BOS Note Battlespace Operating System

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Battlespace operating system (BOS)  Armour

combination of personnel, collective b. Air Manoeuvre

training, equipment, facilities and
command and management –  Aviation
organised, supported and employed to (1) Deep Op – Activities
perform a designate function as part of a conducted in deep areas.
(a) Area fwd of close
Battlespace area (fm fwd bdry of sub
Includes the air, land, sea, space, units to fwd bdry of
enemy and friendly forces, facilities, controlling ech)
weather, terrain, the electromagnetic (b) Typically ops in
spectrum and the information here are used to SHAPE
environment within the area of operation the en to set conditions for
and area of interest. close battle
Fighting Power (2) Close Op – Those
1. The capacity to fight and win. The activities which involve friendly
elements are: forces in direct contact with the
 Intellectual
(a) Where forces are in
 Morale
immediate contact with the
 Physical
Battlespace Operating Systems
(b) Fighting between
1. Capacity elms committed forces and
reserves of both
 Personnel combatants is occurring
 Equipment
 Doctrine (c) Close combat
 Training through mnvr and fires
 Logistic (d) Area where
 Organisation Decisive Ops occur
 Leadership
(3) Rear Op – Activities
The Army’s Bos conducted in rear areas. Increase
the overall depth of operation and
1. Manoeuvre. provide the resources to vary the
tempo of operations.
a. Ground Manoeuvre
(a) Extends fm rear
 Inf
bdry fwd to rear bdry of
 Tks and Mech Inf next lower level of comd
(b) Area primarily for › Rear – Can be an effective
conduct of sp functions rear area security element
and is where majority of but will require dedicated
the echelon’s sustaining moblity assets.
ops occur
› CSS – Comparatively
(c) Activity to assure small admin reqmt and do
freedom of action and not require extensive
continuity of ops, log and admin sp.
c. Consideration.

(1) Strengths.

(2) Limitation.

2. Fire Support (FS).

Collective and coordinated use of

indirect fire weapon, armed
aircraft and other lethal and non-
lethal means in sp of a
maoueuvre plan.

a. Field Artillery.

b. Mortars.

(4) CSS – The essential c. Electronic Warfare (EW).

capabilities, functions, activities
d. Naval Gun Support (NGS).
and tasks necessary to sustain all
elements of operating forces in e. Offensive Air Support (OAS).
theatre at all levels of war.
(1) Close Air Support.
b. Infantry.
(2) Battlespace Air
› Deep – Do not normally Interdiction (BAI).
have the inherent
capability to conduct deep f. Army Aviation.

› Close – Traditionally, have

been the mainstay of the
close battle but this is
changing due to the
enhanced lethality of the
modern battlefield.
(2) Defensive IO
3. Information Operations (IO).
• Information assurance
action taken to defend and (IA)
enhance ones own information,
information processes and • Counter-Intelligence (CI)
information systems and to affect • Protective security
adversary information,
information processes and • Operation security
information systems (OPSEC)

• Information – Unevaluated • EW
material of every description.
• Counter-psyop
• Information System – The
• Other conventional
combination of resources
military pabilities as appropriate
including information technology
and people required to handle b. Level of Command
and process the included
information for a specific • Strategic – Directed by the
purpose. military and planned to support
national strategy objectives.
• Information Processes – Any
process, which relies on • Operational – IO may be
information, e.g. MAP, IPB, C2 or planned at operational level to
targeting. support military objective within a
particular theatre and would
a. IO Components normally be carried out with
theatre resources.
(1) Offensive IO
• Tactical – Planned at tactical
• EW
level to support specific
• Psyop manoeuvre objectives.

• Deception 4. Reconnaissance, Surveillance

and Intelligence (RSI).
• Computer network
attk (CAN), destruction a. Reconnaissance –
• Other military defined as msn undertaken to
capabilities as appropriate. obtain by visual info or other
detection means, info on
activities, resources of en or
potential en, or to secure data
about the meteorological,
hydrographical or geographic
characteristic of a particular area.
b. Surveillance – defined as 6. Air Defence (AD).
the systematic obsn of aero-
space, surface or sub-surface Air Defence (AD) BOS integrated
areas, places persons or things sensors, wpn, C4I, airspace
by visual, aural, electronic, control measures, active and
photographic or other means. passive defence techniques to
provide friendly forces protection
c. Intelligence – defined as and freedom of menoeuvre in a
the product resulting fm the hostile air environment.
processing of information a. Method of Air Defence
concerning foreign nations, Operation
hostile or potential hostile forces
or elements or areas of actual or  Area Defence
potential operation.
 Vital Point Defence (VPD)
5. Mobility and Survivability (MS).  Route Defence
Includes all systems and
personnel that contribute in the
broadest sense to knowing and 7. Command and Control (C2).
shaping the physical dimension.
Command is the process by
a. Mobility Sp – Action taken which comd impress their will and
to enhance the mobility of the intentions on their subordinates.
force thereby allowing the comd It encompasses the authority and
the freedom to physically responsibility for deploying forces
manoeuvre. to fulfil the cond msn.

b. Counter-Mobility Sp – Control is the process through

Action taken to deny the en which comd assisted by their
freedom to physically manoeuvre. staff, organise, direct and
coordinate the activities of the
c. Survivability Sp – Action forces allocated.
taken to reduce the effect of
hazards created by the en, by our a. Sense – The comd must
own forces or by nature. sense all aspects of the
battlefield to direct its
d. Sustainability Sp – Action efforts.
taken to enable a force to
maintain the necessary level of b. Control – To control is to
fighting power capability for the create a response;
duration required to achieve its pressure exerted by
obj. physical, moral or
cybernetic means to
exercise directing or
restraining influence over
an en-friendly, en or 8. Combat Service Support (CSS).
neutral situation.
a. the support provided to combat
c. Shield – Comd must forces, primarily in the field of
constantly and actively administration and logistics
shield their forces and the
b. Administration is defined as ‘all
d. Strike – Striking is the personnel management activities’
decisive application of
c. Logistics is defined as ‘all of the
military power.
distribution, material support, personnel
support and support engineering
e. Sustain – Sustainment
required to raise, mobilise, deploy,
provides and preserves
sustain redeploy and demobilise combat
resources required to
maintain and prolong the
operation until its is d. The purpose of CSS is to
successfully completed. maintain a force with the necessary
combat power for the duration required
f. Movement – The dynamic to achieve its objectives
element of manoeuvre and
the key concern of the MS

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