Prayer Diary 2015 Week 47 112215
Prayer Diary 2015 Week 47 112215
Prayer Diary 2015 Week 47 112215
; 11:00A.M.
Chronological Bible Reading: Ezekiel 28-30; 1 Peter 5
Monday, November 23
Jer. 8:20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.
Dear Jesus My Lord:
Not saved! Do not let this be the plight of anyone I know at the end of this
fall. Help me lovingly warn them of judgment to come. I know the way of
salvation. I can show them in the Bible. They can hear it from our pulpit. It
should be explained to them by friends they have in Harvest church. Do not let
__________ or __________ neglect the gospel and therefore not be saved.
Holy Spirit, give blessing on your word as we preach it, teach it, and deal
with it in devotionsin our classes and other places. Give me times of refreshing
from your presence. Let no one who comes to me for help go away without
Christ. Let this be the hopeful season; dont pass them by in the harvest!
Years follow each other into eternity. My last years will be here soon. Do
not let anyone go into adulthood that I can catch in their youth, and do not allow
any adult escape that I can catch before death. If prosperity does not cause them
to seek you so as to thank you, then affliction may cause them to seek you for
deliverance. Let no tears, or prayers, or sermons be wasted; reach each barren
heart through me with your love.
Make it the convenient time for the lost. Prepare me so the explanation of
the gospel brings a natural harvest because it rings true. Do not let them die
unsaved. Help me be wise by being a winner of souls! The time may be short
very shortbefore the rapture of the church. Jesus is able to save them to the
uttermost. Help me consecrate my hours to reaching the lost, and watching the
Holy Spirit give them repentance. Grant me a humble faith in Jesus that will
expect to see it happen according to your will. Help me act now so others can
believe. I make this plea for Jesus sake and because I know it is his desire. Amen.
Chronological Bible Reading: Ezekiel 37-39; 2 Peter 3
Thursday, November 26
Matt. 3:13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
Matt. 12:13 Then saith he to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it
forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.
Healing Lord:
I am that man! I am hopelessly helpless to obey you in the flesh. My human
fleshly strength lost the moisture of life and withered.
I have labored under a burden for so longthe belief you do not use real
sinners, but the people you use are somehow not quite as bad as me. Maybe there
is not such an intense struggle in their life as in mine. Or if there is a huge
struggle, it is not such an utter hopelessness and helplessness like I feel. I think I
am dried up. So really, I am the one to whom you give this command!
Your call to spiritual leadership is not addressed to novices, but to
those who have struggled. It is given to those like me, who have wrestled,
whose nose has been bloodied in battle. Afresh I confess, you are calling me to
do things that naturally and in myself I am incapable of doing.
2 Cor. 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the
power may be of God, and not of us.
If I could stretch out my hand on my own, there would be no miracle
needed. Even though it seems like I cannot move forward spiritually, you are
talking to me as if I can. You call to me in all my misery and incapacity, and that
very inability is just the stage where you want your power displayed. It is because
I am incapable and incurableunable, and perceive myself as being unsuitable
and unusablethat therefore your Spirit is calling me to act! That way the
excellency of the power may be seen to be yours, and not in me.
Do I understand these things yet? Lord, use me to your glory by the
overcoming power of your Spirit today. I yield myself to you. Amen.
Chronological Bible Reading: Ezekiel 40-42; 1 John 1
Friday, November 27
Joshua 7:9 For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it,
and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the earth: and what wilt thou do unto thy
great name?
What will you do for your great name if we are cut back on growth? What
will you do for your great name if we fall into sin, or just fall into stagnation?
Psa. 116:9 I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.
If your saints go down to Satan, who will train our children by walking
before the Lord in the land of the living? We want to be able to honor you and
not lay-off people in shame. Our spiritual fathers and disciplers,
Psa. 22:5 They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not
Make us partakers of the same favor, for we cry out to you and make you
our trust. You have never said, Seek my face, in vain. Let it not be said such poor
servants as we sought your face, but did not find you. Often have we received
mercy as we returned to prayer. Often has it drawn our souls nearer to you.
Often have we been comforted in the midst of our sorrows, and taken-out fresh
supplies of grace according to our needs from your treasuries of mercy in Christ
Jesus our Lord. Shall the door of these treasures be shut to us now? Shall we
receive no more favors from the hand of our God, just when you deal them out
so plentifully in bringing us to this place?
Give us the like blessings today, and also to our children, to everyone from
our church, and all our missionaries who cry unto you. You are our God and
your benevolence is well known. Increase your fame as you increasingly meet our
increasing need of you! We plead with you based on the merits of the blood of
Jesus Christ, and not because we are deserving. Amen.
Chronological Bible Reading: Ezekiel 34-36; 2 Peter 2
Wednesday, November 25
Isa. 62:4 Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be
termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD
delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.
Heavenly Father and Faithful Lord:
FORSAKENis a frightening word. I remember being lost as a little child.
The fear was not in the lostness, but in the thought of being abandoned, alone,
and left. A valley of misery yawns in that word, FORSAKEN. Yet how many times
have I been,
Psa. 103:11 For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them
that fear him.
Merciful Father:
Everything alive tastes your sparing mercy, but those who hear the gospel
and receive it taste your inviting mercy. I live by your saving mercy, am
preserved by your upholding mercy, am cheered-up by your comforting mercy,
and will enter heaven by your infinite and everlasting mercy. Amazing grace shall
always be my song of praise! Since I know I live on it, I need to glorify it more.
Do not let me harbor grudges and resentment, because your grace
will not have that. Even in the hour of my most bitter injustice, I have never
suffered like I deserve to! You did not determine my lot by what I had coming to
me, but by undeserved lovingkindness. You looked beyond my fault and saw my
need. Truly, your mercy to me cannot be measured.
Psa. 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our
transgressions from us.
What a load to move! And yet you removed it so far its distance rises to the
My sin is removed by a miracle of love. The scent, the trace, the very
memory of it is taken away. That being the case, there should be no shade of fear
about it ever returning. Satan himself could not retrieve it. Jesus was my
scapegoat twenty centuries ago, and now my sins cannot be found.
Nobody but you, Jesus! Only the Lord alone could remove sin at all, and
you have removed all my sin. You did it in a Godlike way, taking them away.
Now give me strength equal to this day to love you, to bless you, to serve you
and to glorify you in it. For so I ask in Jesus merit and to his credit. Amen.
Focus Verse (for memorization & meditation)Prayer Diary link available online at
Mark 1:35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and
departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.
GIVE GOD THE FIRST PART OF EVERY DAY. The first commitment is
to a daily quiet time with God. Our weekly Prayer Diary provides a template for daily
HBC Choir Rehearsal
1 Cor 16:2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God
hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.
asked. Ten percent is a miniscule amount in our affluent society, but it must come
off the top in order to show that God is our priority. We want the blessing of the
firstfruits (first devotion, first dime and first day) to flow out to the rest of our
Welcome to our visitors! Please take connection cards from the back of the
pew in front of you, fill out the visitor portion, and put it in the offering plate.
You are our guest, and wed like to know you're here!
Ministerio Hispao La Cosecha 10:45A.M. en el saln 6. Servicio en Ingls
traducido en Espaol 9:00A.M.
Sunday Night Service 5:30P.M. in the gym. Romans: Realizing Gods
HBC Junior Choir Christmas program rehearsals for kids K-Grade 6, 5:30P.M.
Heb 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;
but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
with a group of believers around the word of God every Sunday in our church.
NO Noon Proverbs & Prayer Bible while we move our offices to Copper Oaks
behind the church!
NO Midweek ServiceHappy Thanksgiving Eve!
NO Discipulado Ministerio Hispao
Lords Supper in all morning services
NO Evening Service however Junior Choir will rehearse at 5:30P.M. as usual!
Baptists tend to ridicule liturgical churches that use prepared prayers because
they lack spontaneity. But for many Baptists, their prayers are so predictable they are
no more spontaneous than written-out prayers. The result is we end up praying the
same things over and over.
This daily Prayer Diary will prompt you on a wide range of requests you might
not normally think of, while forcing you to articulate a deeper devotion to God. We
have included a daily Bible reading schedule. This plan will take you through the
Bible chronologically in a year.
Do not read ahead and do not try to catch up. Use each day as it comes. Then
you can know that on any given day, dozens of other people are lifting their hearts in
the same mind to God. Pray what is written, but use what is prayed as a springboard
for your own relationship with God. You learn to pray by praying.
Secret prayer is the secret of prayer, the soul of prayer, the seal of prayer, the
strength of prayer. If you do not pray alone you do not pray at all. Our Lord Jesus
Christ would go nowhere till He had prayed. He would attempt nothing till He had
Oh, says one, I live in the spirit of prayer, and therefore I do not need times
and seasons for prayer. And do you think that Christ did not live in the spirit of
prayer? Yet He had to have his special time and place to pray. Do not fall under the
injurious notion that because your spirit cries to God in prayer all day long, therefore
there must not be some season for more immediately coming into Gods presence. If
you imagine this, I am afraid that it will prove a snare to your feet. The Lord Jesus
Christ, who knew better than you do that the main thing is the spirit of prayer rather
than the act of prayer, yet Himself retired into desert places to maintain the act and
exercise of prayer. Be spiritual. Be baptized into the spirit of prayer. But do not be
deceived by the enemy, who can steal a spirit away while we dream that we only
spiritualize it. We had better preserve the very bones of prayerthe posture, the
time, placerather than let it all ooze away into an impalpable mental condition.
God keep us prayerful. He will do so if He makes us like His dear Son.
Charles H. Spurgeon, 1834-92