Questions and Answers On The Space Vortex Theory
Questions and Answers On The Space Vortex Theory
Questions and Answers On The Space Vortex Theory
Parsmahamsa Tewari
July 2015
Note: Figures extracted from previous publications available at
Where is the need for a new theory on space and matter when we have
had relativity and quantum physics for a century now? How do you
define Space?
A new theory is required to prove that its the medium of space that is a
more fundamental entity that creates universal matter and fields of matter,
rather than the modern concepts that are the other way round.
A three dimensional volume of absolute vacuum (without any matter that
possesses mass), with or without fields (gravity, electrostatic,
electromagnetic), is defined as a mass less volume of space.
You mean fields have no mass? But electromagnetic field and photons
in modern physics are assigned with the property of mass
electromagnetic mass?
Yes, fields have no mass-property as per the SVT; all fields, be that
gravity, electrostatic, magnetic, electromagnetic, are shown to be massless phenomena.
What was the main subject of your inquiry at the start of framing this
The basic aim initially (mid seventies of the 19th century) was to frame a
hypothesis that reveals the meaning of the mass-property of bodies in
general, and mass and charge in the electron structure in particular. But
later, the theory extended to gravity, light, nuclear forces, planetary
system, and cosmic forces between galaxies, and the creation of cosmic
matter, etc.
Why are you trying to revive an ether theory now when, as is well known,
ether theories ended up with contradictory and hypothetical properties
and were abandoned, as generally believed, with the advent of Einsteins
special theory of relativity (STR, 1905).
But Einsteins STR starts with the premise of empty space and also
does not assign any velocity vector to any point of empty space.
So, how can you derive a mass property postulating a mass less
Refer to Fig.2-2 and Fig.2-3, which show a space vortex and a section of
the space vortex identified as an electron. The center of the electron has a
spinning interface at the maximum speed of light ( c ), which encloses a
spherical void a region of discontinuity in the space medium. [Linear
motion of a space point is referred as velocity field]. Due to spacecirculation creating the maximum velocity field, its flow is broken into a
void. The mass of the electron, as defined, is directly proportional to the
volume of the void enclosed within the interface.
Creation of the void pushes out fluid-space from within the void at the
electron center, radially out at velocity c, into the incompressible
universal space as a spherical front that energizes the universal space
gravitationally creating an inward acceleration field at each point of space
(Fig.4-1a). The gravitational field so created stays in space permanently
as long as the interface spins and produces the effect of mass by
interacting with other masses through its gravity field. The Gravity field
of the electron is a structural component in the vortex of the electron.
Is not the electron radius you derive from SVT is about 100 times more
than the presently accepted value?
Very true, but look what George Yankovsky has written in Philosophical
Problems of Elementary-Particle Physics (1968): There are several
lengths that might aspire to be characteristic of the dimensions of the
electron. If we proceed from modern theoretical electrodynamics, which
has been established better than any other field theory, the conclusions
seem to be that the electron has the enormous dimensions, not 10-13 cm, as
expected from classical physics , but a hundred times greater! This
quotation supports correctness of the charge-equation.
Q10. With the point-charge model of electron, the question has been raised as
to why an electron, due to high density packing of the same charge at a
point, does not split and explode? Also, the electrostatic potential energy
in the field of the electron, if it is a point charge, should be infinite.
A10. Both these difficulties disappear in the vortex structure. Firstly, the
central void is energy-less. Therefore, the lower limit of radius for energy
integration starts at re and not zero, which does not give infinite energy in
the field. Secondly, the interface of electron is subjected to an inward
acceleration field created by the space circulation, which results in
proportionate pressure from space. [Abdus Salam, the Nobel laureate, had
raised this question of electrons self action and why it does not split
apart. He appreciated the mass and charge equation of SVT when the
same was referred to him by the author of SVT, commenting that with
these new ideas the problems may get resolved]
Q11. How do you explain positive and negative charges?
A11. If the electron is termed as negative charge then an oppositely rotating
vortex (of electron) relative to electron is a positron with a charge that
can be termed positive charge (Fig.2-5). As seen in the figure
unidirectional velocity fields in the vortices attract while oppositely
directed velocity fields in the vortices repel.
Q12. What are the fields in the electron structure in addition to a gravity field
you explained earlier?
A12. The inward acceleration field at the interface falls radially from the
electron center. The line integral of this acceleration field is defined as
the electrostatic field of the electron. When the electron moves along its
axis relative to space, the circular streamlines are seen as magnetic field.
When electron accelerates linearly or in a circle, the gravitational and
electrostatic fields are seen as electromagnetic fields. All these fields are
quantitatively derived in SVT.
A18. True. The postulates of SVT do not permit more than one stable particle,
other than electron, which can be termed fundamental. In particle
accelerators, there could be several microcosmic space vortices produced
during collisions, creating charge-effect transiently, but these are not
stable entities forming the structure of neutrons protons, or nuclei.
Q19. Before we go to nuclear structure, how do you explain and derive the
surface gravity of the sun and earth?
A19. The solar system is a huge space vortex similar to the Cartesian cosmic
vortex. The velocity field in the solar vortex falls inversely as the square
root of the distance from the sun, carrying the planets at orbital speeds as
per Keplers laws. From the orbital motion of the planet mercury (47.9
km/s), the velocity field in the solar vortex at the suns surface is
determined. It is noted that space circulates at a speed of 436.7 km/s at
the suns surface carrying gaseous matter. This value of space flow is
confirmed by the observed average wind velocity on the solar surface
(NASA report). The inward acceleration field due to this space
circulation around the sun comes to 274 m/s2, which causes surface
gravity of the sun. Similarly, from the orbital motion of moon, the
maximum circulation of space around the earth at ionosphere level is
derived as 7.8 km/s towards east. The inward acceleration field due to this
velocity field comes to 9.55 m/ s2, which is close to the accepted value of
the earths surface gravity. Surface gravity of all the planets (with axial
rotation) has been calculated similarly by finding out the space circulation
enclosing them.
It is seen that the above derivation of surface gravity does not take into
account the masses of the sun and earth.
Q20. What holds nucleus together?
A20. Just as in electron structure, space exerts tremendous inward pressure on
the interface (A7), so also a proton is enclosed within a space vortex that
creates inward pressure on its core assembled out of electrons and
positrons (Fig 7.4). On similar lines, each nucleus is enclosed within a
space vortex that creates inward pressure from space, holding against the
repulsive forces due to protons in the nuclear structure. As explained
above, cosmic bodies enclosed within space vortices experience surface
gravity as a pressure from space.
Because, modern physics does not recognize any spatial forces due to the
vortex effect around nuclei acting inward against repulsive electrical
forces within the nuclei, nuclear theories posit strange explanations.
Q24. What is the process of creation of universal matter and how deep is the
A24. Matter is being created even today at galactic coresthe hydrogen jets
emitted at nearly speed of light. Its the conversion of spatial vortices
(spatial motion) inherent in space primordially, that is the basic process of
matter creation starting with electron. An electron projected at the speed
of light and retarded by its own inward gravitational field will retard to
zero speed after traveling a distance of about 3.3 x 10 31 cm. .That
determines the minimum universal radius.
Q25. How do you picture the universe?
A25. The universe is a dynamic space of primordial reality, a mass less volume
of energy that extends into a sphere with a radius of about 3.3 x 1031 cm,
and exists in an infinite void of non realty (Fig.9-1).
Editors Note:
First, about 1650, Rene Decartes' had a vision of and produced a comprehensive Vortex Theory. Then it was
Telsa's insight [1907] and later Tewari's Space Vortex Theory [1974--] that discovered the fundamental nature
of space and creation of matter as its vortices.
All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or
luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles
all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter;
the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
Nikola Tesla - Inventor of the alternating current induction motor and generator, Mans Greatest Achievement, 1907.