BG 2.16 - London Aug 1973
BG 2.16 - London Aug 1973
BG 2.16 - London Aug 1973
Prabhupada gives special emphasis on tattvatah. It means the absolute truth. Those who knows
this absolute truth are called tattva. It is sometimes called as Brahman, sometimes Parmatama
and Bhagavan. The last word is Bhagavan. Even great personalities like Vyasa Deva wrote Sri
Bhagavan Uvvaca, to emphasize the importance that these are spoken by the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. He is simply writing it. Self: We must learn a lesson that we should not
concoct our own philosophy, not what we understand or what we think, but what Bhagavan is
saying and what our previous Acharyas convey the message. No speculation. The authority is
Lord Krishna himself or his representatives not me.
Minds business is to accept something and reject it later. We should not make mind our
authority. We can think but under the authority, that is tattva. The last word of tattva is