Screen Calculation
Screen Calculation
Screen Calculation
1. Introduction
Fluid flow through screens takes place in a number
of technical areas including filtering, mining and
mineral processing, porous beds and a variety of flow
straightening and turbulence reduction applications.
Information on flow characteristics of these screens is
very important factor while selecting the screens for
different applications. Several experimental studies
were carried out earlier to generate these flow
characteristics for general purpose screens. Kays and
London [1] did investigation on friction factor for four
woven metal screens. Armour and cannon [2]
investigated hydraulic resistance of five types of
woven metal screens through experiments made in a
circular channel with single layer of metal screen. They
provided an equation for the calculation of pressure
drop based on the flow velocity, the porosity and the
geometry of the screen. Brundrett [3] did investigation
on the prediction of pressure drop for incompressible
Corresponding author: Ramakumar Venkata Naga
Bommisetty, Ph.D., technology specialist, research fields:
turbine cooling, heat transfer and CFD. E-mail:
2. Numerical Set-Up
In order to simplify the simulations, a screen with
an array of 5 5 holes is considered, shown in Fig. 1.
As shown, holes are square in section with side of
0.015 mm and the gap between each hole is 0.015 mm.
This screen leads to fractional free area (porosity) of
0.25. Screen length of 0.015 mm is considered for
present study. This represents a typical screen used for
flow straightening application. In order to have some
duct length for flow to develop, an entry and exit duct
of lengths 1mm each are considered. The full domain
considered for the present study is shown in Fig. 2.
ANSYS ICEMCFD (version 12.1) is used for model
generation and mesh generation. Tetrahedral elements
3. Results
This part is divided into 3 sections dealing with grid
refinement, screen characteristics for incompressible
fluids and screen characteristics for compressible
3.1 Grid Refinement Study
Fig. 2 (a) Mesh for the full domain; (b) Mesh distribution
near the screen; (c) Mesh in the fluid domain; (d) Mesh and
prism layer distribution in the screen.
4. Conclusions
A numerical study is carried out to find the flow loss
in screens. Commercially available CFD code ANSYS
CFX 12.1 is used for numerical study. Simulations are
performed for both incompressible and compressible
fluids. Laminar model is used for screen Re 10 and
Standard k- turbulence model for higher screen
Reynolds Numbers. Based on the present study, the
following conclusions can be derived:
y Predicted discharge coefficient values of
incompressible fluid matched with the available
experimental results up to screen Reynolds number of
10. But for the turbulent region, predicted discharge
coefficients are lesser compared to the experimental
y Discharge coefficient has increased with increase
in Reynolds number up to screen Reynolds number of
1000 and then constant discharge coefficient is obtained
with further increase in Reynolds number. The constant
discharge coefficient obtained from the simulation is
0.91 against the value of 1.4 in experiments;
y For compressible fluids, predicted discharge
coefficients are in line with incompressible fluids till
the density variation across the screen is about 20%;
y Considerable reduction (maximum of 50%
reduction) is noticed in discharge coefficient with
higher density change for compressible fluids;
y Density change of fluid in the screen is found to
be stronger influencing parameter for flow loss in
screens compared to the screen Reynolds number.
The authors are thankful to the management of
Honeywell and HTS for permitting them to share the