Radix Sort
Radix Sort
Radix Sort
A second example where linked lists are used is called radix sort. Radix sort is
sometimes known as card sort, because it was used, until the advent of modern c
omputers, to sort old-style punch cards.
If we have n integers in the range 1 to m (or 0 to m - 1) 9, we can use this inf
ormation to obtain a fast sort known as bucket sort. We keep an array called cou
nt, of size m, which is initialized to zero. Thus, count has m cells (or buckets
), which are initially empty. When ai is read, increment (by one) count[ai]. Aft
er all the input is read, scan the count array, printing out a representation of
the sorted list. This algorithm takes O(m + n); the proof is left as an exercis
e. If m = (n), then bucket sort is O(n).
Radix sort is a generalization of this. The easiest way to see what happens is b
y example. Suppose we have 10 numbers, in the range 0 to 999, that we would like
to sort. In general, this is n numbers in the range 0 to np - 1 for some consta
nt p. Obviously, we cannot use bucket sort; there would be too many buckets. The
trick is to use several passes of bucket sort. The natural algorithm would be t
o bucket-sort by the most significant "digit" (digit is taken to base n), then n
ext most significant, and so on. That algorithm does not work, but if we perform
bucket sorts by least significant "digit" first, then the algorithm works. Of c
ourse, more than one number could fall into the same bucket, and, unlike the ori
ginal bucket sort, these numbers could be different, so we keep them in a list.
Notice that all the numbers could have some digit in common, so if a simple arra
y were used for the lists, then each array would have to be of size n, for a tot
al space requirement of (n2).
The following example shows the action of radix sort on 10 numbers. The input is
64, 8, 216, 512, 27, 729, 0, 1, 343, 125 (the first ten cubes arranged randomly
). The first step bucket sorts by the least significant digit. In this case the
math is in base 10 (to make things simple), but do not assume this in general. T
he buckets are as shown in Figure 3.24, so the list, sorted by least significant
digit, is 0, 1, 512, 343, 64, 125, 216, 27, 8, 729. These are now sorted by the
next least significant digit (the tens digit here) (see Fig. 3.25). Pass 2 give
s output 0, 1, 8, 512, 216, 125, 27, 729, 343, 64. This list is now sorted with
respect to the two least significant digits. The final pass, shown in Figure 3.2
6, bucket-sorts by most significant digit. The final list is 0, 1, 8, 27, 64, 12
5, 216, 343, 512, 729.
To see that the algorithm works, notice that the only possible failure would occ
ur if two numbers came out of the same bucket in the wrong order. But the previo
us passes ensure that when several numbers enter a bucket, they enter in sorted
order. The running time is O(p(n + b)) where p is the number of passes, n is the
number of elements to sort, and b is the number of buckets. In our case, b = n.
0 1 512 343 64 125 216 27 8 729
------------------------------------------0 1
7 8
1 216
0 512 125
2 3
4 5
6 7 8 9
0 125 216 343
3 4
5 6
7 8 9