Bridgewater Township Minutes: February 06, 2006

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February 6, 2006 – 7:30 PM

Bridgewater Town Hall
500 Railway Street South, Dundas, MN 55019

MINUTES, February 6, 2006 – 7:30 p.m. – MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD,

Bridgewater Town Hall, 500 Railway Street South, Dundas, MN 55019

Purpose of Meeting:
ƒ Review Minutes, finances, and the status of issues, projects, tasks, and action items for
Bridgewater Township for the month of January, 2006; and plan for the month of February,
ƒ Review correspondence and claims received since the last Board Meeting; those claims that
are allowed will be paid.
ƒ During the meeting, the Board of Supervisors welcomed comments by residents at
appropriate times.

A Call to Order, Roll-call of Town Officers, and Introduction of Guests Liebenstein

Town Board Chair Paul Liebenstein called the meeting to order at 7:30
PM. All elected town officers were present; namely, Supervisor Gary
Ebling, Treasurer Le Ann Finger, Supervisor and Town Board Vice Chair
Leif Knecht, Supervisor and Town Board Chair Paul Libenstein, and
Clerk Mike Piper.

B Flag Pledge Liebenstein

Liebenstein invited all present to stand for the pledge.

C Approval of Agenda Liebenstein

The Agenda, as amended and reflected in these Minutes, were approved.
Motion by Ebling, second by Knecht, motion passed unanimously: Ebling
aye, Knecht aye, and Liebenstein aye.

D Approval of Minutes from January, 2006 Town Board Meeting Piper

The Minutes from the January, 2006 Town Board Meeting were approved
as amended. Motion by Ebling, second by Knecht, motion passed
unanimously: Ebling aye, Knecht aye, and Liebenstein aye.

E Approval of Treasurer’s Report Finger

The Treasurer’s Report was approved. Motion by Ebling, second by
Knecht, motion passed unanimously: Ebling aye, Knecht aye, and
Liebenstein aye.

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, February 6, 2006 1

F Review of Claims/Deposits Received Piper
Claims received since the December Town Board Meeting were reviewed.
Those allowed were paid.

G Review of Correspondence Received and Generated Piper

Piper reviewed the correspondence received and generated since the
January, 2006 Town Board Meeting.

Notable entries include:

ƒ Letter from Town Clerk to Northfield News, January 17, 2006 re
candidate filing closure; and the following announcements for
February 6, 2006 -- candidates to be at the meeting of Town Board
at 7:30 PM for comments and questions, Board of Audit at 5:30
p.m. and Public Hearing on adoption of the Rice County
Subdivision Regulations at 7 p.m.
ƒ Access Rice County Information on the Internet.
ƒ Various Notices from the Rice County Planning Commission
including matters for Paul Silkey and Mark Thompson.
ƒ A letter from Liz Messner requesting that an announcement be
made at the March annual meeting concerning “a feasible way for
persons with outside cats to reduce the numbers of unwanted
litters of kittens.”
Dundas Resolution 2006-04 Supporting Rationale for East-West
ƒ Letter from Bruce Morlan re: Paul Silkey’s request for a CUP to
construct and operate a seasonal stand to sell fruits.
ƒ Letter from Sen. Thomas Neuville inviting comments concerning
issues that might affect the Town, and offering to visit the Town
Board during January or February or “as time permits during the
legislative session.”
ƒ Letter from the Public Employees Retirement Association of
Minnesota declaring that the “completed Annual Exclusion Report
and signed Certification of Annual Exclusion Report form must be
submitted to PERA by February 28, 2006.

H Old Business Supervisors

H.1 Board of Audit

The Board of Audit for 2005 was held at 5:30 p.m. on February 6, 2006.
The Treasurer will supply the monthly bank statement and deposit details
to the Clerk for inclusion in the Town File.

H.2 Public Hearing on Subdivision Regulations

A Public Hearing re the Adaptation of the Rice County Subdivision
Regulations was held at 7 p.m.on February 6, 2006.

David Salene, Consultant, said that Towns can pass ordinances that are
mirror-images of their county’s ordinance. When this is done, the
Township has the opportunity to comment on a proposed subdivision
Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, February 6, 2006 2
before it is considered by the county. Thus, the Town would accept,
review, meet with the applicant and write a summary report to the Rice
County Planning Commission, giving the Town an official voice at the
county hearing. Salene recommended that the Board adopt the Rice
County Subdivision Regulations.

Motion approved
Knecht moved that the Town Board adopt Chapter 523, Subdivision
Regulations of the Rice County Zoning Ordinance. Second by Ebling.
Motion carried unanimously: Ebling aye, Knecht aye, Liebenstein aye.

The Subdivision Regulations is on file at the Town Hall under Rice

County, Subdivision Regulations.

In a related matter, Salene supported the Township’s current efforts to

create road policies that will apply to all Township roads.

Salene also observed that the 1- or 2-mile urban reserve district that
surrounds a municipality does not automatically expand when the
municipality annexes land. In that case, the municipality must reapply for
the urban reserve district. Chapter 510 of the Rice County Zoning
Ordinance deals with Urban Reserve Districts.

H.3 Report: 2005 Road Improvement Projects Knecht

Mr. John Heselton, vice president, BMI Bituminous Materials attended the
meeting. Background: although the four road projects that were started
during 2005 were not completed, BMI has asked for a partial payment.
The Board told Mr. Heselton that the Township can’t obtain funds from
the Bond until the work is complete. It was reported that the First National
Bank of Northfield has agreed that the rate for the bond will remain
constant provided the work is completed this spring. Mr. Heselton
indicated that the road work will be completed after the road weight
restrictions are lifted, generally at the end of May or the beginning of

The Board listed construction problems on the road project: there are
approach issues on Edgebrook, there are cracks on Telemark (work was
done at night), and no work was done on the Bittersweet. The Clerk
observes that residents in Oak Hill have expressed concerns about the
thickness of asphalt in the center of 124th Court East and Edwards Way.
The Board had agreed to do core-samples on the road before the final coat
is applied.

Motion to make partial payment to BMI

The Treasurer reported that approximately $79,000 prepaid assessments
have been received for those four road improvement projects. Based on
that, the Board decided to pay BMI $55,000. Motion by Knecht, second
by Ebling, motion passed unanimously. Ebling aye, Knecht aye,
Liebenstein aye.

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, February 6, 2006 3

H.4 Report: Work Session on Road Issues Ebling
Report: Bridgewater Board of Supervisors, Work Session on Road Issues,
January 24, 2006, Bridgewater Town Hall, 6–9 p.m.

Mr. Dennis Luebbe, Rice County Road Engineer attended this meeting
and presented the Rice County Transportation Plan which includes a
Memorandum of Understanding which the County would like Bridgewater
Township to endorse.

The Clerk’s Notes from this meeting are in the Town File, under January,

H.5 Fire Report Liebenstein

Liebenstein reported that a new pumper truck was purchased in 2005.
Because the old truck was not sold for what was desired, it is anticipated
that the rates for fire protection will increase from $12 per person to $15
per person. In addition, some changes are anticipated in how fire permits
are issued. Liebenstein observed that Bridgewater Township provides
35% of the Fire Department revenue.

H.6 Truth in Taxation Meeting Leibenstein

This meeting will be held in Northfield this year for residents of
Bridgewater Township because none of the Supervisors attended the
county training session.

H.7 College City Beverage Liebenstein

College City Beverage will relocate in Dundas on Railway Street, south of
the Bridgewater Town Hall. A tax increment financing (TIF) arrangement
of $450,000 accompanies the move.

H.8 Report: Corridor Meeting Liebenstein

The discussion concerning a potential new CSAH 1 as an east-west
corridor generated significant feelings among residents present.

Knecht moved that if the corridor engineering study for a potential

rerouting of CSAH 1 goes forward, Bridgewater Township would
contribute $15,000 towards its cost. No action was taken on the motion.
The Board agreed that the majority of the costs should be borne by

An intergovernmental meeting is set for February 10, 2006. See item J.1.

H.9 Election Filing Report: Filing closed January 17, 2006 at 5 p.m.; the Piper
Election will be held on March 14, 2006 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The following candidates filed:

For Supervisor: Kathleen Doran-Norton and Kraig Quamme
For Clerk: Mike Piper

The candidates for Supervisor were introduced at this meeting.

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, February 6, 2006 4

H.10 Agreement to Arrange for the Purchase, Use and Maintenance of Piper
Assistive Voting Technology Equipment

The Town Board accepted this Agreement.

H.11 Dundas Planning Commission Morlan

Bruce Morlan, a Bridgewater resident, reported that he is now serving as
the chair of the Dundas Planning Commission. Morlan reported that the
commission, which meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month, is
considering road structure.

Liebenstein reported that he will resign from the Dundas Planning

Commission when his term as Bridgewater Supervisor expires.

I New Business Supervisors

I.1 Report: Rice County Economic Development Committee No. 1: Master Knecht
Development Committee for Implementation of Zoning Change

Knecht reported that the December 31, 2005 deadline has been delayed
so as to provide the County more time to do more focused study.
Apparently the same consulting firm that assisted Rice County in the
preparation of the Transportation Plan will assist in this study.

I.2 Report: Rice County Economic Development Committee No. 3: Ebling

Countywide Economic Development Initiative

No report was given.


Ms. Kathleen Doran-Norton and Mr. Kraig Quamme addressed the

Some of the issues raised by the candidates and the residents are listed
ƒ There will be a formal candidate forum on March 6, 2006 at the
regular Town Meeting. The forum will be announced in the
Northfield News.

ƒ The necessity for planning on a regional basis.

ƒ The necessity for communication with residents.
ƒ The safety of township and adjoining county roads.
ƒ The preservation of agricultural land. The question “Who speaks
for the farmer?” was asked by a resident.
ƒ The pressure for growth should be largely confined within
municipal boundaries.
ƒ A Supervisor observed that the present annexation agreements
leave 94% of Bridgewater Township rural.
ƒ A resident observed that the Township should do its own
Planning and Zoning.
Some opposition was expressed by a resident to opening the annexation
agreement with Northfield to further discussion.
Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, February 6, 2006 5
I.4 Appointment of Election Judges Board
The following Bridgewater Township residents have agreed to serve as
election judges on March 14, 2006: Cheri Albers, Linda Zawack, Wayne
Eddy, Le Ann Finger, William Nohava, John Berge, Mary Manderfeld,
and Vaira Zankevics.

Motion to approve election judges

The Clerk asked that the Board appoint the election judges for the Town
Election on March 14, 2006. The Board authorized the Clerk to appoint,
as deemed necessary, additional Bridgewater residents as judges. A
motion to appoint the cited judges and to empower the Clerk to secure
additional judges if necessary was made by Knecht, seconded by Ebling,
and passed unanimously (Ebling aye, Knecht aye, and Liebenstein aye).

I.5 Resolution No. 2006-2-1 Board

The Town Board passed Resolution No. 2006-2-1 re: the Consummation
of a new sewer and water system agreement between Northfield and
Dundas, and the willingness of the Board to discuss cooperative
intergovernmental planning and decision making. Motion to pass by
Liebenstein, second by Ebling, motion passed unanimously. Ebling aye,
Knecht aye, and Liebenstein aye.

I.6 Bridgewater Township Traffic Study Liebenstein

Liebenstein reported that he has discussed potential traffic counts in the
township with a firm in Rochester, Minnesota. The estimated cost is

Motion to hire firm in Rochester to do traffic counts

Knecht moved to hire the designated firm in Rochester to do traffic
counts in the township at an estimated cost of $1500, second by Ebling.
Motion passed unanimously: Ebling aye, Knecht aye, and Liebenstein

J Future Meetings, notably: Piper

J.1 Roundtable discussion re Planning for CSAH 1 Corridor Between I-35 and
State Trunk Highway 246 on February 10, 2006 at the Bridgewater Town
Hall from 1–3 p.m.

J.2 March Meeting of the Bridgewater Town Board March 6, 2006 at 7 p.m.
PM at the Bridgewater Town Hall (Special meeting to set the Budget for
2006 will be held at 6 p.m. on March 6, 2006.)

J.3 Annual Meeting, March 14, 2006 at the Bridgewater Town Hall at
approximately 8:15 p.m.

J.4 Township Elections, March 14, 2006

03/11/06: Clerk’s office at Town Hall open from 10 a.m. to 12 noon for
absentee voting

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, February 6, 2006 6

K Motion to Adjourn Supervisors
Motion to Adjourn was made at 9:52 p.m. by Ebling, second by
Liebenstein. Motion passed unanimously: Ebling aye, Knecht aye, and
Liebenstein aye.

Reference: Town Officers: Supervisor Gary Ebling, Treasurer Le Ann Finger, Supervisor and
Town Board Vice Chair Leif Knecht, Supervisor and Town Board Chair Paul Liebenstein,
Clerk Mike Piper, and Deputy Clerk and Treasurer Cheri Albers.

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, February 6, 2006 7

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