Fashion Intern

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FashionIntern second edition

michele m. granger, EdD

missouri state university

Fairchild Books
new york
Vice President & General Manager,
Fairchild Education & Conference Division: Elizabeth Tighe
Executive Editor: Olga T. Kontzias
Assistant Acquisitions Editor: Amanda Breccia
Editorial Development Director: Jennifer Crane
Associate Development Editor: Lisa Vecchione
Associate Art Director: Erin Fitzsimmons
Production Director: Ginger Hillman
Senior Production Editor: Elizabeth Marotta
Copyeditor: Susan Hobbs
Ancillaries Editor: Noah Schwartzberg
Cover Design: Erin Fitzsimmons
Director, Sales & Marketing: Brian Normoyle
Cover Art: Erin Fitzsimmons
Text Design: Tronvig Kuypers

Copyright © 2010 Fairchild Books, A Division of Condé Nast Publications.

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Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2009931534

ISBN: 978-1-56367-910-0

GSTR 133004424

Printed in the United States

 Table of Contents

preface xv
acknowledgments xviii
introduction xix

1 Getting Started 1
2 Writing a Résumé and Letter of Application 31
3 Applying and Interviewing for the Internship 63
4 Before Settling In 105
5 The Company Mission, Image, and Location 131
6 The Nature of the Organization 179
7 The Customer 205
8 The External Environment and E-commerce 225
9 The Product and Pricing 243
10 Product Development and Design,
contributed by Professor Kirsteen Buchanan, Stephens College 273
11 Production 305
12 Promotion and Publishing 327

Appendix A Internship Learning Agreement 353

Appendix B Resources for Finding Internships and Researching
Employers 355
Appendix C Daily Activity Journal 370
Appendix D Weekly Activity Report 372
Appendix E Student’s Internship Summary 374
Appendix F1 Internship Supervisor’s Intern Evaluation: Rating Chart
and Short Answer Questions 377
Appendix F2 Internship Supervisor’s Intern Evaluation: Checklist/
Rating Scale 380
Appendix G Intern’s Internship Supervisor Evaluation 383
Appendix H Intern’s Self-Evaluation 385

Glossary 388
Credits 405
Index 406
 Extended Contents

preface xv
acknowledgments xviii
introduction xix

1 Getting Started 1
What Is an Internship? 2
Why an Internship? 2
Common Internship Questions and Answers 4
Recommended Timeline for the Internship 5
The Unpaid Internship 6
Effective Career Planning 7
Organizing the Job Search 10
Locating Internship Positions 11
Researching Employers 14
Why Research Employers? 14
When Do I Research Employers? 17
Where Do I Start Looking? 18
What Information Should I Uncover? 19
The Final Word on Researching before Sending Out Your Résumé 20
Using the Internet as a Tool 20
Companies with Internship Programs 21
The International Internship 22
The Prospecting Letter 22

2 Writing a Résumé and Letter of Application 31

How Do I Write a Résumé? 32
Résumé Headings 33
Résumé Guidelines 36
The Scannable Résumé 39
Using Power Words in the Résumé 42

Using a Résumé Organizational Worksheet 44
Reviewing the First-Draft Résumé 44
Constructing a Letter of Application 49
The Structure of a Letter of Application 49
Preparing a Letter of Application 52
Wrapping It Up 61

3 Applying and Interviewing for the Internship 63

How Do I Apply for an Internship? 64
The Job Application Form 64
Interview Guidelines 71
Before the Interview 71
Summary of Pre-Interview Considerations 72
Practice to Interview Successfully 73
Common Reasons for Rejection 80
Dressing for the Interview 81
Collaborating on Your Internship 82
During the Interview 84
The Professional Portfolio 86
Why Should You Develop a Portfolio? 86
Presenting the Portfolio—Print or Digital 87
What Is an E-Portfolio? 87
Evaluating Job-Seeking Assertiveness 90
After the Interview 91
Writing a Follow-Up Letter 91
Evaluating an Internship Offer 92
Selecting the Right Internship 95
Negotiating the Offer 96
Writing a Follow-up Letter 97
Finalizing Internship Plans 102

4 Before Settling In 105

How Do I Prepare for the Internship Experience? 106
On-the-Job Tips 106
A Positive Attitude 106
Initiative 106
Assertiveness 107
Confidentiality 107
The Reality Check 109

Corporate Culture 110
Office Etiquette 110
Netiquette 112
Responsible Use of the Internet 116
Cell Phone Protocol in the Office 120
Internship Obstacles 121
Changing Internship Plans 122
The Internship Evaluation 124
Other Practical Considerations 124
Housing 124
Transportation 125
Dressing for Success 126
Modeling the Way 126

5 The Company Mission, Image, and Location 131

What Is the Foundation of the Internship Company? 132
The Company Mission Statement 132
The Company Objectives and Goals 133
Developing a Mission Statement to Chart Your Internship Course 134
What Is a Personal Mission Statement? 134
How Do I Write a Personal Mission Statement? 134
Steps toward Building a Personal Mission Statement with
Career Goals 136
Final Thoughts 138
What Is a Poorly Written Personal Mission Statement? 139
What Is an Example of a Well-Written Personal Mission
Statement? 139
Market Positioning 142
Market Repositioning 144
The Company Image 147
Importance of a Company Image 149
Company Image and Positioning 150
Company Image and Marketing Communications 150
Creating a Company Image 151
Image Variables 152
The Company Location 153
The Region 154
The State 155
The City 156
The Site 157

The Customer’s View of Location 160
Location Checklist 161
Designing Effective Fashion Spaces—Retail, Service, Publication, and
Interior Design 163
The Exterior of the Facility 163
The Interior of the Facility 167

6 The Nature of the Organization 179

What Is the Nature of the Organization? 180
Legal Form of Ownership 180
Types of Organization 181
Product Offerings 183
Extent of Nonstore Selling 183
Types of Services 184
Departments by Function 184
Operations 186
Finance and Accounting 187
Merchandising and Management 188
Human Resources 194
Marketing 195
The Organizational Structure 197
Communication Channels 199

7 The Customer 205

Who Is the Customer? 206
The Customer Decision Process 206
Market Segmentation 207
Demographics 207
Psychographics 208
Lifestyle 208
Culture 209
Social Classes 209
Reference Groups 209
Multiple Customer Levels 210
Buying Motives 211
Customer Relations 211
Types of Services 211
Levels of Service 214
Forms of Service 214
Customer Service 215
Getting the Product to the Consumer 216

Channels of Distribution 217
Conventional Marketing Channels 218
Distribution Channel Strategies 218
Physical Distribution 219

8 The External Environment and E-commerce 225

Why Look at the Internship Company From the Outside In? 226
Subsets of the External Environment 226
The Competitive Environment 226
The Economic Environment 230
The Social/Demographic Environment 231
The Political/Legal Environment 232
The Natural Environment 232
The Technological Environment 233
E-commerce 234
Click-and-mortar Model 238
Storefront Model 238
Distributed or Mall Storefront Mode 238
Auction Model 238
Members-only Model 239

9 The Product and Pricing 243

What Is a Product? 244
Product Levels 244
Product Classifications 245
The Product Life Cycle 249
Introductory Stage 250
Growth Stage 250
Maturity Stage 250
Decline Stage 250
The Product Line 251
The Product Mix 252
Seasonality of the Fashion Industry 253
Branding and the Product 254
Branding and the Customer 254
What Drives a Brand? 255
Branding Terminology 256
Packaging and Labeling 257
The Role of Pricing on the Product 258
Setting the Retail Price 259
Variables in Pricing Decisions 260

Legal Restrictions in Pricing 261
Pricing Strategies 262
Demand Pricing 262
Competitive Pricing 263
Price Setting and Price Lining 264
Price Zones 265
Markup 266
Markdowns 266
Pricing Guidelines 268

10 Product Development and Design,

contributed by Professor Kirsteen Buchanan, Stephens College 273
What Is Product Development? 274
Why Move into Product Development? 274
Types of Product Development Businesses 275
Retail Product Development 276
Manufacturer Product Development 276
Creating a Brand: Product Segmentation 277
The Merchandiser’s Job in Product Development 278
Planning for Product Development 280
Line Composition 282
Line Structure 282
Line Balance 283
Product Development Steps 285
Research and Forecasting 290
The Designer’s Job 294
The Design Process 296
Inspiration 296
Fabric and Color Stories 296
Styling Direction 296
Style Development 296
Product Specifications 297
Fittings 298
Editing and Merchandising 298
Color and Labdips; Prints and Strikeoffs 299
Labdips 299
Strikeoffs 299
Technical Design and Follow-up 301
Editing and Adoption 302

11 Production 305
What Are the Stages and Strategies of Production? 306
Preproduction Planning 306
Production Planning 307
Offshore Production 308
In-House Production 309
The Manufacturing Process 310
The Production Pattern 310
Grading and Marking 313
Spreading and Cutting 313
Assembling 315
Finishing and Labeling 315
Distribution of the Finished Product 316
Costing the Product 317
Materials and Findings 317
Production Labor 319
Transportation 319
Promotion 320
Sales and Support Staff 320
Overhead 321
Distribution 321

12 Promotion and Publishing 327

What Is Promotion? 328
Buyer Readiness State of the Target Market 328
Avenues of Promotion 329
Choosing a Message 330
Personal and Nonpersonal Communication Channels 331
Choosing the Media Type 334
Setting the Promotional Budget 334
Setting the Promotional Mix 335
Advertising 335
Sales Promotions 336
Publicity 336
Personal Selling 337
Visual Merchandising 338
Collecting Feedback 339
Publishing 340


Appendix A Internship Learning Agreement 353
Appendix B Resources for Finding Internships and Researching
Employers 355
Appendix C Daily Activity Journal 370
Appendix D Weekly Activity Report 372
Appendix E Student’s Internship Summary 374
Appendix F1 Internship Supervisor’s Intern Evaluation: Rating Chart
and Short Answer Questions 377
Appendix F2 Internship Supervisor’s Intern Evaluation: Checklist/
Rating Scale 380
Appendix G Intern’s Internship Supervisor Evaluation 383
Appendix H Intern’s Self-Evaluation 385

Glossary 388
Credits 405
Index 406


The Fashion Intern, second edition, is written for the postsecondary fashion
student preparing to locate, secure, and analyze an internship experience in the
fashion industry. The text is developed primarily for use in three types of courses:
(1) pre-internship seminar; (2) internship experience; and (3) postinternship, or
senior, seminar.
An internship can be one of the most overwhelming and exhilarating learn-
ing experiences in the student’s academic program. Unlike enrolling in a course
that is directed by an instructor who has prepared objectives, assignments, and
lectures, the student is responsible, in most cases, for fi nding a location and
sponsor for the internship and then collaborating with the internship sponsor
on the goals, projects, and experiences that will facilitate the student’s career
objectives, fulfill the college or university’s academic requirements, and assure
that the intern contributes to the day-to-day operations of the internship firm.
The internship places the student in the role of a self-directed learner, one who
must find the information source for answers; objectively evaluate his or her
own performance; and successfully meet the needs of the internship work envi-
ronment and the academic institution as well as his or her own needs. The intern
is often in the position of not being asked the question by the instructor; instead,
the intern must generate both the question and the answer. Getting the great job
and doing a great job on the job are two very different yet equally paramount
aspirations for the student intern.

O rganization of the Text

The text is divided into two major parts: (1) pre-internship planning and (2) on-
the-job analysis of the internship company. Chapters 1 through 4 offer the tools
needed to find internship opportunities and to secure an internship position that
will serve as stepping-stones to the student’s postgraduate career path. Chap-
ters 5 through 12 provide background information and questions that place the
student in the role of business analyst, one whose task it is to assess the business
as a whole by reviewing the company’s goals, functions, and various depart-
ments in their entirety.

Chapter 1, “Getting Started,” guides the student through the processes and
resources needed to define and plan for the successful internship search. Chapter
2, “Writing a Résumé and Letter of Application,” provides step-by-step infor-
mation on constructing a résumé and letter of application for prospective intern-
ship employers. The scannable résumé is examined in this chapter for internship
fi rms that require electronic applications. A résumé critique form is provided
for a final analysis. Samples of résumés and letters of applications are models
that apply directly to the fashion industry for the student to consider. Chapter
3, “Applying and Interviewing for the Internship,” leads the student through the
job application and interview process. Interview guidelines, commonly asked
questions, portfolio presentation, and post-interview activities are explored.
Chapter 4, “Before Settling In,” takes a look at standards of professional conduct
on the job; the definition and importance of corporate culture; and practical
considerations, such as budgeting for housing and transportation.
In the second half of the text, the student is guided through an analysis of
the internship organization, beginning with Chapter 5, “The Company Mission,
Image, and Location.” In this chapter the intern reviews the company’s goals
and objectives, its image and position in the marketplace, its location(s), and its
facility. Chapter 6, “The Nature of the Organization,” provides the intern with
the opportunity to examine the firm’s form of ownership, organizational type,
products and services, and extent of departmentalization. In Chapter 7, “The
Customer,” the internship organization’s customer and customer relations are
explored. Channels of distribution used to move the product to the customer
are also investigated in this chapter. Competition, the economy, social trends,
consumer demographics, political and legal issues, nature, and technology have
significant influence over a company’s performance in the marketplace. These
influencers, referred to as the external environment, are reviewed in Chapter 8,
which features an emphasis on e-commerce activities. In Chapter 9, “The Product
and Pricing,” the intern is asked to recognize and classify the products offered
by the internship organization. The product life cycle, merchandise assortments,
seasonality of goods, brands and trademarks, and packaging and labeling are
discussed, in addition to product pricing variables, strategies, and guidelines.
Next, Chapter 10 focuses on product development and design from the
perspectives of both the manufacturer and the retailer. Decisions in brand-
ing, line planning, and researching trends are made in the product develop-
ment and design division of a company. The designer’s job is also examined in
this chapter, as are steps to developing a product and designing a product line.
As manufacturing the products follows the development and design process,
Chapter 11 takes a look at production. The manufacturing process, including
sourcing manufacturers and costing goods, is reviewed for those fi rms that have
a production division. Internships in promotion and publishing have become
much more prevalent and sought after by fashion students. Consumer and trade
magazines, fashion show production companies, special event planners, and
public relations fi rms are major sponsors of fashion internships and potential
employers of fashion graduates. In Chapter 12, “Promotion and Publishing,”

constructing a message for the customer, establishing the budget, and determin-
ing the promotional mix are examined. In addition, visual merchandising as
a key form of promotion is discussed, as are various editorial positions in the
world of fashion publishing.

Features of the Text

The Fashion Intern, second edition, provides a variety of pedagogical features
to be used by a classroom group or by the student individually, as a self-directed
learner. Case studies are presented at the end of each chapter to illustrate
chapter topics in real-world business scenarios. Models of résumés, information
and contact requests, letters of application, and thank-you letters are provided,
allowing the student to see samples of these job search tools as they relate to the
fashion industry. Boxes feature key points in the chapters, international intern-
ship programs and other internship opportunities, profiles of major employers,
and interviews with industry professionals. A glossary of key terms is included
at the end of the text. The appendices contain a wealth of information and tools,
including a learning agreement form, online and print resources for fi nding and
researching prospective internship employers, daily and weekly activity report
forms, and evaluation forms for the intern and the internship employer. An
instructor’s guide is also available to assist with course organization, class dis-
cussion, and teaching ideas.

 PR E FAC E xvii

To my parents, Sally and John Granger; my sister, Patricia; my brother, Joseph;
and my sister-in-law, Wendy, for their support and encouragement. To my beau-
tiful daughter, Annie, I wish a life of success and love. From Annie, I learn that
it is never too late to pursue new dreams. To Melody and John, my selected
family, for their devotion and love. To Molly, Romeo, Jack, and Myko for the
humor and comfort. To Jenn McKelvie for her friendship and her work on all of
the visuals in this text. Grateful acknowledgment to Career Services of Missouri
State University for its handouts and exceptional student support; to Profes-
sor Kirsteen Buchanan, gifted teacher and product developer, for the insight-
ful chapter on product development; and to Carey Kaltenbach for his original
material on letters of application, upon which that segment was based. To all
my students, past and present, thank you for sharing a passion for fashion and
for always teaching the teacher. Finally, thank you to Olga Kontzias, my favorite
executive editor and fellow Francophile; Jennifer Crane, editorial development
director; Lisa Vecchione, associate development editor; Liz Marotta, senior pro-
duction editor; Noah Schwartzberg, ancillaries editor; and Erin Fitzsimmons,
former associate art director, at Fairchild Books.
Best wishes as you begin your internship experience!


T o the Student
Congratulations, you are about to set out on an exciting adventure in the fashion
industry—the internship. For some, this will be your first work experience.
Others have been employed for years, perhaps as a sales associate in a specialty
store, a cashier in a department store, or a receptionist for an apparel manufac-
turer. Regardless of your prior level of experience (or inexperience), this intern-
ship journey will provide you with several new opportunities and challenges. As
an intern, you will:

• receive exposure to the business organization as a whole;

• construct a written analysis of the internship organization through the
completion of this guide and the Daily Activity Journal or Weekly Activity
Report (or both);
• fulfill an academic requirement through hands-on experience; and
• receive evaluations from both the internship supervisor and the academic
internship sponsor.

These challenges will require you to develop a new perspective—that of a busi-

ness analyst who studies the organization in its entirety. The purpose of The
Fashion Intern is to provide a structure for an analysis of your organization as
a whole, to help you gain as much from the internship experience as possible.
This guide is intended for those employed in any segment of the apparel, acces-
sories, soft goods, and fashion service industries. It can be applied to any orga-
nization anywhere along the channel of distribution and serving any market
segment. This guide is based on a marketing model, focusing on an organiza-
tion’s decisions about the products, promotion, pricing, and distribution, all
with the intent of better serving and growing the target market while managing
costs and maintaining profit.

The following assumptions have been made in the preparation of this guide:

• You have a basic understanding of business principles, particularly

• You are an upper-level student who understands business concepts and
• You will adjust questions to relate directly to your specific internship
• You will review this guide with the academic sponsor and internship
supervisor prior to beginning the internship experience.

In each section of The Fashion Intern, the main topic will be introduced through
a brief outline. Examples are given as to how the topic might be applied to a
variety of organizations. Read the introduction and the examples, look critically
at your organization, and redefi ne the question in an appropriate way if neces-
sary. You cannot always depend on the guide to generate the specific question
that must be asked. You will be asked to evaluate, analyze, criticize, speculate,
and make connections between concepts and practice. Students familiar with
the case study method will have an advantage. The intent is to encourage you to
think critically. The guide is designed to assist you with the formation of ques-
tions that make you think about the organization in its entirety.
Conceptually, The Fashion Intern asks you to look critically at the organi-
zation (e.g., retail store, museum, factory, design workroom, and so on) as one
with its own unique way of relating to:

• its customers;
• the environment to which it must respond;
• formal and informal power structures;
• individual resources and personnel limitations;
• what the internship organization offers (product);
• how it informs potential customers (promotion);
• how it determines what to charge or how to pay (pricing); and
• how it will get that product to its customers (sales and distribution).

In responding to the sections of this guide, descriptions may not be adequate.

After the description is formulated, you should take the perspective of a busi-
ness consultant to this organization and ask, “In what new ways should this
organization look at the issue?” If, for example, the issue of social responsibil-
ity is one that has apparently never been raised, ask: (1) Why has it not been
raised? (2) What are the social responsibility implications for this organization?

(3) What specific issues of social responsibility might the internship organiza-
tion respond to, and how?
Not only examine the internship organization but also think about compe-
tition of the internship operation and about competition as it affects organiza-
tions in general. You cannot assume that all retailers, for example, buy only
from manufacturers’ representatives who visit them in their stores because that
is how it is done in the internship organization. Nor can you assume that all
apparel manufacturers do pattern drafting by computer just because your orga-
nization is fortunate enough to have state-of-the-art computerized equipment.
The Fashion Intern has been designed to (1) respond to a variety of intern-
ship experiences available in the fashion industry, (2) allow for any time length
required by the academic institution or the internship supervisor, and (3) ask
for minimum written requirements from the internship supervisor. The intern-
ship may be completed, for example, during a 4-week intersession or a 14-week
semester, as required by the academic institution and internship supervisor.
Before starting the internship experience, establish a time frame for complet-
ing the chapters in the guide. The academic internship sponsor will determine
whether the Daily Activity Journal or Weekly Activity Report, or both, will be
submitted to the academic internship sponsor following the end of the intern-
ship experience or each week. The internship supervisor is requested to com-
plete student evaluation forms at the conclusion of the internship (Appendices
F1 and F2). The Fashion Intern is designed to help you create a polished and
professional product for your portfolio. You can use the text as a place to make
notes, to summarize interviews, and to identify those questions that you need to
research. The accompanying CD-ROM allows you to input complete answers
to the questions and then print a document that provides a total analysis of the
internship organization.

 I N T RO D U C T I O N xxi

 Getting Started

• To understand what an internship is and why it is important
• To recognize the significance of planning, organization,
and research in the internship search
• To clarify personal and professional goals as they pertain
to the internship experience
• To locate prospective internship positions through
networking and research
• To construct networking and prospecting letters for
locating internship opportunities

W hat Is an Internship?
An internship is a supervised on-the-job experience that combines work, an
analysis of the organization, employer and academic sponsor feedback, and, fre-
quently, special assignments. An internship provides students with an excellent
opportunity to apply their education to the work environment; it also allows the
employer to assess and train future employees while gaining new perspectives.
An internship may be paid or unpaid, and enrolled in for college credit or no
credit, depending on the requirements of the academic institution, the students,
and the internship organization.
An internship can truly be a win-win situation for all three partners. The
student can benefit from hands-on experience, the opportunity to apply aca-
demic theory to the real world, and, possibly, procure the additional benefit
of post-graduation employment. The internship supervisor can gain a new and
enthusiastic perspective from the student as well as a candidate for future employ-
ment. The academic internship sponsor is exposed to various fashion industry
businesses and given the chance to assess not only student performance on the
job but also the relationship between academic course content and current and
future industry needs and trends.
There are two categories of internships: formal and informal. A formal
internship program is most often offered by a large company. For example, a
group of student interns may go through preplanned classes and activities in a
formal internship program. In an informal internship, the internship supervisor
and student develop an individual program that will meet the employer’s needs,
the student’s goals, and the academic institution’s internship requirements. In an
informal internship, developing a specific work plan that meets the needs of the
intern, the employer, and the academic sponsor is extremely important.

W hy an Internship?
An internship is one of the best ways to get your foot in the door of a fashion
business. Interning is a route to meeting and working with successful industry
professionals who will model success and may later help you land a position
after graduation; it is a path to learning fi rsthand about the multitude of career
options in the industry. This path may not be available to others—those not
pursuing a college degree or not enrolled in an academic program that provides
the necessary prerequisite training and support. An internship is the part of
your education that introduces you to the professional world. Why complete an
internship? The following are a few of the many reasons for working diligently
to secure and successfully complete the best internship for you.

• Gain essential on-the-job experience in the industry. The classroom is the

fundamental part of your education and will afford you opportunities to


learn about theory, best practices, and techniques; however, one of the
most difficult lessons to teach in a classroom is how to work within the
industry, with clients, coworkers, teams, and supervisors. An internship
provides real-world work experience, such as meeting an immediate
and unexpected deadline, pleasing a difficult customer, working with a
challenging supervisor, or motivating an uncertain employee.
• Build an industry network. Because you will be interning in a showroom,
buying office, design studio, retail store, costume collection, or any one
of the multitude of places of business in the industry, nearly every person
you meet will be someone to add to your career network. Many students
say, “It’s who you know . . . and I don’t know anybody when it comes
to finding a job.” You know your faculty, alumni, and peers. During the
internship, you can expand this network by taking the time to get to know
professionals you meet on the job and recording their contact information.
• Expand your portfolio. Nothing enhances a portfolio like actual
professional work. Your college projects and writing assignments are
significant to employers; they show the diversity of your skills and provide
outside assessment. Work completed on the job, such as newsletters, memos,
trend boards, and other projects, help establish you as a professional.
• Learn what is out there. While working as an intern, you will be exposed
to many professionals in positions and careers tracks that you may not
have studied in college or read about in your research. A former student
who interned with a fiber trade organization, Cotton Incorporated,
learned that there was an employee who organized sample garments and
accessories, catalogued fabric samples, and assisted with the development
of trend boards. It was the ideal position for this ultra-organized, color-
coded, and fashion-forward young woman. She completed the internship
with flying colors and applied for this job when a new graduate. The
company knew she was a talented and tireless employee; she got the job.
• Land a job. Can you imagine that your job search may be over before it
is ever started? Can you envision having a position in the industry before
you graduate from college? Many employers prefer to offer an entry-level
position to one of their successful, hardworking interns, rather than pay
to advertise the position, spend valuable time interviewing candidates,
and take a risk in hiring someone with whom they have no experience.
Companies offer internships for two main reasons. First, interns provide
extra help in the workplace, often offering a fresh look at how business is
conducted. Second, an internship provides a company with a test drive of a
potential employee. If you are interning for a firm that does not have a job
opening now, it may have one tomorrow. In addition, if your internship
company does not have a position, the executives may know of another
person or business that is hiring. It all comes back to building both a
network and a top professional reputation.

Common Internship Questions and Answers
When should I start to plan for my internship?
Begin to plan at least two semesters prior to when you expect to complete
the internship. For example, start planning during a current fall semester at the
very latest for a prospective internship for the following summer.

What should I do first?

Before contacting prospective employers, it is important to clarify personal
goals and expectations for the internship experience. What do you want to do in
the internship? Assist in production planning? Learn how to buy? Help plan and
coordinate fashion promotion activities? Assist a designer? Work in finance or in
control? Learn about visual merchandising or, perhaps, the functions of personnel?
Assist in merchandising? Construct patterns? Work in product development?

Now I’m ready to contact employers, right?

Not quite. The next step involves investigation: researching employers and
employment opportunities. The Internet is an excellent source of information.
Additional resources are presented in this chapter. If you are interested in return-
ing home, or perhaps working in your college town during the school year or
summer, you may find it advisable to identify the specific employers you are
interested in and to apply directly to those organizations. Knowing something
about the company before you begin will help you know how better to present
yourself and possibly prevent an embarrassing moment or comment. In addition,
the company representative may be impressed by your wealth of knowledge.

So, what next?

Now you are faced with important choices. Do you want to apply for an
existing internship program, or should you create your own? For example, Liz
Claiborne, Inc., and Saks Fifth Avenue offer structured, or formal, internship
programs. Can you complete the internship during the summer or during a
semester of the traditional academic year? Can you work full-time or part-time?
Applying for internship programs requires careful, long-range planning, perhaps
including arranging for a lighter academic load during the appointed internship
semester. An internship is a real job that requires time and effort.

After I have decided between creating my own internship and applying

for an existing one, how do I present myself?
It is necessary to develop an appropriate résumé and letter of application
describing yourself, your experiences, the position sought, and what you bring
to this position.

To how many companies should I apply for an internship?

Although there is no right answer, as it depends entirely upon your personal
goals and objectives, one should consider a minimum of five to ten applications.
If possible, do not limit yourself to one location.


Will I get paid for my internship?
Yes and no. Some companies pay interns the minimum hourly wage; others
pay a stipend. Some organizations may not pay at all for the internship experi-
ence. It is up to you and your academic institution to decide whether or not you
can accept an unpaid internship.

What if I receive more than one offer?

Lucky you! Choosing among offers is never easy. If, however, you have clari-
fied your goals and objectives in applying for the internship early in your search,
you will be in a better position to evaluate offers as they are presented.

R ecommended Timeline for the Internship

The following schedule has been developed by internship students, alumni, and
industry employers. If you prefer to complete the internship during fall or spring
semester or during a semester intersession, adjust the plan as needed to accom-
modate course requirements for your degree program. You may reduce months
to weeks if your academic program requires this.

• Nine to ten months in advance—Attend student internship presentations,

and network with peers, faculty, friends, family, and graduates about
internship opportunities. Begin the internship planning process.

• Eight to nine months in advance—Research potential employers (e.g., the

Internet, Fairchild’s Textile and Apparel Financial Directory, Sheldon’s
Retail, Standard and Poor’s, Women’s Wear Daily, and your college’s
graduate file). Read The Fashion Intern thoroughly.

• Seven to eight months in advance—Attend résumé workshops and practice

interview sessions. Draft résumés and letters of application. Continue
researching potential employers.
• Six to seven months in advance—After the résumé and letters of
application have been proofread several times, have them printed.

• Five to six months in advance—Mail letters of application and résumés to

prospective employers.

• Four to five months in advance—Follow up on inquiry letters, and

schedule both phone and personal interviews. Continue searching and
developing new letters of application.

• Three to four months in advance—Interview; continue contacting

potential employers.

• Two to three months in advance—Continue interviewing. If required by

the academic institution, register for the internship before leaving campus.

• One to two months in advance—Turn in the internship application.
Finalize your internship objectives with the academic sponsor and
internship supervisor.
• Showtime—Complete the actual internship on-the-job work hours.

T he Unpaid Internship
Some academic institutions require that students complete unpaid internships.
The premise is that this puts all interns on a level playing field and allows for
a broader range of internship employers. In addition, because some colleges do
not permit the student to receive credit for paid employment, the unpaid intern-
ship may be necessary. Some employers also do not permit both college credit
and payment. Other employers and universities offer the student the choice of a
paid or unpaid internship for college credit. If you have this choice, what should
you do?
Do not simply pass up an unpaid internship. Often the experience will bring
about more rewards than any paid position. For example, some major design
fi rms in New York City have so many internship applicants from the United
States and abroad that they do not pay interns so that they can offer several
openings. You may need to ask yourself a few questions: How much can I learn?
Who will I meet? Will this position look good on my résumé and help me stand
out in the post-graduation job search? Can I afford to do this? There are a
number of things you can do to make it without the paycheck from the intern-
ship’s fi rm.

• Seek out both scholarships and grants from your college or university
to fund the internship experience, or, at the very least, cover the cost of
tuition. It never hurts to ask. Sometimes there is money out there that
never gets claimed.

• Hit the books. Search for published resources on individual grants,

scholarships, and fellowships offered outside of your college or university.

• Ask your parents or relatives for a loan. Promise to do something big

for them when you make it big. Meanwhile, set up a repayment plan or

• Apply for financial aid or a student loan.

• Secure a part-time job during the evenings and weekends while you are
working on the internship. Some internships are scheduled for only 15 or
20 hours each week, allowing you another 20 hours or more to work in
retailing, food service, or another area that will help pay the bills.


E ffective Career Planning
To be an effective career planner, use the following checklist to write journal
entries as you explore your personal and professional path.

• Understand yourself and your goals, interests, values, aptitudes, and abilities.
• Have a general understanding of the world of work. This requires
exposure to different work environments through paid or unpaid jobs,
talking to people working in various positions and fields, and reading
independently to investigate job and career options.
• Identify your values in terms of career payoffs. In other words, clarify
what is important to you. Is it money, status, influence, or the opportunity
to make a difference? How will various careers affect your total lifestyle?
You will want to select an internship that provides the right environment
for personal and professional growth.
• Recognize that getting a job is a job in itself. Plan to spend time and effort
in your job search; it is an investment in your future.

A mind map provides an opportunity to assess one’s attributes, skills, experiences,

and goals from both personal and professional perspectives. Figure 1.1 presents a
mind map that encourages the development of short-term and long-term goals in
order to evaluate personal and professional strengths and to clarify job contacts.
Use this diagram to determine how your personal qualities and experiences fit
with your short- and long-term goals. Fill in each bubble with brief descriptions.
Once you complete this, evaluate the form to identify the type of internship that is
the best match for you. See also Box 1.1, A Case for Mind Mapping.
Following is a list of types of fashion intern employers:

• Retail buying division

• Resident buying office
• Stylist for a media or design fi rm
• Manufacturer’s representative
• Special event producer
• Designer public relations representative
• Fashion trade journals and consumer publications
• Web retailer
• Theatrical costume company
• Modeling agency

Figure 1.1 Mind-
mapping bubbles.
Strengths Passions Work

Life Experiences Volunteer and Network

Co-Curricular Work

Personal Professional
Short-Term Goals Short-Term Goals

Personal Professional
Long-Term Goals Long-Term Goals

• Mart director’s office

• Wardrobe stylist department (for example, theater, film, or television)
• Design studio—interiors, apparel, or accessories
• Visual merchandising department
• Patternmaking department
• Manufacturer’s showroom
• Museum gift store or historical costume collection
(continued on page 10)


Looking Further Ahead Figure 1.1 (continued)

Next Year 2 Years Away 5 Years Away

Your Ultimate Career Picture (Long-Range)

BOX 1.1 
A Case for Mind Mapping
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road
to go from here?” will take you there.”
“That depends a good deal on where you want —Saint-Onge
to go,” said the cat.
“I don’t much care where,” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,” said
the cat.
—Lewis Carroll, Alice In Wonderland

• Trend or color forecasting fi rm
• Retail management
• Production facility

O rganizing the Job Search

A job search schedule is presented as Table 1.1 to provide structure to the process.
You may decide to set up an Excel spreadsheet to monitor and organize your job
search progress. Some students also maintain job search “appointments” with
themselves on their computers, iPhones, or BlackBerries (Figure 1.2). Planning
the job search and allocating time to the job of getting a job will maximize the
quality and number of your internship opportunities.
Organization calls for a systematic way of recording and filing the informa-
tion that you gather on prospective employers. Index cards are ideal for this
purpose, as is a computerized spreadsheet. As you gather pertinent information
on job prospects, record it immediately, one company or job prospect to a card
or computer file. Enter the name, street address, Web site, e-mail address, and
phone number of the company. Add any other information that you feel would
be useful, such as the nature of the company’s products or services, names and
titles of company officers, the person you should contact, locations of branch
offices, and so on. Additional notes on correspondence, phone calls, inter-
views, and needed follow-up work should be included. When gathering contact

Table 1.1
Week of
Estimated Hours To Be Spent
M T W Th F S Su
Job Market Research
Telephone Calls
Letter Writing
Job Interviews
Daily Totals
Weekly Total hours


Figure 1.2 Schedule job
search “appointments”
in your week in order
to maximize the quality
and quantity of your
internship opportunities.

information, be certain to spell names correctly and note correct titles. Figure
1.3 illustrates a job search worksheet.

L ocating Internship Positions

Where can information about internship positions be found? Internship posi-
tions can be located through the following resources:

• Library—Standard and Poor’s, Women’s Wear Daily, Daily News-Record,

Children’s Business, Earnshaw’s, and the Wall Street Journal are a few of
the resources that may be available in the library to provide information
on fashion retailers, manufacturers, trend forecasting services, and resident
buying offices, among others. Additional resources include O’Dwyer’s
Public Relations, The Fashion Resource Directory, and Stores magazine.
For internships that are not in fashion retailing, there are directories of
textile, apparel, and accessories manufacturers, such as The Fashion Guide:
International Designer Directory. The Fashion Group International, Inc.,
and the International Textile and Apparel Association produce membership
directories that can be used as resources for locating fashion internships. The
Fashion Group International, Inc., has a Web site,, that often
features prospective employers for internships as well as specific positions.

Job Target:
(Use a separate form or computer file for each job target.)

Telephone Calls or Letters:

Person/ Phone #/
Date Organization Address E-mail Address Objective Results

Specific Research Objectives:

Sources to
Date Contact Objective Results

Other Objectives:
(People with whom to network, information interviews, professional association meetings, etc.)

Related Expenses:
Airfare and lodging, if needed to interview outside of home region; ground transportation; tuition

Figure 1.3 Job search worksheet.


• Faculty—Faculty members often have industry contacts or suggestions
about resources for the type of internship position you may be seeking. Be
sure to ask for their ideas. You will want to provide faculty members with
a résumé and a brief description of an internship “wish list.” They may
hear about the ideal position for you later in the semester.
• Alumni—There are many occasions to meet with alumni from the college.
Find the right moment to introduce yourself and ask about internship
opportunities. If you are unable to visit with the alumni while they are on
campus, send a note at a later date.
• Friends and Family—Let friends and family know that you are looking
for an internship. Tell them about the type of internship you are seeking,
the location you would prefer, and the requirements for the internship
experience (e.g., number of work hours). Ask them for names, titles, and
addresses of industry contacts and refer to the person who helped you in
your letter of application.
• Fellow Students—Talk to your peers, especially those who have
completed internships, about how, what, when, and where they secured
their internships. These students may be able to refer you to their former
internship employers. Moreover, their parents may have connections with
retail operations or design firms.
• Career Services Department of Your College or University—Most colleges
have counseling centers or career planning and placement offices, or
both, that provide information regarding potential employers, on-campus
recruiting, and the job search. Attend career fairs held on campus and in
the community.
• Direct Contact with Preferred Employers—Magazine advertisements and
garment hangtags often contain address information for a company’s
headquarters. Write to the company to request an internship opportunity.
• Apparel Marts—Contact the apparel mart directors of several major
locations (for example, Kansas City, Atlanta, Dallas, and so on) to ask
about positions with the mart director’s office or with the manufacturers’
representatives. You may want to ask the apparel mart director for a guest
pass so that you can distribute résumés to the sales representatives.
• Industry Organizations—Some trade and community (e.g., chamber of
commerce, mall management, and small business council) organizations
solicit members to provide internship opportunities for college students
interested in pursuing a career in the fashion industry. Contact this
type of professional organization in your area for possible internship
• Guest Speakers at Your College—Send them thank-you notes for their
presentations, and think of contacting them again when seeking an internship.

• The Internet—Company Web sites and Internet search engines provide
a wealth of information. Many corporate Web sites contain information
on the company’s internship program. The section that follows further
discusses using the Internet as a tool. Also see the Web site links and
shaded boxes in Appendix B to investigate a wealth of internship
• Newspapers—Check the classified sections of newspapers in cities of
interest to you for information on job opportunities.
• Current and Prior Work Associates—Discuss your internship goals with
current and previous employers to seek out new opportunities and specific
contact persons.
• Acquaintances from Volunteer and Professional Organizations—
Community service projects and membership in student organizations
provide exposure to people from a variety of backgrounds and industries.
Tell them what you are looking for and ask them to share names of who
they know.

Be sure to send all network contacts thank-you notes in appreciation of

their help and time after they have talked or written to you. Figure 1.4 presents
guidelines for constructing a networking letter. Figure 1.5 provides an example
of a networking letter.

R esearching Employers
Why Research Employers?
Researching a prospective employer is an often missed step when applying for
an internship. It is easy to get excited when you believe that you have found
a dream career opportunity and the perfect internship position; however, not
digging deep into an employer’s current situation and past reputation can prove
to be a costly mistake. You can be certain that employers are checking your
references, online profile, and college credentials before extending an offer. You
would be remiss to not do the same with any prospective hiring organization.
The more you know about a company, the better able you will be to communi-
cate your value to this employer during your interview. The hard work that you
put into your research will almost always pay off by reflecting your interest and
enthusiasm to employers and by providing you with the confidence that this is a
secure employment opportunity. Taking the time to learn about a company and
then to pursue an internship with a fi rm is a form of flattery to company rep-
resentatives. Before you complete your letter of application and send out your
résumé, we will take a closer look at why you should research employers, what
to look for, and how to investigate like a detective.


Your address
Telephone number with area code
E-mail address


Alumnus’s or friend’s name


Dear (Insert name): If a recent graduate, it would be

acceptable to address the alumnus
by his or her fi rst name; however, if
the alumnus or friend has been out
of college for a length of time and
is older than you, address the letter
to Ms./Mrs./Mr.

Begin by introducing yourself as a student at (college) in

your year, studying in the area of .
Tell the person how you obtained his or her name (e.g., your parents, a fellow student, graduate
fi le, and so on) and why you are writing (e.g., for advice or information about a permanent
career position after graduation, assistance with relocating to his or her city, help in securing an
internship). Be as specific as possible.

In the second paragraph, describe your internship goals and briefly mention a few important
things about your background (e.g., courses taken and work experience). It is also helpful to
include a résumé. If you have preferences regarding an internship location, be sure to mention this.

In the third paragraph, thank this contact for any assistance given to you. It would be useful to
you to try to arrange a time to meet when you are in the area or for you to discuss your internship
search further by phone.


(Your signature)

(Your name printed)

Figure 1.4 Guidelines for constructing a networking letter.

543 Powhatan Avenue
Denver, CO

April 21, 20XX

Ms. Laraine Evans, Dress Buyer

Neiman Marcus
P.O. Box 650589
Dallas, TX 72650

Dear Ms. Evans:

Dr. Smith, professor of fashion merchandising at Ivy League University, suggested that I
contact you. She thought that you would be in an excellent position as an alumna to assist me with
a career decision.

As a fashion student, I am exploring which career path to pursue. Buying, management, and
visual merchandising all sound interesting to me at this point, but I want to go into my campus
interviews next semester with a clear sense of direction. I would like to get your advice on the long-
term career implications of each path, as well as a better handle on the day-to-day activities and
responsibilities of a retail buyer.

I will call you next week to see if we can arrange a brief meeting at your convenience. Thank
you for considering my request.


Marci Winston
(204) 226-1988

Figure 1.5 Sample of a networking letter (modified block format).

Modified and reprinted from Planning Job Choices: 1999 with permission of the National Association of Colleges and
Employers, copyright holder.


The majority of you have held some type of employment, whether as a sales
associate, food server, or child caretaker. Some of you had wonderful experiences in
these jobs, whereas others may have been wondering what the employer was think-
ing, how bad it could get, and when it would be over. In the latter case, you learned
the hard way to spend dedicated time learning about an employer before applying
for a job. Why should you do some investigative work on prospective employers?

• To determine if the company is a fit for you. You may find you do not
particularly like a specific career path in the industry. You may also dig
up unfortunate corporate digital dirt or uncover information on poor
employee relations.
• To decide if you are right for the company. Some companies or industries
may not be the right fit for your skill sets, values, or corporate culture
preferences. It is also possible to find that you are not really interested in
the company’s products or services. Be sure to consider your goals, desires,
and ethics to see how they fit given the information you have revealed.
• To help tailor your résumé and letter of application to the position.
Knowing specifically what makes the company successful can turn your
application into the winning ticket.
• To give you the information required to address effectively the needs of
the organization. Knowing why the company needs to hire an intern is key
to addressing how you can help the company.
• To help you prepare effective interview questions. Knowing specific industry
information or advanced product knowledge can get you closer to an offer as
you impress the interviewer with insightful questions and answers.
• To demonstrate sincere interest in the company. A common interview
question is “Why do you want to work for us?” Having an educated
answer puts you ahead of the competition. One of the most important
ways to distinguish yourself in an interview is to speak knowledgeably
about the organization.
• To educate yourself about a particular career path in the industry. Perhaps
this internship is in a sector of the industry that is new to you. Get in the
know before writing your application and heading to the interview.

When Do I Research Employers?

The best time to research employers is before you prepare your résumé and
letter of application to request an interview with a company. By doing some due
diligence early, you can quickly rule out firms and internships that do not match
your personal needs, academic requirements, or desired career path. It is to your
benefit to pull the plug early on a less than reputable internship and turn your
focus on positions more worth your effort and time.

Where Do I Start Looking?
Conducting employer research is much like preparing a college assignment or
project. The idea is to develop two lists: one of companies for which you are
interested in interning and another of resources for researching businesses. Here
are a few good places to help you start the second list:

• Corporate Web Site. Look for industry information, product or service

details, and management information. Most corporate sites indicate
company age, size, ownership, locations, and leadership or management
details. Check the Web site to see if the company is public or private. A
review of annual reports may reveal interesting corporate details, such
as the health of the industry and the fi rm’s financial situation, mission
statement, and employee numbers.
• Google. Search forums, Web sites, blogs, and online articles that will
enable you to see what others have to say about the company’s products,
services, and employee relations. You may be surprised. Take this
information for what it is—opinions and comments. Make a decision that
is based on facts yet that allows room for majority opinion.
• Better Business Bureau. These organizations can alert you to complaints
against companies in specific geographical areas or cities. You may want to
contact them to see if your prospective employer is on the list.
• Consumer and Trade Publications. Research the employer’s industry
activity through print, in addition to Internet sources. Read magazines,
newspapers, trade publications, and journals related to the field and
• Professional Associations. Is the company affiliated with an association?
Consult association Web sites to see if the prospective employing
organization is in good standing and how it contributes to the profession.
• Chambers of Commerce. You may want to begin by contacting the
chambers of commerce in the communities in which the companies you
are interested are located. Often you will fi nd a searchable comprehensive
directory online.
• Employee Handbook. Ask a representative of the company’s human
resources department if you can receive a copy of the company’s employee
handbook to find data on personnel policies, such as vacation time and
sick leave. It is amazing how a simple handbook can change your mind or
reinforce your desire to intern with a prospective employer.
• Former Interns and Current Employee References. Do you know current
or former employees or interns? Ask them why they left, who supervised
them, and if they would ever work there again. Will the human resources
department let you speak candidly to current employees? Getting to know
current members of the team is an excellent way to judge if you want to
work with this employer in the future.


What Information Should I Uncover?
Begin by locating general information about each company in which you are
interested. Keep an accurate record of what you learn. If you are ready to go on
the Internet to begin your research, keep the following in mind:

• Know what you are looking for before you go online. Keep a list beside
you so that you can check off items as you locate them. An electronic
spreadsheet is ideal for posting information as you find it. It is easy to get
frustrated or disinterested in the research phase without organized records.
• Bookmark major Web sites as you come across them. Most browsers will even
allow you to create folders or directories to organize the links even further.
Print hard copies of important information. If you are concerned about saving
trees, you can save a copy of the document to your hard drive instead.

Although the Internet will be an invaluable research resource, your college, uni-
versity, and local library are still some of the best places to locate information.
The reference librarian should be able to point you in the direction of many
useful directories and indexes. Examples of resources that you will find in the
library are Dunn and Bradstreet reports, Standard and Poor’s Corporation
Records, World Business Directory, and Ward’s Business Directory.
Now that you know where to look for general information, you may want to
format a spreadsheet of which details to uncover. Consider these variables when
researching an internship employer:

• Mission, philosophy, and objectives of the company

• Source(s) of funding, including assets, earnings, and losses
• Company ownership (e.g., private or public, sole proprietorship or
partnership, foreign or domestic ownership, and so on)
• Company divisions or subsidiaries
• Board of directors or advisory board
• General reputation of the company
• History or background
• Products (to include services) that the company sells or provides
• Target market or clientele list
• Strategies and goals
• Market positioning or repositioning (see Chapter 5)
• Areas of specialization
• New projects and major achievements
• Age of the company
• Size of the company and number of employees
• Patterns of growth or decline

• Forecast of future growth
• Recent issues or events (e.g., layoffs or hiring, closings or expansion, and
so on)
• Number of employees
• Location of the company headquarters and length of time it has been
established there
• Other company locations
• Office/facility environment
• Personnel policies
• Types of people employed and from where interns are recruited
• Health of the industry
• Compensation and benefits
• Services or products sold or provided
• Career path or other opportunities available

Be sure to consider other details specific to the type of internship in which you
are most interested. It is important not to be slow, vague, or inaccurate about
this process, as any employer worth your time and effort during the internship
is well worth your time and effort now.

The Final Word on Researching before Sending Out Your Résumé

Finding the right internship is work; researching a prospective employer is work,
but the results can be very rewarding, especially if your research enables you to
find the ideal internship. It just makes sense to do some homework on compa-
nies rather than sending out résumés and letters of application to just any fi rm
you hear about or stumble across. You are not simply applying for an internship.
This may be the start of your career and the provider of your paycheck in the
future. You are your most important investment of time and energy.

U sing the Internet as a Tool

There are many ways to locate an internship on the Internet. Many Web sites are
created for this purpose. If you do not know where to begin, start by typing in the
words fashion or internships, or both. The following lists several links to intro-
duce you to job openings, résumé postings, and current industry information.
Here you will find topics on the industry and job openings. Current hiring
opportunities are posted under “Fashion Careers & Education.” Take a
minute to read about a “Day in the Life of a Fashion Professional,” with
topics changing from fashion stylist to designer to buyer and so on. It is a
great tool to help envision the internship experience.

Information found at this site includes daily fashion news and a
networking platform for the fashion industry.
This is a well-established Web site with a résumé builder, a job locator,
and an extensive listing of articles on the retail industry. For example, the
“Career Center” page recently had an article titled “Maybe You Can Get
Paid for an Unpaid Internship.” Articles change weekly and stay current
with the industry’s fast-paced environment.
This site provides general career information and details about the paid
formal internship programs, located on the East or West Coast with
Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. Go to
internships/ for information about internships in buying, buying/planning,
store management, product development, design, and a combined
internship in store management/buying.

C ompanies with Internship Programs

Many companies list internship opportunities and information right on their
Web sites. Here are some examples of companies to check out:

Saks Fifth Avenue
J.C. Penney
Women’s Wear Daily
Showroom Seven
Ford Modeling Agency
Donna Karan
Liz Claiborne, Inc.
Cotton Inc.

Internship program information for several of these and other firms are featured
in Appendix B.

T he International Internship
Some students have successfully completed internships in cities out of the coun-
try—London, Paris, and Mexico City, among them. These internships require
substantial advance planning and, often, an affi liation with an academic insti-
tution. For example, American Intercollegiate University (AIU) and London
College of Fashion offer summer programs in London through which the student
may elect to complete an internship as part of the course enrollment. Mary-
mount College also offers internship opportunities in London. Paris American
Academy provides on-the-job experiences as part of its educational programs in
design and merchandising.
Another route to an international internship is to apply through a U.S.
company for a position in one of its locations abroad. Barneys, Gap Inc., and
Calvin Klein are examples of such global organizations. Alternately, students
have had success applying directly to companies overseas. Escada, Zara, and
Christian Dior are a few examples. Work permits, language fluency, and cul-
tural awareness are often necessary to obtain an internship position with an
overseas fi rm.
The tragedy and horror of September 11 has severely impacted international
internship opportunities. Companies are much more selective when choosing
an intern from another country. Documentation, such as work visas, Interna-
tional Student Identification cards, and academic records, is carefully reviewed.
In some international locations, such as Paris, liability issues are a great concern
now when considering the employment of an American student. For example,
if an American student is injured on the job, the legal implications are much
more serious than before September 11. However, although it is not as easy as
securing an internship in your home country, an international internship can
be worth the extra effort. Boxes 1.2 to 1.4 show schools offering international
internship programs. Box 1.5 presents an interview with a college graduate who
successfully completed one of these internship programs in London.

T he Prospecting Letter
Internship candidates may choose to send a prospecting letter on companies
they find interesting to an academic institution offering internships abroad. A
prospecting letter is a brief letter constructed to show interest in the fi rm and
requesting information about any internship opportunities. Figure 1.6 on page 30
provides an example of a prospecting letter.


BOX 1.2 
Internship in Paris through
the Paris A merican Academy
The Paris American Academy is located in the heart In describing internship opportunities arranged
of Paris’s famous Latin Quarter. Since its founding through the Paris American Academy, Carman
in 1965, the school has been preparing students says, “We do work with internships for our stu-
for careers in fashion, fine arts, interior design, dents. French companies require a three-way
and creative writing. Paris American Academy written internship agreement, or ‘convention de
offers a three-year bachelor program with special- stage,’ linking the student, the school, and the
izations in fine arts, interior design, and fashion. company. Most, if not all, internships are unpaid;
University credits may also be earned for trans- however, if they last over three months, then some
fer to colleges and universities on both the under- payment is made. Most of the students intern
graduate and graduate levels. The school provides with fashion couture houses, sometimes with
English language classes for students from all over trend companies or other design environments.”
the world. “We are proud of the bilingual tradi-
tion of our school, which almost every year groups
together more than twenty nationalities, including Web site:
Japanese, Finnish, Americans, and Australians,” Mailing address: 275, rue St Jacques
states Monsieur Peter Carman, President of the 75005 Paris, France
Paris American Academy. Telephone: +33 1 44 41 99 20

BOX 1.3 
A merican InterContinental University:
Internships in L ondon
American InterContinental University has been which are study abroad students from affiliated
preparing students for the rigors of the real world American colleges and universities.
with practical, career-focused learning for over AIU London offers five different start dates
35 years. AIU London goes even further by giving throughout the year: October, January, March,
students an international education that can set June, and July. Each start date coincides with the
them up for success anywhere in the world— start of a new ten-week term. Students who want
whether in their hometown or farther afield. to earn their degrees in as little time as possible
AIU London is one of the few universities usually take classes during all four terms; other
in the world to be accredited in both the United students often take the summer term off.
States and United Kingdom. Students who meet Each term, AIU London professors challenge
the requisite criteria can earn both U.S. and U.K. their students with hands-on classes, career train-
bachelor’s degrees. AIU London offers bachelor’s ing, and real-life examples. Class size is limited
degrees in business administration, fashion design, to ensure students get focused attention, and cur-
fashion marketing, fashion design with market- ricula take advantage of AIU’s London location
ing, visual communications, interior design, and by bringing in guest lecturers, staging field trips,
a master’s degree in business administration. and offering internships not usually available
AIU London is located in central London, elsewhere as part of the degree programs.
between Hyde Park and Regents Park, inviting Source:,
students to experience rich British traditions as accessed June 11, 2009
they have an opportunity to expand their edu-
cational horizons. Whereas numerous American Details about AIU can be viewed at its Web site,
colleges have campuses in London and elsewhere Information about AIU’s study
in the European Union, AIU London prides abroad program can be found at: www.aiustudy
itself on being an international university, not or by calling 1 (800) 255-6839. The
merely an American university that happens to mailing address is American InterContinental Uni-
be located overseas. Ninety-five percent of AIU versity Study Abroad Programs, 2895 Greenspoint
London’s student body is international, with stu- Parkway Suite 600, Hoffman Estates, IL 60169.
dents coming from over 100 countries to pursue
their degrees. You might not be able to find Nepal Congratulations to Christian Siriano for
or Kazakhstan on a map, but the student sitting Winning Project Runway
in class next to you might call one of these coun- March 5, 2008, New York, NY—Christian Siriano,
tries home. Overall, AIU London’s enrollment formerly an AIU London student, was selected as
is around 1,000 students, about 25 percent of the winning fashion designer on Bravo TV’s season


four finale of Project Runway. Project Runway
provides budding designers with an opportunity to
launch their careers in the world of fashion. The
hugely successful reality series has become one of
television’s most-talked-about shows.
Each season, fifteen talented fashion designers
are selected from thousands of hopefuls to compete
for the opportunity to show their creative work
at New York’s Fashion Week. Supermodel Heidi
Klum heads a panel of industry luminaries, includ-
ing top womens- and menswear designer Michael
Kors and Elle magazine fashion director Nina
Garcia, who serve as judges and mentors charged
with selecting and molding the budding designers.
Tim Gunn, chief creative officer at Liz Claiborne,
Inc., acts as mentor to the program’s contestants.
Project Runway season four episodes, videos, and
collections designed by Christian can be viewed at:
Christian’s winning design abilities were
molded while a fashion design student at AIU’s
London campus from 2004 to 2006. Staff AIU’s Christian Siriano.
members at AIU London were instrumental in
helping Christian land assignments with world-
renowned designers Vivienne Westwood and
Alexander McQueen.
accessed December 6, 2008.

BOX 1.4 
A n International Fashion Internship
in Italy through Global Experiences
Global Experiences, a company specializing in • accommodation in single room;
international fashion internships, provides an
• 24/7 on-site support, mobile phone, and
11-week summer internship program for U.S.
emergency medical travel insurance;
college students majoring in fashion or interior
design to explore the world of Italian fashion, • pre-departure information and participants’
culture, and language. Students have the oppor- social hours;
tunity to earn credit as interns with Florence’s • study of the history of fashion in Italy, the
fashion businesses, which are the perfect size for rich artisan traditions in Florence, and the
gaining valuable hands-on experience and explor- fashion-related industries in the region of
ing the business strategies of Italy in the global Tuscany.
fashion industry. The program also provides
guided excursions and study of Italian fashion The required student attributes include flex-
history, language, and culture. The program ibility, self-motivation, maturity, independence,
includes: adaptability, willingness to learn, attention to
detail, and passion for Italian culture and fashion.
• custom internship placement and internship Available placement fields in fashion design are
orientation; menswear, women’s wear, bridal, accessories, and
• four-week intensive Italian language
training—20 lesson hours per week in small
groups of no more than 12;
• professional seminar and intern shadowing;
• guided fashion-related excursions;

Global Experiences logo. Global Experiences intern.


illustration. Fashion business placements are in
marketing, merchandising, and showroom sales.
Additional locations for placements in fashion
include Spain, London, Australia, and France.
Program information is available on the Web
site, In all
locations, fashion internships are customized to
fit the academic requirements and career objec-
tives of each participant. Global Experiences can
adjust program structure, length, and assessment
procedures as necessary for both the university
and the student. Global Experiences intern.

BOX 1.5 
Interview with International Intern
Jillian L emaster Nelson
Where did you do your internship?
I did an internship the summer between my junior
and senior years of college in London at The
Profile Group in its division Fashion Monitor.
I also did a short internship in New York City
when I fi rst moved there at Catherine Malan-
drino during Fashion Week.
How did you secure this internship?
I applied at American Intercontinental University
(AIU). They set you up with an advisor and they
help secure the right internship for you based on
your education and likes/dislikes.
What school did you go through and how did
Jillian Lemaster Nelson, international intern.
you work this out with your university?
I went to AIU, and I worked with my university’s
International Affairs office to make sure all the
correct paperwork was filled out and to confi rm I What skills did you come up with from the
would receive credit for the classes I took at AIU internship that you used to land a great fashion
and for my internship. position after graduation?
Where did you live? My internship was based on fashion public rela-
tions, learning about London’s fashion industry
AIU sets up your housing. I lived in East London in
and how important public relations is to fashion
a flat with five other girls from the United States.
companies, brands, and designers. The overall
Did you need a work permit or visa? experience I gained helped me land a job in the
No. New York fashion industry.
Were you paid? What did you learn?
No, I did an unpaid internship. Most of the intern- At both internships, I learned the professionalism
ships offered were unpaid, although the company of the fashion industry, the intensity of fashion
I interned with did give me money for food and weeks, and the logistics of fashion public rela-
transportation on the days I worked. tions and design.


Did prospective employers seem to value your What advice do you have for future interns?
overseas internship? Be enthusiastic, confident, eager to learn, and
Yes, it was usually a star point of conversation positive in all that you face during your intern-
during interviews, and I feel it encouraged them ship. There is something important you can
to have a higher level of consideration for me take away from any task you are asked to do.
regarding the possible career opportunity. Your attitude and the relationships you build are
extremely important as you make your founda-
Why is an internship important?
tion in this industry in which you are intending
An internship is important to get you out there
to make a lifetime career.
and circulating in the industry. Whatever expe-
rience you gain during this time is valuable in
so many ways. Learning as many facets as pos-
sible within the company you are interning for is Jillian Nelson graduated with a bachelor of science
important, as it will help you narrow down what degree in fashion merchandising and is employed as
you are looking for in a long-term career. product design manager at Capelli New York.

849 Baldwin Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23467

September 5, 20XX

Ms. Sarah Riley

Director of College Recruiting
Midwest Mercantile Company
4500 Randolf Drive
Chicago, IL 60601

Dear Ms. Riley:

I read your company’s description in the CPC Annual and would like to inquire about employment
opportunities in your management internship program. I want to work in retail management and
would like to relocate to the Chicago area after graduation.

I will receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Retail Merchandising and Management this May.
My interest in business started in Junior Achievement while in high school and developed further
through a variety of sales and retail positions during college. My employment with a large
department store convinced me to pursue a career in retail. When I researched the top retailers in
Chicago, Midwest Mercantile emerged as having a strong market position, an excellent training
program, and a reputation for excellent customer service. In short, you provide the kind of
professional retailing environment I seek.

My résumé is enclosed for your consideration. My education and experience match the
qualifications you seek in your management trainees, but they do not tell the whole story. I know
from customer and supervisor feedback that I have the interpersonal skills and motivation needed
to build a successful career in retail management. My relatively extensive experience gives me
confidence in my career direction and in my abilities to perform competently.

I know how busy you must be during this time of year, but I would appreciate a few minutes of
your time. I will call you during the week of September 22 to discuss internship possibilities. In the
meantime, if you need to contact me, my telephone number is (804) 683-8843; my e-mail address is

Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to talking with you.


Camille Gonzales

Figure 1.6 Sample of a prospecting letter (block format).

Reprinted from Planning Job Choices: 1999 with permission of the National Association of Colleges and Employers,
copyright holder.


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