Stress Tensor in Hydrodyamic Systems

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GROMACS-LS: Computing the Local Stress

Tensor from MD Simulations

Juan M. Vanegas and Alejandro Torres-Sanchez
Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech,
Barcelona, Spain.
June 22, 2015


This is a manual for GROMACS-LS, a custom GROMACS version to compute the local stress tensor in 3D from a
molecular dynamics simulation. This program computes the local stress based on the Hardy stress definition (see
Ch.8 in Tadmor & Miller (2011) Modeling Materials: Continuum, Atomistic and Multiscale Techniques).
The atomic virial stress (A. P. Thompson et al., J. Chem. Phys. 131, 154107 (2009)) definition was also recently
added. Methodological details of the implementation can be found in:
Importance of Force Decomposition for Local Stress Calculations in Biomembrane Molecular Simulations
by J. M. Vanegas, A. Torres-Sanchez, and M. Arroyo. J. Chem. Theor. Comput. 10, 691 (2014).
Examining the Mechanical Equilibrium of Microscopic Stresses in Molecular Simulations by A. TorresSanchez, J. M. Vanegas, and M. Arroyo. PRL (2015, in press).
We have patched the GROMACS source code (v4.5.5) at various locations in the routines that calculate particles
forces and velocities. Our patches rely heavily on the code structure and functions implemented in a previous
local pressure code (obtained from
release-4-5-localpressure and
tar.gz). This previous code implements the methodology outlined in
3D Pressure Field in Lipid Membranes and Membrane-Protein Complexes by S. Ollila et al. Phys. Rev.
Lett. 102, 078101 (2009).


Highlights of GROMACS-LS

Decomposition of multi-body potential forces using:

1. Covariant central force decomposition (cCFD) (Torres-Sanchez A. Vanegas, J. M. and Arroyo, M.
(Phys. Rev. Lett., 2015)).
2. Non-covariant central force decomposition (nCFD) (N. C. Admal and E. B. Tadmor; J. Elast. 100,
63-143, 2010).

3. Goetz-Lipowsky decomposition (GLD) (R. Goetz and R. J. Lipowsky; J. Chem. Phys. 108, 7397-7409,
4. Method of planes (Heinz, A. Paul W. and Binder K. Phys. Rev. E. 72 066704 (2005)).
Ability to output the total or individual contributions to the local stress such as those from vdw, electrostatics, angles, and others.
Finite discretization over a rectangular grid using tri-linear weight functions, which result in smoother stress
fields and also make the discretization exact regardless of the grid size.
Consistent treatment of forces arising from bond constraints (LINCS, SETTLE and SHAKE algorithms),
which produces constant profiles for the normal component (perpendicular to the membrane plane) of the
stress. This is necessary from an equilibrium stand-point and was an unresolved problem for stress profiles
obtained from atomistic membrane simulations.
Virial stress per atom as defined in A. P. Thompson et al., J. Chem. Phys. 131, 154107 (2009).

If you publish results using GROMACS-LS, we kindly ask you to cite the papers by Vanegas et al., Torres-Sanchez
et al., and Ollila et al., which we recommend you to read before continuing with the rest of the manual. In
these papers we show the main differences between the different definitions of the stress. We show that the virial
stress per atom and the stress from the method of planes do not satisfy balance of linear momentum, while the
stress from cCFD, nCFD and GLD do. We also show that the GLD and the stress from the decomposition on
geometric centers lead to non-symmetric stresses, which therefore do not satisfy balance of angular momentum.
The two flavors of the CFD do satisfy both balance of linear and angular momentum by construction. However,
for potentials beyond 4-body, such as CMAP, the nCFD leads to unphysical stresses. We therefore suggest that
the cCFD definition is preferred in any case.
The types of interaction potentials that are included in stress calculations and have been tested are the following:
Dihedrals (proper, improper, and Ryckaert-Bellemans)
Constraints (SETTLE and LINCS, SHAKE is included but has not been tested)
Van der Waals
Coulomb (plain cut-off and reaction-field)

As such, if you use this code to analyze a system that may use other types of potentials, we cannot guarantee
that it will be correct. Please thoroughly check the output of the program and compare to known quantities such
as the total pressure. For such comparisons you should first obtain the total virial pressure in double precision.
To do this, reanalyze the trajectory (i.e. mdrun d -rerun) using a double precision version of GROMACS and
recompute the pressure with g energy d.


Summary of Recent Changes

The latest version of the code has undergone some significant changes that may affect its usage compared to
previous versions:

The code now requires an external LAPACK library. This is need to decompose the higher order potentials
such as CMAP, and it also makes the force decomposition much more robust.
In order to be more consistent with the naming and avoid confusion, we have changed all references from
pressure to stress. This affects the naming of programs
mdrun LP is now mdrun LS
and input flags
-lpgridx is now -lsgridx
With the addition of new force decompositions the -lsfd has new options: ccfd (covariant central
force decomposition, default), ncfd (non-covariant central force decomposition), gld (Goetz-Lipowsky
decomposition), or mop (method of planes). We recommend to use ccfd.
A new flag (-lssa) has been added to select whether to calculate the spatial IKN stress as before (option
spat, default) or the virial stress per atom (option atom)
The CMAP 5-body potential (used in combination with the CHARMM force-field) is now included in the
decomposed potentials.
We now include a utility called tensortools which replaces the individual c utilities bin2xvg, bin2ncdf,


GROMACS-LS is based on GROMACS version 4.5.5. While the vanilla 4.5.5 version can be compiled using both
the autoconf tools and CMake, this custom GROMACS-LS version can only be compiled with CMake.
External requirements: FFTW3, LAPACK
You will need to install a recent version of the FFTW3 library (in double precision and as shared library), CMake,
and LAPACK ( The LAPACK library needs to be installed as a shared library (.so).
Compiling LAPACK with the autoconf tools can be hassle, but recent versions can be easily compiled and installed
with CMake.
Installing LAPACK with CMake

tar -zxvf lapack-3.5.0.tgz

cd lapack-3.5.0
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ../

Once the ccmake dialog comes up, press c to begin the initial configuration. Change the BUILD SHARED LIBS
flag to ON and modify the CMAKE INSTALL PREFIX variable to set the target installation directory. After
ccmake quits, you can follow the standard linux installation commands of make and make install.
If you install FFTW3 and LAPACK with a linux distribution such as Ubuntu or Fedora, you will also need to install
the development (header) packages. If you have installed the FFTW3 or LAPACK libraries in a non-standard
location (i.e. other than /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib), then before running ccmake you should export the variables
export FFTW3 ROOT DIR=/path/to/fftw3

export CMAKE PREFIX PATH=/path/to/lapack

Now the installation of the custom GROMACS-LS package
Installing LAPACK with CMake

tar -zxvf gromacs-4.5.5-ls-5.0.tar.gz

cd gromacs-4.5.5-ls-5.0
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ../

Once the ccmake dialog comes up, press c to begin the initial configuration, and then modify the CMAKE INSTALL PREFIX
variable to set the target installation directory. Use the toggle feature of ccmake (press t) and check that the
paths to the FFTW3 and LAPACK libraries are correct.
Do not modify other variables unless you KNOW what you are doing. By default, the code is compiled in double
precision (this is absolutely necessary), it cannot be compiled with MPI or GPU support, and all programs have
the suffix LS. Press c again and then g to generate the necessary Makefiles.
After ccmake quits, you can follow the standard linux installation commands of make and make install.
In addition to the GROMACS-LS code, we have also included two python programs: and tensortools contains a number of modules that can be imported into other python programs for the analysis
of the data produced with the GROMACS-LS software. The tensortools utility provides an easy to use
command line interface to most of the modules available in the file. These two files are installed
along with the other GROMACS-LS files in the bin folder. We discuss these tools in more detail in Section 3.2.


Using the Code

Analyzing an MD Trajectory

For calculating the stress tensor in a MD simulation, we need a trajectory file (.trr) that contains both positions
and velocities at the same points in time. In this section we show the steps you need to follow to calculate the
stress tensor and illustrate it in the particular case of a POPE membrane.
As individual components of the system may drift over time, e.g. a membrane may drift in the simulation box,
it is a good idea to first center a given group of atoms (in this case, the POPE bilayer) in the center of the
simulation box. To do so, we use the tool trjconv LS with the original trajectory, traj.trr:
Center the molecule into the simulation box before analyzing the stress
$ trjconv_LS -f traj.trr -o traj_centered.trr -n index -center -s topol.tpr
Select group for centering
0 (
System) has 11600 elements
1 (
POPE) has 2600 elements
2 (
Water) has 9000 elements
Select a group: 1

Note that this trjconv LS is a modified version of the vanilla one that places the center of mass, and not the
geometrical center as it is done by the original, of the selected index group at the center of the simulation box.
You must always pass a .tpr file as part of the input, or the program will return a segmentation fault without
an error message. This new traj centered.trr is the trajectory we will use to analyze the stress.
The 3D stress tensor is obtained by rerunning the trajectory with the mdrun LS. Since the -rerun option of
mdrun LS outputs new .log, .edr, and .trr files, we suggest you first create a new folder and analyze the
trajectory within it:
Computing the stress with mdrun LS
$ mkdir stress
$ cd stress
$ mdrun_LS -s ../topol.tpr -rerun ../traj_centered.trr

To save space you can recreate the .tpr file by setting all the output nst* variables to 0 in the .mdp file:
nstxout = 0
nstvout = 0
nstlog = 0
nstenergy = 0
nstxtcout = 0

If your simulation was performed with PME or another long-range electrostatic method, you will need to create a
new .tpr file with the coulombtype set to Cut-off or Reaction-field and a cutoff radius of at least
2.0-2.2 nm (see the Ref. 2 for more details). Note that this does not change your original trajectory but the way
forces are calculated when analyzing each frame.
As with other Gromacs tools, mdrun LS displays a help text running mdrun LS -h. mdrun LS has several
special options for analyzing the stress:
mdrun LS special options
Filename Type
------------------------------------------------------------ols localstress.dat Output
Generic data file
------------------------------------------------------localsgrid real
Spacing for local pressure grid (default = 0.1 nm)
Set the local pressure grid size in the x
direction (default use box[XX][XX]/localsgrid)
Set the local pressure grid size in the y
direction (default use box[YY][YY]/localsgrid)
Set the local pressure grid size in the z
direction (default use box[ZZ][ZZ]/localsgrid)
string all
Select which contribution to write to output
(default = all): all, vdw, coul, angles, bonds,
dihp, dihi, dihrb, lincs, settle, shake, cmap, vel
string ccfd
Select the type of force decomposition to be
used: ccfd (covariant central force
decomposition, default), ncfd (non-covariant
central force decomposition), gld (Goetz-Lipowsky
decomposition), or mop (method of planes)
string spat
Select the type of stress to calculate: spat
(spatial stress from IKN theory, default), atom
(stress per atom)

With the flag -ols one selects the output file where the stress tensor is stored. The size of the discretization grid
is given by several parameters. If your system was simulated at constant pressure, the program takes the size of
the box (box[XX], box[YY], box[ZZ]) from the .tpr along with the desired grid spacing (with -localsgrid),
and calculates the integer size of the grid and the real grid spacing, e.g. if the box size in the x direction is 5.37
nm and the given grid spacing is 0.1 nm, then the grid size in x is 53 and the real grid spacing becomes 0.1013
nm. The grid size in each dimension can also be overridden with the -lsgridx, -lsgridy, or -lsgridz.
So if you are interested in calculating a stress profile along a given dimension, e.g. z, then you can use these
different flags together:
Setting the grid size
$ mdrun_LS -s ../topol.tpr -rerun ../traj_centered.trr -localsgrid 0.1 -lsgridx 1 -lsgridy 1

At the moment, only systems simulated with rectangular boxes can be analyzed. mdrun LS can also return the
total or individual contributions to the stress with the -lscont flag. At the moment the available contributions
are van der Waals, Coulomb, angles, bonds, proper dihedrals, improper dihedrals, Ryckaert-Bellemans dihedrals,
constraints (LINCS, SHAKE, or SETTLE), cmap, and kinetic.
Finally, the -lsfd flag allows to select one of two different decompositions for the forces between particles that
enter into the potential part of the stress. We advice you to use the ccfd option (set by default in the program)
that always provides a symmetric stress, thereby satisfying the balance of angular momentum from a continuum
viewpoint, and physically meaningful regardless of the number of particles involved in each additive potential of
the force field. The ncfd is equivalent to the ccfd except for 5-body potentials. On the other hand, the gld option
allows you to compute the stress from the decomposition by Goetz and Lipowsky (J. Chem. Phys. (1998) 17,
7397-7409), which has been widely used in biomembrane simulations. Please, take a close look to references 2
and 3 for a more detailed discussion about the differences between both decompositions.
The outputted .dat0 file is a simple binary file in double precision with the following format:
Format of the .dat0 binary file




tensortools: Python scripts to post-process the stress fields

The command mdrun LS produces binary .dat0 files that need to be post-processed for analysis. To make life
easier, we have included two tools tensortools and that can load, transform and save these
binary files in useful formats. These python files are directly installed to the binary folder of the GROMACS LS
distribution. These python utilities require recent versions of the Numpy and Scipy packages, and optionally the
ProDy package ( when using some of the stress per atom options.



The file defines what we call the LStensor object and corresponding analysis functions, which can
be used to post-process the data from the GROMACS LS program. This object can load IKN stresses as well as
stresses per atom and convert these to a grid. It can also be used to compute the basic invariants of the stress

as well as its divergence. It also provides a number of functions to load PDB files (stress per atom only) and to
store files in NETCDF, plain txt, and PDB format.



The other file, tensortools, is a command-line utility that can be used for a rapid post-processing of the
binary stress files. It uses the functions defined in and allows easy manipulation of the data. The
main options are:
Options for tensortools (tensortools -h)
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-f [input.bin] [[input.bin] ...]
Single or multiple binary input files (must all have
the same grid size)
-v []
--irep [spat]
Input data representation, values: spat (spatial
stress/density distributed on a grid, default), atom
(stress per atom)
--pdb [[structure.pdb]]
PDB file with atom coordinates (FOR STRESS PER ATOM
--itype [stress]
Type of data such as density, stress tensor, or vector
field: dens, stress (default), or vec
--mif [avg]
How to process multiple input files, values: avg
(default) or sum
--sym []
FOR STRESS ONLY. Separates the resultant stress in its
symmetric and antisymmetric parts, and creates two
outputs with the subscripts _sym and _asym
--prof z
Output a profile along a given dimension, values: x,
y, or z (default)
--integ z
integrate out the stress profile along a given
dimension, values: x, y, or z (default)
--gf 1.0
Process input through a gaussian filter of a given
standard deviation (in units of the grid spacing, default=1.0)
--gridsp 0.1 0.1 0.1 (For atom to grid conversion) Grid spacing for atom 2
grid conversion (default 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 nm)
--orep [spat]
Output data representation, values: spat (spatial
stress/density distributed on a grid, default), atom
(stress per atom)
--oformat [bin]
Output format, values: bin (i.e. binary .dat0,
default), nc (NETCDF), txt (default when using --prof),
or pdb (stress per atom only, creates a separate file for
each element in the tensor)
-o output.bin
Output file

Some examples of basic usage:

Averaging multiple input *.dat0 files
tensortools -f file0.dat0 file1.dat0 file2.dat0 -o stress.dat0

Conversion to NETCDF format

tensortools -f file.dat0 --oformat nc -o

Compute a stress profile along the y axis and saves it to a text file
tensortools -f file.dat0 --prof y -o stress.txt

Smooth data using a gaussian kernel with a standard deviation of 8 (in units of the grid spacing)
tensortools -f file.dat0 --gf 8.0 -o stress.dat0

Advanced usage:
Read the IKN stress from *.dat0 files, integrate out the z direction, smooth the data with a Gaussian filter of 25 (units of
the grid size), and write the result in the file stress
tensortools -f *.dat0 --inte z --oformat nc --gf 25 -o -v

Read the stress per atom from *.dat0 files, load the PDB structure from struct.pdb, translate the data to a grid with spacing
0.01, 0.01, 10, apply a Gaussian filter of 25 and store the result in stress atom
tensortools -f *.dat0 --irep atom --pdb struct.pdb --orep spat --oformat nc -o --gridsp 0.01 0.01 10 --gf 25 -v

Note that although the main purpose of and tensortools is to analyze the stress tensor binary
files, it can also manipulate other binary files such as those outputted by the g density3D LS utility.

Some technical comments about cCFD and nCFD

In the new version of the code, computing any flavor of the central force decomposition (cCFD and nCFD) for a
given potential VI is done by solving the overdetermined system of equations
FI =

II ,6=

f =

II ,6=

, II
|r |


where II is the set of particles interacting through the potential VI , f are the terms of the force decomposition
and are their respective magnitudes. If nI , the number of particles involved in the potential, is equal
or smaller than 4, this overdetermined system has a single solution and thus cCFD and nCFD coincide. For
potentials beyond 4-body, such as the CMAP interaction, this systems becomes underdetermined with an infinite
number of possible solutions. We have recently proposed a preferred CFD based on covariance arguments (TorresSanchez et al., in preparation), which we call cCFD. To compute this cCFD we first need to compute a solution
to Eq. (1). We do this by calling the DGELSD function of the LAPACK library (http://www.netlib.
org/lapack/explore-html/db/d6a/dgelsd_8f.html) which solves under- and overdetermined linear
systems by computing the solution with minimum norm. The solution to this problem is a CFD, which we call
nCFD (non-covariant central force decomposition). To compute the cCFD, nCFD is projected onto the tangent
plane to the Shape Space, which is calculated through the derivative of Caley-Menger determinants. While nCFD
depends on the parametrization of the potential and give spurious results, we have recently proven that cCFD is
independent of the representation of the potential and gives physically relevant results (see Torres-Sanchez et al.,
for more details).


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How long does it take to analyze a trajectory with mdrun LS? This depends on the size of your system and the grid size. Analysis time increases with a larger system and a finer grid. For a typical system
with approximately 100,000 atoms and a grid spacing of 0.1 nm it can take 5-10 minutes (depending on
your hardware) to analyze each frame in the trajectory. The code does not utilize any of the SIMD or GPU
optimizations that the vanilla GROMACS uses and therefore is much slower.

Q2. mdrun LS has been stuck on the first frame of the trajectory for hours, whats wrong? If the analysis is taking an unusually long time there may be something wrong with the input files or there may be
an unknown problem with the code. You can check this by selecting to output only one of the components
such as kinetic one (using the -lscont vel flag), which should be done very quickly even for a large
number of particles. If this fails there may be a problem with the trajectory, otherwise there may a particular
problem with some of the interactions being calculated. You can try calculating some of the other individual
components in order to narrow it down and contact us regarding a particular issue.
Q3. I get a segmentation fault when running mdrun LS Make sure that mdrun LS is run in a different
folder than where the input trajectory is at, otherwise the program may inadvertently overwrite the input
trajectory and cause the error.
Q4. Can the program be run in parallel? Not directly. The program must always be run serially. However,
each frame in a trajectory can be analyzed completely independent of every other frame. So one method to
parallelize the analysis is to separate the trajectory into smaller chunks with equal number of frames (using
trjconv LS -split), and analyze each chunk separately. You can then average all of the resulting
stress files together using the tensortools utility. The advantage of this method is that it always scales
linearly although it takes a bit of work to set up. CAUTION! When doing this make sure to use the same
.tpr file and same grid spacing to analyze each chunk of the trajectory, otherwise the grid sizes may differ
and the average will fail.
Q5. Are the velocities needed? Absolutely! The kinetic contribution to the stress cannot be calculate without
the velocities, and this is a pretty substantial contribution to the total stress.
Q5. Can I use an .xtc file instead of a .trr file? No. The .xtc file only stores the positions and not the
Q6. Does mdrun LS use the positions and velocities from the .tpr file? No, mdrun LS only uses the positions and velocities stored in the .trr trajectory. However, the initial box size, and therefore the grid
size are determined from the values in the .tpr file.
Q7. Are electrostatic contributions calculated using PME included in the stress tensor? No. At the moment, electrostatic contributions calculated in reciprocal space are not included in the local stress calculation.
If you ran your simulation with PME electrostatics, you must change the coulombtype to Cut-off and
select an appropriate cut-off value (rcoulomb) in the .mdp file. Then, you can create a new .tpr
with grompp LS. We recommend to use an rcoulomb value of at least 2.0 - 2.2 nm. CAUTION! The
electrostatic contribution to the stress is one of the most computationally intense due to the large number
of pair interactions in a typical simulation. The number of interactions increases cubically with the cut-off
radius. In our experience, using a cut-off beyond 3.0 nm is computationally unfeasible for normal systems.
See Vanegas et al. (JCTC 2014) for more details.
Q8. What is the relation between stress and pressure? The pressure tensor, Pij , has the opposite sign as
the stress tensor, ij , so Pij = ij
Q9. The total stress obtained with GROMACS-LS does not match the pressures obtained with g energy
First, if you simulated your system with PME electrostatics and re-analyze with a Cut-off, then the total
stress values will never match the virial pressures calculated by GROMACS unless you use an infinite cutoff. See Vanegas et al. (JCTC 2014) for more details. Also, the values obtained from the single precision
.edr file generated during the simulation run are not accurate. To do a meaningful comparison you need
to reanalyze the trajectory (i.e. mdrun d -rerun) using a double precision version of GROMACS and
recompute the pressure with g energy d.
Q10. Is it normal for the local stress values to be so large? The local stress can easily reach values up to
several thousand bars depending on the system and types of interactions.
Q11. How often should I save frames to the trajectory? How long does the simulation need to be? The
answer to this may differ depending on the system. For lipid bilayer systems we typically save frames to the
trajectory every 5 or 10 ps, and analyze a 100 ns trajectory. The following shows the improvement in the
convergence of the stress profile depending on the number of frames used:

POPE pressure proles

Martini CG


P (bar)

P (bar)

Atomistic G43A1-S3


Figure 1: Comparison of stress profiles (PN = zz and PL = (xx + yy )/2) for bilayer systems simulated
with coarse grained and atomistic force-fields.

Evolution of a DPPC prole

with the number of frames analyzed
125 frames

P (bar)

P (bar)

1250 frames

20000 frames
P (bar)

P (bar)

10000 frames


Figure 2

Q12. Why is the normal component (e.g. N ) of the stress profile of my bilayer system not zero? Mechanical
equilibrium dictates that the component of the stress along the direction normal to a lipid bilayer should be
constant. The average value of this constant component should match the imposed value of the simulation
pressure for the given dimension, which may or may not be zero. The important point is that it should be
constant. If N is not constant (beyond reasonable noise) then there could be several problems with the
simulation. First, check that the lipid membrane is fully equilibrated. In our systems composed of 200 lipids
(100 lipids in each leaflet) in the liquid phase we equlibrate for 400 ns before running the data collection
period. Second, check the comm grps option in the .mdp file. Bilayer systems are often simulated with
center of mass motion removal done on different groups separately, e.g. comm grps = BILAYER SOL.
However, doing this will change the internal mechanical behavior of the system. For local stress analysis


this grompp option should always be set comm grps = System during the simulation run.
Q13. Can the 3D stress tensor be loaded into other programs for visualization? Yes. The easiest way to
do this is to first convert the binary stress file to the NETCDF format using the tensortools utility. You
can then load this generic NETCDF file into programs such as UCSF Chimera or Paraview.

Figure 3: 3D stress tensor for a bilayer system visualized in Paraview


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