Out For Blood 1.0
Out For Blood 1.0
Out For Blood 1.0
The Feng Shui role-playing game is 1996, 1999 Robin D. Laws, published under licence by Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas
Games. This supplement is not produced by either Robin D. Laws or Atlas Games; no challenge to their rights
should be inferred.
The text of this supplement is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0
UK: England & Wales Licence.
Table of Contents
Villainous Archetypes................................................52
Villain Intelligence.....................................................54
General Rules..................................57
Teaching Old Dragons New Tricks............................12
New Uses for Old Skills............................................14
Mass Combat..................................60
Gun Ho.......................................................................15
Combijet Weapons.....................................................16
Bigger Bangs..............................................................17
Shell Shocks...............................................................18
The Armoury..............................................................18
Signature Weapons.....................................................19
Extra Weapons...........................................................20
Feng Shui Sites................................67
The Asylum of the Damned.......................................67
Marston Jabbett..........................................................68
The Inverted Forest....................................................68
Floating Restaurant....................................................69
The Ring of Gates......................................................70
Arcanowave Devices.................................................22
Creature Powers.........................................................23
Driving Schticks........................................................24
Fu Powers..................................................................24
Group Schticks...........................................................29
Gun schticks...............................................................30
Hardware Schticks.....................................................31
Magic Schticks...........................................................31
New Blast Special Effects..........................................34
Stat Schticks...............................................................35
Transformed Animal Packages..................................35
Experience Schticks...................................................38
The Monarchs.................................72
Royal Pains in the Backside.......................................72
Leading Up To Them.................................................72
Queen of the Ice Pagoda............................................72
King of the Thunder Pagoda......................................73
King of the Fire Pagoda.............................................73
Queen of the Darkness Pagoda..................................74
The Aftermath............................................................75
GM's Guide.....................................42
What's Your Poison?..................................................42
Rule Zero...................................................................42
the Books...................................................................43
Using the Books.........................................................43
Balancing Fights........................................................44
Making Fights Fun.....................................................47
The Good, the Bad, and the Funny............................49
Making Villains Memorable......................................52
Keeping Villains Alive...............................................52
Welcome to Out For Blood, the Game Moderator's
guide for Feng Shui. It presents a great deal of
information useful to the GM when running the game,
from practical advice to suggestions as to how to handle
certain common situations. You won't find any essays on
the philosophy of being a GM, or any boring old generic
advice. Instead, it's chock full of concrete, Feng Shui
specific assistance so you can visit a beat-down upon the
players with renewed efficiency. There's a range of new
toys for the players, too, with many new schticks,
weapons and other goodness just waiting to be read. In
fact, because I know my audience, that section comes
first. Turn the page right now if you can't wait.
The first part of this book is full of useful new toys
and schticks for players. These include new character
types, weapons and schticks.
August 13
It was a filthy hot day in Kowloon. Hot enough to
make your clothes stick to you. Hot enough that the
smell from the fish market drifted clear across the city.
Hot enough to make me really wish I wasn't there. To
make it worse we were wearing heavy clothes that
afternoon- big coats and broad hats. We wanted to
make sure we wouldn't be recognised, and we needed
the heavy togs to cover our weapons. Gappy Cho
nodded, and we fanned across the alley entrance as
we'd planned.
It was deserted.
Looks like the heat has driven Brown's boys
inside, Song muttered, Good luck for us.
Old Master
The Cyborg can swap out Arcanowave Devices for
Hardware Schticks on a one-for-one basis- and gets a lot
stronger. Hardware Schticks are in Gorilla Warfare.
Private Investigator
The Private Investigator can change her Unique
Schtick to one in Golden Comeback, pg 102.
Magic Cop
The Techie can change his Unique Schtick to one in
Golden Comeback, pg 102, swap it for two Driving
schticks (also in Golden Comeback) or swap it for two
Hardware Schticks (in Gorilla Warfare).
Masked Avenger
The Masker Avenger can sacrifice a skill bonus to
take a Unique Schtick in Back For Seconds, pg 19.
You didn't think we'd write a book without giving a
few more character types, did you?
Maverick Cop
The Maverick Cop can sacrifice a skill bonus to take
Gentleman Retainer
Very good, sir. Will sir be taking the Glock 18 or the Franchi SPAS-12 to the mayor's ball this evening?
Behind every good hero, there's a good retainer. Even the most hardened warrior needs a helping hand behind the
scenes to keep the household in order, pay the bills on time and send the blood-stained clothes off to be dry-cleaned.
That's a role you fulfil. You may be past your prime, physically, but you're as sharp as ever where it counts and your
experience is only matched by your ability to be calm under fire. Maybe you were a fighter yourself when you were
younger, as a vigilante or as part of an armed unit. The years may have cooled your temper, but they haven't
extinguished the fires in your heart. You may not be suited to the front line any more, but your wealth of knowledge
certainly comes in handy. When the call comes to join the secret war you know your duty, and you know your place: at
the shoulders of heroes.
Add 2 points to two different primary attributes.
Guns +8 (=13)
Info/The Done Thing +3 (11)
Martial Arts +5 (10) [Max 12]
Add 12 Skill Bonuses. Swap Guns and Martial Arts is desired. The maximum for all skills is 14 unless otherwise stated.
Unique Schtick: Jack of All Trades- You can turn your hand to just about anything under the sun. You do not suffer the
usual -3 penalty when using a skill you don't have. When you purchase a new skill, you only pay your attribute in
experience points instead of your attribute +8.
Working Stiff (although if you are in the employ of a Rich character you can operate as if you are
Run as much as you like. You may be faster than me, but I don't need to sleep.
You were created to serve. A powerful sorcerer carved you into human likeness, animated you with potent magic,
and commanded you to obey - and obey you did. But the sorcerer was made of a less enduring material than you were,
and in time you were left with no master, no commands, and no purpose. Perhaps now, as you drift across the secret
war, you can discover a new purpose. Perhaps you can even discover how to be free
AD 69, Netherworld
Info/Drudgery +7 (10)
Intimidation +7 (10)
Martial Arts +5 (9)
Creature Schticks: Elemental Body (Earth, Metal or Wood only); Unliving. [both of these schticks are described in
Glimpse of the Abyss.]
Stat Schticks:
Unique Limitation: As a walking statue, you cannot be healed by either variety of the Medicine skill - you need either
someone with the Heal schtick of Sorcery, or the appropriate Info skill (stonecutting, metalworking or woodcrafting,
respectively). No, Fix-It wont cut the mustard.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Shattering Blow
Wealth Level:
Modern Mage
Yes, officer, I quite understand you have to be careful about these things. But perhaps you should check our papers
Common sense says that magic died out some time ago. After all, if it was still possible, everybody would be doing
it, right? Well, it still is possible for some people. People like you. You would have been trained by another such as
yourself, someone who recognised your potential and taught you how to control your gift. They also taught you how to
keep it secret because obvious magic attracts all kinds of unwanted attention. And so you lived your life carefully, to all
outward appearances just an ordinary guy. Maybe you used your talent to help people out here and there or to give you a
bit of an edge in life. When the ceaseless madness that is the secret war spills out into your back yard, you come to
realise that it's time to pick sides and unseal a tin of whup-ass.
1850, Contemporary
0 (Mag=8)
Add 3 points to one primary attribute, 2 points to a second and 1 point to a third.
Driving +2 (7)
Guns +5 (=10)
Info/your choice +4 (9)
Info/your choice +2 (7)
Sorcery +6 (=14)
Add 4 skill bonuses. Change Guns to Martial Arts if desired.
4 Magic Schticks
Unique Schtick: No Place Like Home- You never suffer a juncture penalty to your Sorcery Action Value when in your
home juncture.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Wealth Level:
Working Stiff
I still want to go in, sir. I know it's gonna be bad, but I have to get used to it some ti- *hurk*
Everyone has to start somewhere. Everyone was new to their calling once. You may only be a junior cop, fresh out
of the academy, or a soldier who has just finished their training, but you're out of the nursery and dealing with the real
world now. You might even be a young innerwalker, selected as a promising talent for use by one of the factions in the
secret war. You may lack experience, but you have plenty of youthful enthusiasm. If you're not the most talented
member of your team, your willingness to learn means you catch on quickly. Your idealism hasn't yet fallen prey to
cynicism- and when you find out about the secret war you put your life on the line for what's right without hesitation.
0 (For=4)
Mnd: 5
Add 3 points to one primary attribute, and 2 to another.
Unique Schticks:
So That's How It's Done- When a friend with a skill at a higher Action Value than you is instructing
you or demonstrating how to use that skill, you get +1 Action Value on use of that skill. This schtick can be used in
Keen To Learn- When you spend Experience Points to improve a skill another player has at a higher
Action Value than you, you spend 1 less point to increase it.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Gun Schticks:
Eagle Eye
Fast Draw
69: Sword
1850: Sword
Cntp.: Colt 1911A
2056: Buro Beat Patroller
Wealth Level:
Working Stiff
Tainted One
Monster? Takes one to know one, pal. At least I never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. Now let me show you just
how monstrous I can be... [meaty noises]
You have a guilty secret. Not an affair with your secretary or embezzling funds from the orphanage, but something
more, shall we say, vital. In short, you are not entirely human. Maybe you were bitten by something foul and barely
recovered, maybe there was an accident at the nuclear power plant, maybe you were shanghaied into experiments of
questionable ethics or maybe you just have a peculiar ancestry. Whatever the reason, there is something of the night
about you. People seem to be able to tell there is something not quite right about you even if they can't say exactly what
it is. Whenever you have trusted someone enough to reveal something of your true nature to them they have fled in fear
and disgust. You refuse to even get close to people because you've been betrayed before. But despite your cynical
exterior, your heart is being gnawed at by uncertainty; are you truly a monster, or can you redeem yourself through your
0 (Mag =8)
5 (Cha =3)
Add 4 points to Body or Reflexes. You have another 3 points to spend on primary attributes. The maximum for all
attributes is 10.
3 Creature Powers
1 Gun Schtick or Fu Power
Unique Schtick: No Place Like Home- You never suffer juncture penalties to your Creature Powers Action Value when
in your home juncture.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Creature Powers:
Gun Schtick: Hair Trigger Neck Hairs
Wealth Level:
3 (Mag =0)
5 (Cha =11)
Add 2 to one primary attribute, and 1 to another. Add 2 to two secondary attributes.
Dancing +5 (10)
Deceit +2 (=13)
Guns +5 (10) [max 13]
Info/The word on the street +7 (12)
Info/[your choice] +5 (10)
Seduction +4 (=15)
Add 8 skill bonuses. Change Guns to Martial Arts if desired.
Unique Schtick: Great Listener- You can spend a Fortune point to make someone unburden himself of a secret thats
been preying on his mind. You can only do this outside of combat, and only if no-one apart from you will hear his
Quick Schtick Pick:
Fast Draw
Wealth Level:
Working Stiff
This skill replicates one of the uses of Sorcery, so the
GM may restrict its knowledge depending on the
campaign you're running.
It can also serve as a template for magical skills that
are far more narrow in scope than Sorcery, but are
difficult to combat with general Sorcery.
Base Attribute: Agility
Physical Ability: You can perform feats of acrobatics
fit for a circus troupe. You can flip and jump with great
aplomb, emulating the skill Martial Arts but only for
movement stunts and dodging, not parrying or attacking.
You have a repertoire of tricks you have practised to
perfection, and stunts that use these tricks get a +2 bonus
to your Acrobatics Action Value. The size of this
repertoire is equal to your Skill Bonus in Acrobatics.
Base Attribute: Agility
Base Attribute: Intelligence
Only characters from the contemporary or 2056
junctures may learn this skill.
Base Attribute: Intelligence
AI Arctic Warfare
Metal Storm Pistol
(20 or 14/4/1)
TDI Vector
Tesla Blaster
Spectre M4
PGM Hecate II
Gyrojet weapons really were developed, some time in the 60s. They
didn't catch on because the ammo was expensive and the guns really
were weak at close quarters. Apparently you could render a gyrojet
weapon useless by putting your finger over the end of the barrel. I
took their word for it on that one, as should any PC who likes
counting on her fingers.
they developed the combijet system. In essence, these
weapons combine the best of both gyrojet and standard
firearms. Each 'bullet' has two stages: a normal percussion
cap and a small rocket motor. When first fired, it travels
down the barrel like a normal bullet. Once it reaches the
end, however, the tail end of the bullet falls away to
reveal the rocket motor which then ignites.
Combijet Pistol
Artillery Piece
Combijet Rifle
Rocket Launcher
Sentry Gun
Tesla Cannon
Siren Shell
White Phosphorus
Another shotgun shell, that burns and creates a
smoke cloud after firing. Damage is much the same as a
regular shotgun round, but the smoke and burning can be
useful. This ammunition is actually banned from use in
warfare by the United Nations, although some banana
republics haven't agreed to the protocol that bans them.
You know that part in the main Feng Shui rule book,
right there on page 65, where it says that different types of
ammunition have no effect on game mechanics? It's a lie.
In fact, ammunition has no game effect unless said
ammunition is really cool. Here are some speciality types
of shotgun ammunition to play with.
So, you want a little more detail in your hand to hand
weapons? Well, without compromising the free-wheeling
spirit of the main rules, here are some weapon categories
you can use to broaden your horizons. And by 'broaden
your horizons' I mean, of course, 'kick ass'. These
weapons are not entirely compatible with the weapons
listed in Iron and Silk, but you can easily convert from
one to the other by looking at appropriate types. In fact,
you could let your players pick which write-up they want,
as the versions here are typically easier to hide.
Baton Round
Originally six-inch wooden cylinders, these
nominally non-lethal projectiles are useful for crowd
control, and can be recovered undamaged after use.
Whatever weapon they are fired from, they only do 8
R.I.P. cartridge
The Round Irritant Personnel cartridge is a shotgun
round filled with CS gas and smoke-generating powder.
When one of these things is fired, the area gets a generous
helping of smoke and anyone hit with it directly suffers 1
point of Impairment for three shots.
That's what the *** means here. Hey, it's not every day you get the
opportunity to use 3 consecutive asterisks.
Collapsible Weapon
Technical Weapon
(Str+4/6 or 2/-)
Huge Weapon
Innocuous Weapon
Parrying Weapon
Bag of marbles
Cheese grater
Egg whisk
Frying pan
Golf club
Hunga munga
Knife boot
Knifewrench (for kids!)
Knitting needle
Leaf blower
Left-handed Rickenbacker Bass Guitar
Library stamp
Pen (Gets a +4 AV against swords)
Pizza wheel
Potato masher
Razor-edged hat
Reel of razor wire
Sex toy
String of sausages
Tape measure
Wheel of cheese
Extra Damage
This gives the weapon +3 damage in your hands.
Nothing more to see here, move along.
By channelling your chi through this weapon which
has a spiritual significance for you, it becomes an
extension of your body. You can use any Fu Powers you
know that normally require bare-handed attacks with this
The signature weapon ability for the secret warrior in
a hurry. The Outcome needed to take down mooks is 2
lower than it would be otherwise.
When this weapon is used to parry an attack, you get
a +2 Action Value bonus due to its carefully honed
defensive properties.
This weapon has built into it equipment that helps
you with another (non-combat) skill. Maybe the grip of
your gun contains a set of lock-picks (Intrusion), the
pommel of your sword has the seal of a noble and
respected family (Leadership) or the haft of your axe
conceals healing powders (Medicine). When you use this
utility, you get a +2 bonus to the relevant Action Value.
Sometimes a character wants to change their
weapons. If a character wants to seize a dropped weapon,
then he can- he just can't keep it forever. If a character
wants to change one of their weapon picks, then he can do
so between sessions without penalty. If a character wants
to add a normal weapon to his character on a permanent
basis, then he can do so by spending 4 Experience Points.
August 13
I came to in some dank underground cell - I couldn't
tell if I was in the same building or not. There was a
toilet against one wall, which I took as a good sign.
They wouldn't bother with facilities if the cell was only
meant to hold people until they were killed somewhere
else. By the smell, the previous occupant hadn't cared
much where he relieved himself. I had bandages
around my back, which was another good sign. My jaw
was swollen like a melon but by some miracle it wasn't
actually broken. Of course, just because they wanted to
keep me alive didn't mean they'd leave me unhurt.
Or whole.
As is usual when I was in that kind of grim
situation, I found myself recalling all the bad decisions
that had led me to it. It usually started with deciding to
live with my mother when Dad moved back to England.
Then there was deciding I wanted to make a fast buck
working for one of the gangs instead of sticking with
the job at the copy shop.
Aperture Device
BTM forces and Abomination shock troops are not
generally known for their mobility. Someone noticed that
lack of mobility was a disadvantage, and a brief to
improve this got sent to the lab-rats at the CDCA.
Desperate to redeem themselves after their failure to
replicate the Gatemaker device the Jammers are so fond
of, they put what they had learned from that project to
work. The result is the Aperture Device. Resembling a
futuristic ray gun, when it is fired at a flat metal, rock or
concrete surface at least two feet by two feet, it creates a
blue-green circle of energy. The second time it is fired, it
creates an orange circle of energy. Once both are
deployed, these two circles are linked by a stretch of the
Netherworld disconnected from the rest of it, and only a
micron in length.
Gravity Shield
This device creates a wall of force three feet in
diameter that can protect you from attacks. Once it is
operational, you can choose to parry with it against any
kind of attack, based on your Arcanowave Devices Action
Value. When you plug the device in, you must make a
task check Difficulty 5 using Arcanowave Devices to turn
it on correctly. If you fail, the device fails to operate but
you can try again 3 shots later. If the device malfunctions,
it encloses you in an indestructible, frictionless sphere.
You cannot stand up, and the sphere can be pushed around
with ease and slips down any slope it encounters. The
sphere only disappears at the GM's discretion. It's not
often your own equipment can be complicit in your
kidnapping. If you parry or attempt to parry an attack that
got a roll of boxcars, the shield turns itself off
immediately after the attack, forcing you to turn it back
on again.
Helix Eviscerator
DNA Injector
The DNA Injector is an over-large syringe with an
automatic plunger mechanism. It contains a small sample
of genetic material from a transformed animal. When
triggered, it injects some of the specially treated material
into the user. This material temporarily grants the
recipient the ability to use one transformed animal power.
The power must be specified when the material is
prepared, and must be possessed by the transformed
animal the material came from. The effect lasts until the
Generating or re-absorbing a duplicate takes a full
Feral Strength
Your power in combat owes little to form and skill
and everything to raw strength and fury. You may use
your Creature Powers Action Value when making a
Martial Arts attack unless you are using a Fu power.
Fluid Form
Your body can reconfigure itself more or less
instantly. What is your foot one moment can be your head
the next. This makes you able to counter attacks against
you with frightening speed. Whenever you successfully
parry an attack against you, you may make a Martial Arts
attack against the foe you parried (assuming you could
attack them normally) with no shot cost. This schtick is
also useful for slipping bonds and squeezing through
narrow gaps. Called shots against your body (but not
items you hold) are no more effective than a regular
You have the ability to generate multiple copies of
yourself. You can maintain a number of copies (including
the original) equal to your Magic attribute. Each duplicate
has your normal attributes, schticks and mundane
equipment- although weapons and special items are not
duplicated. Any damage taken by one of your bodies is
also taken by all the others- you also have to share Chi,
Fu, Fortune and Magic points and suffer any other effects
(such as Impairment) in common. You can leave some
bodies standing or sitting while you concentrate on one in
particular. As long as you only actively control one body
at a time, you act normally. If you try to use more than
one body at once, then you suffer Impairment due to
concentration issues equal to the number of active bodies.
All of your incarnations act on the same shot of initiativealthough you can Active Dodge with all of your active
bodies during a particular shot with no additional penalty.
You can only reduce the number of copies you have by
absorbing one back into one of your other bodies.
Scattered Form
You can break yourself down into a large number of
small creatures. They may be bats, rats or moving blobs
of shadow. Transforming yourself into this form or back
takes 8 shots. The number of creatures in your swarm is
equal to your remaining Wound Points. Each member of
the swarm has any skills of yours that are appropriate to
the new form with an Action Value of 1. However, you
also gain the Group Attack schtick (Glimpse of the Abyss,
pg 10) so your swarm members can attack together. No
group of your creatures can fight with an Action Value
higher than your normal combat Action Value, however.
The swarm must stay more or less together and act as one.
Each swarm member is considered a mook when taking
damage, and for each swarm member that is killed you
take 1 Wound Point (and, naturally, are down one member
of your swarm). If the last member of your swarm is
killed, you must pass a Death Check with a difficulty of
Peas in a Drum
Shadow Reach
Path of the Guarded Moon
Guarded Step
Chi: 1 / Shots: 1
Boarding Action
If you succeed in a Driving task check with a
Difficulty equal to the Driving skill of a larger vehicle,
then you can perform a boarding action. Your vehicle
lodges somewhere in the larger vehicle, allowing anyone
to move from one to the other. For example, you could get
a car stuck in the side of an articulated lorry, jump a
motorbike onto the back of a speed boat or steer a hang
glider onto a jumbo jet as it takes off. Although this
schtick doesn't guarantee success at the boarding action, it
does guarantee that if you do succeed your vehicle shall
remain lodged until someone specifically takes action to
remove it.
Guarded Stance
Chi: 1 / Shots: 1
You have honed the art of defence to the point where even
bullets are easy to deflect for you. As long as you have a
hand-to-hand weapon, you can deflect most projectiles
fired at you. You can parry a Guns attack against you with
a +2 bonus to your Active Dodge Action Value. This
counts as a defensive action. Prerequisite: Guarded Step;
Path: Laughter of the Moon, Lunar Stance, Unyielding
Guarded Stance.
Chi: 2 / Shots: 1
Lunar Stance
Guarded Stance
Lunar Stance
Chi: 3 / Shots: 1
Chi: 1 / Shots: 1
Chi: 2 / Shots: 3
Chi: 5 / Shots: 0
That is not dead which can eternal lie- and while you
can still be killed you can keep kicking much longer than
any would expect. Use this schtick whenever you would
be required to make a death check. You may delay the
death check until the end of the sequence, and
automatically pass any death checks you make in the
meantime. The death check at the end of the sequence
only has the difficulty of the check you triggered this
ability for, regardless of how many Wound Points you
have suffered since. These Wound Points do not go away,
however. Prerequisite: Vengeance of the Beast.
Claw of
the Beast
of the Beast
Rage of
the Beast
Luck of
the Master
The Master's
Lesson of
the Master
Chi: 0 / Shots: 0
Chi: 3 / Shots: 0
Harmonious Stance
Chi: 1 / Shots: 1
Harmonious Strike
Chi: 2 / Shots: 0
Chi: 1 / Shots: 3
of the Void
Harmonious Fist
Charge of
the Leopard
Claw of
the Leopard
Lunge of
the Leopard
Fist of
the Leopard
Chi: 2 / Shots: 3
Chi: 2 / Shots: 1
Chi: 1 / Shots: 3
Chi: 2 / Shots: 3
Leopard Stance
Chi: X / Shots: 0
Chi: 1 / Shots: 2
Chi: 2 / Shots: 3
Fury of
the Eagle
Talon of
the Eagle
Laughter of
the Eagle
Chi: 2 / Shots: 0
Chi: 2 / Shots: 3
Merciless Hold
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Talon Hold
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Chi: 0 / Shots: 1
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Breath of
the Dragon
Claw of
the Dragon
Wing of
the Dragon
Fury of
the Dragon
Luck of
the Dragon
Wing of the Dragon Chi: X+1 / Shots: X
The Infirmary
Chi: 4 / Shots: 0
Group Schticks were introduced in Friends of the
Dragon. They are bought for the entire party as a whole,
from a pool of Experience Points donated by individual
members of the group. The cost of a Group Schtick is
8+X, where X is the number of schticks the group will
have once the new one is bought.
The Lab
The characters have access to a fully-equipped
scientific laboratory. Not only is this of immense use for
all kinds of research, but it provides safe storage for any
hazardous materials that need to be kept away from
curious fingers. Any science-related task check made in
the Lab gets a +3 bonus to the relevant Action Value. The
Lab can be part of a Home Base. The lab also has a stock
of useful chemicals on hand in case they are needed in a
hurry. Having access to this stock helps avoid the
difficulties associated with acquiring possible illegal
materials (such as explosives) through other channels.
The Business
Your group owns (or at least runs) a business. It may
be part of a Home Base. It need not even be a physical
building, if the group sells knick-knacks and traditional
medicines from a hand cart in a Hong Kong park. The
benefits of running a business are a steady supply of
money (allowing everyone to operate as if they have a
Wealth Level of Working Stiff) and the possibility of
generating friends and contacts among repeat customers.
The down sides include having to actually run the
business and having a location important to them that is
(presumably) relatively easy to find. If the business is not
kept running smoothly the party may lose its benefit.
Failing to defend it from local gangs trying to extort
The Workshop
Flashy Reload
The party has workshop on hand for any big jobs that
need doing. This provides working space for customising
vehicles or any other heavy welding. A workshop is also a
good place to keep any 'hot' vehicles away from prying
eyes. Fix-It task checks made in The Workshop get a +3
Action Value bonus. It can be part of a Home Base.
Bring It
Gun Kata
Custom Ammo
This is similar to the schtick 'Versatile Ammo' in
Thorns of the Lotus pg 105, but this applies to any firearm
or bow. Custom ammo allows you to spend a Fortune
point to have to hand ammunition of any special type for
your purposes. Incendiary round to make sure the
building burns merrily? Easy. Depleted uranium sabot
rounds to punch through the tank's armour? No problem.
Macedonian silver blessed by three popes and a rabbi?
You bet. For clip-fed weapons, you get a full clip or a clip
partially filled with 6 rounds, whichever is lower. The
same applies for magazine-fed weapons. For hand-fed
weapons like shotguns or revolvers, you get 6 individual
rounds. Feeding a single round into a hand-fed weapon
only takes 1 shot. The bullets do normal damage, but have
the appropriate effect based on their type. This schtick is a
handy way of getting hold of enchanted bullets to deal
with creatures immune to normal bullets.
Final Bullet
If you have exhausted all your ammunition, you can
awareness can usually avoid being reduced to a Dodge
Action Value of 0, but you still get the bonus to your
aiming. Nice.
and cannot use Fortune dice. This effect lasts until the
GMP leaves the feng shui site or is switched off (with a
vengeful sledge-hammer, for instance). The effects of
multiple GMP units are cumulative.
This Is My Boomstick
On-Board AI
Illusion allows the sorcerer to change how something
appears. Unlike Influence, which gets more difficult the
more people you try to fool, Illusion gets more difficult
the more the illusion differs from reality.
Camouflage Unit
It goes without saying that this particular Hardware
Schtick was not developed by Jammers. It was developed
back when the Buro was the unrivalled master of
cybernetics, and never really caught on with homicidal
monkeys. The device projects a field around the user,
making them blend into the background. It's not perfect,
but in tricky visual conditions it can be very effective. It
allows you to use your Intrusion skill as your passive
Dodge score. Active Dodges are still based of your best
combat skill, as normal. It also grants you an Intrusion
Action Value of 15, unless your natural Action Value is
already higher. What's more, your Intrusion using the Unit
(and hence your Dodge) can never drop below 15, even if
Impairment or other penalties would apply.
The GeoMantic Pulse is to chi flow what a mantrap
is to a wheel-barrow. When triggered, everyone in the
vicinity suffers -1 Impairment to Sorcery, Creature
Powers, Arcanowave Devices and Martial Arts (the last
only when using a Fu Power). They are also prevented
from using Fortune points. The effect lasts for one scene,
but the GMP can only be used once per session. There is a
second function that can be used at a Feng Shui site- in
this mode the GMP inhibits chi flow continually. Anyone
attuned to the site suffers -1 Impairment to all their skills,
which cannot have been dead for longer than your Magic
secondary attribute in hours. The ritual to create it takes
one hour and two magic points; these points do not return
to you until the creature is destroyed or dismissed (see
below). Upon completion of the ritual, make a Sorcery
task check with a difficulty of 15. If the person whose
body you are attempting to animate felt a particular
enmity towards you in life, the difficulty increases to
anything up to 20. If the task check is successful, the
undead is created and regards you as its master. If the
check is a failure, the undead monster is created but is
totally free-willed, and probably starts plotting to usurp or
kill you. On a Backlash, the creature immediately and
savagely attacks you, and the Magic points spent in its
creation are permanently lost.
This schtick deals with death. Not with causing it use Blast for that - but with playing about with the
consequences. Necromancy has always been a bit of a
taboo subject, even in junctures where magic is
commonplace, so you may wish to conceal any
knowledge of it unless absolutely necessary.
add 5 to the difficulty. If you are successful, you may
mentally review a number of minutes if the corpses life
equal to your Magic secondary attribute. These are always
the very last minutes of life, so this effect is good for
determining the cause of death, or working out who his
killer was.
Named Undead
Undead Creatures
Attributes: Bod 8 (Mov 4), Chi 0, Mnd 1, Ref 4
Skills: Zombies you create have a Martial Arts AV equal
to your Magic secondary attribute, to a maximum of 10.
Weapons: Punch (9), Bite (10)
Attributes: Bod X, Chi 0 (Mag X/2), Mnd 3, Ref X
X is equal to the creator's Magic secondary attribute.
Skills: Martial Arts, Creature Powers and Intimidation
with an AV equal to the creator's Sorcery AV minus 3.
Schticks: A Revenant youve created gains one Damage
Immunity of your choice (usually either guns or hand to
hand weapons) plus two schticks of your choice from the
following options: Abysmal Spines, Death Resistance,
Weapons: Punch (X+1), whatever mle weapon you
choose to give it.
Notes: Named Undead under the control of a player
character earn 1XP per session, plus 1 XP per attunement
of their creator.
Undead vs Supernatural
Improved Blast
Each schtick of Improved Blast improves the base
damage of this sorcerer's Blasts by 2. Expensive, but fun
for the Sorcerer who has everything.
Animate Garment
This blast animates the garments of their wearer to
stretch and strike at the target. If this blast is used as a
parry, then it grants an additional +1 bonus to your Active
Dodge value.
This flings the target around wildly. On a successful
attack, they are thrown a number of metres with a
maximum of the Outcome. If there's nothing in the way, it
causes no damage. If there is something in the way, it
does normal damage. Remember that the ground is
usually available as a suitable unyielding surface.
Ring of Force
This blasts everything in a circular area around the
caster away from him. It can hit every target within
normal mle distance of the caster (without the usual
multiple target penalty), and in addition to normal damage
throws anyone hit by it away a number of metres equal to
the Outcome. The ring of force is not able to discern
friend from foe, however.
Withering Sarcasm
This blast does damage based on the target's
Intelligence, with nothing added, rather than the caster's
usual Blast damage. The damage is reduced by the target's
Willpower rather than their Toughness. If the target
cannot understand the sarcasm (an Intelligence attribute
of 3 or less) this blast has no effect on them. This special
effect can also be used to win arguments with internet
Stat Schticks are described in Golden Comeback. In
case you missed that memo, they can only be bought if
the character has the necessary secondary attribute at 11
or higher. The cost of a Stat Schtick is the number of
schticks the character will have plus the character's rating
in that attribute.
Attribute Modifiers: Toughness +3, Mind +2,
Reflexes +2
Chi: 3 / Shots: 2
Chi: 3 / Shots: 4
Chi: 4 / Shots: 1
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Chi: 6 / Shots: 3
Chi: X / Shots: 0
Chi: 1 / Shots: 1
Chi: 4 / Shots: 1
Chi: 4 / Shots: 3
Chi: 1 / Shots: 0
Nine Lives
Chi: X / Shots: 3
Chi: 2 / Shots: 0
Cats Eyes
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Chi: 3 / Shots: 4
Chi: 0 / Shots: 0
Chi: 0 / Shots: 0
Chi: 2 / Shots: 1
Attribute Modifiers: Body +3, Perception +3,
Manual Dexterity +3
Chi: 0 / Shots: 0
Chi: 3/Shots: 1
Chi: 4 / Shots: 1
Chi: 6/Shots: 3
Inky Cloud
Chi: 2/Shots: 3
Chi: 0 / Shots: 0
Chi: 3/Shots: 8
Chi: 3/Shots: 2
Chi: 2 / Shots: 0
Attribute Modifiers: Body +2, Move +3, Reflexes +2
Chi: 0 / Shots: 0
Chi: 6 / Shots: 4
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Murky Depths
Chi: 3 / Shots: 3
Chi: X / Shots: 3
Chi: X / Shots: 2
Attributes: Charisma -1, Perception +2, Reflexes +2
Bail Out!
Chi: X / Shots: 5
Chi: X / Shots: 10
without penalty. However, any Perception check that
depends purely on sight and cannot plausibly be passed
by using other senses you automatically fail. If you are
the target of any effect that relies on fooling your sight
(such as darkness) then it has no effect on you. Perception
checks you make that rely solely on senses other than
sight get a +3 Action Value bonus.
You suffered a very close call from a bullet but
survived. This can only occur if you failed a Death Check
after you were shot, but you were treated and thus
recovered. You might keep the bullet removed as a
keepsake, or perhaps it is still lodged in your body
somewhere. In any event, bullets have lost a lot of their
fear for you. Whenever you have to make a Death Check
as a result of being shot, you get a +3 bonus to the roll.
A character can develop a classic phobia to
something that has caused him great distress in the past.
This phobia means that he avoids the trigger of his phobia
whenever he can, and behave strangely around it, but
when compelled to deal with it in the heat of the moment
the character never suffers any form of Impairment in
doing so. Characters with a phobia of a particular animal
also inexplicably fears transformed animals of that type.
Fool Me Once
The prerequisite for this schtick is being brutally
betrayed in a significant fashion. Simply having the wool
pulled over your eyes is not enough. The character must
have been strung along for some time, possibly as a major
campaign event, before a harrowing realisation that they
were conned. Fool Me Once allows the character to roll
an extra positive die on their Perception, Detective, Police
or Journalism check to establish if they are being lied to,
or when the target of Illusion sorcery.
Salvaged Humanity
If the character has survived the Corruption creature
power, or anything similar, then they have earned the right
to this schtick. Similarly, if a character was made to
perform some action heinously against their nature by
Domination or the Influence magic schtick (and we're
talking major plot event here) they can also get it. A third
possibility is an arcanowave user who mutated enough to
be considered an abomination, but later had that mutation
cured in some way. Salvaged Humanity grants blanket
immunity to Corruption, Domination and Influence. Nice.
He's Mine
Sometimes, a character wants to mark an enemy for
death by their hand alone. When a character takes this
schtick, they get a +1 bonus to all their Action Values
when fighting one single named opponent one-on-one.
They may take this schtick more than once solely at the
GM's discretion. When the target of this schtick is finally
killed, it is lost along with the experience points used to
buy it.
You have a prominent and permanent scar. Not only
does this make you look more bad-ass, but it also grants
you a +3 Action Value bonus to any Charisma-based task
check where the appearance of being battle-hardened
would help. In more refined situations, it imposes a -3
Action Value penalty to any Charisma-based task check.
You have lost a limb. This can only occur if you
August 21
I waited on the landing, gun in hand, and tried to
keep calm. I could hear arguing upstairs, but that
could mean anything. Once again, I questioned
whether I'd made the right decision.
GM's Guide
The Drifter
The Rookie
So you've never played a role-playing game before?
You might be a little scared at the idea of entertaining a
bunch of your friends for a few hours. Don't be. Don't
worry about the rules too much, don't fret that you're
doing everything exactly right. If something is too
confusing, ignore it. As long as everyone at the table is
having fun, you're doing it right. If someone isn't having
fun, think what you could do to let them have fun that
doesn't stop other people from having fun. Trust us,
playing this game is an absolute blast.
The Killer
Perhaps you've got a lot of experience of being the
GM for other (and thus inferior) role-playing games but
haven't spent a great deal of time as a Feng Shui GM. It
can be very difficult to 'let go' of the course of the game if
you're used to games that are more tightly structured. If
the players take a route you weren't expecting, you have
to bite down on your instinct to dissuade them. If you are
more used to a game where precise reading of rules and
powers is important, you should also eschew that
approach for adjudicating on the fly without recourse to
any of the books if you can get away with it.
Many groups of players have a 'rule zero' of roleplaying- usually it is something along the lines of Don't
give the GM ideas!.
Feng Shui Game Moderators have a rule zero, too. It
Always accept the offer.
don't bark up the wrong tree.
Four Bastards
A scenario.
Gorilla Warfare
Scenario anthology.
Golden Comeback
Background for the Dragons. Practical advice for
players, lots of new schticks and guns and introduces Stat
Schticks and the car chase rules.
The number of books and the fact that they were not
written as a set raises a couple of wrinkles you should be
aware of.
3 Actions
(Spd 6)
4 Actions
(Spd 7-9)
5 Actions
(Spd 10+)
Dancing Partners
In this type of encounter, the named GMCs number
the same as the PCs. They'll either have lower combat
Action Values, or less potent schtick picks. The GM can
even design each GMC as a foil for one of the PCs,
leading to a mingled group of one-on-one grudge
matches. Don't count on the players picking out their
opposite numbers, however, without heavy prompting. An
important consideration with these encounters is that the
more bodies you have present, the longer the fight takes.
When the named GMCs number the same as the PCs, it's
probably best not to introduce mooks.
Elite Squad
Seize Them!
The classic 'one bad guy, legions of mooks' scenario.
The players have to fight their way through the chaff just
to get at the main enemy, who harries them and bolsters
his troops at every opportunity. Even getting in a good
position to hurt him is tricky- and he is very powerful in
his own right. To avoid characters with low combat
Action Values being redundant, it's handy to have plenty
of opportunity for indirect attacks using scenery. You
should also feel free to keep spawning mooks until their
leader falls. The leader should have an Action Value
around three points better than the party.
Tipping Point
This fight starts out very difficult, but after a certain
point becomes a lot easier. Maybe once the amulet is
snatched from the sorcerer his powers are much reducedor the guns in the walls can be reprogrammed to fire at
someone else. If the action that tips the balance involves
the use of a non-combat skill, so much the better.
Depending on how difficult the critical action is, you can
make the enemies as powerful as you want to begin withbut you should make sure that they are a relative pushover
once the tipping point is reached. Just don't be surprised
when the players suss your game and take out the critical
component in the first couple of actions.
Bitter Payback
Some factions can be very vindictive. If they can't
win fair and square, they'll mess with their enemies just to
get even. If the party has sent home enough Pledged
assassins in body-bags, the Lodge may instead simply
demolish their houses. And then the hotels they are
staying. Cancel their favourite TV programme. Frame a
relative for murder. And so on. The menace in this
strategy is that there are simply too many avenues for the
party to protect themselves against all of them. If they
spread them selves thin, they may make better targets for
a more conventional assault. At the very least, it
encourages the party to explore means other than just
rushing to the site of the problem and opening fire.
Targeted Attacks
If one PC in particular has earned the ire of a faction,
then it is likely that she will be singled out for special
attention. Her enemy probably has ample information on
her strengths and weaknesses to put together a team
tailored to beat her that doesn't rely on super-powerful
combatants. This is particularly true of the Buro and the
Eaters of the Lotus, who can field agents that are immune
to the sort of damage the target deals out. Ideally, the
target will be ambushed when alone, or at least a long
way from her allies. The only chance for the target to
survive is to get help from her friends, and fast.
Alternatively, each PC can have a single agent sent after
him- and to survive they must meet up and attack each
other's foes.
Unlikely Team-Ups
When the party was the underdog, they was nothing
wrong with teaming up with whatever faction would have
them. When one of the core factions is under pressure,
there's no reason for them to behave differently. Even the
Jammers and the Buro may kiss and make up temporarily
if the players have been a big annoyance to both of them.
This gives the enemies a larger pool of muscle to draw on,
and the possibility that some of their unique assets work
very well in tandem.
Ritual Hosing
If their enemies can't attack the party directly for fear
of taking a serious beating, they can get sneaky. Ritual
hosing entails anything that makes it very difficult for the
player characters to go about their business, and may
leave them vulnerable to more conventional attacks.
Burning one of their Feng Shui sites is a simple method,
but runs into difficulty if the players have taken even
rudimentary steps to protect it. Arcane rituals and curses
offer an easier way to attack someone directly for factions
with a magical angle. A hot-dog seller working for the
Keeping the fights interesting for the players is the
single most important consideration for a Feng Shui GM.
An unfortunately error is to come up with an extraspecial location for a fight then squander it on a short
tussle with a group of mooks half-way through the
session. What is much better is to rewrite the session so
the best location is used for the most climactic fight.
The Ascended
The Jammers
The Good: The Jammers are a jolly bunch of gungho freedom fighters, striving to free humanity from the
tyranny of Chi. Battlechimp Potemkin is a dedicated,
charismatic leader who knows and loves everyone in his
organisation and cares passionately about doing the right
thing by human kind. He knows that innocent casualties
can't be avoided and has hardened himself against that sad
The Bad: The Monarchs are a blight upon the
Netherworld, forcing its denizens into indentured
servitude and destroying any chance of a neutral, thriving
community springing up. They are bitter at the loss
they've suffered, and will sacrifice anything and
everything just to get a taste of that power again- even
their humanity.
The Brute
The Brute is uncomplicated and amoral. He kills and
tortures without a backward glance- in fact he enjoys
both. He lacks the imagination to be a truly efficient
torturer, but he inflicts pain on a whim. He's not smart,
and he has no elegance in what he does, but he's powerful
and self-serving and has no limits. If someone controls
him, he will happily do their bidding as long as he gets to
do what he wants as well.
For most enemies in Feng Shui, any attributes other
than those used in combat are pretty redundant. However,
you can use their Intelligence attribute as a guide to how
smart they are when they fight. By considering a
character's intelligence when running a fight, you can
make smart enemies much more dangerous than stupid
but strong ones.
August 21
The rain lashed against the roof, running in
treacherous rivers underneath pipes and around air
conditioners. The squall had gone berserk while we
were downstairs, and it was vicious enough to be some
unseasonal monsoon. I staggered between chimney
stacks, struggling to coax bullets into the chambers of
my revolver. Boss Brown was the other side of the
stairway onto the roof, roaring like a wild animal and
thrashing around in his sopping wet suit. Mingxia was
out of sight- presumably hiding. I'd already put three
bullets in him on the way here and it had only seemed
to make him angrier. The rest of his gang hadn't
followed the fight out onto the roof. Whatever was
going on in Brown's head, it had scared them enough
to make them think twice about their allegiance. With
any luck, I thought, after this night's work the Brown
gang would be history, even if the man himself killed
us. I'd seen fist fights where one of the combatants was
on PCP, and I started to wonder if that was where
Brown was getting his strength and contempt for
General Rules
Some examples:
A martial artist fighting on a raised platform
might make a series of quick, weak attacks that their
opponent can trivially parry but puts them closer to
the edge. The character has to make a Martial Arts
check against a set Difficulty to successfully
manoeuvre his foe in this way. When he makes an
attack with the intention of pushing his enemy over
the edge, he gets a +1 bonus for each of these weak
attacks (assuming one per shot of initiative).
Sometimes you want to heroically sacrifice yourself
for a friend. Doing so is effectively an Active Dodge you
make during an attack against someone other than you. It
costs you a shot of initiative, as usual. The effect is that
your Toughness is used to reduce the damage and you
take the damage. The Outcome is still figured using the
original target's Dodge Action Value. You can also use
this to shield objects you don't want getting damaged,
such as important evidence lockers or explosive gas
bottles. Naturally, such objects only have a Dodge Action
Value based on their size, so you can expect to take quite
a thumping if you protect them.
Sometimes a character performs a stunt that uses
more than one of their skills. Do not make them make
multiple rolls for one action. Instead, just work out which
skill is the most important for the action and make them
roll that. Failure can mean any aspect of the stunt can go
wrong, not just the one most closely associated with the
skill they used. If even the GM can't work out which skill
is most important, let them use their best eligible skill.
After all, we're all here to look cool.
but introduce a certain amount of dramatic tension:
Accidents Waiting To Happen. An accident waiting to
happen is a throw-away piece of scene description the
GM introduces that strongly suggests a particular stunt
can happen some time in the future.
Mass Combat
This chapter covers some handy rules for big setpiece battles in the world of Feng Shui.
The GM should work out what what the PCs get for
winning a wave, and what it costs them for losing. A
generic method is to track 'victory points' and 'defeat
points'. Ideally, there should be a purpose to them- maybe
the outcome of the battle hinges on scoring more victories
or defeats, for example. Or there could be a final wave
with a strength that depends on how many previous waves
were successfully fought. Perhaps if the PCs have too
many defeat points at a certain point of the battle, the
walls of the fort are breached, making the battle much
harder. The important thing is to keep the battle as
interesting as possible. It should not be just waves of
identical enemies without variation. Think of strategies
the enemies might use and encourage the players to
develop plans of their own. Because the battle may
involve multiple fight sequences, it can last at least as
long as two normal fight scenes so bear that in mind when
compiling the session.
Of course, some times you really do care about the
outcome of a fight. In this case, what the wise GM does is
draw up a list of important events that occur during the
course of the battle, and let the PCs participate in them.
Battlefield Hazards
Cannon Fire A cannon ball passes by at speed. All characters make a Fortune roll. The character with the worst
fumble (assuming any characters fumbled) is hit by the cannonball. The damage is 26, and they are carried away a
number of metres equal to how much they fumbled the roll by.
Explosions The artillery of later eras behaves similarly. Each character must make a Fortune roll against the number
of shells being fired into the area. Failure indicates a character is caught in an explosion (12 damage). A Fumble means
the character takes a direct hit (26 damage).
Cavalry Charge A full cavalry charge is a fantastic thing to behold. Everyone has one chance to try to unhorse an
attacker and take their place. If they don't mange it, they suffer 20 damage from a combination of lances, sabres and
hooves. Even if they bring a horse down, there are still plenty of others behind it.
Gas or Smoke Battlefields quickly fill up with smoke if firearms are being used. This severely impairs visibility, and
can provoke bouts of heavy coughing. What is more, some unscrupulous forces may use poison gas. A failed
Constitution roll against such a thing could have all kinds of unpleasant consequences.
Hail of Arrows A volley of arrows lands around the characters, making the sky dark with wooden shafts. Everyone
must make a Fortune roll difficulty 5. If anyone gets a negative Outcome, turn this into a positive number and say that
many arrows hit him. If the roll was a fumble, then he suffers some other penalty, like having a foot nailed to the
ground or dropping his weapon. A similar effect can be seen when guns are used, although the damage is greater in
that case.
Passing Mle A scrum of fighters interferes with the on-going fight. No attacks against the main combatants can
be made until the fighters have moved away. Characters may take advantage of the interruption to find a tactical
advantage or run away.
The rebels flee, and the characters can try to spot and
intercept the Hand agitators that led them. If the party has
more defeat points than victory points, then the fort is
over-run. The party must escape the fort and flee into the
wilderness. This task is made more difficult by the rebel
army trying to slaughter everyone inside the fort. In either
case, if rebels got inside the fort then they have set fires at
the bases of the watch-towers. Any character in a watchtower must try to find a safe way down. Compassionate
characters may also try to save defenders from the
Example 2: Storming a
Lotus sorcerers are up to no good. They are
performing a ritual to some dread purpose, and are
defending the shrine with a host of monstrous beasts. The
plucky heroes have Ting Ting and her bandits to draw on,
plus a rough militia trained by Guiding Hand agents.
Their goal is to stop the ritual, but unless they can break
the back of the Lotus forces they have to deal with an
awful lot of mooks once they get inside.
Unlike many role-playing games, Feng Shui doesn't
revolve around the accumulation of stuff. Special items
should be used sparingly, because they might overshadow
the abilities of the characters. On the other hand, an
artefact can become an important plot element in a
campaign. If you build up one particular recurring villain,
then the acquisition of the artefact the characters need to
defeat him makes for a thrilling story. Artefacts should be
considered property of the group rather than property of
one particular character, to encourage passing them
around to whoever can make best use of them. Even
better is if the artefact has a very particular use, spending
much of its time sitting in a glass cabinet in the characters'
safe house and only being brought out for special
occasions. Long-running TV series love to have toys
around that they can break out of the vault when the
writers dream up a new use for them6- why should your
game of Feng Shui be any different?
Claws of Darkness
Queen Ming I of the Darkness Pagoda crafts these
magical weapons and presents them to some of her
favoured servants. They deal Strength+3 damage, but
every time the wielder slays someone with them they
recover a little health. Dispatching mooks only regains 1
wound point per mook, but slaying a named character
heals the wielder by 10 wound points. Ming I's warriors
typically use these to heal themselves during battle, even
if it means slaying their own troops. Heroic types should
feel a little uncomfortable using these weapons of dark
magic, but they may come in handy for undercover work
in the Darkness Pagoda.
Making an Artefact
A joy-buzzer that is no joy at all for the sucker on the
them only for plot reasons and probably after it has been
discarded. Once the damage is reduced by enough, the
sword is useless, and will probably be thrown into the
nearest body of water.
Elemental Sword
These weapons are commonly carried by foot
soldiers of the Thunder and Fire Pagodas, and sometimes
by others. An elemental sword is exactly like a regular
sword, except that the damage they deal counts as being a
sorcerous blast. This is useful for by-passing immunity to
hand to hand weapons, and also reproduces the special
qualities of the Blast effect (Fire Swords set things alight,
for example). The damage of an elemental sword is,
however, adjusted by the local Sorcery juncture modifierso in some places they are actually less damaging than
regular swords. The Monarchs only create elemental
swords of the variety of blasts closely associated with
their chosen magic- Fire, Thunder, Ice and Disintegration
are the classic four. Creating an elemental sword is not
that difficult, requiring only a Sorcery task check at
difficulty 15. The caster does need a suitable sword,
Create Magical Artefact (see Thorns of the Lotus page 96)
and Blast as Magic Schticks. They can only apply a Blast
special effect they know, and to make the effect
permanent they must spend 20 Magic points when casting
the spell, as per permanent magic in Thorns of the Lotus
page 94.
The legendary sword of Arthur, King of the Britons,
was cast back into the lake upon his death. The lake, as it
happens, was a portal to the Netherworld. The purpose
and allegiance of the Lady of the Lake are unknown7, but
the sword might well turn up anywhere.
Should a supernatural creature ever wear one of the
gloves, they become possessed by the spirit of Lam Wo
Pung. For most creatures, he simply takes over their body
and continues his work as best he can. If the wearer was,
at heart, good (like a PC for instance), then after a brief
moment of disbelief Lam Wo Pung realises that not all
demons are beyond redemption and allow the wearer
control over their own body. He becomes instead an
occasional voice in their head, urging them into battle
against evil. He may even take brief control of the
character is there is some immediate danger he perceives
but the character does not. In either case the gloves
themselves meld into the flesh of the wearer, and can
never be removed.
Tainted Blades
It is not just bodies that are lost to the mud on
battlefields- weapons are abandoned to rust where they
fall. Battlefields can become haunted areas, filled with
terrors and ghosts. Some of the weapons absorb this
tainted chi and become objects of terror in their own right.
Medicine Bag
Any character with the Sorcery skill can make one of
these bags. It is particular to them, and carries their Magic
secondary attribute around in a physical form. As long as
they carry it around, it makes no difference to any of their
abilities. They can, however, give it to another character.
This drops their Magic attribute to 0 (and impedes any
skills based on Magic accordingly), but the new bearer
gets the Magic attribute of the donor while they have it.
This does not affect their skills (as a raised attribute does
usually), but might affect their resistance to certain effects
that are opposed by Magic. They can also spend Magic
points in the bag as if they were their own. Should a
medicine bag be destroyed, then the maker cannot regain
their Magic points until the next session.
Obsidian Dagger
Spear of Destiny
The legendary weapon that pierced Christ's chest has
long been thought of as an artefact of immense power.
Supposedly only the spear's head has survived into the
modern age. It is a seemingly fragile relic with a piece of
the True Cross tied to it with gold and silver wire. Who
can say what would happen if a new shaft was fitted?
We can. A large number of unpleasant battles have
been fought for possession of the spear head over the
years, and it has become corrupt and malevolent. In a
You didn't think it was coincidence that the Aztec empire used
obsidian tools and weapons, did you?
August 22
I sat on the edge of the bed, trying not to feel selfconscious about the middle-aged woman poking and
prodding my midriff. The Prof, as everyone seemed to
call her, sucked her teeth and went back to looking at
the blood sample under the microscope.
The Staff
There are only three regular staff, demons all, and a
mysterious figure only referred to as the Overseer. The
staff maintain an outwardly human appearance almost all
of the time and are careful to play the role of
compassionate helpers very well indeed. Because they are
attuned to the site, they are not affected by its chidampening effect and can use all their abilities should
they need to.
The variety of soul-crushing activities are provided
to 'treat' the patients, and range from the futile to the
desperately boring. There is group therapy, where the
patients are encouraged to talk about their problems to
each other. There is art therapy, where the higherfunctioning patients are given modelling clay or paints to
create with (the nightmarish creations of most do nothing
for anyone's state of mind). There is also floatation
therapy, where the patient is placed in a sensory
deprivation tank and either left alone for hours or pumped
full of psychotropic drugs and left to suffer a bad trip.
Down Below
The Patients
Somewhere in the wilds of Warwickshire, England,
there is a hard-to-find village. It is not very big, but it
might be mistaken as a dormitory village for one of the
nearby towns. That is, until you notice there are no
children and that no-one ever seems to be leaving the
Benefits of Attunement
Why Go There?
It's entirely possible that one of the residents has
important information the party might need, or may have
taken some trinket there with them that has suddenly
become very important. It may also be the last destination
of a retiring character who has lost everything and cannot
fight any more.
The Shaman
Benefits of Attunement
Because so many tribesman are attuned to the site,
any player characters attuning to it do not receive the
usual Experience Point bonus. However, they do receive a
couple of other benefits.
Firstly, they can tell by sight whether another person
is attuned to the Inverted Forest. This is useful for
identifying friends in the forest and introducing new
people to the tribe. Secondly, whenever the character is in
a heavily wooded area, in any juncture, they receive a +1
bonus to all of their Action Values.
One of the trickiest things about protecting a feng
shui site is that it ties you down to a particular location.
Once they've identified it, your enemies always know
where to find it. The floating restaurant can travel around
the harbours and docks of Hong Kong- eliminating this
small but important liability.
The walkways that make up the village are filled
with lethal booby-traps that the villagers can trigger to
drop the unwary to a hard death on the floor far below.
The hunters of the tribe benefit from their attunement to it
and usually have a handful of Fu powers apiece. Despite
this, they can't defend against a determined force for long
and the hunters fight to give the non-combatants time to
disperse deeper into the forest. Several times the village
has been left deserted after a raid, but always the Tree
People have returned when it is safe again.
The Owner
The current proprietor is One-Tooth Long, a former
Triad enforcer who was granted leave from his
Somewhere in the Netherworld, there is an octagonal
room with gates that take up all the space on each wall.
Some of the gates are wooden, others are carved stone,
and one appears to be made of jade. They open and close
at random, but they always open onto a portal out of the
Inner Kingdom. These portals can appear anywhere, but
they seem to have a natural aversion to appearing
somewhere too obvious to the lay person.
The Business
The floating restaurant does a roaring trade. It's a
safe place to makes deals, or even just to talk to other
gangsters it wouldn't normally be safe to approach. The
restaurant floor is perpetually crowded so personal space
is not respected. If a fight broke out, it would be pot-luck
who was pushed over the side and who the bullets hitwhich is another reason why no-one causes any trouble
Benefits of Attunement
Benefits of Attunement
The jade gate has not opened in living memory. Noone knows to where it might lead.
The Monarchs
on, she fights with her sorcery. Anyone who closes for a
mle attack gets a Bolt of Force in the gut to drive them
away from her. She uses Laughter of the Fox to steal
weapons if she can. As a last resort, she uses Animalism
to summon creatures to distract her enemies while she
attempts to escape. She is not above showing a bit of
thigh to achieve the same effect.
How He Fights
He begins by trying to single out one enemy for a
one-on-one test of Martial Arts- probably beginning with
a Flying Sword and following it up with a Flying
Windmill Kick. He uses his full array of schticks to the
best effect he can, demonstrating his martial superiority. If
his enemies are unsporting, he expresses his disapproval
and unleashes his magic. He lays about him without much
strategy, striking more or less at random. He'll try a
thunder blast every sequence or so to slow his enemies
down. He takes care, however, to reserve enough Fu
points to launch the Torrent of Fury at the end of each
How He Fights
His first option is to set everything around him on
fire and rely on his minions with the Path of the Brilliant
Flame fu to bulk up on Fu points and wipe his enemies
out. As soon as it becomes clear that the enemy is too
strong for that to work, he uses a combination of Martial
Arts attacks and Blasts to try to capitalise on his enemies'
that do no damage but save up trouble for later. When she
is satisfied she has built up enough pending damage, she
unleashes all the accumulated Outcome at once with a
snap of her fingers. Her target typically vanishes in a puff
of smoke or turns into a wretched pile of boils and rotten
flesh. She makes full use of Movement magic to dodge
attacks and move around the battlefield to keep strong
martial artists away from her.
Unless your campaign ends with the death of the
monarch, the GM will want to give some thought to what
happens next. There will be very many vultures picking
over the debris looking for arcane lore or powerful
artefacts, the players probably among them. Although the
resultant power vacuum in the netherworld won't
necessarily be filled (unless the players are very quick off
the mark in capitalising on their success) the site of the
pagoda will be very attractive to anyone wanting the
space or somewhere with good chi that may once again
The Location
This adventure takes place mostly within the cold,
uncaring walls of the Asylum of the Damned, described in
chapter 11.
The Twist
The main problem the characters face is that the
main part of the story begins with them robbed of their
schticks and drugged up to the eyeballs.
Taking away characters' abilities is not something the
GM should do lightly. You'll need the indulgence of the
players and you should drop heavy hints that their
reduced circumstances are only temporary. You should
also take care that the session doesn't become too
frustrating and crush their enjoyment.
Spencer Percival
Sample Dialogue: They said I was mad! Mad, I tell
Attributes: Body 7, Chi 0 (Fortune 2), Mind 11,
Reflexes 7
Skills: Deceit 12, Fix-it 18, Guns 16
Gun Schticks: Bring It, Fast Draw 2. Gun Kata 2,
Signature Weapon (Tec-9).
Unique Schtick: Manical Laughter As long as
Percival keeps laughing in a suitably evil fashion, he
takes 2 points less damage from any source.
Weapons: Tec-9 (13/3/32+1) or (8), punch (8), kick (9)
Percival's Mooks
Sample Dialogue: I can't hear you over the rain!
Attributes: Body 5, Chi 0, Mind 5, Reflexes 6
Skills: Guns 9
Weapons: Tec-22 (8/2/30+1), punch (6), kick (7)
The Drugs
The Button
At the climax of the fight, when Percival has been
badly injured and his plan looks to lie in ruins, he pulls a
detonator from his belt and declare that if he can't have
the power he craves, no-one can. If he gets a chance to
use it, it causes an explosion somewhere further down in
the building. It won't topple the building, but it may shake
a few mooks off the roof. If it gets knocked out of his
hand, or swallowed, then the explosion doesn't happen.
The Descent
Getting down from the building is the next step. The
lifts are broken- whether as a result of the lightning strike
or the earlier explosion (if it happened). This forces the
party to use the cramped stairs. As they proceed, there is
an unusual odour in the air, and then one by one they fall
Before the characters wake up, they have been
'processed' by the friendly staff of the Asylum.
All weapons are taken from them and stored in the
safe, in the Print Room (described later). As the characters
are in the asylum, they lose access to all their supernatural
abilities. They are dressed in simple shift supplied by the
asylum. If any character uses Arcanowave Devices, his
I/O ports are underneath heavy bandages. The explanation
given is that he was self-harming and the cuts need to
heal. Any character that cannot be made to look mundanesuch as Supernatural Creatures without a human form and
Nurse Ratchet
Sample Dialogue: If you don't sit down and stop
throwing paint, I'll have to call for Sven.
Attributes: Body 11, Chi 0 (Magic 8), Mind 7, Reflexes
Skills: Creature Powers 15, Deceit 18, Martial Arts 15,
Medicine 10
Creature Powers: Abysmal Spines 2, Brain Shredder,
Regeneration, Transformation (human form)
Weapons: Spiked Tail (17), Brain Shredder (7), punch
Nurse Boris
Sample Dialogue: Sit down and shut up. You won't
like the alternative.
Attributes: Body 8, Chi 0 (Magic 8), Mind 7, Reflexes
Skills: Creature Powers 15, Deceit 17, Intimidation 11,
Martial Arts 13
Creature Powers: Armour 3, Conditional Escalation
(deal 10 Wound Points, Body +1), Transformation
(human form)
Weapons: punch (9), kick (10)
Don't bother repeating yourself for each characterjust concentrate on any bits that are different between
them, particularly the revised personal history and the
character's response.
After the interviews, each character is returned to
their room. There are two wings to the asylum, one for
men and one for women.
Orderly Sven
The Overseer
The mysterious Overseer is only referred to by the
other staff. It's heavily implied that he is in charge of
the asylum, and hence the staff, but he is never seen.
Group Therapy
Big Ralph
Sensory Deprivation
One of the treatments is a sensory deprivation tank,
where someone can spend the entire afternoon floating in
tepid water in absolute darkness. Hot-tempered characters
may be subjected to this treatment to drive them to
distraction. More serene patients may find themselves
shot full of Macabre to make the session a waking
Old Man Wu
Sample Dialogue: The steamed bun chimes when the
hour of the rat expires.
Attributes: Body 4, Chi 0, Mind 5, Reflexes 9
Skills: Martial Arts 10
Weapons: punch (5)
Art Therapy
A small group may be given paints or clay to make
whatever they like. Under the effects of drugs, the results
are not particularly good, but the staff say it is useful
treatment. Of course, it's true purpose is to try to identify
which patients may not be fully under the effect of
Genuflax and thus need a higher dosage. The treatment is
meant to humiliate and to build frustration. Imagine a Big
Bruiser trying to sculpt with clay when medication makes
his hand clumsier than usual.
Sarah Ling
Sample Dialogue: Stop talking when they look this
Attributes: Body 5, Chi 0, Mind 8, Reflexes 8
Skills: Deceit 14, Info/Asylum routine 11, Martial Arts
Weapons: punch (6), kick (7)
Sarah Ling is not fooled by the staff. But she
recognises she can't do anything to help herself. At
least, not alone. She may be convinced to team up
with the PCs to get herself out of the Asylum.
Other Treatments
Should any patient not cooperate with the staff, he is
generally warned once then taken back to his room and
given another shot of Genuflax.
So far, everything has been intensely frustrating for
the characters. They have been trapped in a terrible place
and, basically, tortured. Until they escape, they get two
therapy sessions a day and two bland meals a day. So,
how do they get out?
Cold Turkey
Possibly the most important step is getting off the
drugs. Being dosed with Genuflax seriously restricts the
efficacy of any escape attempt. While the nurses watch
the patients like a hawk for the first day, if they believe a
patient has resigned himself to life in the asylum they
won't watch so closely. A cunning character can palm the
pill or pretend to swallow it and avoid becoming dosed.
Sneaking Out
Characters not strapped to their beds may be able to
pick the locks on their doors and get out into the asylum
at night. Because there are so few staff in the place it is
quite easy to avoid being discovered. Naturally, getting
out is easier if the character is off Genuflax.
Getting Caught
Aborted attempts to sneak out of sight of the staff
attract a heavy dose of Slammer and Macabre and a night
of horror.
Print Room
The print room is a fully-appointed workshop to
create fake ID papers and other documents. The staff use
this to create the fake histories for the patients. There are
raw materials here to forge practically any form of official
document. There is also the safe, which contains little
other than seized weapons and other equipment. Getting
into the safe requires a successful Intrusion task check
with Difficulty 13. However, Sarah Ling, the patient,
knows the combination having overheard the staff
discussing it. Once the safe is open, guns characters will
be very happy.
Overseer's Office
The Overseer
Overseer intervenes.
The Overseer is a part of the asylum, and part of
what gives it its power. It is formed from the madness and
misery of all the patients that have suffered in the asylum
through the years. The overseer appears to be a wall of
darkness about twenty feet high, studded with baleful red
eyes, which can form jagged blades from itself to attack
with. The overseer prevents the party from leaving the
grounds by appearing right in front of them. Fortunately,
doing so reduces the asylum's power so the players get all
their schticks back. If they took a heavy beating fighting
the staff, they also heal up completely, as if a great weight
was lifted from their shoulders.
The Overseer is a creature of nightmares. As a sideeffect of its apparition, objects from the minds of the
players called into being around them. These can be
objects with a special significance to them or their
memories, or things they are frightened of, or familiar
places and things, or even just some of the crazy stuff
they thought they saw when dosed with Macabre.
Ammunition................................18, 30
Animate Garment.............................34
Aperture Device................................22
Arcanowave Devices........................22
Asylum of the Damned.........................
Escape From the..........................76
Back For Seconds...................5, 43, 44
Bail Out!...........................................38
Special Effects.............................34
Blood of the Valiant..........................43
Blowing Up Hong Kong...................43
Boarding Action................................24
Bracelet of the Master.......................63
Brick House......................................35
Bring It..............................................30
Business, the.....................................29
Camouflage Unit...............................31
Claws of Darkness............................63
Combijet Weapons............................16
Creating indices is really boring.......58
Creature Powers................................23
Custom Ammo..................................30
Dented Sword of Han Lo..................63
Diabolical Potency............................35
DNA Injector....................................22
Driving Schticks...............................24
Elemental Body: Air.........................23
Elemental Sword...............................64
Elevator to the Netherworld..............43
Experience Schticks..........................38
Feral Strength...................................23
Final Bullet.......................................30
Fire in the Hole!................................39
Flashy Reload...................................30
Floating Restaurant...........................69
Fluid Form........................................23
Fool Me Once...................................39
Four Bastards....................................43
Friends of the Dragon.................29, 43
Fu Powers.........................................24
Gentleman Retainer............................6
Glimpse of the Abyss..................23, 43
Gloves of Lam Wo Pung...................64
Golden Comeback5, 24, 27p., 35, 38,
Gorilla Warfare....................5, 30p., 43
Grand Theft Auto..............................24
Gravity Shield...................................22
Group Schticks.................................29
Gun Kata...........................................30
Gun schticks.....................................30
Guns............................................15, 17
Hardware Schticks............................31
He's Mine..........................................39
Helix Eviscerator..............................22
In Your Face Again...........................43
Incredible Loyalty.............................35
Infirmary, the....................................29
Inverted Forest, the...........................68
Iron and Silk...............................18, 43
King of the Fire Pagoda....................73
King of the Thunder Pagoda.............73
Lab, the.............................................29
Magic Cop..........................................5
Magic Schticks.................................31
Man on the Inside.............................29
Marked for Death..............................43
Marston Jabbett.................................68
Masked Avenger.................................5
Maverick Cop.....................................5
Medicine Bag....................................65
Modern Mage.....................................8
How Many Mooks?.....................44
The 'Named Mook'......................45
Not One Drop...................................39
Obsidian Dagger...............................65
Old Master..........................................5
On-Board AI.....................................31
One Target One Bullet......................30
Of the Beneficial Flow................26
Of the Corrupt Heart...................25
Of the Guarded Moon.................24
Of the Harmonious Chord...........26
Of the Merciless Talon................27
Of the Sharpened Scales.............28
Of the Spotted Hunter.................27
Peas in a Drum..................................24
PFG (Physique Feedback Gun)........23
Private Investigator.............................5
Queen of the Darkness Pagoda.........74
Queen of the Ice Pagoda...................72
Ring of Force....................................35
Ring of Gates, the.............................70
Rule Zero..........................................42
Salvaged Humanity...........................39
Scattered Form..................................23
Seal of the Wheel..................36, 43, 58
Second Chance Unit.........................23
Seed of the New Flesh................35, 43
Shadow Reach..................................24
Spear of Destiny...............................65
Stat Schticks.....................................35
Stop, Drop and Roll..........................39
Tainted Blades..................................65
Tainted One.......................................10
Tart With A Heart..............................11
This Is My Boomstick......................31
Thorns of the Lotus.......5, 30, 43, 64p.
Transformed Animal Packages.........35
What Could Possibly Go Wrong.40, 41
Wide Aura.........................................35
Withering Sarcasm............................35
Workshop, the...................................30