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United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2014/0367201 A1


(43) Pub. Date:




Dec. 18, 2014

US. Cl.
CPC . F03G 7/00 (2013.01); B64D 27/02 (2013.01)

.......................................................... ..


(71) Applicant: giggsgaddock Ellman, Santa Rosa,



(72) Inventor;

tion of local gravitation by modifying its direction of action

This disclosure presents and claims means for the modi?ca

Roger Paddock Ellman, Santa Rosa,

CA (Us)

and presents and claims various uses of those means. The neW

technology involved is the recognition that light and gravita






tion ?ow in the same common medium' that the observed

1.1J ; 13/986 877

effects of gravitational lensing and light diffraction demon

strate the gravitational ?eld of atoms de?ecting the ?oW of


Jun 14 2013
Publication Classi?cation

that common medium of light and gravitation; that a suitable

arrangement of atoms consequently could produce a desired
de?ection of gravitation; and that the atomic structure of a

cubic crystal [for example Silicon] is suitable for that appli


Int. Cl.


F03G 7/00


That de?ection of gravitation and its effects are then used to

B64D 27/02


drive spacecraft an ?ying vehicles.

De?ection of Lights Direction by Slowing of Part of Its Wave Front

The slower speed,
v', in region #2
bends the wave
front back as

Region # 1

Patent Application Publication

Drawing #1,

Dec. 18, 2014 Sheet 1 of 6

US 2014/0367201 A1

De?ection of Lights Direction by Slowing of Part of Its Wave Front

The slower speed,
v5 in region #2

Region #1

bends the wave

1 V 1

front back as


Drawing #2,

The Bending of Lights Wave Frontby an Optical Lens

Drawing #3,

Gravitational Lensing Bending of Light Rays





Apparent nght Path



"Lensin "

Cosmic 9










Actual [Bent] Light Path


Patent Application Publication

Drawing #4,

Dec. 18, 2014 Sheet 2 of 6

Diffraction at a Slit Causing Bending of Light Rays

Light Rays

// /

En counte ring
the Two Edges
of a Slit

Drawing #5

US 2014/0367201 A1


Light Rays

The Encounter of Two Flows

A Single Ray Resolved
Into Components

Flow #1

\ \ X /

,\\\// \

Plane Wave Fronts

Di rectl
Oppose "



The Wave Fronts

Shown AS Ra s

T rave li n9 2'

A Single Ray ,

Its Components

Drawing #6,

Slit Diffraction, the Basic Element of a Gravitational De?ector

Resulting De?ected Rays of
Flow of Gravitation

Rays of Flow of Gravitation

Encountering the two Edges of a Slit

Patent Application Publication

Dec. 18, 2014 Sheet 3 of6

US 2014/0367201 A1

Drawing #7,

A Small Piece ofa Silicon Cubic Crystal

Drawing #8

Cubic Crystal Lattice Tilted for Effective Gravitational Flow Deflection

Vertically Up
Rays. fFlw

Cubic Crystal Lattice

[A5 lfUndEHected]

Tilted to Present Atoms

\j \' \'

Spaced Horizontally Closely


Relative to

Flow Rays

Aim-11$ at Crystal

Example Single Atom

Vertical Flow


Lattice Points

\x /

and Its De?ection


of Arriving Rays of

Gravitational Flow

ii i iiiiii'm
Rays of Upward Gravitational Flow

Drawing #9

The Silicon Cubic Crystal Gravitational De?ector

Cubic Structure

shims J

View from Top

A Single Silicon Cubic Ctystal Slab

Array of Slabs

Patent Application Publication

Drawing #10

Dec. 18, 2014 Sheet 4 of 6

US 2014/0367201 A1

Rays of Gravitation from the Surroundings


// \

4 /


Drawing #11

9 - Selecting Fraction of Total Maximum Gravitational Action

Drawing #12

Some Alternative Values for 0

Drawing #13

Sin 0 = Fraction of Total _Maximum

Gravrtatronal Action







0866 .

0 Applied To An Object To Be De?ected

Object \
Deflector > : : :

Earth Surface

Drawing #14

The De?ector in Cup-Shaped Form

Object:Radius -= 1:
Height - h

Height = H

Earth Surface


= R


Patent Application Publication

Drawing #15

Dec. 18, 2014 Sheet 5 of 6

US 2014/0367201 A1

Some Example Array Sizes

C Q D'sk Ba

Cug Sides


Total Crystals



Nr of Layers
















Drawing #1 6

Calibrating Individual Silicon Crystals

En Balance


Drawing #17

A Slit Light Diffraction Pattern

Diffraction Pattern
-Slit = 5.4-10'6 Meter Wide
~ Light Wavelength = 4 . 13' 10' 7 Meter

Drawing #18

The Cauchy-Lorentz Distribution Diffraction Pattern Envelope

The Envelope of the Relative Intensities of the
i ht Diffraction Pattern Is the Actual Amount

of the Flow Relative Intensities,

Diffraction Pattern of

CauchyLorentz Distribution

5.4-10-6 Meter Wide Slit

Density Function

The Two Ove rLayed


(d- mid): 73

Patent Application Publication

Drawing #19

Dec. 18, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 6

US 2014/0367201 A1

Table of Diffraction Minimums De?ection Angles

Minimum #


Minimum #


4 . 39

8 .80

37 . 72

4 3 . 50




49. 89
57 .28



66 . 60

27 . 36


83 . 86




Single Slit
= n - [light
wavelength /sh-t width], n = 1, 2,

Drawing #20
Resulting De?ected Rays of
Flow of Gravitation

Rays of Flow of Gravitation

Encountering the two Edges of a Slit

Drawing #21

A Gravitation De?ector Driven Spacecraft

Drawing #22

A Gravitation De?ector Flying Vehicle

TOE View

F to m: View

1 Rear

E ront

3 Horizontal

Side View

Deflectors Legend

US 2014/0367201A1

Dec. 18, 2014


the object in the direction away from the gravitation source.


[0007] For example, an object experiencing a natural gravi

tational acceleration, A, reduced 80% by gravitation de?ec
tion to 0.2-A, plus simultaneously experiencing the reaction

tation source plus the introducing of a reactive acceleration on

to the 80% de?ection in the amount 0.8-A, experiences a net

[0001] Not Applicable

acceleration acting in the direction away from the gravitation

source of 0.8-A0.2~A:0.6~A.




Of course, the A is the Newtonian gravitational

acceleration G~M/d2 where M and d are the mass of and

[0002] Not Applicable

distance to the gravitating source, for example the Sun, the

Earth, or Mars.


[0009] Such a de?ector, engineered to enable controlled

adjustment of the amount and the direction of its action, could
provide for a spacecraft both launch levitation and deep space
travel acceleration. It could provide both levitation and hori



[0003] Not Applicable

zontal motion for a ?ying vehicle over a planet surface.

[0010] Just as the sail-driven ships of past centuries expe

rienced fuel-free travel by means of controlled manipulation
of the energy of the wind, this technology enables fuel-free
travel through space by means of controlled manipulation of
the energy of the gravitational ?eld that permeates all of
















when some effect slows a portion of the light wave front the


Lights Direction by Slowing of Part of Its Wave Front,








Paragraph Title






Summary Development

Light normally travels in a straight direction. But,

direction of the light is de?ected. In the ?gure, De?ection of

Drawing #1, the shaded area propagates the arriving light at a

slower velocity, v', than the original velocity, v, [its index of

refraction, n', is greater] so that the direction of the wave front

is de?ected from its original direction.

[0012] A slowing of part of its wave front is the mechanism
of all bending or de?ecting of light. In an optical lens, shown
in the ?gure, The Bending of Lights Wave Front by an

Optical Lens, Drawing #2, light propagates more slowly in

the lens material than when outside the lens. The amount of







center of the lens is slowed more than that passing near the



edges of the lens. The result is the curving of the light wave









[0013] Gravitational lensing, shown in the ?gure Gravi

tational Lensing Bending of Light Rays, Drawing #3, is an




slowing in different parts of the lens is set by the thickness of

the lens at each part. In the ?gure the light passing through the

It is now possible to partially de?ect gravitation

astronomically observed effect in which light from a cosmic

object too far distant to be directly observed from Earth
becomes observable because a large cosmic mass [the
lens], located between Earth observers and that distant
object, de?ects the light from the distant object as if focusing

it, somewhat concentrating its light toward Earth enough for

it to be observed from Earth. The light rays are so bent

because the lensing object slows more the portion of the wave
front that is nearer to it than it slows the farther away portion

away from an object so that the gravitational attraction on the

of the wave front.

[0014] The same effect occurs on a much smaller scale in

object is reduced. Physically, the action of de?ecting away

the diffraction of light at the two edges of a slit cut in a ?at thin

gravitational attraction, which of course is directed toward the

gravitation source, produces an equal but opposite reaction on
the mechanism that produces the de?ection of the gravita
tional action [the de?ector], a reaction directed away from the
gravitation source.

piece of opaque material as shown in the ?gure, Diffraction

which the slit is cut slows the portion of the wave front that is

[0006] The result is the combination of reducing the gravi

tational attractive acceleration of the object toward the gravi

middle of the slit.

at a Slit Causing Bending of Light Rays, Drawing #4. The

bending is greater near the edges of the slit because the
slowing is greater there. The effect of the denser material in
nearer to it more than the portion of the wave front in the

US 2014/0367201A1

Dec. 18, 2014

[0015] In both of the cases, gravitational lensing and slit

diffraction, the direction of the wave front is changed because

?ow radially outward in all directions from itself, which ?ow

must be the gravitational ?eld.

part of the wave front is slowed relative to the rest of it. In the
case of gravitational lensing the part of the wave front nearer
to the massive lensing cosmic object is slowed more. In the

That Flow

case of diffraction at a slit the part of the wave front nearer to

the solid, opaque material in which the slit is cut is slowed


[0016] But, neither of the cases, gravitational lensing and

slit diffraction, involves the wave front passing from traveling
through one substance to another as in the ?gure, De?ection

of Lights Direction by Slowing of Part of Its Wave Front,

Drawing #1. The wave front in the gravitational lensing case
is traveling only through cosmic space. The wave front in the
slit diffraction case is traveling only through air. There is no
substance change to produce the slowing. What is it that slows
part of the wave front thus producing the de?ection?
[0017] In the case of gravitational lensing the answer is that
the effect is caused by gravitation. There is no other physical

effect available. But how does gravitation produce slowing of

part of the incoming wave front so as to de?ect it ? Gravita

tion, at least as it is generally known and experienced, causes

acceleration, not slowing.

Electro-Magnetic Field (Light) and Gravitational
Field (Gravity)


[0025] We therefore ?nd that the fundamental particles of

atoms, of matter, which have both electric charge and gravi
tational mass, must have something ?owing outward continu
ously from them and:
[0026] Either the particles have two simultaneous, sepa
rate outward ?ows, one for the effects of electric charge
and another for gravitation, or
[0027] They have one common universal outward Flow
that acts to produce all of the effects: electric and elec

tromagnetic ?eld [light] and gravitational ?eld [gravity].

[0028] There is clearly no contest between the alternatives.
It would be absurd for there to be two separate, but simulta
neous, independent outward ?ows, for the two different pur

poses. And, the single universal outward Flow from atoms,

carrying both the electric and electromagnetic ?eld and the
gravitational ?eld, means that gravitational ?eld can have an
affect on light, on electro-magnetic ?eld because they both
are the same mediumithe universal outward Flow.

[0029] The gravitational lensing presented earlier above

is experimentally observed gravitational ?eld affecting light.
Gravitational Slowing/ De?ection of Light

[0018] Given two particles [e.g. electrons or protons] that

have electric charges, the particles being separated and with

[0030] A given Flow s ?owing medium [that which is ?ow

ing] and the potential driving it are vector medium ?ow and
vector medium potential and cannot interact with another

the usual electric [Coulomb] force between them, if one of the

charged particles is moved the change can produce no effect
on the other charge until a time equal to the distance between

which case they sum. That is because all these Flows are

them divided by the speed of light, c, has elapsed.

[0019] For that time delay to happen there must be some
thing ?owing from one charge to the other at speed c [a
fundamental constant of the universe] and each charge must
be the source of such a ?ow.

[0020] That electric effect is radially outward from each

charge, therefore every charge must be propagating such a
?ow radially outward in all directions from itself, which ?ow
must be the electric ?eld.

[0021] When such a charge moves with varying speed it

propagates a pattern called electromagnetic ?eld outward into
space. Light is that pattern, that ?eld traveling in space. Since
lights source is a charged particle that, whether the particle is

moving or not, is continuously emitting its radially outward

?ow that carries the affect of its charge, then lights electro
magnetic ?eld is a pattern of variations in that ?ow due to the

charges varying speed.


Given two masses, i.e. particles [e.g. electrons or

protons] that have mass, being separated and with the usual
gravitational force [attraction] between them, if one of the

U-waves vector medium ?ow and vector medium potential

unless both are directed in exactly the same direction, in

inverse-square radially outward spreading; they are vectors

that cannot combine unless identically directed.
[0031] On the other hand, the Flows [1.0 and 60 [the medium

characteristics that determine the propagation speedianalo

gous to an electrical transmission line] being scalar can accu

mulate regardless of the direction of the Flow carrying them.

[0032] If two mutually encountering medium Flows are
traveling in the same direction their parameters all combine.
The combined ?ow balances the combined [1.0. The combined
potential balances the combined 60. Just as medium from a

single source, diffusing into greater spherical volumes in

space maintains constant speed of propagation, c, because the
ratio of the medium amplitude to the [1.0 and 60 remains con
stant, so two medium ?ows in the exact same direction have,
combined, the same ratio of amplitude to [1.0 and 60 as do their

individual ?ows taken separately.

[0033] But if those two ?ows are not in exactly the same
direction the scalar [1.0 and 60 of the individual ?ows combine
to produce new somewhat greater values. But, the vector
?ows are spreading out in different directions. They cannot
obtain a combining of their medium ?ows and medium poten
tials to compensate for the increased values of [1.0 and 60

present because they are inverse-square spreading in different

masses is moved the change can produce no effect on the

other mass until a time equal to the distance between them

directions and there is no valid net resultant.

divided by the speed of light, c, has elapsed.

directions through each other there is for each the now larger

[0023] For that time delay to happen there must be some

thing ?owing from one mass to the other at speed c and each
particle, each mass must be the source of such a ?ow.


That gravitational effect is radially outward from

each mass, therefore every mass must be propagating such a


Thus, for medium ?ows propagating in different

sum of the [1.0 and 60 of the two ?ows combined for which the

?ows have available only the same, now proportionally less

suf?cient, amplitude each of its own to drive itself. Each ?ow
experiences a partially reduced value of c. Each is effectively

slowed by the other.

US 2014/0367201A1

Dec. 18, 2014

[0035] For example if u 1 is the local medium ?ow #1 and u2

?ow #2 then:

Same Direction

The Energy Aspect and the Source of the Flow


Changing the natural gravitation effect means

changing the gravitational potential energy of objects in the

changed gravitational ?eld. If the energy changes where does

Opposite Directions

the difference come from or go to?

Each of the two ?ows separately


The potential energy for an object of mass, in, at a

height, h, in a gravitational ?eld is truly potential. It is the

ul (amplitude)
1 2

ul (amplitude)

111 (11. a Speed) _

u2 (amplitude)


111 (11. a speed) _

u2 (amplitude)


112 (11. a speed) _

112 (11. a speed) _

The two ?ows encountering each other




111 (11, s>+112 (11. a)


111 (11, 8) +112 (11. a)

kinetic energy that the mass would acquire from being accel
erated in the gravitational ?eld if it were to fall. The greater
the mass, m, the greater the kinetic energy, 1/2~m~v2. The
greater the distance, h, through which the mass would fall the
greater the time of the acceleration, the greater the velocity, v,

achieved, the greater the kinetic energy, 1/2~m~v2.

[0045] While at rest at height h [as on a shelf] the total mass
of the object is the same as its rest mass. The object has no

actual potential energy. It is merely in a situation where it

could acquire energy, acquire it by falling in the gravitational

0 =0


111 (11. 5) +112 (11. a)

[0036] The variation in the amount of slowing with the

angle between the two ?ows varies as the Sine of that angle
for angles 0 to 90 and for angles 900 to 1800 is the value of the
above equation case for ?ows in Opposite Directions.
[0037] Waves slowed by this effect resume their original
natural speed based on their own propagating values of [1.0 and
60 once they have traveled beyond interacting with the ?ow

that caused their slowing.

[0038] Because that universal outward Flow originates at
each particle and ?ows radially outward in all directions its
density or concentration decreases inversely as the square of
distance from the source of the Flow. At a large distance from
the source the wave front of a very small portion of the total

spherical outward Flow is essentially ?atia plane Flow.

[0039] In the ?gure The Encounter of Two Flows, Draw
ing #5, picturing Flow #1 of that ?gure as that from a lens
ing gravitational mass and Flow #2 as that of the light from
a distant object, then the ?gure depicts how the ?ow of the
lens slows part of the wave front of the ?ow of the propa

gating light. The slowing is greater for rays of light that pass
close to the lens and is less for those farther out because the
density or concentration of the lensing gravitational mass s
?ow is less farther out. Thus the wave front of the light is
de?ected or bent as in the actually observed gravitational

[0040] In gravitational lensing gravitation produces
de?ection of the Flow that carries light. That de?ected Flow is
the same Flow that also simultaneously carries gravitation.
Thus the gravitational Flow from one mass can produce
de?ection of the gravitational Flow from another mass.

[0041] Therefore, a properly con?gured material structure

can de?ect gravitation away from its natural action, reducing
the natural gravitation effect on objects that the gravitation

?eld. Falling, the mass of the object increases as its velocity

increases, re?ecting its gradually acquired kinetic energy.

[0046] Since, until it falls, the object does not have the
energy that it will acquire when it falls in the gravitational
?eld the energy that it acquires must come from the gravita
tional ?eld.
[0047] The energy of gravitational ?eld is in its Flow radi
ally outward from all gravitational masses. The Flow is a ?ow
of the potential for energy, realized at any encounter with
another gravitational mass
[0048] That Flow creates potential energy, creates the
situation where kinetic energy could be acquired, at any
gravitational mass that it encounters.


It does so continuously, regardless of the number

or amount of masses encountered and regardless of their

distance from the source of the Flow.
[0051] At each encountered mass the amount of the Flow
varies with the magnitude of its source mass and varies

inversely as the square of the distance from it.

[0052] But, for the Flow to be a movement of something
away from the source mass, the source mass must be a supply,

a reservoir, of what is ?owing so as to supply the Flow. The

original supply of the Flow, of gravitational potential energy,

came into existence at the Big Bang beginning of the uni

[0053] Since the original Big Bang the outward Flow has
been very gradually depleting the original supply. That pro
cess, an original quantity gradually depleted by Flow away of
some of the original quantity is an exponential decay process
and the rate of the decay is governed by its time constant. In
the case of the overall universal decay, appearing among other
places in the outward Flow from every gravitating mass, the
time constant is about "5:3.575321017 sec (zl 1.3373109


would otherwise encounter and attract.


It does so continuously, replenished and replen

ishing by the on-going continuing Flow.


That same effect, on a vastly reduced scale, pro

duces the de?ection, the bending of the light direction that is


The invention consists of:

seen in slit diffraction. In the diffraction effect the role of the


[1] A Gravitational De?ector using arrangements

massive lensing cosmic object is performed by the indi

of atoms, that is con?gurations of atoms in a piece of material

and the orientation of the material relative to the natural
gravitational ?eld, such that for at and near one particular
direction through that material the atoms are effectively so

vidual atoms making up the opaque thin material in which the

slit is out. That effect shows that the gravitational lensing
process, involving immense cosmic masses, can be imple
mented on Earth on a much smaller scale practical for human

spaced, that is located, that all gravitational ?eld acting

through the material in that particular direction [vertically up]

US 2014/0367201A1

Dec. 18, 2014

must pass so close to some atom in the material that the path


of propagation of that gravitational ?eld is de?ected away

from things on the side of the material [top side] opposite
from that side at which the gravitational ?eld ?rst entered the
material [bottom side] with the result that any object or
objects on that top side of the material experience less gravi
tational attraction downward than they would otherwise have

[0081] The edges of the slit in Drawing #6 are actually rows

of atoms. A cubic crystal, such as of Silicon, consists of such


[2] The de?ected gravitational ?eld ?ow passing, by

virtue of that said de?ection, over the top side of the atoms
that cause the de?ection, causes gravitational attraction ver

tically upward of those said atoms with the result that in

addition to the reduction of the natural gravitational accelera
tion downward (of [1] above) there is new, de?ection gener
ated, anti-gravitational acceleration upward, both effects con
tributing to net acceleration upward.
[0057] [3] Useful applications of those effects including: a
drive providing controlled levitation for spacecraft launch

and landing the drive also providing deep space ?ight travel
acceleration for spacecraft, and drives providing controlled
levitation for vehicles to ?y over planetary body surfaces, the
drives also providing propulsion for those said vehicles.

[0080] Gravitation De?ector Design

rows of atoms, multiple rows and rows at right angles, all

equally spacedia naturally occurring con?guration of the

set of slits required for de?ection of gravitation, Drawing #7.
[0082] The Flow from each of the cubic crystals atoms is
radially outward. Therefore its concentration falls off as the
square of distance from the atom. The amount of slowing of
an incoming gravitational Flow, and therefore the amount of

its resulting de?ection, depends on the relative concentrations

of the atoms Flow and the overall gravitational Flow.
[0083] In the case of diffraction of the Flow of light at a slit
the concentration of the Flow from the atoms of the slit
material is comparable to the concentration in the horizontal
Flow of the light, because it originates from a local source, not

from the Earths immense gravitation.

[0084] But for the Flow from the atoms of the slit to de?ect
the much more concentrated vertically upward Flow of
Earths gravitation the Flow from the atoms of the slit must

[0058] Drawing #1, De?ection of Lights Direction by

also be much more concentrated. The only way to achieve that

is a con?guration in which the Flow of Earths gravitation is
forced to pass much closer to the atoms of the slit so that, per
the inverse square variation in the atoms Flow, it will pass
through a concentration of the slit atom s Flow comparable to

Slowing of Part of Its Wave Front

the concentration in the Earths gravitational Flow.



[0059] Drawing #2, The Bending of Lights Wave Front by


an Optical Lens

is about 5106 meters. The spacing of the atoms at the corners

of the cubes in a Silicon cubic crystal is 5410'10 meters.

[0060] Drawing #3, Gravitational Lensing Bending of

Light Rays

Drawing #4, Diffraction at a Slit Causing Bending

of Light Rays

Drawing #5, The Encounter of Two Flows

Drawing #6, Slit Diffraction, the Basic Element of a

Gravitational De?ector


Drawing #7, A Small Piece of a Silicon Cubic Crys



Drawing #8, Cubic Crystal Lattice Tilted for Effec

tive Gravitational Flow De?ection


Drawing #9, The Silicon Cubic Crystal Gravita

The spacing between the edges of the diffracting slit

An inter-atomic spacing of less than 31019 meters, much

closer than the natural spacing in the Silicon cubic crystal, is
required to obtain de?ection of a major portion of the incom

ing Earths gravitational Flow.

[0086] Such a close atomic spacing cannot be obtained by
directly arranging for, or ?nding a material that has, such a
close atomic spacing. However, that close an atomic spacing
can be effectively produced relative to just the vertical Flow

of gravitation by slightly tilting the Silicon cubic crystals

cubic structure relative to the vertical.

[0087] Drawing #8 illustrates the tilting, schematically and

tional De?ector

not to scale, and shows how it increases the number of crystal


atoms closely encountered by the upward gravitational Flow.

[0088] By appropriate tilting of the cubic structure each of

Drawing #10, Rays of Gravitation from the Sur


Drawing #11, GiSelecting Fraction of Total Maxi

mum Gravitational Action

its 5.4-10'10 meters inter-atomic spaces is effectively sub

divided into 1010 sub-spaces each of them 5 .4-1020 meters


diameter Silicon cubic crystal ingot produces such an effect,

Drawing #12, Some Alternative Values for 0

Drawing #13, 6 Applied To An Object To Be

long and with an atom in each. A 4.5 mm shim on a 30 cm


producing a tilt tangent:0.015 for a tilt angle:0.86o that


Drawing #14, The De?ector in Cup-Shaped Form

produces the objective effective sub-division of the crystals

[0072] Drawing #15, Some Example Array Sizes

[0073] Drawing #16 Calibrating Individual Silicon Crys

natural inter-atomic spacing, a sub-division that acts only on


[0074] Drawing #17, A Slit Light Diffraction Pattern

[0075] Drawing #18, The Cauchy-LorentZ Distribution
Diffraction Pattern Envelope
[0076] Drawing #19 Table of Diffraction Minimums

De?ection Angles
[0077] Drawing #20 Single Slit Gravitation De?ection

Drawing #21 A Gravitation De?ector Driven Space



Drawing #22 A Gravitation De?ector Flying

vertical Flow, as of gravitation.

[0089] Pure, monolithic, Silicon cubic crystals up to 30 cm
in diameter are grown for making the chips used in many
electronic devices. The gravitation de?ector requires a large,
thick piece of Silicon cubic crystal rather than the thin wafers

sawed from the mother crystal for chip making.

[0090] Per the detailed analysis in the references, The Sili
con cubic crystal ingot for the de?ector is to be:
[0091] 30 cm in diameter,

50 cm or more thick,


with the orientation of the cubic structure marked

for proper placement of tilt-generating shims, and

US 2014/0367201Al

[0094] with the bottom face of the cylinder sawed and

polished ?at at a single cubic structure plane of atoms.
[0095] Mean free path [MFP] is the average straight line
distance a moving particle travels between encounters with

Dec. 18, 2014


The net effect of all of the rays horizontal compo

nents is their cancellation to zero.


The net effect of all of the rays vertical components

is Earth-radially-outward gravitation.

another particle. For atoms in solid matter the mean free path

14Gravitational Ray s Horizontal andVertical Components.


M FP =
[Atoms Per Unit Volume] - [Atom Cross Section Area]

For the Earth the atoms per unit volume is on the

order of

Atoms per Unit VolumeIS-lO28 per cubic meter.

[0097] In the cubic crystal de?ector the atomic spacing

produced by the tilt is about 1020 meters. Each therefore has
cross sectional space available to it of that of a circle of that
diameter so that for this purpose the atom s cross section area

[0109] One can consider all of the net gravitational effect

on objects as being due to the vertical component of all of the
myriad rays of gravitational ?eld Flow at a wide variety of

angles to the horizontal. This components aspect is valid

because of the components aspect appearance in the
Gravitational Lensing effect on cosmic light.
[0110] The various rays of the Flow propagation from the

individual particles of the gravitating body [for example the

Earth] are from each individual particle of it to the selected

point [above the gravitating body] on which their action is

being evaluated. That is the point P in Drawing #10 directly
above the A at height h in the ?gure.
[0111] The Earths gravitational action along a ray of Flow
takes place from the Earths surface to deep within the Earth.
The inverse square effect, that the strength of a Flow source is
reduced as the square of the increase in the radial distance of

Atom Cross Section Area = 7r/4- [1020]2

= 8 - 1039 meter2

it from the object acted upon, is exactly offset by that the

number of such sources acting [per ray so to speak]
increases as the square [non-inverse] of that same radial dis


For targets as ?ne as those in the cubic crystal

de?ector, the mean free path in the Earths outer layers is,
MFP:2.5- 109 meters


The mean free path in the 50 cm thick minutely tilted

Silicon cubic crystal ingot for intercepting Earths natural

vertically outward gravitation is 1/2 the 50 cm thickness of the
ingot. The gravitation de?ector is about 1010 times more
effective than the natural Earth at intercepting Earth s natural

gravitation. However, that effectiveness is only for vertical

rays of Flow. The Silicon crystals mean free path for non
vertical. FlowiFlow already once de?ected within the crys
taliis that of Earth, 2.5~109 meters, which takes the once
de?ected Flow out of the crystal.
[0100] The overall de?ector consists of:

[0101] A support having a veri?ed perfectly horizontal

upper surface for the cubic crystal de?ector bottom face
to rest upon;

[0102] The Silicon cubic crystal ingot speci?ed above;

[0103] Precision shims 4.5 mm thick for producing the
tilt of the cubic crystal ingot, the shims located at the

tance. That is, the volume, hence the number, of Flow sources
for a ray of propagation at the object is contained in a conical
volume, symmetrically aron the ray with its apex at the

object acted upon.

[0112] However, because the net gravitational effect is pro
duced only by the vertical component of each ray of Flow
propagation, the effectiveness of each ray is proportional to
the Cosine of the angle between that ray and the perfectly
vertical as the angle 6 in Drawing #11 below.
[0113] The actual total gravitational action includes all rays
from 6:0 through to 6:90. That range would require an
in?nitely large de?ector to act on all such rays, that is the
de?ector would have to be a disk of in?nite radius. For lesser

values of the maximum 6 addressed, the portion of the total

gravitation sources included is the integral of Cos 6-d6 from
6:0 to GIChosen Lesser Value. The integral of the cosine is

the sine. Example lesser portions of the total gravitational

action addressed as 6 varies are presented in the table of

Drawing #12.

The gravitational de?ector as a disk beneath the

Object to be levitated must extend horizontally far enough to

intercept and de?ect the Chosen Lesser Value of angle 6 rays
of gravitational wave Flow that are able to act on the Object of

the de?ection as depicted in Drawing #13 below.

mid-point of two adjacent sides of the horizontal plane

[0115] For the perfectly vertically traveling rays of gravi

of the cubic structure as in Drawing #9.

[0104] For an array of ingots for a larger area than a

tation waves the required vertical distance that must be trav

eled within the cubic crystal is the previously presented 50 cm

single ingot can provide, the individual ingots can be

machined to ?t snugly together. That could be done by

and 0 horizontal distance is traversed in so doing. But a ray at

machining them to a square cross section or, better, to a

must traverse horizontally 50-Tan [6] cm, at the same time.

For 6 more than 45 that can become quite large and the
de?ector likewise.
[0116] Because the de?ector disk must extend over a large
area to de?ect most of the gravitation, an alternative, and

hexagonal one.

[0105] Practical Aspects and Design Engineering

[0106] While the net gravitational ?eld is vertically
upward, i.e. radially outward from the Earths surface, local
gravitation is radially outward from each particle of matter.

angle 6, in order to traverse the required 50 cm vertically,

better, solution to the problem of rays of gravitation arriving

As in Drawing #10 a mass above the Earths surface receives

over the range from 6:0 to 6:90 is to wrap the de?ector up

rays of gravitational attraction from all over its surrounding

the sides of the Object to be levitated as shown in Drawing


surface and the underlying body of the Earth.

US 2014/0367201A1


In this con?guration the de?ector takes up little

more space than the Object levitated. However, the non

perfectly vertical traveling rays must still travel within the

cubic crystal the horizontal distance 50~Tan [0] cm. That
requires that the horizontal thickness of the vertical sides of
the cup-shaped de?ector must be of that 50~Tan [0] cm thick

[0118] Because the value of Sin 0 and, therefore, the frac

tion of the total gravitational action, increases relatively little
above 0:60o whereas the value of Tan [0] increases quite
rapidly, from 1.7 to 00 above 0:600 that 0:600 is the appro

priate value to which to design. The thickness of the walls

of the cup would then be 50 Tan [60]:85 cm. The de?ector

would be only slightly larger than the Object levitated.

ZiThe Array Structure and Size.

The De?ector consists of an array of Silicon cubic

crystals. The crystals forming the disk-shaped base of the

Dec. 18, 2014

orientation of the long axis of the cubic crystal structure may

vary minutely from each of the others. That is, it is not certain
that each crystals base is purely a single plane of atoms of the
cubic structure and thus is exactly perpendicular to the long
axis of the crystal.
[0140] To ?nd the optimum tilt and orientation for a single
crystal the tilt must be varied over the range of possibilities
while the effect of gravitation from exactly below it is
observed on a balance scale. But most of the effect of gravi

tation on a single crystal is not from exactly below it.

[0141] The solution to that problem is to conduct the opti
mization atop a structure, that relying on the inverse square

effect, effectively isolates the crystal from most of the gravi

tation from surrounding sources except that exactly below
itia high pedestal having a cross section comparable to that

of the crystal, Drawing #16.


To conduct that calibration on thousands of crystals

should not be necessary if a method can be developed to

cup need to be about 0.5 m in height to achieve their

exactly measure the long axis orientation in any given crystal.

maximum de?ection effectiveness. Those forming the

The process can then determine the optimum orientation of

the crystal tilt relative to the actual long axis of a few cubic

sides of the cup can be the same kind of 0.5 m crystals

stacked and aligned vertically.

[0120] The crystals can effectively be grown in diameters
up to about 30 cm, however those cylindrical pieces must then
be machined down to of hexagonal cross section so that a

number of them can ?t together with negligible open space

between. The hexagonal cross section area would be about

A:0.06 m2
[0121] For an Object to be acted upon by the de?ector, the
object of height, h, and diameter, d, meters the de?ector
would have the following parameters for 0:60o. [The number
of crystals must be the integer next higher than the exact

calculated number.]
Base Disk:

[0122] Thickness:1 Crystal LayeF0.5 m

[0123] Diameter:d
[0124] AreaIJ'c-d2/4:0.785-d2
[0125] Number of crystals:rc~d2/4-A
Cup Sides:

[0127] Thickness:0.85 m
[0128] Outside diameter [OD] :d+2~thickness
[0129] :d+1.7
[0130] Inside diameter [ID]:d
[0133] Height number of LayersIHeight/0.5
[0135] Layer Number of crystals:rc~[OD2ID2]/4~A
Total Number of Crystals:

[0136] Number of Crystals:

[0137] :Base Disk+ [Layer Number><Number of Lay
[0138] Some examples of these data are presented in the
table of Drawing #15.

34Calibrating the Individual Silicon Crystals


The individual crystals making up the de?ector can

not be grown exactly identical to each other. In each the

crystals being calibrated. That same crystal tilt relative to the

actual long axis can then be applied to each of the other

[0143] The long axis orientation problem could also be
solved by insuring that the base of each crystal is a single
plane of atoms of the cubic structure.
[0144] The Amount of De?ection
[0145] The manner of the de?ection is curving of the path
of rays of gravitational Flow as they pass close to atoms of the
de?ector with the direction to which curved depending on the
relative positions of the ray and an atom and the amount of the
curving depending on how close the ray passes to the atom.
Because of the range of those variables and their various
combinations the de?ection is essentially a scattering in

various amounts in various directions, all scattering being

away from the perfectly vertical upward which the de?ector is
designed to solely de?ect.
[0146] The scattering is illustrated two-dimensionally in
the single atom insert to Drawing #8. Three dimensionally it
can be visualized as that ?gure viewed from the top while
rotated through a full circle.

[0147] The physical example of the scattering is the dif

fraction pattern of light diffracted by a slit. Drawing #17
presents the diffraction pattern produced by a slit that is
54106 meter wide with incoming light of wavelength
4.13-10'7 meter. The peaks and valleys of the pattern, the
interference pattern, are a phenomenon of the light imprint on
the Flow that carries it. The envelope of the pattern is the
relative amounts of the underlying Flow carrying the light.
[0148] For that reason, while the interference pattern varies

according to the wavelength of the light involved, the form of

the envelope of that pattern is always the same.
[0149] The Flow concentration produced by the two slit
edges falls off with distance from the edge inversely as the
square of distance from its atoms. The Cauchy-Lorentz Dis
tribution is an inverse square function of its variable. Its

Density Function can represent the relative Flow intensity

pattern produced by the diffraction process by representing

the envelope of the diffraction pattern. In Drawing #18, the
Cauchy-Lorentz distribution is ?tted to the diffraction pattern
by the appropriate choice of value of its distribution param
eter y [Greek gamma].

US 2014/0367201A1


The de?ection angle, (I), is the angle of de?ection of

the rays to any particular point on the diffraction pattern. That

is (I) is the angle of de?ection of the rays directed to that

particular point and of intensity per the Cauchy-Lorentz Dis

tribution at that point.
[0151] The interest here is not in the location of the light
interference maxima and minima, but rather in the de?ection
angles the diffraction imposes on the Flow. However, calcu
lation of the de?ection angles to the minima provides a good
indication of the amount of Flow de?ection over the overall

diffraction pattern. The table of Drawing #19 presents that

data for the 5410'6 meter wide slit with incoming light of
wavelength 4.13-107 meter. [The minimums are counted
outward from the center peak of the diffraction interference


The table of Drawing #19 demonstrates that the

de?ection of the Flow is at least in amounts up to 90. That

de?ection may well extend to angles beyond 90, but there is

no way of determining that from the diffraction pattern. How
ever, while the light of the diffraction pattern cannot be
de?ected beyond 90 in any case because the light cannot

penetrate the material containing the slit, the Flow readily

penetrates and permeates all of material reality.
[0153] The tilt of the cubic crystal structure divides the slit
into 1010 sub regions the ?rst and last of which are at the slit s

edge and produce the maximum de?ection. The tilt so

arranges that ultimately all of the vertical components of the
incoming vertical Flow must pass through one of those at the

edge of the slit regions and must experience maximum

[0154] The overall average effect is equivalent to every

rays vertical component curving at least 900 because the

crystal tilt causes every ray to pass extremely close to an atom
at some point in the crystal, as the extreme rays in Drawing
[0155] There does not appear to be any way to analyze,
calculate, or evaluate in advance the overall de?ection that is

achieved other than by actual experiment. With the overall

average effect equivalent to every rays vertical component
curving 90, i.e. to the horizontal, the overall total net effect of
the vertical components after de?ection is zero. Then the
overall amount of de?ection is 100% of the natural un-de

?ected gravitation reducing the gravitation to essentially


Dec. 18, 2014

[0163] The gravitational ?eld Flow is an unlimited* capac

ity to produce acceleration. That is what the outward propa
gating gravitational ?eld Flow does: it accelerates any and
every encountered particle of mass no matter how many and
no matter where located. But, the amount of gravitational
acceleration does not depend on the mass that is accelerated;
rather, it is in an amount dependent only on the mass, M, of the

gravitational Flow source and the distance, d, from that

source to the accelerated mass, which two parameters deter

mine the gravitational ?eld strength at the accelerated mass.

*The gravitational Flow is ultimately limited by the general universal decay of
all the sources of that Flow.

Gravitational AccelerationIG-M/d2


is, it acts in the opposite direction from the direction, toward

the source, of the acceleration that unde?ected gravitation

produces. The de?ector experiences that reaction accelera

tion regardless of the mass of the de?ector and no matter what
additional mass may be attached to it, which attached mass is
accelerated with the de?ector.

[0167] That is because, again, gravitational ?eld Flow

accelerates any and every encountered particle of mass no
matter how many and no matter where located, in amount

independent of the mass accelerated, the amount dependent

only on the gravitational ?eld strength at the encountered

Gravitational AccelerationIG-M/d2

[0168] The direction of the reaction-produced acceleration

[repulsion] is the opposite of the direction [attraction] of the
before de?ection Flow-produced acceleration. The magni
tude of the reaction acceleration is the same as the magnitude
of the de?ection, for which see below.



The De?ection Causes a Reaction Back on the

[0157] Everything in nature is balanced. Nature exhibits a

general law of conservation that goes far beyond conservation

of energy. For example:

[0158] All positive charge is ultimately, somewhere, bal

anced by an equal negative charge;
[0159] Gravitational attraction takes place by one mass
acting on another. The attractive force acting on each is
the same in magnitude and opposite in direction; the

forces balance;
[0160] The Big Bang produced equal amounts of mat
ter and anti-matter;
[0161] For every force there is an equal-but-opposite

reaction force;
[0162] Every North magnetic pole is matched by an

equal strength South magnetic pole.

That Flow is what the gravitational de?ector

[0165] The associated force is that acceleration multi
plied by the mass that is accelerated, which can be whatever
mass it happens to be. Thus for gravitation the force is
inconsequential. No force is actually there except in our
mental concept of the action. It is the acceleration that is the
[0166] The reaction on the de?ector is an equal but oppo
site acceleration of the de?ector mechanism away from the
source of the before de?ection gravitational ?eld Flow; that

The ultimate result of the de?ection action is the

combination of reducing the gravitational attractive accelera

tion of the de?ector [and whatever is attached to it] toward the
gravitation source plus the introducing of a reactive repulsive
acceleration of the de?ector [and whatever is attached to it] in
the direction away from the gravitation source.
[0170] The Mechanism of the Anti-Gravitational Accelera
[0171] One cannot simply rely on that everything in nature
is balanced to account for so dramatic an effect as the repul

sive acceleration reaction to the de?ection of gravitationian

actual anti-gravity. However, the mechanism producing the

effect is simple and natural.
[0172] First, natural gravitational acceleration is caused by
the Flow that encounters a particle ?ow source producing an
increase in the ambient Flow concentration on the encoun

tered side of the encountered particle. That has the effect of

reducing the encountered particles Flow propagation in the

As that balance, there is a reaction on the de?ection-causing

gravitation de?ector, a reaction to its de?ecting action, a

direction of that increased Flow concentration.

[0173] That effect creates an imbalance in the propagation,

balancing reaction.

an imbalance that cannot exist. As a result, to correct (or,

US 2014/0367201A1

Dec. 18, 2014

rather, to prevent) the imbalance, the encountered particle

[0183] Launching of the spacecraft vertically upward at

must and does take on increments of velocity in the direction

an upward acceleration of approximately one-half of

local natural gravitation, for Earth an acceleration of

of the increased Flow concentration, a resulting acceleration,

a gravitational acceleration toward the direction of the

increased Flow concentration, which is toward the gravitating

source of the Flow.

about 16.1 ft/s2;

[0184] Landing and re-launching of the spacecraft at any
gravitating body such as the Moon or Mars;

[0174] Second, in the case of the de?ector, the components

of the incoming vertical gravitational ?eld Flow that are

[0185] Deep space transit propulsion between gravitat

curved away from the vertical by the de?ectors atoms own

Flow are by virtue of that de?ection directed over the side of
the atom opposite that facing the source of the gravitation as

[0186] Protection from deep space radiation and cosmic

ray particles by virtue of the to almost 1 meter thickness
of the Silicon de?ector;
[0187] A gravity environment within the spacecraft of
zero natural gravitation plus an arti?cial gravitation due

depicted schematically in Drawing 15, above

[0175] That increases the Flow concentration on that side of
the atom. Just as with natural gravitation, that has the effect of

reducing the encountered particles propagation in the verti

cally upward direction that of the increased Flow concentra
tion. That is, the presence on one side of a Flow source

particle of ambient medium Flow, the Flow not departing, that

is not directed outward away from the particle as is the case

for particles natural propagation, produces the same effect as

does natural gravitation, the effect being the same whether the

non-departing Flow is incoming natural gravitation or

de?ected gravitational Flow passing over.
[0176] Vertical refers to the direction directly away from
the gravitating source. The various individual scattered ray
de?ections all are a combination of a horizontal component

and a vertical component, each in various amounts for various

rays. The horizontal components cancel out to null. The ver

tical components total effect differs from the incoming pre

de?ection rays total effect and that difference is the overall
amount, or magnitude, of effective de?ection.
[0177] If every rays vertical component were curved

ing bodies;

to the acceleration of the ship in whatever amount that it

is at any particular time [taking down as toward the

de?ector end of the ship].

[0188] The engineered arrangements for varying the

amount of de?ection so as to vary the acceleration would be

means of controlled changing of the orientation of selected

portions of the Silicon cubic crystals so that they fail to

provide the comprehensive de?ection of all incoming vertical

rays of Flow. The engineered arrangements for varying the
direction or orientation of the spacecraft would be a 3-axis

system of angular momentum wheels

[0189] For a spaceship in free space the gravitational Flow
environment is different from on Earth. In the case of only one

gravitation source near enough to be of any important effect

and that sole source at a considerable distance from the space

ship, the gravitational Flow from that source to the spaceship

is essentially all parallel rays. Departing such a source after

launch from it requires simply aiming the stern of the ship

exactly 90, i.e. to the horizontal, the total effect of the vertical

toward that source. Controlled landing on it requires simply

aiming the stern of the ship toward that source and controlling

components after de?ection would be zero. Then the overall

amount of de?ection would be 100% of the natural un-de

the acceleration by varying the de?ection.

?ected gravitation and the reaction would be acceleration

equal in magnitude to the natural un-de?ected gravitation but
directed away from the source.

[0178] The de?ection process occurs throughout the length

of each de?ector crystal. Some rays of gravitational Flow are
de?ected by the ?rst row of atoms of the de?ector. Others are
de?ected by the second row, others the third, and so on. The

total de?ection is essentially spread linearly uniformly over

all of the length of the de?ecting crystal.
[0179] For the example of every rays vertical component
curved exactly 90, i.e. to the horizontal, that would happen

[0190] In general, however, in deep inter-planetary space

gravitation is present albeit fairly weekly because of inverse
square reduction of intensity, and it is present in various
amounts with attraction toward various differently located
sources. As with the sailing navigation using the wind as in

earlier centuries, spaceship travel within the Solar System

may require techniques analogous to: sail crafts tacking on
various headings, crabbing into partial cross wind as
aircraft do, and in general going where the winds permit. In
the spacecraft case the winds are the various direction

gravitational Flows available from which to generate accel

eration and to which the spacecraft is subject to attraction.

linearly uniformly along the crystal length. The result would

[0191] Solar System navigation is further complicated by

be that the natural gravitational attraction on the de?ector

itself would be reduced to 50% of normal. At the same time
the reaction repulsion magnitude would be 100% of the natu
ral gravitational attraction because of the overall 100%
de?ection. The combined effect would be a net repulsive

the destinations continuous motion. The navigation must be

toward where the destination will be upon spacecraft arrival at
it as compared to where the destination currently is.

acceleration of magnitude 50% of the natural pre-de?ection


[0180] A Gravitation De?ector Spacecraft Deep Space



A spacecraft gravitation de?ector drive would be a

de?ector in cup form, mounted on the rear of the spacecraft

and extending the spacecrafts full length to the nose, as in

Drawing 21 below, with engineered arrangements for varying

[0192] For inter-stellar navigation there is the possibility of

near light speed travel. The de?ector could provide continu
ous, fuel-less acceleration to the spacecraft throughout its
trip. The continuous acceleration would accelerate the craft
during the ?rst part and, with the craft re-oriented using the
3-axis system of angular momentum wheels, decelerate the
craft for approach to the destination.
[0193] Because the acceleration is independent of the mass
of the spacecraft it could be quite large and able to carry

the amount of de?ection.

everything needed for an extended trip and for survival at the

destination. The relatively narrow form of the spacecraft is

[0182] This con?guration would satisfy a number of func

tions. The de?ector would provide [all without use of fuel]:

chosen in Drawing 21 because it provides better shielding

against deep space radiation and cosmic rays. A different

US 2014/0367201A1

shape might be chosen for a quite large spacecraft: a single

story ?at disk or a multi-story and wide cylinder.


A Gravitation De?ector Planet Surface Flying


[0195] A gravitation de?ector ?ying vehicle would be a

de?ector in cup form, underneath the payload compartment
of the vehicle as in Drawing 22 below.
The ?ying vehicle differs from the form for a spacecraft in:

[0196] not needing to provide protection from dangerous

[0197] needing only modest acceleration capability ver
tically upward beyond su?icient to maintain its constant
altitude levitation,
[0198] needing means to generate horizontal accelera
tion while maintaining vertical levitation.
This de?ector con?guration [all without use of fuel]:
[0199] Provides controlled vehicle levitation for take

off, landing, and travel,

[0200] Provides controlled horizontal propulsive accel
eration and braking,
[0201] But there is the problem of suf?cient gravity for
the passengers.

The vertical acting de?ectors cannot provide arti?cial gravity

by virtue of vertical acceleration because the vertical accel
eration is controlled to only maintain levitation at a given
altitude except for take-off and landing. However, maintain

ing levitation requires signi?cantly less than 100% vertical

de?ection. If, for example, levitation required only 50% ver
tical de?ection then the gravitation within the vehicle would
be the remaining unde?ected 50% of natural gravitation.

Dec. 18, 2014

1. A Gravitational De?ector using arrangements of atoms,

that is con?gurations of atoms in a piece of material and the
orientation of the material relative to the natural gravitational
?eld, such that for at and near one particular direction [verti
cally up] through that material the atoms are effectively so

spaced, that is located, that all gravitational ?eld acting

through the material in that vertically up direction must pass
so close to some atom in the material that the path of propa

gation of that gravitational ?eld is de?ected away from things

on the side of the material [top side] opposite from that side at
which the gravitational ?eld ?rst entered the material [bottom
side] with the result that any object or objects on that top side
of the material experience less gravitational acceleration
downward than they would otherwise have experienced and
the de?ected gravitational ?eld ?ow passing by virtue of that
said de?ection over the top side of the atoms that cause the

de?ection causes gravitational acceleration vertically upward

of those said atoms with the result that in addition to the

reduction of the natural gravitational acceleration downward

there is new, de?ection generated, anti- gravitational accelera
tion upward, both effects contributing to net acceleration

2. Useful applications of those effects including: a drive

providing controlled levitation for spacecraft launch and

landing the drive also providing deep space ?ight travel accel
eration for spacecraft, and drives providing controlled levita
tion for vehicles to ?y overplanetary body surfaces, the drives
also providing propulsion for those said vehicles.

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