Course Contents B.SC Bio-Tech 1 Year

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Course Contents

B.Sc Bio-Tech 1st Year

Grammar Review
1) Parts of Speech Noun, Pronoun Adjective, Verb, Adverb,
Preposition, Gerund, Participle, InfinitiveClassification & Function
2) Word 2000 Formation
3) Phrase and Clause structure and function
4) Sentence Simple, Compound
Complex formation and function
5) Synthesis and Transformation of sentences
Scientific writing
1) Special Features qualities and values
2) Choice of vocabulary and terminology
3) Effective and defective sentences
4) Note taking
5) Paragraph organization
6) Report writing
7) Writing research papers
8) Punctuation and use of numbers
9) Documentation and Abbreviations
10) Use of tables and diagrams

M.M. 100







Scientific English Writing (Suggested Books)
1. English Practice Grammar-Usage-Vocabulary and phonetics by Dr. S.D. Joshi (Orient
Longman Ltd.)
2. English Skill for Technical Studies, Orient Longman, Hyderabad
3. English Framer and Composition buy Haughten Miffen
4. Modern Technical Writing By Thredore A. Sherman and Simon s. Johnson (Prentice-Hall
5. Writing Scientific English By John Swales (51 York Palace, Edinburgh)


M.M. 100
Part A- Mathematics
1) Algebra: Simultaneous equations (Liner & Quadratic) up to two variables only;
determinants, properties of determinants Matrices: definition & types, arithmetic
operation on matrices. Use of Logarithms in calculation Partial fractions, Linear factors
only Simple problems based on binomial theorem, exponential and logarithms series.
2) Trigonometry: Complex number: Basic definitions, basic operations on complex
numbers, DeMoivers theorem and its simple applications.
3) Analytical Plane Geometry: Cartesian co-ordinates, distance between two points, area of
a triangle, locus of a point. Straight line. Slope and intercept from, double intercept form,
normal (perpendicular) form, slope point form. General equation of first degree.
4) Differential Calculus: Differentiation, general theorems of derivation; differentiation of
standard functions including function of a function (chain rule); differentiation of implicit
functions, logarithmic differentiation. Elementary exercise in maxima & minima.

5) Integral Calculus: Integration as inverse of differentiation, integrals of standard forms,

integration of parts, substitution & partial fractions Integration of algebraic functions.
The definite integral: Definition and basic properties of definite integral. Computing
areas in Cartesian coordinates only.
Part B Biostatistics
1) Frequency Distribution, Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion: Graphical
representation of frequency distribution using bar-chart, pie-chart, histograms, frequency
polygon, frequency curve & cumulative frequency curve. Objectives & pre-requisites of
an ideal measure. Mean, Mode & Median and there characteristic; quartiles. Dispersion,
Range, Mean deviation. Quartile deviation, Std. Deviation, Std. Error of mean,
Coefficient fo variation, Moments, Skewness & Kurtosis.
2) Correlation & Regression: Definitions, Karl-Pearsons and Kendalls coefficient of
correlation. Line of regression, equations of line of regression, regression coefficient.
3) Probability and Probability Distributions: introduction, theorems of probability,
characteristics & simple problems based on binomial, Poisson and normal distribution.
4) Sampling: Preliminary concepts of sampling simple sampling of attribute and variables
large samples. Test of significance of large samples at 5% and 1% level of significance.
Sampling variables-small sample, t-test, chi-square test and f-test.
Mathematical and Statistical methods for biologist (Suggested Books)
1. Bernald and Child Algebra, Macmillan, India
2. Gorakh Prasad Calculus
3. M.Ray Calculus
4. S.L. Loney- Trigonometry Part I, S.Chand & Company, New Delhi
5. S.L. Loney- Coordinate Goemetry, S.Chand & Company, New Delhi
6. NCERT (New Delhi) books on MATHS XI & XII classes
7. George W. Snedecor & William G- Statistical Methods, Harvard University. Oxford & IBH
Publication Co.
8. Ipsen J and Fiegl P. Bancrofts Introduction to Biostatistics, Harper & Row Publication.
9. N.T.J. Bailey-Statistical Methods in Biology, English University Press Limited]
10. R.Solkhal and F. James Rohli-Introduction to Biostatistics. W.H. Freeman & Company,
Topman Company Ltd, Japan.
11. Zar J- Biostatistics, Prentice Hall, London.


M.M. 100
1. Optics
Reflection and Refraction, cardinal points of coaxial optical system of two thin lenses, A thick
lens, Huygenss and Ransdem eye pieces, various types of defects of and optical image and their
elimination. Optical and Acoustical wave interference, interference in thin films, The navigation
of bees, Diffraction from a circular aperture; applications in animal vision, insect eyes,
diffraction grating Acoustic, diffraction use by bats for echolocation. Elementary idea of Fiber
2. Electricity and Magnetism
Colombs Law, Geusss theorem. Electric potential and field. Energy associated with electric
field. Current dumcity, conductivity and resistively of metals, Wiedmann- Franz law, capacitors,
charging and discharging of capacitor, rise and decay of currentin a L-R circuit. Energy stored in
a magnetic field. L-C-R circuit with an alternating e.m.f. source. Q of a circuit. Dynamic
electrical properties of biological membranes, the electric organ of eels.

3. Electromagnetic Waves
The electromagnetic spectrum, Blackbody radiation, emission of radiation from a human body,
The green house effect; Infrared radiation and ultraviolet radiation in biology.
4. Basic Electronics
Overview of vacuum tube technology, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. P-n junction diode,
diode as a rectifier, photo diode and solar cells, photo-multiplier bipolar junction transistors of a
BJT as a amplifiers and oscillator. Introduction to operational amplifiers, Integrated circuits,
Digital electronics.
5. Atomic and Nuclear Physics
The Bohr model for the hydrogen atom, photoelectric effect, Compton effect. Wave properties of
particles, De Broglie hypothesis, Deal nature of light, uncertainty principle, an electron
microscope. Structure of nucleus; charge, mass, spin, energy, angular momentum of nucleus.
Crystal structure; crystal planes and miller indices. X-ray; Characteristics, diffraction, effect in
biology, Diagnostic use. Absorption spectra and colour vision
6. Elasticity
Stress and strain in solids, Hooks law, stress-strain curves Properties of fluids.
7. Viscosity
Streamline add turbulent flow, equation of continuity, flow of liquids through capillaries,
Poiseulles equation, Reynolds number. Concept of pressure energy, Bernoullis theorem and its
applications, venture meter, Pitots tube. Viscosity estimations by Oswalds viscometer, rotating
cylinder, cone and plate.
8. Surface Tension
Surface tension and surface energy, capillary action, angle of contact, relation between surface
tension, excess pressure and curvature. Surface tension by soap bubble Jaegers method,
Quinckes method. Temperature dependence of surface tension.
9. Refrigeration
Introduction to refrigeration principle, coefficient of performance, simple structure of gas
Essential Physics for Biologists (Suggested Books)
1. Besanoor R.-Encyclopedia of Physics
2. Clark E.- Physics: Electricity, Magnetism & Waces
3. Crummet-University Physics-Models & Application
4. Hailliday-Fundamentals of Physics, 6th ed
5. Ajay Ghatak Optics
6. P.K. Srivastava.- Optics, New Age pub.
7. Khase & Srivastava or K.K. Tiwari Electricity & Magmetism


M.M. 100
1. Atomic Structure
Idea of de-Brogile waves, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, atomic orbitals, Schrodinger wave
equation, significance of and 2, quantum numbers, shapes of s, p and d orbitals Aufbau and
Pauli principles, Hunds multiplicity rule, electronic configurations of the elements, effective
nuclear charge.

2. Periodic Properties
Atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity-definition,
methods of determination, evaluation, trends in periodic table and application in predicting and
explaining the chemical behaviour.
3. Chemical Bonding (General Characteristics)
Covalent bond (general characteristics) Valence bond approach; Sigma and Pi bonds; Bond
length; Bond order, types of hybridization, Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory
to NH3, H3O+, SF4, CIF3, and H2O, MO theory, homo-nuclear and hetro-nuclear theory (CO and
NO) diatomic molecules, bond strength and bond energy, percentage ionic character from dipole
moments and electro negativity difference, Ionic solid Ionic structure, radius ration effect, lattice
defect, lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle, salvation energy and solubility of ionic solid,
Fajans rule, Hydrogen bonds, Van der Walls force, Metallic bond.
4. The basics
Mole concept; Avogadros number; Normality, Molarity, Molality and numerical problems.
5. Acids and bases
Elementary idea of Bronsted Lowry and Lewis concepts of acids and bases, relaive strengths
of Lewis acids and bases and the effect of substituents and solvent on them. Indicators Acid base
indicators, hard soft acid base concept, buffer solution: pH, pKa and pkb values.
6. Liquids
Vapour pressure, variation of vapour pressure liquids with temperature (Clausius-clapeyron
equation), Surface tension, viscosity, their experimental determination and applications,
parachor, rheochar and their applications.
7. Solutions
Henrys law, Raoults law, critical solution temperatures, determination of relative lowering of
vapour pressure by Oswald and Walker smethod, osmotic pressure an measurement of osmotic
pressure. Effect fo solutes on boiling points and freezing points of solutions. Calculation of
molecular weight. Abnormal molecular weight. Normal distribution law, solvent extraction.
Chemical Science - I (Suggested Books)
1. J.D. Lee; A New Concise Inorganic Chemistry, ELBS, London
2. Keith F. Purcell, John C. Kotz; An Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
3. Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Paul; Basec Inorganic Chemistry (6th Ed)
4. F. Albert Cotton; Basic Inorganic Chemisty, 3E, Solutions Manual,
5. John Tanaka, Steven L. Sui; Experimental Methods in Inorganic Chemistry
6. Samuel H. Maron and Carl F. Prutton; Principles of Physical Chemistry, Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. New Delhi, 4th ed., 1985.
7. Gilbert W. Castellan; Physical Chemistry, Narosa Pyblishing House, Addison-Wesley/
Narosa (Indian Student Edition), Delhi, 3rd ed. 1983.
8. P.D. Rakshit; Physical Chemistry, Sarat Book House, Calcutta, 5th ed. 1988
9. D.V.S. Jain and S.P. Jauhar: Physical Chemistry- Principles and Problems, Tata McGrawHill Pub. Company Ltd. New Delhi


M.M. 100
1. Organic Chemistry as Chemistry of Carbon Compound
Qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis, Method of purification, test of purity,
determination of molecular masses; calculation of empirical and molecular formula, structural
formula. Tetrahedral concept in carbon compounds, functional groups, nomenclature.

2. Chemical bonding
Hybridization, bond lengths and bond angles, bond energy, Polarity of bonds, Vander Waals
interactions, inclusion compounds, clathrates, charge transfer complexes, resonance,
hyperconjugation, inductive effect, hydrogen bonding.
3, Basic Principles of Stereochemistry
Plane polarized light; Optical activity, Properties of enantiomers, chirality, chiral and achiral
molecules; D & L and R & S designation, Absolute configuration. Cis-trans isomers; E & Z
system of nomenclature, Conformational isomerism
4. Structure of Benzene
Kekule structure, stability and carbon-carbon bond lengths of benzene, resonance structure, MO
picture, aromaticity, and aromatic ions.
5. Reaction and mechanism
Hololylit and hetrolytic bond breaking, Nucleophiles and elctrophiles and their importance in
biological systems, reactice intermediates, Characteristics and type of organic reactions
Addition, eleminaiton, substitution and rearrangement reactions, free radical reaction, elementary
treatment of SN1, SN2, E1 & E2 reactions, addition reaction, Diels-Alder reaction & aromatic
eletrophilic substitution reactions, orientation effect.
6. Thermodynamics
Introductory concept of thermodynamics, explanation of commonly occurring terms: Systems,
isolated systems, closed systems, state of system, state functions, extensive and intensive
properties, internal energy, heat content, heat capacity of system, first and second law of
Chemical Science - II (Suggested Books)
1. K.Peter C. Vollhardt, Neil Eric Schore; Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function
2. T.W. Graham Solomons; Organic Chemistry
3. Arthur Israel Vogel; Vogels Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry
4. W.R. Kneen, M.J.W. Rogers and P. Simpson: Chemistry: Facts, Patterns and Principles,
ELBS, London, 4th ed., 1984
5. Morrision R.T. and Boyd; organic chemisty Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
6. Samuel H. Maron and Carl F. Prutton; Principles of Physical Chemistry, Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. New Delhi, 4th ed., 1985
7. Gilbert W. Castellan; Physical Chemistry, Narosa Publishing House, Addison
Wesley/Narosa (Indian Student Edition), Delhi 3rd ed. 1983
8. P.D. Rakshit; Physical Chemistry, Sarat Book House, Calcutta, 5th ed. 1988
9. D.V.S. Jain and S.P. Jauhar: Physical Chemistry-Principles and Problems, Tata McGraw-Hill
Pub. Company Ltd, New Delhi,
10. Edenborough-Organic Reaction Mechanisms: A Step by Step Approach, 2/e (99) (T&F)


M.M. 100
Introduction of animal world, classifications & taxonomy of animals. Animal Classification
Inportance, binonomial nomenclature, five kingdom approach, Taxonomic hierarchy,
concept of species.
Distinguish characters and classification of non-chordates
Distinguish characters and classification of protochordates.
Protozoa- A study of habitat, habit, external features, locomotion, osmo-regulation,
nutrition, reproduction and life cycle of Paramecium.


Porifera Habitat, habit, canal system, reproduction and development os Sycon.

Coelenterata Habitat, habit, external features, nutrition, reproduction and life cycle of
Helminths Habitat, habit, external features, different systems and life cycle of Fasciola
and Ascaris.
Annelida Habitat, habit, external features, different systems of Hirudinaria.
Arthopoda Habitat, habit, external features, different systems of Palaemon.
Mollusca Habitat, habit, external features, various organs and organ system of Pila.
Echinodermata Habitat, habit external features, and water vascular system of Asterias.
Hemichordata Habitat, habit, external features, different systems of Balanoglossus.
Prochordata Habitat, habit, external features, different systems of Herdmania.
Distinguishing characters and classification of chordates.
Anatomy of different systems Skeletal, digestive, respiratoty, circulatory, nervous and
urinogenital system of Scoliodon.
Vermiculture, Apiculture, agricultural pests and their control, sericulture, fisheries.

Basic animal Sciences (Suggested Books)

1. Marshall & William: Textbook of Zoology, Vol. I
2. Bames: Invertebrate Zoology.
3. Kotpal, Khetarpal & Agarwal: Modern Text book of Zoology, Invertebrates.
4. Dhami: Concept of General Zoology
5. Agarwal, V.K.: Invertebrates Zoology
Hyman L.H. The Invertebrates (in 6 Vols.)


M.M. 100
1. Plant kingdom. The classification up to the level of genus and species. Binomial
nomenclature Linneaus theory.
2. Algae (uni and multicellular) fungi, Bryophytes, pteridophytes, monocot, dicots, angiosperm
and gymnosperms (with one example each)
3. Morphology General organization of plant body such as aerial, underground parts.
Differences in angiosperms and gymnosperms.
Inflorescence type of inflorescences, flower function of each part of flower.
4. Fruit type fo fruits. Formation of fruit, parthenocarying.
5. Seed Formation of Seed, seed germination and dormancy
6. Anatomy Internal structure of steem, leaf, and root of angiosperm and gymnosperm.
Differences in dicots and monocots, structure and function of different cells. Xylem and
phloem. The concept of annual and perennials. Annual ring and wood formation
7. Biodiversity and Apomixis.
Basic Plant Sciences (Suggested Books)
1. Alexopotus, C.J.: Introductory Mycology
2. Chamberlain, C.J.: Gymnosperm: Structure and evolution.
3. Chapman, V.J.: The Algae
4. Eames, A.J.: Morphology of Angicoponus
5. Gangulee & Kar, A.: College Botany, Vol1
6. Laurence, H.M.: Taxonomy of Vascular Plants
7. Parigar, N.S.: Bryophyta
8. Parihar, N.S.: Pteridophyta
9. Singh, J.: Seed Biology
Singh, Pande & Jain: Text Book of Botany Vol.1 & 2


M.M. 100
1. Cell as a basic unit fo living systems
The cell theory; precellular evolution; artificial creation of cell; broad classification of cell
types; PPLOs, bacteria, eukaryotic microbes, plant-and animal cells; a detailed classification of
cell types within an organism, cell, tissue, organ and organism at different levels of organization
of otherwise genetically similar cells, ecological amplitude of cells in high altitude, sediments,
arctics, hotspring, arid, brackish and freshwater environments; biochemical composition of cells
(proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and the metabolic pool).
2. Ultra Structure of the cell membrane and cell organelles
Structure and function of cell organelles; ultra structure of cell membrane, cytosol, golgi bodies,
endoplasmic reticulum (rough and smooth), ribosomes; cytoskeletal structures (actin,
microtubules, etc.), Mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, peroxisomes, nucleus (nuclear
membrane, nucleoplasm, nucleolus).
3. Protein localization
Synthesis of secretory and membrance proteins, import into nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplast
and peroxisomes, receptor mediated endocytosis.
4. Chromosomes
Chemical composition; structural organization of chromatids, centromeres, telomeres, chromatin,
nucleosome organization; eu-and heterochromatin; special chromosomes (e.g., polytene and
lampbrush chromosomes); banding patterns in human chromosomes,
5. Cell division and cell cycle
Mitosis and meiosis; interphase and mitosis; comparison of mitosis, gametogenesis and
fertilization. Molecular biology of cell cycle.
6. Cell-cell interaction
Cell adhesion, membrane transport, cesicular synaptic vesicles, cell locomltion (amoeboid,
flagelar and ciliar); muscle and nerve cells, cell sencescence and death.
7. Cell Differentiation
Cell adhesion, membrane transport, vesicular synaptic vesicles, cell locomotion (amoeboid,
flagellar and ciliar); muscle and nerve cells, cell sencescence and death.
8. Cell motility
Cilia, flagella of eukaryotes and prokaryotes.
9. Cellular response to environmental signals in plants and animals
Mechanisms of signal transduction.
Cell Biology (Suggested Books)
1. Swanson: The Cell
2. DeRobertis & DeRobertis: Cell Biology
3. Vartue & Bhatia: Cell Structure and Function.
4. Ambrose & Easty: Cell Biology
5. Verma & Agarwal: Cell Biology, Genetics etc.
6. Bregman A.A. Laboratory investigation in Cell & Molecular Biology


M.M. 100
1. General
History of development of computers, generation of computers, basic components of a computer,
input & output devices, memory units, Classification of computers (Mainframes, Mini &
2. Computer Networking
Concepts, various configurations of computer network, the seven-layers of OSI architecture,
Basic Concepts of LAN & WAN, Internet concepts (History, components, http, search engines,
browsers, URL, WWW, Website), applications of Internet.
3. Computer Software
Operation Systems Introduction to DOS, Windows and introduction to Unix/Linux;
Application software Introduction to MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Access); and
utilities Introduction to Scandisk, Defragmenter and Antivirus software, Prevention and cure of
computer viruses and worms.
4. Computer Languages
Binary representation of data, conceptual introduction of programming language, algorithms, and
flowcharts. Introduction to object orient programming languages and simple programming in
C++. Introduction to Data Structures: Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Arrays.
Fundamentals of Computers (Suggested Books)
1. Rajararam v.- Fundamental of Computer, PHI
2. Ram B.- Fundamental of Computer, New Age Publication
3. Ravichandran R. Prog. With C++, TMH
4. Tashwant Kanetkar-Let us C++, BPB
5. Rachi D.-C Prog. Language, Longman
6. Ballaguguswami-ANSIC, TMH

M.M. 100
1. Animal Science
Fixation, dehydration and staining; squash preparation of meiotic and mitotic cells, embedding
and sectioning.
Dissection Prawn, Digestive System, Appendages, Nervous Syste, Statocyst.
Mammal Dissection General anatomy of Rat / Squirrel, Study of bone.
Museum Specimen/ Slides/ Model
Protozoa: Euglena, Paramecium and Plasmodium.
Porifera: T.S. and L.S. of Sycon. Eupleciella, Hyalonema and Spongilla.
Coelenterata: Medusa of Obelia, Larval stages of Aurelia, Physalia, Porpita, Gorgonium,
Pennatula, Alcyonium, Adamsia.
Helminthes: Fasciola, Taenia, ascaris, Filaria including larval stages.
Annelida: T.S. of earthworms and Nereis through different body region, Nereis, Heteronereis.
Arthopoda: Mouth parts of insects, Pupa and larva of mosquito, Crab, Hermit crab, Stick insect,
waterbug, beetle, locust. Moth and butterfly.
Mollusca: Various larval stages. T.S. Unio through gills, Sepia, Octopus, Loligo, Pearl oyters.
Echinodermata: Various larval stages, T.S. of arm of starfish, Sea Cucumber, Sea-Urchin.
Protochardata: Balanoglossus, Amphioxus, Herdmania.
Bones of Mammals and Amphilia,
T.S. of Skin of mammal and frog
T.S. of Liver, Lungs, Spleen Pancreas, Gonads of mammal.
2. Practical Plant Science
1) Morphology of Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes,
2) Gymnosperms (with local examples)
3) Anatomy of angiosperms Leaf, Stem and roots.
4) Study of Inflorescence, Fruits and seeds including microslides.


M.M. 100
1. Volumetric Analysis
Acid-base, Oxidation-reduction titration, Iodometric titrations. Estimation of sodium
thiosulphate, potassium dichromate and copper sulphate.
2. Physical
Determination of surface tension and viscosity of liquids.
Heat of neutralization of a strong acid and a strong base.
Solubility curve of KNO3 or benzoic acid.

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