rlse generated.
6.5 Figure 6.43 shows a centrifugal pump impeller. I t is to deliver water at
the rate of 15Om'h-I. If the value of k , is to be 0.77. suggest the
specific energy rise probable. It may be assumed that the impeller has
five blades, that the outlet angle is 25'. and that the pump has a
conventional volute casing.
For the design shown estimate the axial thrust. if the suction pressure
is 0.85 x 10iN m-'.

6.6 .An air compressor is to be of centrifugal design, is to be dri\,en at

1575rads-' and will draw directly from a plenum chamber where the
stagnation conditions are 1. Z x lo5N m-' and 300 K.
The impeller has an outer suction diameter of 3OOmm. a hub of
100mm. a tip diameter of 600mm and a tip width of 20mm.
Estimate the maximum mass flow rate if the inlet relative Mach
number is limited to 0.85. Also determine thc' probable outer stagnation
pressure if the outlet radial velocity at limited flow is 100 m s-I and the
impeller has 12 radial blades. Assume the efficiency is 82'!k.
Suggest how usual slip factors can be improved upon and also how the
flow effects can be modified.

Axial machines tor

incompressible flow

7.1 Introduction

Axial fans and pumps may be treated as incompressible flow devices. producing large flow rates and small pressure rises. Axial pumps in service
deliver up to 80000 m3 h-' against resistances equivalent to a level change of
20m, and have been applied to irrigation, draining, dock dewatering and
circulation duties. Fans have been applied to ventilation duties and cooling
tower circulation, and commonly produce pressure rises of the order of
500N m-'; special designs give higher pressure rises. Sizes clearly var!. \vith
duty, from kitchen ventilation fans to machines up to Im in diameter.
Axial turbines may have their guide vane and runner blades coaxial. as in
the tubular or bulb turbine, or have guide vanes disposed in the radial plane
and the runner of axial design. Hydroelectric plant using this type of machine
will be working with level drops from a few metres to o\-er 50m. producing
powers from l00kW to over 100MW. the maximum runner tip diameter
being of the order of 8 m.
The principles underlying pumps, fans and turbines of the axial t!.pe have
been introduced in Chapter 4. In the sections foilowinp. two examples are
used to illustrate the way the principles are applied to fans and pumps. with
the practical implications indicated.
A brief description of the axial water turbine follo\\.s. covering the essential points concerning the shapes of the hydraulic components. This
section concludes with simple examples to illustrate t!-pica1 velocities and
velocity diagram shapes.
The chapter concludes with a discussion of the forces acting on static and
rotating blades. and their complex nature is illustrated.
7.2 Axial flow pumps and fans

The machines described have stream surfaces that are asisymmetric, and in
their simplest form consists of a rotor only; in some cases guide vanes are

Axial flow pumps and fans


added downstream, and in rare applications are used upstream to provide

control. In many instances the prime mover is an electric motor, so that the
rotational speeds tend to be synchronous and constant; variable-speed drives
are rarely used except for the largest machines.
One approach to design is outlined by using a fairly typical fan application
with appropriate comments. The references cited may be consulted for other
approaches and for more advanced techniques.
A fan draws air in from the atmosphere (pressure 10'N m--' and 200K)
and is to supply at a rate of 6 m' s-I against a pressure of 1.OM x 10' N m-*.
The applications engineer suggests that the probable duct diameter will be
750 mm .
The hub diameter needs to be defined first. Assuming a hub tip ratio of
0.5 (a typical value). D,, = 375 mm. and the axial velocity through the rotor
ignoring blade blockage effects is 18.108 m s-'. The peripheral velocities are
now to be found, bearing in mind that for noise level limitation tip velocities
should not exceed 70-75ms-'. The dri\fer speed may be assumed to be
1450rel.min-', so the peripheral \rlocity at the tip is 5 6 . 0 J m s and the
hub peripheral velocity is 28.97 m s-I .
The density of air at the conditions specified is 1.2 kg m-'. so the specific
energy rise is 416.675 kg-'. The Euler specific energy rise, assuming a fairly
typical efficiency of 80/0 will thus be 520.85 kg-'. ( I f the machine were a
pump the overall efficiency ivould be found from Fig. 2.6 after the specific
speed has been calculated. The test b!, Balje (1051) presents the same sort
of picture for fans as well. and this may be referred t o for additional
information .)
Usins the Euler equation ( 1.1).




Considering the hub section first. AV,, = ~ h . l i l m s - The

~ . resulting velocity
triangles are shotvn in Fig. 7.1. and the air angles relative to the axial
direction are 8, = 5S0 and /r', = 31.31". and /in, = 44.72". If the incidence and
deviation are ignored these will be the blade angles too. so that 8 = 26.56.
This \+,ill be assumed for the purpose of this example.

Figure 7.1 Velocity triangles for axial flow fan example.


Axial machines tor incompressible flow

Figure 7.2 Plot of u , and blade data camber angle (Hay. Metcalfe and Reizes (1978)
courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Eneineers).

A choice of profile must now be made. and in this treatment the circular
arc cambered plate will be used, the data for which is given in Fig. 4.5.
Cambered plates are often used in low performance fans as they are cheap
but have sufficient strength. Where stress levels are higher, as in high
performance fans and in pumps, the blade profiles discussed in section 4.3
must be used. Whatever profile is used. CI- and Cl-/CD are read from the
data sheet for a suitable angle of attack that gives a good margin before
stall, or are related to the maximum lift to drag ratio. These values can then
be fed into equation (4.7) to find solidity. and then choices would be made
of blade number. chord and stagger angle.
An alternative approach that gives an optimizing view is the paper by
Hay, Metcalfe and Reizes (1978). from which Fig. 7.2 is derived. They
approached the problem of blade design by producing carpet plots for
several profiles of a,against 8 , where

As Fig. 7.2 illustrates, the carpet plot has two sets of curves for CL and for
CLICD From the figure. an optimum value for a, is 4.5", with C,- = 0.95 and
CL/CDapproximately 30.
The design approach then goes on to correct for the fact that the blades

Axial flow Dumm and fan3


Figure 7.3 Plot of interference coefficient against pitch:chord ratio (Hay. Metcalte
and Re~zzs(1978) courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

will be in cascade, the appropriate correction factor being s h o ~ nin Fig. 7 . j .

The angle of incidence u, is replaced by a,, and /), by /,',,,. with
a, =

The!. relate






- ;-


by using the equation

Here (iis defined by Howell (d


rnO(s1c)"). and for a circular arc camber


Then. assuming n = 0.2, using this treatment and equation (7.1) gives cis
1.48 and SIC = 0.676, and = 44.72 - 4 = 40.72".
From Fig. 7.3 the proximity factor k = 0.8. the corrected CI. = 0.76, sic
0.451: from equation (7.4),
= 33.6" and n' = 5.724".



Axial machines for incompressible Now

The method then goes on iterate again, but for this example the numerical
treatment will stop. If iteration continued a correction to a, of the order of
the difference in & would be made, a corrected 6' obtained, CL and the
other qualities found, resulting in a new value for PZ, and so on until the
differences became very small.
Reverting to the example. the probable blade angle will be P; = 27.88"
and pi = 58". With CIS = 1.85, using 12 blades gives c = 182; from this a
simple calculation gives the radius of the circular arc a: being 400mm.
Similar calculations may be performed for the tip and other sections. and
the blade profiles related to one another as outlined in section 7.4. The
numerical values will not be given here, however. but the concept of radial
equilibrium may be used to relate the basic velocity diagrams, and the
iteration procedure used as needed. Alternative approaches are detailed by
Eck (1973) and Wallis (1961). With the advent of suites of computer programs it has been possible to develop approaches based upon the principles
outlined and to inject corrections for blockage and for secondary flow
effects, as well as to build-in procedures for stacking the blade profiles on
selected lines for manufacture. Such approaches are found in contributions
by Myles and Watson (1964). Myles. Bain and Buxton (1965) and by
Hesselgreaves and McEwen (1976), among others.
The preceding discussion has dealt with rotor blades. but the same procedures will follow for stator blades. for the absolute fluid vector angles are
found in the velocity diagrams and the profiles will emerge in the same \\a!,
as described above.
The mechanical problems in fans of fixing and location are discu.;srd
briefly by Eck (1973), and the pump applications are \yell dealt with in the
standard text by Stepannof (1957b) and by other authorities. A recent
conference on fans updates design principles and gives some interesting
examples of applications (Woods-Ballard, 1982 and Lack, 1952)
As a further illustrative esample consider an axial flow fan with a tip
diameter of 1 m and a hub diameter of 0.4 m, which rotates at 1150 remlutions per minute. Five cambered plates have been used as blades. at the root
section the chord is 100mm. and the camber is 3%. For a flow rate of
10m3s-' estimate the probable pressure rise, the stagger angle at the hub
section. Assume that the free vortex principle has been used in design of the
blades, that the air density is 1.2 kg mP3, and the piates that form thc blades
are bent to a circular arc form.
From the data given
flow area

nI4 (0.1'

- 0.4') = 0.66m2



1010.66 = 15.15msp'
1450 x n x 0.4160 = 30.37ms-I

Figure 7.4 Axial flou fan ewmple. geometry

The spacing at the hub section is ?i\.en h!

n x 0.4I5

so that



For a 2% cambered plate CL = 0.3 at u = 3.5 for besr performance (from

Fig. 4.5). and using geometry for the hub section the camber radius is
629mm and the camber angle is 9.12" (Fig. 7.1).If zero inlet whirl is used
the blade inlet angle referred to the tangential direction is 0,= 26.5". From
Fig. 7.4 a is 3.5" to the chord line. so the relati\,e velocity makes an angle of
incidence of - 1.06".


Axial machines for incompressible floll

uH (=30.37)

Figure 7.5 Axial flow fan example, velocit! rrrangles.

The stagger angle will be 90 - 30 =

deviation is assumed. /& = 33.56' and


= 26.5

+ 34



as shwvn in the figure. It Lero


From the velocity triangles (Fig. 7.5)

and gHE = 4.68 x 30.37 = 142.17 J ks7.3 Axial water turbines

Water turbines of this type may be eithsr of the Kaplan propeller type. or
the fully axial or bulb type (Fig. 7.6). .-is can be seen the turbine rotor is
axial in both designs, and the guide vanss (or wicket gates) may be disposed
in the radial plane or be coaxial with ths rotor.
For both flow paths the problem is the same - the establishment of the
flow surface shapes and the stream suri,~seson which the blade profiles are
to be disposed, and the design of the blade shapes themselves. The basic
hydraulic problems are the same as those met in the axial pump, with the
essential difference that energy is being sxtracted from the fluid. The meridional approach to stream surfaces has heen covered in Chapter 5, and the
methods outlined may be used with fmpirically determined proportions,
based upon experience and presented against specific speed as shown in
texts such as those by Nechleba (1957) and Balje (1981).

Axml water turbines



Changlng rotor

Figure 7.6 Bulb and Kaplan turbines and their efficiency e n ~ e l o p e .

The free vortex approach to radial equilibrium introduced in section 4.5 is

often used in relating velocity triangles and rotor blade sections, and once
the stream surfaces have been established the approach outlined already in
this chapter may be used to determine the necessary geometry and blade
profiles. The stress considerations are discussed in section 7.4. Turbine
blades tend to be of long chord and low camber at the tip and relatively
thick and cambered at the root section. as sketched in Fig. 7.7. The root


Axial r n a c / ~ i m ~
\ incompressible flow

Figure 7.7 Hub and tip profiles for a water turbine

/From pit

From spiral

Figure 7.8 Typical guide vane profiles for a Lvater turbine

section is dictated by stress considerations and by the need to give a good

blend of section into the hub attachment; a typical layout is illustrated in
Fis. 7.7 for a Kaplan design, in which the rotor blades must be rotated over
a range of angles to give the control illustrated in Fig. 7.6.
b'hether the machine has fixed rotor blades or moving Kaplan runner
blades, the main control of output is achieved by the provision of moving
guide vanes or wicket blades. These have alternative shapes as indicated in
Fig. 7.8 where pit vanes are the more normal shapes used when water
enters from the spiral casing are shown. The profile must be chosen to give
good passage shapes for all openings as well as to control the outlet direction
into the runner system. The nose shape must be such that it will tolerate the
wide range of incidence it meets as the vane is moved over the control

Axial water turbine,


Guide vane

~ h v / ~ a d iplane
a l
\ i/Y ,

3: Dimensional

I plcture


Figure 7.9 Construct~nn for relat~ng guide vane setting to \.elocity triangle ( a s
outlined by Nechleba. 1957).

range. and in most cases is a 'blunt' large radius which blends well into the
main profile. as seen in the sketcher in Fig. 7.8. When the machine is truly
axial, with the guide vanes coaxial nith the runner blades. there is very little
difficulty in relating the blade settings. However. when the layout is that
usually used in the large output Kaplan designs there is a change in direction
between the radial plane in which the guide vanes are placed and the axial
direction which is referenced for the runner blade sections. Figure 7.9


Axial machines for incompressible flo:c

Figure 7.10 Solne draft tubes used in ivatsr turbine5

illustrates this three-dimensional problem. and demonstrates a simple correction technique that allows for the stream surface effect on the flow
direction. and thus allows the setting angle measured in the radial plane f o r
the guide vanes a to be related to the Euler triangle angle (1'.
The draft tube or outlet diffuser. fitted after the runner to recover some of
the kinetic energy leaving the rotor blades, may follow any of the forms
sketched in Fig. 7.10. variation (c) being often used with vertical axis
machines. If the cone option (a) is considered to establish the principle.
applying the equation of energy to the two planes 1 and 2 gives

vf + g Z ,


v'z + :Z2 + (losses bet\veen


1 and 2 ) ( 7 . 5 )
If plane 2 is datum, gZz is zero, and rhc. draft tube efficiency is defined as


l =~pressure


v;) 2

equation (7.5) becomes

, - i t f a / water


1 51

D~stancealong centreline

Figure 7.11 Typical draft tuhc and the preswrc and velocit! distributions.

Kaplan performed tests (In simple draft tube details like cones, bends and
combinations of \irnplc elements. and later developn~entshave resulted in
the shape illustrated i n Fig. 7.1 1 : t!,pical pressure and velocity variations are
also shown. In man!. cases the outlet frc~nlthe runner is very low, belo\\,
the tail water le\.el in the case of the reversible pump turbine units.
where cavitation limitations when pumpins f x the runner level. The test by
Nechleba (1957) outlines some of the history of \rater turbines and draft
tubes, and recent work reported at the International Association for
Hydraulic Research ( I A H R ) for hydraulic machinerl, symposia suggests a

I ',.' Axial machines for incompressible flow

Figure 7.12 Spiral and draft tube shapes In


barrage installation

contribution to the overall losses of about 8% from the draft tube, falling as
the head drop over a Kaplan machine increases.
The spiral casing acts as the device that directs the now into the guide
vanes and thence the runner. so its function is the exact reverse of the volute
in a centrifugal pump. In many machines the spiral shape is used, but in the
run of river barrage machines the shapss may be as in Fig. 7.12, the profiles
being formed in the concrete mass of the dam.
T o illustrate typical values of velocity and the shape of the velocity
triangles a short solution to a student problem follows.
Each Kaplan turbine in a large river barrage scheme rotates at 65.2rev
min-l, has a tip diameter of 8 m and a hub:tip ratio of 0.4. During proving trials, with a river level difference of 11 m , the gauged flow rate was
500m3s-' and the electrical output \vas 45MW. If it is given that the
alternator efficiency was 96% and the mechanical efficiency 97%, determine
the plant efficiency. the hydraulic efficiency and the velocity triangles for the
rotor root and tip sections. assuming that the blading followed the free
vortex principle. If the draft tube has an area ratio of 1.5: 1, has its exit
centre line 6 m below the tailwater and its entry section 2 m above tailwater,
estimate the turbine outlet pressure, and comment upon this figure. It may

Axial water turbines


Figure 7.13 Tip velocity triangle

be assumed that the vapour pressure of water is 2500N m-'. and the dratt
tube efficiency is 80%).
The hydraulic power is given by



= i V

1 1 x 0.896 = 96.69 J Kg

(Gnce V,,? assumed zero)

The velocity at the runner tip is Lr, = 27.31 ms-I. and at the runner huh I \
10, = 10.92 ni s-I. Therefore at the tip section V,, = 3.54m s-I. Using thc'
annulus dimensions and neglecting blade blockage. I.:, = 1 1 .S4m s-I. 7'hc
tip velocity triangle resulting is Fig. 7.13 and /jl = 26.48". /I'? = 23.43".
Assuming a free vortex bladc flow system. at the hub V,,, = S . S S m s I .
Figure 7.14 results for the hub velocity triangle, and /jl = 80.1'. /i,= 47.3'.
This is based on zero outlet whirl. so V, = V;, = 11.84 m s-I.
In Fig. 7.15 the area in plane A is given by (n14) (8)' = 50.2rn2, and that
at plane B is 75.4m2. Applying the energy equation between A and B.



+ --

+ gZA

= gHz


++ gZB + losses


Axial machines for incompressible flow

Figure 7.14 Hub velocity triangle.

Figure 7.15 Area profile.

At B.

and VB = 6.63rns-I. At A ,

Forces on blades and their implications for de5ian


The theoretical energy regain in the draft tube is

The actual regain is

Thus the draft-tube loss is 5.502 J kg-'. Substitution in the energy equation
yields g H , = 58.36 J kg-' o r p~ = 0.584 x 10' N m-'.
Since at normal temperatures the vapour pressure for water is about
2 5 0 0 ~ m - ? ,cavitation at the turbine runner outlet is unlikely.

7.4 Forces on blades and their implications for design

7.4.1 Static blades

Clearly. guide vanes are subject to varying loads as the angles change during
the control cycle. \Vhen closed, for example as in Fig. 7.16, if Ap is the
pressure difference across the row of blades. the force exerted F is given by



Ap depends upon the inlet pressure and the discharge pressure lcvcls in a
pump, and upon the difference between the spiral casing pressure and that
in the turbine space for water turbines. which is a function o f the tailwater
level and ~vhethcrthe space is full of water or empty. The torque needed to
keep the vanes closed is

This, with an allo\!ance for dynamic o r chock effects which is based on

experience. is used to decide the blade fulcrum pin sizes and protile thicknesses \vhen using acceptable stress levels.

Figure 7.16 Force on a guide



Axial machines for incompressible flow

Figure 7.17 Streamlines for open guide vanes

Figure 7.18 Variation of guide vane moment uith Row rate

If the vanes are open, as sketched in Fig. 7.17 for turbine guide vanes. it
is possible by plotting velocity changes round the profiles to estimate the
pressure levels and thus to determine the net fluid torque applied to the
vane about any chosen pivot point. Figure 7.18 illustrates the way this is
likely to vary. the pivot point being chosen to balance maximum moments
M I and M7. These values are used to determine pivot and blade thickness
sizes, and also to design the linkages used to transmit the moving effect from
actuator to vanes.

7.4.2 Rotating blades

In Fig. 7.19 water turbine blades are used again to illustrate the pressure
distribution round a blade profile and also how the hydraulic load varies
along the blade length. As well as these loads there are the mechanical
loads, both centrifugal and tangential. due to the mass and rotation of the
blade, so that considering the blade as a cantilever will lead to the stresses at

Concluding remark,


Figure 7.19 Diagrammatic representation of fluid forces on a rotor blade

all sections to be established. Clearly the root section will be most highly
stressed. and the profile must be adequate mechanically as well as aerod!.namicall\p. The stress situation is extremely complex as is the root fixing
loading and stressing, since in variable geometry blades the loads change
considerably. resulting in the need for a complete stud>-of the variations in
stress during the design stage. The article by Barp. Schweizer and Flury
(1973) illustrates the empirical nature of the problem in \vater turbine

7.5 Concluding remarks

As in the discussion of centrifugal machines, it is necessary to consider the

thrust loads that occur due to the interaction of the blades with the fluid.
Clearly the main effect will be axial thrust. This may be calculated using the

158 Axial machines for incompressible flow

equation given as the preamble in section 4.2, or by assuming that the

pressure change acts over the annulus swept by the blades. In single-stage
machines the thrust bearing is sized to take this calculated value plus an
operating margin, or in the case of very large machines a balance disc or
piston is fitted, as described in section 6.5. It will be noted that if the axis of
the machine is vertical, the whole weight of the rotating assembly must be
taken by the thrust bearing in addition to the hydraulic load. In this simple
approach, complications are met during start-up. where the water column in
pumps, for example, can give a very large component that may differ in
direction from the usual load. Stepannof (1957b) and other hydraulic texts
deal with this problem.
Since this is not intended to be a treatise on the complete design of
machine elements, the texts and papers cited may be consulted for further
detail. For a very useful exposition of the application of computer techniques
to water turbine design, Chacour and Graybill (1977) may be consulted, as
can articles in such journals as the Escher Wyss ilrews and Water Pon!er and
Comrrucrion .

7.6 Exercises

7.1 An axial flow water turbine is to generate 750kW when installed in a

small 'run of river' station where the level difference is usually 2.5 m.
Propose a suitable outline design if the angular velocity of the runner is
to be 7.15rads-I, and the tip diameter is limited to 5 m. I t may be
assumed that llm = 95.5%, rlaltcmator
= 97% and q , = 92%.
7.2 An axial flow fan is to deliver air to a ventilation system at the rate oi
4 rn%-' with a pressure rate of 175 Pa. The ventilation system is designee!
with a mean velocity of I s m s - ' and the fan intake is at 10'Pa ant
290 K. Perform an outline design of a suitable fan. assuming a 'hydraulic
efficiency of 75% and a rotational speed of 1450rpm. Discuss an!
assumptions you may make. Can the factory use a constant section tc
produce the fan?
7.3 A small axial water turbine is fitted to a 'run of river' station. The leve
difference is 2.5 rn, the rotational speed 7.15 rad s-', the tip diameter i c
5 m, the hub diameter 2.5 m. When rotating at 7.15 rad s-I. the estimatec
flow rate was 50m s-'. If 12 Clark Y-section blades with a chord at thc
hub section of 500mm are fitted, estimate the runner blade setting anglc
at the hub (noting that this angle is 90" - the stagger angle). and thc
power developed at the shaft, assuming that hydraulic efficiency is 92%
and ideal fiow conditions apply.



7.4 Each Kaplan turbine in a large river barrage scheme rotates at 65.2
revolutions per minute, has a tip diameter of 8 m and a hub tip ratio of
0.35. When on proving trials with a river level difference of 11 m the
gauged river flow through each machine was 500 m%-' and the electrical
output was 45 MW. Assuming that the mechanical efficiency was 96%
and the alternator efficiency was 97%, determine the hydraulic efficiency
and the velocity triangles at the tip and root sections assuming free
vortex principles and zero outlet whirl. If the draft tube has an area
ratio of 1.5 : 1, has its exit centreline 6 m below the tailwater level, and
has an efficiency of 80%, estimate the outlet pressure from the turbine
and comment on this level. The water vapour pressure is 2500N m-'.

Axial turbines
and compressors for
compressible flow
8.1 Introduction

The principal difference between axial turbines passing gases and their
incompressible counterparts is the compressibility of the fluid being moved.
The basic fluid mechanics is the same, and the profile behaviour information
has already been covered in Chapter 4. The same can be said of compressors
and blowers.
Gas and steam turbines are in wide use as the main driver in electricity
generation, in gas pipeline booster stations. and as prime movers. Gas
turbines are also in use in such industries as the production of industrial
process gases. and in the utilization of surplus energy in blast furnace plant
as an aid to fuel economy. Sizes of machine vary from one or two megawatts
to 660MW in the base load stations supplying the grid system in the U K .
Gas turbines are at the lower end of that range. typical of the size being the
Tornado machine producing 6 MW currently beins produced by Ruston Gas
Compressors of the axial type are used in aircraft engines, blast furnaces,
petrochemical plant, nitric acid production, natural gas liquifaction systems.
and in the process industries. Machines have been supplied to give pressure
rises in excess of 25bar, and for flow ranges from about 20m.'s-] to over
350m%s'. The largest power input is of the order of 88 hlW to a single unit.
though a string of machines may be supplied to allow for smaller units and
for the provision of intermediate pressures.
Figure 8.1 illustrates a simple axial compressor. indicating the way the
annulus changes, and Fig. 8.2 shows a gas turbine and the annulus area's
change through the flow path. The simple steam turbine shown in Fig. 8.3
illustrates the greater area change needed by the larpe specific volume
increase through the flow path. The principles underlying the layout of these
machines are introduced in this chapter, but for detailed examination of the
problems the references cited must be consulted.

Approach to axial compressor principles


One stage

Figure 8.1 Simple compressor

One stage

Figure 8.2 Simple gas turbine.

8.2 Approach to axial compressor principles

In multistage machines like axial compressors the t ~ i a lpressure rise is

shared b e w e e n the stages. so that an important consideration is the stage
p r s v u r e risc. Other matters of fundamental interest are the blade profiles
used and their behaviour. the numbers in successive ro\vs, the axial spacing
betueen sets of blades and the interaction of the flow leaving one cascade on
the pattern of flow at inlet to the next. Radial equilibrium. and the effects of
boundary layer development on the inner and outer annulus on blade
work distribution. are other factors to be considered in this treatment. The
principles ha\.e already been introduced in Chapter 4. a n d these will be seen
applied in the worked example which is included in the discussion. The


Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow

Figure 8.3 Simple steam turbine (in wet steam units the increase in blade length is

more marked).
problem of designing profiles. or of applying known information to a given
situation, has not yet been covered, so that the classical English approaches
due to Howell (1945) and Carter (1948) will be introduced, and Howell's
correlation applied to a sample compressor problem.
Howell approached the problem by basing his correlation on nominal
conditions, which he defined as those pertaining to a cascade deflection
which is 80% of its maximum 'stalling' deflection. His view was that the
nominal deflection c* for a number of cascades studied was a function of the
nominal gas angle a ; , the space:chord ratio and the Reynolds number. He
therefore proposed a correlation of these factors with the stalling deflection
and claimed that the camber was apparently not a
(defined as c, = 1.25~*)
dependent variable. The use of his approach will now be explained by partly
solving a compressor design problem with explanatory comments where
necessary. It will be seen that in following this line of solution, the choice of
the camber angle is arbitrary.
A compressor is required to deliver air at the rate of 50 kgs-' and provide
a pressure ratio of 5 : 1, the inlet stagnation conditions being 288K and
m-'. The target efficiency is 86%.
pressure ratio

5 = (1

+ O.~~AT/T,,,)'-'

Thus AT = 195.5 and T,' = 483.5 K.

The number of stages must now be chosen. In aircraft compressors, to
limit length and weight, there is a tendency to go for as low a number as
possible consistent with surge effects due to early stage stall, but in industrial machines there is a tendency to settle for lower ratios. Choosing here
10 stages gives 19.6" rise per stage. As Horlock (1958) discusses, the early
stages may be unloaded to reduce surge risk at low speeds and thus increase
the temperature rise in later stages, as illustrated in Fig. 8.4; however, for
the purpose of the example this will not be implemented.

Approach to axial compressor principlec 163


Figure 8.4 Temperature rise in late stages.

Figure 8.5 Velocity triangle for axial compressor

Good practice suggests an axial velocit! oi 15Oms-I and a mean peripheral speed of 200 m s-' (the latter is related to noise generation. which is not
within the scope o f this treatment).
The application of these values to the first stage. and the assumption of
50% reaction at mean blade height. alloi\s the velocity trianyles to he



Howell's work done factor (see Fig. 4.20) !i R = O.Sf.3. Thercforc. 1,,, ,,,,,,,
114.5 m s ' . The v e l o c i t triangle of Fig. S.? results. and

164 Axial

turbines m d compressors for compressible flow

Figure 8.6 Tip velocity triangle for axial compressor

Since stagnation conditions are quoted, the static conditions at the inlet
must be calculated to allow density and flow area to be found.
p , = 0.86

x 10'~m-'

T I = 275.88K
thus pl

1.087 kg mP3, and the flow area is given by the equation

Therefore the annulus dimensions are tip diameter 0.674 m. mean diameter
0.472 m and hub diameter 0.27 m. Thus. since the mean peripheral velocit)
is 100 m s-', the rotational speed is 8093 rev min-'.
If these sizes and speed are not acceptable, owing to space or driver
choice, another trial must be made and new values determined.
The mean height triangles were found; now the tip section will be examined. Figure 8.6 results from applying the free vortex principle. from
\vhich the maximum fluid velocity at the tip appears to be 322.59m s-' for
the first stage blades. The acoustic velocity is

The corresponding Mach number is 0.97. This is rather high. suggesting that
measures to adjust the velocities need to be taken to reduce this value to
possibly 0.85 or lower.
We now return to the mean height section. Howell's correlation will be
applied to the blade section design. The deflection E' = 30.45, and /& =
1j.9", so from Fig. 8.7 the space:chord ratio is approximately 0.7 (/& is the
outlet angle from the blades in the triangles, and is a? in Fig. 8.7). Since the
blade height is 202mm, then for an aspect ratio of about 3-4 a chord of
50mm may be acceptable, yielding a value for spacing of 35.4mm; thus the

Approach to axial compressor principles







Nominal outlet angle

Figure 8.7 Deflection against outlet a n ~ l ewith varyins .sic ratio (Howell (1945)
courtesy of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).

number of blades is approximatel!. 42. Selection of a prime number to avoid

vibration interaction problems suggests 43 blades. resulting in :i chord of
49.3mm and an aspect ratio of about 3.1. I f a C1 protile is u5ed (as in
Howell's work) the gas and blade angles ma!, be related with the camber
line, with assumptions of incidence: using Fig. 8.8 the optimum incidence
appears to be 3.5". so the blade inlet angle becomes 36.35 - 2.5 = -13.85".
To determine the deviation. equation (4.33) mil! be used


as proposed by Howell ( ( 1 is the distance of the point of maximum camber

from the leading edge. and a; is the nominal oitlet angle).
Assuming a circular arc camber line.

to give n'

and 8

0.210 and


= /j2

0.220. Thus

35.8". The stagger angle is

166 Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow

Incidence ( i O )
Figure 8.8 Performance of a cascade (Howell (1945) courtesy o f the Institution o

Mechanical Engineers).

Following Howell (1945) and using his data (Fig. 8.8). then assuming

and using equation (4.20). the probable maximum row efficiency is 94.1.
The camber radius and other geometric functions may be calculated usin;
simple trigonometry, and similar calculations performed for other sections
The sections may be related radially. as discussed in section 7.4, to give thc
required stress level calculations.
Carter's (1948) correlation proceeded to relate the optimum 1ift:dt-a;
ratio to the deflection, gas incidence angle and outlet angle. A desig~
following his approach would be as in Table 8.1. It should be noted tha
Carter considered variations in outlet angle to be unimportant over thc
range 0 < < 400.
Both the correlations and others like them are effectively two dimen
sional, based on static idealized cascade rig test data, and the only c o ~
rections for three-dimensional flow are to use the work done factor an(
radial equilibrium approaches to relate the blade sections. One school o
thought is to use the actuator disc technique pioneered by Hawthorne ant
developed by Horlock (1958). This lends itself to computer-based design, a
is well illustrated by Railly (1961) and Railly and Howard (1962). Thl
alternative approach is to use data obtained from actual tests on machines
McKenzie (1980) used a low speed four-stage compressor with a hub: ti1

Approach to axidl compres5or principles


Table 8.1 Steps in the calculation of optimum performance. following Carter (1948)

Estimate a value of optimum incidence i,,;

optimum inlet angle


gas angle

+ i,,

Find the optimum deviation angle using the equation for deviation and Fig. 3.21
Calculate the outlet blade angle from gas angle and deviation.
Find the optimum incidence i,, for an isolated aerofoil. Carter (19.18. 1961).
Calculate CL.for each blade.
Find the change in i,,,, from foil in cascade to isolated foil:

~vhereC, is the induced velocity perpendicular to the mean velocity due to unit
circulation and pitching. found using Betz rules as f(slc)(;.).
Find i,, = i,,,(,,r,,,n~,,, + i, and compare with the value estimated. Iterate if

ratio of 0.8. provided with constant section blades with CS profiles on

circular arc camber lines. H e showed that for constant stagger angle the
maximum efficiency occurred at a constant flow coefficient irrespective of
the camber and space: chord ratio. from which he derived a correlation of
stasger angle to mean gas angle:
tan ;,




He showed from exhaustive tra\,erse tests that the deviation followed the

He compared actual data available for low hub: tip ratios giving alternati1.t.
information. and also proposed t6.o design charts which could be used. He
also made a comparison with ?he fan approach of Hay. Metcalfe and Reizes
(1978) discussed in Chapter 7. and found fairly close agreement. H e also
considered the difficulty of accurately predicting stall, which the other
approaches share. and demonstrated considerable scatter for the performance plots covered: he remarked that low speed performance prediction
is reasonable but is of doubtful \,alidity when applied to high speed compressors. The approach is as \,did as the Howell and Carter correlations.
however. as it is based upon actual machine data. and may be applied to
compressors in the same speed. flow and pressure range.
The first stage has been examined. and the design of the rest of the blade
rows would proceed in the same way, with allowance being made for density
change - the blade heights must reduce progressively. Some designs use an


Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow

annulus based on constant hub diameter, used in some aircraft desips.

where a 'waisting' effect accommodates auxiliaries in the area of the outlet
casing. Many others keep the outer diameter constant to simplify stator
blade fixings; blade sections are constant over a number of stages, the length
being changed to suit annulus height requirements. This reduces costs \virh
very little reduction in efficiency.
When the blade profile dimensions have been determined, the axial spacing
of the blades, the root fixings, and the stress levels are found. The axial
spacing has to allow for good fluid coupling between the blade rows and at
the same time provide for relative expansion between the rotor assembl!,
and the stator; a typical industrial axial spacing appears to be up to 23% of
the blade chord, but one company has stated that, on low pressure rise
stages, varying the spacing from 14% of chord to as much as 50% Faw
changes in efficiency that were considered to be commercially acceptable.
Tip clearance too must be chosen to minimize flow loss but still allou for
radial growth of the rotating assembly into the stator. Blade stressin: \\as
covered in Chapter 7 in outline, and root fixings using pins or fir tree root
types are matters of company policy. Carchedi and Wood (1982) illustrate
how a commercial design may be carried out with the working restrict~ons
on blade profile choice, and how general mechanical design decisions are

Figure 8.9 Simple impulse stage, typical velocity triangles and the ideal o\.srall

efficiency envelope.

Axlal turbine principle,


8.3 Axial turbine principles

8.3.1 General principles

The basic principles were introduced in sections 1.5.2, and 1.7.3. as were the
usual parameters used. Before proceeding to discuss the correlations used
for loss and performance prediction. it is necessary to co\,er the simple
relations governing the enthalpy change in a stage with the velocity triangles.
Consider first the 'impulse' stage. illustrated in Fig. 8.9. The nozzle
discharges gas at an angle of a , and this impinges on the rotor in such a way
that the :as angle is the blade inlet angle (deviation and incidence are
ignored). All the enthalpy drop is assumed to take place in the nozzle. The
diagram work is

The energy available is V : / 2 (assuming no loss in the nozzle: this is related

to the enthalpy drop as shown in section 1.7. and 1', is then the isentropic
The diagram efficiency is

Differentiating with respect to 14 I/, and equating to zero suggests that

maximum I/,,
occurs when the blade :speed ratio is

the maximum efficienc!, is

and at optimum speed ratio

work output

= 21,'


As Fig. 8.9 also shows. the diagram efficiency varies \\.it11 the speed ratio.
reaching a maximum and then falling away again as the speed ratio continues to increase.
If stages are placed in series. in the velocity compounded design where
only the first stage nozzle is an energy convertor. the succeeding stator
rows are designed to change velocity direction only (called velocity
compounding). Figure 8.10 demonstrates how the efficiency curves change.
and also the maximum efficienc!.. as the number of impulse stases increases.

170 Axial turbines and compressors for compressible i l o ~



s t age




Figure 8.10 Effect of the number of stages on the efficiency envelope.

Now consider the 50% reaction case. By similar reasoning, and following
the velocity triangle shapes shown in Fig. 1.1 1. the optimum speed ratio is
given by the relation:
-- cos u ,


The maximum diagram efticiency is given by:

work output at optimum speed ratio

= ir2


Figure 8.11. following Kearton (1958) compares the efficiency envelopes for
multistage reaction and multistage impulse machines based upon a nozzle
angle of 20" and a nozzle efficiency of 94%.
This discussion, together with those in Chapter 1 . allows the construction
of velocity triangles. The nest stage in analysis or design consists in relating
the gas directions to blade angles. and giving an approach to the estimation
of losses and efficiencies. and allowances for three-dimensional How and
other effects.
The main correlations are based on data obtained using perfect gases such
as air; all gas turbines, and many steam turbines. pass such fluids, because
superheated steam follows the same laws as air. The only exception to this
rule is the turbine passing wet steam, as in the low pressure cylinders of a
large main load machine and in machines such as those used in nuclear
generators; the particular problems associated with these machines will be

Ax1a1 turbine principles




1 71

Multistage reaction

Multistage impulse
a1 =


Figure 8.11 Comparison o f multistage impulse and reaction machine efficiency


Horlock ( 1966) in a useful background study, brought together two main

streams of information in comparing the correlations from steam turbine
and gas turbine technology. He compared the early steam turbine data
reported by Kearton (1955). Stodola (1945) and Guy (1939). for example.
nith the gas turbine studies published by Zweifel (1945). Ainley and
X1;ttheix)n (1957) and Soderberg (1949) among others. Horlock demonstrated the wide differences between the approaches reviewed. and a pri\,ate
stud!. comparing thcm with some company data. indicated an almost 10%
band in cfticienc!, prediction for low reaction and 'impulse' blading designs.
Zn.eitr.1 ( 1935) used data obtained for both accelerating and deceleratiny
cascade> nith typical large deflections, and argued that for typical zero
reaction blading a tangential blade loading coefficient vl. should be used
rather than the more usual pressure coefficient or lift coefficient. He also
aci\ancc.d a correlation based on profiles with a value of yl-= 0.8, and used
it to predict the number of blades that would give effective performance for
axial turbocharger turbines.
Xinle! and Matheison (1957) suggested that the total loss of a cascade of
blades consisted of profile loss Y,, secondary loss ITsand tip clearance loss
I,,- (Fig. 5.12). They correlated Yp for zero-incidence flow conditions with
blades ha\ ing a thickness : chord ratio of 20%, and applied corrections for
incidencf and thickness. They proposed a combined formula for Ys and Yc.:

B and
are defined in Fig. 8.13, and i. is also shown. The data were
presented for low reaction blading, and in correspondence Ainley suggested
the corrected line as being a better correlation for higher reaction turbines.


~ x i a turbines

and compressors for compressible flow

Total loss


Profile OLoss Y,

Figure 8.12 Loss coefficient proposed by Ainley and Matheison (after Ainley and
Matheison, 1957).

Soderberg, using Zweifel's information and other data, related losses on

the basis of space : chord ratio, Reynolds number, aspect ratio, thickness :
chord ratio and profile geometry, assuming zero incidence and correcting for
flmv conditions with some incidence and for other deviations from the basis
on which the data was obtained. Horlock (1966) may be consulted for a
thorough comparison of this and other approaches. and demonstrates the
wide differences between them and the essential complexity of the problem.
An alternative approach is to use information obtained from machines to
complete the correlation. One example of this approach is that of Craig and
Cox (1970) for steam turbines. They identified two loss groupings. Group
one comprised losses due to profiles, secondary flows, clearance effects.
annulus and cavities for both stator and rotor rows; group two losses \{.ere
due to gland leakage, windage, wetness effects, and partial admission. The
group one effects are effectively corrected for, as in the approach of Ainley
and Matheison (1957), with company experience fed into the databank. The
discussion of the group two losses highlights the problems facing the steam
turbine manufacturer, for example in the exhaust casing systems. These
must carry the wet steam leaving the low pressure turbines into the condensers with the maximum effectiveness in the minimum axial distance.

Axial turbme principle3

5 = 0.5

8 = 0.25

1 73


outside d~ameter

Figure 8.13 i factor proposed hy Ainlzy and hlatheison

Matheiwn. 1957).

(after Ainlc.!


owing to the need to keep the total length of the turbine to an acceptable
value. Flow is strongl!, three dimensional, and steam turbine manufacturers
have used extensive air model testing to improire their designs.
The comparisons of Horlock referred to above, and the later stud!. b!,
Dunham (1970). related to the profile data then available, which was obtained at Reynolds numbers based on chord of about 10" and at hlach
numbers well below sonic velocities. As power output has increased. annulus
dimensions and turbine cylinders have also become larger, with low pressure
turbine blade tip velocities attaining supersonic values. This, and the cost
pressure causing designers to reduce machine sizes and optimize the number
of stages, has led to higher velocities, and the work of designers has gone
hand-in-hand with analytical and experimental studies.


Axial turbines and compressors tor compressible Now

E = Active flow area

Total annulus area

Figure 8.14 Effect of partial admission

Wilson (1987) approached the preliminary design of axial flow gas turbines
with the Craig and Cox correlation in mind. He identified twin objectives: to
correlate efficiency with reaction. loading coefficient (defined as ~ r . l b ' ~ , , l i r ' )
and flow coefficient; and to provide an informed choice of Lwrtc.1 few
distribution across the turbine annulus and allow an optimum annulus
profile to be chosen for turbines working at various expansion ratios. H c
had as a further objective the improvement of the Craig and Cox loss
estimation method, already discussed. along with other published approaches. The paper draws extensively from the earlier work already discussed in this chapter and proposes some simple guidelines for reaction
choice, hub tip ratio. stage number, and loading coefficient. He also suggests
an equation for swirl variation to give an almost constant nozzle outlet angle
across the turbine annulus. The paper ends with loss correlations in terms of
pressure loss ratio statements based on Craig and Cox and upon Brown
The economic and engineering aspects of steam and turbine design are
well illustrated by the contributions of Burn (1978). Parsons (1972) and
Smith (1975). the latter being an extremely well illustrated treatment of wet
steam problems. Hesketh and Muscroft (1990) detail the engineering of the
steam turbine generators for the Sizewell B nuclear station giving an insight
into the problems to be solved and the reasoning behind the solutions
selected in constructing the plant. Recent studies of wet steam problems are
discussed by Laali (1991) and Tanuma and Sakamoto (199 1).
For further reading refer to Fielding (1981) which is a look at losses from

Other problems


a different standpoint from those quoted above; Hill and Lewis (1974) is an
experimental study of a very high divergence turbine: a study of secondary
flow losses is provided by Gregory-Smith (1982) a n d , i n later papers by the
same author and his colleagues.
8.3.1 Partial admission problem

partial admission is the term used to describe the flow situation where only a
proportion of the annulus is supplied with gas. so that the rotor blades are
moving from a live throughflow sector into a 'dead' zone where the gas is
carried b \ the rotation from the live flow and its energy is dissipated in
windage and other losses.
Partial admission occurs in many turbr)iic,t~gcrturbines. owing to thc necd
to keep ii~sch:irging pipe. tiom individual cylinders of the engines being
blonn from interfering with one another. In this case a different sector of
the annulu\ is live at different times in the engine c!.cle. so that the flow is
ver! thrci. dimensional and complex. giving rise to large losses. In small
steam turbines a complete sector may be blanked off permanently to adjust
steam tlou.; to give a set output. s o carry-over fluid flow losses from the live
to dead sc.ctors account for a large part of the losses. Evidence of this is
g i w n in Fig. S. 11. hascd on work published by Stenning (1953) and by Suter
and Traupcl (1939). Clearl!. seen are the effects of greatly reduced active
flow ~ i n ~ i u larc;^.

8.4 Other problems

Since thc temper:rturc5 arc high there are large differential expansions. so
that clc;tr-,rnccs. \vhich are cold during erection. ha\,e to allow for the closing
UI> due 10 expansion. This is particularly important \vith tip clearances.
wherc adiu.;tmcnt is neecied to prevent tips touching. particularly for compressor 1,l:tties m t d e from titanium where local fires may be caused. In gas
turbine5 the problem is one of simple calculation owing to the light construction oi the casings and blades, though arrangements have to be made to
allow blades to take up their own attitude under load a n d expansion movement to reduce induced stresses. In steam turbines the high pressures require
ver!. hea\.y pressure vessel construction; the rotor heats up more quickly
than the casing. so that the axial clearances during warm-up are more
critical than those when cold o r at running temperature.
Aircri~ftturbine temperatures are now exceeding 1600 "C so that elaborate
cooling methods using hollow blades are now standard practice. Industrial
machines like the Ruston Tornado are now utilizing the technique. as higher
efficienciel; are sought and extended life is a high priority.
Axial thrust loading is clearly a problem, and in industrial compressors

176 Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow

with many stages is usually compensated for by introducing a balance piston

or disc as described in section 6.5.2. In aircraft gas turbines and industrial
gas turbines the thrust produced by the compressor is partly balanced by
that from the turbine so that a thrust bearing is only needed for small thrust
loads and for axial location. Where a turbine is used as a drive other
measures are needed. For example, in multicylinder steam turbines the high
pressure and middle pressure turbines are arranged so that steam inlet ends
and the axial thrusts from the two units are opposed; the low pressure
cylinders have their steam inlet belt in the centre with expansion in both
axial directions, thus ensuring thrust balance. Gas or air turbines driving
compressors use balance as in the gas turbine. but need thrust bearings in
most other cases. As in the machines described in Chapter 7, radial thrusts
are low and well within the capacity of the bearings conventionally used.

8.5 Computer-aided solutions

There are a number of CFD and CAD programmes now in use. Some are
simply the provision of computer power using existing empirical data and
the approaches noted above. but the reader is referred to a number of very
recent papers and articles that indicate the power and capability of the software being developed. Typical are the papers by Scrivener er 01. (1991 ).
Hart et al. (1991) and Kobayashi er al. (1991) u.ho were all contributors to a
recent Institution of Mechanical Engineers conference.
8.6 Illustrative examples
8.6.1 Axial compressor example

An axial flow compressor is to deliver helium and has six stages equall!
loaded, with stage temperature rise 25 K. If the overall efficiency is to he
87%, determine the overall pressure ratio if Tol is 288 K and pol is 10% mm-'.
and the stage pressure ratio for the last and first stages. Calculate the blade
height at entry to the last stage and the rotational speed if Vl is 165 m s-'
and makes an angle of 20" to the axial direction. the mass flow is 13 kgs-'
and Dm,;,, is 680mm. The Howell work done fact03 is 0.83 and the mean
section has been designed to be 50% reaction. What is the maximum Mach
number in the last stage?
From the data given

lilustrative examples


8.314 x 10'

2.077 x lo3J kg-' K-'



At the first stage

and. from Fig. 1.17.



At the last stage T,,. at inlet to this stage. is 1-38 - 25 = 413Cand

P s - 1.13s

The stagnation pressure at inlet to the stage is

2.51 x 10i11.138 = 2.232 x 1 0 ' ~m-'

T o construct the \docity triangles at the sixth stage:

25 x 5.193 x 10' = 0.83 x ~ l \ ~ ,

Turning to Fig. 8.15
V , , , = 60.055
V , = 165 sin 20 = 56.13 rn s-'

thus. V ,

=u -

V u 2=


AV, =


- 60.055) - 60.055

120.11, and
25 x 5.193 x 10' = 0.83 x ~ ( r c- 120.11)


178 Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow

Figure 8.15 Axial cornpressor example

Solving this equation gives


velocity triangles.

= 460.055 and

The static temperature and pressure at inlet to the last stage are now



Since the annulus height is small compared with the mean diameter
- - n x 0.68h,


h = 0.419111

Illustrative examples 179

Thus the tip diameter is 1.099 m and the hub diameter is 0.261 m.
The maximum velocity through the stage is W , and, since the acoustic
velocity a is

the maximum Mach number is

8.6.2 Axial flow gas turbine problem

An axial flow gas turbine has 16 stages, equally loaded and is supplied with
gas at the rate of 12.5kgs-'. Determine the shaft power, the inlet tip
diameter and the gas angles at the root and tip sections of the first-stage
rotor. It may be assumed that the rotational speed is 5000rpm, the inlet
static conditions are 1150 K and 7 x lo5N m-*, the outlet static conditions
are 1.O5 x 10' N m P 2 and 750 K, the turbine rotor inner diameter is I m for
all stages, the reheat factor is 1.02, q, is 90%, the axial velocity is looms-I
in all stages, and all root sections are designed to the 5Ooh reaction principle.
For the combustion gas products n = 1.333 and C , = 1.145 x
lo3J k g - ' ~ - ' . For isentropic expansion across the turbine the gas laws give


703.36 K

from the 16th stage, thus

The static to static efficiency is

rlss =

458 - 0.896


180 Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow

reheat factor

number of stages x

per stage

32.6 x lo' J kg-'

Ahsentropic Per stage

overall Ahisentropic

Ahactuo,per stage = 32.6 x 0.878 = 28.62 x l0'J kg-'
At inlet to the stage

the annulus area is

and, since Dh = l m , Dti, = 1.034. Also, u h = 261.8rns-' and u ,
270.7 m s-l.
At the hub section reaction = 50%, u.hich gives

28.62 x 10' = 761.8 x AV,,

AV, = 105.73ms-'
The velocity triangles are shown in Fig. 5.16, from which

At the tip section, since V, x R = constant,

Vul = 177.73,

Vu2 = 75.48

/Il = 37.05".

p2 = 60.64

The shaft power is given by

shaft power = 1.145 x 10.' x Ah,c,u;ll x rim
= 1.145 x 10' x 28.62 x 10' x 0.9
= 29.49 MW
8.7 Exercises

8.1 A reaction steam turbine rotates at 1500 rpm and consumes steam at the
rate of 20000kgh-'. At a certain stage in the machine the steam is at


18 1


Figure 8.16 Axial flow gas turbine problem

velocity triangles.

a pressure of 0.4bar with a dryness fraction of 0.93, and the stage

develops 0.25MW. The axial velocity is 0.7 of the mean blade section
peripheral velocity and is constant through the stage. The reaction at
the mean radius is 50%, and the blade profiles are the same for both
rotor and stator blades with the outlet angles being at 20" to the peripheral direction. Determine the inlet annulus dimensions for this stage.
if the total losses are estimated to be 30h of the developed power.

8.2 A four-stage axial steam turbine is designed on the assumption of equal

loading per stage and a constant axial velocity through the machine.
with a mean diameter for all stages of 1.5m. A reaction of 50% was
used for each stage at the mean section with the nozzle angle at this

1 8 2 Axial turbines and compressors for compressible flow

diameter of 20" and a rotor blade inlet angle of 55" to the peripheral
direction. The design reheat factor was 1.04, the rotational speed
3000rpm. When tested under steam inlet conditions of 220 bar and
973K. the exhaust conditions were 0.5 bar and 373K. For these conditions calculate the steam mass flow rate, the diagram work, and the
overall efficiency. if the blade height at the last stage is 35 mm.
8.3 A 10-stage axial flow gas turbine is to run at 3000rpm when passing gas
at a mass flow rate of 70kgs-'. The gas is that normally produced by
hydrocarbon combustion. It is assumed that the blading is designed to
the 50% reaction concept at the mean diameter of 1.5 m. the diagram
output is to be 16.5 MW, the axial velocity of 100ms-' is constant
through the machine, and all stages are equally loaded. If the inlet
m-' and 1000 K for the first stage.
stagnation conditions are 7.5 x 1 0 ' ~
determine the annulus dimensions and the mean blade height velocity
diagrams. Assuming free vortex conditions across the leading and trailing edges determine the tip and hub velocity triangles and discuss
whether a constant section could be used. specifying which section
would be the most suitable.
8.4 The first stage of an axial flow compressor passing air has a huh: tip
ratio of 0.6, and V , = V , = 140ms-I. The rotational speed is
6000rprn. the temperature rise is 20C. and the Howell work done
factor is 0.925. The inlet stagnation conditions are 1.01 x 10'N m-' a n d
288K and the stage efficiency is 89%. Find for the flow condition that
the maximum value of Mach number (relative) is 0.95. the tip diameter.
the blade angles at the tip section. the mass flow rate. the stage pressure
ratio, and the blade angles at the root section.
8.5 A 12-stage axial flow compressor is to compress helium gas at the rate of
3.50 kgs-'. The overall pressure ratio is to be 3.75. the stages are equall!
loaded, the design efficiency is to be 85%. and the inlet stagnation
conditions are 5 bar and 350K. Determine for the fifth stage the h u b
diameter, the tip and hub velocity triangles, and the blade angles and
stagger angle at the tip section if the tip chord is 150mm and the
incidence angle is 2". It may be assumed that the rotational speed is
3000rprn, the tip diameter is 3.5 rn and constant through the machine.
the blading follows the free vortex principle and is 50% reaction in
design at the tip section, the axial velocity is 120ms-' and constant
through the machine, and circular arc camber lines have been used \vith
a radius of 500mm at the tip section.

Radial flow turbines

9.1 Introduction

The flow path in radial turbines may be centrifugal as in the Ljungstrom

design or, more commonly, centripetal as in most of the machines found in
both water power installations and in gas power generation plant. The two
types of flow path are illustrated in Figs 9.1-9.3.
The water turbine in Fig. 9.1 is a typical Francis design, and may be
installed vertically as shown o r horizontally depending on the station. The
head or level range applied to these machines at present is from 10 m to over
500m. the power developed ranging from lOkW to over 450MW. with
runners varying in diameter to well over 6 m . Some of these machines are
used in pumped storage schemes as will be described in Chapter 10. but do
not differ in essentials from those used purely for power generation.
The inward flow gas turbine in Fig. 9.2 may be used in turbochargers, in
small gas turbines, or as expanders in the cryogenic industry. They are
rugged in design and. particularly when fitted in turbochargers, may rotate
at speeds over 100000 rev min-'. Their flexibility in terms of flow range and
power range control is much less than the axial turbine designs, so they tend
only to be used for small power installations.
The outward flow machine is less common, but has been used to some
effect with steam as the large increase in specific volume is more easil!
allowed for. The Ljungstrom turbine (Fig. 9.3) is one example of this
design, and has been supplied to generate powers of up to 100MW, but is
offered for small inhouse generating plant delivering 10-35 MW typicall!.
and for pass-out turbine applications.
In the following sections these machines will be discussed in the order of
this introduction. with a worked example to assist understanding.
9.2 Water turbines

The early designs proposed by Francis were purely radial, with both guide
vanes and runner blades disposed in the radial plane, and with the rotor


Radial flow turbines

Figure 9.1 Typical Francis turbine.

Figure 9.2 Inward flow radial (IFR) turbine.

Water turbines




Figure 9.3 Outward How radial turbine

ha\.ing no shroud as in the Kaplan and propellor turbines. As heads and

pon.ers increased. the flow path became completely three dimensional, with
the runner passages being mixed flow as Fig. 9.1 indicates. The machine is
still known as the Francis turbine.
Francis machines are used for a wide range of level differences from 5 0 m
to \\.ell over 500m. which is into the Pelton impulse turbine range. Figure
9 . 1 shows how the elevational profile changes with specific speed. the lower
value bein? associated with the highest level drop through the turbine. Since
the flow path is three dimensional. the stream surfaces may be established in
an! of the \vays outlined in Chapter 5 . Some method like that discussed in
section 7.2 for the Kaplan is used to relate guide vane setting angles to the
runner inlet angles. and also the inlet and outlet angles of the rotor blades.
since there is a considerable curvature of the stream surfaces and of the
leading and trailing edges shown in Fig. 9.4. The shapes of both guide vanes
and runner blades follow the same principles as those in the axial turbines,
and the routine step by step method that may be used is well illustrated by
Kechleba (1957). T h e more recent computer-based approach is discussed
b!.. among others, Pollard (1973) and Chacour and Graybill (1977). The
house journals of the leading hydroelectric machinery manufacturers may
also be consulted for articles on the application of computer methods to
machines. .An example of this is the article by Dubas and Schuch (1987).
This details the advanced techniques used for analysing the pressure distribution and resulting stress levels in a Francis turbine runner, and predict the
probable vibration levels.
Since the only control method is by the use of the guide vanes, the
efficiency envelope is 'peaky', as Fig. 9.5 shows for o n e guide vane setting.


Radial flow turbines

Figure 9.4 Illustration of the typical Francis turbine runner shape: ( a ) for low
specific speeds; (b) for high specific speeds.

Flow rate
Figure 9.5 Efficiency envelope.

The envelope is not so wide as that of a Kaplan machine. but the maximum
efficiency compares very well, as Fig. 9.6 demonstrates.
Operating problems are discussed in the house journals and in such
journals as Water Power and Dam Construction. Typical of the former are

Water turbines





Specific speed

Figure 9.6 Comparison of the Francis and IFR efficiency envelopes.

papers by Grein and Staehle (1978). Anghern, Holler and Barp (1977) and
Grein and Bachmann (1976) who detail the development problems associated with these machines.
9.2.1 Francis turbine problem

Figure 9.7 illustrates a Francis turbine. When the angular velocity was
29.3rads-I and the flow rate was 12m3s-' the total energy at inlet to the
guide vanes was 5005 kg-', the pressure loss through the guide vanes was
estimated to be 0.3 x 10'Nm-'. the pressure loss through the runner
passages was estimated to be 0.15 x lo5 N m-'. and the pressure at inlet to
the runner was found to be 3.3 x 10'N m-'. The pressure at inlet t o the
draft tube was measured to be 0.86 x 1 0 ' ~ m - ~Estimate
the hydraulic
po\ver and the necessary setting angle for the guide tranes referred to the
tansential direction. if the hydraulic efficiency may be assumed to be 94%.
Draft tube inlet area = 1.25'14

1.227 m'. Therefore.

Energy levels through the flow path:

total energy at inlet to guide vanes
static energy at inlet to runner
static energy at inlet to draft tube


500 J kg-'
340 J kg-'
86 J kg-'

Applying the energy equation to the guide vane passages


Radial flow turbines

Figure 9.7 Francis turbine problem.

Similarly, across the runner,

330 -+ 1.5g = 86

x 10"
+ l g + 0.15103
++ work done

work done = 311 J kg-'

The hydraulic power = work done


mass flow

3.74MW. Since qhyd=

shaft power = 3.51 MW


Taking zero outlet whirl conditions, since u2 = 23.44m s-'

Vu2 = 14.11ms-'
The inlet velocity triangle becomes as shown in Fig. 9.8, and



Radial inflow gas turbine

Figure 9.8 \.&city


triangles for Francis turbine problem.

Using ths setting angle correction shown in Fig. 7.7,

a' = 20.49"
9.3 Radial inflow gas turbine

This machine. used extensively in turbochargers and in cryogenic appliations. is illustrated in Fig. 9.2. The flow path is centripetal, and unlike the
Francis design the majority of turbines have fixed geometry nozzles and
runners. the output being varied by altering gas flow rate in cryogenic
s!.stems and by controlling fuel rate in gas turbines. The machines are, like
the Francil; turbine. typically single stage. having a similar efficiency envelope. and are much used in low flow applications where their overall efficiency is better than the equivalent axial machine.
Typical idealized velocity triangles and h-s charts were discussed in
section 1 .-. as were the common efficiency definitions. The conventional 90"
inlet an$? for the rotor blades gives rise. when zero outlet whirl is assumed,
to large outlet angles in the exducer section (Fig. 9.9). The velocities also
tend to b t large. as the worked example that ends this section shows, and
this leads to one of the limiting considerations discussed in section 9.3.2.
Approaches to loss correlation and design criteria follow those outlined in
Chapter S for water turbines, and studies by Benson (1970) and by Rohlik
(1968) supplement the working formulae proposed by Balje (1981).
9.3.1 Nozzle systems

Two nozzle systems are available, guide vanes and a vaneless space. In the
former case the guide vane angle seems to be in the range 10-30". but there

190 Radial flow turbines

Figure 9.9 Sketch of an IFR turbine showing the twist in the esducer.

Figure 9.10 Effect of increasing guide vane throat area on the mass flow coefficient.

Radial inflow gas turbine


is need for correction t o allow for flow in the vaneless space between the
vanes and the rotor. as Knoerschild (1961) has discussed. T h e most important parameter is the throat area (the minimum area). and this is the approach used by turbocharger manufacturers. For example, Fig. 9.10 shows a
plot of pressure ratio to mass flow parameter for four nozzle areas: it is
typical, and indicates the way that the mass flow range of the machine is
affected by nozzle design and geometry. T h e way in which turbine and
compressor matching is carried out using changes in geometry in the nozzles
is discussed in a number of papers presented at an Institution of Mechanical
Engineers conference on T~trhocharggit~gheld in 1978, and the various
methods are well illustrated.
Where there are no vanes the flow follows the Archimedian spiral path
approximately. the direction being modified by real fluid effects, but the
height of the nozzle passage is used to control the area imposed on the gas
in the same way that the nozzle ring is manipulated. The smaller turbochargers use the vaneless designs as they are cheaper to produce. and give a
wider range of f o w s even though the efficiency is somewhat reduced.
9.3.2 Rotor geometry

Apart from the flow direction. the flow problems met are the same as those
found in centrifugal compressors. The blade angle at inlet is normally 90".
but s e c o n d a r flow is a problem as in the compressor (Fig. 9.11) so that
there is a balance needed between control and friction loss due to too many
vanes. Jarnieson (1955) Wallace (1958) and Hiett and Johnston (1964).
among others. have considered the choice of vane numbers. Jamieson suggested the minimum number to avoid flow reversal in the passages. and Fig.
9.12 is based on his correlation, suggesting the minimum number of vanes
against nozzle angle. Wallace used a more rigorous approach. and comments that more vanes are needed than Jamieson's minimum. Both approaches suggest a large number of vanes at the inlet. but flow blockage
considerations mean that only half the blades continue through the exducer.
the others stopping short as illustrated in radial compressors. Hiett and
Johnston (1963) reported tests on a rotor with a nozzle angle of 77" and a
12-blade rotor that gave a total to static efficiency of 84% measured at
optimum flow conditions. They found that doubling the number of blades
gave an improvement in efficiency of 1%. which suggests that the data of
Fig. 9.12 form a reasonable compromise.
Wood (1963). following the lead of Balje (1981). discussed the limits on
performance imposed by the flow conditions that resulted from the zero
outlet whirl design concept. H e argued that choking k ~ ~ occur
~ l when
maximum outlet relative velocity approached the local speed of sound.
Wood produced the plot (Fig. 9.13) of stagnation pressure ratio against a
two lines, one for a Mach number of unity and one
ratio ( V , / V ~ , )showing


Radial flow turbines

Need f o r more blades

at this radius

Figure 9.11 Need for flow control at inlet to an IFR rotor.

Nozzle angle ( x , )

Figure 9.12 Variation of blade number with nozzle angle (after Jarnieson, 1955).

for a more typical value of 0.7 which is better for use in machine design. The
velocity Vo is the so-called spouting velocity, defined as

V" = V\/[2Cp(T,,
- T"3SS)l


(the two temperatures are defined in Chapter 1). The plot is for air as the
working fluid, and an efficiency of 90% was assumed. but the principle is
well illustrated. It may be noted that this attempt at correlation is based on
the design condition of zero outlet whirl, and that there is very little in-

Radial inflow gas turbine



Figure 9.13 Correlation proposed by Wood (1963; courtes) of the American Societ!

Mechanical Engineers).

formation available on the probable effects for other flow conditions that
may occur.
It is not possible in this discussion to do anything but introduce the basic
theory of machines which are the essential component of modern high speed
turbochargers. A recent contribution to an analytical approach to optimizing
such turbines was written by Chen and Baines (1992). Using data and
techniques published earlier by their co-workers and others, they present an
optimization procedure for a preliminary design study which depends on the
proposition that minimum exit loss is associated with zero outlet whirl from
the rotor, and design proceeds from a specified loading coefficient.
9.3.3 Worked example

An inward flow radial gas turbine is provided with a nozzle ring designed to
give a nozzle angle of 25" to the tangent. The impeller diameter is 160mm,
the exducer maximum diameter is 115 mm and the hub : tip ratio at outlet is
0.2. The rotor vanes are radial at inlet, and the design was based on the
50% reaction concept. When running at 50000rev min-' the inlet stagnation
conditions were found to be 3.6 x lo5N m-' and 1100 K. Assuming a nozzle
efficiency of 93% a total to static efficiency of 82.5%. suggest the probable
mass flow rate, the exducer blade angles at root and tip. and the maximum


Radial flow turbines

Figure 9.14 Worked example - flow path

Figure 9.15 Worked example - velocitv triangle.

Mach number at outlet. It may be assumed that the axial velocity in the
outlet is 150111s-' ( C , = 1.145 x lo3J kg-').
The flow path is shown in Fig. 9.14. and it is assumed that there is zero
= N l . 1 m s-': 1d3 huh = 60.22 m s- .
outlet whirl: u2 = 418.9 m s-I; u3
Following the velocity triangle in Fig. 9.15 and assuming that there is no
deviation of flow from the radial direction. the velocity V2from the nozzle is
found from the equation

= ~(~"2c~AT*~t"~l)

From the triangle, V2 = 462.2 m s 1 and \If2 = 195.34 m s-' . Thus AT.,,,,,, =
100.31 K, and since 50% reaction applies the total temperature drop over
the turbine is 200.62 K. Therefore, since T,,, = 1100 K.

Kadial inflow gas turbine


Figure 9.16 (a) Tip triangle; (b) Hub triangle.

With isentropic expansion. following Fig. 1.26, (kik




For the exducer section. the velocity triangles are as in Fig. 9.16. Consider
the maximum diameter first: /I3 = 26.4S0 and W 3 = 336.39 m s-I. Since the
acoustic ~,elocityis

the rnaxlmum Mach number is 0.577.

For the hub d ~ a m e t e r/
.I;= 68" and W , = 161.64my-I.
The change in 1,'; along the exducer trailing edge is typical of the usual
twist in the vanes needed at the rotor outlet.


Radial flow turbines

9.4 Ljungstrom or radial outflow turbine

The working fluid in this machine is usually steam, which enters the centre
and then flows outward through rows of blades that are arranged so that
alternate rows rotate in opposite directions (Fig. 9.3). The two discs each
drive an alternator. The arrangement offers a compact design of short
length, but because of overhang problems has not been developed to
provide the large powers that the axial machines currently deliver. The
principles and practice of the design are covered by Kearton (1958) and a
simplified discussion only will be given here.
If it is assumed that all blades have the same profile, camber and spacing,
apart from the first and last rows, that the velocity ratio is the same for all
rows, and that the clearance radially between the rows is neglected, a simple
outline of theory may be attempted. Consider the three ro\vs shown in Fig.
9.17, and the velocity triangles that are also drawn there. The inlet triangle
is based upon the assumption that there is zero inlet whirl. and the others
have been drawn using the assumptions just stated. The triangles have been
drawn with the blades in the manner shown to emphasize the interrelations.

Ring 2
W2 in

Figure 9.17 Build-up of velocity triangles for three rings of moving blades in a
Ljungstrom-type machine.



Appyling the Euler equation for the first row, the energy change, since
Vuo is zero. is
gH1 = UlVU1

For the second row the energy change is

Similarly. for the third row.

and for each succeeding row up to row n,

gHt, = UnVun

+ Un-1Vun-1

The sum of all the energy transfers is the total energy change from inlet to
outlet. If the energy transfer for a stage for maximum utilization is considered, it can be shown that this condition is met for a radial stage when
UIW = cosa12 and gH (maximum) = 2 u 2 , which is the same as for an
impulse machine of the axial type. This demonstrates that, whereas two
rows of blades are needed in an impulse axial turbine, only one is needed in
the Ljungstrom machine.
Early designs were only provided with a radial path, with the height of the
blade roivs increasing with radius. However, with high superheat available.
modern designs are provided with one or two stages of axially disposed
blades at the maximum radius of the discs. A number of machines of up to
60MW were installed by the UK Central Electricity Generating Board, but
present designs offered by a number of companies appear to be of a size
tailored to in-house generating plant for large factory sites; typical powers
having been outlined in the introduction to this chapter. Kearton describes
the ingenious techniques used to attach blade rows and allow for lateral and
radial relative expansion and for the very long blades needed at outlet with
radial stress and movement.
9.5 Exercises

9.1 A mixed flow water turbine of the Francis type installed with its axis
vertical. is to rotate at 18rad SKI. Estimate the power developed and the
overall hydraulic efficiency of the machine given the following information relating to dimensions and flow losses.
Guide vanes: discharge angle 20" to the tangential direction elevation
of mean passage height above tailwater level 4 m.
Runner: inlet diameter 3300mm, mean outlet diameter 2150mm.
blade inlet and outlet angles referred to the tangential direction are
85" and 25", respectively. inlet flow area 3 m2 outlet flow area 3.1 m'.

198 Radial flow turbines

Draft tube: inlet 3.25 m above tailwater level, outlet area 11.5 m'.
Tests at the duty flow rate indicate that losses related to velocity
were: guide vane loss, 0.05 x outlet absolute velocity energy; runner
loss, 0.2 x outlet relative velocity energy; draft tube loss, 0.5 x inlet
absolute velocity energy.

9.2 An inward radial flow gas turbine has been designed on the 50%
reaction principle to give lOOkW at 50000rpm when the inlet gas
stagnation pressure was 3 x 1 0 5 ~ m - *and the stagnation temperature
at inlet was 850K. When on test at the specified power the stagnation
outlet temperature was found to be 670K and the nozzle efficiency and
total to static efficiencies were calculated to be 97% and 86'10, respectively, and there was zero inlet whirl. The rotor outer diameter was
165 mm, the rotor blades were radial at inlet. the mean diameter of the
nozzle throats was 175 rnm, the passages 30 mm high and the blockage
due to the blades was 15%.
Determine for the conditions stated (a) the gas mass flow rate. and
(b) if the axial velocity at outlet is measured as 300ms-' find the outlet
tip Mach number based on the relative velocity.
9.3 An inward flow gas turbine designed for the 50% reaction case is
provided with a 150mm rotor and is to rotate at 50000rpm. The nozzle
guide vane outlet angle is 35" referred to the tangential direction and the
rotor blades are radial at inlet.
When operating at the design point flow rate of 0.56 k g s ' the inlet
stagnation conditions were 3 x 10'Nm-' and 850K, and the nozzle
and total to static efficiencies were calculated to be 97% and 83%,
For this operating condition, assuming zero outlet whirl, estimate the
diagram power, the outlet pressure and temperature and the necessary
nozzle guide vane peripheral throat area.
9.4 An inward flow gas turbine is provided with a vaneless casing and a
rotor that is 150mm in diameter. The outlet section has an outer
diameter of 105 mm and a hub: tip ratio of 0.25. The design approach is
to use 50% reaction, and the blades on the rotor are radial at inlet.
When delivering 120kW at 50000rpm the casing inlet stagnation con~ 1000K. If the inlet casing 'nozzle'
ditions were 3.5 x 1 0 ' ~ m - and
efficiency is assumed to be 93%, the total to static efficiency is 83% and
the shaft mechanical efficiency is 80%, suggest the exducer angles at the
tip and hub sections and the maximum Mach number at outlet. Assume
that that the inlet casing delivers the gas to the rotor at an average angle
of 35" referred to the tangential direction. If a zero reaction design
approach is used with the geometry nozzle velocity and power output



Figure 9.18 Exercise 9.5.

quoted above. suggest the effect o n the exducer section angles and gas
flow through the rotor.
Figure 9.18 shows part of the longitudinal section of a reversible
pump-turbine in a hydroelectric station. When pumping. the unit
delivers 73m'sp' under an entry head of 318m when rotating at
~ ~ 3 r p with
n i an efficiency of 88.5%.
When generating, the flow is to be 76.5m3s-' with an efficiency of
93.5%. The draft tube efficiency when turbining is 80% and when
pumping the friction factor f in the formula gH = 3 ~ L V ' ~may
D be
assumed to be 0.005, V being the mean between the inlet and outlet
draft velocities. and the diameter D the mean of the inlet and outlet
Determine the minimum pressure at inlet to the draft tube in Nm-'
and suggest the value of the Thoma cavitation parameter for this
If a tenth-scale model is used to study performance suggest, when
operated in the pumping mode. the flow rate. head rise. and power
required. if the model speed is limited to 3000rpm.

Figure 9.19 illustrates a Francis turbine installation. When commissioned the machine was supplied with a total head above atmospheric level of l0Om in the spiral casing, the runner speed was
29.3 rads-' and the generated power was 50MW. The computed 'wire
to ~vater'efficiency was 90%. Determine the flow rate, and the pressure
at inlet to the runner and the draft tube.


Radial flow turbines

Figure 9.19 Exercise 9.6

It may be assumed that the draft tube efficiency is 83% and there is
zero inlet whirl, the guide vane setting relative t o the tangential direction is 25", and the loss through the guide vanes is estimated t o be 0.06
x absolute kinetic energy at inlet to the runner.

Special machine

10.1 Introduction

This concluding chapter discusses the effects of viscosity change, of fluid

properties, and of gas content on the operation of pumps, the ways in which
output control of machines can be achieved, the steady state interaction
between pumps and systems, and the hydraulic problems to be solved in
pumped-storage systems.

10.2 Problems involved in special pumping applications

1 0 . 2 . 1 Gas suspension problems

Pumps find difficulty in coping with gas in suspensions and tend to vapour
lock and cease to pump when gas fills up the suction area. Merry (1976)
illustrates the effect on pump performance of air in measured quantities,
and the dramatic effect on the curves is clearly demonstrated. A general rule
often followed is that if air is present in a proportion above about 10% the
pump performance is unacceptable. In the process industries. problems arise
in plant when the pump is shut down for a period and heat soaks from the
pump case into the fluid. The local temperature rises t o a level that causes
vaporization and a local pocket of gas forms; this causes the effect known as
vapour locking, and the pump will not pump. Cooling passages in the pump
casing are usually provided to avoid the problem with those chemicals
susceptible to this problem. In other cases provision is made to ensure that
fluid is not retained in the casing.
Where, as part of the system operation there is a risk of air ingestion, as
in site water-level maintenance pumping equipment, for instance, special
provision is made to ensure that air is evacuated from the pump, continuously if necessary. Arrangements which d o this are known as priming systems, and are of various types. The simplest consists of a tank in the suction


Special machine applications

line, and the pump draws from its bottom, so if flow is stopped enough
liquid is retained in the tank to allow the pump to attain its normal suction
pressure and thus stimulate flow from the suction source. More sophisticated
designs have a special pump casing, with a large chamber in the suction zone
which retains liquid. This liquid is drawn into the impeller on start-up and is
delivered to the volute from where it recirculates, after giving up entrained
gas, to the suction to entrain gas from the empty suction line, and then
passes through the impeller. This process goes on until the suction line is full
of liquid (the pump is primed) and the pump gives a normal delivery flow
rate. There are a number of patented recirculation systems, described by
Rachmann (1967), and reference to this contribution and to pump handbooks may be made for more detail. These types are called self-priming as
they rely on the dynamic action of the impeller.
A special pump design which is inherently self-priming is the regenerative
pump (Fig. 10.1). The rotor has radial channels machined in opposing faces,
and the casing has channels provided as can be seen. Flow spirals in a
manner similar to the fluid flywheel. The pump as applied to bilge pumping
aboard ship is an example of self-priming action. Papers by Burton (1966),
Yamasaki and Tomita (1971) and Tomita, Yamasaki and Sasahara (1973)
may be consulted for further reading.
For many years contractors' pumps have been provided with external
priming systems. Typically the diesel engine driving the pump provides air
extraction through its exhaust manifold. A cut-off valve operates when the


Figure 10.1 Typical regenerative pump.

Problem, involved


special pumping application, 2 0 3

pump is primed, preventing water ingress to the engine. Jet pump extraction
systems are used and, in vehicle-mounted fire pumps. liquid ring pumps
(Fig. 10.2) are used to provide prime.

10.2.2 Liquid-solid suspension pumping

Gravel. limestone. coal and power station ash are now pumped as a suspension in water over considerable distances. In addition, sewage and chemical
suspensions need to be pumped. Some of the solids are aggressive and some
of the liquids are corrosive, so that pump parts need to be able to resist
abrasion. corrosion and erosion. The pump designer has therefore to
provide for wear, to give a suitable service life and an additional problem is
to design to a\zoid blockage.
Figure 10.3 illustrates typical solids handling impellers designed to avoid
blockage: if a solid mass can get into the impeller it will pass through.
Typical centrifugal machines are similar to clean-water pumps but. with the
special impellers mentioned. the provision of easy access (split casings) and
easily replaced casing components in areas of high wear. A special type of
machine (the 'Egger' Turo design) with a recessed impeller is shmvn in Fig.

Pumps may be constructed of 'Ni-hard' or of chromium-molybdenum

cast iron. Lvhich can be hardened after machining for longer life. Linings of
rubber. nylon. polyurethane and more exotic materials have been used. but
thc C O I I S ~ I I S U S appears to be that they are not often cost effecti1.e. so that
metallic materials tend to he favoured. Ceramic sleeves are used in some
d e s i p s to protect the shaft from abrasion under the seals. and give good
ier\%x: the material is not suitable in moving parts owing to its brittle
Keierttnce may he made t o contributions by Burgess and Reizes (1976).
Odro\\x-PieniazcEr (1979). Ahmad, Goulas and Baker (1981). Willis and
Truscott (1976) and Bain and Bonnington (1970) for background information. For current developments the continuing series of hydro-transport
conferences may be consulted.
10.2.3 Effect ot viscosity change

The discussions in previous chapters have been devoted to fluids that have
\,iscosities similar to that of water. Figure 10.5 illustrates the fall-off in
efficiency and pressure rise as viscosities increase. The rapid fall-off in
efficiency begins when kinematic viscosities exceed 100 centistokes. This
effect arises due to increased friction. so that as well as the loss in performance there is a heating effect that can have undesirable effects on the seal

Figure 10.3 Range of sol~ds-handlingimpellers

Figure 10.1 Egger type wlids-handling pump


Special machine applications

Increased viscosity

Figure 10.5 Effect of viscosity change on constant speed centrifugal pump charactsr-

istic hehaviour.
10.3 Pumped storage systems

The size of the generating units supplying electricity grid systems has
steadily increased in the pursuit of efficiency, so that the base load is now
being supplied in the UK by a few large stations. some of which are nuclear.
The efficiency of these units is high, but the fuel burn of a thermal station is
higher at half load than at full load. so that it is not economical to run at
anything but full load. This poses problems for the grid control and planning
engineers, for as Fig. 10.6 shows, the grid demand varies throughout the day
from very low levels during the night period t o two peak periods during the
normal day. There is an additional problem posed by sudden changes in
demand, such as those resulting from sudden drops in ambient temperature
or from surges in consumption at the end of popular T V programme$.
Keeping plant in spinning reserve to respond is expensive, and response is
slow due to the need to avoid thermal shock. O n e solution to the problem is
the installation of pumped storage hydroelectric plant, where power from
the grid at times of low demand is used t o pump water into high-letel
storage reservoirs, which is then allowed to flow through turbines at time of
peak loading o n the grid. Two advantages a r e offered - fast response to
demand, and the use of off-peak electricity t o provide storage capacity.



Figure 10.6 Typical load variation on the National Grid over 24 hour,

Early installations used the four-machine layout, that is. .i turbine. an

alternator. a pump and a motor: both hydraulic machines \\.ere ~irrangedto
run at the optimum efficiency. hlany plants have been used \!~th very high
level differences. so that multistage pumps provide storage. and Francis or
Pelton turbines absorb the w.ater power available. More recently threemachine layouts ha1.e been used. both vertical and horizonriil ~nstallations
being employed. \vith a single-electrical machine doubling as Lilternator and
motor. and using separate turbine and pump machines. Typis,il of these is
the station at Blaenau Ffestinniog in North Wales. pro\,ided n ~ t ha Friincis
turbine designed to give about 79 MW and a multistage pump 10 lift water to
a storage reservoir about 300 m above the lower lake. This rn~ichincstring is
vertical. with the pump belo\\. the turbine for cavitation wbmergenct.
reasons: a coupling is installed that allows the turbine t o generate without
having the drag of the pump. \vhich is dewatered and filled nith air during
the po\\,er generation c!cle. In other sets the pump is al\i:i!.; run in air
during the generation phase. but in some not disconnected. Other sets are
horizontal. For example. the machines at Vianden. which form phase one of
the station. are placed with the electrical machine bet\veen thf turbine and
the pump. and a small Pelton turbine is provided to reduce electrical loading
during the start-up period. The operating sequence is sho\vn In Fig. 10.7.
Alternative machine layouts are illustrated in Fig. 10.8. As can be seen.
the t\vo-machine arrangement permits lower excavation c ~ ~ s tand
expensi\.e machinery because only one hydraulic unit is uwd. Extra electrical equipment is needed: a phase changer is required to ch'inge over the
direction of the turbine-pump when moving from the pumping mode to the
generating mode. There is a compromise required between efticiency when
pumping or turbining. and a number of studies have been published on the
problem. T h e pump-turbine. when generating, has a lower efticiency than a

Con~mentson output control of rotatrng mdchrne5


Figure 10.8 A comparison o f the machine layouts for pumped storage stations: (a)
two-machine s y t t m - pump plus turbine; (b) pump which operates in reverse as a
turbine: ( c ) turhiriz which operates as a pump - the usual single hydraulic unit system

Francis machine under the same level drop and peak efficiency occurs at a
lower value of pressure coefficient but the efficiency ranges being comparable. The condition for this is that the machine was designed as a turbine
but capable of being run as a pump. A machine designed as a pump but run
as a turbine has about the same turbine efficiency as the reversible machine
just discussed but a very restricted range of effective operation, and tends
only to be used for high level change applications where several pump stages
are required. I n practice there is a choice of the ratio of pumping and
turbining flow rates to optimize the operation in both modes, and this is
linked lvith grid loading patterns to accommodate economically the periods
of peak and low demand. A good discussion of this and related problems
will be found in Meier (1966) Meier et al. (1971) and Muhlemann (1972).
The Biannual proceedings of the International Association for Hydraulic
Research ( I A H R ) section for hydraulic machines, cavitation and equipment
may be consulted for up-to-date information.

10.4 Comments on output control of rotating machines

Turbines. whether water, gas or steam driven, are used to a large extent to
generate power at a constant speed because of the need for frequency
control. hlarine propulsion units. and those used for some forms of traction
drives, work over a range of running speeds. T h e control of steam and gas
turbines is achieved either by fuel scheduling o r by suitable combinations of
valve settings. Water turbines use guide vane control, and in Kaplan


Special machine applications

Whirl in direction of u

Figure 10.9 Effect of inlet whirl on the inlet triangle for a pump

machines finer control is provided by the use of variable settings of the

runner blades, as has already been outlined in Chapters 8 and 9.
Output control of compressors and blowers can be provided by speed
control or variable stator o r rotor geometry. Speed control is the simplest.
particularly if the machine is large and driven by a steam turbine. but the
drive is expensive if a thyristor-controlled AC motor is used o r if a Ward
Leonard DC set is fitted. The alternative systems, however, make the
compressor more expensive, though stator control can give good control
without a large penalty in efficiency loss over a range of flows down to about
60% of the design value. Variable rotor-blade geometry can give good
control over a wider range of flows, down t o perhaps 30% of design. but at
much greater expense and complication since the control system needs to
provide a connection between the static actuator and the rotating assembly.
Pumps and fans may be simply controlled by using valves in the outlet
system, but at the expense of power since this method creates control by
increasing pressure loss. Stepannof (1957a) surveyed the problem and
demonstrated that such machines ma!. effectively be controlled. with
significant power savings, by using variable geometry inlet guide vanes.
Figure 10.9 illustrates how varying the vane angles affects the inlet velocity
triangles, the important vector being the inlet whirl component of the
absolute velocity. The Euler equation (1.1) states that

The zero inlet whirl 'design' condition suppresses the second term on the
right-hand side of the equation, and if the whirl component is in the opposite direction to rotation (prewhirl) the result in the equation is to in-

Comments on output control


rotating machines


System curves

Machine at
constant speed

'Matching' or
operating points

Figure 10.10 Sketch of pumped system curves superimposed on the constant speed
curve for a centrifugal pump.

crease the energy rise. since the u , V U 1term changes its sign and adds to the
other part of the equation. There is also a small change in axial velocity. as
can be seen from the figure. If. on the other hand, the whirl component is in
the same direction as the peripheral velocity the effect is to reduce the
energy rise with a small reduction in flow rate. Stepannof demonstrated for
a fan that a vane movement of 53" from the neutral position, producins
whirl in the direction of rotation. reduced flow to 70% of the design value
and the power to about 70% of the rated level.
Flow control in fan-supplied systems leading to energy savings was
considered by Woods-Ballard (1982). He showed that a fixed-output fan
may cost 1200 and an inverter motor drive for speed control would cost
4500 involving a payback time of 2.6 years in terms of the saved energy
costs at 1982 prices. The cost of an inlet guide vane system could be of the
order of 1750 with a payback time of about 1.3 years. The application was
a variable air-volume type of air conditioning system, and indicates the
order of relative costs involved when choosing the best method of providing
variable flow rate and energy input.
Similar considerations apply for pumps, though most are driven at
constant speed. so that changes in system resistance illustrated in Fig. 10.10
are achieved by valving in the discharge line to bring the crossover point to
the level needed. Larger pumps. for example boiler feed pumps, tend to be
driven by steam turbines, and output control is provided with variablegeometry rotor blading where the economics allow for the extra first costs.


to exercises

1.1 See Fig. A.1.

From inlet A , VR, = V1 = 5.89 m s-', therefore

Q = 5.89 x 0.049 x


x 0.075


gHE = 23.96 vu2, vu2 from outlet A = 21.45ms-' (since V R 1 =

1.15 m s-') and gHE = 513.91 J kg-'. Therefore
Ap = 513.91 x 10' = 5.139 x l 0 ' ~ m ~ '

Hydraulic power = pQ x gHE = 34.95 kW.

Figure A.1 Solution 1.1.


Figure A.2 Solution 1.2


Figure A.3 Solution 1.4

1.2 See Fig. A.Z.

Mean diameter = 1.125 m. therefore u,, = 25.31 m s-'
From the outlet triangles. V,, = 3.865 m s-I. therefore

1.3 From Exercise 1.2 V , = 1 0 m s - I , so that

1.4 See Fig. A.3

21 3



Figure A.4 Solution 1.5



5 x 103/l.2 = 11675kg-' = 151.81 V,,,

Vu2 = 27.44 m s-'


19.91". /& = 23.85" and


4167 x 145.14 x 1.2 = 11.726MW

1.5 See Fig. A.4.

(9 = 45rads-I. U,,, = 33.75ms-I, tihuh
= l3.95ms-I. U ,,,
23.85 ms-' and gH = 8 x g. Thfrsfore

72.2 = 23.85 VuI, therefore V , , = 3.03 ms-I. ;i,= 25.66". /iZ= 22.75",
flow rate = 14.65 m3 s-'.
Electrical power



2.1 80% of design speed = 185 x 0.S

1 8 5 ~ " 148D3'

x 14.65 x 10' x 0.95

148 rad s-

therefor? Q



21 5

At 185 rad s-'

At 148 rad s-I

H = ( 2 9 0 0 ~ 0 . 0 3 ) ~ "= 73.54 m per stage

number of stages = -= 11.15 (i.e. 12 stages)

37.5 x lo6 - 15 x 10'
90' x D p 2 = Nrn2Drn2
1 0 ~ 2 0 ~ 0 ~ 1" 0 ' ~ m ' ~ r n '

P1 = 37.5MW, H1 = 1 8 m , q l = 0.93. NI = 9 0 r p m , H 2 = 6 m , P2
45 kW and t l , = 0.93.



( g ~ ) -~ ' ~

= ----- -



are all valid if losses are neglected (implied by 11, = q2). Then,

N2 = 658 rpm

2.5 D , / D ,

= 3:

1 , N , = 1450rpm, Q l = 5m3s-l, Ap, = 450 and



From tables, v, = 14.5 mm2s-' and v2 = 16mm2s-'. Since Re must be

the same (for dynamic similarity), then
N2 X l2
1450 x 32 -14.5
16 '

Nz = 14400 rpm


Q2 = 1.839 m3s-',


4 . 3 8 m-2

To find rl2, use equation (2.10):



= 78.5% and

2.6 Pi = 100MW output, therefore hydraulic power full size

108.696 MW. The full size flow rate is given by
Q = 554m3s-'
108.696 x 10" = 20g x Q x lo3,



- const,

Solving gives D2 = 0.399 m and N?

Using the Hutton formula for tiz

Since R,

= c r , ~ ) ~ / i ~ and

If alr






821.92 rpm.

same for both machines,


0.9 x loi x 5g x 0.8757 = 38.66kW

used as the flow medium in modelling

I ~ , , ~ ~ ,=

lgdlr =

1 mm' s-' at 20 "C

17 mm2S - I at 20 "C and 1 bar

If Re is to be the same. then

Clearly this will pose stress problems, so one solution could be to follow
other similarity laws, including characteristic number and to correct for
efficiency variation.
2.7 For dynamic similarity

For helium

From tables, phelium

= 20.8 X 10-'kg m-I s-I , pheliuln
= 0.1626 kg m-3,
= 1S68 x lo-' m2s-I and pal, = 1.16 kg


1.51 = 12



Therefore ma,, = 3228.2 kg h-'

from which N is 1115.2rpm. But R E should also be constant since

Clearly, both criteria for N cannot he satisfied! One approach would be

to test at 1115.2rpm and correct power (efficiency) by using R E corrections. Clearly there are problems when modelling using air.
2.8 Again, as for Exercise 2.7


- will

be the same in both cases


Therefore N = 25 662.5 rpm and

mv(2.291 x 660)
1.4 x 10"'


1 ljd(0.287 X 288)
10 x 10'D2

3.1 Vapour pressure head from Fig. 3.8 = 0.345 m: therefore, vapour pressure energy = 3.385 5 kg-'.
m-2 total energy at the pump is
Since atmospheric pressure = 1 0 ' ~

Now, NPSE* = 37.55 - 3.385 = 34.1655kg-' (or NPSHA = 3.48m of

water). If atmospheric pressure falls to 0.85 x 1 0 ' ~ m - ' , then

19.165 kg-'

(NPSHA = 1.95 m of water)

3.2. Vapour pressure energy = 3.385 J kg-'

Cusr ( N ) . Total energy at pump is


89.24 - 3.385 = 85.865 kg-'

( N P S H , = 8.75 m of water)

C'usc ( 0/


11.81 m of water)

3.3 If the tank is at vapour pressure NPSEA = 5.5g - 50

and if free surface is at 3.5 bar gauge, then



+ 0.95
0.56 x


157.51 J kg-'

3.9555 kg-'.

x 10'
+ 3.5 x 10" - 50 - 3.59
lo3 0.56 x lo3
0.56 x lo3
(NPSH, = 16.06 m of butane)

3.59 x los
3.59 x 10'
- loss - 10 5 kg-'
0.56 x lo3 loss = 29.245 kg-'



+ 0.56 x



Figure A S Solution 6.1.

3.6 For the pump

From Fig. 3.9, a

0.07, therefore

N P S E , = -Xg

+ 72.65J kg-'

and, in the limit.

44.34 = -Xg + 71.65
X = 2.9m suction lift
6.1 C, = 5.193 k~ k g - ' ~ - ' and R = 8.3143 1.003 2.077 k~ kg-' K-'.

Figure A.5 shows the inlet velocity diagram and V,, = 3.32msC1,VA =
63.34 m s f ' , V , = 63.43 m s-' and W , = 126.86 m s-I. Therefore


Therefore M,,,,


= 0.124 at A , outside diameter = 0.25 and

24 000 x

u2 = -X



Using Stanitz for slip (any of those quoted could be used)


and T0,IT,,,





\v =

183.26radsp'. thus

183.76 x 0.1 = 73.3ms-I

u,, = 32.07ms-I.

VR2 = 0.8171 X 0.8

u , , = 18.33ms-'



Theoretical Vu2 = 64.2m s-'. An estimate of 'slip' is needed for which a

simple formula is

Assuming zero inlet whirl V,, = 0

considering the inlet annulus, flow through one inlet = 0.4 m3 s-',



Figure A.6 Solution 6.2.

Thus at A , with V,,

0, the velocity triangles are (Fig. A.6(a))

plA = 10.9O.

BIB = 18.6'

If 5 ms-' swirl is imposed in the direction of rotation, the velocity

triangles are now (Fig. A.6(b))

(The incidence at A is tolerable. but that at B could lead to flow

If point A is considered

gHE = 4580

- 5 X 32.07 = 4424 J kg-'

Thus energy rise reduction = 156J kg-'.

6.3 w = 30000 x nI30

3141.6rads-', therefore

u,,, = 0.27 X 3141.612 = 424.1111s-'

Using Stanitz




Using the simple assumption that po3 = p , , ~= 3.76 x 1 0 ' ~ m ~and.

4nce eight blades 3 mrn thick are used, the impeller peripheral flow area
15 reduced to 0.021 m'
VRz = 4.510.021/1


Since the only design data available is that Mtz is not to exceed 0.95. it is
necessary to assume a value of VR2 = l o o m s - I . Also, since V , =
-333.5 m s - '

Applying the


/ I , = 1.23 x 10'1287 x 308.56 = 1.39 kg rn-':

This gives I/,?,

from equation ( A . l ) as 153 rn s-I. Assuming I/,, =
173ms-I. thi, yields V1 = 3 6 4 m s - ' , T2 = 365.4K. p1 = 2.32 x
10i N m--'and p2 = 2.12 kg m-', which compares with p, from equation
( A .I ) o f 1.321 kg m-'. The iteration ceases, and VRI is 175 m s-I.
Considering the diffuser
319.2 x 270
Vu3 =
(free vortex law)


The C,, approach does not reflect the true changes since both p and
\.ary with temperature.


6 . 1 At design, zero inlet whirl is assumed allowing for blade blockage. the
flow area at outlet normal to flow = 7.455 x 1Op'm7. Therefore





Figure A.7 Solution 6.4.

From the velocity triangle (Fig. A.7)

gHE = 27.66

37.96 = 1049.9 J kg-'

A slip allowance is needed. In this example Karassik's formula is used.

which gives

= 0.65.
gHE (corrected)

vu2= 18.04

648.9 J kg-'

Since the pump is of conventional design, qH will be used to get gHacCuLi.

Using gH = gHcorrCcted
the characteristic number k = 0.37. From Fig.
2.6 t1 = 0.73 and, assuming a mechanical efficiency of 95% i l h y d r a u i 1 ~
= 76%.
Recalculating k using 5 2 0 kg-'
yields k = 0.43. giving a slightly
lower qH of 75%, q = 71.25% and g H = 514 J kg.'. Therefore

= 0.75. Therefore.
Turning to the diffuser and using Fig. 6.23, qdiffuser

actual - = -(v: - v:)
Since V2 = 7.03, Vu2 = 5.95, Vu3 = 3.72 and V,
vortex principle). This gives
- --

~ ( 7 . 0 -3 4.332)

4.33 (using the free

11.5 J k g 1 = extra generated pressure.

6.5 Q = 150/3600 = 0.0417 m3 s-'.

The rotational speed is not specified, but since the pump is not of a



special type, a typical rotational speed would be 1450rpm on a 50 kHz

supply. Thus,

Since the suction pressure is 0.85 X 10'N mP2 the outlet pressure =
2.2794 x 1 0 ' ~ m - ' .
As the discussion in Section 6.6 indicates there are a number of
solutions available, and here for illustration it will be assumed that the
outlet pressure applies to the back plate and shroud down to the wear
ring. Suction pressure applies to the area inside the wear ring diameter.
Area subjected to outlet pressure = n14(0.14' - 0.065') = 0.0121 m'.
Area subjected to suction pressure = n/4(0.14)', therefore
axial thrust


2.2794 x lo5 x 0.0121 - 0.85 x 10% 0.0154

1450N due to pressure

Force due to atmospheric pressure of shaft end = 10' x n13(0.065)'

331.83N. Total end thrust = 1781.83N.

6.6 In the plenum Pol= 1.25 x 10%m-'.

radius in the inlet

Tol= 300K. At maximum

For zero inlet whirl

W l = 0.85V'(1.5




Solution of equations (A.2)-(A.4) yields:



and from the gas laws pl

1.063 x lo5N m-'. This gives

pl = 1 . 2 9 k ~ m - ~
m = 1.29 X 165.3 X 7 ~ / 4 ( 0 . 3-~0.1') = 13.43kgs-'

Turning now to the outlet diameter of the impeller

u2 = 0.3

1575 = 472.5111s-'

Using Stanitz,

472.5 x 394.54 = 1.005 x 1 0 % ~

AT = 185.5"C

7.1 Power output = 0.75 MW. therefore

hydraulic power =

0.75 x 10'
0.955 x 0.92 x 0.97

= 0.88 MW

Since head = 2.5 rn

Assuming hub:tip ratio = 0.4, then D H = 2 m and



= 7.15 x 512 = 17.875ms-'

UH =


7.15 x 212 = 7. l j r n s-I

= 2.5g x 0.92 = 22.565 kg-'

Therefore, at the tip section,

22.56 = 17.875 Vul(Vu2= 0),

V u l = 1.262rns-I

Figure A.8 Solution 7.1

From Fig. A.X(a); &

!, = 7", [jl = 7.53", /I,= 7.265" (p,,, = ( f i , + p1)12).
( 1 , = 60. l o .
Using Clark 'Y' data (Fig. 4.8). C,_ (optimum) = 0.q- at a = 5.5'.
ivhich gives
22.56 =
x 0.97 x - cosec 7.205
2 x 17.875
cis = 0.149.

sic = 6.67

At the hub section (Fig. A.8(b)) V , ,

and p,, = 22.93". Therefore
22.56 =

Assuming hlc

3 and c,,,

3.195. /Il = 28.-9'. [j2 = 17.07"

x 0.97 x - cosec 22.43
2 x 7.15

1.513 = 0.5 m then

s = 0.866 x 0.5 = 0.43m

n X 2
z=-- 14.6 (i.e. 15 blades)

228 Appendix

Figure A.9 Solution 7.2.

to give s = 0.42 and chub= 0.482m.

At the tip section

Stagger angles are shown in Figs A.8(c) and (d)

7.2 Since Q = 4m3s-' and VA = 15 ms-', the flow area = 4115 = 0.267 m2.
If the hub:tip ratio = 0.5 then DT = 0.673. Rounding: DT = 700mm.
DH = 350mm and VA = 13.86 m s-I.
Since Ap = 175 N m-2, gH = 175112 and

Since w = 1450 x ~ 1 3 0 U, H = 26.6ms-' and u~

inlet whirl is assumed).

53.15 m s-' (zero


162.1 rnrn

At the tip section VU2 = 3.66 and (Fig. A.9(a))

15.65" and 3/, = 15.14". Thus

= 14.62".


= 27.5z0,
Similarly, for the hub section, VU2= 7.31 and (Fig. A.9(b)) /I,

a = 35.7" and /3, = 31.61". This gives

230 Appendix

Since the deflections are very small, flat plate data can be used at the
tip, and at the hub a cambered plate. Assuming a camber of 4%,
maximum - is at a

4" and CL = 0.8


Since h = 175 mm if blc = 311, c = 60mm. This gives shub = 0.087 and
Z = 12.64 = 13 blades.
At the tip, CL = 0.4, slc = 2.903 and Cti, = 0.76m. For the tip
section, Fig. A.9(c) shows y = 71.35" while, for the hub section, Fig.
A.9(d) shows ;, = 62.48" with a camber radius of 162.1mm.
Comment: A constant section may be possible, with a 2% camber at
the hub.

Hub spacing

n x 2.5
-- 0.654


Ic/slhuh= 0.765

(CL = 0.96 at CL/CDmax @ 5" a )

In Fig. A.lO(a)


= 24.75, and

p2 = 20.83". Now

So that /Il = 28.67", V,, = 2.72ms-' and

g H E = 2.72

8.9375 = 24.3 J kg-'

Hydraulic power = 50 x 10% 24.3

Shaft power

1.22 x 0.92

90 -




= 23.67" = setting angle in Fig. A.lO(b)

y = 66.33"



Figure A.10 Solution 7.3

7.4 Electrical output

Hydraulic power


15 MW
:x 11 x 500 x 10-'

53.955 hl\\'


g H E = 11 g X 0.896 = 96.69 J kg-'

= u , V,,, since Vu2 = 0

V,,,,, 3.53ms-' and V,


From the tip velocit!. diagram (Fig. A . l l ( a ) ) . /?, = 25.5" and

2.54". Assuming the free vortex rule applies.

/j2 =



Figure A . l l Solution 7.4.

From the hub velocity diagram (Fig. A . l l ( b ) ) , /I,

= 92.8" and /j2
-19.86". For the draft tube

inlet area = TI g2i4 = 50.27m2

outlet area = 1.5 x 50.27 = 75.4rn2
Therefore the inlet velocity is 9.95ms-' and the outlet velocity is
6.63111s-'. Theoretical draft tube regain = 'h(9.95' - 6.632) =
27.52 J kgp'; actual regain = 0.8 x 27.52 = 22.018.l kg-'; draft tube loss
= 5.502 J kg-'.
Applying the energy equation to the draft tube

and, taking the draft-tube exit centreline as datum,



Figure 4.12 Solution 8.1

C'ommer~t:Since the vapour pressure is only 2 5 0 0 ~ m -there

is no
general risk of cavitation.
S. 1 From steam tables


3.992 m3k_c-I.

ti7 =

Power output

70 OOOi3600 = 5.56 kg S - I

0.25 x 10" J


hydraulic input =

and losses = 30%, therefore

0.25 x 10'
= 0.357 x 1 0 ~ ~ s ~ '

and it = 78.54L),,,.
From the velocity triangles at mean blade height (Fig. A.12)
V,, = VAcot20 = 151.060,



Figure A. 13 Solution 8.2.

0.642 x lo5 = 78.54~$(151.06+ 72.52)
Dm = 1.912m
Assuming blade height small compared to Dm

V , = 105.12ms-'

Therefore the tip diameter is 1.945111 and the hub diameter is 1.879m.

8.2 Mean diameter

1.5 m

The velocity diagrams can now be drawn for the mean section, and
Figure A13 results
.'. VA = 15.1 rns-'
AV, = 396.8 m s-'

From tables, v, = 3.42m3 kg-'

at the outlet



Diagram work

235.6 x 396.8

= 93.48 k~ kg-' per stage

Since 4 stages
Total diagram work

= 4 x 93.48

= 373.91 kJ kg-'
from tables inlet enthalpy = 3793 kJ kg-'
outlet enthalpy = 2683 kJ kg-'
:. enthalpy change = 1110 kJ kg-'

8.3 Total diagram work = (rilrtAl',) X 10

= 16.5MW
16.5 x 10" = 23571 J kg-' for one stage.
:. u A V , =
10 x 70

Figure A13(a) can be drawm.


AV,, = 10().04ms-'
V,,, = 67.81 m s-'
V,,, = 167.81 m s - '
PI = 55.86"
!:, = 30.79"
i. = 25.09"
Vl = W? = 195.34ms-'
V 2 = W1 = 120.83ms-'

k(1.33 x 287 x 983.3)

maximum M,,







Figure A.14 Solution 8.3

Since M , is low, p can be assumed incompressible and k

1.33. Thus




This gives
blade height

100 x


x 1.5

= 0.06m

Annulus dimensions are 1.56 m and 1.44 m. Since free vortex blading
applies. V,, x R = const. u,,, = 245.04 m s-I, V,, ,,, = 161.35 ms-I,
VuZt,p= 65.2ms-I, u,,, = 226.21~1~-I,V,,,,,, = 173.81~1~-'and
Vu2 = 70.64 m s-I.
For the tip section (Fig. A.l4(b)) j3, = 50.08", j3? = 29.08" and r: =
For the hub section (Fig. A.l4(c)) P, = 62.8". pZ = 32.7" and E =
A constant section based on mean section will give acceptable incidence angles.


8.4 For air. C,, = 1.005 x lo3J kg-' so that for the first stage

Since V, = V,


to give
Since V,

0.95 x 334.4


V , , then V,, = 0 and

From Fig. A.l5(a)

285.13 m s-I

I,, =

26.15" and

33.83". Since


238 Appendix

Figure A.15 Solution 8.4.

and therefore
rh = 1.121


x 140 x -(0.90g2

If free vortex conditions, V u l H and V,,

0.545~)= 65 kgs-'

are found:

VUI = 0,
VuZHx 0.545 = 76.21 x 0.908 = 126.97ms-I
U H = l7l.l-l ms-'

From Fig. A.l5(b)

DlH = 39.285" and hH= 72.49'

8.5 Since the fluid is helium C,

5.193 x 10" M = 4.003 and

Thus C, = 3.116 and

Therefore AT = 287.8 "C and AT ,,, = 23.23 "C.

From data sheets q, = 0.87 (Fig. 1.17) and R = 0.853 (Fig. 4.20)


- (1
stage P2 -

+ 0.87 x -



For the first stage P,,, = 5.71 bar and To2 = 373.23 K .



Po2 stage 2

and so on up to stage 5:

T05 = 442.92 K

PoS = 8.348 bar,

These are inlet conditions (stagnation) to the 5th stage

At the 5th stage tip diameter

Assuming 50% reaction at the tip,

5.193 x 10% 23.23 = 0.855 x AV, x 549.78
AV, = 256.63 ms-I

also (Fig. A . l6(a)) V, = 189.45 m s-'. E = 22.74", PI = a , = 73.43" (to

axial) and P, = a , = 50.69" (to axial). Applying the free vortex laws
V,, x R


therefore the annulus dimensions are needed.

At inlet to stage 5. To5 = 442.92K and P,,, = 8.348 bar which gives
442.92 =

Po5 -




= 8.157 bar


Thus VU1hub = 203.26ms-', Vu2

,,,= 559.13ms-'




Figure A.16 Solution 8.5.

From Fig. A.l6(b) a , = 59.44", Dl = 58.16". u2 = 77.89" and /I2 =

Returning to the tip section, Fig. A.l6(c) shows the camber section.
where 812 = 8.63", 8 = 17.26", y = 18.69 - 8.63 = 40.06" to the axial
direction, pi = 48.69" to axial and j?; = y - 8.63 = 31.43" to axial.



Figure A.17 Solution 9.1


=l5 x 18 (mean dia) = 19.35 m s-I


The velocity triangles (Fig. A.17) may be drawn at the mean diameter.
to give
V,,, + W2 cos 85 = 29.7,
29.7 - Wz cos 85 = Vu2
Vu, tan 20

VAl = W2sin 85



3.1 m',

W2cos 85) tan 20 = W, sin 85





2 19.35
VU3= W3~ 0 ~ W3 = 10.14 cosec 25 = 23.998 m s-'

Vu3 = 4.65.
Euler g H


28.79 x 29.7
19.35 x 4.65
= 855.06
89.98 = 945.04 J kg-'

runner power

945.04 x 31.44 x lo3 = 29.71 MW



The total 'head' drop is found by applying the energy equations. Using
(1) to indicate inlet to guide vanes, (2) as inlet to runner, (3) as inlet to
draft tube and (4) as draft tube outlet, then from (1) to (2) over guide


v2:+ g Z ,

From (2) to (3) over runner

+ gZ3 + 0 . 2w',
-3 + work done
From (3) to (4) over draft tube

From equation (A.7)

gh, = gh, - 31.14

= gh, + 52.11

+ 115.13 - 31.88

From equation (A.6)

ghz = gh,

+ 630.26

From equation (A.5)



+ 640.26 + +
0.05 x 7

Total energy drop = 1133.135J kgp1, therefore qhydraulrc= 0.834.

9.2 From Fig. A.lS(a)
'ITS =

AT,, for nozzle = 104.65 since 50% reaction.



Figure A.18 Solution 9.2.

Thus nozzle velocity = V(1.145 x 10' x 101.51 x 2) = 482.14m s-I.

The inlet triangle becomes Fig. A.lS(b). Since

Peripheral nozzle area = n x 0.175 x 0.03 x 0.85

is required in order to find p2:

0.014m2. Now, p2




m = 0.014 x 214.15 x 0.838 = 2.52kgsP1

Assuming VA3= V3 = 300


From Fig. A. 18(c)

W3 = 485.9 m s-l,
Thus M,,

a, = d(1.33

287 x 630.7) = 490.66 m s-'


9.3 Since zero outlet whirl u,,, is not needed and

uT = - X 50000 X - = 392.7111s-'
The inlet gas triangle (ideal) is shown in Fig. A.19.
479.4 = d(1.145 x 103 x A T x 2)
A T = 10C= To] - TZ

Since 50% reaction, isentropic turbine drop = 20.62" and



Figure A.19 Solution 9.3



850 - 20.62 = 829.38 K

p3 = 2.72


For the nozzle guide vanes


= 1.0j




0.5hkgs-'. therefore Q

0.472111~~-'and. for the throat

The 'diagram' power is

t n x uV,, = 0.56 x 392.72 = 83.36kW
9.4 At plane 2. ,Y = 50 000, u2 = 392.7 m s-' and u,, = 274.9 m s-I. From
Fig. A.20(b)
V 2 = 479.4m s-' = d ( 2 x 1.145 x 10% ATAcT)

Turbine AT

AT.4Cr = 100.36 (nozzle)

2 x 100.36 = 200.72"C, Tot = 1OOOK.

Power generated = 120 kW, therefore



Figure A.20 Solution 9.4.

tn =

0.653 kg s-I


Area of flow = -(1.0j2 - 0.02625') = 0.0081 m2. therefore

0.653 = 0.0081 x 0.532 x I',,,
V,, = 151.2ms-'
Thus at the exducer the maximum diameter velocity triangle is given by
Fig. A.20(c):
fi3 = 28.8"
W3 = 313.7ms-'
a = v(1.33 x 287 x 758.19) = 537.96ms-'
relative Mn = 0.583
At the exducer the hub diameter r t =
~ 68.73 and (Fig. A.20(d)) 0
Second part of solution
If 0% reaction then ATn,,,,, = turbine AT and, following the solution

a is now 579m s ' and W3 = 336.74m s-', which gives

relative M , = 0.582

9.5 In the pumping mode Q = 74rn%-' in the draft tube, which gives V2 =
2.16m s-I. Vl = 4.87ms-' and V, = 3.52ms-I. The friction loss is
3 x 0.005 x 78 x 3.522
= 1.76Jkg-'
2 x 5.5
Applying the energy equation from draft tube exit to its inlet (planes 2
to 1)

thus p , = 0.373 x 10% m-'.

In turbining mode Q = 76.5m3s-', V ,
3.23 m s - ' . Draft tube loss is

5.03ms-' and V 2 =

Thus the lowest draft tube pressure is in pumping mode and, since the
inlet head IS 318m
p,,,,, = 318s x 10"
3.1196 x 10hN m-'
Applying the energ!. equation from draft tube inlet to its exit,

Applying modelling concepts (Chapter 2), if the full size machine has
subscript 'p'. and model has subscript 'm', then

3332 x 10'
30002 x 1'
Using the Hutton formula (Table 2.1)

Since q,,

88.5 , qm = 84.3% and therefore

model power

74 x 10' x 258g

2.22 MW

9.6 Total energy drop over unit is

(10% +


0.5g = 99.5g J kg-'

Hydraulic power is

The radial velocity at entry to runner is

The velocity at entry to draft tube is

The velocity at exit from draft tube is

Looking at the draft tube (DT)




+ 2g + DT loss
+ o = -PA +-2.011'


DT loss = 0.83 --

= 6.83Jkg-'

Pi, = 0.1175 x lo6h' m-' (absolute)

Considering now the guide vane path, from Fig. A.21(a):
u = 29.3 x

q = 87.9ms-'

10.07 = V , sin 25.

V1 = 23.83 ms-'

therefore guide vane loss is



Figure A.21 Solution 9.5

Applying the energy equation through the guide vanes

giving the pressure at inlet to the runner of 0.68 x 1 0 6 ~ r n 2The

. inlet
velocity triangle is (Fig. A.21(b)) a2 = 21.69" and p2 = 31.02'.
Construction as shown by Fig. 7.7, gives Fig. A.21(c); the nozzle
angle to triangle is


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Actuator disc
blade row interaction 84-6
theory 86
Admission, partial 175
angle of attack 63
aspect ratio 62
data 65-9, 142-5
drag coefficient 64
forces acting 63-4, 155-7
lift coefficient 64-5
thickness profiles 71
velocity distribution effects 69
zero lift line 63
Axial Flow Compressor
characteristics 33, 87
choking 87
polytropic efficiency 16
preheat factor 16
reaction choice 9
secondary flow effects 76. 77
stage loading 162
stage static to static efficiency 17
stage total to total efficiency 17
stage velocity triangles 7-9, 163
surge effects 88
variation of loss with flow rate 76
velocity profile change through stages
work done factor, Howell 76
Axial flow fan
approach to design 141-6
Axial flow pump 7-8
Axial flow turbine
efficiency statements 18-21, 169-75
nozzle efficiency 17- 18
polytropic efficiency 20

principles 9-11, 169-75

reheat factor 20
stage total to static efficiency 19
stage total to total efficiency 19
stage velocity triangles 10- 11, 25-7.
149, 153-4, 168-9
Axial Thrust 157-8
angles 62-3
aspect ratio 62
camber line 70
cascade nomenclature 62-3
forces 63-4, 155-7
interference coefficient 143
pitch 62-3
pitch-chord ratio 62
profiles 67-8, 71
solidity 62
spacing, axial 168
spacing. see Pitch chord ratio
stress 155-7
surface temperature distribution 69
temperature 158
thickness 69, 71
Bulb turbine 146-7
Busemann correction factor 94-5
Camber line 70
Carter correlation 166-7
angle definitions 62-3
characteristics 74-5
drag coefficient 62
lattice coefficient 73
lift coefficient 62
nomenclature 62-3


pressure loss coefficient 72-3

pressure rise coefficient 74
profile thickness distribution 71
secondary Bow 76-7
space-chord ratio 62
tangential force coefficient 74
wind tunnel tests 73
erosion 52-4
hot liquid corrections 55-6
inception 46, 52
net positive suction energy, net
positive suction head 44-52
thoma cavitation parameter 49
Centrifugal compressor
blade number 111
characteristics 129
diffusers 129
effect of pre-whirl 210- 11
ideal velocity triangles 18
impeller passages 113- 17
inlet geometry 106- 11
total to static efficiency 17
total to total efficiency 17
Centrifugal pump
bladed diffusers 128-30
blade number 111- 13
characteristics, actual 31
characteristics, theoretical 6
effect of pre-whirl 106-9
impeller passages 115- 16
inducer 56-8, 109
roughness effects 117- 18
vaneless diffusers 122-3
velocity triangles 5
volute casing 123-8
Characteristic number. specific speed
Correction factors. radial flow
Busemann 94
Pfleiderer 97
Stanitz 98
Stodola 95
Weisner 97
Whitfield 99
Correlations. compressor
Carter 166-7
Howell 162-6
Correlations, turbine
Ainley and Matheison 171
Craig and Cox 172
sodCrberg 172


Wilson 174
Zweifel 171
Cosine rule 79
Deflection, fluid
definition 62
nominal, Howell 165
Deviation angle 62. 165
Diagram efficiency 169
efficiency 75. 122
vaned 128-9
vaneless 122
volute 127
Dimensional anal!%
Dimensionless parameters
compressible flow 32
incompressible flow 29
Disc friction 36
Draft tube 150-2
diagram 169
hydraulic, pump 3
hydraulic. turbine 3
nozzle 17-18
static to static 15
total to static 17. 19-21
total to total 15. 17, 19-21
Euler pump equation 3
Euler turbine equation 3
Exducer 193. 195
axial flow 140-6
centrifugal 113
regulation 21 1
Flow coefficient 29-31
Forced vortex flow 83
Francis turbine 181-9
Free tortex flow 83. 92
Grid load variation 206-7
Guide \ ane
profiles 148
setting construction 149
compressor design correlation
deviation rule 165
work done factor 76




Impeller, centrifugal
blade numbers 111- 13
passage area changes and design
Impulse blading 168-9
Impulse turbine stage 169-70
Incidence angle 62
Inducer 56-8, 109
Inlet guide vane control 210-11
Isolated actuator disc 84-6
Kaplan turbine
draft tube 150-2
efficiency envelope 147
guide vanes 148
rotor blades 156-7
spiral casing 152
Lift coefficient 62
Lift-drag ratio 62
Ljungstrom steam turbine


Mach number
definition 30
compressor 110, 117, 164
turbine 173, 192, 195
Matching of pumps and systems 211
Mixed flow machines 1,90,99- 101
Moment of momentum 3
Net positive suction energy (NPSE)
Net positive suction head 44-52
Numbers of blades
axial compressor 165
centrifugal compressor 111
centrifugal fan 113
centrifugal pump 111
inward radial flow turbine 191-2
One dimensiomal flow 89-91
Partial admission 175
Performance laws 29- 32
Pitch-chord ratio 62
Power coefficient 29-30
Preheat factor 16
Pressure ratio limits for inward radial
flow turbines 193
Profile losses in compressor blading
Profile losses in turbine blading 171-2

Profile thickness 71
Pumped storage systems
machine layouts 209
operating sequences 207-8
Radial equilibrium theory 82-4
Radial inflow turbine
blade numbers 191-2
choking effects 191
principles 21-2
total to static efficiency 21
total to total efficiency 22
Radial thrust 131-3
compressor stage 8
turbine stage 8- 11
Reheat factor 20-21
Scale effects
compressible machines 38-9
incompressible machines 34-8
Scaling laws 30
Secondan flow effects 95
Shock wave effects 21-3
Solidity 62
Solids pumping 203
Specific speed 33
Stageloadins 162-.:
Stagger angle 62
Stall point 86-7
Stall, rotating 87
Surge 88
Surge line 88
Thermodynamic principles
compressors 15- 17
turbines 17-21
Thoma cavitation parameter 49
Three dimensional analysis 99- 101
Three dimensional flow
in axial flow machines 77
in radial flow machines 95
Thrust loads
axial 133-6
radial 131-3
Francis 183-9
gas 169. 175
impulse 20-21, 169
inward radial flow 189-95
Kaplan 146-55
Ljungstrijm 196-7


stage thermodynamics 17-23

stage velocity diagrams 11
steam 172
steam. zero reaction. see I m ~ u l s e
Turbine blade temperature problems
Turbine loss correlations 171-4
Two dimensional analysis 91-9
Vaned diffuser 128-9
Vaneless diffuser 122

Velocity coefficient 30
Velocity ratio 169-70
Viscous flow effects 203
Volute 123-8
Volute throat 124
Work done factor. Howell 76
Zero lift line 63
Zero reaction 20- 1, 169


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