Out For Blood 1.0

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An independent supplement for Feng Shui by Ben Wright

Additional material by James Powell

Proof-reading: Jenna Manley, James Powell
Unwilling Playtesting: Stuart Chaplin, Graham Hayfield, James Powell, Alex Stuart, Andrew Ward

The Feng Shui role-playing game is 1996, 1999 Robin D. Laws, published under licence by Trident Inc. d/b/a Atlas
Games. This supplement is not produced by either Robin D. Laws or Atlas Games; no challenge to their rights
should be inferred.
The text of this supplement is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0
UK: England & Wales Licence.


Table of Contents

Villainous Archetypes................................................52
Villain Intelligence.....................................................54

Bring the Awesome......................................................3

Those That Fell Before................................................3

General Rules..................................57

I Parried an Axe Murderer.........................................57

Aiming and Advantage..............................................57
Defending Your Buddy..............................................58
Mixed Skill Stunts.....................................................58
Take Him Alive!.........................................................58
Juncture Modifiers and Special Sites.........................58
Accidents Waiting to Happen....................................58

What Can I Do Again?.................................................5

New Blood...................................................................5

Teaching Old Dragons New Tricks............................12
New Uses for Old Skills............................................14

Mass Combat..................................60


This is Not Your Daddy's Role-Playing Game..........60

This is Madness!........................................................60

Gun Ho.......................................................................15
Combijet Weapons.....................................................16
Bigger Bangs..............................................................17
Shell Shocks...............................................................18
The Armoury..............................................................18
Signature Weapons.....................................................19
Extra Weapons...........................................................20

Feng Shui Sites................................67
The Asylum of the Damned.......................................67
Marston Jabbett..........................................................68
The Inverted Forest....................................................68
Floating Restaurant....................................................69
The Ring of Gates......................................................70

Arcanowave Devices.................................................22
Creature Powers.........................................................23
Driving Schticks........................................................24
Fu Powers..................................................................24
Group Schticks...........................................................29
Gun schticks...............................................................30
Hardware Schticks.....................................................31
Magic Schticks...........................................................31
New Blast Special Effects..........................................34
Stat Schticks...............................................................35
Transformed Animal Packages..................................35
Experience Schticks...................................................38

The Monarchs.................................72
Royal Pains in the Backside.......................................72
Leading Up To Them.................................................72
Queen of the Ice Pagoda............................................72
King of the Thunder Pagoda......................................73
King of the Fire Pagoda.............................................73
Queen of the Darkness Pagoda..................................74
The Aftermath............................................................75

Escape from the Asylum of the


GM's Guide.....................................42
What's Your Poison?..................................................42
Rule Zero...................................................................42
the Books...................................................................43
Using the Books.........................................................43
Balancing Fights........................................................44
Making Fights Fun.....................................................47
The Good, the Bad, and the Funny............................49

Can Anyone Else Smell Chloroform?........................76

Waking Up.................................................................77
A Day in the Life.......................................................78
Night Terrors..............................................................80
The Boiler Room.......................................................80
Other Rooms..............................................................81
Fighting to Get Out....................................................81
Free and Clear 1.........................................................81
Free and Clear 2.........................................................81
Free and Clear 3.........................................................82

Making Villains Memorable......................................52
Keeping Villains Alive...............................................52


Welcome to Out For Blood, the Game Moderator's
guide for Feng Shui. It presents a great deal of
information useful to the GM when running the game,
from practical advice to suggestions as to how to handle
certain common situations. You won't find any essays on
the philosophy of being a GM, or any boring old generic
advice. Instead, it's chock full of concrete, Feng Shui
specific assistance so you can visit a beat-down upon the
players with renewed efficiency. There's a range of new
toys for the players, too, with many new schticks,
weapons and other goodness just waiting to be read. In
fact, because I know my audience, that section comes
first. Turn the page right now if you can't wait.

I was going to put in a section near the front saying

something like 'This isn't an official supplement, so
you're at liberty to ignore any bits you don't like'. Then
I realised that every supplement comes with that
assumed, even the official ones. You should feel no
guilt at ignoring any part of your Feng Shui library if it
doesn't suit your purposes, and Out For Blood is no
exception. If you're dissatisfied overall with this book,
please return the unused portion for a full refund.
This book uses British English throughout. This is
because it is nominally a GM's Guide, and as we all
know the best villains are English. It is certainly not
because the author is British and too lazy to try to
write in American English. No sir.

While this book is described as a GM's guide, it's

certainly not for the GM's eyes only. There's only one
chapter that has any descriptions of factions and their
abilities that might spoil the surprise and tension if
players read it themselves. The rest is pretty much fair
game, being new weapons, schticks and rules ideas to
handle some of the less commonly encountered situations.
There are also no lists of new characters for any of the
factions (apart from the Four Monarchs). What with all
the other books out there, there should be plenty of stock
characters for you to use. After all, we all know that the
best characters are the ones you make yourselves.

Because we are helpful, whenever we cite a rule from

the main Feng rulebook, we'll include a page number
for reference. These are the page numbers for the
Atlas Fames edition of the rulebook that's the
hardback version with the slightly pyrotechnic cover.
The first edition of the core book, from Daedalus
Games, contains pretty much all the same content,
though not necessarily on the same pages. The major
exception is that six archetypes from the Atlas edition
of the main book the Gambler, Journalist, Magic Cop,
Medic, Private Investigator and Thief were originally
published in Back for Seconds. If you lack that book,
you can find them on-line for free at

The first part of this book is full of useful new toys
and schticks for players. These include new character
types, weapons and schticks.



The second part is full of advice for the Feng Shui

GM. There are practical tips on how to run the game, how
to set up interesting fights and how to establish villains'
characters. There are a smattering of new optional rules
(which, thankfully, don't make the game any more
complicated), some artefacts and some feng shui sites.
The last chapter provides information for making one or
more of the Four Monarchs the principle antagonists in a

Most supplements for the Feng Shui game stand

alone well. They are self-contained little packets of
You can't pretend that the other books don't exist,
though. Some of the new schticks in Out For Blood are of
types in one of these previous books. You shouldn't feel
short-changed, mind, because even if you lack the details
for that kind of schtick you can always wing it. And when
you do get these other books, the juicy material will be
here, waiting.


August 13
It was a filthy hot day in Kowloon. Hot enough to
make your clothes stick to you. Hot enough that the
smell from the fish market drifted clear across the city.
Hot enough to make me really wish I wasn't there. To
make it worse we were wearing heavy clothes that
afternoon- big coats and broad hats. We wanted to
make sure we wouldn't be recognised, and we needed
the heavy togs to cover our weapons. Gappy Cho
nodded, and we fanned across the alley entrance as
we'd planned.

And it was into that nest of vipers that we were

heading. I knew for a fact that Gappy Cho was under
instructions to flee with whatever information we had
if went sour. Song reached the door, kicked it open and
threw himself against the brickwork. Still nothing. The
four of us hurried inside. The rooms were unfurnished,
with rotting floorboards and peeling wallpaper.
We heard and noise and all four of us pointed our
guns at one wall. As our eyes adjusted to the dark we
could see an old calendar gently knocking against the
wall as a draught tickled it. The name of the restaurant
at the top was still readable.

It was deserted.
Looks like the heat has driven Brown's boys
inside, Song muttered, Good luck for us.

God damn, Barry said.

I wasn't so sure. We were way outside our territory,

and Brown's gang had a reputation for brutality these
days. I kept my eyes on the doors and windows as we
stepped under the washing lines that criss-crossed the
alley. The blue door on the left was, according to the
best information we could get, one way into one of the
Brown gang's safe houses. Big Brother Tsien had told
us to go in there and rough up a few bodies until they
gave us information on how Brown's gang had grown
so strong so quickly. To hear him tell it, it would be so
simple. I was not convinced.

We were getting too jumpy.

We split up, Gappy and Song heading down the
main corridor while Barry checked the building's yard.
I was sent up a creaking staircase to the upper floor.
The whole place looked deserted. Just when I
thought our information had been bad and we could
all go home, there was an explosion of pain in my
kidneys. It felt like someone had driven a train into me.
I half turned to try to shoot at whoever had got the
drop on me but my revolver was twisted from my hand
and my legs kicked out from underneath me. The gun
barked as it fell and I heard the bullet ricochet off a
nail head. Before I could even see my attacker I was
dragged up onto my knees and put into some sort of
arm-lock. My arms were forced backwards and up, and
my head so far forwards I had trouble breathing. I
thought my head was going to pop clear off. I tried to
break free, but I might as well have tried to bend steel
bars. All the time, I hadn't heard a word from my
attacker. My back felt wet, and I could look down and
see blood staining my coat. I thought I must have been
got with a knife.

But if we didn't get a handle on Brown and his men,

our whole operation would be in trouble. I may only
have been hired muscle, but I knew that my well-being
was tied to Tsien's. We had to go through with this
because, well, you didn't talk back to Tsien. Brown's
gang had been nobodies only two months ago. Their
patch was a small area near the docks that wasn't
lucrative enough for anyone else to want to take it
from them. Then suddenly they'd taken the whole of the
dockside gambling area in one night. Something had
put a firecracker up Brown's ass, and he had the
strength to take by force anything that took his fancy.
Tsien reckoned he must have outside backing from
someone using him as a cats paw in a gambit for
greater control of the SAR drugs trade. I didn't know
enough about Triad politics to decide whether I agreed
with him or not. Naturally, established interests had
tried to smack Brown's lot down, and a lot of capable
cleaners had turned up shot to pieces. A little over a
week before our raid some of the bodies started to look
like they had been beaten to death rather than shot, so
presumably he had some psycho working for him as
well. Just what we needed.

Boss Brown came into the room, a cigar in his hand

and an unpleasant grin on his face. I'd never seen him
in person before, but there was something about the
gleam in his eyes that told me he was quite, quite mad.
He took a drag on the cigar while he slipped a set of
brass knuckles on his right hand. Then he slugged me
right in the jaw.
The last thing I remember as I fell limply to the
floor was looking up at my attacker and seeing a girl
in plaits with blood on her hands.



a Unique Schtick in Back For Seconds, pg 19. He can also

swap out Gun Schticks for Driving Schticks on a one-forone basis. Driving Schticks are in Golden Comeback.


In some of the source books there are optional rules

or alternative sorts of schticks available for some
character types. But naturally, the original write-ups
doesn't include these bonus options. So, for convenience,
the additional options are summarised here.

The Ninja can sacrifice a skill bonus to take a

Unique Schtick in Back For Seconds, pg 19.

Old Master

The Old Master can change his Unique Schtick to

one in Back For Seconds, pg 40 or one in Thorns of the
Lotus, pg 104. The Path of the Beneficial Flow, in chapter
5 of this book, restates the original Old Master Unique
Schtick as a Fu Power. Your GM may allow you to take
one of the alternative Unique Schticks then purchase that
Fu Power from your usual allotment.

The section in chapter 8 about 'Defending your

Buddy' in this book makes a recommendation for
changing the Bodyguard's Unique Schticks.

The Cyborg can swap out Arcanowave Devices for
Hardware Schticks on a one-for-one basis- and gets a lot
stronger. Hardware Schticks are in Gorilla Warfare.

Private Investigator
The Private Investigator can change her Unique
Schtick to one in Golden Comeback, pg 102.


The Gambler can change his Unique Schtick to one

in Golden Comeback, pg 100.


The Sorcerer can change his style of magic to that of

an alchemist. The details are in Thorns of the Lotus, pg

The Journalist can change his Unique Schtick to one

in Golden Comeback, pg 101.


Magic Cop

The Spy can change his Unique Schtick to one in

Golden Comeback, pg 102, or swap it for two Driving
Schticks, which are also in Golden Comeback.

According to Robin Laws, the Magic Cop should

start with a Martial Arts Action Value of 12, in addition to
the Sorcery and Guns skills. Magic Cops from the
contemporary and 2056 junctures can take Technomagy
(in Chapter 5) as one of their starting schticks.

The Techie can change his Unique Schtick to one in
Golden Comeback, pg 102, swap it for two Driving
schticks (also in Golden Comeback) or swap it for two
Hardware Schticks (in Gorilla Warfare).

Masked Avenger
The Masker Avenger can sacrifice a skill bonus to
take a Unique Schtick in Back For Seconds, pg 19.

You didn't think we'd write a book without giving a
few more character types, did you?

Maverick Cop
The Maverick Cop can sacrifice a skill bonus to take


Gentleman Retainer
Very good, sir. Will sir be taking the Glock 18 or the Franchi SPAS-12 to the mayor's ball this evening?
Behind every good hero, there's a good retainer. Even the most hardened warrior needs a helping hand behind the
scenes to keep the household in order, pay the bills on time and send the blood-stained clothes off to be dry-cleaned.
That's a role you fulfil. You may be past your prime, physically, but you're as sharp as ever where it counts and your
experience is only matched by your ability to be calm under fire. Maybe you were a fighter yourself when you were
younger, as a vigilante or as part of an armed unit. The years may have cooled your temper, but they haven't
extinguished the fires in your heart. You may not be suited to the front line any more, but your wealth of knowledge
certainly comes in handy. When the call comes to join the secret war you know your duty, and you know your place: at
the shoulders of heroes.



Add 2 points to two different primary attributes.

Guns +8 (=13)
Info/The Done Thing +3 (11)
Martial Arts +5 (10) [Max 12]
Add 12 Skill Bonuses. Swap Guns and Martial Arts is desired. The maximum for all skills is 14 unless otherwise stated.

1 Gun Schtick or Fu Power.

Unique Schtick: Jack of All Trades- You can turn your hand to just about anything under the sun. You do not suffer the
usual -3 penalty when using a skill you don't have. When you purchase a new skill, you only pay your attribute in
experience points instead of your attribute +8.

1 weapon from appropriate juncture.

Quick Schtick Pick:

Gun Schtick: Eagle Eye
69: Bow
1850: Crossbow
Cntp.: AMT Automag V
2056: Buro Godhammer
Wealth Level:

Working Stiff (although if you are in the employ of a Rich character you can operate as if you are


Run as much as you like. You may be faster than me, but I don't need to sleep.
You were created to serve. A powerful sorcerer carved you into human likeness, animated you with potent magic,
and commanded you to obey - and obey you did. But the sorcerer was made of a less enduring material than you were,
and in time you were left with no master, no commands, and no purpose. Perhaps now, as you drift across the secret
war, you can discover a new purpose. Perhaps you can even discover how to be free

AD 69, Netherworld


Bod =12 (Mov 4)

Chi 0 (Mag =7)
Mind 3
Ref 4
Divide 7 points among your secondary attributes, adding no more than 3 points to any one attribute.

Info/Drudgery +7 (10)
Intimidation +7 (10)
Martial Arts +5 (9)

Creature Schticks: Elemental Body (Earth, Metal or Wood only); Unliving. [both of these schticks are described in
Glimpse of the Abyss.]
Stat Schticks:

One body-related Stat Schtick of your choice.

Unique Limitation: As a walking statue, you cannot be healed by either variety of the Medicine skill - you need either
someone with the Heal schtick of Sorcery, or the appropriate Info skill (stonecutting, metalworking or woodcrafting,
respectively). No, Fix-It wont cut the mustard.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Shattering Blow
Wealth Level:



Modern Mage
Yes, officer, I quite understand you have to be careful about these things. But perhaps you should check our papers
Common sense says that magic died out some time ago. After all, if it was still possible, everybody would be doing
it, right? Well, it still is possible for some people. People like you. You would have been trained by another such as
yourself, someone who recognised your potential and taught you how to control your gift. They also taught you how to
keep it secret because obvious magic attracts all kinds of unwanted attention. And so you lived your life carefully, to all
outward appearances just an ordinary guy. Maybe you used your talent to help people out here and there or to give you a
bit of an edge in life. When the ceaseless madness that is the secret war spills out into your back yard, you come to
realise that it's time to pick sides and unseal a tin of whup-ass.

1850, Contemporary


0 (Mag=8)
Add 3 points to one primary attribute, 2 points to a second and 1 point to a third.

Driving +2 (7)
Guns +5 (=10)
Info/your choice +4 (9)
Info/your choice +2 (7)
Sorcery +6 (=14)
Add 4 skill bonuses. Change Guns to Martial Arts if desired.

4 Magic Schticks

Unique Schtick: No Place Like Home- You never suffer a juncture penalty to your Sorcery Action Value when in your
home juncture.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Wealth Level:

Working Stiff


I still want to go in, sir. I know it's gonna be bad, but I have to get used to it some ti- *hurk*
Everyone has to start somewhere. Everyone was new to their calling once. You may only be a junior cop, fresh out
of the academy, or a soldier who has just finished their training, but you're out of the nursery and dealing with the real
world now. You might even be a young innerwalker, selected as a promising talent for use by one of the factions in the
secret war. You may lack experience, but you have plenty of youthful enthusiasm. If you're not the most talented
member of your team, your willingness to learn means you catch on quickly. Your idealism hasn't yet fallen prey to
cynicism- and when you find out about the secret war you put your life on the line for what's right without hesitation.



0 (For=4)
Mnd: 5
Add 3 points to one primary attribute, and 2 to another.

Driving +2 (7) [Max 11]

Martial Arts +8 (=13)
Guns +7 (=12)
Police +2 (7) [Max 11]
Add 6 skill bonuses. Maximum Action Value for skills not listed is 11. Swap Martial Arts and Guns if desired.

2 schticks, which can be Gun or Driving Schticks.


1 weapon of appropriate juncture.

Unique Schticks:
So That's How It's Done- When a friend with a skill at a higher Action Value than you is instructing
you or demonstrating how to use that skill, you get +1 Action Value on use of that skill. This schtick can be used in
Keen To Learn- When you spend Experience Points to improve a skill another player has at a higher
Action Value than you, you spend 1 less point to increase it.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Gun Schticks:
Eagle Eye
Fast Draw
69: Sword
1850: Sword
Cntp.: Colt 1911A
2056: Buro Beat Patroller
Wealth Level:

Working Stiff


Tainted One
Monster? Takes one to know one, pal. At least I never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. Now let me show you just
how monstrous I can be... [meaty noises]
You have a guilty secret. Not an affair with your secretary or embezzling funds from the orphanage, but something
more, shall we say, vital. In short, you are not entirely human. Maybe you were bitten by something foul and barely
recovered, maybe there was an accident at the nuclear power plant, maybe you were shanghaied into experiments of
questionable ethics or maybe you just have a peculiar ancestry. Whatever the reason, there is something of the night
about you. People seem to be able to tell there is something not quite right about you even if they can't say exactly what
it is. Whenever you have trusted someone enough to reveal something of your true nature to them they have fled in fear
and disgust. You refuse to even get close to people because you've been betrayed before. But despite your cynical
exterior, your heart is being gnawed at by uncertainty; are you truly a monster, or can you redeem yourself through your



0 (Mag =8)
5 (Cha =3)
Add 4 points to Body or Reflexes. You have another 3 points to spend on primary attributes. The maximum for all
attributes is 10.

Creature Powers +5 (=13)

Deceit +7 (10)
Guns +7 (=12)
Intimidation +7 (10)
Intrusion +4 (9)
Add 6 skill bonuses. Change Guns to Martial Arts if desired.

3 Creature Powers
1 Gun Schtick or Fu Power


1 weapon of appropriate juncture

Unique Schtick: No Place Like Home- You never suffer juncture penalties to your Creature Powers Action Value when
in your home juncture.
Quick Schtick Pick:
Creature Powers:
Gun Schtick: Hair Trigger Neck Hairs
Wealth Level:




Tart With A Heart

Trust me, kid, that guy's Bad News - tougher schmucks than you have tried to take him down, and they're now
holidaying at the bottom of Kowloon Harbour.
A staple of western action films, you are the woman with a shady past and colourful reputation, but a no more than
slightly tarnished conscience. You might be an actual prostitute, but this archetype encompasses many other types of
women - many work in bars, or around the fringes of criminal organisations. You are often overlooked and
underestimated by men, especially testosterone-fuelled hero-types, but can almost always outwit them with your
cunning, nous and accumulated knowledge. And if that doesnt work, then theyll learn to their cost that youre more
than capable of holding your own in a fight.



3 (Mag =0)
5 (Cha =11)
Add 2 to one primary attribute, and 1 to another. Add 2 to two secondary attributes.

Dancing +5 (10)
Deceit +2 (=13)
Guns +5 (10) [max 13]
Info/The word on the street +7 (12)
Info/[your choice] +5 (10)
Seduction +4 (=15)
Add 8 skill bonuses. Change Guns to Martial Arts if desired.

1 Gun Schtick or 1 Fu Power; 1 Charisma Stat Schtick.

Unique Schtick: Great Listener- You can spend a Fortune point to make someone unburden himself of a secret thats
been preying on his mind. You can only do this outside of combat, and only if no-one apart from you will hear his
Quick Schtick Pick:
Fast Draw

Wealth Level:

Working Stiff




you've performed and major troupes and dancing schools

around the world.
Contacts: You know other dancers, as well as
promoters, bookers and musicians. There's also a chance
that anyone you meet will have seen you perform at some

One of the little-used facets of Feng Shui is the

capacity to make up your own custom skills. Many
different skills are just old favourites under a different
name, but here are a handful of interesting and innovative
new skills.

This skill replicates one of the uses of Sorcery, so the
GM may restrict its knowledge depending on the
campaign you're running.
It can also serve as a template for magical skills that
are far more narrow in scope than Sorcery, but are
difficult to combat with general Sorcery.

Base Attribute: Agility
Physical Ability: You can perform feats of acrobatics
fit for a circus troupe. You can flip and jump with great
aplomb, emulating the skill Martial Arts but only for
movement stunts and dodging, not parrying or attacking.
You have a repertoire of tricks you have practised to
perfection, and stunts that use these tricks get a +2 bonus
to your Acrobatics Action Value. The size of this
repertoire is equal to your Skill Bonus in Acrobatics.

Base Attribute: Intelligence

Physical Ability: You know how to summon
supernatural creatures and get them to perform your
bidding. This behaves like the Magic Schtick
Summoning, except that you use your demonology skill
and you have to have careful preparation for all your
checks. This gives you anything up to a +5 bonus to your
Action Value, depending on the time and resources you
dedicate to the task. You cannot simply make a check on
the spur of the moment, or in combat. Creatures you
summon typically cannot be affected by sorcerers with
Summoning unless their Sorcery Action Result exceeds
your Demonology Action Result. You can unsummon
creatures summoned by Sorcery or Demonology in the
same way, but you need the usual preparation to do so.

Knowledge: You know about famous tricks and the

acrobats who perform them. You know about circus
troupes and other places that hire acrobats. You can name
particular moves when you see them.
Contacts: You know other acrobats you have
performed with and other people associated with them
like promoters. There also a chance that anyone you meet
will have seen you perform your tricks.

Knowledge: You have deep knowledge of

supernatural creatures, including their principle strengths
and weaknesses, and how to summon them. You know
dark lore that would turns the minds of most men to
mush. You know about famous demonologists of the past.

Base Attribute: Agility

Contacts: You know other demonologists. It's a small

profession, so you have probably heard of all its
practitioners around the world. You are on first name
terms with some demons, having summoned them before.
Whether or not that is a good thing is open to debate.

Physical Ability: You can dance, if you want to.

While you may be most proficient in one form of dance,
at a pinch you can hold your own in any form. You may
also use your Dancing skill for your Dodge Action Value,
but only if there is music playing. In some circumstances,
you can use your Dancing skill to emulate the Seduction


Knowledge: You have a wide range of knowledge

about dancing and music that can be danced to. You can
recognise just about any style of dance. You can read the
significance in traditional or ritual dances. If you've
travelled with a dancing troupe, you know venues where

This has been called Info/Geomancy in other books,

but I figured it's important enough to the world of Feng
Shui to get promoted to the big league. It still counts as an
Info skill for all other purposes.

Base Attribute: Intelligence


Physical Ability: You know how to move pieces of

furniture and ornaments to promote or impede good chi
flow. With a successful check you can identify Feng Shui
sites or areas that could become Feng Shui sites with
judicious changes. By moving small objects around in
significant ways you can damage a Feng Shui site just
enough to give a head-ache to anyone attuned to it. This
can be a sneaky way of finding out who is attuned to a

Base Attribute: Manual Dexterity (or Charisma)

Characters who play instruments use Manual
Dexterity as their base attribute, singers use Charisma.
Physical Ability: You can play a variety of musical
instruments and sing. You probably specialise in one
instrument, but can get by with a great many others. You
can maintain your instruments and set up a stage for
performance as long as it's nothing too fancy. If you are
playing music, you can subtly alter the atmosphere of a
location. This is considered a weak form of the Influence
Magic Schtick, although it is not magical in nature.

Knowledge: You know about Feng Shui sites you

have visited, and can recommend ways of improving chi
flow just about anywhere you are. You can recognise the
patterns of chi in an area and read the local juncture
modifiers, assuming you have previous experience of the
skill the modifier applies to. Otherwise, you can tell that
chi is being manipulated, but in an unfamiliar way. You
can debate the intricacies of Feng Shui with other experts.

Knowledge: You know quite a bit of music theory,

have a very broad knowledge of pieces and styles of
music and can quote many songs from memory. You
know about music venues, bands and performers in your
area. You know more about famous musicians than most
people, but probably only about their music and careers.
If your skill is high enough, you probably are a famous

Contacts: You know other geomancers, either as

colleagues or as competition. Your skill has also probably
brought a number of secret warriors knocking at your
door one time or another, though you may not have
recognised them as such. You also know people who deal
in the tools of the geomancy trade, such as mirrors and
auspicious coins.

Contacts: You know other musicians, and have

probably played with many of them in the past. You know
the people who run the venues where you've played and
might have done session work for famous icons in your
area. You know the people who sell or tune instruments.
There's a chance that anyone you meet has heard your
music at some point, either live or recorded, but you have
to make a Fortune check to see whether or not they liked

Only characters from the contemporary or 2056
junctures may learn this skill.
Base Attribute: Intelligence


Physical Ability: You can gain unauthorised access to

computer systems and networks. You can subvert those
same computers to your ends or skim off information you
need from them. You also know about computer
hardware, and can phreak communication lines to gain
access where there is not a terminal. You can fix broken
computer equipment and install new components, given
time. You can write your own software, including viruses
and worms.

Base Attribute: Manual Dexterity

Physical Ability: You can perform close-up magic
tricks and other feats of dexterity such as juggling. You
can pick pockets, palm small items or even misdirect
someone's attention while you do something you
shouldn't. Unlike Intrusion, this doesn't rely on escaping
notice. Instead, you can be in plain sight, and still do
something that doesn't get noticed. You can also tie
balloon animals. You can make a prestidigitation check
when you first meet someone to impress them with your

Knowledge: You know about computers, software,

infamous hacking events and useful techniques. You can
harden a computer system or network against hacking
attacks. You know the tell-tale signs that a computer has
been compromised.

Knowledge: You know how magic tricks of all types

work, and what quirks of human behaviour magicians
exploit to work their art. You can spot the moment that
other practitioners make the substitution or palm the coin.

Contacts: You know other figures from the hacking

scene, probably only by their on-line aliases. You have a
web of contacts in large companies that drop you the
occasional juicy hint about an insecure system. You
probably also know law enforcement figures who
specialise in cybercrime, but they don't exactly like you.
There's also a small chance that someone you meet in
your local area is someone you've fixed the computer of
in the past.

Contacts: You know other magicians. You know

stockists that specialise in magician's supplies. You also
know a large number of children you've done party tricks
for in the past, every single one of which hates you.





your ally is using. If you are successful, your ally gets a

+2 Action Value bonus whenever he uses that skill for the
rest of the scene. If you are inspiring an ally, you cannot
normally take any other meaningful role in whatever is
happening at the time.



You can inspire greater competence in those you

directly command. They can be troops assigned to you as
part of a military unit, or people who have willingly
decided to follow your command for the time being.
Make a Leadership skill check against the highest Action
Value of a group of 5 mooks. If you succeed, apply the
Outcome as a bonus to all their Action Values for the
duration of the mission, but their skills can become no
higher than 12. If you fail, your botched attempt gives
them all -1 Impairment due to confusion and doubt. You
can attempt to improve more than 5 mooks at once, but
each additional group of 5 gives you a -2 penalty to your
roll. You can only have one group receiving the benefits
of being inspired at a time.

You can use fear to make your minions do your

bidding more effectively. There must be some realistic
threat hanging over them for failure. The mechanics are
exactly the same as for using Leadership to inspire
mooks, described previously.
You can also use Intimidation as an attack against
mooks. In essence, you intimidate them into fleeing.
Handle the attempt exactly as you would an attackhowever you can only intimidate an entire group of
mooks, and not any single members or subset of
members. This makes the skill most useful when you have
already whittled down the number of mooks. The
difficulty of the check is the combat Action Value of the
mooks- their confidence is directly linked to their prowess
in battle. Multiple target penalties apply as usual, and you
must achieve an Outcome of 5 or greater to successfully
drive the mooks away.

Leadership can also be used to inspire named allies.

To inspire, you must succeed at a Leadership task check
against a difficulty equal to the Action Value of the skill




60 kilos, 7 feet long and firing 30mm depleted uranium

shells, it is overkill of the most magnificent kind. It
requires a Strength of 10 to use at all. It can be fired from
a built-in bipod with a Strength of 10, fired prone
(without the bipod) with a Strength of 12 or fired standing
with a Strength of 14. It takes only 1 shot to crack the
breach and slip a new round in, but each round has a
concealment of 1 in its own right. Technically, it is a
sniper rifle. The Buro liked the idea so much they built a
couple of dozen of these things to issue to their strongest
abominations. Kudos if you manage to slip this weapon
past airport security.

Here is a smorgasbord of hot new firearms for your

Maverick Cops to go weak at the knees over. Technically,
some of these are 21st-century weapons, but we promise
to keep quiet if you smuggle one into the 1996 juncture.

AI Arctic Warfare


This is a bolt-action sniper rifle with a couple of

interesting quirks. It's designed for cold-weather warfare
so has an integral de-icer and has enlarged holes for
fingers to accommodate Arctic mittens. Happily, this also
makes it easier to use for any supernatural creature or
abomination that fancies himself as a sniper. It is also
more concealable than many sniper rifles dues to its light
weight, and has a decent capacity in its box magazine.


M79 Grenade Launcher

This piece was used in Vietnam and also by Arnie in

Terminator 2. It looks a little like a shotgun, and makes a
distinctive hollow 'whomp' sound. Grenades can,
pleasingly, be made to bounce off walls, down stairs and
generally cause chaos and panic. The one downside is that
they can be parried. Bear in mind that the explosion has to
happen somewhere. Deliberately batting a grenade
somewhere when it's fired at you is a 3-shot defensive
action where you roll Martial Arts (or possibly Sorcery if
you have the Movement Magic Schtick) against the
Action Result of the attack. Failure implies it lands right
at your feet. If grenades are a little imprecise for the task
at hand, you can also load buckshot into the M79 for the
lower damage rating, but its range is even worse than a
shotgun (quadruple range penalties). You can also load
more exotic rounds such as CS canisters or sponge rounds
for crowd dispersal. Reloading the weapon takes three
shots, but every two rounds add 1 concealment to your
total carry.


The spiritual ancestor of the shotgun, this weapon

has a lot of stopping power but severely limited range.
Although it takes 12 shots to reload, its ammunition can
be literally anything to hand, eliminating worries about
finding ammo in out of the way places like 69 AD. If you
spend a shot putting a little extra in it before firing, its
damage increases by 1, just like a shotgun. Using one of
these to intimidate someone is especially potent- they can
stare down the flared barrel and see exactly what's about
to be fired at them- and gets a +2 Action Value bonus.



Imagine, if you will, that a machine pistol and a

camcorder had a baby. The result would be something like
this weapon. It is a fully-automatic pistol mounted on
hinged holder so the user can be behind a corner, out of
harm's way. The hinge can flex to 60 degrees, and the
operator has a little camcorder screen to aim with. You
can straighten it and use it as a normal gun if you want.
But let's face it, if you could shoot round corners when
would you ever use it like a normal gun?

Hellsing ARMS Harkonnen

Magnum Research Biggest, Finest

This modestly-named piece of hardware can be
chambered for .500 Smith & Wesson and .50 Beowulf,
among others. Those who own a BFR never shut up about
how it's 50% more powerful than the Desert Eagle .50,
especially if someone within ear-shot is carrying one of
the latter.

Metal Storm Pistol

This breach-loading behemoth of a weapon was

designed for those with superhuman strength1. Weighing

(20 or 14/4/1)


The Australian Company 'Metal Storm' has been

researching weapons where a whole bunch of bullets are
loaded into the barrel at once, and fired sequentially. With

Specifically, a vampire in the Japanese manga Hellsing.



TDI Vector

multiple barrels, these systems can shoot a million rounds

a minute. Although they are only at the prototype stage at
present, they represent too much fun for a Feng Shui
character to let slip through her grasp. This pistol has but
a single barrel, with the cartridge loaded in at the rear of
the weapon. It can be fired in two modes- 'single shot' and
'everything left in the barrel'. In the latter, each bullet
counts as a three-round burst for the purposes of damage.
These things take 5 shots to reload.

Metal Storm Rifle

A futuristic number that reduces recoil by having the

moving parts of the weapon move downwards as it fires
to pull the muzzle back down when they hit the stops. It's
matte black and very futuristic looking, so the imageconscious assassin covets it for its style and accuracy.

Tesla Blaster



A metal-bodied sniper rifle from France with the

coolest name of any in its class. Designed for use against
objects rather than people- but Pledged innerwalkers have
taken a shine to this weapon for use against abominations
and demons because of the respectable capacity in its box

Spectre M4


Isn't science wonderful? Particularly when you can

use it to send many, many volts into a target with a widget
like this. It never runs out of ammo and is excellent
against mooks. The drawback is that it makes a loud
crackling noise when it's ready to fire, and takes 5 shots to
warm up from a cold start. Typically confined to mad
scientists in the contemporary and 2056 junctures.


Like its cousin, this baby packs multiple love in each

of its three barrels. Unlike miniguns, these barrels do not
need to rotate. It doesn't have a single shot mode- instead
it has 'one from each barrel' and 'everything must go'
modes. Again, each bullet fired counts as a burst for
autofire purposes. It takes 8 shots to reload.

PGM Hecate II


When the Buro operatives in 1996 first laid their

hands on captured Lodge gyrojet weapons, they felt
slighted that someone else had come up with a cool
futuristic weapon first. Testing showed that while deadly
in the right circumstances, they lacked power at close
range2. Because Buro techs can never leave well alone,


A sweet little SMG with an additional forward grip.

Its high-capacity magazine and the ability to carry one
round in the chamber makes it a good choice for a shooter
who just loves to paint the town lead.

Gyrojet weapons really were developed, some time in the 60s. They
didn't catch on because the ammo was expensive and the guns really
were weak at close quarters. Apparently you could render a gyrojet
weapon useless by putting your finger over the end of the barrel. I
took their word for it on that one, as should any PC who likes
counting on her fingers.

they developed the combijet system. In essence, these
weapons combine the best of both gyrojet and standard
firearms. Each 'bullet' has two stages: a normal percussion
cap and a small rocket motor. When first fired, it travels
down the barrel like a normal bullet. Once it reaches the
end, however, the tail end of the bullet falls away to
reveal the rocket motor which then ignites.

weapons, every character must make a Fortune check

against the number of artillery pieces firing into their
immediate area. If a character fails, she takes 12 damage
from being a little too close to one explosion. If she
fumbles, she gets tagged directly. Ouch.


In game terms, only characters who are Rich can

afford to use one of these regularly, and that's assuming
they somehow gain access to the schematics that the Buro
is keeping close to its chest. They suffer the same
reliability problems as other Buro firearms, although the
failures are rather more pyrotechnic in nature. Like
conventional firearms, Combijet weapons are ineffective
under water.

Combijet Back-up Arm

Once used to clear trenches, these horrific weapons

set anything they hit on fire, continuing to do 4 wound
points every 3 shots that by-pass Toughness. Putting
yourself out is a three-shot action if you stop, drop and
roll, but only a 1 shot action if you find a source of water
to douse yourself with. GMs with a sense of humour may
see to it that nearby pots and pans are actually filled with
something flammable.


M203 Grenade Launcher

Although it has a truly pitiful capacity, this weapon

packs a surprising punch for its weight and size.

Combijet Pistol



Although this weapon is modelled after assault rifles,

it is not actually capable of full autofire. However, its
power, slim-line profile and reasonable capacity can work

Metal Storm Field Piece


These things have 38 barrels, each loaded with a

number of bullets. They are all fired in under a second. If
anyone is hit by one of these, it's a race between gunshot
trauma and lead poisoning.



It's time for the big ordnance. All these weapons

should never be considered usual equipment for a
character, and most especially they should never be made
Signature Weapons. These are the gifts you bring to the
party at the military base, even though they already have
plenty. Using any of these attracts extreme attention from
any local authorities. They cross the line between
'vigilante' and 'terrorist', so only plan on using them if you
really need to. Most of them require some kind of firing
platform- although characters fortunate enough to have
Hardware Schticks have access to some of these, the sick

Artillery Piece


This is not a weapon in its own right, but as an

under-barrel attachment to an assault rifle. It enables the
shooter to fire grenades as easily as lead. It takes 3 shots
to slot a fresh grenade round into place (and every two
rounds constitutes 1 concealment). The M203 is designed
for M16 rifles, but equivalents exist for the assault rifle of
your choice. See the entry for the M79 grenade launcher
for fun with grenades. These attachments are only used in
serious war-zones, hence their presence in this section.

The first production model using the concept, it has a

slick pistol grip but a mediocre capacity.

Combijet Rifle



These are often found on tanks and helicopters. They

are capable of full autofire, naturally.

Obnoxiously Big Chaingun


Typically packed on naval vessels, these things are

bigger and nastier than miniguns.

Rocket Launcher


Your basic rocket launcher. Treat it like a big

explosion. Some rocket launchers are designed to be fired
from the shoulder.


For the purposes of personal damage, one era's

artillery weapon is pretty much like another. Hitting a
moving target incurs a +10 difficulty modifier, as it isn't
what they are designed for. They hit like a big explosion,
however. Should an area be saturated by fire from these

Sentry Gun


These handy contraptions can be set up and left.

They fire at anything that enters the field of vision of their


camera. The Perception they have varies from 10 up to
20, depending on the sophistication of the software and
the camera used. They make an attack every shot, with a
Guns Action Value of 12. They don't have friend or foe
recognition, so sneaking up to it and turning it round is an
excellent prank. Hitting one has a difficulty of 18, and
you have to weather two shots worth of return fire even if
you hit it.

Rubber Ball Shell

Tesla Cannon

Siren Shell

A shotgun shell with tiny rubber balls. When fired

into an enclosed space, they continue to bounce around.
For the two shots immediately after the round is fired,
make an attack against anybody in the confined space
with an Action Value of 12. The damage of the initial shot
and the bouncing follow-ups is 10.


A shotgun shell that is, essentially, a whistle. Ear

protection is advised. Damage from the round itself is

Weird science types might have one of these handy

in their lair. Anyone who gets within about 10 metres of it
is automatically struck by a bolt from it, and is hit again
in 3 shots time if he doesn't get out of the way. Unnamed
characters are taken out automatically3.

White Phosphorus
Another shotgun shell, that burns and creates a
smoke cloud after firing. Damage is much the same as a
regular shotgun round, but the smoke and burning can be
useful. This ammunition is actually banned from use in
warfare by the United Nations, although some banana
republics haven't agreed to the protocol that bans them.

You know that part in the main Feng Shui rule book,
right there on page 65, where it says that different types of
ammunition have no effect on game mechanics? It's a lie.
In fact, ammunition has no game effect unless said
ammunition is really cool. Here are some speciality types
of shotgun ammunition to play with.

So, you want a little more detail in your hand to hand
weapons? Well, without compromising the free-wheeling
spirit of the main rules, here are some weapon categories
you can use to broaden your horizons. And by 'broaden
your horizons' I mean, of course, 'kick ass'. These
weapons are not entirely compatible with the weapons
listed in Iron and Silk, but you can easily convert from
one to the other by looking at appropriate types. In fact,
you could let your players pick which write-up they want,
as the versions here are typically easier to hide.

Baton Round
Originally six-inch wooden cylinders, these
nominally non-lethal projectiles are useful for crowd
control, and can be recovered undamaged after use.
Whatever weapon they are fired from, they only do 8

Dragon Breath Shell

These weapons are given a concealment rating,

which reflects how easy it is to tell when someone's
carrying a weapon as with guns. Walking down the street
with a naked blade is an invitation to be met by police in
the contemporary juncture, but in other junctures simply
carrying a weapon may not cause consternation. For this
reason, higher concealment weapons are more appropriate
to other junctures, and innerwalkers who roam the streets
of Hong Kong tend to leave their big toys at home unless
they're expecting trouble. Some of the problems can be
offset by having a carrying case for the weapon, but
getting it out in a hurry takes 8 shots of fumbling with
catches while your buddies take a beating. Most cases are
themselves Innocuous Weapons, below.

Strictly for pump-action shotguns only, this

incendiary shell turns your shotgun into a flame-thrower.
When you fire it, it shoots flame for a while afterwards.
The damage of the shell is 10, but for the next two regular
actions after the initial firing you have a small
continuously-firing flame-thrower that does the same
damage, whether you want it to or not.

R.I.P. cartridge
The Round Irritant Personnel cartridge is a shotgun
round filled with CS gas and smoke-generating powder.
When one of these things is fired, the area gets a generous
helping of smoke and anyone hit with it directly suffers 1
point of Impairment for three shots.

It goes without saying that you should only use these

rules if you want a bit more variety in your weapons to
excite your jaded palette.

That's what the *** means here. Hey, it's not every day you get the
opportunity to use 3 consecutive asterisks.



Classic Big Weapon


Slightly Concealable Weapon (Str+3/3/-)

The basic damage-dealing weapon. It lacks finesse,

but gets the job done. Swords, axes or indeed any weapon
of the largest kind fall into this category. Weapons of this
type are not really concealable, and unless it's in a case or
a large sports bag they attract comment and the attention
of law enforcement.

These weapons offer a trade-off between damage and

concealment. They can be hidden under a largish coat or
in a small bag. Small swords, large knives and any of the
middling size of weapons match this description. Again,
unless they're in a case or bag they are seen as dangerous
by law enforcement agencies if detected.

Collapsible Weapon

Technical Weapon

(Str+4/6 or 2/-)

Some weapons can be disassembled for transport.

This makes them excellent for avoiding notice, but they
require time to put back together before they can be used.
In combat, this takes 5 shots. Certain pole-arms and axes
are collapsible as well as more exotic options.

Huge Weapon

These weapons trade off raw damage dealing

potential for the capability of performing more effective
manoeuvres. If the Outcome of an attack with this weapon
is 6 or more, then the attack causes some additional
benefit beyond damage. Typical benefits include
disarming an opponent or tripping them, but the precise
nature is up to the GM and is usually consistent for the
same weapon. Hook swords, twin swords, pole-arms and
other curious weapons fall into this category.


This weapon is just oversized. Some such weapons

are exaggerated versions of normal weapons, but others
only exist in versions of this size. Because of the extreme
size and weight of these weapons, any attempts to use a
Fu Power while wielding one suffers a -2 Action Value
penalty. Furthermore, when in combat with an unarmed
enemy the user of this weapon also suffers a -2 Action
Value penalty, which stacks with the first penalty if he
tries any Fu Powers.

Innocuous Weapon

Very Concealable Weapon



Everyone loves the cheesy goodness of signature

weapons. Those 3 extra points of damage are so much
fun. Here we have some alternative benefits from taking a
signature weapon, should you decide you want ol' Betsy
to be a little different from other signature weapons out
there. With these rules, you can buy signature weapon
multiple times for the same weapon; you just can't buy the
same benefit twice. All signature weapons, whatever
ability they get, have the usual robustness to loss or
damage. Most of these benefits can be applied equally
well to guns as to martial weapons. Naturally, only the
character taking the schtick gets the benefits described


Some weapons are very quick and precise. These are

less effective against skilful enemies, but make
dispatching mooks that bit easier. Rapiers and butterfly
swords fit the bill for these weapons. The Outcome you
need to take down a mook down is 2 points lower when
you use these weapons.

Parrying Weapon


These weapons are the smallest of the small. Tiny

little daggers, razor blades and other fiddly items fall into
this category. Barring metal detectors or cavity searches,
you can take these babies anywhere. They don't do more
damage than a hearty kick, but at least they have an edge.

Although these weapons are easy to spot, they don't

look like weapons. Baseball bats, golf clubs and spades
are three examples of innocuous weapons. Even when
noticed, they won't register as weapons unless the context
makes it very apparent they will be used as such. One
man carrying a sledgehammer down a road is not
suspicious. Four men with sledgehammers blocking your
exit from an alleyway spell trouble.

Mook Shredding Weapon


Built For Stunts


Some weapons are particularly adept at performing

stunts. Whether it's using a whip-sword to snag ceiling
beams or a flexible staff to trip and embarrass enemies,
stunts that take advantage of the characteristics of the
weapon gain a +2 Action Value bonus.

These weapons are particularly effective at parrying.

When you parry a Martial Arts attack with one, you get a
+1 bonus to your parry (on top of the normal +3 for an
active defence). Some swords are designed with parrying
in mind, as are staves.




The Big Table of Wacky

Signature Weapon Ideas

Weapons can be made a little more concealable with

the right approach. A sword concealed in a false leg, for
example, or as part of an exotic costume, is be much more
difficult for others to spot. Zatoichi's sword cane is a good
example of a weapon of this type. Concealable signature
weapons get a -2 concealment bonus. Naturally, trying to
reduce concealment below 0 has no additional effect.

Bag of marbles
Cheese grater
Egg whisk
Frying pan
Golf club
Hunga munga
Knife boot
Knifewrench (for kids!)
Knitting needle
Leaf blower
Left-handed Rickenbacker Bass Guitar
Library stamp
Pen (Gets a +4 AV against swords)
Pizza wheel
Potato masher
Razor-edged hat
Reel of razor wire
Sex toy
String of sausages
Tape measure
Wheel of cheese

Extra Damage
This gives the weapon +3 damage in your hands.
Nothing more to see here, move along.

By channelling your chi through this weapon which
has a spiritual significance for you, it becomes an
extension of your body. You can use any Fu Powers you
know that normally require bare-handed attacks with this

The signature weapon ability for the secret warrior in
a hurry. The Outcome needed to take down mooks is 2
lower than it would be otherwise.

When this weapon is used to parry an attack, you get
a +2 Action Value bonus due to its carefully honed
defensive properties.

This weapon has built into it equipment that helps
you with another (non-combat) skill. Maybe the grip of
your gun contains a set of lock-picks (Intrusion), the
pommel of your sword has the seal of a noble and
respected family (Leadership) or the haft of your axe
conceals healing powders (Medicine). When you use this
utility, you get a +2 bonus to the relevant Action Value.

Sometimes a character wants to change their
weapons. If a character wants to seize a dropped weapon,
then he can- he just can't keep it forever. If a character
wants to change one of their weapon picks, then he can do
so between sessions without penalty. If a character wants
to add a normal weapon to his character on a permanent
basis, then he can do so by spending 4 Experience Points.


Helloooooo Flying Windmill Kick.


August 13
I came to in some dank underground cell - I couldn't
tell if I was in the same building or not. There was a
toilet against one wall, which I took as a good sign.
They wouldn't bother with facilities if the cell was only
meant to hold people until they were killed somewhere
else. By the smell, the previous occupant hadn't cared
much where he relieved himself. I had bandages
around my back, which was another good sign. My jaw
was swollen like a melon but by some miracle it wasn't
actually broken. Of course, just because they wanted to
keep me alive didn't mean they'd leave me unhurt.

was close to the truth with my idea, there was more to

the picture than that. Her style seemed to be punches,
for starters. I couldn't see her firing a gun without
falling over backwards. It seemed more likely that she
was Brown's new psycho.
I brought myself back to the here-and-now and
realised the girl was staring at me. She looked...
Mr. Brown will be here soon, she said, presently.
If you put up a little resistance, he will hurt you a
little and then be satisfied with your answers. If you
tell him everything right away, he will assume you are

Or whole.
As is usual when I was in that kind of grim
situation, I found myself recalling all the bad decisions
that had led me to it. It usually started with deciding to
live with my mother when Dad moved back to England.
Then there was deciding I wanted to make a fast buck
working for one of the gangs instead of sticking with
the job at the copy shop.

It was good advice, and I grudgingly decided to

follow it. The girl threw me a bottle of water.
It is important to replace fluids if you have been
bleeding. And eat iron rich foods.
I gestured hopelessly to the cell walls, I'll tell room
service to bring me some liver.

I didn't have much time to muse before the metal

door scraped open. The girl I'd seen before stepped
into the noisome room and pushed the door closed
behind her. She wasn't carrying any weapons and I
hadn't seen any guards outside, but if she had been my
attacker earlier I doubted that rushing her would
improve my situation.

She looked at me blankly for a moment then cracked

a big smile. I laughed, a little nervously it has to said,
and she laughed too. Then she pressed an old, small
cushion into my hands.
Hide this under your shirt. Mr. Brown prefers to
strike the abdomen. Your friends escaped. He will ask
you where they will have gone.

Before anything else, I mumbled, trying to ignore

the pain, I want you to know that I am prepared to
tell you absolutely anything. I've always respected the
Brown gang. In fact, I thought about joining you lot
before I met Tsien- there's a funny story about that

I felt a small surge of pride that the shot I had got

off had alerted the others to the ambush, but it was a
hollow kind of pride.
No sooner had I padded my clothes than Boss
Brown stormed in with a couple of his heavies. As they
hauled me to my feet and held my arms, Brown
gestured to the girl in the corner.

She cut me off with a look. She couldn't have been

more than twelve years old but I couldn't see anything
childish in her expression. Okay, so I hadn't really
been looking very carefully when I entered the house
but she'd sneaked up behind me and had practically
felled me with a single blow. I started wondering if she
was reason the Brown gang's fortune had changed. No
wonder no-one wanted to talk about it, if some of the
toughest hoods in the Hong Kong underworld were
being rolled by someone in a pinafore dress. Just the
same, there was something that didn't quite fit. I
couldn't put my finger on it, but I felt sure that even if I

I see you've met little Mingxia. Mingxia the

Merciless, we call her. She's quite a charmer, isn't
He rolled his cigar around his mouth while his men
laughed dutifully.
Then he slipped the brass bar back over his
knuckles and got down to business.




end of the sequence. The user spends her own chi to

activate the power, and gets a mutation point when the
injector is first used and every time she uses the power it
gave her. If the DNA Injector suffers a malfunction, the
genetic material is destroyed. The injector can be
prepared for new genetic material (if the original is
destroyed, or if a new power is desired) with an
Arcanowave Devices roll of 15 or more. On a failure, the
material is destroyed and some more must be obtained.
Note that anyone can attempt the roll to prepare the
material, not just the character with the DNA Injector
schtick. Unless there is a malfunction, the injector can
work indefinitely on a single sample.

Aperture Device
BTM forces and Abomination shock troops are not
generally known for their mobility. Someone noticed that
lack of mobility was a disadvantage, and a brief to
improve this got sent to the lab-rats at the CDCA.
Desperate to redeem themselves after their failure to
replicate the Gatemaker device the Jammers are so fond
of, they put what they had learned from that project to
work. The result is the Aperture Device. Resembling a
futuristic ray gun, when it is fired at a flat metal, rock or
concrete surface at least two feet by two feet, it creates a
blue-green circle of energy. The second time it is fired, it
creates an orange circle of energy. Once both are
deployed, these two circles are linked by a stretch of the
Netherworld disconnected from the rest of it, and only a
micron in length.

Gravity Shield
This device creates a wall of force three feet in
diameter that can protect you from attacks. Once it is
operational, you can choose to parry with it against any
kind of attack, based on your Arcanowave Devices Action
Value. When you plug the device in, you must make a
task check Difficulty 5 using Arcanowave Devices to turn
it on correctly. If you fail, the device fails to operate but
you can try again 3 shots later. If the device malfunctions,
it encloses you in an indestructible, frictionless sphere.
You cannot stand up, and the sphere can be pushed around
with ease and slips down any slope it encounters. The
sphere only disappears at the GM's discretion. It's not
often your own equipment can be complicit in your
kidnapping. If you parry or attempt to parry an attack that
got a roll of boxcars, the shield turns itself off
immediately after the attack, forcing you to turn it back
on again.

Basically, it creates two linked portals. When only

one is in place, it cannot be passed through. Each portal
only remains open for a number of shots equal to the sum
of both numbers of the dice rolled when the weapon is
fired. This means that sometimes the first portal closes
before the second can be opened, which is one of the
problems the lab-rats are trying to fix. Being caught halfway through when one of the portals closes is...
unpleasant... to say the least. The other main drawback is
that flat metal and concrete surfaces of that size are not
exactly common in many places where Buro operatives
are sent.

Helix Eviscerator

Should the Aperture Device malfunction, any open

portals close. And always remember- speedy thing goes
in, speedy thing comes out.

The bigger, meaner cousin of the Helix Ripper, fresh

from the Architect labs. It weighs close on 25 kilos when
shouldered but only 10 when plugged in. It has a damage
rating of 16 and a concealment rating of 8. It can
penetrate 12cm of inorganic matter and the wounds it
inflicts cannot be healed by conventional means (as with
the Ripper). It is not especially effective at taking out
mooks. However, any target hit by it has one Fortune die
stripped from him without benefit. Should the Eviscerator
suffer a malfunction, it consumes any remaining Fortune
points its wielder has and inflicts 10 Wound Points on him
that are not reduced by Toughness. This is in addition to
the usual drawbacks of an arcanowave device
malfunction. This is the reason it doesn't see wider use.

DNA Injector
The DNA Injector is an over-large syringe with an
automatic plunger mechanism. It contains a small sample
of genetic material from a transformed animal. When
triggered, it injects some of the specially treated material
into the user. This material temporarily grants the
recipient the ability to use one transformed animal power.
The power must be specified when the material is
prepared, and must be possessed by the transformed
animal the material came from. The effect lasts until the

Generating or re-absorbing a duplicate takes a full

PFG (Physique Feedback Gun)

The PFG is an experimental project by the CDCA
designed to deal with opponents that are particularly
physically tough. Determined raids by Jammers were the
initial provocation for this work, but it has found use in all
sorts of places. The PFG looks like a medium-sized
handgun but with a flared barrel like a trombone (the
original prototype was the size and shape of a tuba).
Simply put, the PFG disrupts the flow of physical chi
through the target in such a way that it is reversed and
amplified. The weapon is fired using Arcanowave
Devices and does base damage equal to the target's
Constitution, by-passing armour and Toughness. Each
time it is fired, the user suffers 1 mutation point.

Elemental Body: Air

The Elemental Body Schticks were introduced in
Glimpse of the Abyss, and catered for the traditional
Chinese elements of Earth, Wood, Metal, Fire and Water.
Any Western geomancers who wanted to be able to create
an Air Elemental would add the following schtick to their
Air Elementals gain a +1 bonus to their Dodge
Action Value, and a +1 bonus to initiative. They are
immune to any damaging effects that depend on their
victims need to breathe, including suffocation, drowning,
and inhaled poisons.

Second Chance Unit

Designed by a mad Buro statistician who took his
own life after sketching the first prototype, the second
chance unit offers a way to avoid embarrassing slip-ups.
Whenever the user fails at any skill roll, he has the option
of triggering the Second Chance Unit. If he does this, he
can make the roll again but this time use his Arcanowave
Devices skill. Whatever the new Outcome, he gets
mutation points equal to the number rolled on the
negative die of this second roll (if this was a six and rolled
again, he takes the full added value). The unit can only be
used once a session.

Feral Strength
Your power in combat owes little to form and skill
and everything to raw strength and fury. You may use
your Creature Powers Action Value when making a
Martial Arts attack unless you are using a Fu power.

Fluid Form
Your body can reconfigure itself more or less
instantly. What is your foot one moment can be your head
the next. This makes you able to counter attacks against
you with frightening speed. Whenever you successfully
parry an attack against you, you may make a Martial Arts
attack against the foe you parried (assuming you could
attack them normally) with no shot cost. This schtick is
also useful for slipping bonds and squeezing through
narrow gaps. Called shots against your body (but not
items you hold) are no more effective than a regular

You have the ability to generate multiple copies of
yourself. You can maintain a number of copies (including
the original) equal to your Magic attribute. Each duplicate
has your normal attributes, schticks and mundane
equipment- although weapons and special items are not
duplicated. Any damage taken by one of your bodies is
also taken by all the others- you also have to share Chi,
Fu, Fortune and Magic points and suffer any other effects
(such as Impairment) in common. You can leave some
bodies standing or sitting while you concentrate on one in
particular. As long as you only actively control one body
at a time, you act normally. If you try to use more than
one body at once, then you suffer Impairment due to
concentration issues equal to the number of active bodies.
All of your incarnations act on the same shot of initiativealthough you can Active Dodge with all of your active
bodies during a particular shot with no additional penalty.
You can only reduce the number of copies you have by
absorbing one back into one of your other bodies.

Scattered Form
You can break yourself down into a large number of
small creatures. They may be bats, rats or moving blobs
of shadow. Transforming yourself into this form or back
takes 8 shots. The number of creatures in your swarm is
equal to your remaining Wound Points. Each member of
the swarm has any skills of yours that are appropriate to
the new form with an Action Value of 1. However, you
also gain the Group Attack schtick (Glimpse of the Abyss,
pg 10) so your swarm members can attack together. No
group of your creatures can fight with an Action Value
higher than your normal combat Action Value, however.
The swarm must stay more or less together and act as one.
Each swarm member is considered a mook when taking
damage, and for each swarm member that is killed you
take 1 Wound Point (and, naturally, are down one member
of your swarm). If the last member of your swarm is
killed, you must pass a Death Check with a difficulty of


10 to survive. Even if you do, you must spend a handful
of days regenerating your swarm before you can resume
your regular form and act normally.

guarantees that a suitable vehicle is nearby when you

need one.

Peas in a Drum

Shadow Reach

If there's an enemy in the vehicle you are driving,

you can swerve and change speed abruptly to throw them
around. You can make attack against a passenger in your
vehicle using your Driving skill. The damage is low,
typically 6, depending on what he bumps into. It may not
hurt him much, but it can knock him off his feet or ruin
his aim. The rest of your passengers suffer no ill effects,
apart from lurching about a bit. You can make attacks
against multiple targets in your vehicle, using the normal
rules for doing so.

All shadows are connected to the same primal

darkness, a darkness you carry in your soul. You can
reach into one shadow and out of another nearby. The
maximum range for this ability is your Magic attribute in
metres. Using this ability to attack is a standard -2 stuntit's a little difficult to land a blow properly when your arm
is metres away from your body- but your target doesn't
get an opportunity to take a defensive action. If you buy a
second schtick in Shadow Reach, you can even pass
bodily from one shadow to another if the shadow is large
enough. You spend some of time in the darkness before
you return. Roll an open die, and spend that many shots in
transit. With a third schtick, you can take one person with
you (or an object you can carry not larger than a person).

Path of the Guarded Moon


Guarded Step

Chi: 1 / Shots: 1

You can weave a barrier almost impenetrable to

mle attacks with your hand-to-hand weapon. As a
defensive action, parry a Martial Arts attack against you
with a +3 bonus to your Active Dodge Action Value (on
top of the +3 for a normal Active Dodge). This schtick is
ineffective against other attacks or if you aren't wielding a
hand-to-hand weapon. Prerequisite: None; Path:
Guarded Stance.

Driving schticks first featured in Golden Comeback.

Their cost is 8+X, where X is the number of Driving
Schticks you have when you have bought the new one.
You can only buy Driving Schticks if your Driving Action
Value is 12 or more.

Boarding Action
If you succeed in a Driving task check with a
Difficulty equal to the Driving skill of a larger vehicle,
then you can perform a boarding action. Your vehicle
lodges somewhere in the larger vehicle, allowing anyone
to move from one to the other. For example, you could get
a car stuck in the side of an articulated lorry, jump a
motorbike onto the back of a speed boat or steer a hang
glider onto a jumbo jet as it takes off. Although this
schtick doesn't guarantee success at the boarding action, it
does guarantee that if you do succeed your vehicle shall
remain lodged until someone specifically takes action to
remove it.

Guarded Stance

Chi: 1 / Shots: 1

You have honed the art of defence to the point where even
bullets are easy to deflect for you. As long as you have a
hand-to-hand weapon, you can deflect most projectiles
fired at you. You can parry a Guns attack against you with
a +2 bonus to your Active Dodge Action Value. This
counts as a defensive action. Prerequisite: Guarded Step;
Path: Laughter of the Moon, Lunar Stance, Unyielding
Guarded Stance.

Laughter of the Moon

Chi: 2 / Shots: 1

Your skill at deflecting bullets is without peer. As a

defensive action, parry a Guns attack against you with a
+2 bonus to your Active Dodge Action Value. If the attack
fails to hit you, you may deflect it to another character in
line of sight from you, even the one who fired at you. The
Action Result of this attack is the same as the Action
Result of the attack against you. You need to be wielding
a mle weapon to use this power. Prerequisite: Guarded
Stance; Path: Ultimate Lunar Stance.

Grand Theft Auto

You are no stranger to... er... commandeering a
vehicle. When you try to break into a vehicle in a hurry,
or wrestle someone out of a passing car, you can use your
Driving skill instead of Intrusion or Martial Arts
respectively. This doesn't let you break into particularly
important vehicles (Popemobile, anyone?), or throw bad
guys out their cars willy-nilly, but it does mean that if you
need wheels in a hurry, you can get them. It also


Path of the Guarded Moon

Laughter of
the Moon



Lunar Stance

Guarded Stance
Lunar Stance

Chi: 3 / Shots: 1

Eyes of the Beast

Your perception of the flow of Chi in order to defend

yourself has reached epic proportions. As a defensive
action, you may parry a Sorcery attack against you with a
+3 bonus to your Active Dodge Action Value.
Prerequisite: Guarded Stance; Path: Ultimate Lunar

Chi: 1 / Shots: 1

There is dark knowledge in your eyes. You can study

a character for a short while, and gain an insight into their
nature. You discover what Creature Power schticks they
possess and whether they have the Summoning Magic
Schtick. Prerequisite: None; Path: Claw of the Beast.

Claw of the Beast

Unyielding Guarded Stance

Chi: 2 / Shots: 1

Chi: 2 / Shots: 3

Your diabolical strength makes you a troublesome

enemy. Make a Martial Arts attack against an opponent. If
the attack hits, then instead of doing damage you throw
your target your Strength in metres, plus the Outcome of
the attack. Even if you miss, the target is thrown half your
Strength (rounding up) in metres. Prerequisite: Eyes of
the Beast; Path: Vengeance of the Beast.

Your keen eye and fantastic reflexes make the old

magic trick of catching a bullet a reality. As long as you
have a free hand, you can parry a Guns attack against you
with a +3 bonus to your Active Dodge Action Value.
Prerequisite: Guarded Stance; Path: Ultimate Lunar

Vengeance of the Beast Chi: 2 / Shots: 0

Ultimate Lunar Stance Chi: 7 / Shots: 0

Use this ability after you are subjected to an effect

that relies on your supernatural nature. Examples are
Summoning checks and the Wave Suppressor arcanowave
device. You may use this power after any roll has been
made to see if the effect succeeds in order to negate the
effect entirely. No roll is required. Prerequisite: Claw of
the Beast; Path: Rage of the Beast.

Your mastery of the art of defending against

incoming blows is legendary. It has reached the stage
where you are only ever hit if you mean to be. Until the
end of the sequence, you may parry any attack with a +7
bonus to your Active Dodge Action Value. The effect ends
early if you choose not to parry any attack, or are attacked
by an enemy you were unaware of. Prerequisite:
Laughter of the Moon, Lunar Stance, Unyielding
Guarded Stance.

Rage of the Beast

Chi: 5 / Shots: 0

That is not dead which can eternal lie- and while you
can still be killed you can keep kicking much longer than
any would expect. Use this schtick whenever you would
be required to make a death check. You may delay the
death check until the end of the sequence, and
automatically pass any death checks you make in the
meantime. The death check at the end of the sequence
only has the difficulty of the check you triggered this
ability for, regardless of how many Wound Points you
have suffered since. These Wound Points do not go away,
however. Prerequisite: Vengeance of the Beast.

Path of the Corrupt Heart

This is a very special Fu Path, dedicated to such
Supernatural Creatures that have the will and discipline to
use their unnatural heritage to best effect. Characters may
only take schticks from this path if they have the Creature
Powers skill.



Path of the Corrupt Heart

Eyes of
the Beast

Claw of
the Beast

of the Beast

Rage of
the Beast

Luck of
the Master

The Master's

Path of the Beneficial Flow

Eyes of
the Master

Lesson of
the Master

Path of the Beneficial Flow

The Master's Prerogative

Chi: 5 / Shots: 0

Eyes of the Master

Some old devils can be very quick over the ground

when they have reason to be; such as if there's a sale on
plum wine. Before rolling initiative, you may activate this
schtick to roll initiative using your Chi attribute instead of
your Speed. Prerequisite: Luck of the Master.

Chi: 0 / Shots: 0

You are adept at perceiving the chi flow through

people's bodies, striking them where they are their
weakest. The damage for your punches or kicks is equal
to your Chi attribute. They do not count as Fu attacks
unless you use another Fu power. The observant among
you will notice that this duplicates the Old Master's
unique schtick. Old Masters count as having this schtick,
and can get the other Fu Powers later in the path. It does,
however, make all their Fu powers slightly more
expensive to buy. Ain't that a shame. Prerequisite: None;
Path: Lesson of the Master.

Lesson of the Master

Path of the Harmonious

This is a path specifically of use to Martial Artists
who also know Sorcery. Magic Cops are the most
frequent users of this path.

Chi: 3 / Shots: 0

Harmonious Stance

Chi: 1 / Shots: 1

When you are hurt, you can concentrate the flow of

chi in your body to lessen the injury. Whenever you are
hurt you may use this schtick to substitute your Chi
attribute for your Toughness when calculating damage.
Prerequisite: Eyes of the Master; Path: Luck of the

You can use a mixture of your magic and your

martial arts prowess to deflect just about any attack. As a
defensive action, you may parry any kind of attack using
your Martial Arts skill, even if the attack is a type you
could not normally parry with that skill. Prerequisite:
None; Path: Harmonious Strike.

Luck of the Master

Harmonious Strike

Chi: 2 / Shots: 0

Sometimes all it takes to be lucky is a greater

appreciation of the flow of chi through the world.
Whenever you are called upon to make a Fortune check
you may substitute your Chi attribute for your Fortune
when making the check. This does not allow you to spend
Chi points as Fortune. Prerequisite: Lesson of the Master;
Path: The Master's Prerogative.

If you have the Blast Magic Schtick or the Blast

Creature Power, you may make Blast attacks using your
Martial Arts Action Value against targets inside normal
mle range. You must have a free hand to deliver the
Blast. Prerequisite: Harmonious Stance; Path:
Harmonious Fist.

Path of the Harmonious Chord



Chi: 1 / Shots: 3



of the Void


Path of the Spotted Hunter

Strike of
the Leopard

Harmonious Fist

Charge of
the Leopard

Claw of
the Leopard

Lunge of
the Leopard

Fist of
the Leopard


Path: Claw of the Leopard, Fist of the Leopard.

Chi: 2 / Shots: 3

You have discovered a way to make magic more

effective if you first touch your enemy. Make a Martial
Arts attack against an enemy. If you hit, do not deal
damage but instead make a Sorcery attack with a bonus to
your Action Value equal to the Outcome of the Martial
Arts attack. This Sorcery check has no shot cost. You can
delay making the Sorcery check until later in the scene,
and still only have a shot cost of 0. You can use this
power against the same target multiple times, adding the
bonuses from the Outcomes of your Martial Arts attacks
together until you unleash the accumulated power all at
once. Prerequisite: Harmonious Strike; Path: Integration
of the Void.

Lunge of the Leopard

Chi: 2 / Shots: 1

Until the end of the sequence, your Move attribute

rises to match your Chi attribute. Prerequisite: Strike of
the Leopard.

Claw of the Leopard

Chi: 1 / Shots: 3

Leap a number of metres equal to your Move

attribute, then make a Martial Arts attack against an
opponent. Immediately after you make the attack, leap
away from your opponent a number of metres equal to
your Move attribute. The opponent does not get an
opportunity to use powers that rely on taking an action
against you immediately after or simultaneously with
your attack. Prerequisite: Charge of the Leopard; Path:
Leopard Stance.

Integration of the Void Chi: 1 / Shots: 0

You may attach a Fu Power to a sorcerous blast. Any
mention of a Martial Arts attack in the Fu power
description instead refers to a blast attack. The chi cost of
Integration of the Void is added to the chi cost of the Fu
Power. This ability may not be used with Fu Powers that
are clearly incompatible with a Blast attack. For
simplicity, Fu Powers that use your attributes to determine
effectiveness still use the same attributes. Prerequisite:
Harmonious Fist, Harmonious Stance.

Fist of the Leopard

Chi: 2 / Shots: 3

Make a Martial Arts attack against an opponent- for

this attack his passive Dodge is reduced by 2.
Prerequisite: Charge of the Leopard; Path: Leopard

Leopard Stance

Path of the Spotted Hunter

Chi: X / Shots: 0

Make a normal Martial Arts attack against an

opponent with a slightly reduced shot cost. Prerequisite:
None; Path: Charge of the Leopard, Lunge of the

When an enemy makes a Martial Arts attack against

you, you can simultaneously make a Martial Arts attack
against them. Subtract X (the amount of Chi you wish to
spend- which must be at least 2) from your passive Dodge
for this attack. Add twice X to the damage of the attack
you make. Prerequisite: Claw of the Leopard, Fist of the

Charge of the Leopard Chi: 1 / Shots: 1

Path of the Merciless Talon

Strike of the Leopard

Chi: 1 / Shots: 2

You may run a distance in metres equal to three

times your Move attribute. This does not allow you to
make particularly long leaps, however. This power allows
you to participate in car chases, as described in Golden
Comeback pg 113. Prerequisite: Strike of the Leopard;

Strike of the Eagle

Chi: 2 / Shots: 3

Strike an opponent bare-handed, the damage value

for the strike is equal to your Strength +4. Prerequisite:
None; Path: Beak of the Eagle, Wing of the Eagle.


Path of the Merciless Talon

Beak of
the Eagle
Strike of
the Eagle
Wing of
the Eagle
Beak of the Eagle

Fury of
the Eagle
Talon of
the Eagle

Laughter of
the Eagle



Chi: 2 / Shots: 0

break free, by making an Agility task check with your

Martial Arts Action Value as the difficulty- success means
he breaks free. If you attack any target other than the
opponent in the hold, you release him. Prerequisite: Wing
of the Eagle; Path: Merciless Hold.

Immediately after you are damaged by an opponent

in hand-to-hand combat, you may launch a free barehanded Martial Arts attack on that opponent. The damage
for this attack is your Strength +2. This has no effect on
your current shot. Prerequisite: Strike of the Eagle; Path:
Fury of the Eagle, Talon of the Eagle.

Wing of the Eagle

Laughter of the Eagle

Use as a defensive action when a Fu power is used in

an attack against you. If the attack does not hurt you, you
receive a number of Fu points equal to the amount spent
by your attacker. If these points are unspent by the end of
the sequence, they are lost. Prerequisite: Fury of the
Eagle, Talon of the Eagle.

Chi: 2 / Shots: 3

Make a Martial Arts attack against an opponent. If

you hit, your opponent loses his footing and falls over in
addition to taking normal damage. Until he takes the time
to stand up, he has -2 Impairment to his Martial Arts
score. Getting up is a standard action, but can be made
part of an attack as a stunt. Prerequisite: Strike of the
Eagle; Path: Talon of the Eagle, Talon Hold.

Fury of the Eagle

Merciless Hold

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3

Make a bare-handed Martial Arts attack against an

opponent. Any Fu power used as a defensive action or Fu
powers in effect that make the attack less effective do not
count for this attack. If the target uses a Fu power as part
of an Active Dodge, then the Active Dodge bonus still
applies. Prerequisite: Beak of the Eagle, Wing of the
Eagle; Path: Laughter of the Eagle.

Talon Hold

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3

Dig your fingers into an opponent's pressure points

on a successful Martial Arts attack. In additional to
normal damage, you maintain a hold that damages your
opponent further when it breaks. If you do anything other
than passively Dodge, the hold is broken. If your
opponent makes an attack, the hold is broken. Whenever
the hold is broken, the opponent takes 3 Wound Points
that are not reduced by Toughness. After the action that
broke the hold is resolved, you may make a Martial Arts
task check with no shot cost to reassert your hold against
the same target- but reasserting a hold in this way does
not inflict damage. Prerequisite: Talon Hold.

Strike an opponent with a fierce blow directed at one

of their most vulnerable spots. If you hit, add your
Willpower rating to the Damage dealt. Prerequisite: Beak
of the Eagle; Path: Laughter of the Eagle.

Talon of the Eagle

Chi: 0 / Shots: 1

Path of the Sharpened

Scales (extended)
Two more schticks to tack onto the end of everpopular Dragon-style kung fu. This is in addition to the
Luck of the Dragon power in Golden Comeback, pg 67.

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3

On a successful Martial Arts task check, you may

place an opponent in a joint lock hold that reduces his
Dodge value by 2. The victim can use his actions to try to


Path of the Sharpened Scales

Bite of
the Dragon

Breath of
the Dragon

Claw of
the Dragon

Wing of
the Dragon

Fury of
the Dragon

Luck of
the Dragon
Wing of the Dragon Chi: X+1 / Shots: X

protection money quickly brings business to a grinding

halt. There are also complications should the heroes have
to spend an extended amount of time in another juncture.
If a second schtick in The Business is bought, then
everyone associated with it can operate as if their Wealth
Level was rich- a business this successful requires a lot
more maintenance and is well known throughout the local

Launch a flurry of unarmed attacks at your opponent

from above. The force of your blows, whether they hit or
not, keeps you airborne until the attack ends. You make X
bare-fisted attacks, each of which carries a -2 Action
Value penalty. Essentially, you make a brace of snapshots
with less than the usual penalty. Prerequisite: Claw of the
Dragon; Path: Fury of the Dragon.

Fury of the Dragon

The Infirmary

Chi: 4 / Shots: 0

Having your own en-suite facilities to patch up the

injured is very handy. You can guarantee the best of care
and avoid awkward questions about what exactly were
you doing when you got shot. An infirmary may be part of
a Home Base. An infirmary grants a +3 Action Value
bonus to any task checks made with Medicine or the Heal
Magic Schtick but only if the infirmary is equipped in the
right way. Modern infirmaries have complete surgical
facilities suitable for modern-style Medicine skills. Others
may have a selection of powders and plants that are a
boon to traditional (magical-based) healing. Still others
may be filled with arcane paraphernalia to assist the

After enacting the Wing of the Dragon, you launch a

powerful punch at your stunned opponent as soon as you
land. This attack has a bonus to your Martial Arts Action
Value equal to the number of attacks you made during the
Wing of the Dragon attack. Furthermore, if you hit your
opponent is thrown back a number of metres equal to the
Outcome of this attack. Prerequisite: Wing of the Dragon.

Group Schticks were introduced in Friends of the
Dragon. They are bought for the entire party as a whole,
from a pool of Experience Points donated by individual
members of the group. The cost of a Group Schtick is
8+X, where X is the number of schticks the group will
have once the new one is bought.

The Lab
The characters have access to a fully-equipped
scientific laboratory. Not only is this of immense use for
all kinds of research, but it provides safe storage for any
hazardous materials that need to be kept away from
curious fingers. Any science-related task check made in
the Lab gets a +3 bonus to the relevant Action Value. The
Lab can be part of a Home Base. The lab also has a stock
of useful chemicals on hand in case they are needed in a
hurry. Having access to this stock helps avoid the
difficulties associated with acquiring possible illegal
materials (such as explosives) through other channels.

The Business
Your group owns (or at least runs) a business. It may
be part of a Home Base. It need not even be a physical
building, if the group sells knick-knacks and traditional
medicines from a hand cart in a Hong Kong park. The
benefits of running a business are a steady supply of
money (allowing everyone to operate as if they have a
Wealth Level of Working Stiff) and the possibility of
generating friends and contacts among repeat customers.
The down sides include having to actually run the
business and having a location important to them that is
(presumably) relatively easy to find. If the business is not
kept running smoothly the party may lose its benefit.
Failing to defend it from local gangs trying to extort

Man on the Inside

Your group has a contact inside an organisation that
is nominally your enemy. This contact can pass you
information, get your passes to places you shouldn't be
and lets you know if they find out that something big is


going down. As useful as this is, you do have to take
special steps to ensure that your friend is not fingered as a
leak or traitor, which will probably involve complicated
dead letter drops or taxing counter-counter-espionage
protocols. Note that while your contact is an ally, he won't
necessarily put his life at risk for you.

spend a number of shots searching your clothing or your

surroundings for one final bullet. As long as you use the
bullet in the same sequence as you exhausted your normal
ammunition, you get a bonus to your Guns Action Value
with that final bullet equal to the number of shots you
spent searching for it.

The Workshop

Flashy Reload

The party has workshop on hand for any big jobs that
need doing. This provides working space for customising
vehicles or any other heavy welding. A workshop is also a
good place to keep any 'hot' vehicles away from prying
eyes. Fix-It task checks made in The Workshop get a +3
Action Value bonus. It can be part of a Home Base.

You know how to reload a weapon in a way that

impresses. This does not make you reload any faster in
the way that Lightning Reload does, but instead grants
you a +3 bonus to any Intimidation task checks you make
immediately after reloading your weapon. This bonus
stacks with 'Who's the Big Man Now?' from Gorilla
Warfare. What's more, the first shot you fire after
reloading does an extra point of damage. This schtick is
particularly useful for weapons with a limited ammunition
capacity, such as revolvers.

Bring It

Gun Kata

Sometimes it's coolest to just stand your ground and

fire. If you can stare down your enemy without making a
move to defend yourself, you can make your next shot all
the more devastating. If you decline to take a defensive
action when attacked, and don't have any cover bonuses
or other wimp-outs, the next time you make a guns attack
you get a +1 damage bonus against the enemy that
attacked you. If multiple attacks are made against you,
this bonus is cumulative but only for the next shot you
make. Bring it can be bought multiple times, and the
effects stack.

When pushed at close quarters, you can use your

firearms as mle weapons, and through rigorous training
you can beat people with them nearly as well as you can
shoot them. The ability is also useful when a gunshot
would make too much noise or you have run out of
ammunition. You can only make simple attacks with your
guns, not impressive stunts. You cannot use other Gun
Schticks that affect the way you attack (like Carnival of
Carnage or Both Guns Blazing) at the same time, but you
can use Gun Schticks that do not (like Fast Draw or Hair
Trigger Neck Hairs). The damage from a gun used in this
way is a uniform Strength+1, and you do not get any
bonus for signature weapons (unless you also happened to
buy the Fu Power Signature Weapon for it). If you are
deprived of your guns, you still can't make mle attacks
unless you also have the Martial Arts skill. You roll your
Guns skill Action Value -2 for attacks you make this way.
Each additional schtick decreases the penalty by 1, and
you may not have more than 3 schticks in Gun Kata.

Custom Ammo
This is similar to the schtick 'Versatile Ammo' in
Thorns of the Lotus pg 105, but this applies to any firearm
or bow. Custom ammo allows you to spend a Fortune
point to have to hand ammunition of any special type for
your purposes. Incendiary round to make sure the
building burns merrily? Easy. Depleted uranium sabot
rounds to punch through the tank's armour? No problem.
Macedonian silver blessed by three popes and a rabbi?
You bet. For clip-fed weapons, you get a full clip or a clip
partially filled with 6 rounds, whichever is lower. The
same applies for magazine-fed weapons. For hand-fed
weapons like shotguns or revolvers, you get 6 individual
rounds. Feeding a single round into a hand-fed weapon
only takes 1 shot. The bullets do normal damage, but have
the appropriate effect based on their type. This schtick is a
handy way of getting hold of enchanted bullets to deal
with creatures immune to normal bullets.

One Target One Bullet

A real sniper only needs one bullet. If you are
shooting at a target in the classic sniper scenario, or any
situation where the target is completely unaware of you
and you have ample time to take aim, you can gain an
aiming bonus of up to your Guns skill Action Value
instead of the usual 3. You must have enough time to aim
the shot, and have a suitably accurate weapon to use, but
other than that you really can double your skill when
firing. Given that if the target is completely unaware of
you, they may have a Dodge Action Value of 0, this
makes snipers every bit as deadly as they should be.
Targets with Hair Trigger Neck Hairs, a Threat Evaluator
or some other ability that gives them preternatural

Final Bullet
If you have exhausted all your ammunition, you can

awareness can usually avoid being reduced to a Dodge
Action Value of 0, but you still get the bonus to your
aiming. Nice.

and cannot use Fortune dice. This effect lasts until the
GMP leaves the feng shui site or is switched off (with a
vengeful sledge-hammer, for instance). The effects of
multiple GMP units are cumulative.

This Is My Boomstick

On-Board AI

When you fight in the secret war, sometimes you

have to deal with primitive screw-heads. They're a fact of
life. While sorcerers and martial artists find it relatively
easy to impress in any age, the gunman suffers when noone knows why he carries that lump of metal around.
Enemies don't know to fear him until after he's shot them,
which often ruins the point. By taking this schtick, a
character can use their Guns skill in place of Intimidation
or Leadership, but only when firing a gun to impress a
crowd unfamiliar with firearms. Used wisely, this can
elevate a man to the status of king.

If you can stand having a part of yourself that gives

you back-chat, you can have a little box of knowledge
that can help you out in all sorts of situations. The OnBoard AI can have any Info skill at an Action Value of 15.
Switching it to a different Info skill is simply a matter of
slipping in a different memory stick. Finding a memory
stick with the information you want can be more
troublesome, of course, particularly if the information
isn't generally available. The GM may rule that certain
Info skills can't be obtained without going to some effort
to obtain the necessary information first. The AI begins
with one memory stick of your choice available, and you
can acquire others on a permanent basis by buying them
for 3 Experience Points apiece.



Hardware Schticks are first introduced in Gorilla

Warfare. Their cost is 25+X, where X is the number of
Hardware Schticks the character will have after
purchasing the new one.

Illusion allows the sorcerer to change how something
appears. Unlike Influence, which gets more difficult the
more people you try to fool, Illusion gets more difficult
the more the illusion differs from reality.

Camouflage Unit
It goes without saying that this particular Hardware
Schtick was not developed by Jammers. It was developed
back when the Buro was the unrivalled master of
cybernetics, and never really caught on with homicidal
monkeys. The device projects a field around the user,
making them blend into the background. It's not perfect,
but in tricky visual conditions it can be very effective. It
allows you to use your Intrusion skill as your passive
Dodge score. Active Dodges are still based of your best
combat skill, as normal. It also grants you an Intrusion
Action Value of 15, unless your natural Action Value is
already higher. What's more, your Intrusion using the Unit
(and hence your Dodge) can never drop below 15, even if
Impairment or other penalties would apply.

The basic illusion affects one person or person-sized

object and fools either sight or hearing. The base
difficulty is 0 and the location of the illusion must be
within the sorcerer's Magic rating in metres. For each
person or person-sized object that's part of the illusion
beyond the first, increase the difficulty by 1. To fool sight
and hearing, add another 2 to the difficulty. To fool all the
senses, add another 2. To include recording devices in the
effect, add another 2. The Outcome is how believable the
effect is. Anyone who encounters the illusion will either
believe it totally or see through it. If they see through it,
they are aware that there is some kind of illusion. If the
highest of their Perception, Detective and Police is higher
than the Outcome of the Sorcery check that created the
illusion, they see through it. They get a +5 bonus if they
witness the illusion being created, even if the sorcerer
tries to make its appearance seem realistic.

The GeoMantic Pulse is to chi flow what a mantrap
is to a wheel-barrow. When triggered, everyone in the
vicinity suffers -1 Impairment to Sorcery, Creature
Powers, Arcanowave Devices and Martial Arts (the last
only when using a Fu Power). They are also prevented
from using Fortune points. The effect lasts for one scene,
but the GMP can only be used once per session. There is a
second function that can be used at a Feng Shui site- in
this mode the GMP inhibits chi flow continually. Anyone
attuned to the site suffers -1 Impairment to all their skills,

The normal duration for an illusion is as long as the

sorcerer concentrates. Maintaining an illusion in this
fashion is a continuous action. If the illusion is intended
to last for longer, the sorcerer can spend a Magic point
when casting the spell. This allows the duration to be the
Outcome of the check in hours. A long-lasting illusion can
only move in a simple way and cannot respond properly


to any interaction from characters fooled by it. As soon as
they try to interact with it, they would see through it. A
sorcerer can concentrate on a long-lasting illusion to make
it behave properly.

which cannot have been dead for longer than your Magic
secondary attribute in hours. The ritual to create it takes
one hour and two magic points; these points do not return
to you until the creature is destroyed or dismissed (see
below). Upon completion of the ritual, make a Sorcery
task check with a difficulty of 15. If the person whose
body you are attempting to animate felt a particular
enmity towards you in life, the difficulty increases to
anything up to 20. If the task check is successful, the
undead is created and regards you as its master. If the
check is a failure, the undead monster is created but is
totally free-willed, and probably starts plotting to usurp or
kill you. On a Backlash, the creature immediately and
savagely attacks you, and the Magic points spent in its
creation are permanently lost.

Illusion Backlash normally causes the sorcerer's own

perception to be corrupted and unreliable. Until the end of
the scene, each time the sorcerer attempts an action the
GM secretly rolls one die. If it falls as a 1 or 2, the
sorcerer is actually performing the action on something
other than he thought. For example, he may shoot an ally
instead of an enemy or throw a petrol cannister on the fire
instead of a bucket of water.
Taoist Wizards (from Thorns of the Lotus) do not
take a penalty to their Sorcery Action Value when casting
Illusion magic.

You may, at any time, try to dismiss such a creature

of your own creation whose services you no longer
require. This needs a Sorcery task check, the difficulty of
which is the number of days for which it has been
animated. If you are successful, it crumbles into a small
pile of dust, and the Magic points spent in its creation
return to you at the end of the session. If you are
unsuccessful, it becomes aware that you have just tried to
destroy it, and ceases to recognise you as its master. Oops.
The consequences of a Backlash on this check are the
same as for Backlash when creating it. Creatures that are
already attacking you cannot be dismissed.

Illusion Special Effects

Creating Something - You can create the impression
that something is there when in fact it is not. Profoundly
incongruous illusions have their difficulty increased by 5.
Hiding Something - You can mask the presence of
something you don't want others to see. The illusion has
to blend into the background effectively, which raises the
difficulty by 2. In the event of a Backlash, the illusion is
permanent and neither you nor your allies can locate the
object again.

Animate Zombies - This effect allows you to animate

corpses, giving them a semblance of life. This can be
done on any human or other large mammal corpse that is
in a relatively intact state, but does not work on
supernatural creatures, or on corpses that had previously
been animated. No matter what the previous game
statistics of the creature whose body you are animating,
all zombies have the statistics described in the sidebar,
and are considered to be mooks for the purposes of

Masking Something - You can make something look

like something else. The most obvious application is
disguise. Trying to mimic a specific person exactly is
particularly difficult, and adds 5 to the difficulty.
Substitution - You can swap the appearance of two
broadly similar things. For example, you can make it
appear that you are the guard and the guard is you so the
other guards shoot him and not you. Because this is,
effectively, two separate illusions the difficulty is
doubled. The simplest version, intended to fool sight only,
has a difficulty of 0, but any observers get the +5 bonus
because they saw the effect happen.

The maximum number you can have animated at any

one time is equal to your Magic secondary attribute. You
may give them simple instructions (defend me, guard
this place, attack that person) either verbally or
mentally as a one shot action. Zombies are incapable of
performing complicated actions. Zombies given no new
instructions continue to obey their most recent order to
the best of their ability, or simply mill about aimlessly if
this is not feasible.

This schtick deals with death. Not with causing it use Blast for that - but with playing about with the
consequences. Necromancy has always been a bit of a
taboo subject, even in junctures where magic is
commonplace, so you may wish to conceal any
knowledge of it unless absolutely necessary.

On a Backlash, any zombies you have created or are

attempting to create attack you.
Eyes of Death - You can review the last few
moments of a corpses life, from its own perspective. The
corpses brain and at least one of its eyes must be
relatively intact for this effect to work. The base difficulty
of your Sorcery task check is the number of hours the
corpse has been dead. If you wish to add sound to your
review, add 5 to the difficulty. If the corpse is not human,

Necromancy Special Effects

Animate Named Undead - You can create a
powerful undead servant. It must be created from the
corpse of a named human character - no mook will do! 32

add 5 to the difficulty. If you are successful, you may
mentally review a number of minutes if the corpses life
equal to your Magic secondary attribute. These are always
the very last minutes of life, so this effect is good for
determining the cause of death, or working out who his
killer was.


In a Backlash, you are overwhelmed by the

sensations of the corpses death. Take ten wound points
that are not reduced by toughness, and pass out for the
rest of the sequence and all of the next in a dramatic
fainting fit.

Named Undead

Undead Creatures
Attributes: Bod 8 (Mov 4), Chi 0, Mnd 1, Ref 4
Skills: Zombies you create have a Martial Arts AV equal
to your Magic secondary attribute, to a maximum of 10.
Weapons: Punch (9), Bite (10)
Attributes: Bod X, Chi 0 (Mag X/2), Mnd 3, Ref X
X is equal to the creator's Magic secondary attribute.
Skills: Martial Arts, Creature Powers and Intimidation
with an AV equal to the creator's Sorcery AV minus 3.
Schticks: A Revenant youve created gains one Damage
Immunity of your choice (usually either guns or hand to
hand weapons) plus two schticks of your choice from the
following options: Abysmal Spines, Death Resistance,
Weapons: Punch (X+1), whatever mle weapon you
choose to give it.
Notes: Named Undead under the control of a player
character earn 1XP per session, plus 1 XP per attunement
of their creator.

Turn Undead - This effect is identical to the

Banishment effect of Summoning (Feng Shui, p97) save
that it affects Undead rather than Supernatural Creatures.
If you are using this effect against an Undead Mook, and
your outcome exceeds its highest Action Value by 5 or
more, you may elect to destroy the Undead rather than
turning it; you may target multiple mooks in one go with
the usual penalty.
On a Backlash, you suffer a point of impairment for
the rest of this sequence and all of the next.
Undead that are attacking you because of
Necromancy Backlash gain immunity to this effect!

Undead vs Supernatural


The Necromancy schtick deals with Undead creatures, as

opposed to Summoning, which deals with Supernatural
creatures. Undead, for this purpose, are defined as
creatures from our world which were once living, and
have been reanimated or in some other way returned after
death. Most supernatural creatures, by contrast, are
denizens of the Underworld, though a few (like
Elementals and Golems) were created in our world by
pure magic.
For the purposes of the Necromancy schtick, wed treat
Ghosts as Undead, as well as the following creatures
from Glimpse of the Abyss: Corpse Factory, Dead Rider,
Hungry Ghost, Spirit Dog, Tomb Spirit, Twisted Man,
We leave it up to the individual GM whether or not you
wish for the Summoning schtick to be effective against
Undead. Were sure your players will have fun
discovering your decision during the course of play.

As you might expect, this schtick allows you to

manipulate technology. As you might also expect, it was
developed by modern mages; characters from AD 69 or
1850 cannot start play with this schtick, and can only
learn it with Experience Points if theyve spent a
significant amount of time in the Contemporary juncture
or 2056. Magic Cops from the latter two junctures may
add Technomagy to their list of options for starting
Sorcery schticks.
The base difficulty of all the special abilities under
this schtick, except Download, is 8 in the Contemporary
Juncture (or against contemporary technology) and 12 in
2056 (or against tech from that era). The GM may boost
the difficulty if the particular item being targeted is
judged sufficiently advanced - the Ascendeds central
mainframe on St Francis Island is not going to be as easy
to hack into as Jo Publics desktop computer! Performing
an action with Technomagy should not generally be any
easier than performing the same action with Fix-It,
Hacking or Sabotage, though some feats may be possible
with Technomagy that are simply not achievable through
those other skills. (And vice versa, of course.)

Technomagy Special Effects

Camera Shy - You can make yourself invisible to
technology for the rest of the sequence. Cameras,
microphones, motion detectors, thermal sensors they all
fail to recognise your existence. You remain as visible as
ever you were to the naked eye, and to low-tech viewing
aids like mirrors and lenses. You still trigger mechanical,
rather than electronic, means of detection - so if you walk
over a pressure plate, your weight will still shift it. You
cant use this power selectively, though you can

This schtick is not generally effective against

Arcarnowave devices, in the same way that Animalism is
not generally effective against supernatural creatures.



deactivate it at will and reactivate it with a successful
Sorcery task check.

renders the machine inoperable, but not irreparable,

though subsequent events might do so (for example,
causing a car to malfunction as its driving along a cliff
edge). Signature weapons and signature vehicles are
immune to this effect.

A Backlash guarantees you are discovered- either by

someone watching the monitors or when an alarm is

You can also use this effect to attack people with

hardware schticks. The difficulty is your targets highest
combat Action Value. If you are successful, you deal
wound points equal to the number of hardware schticks
your opponent has; these wound points are not reduced by

Download - After you have interfaced with a

computer (see below), you may copy information from its
hard drive and into your own brain, where you can then
review it at your leisure. An amount of data about the size
of this book has a difficulty of 5, and increases by 2 for
each additional packet of the same size. (Note that audio
and video data are much larger than a corresponding
amount of text). If you wish to suck the information off of
the computer, rather than just taking a copy, add 5 to the

On a Backlash, the target machine is treated as

though it had been successfully targeted by the Repair
special effect.
Remote Control - You can control machines
remotely. You can turn machinery on or off, and make
electronic devices perform any function they could
usually perform. So, for example, you can open or close
automatic doors; operate an automated production line, or
drive a car without using your hands and feet - though any
kind of manoeuvre more complicated than driving in a
straight line or gently taking a corner requires a Driving
task check. Operating equipment with this schtick
requires as much concentration as doing so normally - if a
device can be turned on and then just left to run, you can
turn it on and then ignore it; if a device needs continuous
attention (as in the case of driving a vehicle) you must
provide that attention.

The data remain in your head for 10 minutes for each

unspent Magic point you have; after that the information
fades away. You can sift through the data mentally and
focus on specific sections that you want to read; doing
so takes a certain amount of concentration - you can walk,
chat distractedly, and passively Dodge, but anything more
strenuous requires you to turn your attention away from
the data. Once it has faded from your mind, you
remember anything you specifically read as though you
had read, heard or viewed it normally but gain no
extraordinary recall; everything else is gone completely.
On a Backlash, the computerised data overwhelms
your mind. You pass out for the remainder of this
sequence and all of the next, and take a -1 penalty to all
Mind-based attributes for the rest of the session.

On a Backlash, the machine you are trying to control

either behaves in an unintended way, or ceases to work
altogether, at the GMs discretion.

Interface - You can telepathically connect with a

computer, and read its files from the inside. You can
interface with password-protected data without needing
the password, though as stated above the GM may
increase the difficulty for heavily protected or encrypted
files. Use of this power doesnt grant you any special
recall of the data you read - use the Download special
effect for that - but does allow you to skim through a
computers files more quickly and intuitively than is often
possible otherwise.

Repair - This functions as the Material Restoration

special effect of Heal. (Feng Shui p95). It can also be
used to heal people with Hardware Schticks, up to a
maximum of one wound point per hardware schtick

Improved Blast
Each schtick of Improved Blast improves the base
damage of this sorcerer's Blasts by 2. Expensive, but fun
for the Sorcerer who has everything.

While you are interfaced with a computer, you are

only dimply aware of your surrounding real-world
environment. You can hold a conversation, but you take a
-3 penalty on Perception and on your passive Dodge
Action Value, and cannot perform an Active Dodge or use
any other Sorcery scticks apart from Download.
Becoming disengaged from your computer is a three shot


On a Backlash, you suffer a point of Impairment for

the rest of the scene; you also suffer this if the computer is
deactivated while youre interfaced with it.

Animate Garment
This blast animates the garments of their wearer to
stretch and strike at the target. If this blast is used as a
parry, then it grants an additional +1 bonus to your Active
Dodge value.

Malfunction - This effect wrecks one machine, pure

and simple. Usually, this manifests as a fatal power surge,
with a very satisfying shower of sparks. The malfunction



Diabolical Potency (Magic)

Darkness clouds the perception of any target it hits.

Anyone hit with a darkness Blast suffers -1 Impairment to
any vision-related action they take for the next 3 shots. It
can also be used to cloud security cameras or obscure
road signs.

Your personal chi resonates so heavily with the

Underworld that you almost carry a part of it with you.
With one schtick in Diabolical Potency, you ignore the
local Creature Powers juncture modifier - for you it is
always 0. You can purchase up to two additional schticks,
each of which increases your personal juncture modifier
by 1.

This flings the target around wildly. On a successful
attack, they are thrown a number of metres with a
maximum of the Outcome. If there's nothing in the way, it
causes no damage. If there is something in the way, it
does normal damage. Remember that the ground is
usually available as a suitable unyielding surface.

Wide Aura (Magic)

If you already have at least one of the other Magic
Stat Schticks that affect juncture modifiers (Arcanowave
Vibe, Aura of Sorcery and Diabolical Potency) then this
schtick extends your personal juncture modifier to your
immediate vicinity. Your buddies can benefit from it, but
on the other hand so can your enemies. Or you can beard
your foes in their lairs by over-riding the favourable chi of
their inner sanctums.

Ring of Force
This blasts everything in a circular area around the
caster away from him. It can hit every target within
normal mle distance of the caster (without the usual
multiple target penalty), and in addition to normal damage
throws anyone hit by it away a number of metres equal to
the Outcome. The ring of force is not able to discern
friend from foe, however.

Incredible Loyalty (Charisma)

It's not you that has the incredible loyalty, you
understand. It's other people that have incredible loyalty
to you. You inspire considerable loyalty from your
underlings whether or not you treat them well. You can be
a universally loved figurehead or a feared tyrant- the
effect is the same. People who know you or have heard of
your reputation are more willing to become your
henchmen. Mooks loyal to you give of their all to protect
you- even at the cost of their own lives. Criminal
Masterminds (from Seed of the New Flesh) with this
schtick get to roll two open dice instead of one when
attracting mooks.

Withering Sarcasm
This blast does damage based on the target's
Intelligence, with nothing added, rather than the caster's
usual Blast damage. The damage is reduced by the target's
Willpower rather than their Toughness. If the target
cannot understand the sarcasm (an Intelligence attribute
of 3 or less) this blast has no effect on them. This special
effect can also be used to win arguments with internet


Stat Schticks are described in Golden Comeback. In
case you missed that memo, they can only be bought if
the character has the necessary secondary attribute at 11
or higher. The cost of a Stat Schtick is the number of
schticks the character will have plus the character's rating
in that attribute.

Attribute Modifiers: Toughness +3, Mind +2,
Reflexes +2

Brick House (Constitution)


You are tough. Seriously tough. You can ignore any

Impairment to your combat skills with a physical cause,
other than Wound Points. Tear gas, schticks, temperature,
shackles- you simply ignore them. Poor visibility and
mental affects still work on you normally, though.

Chi: 3 / Shots: 2

When you are successfully struck by a Martial Arts

attack, immediately make a mle attack against your
attacker, with a bonus to your damage equal to the
damage you took from their attack.




automatically eight times; after that it ceases to work

completely, and you take a -1 penalty on future death

Chi: 3 / Shots: 4

When an opponent makes a Martial Arts attack

against you you may curl up as a defensive action. The
attack does no damage. You can take a second schtick of
Curl that is effective against non-character sources of
physical damage, such as falling masonry.


You must buy the first schtick in this ability at

character creation, but subsequent schticks may be
purchased later.


Chi: 4 / Shots: 1

As the schtick in Feng Shui, pg 111.


Attribute Modifiers: Move +4, Perception +4,

Reflexes +3

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3

As the schtick in Seal of the Wheel, pg 82.

Chi: 6 / Shots: 3

As the schtick in Feng Shui, pg 113.



Attribute Modifiers: Body -1, Fortune +2, Mind +3,

Reflexes +3


As the schtick in Feng Shui, pg 113.


Chi: X / Shots: 0

Chi: 1 / Shots: 1


Until the end of the current sequence, you can see in

the dark, and take no penalty for acting in darkness.

Cross Your Path


Chi: 4 / Shots: 1

Attribute Modifiers: Mind +2, Willpower -1,

Reflexes +2


Chi: 4 / Shots: 3

Rub any object with a scent against your body. Until

the end of the scene, you take on that scent instead of
your own, thus becoming undetectable through smell.

Chi: 1 / Shots: 0


Until the end of the current sequence, you are

immune to damage from falling.

Nine Lives

Chi: X / Shots: 3

As the schtick 'Surprise' in Feng Shui, pg 115.

Spend a fortune die; one opponent must add an extra

negative die to his next roll. You may invoke this ability
after a roll has been declared, but before you know the
result. Negative dice added in this way are closed dice,
and you may never add more than one to a given roll. The
range of this ability is your Chi attribute in metres; you
may buy additional sticks to extend the range by your Chi
attribute for each schtick spent.

Land on Your Feet

Chi: 2 / Shots: 0

After you have made a successful Martial Arts attack

against an opponent, rake them with your fingers to inflict
2 Wound Points that by-pass Toughness. You can buy up
to another 2 schticks of Rake, each of which increases this
damage by 2.

Add X to the damage of a successful barehanded

Martial Arts attack. X is any amount of Chi you elect to
spend, and may not exceed the number of schticks you
have bought in this ability.

Cats Eyes

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3

Chi: 3 / Shots: 4

When an opponent makes a Martial Arts attack

against you you may curl up as a defensive action. The
attack does no damage. You can take a second schtick of
Curl that is effective against non-character sources of
physical damage, such as falling masonry.

Chi: 0 / Shots: 0

If you fail a death check, by any amount, you

instantly die. However, at the start of the next sequence,
you immediately return to life with 30 wound points.
Each additional schtick you buy in this ability reduces
that Wound Point total by 5. This ability works


Chi: 0 / Shots: 0

As the schtick in Seal of the Wheel, pg 82.




Chi: 2 / Shots: 1


Until the end of the sequence, anyone who attacks

you in mle combat receives 1 Wound Point that bypasses Toughness. For each additional schtick in Spines,
this damage increases by 1 point.

Make a Martial Arts attack against two opponents

with no penalty to your attack roll. If your opponents have
different Dodge Action Values, use the higher as your
difficulty. You may purchase two additional schticks in
this ability, each one allows you to target an extra
opponent. In addition, having at least one schtick in this
ability gives you a +1 bonus to your attack Action Value
against Japanese school girls.

Attribute Modifiers: Body +3, Perception +3,
Manual Dexterity +3



Chi: 0 / Shots: 0

Attribute Modifiers: Intelligence & Perception +6,

Reflexes +2

You can live and breathe underwater as easily as

most of us live on land. You may swim through water at
your Move rating; breathe underwater indefinitely,
survive at great pressures, and see underwater (no matter
how dark it is) up to your Chi rating in metres. However,
you suffer a -1 penalty to all of your Action Values when
acting on dry land.



Chi: 3/Shots: 1

You send out a psychic signal to everyone in range,

communicating a single, simple idea, such as danger
here! or help is needed! The idea is perceived as an
intuitive gut feeling, but your targets are not compelled to
act upon it. The range is your Chi attribute in metres; each
additional schtick spent doubles the range. You may also
spend an additional schtick to be able to target a particular
type of person to hear you message, such as other
transformed animals or people attuned to the same Feng
Shui site as me.

Chi: 4 / Shots: 1

Emit a cloud of inky darkness around yourself. You

can see through the cloud, but it grants you cover
equating to a +1 bonus to your passive Dodge until end of
sequence. Each additional schtick you purchase in this
ability increases the bonus by 1, to a maximum of +6.
Enemies with powers that let them see in the dark (like
the Fu power Friend of Darkness) are not affected by this


Chi: 6/Shots: 3

As per the schtick in Feng Shui, page 113

You may buy up to three additional schticks in this

ability; each one doubles your move attribute, gives a +1
bonus to each of your Action Values, and adds your Chi
rating again to the distance you can see in the depths, but
these benefits only apply when you are acting under

Inky Cloud

Chi: 2/Shots: 3


Chi: 0 / Shots: 0

You can see perfectly in pitch darkness, and suffer no

penalties for acting in the dark. However, in natural
daylight you suffer a -2 impairment to all Action Values,
as your body thinks you should be asleep. You may
purchase up to two additional schticks in this ability; each
one reduces the impairment penalty by 1.

Chi: 3/Shots: 8

As per the schtick in Feng Shui, page 113.


Chi: 3/Shots: 2

Chi: 2 / Shots: 0

After you have made a successful Martial Arts attack

against an opponent, rake them with your fingers to inflict
2 Wound Points that bypass Toughness. You can buy up to
another 2 schticks of Rake, each of which increases this
damage by 2.

Until the end of the sequence, you can walk along

walls and ceilings at half your normal Move rating. You
must use both your hands and feet to maintain contact
with the surface youre attached to. A second schtick in
this ability eliminates the Move penalty on walls, a third
eliminates the Move penalty on ceilings, and a fourth and
final schtick eliminates the need to use your hands in
addition to your feet.

Attribute Modifiers: Body +2, Move +3, Reflexes +2




sufficiently dreadful that unnamed characters leave by

any means they can, heedless of their own safety.

Chi: 0 / Shots: 0

You can live and breathe underwater as easily as

most of us live on land. You may swim through water at
your Move rating; breathe underwater indefinitely,
survive at great pressures, and see underwater no matter
how dark it is, up to your Chi rating in metres away.
However, you suffer a -1 penalty to all of your Action
Values when acting on dry land.


Touch a target- if the target does not wish to be

touched then first make a successful Martial Arts attack
that does no damage. They become cursed with a foul
smell. They subtract X (any amount of Chi you spend)
from any task check they make with a skill based on
Charisma. For every thorough bath or shower they take,
the effect dissipates by one point.

You may buy up to three additional schticks in this

ability; each one doubles your move attribute, gives a +1
bonus to each of your Action Values, and adds your Chi
rating again to the distance you can see in the depths, but
these benefits only apply when you are acting under



Chi: 6 / Shots: 4

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3


Strike an opponent barehanded. If successful, you

zap your foe with a powerful electric sting. The base
damage of this attack is your Kung Fu secondary
attribute; you may purchase additional schticks in this
ability to increase the damage by 2 each time, to a
maximum of +6. You may also purchase an additional
schtick to project the attack through the air as a bolt of
electricity. This is a ranged Martial Arts attack, with a
maximum range of your Chi attribute in metres.

Murky Depths

Chi: 3 / Shots: 3

Make a Martial Arts attack against an enemy. If you

connect, in addition to doing normal damage the target
suffers 2 points of Impairment for a number of shots equal
to your Outcome. For each additional schtick you have in
Squirt, the Impairment increases by 1.

As per the schtick in Golden Comeback, page 71


Chi: X / Shots: 3

Experience Schticks are a new type of schtick to Out

For Blood. They are different from most other schticks.
Firstly, they have a flat experience point cost, so they
aren't prohibitively expensive for powerful characters.
Secondly, they can only be gained by a character who has
gone through experiences related to them. These can only
have happened during play, so starting characters can't get
them. Each Experience Schtick costs 8 Experience Points.

Chi: X / Shots: 2

Add X (any amount of Chi you elect to spend) to

your Intrusion Action Value until the end of the current

Some of these schticks require the character to have

a permanent injury. Once the schtick is taken, the injury
becomes permanent and cannot be healed by Medicine,
Heal magic or Regeneration. If the injury is cured
somehow, the character loses the benefit of the associated
Experience Schtick.

Attributes: Charisma -1, Perception +2, Reflexes +2

Bail Out!

Chi: X / Shots: 5

Make an extended threat against an enemy- any kind

of threat will do but the target must understand it. Add X,
any amount of Chi you wish to spend, to your
Intimidation Action Value for this check.

If a character has been in at least three major vehicle

crashes (simply popping the air-bag after bumping into a
bollard doesn't count) then they can gain this schtick.
Henceforth, all damage they receive from vehicle crashes
is halved before Toughness.



Chi: X / Shots: 10

You have become permanently blind. This can only

occur if you failed a Death Check after an attack that
connected with your head, but you were treated and thus
recovered. This blindness does not affect your everyday
life much, as you have learned to cope and can even fight

You can fill an area with a mephitic odour. X

unnamed characters feel compelled to leave the area in
any way that does not jeopardise their immediate safety.
Named characters are aware of the smell but do not have
to leave the area. Another schtick makes the smell

without penalty. However, any Perception check that
depends purely on sight and cannot plausibly be passed
by using other senses you automatically fail. If you are
the target of any effect that relies on fooling your sight
(such as darkness) then it has no effect on you. Perception
checks you make that rely solely on senses other than
sight get a +3 Action Value bonus.

failed a Death Check after an attack that connected with a

limb, but you were treated and thus recovered. You know
how to compensate for this loss in combat, and how to
leverage it into getting better seats at restaurants and
shows. If you wear a false limb, you can store weapons in
it that are very hard to detect. You can subtract 3 points of
concealment from your weapons carry. Also, once per
session, you can allow an attack to hit your false limb.
This destroys the limb but otherwise you are not hit by the
attack. You can always buy yourself a new false limb
between sessions.

You suffered a very close call from a bullet but
survived. This can only occur if you failed a Death Check
after you were shot, but you were treated and thus
recovered. You might keep the bullet removed as a
keepsake, or perhaps it is still lodged in your body
somewhere. In any event, bullets have lost a lot of their
fear for you. Whenever you have to make a Death Check
as a result of being shot, you get a +3 bonus to the roll.

Not One Drop

If a character has the force of will to shake off a
major addiction, of any kind, then they have the force of
will to resist any temptation that may lead them down a
similar path. If the player wishes, their character can
simply ignore any such temptations, even supernaturally
powerful ones. Certain schticks, like the Transformed
Animal Power Mockery, are also ineffective at the GM's

Fire in the Hole!

In order to gain this schtick, a character must have
been in at least three building explosions or something
similar. Just being damaged by a grenade or a missile isn't
enough. We're talking major property damage, here. If it's
not a situation where they stumble out of an inferno with
what's left of their clothes hanging off them, it doesn't
count. Once they've gained this schtick, however, damage
from explosions is halved against them, before

A character can develop a classic phobia to
something that has caused him great distress in the past.
This phobia means that he avoids the trigger of his phobia
whenever he can, and behave strangely around it, but
when compelled to deal with it in the heat of the moment
the character never suffers any form of Impairment in
doing so. Characters with a phobia of a particular animal
also inexplicably fears transformed animals of that type.

Fool Me Once
The prerequisite for this schtick is being brutally
betrayed in a significant fashion. Simply having the wool
pulled over your eyes is not enough. The character must
have been strung along for some time, possibly as a major
campaign event, before a harrowing realisation that they
were conned. Fool Me Once allows the character to roll
an extra positive die on their Perception, Detective, Police
or Journalism check to establish if they are being lied to,
or when the target of Illusion sorcery.

Salvaged Humanity
If the character has survived the Corruption creature
power, or anything similar, then they have earned the right
to this schtick. Similarly, if a character was made to
perform some action heinously against their nature by
Domination or the Influence magic schtick (and we're
talking major plot event here) they can also get it. A third
possibility is an arcanowave user who mutated enough to
be considered an abomination, but later had that mutation
cured in some way. Salvaged Humanity grants blanket
immunity to Corruption, Domination and Influence. Nice.

He's Mine
Sometimes, a character wants to mark an enemy for
death by their hand alone. When a character takes this
schtick, they get a +1 bonus to all their Action Values
when fighting one single named opponent one-on-one.
They may take this schtick more than once solely at the
GM's discretion. When the target of this schtick is finally
killed, it is lost along with the experience points used to
buy it.

You have a prominent and permanent scar. Not only
does this make you look more bad-ass, but it also grants
you a +3 Action Value bonus to any Charisma-based task
check where the appearance of being battle-hardened
would help. In more refined situations, it imposes a -3
Action Value penalty to any Charisma-based task check.

You have lost a limb. This can only occur if you


could happen?' or 'The plan is foolproof!', and then
everything has gone banana-shaped in a truly colossal
way, they can buy this schtick. Possessing this schtick
means that every time they say something like: 'You'll be
safe here', 'There's nothing to worry about' or 'It's okay,
I've done this before', they are proven spectacularly
wrong. However, they are not the ones that suffer as a
result. For example, a character with this schtick, when
cornering Jammer-affiliated bomber, might say: He can't
possibly have any more grenades!. Clearly, the very next
thing that happens is that the bomber throws a grenadebut the character with the schtick is not the target. Instead
his hapless friend has to deal with the whole grenade
issue. Characters with this schtick have a justified
reputation as being bad partners in any endeavour.

Stop, Drop and Roll

In order to gain this schtick, the character must have
been set on fire at least three times. Any source of fire
(including Fu Powers or Magic Schticks) is fine, as long
as there was lingering fire they had to put out to avoid
further damage. The benefit of the schtick is the ability to
extinguish flames on oneself without spending any shots
to do so.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

If the character has violated the most basic rule of
common sense and said something along the lines of
'What could possibly go wrong?', 'What's the worst that



August 21
I waited on the landing, gun in hand, and tried to
keep calm. I could hear arguing upstairs, but that
could mean anything. Once again, I questioned
whether I'd made the right decision.

Because I killed him.

I couldn't argue with that. Her fingers clattered
away on the keys. I kept my eyes on the corridor. I
might stand no chance of spotting that little freak
coming, but I would be damned if I couldn't spot a
grown man running towards me. The arguing at the
other end of the hall grew louder.

Only a few minutes ago, Mingxia had confided in

me that she had persuaded Mr. Brown to let me live
solely so that when someone came to rescue me she
could use the distraction to steal some important data.
I'd scoffed at the idea of Gappy Cho and the others
sticking their necks out for me which had seemed to
genuinely puzzle her. They're your friends, she had
said, and friends look out for one another. Well, I'd set
her straight about anyone caring if I lived or died, and
she'd made me an offer. If I helped her get the data,
she'd see to it I got away safely. I told her I'd need my
gun to be any use and without hesitation she'd gone
and got it. I considered turning on her for about 1/10th
of a second before deciding that my best chance of
living out the night was to stick to her like glue. And
immediately after that decision, of course, I'd let her
go off alone to make a distraction while we went to
work. Her plan had involved setting a fire, but I knew
how gangs behaved and I'd suggested that she tell one
of the hoods she'd overheard another one say
something uncomplimentary about him. When the
inevitable fight broke out, we should have enough time
to do what we had to do and escape before anyone
realised they'd been tricked.

Are you getting all of this, Mr. malloc()? Mingxia

was talking into the microphone.
Loud and clear, said the speakers, and then they
whistled. The Prof is going to have kittens when she
sees this.
I neither knew nor cared what the data was. I just
wanted to get out alive. Suddenly I realised I
recognised the shouting voice down the hall.
Brown's back, I told the girl. He was supposed to
be out all evening.
We just need a few minutes.
I doubted we'd get that few minutes if Boss Brown
ended his minions' argument and came this way. If he
asked them how the fight started he might work out
that Mingxia provoked it...
A man with a scar running down one side of his face
walked down the corridor towards us, gun drawn.
Mingxia was in plain sight from the corridor, and there
was no time to bark out a warning. I sighed, sighted
down the barrel of my BFR revolver and put a bullet
right between his eyes.

I almost swallowed my tongue when Mingxia

appeared next to me. Damn, but I'd been watching the
stairs and I hadn't seen a thing. She led me up to the
ground floor and further into the warren of half-empty
rooms. Eventually, we reached a dingy room with thick
curtains over the windows and a sprawling mess of
computers and monitors sat on a table. One boredlooking man smiled as he recognised Mingxia then
reached for his gun when he saw me behind her. He
didn't even get to draw it. Two blows from the girl and
he collapsed sideways onto a rotting armchair.

There was hubbub. There was no hiding the fact

they were under attack then. If she wouldn't move I
would just have to defend the corridor as best I could.
I figured I've have a few seconds while everyone got
their pieces ready so I left the door frame and pushed
the computer table along the floor up to a wall. At
least they wouldn't get a clear shot at Mingxia now. As
I returned to the door three armed hoods fired at me. I
was pinned down next to the door, but I figured I could
handle them if they came one at a time.

I took up position peering around the door frame,

making sure the coast was clear. Mingxia went to work
with the computers, plugging in a USB key and
searching out a headset to wear. I could hear the rain
hammering on the windows.

I'm done, Mingxia announced, We're free and

As she turned away from the table, the wall
exploded in a hail of decaying plaster and wood. Boss
Brown stood framed in the hole, fury etched on his
face. He picked Mingxia up by the throat and slammed
her down onto the table, breaking it in two. I had never
been so glad to have a high-calibre weapon in my

What should I do if he wakes up? I asked her,

pointing to the slumped guard.
He won't wake up.
How can you be sure?



GM's Guide

schticks work, so you don't have to commit the books to


The Drifter

So, what kind of Feng Shui GM are you, and what

advice is it best to hold to heart?

Maybe you've just picked up the main Feng Shui

book and come across Out For Blood while looking for
supporting materials on-line. You've played other games,
but never had the pleasure of participating in the secret
war. You're in luck, because by looking at the schticks in
this book and reading about what the other source books
contain, you can make an informed choice about the next
Feng Shui supplement to buy.

The Old Master

It may be that you've been running games of Feng
Shui since the contemporary juncture was, well,
contemporary. You probably already know exactly how
you like to run the game, and have a brace of house rules
you've introduced over the years. A lot of this chapter may
seem redundant or obvious to you, but there's always
something else to learn and perhaps you can find new
ideas to take your games in a new direction. The
important thing to bear in mind is that becoming too
inflexible in how you run the game takes a lot of the joy
out of it. Keep the free-wheeling anarchy at the table and
you can't go far wrong.

The Rookie
So you've never played a role-playing game before?
You might be a little scared at the idea of entertaining a
bunch of your friends for a few hours. Don't be. Don't
worry about the rules too much, don't fret that you're
doing everything exactly right. If something is too
confusing, ignore it. As long as everyone at the table is
having fun, you're doing it right. If someone isn't having
fun, think what you could do to let them have fun that
doesn't stop other people from having fun. Trust us,
playing this game is an absolute blast.

The Killer
Perhaps you've got a lot of experience of being the
GM for other (and thus inferior) role-playing games but
haven't spent a great deal of time as a Feng Shui GM. It
can be very difficult to 'let go' of the course of the game if
you're used to games that are more tightly structured. If
the players take a route you weren't expecting, you have
to bite down on your instinct to dissuade them. If you are
more used to a game where precise reading of rules and
powers is important, you should also eschew that
approach for adjudicating on the fly without recourse to
any of the books if you can get away with it.

Many groups of players have a 'rule zero' of roleplaying- usually it is something along the lines of Don't
give the GM ideas!.
Feng Shui Game Moderators have a rule zero, too. It
Always accept the offer.

The Everyman Hero

It's the counterpart to the players' rule zero. It means

that whenever the players have a suspicion about what's
going to happen, or make a suggestion as to what happens
next, you should do your utmost to fulfil it. There are
several reasons for doing this.

So, you're an experienced Feng Shui player but

you're only a neophyte the other side of the screen? Don't
worry- being the GM is very much like being the player.
The important thing about the transition is that you
shouldn't actively seek to do so many cool things now you
control the bad guys- otherwise you risk overshadowing
the heroes. Being the GM opens up new horizons, but you
shouldn't be intimidated by the prospect. Remember that
you and the players are there to have fun, not to be in
competition. You can rely on them to tell you how their

Sometimes the players come up with better ideas

than you do.
They get to feel really smart for guessing your


The game runs more smoothly if the players

don't bark up the wrong tree.

Elevator to the Netherworld

It makes the game feel more like a film.

Information on the Netherworld and the denizens



Four Bastards

There are quite a few Feng Shui books you could

have at your disposal- the original books published by the
now-defunct Daedalus Entertainment and the newer
books published by Atlas Games. What exactly is in each
of them?

A scenario.

In Your Face Again

Scenario anthology.

Marked for Death

Gorilla Warfare

Scenario anthology.

Background for the Jammers. New character types,

guns, gadgets, Stat Schticks and introduces Hardware

Back For Seconds

Contains additional character types which are
already included in the second edition rule book, and
some GMCs for each faction. Also includes descriptions
of some Feng Shui sites and a handful of guns, Fu Powers
and Unique Schticks and the Transformed Shark.

Friends of the Dragon

A list of themes for Feng Shui one-off games and
campaigns. Introduces Group Schticks and Sync Schticks.

Iron and Silk

Thorns of the Lotus

A compendium of improvised weapons.

Background for the Eaters of the Lotus. New

character types, Creature Powers and Magic Schticks.
Describes some magical artefacts. Includes a scenario.

Blowing Up Hong Kong

Blood of the Valiant

Information on Hong Kong and the denizens thereof.

Includes a handful of General Schticks and a fu path.

Background for the Guiding Hand. New character

types, guns and fu paths. Includes a scenario.

Glimpse of the Abyss

A compendium of supernatural creatures and
abominations. New character types, Creature Powers,
Arcanowave Devices, a Magic Schtick, a fu path and
other miscellaneous schticks. Introduces Weaknesses and
includes a scenario.

Seed of the New Flesh

Background for the Architects of the Flesh. New
character types, gadgets, weapons and Arcanowave
Devices. Includes two scenarios.


Golden Comeback
Background for the Dragons. Practical advice for
players, lots of new schticks and guns and introduces Stat
Schticks and the car chase rules.

The number of books and the fact that they were not
written as a set raises a couple of wrinkles you should be
aware of.

Seal of the Wheel

Not All Factions Were

Created Equal

Background for the Ascended. New character types,

guns, gadgets, Transformed Animal packages and a fu
path. Includes a scenario.

The strength and general bad-assitude of faction

GMCs varies considerably from book to book. You should
be prepared to scale the strength of stock GMCs to keep
them in line with one another and properly calibrated


against the player characters. The exact level of power is
a question of how long you expect your campaign to run
and how you want their power to compare to the party's
power. For some campaigns, you want the strongest
GMCs on top of a mountain that takes the party a very
long time to climb before they can be fought on equal
terms. Equally valid is a campaign where practically
anyone could be taken out by newly-created characters if
the latter get a lucky opportunity. The easiest way to scale
stock GMCs is to adjust their Action Values and
attributes. This keeps the same 'flavour' for the character
while altering their strength.

can save their lives. Another scenario that may be high

risk is where a painstaking plan for a challenging mission
goes badly wrong. A third could be a well-planned and
coordinated attack against the party by someone who
knows their strengths and weaknesses. What these all
have in common is not just a plausible reason to be
dangerous, but a dramatically satisfying reason to be
dangerous. If the party is breaking up a protection racket
in Kowloon, then finding an inappropriately powerful
character running it is not dramatically satisfying. The
GM may well have a detailed back-story for the character
that explains why they're in such a low-level position and
why they they are so strong. In Feng Shui conformance to
the clichs of action films is more important than
carefully believable back-story.

Not All Schticks Were

Created At Once

That said, the Feng Shui GM should not shy away

from killing characters off. Even in low risk situations a
character can get careless, or a mook get very lucky. A
character death should never be dramatically unsatisfyingbut the players and the GM can make it satisfying after
the fact if it is handled the right way. Their death can
serve as a melodramatic hook for the other characters, a
statement of the tragic cost of the secret war or a
testimony to the evil of the faction that was responsible.
Think of the film Leon; (spoiler alert!) the death of the
central character comes as something of a disappointment
following the explosive scenes before it- but it becomes
dramatic afterwards, by his final moments and the effect it
has on the characters that survive.

Sometimes a character will have been described in

one book, only for a later book to provide schticks that
would be perfect for them. (For example, Draco from
Back For Seconds is a perfect candidate for a few Stat
Schticks, and Iala Man from Golden Comeback is a
shoe-in for the Path of the Spotted Hunter) There's no
helping that, apart from liberally adding schticks where
you think it's necessary or swapping out less appropriate
ones in favour of them. Remember that this can make a
character more powerful so you may have to tone their
Action Values or attributes down a bit to compensate.


How Many Mooks?

The timeless question. The answer depends on their
purpose. If the mooks are supposed to chase the PCs away
from somewhere, you may well need an infinite supply.
Say the encounter is supposed to tie up the party for 1
sequence, more or less. You need to find out how many
mooks will do that on average. You can do a little
statistics, or you can trust ours. For each character, work
out the difference between her combat skill Action Value
and the Action Result she needs to take down one mook.
This is normally the mook's Action Value +5, unless she
has automatic weapons or enough Carnival of Carnage.
Then you can cross-reference her Speed in the handy
chart and find out how many mooks she will churn
through on average in one sequence, if she is fighting

One of the trickiest aspects of running a game of

Feng Shui is balancing the fights. If the fights are too easy
there is no sense of danger and the players (and possibly
their characters) get complacent. If the fights are too
difficult then every fight becomes an epic slog through
many sequences, risking the permanent death of
characters, not to mention the frustration the players
experience of never being able to damage the enemies.
That said, pitching every session at the same difficulty is
not the solution either, because it lacks variety. The good
news is that if you don't quite judge the difficulty
correctly then it just looks like you're letting the difficulty
of the fights fluctuate. Go you.
You should only set out to make fights particularly
difficult when it's dramatically appropriate. Most of the
time, the characters should know when they're getting into
a dangerous situation. Unless the party has serious
contacts with rebel groups in 2056, venturing there is
always going to be highly dangerous due to the everpresent monitoring of citizens and the powerful characters
kept on stand-by for trouble. What may be more
dangerous than the actual opponents is the difficulty in
getting mortally wounded characters to somewhere that

You can then add up the numbers for each character

and voil! You have the number of mooks that should last
approximately one sequence. If a character has Carnival
of Carnage, then work out how many actions they get
assuming a Initiative die roll of 3 and add columns in the


In almost all circumstances, the optimum number of mooks to

attack at once is 3. Only use this knowledge for good, not evil.
Interestingly, the average number of kills doesn't change much if
you go for a few more. Going for less, however, has quite a large
negative impact on your kill rate.


introducing 'named mooks'. They need not be any more

skilled than a regular mook (although they can be a little
stronger), but they do count as named characters and have
Wound Points. They take longer to put down than mooks,
giving plenty of opportunity for the PCs to play with
them. In fact, the GM can happily bring the same ones
back session after session for delicious 'hapless minion'

For example, take a Martial Artist with an Action

Value of 15 and a Speed of 5. He's attacking standard
mooks with an Action Value of 8. The Action Result he
would need is 13, so the 'difference' in the table is -2.
Reading the correct column, this Martial Artist should be
kept tied up for a sequence by 5 mooks. If he had a buddy
with an Action Value of 13 and a Speed of 6, then 7
mooks should keep them occupied. If you wanted the
fight to last for about two sequences, then you would need
14 mooks.

How Many Named



(Dice Roll to
take out)

3 Actions
(Spd 6)

4 Actions
(Spd 7-9)

5 Actions
(Spd 10+)



















A fight involving named characters is a different

proposition entirely. Unlike mooks, which exist to delay
the players and (maybe) hurt them a little, a bunch of
named characters should be worthy foes pitched just
below the abilities of the party. Because the party are
heroes, they should always feel like they are the plucky
underdogs. Their opponents should exude confidence and
power. If the players also feel the same way, the trash talk
will be memorable. However, getting beaten up every
session is not a lot of fun, so the reality should be that the
opponents are pitched just weaker than the party. The
mismatch between the perceived difficulty and the actual
difficulty will make the players feel good. There are
several basic models for an encounter with GMCs, given
below. When eye-balling the power of a GMC, the most
significant aspect if their Action Values. The GM does
need to take take into account their schticks to assess how
much damage they can lay down and how well they can
defend against attacks. When considering the power of
the party, average Action Value is a good yardstick. If the
spread of combat Action Values is high, the GM probably
has to take special steps to keep everyone engaged and
useful in the fight. If the opposition doesn't have that sort
of flexibility built in to it, the GM can do a lot worse than
introduce the Advantage rules in chapter 8.

If you find that you need an improbable number of

mooks to keep the party happily mashing away, you can
consider increasing the quality of the mooks (which
typically reduces the number you need by 2 per player per
point of Action Value) or you can give them some
advantage like cover that makes them more difficult to

What can be a useful is to think about how the

number of named characters and their skill can affect how
the fight plays out. Here are some rough templates that
can be a starting point for drawing up a fight scene.

The 'Named Mook'

If the GM wants to give the party an easy fight but
mooks just aren't doing the trick any more, consider

Dancing Partners
In this type of encounter, the named GMCs number
the same as the PCs. They'll either have lower combat
Action Values, or less potent schtick picks. The GM can
even design each GMC as a foil for one of the PCs,
leading to a mingled group of one-on-one grudge
matches. Don't count on the players picking out their
opposite numbers, however, without heavy prompting. An
important consideration with these encounters is that the
more bodies you have present, the longer the fight takes.
When the named GMCs number the same as the PCs, it's
probably best not to introduce mooks.

Mooks at the Table

Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of how many
mooks are left and what they are doing, particularly if
the fight has pockets of action in different places.
Once way to deal with this is to have something
physical to represent mooks, then it is easy to see how
many there are left. You can put them in front of the
player they last attacked, so you can keep some
consistency in what they are doing in the fight. It also
gives the players the satisfaction of knocking down
enemies when they take them out in the game.


Elite Squad

Why Yes, I Really Am That Bad-ass

This fight has about three tough GMCs facing down

the party. Individually, they'll be stronger than the PCs but
they number fewer and eventually get overwhelmed. The
GMCs should have Action Values one or maybe two
points higher than the party. This is a good choice for a
fight that starts difficult but gets easier- once one of the
enemies falls everything gets a lot easier. You can add
mooks for flavour- particularly if there are characters not
closely focussed on combat who might not be very
effective against strong named enemies.

One bad guy, no distractions. No mooks or named

henchmen to get in the way. There should, of course, be
plenty of scenery to play with. The bad guy's Action
Value should be around four points higher than the party,
or more for a spectacular end-of-campaign showdown.
Characters with low Action Values struggle to hit them, so
remember to be generous with stunts for them so they can
still be useful.

Making Named Characters


General and Captains

You can't just throw a collection of attributes and

schticks together and call it a named character. It's best to
spend some time thinking about how a character with
those abilities would fight. Some aspects are obvious- a
guns character with schticks in Eagle Eye will probably
strike from a distance, with cover. Other times,
particularly when a character Fu Powers or Transformed
Animal Schticks, you need to think about what shticks he
uses when. Will he keep some points in reserve? When
will he use Fortune points? Drawing up plans in this way
makes the character fight more effectively and
entertainingly, and avoids the problem that sometimes
occurs of forgetting about one of his key abilities until
after the fight is over, which can be most embarrassing.

This fight has one particularly powerful GMC and

two or three meagre GMCs. The 'captains' should go
down fairly easily, but the general is quite tough. What
makes this fight interesting is that the general gets plenty
of time to hurt PCs while they are taking down his
friends. If they try to take him down first, they leave
themselves open to attack from the captains for quite a
while. The captains should have Action Values lower than
the party, the general can be two or maybe even three
points higher.

Seize Them!
The classic 'one bad guy, legions of mooks' scenario.
The players have to fight their way through the chaff just
to get at the main enemy, who harries them and bolsters
his troops at every opportunity. Even getting in a good
position to hurt him is tricky- and he is very powerful in
his own right. To avoid characters with low combat
Action Values being redundant, it's handy to have plenty
of opportunity for indirect attacks using scenery. You
should also feel free to keep spawning mooks until their
leader falls. The leader should have an Action Value
around three points better than the party.

When the Party is Very

It can be very difficult to cope with a strong party.
Simply by acquiring a couple of Feng Shui sites and
surviving for a while, a party can have attributes and
Action Values that would give even Draco cause to pause.
Keeping the campaign entertaining when there are only a
handful of enemies that can give the party a run for their
money is not a trivial task. Once the GM senses that this
is starting to happen, the best bet is to work out which
characters are ripe for retirement and see to it that they, at
long last, get a shot at fulfilling their melodramatic hook.
Once they have achieved that goal, they are then free to
retire (or be killed off tragically) as circumstances dictate.
In the interim, here is a selection of techniques that can be
used to put a crimp in their style.

Tipping Point
This fight starts out very difficult, but after a certain
point becomes a lot easier. Maybe once the amulet is
snatched from the sorcerer his powers are much reducedor the guns in the walls can be reprogrammed to fire at
someone else. If the action that tips the balance involves
the use of a non-combat skill, so much the better.
Depending on how difficult the critical action is, you can
make the enemies as powerful as you want to begin withbut you should make sure that they are a relative pushover
once the tipping point is reached. Just don't be surprised
when the players suss your game and take out the critical
component in the first couple of actions.

Bitter Payback
Some factions can be very vindictive. If they can't
win fair and square, they'll mess with their enemies just to
get even. If the party has sent home enough Pledged
assassins in body-bags, the Lodge may instead simply
demolish their houses. And then the hotels they are
staying. Cancel their favourite TV programme. Frame a
relative for murder. And so on. The menace in this

strategy is that there are simply too many avenues for the
party to protect themselves against all of them. If they
spread them selves thin, they may make better targets for
a more conventional assault. At the very least, it
encourages the party to explore means other than just
rushing to the site of the problem and opening fire.

Buro may slip an arcanotoxin into the mustard for a

similar affect. The Ascended would probably fabricate
evidence of serious criminal wrong-doing to turn the
victim into a fugitive. They could manipulate the police
into accosting them without evidence, but with public
shaming it would make life difficult for them in more
ways. In all of these forms of ritual hosing, there are three
important things that the character would have do- find
out what is happening to them, find out who is
responsible for their condition, and then put a stop to it.
Because of the highly indirect nature of the attack, the
third part can be very difficult. It could form the basis of a
series of adventures during the course of a campaign.
Naturally, until the problem is fixed the character has a
major disadvantage that hampers his usual efficiency. It is
worth mentioning that although it may be the GM's
motive to reduce their power for a while, it should not be
permanent. It should be clear that the character will be
restored to his usual potency just as soon as he resolves
the problem.

High Stakes Adventures

When the party is strong, they become involved in
events that shape the entire Secret War. Problems that
they normally wouldn't be able to do anything about fall
in their reach. Maybe there's some terrible threat to the
world that only they recognise, or perhaps they are needed
to play a pivotal role in preventing one faction from
achieving dominance. The point of high-stakes adventures
is that they raise the danger level to new heights. Not just
in terms of the opposition they face, but in terms of plot
events that might lead to character death. Someone may
need to go into the radioactive hell-hole to shut down the
fusion reactor, or offer their soul to a demon prince in
exchange for his return to Di Yu. What you should not do,
however, is prepare a scenario where someone has to die
in order for the party to prevail. If someone does have to
sacrifice himself, it should be because the party dropped
the ball earlier- perhaps they didn't stop that technician
sneaking around to trigger the self-destruct system, or
they were incautious and scuffed the ritual circle. The
point about high-stakes adventures is that small mistakes
that usually wouldn't matter can have very grave
consequences. As a side-benefit the players may be start
being more cautious in other adventures, which makes
managing their power level easier.

Targeted Attacks
If one PC in particular has earned the ire of a faction,
then it is likely that she will be singled out for special
attention. Her enemy probably has ample information on
her strengths and weaknesses to put together a team
tailored to beat her that doesn't rely on super-powerful
combatants. This is particularly true of the Buro and the
Eaters of the Lotus, who can field agents that are immune
to the sort of damage the target deals out. Ideally, the
target will be ambushed when alone, or at least a long
way from her allies. The only chance for the target to
survive is to get help from her friends, and fast.
Alternatively, each PC can have a single agent sent after
him- and to survive they must meet up and attack each
other's foes.

Multiple Named Bad Guys

The easiest technique is just to jack up the number of
named bad guys they face. Simply making the enemies
more powerful is not a panacea, as it may be at odds with
the established heavy-hitters in the factions. Just introduce
more named characters of the same power, even outnumbering the PCs if necessary. The fights take longer,
but there is a lot more going on and a tougher challenge
presented to the party.

Unlikely Team-Ups
When the party was the underdog, they was nothing
wrong with teaming up with whatever faction would have
them. When one of the core factions is under pressure,
there's no reason for them to behave differently. Even the
Jammers and the Buro may kiss and make up temporarily
if the players have been a big annoyance to both of them.
This gives the enemies a larger pool of muscle to draw on,
and the possibility that some of their unique assets work
very well in tandem.

Ritual Hosing
If their enemies can't attack the party directly for fear
of taking a serious beating, they can get sneaky. Ritual
hosing entails anything that makes it very difficult for the
player characters to go about their business, and may
leave them vulnerable to more conventional attacks.
Burning one of their Feng Shui sites is a simple method,
but runs into difficulty if the players have taken even
rudimentary steps to protect it. Arcane rituals and curses
offer an easier way to attack someone directly for factions
with a magical angle. A hot-dog seller working for the

Keeping the fights interesting for the players is the
single most important consideration for a Feng Shui GM.


It can be easy, in a long-running campaign, to do it a bit
by rote. For a gritty feel, there's nothing wrong with
keeping the locations and stunts relatively mundane. Then
again, even the grittiest campaign suffers around about
the time of the eighth fight in a nondescript warehouse.

they are on two levels, so you could describe a restaurant

as being split-level or describe the coaching inn's stable as
having a hay loft to jump into and run riot in. Accidents
Waiting To Happen, in chapter 8, also fall in this category.

The important thing is to try to make every major

fight scene different and unique in some way.
Inconsequential fights don't need this effort as much
(although they still benefit from it) but the final encounter
of a session should always have something to set it apart
from all the fights that have gone on before. There are
several things to consider.

Weather and Conditions

Pathetic fallacy is a term for when, in fiction, the
weather reflects the mood of the scene or a character. It's
for this reason that bitter betrayals often take place in
heavy rain. Unlike real life, you can change the weather to
match what is going on in the story. Precipitation and
temperature can make a big difference to a scene. Fog can
make ranged weapons next to useless. Ice can make any
sudden movement a perilous affair. Even the drabbest
fight scene can be livened up by some inclement weather.

Where is it Going Down?

Where, exactly, is the fight taking place? Some
locations automatically lend themselves to exciting fights,
whereas others need a little more effort to make them
shine. Think about how the location can make a
difference to what stunts the players might try and what
objects may be around for their use. Is there some
prevailing danger in the location, such as a long drop?

Skills and Schticks

Another thing to bear in mind is how the location
interacts with the PCs' and GMCs' skills and schticks. A
luxury car showroom is a playground for someone with
driving schticks. A location filled with explosives or tanks
of combustible gas is a good place to take pyromaniac
sorcerers. You can even tailor fight scenes to the
particular strengths of weaknesses of characters, which is
practically guaranteed to make it memorable for someone.

Who Else is There?

Some locations are packed with by-standers, which
the noble players may do their best to protect. In crowded
areas, any kind of ranged attack has potential for going
horribly awry. If the area isn't very crowded, are there still
passers-by that might call the police or get into trouble?
Some by-standers might take exception to a fight breaking
out in their bar or outside their house and wade into the
fray looking to punish both sides. In some places, the bystanders go armed as a matter of course and may mistake
a contretemps in the secret war for rivals attacking them.

Art Imitates Life

A good way to pass the time when you're bored is to
look around your surroundings for inspiration for fights in
Feng Shui. You may think that you can list all the
interesting aspects of a fight in a library, with books,
ladders and tables, but if you're actually stood in one you
can start to see potential stunts you wouldn't otherwise
think of. Full shelves offer concealment but scant
protection from bullets. Movable shelving could provide
an excellent way of taking out a dozen mooks in one go.
Actually standing in a place you might use for a future
fight scene can give you extra insight as to how the fight
might look and what could go on there.

What Else is Going On?

The world doesn't stop just because a life or death
fight is taking place. Dockyards, stations and airports are
almost always busy, any time of the day or night, and with
so many people trying to get their jobs done it's inevitable
that it interferes in the fight somehow. Even if everyone
screams and flees when the first Abomination catches fire,
machinery may be left running dangerously unattended.

Don't Gild the Lily

Don't try to put too much into each fight scene. A
few novel elements are enough. If you try to put too much
in, then not only do good ideas not get a fair chance to be
fully developed, but you will inevitably forget about some
aspect during the fight and end up looking a little foolish.
Two or three unique attributes milked for all they are
worth is better than half a dozen that are barely used.

What Props Are There?

Of course, what the players will be immediately
interested in is what they can find to smash over their
enemies' heads. Which is not to say that you should do
their work for them in saying what is there, but you can
let them know if there's something slightly out of the
ordinary or particularly interesting they can use. For
example, fight scenes often get a lot more interesting if


Save it For the Big Fight

Duels and Challenges Optional Rule

An unfortunately error is to come up with an extraspecial location for a fight then squander it on a short
tussle with a group of mooks half-way through the
session. What is much better is to rewrite the session so
the best location is used for the most climactic fight.

When one named GMC or PC calls out a different

named GMC or PC, it is a declaration of a one-on-one
contest of prowess. If the challenge is accepted, any
attempts by other characters to interfere with the fight
incur a -2 Action Value penalty. The GM may waive
this if someone comes to the rescue of a character who
is beaten and in danger of being killed. If the challenge
is turned down, then the one who refused it suffers a
-2 Action Value penalty against the one who issued
the challenge for the rest of the scene. They can still
attack other characters without penalty. If one
participant does something that goes against the
nature of the challenge (such as pulling a hidden
weapon in a fist fight), then they had better make it
count because although their first action suffers no
penalty, all future actions in the duel will suffer a -2
Action Value penalty.
not really much worse than any other powerful force of
their era. Gao Zhang and his cronies are ambitious, but
they are not stupid. They've seen slices of completely
different worlds, and have come to realise that the
orthodoxy they know is not the only way things can be.


One of the first things a GM needs to decide in her
campaign is: what sort of tone do I want to set for the
game? Many players and GMs alike have found that Feng
easily lends itself to a fast-paced and light-hearted perhaps even slightly silly - campaign. However, with a
system as flexible as this, its easy to experiment with
different styles, from light and fluffy to grim and gritty.
There's also nothing that says that the tone can't vary
considerably during the course of a campaign- or even
during a single session. After all, Hong Kong action films
frequently mix melodrama and farce.
An easy way to set the tone of an adventure is in the
character of the NPCs and factions that your players
encounter, and to that end weve presented you with some
ideas for the major factions in different ways. If you
intend for one faction to be sometimes allies of the party,
then you generally want to portray them as more
sympathetic as the forces the party allies with them
against. Unless, of course, youre one of those GMs who
likes inflicting horrible moral dilemmas upon their
players. Yeah, you looked like the type.

The Bad: Lotus sorcerers are demon-worshipping

monsters, who mutilate themselves in horrific ways for an
extra glimmer of power. They unleash unimaginable
supernatural horrors on innocent peasants to maintain
their power base, without a single thought for the massive
loss of life. Gao Zhang himself is a paranoid
monomaniac, who executes on the spot anyone he
believes to be conspiring against him, no matter how
flimsy the evidence.

Note that the different sides presented here are not

necessarily mutually exclusive. The Jammers can be your
bosom buddies when theyre helping you fight the Lotus,
only to turn into implacable enemies when your own Feng
Shui site works its way to the top of Potemkins hit list.
You can even switch tone right in the middle of a session,
taking advantage of your players' complacency.

The Funny: Lotus sorcerers are squeaky-voiced

confidence tricksters, scamming hapless peasant folk
tame monsters, smoke and mirrors. Their fondness for
over-the-top gloating is only matched by their capacity to
squander a strong position because of it. Their demonic
minions, while initially frightening, are not the sharpest
tools in the box and can be as much of a liability as an

Note as well that the descriptions of the factions

presented below are, perforce, very brief sketches. Each
factions sourcebook (see The Books, earlier) has far more
details about the ins and outs of each Faction, and can
provide excellent support for tailoring them to the specific
needs of your campaign.

The Guiding Hand

The Good: In a land shot through with corruption
and misery, they seek to bring order through discipline
and mercy. China is a troubled land in danger of losing its
soul, and the Hand strive to deliver it from its torment.
They know that good men will lose their lives in the
process, but are prepared to shoulder that responsibility if
it means preventing a bigger death toll.

The Eaters of the Lotus

The Good: The Lotus are a power-within-a-power, a
slight glimmer of meritocracy with an Imperial system as
their puppet. When it comes down to it, their methods are

The Bad: The Guiding Hand are wild-eyed fanatics

with an irrational hatred of anything they consider


culturally impure. They have no compunction about
throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Any sign of
influence from outside China, even medicines, is
ruthlessly stamped out. Those that 'collaborate' with
foreigners are fair game, no matter how innocuous their

opportunity, choice, or hope. Over ninety-eight per cent of

the worlds population has been brainwashed into blind
obedience; anyone who shows the merest hint of being
able to resist vanishes without a trace. The Buro is an
army of jackbooted sadists, backed up by Abominations
that could break their bonds and go on the rampage at any
moment. Bonengel is wilfully blind to the fact that hes
become the very thing that he hated. Boatman is a sensual
egotist, and to turn down his attentions is to volunteer for
his latest experiment.

The Funny: Guiding Hand agents are polite, strong

in kung fu, and utterly baffled by any modern technology.
They do not know the difference between a weapon and a
child's toy. They preface any attack they make with a
shout describing what attack they are making, yielding
significant strategic advantage. When pressed to use a
piece of modern technology, they often grasp the general
idea, but not the specifics. They may, for example, enter a
lift only to dial a telephone number on the buttons and
start speaking loudly into the emergency phone.

The Funny: The Buro are, well, the ultimate

Bureaucrats, with comical jargon to cover every trivial
aspect of life, and an Everest of paperwork between them
and anyone they could conceivably try and oppress.
Bonengel himself is preoccupied with finding new ways
to legislate his people's happiness, and Curtis Boatman is
far more concerned with testing his new cheesy chat-up
lines than with doing Evil Things With Science.

The Ascended

The Jammers

The Good: They are people like you; assuming you

come from the contemporary juncture. They like the same
films, listen to the same music, and are generally closer to
home than the other factions. They may run things behind
the scenes, but in the interests of making life comfortable
for themselves they've made the world pretty comfortable
for most people. They have no interest in doing someone
a bad turn unless they have to as part of one of their plans.

The Good: The Jammers are a jolly bunch of gungho freedom fighters, striving to free humanity from the
tyranny of Chi. Battlechimp Potemkin is a dedicated,
charismatic leader who knows and loves everyone in his
organisation and cares passionately about doing the right
thing by human kind. He knows that innocent casualties
can't be avoided and has hardened himself against that sad

The Bad: So you're human? Tough break- you don't

matter. The Ascended won't bat an eyelid if you die in
agony, as long as their plans aren't upset. Human misery is
a small price to pay for, well, anything. They'll scheme
against one another without a moment's thought for who'll
get caught in the middle. The Unspoken Name is just the
same, except he's playing for keeps. And if you happen to
be a Transformed Animal yourself? Death is too good for

The Bad: The Jammers are mad as a box of soapy

frogs, and theyll let nothing stand in their way of a Chifree world. They either buy into the Battlechimp's agenda
lock, stock and barrel or are just along for the ride and the
big explosions. They'll high five each other for a good job
while watching civilians dancing in agony in the flames.
Battlechimp Potemkin is a nihilistic sociopath, wholl
burn the world to gain the briefest release from the agony
of his existence.

The Funny: The Ascended run the world only in

theory. In practice, the world is too full of different
agencies and groups with their own agendas. They are
overfond of conspiratorial drama- relying on codewords,
cloak and dagger ploys and all kinds of other shenanigans.
A good half of their plans fail because of internal politics
and friendly sabotage.

The Funny: The Jammers are big on enthusiasm, but

short on competence. They are just as likely to blow
themselves up as other people, and when they do, the
worst that anyone suffers is a blackened face and
smouldering hair. They have short attention spans and can
easily be misdirected with a savvy comment.

The Architects of the Flesh

The Four Monarchs

The Good: The people of 2056 live lives free of

prejudice, poverty or crime. Though many of the
standards of 56 life seem wrong to our eyes, the citizens
of the future are genuinely happy with their lot. Everyone
is equal, everyone is free, and even the darkest monsters
of the Underworld have been put in harness for the greater
good. Johann Bonengel is an entirely benevolent dictator,
who genuinely cares for the well-being of his subjects.

The Good: The Monarchs provide food, shelter and

purpose for hundreds of Netherworld denizens, who
would otherwise have absolutely no way to support
themselves. They provide desperately needed stability to
the society of the Inner Kingdom. Losing their world has
made them more reflective and less belligerent. They've
come to realise what life is like when you're not on top of
the pile, and are more moral as a result.

The Bad: The people of 2056 live lives free of


The Bad: The Monarchs are a blight upon the
Netherworld, forcing its denizens into indentured
servitude and destroying any chance of a neutral, thriving
community springing up. They are bitter at the loss
they've suffered, and will sacrifice anything and
everything just to get a taste of that power again- even
their humanity.

The Funny: They're a bunch of arrogant has-beans

with minions that are all one-trick ponies in ridiculous
costumes. They haven't quite come to terms with their
reduced circumstances, often promising dire punishments
they have no means of enforcing. When their impotence is
drawn to their attention, they become petulant like the
spoiled children they are.




they need information he knows or there is some dreadful

consequence of his death. They will try to capture and
incarcerate him, definitely, but you should feel no guilt
over having him escape or be rescued whenever they take
their eyes off him even for a moment. Method three is to
make him sufficiently tough that they simply can't kill
him, or that attempting to do so before they've improved
through experience would be most unwise. Tactic four is
to keep him out of reach, acting behind the scenes. The
characters may know his name and hate his guts, but
they've never actually seen him. He may even secretly be
one of their friends or family. Stratagem five involves
some unique schtick or artefact that he can use to get out
of any sticky situation.

Not every GMC the players encounter needs to be a

rare and special jewel, but the more of them you can give
a definite character to the better. Subtle elements should
be avoided. How likely is it really that a subtle
characteristic even gets noticed based on a few spoken
lines and a fight scene? Feng Shui is based on action
films, so there is no such thing as too corny. Funny voices
and physical disfigurements are quick and easy ways to
get some character. Tics and nervous habits do just as

After the villain has got away once or twice, the

players will probably have cultivated a deep hatred for
him, which makes his eventual comeuppance all the

The sneakiest way to develop the character of a

GMC is to introduce them to the party before they have to
fight them. A hostile exchange of words at a diplomatic
banquet, where no-one wants to start a fight, can serve to
introduce a GMC with great lan. Remember, you want
the PCs to absolutely loathe the principal villains in your
story- the more heinous acts you can show to the players
the better. Remember the convention of action films- the
friends and family of heroes exist only to get
killed/kidnapped/tortured/eaten by the villains. It sounds
harsh, but it's true. Just don't do it too lightly or too oftenit should sting every time.

And should the players manage to actually kill him

when you didn't want them to? Simply have him return as
a ghost who has Inevitable Comeback.


Once excellent way to make a GMC stick out is to

give them schticks with a very narrow purpose. Players
characters generally need to be versatile in their choice of
abilities, but a GMC who exists solely for one fight has no
need to. Three schticks in Both Guns Blazing and two
signature Steyr AUGs? Why not? Three Lightning Reload
schticks and a signature sniper rifle? Go to town!

If a villain is there just for one session, it can be

tough to flesh them out enough to be memorable. Even
with a recurring villain it can be useful to have a starting
point for your portrayal of them. Here are some quick and
dirty villain archetypes. For actual statistics, you can take
a character type and customise it or make them up out of
whole cloth.


The Brute
The Brute is uncomplicated and amoral. He kills and
tortures without a backward glance- in fact he enjoys
both. He lacks the imagination to be a truly efficient
torturer, but he inflicts pain on a whim. He's not smart,
and he has no elegance in what he does, but he's powerful
and self-serving and has no limits. If someone controls
him, he will happily do their bidding as long as he gets to
do what he wants as well.

If you want a villain to be the Big Bad for a

campaign, it can be a little difficult to keep them alive.
Players can be very direct, Feng Shui players doubly so,
and if they sense that the villain might be getting away
they will try just about anything to take him down for
good. There are several ways to combat this. Firstly, a
good dose of Inevitable Comeback does wonders if the
villain is able to obtain it. Secondly, you can give the
players an excellent reason to keep him alive- perhaps

Similar character types: Abomination, Big Bruiser,

Supernatural Creature.



Great Villain Sayings

History will vindicate us.
It's almost a pity you won't live to see it.
Fools! I'll destroy them all!
All you have found is your doom!
Run! Run like the insects you are!
Be thankful that I have more important matters to attend to than your deaths.
Fly, my pretties, fly!
You are an obstacle that must be removed.
Your antics no longer amuse me.
We follow the path of righteousness; we shed no tears for those that take only one step along it.
The ends justify the means.
If you are not with us, you are against us.
Ours is a world of order. Any threat to that order must be annihilated.
Perhaps, in other circumstances, we could have been friends.
For all your shallow indignation, you know in your heart of hearts that in my position you would have done
exactly the same thing.
One move and the kitten gets it!
It's too late for me change my path now. I must follow it to the end.
Come any closer and I'll blow this whole place up!
I can taste your fear. Exquisite.
Not bad, for a human.
Keep looking over your shoulder.
Your compassion is your weakness.
You win this round...
If you kill me now, you will never know the truth about X.
I should have killed you all when I had the chance!
I would have got away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling Dragons!
Sometimes one must sacrifice a little liberty to get a little security.
This is our world. You just live here.
Oh, what I'm going to do to you...
Are you still here?
No. I expect you to die.
You may have beaten me, but you are too late to stop my plan!
Wait. I want to savour this moment. In years to come, I want a very clear memory of the day I killed you.
Once again we meet in mortal combat, two blossoms circling one another on their descent. Which of us will touch
the ground first, I wonder?
This will be the last time we meet.
Any last words?

The Contingency Planner

The Devious Mastermind

He has a plan for everything. Everything. Because of

this, his plans can be foiled any number of times and he'll
bounce back with a fresh ploy. He's the sort of enemy
where, after you've stormed his underground lair, he just
happens to have a minisub/rocket/space hopper on hand to
escape with. When he's finally nailed down, it will be
most satisfying.

Some enemies like to have plans within plans. You

know you're facing a Devious Mastermind when you
discover that the plan you'd thought you foiled was just a
ruse and her real goal had been achieved before you
turned up with explosives. You can never be sure exactly
what her plan is, which makes it difficult to foil her.
Crossing swords with her is an exercise in frustration.

Similar character types: Ex-Special Forces,

Transformed Animal.

Similar character types: Golden Candle Agent,

Taoist Wizard, Thief.



The Excitable Genius

The Urbane Psychopath

The Excitable Genius is astonishingly gifted, but

rather unstable. He is capable of breath-taking feats of
science and engineering yet forgetful when it comes to
locking his lab door. As an enemy, the genius harangues
the players about their pitiful intellects even while they
are giving him a thorough pasting. He is something of an
idiot savant- incredibly talented in one field but hopeless
in others. They are typically an integral part of someone
else's plan although they can be principal antagonists in
their own right.

The Urbane Psychopath is the total package- smart,

manipulative, probably fearsome in combat and capable
of any act of villainy. She is quite up-front about herself,
maybe even boasting about her terrible acts. If you want a
villain who can be pointlessly cruel, or betray people just
because she can get away with it, this is the way to go.
She may not even be recognised initially as an enemy,
particularly if the players are her unwitting dupes to begin
with. She is the type of villain who, after taking a loved
one hostage to ensure a character's compliance, kills the
hostage as soon as the character has left on his errand
because it's just more convenient that way.

Similar character types: Criminal Mastermind,

Gearhead, Techie.

Similar character types: Masked Avenger, Pledged

Agent, Spy.

The Fallen Hero


The Fallen Hero might have been a good guy once.

He was honest and caring, but all it got him was a
thorough shafting. The losses and betrayals he's suffered
over the years have made him bitter, cynical and selfserving. In particular, he hates heroic characters because
they remind him on himself when he was 'weaker'. The
fallen hero is an interesting villain to introduce because of
the kinship PCs may feel with him, even as he dismisses
them as nave and idealistic.
Similar character types: All of them.

The Force of Nature

This is the kind of opponent who has no time for
words. He is totally committed to his task, and won't even
spare an insult before fighting. This dedication can be
quite disturbing. The usual niceties, such as letting your
enemy know you're about to try to crack their skull like an
overripe melon, are not observed.




Follows simple instructions and instincts.

Basically only animal intelligence.


Enemies this dumb fall easy pray to obvious

traps- in fact they probably wouldn't even
understand the trap if it was pointed out to them.
They fight sloppily with no real sense of strategy.


Normal intelligence. They still fall for most traps,

but they at least fight with some discipline until
they're pushed outside what they know how to
deal with.


Not only do most traps fail to sucker them in, but

they'll be laying traps of their own and
improvising stunts and countermeasures against
their enemies. Only the weirdest opposition
breaks their concentration.

Similar character types: Golem, Killer, Martial


9-10 You have to get up very early to get the better of

them, and some of their own tactics are quite
brilliant. They can adapt to any opposition,
supernatural or otherwise, without losing

The Savage Taskmaster


Unlike many other villains, the taskmaster chooses to

work with a pool of servants he controls very closely
rather than delegating or doing things himself. It's not that
he's incapable so much as he sees no reason to do
anything he can get others to do. Typically he treats his
minions with cruelty and brutality, which may well put
him the frame for horrible payback further down the line.
He's not exactly stupid; he's just very arrogant and very
sure of the control he has over his servants.

Whatever the players spring on them, they'll say 'I

expected that' and as long as you keep a straight
face while you say it the players will buy it. You
can make practically anything part of their master
plan retroactively.

For most enemies in Feng Shui, any attributes other
than those used in combat are pretty redundant. However,
you can use their Intelligence attribute as a guide to how
smart they are when they fight. By considering a

Similar character types: Shaolin Master, Sorcerer,



character's intelligence when running a fight, you can
make smart enemies much more dangerous than stupid
but strong ones.

he is able to lead, making the fight tougher. Taking him

out of the picture helps win the fight, but it also gives
scope for less combat-orientated characters to throw him
off his stride by distracting him or gagging him with a
table-cloth. A similar principle could apply with mooksbut mooks are so easy to dispose of anyway that it's
unlikely the players would notice any difference.

In particular, you can give a group of named

characters a leader with higher intelligence than the
others. He can get the others to fight effectively as long as



August 21
The rain lashed against the roof, running in
treacherous rivers underneath pipes and around air
conditioners. The squall had gone berserk while we
were downstairs, and it was vicious enough to be some
unseasonal monsoon. I staggered between chimney
stacks, struggling to coax bullets into the chambers of
my revolver. Boss Brown was the other side of the
stairway onto the roof, roaring like a wild animal and
thrashing around in his sopping wet suit. Mingxia was
out of sight- presumably hiding. I'd already put three
bullets in him on the way here and it had only seemed
to make him angrier. The rest of his gang hadn't
followed the fight out onto the roof. Whatever was
going on in Brown's head, it had scared them enough
to make them think twice about their allegiance. With
any luck, I thought, after this night's work the Brown
gang would be history, even if the man himself killed
us. I'd seen fist fights where one of the combatants was
on PCP, and I started to wonder if that was where
Brown was getting his strength and contempt for

red-rimmed bullet-holes, and pulled out his own gun

with an evil glint in his eye. I started to run. The roof
was a series of slanted corrugated iron pieces. Every
time I reached one of the peaks, I could hear a couple
of bullets whistle past me before I slid down the other
side. I reached the end of the building, only to find no
way down and a drop that was sure to kill me if I tried
to jump. I fell to my knees, exhausted and in agony, just
waiting for death to come. Boss Brown did not hurry to
catch up with me.
I stared down the barrel. I was convinced I was
going to die, but all I could think about was whether I
had bought enough time for Mingxia to get away. As
Brown started to pull the trigger, something hard and
metallic knocked his hand aside and the bullet pinged
off the roof next to me. I looked behind him to see
Mingxia, halfway along the roof, preparing to throw a
second metal ashtray. It curled through the air making
a whirring noise, but Brown was ready for it and
ducked out of the way. It bounced once on the roof next
to him before disappearing into the murk. He turned
back to me scowling murderously. Mingxia slid down
one of the angled panels and out of sight.

I spotted the top of a ladder over the lip of the roof,

and figured that was the best place to try to escape.
The roof had been the only place we could head for
after the mayhem in the computer room, but it had
certain tactical flaws.

Something happened. I don't know if it was the pain

or the sense of desperation, but I got to my feet and
stood in front of him. He shot me twice in the gut, but
somehow it didn't hurt and I grabbed his gun hand and
crushed it in my fist. I punched him in the face, hard,
and he staggered backwards like a drunkard. I planted
a hay-maker on his chest, and was astounded to see
three horizontal red lines appear on his torso. As I
watched, his heel caught the edge of the roof and he
plunged downwards with a final roar.

Mingxia appeared behind Brown and from a crouch

delivered a two-footed kick that actually lifted the big
man off the ground. He kept his balance, and the girl
had to cartwheel out of reach of his flailing fists. I took
advantage of his distraction to run for the ladder.
Water splashed high up my legs from the puddles. As I
climbed down the ladder, I could see that Brown had
Mingxia cornered. As soon as he passed the next duct
and saw her, there was nowhere for her to run to. I
squeezed off a couple of shots, one of which nicked his
shoulder. When he began charging towards me I slid
down the ladder and onto a lower roof. I was still
running away when a great weight hit me from behind
and bore me to the ground.

Weary and confused, I almost fell over when a

helicopter rose up next to me. The pilot was fighting to
keep it in the air in the appalling conditions, and
Mingxia was waving from the open side.
Are you coming or not? she bellowed over the
rain and the noise of the rotors.
Why? I asked, dumbfounded.

Brown had actually jumped from the higher roof

and landed on me feet first. I screamed at the pain in
my back and rolled away as Brown stood up. I
struggled backwards on my knees and elbows, seeing
the blood from my original wound seeping into the
puddles beneath me. I emptied my gun into him. He
actually faltered then, but quickly pulled himself
together. He reached under his soggy coat, now with

Your last friends didn't come to rescue you, she

shouted, I think you need some better friends.
I let her me help me into the chopper. The pilot gave
me a hand to shake.
Dirk Wisely, he introduced himself shortly.
Solomon Allender, I replied, then passed out.



General Rules


The generic Active Dodge is an essential part of any

character's arsenal of abilities. As mentioned in the main
rulebook, a parry is just a kind of Active Dodge with a
different description. Making parrying a more important
part of the game can open up new possibilities for stunts
and cool descriptions. Instead of thinking of an Active
Dodge as always being a leap away from danger, it
encourages the players to stay close to their enemies
while they fight.

Can you aim with Martial Arts attacks? Opinion

varies. What you can do is make aiming part of a more
general mechanic called 'advantage'. Whenever a
character does an action to make it easier for them or their
ally to make an attack in the future, they are seeking
advantage. Like aiming, for each shot of initiative spent
the attack gets a +1 bonus, to a maximum of three. Unlike
aiming, the player has to do more than simply declare
their intention to get the advantage. They have to describe
exactly what they're doing and why it gives them an
advantage. And, like aiming, there's always the chance
that the fight moves on in such a way as to make the time
and effort spent wasted. What's more, they may have to
succeed at a skill roll in order to pull their manoeuvre off.

The first question is when it is appropriate to parry.

Should you require a weapon to parry an attack with a
weapon? What about parrying bullets? With your bare
hands? There is no hard and fast answer to these
questions- it depends an awful lot of the general tone of
your games. You should, however, have a consistent
approach in your campaign that your players are aware of.
Probably the most potent kind of parry would be a
counter-blast from a sorcerer, as you can make a case for
sorcery being able to parry anything, including other

Some examples:
A martial artist fighting on a raised platform
might make a series of quick, weak attacks that their
opponent can trivially parry but puts them closer to
the edge. The character has to make a Martial Arts
check against a set Difficulty to successfully
manoeuvre his foe in this way. When he makes an
attack with the intention of pushing his enemy over
the edge, he gets a +1 bonus for each of these weak
attacks (assuming one per shot of initiative).

As for the differences between Active Dodges and

parries, consider this a starting point:
Active Dodges require the character to move, so
they can't be performed while carrying something
heavy or holding on to something fixed down. If
you're hanging over a precipice, you can Active
Dodge but you'd better pray for something else to
grab on the way down. Active Dodging also ruins
your aim if you had spent shots lining it up.

A Thief caught red-handed by a Big Bruiser in a

corridor might wish to throw a feint to make it easier
to squeeze past him and away. She has to make a
Deceit roll against the Bruiser's Perception- if
successful she gets a +3 bonus to her Martial Arts roll
if her next action is to elude him.

Parries can be performed one-handed, if

necessary, and don't require the character to move.
However, they usually require some object to parry
with. Depending on the how useful the object is
against the attack the GM may impose a bonus or
penalty on your Dodge. Parries do not, however, let
you move away from where you are, which can be a

A Scrappy Kid caught in the middle of a brawl

can kneel behind an enemy to make it easier for his
friend to push the bad guy over. The kid has to make
an Intrusion check, but if he makes it his ally gets
that +3 bonus.
A Sorcerer hears some low-rent hoods trying to
break into his curio shop. He spends a little time
scattering arcane powders in a circle around himself,
so when they finally climb through his window he
has a +3 bonus to his first attack against them.

So, if you use advantage rules, aiming is just a




special kind of advantage that is always available when

using guns.

So, what if the bad guys want to take a PC alive? Or

the PCs need to overpower someone with information
they need? Easy. Simply make a regular attack with a
suitably non-lethal weapon (fists are excellent for
knocking people out, naturally), and calculate how much
damage you would do if it was a normal attack. If this is
enough to force the target to make a death check, then the
target makes the death check as if the damage had been
done. If this check is failed, you have stunned /
overpowered / tied up the target. If the damage is not
enough to force a death check or the check is passed, then
the target suffers no ill effects. This implies that you need
to rough the victim up a little first, with the small chance
that you might hit harder than you intended and kill the
target by accident.

Sometimes you want to heroically sacrifice yourself
for a friend. Doing so is effectively an Active Dodge you
make during an attack against someone other than you. It
costs you a shot of initiative, as usual. The effect is that
your Toughness is used to reduce the damage and you
take the damage. The Outcome is still figured using the
original target's Dodge Action Value. You can also use
this to shield objects you don't want getting damaged,
such as important evidence lockers or explosive gas
bottles. Naturally, such objects only have a Dodge Action
Value based on their size, so you can expect to take quite
a thumping if you protect them.


This is actually strictly more effective than the

second part of the Bodyguard's Unique Schtick from Seal
of the Wheel- to make up for this you can make the first
part of the Bodyguard's ability only require one shot to

Usually the modifiers for Sorcery, Creature Powers

and Arcanowave Devices are the same through a juncture.
Hong Kong is a particular exception. You may, however,
want to make certain key Feng Shui sites have slightly
different modifiers appropriate to their type. An Ascended
research lab might well have a sorcery modifier even
lower than -2, or a Monarch's pagoda a modifier of +3 or
more. Having a Feng Shui site inimicable to the party's
main abilities is a great way to encourage them to burn it
rather than keep it.

Sometimes a character performs a stunt that uses
more than one of their skills. Do not make them make
multiple rolls for one action. Instead, just work out which
skill is the most important for the action and make them
roll that. Failure can mean any aspect of the stunt can go
wrong, not just the one most closely associated with the
skill they used. If even the GM can't work out which skill
is most important, let them use their best eligible skill.
After all, we're all here to look cool.

To make the Feng Shui sites in your campaign

memorable, give them fringe benefits apart from the usual
Experience Point bonus. Maybe they grant anyone attuned
to them a bonus to a particular skill or it provides a
constant stream of money so they can all operate as if
they are rich. It may even apply some bonus or penalty to
certain actions within the site.

As an example, an Ex-Special Forces wants to

somersault off a balcony, land on the posh table and shoot
the demon in the back. He has both Martial Arts and
Guns, but as the stunt ends in an attack the GM rules the
Guns is the most important. The character fails to hit to
demon, but the GM rules that rather than just miss the
shot the character trips over the balcony rails and crashes
onto the table, scattering crockery everywhere.


You may prefer to have your characters break up

these kinds of stunts into more than one action- either way
is fine.

Plenty of Feng Shui supplements have sections

called 'Cool Things That Could Happen'. While an
excellent resource for GMC stunts, they tend not to
trigger PC stunts through the simple fact that the players
don't get to see them ahead of time. Fear not, for there's a
very similar idea GMs can use to not only inspire stunts

but introduce a certain amount of dramatic tension:
Accidents Waiting To Happen. An accident waiting to
happen is a throw-away piece of scene description the
GM introduces that strongly suggests a particular stunt
can happen some time in the future.

block. The characters can reference it without using until

right at the end of the scene for dramatic tension. It can
even be turned into the centrepiece for an extended fight
with a named character- Indiana Jones and the Temple of
Doom has a good example with the fight on the stone
crusher. The AWTH can even be a common film trope
that the GM wishes to remind her players of, in case they
forget basic film clichs in the hurly-burly of roleplaying.

During a car chase, two people carrying a pane of

glass is an accident waiting to happen. A running woodchipper just outside a window is an accident waiting to
happen. Unlike a Cool Thing That Can Happen, these
accidents are clearly stated to the players and the nature of
the most likely stunt is easy to infer.

The best thing about accidents waiting to happen is

that if, for whatever reason, they don't get used, they can
simply be brought out again in a later fight or session.
They don't depend on the players thinking the same way
as the GM or the scenario writer, and they are usually not
specific to a single location.

This is not to say that player suggestions should be

sidelined. The Accident Waiting To Happen can be a stunt
on standby, ready for the first player to suffer a creative



Mass Combat
This chapter covers some handy rules for big setpiece battles in the world of Feng Shui.

The GM should make a list of 'waves' of attack that the

characters have to deal with. Each wave should take one
or two sequences at most, and have clearly defined
criteria for victory or defeat. If the PCs win the wave,
there is some benefit they gain in the course of the battle.
Similarly, if they fail to meet the target they is some
penalty. Thus, the course of the battle can be played out
with a concrete indication of which side is winning.



The GM should work out what what the PCs get for
winning a wave, and what it costs them for losing. A
generic method is to track 'victory points' and 'defeat
points'. Ideally, there should be a purpose to them- maybe
the outcome of the battle hinges on scoring more victories
or defeats, for example. Or there could be a final wave
with a strength that depends on how many previous waves
were successfully fought. Perhaps if the PCs have too
many defeat points at a certain point of the battle, the
walls of the fort are breached, making the battle much
harder. The important thing is to keep the battle as
interesting as possible. It should not be just waves of
identical enemies without variation. Think of strategies
the enemies might use and encourage the players to
develop plans of their own. Because the battle may
involve multiple fight sequences, it can last at least as
long as two normal fight scenes so bear that in mind when
compiling the session.

Feng Shui is not about big set-piece battles. It is

about a small number of talented fighters demonstrating
their considerable prowess.
Which is not to say that big battles never occur in
Feng Shui. In fact, they can be a thrilling back-drop to a
fight scene- just remember that the actual outcome of the
battle is irrelevant. Battlefields come with their own
unique hazards, summarised in the table below.

Of course, some times you really do care about the
outcome of a fight. In this case, what the wise GM does is
draw up a list of important events that occur during the
course of the battle, and let the PCs participate in them.

Battlefield Hazards
Cannon Fire A cannon ball passes by at speed. All characters make a Fortune roll. The character with the worst
fumble (assuming any characters fumbled) is hit by the cannonball. The damage is 26, and they are carried away a
number of metres equal to how much they fumbled the roll by.
Explosions The artillery of later eras behaves similarly. Each character must make a Fortune roll against the number
of shells being fired into the area. Failure indicates a character is caught in an explosion (12 damage). A Fumble means
the character takes a direct hit (26 damage).
Cavalry Charge A full cavalry charge is a fantastic thing to behold. Everyone has one chance to try to unhorse an
attacker and take their place. If they don't mange it, they suffer 20 damage from a combination of lances, sabres and
hooves. Even if they bring a horse down, there are still plenty of others behind it.
Gas or Smoke Battlefields quickly fill up with smoke if firearms are being used. This severely impairs visibility, and
can provoke bouts of heavy coughing. What is more, some unscrupulous forces may use poison gas. A failed
Constitution roll against such a thing could have all kinds of unpleasant consequences.
Hail of Arrows A volley of arrows lands around the characters, making the sky dark with wooden shafts. Everyone
must make a Fortune roll difficulty 5. If anyone gets a negative Outcome, turn this into a positive number and say that
many arrows hit him. If the roll was a fumble, then he suffers some other penalty, like having a foot nailed to the
ground or dropping his weapon. A similar effect can be seen when guns are used, although the damage is greater in
that case.
Passing Mle A scrum of fighters interferes with the on-going fight. No attacks against the main combatants can
be made until the fighters have moved away. Characters may take advantage of the interruption to find a tactical
advantage or run away.


Example 1: Defending a Fort

The rebels flee, and the characters can try to spot and
intercept the Hand agitators that led them. If the party has
more defeat points than victory points, then the fort is
over-run. The party must escape the fort and flee into the
wilderness. This task is made more difficult by the rebel
army trying to slaughter everyone inside the fort. In either
case, if rebels got inside the fort then they have set fires at
the bases of the watch-towers. Any character in a watchtower must try to find a safe way down. Compassionate
characters may also try to save defenders from the

Consider if a party of characters is compelled to

defend a fort in mainland China. A rebel army is marching
on it at the urging of Guiding Hand agitators. Why must
the party defend it? Who knows? Presumably they have a
good reason.
The fort has low wooden walls with the occasional
watchtower along the circumference. There is one large
gate at the front, with towers either side, and a smaller
gate at the rear. The PCs can choose to defend inside the
walls, in one of the towers, or in the field outside the
walls. If they need to get in or out, they can use the
second gate as long as they identify themselves. During
the battle, arrows rain back and forth between the fort and
the rebel army. Every so often, character may have to
make a Fortune roll as described before. Not all player
characters will be able to participate in every wave,
depending on where they chose to go.

Example 2: Storming a
Lotus sorcerers are up to no good. They are
performing a ritual to some dread purpose, and are
defending the shrine with a host of monstrous beasts. The
plucky heroes have Ting Ting and her bandits to draw on,
plus a rough militia trained by Guiding Hand agents.
Their goal is to stop the ritual, but unless they can break
the back of the Lotus forces they have to deal with an
awful lot of mooks once they get inside.

Wave 1: Ranks of rebel spearmen are advancing on

the fort. The defenders are frightened and may break. The
party must kill 30 mooks in one sequence to bolster their
morale. If they succeed, they get a victory pointotherwise a defeat point.

Lotus sorcerers are on hand to pepper the enemy

with dark magic, which can be treated as explosions.
They may also attempt to fill the battlefield with fog to
vex guns-using characters and sow confusion.

Wave 2: Mobs carrying ladders charge the walls.

There are 5 ladders, and the party must manage to destroy
or topple 3 of them in one sequence. This can be done by
disabling the mooks carrying them, or using sticks to push
them away from the wall. If the party manages this, they
repel that assault- otherwise there will be rebels in the fort
which has ramifications later.

Wave 1: At the head of the demon horde is a huge,

horned general. He's very tough and has a lot of Damage
Immunity schticks. He boasts that no-one can hurt him.
The PCs must find a way to hurt him quickly otherwise
the morale of their forces plummets. If the general
becomes wounded in one combat sequence, gain a victory
point. Otherwise, gain a defeat point.

Wave 3: The Hand agitators take personal action

against any player characters in the field. Fight two
sequences and see which side fares the best. Either side
can easily escape in the chaos if they are grievously
wounded. If the PCs prevail, they get a victory point.
Otherwise, they get a defeat point.

Wave 2: Ting Ting's force has reached the gates, but

the defenders are holding firm and a demonic counterattack risks forcing them away. Someone has to get inside
the guard tower and open the gate. One character has to
defeat the sorcerer in the tower- the rest are needed to
maintain the assault. If the sorcerer flees or is defeated,
gain a victory point. Otherwise, nothing happens.

Wave 4: A large force of Hand archers are taking

position on a hill overlooking the fort. Letting them start
firing has grave consequences. Any character out in the
field can go to intercept them and disrupt them, but that
character ends up some distance from the fort for the final
push. If characters kill 15 mooks or find some other way
of disrupting them, the party gets a victory point,
otherwise they get a defeat point.

Wave 3: A flock of winged horrors are released to

run amok. The characters have two sequences to dispose
of them all before they sow panic amongst the bandits and
throw the assault into disarray. If most of the monsters are
killed or distracted, there are no ill effects. Otherwise, the
party gets a defeat point.

Wave 5: The final push- If the party has more

victory points than defeat points, the fort repels the attack.

Wave 4: The demonic general rallies the last of his



forces for a desperate defence of the shrine. He has been
hurt more since the first wave, taking damage equal to
half his remaining wound points. The party have to get
past him to enter the heart of the shrine. If they defeat
him, they receive a victory point. If they dodge past him
instead, or retreat and go around him, they get a defeat

attack the sorcerers at the shrine itself. If they scored at

least two victory points, then they have broken the
defending demons and get a fair crack at the sorcerers.
Otherwise, they have to deal with the sorcerers and a
number of remaining monsters- a task that is much more
difficult. If the party suffered two or more defeat points,
then Ting Ting's bandits lost a great many of their number.
It is a sad day for the Dragons that so many of their allies
were killed, and their presence in 69AD will be seriously

After the battle, the characters must then go on to



Unlike many role-playing games, Feng Shui doesn't
revolve around the accumulation of stuff. Special items
should be used sparingly, because they might overshadow
the abilities of the characters. On the other hand, an
artefact can become an important plot element in a
campaign. If you build up one particular recurring villain,
then the acquisition of the artefact the characters need to
defeat him makes for a thrilling story. Artefacts should be
considered property of the group rather than property of
one particular character, to encourage passing them
around to whoever can make best use of them. Even
better is if the artefact has a very particular use, spending
much of its time sitting in a glass cabinet in the characters'
safe house and only being brought out for special
occasions. Long-running TV series love to have toys
around that they can break out of the vault when the
writers dream up a new use for them6- why should your
game of Feng Shui be any different?

A character wearing one of these bracelets has an

additional reserve of Fu points to spend on powers. This
reserve is equal to their Fu secondary attribute, but only
refreshes at the start of a session. If the bracelet changes
hands, the reserve is emptied until the next session. These
extra points do not increase the character's effective Fu
attribute, they merely give an extra batch of points to
spend in a pinch.

Claws of Darkness
Queen Ming I of the Darkness Pagoda crafts these
magical weapons and presents them to some of her
favoured servants. They deal Strength+3 damage, but
every time the wielder slays someone with them they
recover a little health. Dispatching mooks only regains 1
wound point per mook, but slaying a named character
heals the wielder by 10 wound points. Ming I's warriors
typically use these to heal themselves during battle, even
if it means slaying their own troops. Heroic types should
feel a little uncomfortable using these weapons of dark
magic, but they may come in handy for undercover work
in the Darkness Pagoda.

Here is a selection of magical, mystical and

mysterious items that characters may chance upon. They
vary in power from the merely useful to positively

Making an Artefact

Dented Sword of Han Lo

The character types in Feng Shui offer quite a bit of

flexibility in creating a character, and personality and
mannerisms go a long way when it comes to making a
character stand out. However, some players find that one
Maverick Cop can play very much like another. This can
be a problem for very long-running campaigns if a new
character steps in and struggles to differentiate himself
from ones that have gone before.

The master swordsman Han Lo was one of the first

to witness the guns of the Europeans when they first
arrived in China. He was convinced that the sword was
innately superior as a weapon, and made it the purpose of
his life to develop a technique that guns would be useless
against. He procured a pistol, at great personal expense,
and studied its operation and abilities in depth. He never
perfected his form- dying of natural causes before his
work was finished- but the sword he practised with gained
some power in its own right.

To make a character stand out, even among others of

the same type, one thing you can do is see to it that he
gets an artefact, or perhaps a schtick normally unavailable
to him. All perfectly justified in plot, of course, but little
treats like that can make players sit up and beg properly.

The Dented Sword of Han Lo is, yes, dented and less

than straight after years of being hit by bullets. However,
it allows the wielder to parry any projectile smaller than a
man with a +3 bonus on top of the normal parry bonus of
+3. Furthermore, when the wielder attacks someone who
has a firearm and gets an Outcome of 2 or more, the
firearm is destroyed in addition to normal damage to the
wielder. Signature firearms are knocked out of reach,

Bracelet of the Master

A very long time ago, these were the traditional
emblem of office for a master of a martial arts school. The
secret of creating them is lost (although the King of the
Fire Pagoda is the likeliest to rediscover it), and they have
been stolen, lost and passed around so much that those
that remain no longer have their original significance.

A joy-buzzer that is no joy at all for the sucker on the

*cough* Stargate SG-1 *cough*



receiving end of it. Attacks are made with Martial Arts,
for Strength+3 damage which is resisted with Constitution
instead of Toughness. However, the Outcome is not added
to the damage. For each significant metal item (guns and
swords, for but two examples) the target is carrying, the
damage increases by 1. If the target has any Hardware
Schticks, add another 3. Jammers love these things, not so
much in battle but for practical jokes among themselves.
Battlechimp Potemkin has warned that if anyone attempts
to recreate the version that looks like a toilet seat he will
deal with them personally.

them only for plot reasons and probably after it has been
discarded. Once the damage is reduced by enough, the
sword is useless, and will probably be thrown into the
nearest body of water.

Gloves of Lam Wo Pung

Lam Wo Pung was a humble martial artist in ancient
China who made his living as a tanner with his wife and
son. One night he staggered home late after carousing
with a visiting group of acrobats to discover his wife
missing. Upon raising the alarm, it was discovered that a
shadowy figure had been seen nearby, appearing to drag
someone or something up into the mountains. He set off
immediately to try and rescue his beloved. In a cave at the
top of a steep track, he found the Demon of Countless
Teeth had just finished feasting on her dead body. Lam
Wo Pung was driven into an mighty rage, both with the
demon and with himself from a sense of guilt- for if he
had returned home sooner he might have saved her. It was
prophesied that the Demon of Countless Teeth could not
be destroyed until the end of the world, but such was Lam
Wo Pung's vengeful fury that even prophesy could not
survive his onslaught. After rending the demon in two, he
returned home with his wife's body. Further tragedy
awaited him- his unsupervised son had been knocked
down by a cart and badly injured. The guilt Lam Wo Pung
felt drove him to leave his son in the care of a neighbour
and he dedicated his life to the destruction of all demons
and monsters. He made these gloves from the remains of
the Demon of Countless Teeth, and they still have some
dread vitality about them.

Elemental Sword
These weapons are commonly carried by foot
soldiers of the Thunder and Fire Pagodas, and sometimes
by others. An elemental sword is exactly like a regular
sword, except that the damage they deal counts as being a
sorcerous blast. This is useful for by-passing immunity to
hand to hand weapons, and also reproduces the special
qualities of the Blast effect (Fire Swords set things alight,
for example). The damage of an elemental sword is,
however, adjusted by the local Sorcery juncture modifierso in some places they are actually less damaging than
regular swords. The Monarchs only create elemental
swords of the variety of blasts closely associated with
their chosen magic- Fire, Thunder, Ice and Disintegration
are the classic four. Creating an elemental sword is not
that difficult, requiring only a Sorcery task check at
difficulty 15. The caster does need a suitable sword,
Create Magical Artefact (see Thorns of the Lotus page 96)
and Blast as Magic Schticks. They can only apply a Blast
special effect they know, and to make the effect
permanent they must spend 20 Magic points when casting
the spell, as per permanent magic in Thorns of the Lotus
page 94.

The gloves are made of heavy leather, studded inside

and out with teeth of all shapes and sizes. They look
clumsy, but do not interfere with a martial artist's skill.
When one is worn, teeth bite into the wearer's wrist,
dealing 5 wound points that cannot be prevented, and
cannot be healed until the glove is removed. Once on, a
glove cannot be removed until the wearer has slain a
supernatural creature or has failed a death check8.

The legendary sword of Arthur, King of the Britons,
was cast back into the lake upon his death. The lake, as it
happens, was a portal to the Netherworld. The purpose
and allegiance of the Lady of the Lake are unknown7, but
the sword might well turn up anywhere.

When wearing one glove, the wearer can deal

Strength+4 damage to supernatural creatures. They may
not use Fu powers that increase damage with that hand,
although other Fu powers are fair game. The glove also
negates any Armour schticks a supernatural creature has.
While the glove is on, the wearer must make a Willpower
check difficulty 5 whenever they are in the presence of a
supernatural creature to avoid attacking it, as the spirit of
Lam Wo Pung attempts to fulfil his vow even after death.

For starters, Excalibur does Strength+10 damage. It

grants the bearer a Leadership Action Value of 20. So far,
so good. However, every time the wielder bears witness to
some unchivalrous act, the damage drops by 1 and the
Leadership Action Value by 2. Note that any duplicity,
even for the best of reasons, triggers this drop. It is also
not limited to the behaviour of the wielder or her
companions- anything less than chivalrous that happens
within earshot reduces the power of the sword. It doesn't
regain its lost abilities if it is passed around, it regains

If someone wears both gloves, they get even more

potent. The gloves by-pass all Toughness of supernatural
creatures, but the Willpower check has a difficulty check
of 10. Remember that wearing both gloves causes 10
wound points in total.

Rumours that she bore a striking resemblance to Pui Ti of the Ice

Pagoda are scurrilous hearsay.


Amputation is a further option, but it is surprising how few martial

artists consider it.

Should a supernatural creature ever wear one of the
gloves, they become possessed by the spirit of Lam Wo
Pung. For most creatures, he simply takes over their body
and continues his work as best he can. If the wearer was,
at heart, good (like a PC for instance), then after a brief
moment of disbelief Lam Wo Pung realises that not all
demons are beyond redemption and allow the wearer
control over their own body. He becomes instead an
occasional voice in their head, urging them into battle
against evil. He may even take brief control of the
character is there is some immediate danger he perceives
but the character does not. In either case the gloves
themselves meld into the flesh of the wearer, and can
never be removed.

parody of the Resurrection story, a character who wields it

cannot be slain or receive wound points by any meansuntil exactly three days after he picked it up, when he
dies. The latter fact is not advertised in most histories
regarding the spear.
Keeping an immortal bad guy occupied for the three
days it takes him to drop dead might make for an
interesting adventure.

Tainted Blades
It is not just bodies that are lost to the mud on
battlefields- weapons are abandoned to rust where they
fall. Battlefields can become haunted areas, filled with
terrors and ghosts. Some of the weapons absorb this
tainted chi and become objects of terror in their own right.

Medicine Bag
Any character with the Sorcery skill can make one of
these bags. It is particular to them, and carries their Magic
secondary attribute around in a physical form. As long as
they carry it around, it makes no difference to any of their
abilities. They can, however, give it to another character.
This drops their Magic attribute to 0 (and impedes any
skills based on Magic accordingly), but the new bearer
gets the Magic attribute of the donor while they have it.
This does not affect their skills (as a raised attribute does
usually), but might affect their resistance to certain effects
that are opposed by Magic. They can also spend Magic
points in the bag as if they were their own. Should a
medicine bag be destroyed, then the maker cannot regain
their Magic points until the next session.

Getting a tainted blade is not a trivial task- getting

into the heart of a haunted battlefield and surviving to
leave is a major obstacle, but matters are complicated
because it's not immediately apparent which of the many
swords buried in the mud has become a tainted blade.
A tainted blade has drawbacks for both the wielder
and anyone hit by it. A target struck by a tainted blade
loses all their remaining Fu points for this sequence, and
the next task check they use a Fortune point on is an
automatic failure. Every time the wielder rolls the same
number on the positive and negative dice (including
boxcars, naturally), they lose one point of Chi (and
Fortune and Fu, if they are higher). These points do not
return until the blade is destroyed. The wielder does not
know anything is wrong until he tries to use Fu, Chi or
Fortune points he does not have.

Obsidian Dagger

Certain Lotus sorcerers have taken to letting these

blades fall into the hands of their enemies, then stealing
them back once the wielder has been weakened but before
they know what to do about it. The sorcerer can then
blackmail the enemy by keeping the blade safe where it
cannot be destroyed if the victim doesn't do as they are

Weapons of this type have special significance for

ritual sacrifices9. Not only do they grant an extra magic
point for ritual purposes (see page 91 of Thorns of the
Lotus), but they are especially effective when used with
stealth or trickery. If the wielder attacks someone by
surprise, then the target may not use Toughness or armour
to soak the damage. Their damage is Strength+3.

Should a victim's Chi attribute and all its secondary

attributes reach 0 because of a tainted blade, then he is
consumed by the sword, trapped forever in a vortex of
agony. Friends of the deceased can hear him screaming if
the blade is held up to the ear.

Spear of Destiny
The legendary weapon that pierced Christ's chest has
long been thought of as an artefact of immense power.
Supposedly only the spear's head has survived into the
modern age. It is a seemingly fragile relic with a piece of
the True Cross tied to it with gold and silver wire. Who
can say what would happen if a new shaft was fitted?
We can. A large number of unpleasant battles have
been fought for possession of the spear head over the
years, and it has become corrupt and malevolent. In a

You didn't think it was coincidence that the Aztec empire used
obsidian tools and weapons, did you?



August 22
I sat on the edge of the bed, trying not to feel selfconscious about the middle-aged woman poking and
prodding my midriff. The Prof, as everyone seemed to
call her, sucked her teeth and went back to looking at
the blood sample under the microscope.

be accepted by Dad's family and been bounced from

dead-end job to dead-end job after he left. We'd always
been ostracised. I had just assumed it was to do my
mother's poor background, but what the Prof was
saying made sense. Too much sense. My anger must
have been showing, because Dr. Haynes put a hand on
my shoulder to calm me.

My back was nearly completely healed. There was

only a faint mark where Mingxia's blow had broken the
skin, and a pair of rapidly diminishing bruises where I
had felt Brown's feet. On the front, there were only two
puckered circles where I'd been shot.

It's a lot to take in, he said, shortly.

The Prof excused herself and left. She was whisked
away by one of those bizarre contraptions they swing
about on to get from place to place in the Junkyard
base. John Haynes sat on the bed opposite and offered
me some Kendall mint cake.

So what you're saying, I said slowly, Is that I'm

some kind of monster?
Not exactly, the Prof said, putting her glasses
back on and treating me to a brief smile, There is
definitely a demonic component to your haematology,
but I assure you that you are mostly human.

If I have this... this, I said, Why did it only

happen now? I've been hurt dozens of times and I've
never healed like this before.

Yeah. Like that would reassure me.

At a guess, it was probably when Mingxia hit you

with her Lightning Fist. It probably gave your personal
chi a little jump-start.

It happens, Dr. Haynes added, And more often

than most people suspect. Tell me, have you ever been
attacked at night in mysterious circumstances and got

There's something else. Before Dirk turned up with

the chopper, I think I grew claws.

No. And I'm sure I'd remember something like


Nice trick if you can manage it, he said drily.

I was despondent. There's normally supposed to be
some sort of epiphany when you find out the truth
about yourself, but all I felt was numbness. If I was
part demon, what was to stop me from turning on my
new allies, or degenerating into some sub-human
beast? Dr. John Haynes is a very shrewd man. I swear
he must have known exactly what I was thinking.

Visited any shrines to malevolent forces?

I used to eat at Maccy D's, if that counts.
The Prof chuckled.
How about this then, she said, When you were
growing up, were you ever picked on? Excluded by the
other children?

When we first encountered little Mingxia, he

said, She was an assassin for hire. As far as we can
tell, she was trained from the cradle to be a completely
amoral, emotionless killer. She was very good at it. She
was contracted to kill Dirk- and she would have done,
too, if Bei Tairong hadn't been there to back him up.
We captured her and did what we could to
deprogramme her. The Mingxia you see now, that's her
trying to be normal, trying to put all that behind her.

My hesitation must have given me away, because

she pressed on.
Always feeling like you didn't quite belong, always
on the edge of things. Adults assuming you were up to
no good without reason, children finding anything they
can to tease you about?
I glowered at her. There are parts of my childhood I
don't like to think about.

His analogy was obvious. If she could hold on to

her humanity, so could I.

It's in your blood, boy. It's in your DNA, she

cackled, One of your forebears wasn't human, I can
tell you that. And it's got passed on to you.

I think the best thing to do, he continued, Would

be to get a little revenge on the woman who was
controlling the Brown gang. Let me tell you about
someone called the Queen of the Darkness Pagoda...

I thought about my parents, and how they'd grown

apart over the years. How my mother had struggled to



Feng Shui Sites


other bunch of long-term psychiatric patients- which is

ironic given that very few of them were mad before they
were imprisoned there. There are two or three genuine
patients, acquired by the asylum to add realistic colour to
the place, but the rest of the patients are people who
annoyed someone prepared to pay a hefty price to put
them in there.

In a leafy suburb of Hong Kong, there's a small but

homely-looking medical facility called, officially, the Tai
Po Peace Rest Home. Home to nearly twenty permanent
residents it caters to people of all ages with serious
psychiatric disorders, particularly those with delusions
that lead them to violence. It's friendly and superbly
trained staff do everything they can to give the poor
unfortunates living there the very best of care. Yeah, right.

Some of these patients cling, grimly, to their real

memories in spite of everything. They are sullen and often
violent, and have probably developed delusions and
rampant paranoia (the latter not without good reason).
Some patients have been convinced by the charade, and
have been 'cured' of their delusions. Naturally, they still
exhibit some symptoms (prompted by the staff) so they
can't be released. They love and trust the staff, and would
intervene on their behalf in a fight. Still others have had
their minds broken completely, and scarcely react to any
external stimuli.

The Truth is Not in Here

The Asylum of the Damned is staffed by demons
who keep anyone incarcerated there for the right price.
For a little bit extra they perform the 'full whammy' on the
victim and persuade them that everything they remember
of their previous life is a series delusions and false
memories. It is, in essence, the ultimate facility for
incarcerating and/or breaking the spirit of Secret Warriors.
The only reason the place isn't better known or more
widely used is that the price the demons charge is highand does not involve money.

The Staff
There are only three regular staff, demons all, and a
mysterious figure only referred to as the Overseer. The
staff maintain an outwardly human appearance almost all
of the time and are careful to play the role of
compassionate helpers very well indeed. Because they are
attuned to the site, they are not affected by its chidampening effect and can use all their abilities should
they need to.

Keeping you Docile

The corrupted chi of the site means that anyone not
attuned to it loses all supernatural or chi-based abilities as
soon as they enter the grounds. They cannot use
Arcanowave Devices, Creature Powers, Fu Powers,
Transformed Animal powers or Sorcery until they have
left the grounds. Supernatural Creatures and
Abominations are forced to assume their human forms, if
they have them. Ghosts lose the ability to pass through
solid objects.

The variety of soul-crushing activities are provided
to 'treat' the patients, and range from the futile to the
desperately boring. There is group therapy, where the
patients are encouraged to talk about their problems to
each other. There is art therapy, where the higherfunctioning patients are given modelling clay or paints to
create with (the nightmarish creations of most do nothing
for anyone's state of mind). There is also floatation
therapy, where the patient is placed in a sensory
deprivation tank and either left alone for hours or pumped
full of psychotropic drugs and left to suffer a bad trip.

The staff of the Asylum have a battery of powerful

drugs that they routinely administer to the patients, which
keep them docile and clouds their minds. Not only does
this make it easier to manage them but it also makes it
easier to brainwash them into disbelieving their previous

Down Below

The Patients

Any inmates that can't be made to fit in, or have

abilities that the site cannot mask (like Hardware Schticks

The inmates of the asylum look pretty much like any



or any monstrous characters without a human form) are
instead kept in the Boiler Room, a nightmarish
underground chamber where steel cages barely big
enough for their occupants are hung from the ceiling.
Even so, the inmates receive the same regimen of drugs to
keep them tame. It is always uncomfortably hot, as the
boiler is kept running day and night all through the year. It
is, in fact, a little taste of hell.

arrival to set up home. Practically anyone or anything

could wash up there, and most of them will be secret
warriors of respectable strength in battle, even if their
hearts aren't in it any more.

How To Get Away

Leaving Marston Jabbett is not a trivial task.
Residents are so broken that they would never leave
voluntarily. Even visitors must confront a sense of regret
and weariness and overcome it to escape. This is best
role-played out, with the player describing exactly how
the character retains her will to carry on in the face of
flashbacks of past failures and fear about the future.
Failure implies that she dithers at the boundary, unable to
bring herself to take that final step. Of course, there's
nothing to stop some friends from bundling her over the
line once she starts to waver.

Somewhere in the wilds of Warwickshire, England,
there is a hard-to-find village. It is not very big, but it
might be mistaken as a dormitory village for one of the
nearby towns. That is, until you notice there are no
children and that no-one ever seems to be leaving the

Benefits of Attunement

The Scrapheap of the Secret


Residents of Marston Jabbett get their own suburban

house. Also, anything within the village is utterly
undetectable by any form of divination or technological
location device. Any action someone takes that threatens a
resident or attempts to force them to leave suffers a -4
penalty as the chi of the location works against them.

When a secret warrior loses everything, when he

become too weary and ground down to even care about
why he got involved in the first place, he eventually finds
his way to Marston Jabbett.


The entire village is populated with abominations,

martial artists, sorcerers and even stranger people who
have been involved in the secret war. Some of them are
from junctures long since closed, or possible futures long
since erased. All of them, however, have had their will
shattered and determination destroyed.

Far away from the most travelled byways of the

Netherworld, there is a very large domed cavern. It is one
of the largest open areas in the Inner Kingdom, and is
known as the Inverted Forest.

No-one here cares about anything other than keeping

their lawns tidy and their houses well-painted. They do
not care for each other, and certainly can't be persuaded to
care about their old allies and enemies.

The floor of the cavern is rocky but essentially flat

and featureless. It extends unbroken to the edges of the
cavern, with the occasional animal carcass or pile of
refuse to break up the monotony. The domed ceiling,
however, is carpeted with a great many old growth trees,
flourishing in the dim environment and growing upsidedown.

Why Go There?
It's entirely possible that one of the residents has
important information the party might need, or may have
taken some trinket there with them that has suddenly
become very important. It may also be the last destination
of a retiring character who has lost everything and cannot
fight any more.

At the edges of the dome, the trees reach the ground

so it is possible to climb up into them, and from there
further up and into the middle. Throughout most of the
cavern, the drop from tree to floor is certain death for all
but the hardiest individuals.

Who Lives There?

The Tree People

It's difficult to identify exactly who has settled there.

Periodically a team is sent to bring back a deserter, and
while that is difficult it is not impossible. There always
seems to another empty house just waiting for a new

The forest is inhabited by a primitive-seeming tribe

of humans who have built a network of elevated wooden
walkways in the branches. Their village doesn't extend far


The Shaman

into the trees, but the switchback planked paths and

swaying rope bridges form a dense pocket visible from
the floor.

The seeming leader of the tribe is a wizened old man

who seldom leaves his hut in the middle of the village. He
wears an elaborate head-dress made from an upturned
human skull. He seems to practice some form of
sorcerous divination, because he often seems to know
more about what going on in the secret war than he has
any need to. Sometimes he'll approach a visitor to the
village and encourage them to drink a potion he's mixed
for them. If they do so, they normally experience vivid
hallucinations that contains prophetic glimpses of what is
to pass over then next few days.

The Tree People appear to be savages, wearing

animal skins and with no discernible language. They do
communicate with whistles and nonsense syllables, but
no-one's ever managed to extract any meaning from them.
The tribe lives by hunting animals in the branches of the
forest. The animals resemble normal beasts outside the
Netherworld, except with their heads on upside-down.
The fact that the tribe have their heads on the right way up
implies that they came to the forest some time in the past.
The Tree People are suspicious of outsiders,
particularly if they appear violent, but small groups that
offer no harm to the tribe are allowed into the forest on
sufferance. The Tree People do not get along well with the
major factions' forces in the Inner Kingdom. The
Ascended and the Buro consider them savages unworthy
of any attention, and the Guiding Hand abhor their
primitive and uncultured society. The Jammers dig their
tree house aesthetic, but the Tree People want nothing to
do with that bunch of psychopaths. Similarly, they have a
deep antipathy towards the demons the Lotus sorcerers
travel with.

Benefits of Attunement
Because so many tribesman are attuned to the site,
any player characters attuning to it do not receive the
usual Experience Point bonus. However, they do receive a
couple of other benefits.
Firstly, they can tell by sight whether another person
is attuned to the Inverted Forest. This is useful for
identifying friends in the forest and introducing new
people to the tribe. Secondly, whenever the character is in
a heavily wooded area, in any juncture, they receive a +1
bonus to all of their Action Values.

Dr. John Haynes, the Dragons' resident

anthropologist, has made great strides in befriending
them, and any wandering group of Dragons is usually
welcomed into the village as long as they can make it
understood that they're friends of Haynes. The tribe feed
friends and tend to their wounds without wanting
anything in return. Anyone staying overnight is expected
to participate in the hunt the next day, however, and if a
guest refuses too many times he may be made

One of the trickiest things about protecting a feng
shui site is that it ties you down to a particular location.
Once they've identified it, your enemies always know
where to find it. The floating restaurant can travel around
the harbours and docks of Hong Kong- eliminating this
small but important liability.

Friends of the village that perform some sterling

service for it, such as by saving the life of a tribesman or
helping to defend it from an attack, are formally inducted
into the tribe in a night of strong spirits, wild music,
dancing, and debauchery.

The restaurant itself is an old paddle-steamer, with

two dining floors and kitchens below deck. It has been
remodelled to resemble a pagoda, with open sides so the
diners can look out across the water or back towards
Hong Kong. This is not necessarily an advantage when
the restaurant is moored in one of the more nasally
interesting parts of Hong Kong, but the patrons never
seem to mind. At night, the restaurant is bedecked with
coloured lanterns. It is a preferred meeting place for
criminals who need to deal on neutral territory, and for
gastronomes who have heard of the restaurant's legendary
chilled noodles.

The walkways that make up the village are filled
with lethal booby-traps that the villagers can trigger to
drop the unwary to a hard death on the floor far below.
The hunters of the tribe benefit from their attunement to it
and usually have a handful of Fu powers apiece. Despite
this, they can't defend against a determined force for long
and the hunters fight to give the non-combatants time to
disperse deeper into the forest. Several times the village
has been left deserted after a raid, but always the Tree
People have returned when it is safe again.

The Owner
The current proprietor is One-Tooth Long, a former
Triad enforcer who was granted leave from his


responsibilities to the group when he broke his back on a
job. He can no longer walk, but has staff members carry
his chair around the boat or onto shore as needs be. He's
getting on a bit, it must be said, and there is a great deal of
discussion as to who will take over the operation of the
restaurant when passes on. A number of Triad bosses hold
dreams of putting one of their men in charge, but it's
unlikely their rivals would let them get away with it. In
fact, someone completely unrelated to organised crime
might stand a very good chance of winning the cautious
approval of Hong Kong's underground.

Finally, there is one very peculiar plus to attuning to

this site: eating chilled noodles- anywhere- restores 15
Wound Points. This effect counts as a healing check for
the purposes of preventing multiple healing checks
between fights.

Somewhere in the Netherworld, there is an octagonal
room with gates that take up all the space on each wall.
Some of the gates are wooden, others are carved stone,
and one appears to be made of jade. They open and close
at random, but they always open onto a portal out of the
Inner Kingdom. These portals can appear anywhere, but
they seem to have a natural aversion to appearing
somewhere too obvious to the lay person.

The Business
The floating restaurant does a roaring trade. It's a
safe place to makes deals, or even just to talk to other
gangsters it wouldn't normally be safe to approach. The
restaurant floor is perpetually crowded so personal space
is not respected. If a fight broke out, it would be pot-luck
who was pushed over the side and who the bullets hitwhich is another reason why no-one causes any trouble

Sleep with One Eye Open

The biggest advantage to controlling the Ring of
Gates is the ability to cross vast distances, and travel
between junctures, with only a few steps. This is an
immense improvement on the usual method of travelling
via the Netherworld i.e. schlepping several miles through
hostile territory to where the portal used to be until this

Apart from the criminals, it is a favourite hang-out

for gangster wannabes who want to be seen with the thugs
they idolise. This type of clientle is tolerated, but not if
they get too drunk or start embarrassing the real
businessmen. There's a sign next to the boarding ramp
that says that patrons are searched for weapons, but in
reality it's only the poseurs who get patted down. Anyone
who looks like they really know how to use a gun is let on
board with a curt nod.

The downside is that just anyone can saunter through

them too and it is a logistical nightmare to try to defend a
location with access points on every wall. The room does
not appear to be connected to rest of the Netherworld,
although as it can be Shaped to a limited extent it must be
a part of it.

The third type of customer is simply locals from

wherever the boat is moored. The food is of good quality
and is sold cheaply during the day. This range of
customers means the restaurant can stay open 24 hours a
day. It continues to serve customers even when it is in the
process of moving from one place to another. More than
once, a tourist party has stepped off the restaurant
somewhere completely different to where they boarded it,
to their bemusement.

Groups that occupy the Ring of Gates tend to do so

for a specific purpose (such as it being a very handy
short-cut at the time) and then abandon it when it's more
of a liability than an asset.

Benefits of Attunement

Benefits of Attunement

The the destinations of the wooden gates can be

controlled by someone attuned to the site. If a photograph
of a location outside the Netherworld and in an open
juncture is folded in half, spat on, then burned with a
butane lighter, one of the closed wooden gates opens a
portal to somewhere near that location the next time the
sun rises.

The restaurant comes with a small but competent

staff, who have been working for One-Tooth Long for a
number of years. They would refuse to work for anyone
who forced the old man out of his position, but if
someone bought it from him they would happily work for
them. They can't do much apart from cook, but they are
no stranger to police raids and easily misdirect and
sidetrack any law enforcement looking for the owner.

If a silver ring is swung three times on the end of a

length of string and then thrown through one of the open
wooden gates, then it starts closing immediately. There
are only a few seconds to get the ring back, if you don't
want to lose it.

No-one will get very rich from the business as it is,

but it is a useful source of money. What is more valuable
is the potential for making many new contacts in the
criminal underworld of Hong Kong.


Each sunset, there is a chance that one of the stone
gates opens or closes. These gates appear to open to
completely random locations in the open junctures.

The jade gate has not opened in living memory. Noone knows to where it might lead.



The Monarchs


Practically alone amongst all the characters in the

Feng Shui universe, the Four Monarchs have hitherto
lacked stats. The leaders of all the factions even have stats
somewhere. The monarchs are unique among the factions
in that their central power base was shifted out of
existence. Because they are in much reduced
circumstances, they make a prime target for an ambitious
group of heroes looking to remove a thorn in their side

The monarchs themselves are wasted on random

fights in the netherworld. They should only venture out of
their fortresses when entirely necessary, and in the
company of a sizeable retinue. Introducing one of them as
the major antagonist in a campaign should build up to a
final confrontation. There should also be a compelling
reason to target a monarch. Maybe a player's
melodramatic hook is revealed to require the death of a
specific monarch. If no other cause presents itself, then an
appropriately dastardly plan is sufficient to give the
heroes the will and the need to do away with its puppetmaster.

None of the other factions are particularly vulnerable

to a strike against their leaders. For some factions the
location of the head honchos is secret, some have the
resources of huge empires to draw on and even if those
obstacles are overcome there is typically no shortage of
ambitious underlings ready to take the reins. The power of
chi dictates that the only sure way to eliminate a faction is
to take feng shui sites from them. Robbing them of
sufficient chi will probably cause a critical shift, greatly
reducing their power and influence and leaving them
vulnerable to a more conventional assault.

To dispose of a monarch, the players need a Plan.

The Plan probably calls for allies to distract royal forces
or engage them head-on. Breaching the security of a
pagoda is non-trivial. The players should need to make
careful plans, of whatever nature seems awesome at the
time. However, as the GM you should make very sure that
climax should involve a fight to the death at the very heart
of the pagoda, with no distractions for either side. Such a
titanic struggle demands no less.

The monarchs, on the other hand, currently have

most of their power concentrated in themselves. There's
no reason to suspect they were any different when they
ruled the world. For that reason, at their height each of
them probably had more chi flowing into them than any
current faction leader. All of which is an attempt to justify
pegging the monarchs as the four most powerful GMCs
the players ever meet.


Pui Ti is arguably the weakest of the four- although
she is also the most sympathetic to the Dragons' cause.
However, she thinks nothing of using a PC for her own
ends then abandoning them as soon as they have outlived
their usefulness. She will almost certainty attempt to talk
or seduce herself out of a sticky situation if it looks like
she will lose. She does have her two white tiger
bodyguards- but any group capable of tackling her will
probably roll straight over Butterfly and Breeze without
slowing down.

It is entirely sensible for the four monarchs to remain

without statistics as pure plot elements, capable of
whatever feat is necessary for the current story and clearly
beyond the PCs' abilities to fight. However, if the GM
wants to make the timely demise of one of them a
campaign goal (or at least a distant possibility) she needs
suitably heinous stats for them. I make no apologies for
the strength of them presented here. Feel free to make
them even more powerful if your group is particularly

How She Fights

Her first resource will be to use her Leadership skill
to enhance the abilities of the troops that rush to her aid.
She makes liberal use of Light blasts to blind her enemies
and Ice blasts to render their weapons useless. From then



on, she fights with her sorcery. Anyone who closes for a
mle attack gets a Bolt of Force in the gut to drive them
away from her. She uses Laughter of the Fox to steal
weapons if she can. As a last resort, she uses Animalism
to summon creatures to distract her enemies while she
attempts to escape. She is not above showing a bit of
thigh to achieve the same effect.

Huan Ken is not known for his subtlety. In all

probability, he will probably be the easiest to attack by
surprise. However, he can rely on both his Sorcery and his
Martial Arts in a pinch and is hell on toast to actually
bring down. Because of his somewhat skewed sense of
honour, there is a real possibility that he will spare
vanquished opponents (in exchange for some future
favour) if they truly impress him with their prowess and
haven't done anything to greatly anger him. He may also
seek similar terms from a foe if he believes himself to be
courting defeat.

Pui Ti Queen of the Ice Pagoda

Sample Dialogue: Please, have a seat. The shashlyk
are particularly delicious, and I would hear what
you have to say while we dine in comfort.
Attributes: Body 7, Chi 12 (Fortune 7), Mind 9
(Charisma 12), Reflexes 9
Skills: Deceit 18, Info/Netherworld 20, Leadership 22,
Martial Arts 19, Seduction 19, Shaping 20, Sorcery 23
Magic Schticks: Animalism (Thorns of the Lotus pg
95), Blast (Bolt of Force (Thorns of the Lotus pg 97),
Ice, Light (Thorns of the Lotus pg 98)), Create
Magical Artefact (Thorns of the Lotus pg 96),
Divination, Fertility, Heal, Transmutation (Thorns of
the Lotus pg 97).
Stat Schticks: Aura of Sorcery 3 (included above
Golden Comeback pg 65), Incredible Loyalty,
Unforgettable (Golden Comeback pg 65).
Fu Powers: all from the Path of the Clever Eye.
Weapons: Fists (8), Sabre (11), Blast (14)

How He Fights
He begins by trying to single out one enemy for a
one-on-one test of Martial Arts- probably beginning with
a Flying Sword and following it up with a Flying
Windmill Kick. He uses his full array of schticks to the
best effect he can, demonstrating his martial superiority. If
his enemies are unsporting, he expresses his disapproval
and unleashes his magic. He lays about him without much
strategy, striking more or less at random. He'll try a
thunder blast every sequence or so to slow his enemies
down. He takes care, however, to reserve enough Fu
points to launch the Torrent of Fury at the end of each

Huan Ken King of the Thunder

Sample Dialogue: So you seek to test your strength
against the mightiest of them all? I shall see to it
that both your courage and your glorious death are
sung of for months to come!
Attributes: Body 13, Chi 12 (Fortune 5), Mind 7,
Reflexes 11
Skills: Info/Netherworld 20, Leadership 19, Martial
Arts 22, Seduction 12, Shaping 20, Sorcery 25
Sorcery Schticks: Blast (Lightning, Thunder (Thorns
of the Lotus pg 98), Wind (Thorns of the Lotus pg
98)), Create Magical Artefact (Thorns of the Lotus pg
96), Divination, Heal, Movement, Transmutation
(Thorns of the Lotus pg 97), Weather.
Stat Schticks: Aura of Sorcery 3 (included above
Golden Comeback pg 65), Brick House, Ich Bin Ein
Bruiser (Golden Comeback pg 64), Immutable Self
(Golden Comeback pg 64), Me First (Golden
Comeback pg 66), Shattering Blow (Golden
Comeback pg 64), Tougher Than Leather (Golden
Comeback pg 64).
Fu Powers: all from the Path of the Leaping Storm.
Unique Schtick: Titan of the Arena Whenever Huan
Ken fails a death check, he can spend a Magic point
to change it into a success. He's just that tough.
Weapons: Fists (14), Kick (15), Sceptre (16), Blast (14)


The Fire King is a pragmatist. As soon as it looks
like his position will be severely undermined even if he
wins, he attempts to negotiate with his attackers. He
offers genuine concessions, offers that are hard to ignore,
but he draws the line at putting himself completely at the
mercy of his enemy. Should he be taken up on his offer,
he abides by it scrupulously right up until he can free
himself of his obligations without endangering his power
base. Unless the heroes are as cunning as they are strong,
they may well find their attack strengthens Li Ting's
position in the long term instead of weakening it.

How He Fights
His first option is to set everything around him on
fire and rely on his minions with the Path of the Brilliant
Flame fu to bulk up on Fu points and wipe his enemies
out. As soon as it becomes clear that the enemy is too
strong for that to work, he uses a combination of Martial
Arts attacks and Blasts to try to capitalise on his enemies'


Ming I Queen of the Darkness


Li Ting King of the Fire Pagoda

Sample Dialogue: I can see that you are very serious
about this course of action. But can you not see how
it weakens both our positions?
Attributes: Body 10, Chi 13 (Fortune 5), Mind 11,
Reflexes 8
Skills: Deceit 19, Info/Netherworld 20, Leadership 20,
Martial Arts 20, Shaping 20, Sorcery 22
Sorcery Schticks: Blast (Chi, Fire, Flaming Ash
(Thorns of the Lotus pg 98)), Create Magical Artefact
(Thorns of the Lotus pg 96), Divination, Fertility,
Heal, Improved Blast, Influence, Summoning.
Stat Schticks: Aura of Sorcery 3 (included above
Golden Comeback pg 65), Inner Might (Golden
Comeback pg 65), The Holmes Touch (Golden
Comeback pg 65).
Fu Powers: all from the Path of the Brilliant Flame, all
from the Path of the Hands of Light, all from the Path
of the Beneficial Flow.
Unique Schtick: Contingency Contract Li Ting
believes in being prepared. Over the years he has
made many bargains with powerful demons just in
case he was ever in danger. He can spend two magic
points to instantly summon a powerful demon to
protect him. The demon will extract serious payment
later, but at least Li Ting hopes to be alive to pay it.
Weapons: Fists (13), Blast (17)

Sample Dialogue: You dare? I will invent a

thousand new forms of agony just for you!
Attributes: Body 12, Chi 12 (Fortune 0), Mind 9,
Reflexes 11
Skills: Creature Powers 20, Deceit 18,
Info/Netherworld 20, Intimidation 18, Martial Arts 20,
Seduction 12, Shaping 20, Sorcery 26
Sorcery Schticks: Blast (Darkness, Disease,
Disintegration), Create Magical Artefact (Thorns of
the Lotus pg 96), Divination, Fertility, Heal,
Movement, Necromancy, Summoning.
Stat Schticks: Aura of Sorcery 5 (included above
Golden Comeback pg 65), Immutable Self (Golden
Comeback pg 64).
Fu Powers: All from the Path of the Harmonious Chord
Creature Powers: Regeneration, Will Not Die 3 (25
Wound Points for -1 Impairment Thorns of the
Lotus pg 104).
Unique Schticks: Arm of Darkness The queen's arm
is a thing of terror. Whenever she connects with
Martial Arts attack using it, she does not deal normal
damage. Instead the victim must immediately make a
Death Check with a difficulty equal to the Outcome of
her attack. If the victim fails, they are instantly and
permanently destroyed. They do not come back as a
ghost, no schtick can save them or bring them back
to life and their spirit may not be contacted from
beyond the veil. They're gone, man. Even if the target
makes the death check, they will have a very
interesting scar to show for it. Additionally, Ming I
can also use her arm to caress a helpless captive,
inflicting unbelievable pain but leaving no visible
mark. When someone is at her mercy in this way, it is
trivial for her to kill them and takes no shots of
Will Not Fall Unconscious There is no chance of her
falling unconscious as a result of her Will Not Die
Weapons: Arm of Darkness (0), Blast (14)

weaknesses. He uses Fortune for his Lightning Fist

against the toughest targets, but otherwise concentrates on
killing his enemies one at a time, starting with the
weakest-seeming. If he is not making significant headway
against his enemies, he uses his Unique Schtick to
generate an ally to fight alongside him. He attempts to use
this demon as a shield from the more powerful attacks
while he throws more sorcery in from a distance. If his
ally falls, he summons more, keeping two active at a time,
while he tries negotiation. If he nears the point of death
with Magic points remaining, he blows them all on a
desperate effort chi Blast against all of his enemies.


final battle. The explosive release of power will probably

destroy what's left of her pagoda. As if she wasn't enough
trouble without complications, facing her down may well
involve a very tricky hostage negotiation with grave
consequences for botching it.

The Queen of Darkness is serious bad news. There is

nothing she will not do in pursuit of power, and power she
already has aplenty. She is quite mad, although highfunctioning, and will never, ever surrender. Her dark
magic has had an effect on her, leaving her as something
that is neither demon nor entirely human. Despite her Will
Not Die schtick, she may well be destroyed if she reaches
a certain number of wound points in a suitably dramatic

How She Fights

Her preferred tactic is to smite foes with her Arm of
Darkness, slaying them instantly. If they prove too hard to
hit, or tough enough to survive the experience, she
switches to darkness Blasts to hamper them. One of her
favourite tactics is to use Integration of the Void and
Harmonious Fist in tandem; hitting a target with Blasts

that do no damage but save up trouble for later. When she
is satisfied she has built up enough pending damage, she
unleashes all the accumulated Outcome at once with a
snap of her fingers. Her target typically vanishes in a puff
of smoke or turns into a wretched pile of boils and rotten
flesh. She makes full use of Movement magic to dodge
attacks and move around the battlefield to keep strong
martial artists away from her.

become a Feng Shui site. An entire campaign could be

based around this sort of scenario.
The attitude of the surviving monarchs to their
sibling's killers could be anything. They may welcome the
reduced competition in the powerful sorcerer stakes. They
might band together against someone who deigned to
strike at one of their own. They might even develop
cautious respect for the new blood and think hard on the
fact that they are not as invulnerable as they thought. If
the players establish themselves as a new power in the
netherworld the remaining monarchs might make friendly
overtures to them, in case they get a taste for regicide, or
distance themselves if they believe a more established
faction is likely to come and squash the newcomers.

Unless your campaign ends with the death of the
monarch, the GM will want to give some thought to what
happens next. There will be very many vultures picking
over the debris looking for arcane lore or powerful
artefacts, the players probably among them. Although the
resultant power vacuum in the netherworld won't
necessarily be filled (unless the players are very quick off
the mark in capitalising on their success) the site of the
pagoda will be very attractive to anyone wanting the
space or somewhere with good chi that may once again

Other factions will certainly sit up and take notice of

anyone who kills one of the four monarchs, but for the
most part it won't necessarily change their policies in the
netherworld as one bit player is very much like another.
Of course, if the campaign runs for long enough the
monarch thought dead could very well put in a
reappearance- madder, badder and out for blood.



Escape from the Asylum of the

The Pitch

Rumble in the Jumble

The intrepid party find themselves trapped in an

asylum, their histories and abilities apparently delusions
they are to be cured of. How long will it be before they
see through the ruse and escape the horrors of... The
Asylum of the Damned (peal of thunder).

A slightly deranged man called Spencer Percival has

a mad scheme for global domination involving a bizarre
contraption atop a skyscraper. The actions begins just as
the party emerges from the steps at the top of the building
and confronts him in the final showdown.
Play this angle to the hilt. If anyone wants to muck
about before the fight starts; with traps or any of that
tedious character-led discussion, bop them on the nose
with a rolled-up newspaper and carry on.

The Location
This adventure takes place mostly within the cold,
uncaring walls of the Asylum of the Damned, described in
chapter 11.

Percival has as many mooks with him as you want to

give him. The top of the building is littered with mad
science apparatus, making footing treacherous. At
practically any point, some large piece of equipment
could explode. The centrepiece of his plan is a giant
lightning conductor, naturally. In the middle of a severe
thunderstorm, he hopes for the strike that will bring his
plan (whatever it is) to fruition. Mwah ha ha, mwah ha ha
ha etc.

The Twist
The main problem the characters face is that the
main part of the story begins with them robbed of their
schticks and drugged up to the eyeballs.
Taking away characters' abilities is not something the
GM should do lightly. You'll need the indulgence of the
players and you should drop heavy hints that their
reduced circumstances are only temporary. You should
also take care that the session doesn't become too
frustrating and crush their enjoyment.

Accidents Waiting To Happen

Big, big electromagnets just waiting to be turned


It's also not suitable as an introductory session- both

because the coolest parts of the system are locked away
for a lot of it and the characters already need an advanced
level of trust in order to help one another out of this

Spencer Percival
Sample Dialogue: They said I was mad! Mad, I tell
Attributes: Body 7, Chi 0 (Fortune 2), Mind 11,
Reflexes 7
Skills: Deceit 12, Fix-it 18, Guns 16
Gun Schticks: Bring It, Fast Draw 2. Gun Kata 2,
Signature Weapon (Tec-9).
Unique Schtick: Manical Laughter As long as
Percival keeps laughing in a suitably evil fashion, he
takes 2 points less damage from any source.
Weapons: Tec-9 (13/3/32+1) or (8), punch (8), kick (9)


The first part of the adventure exists purely to get all
the characters into the asylum. Because they're going to
be without their funkiest abilities, the session starts with a
nice big fight so the players don't feel short changed. The
little story for this first fight doesn't relate to the rest of
the adventure, so you can substitute a fight of your own if
you want.

Percival's Mooks
Sample Dialogue: I can't hear you over the rain!
Attributes: Body 5, Chi 0, Mind 5, Reflexes 6
Skills: Guns 9
Weapons: Tec-22 (8/2/30+1), punch (6), kick (7)


Massive amounts of electricity and pools of
standing water.

The Drugs

A skylight looking into the room below.

Genuflax The standard sedative administered to

patients. It takes a little over an hour to take effect and
stays in the system for four hours after that. The effect
is to make the victim feel woozy and uncoordinated.
All that character's Action Values are halved, rounding
down. Genuflax has no effect on Abominations,
Supernatural Creatures or Ghosts. Genuflax is normally
given as a tablet, but can also be given by syringe.
Macabre This drug is only given as a punishment.
It provokes vivid and terrifying hallucinations. It takes
the form of a syrup, and can be mixed with food. It has
no effect on supernatural entities.
QRV This vile concoction is designed to hamper
monsters. It robs them of the power of speech and
dulls their reflexes. It takes effect immediately and
halves their Martial Arts (and thus their Dodge rating
inside the asylum). Booster injections must be given
every four hours or the effect wears off. Double
dosage leaves the recipient limp and unable to move.
Non-supernatural creatures who receive a dose of
QRV tend to suffer from immediate vomiting and
nausea that lasts for four hours.
Slammer When patients get uppity, an injection of
Slammer is used to knock them out. Once injected, the
victim has a number of shots equal to her Constitution
score to act normally, then falls unconscious. Slammer
has no effect on supernatural entities.

The Button
At the climax of the fight, when Percival has been
badly injured and his plan looks to lie in ruins, he pulls a
detonator from his belt and declare that if he can't have
the power he craves, no-one can. If he gets a chance to
use it, it causes an explosion somewhere further down in
the building. It won't topple the building, but it may shake
a few mooks off the roof. If it gets knocked out of his
hand, or swallowed, then the explosion doesn't happen.

Thunder, Lightning, Strike!

After Percival has been defeated, quite by chance a
thick bolt of lightning strikes the conductor (or the roof in
general if the conductor was sabotaged during the course
of the fight) and there is a big explosion to light up the
night sky. All of Percival's equipment will be ruined, so
the purpose of his plan is moot. If Percival was taken
alive, the lightning finishes him off so he takes no further
part in the game. At this point, nothing more can be done
at the top of the building so the jubilant party can leave.

The Descent
Getting down from the building is the next step. The
lifts are broken- whether as a result of the lightning strike
or the earlier explosion (if it happened). This forces the
party to use the cramped stairs. As they proceed, there is
an unusual odour in the air, and then one by one they fall

characters with permanent Arcanowave Devices or

Hardware Schticks- will have been taken to the Boiler
Room. The visible signs of Arcanowave mutation are
suppressed in the asylum (although the effects of them are

If any wise-guys have the ability to fly of the roof, or

try climbing down the outside, they feel a sting in their
neck and discover a tranquilliser dart. They fall
unconscious before they hit the ground.

They have also been shot full of drugs. In particular,

each character will have a shot of Genuflax or a shot of
QRV in his system depending on which is effective for
When each character awakes, he or she will be in a
single occupancy room with a bed and no other furniture.
Each patient is thoroughly strapped down to the bed until
the nurse comes to talk to him. Let the characters try to
break free of their bonds- it has little effect. Let them get
used to the idea that they don't have their usual schticks
and that their actions are hampered.

Before the characters wake up, they have been
'processed' by the friendly staff of the Asylum.
All weapons are taken from them and stored in the
safe, in the Print Room (described later). As the characters
are in the asylum, they lose access to all their supernatural
abilities. They are dressed in simple shift supplied by the
asylum. If any character uses Arcanowave Devices, his
I/O ports are underneath heavy bandages. The explanation
given is that he was self-harming and the cuts need to
heal. Any character that cannot be made to look mundanesuch as Supernatural Creatures without a human form and

Some characters may leap to the conclusion that a

critical shift plays some part in their predicament. Let
them keep thinking that for as long as they like.
The one silver lining for the characters is that they
have healed completely since the fight on the skyscraper.



sustained during the episode or the result of self-harm. A
different history is weaved which may have some
superficial similarities to the real world but leaves no
room for heroics or any exceptional position.

Nurse Ratchet
Sample Dialogue: If you don't sit down and stop
throwing paint, I'll have to call for Sven.
Attributes: Body 11, Chi 0 (Magic 8), Mind 7, Reflexes
Skills: Creature Powers 15, Deceit 18, Martial Arts 15,
Medicine 10
Creature Powers: Abysmal Spines 2, Brain Shredder,
Regeneration, Transformation (human form)
Weapons: Spiked Tail (17), Brain Shredder (7), punch

The nurse even provides documentation of her

version of events- formal certificates, photos, police
reports, the works. The nurse's version of the character's
history may subvert his melodramatic hook in some way.
For example, a character who wishes to avenge the death
of his wife and child may find himself told that both are
alive and well- they just left him when his madness
became too much to bear.
If the subject rejects the version of events put
forward by the nurse, this is taken as resistance to
treatment and the nurse makes tutting noises and adds a
note to the file. Signs that the subject is prepared to
believe the nurse are received with a smile.

Nurse Boris
Sample Dialogue: Sit down and shut up. You won't
like the alternative.
Attributes: Body 8, Chi 0 (Magic 8), Mind 7, Reflexes
Skills: Creature Powers 15, Deceit 17, Intimidation 11,
Martial Arts 13
Creature Powers: Armour 3, Conditional Escalation
(deal 10 Wound Points, Body +1), Transformation
(human form)
Weapons: punch (9), kick (10)

Don't bother repeating yourself for each characterjust concentrate on any bits that are different between
them, particularly the revised personal history and the
character's response.
After the interviews, each character is returned to
their room. There are two wings to the asylum, one for
men and one for women.

Orderly Sven

Boiler Room Buddies

Sample Dialogue: You hold his arms, I'll put the

needle in.
Attributes: Body 7, Chi 0 (Magic 8), Mind 6, Reflexes
Skills: Creature Powers 14, Fix-it 12, Martial Arts 14
Creature Powers: Blast (fire), Duplication,
Regeneration, Tentacles, Transformation (human
Weapons: Blast (10), punch (8), kick (9)

Characters confined to the Boiler Room are dealt

with later- for the time being leave their fate unknown
(but make sure the players know they're not being left out
for good- they just get their turn later).


After the induction, it is lunch time and the
characters are allowed out of their rooms. Every four
hours, they get another Genuflax pill to take.

The Overseer
The mysterious Overseer is only referred to by the
other staff. It's heavily implied that he is in charge of
the asylum, and hence the staff, but he is never seen.

At meal times, all the patients are allowed to mingle

in the break room. Most patients are broken in spirit, but
there are three of particular interest that get their own
side-bar. The staff of the asylum watch everyone closely,
particularly if anyone starts causing trouble. The meals
are bland and eaten with blunt plastic spoons. Sometimes
one meal will be laced with Macabre, if the staff are
bored. This is a chance for the characters to talk to one
another, and maybe compare notes. If they are too open
about their rejection of 'reality' then the staff might well
dose them with Slammer and let them go hungry.

Why Do You Think You Are

a Secret Warrior?
One by one, each character in the asylum proper is
given an assessment by one of the nurses. The nurse
'explains' why the character is there.
The story the nurse tells will says that very nearly
everything they remember about their past and present is
wrong. There is no secret war, no Netherworld, and
especially no chi. The nurse implies that the character has
been a patient at the asylum for some time, and is just
recovering from some sort of episode. Any lingering pains
or scars from the last fight are explained as injuries

After lunch, there is treatment. Feel free to assign

each character in the asylum proper to whatever treatment
would be most interesting and/or most dispiriting for him.



Group Therapy

Big Ralph

Sometimes one of the nurses takes a small group of

patients for group therapy. They are given an opportunity
to talk about their problems- what delusions they've been
having and how nice the staff are to help them. This is a
good opportunity for some characters to try to work out
what's happened to the other patients and observe the
patterns of behaviour in the staff.

Sample Dialogue: Ralph smash!

Attributes: Body 10, Chi 0, Mind 3, Reflexes 6
Skills: Martial Arts 11
Weapons: Chair (13), punch (11), bite (12)
Big Ralph was once a Triad enforcer. Now he's a
broken husk of a man. Although still very strong,
years of Genuflax has worn down his mind. He
responds to direct stimuli and not much else. He is
easy to goad into a fight.

Sensory Deprivation
One of the treatments is a sensory deprivation tank,
where someone can spend the entire afternoon floating in
tepid water in absolute darkness. Hot-tempered characters
may be subjected to this treatment to drive them to
distraction. More serene patients may find themselves
shot full of Macabre to make the session a waking

Old Man Wu
Sample Dialogue: The steamed bun chimes when the
hour of the rat expires.
Attributes: Body 4, Chi 0, Mind 5, Reflexes 9
Skills: Martial Arts 10
Weapons: punch (5)

Under the effect of Macabre, the character will be

confronted by nightmarish visions of terror. They may be
confronted by former enemies, allies that are
unexpectedly hostile and any other subversion of their
history you feel like. You may even have the victim roll
dice to see how well they fare in this waking nightmare.

Old Man Wu has taken refuge from the horror of the

asylum in madness. Maybe it began as a ruse, but it
is reality now. In rare moment of coherency he urges
other patients to trust their instincts and ignore the
reality around them.

Art Therapy
A small group may be given paints or clay to make
whatever they like. Under the effects of drugs, the results
are not particularly good, but the staff say it is useful
treatment. Of course, it's true purpose is to try to identify
which patients may not be fully under the effect of
Genuflax and thus need a higher dosage. The treatment is
meant to humiliate and to build frustration. Imagine a Big
Bruiser trying to sculpt with clay when medication makes
his hand clumsier than usual.

Sarah Ling
Sample Dialogue: Stop talking when they look this
Attributes: Body 5, Chi 0, Mind 8, Reflexes 8
Skills: Deceit 14, Info/Asylum routine 11, Martial Arts
Weapons: punch (6), kick (7)
Sarah Ling is not fooled by the staff. But she
recognises she can't do anything to help herself. At
least, not alone. She may be convinced to team up
with the PCs to get herself out of the Asylum.

At the end of the session, all the clay is balled

together and the paintings thrown away. Just to rub in
how futile the exercise is.

Other Treatments


The sadistic staff periodically come up with fresh

ideas to torment the patients. Feel free to add any other
form of treatment you want.

Attributes: Body 9, Chi 0 (Magic 8), Mind 4, Reflexes

Skills: Creature Powers 13, Martial Arts 11
Creature Powers: Regeneration 5
Weapons: punch (10), kick (11)

Should any patient not cooperate with the staff, he is
generally warned once then taken back to his room and
given another shot of Genuflax.

Nagamar has been a prisoner in the boiler room for

a long while. He doubts he will ever be free, and just
tries to be kind to the others in the boiler room. He
is an amorphous grey blob with three eyes and a
pair of arms to fight with.

Any patient who is violent gets a shot of Slammer

and dragged away by Sven, the orderly. He may well be
punished further during the night.




small piece of paper to one of the PCs. On it is written:

'Don't try to fight them'. Nagamar communicates using
notes whenever he is sure the staff won't notice. If he is
ever broken out of his prison, he unhesitatingly assists any
patient who helped him or suffered the same torment as
he did.

At night, the patients are left in their rooms. Anyone

who has been violent recently will be thoroughly strapped
to the bed, possibly also wearing a straitjacket.
If a patient needs to be punished, nurse Ratchet pays
them a visit in the night. If she is rushed, she administers
some Macabre and leaves it at that. If she has more time
on her hands, she sometimes transforms into her
monstrous form to freak the patient out. Often, the patient
believes her appearance to be a delusion and begs for
medicine to take the sight away.

So far, everything has been intensely frustrating for
the characters. They have been trapped in a terrible place
and, basically, tortured. Until they escape, they get two
therapy sessions a day and two bland meals a day. So,
how do they get out?

Patients who grew violent under nurse Ratchet's

supervision are usually be beaten with sticks while they
lie helpless. This causes no damage, but leaves them very
sore the next morning. Naturally, they are told their
injuries were self-inflicted during the night.

Cold Turkey
Possibly the most important step is getting off the
drugs. Being dosed with Genuflax seriously restricts the
efficacy of any escape attempt. While the nurses watch
the patients like a hawk for the first day, if they believe a
patient has resigned himself to life in the asylum they
won't watch so closely. A cunning character can palm the
pill or pretend to swallow it and avoid becoming dosed.


Once the full day's excitement has been dealt with,
turn to the characters confined to the Boiler Room.
Explain that they've spent the whole day hanging in the
cage, and explain how they feel weak. Nagamar, another
monstrous patient, is in the cage nearest the boiler.
Naturally, everyone incarcerated in the boiler room is kept
dosed with QRV.

Sneaking Out
Characters not strapped to their beds may be able to
pick the locks on their doors and get out into the asylum
at night. Because there are so few staff in the place it is
quite easy to avoid being discovered. Naturally, getting
out is easier if the character is off Genuflax.

The reason for delaying the existence of the Boiler

Room is to give the maximum amount of time for doubt
and paranoia to develop in the main party. However, this
time is for these characters to get their fair share of


They soon discover that they cannot speak properly.

Nagamar appears docile, but won't try to communicate
with them. Explain that the day passes very dully.

There are many ways to cause a distraction, and

some of them avoid one of the characters being sedated
and strapped to his bed. A distraction may let a character
grab a set of keys, or slip away unnoticed.

Come nightfall, Nurse Boris and Orderly Sven

arrive. They like to gamble on fights between patients
kept in the boiler room. For a good long while there has
only been Nagamar, so they are overjoyed at the prospect
of renewed battles. Of course, Nagamar and any
characters in the cages cannot fight very well, but that is
part of the entertainment for the staff.

Escaping the Boiler Room

It's entirely possible that a character kept in the
boiler room will be able to slip past Boris and Sven
during one of the fights if he is lucky.

Nagamar and one other captive are released from

their cages and forced to fight as best they can. Anyone
reluctant to do so will be brutally beaten by the two staff
members. The fight is not meant to cause much damage,
but once it is clear that one side has the advantage the
fight is stopped and the patients returned to the cages.

Getting Caught
Aborted attempts to sneak out of sight of the staff
attract a heavy dose of Slammer and Macabre and a night
of horror.

If more than one PC is in the boiler room, force each

of them to fight at least once, then bed them down for the
next day.

When All Else Fails

If the players have no luck in shaking things up

During the course of the fight, Nagamar passes a




themselves, have Nagamar break out of his cage. He can

damage a door so someone can get out of their room, or
just take up all the attention of the staff while the PCs can
make their move.

At some point during their running through the

corridors, the staff catch up with the PCs and try to
prevent them from leaving. Contrive to have this fight
happen somewhere interesting, like the boiler room or the
arts and crafts room. Because the party is still in the
asylum, they are underpowered. If they start to lose, give
them a chance to flee the premises.

One Out, All Out

Once one PC has got the run of the asylum, make it
easy for her to get to the others and let them out, even if
she is addled by Genuflax.


Accidents Waiting To Happen

Apart from the Boiler Room, there are several other

places of interest in the asylum which character free to
roam the facility can discover. To keep with tradition,
make the door out of the building the last one they find.

Lumps of clay can stick to the skin and eyes.

The boiler itself is really very hot.

The cages in the boiler room can be locked or

unlocked from the outside but not from the inside.
Someone's going to end up in one before the fight is

Print Room
The print room is a fully-appointed workshop to
create fake ID papers and other documents. The staff use
this to create the fake histories for the patients. There are
raw materials here to forge practically any form of official
document. There is also the safe, which contains little
other than seized weapons and other equipment. Getting
into the safe requires a successful Intrusion task check
with Difficulty 13. However, Sarah Ling, the patient,
knows the combination having overheard the staff
discussing it. Once the safe is open, guns characters will
be very happy.


A character may simply escape the asylum before
rescuing the others, with the intention of getting help. If
this happens, make it clear that there's no guarantee that
help arrives in time to save his friends from grisly
revenge, and be sure to make the authorities supremely
reluctant to help: You escaped from where? Uh-huh. And
they did what? You don't say. Tell me where you are so
we can come and help you.


This should encourage the player to try to spring his

fellows right away. Of course, the character could go and
buy some explosives and drive a truck in through the front
of the building, which gets the fight started really quickly.

There is little here other than many pill bottles, syringes

and stoppered bottles of the drugs in the asylum. The
QRV, being the only drug that could affect the staff, is
very well hidden. There is also a handful of pills in a
bottle marked Xalfuneg- which is an antidote to Genuflax.
Make sure this bottle is found if any of the PCs are still
suffering the effects of the latter.


As soon as the characters are crossing the grass
surrounding the asylum and running for the boundary, the

Overseer's Office

The Overseer

The Overseer's office is rather empty. There is a

desk, but it doesn't seem like it gets much use. There may
be a few letters from potential clients (or, at least, the
enemies of potential clients) and other bits and pieces, but
apart from that the office is suspiciously empty. It's almost
as if the Overseer is a myth, isn't it?

Sample Dialogue: I... see... your... weaknesses...

fears... and pain. I... will... destroy you.
Attributes: Body 8, Chi 0 (Magic 10), Mind 6, Reflexes
Skills: Creature Powers 19, Martial Arts 17
Creature Powers: Abysmal Spines 2, Envelope Attack
3 (Thorns of the Lotus pg 102), Fluid Form, Inevitable
Comeback, Shadow Reach, Soul Twist 4
Unique Schtick: Immunity to Summoning
Weapons: Dark razors (14), soul twist (15)



Overseer intervenes.
The Overseer is a part of the asylum, and part of
what gives it its power. It is formed from the madness and
misery of all the patients that have suffered in the asylum
through the years. The overseer appears to be a wall of
darkness about twenty feet high, studded with baleful red
eyes, which can form jagged blades from itself to attack
with. The overseer prevents the party from leaving the
grounds by appearing right in front of them. Fortunately,
doing so reduces the asylum's power so the players get all
their schticks back. If they took a heavy beating fighting
the staff, they also heal up completely, as if a great weight
was lifted from their shoulders.

Once the Overseer is defeated, the aura that

suppresses schticks in the Asylum is gone for good. The
staff, if they still live, slink away back to the Underworld.
The patients still need looking after, and the party can
either take that responsibility on themselves or inform the
authorities that some people need looking after.
The more coherent patients, such as Sarah Ling and
Nagamar, owe a considerable debt of gratitude to the
party, and may be useful allies in the future.
If the party takes control of the asylum, they have
access to excellent equipment for forgery purposes. In
time, the asylum may acquire a more benign aura than it
did before, which may convey benefits on the patients or
staff. This benign spirit may even manifest in a similar
way to the Overseer.

The Overseer is a creature of nightmares. As a sideeffect of its apparition, objects from the minds of the
players called into being around them. These can be
objects with a special significance to them or their
memories, or things they are frightened of, or familiar
places and things, or even just some of the crazy stuff
they thought they saw when dosed with Macabre.

Of course, the party may elect to reduce the asylum

to rubble and salt the earth, as a way of expunging their
bad memories. That's good, too. It's part of the healing

These objects are introduced purely to provide stunt

fodder in an otherwise dull environment.

Oh, and on no account should you mention to the

players that the Overseer had the Inevitable Comeback



Ammunition................................18, 30
Animate Garment.............................34
Aperture Device................................22
Arcanowave Devices........................22
Asylum of the Damned.........................
Escape From the..........................76
Back For Seconds...................5, 43, 44
Bail Out!...........................................38
Special Effects.............................34
Blood of the Valiant..........................43
Blowing Up Hong Kong...................43
Boarding Action................................24
Bracelet of the Master.......................63
Brick House......................................35
Bring It..............................................30
Business, the.....................................29
Camouflage Unit...............................31
Claws of Darkness............................63
Combijet Weapons............................16
Creating indices is really boring.......58
Creature Powers................................23
Custom Ammo..................................30
Dented Sword of Han Lo..................63
Diabolical Potency............................35
DNA Injector....................................22
Driving Schticks...............................24
Elemental Body: Air.........................23
Elemental Sword...............................64
Elevator to the Netherworld..............43
Experience Schticks..........................38
Feral Strength...................................23
Final Bullet.......................................30
Fire in the Hole!................................39
Flashy Reload...................................30
Floating Restaurant...........................69
Fluid Form........................................23

Fool Me Once...................................39
Four Bastards....................................43
Friends of the Dragon.................29, 43
Fu Powers.........................................24
Gentleman Retainer............................6
Glimpse of the Abyss..................23, 43
Gloves of Lam Wo Pung...................64
Golden Comeback5, 24, 27p., 35, 38,
Gorilla Warfare....................5, 30p., 43
Grand Theft Auto..............................24
Gravity Shield...................................22
Group Schticks.................................29
Gun Kata...........................................30
Gun schticks.....................................30
Guns............................................15, 17
Hardware Schticks............................31
He's Mine..........................................39
Helix Eviscerator..............................22
In Your Face Again...........................43
Incredible Loyalty.............................35
Infirmary, the....................................29
Inverted Forest, the...........................68
Iron and Silk...............................18, 43
King of the Fire Pagoda....................73
King of the Thunder Pagoda.............73
Lab, the.............................................29
Magic Cop..........................................5
Magic Schticks.................................31
Man on the Inside.............................29
Marked for Death..............................43
Marston Jabbett.................................68
Masked Avenger.................................5
Maverick Cop.....................................5
Medicine Bag....................................65
Modern Mage.....................................8
How Many Mooks?.....................44
The 'Named Mook'......................45
Not One Drop...................................39


Obsidian Dagger...............................65
Old Master..........................................5
On-Board AI.....................................31
One Target One Bullet......................30
Of the Beneficial Flow................26
Of the Corrupt Heart...................25
Of the Guarded Moon.................24
Of the Harmonious Chord...........26
Of the Merciless Talon................27
Of the Sharpened Scales.............28
Of the Spotted Hunter.................27
Peas in a Drum..................................24
PFG (Physique Feedback Gun)........23
Private Investigator.............................5
Queen of the Darkness Pagoda.........74
Queen of the Ice Pagoda...................72
Ring of Force....................................35
Ring of Gates, the.............................70
Rule Zero..........................................42
Salvaged Humanity...........................39
Scattered Form..................................23
Seal of the Wheel..................36, 43, 58
Second Chance Unit.........................23
Seed of the New Flesh................35, 43
Shadow Reach..................................24
Spear of Destiny...............................65
Stat Schticks.....................................35
Stop, Drop and Roll..........................39
Tainted Blades..................................65
Tainted One.......................................10
Tart With A Heart..............................11
This Is My Boomstick......................31
Thorns of the Lotus.......5, 30, 43, 64p.
Transformed Animal Packages.........35
What Could Possibly Go Wrong.40, 41
Wide Aura.........................................35
Withering Sarcasm............................35
Workshop, the...................................30



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