2003 Shotgun Spread Offense

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M”AIR?LL FOOTBALL “SPREAD ‘EM AND SHRED ‘EM” 2003 ‘THE SHOTGUN OFFENSE Reasons for using the gun. 1. Fits the athletes we have and those we are able to recruit. 2. Forces major adjustments by the defense in a short amount of preparation time. Tough to simulate at proper speed. 3. Our athletes enjoy the excitement of the offense and this carries over to the fans. 4, Allows us to use a variety of specialty type athletes 5. We are in a 2-minute offense all the time if we need it. 6. It allows the QB to have control of the offense at the L.O.S. 7. Allows us to be competitive with few running back candidates. Meat of the offense. 1. We can be a no-huddle offense. 2. Our linemen are always in a touch three-point stance. 3. Our linemen take large splits to isolate defenders and widen the front. 4. The ACEBACK aligns behind the QB then shifts after the line is set. 5. We are able to use a great number of subs to tire the defense. 6. All receivers learn the same route tree so they can play any of the 4 WR positions. 7. We are able to vary the launch point. Sets we use. 1, DOUBLE -two wideouts and two slots. ( these slots must align so they force single coverage). Don't allow the cover man to be able to play both run ‘and pass.] 2. ACE - one split end and two slots and a wide out rt. { the trips set left is called deuce. 3. SPLIT - we now have two acebacks in the game on each side of the QB. 4. TIGHT ACE - this is a bunch formation RT. With all receivers wide- one yard apart. S.TIGHT DEUCE is the same formation It. Types of defenses we see. + 4-1 front (5 in the box) 2 deep . 4-2 front (6 in the box) 1 deep - 4-3 front (7 in the box) 0 deep Blitz from all of the above. They may align the box people a number of ways. * Have the QB read the number of safeties to help determine potential rushers. Calling plays in the no-huddle. 1. Alignment - ex. double, double. 2. Code word for series - ex color,city,boys name, girls name,etc. 3. Routes or run numbers - ex 2,11 ,11,2 or 3,2,2,3. 4.snap count - first call # of safeties. S.set - pause to read defense, look for bandit or blitz check. 6. Motion if we included it. 7. Snap the ball. “go,hit,hit Alternate way to call offense - use armbands 1. Call formation and any motion you want. Ex. double Ha, 2. Call play number off formation armband. ex. double Ha, 5. On the double band play 5 is short pass routes 2,11,11,2. 3. Now go with above calls. To use this system we have two bands on each player. One is our double band and the other is our ace (trips) band. Our route order is always from Lt... to Rt. and it’s where you are at the time of the snap.When reading off the ace band on a play to the Lt. you must read it in reverse order.Example - ace formation play to right reads 2,3,26,11.{f we run the same pass route Lt. it would be 11,26,3,2. Motions 1. ace go double - from trips rt. motion back to double. 2. double go ace - from double motion to trips rt. 3.Ho- Lt slot motions in. HoHo - slot motions in and back out. 4, Ha - Lt slot motions out. HaHa - slot motions out then back in. 5. Yo- Rt slot motions in. YoYo - slot motions in then back out. 6. Ya- Rt slot motions out. YaYa - slot motions out then back in. 7.Ox- Lt wideout motions in.(he is in noose formation). 8.Exxon - Lt wideout motions in then back out. 9.Z00- Rt wideout motions in from noose. 10. Zulu - Rt wideout motions in then out. 11, Ra - aceback motions from Lt to Rt. 12. La aceback motions from Rt to Lt. Why motion 1. helps determine coverage. 2. moves the coverage. 3. creates mental adjustments by the defense.( motion causes emotion) 4. greatly helps receivers avoid jambs. these players are not usually very

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