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Protendido 1047

17 Protendido

17.1 Main menu

POSTTEN is a STRAP postprocessor program that designs post-tensioned beams and slabs in solved
STRAP models. For general information refer to:
General 1048
How to use the program 1051
Design assumptions
Note that the design procedure and parameters are different for beams and slabs;
specify the element type before starting the design procedure.

Create beams to be post-tensioned by selecting one or more continuous STRAP beam

members. Add/delete supports at node locations and modify the top/bottom beam levels
in individual spans.

Select cables and define their trajectory in the beam; specify loss parameters for the
current beam; display/print all output tables (stresses, ultimate moment, shear, etc.)

Create a new beam and copy the cables and parameters from an existing beam to the
new one.

Define the default parameters for all beams in the model, including parameters for cables,
reinforcement, losses, time steps, etc. Note that different loss parameters may be
assigned to specific beams using the Design - losses option.

Add/remove supports at different geometry stages for all beams. Supports for a specific
beam may also be defined in the Design menu.

Assign different STRAP sections to selected spans; add a topping to a section to create
a composite beam and specify the casting stage.

Create a "stage table" when all cables are not prestressed at the same time or all loads
are not applied at the same time. Each stage is defined by the number of days from the
start of construction and may be linked to a different STRAP model.

Expand the combination table; specify the stage at which the load is applied or removed;
designate the loads as service or factored

Solve the model for the cable force loads, including losses, at each of the stages;
secondary moments are calculated.

Display all result or data tables on the screen.

Print the result or data tables.



17.2 General
POSTTEN is a STRAP postprocessor program that designs post-tensioned beams and slabs in solved
STRAP models. The design may be carried out according to one of the following codes:
CSA A23,3
Eurocode 2
Other codes

The program uses the following terminology:

strand - the basic prestressing unit, a single wire or a group of wires
cable - a group of strands
For example:

The STRAP model must either be a plane frame or a space frame; grids will not be accepted by the program
(axial forces from prestressing cannot be added to load cases).

The following STRAP beam sections are accepted by the program:

all sections defined by "Dimensions", except round sections
all solid sections defined in CROSEC and imported into STRAP geometry
All sections defined by "Properties" (A,I, etc). The program creates an equivalent rectangular section, as
H2 and H3 are defined: D2 = H2 and D2 = H3
I3 and A are defined: D2 = (I3*12/A) and D3 = A/D2
I2 and A are defined: D3= (I2*12/A) and D2 = A/D3

Note that the program does not check whether the defined cables actually lie within the section.

Calculation of losses and deflections are calculated at various times stages for each beam measured from the
day the beam is cast. All dates (casting and stages) are measured from an arbitrary zero date referred to as
the 'start of construction'. For a specific beam:

Refer also to:

How to use the program 1051
Design assumptions


Protendido 1049

17.2.1 How to define cables

define cables (each may contain more than one strand so the total force lies within the Magnel diagrams
1058 . For example:

for "slab areas" the header is:

where "Spacing of cables" is defined.

double-click one of the cables in the table; the program superimposes the minimum/maximum eccentricity
range for this cable. For example:

the cables may be defined with a straight or parabolic trajectory; select one of the options and define the
trajectory interactively on the screen; click when finished.

select again and choose another cable. The allowable eccentricity range displayed will again be
only for the selected cable, i.e. it will reflect the prestressing and eccentricity of all other cables with
defined geometry. Placing this cable within the range insures that the total force/eccentricity of all cables
provides a satisfactory solution.

17.2.2 Configuration changes / Composite

There are additional forces which are a result of loads and cables that start to act on the original configuration
but their creep is restricted after the configuration changes. Restraint of the creep generates new moments
and forces that develop with time in the new configuration according to the creep coefficient .

The configuration change also relates specifically to beams when the section changes from non-composite to



Two examples:
A cable is jacked in a beam before the topping is poured. The initial stresses in the topping are zero. The
beam wants to deform with creep as if the topping were not present, but it is restrained by the topping. The
creep stresses are now divided between the beam and the topping. This restraint of the beam creep by the
topping creates new moments acting on the beam.
A load is applied to a cantilever beam. A support is then added to the free end, thereby changing the
configuration to a simply-supported beam. The beam wants to deform with creep as if the support were not
present, but it is restrained by it. The change in configuration generates new moments that develop with
time as the creep from the load progresses. The developing creep would not generate these moments if the
configuration were not changed.

The new moment acting on the new configuration at time 't' including the influence of differential creep is:
M = M1 e - + M2 (1 - e - )
M1 = moment before the configuration change
M2 = moment at the same point from the same loads after the configuration change
= creep coefficient from the configuration change to time 't'
The additional moment = M - M1.

New forces and moments are calculated separately for each load using the creep coefficient corresponding
to the concrete age at the time of load application.
Similarly, new forces and moments are calculated separately for each cable jacked prior to the configuration
change using the creep coefficient corresponding to the concrete age at the time of jacking.
Similarly, the new axial force acting on the new configuration due to differential creep is:
P = P1 e - + P2 (1 - e - )

the program automatically solves all loads applied prior to the configuration change again with the new
configuration. This increases the solution time..

There is another additional moment/force added to the composite section resulting from the difference in the
beam/topping concrete ages and the resulting differential creep and shrinkage. This differential creep and
shrinkage are calculated as follows:
Losses are computed for the section without consideration for differential shrinkage
Shrinkage of the topping is computed assuming that it is not connected to the top of the beam, using the
appropriate concrete age, area/perimeter ratio, etc.
The shrinkage of the beam is computed assuming it is not connected to the bottom of the topping, using
the appropriate concrete age, area/perimeter ratio, etc.
The difference between the beam and topping shrinkages are converted to stresses relative to the center-of-
gravity of the composite section.
These stresses are then converted to axial forces and moments applied to the composite section.
These axial forces and moments are then added (as equivalent joint loads) to the cable loads that are
"Solved" by the program.
The differential creep results from the different beam/topping creep coefficients. The stress difference is
calculated separately from the equation M = M1 e - + M2 (1 - e - ), as explained above.
the axial force and moment resulting from the differential creep is calculated similarly to differential

The forces calculated from differential creep and shrinkage are modified at every time step by (1 - e - )/ ,
where = the creep coefficient at that time step, in order to account for the change in stresses during the


Protendido 1051

Calculation of stresses:
Stresses are calculated in the beam just before the topping is cast using the properties of the non-
composite section.
Stresses are then calculated from the difference between loads acting at time 't' and the loads acting before
the topping is cast, applied to the composite section.
Stresses at time 't' are calculated from loads, solved at time 't', which take into account additional forces
due to the configuration change.
Stresses in the topping are calculated only for loads applied after casting.
Stresses due to differential shrinkage and creep, calculated separately (as explained above) are then
subtracted from these stresses. How to use the program

POSTTEN is a STRAP postprocessor program that designs post-tensioned beams and slabs in solved
STRAP models. The STRAP model must be defined as follows:
Define the model geometry; if the geometry changes during construction (e.g. segmental construction,
composite slab, etc), then each configuration must be defined in a different 'stage'. Refer to 'STRAP
stages' 1052 below.
Define load cases with all loads, but without prestressing loads
Solve the model
Define load combinations in the results module
Click the tab.

To design post-tensioned beams and slabs:

Specify the default parameters, e.g. concrete type, prestress loss parameters, etc.
Define a "Stage table" for models where not all of the cables or beams are prestressed at the same time.
The stages are named and defined by the number of days from the start of construction.
Define all of the beams to be prestressed by selecting the start and end STRAP member.
Define all of the slabs to be prestressed by specifying the start and end nodes of prestressing "lines" that
pass through the relevant elements, and the perpendicular width (the lines do not have to be parallel to
element boundaries). Each slab is designed with all cables are parallel to the line.
Note that there are two options for defining slabs:
define a slab with a single cable (center line and "influence width"):
The program calculates the result diagrams along the defined line similarly to the "Results along a line"
option in the STRAP results module, i.e. the results are per unit width, e.g. ton-meter/meter, ft-kip/ft,
etc. Therefore, the influence width value does not affect the moments and shear in the slab and is
used only to calculate the losses.
define a slab area (length and width); a series of equally spaced cables are added to the area.
Identical cables are uniformly spaced within the area. The program calculates the moments and forces
for each cable according to its location in the slab area and designs each cable individually.
Expand the combination table:
specify the "Permanent" loads in the combinations (for the calculation of deflections and time losses).
assign each load case to specified stage, if relevant. Note that a load case may either be applied or
removed at a stage.
For each beam:
specify the type and number of cables and the prestressing force. The program displays a "Magnel
diagram 1058 " as a design aid for the selection of the prestressing. (refer to How to define cables 1049 )
specify the trajectory of the cables. The program displays the upper and lower permissible cable
boundary lines superimposed on the beam elevation.
assign selected cables to different stages according to the jacking sequence.
select "Solve"; the program creates cable force load cases at each of the defined stages and time steps,
including losses at each step, and solves the model for these cases. The new load cases and their results
may be viewed in STRAP. (Do not create new combinations containing these cable loads - STRAP does it
Revise the cable details and trajectory, if necessary.
Display/print tables of stresses, deflections, shear and ultimate moments for each beam.



STRAP stages:
If the prestressing is done on several distinct model stages that represent intermediate stages of
construction, then the stages must be defined in STRAP geometry. These 'STRAP stages' are then
assigned to the relevant design stages in the POSTTEN module.
Example: segmented construction

Create the separate stages, then define the loads for each stage (without prestressing loads) in a separate
load case and assign it to the relevant stage; solve the model. Note that each load is defined only once,
at the stage where it is first applied. This is illustrated by the self-weight loads in the example above; the
self-weight of the cantilevers are applied only in Stage 1 and 2, even though they continue to act in Stage 3.
Define load combinations in the STRAP results module. These combinations should represent the loads
acting at each stage. for example: C1=L1, C2=L2, C3=L1+L2+L3

Assign the relevant 'STRAP stage' to each POSTTEN stage in the Stages - stages option.
Assign the combinations to the relevant stages in the Stages - Load table option.
Define the cable; assign each cable to the relevant stage in the Design - losses - jacking sequence
option, as shown above.

Example: composite beam

Create two geometry stages, each with a different section. Define the loads for each stage (without
prestressing loads) in a separate load case and assign it to the relevant stage; solve the model. Note that
each load is defined only once, at the stage where it is first applied.
Define combinations.

Stages - stages option
Assign the relevant 'STRAP stage' to each POSTTEN stage, specify the time when the stage starts and
specify the allowable stresses.
Set "Add creep forces.." to Yes for all Composite stages.
Defaults - Composite tab: select to calculate differential creep and shrinkage.

Refer also to:

General 1048
Design assumptions


Protendido 1053

17.2.3 Segment selection option


Single segment Move the to any segment so that it is highlighted with the and click the mouse

Several segments Move the to any segment so that it is highlighted with the and click the mouse;
repeat for other segments and click the last segment twice to end the selection
Series of segments Select the first and last segments in a series as explained above; all intermediate
segments will also be selected.
Interval Select any two points along the length of the cable:

The program creates new segments starting and ending at the selected points and
selects them as well as all intermediate segments.
Multiple selection
This option enables you to select multiple segments using two or more of the above methods; the program
displays the above menu again after you complete the initial section - select a different option and add
more segments to the selection.



17.3 Define
define beams to be post-tensioned by selecting one or more continuous STRAP beam members. Add/
delete supports at node locations and modify the top/beam beam levels in individual spans.
There are two options for defining slabs:
define a slab with a single cable (center line and "influence width"):
The program calculates the result diagrams along the defined line similarly to the "Results along a line"
option in the STRAP results module, i.e. the results are per unit width, e.g. ton-meter/meter, ft-kip/ft,
etc. Therefore, the influence width value does not affect the moments and shear in the slab and is
used only to calculate the losses.
define a slab area (length and width); a series of equally spaced cables are added to the area.
Identical cables are uniformly spaced within the area. The program calculates the moments and forces
for each cable according to its location in the slab area and designs each cable individually.
Select one of the following options:

Specify the Parameters 1076 and Stages 1088 prior to defining the beams.

17.3.1 New beam

Define a post-tension beam consisting of a chain of STRAP members. Select one of the following options:
New beam - select start/end
Select the 'start' and 'end' beams in a continuous line of STRAP members. For example:

New beam - select one by one

Similar to the option above, except that all of the beams in the chain must be selected (in the correct

17.3.2 New slab

Slab - single cable
Define a slab strip by selecting start and end nodes on a plane of elements in the model. The resulting line
defines the slab strip centre line. for example:


Protendido 1055

the center line does not have to coincide with a line of element edges.
the slab 'influence width' is defined in Default 1076 parameters or Design - cable geometry 1060 (for specific

The program calculates the result diagrams along the defined line similarly to the "Results along a line" option
in the STRAP results module, i.e. the results are per unit width, e.g. ton-meter/meter, ft-kip/ft, etc.
Therefore, the influence width value does not affect the displayed results. The program treats the
influence width as the beam width and uses it to calculate the stresses, etc, resulting from the prestressing.

Slab area
Select a start node and an end node to define length of the area, then define the width:

Note that the width is always on one side of the line defined by the nodes.
Identical cables are uniformly spaced within the area. The program calculates the moments and forces for
each cable according to its location in the slab area and designs each cable individually.
17.3.3 Revise
Add/remove supports at the node locations or change the vertical location of individual spans.
Select one of the beams by highlighting one of the component members; click the mouse.
The program displays the beam elevation:



Select one of the following options:

Add/Delete support
Move the until the relevant node is highlighted with the ; click the mouse. The support is deleted/
added to the node.
Define/Revise vertical drop
Move the until the node at the left of the drop is highlighted with the (all beams to the right of the
node will be moved vertically); click the mouse:

Select the drop type and enter the drop dimension (in the same units as the span length)
The program displays the revised beam. For example:

17.3.4 Delete
Select existing POSTTEN beams using the standard beam selection method. Note that it is sufficient to
select only one of the STRAP members that comprise the beam.
Highlight and click on the slab centre-lines using the standard beam selection method.


Protendido 1057

17.4 Design
Select cables and define their trajectory in the beam; specify loss parameters for the current beam; display/
print all output tables (stresses, ultimate moment, shear, etc.). Note that all parameters defined here
supersede the default parameters in the main menu.

The program displays a beam profile that shows the allow trajectory for the cables and any cables that have
already been defined:

The eccentricity range is based on the allowable stresses and is calculated for the stages within the range
specified at the bottom of the screen. A contour map of the stresses may also be superimposed on the
beam profile. For example:

The stresses are calculated at the top and

bottom fibres along the beam and
assumed linear between them.
If there is more than one load combination,
the program uses the one with highest
stress/allowable ratio.

Specify the number and type of cables in the beam

Define loss parameters for individual cables. Loss parameters defined here supersede the
default parameters.

Define the trajectory for all cables (start/end points, height, parabola/straight, etc.)

Remove/restore cables from the display (the cable are not deleted)

Beams only: specify the casting day for each span and the regular longitudinal
reinforcement for the current beam. Area/cover defined here supersede the default values.

Slabs only: specify the regular reinforcement and cover for the current slab. Area/cover
defined here supersede the default values.

Select the design direction (M2 or M3) and/or invert the section.

Add/remove supports at different geometry stages for the current beam. Revisions
specified here override those defined in the main menu.

Display all result tables on the screen.



Print the result tables.

17.4.1 Define cable

Define the number and type of cables in the beam (refer to How to define cables 1049 for general information):

For each cable, specify:
number of individual strands
cable spacing (for slab areas)
the strand type; select a type from the listbox displayed by clicking on the .
the start and end coordinates (these may be revised when defining the cable geometry)
jacking percentage, i.e. jacking force calculated as a percentage of maximum allowable stress (defined in
Defaults - strand type 1083 ).
The program calculates the jacking force for the cable and displays below the table the total force for all

Move up Move down
the cable table may be rearranged by highlighting a cable and clicking or .
Delete cable
to delete a cable, highlight a line and click
Insert cable
to add a new cable, highlight a line and click

Magnel diagrams


Protendido 1059

The prestress force P and the eccentricity of the force e must be selected by the
user; any number of combinations of P and e provide an acceptable solution.

The stresses at the extreme fibres are limited to the Code values and are checked at every stage for
maximum and minimum moments with the actual prestressing force (after losses) . This gives four limiting
stress conditions:
minimum moment - top fibre
minimum moment - bottom fibre
maximum moment - top fibre
maximum moment - bottom fibre
The equations are in the form:

where e is the relevant stress from the external loads.

Plotting all of the possible solutions for each of the four conditions gives four
intersecting lines: 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-1 in the adjacent diagram; any combination of
P and e within the enclosed area will result in acceptable stresses in the
specific cross-section.

Refer also to Magnel diagrams - change 1059 .

The Magnel diagrams 1058 are an envelope of the allowable cable force and locations calculated for various
stages and selected locations. The program initially displays three Magnel diagrams - at the start, middle,
and end of the beam - that include the stresses at all loading stages. Note that the "middle" diagram is a
composite of the diagrams at all sections in the middle half of the beam.
Select the stages and the locations:

From / to
Select the 'from' and 'to' coordinates from the beam start. Note that the Magnel diagrams are calculated at
1/20 intervals along the span.
click on the cell - the program displays ; click on the checkbox to include/exclude the
stage from the diagram.
Estimated loss: Enter the estimated total loss for each stage(%).
The beam elevation is redrawn with the minimum and maximum allowable eccentricity at each section after
the cables are selected.



17.4.2 Cable geometry

Define the cable geometry; each cable may consist of a series of straight or parabolic segments:
select the cables: highlight the relevant row in the table and click the mouse.
for "slabs with single cable", specify the slab influence width 1077 , if different from the default value.
Note that the program displays perpendicular cables and ducts (from both beams and slabs) to avoid

define/edit the cable segments:

Define a parabolic segment by specifying its start and end points and an additional point
along its path.

Define a parabolic segment by specifying its start and end points and the angle to the
horizontal at the start point.

Define a parabolic segment connecting the end of an existing segment and and a new
point. The new segment will be tangent to the selected segment.

Define a parabolic segment connecting two existing segments. The new segment will be
tangent to the selected segments.

Define a series of points; the program will connect them with a series of parabolas.

Define a straight segment by specifying its start and end points

Define a straight segment connecting two existing segments

Define a straight segment connecting the end of an existing segment and and a new point.

For slabs only: the program automatically defines a series of straight segments at the
maximum positive and negative moments. Modify the segments if necessary; the program
connects them with parabolas.

Import a cable trajectory from a DXF file.

End the definition of the current cable.

Return to the main menu without saving all new segments and revisions to existing

Edit existing segments; move end points or copy/delete/mirror segments

All zoom/pan options are available when using these options (horizontal only)
refer to How to define cables 1049 for general information.


Protendido 1061 Parabola

Select one of the following options:

The program tries to draw a parabola that connects smoothly with the existing segments. If it is not
possible, it creates two different parabolas in the interval connected at the mid-point.
The segments defined by the "points" option are created as follows:
Start segment:
No constraint
The segment is defined by points 1,2,3 (similar to "3 pt.")
Angle =
The segment is defined by points 1,2 and the defined angle, (similar to " +2 pt.")
Connect to an existing segment
The first segment is defined using to "seg.+ pt" method.
Intermediate segment:
Always created using the "seg.+pt." method.
End segment:
No constraint
The segment is created as displayed on the screen.
Angle =
The displayed segment is replaced by 2 new segments, where the second one ends at the specified
angle. The option is ignored if only a single segment is defined.
Connect to an existing segment
The option is ignored if only a single segment is defined.


1062 MANUAL STRAP Straight

Select one of the following options: By list

The program identifies the maximum positive and negative moments in the slab and automatically creates a
series of straight segments at these locations. Modify these segments; the program connects them with

Alternatively, the program can automatically select a profile according to the stresses in the beam.

For example:


Protendido 1063

Revise segment length

Individual segment:
Type in a new segment length
highlight a segment
Change selected
All segments:
Type in a new segment length
Change all
Cables with zero length are handled as follows:
at slabs ends:
the parabola starts/terminates at the slab end but its
tangent is not parallel to the slab axis unless specified
by the user.
internal segments:
the two parabolas join at the specified X coordinate.

Revise cover
Individual segment:
Type in a cover value
highlight a segment
Change selected
All segments:



Type in a new cover value

Change all

Insert segment
highlight the line before the new segment
Insert segment

Delete segment
highlight the line
Delete segment

Change by stresses
The program attempt to find a trajectory that falls within the allowable eccentricity range.
For indeterminate beams or slabs -
select the trajectory

the model
if the cable is outside the range return to this dialog and select this option again.

Restore default
Select to restore the initial program selected trajectory.

Cable is parallel to the slab

This option is relevant only for end segments with zero length, where the cable may or may not be parallel to
the slab axis. Refer to Revise segment length 1063 above. DXF

Import a cable trajectory from a DXF file.

DXF Drawing unit

The DXF drawing will be scaled according to the program units:
DXF units:
Select a unit from the list box


Protendido 1065

Multiply by an additional factor

The DXF dimensions will be multiplied by the value entered here. For example, enter a factor of 2 if you
want to double the size of the drawing in the background.

Drawing direction
The program assumes that the beam/slab axis is horizontal in the DXF drawing (angle = 0). Enter a different
value if the cable trajectory is drawn at a different angle.

Select layers
Toggle the layer that contains the trajectory to YES. Edit

Select one of the following options:

Modify any part of an existing cable:
select the start and end points of the part to be modified (1),(2).
Note that the points may be in two different segments.
move the to a new point (3) that defines the geometry of the
The program creates one or more new segments between the
selected points.

Extend the end point of a cable:

select one of the end points of the cable (1)

move the to the new end point (2); note that the program extends the existing end
parabolic segment without modifying the existing part.
Delete selected segments or parts of segments from the cable. Segments are selected
using the Segment selection 1053 options.

Copy cable segments to any location in the beam:

select the cable segments using the Segment selection 1053 options
select a reference point; this point is used to define the new location of the copied

the reference point (both locations) can be either at a cable end point, either end of the
beam or at any coordinate:
cable end : move the to the end point so that it is highlighted with the ; click
the mouse.
beam end : move the to adjacent to the beam end a is displayed; click the



coordinate : By coordinate
click at the bottom of the screen and move the to
the correct location; click the mouse.
select the new location of the reference point using any of the above methods.
The program draws the copied segments in their new location.

Create a mirror image of selected cable segments at any location in the beam:
select the cable segments using the Segment selection 1053 options
select a reference point; the horizontal coordinate of this point is used to define the new
location of the mirrored segments (the segments are mirrored about the vertical axis but
their height coordinate is unchanged):

the reference point (both locations) can be either at a cable end point, either end of the
beam or at any coordinate:
cable end: move the to the end point so that it is highlighted with the ; click the
beam end: move the to adjacent to the beam end a is displayed; click the
By coordinate
coordinate: click at the bottom of the screen and move the to the
correct location; click the mouse.
select the new location of the reference point using any of the above methods.
The program draws the mirrored segments in their new location.

Return to the previous menu.

17.4.3 Parameters
Specify loss parameters for the current beam. These parameters override the values specified in the Default
parameters 1076 option.

Creep/shrinkage 1066
Cable losses 1067
Jacking sequence 1069
Duct size 1071 Creep/shrinkage

Specify creep/shrinkage loss parameters for the current beam. These parameters override the values
specified in the Default parameters 1079 option


Protendido 1067

For all parameters refer to Default parameters - creep/shrinkage 1079 . Cable losses

Define the cable loss parameters for the current beam. Parameters defined here override the values specified
in the Defaults 1080 option in the main side menu.

Jacking side
Specify the default jacking side for all cables in this beam. The jacking side for individual cables may be
revised in the option.

Draw-in losses



Refer to Defaults - Cable losses - Draw-in 1081 for an explanation on the option.
Different parameters may be defined for selected cables in the current beam:
Click and highlight a cable, then modify the parameters:

To use the draw-in loss estimate throughout the design and suppress the exact calculation, set the

checkbox to ; "If data incomplete" will be revised to "Always".

Friction losses
Refer to Defaults - Cable losses - Friction 1081 for an explanation on the option.
Different parameters may be defined for selected cables in the current beam:

Click and highlight a cable, then modify the parameters:

To use the wobble and/or curvature estimates throughout the design and suppress the exact calculation,

set the checkboxes to ; "No" will be revised to "Always".

Relaxation losses
Refer to Defaults - Cable losses - Relaxation 1082 for an explanation on the option.
Different parameters may be defined for selected cables in the current beam:

Click and highlight a cable, then modify the parameters:


Protendido 1069

Elastic shortening losses

Refer to Defaults - Cable losses - Elastic shortening 1082 for an explanation on the option.
Different parameters may be defined for selected cables in the current beam:

Click and highlight a cable, then modify the parameters:

To use the elastic shortening estimate throughout the design and suppress the exact calculation, set the

checkbox to ; "If data incomplete" will be revised to "Always".

All other parameters

Refer to Default parameters - cable losses 1080 . Jacking sequence

Specify the jacking sequence and side for each cable. There are two options:
Add a jacking stage for all strands in a cable, i.e. jack all strands at two or more stages.
Split the cables into two or more strand groups, each group jacked at a different stage or from a different
Select the cables:



click and highlight a line, then click .
Specify whether to add a jacking stage or to split a cable:

Add a stage
Add a jacking stage for all strands in a cable, i.e. jack all strands at two or more stages.

Split into strands

Split the cables into two or more groups of strands, each group jacked at a different stage or from a different


Protendido 1071

Cable no. 1 is jacked in 2 stages: to 30% and then to 100% of the prestress force (all of the strands are
jacked together at the same side in both stages).
Cable no. 2 is jacked in 2 substages of the same stage, i.e. both substages are at the same time (day),
but the second substage causes elastic shortening of the strands jacked in the first substage. Duct size

Specify the width and height of the ducts for each cable:

The program uses the duct sizes when drawing the perpendicular cables in the Define cable 1058 option.

17.4.4 Display cables

Cables may be removed from the display (they are not deleted):



17.4.5 By span
Specify parameters per span:

Casting time
Enter the casting time for each span, measured from the 'start of construction' date (time=0 days)

Regular longitudinal reinforcement

Regular reinforcement may be added to the prestressed beam. Specify the area and cover according to the
units displayed in the table column headers.

the cover value indicates gross cover, from the surface to the centre-of-gravity of the reinforcement
the program assumes that the area is constant along the entire length of the beam.
the table initially displays the default values defined in the Defaults - Reinforcement parameters 1078 option.

Casting of topping
Specify the stage of slab casting for each span. The default is the construction stage where the section
property values (area and moment-of-inertia) increase in STRAP geometry.

17.4.6 Slab reinforcement

Define regular slab reinforcement for the current slab that is different than the default values:


Protendido 1073

the reinforcement area is per unit width of slab
these values supersede the Default values, including area defined with the "By element" option.
17.4.7 Design direction
Two options are available:
For non-symmetric sections, the beam may be inverted without changing the design moments. The
STRAP geometry section orientation is used by default.
For space models only, the beams can be designed for either the M2 or M3 moments (but not biaxial). The
default design direction is set in the Parameters - general option by specifying the 'height axis'; use this
option to revise the design direction for a specific beam.
The following example shows the default design direction/top of beam and the effect of changing either of the

Perpendicular to the height direction Negative axis direction



17.5 Copy
Create a new beam and copy the cables and parameters from an existing beam to the new one.

Copy beams
To create beams that are parallel to the original. For example, to copy beam B2 to create new beam B3:

to create beam B4 at the same time, set Number of copies = 2

Copy and rotate beams

To create beams that are not parallel to the original. For example, to copy beam B1 to create new beam B2:

the 3rd reference node is required when the two beams are not located on the same plane.

Mirror beams
To create beams that are a mirror of the original. For example, to copy beam B1 to create new beam B2:



Protendido 1075

the program mirrors the selected beam about the plane that bisects the line joining the reference node and
its new location

more than one copy can be created; the distance from the original to the 1st copy and the distance
between any two copies are identical.



17.6 Default parameters

Refer to:
General 1076
Reinforcement 1078
Creep/shrinkage 1079
Cable losses 1080
Steel type definition 1082
Strand type 1083
Time steps 1084
Composite 1084

17.6.1 General

Select a national design code from the list.

Height axis
For space models only:
The beams can be designed for either the M2 or M3 moments (but not
biaxial). Select the moments by specifying a 'height axis' for the model; the
program designs for the moments acting about the axis perpendicular to the
plane formed by the height axis and the beam x1 axis.

The height axis may be revised for specific beams using the Design -
properties 1073 option.

Method for computing shear

Select one of the following methods for calculating the shear capacity of the concrete (where allowed by the
relevant Code):
Standard method
Equivalent to the Inclined Struts Method using an angle = 45º.
Inclined struts method


Protendido 1077

Also referred to as the "Truss method" in certain codes. The program calculates the optimum angle of the
inclined concrete 'struts' that are part of the assumed truss model.
Refer also to Design assumptions

Ultimate moment calculation

Include decompression strain in cable initial strain
The strain in the concrete becomes zero at the level of the prestressing cable at the decompression load.
A corresponding decompression strain is developed in the cables. If the option is set to the program
adds this decompression strain to the total strain when calculating the stress in the cables.
Add prestress moment to the ultimate moment
The prestress moment is the moment required to nullify the effect of the prestressing = P(e). The value is
added to the ultimate moment capacity.
Refer also to Design assumptions

Specify the method for calculating the deflections (for certain Codes only):
Simplified code method
The program calculates a single 'effective' moment-of-inertia for the entire span, based on the maximum
service moment and the cracking moment at that point.
Compute effective I at each point
The program calculates the 'effective' moment-of-inertia at intervals along the span, the rotation at these
intervals and the maximum deflection by integration of these results
deflections cannot be calculated for slab "lines".
Refer also to Design assumptions for more details.

Cable influence width

The slab center-line is defined in the option. This option defines the default associated slab width.

The program calculates the result diagrams along the defined line similarly to the "Results along a line" option
in the STRAP results module, i.e. the results are per unit width, e.g. ton-meter/meter, ft-kip/ft, etc.
Therefore, the influence width value does not affect the displayed results. The program treats the
influence width as the beam width and uses it to calculate the stresses, etc, resulting from the prestressing.

The influence width for specific slabs may be revised using the Design - option.

Moment reduction at columns

Finite element analysis usually gives exaggerated moment values at support nodes because the support is
represented by a perpendicular line element with a zero dimension. In theory, a zero dimension support
generates an infinite moment.
POSTTEN has an option to 'reduce' the moments adjacent to the supports. You may calculate the reduced



moments here if you defined the rectangles in Results.

Select one of the following options:

No reduction
Use the moment at the column center as calculated, without reduction.
Use reduced moment ...
The program calculates and uses an average moment values over the defined rectangle area
Use maximum moment ...
The program uses the maximum moment value on the defined rectangle perimeter
For a detailed explanation and examples, refer to Results along a Line - General.

17.6.2 Reinforcement
Regular longitudinal reinforcement may be added to the prestressed beam or slab. Specify the default
parameters for all beams in the model. Area and cover values may be modified for individual beams using

the Design - option.

Specify the steel grade for regular longitudinal and transverse reinforcement.
Note that the steel grades are the nominal values.

E modulus
Specify the modulus of elasticity (E) according to the stress units displayed adjacent to the option.

Steel area / cover

Specify the area and cover according to the units displayed in the dialog box.

the cover value indicates gross cover, from the surface to the centre-of-gravity of the reinforcement.
Beams: the program assumes that the area is constant along the entire length of the beam.
Slabs: different values of reinforcement area may be defined for selected elements:


Protendido 1079

Define by element
select elements using the standard Element selection option.
enter top/bottom steel areas
Slabs: reinforcement area are per unit width.
Reinforcement areas defined here can be displayed graphically by selecting Display - Element
reinforcement in the menu bar.
17.6.3 Creep/shrinkage
Specify the default creep and shrinkage parameters for all beams/slabs in the model:

E concrete
Specify the modulus of elasticity (E) according to the stress units displayed adjacent to the option.

Specify the nominal concrete strength

Casting at day
Specify the day that the beam is cast (from the start of construction).
the beam calculation 'stages' are also defined from the start of construction; the creep and shrinkage
equations require the 'Casting at day' value in order to determine the time from casting to the calculation

Specify the average relative humidity (%)



Cement type
Select a cement type from the options displayed (required in some Codes only)

Specify the average temperature value (ºC)

Estimated loss
Enter the estimated total creep + shrinkage loss; the program uses this value where required until the exact
losses are calculated.
To suppress the exact calculation and to use the estimate throughout the program, set Always use
estimate for creep and shrinkage losses
Note that in models with a 'configuration change' the program always uses the exact losses when
calculating the stresses resulting from the change (e.g. differential creep between beam and topping); in
such cases Always use estimate ... applies only to the calculation of the cable force. Therefore the
following creep and shrinkage parameters must always be specified in models with a configuration change.

Select one of the following methods for calculating the shrinkage loss:
Compute according to code
The program calculates the shrinkage loss according to the current Code. Refer to Design assumptions
for more details. Note that the shrinkage loss may be modified by a user-defined factor.
User given strain * (1. - exp(-kt))
The shrinkage strain is a user-defined strain modified by a factor in the form . The program requires
the date of 'half total shrinkage' in order to calculate the value of 'k'.
User given strain * (t/(Cst+t))
The shrinkage strain is a user-defined strain modified by a factor in the form , where Cst is also
defined by the user.

Select one of the following methods for calculating the creep loss:
Compute according to code
The program calculates the creep loss according to the current Code. Refer to Design assumptions for
more details. Note that the creep loss may be modified by a user-defined factor.
User creep factor * (1. - exp(-kt))
The creep factor is in the form and may be modified by a user-defined factor. The program requires
the date of 'half total creep' in order to calculate the value of 'k'.
User creep factor * (t^0.6/10+t^0.6)

The creep factor is in the form and may be modified by a user-defined factor.

Creep factor
In the "Design - Losses - creep/shrinkage 1066 " option, click to display the differential creep
factor between any two dates (Ct2-Ct1). The result is for information only

17.6.4 Cable losses

Specify the default parameters for all cable losses (except creep and friction) for all beams/slabs in the
model. The symbols may vary according to the Code.


Protendido 1081

Duct size
Define the duct size. The perpendicular ducts are drawn on the design screen when designing beams and
slabs in order to avoid conflicts.

By beam
Click to define different duct sizes for individual beams and slabs.
To display the current duct size values, select Display - duct size in the menu bar

E modulus
Specify the value of the modulus of elasticity of the prestressing cables

Cable type
Specify the default model cable type as bonded or unbonded. The type for individual beams can be modified
using the Design - Losses - Cable losses option
For unbonded cables, the program calculates the average stress in the cables as the effective stress (after
losses) plus an additional stress. Specify the value of the additional stress.

Draw-in (or anchorage seating) losses occur in post-tensioned members due to the seating of wedges in the
anchors when the jacking force is transferred to the anchors. Enter the draw-in (slip) distance according to
the units displayed.
The program initially uses the estimated loss specified by the user and then calculates the exact loss based
on the defined cable profile, if requested by the user.
Estimated losses
Enter the estimated % loss for draw-in. To use these estimates throughout the design and suppress the
exact calculation, set the Always use estimate ... checkbox.

Loss of prestress occurs due to friction between the strands and the surrounding ducts. There are two
curvature effect



wobble effect
The program initially uses the estimated loss specified by the user and then calculates the exact loss based
on the defined cable profile, if requested by the user
Estimated losses:
Enter the estimated % loss for wobble and curvature. To use these estimates throughout the design and
suppress the exact calculation, set the Always use estimate ... checkboxes
Exact losses:
wobble effect
The equation in all codes is in the form:
Define the value K.
curvature effect
The equation in all codes is in the form:
Define the value .
By cable
To define different values for selected cables, click
the symbols vary according to the Code.
the maximum friction loss is at the far end if the jacking is from one end. The friction loss varies along the
span and the program calculates the value at all locations along the beam.

Stress-relieved strands are subject to prestressing loss due to constant elongation with time. Select one of
the following methods to calculate the relaxation loss:
Compute according to the Code
The program calculates the relaxation loss according to the Code.
After 1000 hours relaxation =
Enter the relaxation loss after 1000 hours; the program will calculate the loss at any stage from the Code
equations based on this value.
Assume total relaxation =
Enter the total relaxation loss (500,000) hours; the program will calculate the loss at any stage from the
Code equations based on this value.
For low-relaxation strands, check the Low relaxation strands parameter;
Refer to Design assumptions for more details

Elastic shortening
In post-tensioned beams, the elastic shortening loss varies from zero if all of the cables are jacked
simultaneously to one-half the value for an equivalent prestressed beam if several sequential jacking steps are

The program initially uses the estimated loss specified by the user and then calculates the exact loss based
on the defined cable profile, if requested by the user

Note that the jacking sequence is defined in the Jacking sequence 1069 tab in Design - Losses option.
Estimated losses
Enter the estimated % loss for elastic shortening. To use these estimates throughout the design and
suppress the exact calculation, set the Always use estimate ... checkbox

17.6.5 Steel type

Define the stress-strain curves for all of the prestressing steel types. The curves are required when
calculating the ultimate moment capacity of the beams. The Steel types are assigned to the strands in the


Protendido 1083


Add a new type

select an existing type from the list box or click
enter a name for the type and define the value of fpk
enter the stress and strain values of points along the curve. The program assumes a linear distribution
between the points.
Save as default
click to designate any type as the "program default". To recall the default values into the
Load program default
table (for the current type), click .

17.6.6 Strand types

Define/edit strand types; define/revise the data (area, max. stress, etc) and assign a steel type to the strand.

Save as default
click to save the current table as the "user default table".
Load program default
To restore the original program values into the table, click .

the "User default table" will be the initial strand table for all new models.



Load program default

affects only the current model.
17.6.7 Time steps
The program calculates losses, results, etc. at various time intervals:

stages defined by the user in the option

at additional time steps specified in this option.

Enter the step values (days) in any order

Each step can be subdivided into additional intervals; select "no division" or 2 to 5 intervals from the list
Load program default
This table can be reset to the original settings by clicking .

Note that a separate STRAP load case is created for each time step; solution time may be significantly
increased in large models.

17.6.8 Composite


Protendido 1085

Compute forces
For composite beams, specify whether to calculate additional moments generated by differential creep and

Topping casting time

Differential shrinkage begins only when the section becomes fully composite. Specify the number of days
after slab casting.

Composite concrete data

The program initially assumes that the topping concrete is the same as the beam/slab concrete. To specify
a different concrete for the topping, set Define topping data and enter the parameter values.



17.7 Restraints
Add/delete supports at STRAP nodes. Different supports may be defined for each construction stage.
the supports defined in this option are used only for POSTTEN deflection calculations; moment, stress or
shear calculations are not affected.
STRAP supports and deflections are not affected.

Default supports at all stages

The program uses the supports defined in STRAP geometry for each construction stage for the POSTTEN

Define supports in all stages

Select nodes using the standard node selection options; the nodes are assumed to be supports in all
construction stages.

Delete supports in all stages

Select nodes using the standard node selection options; the supports at these nodes are removed in all
construction stages.

Supports in selected stages

Define different supports for different stages:
click on the 'support' column for all construction stages and set
Select nodes using the standard node selection options.


Protendido 1087

17.8 Sections
Assign a different section property to selected spans. The selection overrides the section specified in the
STRAP geometry module.

Assign a regular section property

Select a STRAP section from the list
Select beams using the standard beam selection option.

Assign a composite section with rectangular property

select a STRAP section from the list.
define the rectangular topping dimensions.
select a construction stage; the program assumes that the topping is cast at the start of this stage.
select beams using the standard beam selection option.

Assign a section for non-composite stage and another for composite stage
select the non-composite STRAP section from the list on the left.
select the composite STRAP section from the list on the right.
select a construction stage; the program assumes that the topping is cast at the start of this stage (i.e. the
section changes).
select beams using the standard beam selection option.

Return to STRAP geometry definition property

All revisions made in this menu are canceled.
select beams using the standard beam selection option.



17.9 Stages
Define a "Stage table" for models where not all of the cables or beams are prestressed at the same time or
where loads are applied at different times. The stages are defined by the number of days from the start of
construction, the allowable stresses and the relevant STRAP stage.

If several stages were defined in STRAP geometry, then the additional forces from loads and cables that
were applied prior to the configuration change may be calculated for relevant stages; specify YES in the "
Add creep forces ...." column. Refer to General - configuration changes / composite 1049 .
click to add another stage to the list. The program adds a new line and adds the parameters from
the previous line; enter a new title and edit the parameters. Note that each stage may be associated with
a STRAP model 'stage'.
click and highlight a stage, then click to remove a stage from the list.

Refer also to Design assumptions.


Protendido 1089

17.10 Load table

Expand the load combination table defined in the STRAP results module.
each combination is assigned a 'start' and 'end' time, defined as one of the stages or infinity. The program
uses only the relevant combination results when calculating the stresses at a specific stage.
each combination may be defined as 'permanent' (sustained) for calculation of deflections and losses.
each combination may be used for only service load calculations (stresses, deflections), only for factored
load calculations (ultimate moment, shear) or both.

Start/end time
Specify the start and end times of each combination; the program uses only the relevant combination results
when calculating the stresses at a specific stage.
click on the combination line
click on to display the list of stages; for example:

click and highlight the relevant stage (or infinity)

Each combination may be defined as 'permanent' (sustained) for calculation of deflections and losses.
click on the combination line
set the checkbox to if the load is permanent. For example:

Each combination may be used for only service load calculations (stresses, deflections), only for factored
load calculations (ultimate moment, shear) or for all calculations:
Service only:
Combinations must be defined with all factors ~1.00.
Factored only:
Combinations must be defined with the appropriate factors - 1.4, 1.6, etc.
Service & factored:
Combinations must be defined with the appropriate factors - 1.4, 1.6, etc. The program changes all factors
to 1.00 when calculating stresses and deflections.
Load combinations may be 'ignored' by all calculations.

To specify the combination type:



click on the combination line

click on to display the list of stages; for example:

click and highlight the relevant type.


Protendido 1091

17.11 Solve
The program creates cable force load cases at all stages where cables are prestressed and at all time steps,
including calculated losses at each step. For example:

The program applies prestressing loads similar to those that may be defined in STRAP beam loads.
However, the program divides each member into 10 segments because the axial force is generally not equal
along the length of the beam because of the losses.

Do not modify the %PTEN% load titles; if you select "Solve" again, the program identifies the previous
pretension load cases according to the title and erases them before writing the new ones.

Refer also to Design assumptions



17.12 Screen / print - tables

17.12.1 Geometry
Select the parameters for the geometry table display:

17.12.2 Stage table

Display a table showing for each stage:
the current beam geometry
the current cable layout
load combination applied at start of stage
load combinations that end at this stage
cables jacked at this stage
For example:


Protendido 1093

the beam profile is shown only if there is a change in geometry or cables at that stage.

17.12.3 Stresses
Specify the following options:
The levels in the beam cross-section at which the stresses are calculated:

The times at which the stresses are calculated. Select:

For example:

stresses are displayed at user-defined distances
compression = positive ; tension = negative



for each combination the actual stress is compared to the allowable stress specified in the 'Stage' option;
stresses that exceed the allowable values are displayed in red.

17.12.4 Losses

Select cable
Display the prestress loss . for a specific cable selected by clicking .

Two tables are available:

x = distance from beam start; the results are displayed at user-defined distances
y = vertical coordinate of the prestressing cable, measured from the beam top
length = length of cable from the beam start to the point
angle = cumulative cable angle up to the point

symbols may vary according to Code
refer to Design assumptions

17.12.5 Ultimate / cracking moments

Display the ultimate and cracking moments . For example:


Protendido 1095

Dist = distance from beam start; the results are displayed at user-defined distances.
Comb = combination with maximum M/Mult.
M = factored moment calculated from the loads
Mcr = cracking moment
Mult = ultimate moment capacity of the beam
x/d = height of the compression block
Mult/Mcr = ratio of the Ultimate moment capacity to the Cracking moment; for most Codes the values
should be greater than 1.00.
M/Mult = ratio of the factored moment to the Ultimate moment capacity; for most Codes the values
should be less than 1.00.
symbols may vary according to Code
refer to Design assumptions

17.12.6 Shear

Display the shear results . For example:

Dist = distance from beam start; the results are displayed at user-defined distances.
Comb = combination with maximum As/v.
V = factored shear calculated from the loads
Vc = shear capacity of the concrete
Vcm ax = maximum allowable shear force
M = factored moment calculated from the loads
Mcr = cracking moment
Av/s = total area of shear links (stirrups) required (all legs) per unit spacing
symbols may vary according to Code
refer to Design assumptions



17.12.7 Deflections

Display the deflections . Two tables are available:

Maximum: maximum downwards deflection
Minimum : maximum upwards deflection

For example:

short-term and long-term deflections are calculated separately
long-term deflections are calculated at each stage and the total long-term deflection is the sum of the
deflections at the stages.

symbols may vary according to Code
refer to Design assumptions

17.12.8 Additional moments - Creep

Display the forces applied by differential creep and shrinkage . For example:


Protendido 1097

Differential shrinkage:
Forces and moments applied to the beam due to the differential shrinkage resulting from the different beam/
topping concrete ages.
Differential creep
Forces and moments applied to the beam due to the differential creep resulting from the different beam/
topping creep coefficients.

Additional forces due to the difference in creep, caused by the difference in stresses in the beam and the
topping, can be displayed/printed in the Additional moments - configuration change 1097 table.
Refer to General - configuration change / composite 1049 .

17.12.9 Additional moments - Change

Display the forces applied by a configuration change . For example:

P, M:
equivalent force and moment applied to beam after the configuration change. They are generated by the
restraint creep from loads and cables forces applied prior to the configuration change.



the final force and moment, including P and M.

If there are several configuration changes prior to time 't', the table displays the sum of the forces resulting
from each change.
refer to General - configuration change / composite 1049 .

17.12.10Jacking data
Display the cable jacking data: time, length, elongation, etc. For example:

17.12.11Display results at ...

Results along the span can be displayed at user defined intervals:

Select one of the following:

1/n of span: n=2 - results will be displayed at three points: start, middle and end.
n=3 - results will be displayed at four points: start, (1/3)L, (2/3)L and end.
each "n" m: results are displayed at the start, end and at every interval along the length.


Protendido 1099

17.13 Design assumptions

Select one of the following codes:
CSA A23,3
Eurocode 2

Other codes


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