A - Optimising Spray Nozzles by Ashwin Patni

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LECHLER Featured Article


IOptimising spray nozzles

by Ashwin Patni,
Lechler USA

he selection of a nozzle should be

based on intrinsic process variables.
For example, the selection of droplet
size is often determined by the available
straight evaporation length in the vessel.
Some other factors which may influence
the droplet size requirement are gas
velocity distribution, relative humidity and
temperature gradient. Also selection of
nozzle material depends on liquid properties
and on the environment where the nozzle is
going to be installed.
Energy is required to break liquid streams
into small droplets. A solid stream has an
overall higher surface energy than a spray
with a fine mist. The universal principle
of conservation of energy is applicable to
sprays. Solid streams tend to break up into
smaller droplets. The droplet size depends
on the surface tension of the liquid and
the drag forces acting on it. Drag shears
the droplets and breaks them into small
droplets. For bigger droplet sizes drag is
higher and the surface tension cannot
prevent the droplets from disintegrating
into smaller droplets. But as the droplets
sizes become smaller, drag has less effect
and the surface tension keeps the droplet
from disintegrating. Droplet size can also be
decreased by providing additional external
forces to overcome the surface tension.
For a given spray volume it requires more
energy to produce smaller droplets than
larger ones.

Types of spray nozzle:

Hydraulic atomisation
In hydraulic atomisation, high-pressure
liquid is forced to pass through a small
opening. As the liquid comes out from
the orifice it forms a liquid sheet which
breaks down further into a liquid web. The
shear forces resulting from interaction with
ambient air help in breaking this web of
liquid to form smaller droplets. An increase

Spray nozzles have an important role in chemical plants and there are
multiple uses of nozzles in the cement and lime industry. Applications such
as, gas cooling/conditioning, SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction),
dedusting, etc require nozzles to facilitate the production of droplets in an
efficient way. There are different types of nozzles for different applications.

gas. Also, when gas cooling

with water, the actual gas
volume is reduced and the
air-to-cloth ratio for the
fabric/membrane filters is
reduced, thus increasing
the filtration capacity or
reducing bag wear and
tear. Some plants have
dioxin and furan problems,
which require very rapid
cooling of the gas to avoid
Figure 1: clinker cooling
spray injection
the formation of these
pollutants. With new trends
of cooling the gases inside
in pressure produces greater liquid film
the downcomer duct, twinfluid nozzles are
velocity which increases the relative shear,
the best choice for their narrow angle and
thus producing finer droplets.
relatively smaller droplet size. The spillback
nozzle has a relatively larger droplet size and
Air atomisation
wider spray angle. They are often used in
In an air-assisted atomising nozzle, the air
gas conditioning towers. The spray injection
breaks the liquid into droplets. The droplet
systems are also installed in the long dry
size depends on two factors air-to-water
and wet kilns to cool the gases. The sprays
mass ratio and air- and water-pressure. Also
are installed on the feed end of the kiln,
the water can be directed into a mechanical
injecting coaxially.
device which can break the solid stream
Gas cooling in cyclone: recently cyclone
of liquid into webs and then the air will
sprays are being set-up when the required
complete the atomisation.
straight length for evaporation in the
There are other types of nozzle designs
downcomer is not sufficient either due to
available but these two basic types are
the duct orientation or an increased cooling
widely used in the cement industry.
water requirement. The nozzles used for this
application are spillback nozzles, which are
Spray injection applications in
positioned from the sidewalls of the cyclone
cement plants
and angled in a way such that the spray is
Gas cooling system: The most visible use
directed towards the centre. The pressure of
water is around 30-35 bar at the nozzles.
of a spray injection system in a cement plant
Clinker gas cooling: spray injection
is in the gas cooling and conditioning tower.
systems are also fitted in the clinker gas
The spray injection system is utilised to cool
cooling system for controlling temperature
the gases to a relatively lower temperature
spikes in the gases. The spray injection
for operational reasons. For example,
system works as a safety feature to prevent
current fabric or membrane filters can
the bags from burning, but it also reduces
withstand temperatures of around 300C.
the gas volume and decreases the load
The outlet temperatures from the preheater
on the bags. For this application both
tower is usually between 350-450C. This
spillback/hydraulic and twinfluid nozzles
requires injection of water sprays to cool the
MARCH 2008



Figure 2: gas conditioning spray injection skids

are used, depending on the conditions and

cooler design. Again spillback systems pose
a benefit over twinfluid systems because
they require no atomising air, thus giving
them an advantage in both operational and
running costs. This system is preferred in
Europe and Asia for its simplicity and lower
energy consumption compared to twinfluid
systems. The biggest cost benefit for
spillback systems is that it does not require
expensive compressors.
Finish mill spray application: Sprays
are also used in the finish mill to reduce
the temperature of finished product.
The increase in temperature due to the
mechanical friction between particles poses
quality problems. Elevated temperature can
alter cement properties and is detrimental to
its quality. To keep the temperature under
control, hydraulic spray nozzles are used in
the mills.
SNCR and SCR ammonia/urea injection
system: to comply with newer, more
stringent emission standards, cement
plants have to install additional NOx
abatement systems. Existing low NOx
burner technology may not be able to meet
these lower limits by themselves. SCR and
SNCR systems have been well studied and
evaluated in the plant to achieve the new
targets and these technologies are capable
of lowering the NOx emission below the
target. Both the SCR and SNCR systems
generally use hydraulic or twinfluid reagent
spray systems, but twinfluid systems are
preferred over hydraulic systems for their
superior turndown ratio. This is especially
important during start-up and shut-down or
periods of shifting production load.
SO2 removal: some plants have

Figure 3: Lechler gas conditioning system

problems with SO2 emissions. These plants

have to inject lime slurry to overcome
this problem. Usually a lime slurry spray
injection system is tied into a gas cooling
and conditioning system. Therefore the
equipment cools the gas and also reacts
and evaporates the lime slurry particles
concurrently. Unreacted dry lime and
gypsum particles are collected on the fabric
filter or ESP.
Another way to scrub SO2 from the gases
is to install a wet scrubber downstream of
the particulate filter using hydraulic nozzles.
The latter is more expensive to install
and operate but has a very high removal

Power requirement calculation

Here is an example of how energy
consumption plays an important role in
selecting the best type of nozzle system for
a cooling process.
A cement plant in North America decided
to install a clinker gas cooling spray system.
The goal was to inject water to reduce
peak temperature. But the plant decided
to run water sprays continuously in the
clinker cooler to reduce hot air velocity
in a downstream cyclone separator and
to improve air-to-cloth ratio in the bag
house. It chose to install a twinfluid spray
injection system in the cooler. The gas flow
rate before the cyclone inlet was measured
362,760am3/h at 360C. They wanted
to reduce the gas temperature down to
232C before the cyclone inlet. The amount
of water required to achieve this outlet
temperature was 170lpm.
The current equipment was pumping
170lpm water at 4.5 bar pressure with

a total atomisation air requirement of

800nm3/h at 4.7 bar pressure. The plant
wanted to run the clinker cooler sprays for
continuously instead of only peak cooling.
It realised that even though the process
was running without any issues, it was
using significant energy to meet the process
The plant has two 125hp (93.25kW)
compressors with one running and one as
backup. The water pumps are rated for 5hp
(3.73kW). The total power consumption
for the system is 130hp (96.98 kW). The
approximate running cost for this system
for 335 days of operation will be around
US$47,500 per year, with an electricity cost
of US$0.061/kWh.
The plant is considering retrofitting the
clinker cooling system with a hydraulic
spillback system, pumping 170lpm water
at 35 bar pressure for atomisation. The
twinfluid lances will be replaced with
similar capacity spillback nozzles. A 40hp
(29.84kW) pump will be required on the
skid for the system. The energy cost to
run this hydraulic system for 335 days will
be approximately US$14,500 per year. As
electricity prices rise further, this saving will
also increase. A summary of the running
cost comparison for the two systems is
shown in Table 1.
This cost study clearly shows the benefit
of the more energy efficient system. The
cost of running an air atomised system
is not only high but it also requires more
capital to buy the compressor and the
receiver tank. Also, if the plant is at a higher
elevation (see Figure 6), the compressor
has to be oversized to deliver the same air
output, which would result in even higher


Figure 5: reagent spray

Figure 4: spray nozzle for SNCR and

SCR emissions control

operational costs. Although the use of

hydraulic nozzles is often a better choice,
it also has limitations. The liquid turndown
ratio for simple hydraulic nozzles is much
less compared to an air atomised nozzle and
the droplet sizes are relatively bigger than
what air atomising nozzles can achieve.
However, spillback nozzles address this
turndown problem while still maintaining a
very fine droplet size. The turndown from
a spillback nozzle is more than enough to

meet the demands

of cement plants.
But the turndown
from a simple
hydraulic nozzle
is not enough to
meet the industry
requirement and
are used in a
cascade control
system, where the

Table 1: summary of cost comparisons

Energy cost
System running
Number of days of operation
Spillback power consumption
Twinfluid power consumption

0.061 US$/kWh

Running Cost
Spillback system
Twinfluid system
Running cost difference
Cost of two additional
compressors (if required)

US$85,000 (estimate)

Investment costs
Spillback system

Twinfluid system
100% plus ompressors

Figure 6: effects of altitude and ambient air

temperature on compressor performance

turndown is a step function

and not continuous.

There are benefits to be
gained from both types
of nozzle systems. From a
cost efficiency standpoint
the spillback system is
often less expensive to
operate and requires less
capital to purchase as it
does not need expensive
compressors. Twinfluid
nozzles are the preferred
option in cases of narrow
duct applications or small
diameter vessels. They are
also the best option for
slurry sprays, due to their

larger free passage, which is less prone to

plugging. As energy costs are rising rapidly,
the cost of running compressors will make
spillback systems much more favourable in
the future. With the cost of carbon trading
scenarios looming on the horizon, cement
plants will need to minimise energy usage to
reduce their carbon footprint.
In North America hydraulic spray systems
have not gained popularity as cement plants
are still concerned about droplet size.
However, the technology has improved
and has been shown to be a cost effective
with long-term use. Spillback systems have
been successful all over the world where
energy concerns have been an issue. As
North American plants face higher energy
costs they will want to carefully review all
of their options for spray nozzle systems.
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Lechler, Inc. 445 Kautz Rd., St. Charles, IL 60174 Ph: 800-777-2926 Fx: 630-377-6657 www.lechlerUSA.com

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