PPAPER-II (Feb 03) : D) Changes According To Range of Switch

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PPAPER- II (Feb 03)

1. In digital multimeter, setting is

a) low
b) shunt is used
c) zero
d) changes according to range of switch
2. To increase range of ohm-meter to measure high voltage and resistance to be
a) low
b) high
c) constant
d) balance with deflection of probes
3. Advantages of A.C. over D.C. for use on long R-range transmission is
a) safe and easy to generate
b) it is easy to rectify A.C.
c) thinners conductors are used
d) all above are correct
4. In capacitor charging, if key is open and if distance R between plates is increased , then
a) capacitance decreases
b) Capacitance increases
c) P.D. increases
d) P.D. decreases & stored
5. E.M.F. induced in the generator is
a) Lenzs law
b) Electromagnetic induction
c) Flemings right hand rule
d) Kirchoffs low
6. Oil temp. measured with
a) thermistors
b) thermocouple
c) diodes
d) temp. indicator
a) Zener diode used for as amplifier
b) High freq. ckts, storage memory used for voltage regulator
c) As in b and as an oscillator
d) Varactor diode is used for skitching circuit & electronic tunner
8. Conversion of (4D)16 to binary
9. Conversion of (37)10 to binary

10. Modem is
a) Modulator / Demodulator
b) Software programme
c) Operating device
d) Input . output
11. Pilot hole to be drilled in plexig lass , bit used
a) ordinary drill bit can used
b) specially designed drill bit should used
c) twist drill to be used
d) wood bit can be used
12. Filler material added to resin(Aviation Dictionary)
a) to increase pat life
b) to improve viscosity & weight
c) increases strength
d) all of the above
13. Drift induced angle
a) 30
b) 45
c) 60
d) 90
14. M.T.C.S.
a) cold quenching minimize distortion & cracks
b) hot water quenching minimize distortion & alleviates cracks
c) spray quenching reduces the wear and corrosion
d) quenching process not haise considerable effects
15. Heat treatment of Al-alloys and after it allowed to cool for 4 to 5 days is (9A)
a) natural ageing
b) artificial ageing
c) a & b
d) room temp of alloys
16. In series of drill size, most accurate drill is (9A,539)
a) A to Z
b) Fractional series
c) No. 80 to No. 1
d) Any one above
17. What size of hole to be drilled, brown sharp worm thread have 2TPI, (major diameter=3in)
a) 2.3134
b) 2.3144
c) 2.3212
d) 1.564
18. Most important factor which affects the indication of dye-penetrant inspection check is
a) not proper application of Dye
b) not proper application of penetrant
c) parts are not thoroughly degaussed & cleaned
d) all of the above
19. Hooks panner used for (Shop theory,50)
a) round nuts and having notches on outer edge
b) square nuts and having at hole an outer periphery
c) hexagonal nuts having holes
d) none of above

20. In hardness testing, barcol tester used for (9A-220)

a) stainless steel
b) magnesium
c) Cu & Brass & Al alloy
d) Hard materials
21. Which of the following is primary cell
a) lead acid
b) silver zink
c) carbon zink
d) nikel cadmium
22. Negative plate of Ni-Cd battery is (9A-313)
a) Kott, hydroxide
b) Cadmium sulphate
c) Cadmium hydroxide
d) Nickel chloride
23. Which of the following is incorrect
a) wings slanted with lateral axis is dihedral angle
b) chord of the wing to relative kind is called angle of attack
c) longitudinal axis of a/c & chord of aerofoil is angle of incidence
d) angle of attack is angle between chord & speed of a/c
24. Wing aspect ratio is
a) wing span / average chord
b) b2 / area / s
c) b2/area2
d) all of the above
25. Rubber hose are identified by
a) inside dia
b) outside dia
c) outside dia and its length
d) its size and dia
26. AN steel flared tube end fittings
a) Black
b) Red
c) Brown
d) Blue
27. Double flared end fittings is for
a) ease of construction
b) to resist shearing effect imparted on tubes
c) to resist for concentric on the tube flares
d) to take and withstand shock load on tubes
28. Taper pin used for (9A-145)
a) shear load
b) for good play between joints
c) for flexibility
d) good rigidity and slackness
29. In treatment on metals, metallising is the process(9A-132)
a) Anodizing of the surface to protect
b) Layer of pure Al on steel
c) Al, Cu, Zn sprayed from pistol on the metal surfaces
d) All of the above

30. Flap tab is

a) servo tab
b) balance tab
c) trim tab
d) none of the above
31. Removal of excess dye in water washable type is by
a) spraying of water jet directly by wiping with clean rags
b) cleaned with wet cloth one
c) dye penetrant process involves
d) elapsed , if surface dye is to be removed by water wash operation
32. Crinckle washer used for (CAIP)
a) where continuous vibrational load
b) lightly load application and for electrical use
c) where wear of metals is the factor
d) .
33. MCS, related to ATA 100 code(9A-468)
a) No. 30, is light
b) No. 33, is hydraulic
c) NO. 61, propeller
d) a and c
34. Which is important factor related to fuel jettison of a/c(9A-94)
a) fuelling accomplished at the end through of wing tip
b) fuelling accomplished at outer board of wing side
c) fuelling jettison should be accomplished within 10 Minutes
d) make precaution that there is no fire hazard
35. Important consideration regarding pressure fuelling of a/c (9A-500)
a) minimizes the time required for fuelling
b) keeps the a/c weight within limit
c) minimizes the chances of fuel contamination
d) reduces the chances of radio hazard
36. Pressure fuelling method, important precaution should be taken
a) the pump pressure must be minimum
b) the pump pressure should be correct
c) the a/c elect. System must indicate the gauge readings
d) the a/c should be grounded
37. Pr. Fuelling also known as
a) single point or underwing welling
b) .
c) .
38. MCS related to thickness of sheets (CAR)
a) No. 1 SWG is smaller than 9 no SWG
b) Thickness of 18 SWG is smaller than 16 SWG
c) Thickness of 14 SWG is more than is18SWG
d) Thickness of 18 SWG is smaller than 14 SWG
39. Fuel designation above grade-100 is (9A)
a) it is iso-heptane rating in fuel
b) by performance number
c) its performance numbers

40. MCS related to bearings

a) bearing should stored horizontally & reprotected once in a year
b) slight corrosion on outer race of bearing is allowed
c) shielded bearings should be inspected for corrosion
d) all are correct
41. MCS (9A-25)
a) roller bearings takes thrust load
b) radial bearings are used for shaft gears etc
c) ball bearings withstand heavy radial loads
d) all above correct
42. While demagnetize the parts
a) by passing sufficient A.C. into the field
b) by passing a.c. slowly out to the magnetic field
c) by repeatedly apply a.c. over the part
d) increasing the strength of magnet then cutout a.c
43. Repair of the crack in the weld is done by
a) butt weld
b) edge joint
c) lap joint
d) rosselte weld
44. Blacksmith anvil is made up by
a) casting and machining
b) extrusion
c) forging
d) b & c
45. For soft metals, drill angle is (9A-339)
a) angle may increased
b) angle may decrease
c) angle will be more than the normal
d) angle is more or less
46. The hole-drilled have rough surface causes
a) the drill kill be dull
b) the drill speed is slow as large heat produced
c) the drill speed is higher
d) a & b
47. Plain washers are used for (9A-131)
a) for gripping
b) for torquing
c) for insertion of cotter pin in hole
d) all are incorrect
48. MCS (9A-171)
a) corrosion on Al, have etching and pitting
b) corrosion on Cu, have greenish film
c) corrosion on Mg, have etching and pitting
d) all are correct
49. Which is correct for the Airspeed Indicator.
a) pilot pressure fed to the interior of capsule
b) static pressure fed directly to outside of the capsule
c) pilot & static pressure difference directly measured on the gauge
d) all above correct

50. Smallest reading of micrometer is viewed with

a) low magnification
b) high magnification
c) high or low magnification
d) high or low magnification
e) can easily readable
51. Undoubtfully wrought alloys
a) cylinder head
b) crank shaft
c) cam head
d) Al clad sheet
52. Mark correct statement, at time of fuelling of a/c
a) Aircraft should be grounded through lines by carbon embedded in time
b) Drag chain connected to fuel truck
c) Bonding is connected between a/c, fuel truck & to the fuel filter
d) All of the above
53. Dies are used for
a) cut external threads
b) made up of hard tempered steel & ground to exact size
c) a & b are correct
d) to cut internal threads
54. MCS
a) QNF, atmospheric pressure reads zero
b) QNH, barometric pressure above elevation at mean sea level.
c) QNE, barometric pressure at altitude
d) b & c are correct
55. Schematic diagram (9A-46)
a) Individual component do not locate in the a/c
b) Individual component to locate in the system
c) Do not locate component in the system are use to locate parts & assembles of parts to installation
in a/c
56. Tolerance is
a) permissible variation in the mating parts
b) variation of dimensions
c) difference between upper & lower dimensions
d) it is clearance between the hole and bolt
57. Fretting corrosion
a) between skin & rivet around a hole
b) slack pits of deposits
c) a & b are correct
d) it is not visible around the cracks & holes
58. Quality and quantity of X-rays is
a) intensity and penetrating power
b) frequency and intensity
c) there is no quality but intensity is there
d) brightness and penetrating power
59. MCS, relative to jacking of a/c
a) nose of a/c to direction of wind
b) tall of a/c should be backward direction of wind
c) as in a , the surface should be level & concrete


Red brass is used

for fuel and oil line fittings
as in a and also called bronze
as in b and poor casting and forming quality


Nickel in steel increases

yield strength
elastic limit


Geiger counter is used to

a) measure the radio active contamination of a/c flying above stratosphere
b) check the condition of a/c after heavy landing
c) check the penetration of a/c by ultraviolet rays above stratosphere
d) NTA


Stalling angle critical angle of attack is the

a) max. lift angle
b) min.lift angle
c) as in a and at which separation of airflow takes from upper surface of wing
d) as in b and at which separation of airflow takes from lower surface of wing


Angle of ACME thread is

a) 450
b) 380
c) 120
d) 290


Al. alloy rivets can be heat treated

max. 5 times
max. 15 times
infinite times


The type of compressor used in air cycle cooling machine is

axial compressor
inward flow compressor
outward flow compressor


a) Al-alloy bolts of dia less than mm are not used in primary structure
b) All Al-alloy nuts and bolts are used where frequent removal is required
c) Both a & b are correct
d) None of the above


a) lap joint is best for oxy-acetylene welding
b) single lap joint is resistance to shearing
c) single lap joint is resistance to bending
d) all of the above are wrong

10. Aircraft structural CRS is welded by

a) butt welding
b) spot welding & sea welding
c) butt and spot welding
d) spot welding
11. Precision wire wound resistors are wound with
a) carbon
b) copper
c) magnasium
d) all of the above
12. Corrosion of titanium and its alloys are (9A-180)
a) difficult to detect
b) easy to detect
c) as in a & increase with high temperature and salt
d) as in b & removed with Al-grid or Al-polished
13. If acid is spilled over skin from an a/c battery then it cleaned with (9A-311)
a) water
b) water & boric acid
c) water & bicarbonate of soda
d) all
14. Ni-cad battery is rapidly charged with (9A-315)
a) constant current and variable voltage
b) constant voltage and variable current
c) variable voltage and variable current
d) both a & b
15. Indication of corrosion on (9A-171)
a) Al and Mg as etching and pitting
b) Copper as greenish film
c) Steel as white marks
d) Both a & b
16. Which non-ferrous metal can be case hardened
a) Ni
b) Ti
c) Cu
d) Al
17. Jo-bolt is (9A-124)
a) externally threaded two piece rivet
b) externally threaded three piece rivet
c) internally threaded three piece rivet
d) can replace general bolts in compression to their strength
18. Turn buckle is
a) for minor adjustment in cable length and cable tension
b) has matching left and right hand threads
c) has internally threaded ends and externally threaded end terminals
d) all of the above
1. Extrusion is used for making (Aviation Dictionary)
a) channels
b) angle
c) T-section
d) d) All

2. Generator frequency depends on

a) no of poles
b) RPM
c) Both a & b
d) None
3. For a battery to have high ampere hour capacity and high terminals voltage
a) low internal resistance
b) high internal resistance
c) does not depend on internal resistance
d) none
4. Plug gage is used for (Av. Dictionary)
a) checking the internal dia of cylindrical shaft
b) checking the size of plug needed for blanking
c) checking the accuracy of holes
d) all of the above
5. A bolt should be installed (Jeppeson)
a) upward and downward
b) upward & forward
c) downward & forward
d) down ward & rearward
6. In a PN junction diode, holes move from P-region to N-region because of
a) diffusion
b) pressure difference
c) higher concentration of holes in P-region
d) electrons in N-region attracts holes from P-region
7. Every third tooth is made straight for
a) sawing clearance
b) racker and for cleaning
c) rap saw
d) all of he above
8. Shunt ohmmeter measures (9A-330)
a) low resistance
b) high resistance
c) precision resistance
d) infinite resistance
9. Mark the correct statement for transformer (9A-359)
a) mutual induction is working principle
b) output voltage depends on transformation ratio/turn ratio
c) all of the above
10. For constant voltage generator used is (9A-446)
a) series
b) shunt
c) both a & b
d) none
11. After heat treatment tempering is done to (9A-211)
a) reduce brittleness and softens the metal
b) increase brittleness and ductility
c) increase hardness and strength
d) increase hardness

12. Pot life and shelf life

a) pot life is related to mixed resin mixture while shelf life is related to resin and hardened
b) a) if catalyst is mixed in less amount then it will increase pot life but reducing curing properties
c) both a & b
d) none
13. Octal no. of 189 is
a) 235
b) 237
c) 265
d) 275
14. Internal wrenching bolt takes (9A-123)
a) shear load
b) tension load
c) both shear & tension load
d) none
15. Clevis bolt is used for
a) shear load
b) tension load
c) both shear & tension load
d) none
16. 10 KB-105 rivet has
a) flat head
b) countersunk head
c) as in a & key
d) as in b and key
17. 10 KB-107 rivet has
a) flat head
b) countersunk head
c) as in a & key
d) as in b and key
18. In Bristol modified method, defect occurs as
a) white line (thin)
b) green line on dark
c) red line none of the above
19. In oil and chalk process, defect occurs of
a) dark gray line on light surface
b) dark line on red back ground
c) green line on dark background
d) none of the above
20. Intergranular corrosion
a) occurs along grain boundaries
b) causes exploitation when it becomes severe
c) as in a and b and detected by UFD
d) as in c and detected EFD
21. Porosity in steel castings is detected by
a) MPI
b) As in a but DPI is more efficient
c) Both are equally efficient
d) None


22. Scuttered acts in MPI indicates

a) fine porosity and pitting
b) welding cracks
c) tight crack
d) laps
23. Variable canvery pump is used where
a) output does not change with requirement of engine
b) output varied as per engine requirement
c) as in a and fitted with no valve
d) as in c and fitted with compensated valve for automatic adjusted
24. Ventral provides
a) longitudinal stability
b) longitudinal and lateral stability
c) lateral stability
d) none of the above
25. Hydraulic system is based on
a) charles law
b) pascals law
c) boyles law
d) newtons law
26. Essential calculating power are
a) force ???
b) distance traveled
c) time of doing work
d) all of the above
27. 1 HP is usual to
a) 735 electric watts
b) 746 electrical watts
c) both a & b
d) none
28. Brinell hardness tester (9A-218)
a) uses hardened spherical ball
b) as in a and measure depth of impression
c) as in b and measure dia of impression
d) none of the above
29. Electric slating is the process of
a) provide corrosion resistance surface
b) provide good surface for further plating
c) for ???
d) all the above
30. Transferred metal by chemical action over a surface for
a) provide corrosion resistance surface
b) provide base for further plating
c) forward up
d) all the above
31. Acetylene gas is
a) colorless
b) as in a and if stored above 25 psi it becomes highly unstable
c) as in b and produced by reaction of calcium carbide with water
d) as in a and produces a yellow colored flame and smoky flame


32. Which fire extinguisher is best for electrical fire

a) carbon tetrachloride
b) foam
c) water
d) CO2
33. While riveting, center hole can be located by
a) center pitch
b) template
c) hole finder
d) all of the above
34. In ATA-100 specification of cable, electrical wire no. and letters are marked as
a) prefix and suffix
b) side by side
c) in middle
d) at the end
35. Cotter pin for castlellated nut is made of
a) steel / CRS
b) cadmium plated low carbon
c) stainless steel
d) both b & c
36. X-ray equipments are rated by (9A-479)
a) ampere
b) KV
c) Watt
d) None
37. When a component exceeds the alert value
a) it should be subjected before flight
b) it should continue in flight and corrective action taken
c) it can be replaced in night or at 10 hrs whichever is earlier
d) none of the above
38. Alert value for a component is (CAR)
a) recalculated at every 3 years
b) recalculated at every 1 month
c) recalculated if it found unreliable
d) as in c and it should be less than original alert value
39. When the time between soaking and quenching increases, then
a) hardness increases
b) softer the metal
c) re-precipitation takes place
d) tensile strength increases
40. O-ring can be checked by (9A-168)
a) 4-times magnification
b) rolling the ring on a dowell and inner dia can be checked
c) rolling the ring on inspection cone & inner dia can be checked
d) all of the above
41. Metallizing is a process of
a) rolling pure Al-alloy on Al-alloy surface
b) Ni and Cd plating on steel
c) By spraying Ni, Cr on steel with oxy-acetylene flame
d) All of the above


42. Which of the following are universal gates

b) NOR & OR
43. An 12 H5 indicates
a) dia 3/5 and head is not drilled
b) dia 6/8 and head is not drilled
c) dia 6/8 and head is drilled
d) dia 6/8 and shank & head is drilled
44. Engine fires once in
a) one revolution of crankshaft
b) two revolution of crankshaft
c) 3600 revolution of crankshaft
d) none of the above
45. Mark the correct statement
a) On a/c with steerable nose wheel, the locking scissors are set to full swivel for towing
b) Tail wheel a/c should always be towed backward
c) Release all the hydraulic charge before towing
d) All of the above
46. Grub-screw is used for
a) locking threaded fasteners
b) by soldering it is locked
c) locked by peening
d) both a & c
47. Bearing strength is the force that resist the (Aviation Dictionary)
a) stretching and lengthening
b) sliding
c) at the point of tearing
d) none
48. Magnetic force always acts on (Aviation dictionary)
a) charged particle
b) uncharged particle
c) charged particle parallel to magnetic flux
d) none
49. Hydrogen gas is emit in the battery (9A-314)
a) during all times in lead acid battery servicing
b) in Ni-Cd battery, at the end of charging
c) when battery is overcharged
d) both a,b,c
50. Ohms law does not hold for (Thereja)
a) diode
b) NPN-transistor
c) Hg
d) Both a & b
51. Speed of motor increase when load decrease current decrease because of
a) frictional loss between motors moving parts
b) frictional loss between field winding and other parts
c) induced back emf increases
d) none


52. Marking of fluid line is given by (9A-102)

a) color and geometrical shape
b) color and words
c) show the function and direction of fluid flow
d) all of the above
53. MTCS
a) carbon graphite has more compressive strength than Kevlar
b) Kevlar has more compressive strength than carbon graphite
c) Carbon graphite has more tensile strength than Kevlar
d) All of the above
54. Stress corrosion is likely to occurs in (9A-173)
a) aluminium
b) Mg
c) CRS
d) Al and stainless steel
55. When re-torqueing is required for a ???
a) re-tighten the nut without backing off the nut
b) re-tighten the nut with backing off the nut one turn
c) re-tighten the nut with backing off by two turn
d) never re-tighten the nut
56. When in a/c it is required embossing, etching and marking, then electrical etching is done by
a) electrical etching pencil, if applied lightly
b) electrical etching pencil but only for CRS
c) electrical etching pencil is prohibited in a/c
d) both b & c


PAPER-II (OCT. 2003)

1. Flight tab is:
a) Balance Tab
b) Trig Tab
c) Servo Tab
2. End terminal of cable is removed by :
a) Drill
b) Scriber
c) Chisel
3. In ATA-100 specification of cable, electrical wire are identified by:
a) At the end
b) At the middle
c) Side by side
4. What procedure is used to distinguish heat treatable alloys from treatable alloys:
a) 10% solution of caustic soda
b) 5% solution of muriatic acid
c) Rockwell test
d) 10% solution of H2SO4
5. When welding a high carbon steel used:
a) Low carbon rod
b) High carbon rod
c) Rod of either low or high carbon content
d) Rod of intermediate carbon content
6. Choose the correct statement:
a) Oxy-acetylene flame have more heat energy than oxy-hydrogen flame
b) Oxy-hydrogen flame have more heat energy than oxy-acetylene flame
c) Both have same heat energy
7. An altimeter consists of:
a) Two aneroid capsules
b) Pressure setting knob for adjusting barometric pressure
c) Three aneroid capsules
d) All are correct
8. Mark the correct statement regarding drill:
a) No. 80 is smaller than No.1
b) No.1 is smaller than No.80
c) Letter A is bigger than letter Z and No. 80
d) Letter A is smaller than No.1 and Latter Z
9. In absence of barometer, altimeter is checked by:
a) Micro manometer
b) Vacuum chamber
c) Vacuum gauge
10. Static vents in pitot static system are located with:
a) Free at air stream
b) To eliminate ice formation
c) Flexible
d) Both (a) & (b)


11. X-ray used in NDT inspection have:

a) Short wave length and high penetrating power
b) Short wave length and short penetrating power
c) High wave length and short penetrating power
d) high wave length and high penetrating power
12. To repair a crack, the joint to formed:
a) Lap
b) Butt
c) Tee
d) Corner
13. Dzus fastener identification includes:
a) Head type
b) Diameter & head style
c) Head style, dia & length
d) None
14. Interrupt flux will cause for:
a) Corrosion
b) Weak weld
c) Lack of penetration
d) Porocity
15. Mark the correct statement:
a) Angle between chord line and longitudinal axis is called incidence angle
b) Angle between chord line and longitudinal axis is called angle of attack
c) Both (a) & (b)
16. Mark the correct statement:
a) Output will be high if any one of the input become high for AND gate
b) Output will be high if any one or all of the input become high for OR gate
c) Output will be high if all of the input will be low for AND gate
d) None
17. Purpose of using flux in welding is to:
a) Reduce oxidation
b) Increase the bending
c) Provide flow to the
d) All
18. Rockwell tester measured:
a) Resistance to penetration
b) Diameter of impression
c) Size indentation
d) None
19. Aluminium alloys are welded with:
a) Oxidizing flame
b) Reducing flame
c) Neutral flame
d) Reducing flame but first the flame is neutral and then reduced
20. Unix is:
a) Single operating Unit
b) Double operating Unit
c) CAD and record of engineering organization
d) None


21. Two wires each one meter long are kept a distance of 0.02 meter apart 1 angle current is flowing
through each wire then force acting on the will be:
a) Attractive if the direction of the current flowing through wires is same
b) Attractive if the direction of the current flowing will opposite
c) Repulsive if direction of current w3ill opposite
d) Both (a) and (c) are correct
22. In case of battery, which of the following quantity can be stored:
a) Energy
b) Charge
c) Current
d) None
23. T4 and W indicates:
a) Solution heat treatment
b) SHT and quenched
c) SHT and artificially aged
d) SHT and cold worked
24. For filling slots and key way used:
a) Knife file
b) Square file
c) Half rout file
d) None
25. Mark the correct statement:
a) When batteries are connected in series then capacity will increase
b) When batteries are connected in series then voltage will remain cops
c) When batteries are connected in parallel then current will increase
d) All of the above
26. Jet fuel identifiers are:
a) Performance no. and designate the volatility of fuel
b) Performance no. and are relative to the fuel performance in the a/c engine
c) Type no. with sterelation to the fuel in performance in the a/c engine
d) None
27. The greatest memory of which device:
a) Winchester type device disks
b) Tape type recording instrument
c) Floppy disk, unit
d) None
28. Electric arc welding:
a) Emits ultra violet rays
b) Emits infrared rays at high current
c) Poisonous gas
d) All of the above
29. In instrument, range marking is confirm with:
a) Type certificate data sheet
b) Flight manual
c) Manufacturer maintenance manual
d) All
30. Aramid is identified by:
a) Black colour
b) Yellow colour
c) Whole glaming colour
d) Brown colour


31. Alclad is:

a) Coating of Al. alloy on pure Al
b) Coating of pure aluminum on Al. alloy
c) Coating of pure Al on non metal
d) None
32. Micrometer shadow is on the:
a) Shadow of the thimble
b) Shadow of the sleeve
c) Shadow of the spindle
d) None
33. In silver solding, metal melts:
a) 200-400 degree C
b) 100-1500 degree C
c) 600-850 degree C
d) none
34. Synthetic thermoplastic:
a) When heated become soft
b) When heated become hard
c) When cooled become hard
d) Both (a) & (3)
35. A triode consists of:
a) A plate, grid and heater
b) A plate, cathode and heater
c) Plate, screen and heater
d) Plate, cathode, heater and wire screen between the plate and
36. Calculate the power which V-28 volt & R-28 ohm:
a) 22
b) 24
c) 36
d) 28
37. What about the supporting distance between two support in a metal have outside dia 5/16:
a) 9
b) 16
c) 22
d) 28
38. Aspect ratio in a wing can be calculated by:
a) Span/cord
b) Span/area
c) Span/area
d) None
39. Instrument panels are usually shock mounted to absorb ___ shock:
a) Low frequency high amplitude
b) High frequency low amplitude
c) High frequency high amplitude
d) Low frequency low amplitude
40. Brinell hardness tester is applicable to:
a) Small part and high hardener
b) Small part and small hardener
c) Large part and small hardener
d) Large part and large hardener


41. Finished threads on bolt is checked by:

a) Screw pitch gauge
b) Ring thread gauge
c) Filler gauge
d) All
42. Class-B fire includes:
a) Fire in wood paper cloth etc.
b) Fire in flammable liquid
c) Fire in combustible material
d) All
43. In a transformer, voltage is step-up by 1:2 ration then:
a) Voltage in secondary become half
b) Current in secondary become half
c) Current in secondary become double
d) None
44. % of material (Pure Al) required for clading on Al. alloy:
a) 5%
b) 5 10%
c) 10%
d) 5 8%
45. Weber-1 is equal to:
a) Power
b) Voltage
c) Ampere
d) None
46. Mark the correct statement regarding Al. alloy tubing:
a) Dent a acceptable up to 10%
b) Clicks is acceptable up to 20% and not goes to heel
c) Dent to acceptable up to 20% and not goes to heel
d) None
47. Which statement is correct regarding ASI:
a) Static pressure is given inside capsule
b) Static pressure is given outside
c) Measure differential pressure
48. Resistance in pure semiconductor is:
a) Infinite at 0
b) Remains constant
c) Decrease with increase in temperature
d) Increase with increase in temperature
49. 90 angle made on the working edge of the scriber is:
a) Used matching and marking through holes
b) For matching and marking through holes
c) To hub the correct marking


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