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System 1


What it is, what it does, how it fits

The release of System 1 software represents something far
more than just the next generation in our online and
offline condition monitoring software. While it would be
natural to assume that System 1 is Data Manager 3000
with offline support for our new portable data collector, it
is much more than that. Frankly, with our suite of Data
Manager 2000, Machine Condition Manager 2000, and
Trendmaster 2000 systems, our customers already have
the world's best tools for managing their machinery
assets. Then why System 1? Its simple. Plants need to
manage more than just rotating and reciprocating
machinery; and they need a management platform that
allows them to integrate not only various condition
monitoring technologies, but also all the various
production assets in their plant things like valves, boilers,
heat exchangers, instrumentation, and any other physical
equipment assets used in their processes.
provides this functionality.

System 1

In addition, it represents

entirely new ways of integrating our own hardware and

software products, unifying them into a single system, as
well as integrating external plant systems such as process
control, process historian, maintenance management,
reliability, and other applications.

System 1

Plants need to manage more than just rotating and reciprocating

machinery; and they need a management platform that allows them to

integrate not only various condition monitoring technologies, but also
all the various production assets in their plant

As this article goes to press, were releasing version 2.0 of System 1

software, already working on versions 2.1 and 3.0, and receiving an

abundance of questions regarding this exciting new product.

Management (PAM) System?

answering the following questions:

What is System 1 and where

does it fit in a PAM System?

Were delighted with the level of interest, and in this article well
clarify where and how you can apply System 1 in your plant by

What is a Plant Asset

What does System 1 do?

Where does System 1 fit

relative to other Bently
Nevada software?

How does it differ from

previous Bently Nevada

System 1 is designed to address many asset types not just
rotating/reciprocating machinery.


How can it be deployed in

new installations?

How can it be deployed in

existing installations to
support legacy Bently
Nevada hardware/software?

Should I upgrade my
existing Bently Nevada
software to System 1?

What improvements have

been made relative to
previous generations of
Bently Nevada software?


What can be expected in

upcoming releases of
System 1 software?




System 1

What is a Plant Asset Management System?

In 1999, the ARC Advisory Group


originated the terminology Plant





describe systems specifically intended

management functions in a plant.
The primary elements of such a
system include condition monitoring,





management modules with integration to one

another and to production (i.e., process control) and
business systems.
These three primary elements of a PAM system
can be defined in simple terms as:
Asset Condition Management Collects
measurement data, both actual and derived, from
the plants production assets, and provides

Plant Asset Management

to enable the full scope of asset



Asset Condition

and Inspections
(online and offline)

diagnostic tools to assess the condition of the

assets and identify asset faults. It then makes this
information available to other systems where
appropriate action can be taken. The Condition
Management module tells you what is wrong


with an asset, the severity of the problem, and

what to do about it. It also tells you when there
isnt a problem with an asset a significant, and

Basic Elements of a Plant Asset Management

(PAM) system.

sometimes overlooked, benefit.

Reliability Management Provides tools, such
as Weibull diagrams, Pareto charts, etc., for
statistically analyzing asset reliability, and for
generating reliability metrics. The system can also

the Condition Monitoring

measure reliability improvements or degradation.

firms that can rightly claim

The Reliability Management module tells where

they invented the whole

to focus in the overall asset management

initiative, and measures success relative to goals.
Maintenance Management Automates the
maintenance process, records maintenance history,



c o n t i n u e d


Bently Nevada is one of



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concept of Asset Management

in the first place.
Control Magazine
April 2000

Plant Asset Management

What is it, why is it important, and what is
the payback?
Over the past decade,
Process Optimization

the need to optimize

the operation of
process plants to gain
advantage has
become the single
Relative Benefit

most significant issue

facing process
industry enterprises.
This focus on optimization
initially centered on process
control and has resulted in
significant improvements in




Optimization Gain

Asset Optimization

Relative Cost

Recently, however, processrelated


Optimization Implementation Cost


begun to reach the point of diminishing

returns those plants that have already
implemented control optimization can still
move up the optimization curve with further
investment, but it is delivering less and less
economic benefit.

In contrast, there is






optimization that can provide enormous

returns the equipment assets that make the
process run.


This includes things like


Is this quest for

better asset-related
information paying
off? Yes.


instrumentation, valves, vessels, piping, non-rotating

Reflecting this past emphasis on process optimization,

(static) machines such as heat exchangers and boilers,

most process control systems now boast very

and others. The process industries collectively refer to

sophisticated integration with business-level planning

this new optimization discipline as plant asset

and scheduling systems, allowing plants to make


It is focused on maximizing the

enlightened business decisions based upon process-

performance and availability of production assets while

related considerations. However, the same cannot be

minimizing their life-cycle costs.

said in most cases for asset-related information as part




This deficiency in

Plant Asset Management Systems are

asset-related information to aid in making business-

expected to grow at a compound annual

level decisions is driving plants towards more

growth rate of 27% between now and 2005.

Plant Asset Management

of the decision-making process.

sophisticated systems for assessing asset condition, just

as it propelled them towards more sophisticated
process control systems for more optimal business
decisions. Is this quest for better asset-related decisionmaking information paying off? Yes. For those plants

Based on actual growth of over 14 percent

from the previous year, PAM and CM is one of
the hottest areas in an otherwise floundering
process automation market.

that have already been through one or more rounds of

Despite the economic turmoil in North

process optimization, they are finding that the same

America and other parts of the world, PAM

dollars spent on asset optimization will now yield better

and CM solutions continue to experience high

returns than if invested in further process optimization.

rates of adoption by users who find the cost

Also, even the best optimized process is worthless if the

savings compelling enough to adopt in large

assets prevent it from running as often as needed and

numbers in good times and bad.

at the desired throughput.


Not surprisingly, this situation has caused process

enterprises to shift their investment focus to
optimization of their production assets, where their
investments can see greater returns. The result is an









confirmation, consider the following excerpts from a





investment in PAM and CM will pay back five

to ten times the initial capital investment in
record time.

plant asset management is where

the action is occurring in todays process plants, and

those adopting this strategy are reaping the benefits.

May 2001 report produced by the ARC Advisory



End-users in nearly every process industry

across the board are increasingly adopting
asset management as a strategy to improve
process efficiency and enhance their return on
assets (ROA).
A key driver is the need for business systems
(ERP) to have access to critical machinery and









manufacturing operations and evaluating the

associated risks.

End-users in nearly
every process
industry across the
board are increasingly
adopting asset
management as a
strategy to improve
process efficiency and
enhance their return
on assets (ROA).

* Plant Asset Management and Condition Monitoring Worldwide Outlook, Market Analysis and Forecast through 2005, published May
2001 by ARC Advisory Group, Dedham, MA (www.arcweb.com)




f r o m

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maintenance resources.


System 1

c o n t i n u e d

4 0

These systems have




Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS), but

are now generally known as Enterprise Asset
Management (EAM) Systems not to be confused

with PAM systems. The role of this module is really

in the performance of the maintenance function,

System 1
has been
designed to
fill the role of
an Asset
module today,
and will
expand to fill
in the

once the Condition Management and Reliability

modules have identified where to focus the

maintenance resources.

It should be readily obvious that decision making in a

plant draws upon all three systems.

A Condition

Management System might identify a problem and

recommend a corrective action, but the Maintenance
Management System would have to be consulted as
well. Are the needed spare parts and tools available?

If not, what is the lead time for ordering and the cost?
Are the right personnel available?

How much time

should be allocated for the repair and are there other

maintenance activities that should be performed at the

same time? The Reliability Management System can

analyze historical maintenance activity data to uncover

patterns and recurring root causes that might

otherwise go unnoticed. It can also identify where the

biggest reliability problems are occurring and which

problems should be tackled first for the best

cost/benefit ratio.

What is System 1 and where

does it fit in a PAM System?

As discussed, a Plant Asset Management System has

three primary components: a Maintenance Management module, a Reliability Management Module,

and an Asset Condition Management module.
System 1 has been designed to fill the role of an Asset
Condition Management module today, and


expand to fill additional PAM functionality in the future.







terminology: Machinery / Asset Condition Management


This terminology was chosen very delib-

erately, to convey specific aspects of the products




System 1

capabilities and scope of application. To understand

Platform is a critically important term in under-

the implications for PAM, consider each term in our

standing what System 1 is.

description of System 1 independently:

platform, all Bently Nevada software had been stand-

Machinery behavior understanding has been, and will

continue to be, the primary strength of Bently Nevada.
Although System 1 is capable of managing many other
types of assets, we have embedded the knowledge and
data presentation formats that are specific to machinery.
This means it comes ready-made to manage machinery,
while being flexible enough to configure for many other
asset types.

Prior to the System 1

alone applications. The introduction of System 1 in

June 2000 marked the beginning of an integration of
all Bently Nevada software applications.

It is the

platform upon which all new product development

will be focused. Platform also describes how System
1 will act as the one system required to meet the
Machinery/Asset Condition Management needs for
process enterprises. It is not intended that a PAM
system will require a multiplicity of Condition

Asset is a very important addition.

Asset after

machinery indicates that System 1 can be used to

Management modules, but that a single application

(System 1) will fulfill that function.

manage the condition of a wide range of assets. Not

only will it support all types of rotating and


reciprocating machinery, but also other production

critical asset types including fixed equipment, thermal
machines (i.e., heat exchangers and boilers), Bently
The capability to

acquire data (static data, dynamic data, and/or

transient data), directly from transducers and from a
wide range of plant control and automation systems
allows System 1 to act as an asset condition
management system. As with machinery, the user can
store, display, trend, correlate, and write Decision
SupportSM rules for data from non-machinery assets.

Condition indicates the ability to supply users with

Actionable Information because it is Actionable
Information, rather than data, that succinctly conveys
an assets condition. This provides users and other






automated, real-time condition indication and fault

Plant Asset Management

Nevada instruments, and others.



and Inspections
(online and offline)

detection, allowing them to optimize asset life-cycle

cost in consideration of production goals.
Management points to the fact that Bently Nevada is
not just protection monitoring. Referring to our
definition for machinery (and asset) management,
(see sidebar on page 46), System 1 is specifically
designed to deliver condition information long before
a protection system is required to act (auto shutdown
of the asset or machine).




System 1 is designed to fulfill all the
requirements of the Asset Condition Management
module for a Plant Asset Management System.

System 1

System 1 can be used

to manage the
condition of a wide
range of assets. Not
only will it support all
types of rotating and
machinery, but also
other production
critical asset types.

What does System 1 do?

Those who have closely identified Bently

Nevada with only rotating and reciprocating

machinery condition monitoring in the past
will find that System 1 expands considerably

beyond this specific category of plant assets

to cover any asset. As long as sensors can be

placed on the asset to measure parameters
of interest, be they temperature, flow,




pressure, or others, the signal can be fed

into System 1. There, it can be

combined with other variables or


manipulated in any manner desired

and then trended, alarmed, and
displayed. Equally important is System

1s ability to let users generate

their own rules for automated analy-

sis of this data.



environment within



Decision SupportSM


porates the same




pioneered in the
RuleDesk utility in


Machine Condition


software. However,
the ease with which
System 1s highly configurable asset registry
allows you to fully describe not just
rotating/reciprocating machinery assets, but
any generic assets in your plant, as
extensively as desired with totally definable
properties and values.

non-vibration data
can now be introduced to the Decision Support module
and analyzed has been considerably improved. Also,
System 1s asset description capability allows the user
to define as many attributes as desired for the asset,
c o n t i n u e d

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Best Practices for

Asset Condition Management

Bently Nevada defines machinery
management as:
A modern methodology to proactively optimize the productivity, long-term
reliability, and maintenance costs of machinery over the plant life-cycle that
provides real-time, or near real-time, feedback to the personnel responsible
for the operating conditions acting on the machine. It includes:


of relevant process and machinery condition data

through an online system that can be used both locally and remotely;

Correlation of this data to understand the relationship between

machinery stress, machinery malfunctions, and operating conditions;

Conversion of this data to Actionable Information

directed to the

responsible people to act upon;

Communication of this information to the right people, at the

right time, and in the right format. This occurs well before reaching
alarm levels used by plant operations to manually or automatically shut
down or remove the machine from service.

By substituting the word asset for machinery, you obtain an

equally valid definition that captures the essential elements of properly
managing any plant production asset. It necessitates the following
capabilities in the Asset Condition Management module of a Plant
Asset Management System:

Real-time and online

Advisory Groups* definition of PAM, it must employ

It is well-known that assets do not wear

out linearly. They typically undergo periods of

online, real-time technology for data collection and

unusual stress, sometimes due to abnormal process


conditions, during which a single hour of operation


can introduce stress equal to thousands of hours of

While it will always be necessary to provide



information to maintenance personnel so they can

Intermittently checking an asset does not always

fix identified asset problems, it is a relatively new

catch problems in time; or, if it does, it may be able

realization in many plants that the operators are an

to identify what failed, but not why it failed. Industry

equally important audience for asset condition

is increasingly recognizing that the new standard is

information. Why? Because the operators are in



online, real-time asset measurements, just as it has

long-ago embraced real-time process measurement
and control. In fact, for a system to meet the ARC



the unique role of being able to change

process conditions, in real time, to prevent
the asset from breaking in the first place.

our customers, Pumps dont die, theyre

decisions must be made rapidly. Todays plants

want to manage by exception through the
use of intelligent advisories and status
annunciation. They dont want to examine every bit

killed. The same can be said for many other assets,

and byte, plot and printout there simply arent

not just pumps. We have numerous examples of how

enough people or hours. They expect their systems to

our machinery condition monitoring systems have been

turn data and measurements into plain-language

used by operations personnel to change process

advisories that identify what and where the problem is,

conditions to prolong the life of an asset, without any

how severe it is, and what to do about it.

detrimental effect on process throughput or quality.

Nevada coined the term Actionable Information,

Without such information, the process would have

and it is now being routinely used to describe the kind

happily chugged along while inadvertently strangling

of output people want from an asset management

the life out of the asset. Thus, the ability for an asset

system. It is also important to note that for a system to


be useful, its ability to generate Actionable Information

As mentioned, assets often wear out in a greatly accelerated manner simply because they are stressed by
abnormal process conditions. In the words of one of






measurements and real-time feedback are essential for

must be automated and real-time.


purporting to provide Decision SupportSM and

Many systems

Actionable Information do not do so in an


automated fashion data must be manually fed into

Plant assets always interact with the process in some

the system and an audit of the data must be initiated

fashion. Only by understanding the relation-

manually. In contrast, Bently Nevadas Decision Support

ship between asset condition and process

conditions can many root causes be isolated.


Is the asset being killed by the process? Is the process

events, or using other user-configurable criteria.

not the problem, but is it being adversely affected by

When assessing various aspects of a PAM system and its

the assets performance? These questions can only be

components, it is vital to ensure that the Asset

answered when the asset management system has the

Condition Management module is capable of providing

ability to correlate process data with asset condition

Actionable Information automatically and in real time.


This is why integration between the Asset

Further, it is essential that users be able to customize

Condition Management and Process Control Systems is

this aspect of the system by embedding their own rules

so vital it enables two of the most important aspects

and knowledge.




automatically at time-based intervals, upon alarm

of asset management to occur: 1) correlation with

condition measurements through the importation of


process data to the Asset Condition Management

This relates very closely to our discussion regarding

module; 2) feedback to operators by exporting

feedback to operators.

condition information to the Process Control System

interested in output from an Asset Condition

display consoles.

Management and PAM system extend well beyond


Actionable Information

This is where the real value in an asset

management system is delivered. All the

However, the audiences

They include maintenance and reliability

personnel, plant management, suppliers, and others.







integration in the world and the ability to access reams

Actionable Information to the Right People

at the Right Time to convey this important

of data from multiple systems in an integrated user


interface provides very little value in an age where

Monitoring systems particularly System 1.

It is a central feature of our Condition


* Plant Asset Management and Condition Monitoring Worldwide Outlook, Market Analysis and Forecast through 2005, published May
2001 by ARC Advisory Group, Dedham, MA (www.arcweb.com)

Best Practices



System 1

c o n t i n u e d

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and then associate measurements with the asset. This

is not limited to just rotating/reciprocating machinery.

Lets examine each of these basic aspects of

System 1 in greater detail.
As part of the configuration process, the user


Asset Description

describes the asset to the system by entering

appropriate data.

For a rotating machine this

might include things like machine type (a pump),

bearing types (rolling element), rotative speed
(1800 rpm), pump type (centrifugal, single-


stage), seal types, manufacturer, model number,

serial number, service location, and a host of

Portable Data

other attributes. While templates exist for a wide


variety of machines, System 1s flexibility allows

the user to create a description for any generic

asset, ranging from a control valve to a pressure

vessel to a heat exchanger to a cracking tower
Process Control,
Process Historian,
and other Plant

nozzle. It really doesnt matter, since the user can

create as many properties (such as drive type)
and associated values (such as belt) to describe
the asset as completely as necessary.


unlimited number of properties and associated

values can be used with an asset, and the preexisting templates for an asset included with

Manual data
entry via

System 1 can be augmented and customized with

additional properties and corresponding values.
This ability to create custom asset descriptions is a
significant aspect of System 1 that distinguishes it
from a platform only suitable for managing

Selected Bently
Nevada Software

rotating machinery assets.

Measurements from appropriate transducers


and sensors can be introduced to System 1 in

four ways:
1. Hardwiring Real-time static or dynamic
signals can be hardwired into our
monitoring systems or data acquisition
hardware, which are compatible with
virtually any generic voltage or current
output sensor in addition to the wide




System 1 accepts inputs from a variety of

systems in a variety of formats ranging
from manual data entry to open protocols
to hardwiring to portable data collector

System 1

range of standard vibration, position, pressure, speed, and

temperature inputs we accept.

Manual Keyboard Entry Data can be manually entered into

System 1s database using the keyboard.


Data Logger Downloading Data can be collected with our

portable data collector, Snapshot for Windows CE, or selected

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and downloaded into System
1s database.

4. Import from other systems Data that exists in process control

systems, process historians, or other control and automation

systems can be shared with System 1 via OPC and NetDDE

protocols. This eliminates the redundancy of hardwiring signals

into both systems and instead allows them to share data as
needed. System 1 also allows you to import/integrate data from

your existing Bently Nevada software, such as Data Manager

2000 and Trendmaster 2000.

These combine to give System 1 the ability to obtain almost any measurement that might be
required for condition monitoring purposes, and again underscore its flexibility for use on virtually

any asset not just rotating or reciprocating machines. Measurements can be associated with one

or more assets. One example might be ambient outdoor temperature, which could be associated
with every outdoor asset in the entire plant. Or, a measurement might be associated with only a
single asset, such as the accumulated travel of a control valve stem.


Once the basic measurements have been introduced to the System 1

database, they can be manipulated in almost any manner desired. Powerful

utilities exist for moving data from the System 1 database to Microsoft
Excel where it can be manipulated mathematically, statistically, logically, and
in other ways using the extremely large function library within Excel. Virtual
measurements can be created, derived or calculated values can be obtained,
and these results can then be automatically imported back into System 1
where it can be trended, compared against alarms, and run through Bently
Nevadas knowledge base and rule set or subjected to custom embedded
rules written by the user.
Data manipulation isnt limited to individual values, either. Entire arrays of
data could be sent to a spreadsheet for curve fitting, statistical analysis, and
other analysis to compute things such as time to alarm, useful life
Move data easily
between System 1
and Microsoft Excel
to create derived and
calculated variables
in addition to direct

remaining, fuel cost per minute, corrosion rate as a function of gas

composition, and anything else that could be mathematically derived.
System 1s flexibility means that direct measurement and calculated or derived
measurements can be treated exactly the same displayed, trended, alarmed,
compared, etc.




System 1

Another useful aspect of System 1s data manipulation capabilities is its

ability to handle data in both real-time and offline modes. In real-time
mode, you can export measurements as they are obtained by System 1,
create calculated or derived values in Excel, and import them back into
System 1s database, just as though they were direct measurements
made by a real sensor. The user can also manipulate data offline by
extracting historical data from System 1s database using industrystandard SQL (Structured Query Language) calls, paste this data into
Excel or other applications, manipulate and condition the data as desired
for analysis, and even reintroduce it to the System 1 database again
as a manual entry.
For users with specific requirements to calculate and display
thermodynamic performance data, our Bently PERFORMANCE System
Extender can be plugged into System 1 to add this capability. For those
users who want to make calculations and create derived values that are
generic in nature, rather than specifically related to thermodynamic
performance, special interfaces for importing/exporting data to
Microsoft Excel are available with capabilities as described above.

Trending: Direct, calculated, and dynamic (waveform) data

are automatically trended and archived using System 1s
powerful trending capabilities. See the sidebar on page 51
for details on this important aspect of System 1.


powerful aspect of System 1 is

its ability to compare any
measurements in the system,





configurable software alarm

setpoints established by the
user. This is in addition to any
alarms that the hardware
c o n t i n u e d

o n

5 3

Highly configurable
software alarms and userassignable severity levels
are available in System 1
for any variable
whether directly
measured or derived.





System 1

Unparalleled Trending Capabilities

Powerful new trending
capabilities are one
example of the many
innovations in
machinery / asset
management brought
to you by System1.
The creation of advanced and more userfriendly trending capabilities in System 1
overcome the limitations common to
many other trending packages on the
market, and significantly improve upon
the trending capabilities of our own
software applications offered in the past.
System 1 version 2.0 provides trend data
Drag-and-drop capabilities make on-the-fly creation of multivariable trend plots for correlating data easier than ever.
Simply select the point(s) to add to an open trend plot,
drag-and-drop the variable(s) into the plot, and the trend plot
instantly updates with the new variable(s). Drag-and-Drop is
just one of the many enhancements you'll find in System 1's
powerful trending capabilities.

resolution better than four seconds

between samples.

This includes all

measurements coming into System 1

from compatible hardware or via digital
interfaces from process control and other
systems. System 1 trends and stores not

both direct and derived values results in a truly flexible

only static data, but also synchronously and

trending package that can customize

asynchronously sampled dynamic waveform data in

requirement of individual applications and enterprises.

data to the

both time- and frequency-domain formats, allowing

you to play back dynamic and static data from







dates/times, much as a flight recorder on an aircraft is

used to capture all cockpit activity.

Plans also exist to increase trend resolution

even further in future releases of System 1
to a remarkable one second for select
communications processors and interface

In addition, derived values created by the user using

our automation interface to compatible spreadsheets,
such as Microsoft Excel, can also be trended, but
generally at slower speeds (several times per minute).
Any data manipulation functions (such as statistical,

Storage Limitations and Mandatory

Trend Compaction? Gone!

arithmetical, and logical) found in compatible

With System 1 the user specifies the amount of

spreadsheets can now be used on real-time and

storage to reserve for the historical database. Have

archived data within System 1. This ability to handle

30 GB at your disposal? You can now use all of it, in





any manner desired.

This means that you can

Plot headers can be removed to maximize the

plot size.

Selecting an individual trend line on a multivariable plot causes engineering units specific
to that point to appear on the right-hand

Time- and event-focused trend presentations

allow the user to globally define the data to
be displayed. For example, you can now
specify not just an exact start / end date, but
also real-time data, the last XX days, a specific
startup/shutdown, or alarm event. All data
meeting this criteria will then be displayed.

Events such as alarms and journal entries can

now be displayed on trend plots, where an
icon represents each event type. When the
mouse is passed over any of these icons, the
particulars of the event are instantly

Plot zooming of amplitude scale ranges and

intervals (rubber band zooming) is included,
greatly reducing the time spent by users
drilling down to a specific interval of interest
with an appropriate amplitude range.

Whenever other data is available but not

displayed, the user can simply scroll to that
unseen data.

Customization of the plot display gives users

the ability to create plots specifically tailored
to their requirements. For example, plots that
are to be inserted into reports using thirdparty office automation tools such as word
processors can be configured to accentuate
details through user selection of colors for
trend lines, backgrounds, and grids.
greatly improves clarity and accommodates
individual preferences.

collect, store, and view high-resolution static and

dynamic data without losing any of this data to
compaction methods and without the constraints of
fixed trend intervals. Choose a start and end date
for your trend display, regardless of the interval,

and be assured that all your data is there and

available for viewing in one continuous trend no

more pasting together fixed interval trends to get

what you want to see and no more lost data. If you

prefer to compact the data, the criteria for data






configurable through the use of user-definable

change filters on every measurement.


Nevadas change filtering capabilities improve upon

those available in most other industrial trending

packages by allowing you to specify not just

percent of change criteria for storing data, but
also max and min storage intervals, to ensure that
too little (or too much) data is a thing of the past.

Drag-and-Drop Correlation

Using System 1s drag-and-drop method of plot

configuration, correlation of data has never been

simpler. When viewing a plot, the user can simply

select a point from the navigation tree, drag it

over to the trend plot, and drop it. The point will
automatically be configured and displayed on the
selected plot along with any other variables

already being viewed add as many points as you

want, from any location or asset, to a trend plot.

All the information

without all the clutter

Advanced trending is just one of the many

A number of display features have been included

impressive new features found in System 1

to speed data and information access as well as

combined, these features form the industrys most

minimize plot clutter resulting from too much

powerful and capable tool for machinery / asset

information being displayed at one time. Consider

condition management.

these important improvements introduced with

System 1:





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System 1

c o n t i n u e d

connected to System 1 might generate, which are

the heat exchanger. A hole in the tubing might

also included in System 1s database and

carry severity level 4, along with a specific

annunciated via the Event Manager and System 1s

recommendation about how to take corrective

highly flexible notification features.


action. The rules to ascertain the problem, the

software alarms, either over or under, can be

severity level, and the recommendation about

associated with a measurement, and in-band and

corrective action to take are all totally configurable

out-of-band alarms can also be established. Up to

with System 1s Decision Support module.

four software alarms (in addition to any hardware

alarms) can be associated with any single
measurement. In addition to the types of alarms,
the user can also establish a desired severity level.
For example, an under-level alarm might be given a
severity level of 1, while an over-level might be
given a severity level of 2. Four different severity
levels are available for association with any alarm

This ability to establish varying types of

alarms as well as severity levels, in ways that are

totally configurable by the user, is another very
significant aspect of System 1 that extends its






reciprocating machinery.

It is important to note that although the Decision

Support module comes pre-configured with a

knowledge base and rule sets specifically for

rotating and reciprocating machinery, there is

nothing that precludes users from writing their
own rules to address other asset types in fact,
that is why we specifically chose a non-rotating
equipment asset (a heat exchanger) in the example

It illustrates how our Decision Support

module is flexible enough to address any asset.

The only reason it comes pre-configured for

rotating machinery is because this is the specific
category of assets for which Bently Nevada has

subject matter expertise for diagnostics. It is fully

Decision Support :

Once direct or

expected that customers and the suppliers of their

calculated values and statuses exist in System 1

various plant equipment assets will possess the



subject matter and diagnostic expertise to develop

calculations, this data can be fed through our

their own rules to augment our own, and address




Decision Support module where data is converted

to Actionable Information

The data types

analyzed in the Decision Support module can be

both static (trends and individual values) and
dynamic (waveforms).

Essentially, Actionable

Information can be thought of as a highly

intelligent alarm. Rather than a message from a
simple software alarm in the system stating outof-band temperature alarm at heat exchanger
outlet: severity level 3, our Decision Support
module could have rules written that combined
this temperature condition in the heat exchanger
with flow and other measurements to clearly
identify why there was a temperature alarm and
what to do about it. For example, a hole in the
piping might be the culprit, as ascertained by flow
measurements made at the inlet and outlet ends of

other asset types.

can be thought
of as a highly



System 1

Our RuleDesk utility

is an integral part of
1s Decisionutility is an
Our RuleDesk
Support module,
users to part of the
rules without writing
single line users
of codeto generate
or learning
their own rules without
a single line of
the a complex
or allows
user to enter a rule in
much the same language.
fashion asEssentially,
they might RuleDesk
write it on a
the using
user to enter a
text the same
in much
statements, and
as they might
write it on a chalkboard,
using boxes,
arrows, text


statements, and
appropriate mathematical/


As discussed above,

Actionable Information can be best thought of as

an intelligent alarm.

Events generated in the

wish to receive cell phone notification for any

Decision Support module and hardware/software

severity level 4 alarms for any plant within his

alarms can be delivered to users in a variety of

region. The notifier capabilities of System 1 are

formats, ranging from e-mail messages, pager and

what make it practical to deliver Actionable

cell phone notification, and delivery to special

Information to the Right People at the Right Time.

personal notifier applets running on desktop

computers. The notifier module is highly config-


urable, allowing you to direct which people will

Plots and reporting:

receive notification of events, under what

emphasis on high-level advisories and embedded



intelligence, you might be tempted to think that

mechanisms. For example, one user might only

the ability to drill down to detailed plots,

wish to be alerted via pager to events related to

waveforms, event lists, and other diagnostic tools

control valves in their particular segment of the

has been sacrificed. While we expect that users

plant and only for severity levels greater than 1.

will obtain the most value in managing their assets

Another user might prefer e-mail notification for

based upon the alarms and Actionable Information

any event, originating anywhere in the plant. Still

generated in System 1, rest assured that you can

another user, perhaps someone with responsibility

still access raw data, plots, and low-level

for a region encompassing several plants, might

information with as much detail as needed.






With all the


System 1

System 1 is different because we expect that users

will interact with the system very differently than
they have with previous generations of our software.
fact, youll find System 1 is considerably more

System 1 is different because we expect that users

capable, flexible, and powerful than any previous

will interact with the system very differently than

systems we have ever offered for in-depth data

they have with previous generations of our


However, we have specifically avoided

software. In the past, focus was on points and

focusing in this article on the plot surfing

plots and the specialized knowledge to interpret

enhancements made to System 1, since we dont

data. Todays focus is on reporting by exception

want to imply that it is simply an improvement on

those assets that are operating outside of expected

our previous software, intended to be used in


exactly the same fashion as our previous solutions.


System 1s powerful notification features deliver Actionable Information in a variety of formats,

ranging from pager to cell phone to desktop annunciator applets to e-mail.
33QQ0011 OORRBBIITT 5555

System 1

Think of
machinery as
merely a
subset of
System 1s

While System 1 focuses on allowing you to manage your assets by

exception using Actionable Information, it doesnt sacrifice any of the
lower-level diagnostic plots you may need for in-depth analysis.
You receive all the detail and diagnostic tools and more that
youve come to expect from Bently Nevada, but it is no longer limited
only to rotating machinery.

Where does System 1 fit

relative to other Bently Nevada
We hope it is apparent by now that System 1 is not simply the next generation of our
machinery management software. It is truly designed to manage and measure conditions from
other assets as well. This makes it distinctly different from anything else we have ever
offered. Think of rotating machinery as merely a subset of System 1s condition monitoring

capabilities. Essentially, System 1 is designed to be a common user interface, analysis platform, database, Decision
Support engine, and notifier for the condition of all the assets in your plant. It is designed to do all the things our
previous software, aimed strictly at rotating machines, could do, but to also add capabilities for virtually any production
asset in your plant. To the extent that System 1 will not be made compatible with every communications processor and
hardware data acquisition device we have made in the past, it does not obsolete Data Manager 2000, Machine
Condition Manager 2000, or Trendmaster 2000 software at this time. Instead, these applications can be integrated
with System 1 as a method of providing compatibility with and support for older hardware. When customers use




System 1

selected existing hardware (TDXnet communications processors and Snapshot for Windows CE portable data

collectors) and hardware currently under development, System 1 does obsolete older software. It depends entirely on
the Bently Nevada hardware that you wish to connect to System 1 as to whether it exists along side of, or in place of,
our older software.

How does System 1 differ

from previous Bently
Nevada solutions?
There are four primary

1. System 1 is designed to
address all or most of the
production assets in your
plant, not just rotating and
reciprocating machinery. These

audits every byte of data in real time. We are also

taking a significant step forward in helping

customers convert their asset data into Actionable

Information by allowing the system to work with

any data present in the System 1 database,

whether directly measured or derived, and

regardless of whether it is associated with a

other assets are not second-class citizens in the

rotating machine or other asset.

System 1 architecture. Data from these assets and

Decision Support module also incorporates our

their associated sensors can be manipulated,

RuleDesk utility, first introduced in our Machine

trended, alarmed, and run through System 1s

Condition Manager 2000 product.

Decision Support engine just like data from a

allows users to write their own rules without the

rotating or reciprocating machinery asset. Custom

need to learn special programming or cumbersome

rules can be written in the Decision Support

rule development applications. The combination

module, allowing you to embed your own expert

of real-time and automated, rather than manual,

knowledge; and alarm and event notification,

Decision Support capabilities; a simple-to-use rule

whether generated within the Decision Support

development environment that allows users to

module or within the basic alarming functions of

embed their own knowledge in the system; the

System 1, can be transmitted to the appropriate

ability to work with any data from any asset in the

people using System 1s extensive notification

System 1 database; and, powerful notification


features will make the Decision Support module

2. System
Decision Support function
more extensively, making it a
central and essential part of
managing any asset. Our previous






System 1s




function as more of an add-on feature, limited its

3. System 1 allows users to

plug in their existing Bently
Nevada software, rather than
waiting for direct support of
older hardware. Historically, each time

use primarily to rotating machinery, and audited

Bently Nevada released a new software platform,

data only when triggered to do so. With System 1,

we developed drivers that would directly support

the Decision Support function is far more

the existing hardware (communications processors)

integrated in every respect and continuously

supported by the previous version of our software.

software products treated the Decision Support




System 1

Existing Data
Manager 2000
2000 software
systems can be
plugged into
System 1,
with existing
Bently Nevada
hardware you
may have
installed. This
provides the
and power of a
improved user
interface, and
other System 1

System 1 allows users to plug in their

existing Bently Nevada software, rather than
waiting for direct support of older hardware.

With System 1, we have adopted a different

correlation with process conditions and other asset


Those customers using our newest

conditions, radically improved trending capabilities,

hardware, and future hardware that we will

a single navigational environment, right-click

develop, will find that it is System 1 Enabled,

linking to any document associated with the asset

meaning it is directly compatible with System 1

(manuals, web pages, inspection reports, etc.),

software. Those users of older hardware need not

extensive notification tools and capabilities, and

despair. They can simply retain the Bently Nevada


software they are already using, such as Data

Nevada products you are currently using for online

Manager 2000 and Trendmaster 2000, and plug

condition monitoring are instantly compatible

it into System 1 using our special interfaces. This

with, and can benefit from, System 1s powerful

allows the user to benefit from an updated and


common user interface and extends System 1s

RuleDesk capabilities to Trendmaster 2000 data
a fequently requested enhancement. Once the
data from these systems is in System 1, all the
power of System 1 can be harnessed, such as
manipulating the data, providing more alarming
capabilities, enhanced Decision Support, enhanced




This essentially means that the Bently

4. System 1 provides far more

integration than our previous
software packages. With System 1,
online and offline data acquisition are integrated
into a single system and database.


System 1 is far more than just an integration of the






System 1 also provides for more

comprehensive integration with process control

and plant historian systems, or other plant
automation systems supporting NetDDE and OPC
protocols. The variety of data types and the speed
at which they can be collected have been
dramatically improved, along with the ability to use
the time stamps affixed by the source device for
better correlation. The ability to configure data
obtained from these digital interfaces has also
been improved enormously, allowing the user to

System 1

various types of data acquisition devices that

Another area of enhanced integration is

System 1s ability to link to any document
or file by simply right-clicking on the
assets icon and selecting from a dropdown list of user-definable links using

Extender , a plug-in software module

that adds document linking features to
System 1. Virtually anything can be
linked to a plot, a web page, an
instruction manual, an inspection report,
a thermography image, an oil sample
report, etc.

associate such data with non-machinery assets.

With our Bently DOCUVIEW System Extender plug-in

module, you can extend the basic capabilities of System
1 software, allowing you to associate an asset with
specific links to any document, file, web page, or other
resource simply by right-clicking on the assets icon.




System 1

To address non-rotating machinery assets,

How can
System 1
deployed in new

appropriate data could be obtained using

For new installations, critical machinery would


be fitted with our 3500 Series Machinery

communications processors, or monitors.





a) an appropriate network protocol

such as NetDDE or OPC to communicate with a



satisfactory would be addressed with our



Windows CE. These are directly supported by

System 1 software.

Less-critical machinery

requiring online monitoring would use our

Trendmaster 2000 system, consisting of both

wired and wireless capabilities for acquiring








where a walk-around (offline) approach is



sensors into appropriate Bently Nevada data

purpose machinery and other equipment



exists; b) hardwiring condition monitoring

communications processors, and general-



automation platform where the data already

Although our Trendmaster 2000

hardware components are not yet supported

by System 1, our Trendmaster 2000 software

How can
System 1 be
deployed in
to support legacy
Bently Nevada

is compatible with System 1, able to share

Customers who already have Data Manager 2000

data and plots, and allowing this data

and/or Trendmaster 2000 software can simply plug in

to be run through System 1s extensive data

manipulation, alarming, trending, RuleDesk,
and notifier functions.

For the user, this

software integration is quite seamless and

they can use a common interface to select
assets and points, view alarms and trends, and

this software to System 1, as noted earlier. This holds

true for Data Manager 2000 installations using Bently
PEFORMANCE and Machine Condition Manager
2000 as well. This approach provides support for any
existing communications processor or Trendmaster

see the entire plant and all associated assets.

2000 hardware that may already be installed. At this

In the near future, native support in System 1

time, the only existing communications processors that

for Trendmaster 2000 hardware will be

will definitely be supported directly by System 1 are

offered, providing backward compatibility

TDXnet when connected to 3500 or 3300 Machinery

with existing sensors, cables, and Transducer

Protection Systems. We will also provide support for



existing Trendmaster 2000 hardware, but it may require

depending on the Signal Processing Adapter


users to replace their existing Signal Processing Adapter

(SPA) hardware in use, it may be necessary to

(SPA) card(s).

upgrade this component for compatibility

portable data collection program into System 1 can do

with System 1.


Once introduced, this will

obsolete the need for Trendmaster 2000

software altogether.




Customers wishing to integrate their

so by upgrading their portable data collection hardware

to Bently Nevadas Snapshot for Windows CE.

upgrade my
software to
System 1 ?

For many users, the most appropriate

course of action is to install System 1 on
top of your existing Data Manager 2000
and/or Trendmaster 2000 software. This
will allow you to receive immediate value from an





integration with our portable data collector, and

connectivity to other plant systems and applications.
However, perhaps the largest benefit is that you will
then have a powerful platform for managing the
condition of more than just rotating machinery you
can add other important plant assets as well. For those
of you who have our most recent (3300, 3500)
machinery protection systems connected to TDXnet
communications processors, you will find it very easy to
upgrade to System 1 and eliminate the need for Data
Manager 2000 software entirely.

have been made
relative to
generations of
Bently Nevada

We listen to our customers. Youve told us ways that

our software could be enhanced to be even more userfriendly, flexible, and powerful. Consider this partial list
of nearly 40 important enhancements that are present,

Totally configurable
Enterprise/Plant/Asset/Point hierarchy
Open Database query with standard
SQL tools

System 1


Manual (keyboard) data entry in addition

to offline and online data acquisition
Tools for data manipulation to create
calculated, derived, and virtual
Higher performance NetDDE client link
Highly configurable archive module
Windows NT-compatible security model
based on user log-in
High-resolution static data trend
More sophisticated static data storage
16 configurable spectral bands
(with level alarms)
4 configurable alarms on every variable
choose from over, under, in-band, or

Configurable alarm severity model any

alarm can be assigned one of four
Document management and linking
Asset-specific properties
Integrated offline and online data
Simple & sophisticated static data
correlation for multivariable trends
Plot session memorization capabilities
Integrated Decision SupportSM
Plot cursor synchronization
High-performance remote access

or planned, for System 1 up through version 3.0:




System 1

Simultaneous data view/correlation from

multiple sites

On-the-Fly configuration changes

Sophisticated event management

Software integration of acceleration &

velocity signals

Integrated configuration and display

Dual navigation via hierarchy and

graphical views

2500 online points and 20,000 portable

points per Data Acquisition Workstation

Explorer-like hierarchy views separate

views arranged by logical enterprise and
by instrument connections

Integration with existing Bently Nevada

software platforms (DM2000 & TM2000)

User-configurable bargraphs

Configurable tool bars

Web-enabled and thin client support

Collection Groups
Real-time display updates

Totally flexible configuration and support

for any asset not just rotating

Long-term data storage user-defined

historical database size

Interfaces to CMMS/EAM applications

Web-enabled and
thin client support
are planned in the
very near future,
improving the
ability to access
your Asset
system from
anywhere in the
world on a wider
variety of
platforms and




What can be expected in

upcoming releases of System 1

features and functions
released in version 2.0,
versions 2.1 and 3.0 of
System 1 software.


Support for TDXnet communications processor with 3500 racks
Addition of transient data format plots (cascade, Bode, and polar)



System 1

Table 1

Addition of Bently PERFORMANCE as a System Extender (plug-in module

for System 1) providing thermodynamic performance monitoring

In addition, concurrent with

OLE Automation interface with Microsoft Excel for manipulating direct

measurements and creating calculated, derived, and virtual values and points

the release of version 3.0,

Real-time plot updates waveform and static data

Bently Nevada will be intro-

High-resolution trend collection and configurable archiving

ducing web-enabled and thin

Addition of new machine types
(gas turbines, fans, reciprocating compressors)

client features in System 1,

allowing our display software

DDE interface for importing data from process control and historian systems

to run in any internet browsProvides plots specific to reciprocating compressors

Pressure vs. Volume (5 variants)
Rod Position
Cylinder Performance calculations (14 values per cylinder)
Gas Properties
Cylinder Pressure Monitor Support
Rod Position Monitor Support

er, communicating with data

acquisition server(s) over the
internet, company intranet, or
other private network.


enhancement will make it

extremely easy for anyone


Plug-in support for Data Manager 2000 and Trendmaster 2000 software
Static Data importing


consultants, Bently Nevada

Context-sensitive right-click linking to external applications

support specialists, and others

Addition of bearing database, an easily updateable and customizable library

of over 20,000 rolling element bearings, highly useful for frequency-band
alarming and custom rule creation in Decision Support module

to access System 1 software

without the need to have our

Addition of Bently Decision Support as a System Extender (plug-in module)

Embedded critical rotating machinery knowledge base
RuleDesk custom rule creation utility
Derived values from knowledge-base feature extraction

special display application

loaded on their computer. All
you need is a web browser

Addition of notification capabilities (e-mail, beeper, network)

and an internet, intranet, or

company network connection
and an appropriate password.





OPC Server and Client modules (Data Access 2.0) for integration with process
control and historian systems
Support for TDXnet communications processor with 3300 racks




Addition of compressor maps to Bently PERFORMANCE

supported on virtually any

Custom Asset Support (Properties, Graphics)


Reporting Module using interface to industry standard software



operating system capable of




internet browser.

Support for points configured as counters

Ethernet support and other enhancements for communication with
Snapshot for Windows CE portable data collector
Web-enabled and thin client support

CMMS/EAM integration is
also planned, first with MRO
Softwares MAXIMO system,
and followed by SAPs R/3
Plant Maintenance module.

Bently Nevada will be

introducing web-enabled and thin
client features in System 1



System 1

System 1 represents significantly expanded scope from
Bently Nevada, with the ability to fulfill all of
the functions required of the Asset Condition
Management module in a Plant Asset Management
System. Its an ideal place to start, and build from, as
you implement asset management methodologies in
your plant.
Considering that Bently Nevada has only recently
expanded our capabilities to address more than
rotating machinery, it is all the more remarkable that
ARC lists us as the market leader in combined PAM and
CM systems with these words: Bently Nevada is the
worldwide leader in the combined Condition
Monitoring and PAM systems market and the only
supplier with double-digit market share. *
To us, this statistic signifies that weve already helped
you manage the condition of some of your most
important assets your rotating and reciprocating
machinery and that we can be trusted to provide a
quality solution for managing your other assets as
well. Its a new frontier, both for us and our
customers, and one in which were fully prepared to
build on our existing mutual success. We invite you to
learn more about System 1, and to put it to work in
your plant, by contacting your nearest Bently Nevada
Sales Professional and by visiting us online at
www.bently.com O R B I T

authored by:
Steve Sabin
Corporate Marketing Manager
Bently Nevada Corporation

Editor's Note: Successfully managing plant assets

requires not only the right tools, but also the behavioral
changes necessary to embrace and use new methods for
conducting business. To quote noteworthy management consultant, Ollie White, You need clubs to play
golf, but skill is in the hands of the user. In this
article, we've focused exclusively on the tools. In a
future issue of ORBIT, we will address the equally
important topic of human factors needed for success.

e-mail: steve.sabin@bently.com

Brad Law
Market Manager,
Control and Automation Systems
Bently Nevada Corporation
e-mail: brad.law@bently.com





Asset Management and Condition Monitoring Worldwide

Outlook, Market Analysis and Forecast through 2005, published May
2001 by ARC Advisory Group, Dedham, MA (www.arcweb.com)

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