Bridgewater Township Minutes: January 03, 2005

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January 3, 2005 – 7:00 PM

Bridgewater Town Hall
500 Railway Street South, Dundas, MN 55019

Purpose of Meeting:
ƒ Review issue, project, task, action item, and financial status of Bridgewater Township for the
month of December, 2004; and plan for the month of January, 2005.
ƒ Review correspondence and claims received since the last Board Meeting; those claims that
are allowed will be paid.
ƒ During the meeting, the Board of Supervisors welcomes comments by residents at
appropriate times.

A Call to Order, Roll-call of Town Officers, and Introduction of Guests Ebling

Town Chair Gary Ebling called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. All
Town Officers were present; they are listed in the Reference at the end of
these Minutes.

B Flag Pledge Ebling

Ebling invited all present to stand and pledge allegiance to the flag of the
United States of America.

C Approval of Agenda Ebling

The Agenda was approved as submitted. Motion by Liebenstein, second
by Knecht, motion passed unanimously.

D Approval of Minutes from December 3, 2004 Town Board Meetings Piper

The Minutes from the December 3, 2004 were approved as submitted with
the correction of the spelling of Mr. Kleese’s first name (Greg). Ebling
invited all present to stand and pledge allegiance to the flag of the United
States of America. Motion by Liebenstein, second by Knecht, motion
passed unanimously.

E Approval of Treasurer’s Report Finger

The Treasurer reported that the Township checking account balance as of
December 31, 2004 was $47,460.69. The report was accepted by the
Town Board. Motion by Liebenstein, second by Knecht, motion passed

The Board decided to not redefine the accounting categorization and sub-
categorization in the Treasurer’s report.

The Board did not schedule quarterly reviews for 2005. This item is an
agenda item for the February, 2005 of the Bridgewater Town Board.

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, January 3, 2005

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The Board authorized the Treasurer to purchase a new laptop computer,
provided the cost does not exceed $1,500.00. Motion by Knecht, second
by Ebling, motion passed unanimously.

The Treasurer reported that 3 cell phones were purchased by the

Township for Dennis Brown, David Swartwoudt, and Mike Brown.

Definition of 2005 Budget and Annual Audit

In response to the Treasurer’s question as to when the 2005 Budget for the
Township will be defined, the Board decided that the Budget will be
defined by the Town Board during the February meeting of the Town
Board and the Annual Audit will be performed 1 hour before that meeting.
These items are Agenda Items for the February Meeting of the Town
Board and the posting of the Audit is an assigned task for the Clerk.

Annual Town Elections

Although not specifically a part of the Treasurer’s Report, it was noted
that the Annual Town Elections will be held on March 8, 2004 and that
filings for 1 Supervisor position and for Treasurer will close on January
11, 2004. It is an assigned task for the Clerk to publish and post a notice of
the Town Election and Annual Town Meeting, and to arrange for Election

F Review of Claims/Deposits Received Piper

Claims received since the December, 2004 meeting of the Town Board
were reviewed. Those allowed were paid. Deposits received since the
December, 2004 meeting of the Town Board were noted. These claims and
deposits are listed in the Official Town File, 2004 in the December, 2004
Treasurer’s Report.

G Review of Correspondence Received and Generated Piper

Resolution 2004-44 Joint Resolution of Bridgewater Township and the

City of Dundas Approving Annexation of Land by College City Homes,

Letter from Municipal Boundary Adjustments, December 22, 2004:

ƒ OA-1086-1 Dundas/Bridgewater Township (Joint Resolution

No. 2004-35; Paulson/Rock Properties: 86.80 acres)
ƒ OA-1086-2 Dundas/Bridgewater Township (Joint Resolution
No. 2004-44; College City Homes, Ind. Property; 42 acres)

Letter from the City of Dundas, December 28, 2004:

ƒ Joint Resolution 2004-51 re Harold and Norma Paulson land

ƒ Joint Resolution 2004-52 re DeMann land
ƒ Joint Resolution 2004-53 re moratorium on annexation
ƒ Joint Resolution 2004-49 re meeting date of Dundas Planning

These items are on file in the Town files under Annexation, Dundas, 2004.

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, January 3, 2005

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H Old Business/Action Items Supervisors

H.1 Grader Purchase and Sale: Final Status Brown

Mr. Dennis Brown reported that the new grader had been received and

In recognition of Myron Malecha’s lead for the sale of the former grader,
the Town Board decided to award a $50.00 gift certificate.

H.2 Road Issues Ebling

The Board discussed alternate methods of grading, the use of gravel and
rock, and the use of a dust guard spray-on. Ebling will pursue these issues.
It is possible that a Special Meeting will be held relative to these subjects.

H.3 Dundas Planning Commission Update Liebenstein

No report was given on the activities of the Dundas Planning Commission.

I New Business Supervisors

I.1 Rice County Transportation Planning Process Ebling

It was noted that an Open House Meeting on January 19, 2005 at the
Bridgewater Town Hall at 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM with consultant that is
assisting the Rice County Highway Department in the preparation of a
Rice County Highway Plan. Ebling noted that he will visit Northfield
Township on January 11, 2005 (7:30 PM) to review the process by
which the Rice County Highway Transportation is being prepared and
will be approved. A report from that meeting is an Agenda item for the
February meeting of the Town Board. Ebling encouraged Dundas
Mayor-elect Switzer to attend the January 11, 2005 meeting.

Ebling expressed concerns that the Plan in its present form does not
provide enough money for needed road projects in northern Rice County.

Knecht observed that coalition planning should be done by townships

and cities towards the objective of seeking a consensus with the Rice
County Board of Commissioners.

Ebling gave a report on the Dundas/Bridgewater Bolten-Menk Meeting

December 10, 2004. That report is attached to these minutes.

It was suggested that the Dakota County Transportation Plan be

consulted for ideas.

I.2 Status of Bridgewater/Dundas Joint Resolutions regarding Annexation: Ebling

The Resolutions listed below are on file in the Town Files under
Annexation, Dundas, 2004:

ƒ Resolution 2004-51 A Joint Resolution of Bridgewater

Township & the City of Dundas Approving Annexation of Land
by Harold & Norma Paulson
Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, January 3, 2005
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ƒ Resolution 2004-52 A Joint Resolution of Bridgewater
Township & the City of Dundas Approving Annexation of Land
by the DeMann family
ƒ Resolution 2004-53 Approving Moratorium on Annexation for
Residential Purposes
ƒ Resolution 2004-49 Setting the Meeting Date of the Dundas
Planning Commission
ƒ Resolution 2004-53 Resolution Approving Moratorium on
Annexation for Residential Purposes

I.3 Glen Switzer, Mayor Elect, City of Dundas Ebling

Mr. Switzer spoke to the Town Board. He thanked the Town Board for
the invitation; in response, the Town Board congratulated him on his

Switzer said that he will emphasize positive communication. He said that

he will encourage the city staff to work together, although he will not
micromanage. He said that he is considering a survey to involve
expectations of the citizens of Dundas in city planning and management.
Switzer plans active communication with surrounding municipalities and

As a part of retaining the rural character of Dundas, Switzer wants to

connect city neighborhoods with trails. Notwithstanding, he recognizes
that 40 miles form a large city is “not that far.” Rail lines, such as the
Dan Patch line, could open commuting possibilities. In 40 to 100 years,
Dundas and Northfield could be in the center of a greater metropolitan
area. The growth that happens here should be “smart growth,” protecting
our wild and scenic river and the wild life that live here. Smart growth is
also balanced growth. As to businesses, Switzer would like to see a
significant amount of small businesses in town, keeping local dollars in

I.4 Planning and Zoning Ebling

It was noted that the recent zoning activities re the Interstate 35/County
46 (bounded by Minnesota 19 and County 1) will make it difficult to
resolve the Rice County Urban Reserve District and the Transfer of
Development Rights issues. The role of Bridgewater Township relative
to these issues is yet to be defined.

I.5 St. Olaf CUP for Wind Turbine Ebling

As to this issue, Ebling noted that he will speak with the City of
Northfield re dedication of road right-of-way for future connection to the
hospital and realignment of Dakota County 23.

I.6 Town Election Piper

ƒ Filing for Public Office: December 28, 2004 at 8:00 AM until

January 11, 2004 at 5:00 PM. Interested parties contact the
Clerk, Mike Piper at 507-645-9295
ƒ Present filings are Gary Ebling for Supervisor and Le Ann
Finger for Treasurer.

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, January 3, 2005

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I.7 Town Hall Rental Policy Ebling
The Township will consider giving the Rice County Gas and Steam
Organization the use of a key to the Town Hall if that organization
procures sufficient insurance to cover potential damages. The Clerk
expressed concerns regarding this issue: much that is on file in the Town
Hall is vital government data and would not be replaceable at any cost.
The Supervisors agreed to continue considering the matter.

J Future Meetings Clerk

J.1 Filings for Township elections close at the Office of the Clerk on January
11, 2004 at 5:00 PM.

J.2 Ebling noted that he will visit Northfield Township on January 11, 2005
(7:30 PM) to review the process by which the Rice County Highway
Transportation is being prepared and will be approved.
J.3 Rice County EMS Provider Council on January 12, 2004 at 7:00 PM
The Clerk will attend this meeting.

J.4 Rice County Transportation Plan Open House at Bridgewater Town Hall
on January 19, 2005 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM (Hall to be opened at 5:00 PM
for set-up)

J.5 February Meeting of the Town Board at the Bridgewater Town Hall

K Motion to Adjourn Supervisors

Town Officers: Supervisor and Town Board Chair Gary Ebling, Treasurer Le Ann Finger,
Supervisor Leif Knecht, Supervisor Paul Liebenstein, and Clerk Mike Piper.

Respectfully submitted, Approved:

Gary Ebling

C. Michael Piper
Town Clerk Supervisor, Town Board Chair

Minutes for Bridgewater Town Board Meeting, January 3, 2005

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