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SAP ERP Project Implementation.

M.Sc Thesis
Supervised by

Dr. Engr. Md. Akter Hossain

Associate Professor
Head, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted By
Md.Shirazul Islam
ID # 0602113804

A Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Engineering in

Computer Science from IBAIS University

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Dhaka, Bangladesh

July 2015


This is to certify that the thesis titled SAP Project Implementation in EWMGL-Press Unit
for Inventory System Management is done by Md.Shirazul Islam bears registration ID No.
0602113804 is a partial fulfillment of requirements of Master of Science in Computer Science
and Engineering degree from the IBAIS University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
The dissertation has been carried out under my guidance and is a record of work carried out
successfully. No part of this dissertation consists of materials copied or plagiarized from any
published or unpublished works.

Signature of Supervisor

Dr. Engr. Md. Akter Hossain

Associate Professor
Head, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering


I hereby do solemnly declare that the work presented in this thesis has been carried out by me
and has not been previously submitted to any other University for an academic degree.
This dissertation being submitted as a particular fulfillment of the requirement for the Master
of Science in Computer Science and Engineering commenced from April 2011 of IBAIS
University is the result of my own thesis work. That no part of this thesis consists of materials
copied or plagiarized from published or unpublished work of the writers and that all materials
borrowed or reproduced from other published or unpublished source have either been put
under quotation or duly acknowledged with full reference in appropriate places(s).

Signature of Author

Md.Shirazul Islam
Id. No.: 0602113804
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IBAIS University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to Dr. Engr. Md. Akter Hossain for his guidance

and advice as my thesis advisor. He suggested that I connect my present work experience and my
educational experience at Exzatech Solutions Ltd. for my thesis. I am very glad that I was able to
incorporate my present experience in pursuit of my thesis

Specially, I would like to thanks Prof. Dr. Md. Matiur Rahaman Mian, Dean, Faculty of Science
& Engineering, IBAIS University for allowing me to do thesis analysis in East West Media
Group LimitedPress Unit SAP Implementation. His constant supervision, constructive criticism,
valuable advice, scholarly guidance and encouragement at all stage of my work have made it
possible to complete this project. I shall be grateful to him for his contribution and support.
I would like to give thank to all the teachers of the department of Computer Science &
Engineering for their constructive criticism & valuable advices and cordial co-operation during
study in the University. Specially thank to my family members who gave me huge support and
inspiration during my whole M.Sc. Course.
In this connection, I also thank to the officers and staffs to the University of their co-operation
and to all others not stated here for their help and co-operation.
Last but not the least, I want to give my thanks to all of the officers of the East West Media
Group Press Unit, Unit Head for providing me necessary information and give practical
knowledge and my supervisor Prof. Dr. Md. Matiur Rahaman Mian (Dean, Faculty of Science &
Engineering, IBAIS University Bangladesh) who support me in any case with his kind and all the
time during my project analysis.
Finally, I would like to give thank to my course mates, friends and well wishers who gave me
huge support, inspiration and their friendly and lovely company during my study.

Md.Shirazul Islam
Id. No.: 0602113804
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
IBAIS University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Abstract of the dissertation

This report is developed as a rational succession of SAP ERP ECC.6 Implementation review on a
Manufacturing division of a Press Unit and software development methodologies by an attempt to
bring out implication of three and half month's practical experience in a Factory to review the use
of different divisions and to develop a system required by them. Implementation period at the
Factory was divided into five phases; First phase was the Project Preparation and to set initial
project planning and procedures and Project Kick-Off. Second Phase was Business Blue Print
(BBP) to achieve a common understanding of how the company intends to run SAP to support
their business. Third phases was called Realization Phase when start configuring as per Business
Blue Print. Forth Phase is called final preparation phase when trained the users and finalize
readiness to GO-Live. In Go Live and Support phase users start and continuing day to day
transaction in SAP system. Post Go Live & Support phases make troubleshooting if any error
arises and support to users for post go live issue.

This report is based on that project, which I made for them. The report is organized into 6 (Six)
chapters. The first chapter is an introductory part. The following other chapters are
implementation phases, Features, Methodology, Requirements Analysis, Master Data, Business
Process Flow Chart, Transection, Configuration and Customization, Process Testing, Master Data
Upload, Go Live and Post Go live Activities and Project Closing.

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