Continued prayers for comfort and healing for
Buck Sappenfield, George Hanlon and Maude
and the family and friends of Betty Pinol, Glen
Page and Mabel Reitveld.
We often forget that, as years pass, information that seems common knowledge in our church is
not common knowledge to newer members. Many people are not aware of what C.A.R.E. is, its
history in our community, the services they provide and how we assist.
C.A.R.E. is an acronym for Community Action Resources of Escalon; a neighborhood food bank
that serves seniors and those in need. More than fifty years ago, this outreach was started by a
woman named Irene McDonald. She and her group, “Senior Women of Escalon” saw a need and
took the initiative to help. Originally, the organization distributed food, clothing and household
goods. Today, C.A.R.E. focuses solely on food.
In more recent times, Patty Baxter served as Director of C.A.R.E. until she recently passed
away. Now, her daughter, Sherrie Vaden, carrying on her Mother’s work, is the Interim Direc-
tor. The Escalon Ministerial Association (EMA) serves as the administrative board. Each week,
15-20 volunteers work in various food distribution programs to help local residents. Two of
these dedicated volunteers are Saron members Ruth and Ron Cohagan. “If we feed one hungry
person, we have made a difference.” said Ruth.
C.A.R.E. receives donations from many resources. Volunteers pick up food from Second Harvest
Food Bank in Manteca, from local farmers and from community organizations such as Saron Lu-
theran Church. For many years, Saron has supported the efforts of C.A.R.E. You may have seen
a request in our church newsletter for specific food items. These items or any non-perishable
food item that you may have on hand, can be brought to church on Sunday and will be given to
the C.A.R.E. program. Please look for the C.A.R.E. basket as you enter church. Each donation is
appreciated and makes a difference in the lives of those in need in our community.
If you would like more information about the C.A.R.E. program, becoming a volunteer or donat-
ing perishable food items directly, please contact C.A.R.E. Director, Sherrie Vaden at (209) 417-
2048. Monetary donations are also appreciated. Another long time Saron volunteer, Delores
Grabow looks back on her 25 years of service to the C.A.R.E. program and shares “it was great
serving people that needed the help”. Thank you for your service Delores and all the volunteers
at C.A.R.E. for your service.
Please bring dry food packages such as crackers, cereal, hamburger helpers, etc.
Escalon Ministerial Association
The Escalon Ministerial Association (EMA) is an important organization that brings to-
gether the city’s faith communities to serve the needs of the larger community of Es-
calon. Saron is an active member of this organization through the Pastor’s participation,
with other faith leaders, in monthly planning meetings. And we all have volunteers from
Saron who participate in the CARE food distribution and we all participate through our
funding of it’s ministries.
This year the EMA is looking for a person/or persons to coordinate the Community
Thanksgiving Dinner, served every year at the Escalon Community Center on Thanks-
giving Day from 11:30-1:30. The Coordinator is a significant job and can easily be a
shared position. This volunteer position requires advanced planning and good organiza-
tion which begins in October with securing the Community Center for Thanksgiving Day.
There is no cooking involved as there is a chef and volunteers to see to the cooking of
the meal. If you are interested in giving back to your community by helping to make
this Thanksgiving Community Meal happen, please speak with Pastor Sheri. I have a
detailed job description and contact information for those who will help.
After much uncertainty around Birger’s upcoming surgery, we finally settled on a date
for our celebration honoring him for his many years of beloved service. Watch your email
early October for your invitation. If you haven’t received yours by mid October, please
contact the church office.
Fun Bunch
Help is Needed
As you peek at the next page, you will no-
tice many empty spaces under Those That
Serve. If you can offer help in the areas of
flowers for the altar, be a lector, or bring
some refreshments to share after the ser-
vice, it would be most appreciated. Please
sign up in the Social Hall or call the office. Kids Night Out
This month Kids Night Out will be October
11 at 5:30 to 8:00 pm. Don’t miss out on
some delicious pizza and lots of October
fun activities! Bring your kids and kids
bring your friends. See you there!
Those That Serve
October 13
Second Sunday School 9:00 am
October 1
60-Day Journey through Justice October 19
Harvest Hoedown 5:00 pm
October 6
Blessing of the Animals November 2
Kris Kringle Bazzaar
October 8
Worship & Music 10:00 am November 3
Property & Finance 11:30 am All Saints Sunday
Commitment Sunday
October 7 & 21
Confirmation Class 2:30 pm November 9
Honoring Birger 5:00 pm
October 10
Witness & Service Committee 9:00 am November 17
Church Council 6:00 pm Thankoffering
October 11 December 31
Kids Night Out 5:30-8:00 pm Bring in New Year’s at Saron