3 - Hammond2008
3 - Hammond2008
3 - Hammond2008
ABSTRACT. Adverse and iatrogenic effects associated with psychotherapy have been
substanliated in research for more than 40 years. Controlled research also exists in the field
of neurofeedback (electroencephalographic biofeedback) that documents that negative efiects
can occur from inappropriate training. This article presents accumulating evidence, taken
directly from acknowledgments by neurofeedback practitioners of the existence of both
transient side effects and of more serious adverse reactions that have occurred. Unlicensed
and unqualified practitioners pose a risk to the public and to the integrity and future of the profession. It is vitally important that both professionals and professional societies emphasize
standards of practice and that the public be protected from individuals seeking to use neurofeedback to work with medical, psychiatric, and psychological conditions for which they are not
qualified and licensed to work. Some in the field propose pursuing biofeedback or psychophysiology licensure as a means to establish standards of practice and address ethical concerns. This
is a reasonable option to consider, although it may take many years to implement in various
states. In the meantime it is vitally important that individuals of^fering neurofeedback services
for clinical diagnostic conditions be licensed to lawfully provide services for such conditions.
Bergin (1971) reported 30 research studies
that documented deterioration in a proportion of patients who underwent psychotherapy. Within 6 years there were more
than 40 studies identified that demonstrated
Clinical Corner
FIGURE 1. Eyes closed EEG power of a chronic alcoholic patient who may also have ADHD as evidenced by
abnormally elevated theta activity.
Z-Values of EEQ Features Referaiecd to Norms
T3 C3 CZ C4 /
T3 C3 CZ O4 T-1
Clinical Corner
created a vocal tic. At this point the practitioner admitted that treatment ended
because the mother was "afraid to bring
him back."* but her son continued to have
the iatrogenically developed tic. After all of
this trial-and-error guesswork, the practitioner asked for advice in the event the
child returned.
Deterioration and Loss of Improvements
"Most of the meth addicts with whom
I have worked have had excessive alpha. In
the past, when working with people with
excessive alpha. I have not had good results
with alpha/theta training, even after doing
20-30 eyes open training [sessions with
another protocol] prior to the alpha/theta
training. This group did well with the eyes
open [training], but as soon as I switched
to alpha/theta training, they lost most of
the gains they had made. I then trained the
alpha down and they quickly returned to
the level of function prior to the alpha/theta
theta training. As a result. I have avoided
doing alpha/theta training with the addicts
who have excessive alpha. Instead, when
working with meth addicts I have done a lot
of eyes open suppressing alpha, often over
Cz, with excellent results."
A mother doing home training with her
autistic child acknowledged. "Adverse events
happen from neurofeedbackat least in my
home. My son regressed dramatically from
the wrong training when we started 4 years
ago." This smart mother then continued.
"But even with 3 years of home training,
I would never train him without supervision." Nash has also noted a case of
decompensation in a borderline or fragile
patient (Hammond et al.. 2001).
Somatic Symptoms
A mother described an experience where
interhemispheric training was done, with
dominant electrocardiogram artifact present.
reinforced a low frequency. There have also the next morning and asked his mother,
been cases of Tourette's where tics have "Why do I always wet the bed after brain
A case of tics/Tourette's and inadequate
history gathering. A practitioner described
treating a 13-year-old boy who started Mental fogginess and Cognitive Inefficiency
"clearing his throat" and "making a sniffing
sound" in combination shortly after he was
"One reason a practitioner might have to
put on Adderall. After he was taken off deviate from just doing T3 T4 [training] is
the medication, the tics continued. After 18 because of people who respond to that site
sessions the tics had like I doat any frequency, just too disordecreased, and then the practitioner changed ienting and I have brain fog for two days."
the protocol for another 8 to 10 sessions, Another experienced practitioner utilizing
resulting in still further improvement. "For a "one-size-fits-all" neurofeedback system
some reason, 1 added [training at site] CZ in its default mode reported, "'[The neuroto the mix," and tic frequency increased. feedback system] is supposed to make people
The practitioner then learned that "the boy aware of the present moment. But I. and
was born without a soft spot in his skull most clients, get zoned out. Semi-conscious.
and that he had seizures as a child. He also It takes people a little while to recover from
would sway his head from side to side as a being groggy. We ask, 'Are you okay to
child and did so until the last few years. drive?"' This posttreatment sedation sympAfter treatment with a CZ [placement], he tom has been previously reported in the
started doing this as he walked out of the literature with Stockdale noting cases of
patients where alpha/theta training had created "spacey" feelings or evoked traumatic
memories (Hammond et al., 2001).
Further examples of mental fogginess and
disorientation. Yet another wellA highly experienced practitioner wrote,
in the neurofeedback
"I have had good results with stress incontifield
after alpha/
nence with N F [neurofeedback]. This is
client drove
important for all of us doing NF because
leaving the
training too low [a reward frequency] in vuloffice:
red light;
nerable people can increase stress incontianother
an internence. We need to track this post-stroke or
a light
in older clients." Another practitioner admitpole
ted, "I caused bedwetting by going too low
office following his first A/T session. Oh,
[in the reinforcement band]."
yes, and a fifth went home and could not
put two threaded pipes together, being
momentarily spatially disoriented. In each
of these cases the people involved said
A practitioner described working with a in retrospect that it was unlike them to
7-year-old boy with a previous history of behave that way." Imagine the potential
bedwetting but who had not experienced liability! Yet another advanced practitioner
enuresis in I year. After about 10 neuro- described how he experimented on himself,
feedback sessions he began having enuresis rewarding delta activity. The result was
again. The protocol used prior to the the development of significant cognitive
resumption of bedwelting was a broad impairments that required a considerable
("squash") protocol inhibiting 15 to 38 Hz number of neurofeedback sessions to
at C3 and F3, which also resulted in whiny remediate.
behavior. After his most recent neurofeedAnother clinician described experimenting
back session, the little boy awakened on himself with LORETA neurofeedback
Clinical Corner
Sleep Disturbance
OCD Symptoms
"Has anyone seen OCD-like behavior
result from downtraining 3-7 (Hz)? A boy
I met recently had about 40 sessions of that
training at F3, F4, CZ. T4, FPI, and FP2
(referential montages). He came with a
QHEG that indicated the training I listed.
His main reason for training prior to his
recent issues was ADD, which still seems
evident. He is 13 years old, above-average
intelligence, psychological testing indicates
ADD inattentive [type]; no significant
learning disabihties. His mother feels his
OCD-like stui resulted from his training."
Another seasoned practitioner reported
seeing patients who had been trained by other
practitioners for a lengthy period with a single protocol focused on beta activation who
became very single-focused and obsessive.
A considerable number of practitioners
have reported transient fatigue, lasting up
to the remainder of the day following a
neurofeedback session.
i ' .
Clinical Corner
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