Abel Aureli: "Great Is The Lord, and Greatly To Be Praised!"-Psalm 48:1

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Abel Aureli

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be

praised!Psalm 48:1

May 2015
Dear Beloved in Christ Jesus,
Greetings and blessings from Frosinone,
We just started our May outreach; a precampaign with Evangelist Dario Scuoppo
who will be visiting some of the churches in
this area, to lift our people up and get a fresh
unction before we hit the streets and then
have the main two-day event at the end of
June in a large hall which we rented from the
city. We are praying and fasting for this event
and we ask that you will pray for us as well.
Then, on May 29, 30 and 31st, we will have a
minister from the USA (Tommy and Claudia
Duncan), who will do training to some of
the churches to teach us to express our faith
in God, for healing and other miracles from
We believe that God is the same yesterday,
today and forever, and we believe that as He
worked miracles in the past, He is willing to
work them even today. The problem is our
lack of faith and our human reasoning, as
Jesus Himself told His Disciples, when they
could not deliver that epileptic child. In that
case, the reason for their failure was not God
nor their imperfection, but their lack of faith.
Just as it is today!
I almost got tempted to start preaching here.
I pray that in these last days when especially
the Church is facing harsh attacks from the
enemy, by attacking the young children and
the school system, by teaching immoral and
ungodly things, and many parents not being
close enough to God and not strong enough
to contrast the enemy in these situations,
our families are breaking apart, and this is
the goal of the enemy! Breaking the families
apart (especially believing families) lowers
the spiritual level of the churches. Jesus

warned us about these things, but we didnt

pay enough attention!
Many parents are losing their jobs, and they
dont have the spiritual power and authority
to resist the devil and make him flee away
from them. Many single parents are in terrible
spiritual and financial condition, and many
of them are not even going to church, where
they could find help and encouragement. We
receive many prayer requests, even from
the US to Italy, but as I ask if their pastor
or church knows of their problems. Most
of the time the response is that they are not
going to church right now! The reasons they
give are many, but none of them can really
justify their staying away from our gathering
together! Thats only a trick of the devil, to
keep them away from the protection of the
In Italy, things are not better! The same devil
in the USA is the same devil which is in Italy.
Lately, we had an increase in numbers in the
church, but three of these new ladies are
single mothers, with children from different
fathers. They are without work, since Italy
has very high unemployment. Unfortunately,
the rest of the church cant do much to
help other than pray and ask God to work
miracles, because this nation does not know
God, and those who claim to believe in God
only believe in Him as a historic God.
Three weeks ago we also had the blessing to
have an American family come here to stay
and to help us in the ministry. They are Ben
and April (his wife), and three children, from
Grand Junction, CO. They are settling down,
and I am sure they have already found out
how expensive and difficult life in Italy is, but
we are sure that as God kept us here for the
past thirty years, He can keep them as well.
Please pray for them, and especially for the

Continued on back

language, which is one of the most difficult part of ministering to

the Italians, because very few Italian people understand English.
On our part, we know that each one of us could always do a
little more than what we are already doing, but that seems not
to be enough to reach and bring to salvation 60 million unsaved
Italians. Thats why I believe God gave us many Brothers and
Sisters around the world, so that we can pray for each other so
that with Unity in the Body of Christ, we can make a strong wall
against the enemy, and in the end, get the victory over him and
his demons! This reminds me of the multiplication of the bread
and the fishes by Jesus. They had very little. And the people
were well over ten thousand, but by giving their little to the Lord
and allowing Him to bless it, they were able to feed over ten
thousand people.
Please continue to pray for us and for the Italian people, especially
for the Politicians, who are melting this nation like Ice Cream,
stealing from the poor people, to give to their own rich caste! We
are even trying to get food help from the European Community,
but so far, we are only getting the left overs and the expired food,
because the Caritas, which is a Catholic Institution, is getting all
the best and fresh food as soon as it gets to the storages.

We love you, and we appreciate your sacrificial prayers and

financial support. If you can do some more to help us, to help
more unsaved and poor people, please do it as unto the Lord, and
please pass the word around. Share our needs with your church
friends and relatives.
God willing, between September 10th and November 10th, I will
be traveling to the Eastern states of the USA, and if you havent
already set up a date for my visit to speak at your church, or even
just to meet with you, if we never met before, (with some of you
we just met through LinkedIn), please do it as soon as possible,
so I can complete my itinerary.
Again, thank you for your prayers and for your support. We still
need more partners to help us reach more unsaved people with
the saving message of the Gospel.

May God richly bless you, your families and your church.
With much love in Christ Jesus, Your missionaries,
Abel & Anna Aureli, and family


Abel Aureli
Corso Francia, 12
03100 Frosinone FR, Italy

Please write your checks to

Operation Italy
and mail them to:
Operation Italy
707 Winthrop St.
Medford, MA 02155

PHONE: 011-39-0775-291-136
E-MAIL: operitaly@gmail.com
WEB-SITE: www.operitaly.org

Operation Italy
Corso Francia, 12
03100 Frosinone FR, Italy
PHONE: +39-0775-291-136
CELL: +39-338-190-3761
E-MAIL: operitaly@gmail.com

Operation Italy its a non-profit missionary

Organization, incorporated in the Commonwealth Of
Massachusetts, and its exempt from income Taxes,
under the revenue laws of the U.S.A. Every donation to
Operation Italy is tax deductible.

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