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Government Policies for Development and Promotion of Small-Scale

Industries in India
Some of the Government Policies for development and promotion of Small-Scale
Industries in India are: 1. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1948, 2. Industrial
Policy Resolution (IPR) 1956, 3. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1977, 4.
Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1980 and 5. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR)
Since Independence, India has several Industrial Policies to her credit. So much
so that Lawrence A. Veit tempted to say that if India has as much industry as it
has industrial policy, it would be a far well-to-do nation. With this background in
view, in what follows is a review of Indias Industrial Policies for the development
and promotion of small-scale enterprises in the country.
1. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1948:
The IPR, 1948 for the first time, accepted the importance of small-scale
industries in the overall industrial development of the country. It was well
realized that small-scale industries are particularly suited for the utilization of
local resources and for creation of employment opportunities.
However, they have to face acute problems of raw materials, capital, skilled
labour, marketing, etc. since a long period of time. Therefore, emphasis was laid
in the IPR, 1948 that these problems of small-scale enterprises should be solved
by the Central Government with the cooperation of the State Governments. In
nutshell, the main thrust of IPR 1948, as far as small-scale enterprises were
concerned, was protection.
2. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1956:
The main contribution of the IPR 1948 was that it set in the nature and pattern of
industrial development in the country. The post-IPR 1948 period was marked by
significant developments taken place in the country. For example, planning has
proceeded on an organised manner and the First Five Year Plan 1951-56 had
been completed. Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 was also
introduced to regulate and control industries in the country.
The parliament had also accepted the socialist pattern of society as the basic
aim of social and economic policy during this period. It was this background that
the declaration of a new industrial policy resolution seemed essential. This came
in the form of IPR 1956.
The IPR 1956 provided that along with continuing policy support to the small
sector, it also aimed at to ensure that decentralised sector acquires sufficient
vitality to self-supporting and its development is integrated with that of largescale industry in the country. To mention, some 128 items were reserved for
exclusive production in the small-scale sector.

Besides, the Small-Scale Industries Board (SSIB) constituted a working group in

1959 to examine and formulate a development plan for small-scale industries
during the, Third Five Year Plan, 1961-66. In the Third Five Year Plan period,
specific developmental projects like Rural Industries Projects and Industrial
Estates Projects were started to strengthen the small-scale sector in the country.
Thus, to the earlier emphasis of protection was added development. The IPR
1956 for small-scale industries aimed at Protection plus Development. In a
way, the IPR 1956 initiated the modem SSI in India.
3. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1977:
During the two decades after the IPR 1956, the economy witnessed lopsided
industrial development skewed in favour of large and medium sector, on the one
hand, and increase in unemployment, on the other. This situation led to a
renewed emphasis on industrial policy. This gave emergence to IPR 1977.
The Policy Statement categorically mentioned:
The emphasis on industrial policy so far has been mainly on large industries,
neglecting cottage industries completely, relegating small industries to a minor
role. The main thrust of the new industrial policy will be on effective promotion of
cottage and small-scale industries widely dispersed in rural areas and small
towns. It is the policy of the Government that whatever can be produced by
small and cottage industries must only be so produced.
The IPR 1977 accordingly classified small sector into three broad
1. Cottage and Household Industries which provide self-employment on a large
2. Tiny sector incorporating investment in industrial units in plant and machinery
up to Rs. 1 lakh and situated in towns with a population of less than 50,000
according to 1971 Census.
3. Small-scale industries comprising of industrial units with an investment of upto
Rs. 10 lakhs and in case of ancillary units with an investment up to Rs. 15 lakhs.
The measures suggested for the promotion of small-scale and cottage
industries included:
(i) Reservation of 504 items for exclusive production in small-scale sector.
(ii) Proposal to set up in each district an agency called District Industry Centre
(DIC) to serve as a focal point of development for small-scale and cottage
industries. The scheme of DIC was introduced in May 1978. The main objective of
setting up DICs was to promote under a single roof all the services and support
required by small and village entrepreneurs.

What follows from above is that to the earlier thrust of protection (IPR 1948) and
development (IPR 1956), the IPR 1977 added promotion. As per this resolution,
the small sector was, thus, to be protected, developed, and promoted.
4. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1980:
The Government of India adopted a new Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) on July
23, 1980. The main objective of IPR 1980 was defined as facilitating an increase
in industrial production through optimum utilization of installed capacity and
expansion of industries.
As to the small sector, the resolution envisaged:
(i) Increase in investment ceilings from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakhs in case of tiny
units, from Rs. 10 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs in case of small-scale units and from Rs.
15 lakhs to Rs. 25 lakhs in case of ancillaries.
(ii) Introduction of the concept of nucleus plants to replace the earlier scheme of
the District Industry Centres in each industrially backward district to promote the
maximum small-scale industries there.
(iii) Promotion of village and rural industries to generate economic viability in the
villages well compatible with the environment.
Thus, the IPR 1980 reimphasised the spirit of the IPR 1956. The small-scale
sector still remained the best sector for generating wage and self-employment
based opportunities in the country.
5. Industrial Policy Resolution (IPR) 1990:
The IPR 1990 was announced during June 1990. As to the small-scale sector, the
resolution continued to give increasing importance to small-scale enterprises to
serve the objective of employment generation.
The important elements included in the resolution to boost the
development of small-scale sector were as follows:
(i) The investment ceiling in plant and machinery for small-scale industries (fixed
in 1985) was raised from Rs. 35 lakhs to Rs. 60 lakhs and correspondingly, for
ancillary units from Rs. 45 lakhs to Rs. 75 lakhs.
(ii) Investment ceiling for tiny units had been increased from Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 5
lakhs provided the unit is located in an area having a population of 50,000 as per
1981 Census.
(iii) As many as 836 items were reserved for exclusive manufacture in smallscale sector.
(iv) A new scheme of Central Investment Subsidy exclusively for small-scale
sector in rural and backward areas capable of generating more employment at
lower cost of capital had been mooted and implemented.

(iv) With a view, to improve the competitiveness of the products manufactured in

the small-scale sector; programmes of technology up gradation will be
implemented under the umbrella of an apex Technology Development Centre in
Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO).
(v) To ensure both adequate and timely flow of credit facilities for the small- scale
industries, a new apex bank known as Small Industries Development Bank of
India (SIDBI) was established in 1990.
(vi) Greater emphasis on training of women and youth under Entrepreneurship
Development Programme (EDP) and to establish a special cell in SIDO for this
(vii) Implementation of delicencing of all new units with investment of Rs. 25
crores in fixed assets in non-backward areas and Rs. 75 crores in centrally
notified backward areas. Similarly, delicensing shall be implemented in the case
of 100% Export Oriented Units (EOU) set up in Export Processing Zones (EPZ) up
to an investment ceiling of Rs. 75 lakhs.

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