Exploring and Assessing Intercultural Competence
Exploring and Assessing Intercultural Competence
Exploring and Assessing Intercultural Competence
World Learning Publications
World Learning
Aqeel Tirmizi
SIT Graduate Institute, aqeel.tirmizi@sit.edu
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Prepared by
Dr. Alvino E. Fantini, Research Project Director,
and Educational Consultant, Federation EIL
Brattleboro, Vermont 05302
With statistical assistance from
Dr. Aqeel Tirmizi, Associate Professor, PIM Program
School for International Training
Brattleboro, Vermont 05302
Table of Contents
Page 6
Executive Summary
2. Theoretical Perspectives
3. Project Design
A. General
B. Timeline and Stages
6. Research Approach
9. Quantitative Analysis
A. Overview
B. Analysis and Discussion
C. Reliability Testing
Assertion No. 10
A. FEILs Vision and Mission Statements
C. FEIL Brochure
E. ICC: A Construct
H. Consent Form
I. ICC Bibliography
J. Fantini Article
K. Bennett Article
Table 7. Composite
Exploring and Assessing Intercultural Competence, is a research project of the Federation of
The Experiment in International Living (FEIL), conducted from July 2005 through December
2006, with funding support from the Center for Social Development of the Global Service
Institute at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. This project was designed as the initial
phase of an extended future study, pending further funding. Its purpose was to explore and
develop a comprehensive construct of intercultural competence, develop a tool for its assessment,
and investigate intercultural outcomes on participants and their hosts in select civic service
programs including implications for their lives and work. The study was conducted through use
of a survey questionnaire followed by individual interviews, collecting both quantitative and
qualitative data.
The research project is important to the Experiment Federation worldwide because it: a) engaged
three Member Organizations (Great Britain, Ecuador, and Switzerland) in a learning process that
will further their efforts in several areas, b) improve understanding of and further FEILs goals
and modus operandi, c) has the potential to improve delivery of its volunteer service projects (and
related programs), and d) may enhance development of the intercultural competencies of future
participants and possibly of their mentors and hosts as well. Finally, this effort also contributes
important knowledge to the field of intercultural education regarding international and
intercultural efforts concerned with the identification, development, assessment, and impact of
intercultural competencies on the lives of those involved.
Key Words: intercultural education, intercultural competence, host language proficiency, service
volunteers, intercultural sojourns, outcomes assessment
We are indebted to various institutions and individuals for their support, participation, and input
to this study. First of all, we thank the Center for Social Development (CSD) at Washington
University for their funding support and the participating Member Organizations of The
Experiment Federation and their National Directors: Anne Alvear, Ecuador; David Shaddick,
Great Britain; and Brigitte Schwarzenbach, Switzerland. The Executive Director of the
Federation EIL, Ilene Todd, was especially helpful along with her assistant, Elaine Stiles, in
supporting this work, providing needed information, and monitoring expenses.
At the center of the research effort, of course, were many service participants alumni,
volunteers, and hosts who took time to respond to our requests, to complete survey forms, and
in some cases to be interviewed. To carry out local efforts, we relied on research assistants: Jorge
Flores, Chris Harris, and Michele Hofstede; as well as on German and Spanish translators: Georg
Steinmeyer, Lisa Jaramillo Power, and Beatriz Fantini. Project assistants were extremely
important to this effort Mario Fantini in initial project stages; Rebecca DiCandilo for tracking
and compiling data; and Jessica Rodrguez, who assisted in the final verification of data. Finally,
we are indebted to our psychometrician, Dona Alpert, and to our statisticians, Aqeel Tirmizi and
Noor Tirmizi. Last, but not least, we acknowledge the helpful guidance of our colleagues at CSD
who were always responsive and helpful with every request from start to finish Maricelly
Daltro and Amanda Moore McBride. Mil gracias a todos! Danke!
Executive Summary
The Project and the Participants
FEIL completed its first international research effort a one and a half year project designed to
explore and assess the impact of intercultural experiences provided through service projects
conducted as part of the Volunteers in International Partnerships program. This research project
involved two sending and one receiving Member Organizations: Great Britain, Switzerland, and
Ecuador, and was made possible through a funding grant obtained from the Center for Social
Development of the Global Service Institute at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.
Designed and directed by FEILs educational consultant, Dr. Alvino E. Fantini, the project began
in July 2005 and was completed in December 2006, undergoing several stages: In the initial stage,
an extensive survey was conducted of the intercultural literature as the basis for developing a
comprehensive construct of intercultural competence and develop a tool for its assessment.
After translating this instrument into German and Spanish, and adapting it to British English, the
tool was then used with several groups alumni, volunteers, and host mentors. The study was
conducted through use of a survey questionnaire followed by personal interviews, with the
assistance of research assistants employed in each of the three cooperating countries. The result
was the production of an amazing amount of data, which were then analyzed to learn more about
the impact of intercultural experiences on the lives and work of both sojourners and hosts.
communicating and understanding the local culture, and to my overall success. And another
added: Language was vital and very important to my success.
Alumni also made numerous comments about how their lives were changed, as well as the new
directions their lives had taken after return. But what is really interesting is that the mentors were
also significantly affected through contact with foreigners, reinforcing the notion that both
sojourners and hosts are changed in the process. As participants return home and engage in
socially oriented activities, it becomes clear that they in turn have significant impact upon others
(the multiplier effect). And finally, documentation of all of these results, in turn, provides
important evidence that The Experiment indeed furthers its vision and mission through its
participant members.
[NOTE: A complete report of this research study is also available electronically and is
posted on the Federation EIL website at http://www.experiment.org ]
initial phase project that will be developed even more fully in a follow-on study. And, whereas
this initial phase involved only three MOs, the full research effort will hopefully involve all
member countries diverse in languages and cultures, geographically widespread, and
spanning a timeframe of activity of up to 75 years (or, as long as each MO has maintained
reliable alumni records).
In this Initial Phase Project (IPA), the data sought were quantitative (statistics, collective
profiles, etc.) and qualitative (open-ended comments, anecdotes, individual interviews, etc.).
Combined data provided a rich source of information about the research issues cited above and
other outcomes in terms of: the nature of intercultural competence, the identification of attributes
for success in cross-cultural encounters, the degree of competence attained, the effects of the
experience on participants ensuing careers and life choices and, finally, participant
contributions in turn to the overarching mission of the Federation. In addition, the project
resulted in producing a more reliable instrument to measure and monitor intercultural
development during and beyond a participants sojourn.
Given this ambitious long-term plan for a worldwide research effort, the preliminary steps
undertaken in this initial phase included: defining concepts, developing survey questionnaires,
and several limited focus studies (cf. e.g., Hovey 2001). The results obtained from these will all
help inform MOs in areas of marketing, program design, criteria for participant selection, criteria
for intercultural success, improved assessment, etc., resulting in administrative and educational
improvements. Given FEILs approaching 75th anniversary, to be celebrated on an international
scale in May 2007 in Berlin, Germany, this endeavor seemed both timely and appropriate at this
moment in our history.
2. Theoretical Perspectives
The challenge of any project of this type is to formulate the basic concepts on which the entire
effort was based e.g., what exactly is intercultural competence? and how do we best measure
and monitor it? Our starting point, then, was to hark back to an earlier notion of communicative
competence, a term first advanced in language education (and reinforced through other
disciplines) over 25 years ago: Various abilities had been posited that comprise this competence,
developed so early in life. Everyone develops the communicative competence that forms part of
their native language and cultural system (CC1), while those entering additional language-culture
systems at any other time thereafter, potentially develop a second system (CC2), or even
additional systems (CC3, CC4),, and so on. But once the initial system is fairly well established by
around puberty (reflecting and affecting ones view of the world), it becomes increasingly
difficult to see things any other way hence, the power of the intercultural sojourn in providing a
chance at seeing things anew.
To transcend ones native CC1 (and worldview) and enter into an alternative system (CC2), to any
degree, then, requires the concurrent development of intercultural communicative
competence (aka: intercultural competence, or ICC). To do this, however, demands nothing
less than reconfiguring ones original worldview (or better put, transcending and transforming
it). ICC, then, is more than a collection of abilities that allow one to function in one and another
system (CC1 and CC2); ICC also results in producing unique perspectives that arise from
interaction of two (or more) systems. Indeed, ICC is part and parcel of developing bilingualbicultural (or multilingual-multicultural) perspectives; perspectives that no monolingualmonocultural individual of either of the two individual systems can ever possibly have.
Whereas the term ICC is increasingly used in the field of intercultural communication, it
represents only one term among many that are still used to address what transpires during
intercultural encounters. And even those who employ the notion of ICC at all, do not necessarily
intend to signify the same abilities: A glance at some of the terms used (there are many more)
helps to illustrate their diversity; yet, most terms allude to only limited aspects of a more complex
phenomenon; for example: cross-cultural awareness, global competitive intelligence, cultural
competence, cultural sensitivity, ethno-relativity, international competence, intercultural
interaction, biculturalism, and multiculturalism, and so forth (cf. Appendix D: Alternate Terms
for ICC). Some of these stress global knowledge, others sensitivity, still others point to certain
skills. From our long involvement in the field of intercultural communication, we knew that most
existing terms, definitions, and concepts in use do not adequately capture all that occurs when
individuals engage in intercultural contact. Lacking any unifying concept, it is not surprising,
therefore, that so many different instruments are being created to measure its outcomes (cf:
Appendix F: Assessment Tools ICC). But the instruments themselves, of course, are only as good
as the concepts they attempt to measure.
For these reasons, we began by attempting to establish parameters for an expanded notion of ICC
used in this study. Expectedly, we began with an extensive review of the intercultural literature
138 articles and books to date to ascertain areas of convergence and divergence regarding ICC.
We compared these findings with the ideas we held, informed by our academic and empirical
work in the field over many years. These efforts resulted in a far more holistic and comprehensive
construct than any found in the literature (cf. Appendix E: Exploring Intercultural Competence: A
Construct Proposal). This construct, in turn, provided the basis for revising the survey
questionnaire form employed in this study (cf. Appendix G: Survey Form (American English
As a result, the fundamental perspective undergirding this entire effort is its concept of
intercultural competence, briefly defined as: . . . a complex of abilities needed to perform
effectively and appropriately when interacting with others who are linguistically and
culturally different from oneself. The notions effective and appropriate are equally
important because they acknowledge both etic and emic perspectives that of self and other,
so important in intercultural work, while also reducing problems of self-report by including the
views of both sojourners and hosts regarding outcomes.
This brief definition, of course, masks over several clusters or components that include:
various characteristics;
three areas or domains (i.e., relationships, communication, and collaboration;
four dimensions (i.e., knowledge, attitude, skills, and awareness);
host language proficiency;
and developmental levels.
A comprehensive survey questionnaire form incorporated all of these areas, including an
important question often ignored which is the correlation between developing levels of host
language proficiency and other areas of second competence development. While everyone agrees
that both language and culture are interrelated, interculturalists tend to overlook the relevance of
host language proficiency and language educators the relevance of ICC abilities. Creation of the
word linguaculture (cf: Fantini, IJIR p.149) signals the integrated concept employed in this
study and signals an integrated perspective; while use of the ACTFL Language Proficiency Scale
(developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language) is employed to help
ascertain how language correlates with and affects ICC development.
The perspectives just cited directly influence our approach to assessment. It is clear that of the
various intercultural assessment tools collected and examined, none is based on as broad a
conceptualization as presented here. Each tool reflects a slightly differing (and usually more
limited) concept, some stressing global knowledge, sensitivity, or skills; with differing purposes
in mind; and for use with varied populations. The original Assessment of Intercultural
Competence (AIC) instrument (on which the survey questionnaire was based) reflects all of the
components mentioned in the concept above. Moreover, this expanded concept had already been
widely disseminated and widely accepted at national and international conferences including,
for example, NAFTA in 2001 where our invited paper was adopted by hundreds of participating
universities; and at another conference sponsored by the Stanley Foundation in 2002 for
community colleges nationwide, where it was again adopted and formed part of the conference
report (cf. Appendix I: ICC Bibliography).
The fields of service, cross-cultural education, intercultural communication, assessment
(especially, outcomes assessment), and research (utilizing varied modes) have produced much
relevant information over the past 25 years (cf. Appendix I: ICC Bibliography). A Canadian study
by Daniel Kealey, for example, was especially helpful despite a narrow focus on the performance
and effects on Canadian technical advisors in intercultural situations. Many other researchers
have also investigated study abroad programs; and, a few addressed service projects, the area
most closely related to this project. While useful insights were drawn from these and other studies,
the current project remains distinctive because of its broad and inclusive characterization of
intercultural competence.
Finally, most research on intercultural outcomes to date has been conducted in English, about
North Americans, and reflects a distinctly North American perspective. In contrast, this project
looks at multiple nationalities, using multiple languages, and employs both quantitative and
qualitative data.
To summarize, the assumptions and frameworks guiding this project in its design and
implementation were:
- the Federation EILs vision and mission,
- a broad construct of the components of intercultural communicative competence,
based on the literature review and our own experience,
- and an assumption that FEIL staff share a desire to improve the quality of their
programs and to enhance the positive impact of programs on participants.
And the project plan incorporates:
- quantitative and qualitative research data
- research assistants contracted locally in the three MOs involved, competent to translate
and implement the plan in local languages: German, British English, Spanish
- research assistants able to compile and summarize data in country reports
- a local research assistant in Vermont to assist in data tabulation
- and finally, compilations of individual MO findings collected into a final composite
reports that permit analysis by sub-groups and globally as well.
3. Project Design
A. General
The project design and plan were initially informed by a review of the intercultural literature
coupled with our own empirical experience. A search and analysis of other relevant assessment
tools provided further basis for creating the survey questionnaire form used in this study. The
inclusion of open-ended questions gave respondents an opportunity to contribute additional
insights from their experiences and to identify other issues. Finally, personal interviews of
selected respondents generated additional data.
A combination of structured and open-ended processes resulted in producing quantitative and
qualitative data regarding program participants in three MOs Ecuador, Great Britain, and
Switzerland. Identifying outcomes that converged or diverged regarding the development of
participant intercultural competencies and how these experiences affected their lives beyond the
program, provided further indicators regarding the furtherance of FEILs vision and mission. To
summarize, the following efforts were central to this study:
1) further refine our notion of intercultural competence definition, essential traits and
characteristics, components and their interconnections, and developmental levels;
2) investigate the role of host language proficiency and its effects on ICC development;
3) advance work on an assessment instrument to monitor and measure ICC
development, based on our revised conceptualization;
4) pilot the instrument in three MOs,
5) learn about the impact of this experience on alumni, volunteers and hosts;
6) compile and analyze survey findings from this pilot survey;
7) finalize the test instrument for future use;
8) and finally, disseminate the results and make the instrument available for use by
others .
We were especially keen to learn more about the impact of intercultural contact on sojourners and
hosts in terms of how it affected their personal lives lifestyle choices, values, work choices and
their effects, in turn, on others (the multiplier effect) all outcomes which contribute to and
further the Federations Mission. These efforts are consistent with the movement towards
outcomes assessment emerging over the past two decades.
Volunteers cover their own travel and expenses; however, efforts are made to keep costs low.
Some projects offer accommodations in return for service. Information about scholarship
assistance is available by contacting individual sending offices. Indeed, it is VIPs goal to
document program outcomes in hopes of increasing private support for scholarships.
8 of 22 (+5 interviews)
20 of 76 (+1 interview)
3 of
5 of
4 of
3 of
3 of
4 of
5 (+2 interviews)
5 (+4 interviews)
5 (+4 interviews)
Interestingly, in the case of Great Britain, completed responses were received from 100% of all
participants who actually received survey forms. The difference between the numbers anticipated
and those who responded was due entirely to an inability of the cooperating office to reach
potential respondents due to faulty addresses, or a lack of forwarding addresses. In Switzerland,
the reason is less clear given the unfortunate loss of our research assistant (RA) midway through
the project and their inability to fulfill their commitment with forms and interviews.
Given these situations, we lowered the quota for RAs in each country to interview only 5
respondents (instead of the original 9). Great Britain came through with the 5 prerequisite
interview reports, Ecuador with 5 for mentors and 5 for volunteers, but unhappily, (due to internal
administrative difficulties), Switzerland turned in only one interview report of the expected 5,
severely affecting our access to the anticipated quantitative data.
6. Research Approach
This Initial Phase Project was undertaken in several stages. To review: first, an update of our
existing literature review and refinement of our conceptualization of intercultural competence,
plus a search for and analysis of additional recently developed instruments and relevant research
projects focusing on civic service. The revised instrument was then organized into a series of
scales representing a coherent universe of content with items arranged hierarchically to reflect
increasingly deeper involvement. In one scale designed to assess language, for example, the items
reflect varying degrees of language use. The scales were developed in this manner to produce
reliable measures of constructs with relatively few items per scale (cf. Appendix G: The Survey
Form). Even so, the resulting instrument was lengthy and posed a challenge for potential
respondents. Although keenly aware of this, we decided to incorporate all items that best address
the multiple dimensions of ICC in this initial attempt and subsequently perform an item analysis
to identify the most reliable items to include in a shorter form for the follow-on project.
The instrument, as initially constituted, was refined by administering it first to a small number of
current and past participants, followed by discussion of their reactions. Once this stage was
completed, the questionnaire was finalized for the study and sent to RAs to translate into German
and Spanish (for use in Switzerland and Ecuador), and adapted into British English (for use in
Great Britain and Ecuador). Translated forms were then translated back into (American) English
to provide a two-way check on accuracy, corrected as needed, and final versions were distributed
by respective RAs to current and past participants (cf. Appendix G. for a sample of the original
version of the survey form in American English). We considered it imperative that recipients be
able to complete the survey in their native languages. Questionnaires were sent via email where
possible or regular mail, as necessary. Available respondents were then interviewed face-to-face
or by telephone to obtain additional information.
Once completed forms were returned, RAs tabulated the data gathered from questionnaires and
interviews in their respective languages, following guidelines provided by the project director,
and converted results into English. As forms were received in Vermont, they were coded,
compiled, and inputted into a single combined set (i.e., the Banner Set). Our statistician then
transferred quantitative data into SPSS (the Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for analysis,
and qualitative data were separately analyzed directly from the forms themselves. Details
regarding these analyses are narrated below.
B. Limitations
The Projects limitations were primarily the constraints of time, resources, and staffing. For this
reason, a control group allowing the comparison of results with other populations was not posited.
This may be rectified in a continuation study. Possibilities exist for finding individuals not
directly involved in intercultural experiences through the local MOs. We would also like to learn
more about any potential indirect benefits accruing to hosts coming into contact with sojourners.
The Initial Phase Project also faced many variables that cannot be completely controlled. In fact,
the projects design was both its forte and its challenge: It allowed us to investigate senders and
receivers outside of the United States, but also meant working through research assistants at a
distance. Obviously, we could not directly supervise administration of the survey form nor the
compilation and analysis of initial data in each language involved. We attempted to minimize
discrepancies, however, through guidelines and close communication with our in-country
C. Other
The fact that the study was conducted in languages other than English constituted both a
strength and weakness. It was a strength because most other studies have been conducted in
English; we need to learn more about what transpires to others and in other languages. The major
study cited earlier of the Canadian Development Agency regarding the performance of technical
advisors (both English- and French-speakers) in various countries where still other languages
were in use, is weakened by the fact that interviews and questionnaires were all completed only in
English (and, as a sociolinguist, I am keenly aware of the impact that the language medium has
on the results obtained). Clearly, we need studies conducted elsewhere, by others, and in their
own languages; but this also comes at a cost. We recognized this and attempted to minimize the
downside even while experiencing disappointment with the performance of one of our MOs.
statistical analysis, and other considerations, necessitated focusing quantitative analyses primarily
on measuring the instrumentation, the underlying ICC concept through each of its four subcomponents (namely, knowledge, attitude, skills, and awareness) and the multiple items within
each component (see Figure 1).
In the 11 Tables that follow, the first 7 examine and assess the efficacy and validity of Part VII of
the test instrument regarding its ability to measure and monitor ICC. The remaining Tables, 8
through 11, look at the means at the beginning and end of the service experience; i.e., the
efficacy and validity of assumptions made about ICC. To reiterate, these analyses are based only
on responses from British and Swiss alumni and do not include mentors or volunteers. In general,
an Alpha score (i.e., the measure of reliability) of 6.0 or above for any item (some might even say
5.0 or above) is considered a good score.
C. Reliability Testing
Cronbach Alphas were employed to test the reliability of inter-item consistency of the individual
items listed under the four ICC components. The resulting scores are reported in Tables 1 and 2
below, for beginning and end of service responses, respectively. It should be noted that reliability
and principal component analyses are both item-based, thus reducing any effect normally
imposed by small sample size.
Cronbach Alpha
% Component
Variance Explained
Cronbach Alpha
% Component
Variance Explained
For Tables 3 to 6, Principal Component Analysis with varimax rotation method was used to
obtain factor loadings. These Tables provide factor loadings (at beginning and end of service) for
each item of the four components of the ICC construct. For the first component knowledge,
principal component analysis suggested two underlying factors. Consequently, the items were
then collapsed into two clusters according to factor loadings. In each of the remaining three
components (attitude, skills, and awareness), however, most items loaded onto a single
factor. In a few cases, where it was found that items loaded onto two factors at the same time,
these items were excluded. Their exclusion led to single component loadings and showed an
improvement in the explained variance. Tables 1 and 2 also show the percentage of variance
explained by each.
It is important to note that all factor loadings in Table 3 were 0.6 or above, indicating strong
associations with the underlying construct. With very acceptable Cronbach Alpha scores of 0.7 or
above, the item scores for each ICC component were then added together to compute the needed
index. For knowledge, a mean score of the two clusters cited was used to compute the index.
(Beginning of
(End of
(Beginning of
(End of
Cluster 1
I knew the essential norms and taboos of the host culture
I could contrast important aspects of the host language and culture with my own
I could contrast my own behaviors with those of my hosts in important areas
I could cite important historical and socio-political factors that shape my own &
host culture
I could describe interactional behaviors common among Ecuadorians in social
and professional areas.
I could discuss and contrast various behavioral patterns in my own culture with
those in Ecuador
Cluster 2
I could cite a definition of culture and describe its components and complexities
I recognized signs of culture stress and some strategies for overcoming it
I knew some techniques to aid my learning of the host language & culture
I could describe a model of cross-cultural adjustment stages
I could cite various learning processes & strategies for learning about & adjusting
to the host culture
interact with host culture members
learn from my hosts, their language, culture
try to communicate in Spanish and behave in appropriate ways
deal with my emotions and frustrations with the host culture
take on various roles appropriate to different situations
show interest in new cultural aspects
try to understand differences in the behaviors, values, attitudes and styles
adapt my behavior to communicate appropriately in Ecuador
reflect on the impact and consequences of my decisions & choices
deal with the different ways of perceiving, expressing, interacting, & behaving
Note: Items 10, 11, and 13 listed in Part VII of the survey form are excluded
I demonstrated flexibility when interacting with persons from the host culture
I adjusted my behavior, dress, etc as appropriate to avoid offending my host
I was able to contrast the host culture with my own
I used strategies for learning the host language and culture
I demonstrated a capacity to interact appropriately in a variety of different social
I used appropriate strategies for adapting to host culture and reducing stress
I used culture-specific information to improve my style and personal interaction
I helped to resolve cross-cultural conflicts and misunderstandings when they
(Beginning of
(End of
(Beginning of
(End of
Note: Items 7, 8, and 11 in Part VII of the survey form are excluded
differences and similarities across my own culture and the host language &
how varied situations in the host culture required modifying my interactions
how host culture members viewed me and why
myself as a culturally conditioned person with personal habits and preferences
diversity in the host culture (such as differences in race, gender age )
dangers of generalizing individual behaviors as representative of the whole
my choices and consequences (which made me less or more acceptable)
my personal values that affected my approach to ethical dilemmas and their
my hosts reactions to me that reflected their cultural values
how my values and ethics were reflected in specific situations
varying cultural styles and language use, and their effect in social & working
my own level of intercultural development
the level of intercultural development of those I worked with
how i perceived myself as communicator, facilitator, mediator, in an intercultural
Note: Items 2,6,16, and 18 listed in Part VII of the survey form are excluded
Table 7 below shows the results of additional principal component analysis needed to assess if
these four components do indeed load onto the single construct defined in this study as
intercultural competence. All factor loadings turned out to be very strong, and therefore
indicate a strong association with the defined construct. (Tables 1 and 2 also provide the
Cronbach Alpha score and percentage of component variance explained for intercultural
Table 7: Composite
(Beginning of
Intercultural Competency
(End of
Table 8 includes overall descriptive statistics including sample size, mean scores on the four ICC
dimensions, and their standard errors. In line with one of the main assumptions underlying this
study, the mean scores for the overall ICC construct and its four sub-components do show
measurable changes from beginning to end of service during the intercultural sojourn.
Beginning of Service
St. Error
End of Service
Std. Error
Naturally, care must be taken in overgeneralizing the results observed and reported in this study
because of the limited sample size. A somewhat higher standard error in Table 8 is probably
indicative of the size limitation. Even so, additional statistical analysis suggests strong support for
the main assumptions proposed and tested. Mean scores at the end of service are definitely higher
in all four ICC components. On average, subjects showed overall improvement in ICC
development, further reflected and supported by the improvements reflected in each of the
individual sub-components. An increased sample size in a follow-on study will certainly be
helpful toward generalizing these interim results further. [Note: The information shown in Table
8 is more graphically presented in Figures 2 and Figure 3 below.]
End of Service
ICC Dimensions
Beginning of Service
End of Service
In the next table, Table 9, we see the results of difference of mean t-test when we compare the
respondents assessments of their ICC competency at the beginning and end of their service. In
this case, the t-values, significant at p < 0.05 (some even suggest < 0.04), confirm that alumni
clearly improved in overall ICC development and in its individual components at the end of their
service experience.
Intercultural Competency (ICC)
Std. Error
When a dependent variable is measured repeatedly at different time points (e.g., before and after
treatment) for all sample members across a set of conditions, the design is called within-groups
or repeated measures ANOVA. The purpose of repeated measures design is to test the same
group of subjects at each category of the independent variable (cf. Levin, Irwin P. 1999). This, of
course applied in the present study. Thus, one-way ANOVA is generally regarded as an extension
of t-test. This study only reports the eta squares values in order to document the variation in ICC
and its dimensions associated with exposure to a new culture (see Table 10 below).
Table 10: Measuring Effect Size of Intercultural Competency and Its Components
Intercultural Competency (ICC)
The effects of intercultural exposure at the end of service were further examined by using the
analysis of variance to compute partial etas. Etas (2p) show the percentage of variation explained
in each of the dependent variables due to a treatment factor (independent factor). In this case, 2p
shows the effect of having been exposed to a new culture. These effects on each dependent
variable are reflected in the reported eta squared values. The effect of exposure to a new culture
accounts for 74.4% variation in the knowledge component. Similarly, 52.7% of the variation in
ICC is associated with intercultural exposure.
Another important assumption of this study is that participation in an intercultural service
experience enhances language proficiency. Table 11 illustrates the levels of Spanish language
competency at the beginning and end of service. The majority of alumni reported no ability
(46.4) or claimed they were not functional in spoken Spanish language (28.6) in the beginning.
At the end of service, however, significant improvement was reported by the majority of
respondents, ranging from satisfying social and work needs to have sufficient accuracy, as
indicated in Table 11 and graphically illustrated once again in Figure 3 below.
% Beginning
no ability at all
unable to function in spoken language
able to communicate in a limited way
able to satisfy immediate needs
able to satisfy basic survival needs
able to satisfy some survival needs
able to satisfy most survival needs & limited social demands
able to satisfy routine social & limited work requirements
able to communicate on some concrete topics
able to speak with sufficient structural accuracy
able to speak with sufficient structural accuracy & discuss professional areas
able to speak Spanish fluently on all levels
speaking proficiency sometimes equivalent to an educated native speaker
proficiency equivalent to an educated native speaker
% End
% Beginning
% End
A. Alumni Data
Of a total of 98 alumni (British and Swiss combined), 28 returned the questionnaire and consent
forms. The breakdown by nationality group was as follows:
Of a total of 140 Swiss alumni, 64 were French-speakers and were not included in this
study. The remaining 76 German-speaking alumni participated in the following manner: 7
volunteers in 1999, 10 in 2000, 19 in 2001, 16 in 2002, 8 in 2003, 12 in 2004, 4 in 2005, (months
not indicated), and 5 volunteers currently in Ecuador during this study. Of the forms distributed,
20 alumni returned the form. The remainder were unable to be contacted due to faulty or
unknown addresses. Once again, 100% returns were received from alumni who actually got the
forms. One individual was subsequently interviewed in person (but, unfortunately, the remaining
interviews were not conducted due to administrative problems within the MO).
This summary, then, represents a compilation of qualitative data taken from 28 survey forms and
interviews of 6 alumni. During interviews, the following questions were asked:
1. What abilities do you think are important towards intercultural success?
2. To what extent did you develop these abilities? Why or why not?
3. Was learning of the host language important to your success? Why or why not?
4. What impact did this intercultural service experience have on your life?
5. How and to what extent have you utilized any of these abilities in your own life and
6. Any additional comments?
About the Alumni (from Part I)
Characteristics of respondents are provided separately by national groups to allow some insight
about differences between British and Swiss alumni, particularly with regard to their previous
language and intercultural experience.
British Alumni
- all 8 were native English speakers; 1 had a second home language
- 6 were monolingual, 1 listed French (B8), and 1 listed a home language (Gujarati, and
some Italian / B6)
- 4 males / 4 females
- all completed 2 years of college or higher
- 4 had a prior intercultural experience / 4 had none
- 6 had a positive experience / 2 gave no response
- 6 continued Spanish language study upon their return
- 1 had prior work in a related field
- 8 developed new intercultural relationships
- 3 now work in a related field / 5 do not
- 5 state they now use their intercultural abilities
- 7 maintained contact with their hosts after their return
Swiss Alumni
- 20 are Swiss nationals / 1 listed other
- 18 are native German speakers / 2 listed Swiss German / 1 listed other
- all are trilingual in German, French, English, and added Spanish / 1 also listed Italian
and 1 listed other
- all 20 are females
- all are in their twenties (between 20-27)
- 9 completed high school / 11 completed 2 years of college or higher
- 13 are students / 4 clerks / 4 administrators / 2 other
- 15 had a prior intercultural experience outside Switzerland / 5 listed none
- 18 had prior significant intercultural relationships (friends and work colleagues) / 2 no
- all had positive IC experiences
- 10 continued language study (7 Spanish) upon their return
- 7 pursue a related field of study upon return / 12 no
- 19 developed new intercultural relationships (friends, colleagues, 1 Colombian spouse,
1 boyfriend)
- 6 now work in a related field / 13 do not
- 19 stated that they continue to use their IC abilities
- 19 maintain contact with their hosts
(letter, email, telephone, gifts, 4 visits, 2 were visited)
B. Volunteer Data
Volunteers completed survey questionnaire forms twice during their sojourn in Ecuador at the
beginning and again at the end. 3 volunteers returned the survey plus consent forms at the
beginning of their sojourn (1 Brit and 2 Swiss). All 5 volunteers returned the survey plus consent
forms at the end (1 Brit and 4 Swiss). 2 volunteers were subsequently interviewed. This is the
C. Assertions
2. flexible
3. patient
4. lacks sense of humour
5. tolerates differences
6. suspends judgment
7. adaptable
8. curious
9. open-minded
10. motivated
11. self-reliant
12. empathetic
14. perceptive
18. flexible
19. patient
23. adaptable
24. curious
25. open-minded
26. motivated
27. self-reliant
30. perceptive
28. empathetic
Note that items 1 and 4 differ in presentation from the others since both are stated in the negative; other
items are all stated in the positive. For example, item 1 (intolerance) remains almost the same with most
claiming 0 intolerance (1 initially and 4 at the end, but since 0 is still 0, there is no change). On the
other hand, 2 individuals rated themselves at the 1 (or low level of intolerance) at the beginning and
only 1 did so at the end; hence a minor shift is noted. Item 4 (lack of humor) can be read similarly: 2
volunteers rated themselves at a 0 level at the beginning and 3 did so at the end; again still 0 and
therefore no change. Another rated self at the low level of 2, but at the end only 2 rated themselves at 1
so some slight shift occurred in how they saw changes in their own sense of humor.
All remaining items show a general upward shift on the scale suggesting positive changes in the
development of each quality. Of course a better comparison could be made between beginning and end
of sojourn had all volunteers completed the entrance form. What is clear, however, is that no volunteer
indicated reversal in any attribute. [It should be noted that respondents did not have access to their
original assessments when completing end-of-program forms.]
Additional evidence of growth and development is revealed through volunteer comments made in openended responses in the forms and in interviews conducted at the end of the program:
Open-ended responses in survey forms
- I now have a more open mind. Im going to appreciate nature even more. (SV4)
willingness to learn
not questioning why (acceptance)
accept differences
dont be a missionary
work hard
In sharp contrast, all Swiss participants were trilingual (German, French, and English), 9 knew no
Spanish at the start of their sojourn and 11 listed a range of proficiency levels, as follows:
- 1 able to satisfy immediate needs
- 3 able to satisfy basic survival needs
- 3 able to satisfy some survival needs
- 1 able to satisfy most survival needs
- 1 able to satisfy routine social demands
- 2 able to communicate concretely
- 1 with sufficient structural accuracy
- 1 with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary
By the conclusion of their sojourn, the 5 British volunteers who began with no language achieved
some proficiency, and those who began with extremely low attained higher levels of fluency.
By the end, all attained abilities ranging from routine social abilities to higher levels of
proficiency, as follows:
- 2 with routine social greetings
- 4 able to communicate concretely
- 1 with sufficient structural accuracy
- 1 with structural accuracy plus professional vocabulary
As might be expected, results for Swiss volunteers were even more dramatic, given their previous
language experience and trilingualism. By the end of their sojourn, all indicated an ability to
communicate in the host tongue, including the 5 who began with no Spanish or no ability at
all. All 20 indicated progress in their proficiency levels in the ranges indicated below:
- 1 able to satisfy routine social demands
- 6 able to communicate concretely
- 6 with sufficient structural accuracy
- 2 with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary
- 1 able to speak fluently on all levels
- 3 able to speak sometimes as an educated native speaker
- 1 able to speak as an educated native speaker
Despite greater strides in learning Spanish made by the Swiss, it is interesting to compare their
comments with those made by the Brits whose remarks were far more elaborate and enthusiastic,
revealing they felt a greater sense of accomplishment. Heres what the Brits said:
- I have more confidence in speaking to new people and also speaking Spanish (BA1)
- I gained more confidence in speaking with Spanish-speakers
- learning Spanish was extremely fun (BA4)
- I learnt a new language, gained a much greater sense of perspective on all aspects of
life, and an understanding of a different culture.I continue to have Spanish
lessonsand I continue to be fascinated by Latin American culture
- I realize I am not the typical volunteer; on the plus side I could bring a great deal of
maturity to the experience; on the negative side, language ability reduced my
communication skills. In most instances, I was able to find someone who wanted to
practice their English in order to find out more about the culture. I am very curious and
asked lots of questions. I look upon Ecuador as my second home
- The language tuition focused on speaking, which was good as this is the part of the
language most needed day to day (BA8)
In contrast, only 4 of the 20 Swiss commented at all and only 1 expressed any surprise at the
progress made (as though it was expected they would indeed learn the language):
- I am still working on my accent (SA1)
- I was surprised at how quickly I learned Spanish (SA4)
- I learned more Spanish with my host family and friends than in the course (SA6)
- I am now pursuing a Masters in Spanish literature and linguistics (SA10)
Aside from the levels of host language proficiency they attained, alumni also gave significant
testimonies during interviews which speak to how they viewed the relevance knowing the host
language with regards to intercultural adjustments. Key ideas are listed following each narrative
(BA1) Learning the host language was vital to the success of my trip. I had learned Spanish at
school so I had some basics before arrival. I was grateful for the 4-week individual language
course and felt this really boosted my confidence. The host family did not speak any English so I
had to communicate straight away. This I was able to do by putting simple sentences together but
as the weeks went by I became much more confident in talking to my host family and co-workers
on the project. Part of my project duties were to guide visitors around the sanctuary, so I also
needed the language for that.
- vital to the success of trip
- grateful for the language course
- boosted confidence
- family did not speak English so had to communicate straight away
- able to talk to host family and co-workers on the project
- duties included guiding visitors around in Spanish
(BA3) Language is definitely important as you are closed to both communication and the culture
if you dont speak the language. It is the main medium for everything else. At first, I was
hindered by a lack of Spanish but the language did come quickly. I thought the Spanish lessons
were excellent.
- definitely important
- otherwise closed to communication and the culture
- the main medium for everything else
- hindered without the language
- language is the key to everything
- if younger, learning the language was vital to success of visit
- also tried English with anyone willing
- also relied on other volunteers to translate
- would have enjoyed the experience even more if spoke more Spanish at every opportunity
- studied more than required from course so I could speak more quickly
- important to have basic language skills
- smiled, laughed and used hand gestures
- willing to be corrected, wouldnt take offense
- language contributed greatly to the overall success of the program
(BA8) I really really wanted to learn Spanish well, so I made a real effort to speak Spanish even
when the other person spoke or understood English, as I knew that if I reverted to speaking
English all the time whenever I could, I would never had made progress so fast. . . Learning the
host language is definitely important to success. If you dont speak the host language you miss
out on so much. Its all part of the experience and makes the whole thing much more enjoyable. If
you cant understand what people are saying to you it gets frustrating and boring for both parties.
Language is the key to understanding the culture.
- motivation, really wanted to learn Spanish
- made a real effort
- host language important to success
- otherwise you miss out on so much
- its part of the experience
- makes the whole thing much more enjoyable
- otherwise, it gets frustrating and boring
- language is the key to understanding the culture
- learning Spanish has opened up a whole new world of opportunities and experiences
- impossible to immerse myself in the local culture with being able to speak
- would probably have been ripped off all the time too
- host language very important
- enables one to take part in conversations
- improved to level of political discussions
- important in order to communicate and to understand people
- otherwise nuances get lost
- in contact with Quechua but didnt learn it
- people who did not speak Spanish were not integrated or were excluded from conversations
- English sometimes used as a means of communication
For the plurilingual Swiss, learning the host tongue was assumed. Since all of them had already
acquired three languages, learning a fourth was a natural (and perhaps easy) progression, in
contrast with the monolingual Brits who were amazed that they could indeed learn and indeed
communicate in another tongue (their first time). Given this background (and the insights typical
of multilingual individuals), learning Spanish was expected and it is interesting that the Swiss
focused their comments more on details of how they learned and of improving accent rather than
marvel at their accomplishments. Overall, the Swiss achieved higher proficiency levels than their
British counterparts (of whom only 2 achieved levels of structural accuracy) while 5 of the
Swiss volunteers exceeded this level.
Aside from proficiency, all alumni gained important insights about the significance of being able
to speak the host language and its relevance to their experience. Heres what 6 Brits and 1 Swiss
said in their own words during interviews (combined and consolidated where possible):
(BV6+I) Communication, which means not only to speak but also to listen and watch
differences and characteristics . . . helped in many ways, especially with my family. At the
beginning, I felt as a child because I wouldnt understand most things. This wouldnt let me know
how to react before many different situations that changed as I got more experienced in the
language and culture. Learning of the host language helped me overcome this ambiguity.
- communication helped in many ways
- helped to know how to react in different situations
- learning host language helped overcome ambiguities
(SV3+I) (Language) important to have intercultural success. . . . It would have been impossible
to perform my duty without Spanish. . . . if I hadnt been capable of communicating with (the kids
I worked with), my work would have failed.
- important to intercultural success
- impossible to perform my duty without it
- if not capable of communicating, my work would have failed
-language is the key to everything, to communicating and understanding the local culture, to
overall success (7)
-it opened a new world of opportunities and experiences (1)
-language was vital/very important to my success (7)
(things) changed as I got more experienced in the language
it boosted confidence
was the main medium for everything
enabled me to take part in conversations
helped in many ways, helped enjoy the experience (4)
helped overcome ambiguity
allowed integration/not excluded
otherwise, closed to communication and culture
am grateful
and the effects one has on the other. Although at first glance, a correlation may seem intuitive, the
connection between both needs to be made explicit (especially given that ironically so many
prominent (American) interculturalists in my own direct experience are themselves
appallingly monolingual; this, despite their years of prominence, research, publications, and
international travel. Also, what might be the implications of this clarification toward preparing
future intercultural sojourners in terms of both program development and requirements? Can the
intercultural sojourner transcend his/her native worldview without also having struggled with the
process of entering another tongue? Or, is it adequate for interculturalists only to know other
worldviews intellectually and vicariously, but not also experientially? The language-cultureworldview nexus raises many important yet fundamental questions.
What does seem clear is that a total lack of any proficiency in the host tongue most certainly
constrain ones entry, adaptation, and understanding of the host culture on various levels and in
many ways (unless, of course, one assumes all interactions occur through English, even though
this is not qualitatively the same); while increased host language proficiency must certainly
enhance entry possibilities albeit not an absolute guarantee of success since other factors also
come into play (cf. articles in Appendix I: ICC Bibliography by Fantini on Language, Culture &
Worldview; and Bennett on Fluent Fool, both in New Ways of Teaching Culture.).
Finally, language proficiency aside, much is yet to be said about the participants awareness and
development of alternative communicative styles (cf. Part V), another important contribution to
expanding communicative repertoires, which goes beyond linguistic proficiency to embrace the
interactional patterns that form part of all communicative acts.
The Swiss participants expressed similar thoughts through comments they also made in openended sections of the form; for example:
we now have many friends from South America and other intercultural couples
Ive become more adventurous; I have new contacts with people from Latin America
(SA1) I have learned to switch between two cultures
(SA1) try to act to the degree possible in a less ethnocentric way
(SA1) more zest for life and equanimity, new interests and abilities; I have made new friends
(SA1) I am coming to grips with living in a country in South America. I learned to behave
(SA1) Im now planning to carry out my field studies in Ecuador
(SA2 & SA8) Ive become more spontaneous, calmer, and more even tempered
(SA3) now working in a development organization
(SA4) The experience means a lot to me the independence and the new environment as well as
the lively and warm people have made me perk up. I cant remember having sensed anything as a
constraint. Quite the contrary, I could unfold and enjoy life. I have learned a lot and the stay has
done me a lot of good.
(SA5) learned how to find ones way in a different world; to approach other people
(SA5 & SA8) There are many things which I dont take for granted anymore, such as warm
water in the shower, heating
(SA6) I can better understand their attitude on Switzerland and I can also deal with it better
(SA6) My stay in Ecuador has changed me a lot. Im fascinated about the country, the people,
the culture, and the landscape
(SA6) After returning to Switzerland, I kept talking about Ecuador and I wanted to go back there
as soon as possible. I have learned a lot about myself. This journey has stamped my life in many
(SA8) Ive become more patient
(SA8 & SA14) I was shocked about the wealth in Switzerland and about the fact that people are
still not happy with it. I have realized that things with material value cannot replace inner
contentedness. One cam be happy with less goods
(SA9) now working in Ecuador
Assertion No. 4: Participant choices during the sojourn produce certain intercultural
Participants expressed varying levels of motivation and interest before arriving in Ecuador and
most indicated even higher levels upon arrival, with motivation continuing to increase mid-way
and at the end of the experience. On a scale from 0-5 (from none to extremely high), the Brits
ranked their motivation at the end of the experience in the following manner: 1 at 3, 2 at 4, and 5
at 5, while the Swiss ranked theirs as 1 at 3, 2 at 4, and 17 at 5. Of the total 28, then, 23 ranked
their motivation at the highest possible level while only 2 ranked their motivation at a mid-point
and 4 ranked their motivation as high.
One might expect participants in a volunteer program (involving a self-selected group who made
and pursued a specific choice) to have high motivation and interest before arriving in-country and,
in fact, most indicated even higher degrees upon arrival in the host culture. These attitudes
continued mid-way and at the end of the experience. One might also expect that these attitudes
were important toward sustaining them throughout the experience and helped them through
admittedly difficult times (culture bumps). For example, despite the fact that all expressed high
motivation and interest, half of the participants also admitted to difficult challenges at times and
to occasional low points during their stay, such that they:
- sometimes wanted to return home
- felt not learning very much
- felt forced or obliged to adjust
- tried to survive as best they could
These thoughts were offset by the fact that all participants, from a medium to high degree, also:
- desired to get along well
- desired to adjust as best they could
- admired hosts so that they worked to become as bilingual and bicultural as
These latter thoughts are reminiscent of contrasts between the so-called instrumental and
integrative types of motivations. Clearly, volunteers were mostly inclined toward the latter,
resulting in their willingness to learn and adapt, and in positive feelings about their experiences.
Here are some of their thoughts in their own words:
- feel gratitude for own standard of living back home
- I now make more generous donations to support these efforts
- am more appreciative of what I have at home
- gained insight into the less privileged
- grateful for free state care in the UK
- developed friendships, now have friends all over Latin America
- none of this would have happened if I hadnt gone to Ecuador, learned Spanish, and immersed
myself in the life there
Civic programs naturally attract volunteers with high degrees of motivation. They seek the
experience, undergo selection, pay a sum of money, travel half way around the world, and brave
the challenges of participating in another linguaculture. Indeed their motivation must lean more
toward the integrative than the instrumental type, which means that sojourners desire to go
beyond mere acceptance. As a result, they seek to emulate their hosts and work toward higher
degrees of bilingualism and biculturalism than might otherwise be possible by others within the
same timeframe. Integrative motivation does more than sustain them through difficult and
challenging moments. It gives them pleasure in becoming like their hosts and becoming part
of their society and culture certainly not a disposition shared by all who enter other cultures.
They undergo voluntary acculturation and welcome efforts by their hosts to assimilate them.
The result, at whatever their level of attainment, is a satisfying, rewarding, and enriching
experience in which the positive aspects far outweigh the negative, as they perceive them. They
seek to move beyond the etic and into an emic posture insofar as possible. They transcend
and transform their native paradigm as they seek to grasp another. This is probably the height of
that experience one commonly hears about from such individuals returning from an intercultural
journey: They learned a lot about their hosts and the host culture, and they learned even more
about their own.
These are all reasons successful intercultural sojourners seek to perpetuate and extend this
significant, provocative, and life-altering experience even after it has ended and they return
home. They reflect these sentiments through their own words and actions. After re-entry, 6 of the
8 Brits spoke of the positive nature of their experience, 6 continued to study Spanish, 8 developed
new intercultural friendships, 3 now work in related fields, 5 continued to use their intercultural
abilities, and 7 maintained ongoing contact with hosts in various ways. And, after returning home,
all 20 Swiss spoke of their experience in positive terms, 10 continued to study another language
(7 in Spanish), 7 pursued a related field of study, 19 developed new intercultural relationships, 6
now work in a related field, 19 continued to use their intercultural abilities, and 19 maintained
contact with hosts in various ways by letter or email (19), occasional phone conversations (12),
exchanging gifts (6), return visits (4), and receiving their hosts as visitors in Switzerland (2).
Assertion No. 5: All parties in intercultural contact are affected to some degree and in
various ways
From survey responses and comments made in interviews, it became apparent how civic service
volunteers were affected by their intercultural experience. They described the experience as lifechanging they learned more about others, about the world, and about themselves. They
developed new knowledge, skills, positive attitudes, and awareness (cf. Part VII). This was
obvious in the section above and carries over into this area as well. Comments like those below
reflect the on-going nature of the experience even after the program has long since ended:
- I will be in touch with my hosts for many years to come
- I returned to Ecuador with husband
- I maintain regular contact with my host family
- I am still in contact with hosts even after 5 years
- host family also visited them in the UK
How volunteers were affected is abundantly clear from the comments cited here and those above.
How mentors (and other hosts) were also affected will become apparent in later sections that deal
with responses obtained from the Mentor survey forms.
Assertion No. 6: Service programs offer unique opportunities for sojourners and hosts,
beyond traditional educational exchanges
This assertion was not adequately explored in the survey; no specific questions addressed this
area. The implications of the assertion are also not entirely clear. Possibly more on this later.
Assertion No. 7: People are changed (presumably in positive ways) as a result of this
Responses provided in Part I of the survey provide insights in this regard. For example, the
following are based on comments made by British and Swiss alumni:
- absolutely all alumni stated that they had had positive IC experiences
- 16 continued language study (13 in Spanish) upon returning from Ecuador
- 7 pursued a related field of study upon return
- 1 remained in Ecuador to work in another capacity
- 27 (i.e., all but 1) developed new intercultural relationships (friends, colleagues, a
boyfriend, a Colombian spouse, and 2 by hosting visitors from abroad
- 10 now work in a related field or in intercultural or multicultural settings
- and all cited a variety of ways they continue to utilize their newly developed intercultural
abilities such as a desire and interest to learn more about other cultures, respect for diverse
perspectives, increased intercultural understanding, enhanced communication skills, and
continued use of Spanish
Others commented that they:
- developed an ability to make friends quickly and easily
- confidence to go to a country and survive
- learned salsa dancing, a great social activity
- realized how privileged we are in the UK
- learned to make the most of every opportunity
- appreciate more what one has, ones own country
- got to know another part of the world
- can more easily approach people from a different culture
- accept how other cultures function differently
- more open to accept differences (even among the French-Swiss)
- more open to new things
- adapts more easily
- more easy-going (e.g., accepts restructuring at work)
Comments made by volunteers in interviews at the end of their program reinforced many of the
same ideas made by alumni who had already returned home:
Assertion No. 8: Some returnees lean toward specific life choices, life partners, life styles,
values and jobs as a result of this experience
Evidence for this assertion is somewhat limited at the moment. This may be attributable to the
fact that, except for one, alumni were all young adults (between the ages of 19-28) and have yet
to make such choices. The sole exception, an elderly woman of 63, obviously already made these
choices and would be unlikely to change at this point. Nonetheless, numerous indicators suggest
that the alumni were (re)oriented as a result of their experience.
All but two returned to their previous home situations (1 Brit and 1 Swiss) -- one British
volunteer remained in Ecuador because she enjoyed the experience so much and is currently
employed at the Embassy in Quito as did also one Swiss volunteer. Of the returnees, one Swiss
alumna stated that she was pursuing courses related to her recent experience, many others are
pursuing further language study (Spanish or another language), still others are pursuing related
fields of study, and several were contemplating intercultural careers. One returnee said she had
chosen her career path before Ecuador but that the experience confirmed her choice and made her
more excited and prepared for her chosen field in environmental studies.
Other indicators were expressed through comments made in open-ended sections of the survey
form and in the interviews that followed:
The Brits:
- retained language ability and plan to revisit Ecuador
- reinforced my decision to follow a career in the environmental section (as per my
project in Ecuador)
- mentoring, coaching 7 English people and 1 person each from France and Germany
at work
- often encounter people at my firm from other countries and go out of my way to
welcome them using their own language
- would like to take a career break so I could volunteer again
- my company offered me the chance to travel to another country
- want to work in South America
- psychologist for offending behavior programs, working with about 10 persons per group
- gave direction to my career and life
- went traveling throughout Latin America on my own
- I began teaching English, gave private lessons, worked for a filming company
- also as journalist, editor for a tourism website
- then worked as assistant in Embassy
And the Swiss:
- I will take advantage of the next possible opportunity to get to know other cultures
- pursuing a Masters degree in Spanish literature and linguistics (S10)
- international relations (S5)
- course on project management in intercultural fields (S6)
- school for health and social work (S15)
occurs from the inside out. FEIL programs help this to occur in the context of providing quality
intercultural programs, including some with a service component. All of these experiences
include selection, orientation, language study, a homestay, and usually an additional component.
In FEILs VIP Programs, this component involves participation in a service project. Most
importantly, each individual intercultural sojourn is done in-country on that cultures own terms.
This means that participants go to learn in the way of the culture of the host society, requiring the
development of an emic approach.
The findings in this study reinforce numerous anecdotal and statistical reports accumulated over
three-quarters of a century. While learning about others, participants also learn about themselves.
Because the nature of intercultural encounters is always provocative, it promotes deep
introspection and reflection. Rarely does one return with more stereotypes or intolerant attitudes.
And learning about others provides new vantage points for learning more about oneself. The
returnee typically remarks: I learned so much about Ecuador, but you know what? I learned even
more about myself. Looking out is looking in. Understanding and changes of perspective occur
for most and, as a result, they return home deeply changed.
The intercultural experience normally constitutes the most profound educational experience of
their lives. And changed participants return to live their lives differently, affecting others in the
process. And, in so doing, they are moving in the direction of the institutional vision and mission.
This is what one sees consistently throughout all of the reports provided in this study.
- respectful
- patient
- reflective
- gentle
- caring
SV3 was initially very judgmental, criticized a lot, noted many problems, didn't share the way he
handled the problems, intelligent. He now
- has his character well defined (set in his ways?)
and they identified 2 others not on the list. They also cited several positive and negative
individual qualities without generalizing about them. Comparing comments between volunteers
and hosts raises intriguing new questions: Are the qualities cited as important to ICC success
viewed in the same way by sojourners and hosts? Do they share the same order of importance?
Are any qualities which hosts consider important not considered in the same way by sojourners
(and interculturalists), and vice-versa?
Assertion No. 5: All parties engaged in intercultural contact are affected to some degree and
in various ways (Impact of ICC contact on mentors) Also:
Assertion No. 3: Intercultural experiences are life-altering
Assertion No. 4: Participant choices during the sojourn produce certain
intercultural consequences
Assertion No. 6: Service programs offer unique opportunities for sojourners and
E. The Mentors
Finally, what about the host mentors involved in this study? Did interaction with foreigners also
affect their lives and work in any way? The impact of intercultural contact on those who never
leave home is seldom part of research and it is examined here. Of 5 supervising mentors, 3
completed survey forms about themselves at the beginning of contact with the volunteers, 4
completed forms at the end, and 4 were interviewed in person at program end. This summary
explores the impact of this experience upon the Ecuadorian counterparts.
About the Mentors/Self (MS)
The following information was summarized from Part I of the survey form:
- all 4 mentors were female
- their ages were 35, 43, 55; 1 did not answer this question
- all were Ecuadorian monolingual Spanish-speakers
- 3 were college graduates and 1 held a doctoral degree
- they worked in civic service for 3, 12, 15, and 25 years
- 3 had never been outside of Ecuador, 1 in Bolivia
In summary, all mentors were well educated and dedicated to civic service. All were also
monocultural and monolingual in Spanish notwithstanding their experience with indigenous
peoples who were often Quechua speakers. Only 1 traveled outside of Ecuador to neighboring
- know the host language
- without it, communication impossible
- willingness to help
- sharing
- be active
- willingness
- attitude
- creativity
- communication
- developing relationships
- openness
- interest
- relationships
- knowledge of local culture
- knowledge of host language
Mentors confirmed nearly half of the attributes commonly cited in the literature (i.e., those with
numbers in parentheses):
- tolerance
- flexibility
- patience (1)
- sense of humor
- appreciate differences (2)
- suspending judgment
- adaptability (3)
- curiosity (1)
- open-minded (1)
- motivated (1)
- self-reliant
- empathy (1)
- clear sense of self
- perceptive
- tolerance of ambiguity
They also cited several additional qualities they considered important:
- respect (1)
- reflective (1)
- problem solving (1)
- host language / communication (4)
- attitude (1)
- creativity (1)
- relationships (2)
- knowledge of local culture (1)
By completing all items in Part II of the survey form and leaving no item blank, mentors
acknowledged all 15 attributes. In open-ended interviews, they spontaneously confirmed 7 of
them without prompts and they identified 8 additional qualities not on the original list. Among
this last group, all 4 cited host language / communication as important to IC success.
Without language
- kids are curious
- hosts dont speak other languages
- without language, a barrier
- would be more difficult
These comments not only substantiate why they thought knowledge of the host language was
important in terms of what they contribute, but they also point to how any lack of host language
ability would seriously constrain relationships and interaction, especially since most hosts and
mentors dont speak other languages. Oddly, with the exception of only 1 mentor, the others did
not reverse this thought to consider their own need or desire to learn another language. However,
since only one had traveled to nearby Bolivia and most do not imagine the possibility of
international travel, this may explain why they did not see the need to speak other languages
(Quechua notwithstanding).
Assertion No. 5: All parties engaged in intercultural contact are affected to some degree and
in various ways (Impact of ICC contact on mentors) Also:
- Assumption No. 3: Intercultural experiences are life-altering
- Assumption No. 4: Participant choices during the sojourn produce certain
intercultural consequences
- Assumption No. 6: Service programs offer unique opportunities for sojourners and
hosts, beyond traditional educational exchanges
Heres what mentors said in open-ended questions of the survey forms (SFs) and in interviews
(Is) regarding the impact of their work with the foreign volunteers:
- noted two sides of life (unstructured life of street children/structured life of volunteers)
- respect
- tolerate differences as got to know foreign volunteers
- Contact with people from other cultures . . . is an opportunity to meet new people, develop
myself, and learn from the volunteers who have different points of view.
- learned about communication
- strengthened relationships I had due to contact with Vs
- Sharing a new culture is important. While working with volunteers, I constantly learn to
collaborate with them and this helps me to work better. This also helps me to know them
(foreigners) better and be more open to them. There are some (customs) that volunteers dont
share (with us since) they havent lived our reality. As they get to know this reality better
(through language), they tend to adapt better to this situation.
- This experience has helped me to recognize many differences between our cultures and theirs:
the way they live, the way they dress, and the things they eat. I find (the volunteer) also very
curious about other cultures. She told me this experience has made her want to travel and get to
know other cultures on a deeper level.
- This contact has allowed me to understand volunteers better and to become friends with them.
Outside the work environment, I have become more open.
- learned from contact with Vs
- became more understanding
- more open
- more tolerant
- has helped me with my daily tasks
Intercultural research generally focuses on the sojourner on those traveling to a new
environment. However, their presence among their hosts most certainly must also have some
affect on people they interact with. It is clear in this case that the monolingual-monocultural
mentors have been challenged through this IC contact even while remaining at home. As a result,
they too have grown although perhaps not in all the same ways (e.g., language) nor to the same
Mentors specifically cite the following effects on themselves:
- derived insights by comparing
- developed respect
- opportunity to meet new people / develop relationships (2)
- learned about communication
- opportunity to develop myself
- constantly learn from them (3)
- this helps me to work better (2)
- became more open (3)
- helps me to recognize differences among cultures (2)
- learned of the impact this experience has on them
- helps me to understand (2)
- to become friends
- to become more tolerant
It is clear that host mentors were impacted in various ways through interactions with the
volunteers in areas of knowledge, attitudes, skills, and awareness. ICC contact has the potential
to affect both/all parties in the interaction volunteers and hosts alike whether at home or
abroad. The phrase, looking out is looking in, acquires more meaning when we also include the
hosts who through contact with foreigners also began processes of reflection and introspection
that might not otherwise have occurred. Hence, the provocative two-way nature of IC contact no
matter the setting.
- Ive been applying these abilities in my work day by day because my job demands this.
Respect and openness are the basis of this job since it allows people to respect and care about
themselves and these are the values we also try to share with the people who live in extreme
poverty. This experience (with the volunteers) helps me to understand many differences among
people of diverse cultures and even inside the same culture. On the personal side, this experience
has turned me into a more respectful person.
- My job involves interpersonal skills, therefore the experience (with volunteers) helps me to
know how to get along with people from other cultures. (My experience with volunteers) has
helped me to improve these skills.
- I use these abilities all the time since I have constant contact with volunteers at work. In my
own life, I find that I miss this contact later because we become so close to each other. During
this experience, I learned to respect people from other countries on a higher level, avoiding the
use of terms such as gringo which offends foreigners and explaining this to those around me.
- This experience has helped me a lot and due to this contact, I am now more open-minded when
it comes to relationships with people from other countries. I am always hoping to have more
volunteers because they have prove to be very responsible individuals.
It is interesting to note the connections mentors make between their experience with foreign
volunteers and what they learned from them, with their own lives and work. They commented on
these correlations in various ways:
- I apply this to my work every day
- respect and openness are the values we try to share with the people we work with in
extreme poverty
- this experience (with the volunteers) helps me to understand many differences among
people of diverse cultures and even inside the same culture.
- on the personal side, this experience has turned me into a more respectful person
- helps me to know how to get along with people from other cultures
- (my experience with volunteers) has helped me to improve these skills
- I use these abilities all the time
- during this experience, I learned to respect people from other countries on a higher level
- this experience has helped me a lot
- due to this contact, I am now more open-minded when it comes to relationships with
people from other countries.
Both parties were mutually enriched through contact. Without always realizing it, they had much
to offer each other. They both grew and developed and the growth experienced by mentor had
direct application to their lives and work.
Assertion No. 9: Alumni (+mentors) often engage in activities that impact on others
As persons involved in civic service, this is the chosen life course for all the mentors.
Finally, several more charts and graphs may be helpful to further illustrate some of the
information above; for example, develop charts of:
- selected assertions
- correlations of attainment of host language proficiency levels with ICC development
- correlations of length of stay with the attainment of ICC abilities
- comparisons and contrasts between Brits and Swiss
- impacts on alumni life choices
- impact of alumni on others (the multiplier effect)
- contributions participants make towards the FEIL vision and mission
D. Dissemination Plan
It is anticipated that these Initial Project findings will be of value not only to FEIL, but to others
in the fields of language education and intercultural communication as well as those engaged in
student exchange, study abroad, education, business, and government. For this reason,
dissemination of these findings is an important aspect of this effort. Several dissemination stages
are planned, as follows:
1) Within FEIL
- distribute final report in electronic and hard copy formats
- review findings with FEIL Executive Committee members to explore implications and
applications for Mos for marketing, publicity, program development, participant
selection, etc. (Winter 2007)
- post on FEIL and VIP websites with links to the World Learning website (Winter 2007)
- conduct a workshop re findings at the FEIL General Assembly in Germany (Spring
2) Beyond FEIL
- prepare briefs, reports, professional articles, and conference presentations
- identify and disseminate to relevant constituent groups, professional conferences, etc.,
- publish findings and implications in professional journals
- conduct presentations and workshops at various conference presentations (over
ensuing 1-2 years, e.g., at TESOL, ACTFL, NAFSA, SIETAR, and others.