Criterion A The Thickness of A Pencil Line: Appropriate Methods

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The Thickness of a Pencil Line

Appropriate Methods
The problem is to determine the thickness of a pencil line drawn on a piece of paper by
constructing a suitable electrical experiment.
The lead of a pencil is made primarily from graphite, which is an electrical conductor. This means that a
pencil line drawn on paper will also conduct.
By finding a way of linking some quantity that may be measured electrically, with the thickness of a conductor,
this value might be found.
Most obvious is to consider how volume affects resistance. We know that resistance R of a conductor increases
with length l and decreases with cross-sectional area A, and that these are linked by the equation:
R= p l
(where p is resistivity a property of the material of the conductor)
In order to find the thickness, t, of the conductor (where A=wt), all other variables must be found:
t= p l
Therefore the problem consists of a number of sub-problems, in order to find w, l, p and R.
Finding length is relatively straightforward, so this will not be addressed here.

Problem 1a): the shape of the line, and finding width, w

Since cross-sectional area = width x thickness, the thickness can be measured working on the assumption that
the cross-sectional area of a pencil line is square or rectangular (although drawn by a circular lead), and also that
w can be found. The line is highly unlikely to be circular, in which case the thickness would be the circle
The only way of ensuring that shape is known, however, is by using a larger rectangular area in place of a line,
hence reducing errors in w due to any curvature at the ends of the line.
In addition, the difficulty in finding the width of a single pencil line is almost as great as that of finding the
thickness. Percentage errors generated using any type of measuring device available would make finding a
precise value impossible. Using a shaded box would counteract these errors.
Problem 1b): even pressure and uniformity of thickness
One drawback of the box method might appear to be that by shading a given area randomly, there would no
longer be the uniformity of thickness expected in a single line (since inevitably some areas would be covered
more than once). Also, if the experiment were to be conducted by varying length and measuring the resulting
increase in resistance (to give a graph and an average R/l value), the thickness in different stretches of conductor
might vary, preventing resistance from increasing linearly/in direct proportion with length.
However, upon viewing both a single pencil line and a shaded area under an electron microscope, it was seen
that equally for the line as well as the shaded area, there were darker and lighter patches - indicating
non-uniform thickness. Pressing harder, fewer white patches were seen, although no doubt there was more
variation in the more thickly shaded areas, with tones too subtle to be registered.

This effect this will be a limiting factor in the precision of the answer, but little can be done. We must simply
consider the average thickness.
Problem 2: finding an accurate value for resistivity, p of the pencil lead
A separate experiment will need to be done, as will be described later, using the same principle R=pl/A but this
time for a pencil lead of known dimensions, allowing p to be found. We cannot rely on text book values of p for
graphite, since addition of the impurities clay and wax affects the structure of the crystal lattice, increasing the
resistivity significantly.
Clearly, the same lead will be used for shading the box, since the amounts of clay and wax, and arrangement of
graphite in the pencil will vary from pencil to pencil.
Problem 3: finding the resistance of a given length of conductor
Determining the resistance of a given length of the shaded area with accuracy is arguably the most difficult
problem, and it is for this aspect of the experiment that various alternative methods should be considered.
Issues common to all potential methods include:
How well contact is made with the strip of conductor
Ensuring that accuracy of the resistance value found is not significantly hampered by other apparatus in a
circuit - e.g. low resistance of a voltmeter, high resistance of an ammeter
Avoiding human contact (since the body provides a path of perhaps lower resistance)
Degree of precision possible, in view of time and resource constraints
In order to attain a high level of accuracy in the final answer, precision is essential.
The experiment must be as precise as possible due to its nature, and also since there will be unavoidable
inaccuracies and systematic errors in each reading, which add up. A 5% error overall will constitute a potential
5% error in thickness. Since the thickness will be very small, this makes it easy to be out by a large margin.
Furthermore, I do not have even an order of magnitude with which to compare the final answer, so it is essential
to make measurements with as much precision as possible.
It is necessary to consider each measurement in turn in order to minimise error and also to assess which the
limiting factor will be. We are constrained by time, and particularly resources, in the level of accuracy we can
obtain, so it is essential to prioritise. There is no point fine tuning the measurement of width if resistance has
high % error.
Overall % error = dt/t = dw/w + dl/l + dp/p + dR/R
As discussed before, percentage error in width is reduced significantly by using a wider box as our line.
A larger area will take more time to shade (and perhaps give greater potential for non-uniform thickness if one
can assume greater variation over larger area, or loss of concentration), so the added benefit should be balanced
with this time constraint. Precision is important here, to ensure that the width is constant.
Using a width of 20mm, correct to 0.05mm (by measurement with callipers) gives a 0.25% error - well below
that in finding resistance - making it acceptable.
Care should be taken to make this measurement precise, particularly since a high level of accuracy can be
attained. Accuracy will be limited chiefly by the measurement of the diameter of the pencil lead.
For a lead of diameter 1mm, using a micrometer screw-gauge should give a value with a maximum error of
0.005mm -i.e. 0.5%. The measurement will be squared in calculating cross-sectional area (A= (d/2)2), so the
resulting error will be doubled to 1%
For this reason, the greater the diameter the better, so a thicker pencil lead rather than that of a propelling pencil
will be used. A propelling pencil might seem preferred due to ease of extraction, but it is relatively quick and
simple to cleanly extract a lead (without scratching it) from a normal pencil using a craft knife. Also, some thin
mechanical pencil leads are made largely from synthetic materials like polymers - in order to give strength to a
thin lead, meaning that they will not conduct.
There is little difficulty in finding the other quantities needed for resistivity to the same degree of accuracy;
provided the p.d. across the lead is more than 2 volts, a balance method is adequate. We can avoid parallax by
using an Avometer (with a plane mirror behind the scale) to find current, thereby increasing precision.

The length will be measured using vernier callipers, so from this point of view, the longer the lead the better. If
greater than 100mm, an error of 0.05mm from the callipers becomes relatively unimportant.
The main concern with the resistivity measurement is that there is little evidence to suggest that the resistivity of
the lead in cylindrical form in the pencil is the same as that of the line drawn on the paper. Unfortunately, this
is a problem I do not have the time or resources to investigate further. For this reason, there is little point in
pursuing accuracy and precision of the measurement to a greater degree.
This can easily be found with vernier callipers to a high degree of precision by using a hand lens.
This is the major limiting factor in accuracy, so my efforts (and time) will be concentrated in bringing down the
error in this value. (This is the idea of alternative methods to find something feasible which allows precision.)
It is important that the value for resistance obtained is indeed that of the shaded area. Moisture, temperature
changes and introduction of paths of lower resistance should be avoided where possible.
Precision may be improved by taking several readings to obtain an average and by using best-fit lines on graphs.
Where accuracy of the apparatus cannot be guaranteed, it is still important to gain relatively precise
measurements, so that at least no more errors are created. Unfortunately, constraints in resources make increased
time expenditure inevitable. For example, were the multimeters available more accurate, or if the voltmeters had
higher resistance, there would be no need to consider a Wheatstone bridge method.
Possible Methods:
Elaborate methods to maintain constant pressure as the shaded area is drawn will have very little benefit, as seen
above but attention should be paid to shading in one direction only. This may affect the resistivity value which
should not vary over different lengths of the shaded box.
Method 1:
Mass and Volume
Weigh a pencil lead before and after shading an area of known length and width. The difference in mass
(assuming that the density of the pencil lead can be found) can be used to find the volume of lead used:
volume = mass/density. By measuring the length and width to find area, the thickness of the shaded box can be
found, since volume = area x thickness.
This method is not electrical and highly likely to be inaccurate. We do not have the necessary apparatus to
measure the mass to anywhere near the necessary degree of accuracy. In addition, there can be no variable, since
it will be essential to use the same shaded area, so there is no way of cancelling errors.
Method 2:
The principal for the next two methods is to increase the length of the conducting strip by equal increments, and
record the resulting increase in resistance each time. Thus, a graph can be drawn (hopefully a straight line
through the origin, displaying direct proportion), giving an average l/R value (by using the reciprocal of the
2a) Multimeter
This method is a quick and simple one since a reading from only one instrument needs to be made to find
resistance across the shaded area, reducing the overall percentage error.
The principal drawback is that accuracy is not known, and excellent contacts with the shaded area are needed to
assess the possible error by means of seeing what increase in resistance can be registered on the multimeter.
The internal resistance of a multimeter is greater than that of a voltmeter, so will probably be less accurate.
Digital meters can give huge systematic errors if internal components fail.
2b) Voltmeter and Ammeter
The idea is to measure V and I, then find R=V/I

In a) the ammeter measures the current through the shaded area and that through the voltmeter. This gives an
inaccurate reading, which can only be entirely avoided if the resistance of the voltmeter is infinite, so that no
current passes through the voltmeter. The error incurred would not be significant if the resistance of the
voltmeter were relatively high compared with that of the device with which it is connected in parallel. However,
the shaded area of graphite is so thin that its resistance will have an order of magnitude of 10,000 ohms.
Therefore a significant proportion of the current will travel through the voltmeter.
In b) current reading is accurate as that through the shaded region. However, the voltmeter reading will be
equal to that across the shaded region plus that through the ammeter. The ammeters available do not have the
negligible resistance necessary for an accurate measurement.
Method 3:
Balance method: Wheatstone Bridge

The four resistances R1, R2, R3 and R4 are joined as shown. A source of e.m.f. is connected across AB, and a
galvanometer across PQ. One or more of the resistances is adjusted until there is no longer any deflection of the
galvanometer, indicating that no current flows. The bridge is then balanced, and the same current I1, flows
through R1 and R2. The same current I2, flows through R3 and R4. Also, P and Q are at the same potential if no
current flows through the galvanometer.
Therefore, VAP = VAQ
I1R1 = I2R3
Similarly, I1R2 = I2R4
Dividing: I1 = R3 = R4
I2 R1 R2

or, rearranging: R1 = R3
R2 R4

Thus, if the three other resistances are known, the other, say R1 which could be the resistance across the
shaded area can be found.
The real advantage of this set-up is that no current is drawn by a voltmeter or multimeter, so the resistance value
will be very accurate. The two limiting factors in accuracy are:
- The accuracy of the known resistances of the bridge
The presence of contact resistances at the points where the resistors are joined in the circuit, and more
importantly poor contact with the shaded area.
The latter point is true of the other methods also, so although this error must be minimised, it cannot be avoided.
I believe that the inaccuracy caused by the first point is preferable to that of the errors by the multimeter or
voltmeter and ammeter method because it is probably a lesser error, and also one which is more easily measured
and improved with appropriate resources. This method is widely used for quick and very accurate resistance
measurements, and since no dials need be read, it should prove precise.
For these reasons, it is the method I shall use.
Methods 2 and 3 both involve an initial experiment to determine the resistivity value for the pencil lead before
the box is shaded, since all unknowns can then be found. p = RA/l . The possible methods for finding resistivity
are analogous to those for the main experiment.

It could be done with a multimeter or voltmeter and ammeter, but the degree of accuracy obtained in the
experiment to find resistance would be wasted. However, the same bridge approach cannot be used since this is
for high resistance values, and our apparatus is not sensitive enough to register a resistance of the order of
10 ohms. Also, the errors due to connection resistances in the bridge method are likely to be relatively large for
such a low value.
Therefore, I will use a potentiometer method. So long as the voltage across the lead is greater than around 2V
(ensured by using a driver cell of appropriate e.m.f.), this may be done quickly and simply using the lead as the
potentiometer wire, along which a Weston cell of known voltage (1.0186V) may be balanced.

The p.d. between the two points X and Y on the upper circuit will act in opposition to the p.d. of the Weston
cell. If they are equal, no current flows and the galvanometer registers zero deflection. The position of the
jockey will be adjusted to create this condition. By measuring the length of the lead needed for balance, L B, the
voltage along the whole lead can be found (by V/LB x XZ). The balance point should be as far right as possible
for the most accurate results.
Safety Considerations:
These are similar for all the above alternative methods. My choice does not carry any further risks, making it
preferred also from a safety point of view.
The following safety issues should be kept in mind:
Great care should be taken with craft knives when stripping wood from a pencil lead
Optical pins should be handled safely if used
Care should be taken when using power packs and electrical apparatus which may generate heat and sparks.
General safety: Hair should be tied back, apparatus should be set up without causing obstruction, running
will be avoided.
A risk analysis will be conducted later on.

Research and Hypothesis

Modern pencil leads are made from a mixture of finely powdered, purified graphite and clay, with some binding
additives. The ratio of clay to graphite determines the hardness/softness of the lead. Softer leads have a higher
graphite content, so these can be expected to conduct better.
The type of paper the line is drawn on will also affect how well the lead conducts. The most obvious case of this
is the fact that the ink on graph paper will contribute to the conductivity.
In addition, the reason a pencil line sticks to paper is because the graphite particles become trapped between
the fibres of the paper. Therefore, coarser paper will trap more particles, so one might assume that this would
increase the conductivity too.
For these reasons, any figure for thickness obtained will be true only for the particular pencil lead used (2B in
my case) and the particular piece of paper it was drawn on. Time constraints prevent us from finding out
whether leads with different values of p do give a similar value for average thickness, for which a device for
ensuring the same spread of lead was used for each experiment would be needed.
The reason the pencil lead conducts is due to the graphite content, so we need to consider why graphite does
conduct. It is a crystalline solid (having atoms arranged in a regular 3D array). Graphites physical properties
opaque, soft, flaky, a lubricant, an electrical conductor, are determined by its structure.
Each carbon atom is covalently bonded to 3 other atoms in the same layer. The fourth valence electron in carbon
is delocalised, and free to move through the layers. This means that the electrical resistivity is different
parallel to the main crystal axis to that perpendicular to it.
Bonding between layers is due to weak Van der Waals forces, allowing layers to slide over each other, and
making graphite soft and flaky.

I expect the shaded area to conduct, due to the graphite content described above.
I would expect the resistance of a section of my shaded area to increase in direct proportion with length,
provided that all other variables (including temperature) are constant. Also, resistance will be inversely
proportional to cross-sectional area.
A conductor of length l can be considered as a set of unit length conductors in series, each having resistance r.
From the result that the total resistance of conductors in series is the sum of the separate resistances, it follows
that the total resistance, R, of the conductors is: R = l r. The resistance is clearly proportional to the length.
Similarly, if a conductor of cross-sectional area A is considered as a combination of A unit area resistors (each of
resistance r) in parallel, then from 1/Rpar = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3etc.,
the total resistance, R = r/A
This shows that the resistance of a conductor of length l is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area.
The equation R=p l
follows from these results, where p is a constant for the material at a fixed temperature and other physical
conditions. Thus, I should try to keep these factors constant by completing the experiment in one day, and only
setting up the apparatus once.
So I would expect that by finding resistance for 7 different lengths, increasing in equal increments, (or,
increasing R and finding the corresponding change in length), a straight line graph through the origin will be

Finding the reciprocal of the gradient will give an average l/R value, which can be used in our equation (upon
finding p and w ) to give a value for average thickness.
From the equation, t = p l
since it is the thickness, t we want to find, we need to consider an appropriate variable, which we have the
facilities to measure (and the others to control). The idea is to work on a basis whereupon the changing of one
variable causes another variable to alter. If we can thus find two unknowns from our equation for thickness,
meanwhile eliminating errors from individual calculations by drawing a graph (which gives a straight line), this
would be ideal.
Resistance will certainly be one of the variables, since all other variables affect this. In addition, it is the
resistance measurement which will be the most difficult to find an accurate value for, and by drawing a best-fit
line on a graph, we can eliminate random errors.
Changing p by using different pencil leads is not preferred (although it would be directly proportional to
resistance) since this would involve drawing a series of boxes with different pencils, greatly increasing the
inaccuracy of the thickness value obtained. Furthermore, we are not even sure that the resistivity value we can
measure is the same as that once the lead is on the paper.

Having width as the other variable is a possibility, but there are two drawbacks. The first is that by definition,
the width will be less than the length.
Thus, to vary width, a larger amount of shading will need to be done for it to be increased by equal increments
than would be necessary for length, potentially increasing variations in thickness. Also, there will be a larger
area with which to make good contact a considerable problem.
Secondly, resistance is inversely proportional to cross-sectional area (and thus, width), so it would be necessary
to draw a graph of resistance and the reciprocal of width, to obtain the 1/Rw value needed.
Using length as the other variable avoids the problems associated with using resistivity and width and gives a
graph of direct proportion with resistance, from which a l/R value can easily be obtained.
Therefore, my variables will be resistance and length.
It might seem obvious to vary length and measure the resulting change in resistance than the other way around.
However, using my Wheatstone bridge circuit, by increasing the length of my shaded area in equal increments
of, say, 20 mm (for a box of width 20 mm), one might expect an increase in resistance of the order of 10k each
time. This would change the R1/R2 ratio, so the value of R3 would need to be increased, and although this
increase would not be by the same amount (unless R2 and R4 are the same) as R1, nonetheless it would have to
increase in equal increments thereafter, in order to keep the R3/R4 ratio the same for balance.
The nature of the equipment available to me is such that the resistance substitution boxes have a non-linear scale
and cannot be increased in equal increments. Therefore, I will attach a resistor board in series with R 3, which
will allow increase of resistance in equal increments on top of a constant value on R3.
Resistors of resistance lower than 10k are not available either, so it would not be possible to increase the
length of R1 and then add low value resistors to obtain balance. Instead, I will increase the resistance of R 3 in
equal increments, demanding an increase in R1 for balance, which will be met by increasing the length.
Also, this gives resistance, as the variable, along the x-axis, meaning that the gradient gives l/R and the
reciprocal need not be taken!
So, my variable will be resistance, causing a variation in length.
To keep the other variables constant is very important. Little can be done to keep the thickness constant, as
explained before, but shading must be as even as possible, and must leave no spaces. By shading in the same
direction (parallel to expected line of flow of current), hopefully the resistivity value will be kept constant, at
least throughout the section of shaded area. The surrounding temperature and degree of illumination of the box
etc. should be kept as steady as possible, as these factors might affect resistance. Thus the experiment should be
conducted in a single day.
There should be as little human contact as possible in holding down contacts as length is increased, since the
body may provide a path of lower resistance. If time and resources were available, a dessicter could be used to
prevent moisture from affecting the resistance.
The same piece of paper and same shaded area will clearly be used throughout, to counter effects of different
resistivity values caused by different paper. I think it is worthwhile to use graph paper, despite the fact that it
conducts a little, since this will greatly increase the precision with which a constant width can be drawn
. Also, the same effect of decreased resistance will be true for each reading, so the errors should largely cancel
The only other major issue to control is the contact with the shaded area. I considered using optical pins, but
then found that current need not be travelling along the whole width of the box and indeed could even be
flowing backwards first (although unlikely).

Clamping down copper wires across the whole width did not work well since they were hard to keep in place,
and still did not provide good contact.
In the absence of gold or silver contacts, which of course would have been preferable, I tried copper slabs wide
enough to span the width of the shaded area. Copper has very low resistivity (1.69x10-8 at 20C), and in
electrical conducting wires it is electrolytically purified, so the extra resistance can be considered negligible.
I will try different sizes of shaded area to find that best suited to my purposes.

Experiment to find variation of length with resistance


Draw and shade a box of dimensions 20 mm by 140 mm on hard-surfaced graph paper using a 2B pencil,
shading lengthways and evenly, with firm pressure. Keep the pencil!


Set up the circuit as shown above, using a microammeter with centre at zero as the galvanometer, connected
across PQ. A power pack should be connected across AB, supplying a voltage of 6V. (N.B. the condition for
balance does not depend on the steadiness of the e.m.f and it need only be large enough to make the
galvanometer deflect significantly when the circuit is just not balanced.) Do not turn on the power pack
immediately. Resistance substitution boxes will be used as resistors R 2, R3 and R4.


R1 is the shaded area. The copper contacts should first be cleaned with mineral wool. Then place one
copper slab at one end of the shaded box, with the connecting wire attached to a crocodile clip on top of it,
held firm under a clamp (but divided by a piece of paper because the clamp may conduct). Make sure the
slab is lined up with a division on the graph paper, a little way into the shaded area for best contact, with no
gaps. At the other end of the shaded area, a crocodile clip on the end of the wire should be attached to
another copper slab, available for closing the circuit at any point along the shaded area.


Use a multimeter to gain an order of magnitude for the resistance of half of the shaded area. (Half so that as
R3 is increased, there is extra length of the shaded area in order to increase its resistance.) Normally one
would include a protective resistor in series with the galvanometer to prevent damage when preliminary
attempts to find the balance point are being made, and later removed. This is not necessary because to
begin with, all resistance substitution boxes (acting as R2, R3, R4) should be set on the value for resistance
closest to that obtained by the multimeter.


Set up a resistor board in series with R3, having six 10k resistors lined in series available for use (so that
seven readings overall can be made). Initially, there should be no current flowing through any of the
resistors, only the resistance substitution box, so they are not in use.


Switch on the power pack and vary the length of R1 being used until no more deflection of the
galvanometer can be detected (ensuring that the dial is read from above to avoid parallax).
N.B. If necessary, the resistance boxes may be altered also.
Always take length measurements from the innermost edges of the copper slabs and use firm pressure on
the contact with which length is varied. Do not touch the crocodile clips or copper slabs.
Record the length of the shaded area being used at this point, and also the resistance values of each
resistance box.


Increase R3 (by including one of the resistors on the resistor board in the circuit) by 10k, and record the
new length of R1 necessary for balance. Only R1 should be varied now.
this procedure, each time increasing R3 by 10k until seven readings have been made.


This set of readings must be repeated three more times, so that an average may be obtained.


The resistance of R1, with each increase in R3, can be calculated (as long as the circuit is balanced) by
R1 = R3/R4 x R2
These values will increase incrementally, so a set of results giving the increase in length for a given increase
in resistance of the shaded area can be obtained.

Potentiometer experiment to find resistivity


With the same pencil as the shaded area was drawn with, very carefully use a craft knife (by trying to find
the groove prepared in the wood during manufacture) to remove the lead from the pencil unscathed.


Use a micrometer screw gauge to take diameter readings at 4 different places along the length of the lead
(in case it tapers), including readings in two directions at right angles (in case the cross-section is not
exactly circular).


Set up the circuit diagram as shown, and place the lead on top of graph paper in order to read the balance
length precisely, securing it in position with sellotape. Use crocodile clips to connect the wires to either end
of the lead.
An Avometer will be used as the ammeter, with markings accurate to +/- 0.5mA.


Measure the length of the lead being used with vernier callipers, reading from the innermost edges of the
crocodile clips.


Connect the circuit, and take three current readings one at the beginning, then one after the balance length
has been found, and other after disconnecting then reconnecting the circuit.


Move the jockey along the wire (place, dont scrape) to find the balance point. The Weston cell must only
be connected for short periods at a time, or may become run down. Record the length along the lead at


Calculate: (1.0186/balance length) x length of lead to find the voltage across the whole lead, and use this
and the average current reading to give a value for the resistance of the pencil lead.


Using p = R l/A a value for the resistivity of the pencil lead may be found.

Risk Analysis
Residual risk:

removing the lead from a pencil with a craft knife

cut due to slipping: score 2
score 2
make sure knife is pointed away from body, retract blade after use, take care.
S=2, L=1; residual risk = 2

Apparatus to be used
The sensitivity of the apparatus available was a major consideration in deciding what my variable would be, and
I have discussed this issue fully on page 7.
I am using a different set-up to find p because apparatus appropriate for the Wheatstone bridge experiment is not
sensitive enough to give a value of resistance of the order of 10 for the pencil lead.
I have in fact looked at how sensitive the apparatus is, and then proposed the variations which may be achieved
rather than the other way around, which seemed the right way to do it.
Therefore, the apparatus is sensitive enough to measure the proposed variations and will provide the required
readings, although of course improvements in accuracy could be achieved given better apparatus and more time.
For instance, heavily soldering contact resistances is not possible, using a travelling microscope with viewer or
micrometer screw attached is not viable.
I have also chosen apparatus so that readings will be as accurate as possible, so the experiment will be
conducted to a degree of accuracy likely to give very respectable results. Although the resistance readings could
be more accurate with lower tolerance resistors, is little point trying to fine tune these values when a graph can
only be drawn with an accuracy of around 3.s.f.(depending on the scales).
For the resistivity experiment, I am reasonably content that an accurate value will be obtained. Since no current
will flow when the circuit is balanced, any internal resistance in the Weston cell will not matter. The voltage of
the cell is also extremely accurate (as long as it has not been run down). By using an Avometer to find the
current, with errors of +/- 0.5mA, and even a plane mirror to counteract the random error of parallax, it is only
the diameter readings which will limit the accuracy. Thus the apparatus used certainly will produce the required
The data can be written in tables produced before doing the experiment.
The length values recorded as resistance is varied will be used to plot a graph of length against resistance, and
find an l/R value. The voltage and current values found in the resistivity experiment will be used to find the
resistance of the pencil lead and used in conjunction with the diameter readings (which will give a crosssectional area value) to give the resistivity of the lead.
Therefore, after measuring the width of the shaded area, I will have values for all of the unknowns which will
allow me to produce a value for the thickness of the shaded area (and effectively the thickness of a pencil line),
answering the problem set.


Trial Readings:
Finding l/R:


Values of resistors at beginning/ k:


therefore, R1 = (R3/R4) x R2 = (22 /10) x 4.7 = 10.3 k to begin with.

This is how each value in the following table was found.
The length, l/mm shows the length of the shaded area being used when the circuit is balanced.

resistance, R3/k resistance, R1/k


length, l/mm

Reading 2
length, l/mm

Reading 3
length, l/mm

Width readings, using vernier callipers (zero error 0.0mm):

Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Average reading

Width, w/mm

From the graph below, the gradient l/R is 0.091m/30000 = 3.0x10-6 m -1


Reading 4
length, l/mm

Average reading
length, l/mm

Finding p:
Diameter of pencil lead (zero error of 0.06mm on micrometer accounted for):

Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Reading 4
Average reading

Diameter, d/mm

Therefore, cross-sectional area = (0.00213/2)2 = 3.56x10-6m2

Current, I/A
Reading 1
Reading 2
Reading 3
Reading 4
Average reading
Balance length along lead, l/mm
Voltage across lead at balance, V/v
Length of lead, l/mm
Total voltage across lead, V/v


Therefore, the resistance, R across the pencil lead = V/I = 1.52/0.342 = 4.44
Resistivity, p = R A = 4.44 x 3.56x10-6 = 1.10x10-4m
I now have all the necessary information to find t, the average thickness of the shaded area, which is effectively
the same as the average thickness of a pencil line:

t = p l = 1.10x10-4 x 3.0x10-6 = 1.7x10-8m (2.s.f.)

Although the shaded area does not consist of a number of carbon atoms lined up next to each other, it is
nonetheless quite informative to give this figure for thickness in terms of the number of carbon atoms. The
diameter of one carbon atom is given to be around 140 picometres = 1.4x10-10m.
Therefore, the thickness of a pencil line is 1.65x10-8/1.4x10-10 120 atoms thick.
It is very hard to tell whether or not my first attempt has worked successfully, since the actual thickness of a
pencil line will vary hugely depending on a number of factors. These include how firmly the box was shaded,
the type of paper and type of pencil used, aside from problems with accuracy. This means that there cannot be a
correct value with which to compare my answer, although it does seem to be a reasonable one.
The method chosen does have drawbacks; in particular the fact that the resistivity of the lead when on the paper
is not known. Therefore, if the value on paper is less than the value for the lead calculated, then the thickness
will seem greater than it actually is, and vice versa.
However, considering the constraints of time and resources, I believe my final answer to be as accurate and
precise as I could have made it, so I would not modify my experiment, if I had these same constraints.
If resistors of tolerance 1% were available, and other equipment (like travelling microscopes with micrometer
screws as described before), these might have given a more accurate answer.

On the other hand, all measurements (apart from resistance) involved errors of at most 1%:


Lengths calculated with vernier callipers were accurate to +/-0.05mm an error of 0.25% for values of 20mm,
which all readings were equal to or greater than.
Diameter measurements for resistivity with a micrometer were accurate to +/-0.005mm, also giving under
0.25% error for readings above 2mm, which was why thicker leads were used.
The voltage reading was extremely accurate. It is said that under the best conditions, potentiometers can find
voltage values accurate to 1 part in 106. My reading was probably not quite so accurate! It was limited by length
measurements (these to only 0.05%) and the microammeter reading. Although it is easier to read zero deflection
more precisely than any other, the possible error was +/-0.5A.
These readings were accurate to +/- 0.5mA, and were very precise due to the plane mirror: 0.2% error.
Although the resistors used had a gold tolerance band (5%), the resistors themselves were 10k, so 5% is very
small deviation (of 500 ohms) for such a large value. The resistance boxes were of similar accuracy.
At all times, attempts to avoid random and systematic errors were made. Repeating readings and taking averages
cancelled out random errors, as did the line of best fit on the graph (also cancelling errors due to non-uniformity
of thickness). The fact that the points on the graph are very close to the best-fit line indicates that very precise
values were obtained.
Probably the greatest limiting factor in accuracy was due to systematic errors caused due to the history of the
apparatus e.g. sensitivity of instruments decreasing after initial calibration, moving coil meters becoming
inaccurate as the magnet gets gradually weaker, or hairsprings damaged etc..
Overall, I was satisfied with the experiment.


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