Ames Laws Physics
Ames Laws Physics
Ames Laws Physics
Stephen Ames 2
1 Introduction
At the end
I will comment on Stengers work, partly because of its relevance and partly
because we espouse completely different metaphysical views.
I want to be clear at the start that I assume theoretical physics will
achieve a satisfactory explanation of how our universe comes to be operating
according to the laws of fundamental physics from the earliest moment after
the big-bang.
This paper is an extended version of the paper I will present at the conference
on 5th July 09.
From the History and Philosophy of Science Programme, The University of
Selesnick, S.A., Quanta, Logic and Spacetime, (World Scientific, New Jersey, second
ed., 2003)
Stenger, V.J., The Comprehensible Cosmos, Where Do The Laws of Physics Come
From?, (Prometheus Books, 2006)
In this paper I will outline the argument for the following purposive answer
to our question. Why are the laws of physics the way they are? In order that
about the blind natural processes of the universe suggest they are serving or
expressing or in anyway operating for a purpose. No explanatory task in the
sciences calls for a purposive account of natural laws and natural processes. Of
course a variety of philosophical or theological positions might call for a
purposive account of the universe.
the sciences calls for a purposive account of natural laws and natural processes
and no mere gap in scientific knowledge justifies raising a purposive answer.
How from a scientific starting point does the alleged possibility of a purposive
answer to our question even arise?
In physics, fundamental laws are commonly presented and used in terms of
what is called extremum principles. Historically, this approach to natural
philosophy was introduced by Leibniz in 17th century and Maupertuis in the 18th
century based on various metaphysical and theological considerations.
It was
nature. They were Max Planck and David Bohm. This is because extremum
principles involve integrals which require the starting point and end point of the
integration to be specified. Max Planck and David Bohm took the fact that an
end point had to be specified as evidence for final causes in nature. But this
wont do for the following reason. It is mathematically possible to go from the
integral form to the standard differential form of physical laws. The two forms
are equivalent mathematical descriptions of the same process. The differential
form gives a moment by moment description of the process. No end point needs
to be specified. It is hard to see how a mathematically equivalent statement of
laws in integral form can tell us anymore about the world.
This first objection was made by W. Yourgram and S. Mandelstam in their
important monograph, Variational Principles in Dynamics and Quantum Theory. 5
The belief in a purposive power functioning throughout the universe,
antiquated and nave as this faith may appear, is the inevitable
consequence of the opinion that minimum principles with their
distinctive properties are signposts towards a deeper understanding of
nature and not simply alternative formulations of differential equations
in mechanics. 6
the contents but also by the encouragement, interest, support that the authors
received from L. de Broglie, E. Schrodinger, W. Heisenberg, M. Born, R. Oppenheimer,
M. von Laue and A. Speiser.
Ibid. p.174.
Feynman, R. P., Space-Time approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Review
of Modern Physics, Vol.20, p.267, 1948
certain contexts 13 but these errors do not occur using the Lagrangian approach
pursued by Weinberg. 14 This still leaves the first objection.
My wondering whether extremum principles in physics might be shown to
still presuppose a metaphysics was finally undermined when I considered under
what conditions it might be possible to undermine the first objection. As a first
step there would need to be some deeper physical story from which it would be
possible to derive integral form of the laws of physics and then using the Euler
Lagrange equation derive the laws of physics in the form of differential
equations. This would be another way of doing physics. Of course this might
turn out to be a version of the physical answer to our question here via the
Lagrangian route. There would be no guarantee that a deeper metaphysical
reading of nature would follow from this way of doing physics.
Shortly after accepting this sobering conclusion, I found a physicist who
had pursued precisely this path in physics. It is Prof. Roy Frieden, at the
College of Optical Sciences in the University of Arizona, see his Physics from
Ibid. p. 377.
Ibid. p.377.
For criticism of this work see, Lavis, D. and Streater, R.,(2002), Physics from Fisher
Information, Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 33B(2),
2 The Physics
Fisher Information
Van Trees, H. L., Detection,Estimation, Modulation Theory, Part I, (1968), pp. 66-68.
Trees notes that the inequality was derived by, . Cramer, H. L. , Mathematical
Methods of Statistics, (1946) and, Rao, C. R., Information and Accuracy Attainable
in the Estimation of Statistical Parameters, Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 37, 81-91,
(1945). The orignial work was done by,. R. A. Fisher , On the Mathematical
Foundations of Theoretical Statistics, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 222, 1922,
Fisher information.
I 4 ( q /(x) ) 2 dx,
Fisher Information
(one dimension)
q(x) is the square root of the probability density function describing the
fluctuations x of the parameter around its mean value and is known as the
probability amplitude function. It is assumed that q(x) is shift invariant and
so is independent of the parameter being measured.
It is possible to make
measurements in a way that yields the lower bound, so that I e2 = 1 So, I can
be measured. Notice that I is defined on the probability amplitude functions
obtained using Fisher information had exactly the same form as Schrodingers
equation. He was surprised but thought nothing of it. Some time later he came
across an article by a A.J.Stam 18 , a Dutch mathematician, showing how to go
from the Cramer Rao Inequality to Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle. Frieden
then seriously started to wonder if there was a deeper connection between the
laws of physics and Fisher information. This became his physics from Fisher
information project, with many of the results indicated in the appendices.
Wheeler, J.A., (1994), At Home in the Universe, Woodbury, AIP Press, p.304.
Stam, A.J. , Information and Control, 2, 1959, p.101.
Fisher information arises naturally via the Cramer Rao inequality in the
context of a thought experiment about parameter measurement defined by E
and W (my symbols).
Wheeler, J., in, Zurek, W.H., ed., Complexity, Entropy and the Physics of
Information, (Adison-Wesley, New York, 1990), p.3.
Frieden, B.R., (1998, 2004); Frieden, B.R., and Gatenby, R.A., eds., Exploratory Data
Analysis Using Fisher Information, (Springer, 2007), chapter 1.
the rational inquirers (whether humans or aliens) that, even in the thought
experiment, are the in-eliminable conductors of empirical inquiry, which aims to
produce epistemically significant results, because the experiments conform to
rationally established epistemic standards.
Fisher information approach to physics and in the light of other work in physics,
with the work of R. Cahill, R., C.M. Klinger 22 as one example.
It turns out that Fisher information I has many properties relevant to
physics. For example, I is a functional already in the form of an action integral.
The same form as used in the Lagrangian approach to mechanics and as is found
when other areas of physics are put into Lagrangian form. Fisher information I
in eq.(1) may be generalized for parameters n, n = 1, N, in four space-time
dimensions (x,y,z,ict), giving,
I =
4 qn(x) . qn(x) dx
dx = dxdydzdct
I = In
In = in(x) dx
gauge for a given physical scenario. From the lower bound of the Cramer Rao
Inequality, I = e -2, and we should expect Fisher information I to be invariant
with respect to choice of gauge.26
i = (-1 )1/2
leading to,
n n =
q n2(x) = p(x)
Substituting eq. (4) in eq.(2) and using imaginary coordinates, leads to,
I = 4Nc In dr dt
where ir = i(x, y, z)
In = [ - ( n )* .
+ (1/c2) ( n /t )* n /t ]
Ibid., pp. 106-107. Interestingly, this is supported by the fact that the Fisher
information derivation of Maxwells equations, yields these equations in the form of
an electromagnetic potential A,; ibid., chapter 5.
Ibid. , p. 66. The justification for introducing imaginary numbers is that the Cramer
Rao Inequality holds for real and imaginary parameters; ibid. , pp.441- 444.
probe particle
Frieden postulates that such information flows are passive so that I can never
exceed J. 29 Thus , I J entails 0 = I J , 0 < 1, a zero principle. The
probe particle disturbs J by J and Frieden takes the information flow as
implying that I is perturbed by I. Furthermore Frieden postulates, I = J
and so (I J) = 0, an extremum principle. 30
Defining K = I J, leads to
K = I - J
K = 0
0 = I J , 0 < 1,
extremum principle }
zero principle
Frieden uses the EPI in all his derivations of the laws of fundamental physics
save the derivation of the Lorentz transformation, which uses the Cramer Rao
Inequality. 31 This provides some a posteriori justification for the two
postulates of the EPI. On this view the laws of physics are brought into
operation as an effect of the probe particle disturbing the information
(C) My approach
I am much informed by Friedens work and follow many of his results. Two
things particularly mark my interest.
The details of the derivation are set out in a paper 35 presently being scrutinised
by colleagues before being submitted to a physics journal for publication.
Classical measurement theory assumes a measurement interaction between
a probe particle and the system being measured, but it says nothing about what
goes on in that measurement interaction. However to derive the two postulates
requires some idea of what is going on in the interaction.
In this austere theoretical context, the challenge was to start with the
thought experiment about parameter measurement under conditions defined by
See references in, Plastino, A., and Plastino, A.R., Information and Thermal Physics,
in, Frieden, B.R., and Gatenby, R.A. (2007), pp. 119-154.
Ames, S., The derivation of a variational principle for physics, from Fisher
information, pp.1-49.
it has to be shown that the equivalent of the two axioms in the EPI
occur in time interval t;
conclusion that the measurement interaction brings about EPID , within the
time interval t.
For the case of loss of information no new theoretical resources are
available to help gain some insight into the measurement interaction in t.
Since loss of information is the opposite of no-loss of information I proceed by
establishing the essential conditions leading to no-loss of information and then
systematically negate them. This generates a range of logically possible forms
KD = I D - JD
KD = 0
extremum principle
0 = ID JD , 0 < 1, zero principle
Weinberg, S., (1995), The Quantum Theory of Fields Vol.1, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press, pp. 306 314; (a) pp. 50 - 53.
Olver, P.J., (1993), Applications of Lie Groups to Differential Equations, (SpringerVerlag, New York, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press) Chapter 4.
laws that are time irreversible. This suggestion is based on a paper by Ilya
Prigogine. 38
(E) Conclusion
Dropping subscripts and gathering all the premises used to derive the
E , W, I, OA
E, W, I, OAi IDi
E, W, I, AOA
Given E, W, I and all other assumptions, AOA, the operation of the laws of
physics L may be explained and their mathematical forms derived.
I call R1 the rational tuning of the laws of physics to the idea of idealised
empirical inquiry conducted by embodied rational agents, somewhere in the
All the terms in the result R1 are well known in the actual world.
The function of the fiction is to bring to light the relationship between the
terms shown in R1 that is otherwise unnoticed.
What follows from R1 is that from the earliest moment after the big bang,
when the universe is operating according to the laws of fundamental physics,
these laws are already rationally tuned to idealised empirical inquiry, even
though actual inquirers dont show up until billions of years later. This is what
it is about the way the laws of physics are, that needs to be explained.
Commonly, the initial reaction is that R1 can be explained within the resources
of the natural sciences, by an extension of evolutionary cosmology. This leads
to discussing the move from physics to metaphysics.
on planet earth by telling the story of the evolution of the universe from the
moment of the Big Bang.
Broadly speaking we can summarize EC as follows: assume the laws of
fundamental physics L, also fluctuations W, Fisher information I and all other
assumptions AOA, some initial conditions and whatever else is currently used to
tell an accurate and adequate account of the development of the cosmos, even
multiple universes, and so call all these COSMO; assume the key processes of
chemistry, call these CHEM ; assume evolutionary biology, call this BIO; and
assume a whole raft of contingencies, call these XX for X factors. Given
these assumptions it is possible to explain how human inquirers have evolved
equipped with rationality and with various historical and cultural processes, call
these CUL , it is possible to explain in particular, how there came into
existence human inquirers who hold to and carry out experiments in accord with
E , W, I, OA
#1 For TPhys to offer a valid argument, the conclusion cannot contain terms
that are not in the premises proposed by TPhys. Therefore, TPhys must include or
lead to E. Recall that E helps define a thought experiment concerning idealised
empirical inquiry by embodied rational agents for valued epistemic ends, in the
future of (at least) one of the multiple universes to be produced by the physical
processes proposed by TPhys. But this means TPhys is not blind and so cannot be
a physical theory.
#2 At the point where TPhys must include E, in the conditions prior to the
Big Bang of our universe, E represents a thought experiment about empirical
inquiry, conducted by rational agents according to ideal epistemic standards, in
principle anywhere in the universe. What provides the thought experiment?
Even naturalists think it requires all of evolutionary cosmology to account for
the evolution of E. A physical theory TPhys alone cannot provide E.
#3 TPhys has to explain R1. But R1 is not a causal physical process but a
rational inference (explanation/logical entailment). It is not the kind of thing
explained by physical theories. See W. Sellars 39 and more recently the
Sellars, W., Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind, in Feigl, H., and, Scriven, M., eds.,
R1 is a brute fact.
(3) No scientific theory can explain R1.
(4) No non-scientific explanation of R1 is possible.
(5) Therefore R1 is a brute fact.
Are there any arguments against (4)? I argue that E is obtained initially
quite independently of EC. It is obtained by rational inquirers, with certain aims
and some general beliefs about rationality and about how the world operates,
deciding what should be done to ensure inquiry is effective. We know about
rationality because human beings instantiate rationality, whereby they think and
act for reasons, but this is known independently of how the origins of that
instantiation might be explained. Of course particular applications of these
standards of inquiry may invoke specific scientific knowledge, for example
controlled random, double blind trials in testing drug efficacy.
This is one argument for thinking of E as something beyond the theories of
natural science and that E is non-trivially involved in explaining the laws of
fundamental physics L, as shown in R1. This provides rational grounds for
wondering if something beyond the natural sciences might explain R1.
But (4)
would lead us to expect any such explanation to be impossible. Hence (4) should
be set aside as unreasonable. Therefore (5) does not follow and we reasonably
set aside the claim that R1 is a brute fact.
Those holding to scientific naturalism as an ontological thesis would reply
that epistemology ultimately has a natural ground in natural processes described
by the natural sciences as argued in the EC explanation of E. Hence, they would
say that E is not something beyond the theories of natural sciences and so
does not create a problem for (4).
But this does not take account of two points. The first is the fact that
evolutionary cosmology, EC, or any Tphys , cannot explain how the laws of
fundamental physics, L, are already rationally tuned to E in the earliest moment
after the big-bang. This is another argument for thinking of E as something
beyond the theories of natural science.
The second point is the way R1 is a new problem for scientific naturalism.
Physicalism is the strongest form of scientific naturalism. According to
physicalism, the ultimate ontological constituents of what exists are physical
constituents. 41 For both reductive and non-reductive physicalism, what exists
is either an instance of these ultimate ontological constituents or complex
configurations of the same. These ultimate ontological constituents are not
explicable in terms of something more fundamental. By definition there are no
deeper non-physical constituents of these ultimate ontological constituents.
For physicalism the laws of fundamental physics L are either among the
fundamental ontological constituents of what there is or are themselves
brought about by what is physically more fundamental.
If physicalism were
My response is that
I neither want to nor need to prove that R1 is not a brute fact. Something like
the principle of sufficient reason would be needed to prove that point and that
would be to import a metaphysical position, which I have aimed to avoid. All I
need to do is to show it is unreasonable to treat R1 as a brute fact. I think the
weaker position is also unreasonable. Under what conditions could one have
reasonable grounds for thinking that R1 is a brute fact? Since (3) still holds,
the weaker position would be reasonable if there were some grounds for holding
(4). But I have already shown why (4) is unreasonable.
I conclude,
4 A metaphysical explanation of R1
Something capable
because thought alone is not enough to explain the existence of our universe in
which R1 holds.
In addition, we must assume, minimally, some kind of basic stuff, which this
rational agent orders in the light of envisaging E.
explain R1 does not require God creating ex nihilo as Kant made clear. A
separate argument would be needed to identify the rational agent of this
argument with the God of theism or of various religious traditions.) This
correctly treats this rational agent as envisaging E as a purpose to be enacted.
For our universe, R1, the rational tuning of L to E , may be explained as
follows. Assume some kind of rational agent with a purpose that at least
includes forming a universe that is knowable by embodied rational inquirers
conducting empirical inquiry under ideal epistemic conditions in that universe.
Assume there is also some basic stuff and that in the light of this purpose,
this rational agent orders this basic stuff so that it eventually brings about a
universe (possibly one among many others), of which our best physics gives an
account, which among other things is characterized by W , I and AOA. Given
this purpose and these characteristics, the universe operates according to
laws, whose operations is explained and mathematical form entailed by E, W, I
and AOA, and these laws are L.
agent has structured some basic stuff to form this universe, (one
among many) of which our best physics gives an account, and
characterised by W, I, AOA, and laws L, in order that the universe
can be known through empirical inquiry by embodied rational agents.
Notice this is not a god of the gaps argument. The argument assumes the
(eventual) success of theoretical physics in giving an account of the physics of
Contrast the move from metaphysics to physics by J. Leslie, see his, Infinite minds:
A Philosophical Cosmology, (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2001). Leslie argues that our
life producing universe exists because it is ethically required.
Here I also want to briefly comment on the work of V.J. Stenger mentioned
earlier. Stenger addresses the question, where do the laws of physics come
The laws of physics are not handed down from above. Neither are
they rules somehow built into the structure of the universe. They
are ingredients of the models that physicists invent to describe
observations. If the models of physics are to describe
observations based on an objective reality, then those models
cannot depend on the point of view of the observer. This suggests
a principle of point-of-view invariance that is equivalent to the
principle of covariance (or cosmological principle or Copernican principle)
when applied to space-time. As Noether showed, this leads to the principles
of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum conservation and
essentially all of classical mechanics. It also leads to Lorenzt invariance and
special relativity. When generalised to the abstract space of functions such
as the quantum state vector, point-of-view invariance is identified with gauge
invariance. Quantum mechanics is then just the mathematics of gauge
transformations with no additional assumptions needed to obtain its rules,
including the superposition and uncertainty principles. Conservation of
electric charge, isospin, and other quantities follow from global gauge
invariance. The forces in the standard model of elementary particles are
fields introduced to preserve local gauge invariance. Gravity can also be
viewed as such a field. Thus practically all of fundamental physics as we
know it follows directly from the single principle of point-of-view
invariance. 45
I take Stengers main point that the model of physics is developed on the
main assumption of point-of-view invariance. This is the assumption that in this
universe there is no preferred reference frame for observation. The physics
This paper conforms to that limit since it claims only that the world is
designed, but leaves open the question of whether the existence of the
universe is metaphysically contingent and therefore largely leave open the
question of whether the designer is also the creator of the world. 48
Kant, I., (trans. Smith, N.K.),The Critique of Pure Reason, (1933), B561 2.
Ibid. B656, (italics original).
The question is addressed by Craig, W.L., retrieval of a cosmological argument for
God, in, Naturalism and Cosmology, Craig, W.L. and Moreland, J.P., eds., Naturalism,
a Critical Analysis, (2000), Chapter 9. My preferred approach is represented by
Lonergan, B. , Insight, (Dartman Longman and Todd, London, 1958), Chapter XX, and
by Ward.K., Rational Theology and the Creativity of God, (Basil Blackwell, Oxford).
In different ways each authors approach the argument for God from an inquiry into
This unity of reason always presupposes an idea, namely, that of the form of a whole
of knowledge a whole which is prior to the determinate knowledge of the parts and
which contains the conditions that determine a priori for every part its position and
relation to the other parts. This idea accordingly postulates a complete unity in the
knowledge obtained by the understanding, by which this knowledge is to be not mere
contingent aggregate, but a system connected according to necessary laws. Critique
of Pure Reason, op.cit., B673.
Kant, I, Critique of Teleological Judgement, Ak., xx, 217, 219); cited by McFarland,
J.D. , Kants Concept of Teleology (University of Edinburgh Press, Edinburgh, 1970),
pp.93 96.
This highest formal unity, which rests solely on the concept of reason, is the
purposive unity of things. The speculative interest of reason makes it necessary to
regard all order in the world as if it had originated in the purpose of a supreme
reason. Such a principle opens out to our reason, as applied to the field of
experience, altogether new views as to how the things of the world may be
connected according to teleological laws, and so enables it to arrive at their
greatest systematic unity. The assumption of a supreme intelligence, as the one and
only cause of the universe, though in the idea alone, can therefore always benefit
reason and can never injure it. Critique of Pure Reason, op.cit., B 714 715.
Critique of Judgment, Ak., v: 182; Critique of Teleological Judgment, op. cit., 64,
According to Kant, the teleological view point helps us seek for purposive
connections in nature, that we might not otherwise have noticed, but
Ibid., p.33, cited by McFarland from, The Critique of Pure Reason, trans. N.Smith,
1933, B715 716.
Critique of Teleological Judgment, 68: 383; see also, ibid., 66: 376.
McFarland points out a parallel between Kant and Hume on this point.
Hume argues that, to say that all this order in animals and vegetables
proceeds ultimately from design is begging the question 60 because we
Kant, I., Only Possible Argument for a Demonstration of the Existence of God, (Ak.,
II, 98 99).
Critique of Teleological Judgment, op. cit., 75: 399.
Ibid., 75: 399.
Ibid. p.126, McFarland cites, Humes, Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion, p.179.
Hume also accepts the principle the nature does nothing in vain one of the roots of
the least action principle ibid. p.214.
would first have to prove that they are impossible in any other way. 61 All
the appearance of purposiveness, final causality, teleology or design in
nature doesnt allow us to argue that nature is in fact purposive or
designed, as Darwin vividly demonstrated.
There are other important comparisons between Kants argument and
my argument above. According to Kant, teleology is a regulative idea
introduced as a presupposition by which the highest form of systematic
unity of knowledge may be envisaged if not attained. No such
presupposition is at work in the argument above. Of course, we readily
recognize the growing systemic unity of theoretical and empirical
knowledge that may well be compared with a complex cross-word
puzzle, 62 though with no presumption of an intelligent agent designing
the cosmic puzzle. This recognition, however, has no role in the above
On the other hand I agree with Kants view that mere appearances of
design could be explained in other ways. As noted above Maupertuis
principle of least action is entirely consistent with the view that laws of
physics in standard form are no more than second order differential
equations, which, as it just turns out, may be conveniently and elegantly
recast in Lagrangian or Hamiltonian form. To read this recast form of
physical laws as evidence for final causes in nature begs the question as
to why such a reading should be preferred to a reading entirely in terms
of efficient causality. At the very least we would need independent
evidence for preferring the former reading rather than the latter. This,
however, is precisely what my argument provides, starting with Friedens
Fisher information approach to physics.
I agree with Kant that we cannot argue from the mere appearances
of purposiveness or design in nature to an intelligent being who is the
designer, because we cannot be sure there is no other way to explain the
6 Conclusion
The paper has argument has obtained the following main results.
E, W, I, AOA
Why are the laws of fundamental physics the way they are?.
In order for the universe to be knowable through idealised empirical inquiry
by embodied rational agents.
Appendix 1
Lorentz Transformation.
Relativistic mechanics, including the energy equation.
Klein-Gordon Equations
Time independent Schrodinger Equation non-relativistic limit
of L3.
Dirac Equation.
Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle.
Maxwells Equations.
The Field Equations of General Relativity.
Newtons Laws, by approximation from L2 and
L8 including the Virial Theorem.
The Maxwell-Boltzman velocity law of classical statistics.
The power spectral 1/f noise.
The Wheeler-Dewitt equation for a pure radiation universe.
The wave equation for quantum chromodynamics.
The EPR-Bohm effect describing entangled states.
The Higgs mass effect.
Frieden, B.R., and, Gatenby, A.R., eds., Exploratory Data Analysis Using
Fisher Information, (Springer, London, 2007), pp. 28-29.
Appendix 2
B.R. Friedens main publications 1988- 2007
1988, Frieden, B. R., Applications to optics and wave mechanics of the criterion of maximum CramerRao bound, Journal Of Modern Optics, 35, No.8, p.1300;
1989a, Frieden, B. R., Fisher Information as the basis for the Schrodinger wave equation, American
Journal of Physics, 57, (11), pp.1004 1008;
1989b, Frieden, B. R., Fisher Information as the basis for diffraction optics, Optics Letters, 14, No.4,
pp.199 201;
Frieden, B. R., Fisher Information, disorder, and the equilibrium distributions of physics,
Physical Review A, 41, No.8, pp.4265 4276;
1991, Frieden, B. R., Fisher Information and the Complex Nature of the Schrodinger Wave Equation,
Foundations in Physics, 21, No.7, pp.757 771;
1992, Frieden, B. R. Fisher Information and uncertainty complementarity, Physics Letters A, 169,
pp.123 130;
1994, Frieden, B. R. and Hughes, R. J. , Spectral 1/f noise derived from extremised physical
information, Physical Review E, 49, No.1, pp.2644 2649;
1995a,Frieden, B. R.,Physical Information and the Derivation of Electron Physics, in Hawekes P.E.,
(ed.), Advances in Image and Electron Physics, Volume 90 ,( Academic Press, San Diego,
pp.123 204;
1995b Frieden, B. R. and Soffer, B. H., Lagrangians of physics and the game of Fisher-information
transfer, Physical Review E, 52, No.3, 1995b, pp.2274 2286;
1996, Frieden, B. R. and Cocke, W. J. , Foundation for Fisher Information-based derivations of
physical laws, Physical Review E, 54, No.1, 1996, pp.257 260;
1997, Cocke, W. J. and Frieden, B. R. , Information and Gravitation , Foundations of Physics, 27,
No.10, pp.1397 1412;
1998, Frieden, B. R., Physics From Fisher Information: A Unification, (Cambridge University Press,
1999a Frieden, B. R., Plastino, A., Plastino, A. R., and Soffer, B. H., Fisher-based thermodynamics:
Its Legendre transform and concavity properties, Physical Review E, 60, No. 1, pp. 48 53;
1999b Frieden, B. R. , F-Information, A Unitless Variant of Fisher Information, Foundations of
Physics, 29, No.10, pp.1521 1541;
2000a Frieden, B. R. and Soffer, B. H., A Critical Comparison Of Three Information Based
Approaches To Physics, Physics Letters A, 304, pp.1 7;
2000b Frieden, B. R. and Plastino, A.,Composite fermion particles and Fisher information, Physics
Letters A, 272, pp.326 332;
2001a Frieden, B. R., Plastino, A. and Soffer, B. H.,Population Genetics from a an information
perspective, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 208 ,pp.49 64;
2001b Frieden, B. R. and Plastino, A., Higgs mass generation from the standpoint of information,
Physics Letters A, 278, pp.299 306;
2002a Frieden, B. R., Relations between parameters of a decoherent system and Fisher information,
Physical Review A, 66, Article No. 022107;
2002b Frieden, B.R.and Soffer, B. H., Black holes and optimum coding, Physics Letters A, 304,
pp.1 7;
2002c Frieden, B. R., Plastino, A. and Plastino, A. R., Schrodinger link between non-equilibrium
thermodynamics and Fisher information, Physical Review E, 66(4), Article No. 046128 Part2;
2002d Frieden, B. R., Plastino, A. and Plastino, A. R.,Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and Fisher
information: An illustrative example, Physics Letters A, 304, pp.73 78;
2003 Flego, S. P., Frieden, B. R. and Plastino, A., et al., Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and
Fisher information: Sound wave propagation in a dilute gas, Physical Review E, 68, Article
No. 016105;
2004a Hawkins, R. J. and Frieden, B. R., Fisher information and equilibrium distributions in
econophysics, Physics Letters A, 332, pp. 126 130.
2004b Frieden, B. R. Science from Fisher Information, A Unification, (Cambridge University
Press, 2004).
2007, Frieden, B.R. and, Gatenby, R.A., eds., Exploratory Data Analysis Using Fisher Information,
(Springer, London).
Appendix 3
New results predicted by Frieden and colleagues
. The predictions regarding free quarks and the combination of
quarks. Frieden, B. R., Plastino, A. (2000)
. On population genetics. Frieden, B. R., Plastino, A. and Soffer,
B. H.(2001)
. The prediction of an upper bound to the mass MH of the Higgs
particle H0 and additional bosons to H0, Z0 and W. Frieden, B.
R. and Plastino, A. (2001b)
. Prediction of enhanced number of black holes with large mass,
resulting in an increased occurrence of gravitational lensing, and an
enhanced ability to entrap relatively distant stellar objects.
Frieden, B. R. and Soffer, B. H. (2002).
. A relation between the Weinberg angle W and the Cabbibo angle
C. The standard model of elementary particles does not predict
a relation between the two angles, whereas Frieden (2004) does.
. In biophysics: the prediction that the power of the grow process
for cancer is the Fibonacci constant. Frieden, (2004).