Lower Limb

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Muscles of Lower Limb

Muscle of the Front of the Thigh

Muscles Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Action
1. Sartorius  Flexion hip and knee joint
Upper part medial surface of Femoral nerve
ASIS  Lateral rotation of thigh
shaft of tibia (L2, L3, L4)
 Medial rotation of leg
2. Quadriceps 2 heads 4 heads of muscles join each  main extensor of knee joint
Femoris  straight head = AIIS other insertions  rectus femoris share
a. Rectus femoris  reflected head = groove  in upper border of patella flexion of hip joint
above acetabulum  through patellar ligament  articularis genu pull
b. Vastus medialis Linear origin from  to tubercle of tibia synovial membrane of
 lower part of knee joint upward during
intertrochanteric line extension of knee-prevent
 spiral line Femoral nerve (L2, L3, L4) by rolling of synovial
 medial lip of linea aspera separate branch for each membrane between bones
 medial part of muscle of knee joint
supracondylar ridge
c. Vastus lateralis  Upper part of trochanteric
 root of greater trochanter
 lateral of linea aspera
d. Vastus Anterior and lateral surface of
intermedialis upper 3/4 of shaft of femur
3. Psoas Major  Lumbar transverse  Flexion and medial rotation
processes of thigh
 Intervertebral discs in  Assist in flexion of trunk
th Posterior part of lesser Roots of femoral nerve (L2, L3,
between 12 thoracic and together with iliacus
st trochanter L4 sometime L1)
1 lumbar spines muscle (=ilopsoas)
 Tendinous arch above
lumbar artery
4. Illiacus  Tendon of psoas major in  assist in psoas major
lesser trochanter muscle (=iliopsoas) to flex
 adjoined part of femur the trunk
Femoral nerve in abdomen (L2,  flexion and medial rotation
Floor of iliac fossa
L3, L4) of thigh
 If neck of the femur
fractured, it will do lateral
rotation of thigh
Fatnulhani – Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine
5. Pectineus  Pectineal surface and Upper half of pectineal line of  Originally femoral nerve
 Pectineal line of superior femur extending from lesser  Additional supply from Adduct and flex the thigh
pubic ramus trochanter down to linea accessory obturator nerve
6. Gracilis  Lower 1/2 of ant surface of Upper part of medial side of  Adduction of thigh
body of pubis tibia between sartorious and  Flexion of knee
 Side of pubic arch semitendinosus insertions  Medial rotation of leg
7. Adductor Longus Front of body of pubis just below Anterior division of obturator
Middle part of linea aspera
pubic tubercle nerve
8. Adductor Brevis Lower part of pectineal line of
Adduct and flexion of thigh
Front of body of pubis between femur extending from lesser
obturatur externus and gracilis trochanter down to linea
9. Adductor Magnus Pubic part
 gluteal tuberosity
Anterior surface of pubic arch  linea aspera Posterior division of obturator
Adduction and flexion of thigh
 medial supraconylar ridge nerve

Ischial part
Lateral area of lower part of
Adductor tubercle Sciatic nerve Extend hip joint
ischial tuberosity

Muscle of Gluteal Region

Muscles Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Action
1. Gluteus Maximus  Gluteal surface of ilium  Deep ¼: floor of gluteal  Main extensor of hip joint
behind post gluteal line tuberosity of femur – when force is needed:
 Back of lateral mass of  Superficial ¾: posterior o Rising from sitting
sacrum border of iliotibial tract o Climbing
 Back of sacro-tuberous Inferior gluteal nerve
o Running
ligament  Strong lateral rotator and
(L5, S1, S2)
abductor of thigh
 Tenses iliotibial tract thus
helps to extend the knee
and maintain knee joint in
full extension
2. Gluteus Medius  Posteriorsuperior angle of  Abduction of thigh
greater trochanter  Medial rotation of thigh
Gluteal surface of ilium between
 Oblique ridge of lateral  Stabilize pelvis
posterior and middle gluteal line
surface of greater Superior gluteal nerve
3. Gluteus Minimus Gluteal surface of ilium between Anterior surface of greater
middle and inferior gluteal line trochanter
4. Piriformis Anterior surface of middle 3 Upper border (top) of greater  Lateral rotation of thigh
Root of sacral plexus, S1 & S2
pieces of sacrum trochanter  Help in abduction of thigh
Fatnulhani – Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine
5. Obturator Internus  Inner surface of obturator
Inner surface of greater Nerve to obturator internus (from
 Front & side walls of pelvic
trochanter superior to its fossa sacral plexus)
cavity around the margins
of obturator foramen
6. Obturator Externus  Outer surface of obturator
Tendon passes below capsule
membrane Posterior division of obturator
of hip joint to be inserted into
 Outer margin of obturator nerve Lateral rotation to thigh
trochanteric fossa
7. Quadratus Femoris Lateral border upper lateral part
Quadrate tubercle of femur Nerve to quadratus femoris
of ischial tuberosity
8. Superior Gemellus Upper boundary of lesser sciatic Nerve to obturator internus, L5,
notch Lower border of obturator S1, S2 (ant)
9. Inferior Gemillus Lower boundary of lesser sciatic internus tendon Nerve to quadratus femoris, L4,
notch L5, S1 (ant)

Muscles of Back of Thigh

Muscles Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Action
1. Biceps Femoris  Long head (med) = Sciatic nerve by separate  Long head – weak
common origin with branch for every head extensor of hip join
semitendinosus from lower  Long head – tibial part of  Short head – flexion and
medial area of upper sciatic nerve lateral rotation of knee
quadangular of ischial  Short head – common joint
Head of fibula
tuberosity peroneal part of sciatic
 Short head (lat) lateral lip of nerve
linea aspera and upper part
of lateral supracondylar
2. Semitedinosus Common origin with long head  Flexion and medial
of biceps femoris from lower rotation of knee joint
Upper part of medial surface of
medial area of upper
tibia  Extention of hip joint
quadrangular of ischial
3. Semimembranosus  groove at the back of Tibial part of sciatic nerve
medial condyle of tibia (Medial popliteal nerve)
Upper lateral area of upper  post oblique ligament of
quadrangular of ischial knee joint
tuberosity  fascia covers popliteus
muscle and insertion
reaches soleal line

Fatnulhani – Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine

Muscles of Anterior Compartment of Leg
Muscles Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Action
1. Tibialis anterior  Upper 2/3 of lateral surface  Medial surface of medial  Dorsiflexion of ankle
of shaft of tibia cuneiform  Inversion of foot
 Interosseous membrane  Base of 1st metatarsal  Helps to maintain medial
 Intermuscular septum bone longitudinal arch of the
2. Extensor Hallucis  Middle 1/2 of medial  Extension of all joints of
Base of terminal phalanx of big
Longus surface of fibula big toe
 Interosseous membrane  Dorsiflexion of ankle joint
3. Extensor Digitorum  Upper 3/4 of medial 4 tendons in lateral 4 toes  Extension of joints of
Longus surface of fibula each tendons ends in extensor lateral 4 toes
 Interosseous membrane expansion at dorsum of Anterior tibial nerve  Dorsiflexion of ankle joint
proximal phalanx
4. Extensor digitorum  Extends proximal phalanx
brevis of big toe
Anterior part of upper surface of Base of the proximal phalanx
 Extend middle and
calceneus of the big toe
terminal phalanges of 2-4
toes (dorsiflexion of foot)
5. Peroneus Tertius  Lower 1/4 medial surface  Dorsiflexion of ankle joint
of fibula Dorsal aspect of base of 5th  Eversion of foot
 Interosseous membrane metatarsal bone
 Intermuscular septum

Muscles of Lateral Compartment of Leg

Muscles Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Action
  
1. Peroneus Longus Head and upper 2/3 of Lateral side of base of 1 Plantar flexion of ankle
lateral surface of fibula metatarsal bone joint
 Anterior and posterior  Lateral side of medial  Eversion of foot
intermuscular septa of leg cuneiform bone  Maintain lateral
 Deep fascia of leg longitudinal and
Musculocutaneous (Superficial
transverse arches of foot
peroneal) nerve
2. Peroneus Brevis  Lower 2/3 of lateral surface  Plantar flexion of ankle
of shaft of fibula Tuberosity of 5th metatarsal joint
 Anterior and posterior bone  Eversion of foot
intermuscular septa of leg
 Deep fascia of leg

Fatnulhani – Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine

Muscles of Posterior Compartment of Leg
Muscles Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Action
1. Gastrocnemius  Medial head: popliteal  Powerful plantar flexor of
surface of femur just above Tendon + tendon of soleus = ankle
medial condyle tendocalcaneus which insert Tibial (medial popliteal) nerve by  Helps flexion knee joint
 Lateral head: lateral into middle 1/3 of posterior separate branch for each head  Antigravity muscle acting
surface of lateral condyle surface of calcaneus with soleus
of femur
2. Plantaris  Lower part of Long slender tendon pass
supracondylar ridge between gastrocnemius and
 Oblique popliteal ligament soleus fused with
Tibial (medial popliteal) nerve Accesory to gastrocnemeus
tendocalcaneus to be inserted
on posterior surface of
3. Soleus Fibular origin:  Tibial (medial popliteal)  Major flexor of the foot
 Upper 1/3 of posterior nerve  Strong antigravity muscle
surface of its shaft  Posterior tibial nerve (in
 Back of head of fibula the middle of the leg
Tibial origin: Back of calcaneus through
 Soleal line tendocalcaneus
 Middle 1/3 of medial
border of tibia
Fibrous arch between tibia and
4. Popliteus By a strong rounded tendon  Tibial nerve  Flexion and medial
from anterior part of groove on  Posterior tibial nerve rotation of leg
lateral surface of lateral femoral Medial 2/3 of the triangular  Unlock knee joint at
condyle (femoral sulcus) lying area above the soleal line beginning of flexion
below lateral epiconcyle
(intracapsular extrasynovial)
5. Flexor Hallucis  Lower 2/3 of posterior  Plantar flexion of foot
Tendon descends and passes
Longus surface of fibula (below the  Flexion of all small joint of
in a groove on posterior
origin of soleus muscle) big toe
surface of talus deep to flexor
 Lower part of posterior  Support medial
surface of interosseous longitudinal arch of foot
Passes 2nd layer of foot to be
inserted in base of terminal
 Posterior intermuscular phalanx of big toe Posterior tibial nerve
6. Flexor Digitorum  Tendon passes  Flex all joints of lateral 4
Longus Upper 2/3 of medial part of superficial to tendon of toes
posterior aspect of tibia, medial tibialis posterior and cross  Plantar flexion of foot
to vertical line below lateral to it.
popliteus/soleal line  Passes deep to flexor
Fatnulhani – Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine
 Divides into 4 smaller
 To be inserted in bases of
terminal phalanges of
lateral 4 toes
7. Tibialis Porterior  Posterior surface of Tendon passes in groove at  Plantar flexion
interosseus membrane back of medial malleolus,  Inversion of foot
 Upper 2/3 of posterior passes deep to flexor  Maintain medial
surface of tibia (lateral to retinaculum to be inserted in: longitudinal arch of foot
the vertical line)  Tuberosity of navicular
 Upper 2/3 of posterior bone
surface of fibula  All tarsal except talus
 Bases of 2 , 3 and 4
nd rd th
 Intermuscular septa of the
back of the leg metatarsal bones

Fatnulhani – Kasr Al-Ainy School of Medicine

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