PPAPER-II (Feb 03) : D) Changes According To Range of Switch
PPAPER-II (Feb 03) : D) Changes According To Range of Switch
PPAPER-II (Feb 03) : D) Changes According To Range of Switch
10. Modem is
a) Modulator / Demodulator
b) Software programme
c) Operating device
d) Input . output
11. Pilot hole to be drilled in plexig lass , bit used
a) ordinary drill bit can used
b) specially designed drill bit should used
c) twist drill to be used
d) wood bit can be used
12. Filler material added to resin(Aviation Dictionary)
a) to increase pat life
b) to improve viscosity & weight
c) increases strength
d) all of the above
13. Drift induced angle
a) 30
b) 45
c) 60
d) 90
14. M.T.C.S.
a) cold quenching minimize distortion & cracks
b) hot water quenching minimize distortion & alleviates cracks
c) spray quenching reduces the wear and corrosion
d) quenching process not haise considerable effects
15. Heat treatment of Al-alloys and after it allowed to cool for 4 to 5 days is (9A)
a) natural ageing
b) artificial ageing
c) a & b
d) room temp of alloys
16. In series of drill size, most accurate drill is (9A,539)
a) A to Z
b) Fractional series
c) No. 80 to No. 1
d) Any one above
17. What size of hole to be drilled, brown sharp worm thread have 2TPI, (major diameter=3in)
a) 2.3134
b) 2.3144
c) 2.3212
d) 1.564
18. Most important factor which affects the indication of dye-penetrant inspection check is
a) not proper application of Dye
b) not proper application of penetrant
c) parts are not thoroughly degaussed & cleaned
d) all of the above
19. Hooks panner used for (Shop theory,50)
a) round nuts and having notches on outer edge
b) square nuts and having at hole an outer periphery
c) hexagonal nuts having holes
d) none of above
a) Al-alloy bolts of dia less than mm are not used in primary structure
b) All Al-alloy nuts and bolts are used where frequent removal is required
c) Both a & b are correct
d) None of the above
a) lap joint is best for oxy-acetylene welding
b) single lap joint is resistance to shearing
c) single lap joint is resistance to bending
d) all of the above are wrong
21. Two wires each one meter long are kept a distance of 0.02 meter apart 1 angle current is flowing
through each wire then force acting on the will be:
a) Attractive if the direction of the current flowing through wires is same
b) Attractive if the direction of the current flowing will opposite
c) Repulsive if direction of current w3ill opposite
d) Both (a) and (c) are correct
22. In case of battery, which of the following quantity can be stored:
a) Energy
b) Charge
c) Current
d) None
23. T4 and W indicates:
a) Solution heat treatment
b) SHT and quenched
c) SHT and artificially aged
d) SHT and cold worked
24. For filling slots and key way used:
a) Knife file
b) Square file
c) Half rout file
d) None
25. Mark the correct statement:
a) When batteries are connected in series then capacity will increase
b) When batteries are connected in series then voltage will remain cops
c) When batteries are connected in parallel then current will increase
d) All of the above
26. Jet fuel identifiers are:
a) Performance no. and designate the volatility of fuel
b) Performance no. and are relative to the fuel performance in the a/c engine
c) Type no. with sterelation to the fuel in performance in the a/c engine
d) None
27. The greatest memory of which device:
a) Winchester type device disks
b) Tape type recording instrument
c) Floppy disk, unit
d) None
28. Electric arc welding:
a) Emits ultra violet rays
b) Emits infrared rays at high current
c) Poisonous gas
d) All of the above
29. In instrument, range marking is confirm with:
a) Type certificate data sheet
b) Flight manual
c) Manufacturer maintenance manual
d) All
30. Aramid is identified by:
a) Black colour
b) Yellow colour
c) Whole glaming colour
d) Brown colour