Children's Church: A Worship Service

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Childrens Church:

A worship service

by Dick Gruber
Item 714-205


C h i l d r e ns C h u r c h
a Worship Service
As a childrens pastor, Sunday school teacher, or church-time helper, you have the responsibility to train children in the way they should go. God has given us to prepare the saints for
works of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. We are to treat children with a Christlike respect and love them as Christ loves us.
Our job is one of reaching, preaching to , and setting an example for children so that they can
find their place in service to the Lord. We reach children through special evangelistic services.
Kids crusades, neighborhood outreach programs, or special Sundays can be used to bring
children of all ages to Jesus Christ. We preach to children the whole Word of God. It is
through the preached Word of God that much growth takes place in children as well as
adults. The method used in preaching to children may be different but the message is constant. Children are put under our teaching so that they may learn more about the Word of
God and how to apply it to daily living. We set an example though our consistent Christian
life in and out of church.
I have been involved in three different kinds of childrens church programs. These all have
good points and can be effective in their proper settings.
I. The Boss Hog Sunday Morning Side Show
1. Paid staff member doing it all
2. No lay participation
3. Well organized (if the minister is organized)
4. Consistent quality
(This works well if the minster is constantly learning.)
II. The Alpha & Omega Amateur Hour
1. Many minds working harmoniously
2. Lots of lay participation
3. Variety of faces and methodology
(This works well if there is a good M.C. to tie the program together.)
III. Flash and the Five Reflections
1. Pastor with apostles (lay staff)
2. One mind with many extensions
3. Atmosphere of orderliness
(This works only if the director is well organized.)

All three of these can be used for God glory. Take a look at what you are doing and evaluate
the effectiveness of it. No matter what kind of childrens church you have, it should be just
Children are a heritage of the Lord. We are exhorted in Scripture to teach them His commands, writing them on walls, doorposts, puppet faces, and talking about them everywhere
we go. We are to prove our love for Jesus by forbidding them not to come unto Him, by feeding His lambs, and by not squelching their spirit of praise.
God loves children. Jesus placed an importance on the care and growth of His little ones. He
touched them and blessed them. As workers in the church, we have the children for about 1
to 5 hours a week. It is important to use this time properly.
Teachers must have contact with the childs parents. The job of training children must start
in the home. The church is a resource center for parents and should affirm the teaching that
takes place in the home. With this in mind, it is important to recognize the responsibility of
childrens workers to minister with and to the parents.
Children are not the church of tomorrow, they are todays church. Childrens church is a
valid worship experience.
This is a church serviceevery service challenges service.
This is the Body of Christeverybody is active in the body.
These are Saintsevery saint is a participant.
The childrens church is the assembling of God little people together for the purpose of meeting with each other and meeting with God.
Meeting with each other:
Meeting with God:
Ministry of the Word

Is your childrens church a circus or a service?

Why do we have a childrens church?
1. Gospel truths taught on their level.
2. Worship with peer reinforcement.
3. To know church is an exciting center of love.

Methods for childrens church

No matter what kind of childrens church you run or the age-group you work with, there must
be a program. Each childrens church program should have four basic parts.
1. Worship
2. Giving
3. Preaching
4. Prayer
The key to each of these areas is to find the most effective expression of each as it relates to
the theme of the day.
Every service must have a central them or aim. This is the concept that you are trying to
teach that day. In childrens work, you must stick to one concept in each service. Dont throw
scriptural themes about like so much garbage. With great care and prayer a them should be
chosen for each service. Every part of that service must then accent this them. You want the
children to go away knowing what you talked about.
1. Pray: Seek God's face. What does He want your kids to know?
2. Search the Scripture: Find key scripture verses dealing with the message.
Theme may be born in a scripture passage.
Even in a setting where printed childrens church material is used, you must pray for
Gods direction. You must search the scripture.
Material, such as that prepared by Gospel Publishing House, gives you a them, key
scripture portions, and many practical helps. It does not contain a message for your
children. Prepared programs are launching pads for a flight through a message born
in Gods heart and delivered by you to your kids.
God desires to do something special in every childs life, every week. This cannot be
accomplished if you do not grow beyond the boundaries set by these curriculums.
Use these materials as the tools they were meant to be. Add to them and personalize
them. Create an excitement befitting the call that God has placed on your life and
ministry. Remember, a quantity of Scripture in the area you are covering this week, if
meditated upon, will give you Godly creativity, and new insight.

In every part of your childrens church program, excitement is the key to success. We teach
the children that it is exciting to serve Jesus. Childrens church is EXCITING, not fun. It can
be fun, but it should always be exciting.
We serve a living, exciting Saviour. The children need to experience this concept. Church
should be the most exciting place in a childs life. The Bible should be the most exciting book.
You should be the most exciting person they meet. You are Gods person for those kids.

Childrens church is the most important hour of the week. If you are a dead-pan the rest of
the week, it better not carry over to Sunday morning. Get hyped up! Get all excited!
Some Sunday I have to hype myself up. How can you do this?

Look in the mirror and laugh.

Run around the church.
Cheer for Jesus
Pray for the children by name.
Dream/visualize/expect results
Tell the kids youre excited.
Quote the genealogies. (?)

Lets look at the four factors that constitute an exciting,



childrens church program.


Hem your blessings with praise, lest they unravel. PRAISING GOD IS AN ABSOLUTE IN RECEIVING HIS
There are many ways to incorporate praise in the
childrens church program. One of the best ways to lead children in praise is through music.

Children are strongly influenced by music. Songs will cause emotional, physical, and spiritual
response in children. The world uses music all the time. The key is to use it for Gods glory!
Here are some songs I use in worship with children.
I Can Run Through a Troop
Clapping Our Hands
Come Bless The Lord
Father, I Adore You
God Is So Good
In Moments Like These
Know Ye Not
I Love Him Better Every Day
In The Name Of Jesus
Peace Like A River

Seek Ye First
I Love You Lord
Lord, I Want to Love You More
Gods Not Dead
This Is The Day
Jesus Lifted Me
Rejoice In The Lord Always
He Is Lord
Thou Art Worthy

My wife leads in worship while I play the piano. Some use taped backgrounds. IT IS IMPORTANT
Songs are chosen that will fit in with
the theme. We usually start with the action songs and move to the slower more worshipful
type choruses, but feel free to do as God leads. When we started emphasizing worship, a great
deal of our discipline problems faded. When children become aware of God presence, even the
disruptive child will be touched and calmed.


Four most common types of discipline problems. I am sure you know them, but here they are.
1. Squirmin Herman Hyped Ville, the kid that ate 10 pounds of sugar for breakfast,
cant sit still, always goes to the bathroom.
2. Boisterous Betsy Disrupting for no reason, gives wrong answers for a laugh, needs
attention, rowdy.
3. Tommy Talk Alot Smart, speaks up our of turn but always has something good to
say, preaches to the kids around him.
4. Danny Dreamer Space Case, still sitting on the second verse of a action song,
always staring off somewhere, unintentional problem.
Deal with the following four Ds and it will affect the discipline problems.

Discomfort pews with cracks, temperature, smells

Distraction wasp, marching band
Disinterest you need to be exciting
Disturbance children, assistants

If you are in control of the four Ds then this equation is true:

Many childrens churches have order by the sword. God desires an orderly service and worship is the vehicle which will bring this to pass. Worship is not taught. It is
Worship through song. Worship through testimonies. Worship through praise breaks.
Experiment with different forms of praise; clapping, shouting, quiet, hands raised, dancing,
singing, etc.
We encourage children to raise their hands and praise God with their whole heart. Peer pressure can be used for God's glory. Create an atmosphere of expectancy. Make it the IN thing
to praise and magnify the Lord.

I teach tithing and giving of offerings to children. It is so important for children to learn the
principles of giving at an early age. Their faithfulness in this area will open the windows of
blessing to them in other areas of their lives. So I preach Malachi 3:8-10. I also make the giving time a joyful experience.
Many children think giving is a chore. WHY? BECAUSE MOM AND DAD DO. I have seen many
adults miss out on the blessings of God because they were hung-up with giving.

The childrens church tithes and offerings do not amount to much, but then neither did the
widows mite.

We have had some projects to encourage giving in childrens church. These are geared to
teach the children about
1. Giving beyond the tithe.
2. Giving cheerfully.
3. The money going to Gods work.
Fill a cider jug with change and purchase something you need for childrens church
with the money. (TV/VCR, decorations for the room, or door prizes)
Give to missions, you may be able to buy puppets or supplies for a missionary that
your church supports.
Have a Fishing For Men weekend. The money in the fish bowl can be used to pay for
gospel films and prizes for a special evangelistic outreach.
Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade is a natural!
Children should be taught that the money given goes to Gods service. Many times Christian
workers say, Lets give our money to Jesus. The offering is taken and the bags are put
behind the puppet stage. Some of the children are wondering if God lives in the puppet stage,
since that is always where the pastor puts the offering. Tithes are brought into the storehouse
to be used in the work of the Gospel. Try to emphasis how the money is used for God.

Every childrens church service must include the preached Word of God. It is through the
preaching of the Word that all of the great revivals of history began. Jesus preached the Word
and we should also.
All visual methods are included in the preaching portion of the childrens church service.
Some of these are listed below.
Object Lessons
Bible Stories
Scripture Pictures
Costume Presentation
Chalk Talks
Video Presentations

Pray for creativity in your preaching. God will give you new ways to use old methods.
Remember, the message is the most important part of the method. Do not sacrifice the message because of your zeal to try a new method. Pray for a message and pick your methods to
accent it in the best way. Lets cover some of the preaching methods, or visual arts and their
application in the childrens church situation.

One of the most effective ways to teach spiritual truths is the object lesson. What is an object
lesson? An object lesson is simply using a common article easily recognized by the child to
teach a spiritual truth.
Jesus used object lessons.


22: 17-22
13: 18-19
12: 24
15: 1-9
11: 25-44

A common question asked of me is, Where can I find object lessons? The best places to find
object lessons are:
1. Object lesson books
2. Bible
3. Your imagination
I believe that you can use anything to teach an object lesson. I have taught lessons with potatoes, donuts, water, balloons, comb, hats, cards, cubes, keys, dolls, doors, gloves, chairs,
mail, nails, and bubble gum. Pray for creativity in your object lessons. Even when you use
one from a book, you will want to add your own experience to it. I try to make up my own
whenever I can. You will be able to make your own as God enables you.
A good object lesson is made up of these parts:
1. Scripture & Theme
2. Object
3. Relate the two
We do not want them to remember the method only. Therefore the object of the object lesson
is to help them remember the message. If an object lesson is properly presented, then the
children will remember the lesson whenever they see the object throughout the week. When
getting ready to present object lessons or any visual sermon, it is important to use the three
Ps: Pray, Prepare, & Present.

Story telling is a great method because of the vivid imagination of children. Painting pictures
through the words of a story is a talent that can be developed with practice. Every childrens
worker should endeavor to become a good story teller. The children at your church are told
stories every day. In school, on TV, at home, and in play they are listening to or telling stories.
Since stories are such a normal part of childhood, you must become the most exciting story
teller they know. Dont make your costume so flashy that it distracts form the gospel message.

There are different ways to tell a story. The most common and perhaps the most difficult way
is simply standing and telling it. Many people think this method will be easier. But to stand
and tell a story takes a great deal of expression and many hours of practice. That is why I
suggest the following methods in story telling:

Person and puppet telling and acting

Children acting while you narrate
Using pictures or slides
Costume character
Puppet spectacular
You act out all parts

Stories found in books may not relate to your children. You can change the story using the
plot that is there. Make the characters and situations understandable to the children you
minster to. Jesus told stories effectively. They were a tool used to bring spiritual truths to life
for the people around Him.

The Romans used the rebus as a game. Rebus is the art of creating riddles with words or syllables depicted by symbols or pictures that suggest the sound of these words or syllables. In
childrens pastors circles, we call this the Scripture picture. In a scripture picture, the words
or syllables of the scripture verse are sounded out and pictures representing the words are
drawn. For years, Sunday school teachers have taught the memory verse of the day this way.
Children have learned these verses well enough to win the prize of the day, only to forget the
verse by the next sunday. My objective in the scripture picture is not that they learn the verse
word for word. My desire is that every child know the concept behind the scripture verse. So I
emphasize the meaning of the verse and the pictures burn it into their memory.
Methods that can be used to teach scripture pictures are:

Drawing pictures or word on balloons

Tag board puppets
Black construction paper & white chalk
Flannel board
Act out the sounds

A foundational principle to all we have talked about is that
children learn more of what they see than what they hear, and
even more when they do it. Costume presentations can be
done by you or by the children themselves. Children love to
see the message of the gospel visualized in this way. You do
not have to be elaborate in your costume presentations. some
of the most simple costumes have been successful for me. I
have been Moses, Superman, Peter, a carpenter, clown, fisherman, soldier, scientist and an old man.Costumes have ranged
from an entire wardrobe with full dramatic make-up to a simple pair of glasses.

Some suggestions for what to do while in costume.


Be sure the method is necessary.

Emphasize a theme.
Keep it simple (sometimes best).
Add to it your Godly creativity.
Be ready to change:
- roof may cave in
- move with the Spirit
- children may become bored
- child may have a different concept
6. Be versatile!

Every part of the service should lead up to this point. The prayer time, altar call, starts at the
beginning of the service.
The prayer time is a time of commitment, dedication, and action.
Although the prayer time is not always the best indication of the results of your service, it is a
good time to pray with the children individually. Children should have the same kind of
prayer experience in church as they have at camp once a year.
Four different ways to make your prayer time exciting and varied are:
1. Altar Callraise hands or walk to the front
2. Altar Servicecome down front or all stand or kneel
3. Prayer at chairkneel or sit while workers work the room
4. Small Groupsassign kids to areas, list requests, & worker leads

God can move in your childrens church. Encourage your children to meet God
during the prayer time. Give the children ample opportunity to pray. One of the tragedies in
childrens ministries is the interrupted ending. You know the case. Mrs. Doksansky bursts
into your prayer time looking for little Zelda. She bumps into a few folding chairs and hurriedly drags her screaming daughter out of the room. The result of this is devastation to your
prayer time.
Arrange the schedule so that you have about 20 minutes of prayer time before the expected
dismissal time of the adult service. Then if you have extra time, you can quiz the children
over the lesson of the day or sing songs or play some Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ).
Every service must have a plan. Following is a commonly used childrens church plan.
Sunday April 29, 2002
Theme for today: Forgiveness
Key Scriptures: 1 John 1:9
Scripture Picture: 1 John 1:9
Opening: Rules, theme, welcome
Worship: Songs
Giving: Special
Scripture picture: Puppet with flannelboard

Object lesson:
Bible story: Publican & Sinner
Puppet special:
Chalk talk:
Prayer time:
Review time:
Remember to plan your childrens church with the four parts in mind: worship, giving,
preaching, and prayer. With these in balance, and God on your side, your childrens church
will be life changing, inspirational, and a power builder in the lives of children.

Ideas for use in

Childrens church
1. Every now and then send a letter or award of appreciation to each child letting him
know you are glad he came to childrens church.
2. Explain how to use the Bible and how to take care of it. Let the children hold and use a
Bible while you are explaining about it. You may want to present those who dont have a
Bible with one at this time.
3. A secret message can be given to each child as he leaves to go home. The message can be
an announcement of whats going to happen in childrens church the next week. Be sure
to include the key to crack that secret message.
4. Invite adult church leaders to come to your sessions. Explain what they do in the church.
Ask questions like: What do you do in church? Do you think its important? Be sure
to let the children ask questions as well. Have the person give a devotional or pray for the
children before leaving. consider inviting ushers, deacons, elders, minister of education,
minister of music, assistant pastor, piano or organ player, choir member, Sunday school
superintendent, special ministries workers, and the custodian, as well as heads of various service groups.
5. If you would like to emphasize missions, the Boys and Girls Missionary Crusade (BGMC)
can help. Request a packet of helps from them at 417-862-2781 or write them at 1445
Boonville Avenue, Springfield, MO 65802.
6. Keep track of your prayer requests by making a chart of requests and answers.
7. When you pray for someone who is sick, send him a card saying you prayed for him or
her in childrens church. The text of the card can say something like: We want you to
know that a prayer request was made in your behalf, and we prayed for you this morning
(date) in our childrens church service. (signedchurchs name and address) Appoint
someone to secure the address and mail out the cards. People will appreciate your

8. Sing songs, hymns, and choruses that are sung in the adult worship service. This helps
familiarize the children with the activities of the adult services.
9. Keep a notebook file of what you do each Sunday. This file could include what story you
used, what activities were done, what songs were sung, who prayed, and attendance. You
should also include pupil response and suggestions or recommendations for future
10. Make installation and dedication of childrens church workers a special time. Recognize
the workers at least twice a year.
11. For Christmas, have a sharing tree where the children can bring a new or like-new toy.
As Christmas approaches, these toys can be shared with other children or perhaps day
care center.
12. To create an interest in missions, you might dress up in the costume of another country
or ask the children to come in costume.
13. Ask the children to come dressed as their favorite Bible character or object.
14. Spend one whole day with an emphasis on music and singing. You can have class partic
ipation, individuals, groups, puppets, etc. singing.
15. Sometime during the summer you might want to have an all night lock-in where children
can stay overnight. You can have special programs, skits, games, films, lots of food, and
special times together.
16. Honor your workers. Select one person each month to receive special honor. Present the
honor in front of the children to let them know how you feel about the workers.
17. Sing some scriptural choruses that have been put to music. Let the children look up the
references in their Bible.
18. If additional rooms and personnel are available to you, consider having special elective
classes for smaller groups of children. These classes should be short-term (2-6 weeks).
The children in these classes can worship with the entire group and then at a specified
time leave for their classes. Special classes can be conducted on water baptism, doctrine,
preparation to attend the adult service, music, special craft or research projects, being a
new Christian, Bible study, a study of prayer, or learning more about the work of the
Holy Spirit.
19. Decorate your classroom to fit your lesson theme for the days teaching.
20. When missionaries or other special people come to your church, ask your pastor if they
can come talk at childrens church prior to the time they are to speak to the adult congregation. You may need to rearrange your childrens worship service but the rewards
will be great.
21. Explain how to use and hold a hymnbook. Let the children actually use one to sing a
22. Vary your room arrangements whenever possible. The change in scenery helps with discipline problems.

24. Pray for our missionaries in your childrens church services. Once a month select a
specific missionary and pray for that person and his family in each service. You can
select a missionary your church supports or the Division of Foreign Missions or the
Division of Home Missions can help you with names. These divisions can also supply you
with pictures of the various personnel. you can take the individual picture, make a photographic plate of it, and print it on a sheet of paper to be passed out as a reminder to
each child.
25. Have an appreciation day for your workers.
26. Develop a monthly point sheet for helpers. Honor the helper with the most points.
27. Have the kids sponsor a child from a childrens home or an adult in a nursing home.
28. Bible Ping-pong is a game used to teach children the books of the Bible. One child starts
with Genesis and points to another child who must then give the second book. Continue
until someone misses. Divide the children into two groups, Keep score or go until one
group completes the entire list. No one goes twice until everyone has had a turn.
29. Have a contest to see who can say the most Bible verses or read the most chapters in the
Bible. Have a McDonalds party or a get-together in honor of the winner.
30. Have the children go through the steps of going to the mission field. Discuss their need
to graduate from high school, college, etc. You might also discuss the work missionaries
31. Have a Christmas Around the World childrens church program. You can divide the kids
into groups and these groups can be rotated from area to area to do crafts, play games,
or even watch a filmstrip. You can also sing a variety of Christmas songs from around
the world.
32. Put offerings toward special projects. For example, your children may adopt a missionarys child or children. From the offerings, you may buy the child a new outfit. You could
possibly borrow a child mannequin from a department store, and as money come in, outfit the doll with the clothes you are going to send. Be sure to get the childs correct sizes
before you send the package.
33. Visualized songs and choruses are helpful means of learning difficult songs. Use poster
board (18 x 24 or larger) and hand draw pictures or cut pictures from magazines to
illustrate the songs. A number of these songs can be purchased from the Gospel
Publishing House for use with smaller groups of children.
34. Give a Tour of the Holy Land. This would take several weeks to complete. For example,
one week you might stop at Nazareth and discover events which took place there. Many
different learning activities can be used for most biblical cities. Slides from those who
have toured these areas would be of value to you also.
35. Invite parents to come and relate what type of work they do and tell why it is important
to Gods kingdom.
36. Involve your pastor in childrens church activities whenever possible. When the church
has special speakers, why not ask your pastor to visit your sessions? Let him talk to the
children and let them ask him questions. He is, after all, their pastor too and one day
they will be in his services in the sanctuary.

37. You might try reading Bible related stories to the children occasionally. To be continued
stories will add interest and result in consistent attendance.
38. Use stories which involve the whole group. In Noah and the Ark, for example, after you
select all the characters (both people and animals) you can use the remaining children to
make the various kinds of sound effects (rain, laughing, yelling for help, etc.).
39. Object lessons help children remember Bible concepts.
40. Consider having an open house one Sunday after church.
41. Try different kinds of contests between different groups. Contests for offerings, visitors,
Bible brought or read, the bast-behaved, largest attendance, quietest, loudest, etc. can
be played. Children can be divided into teams in the following ways: according to school
grades, those with birthdays before July 1 vs. those with birthdays after July 1, those
wearing certain colors, different colors of hair colors of eyes, or those in one section of
the room vs. those in another.
42. Have children act out various parts of a story.
43. Choose different children each month to serve as ushers, pray for each other, collect the
offering. Use older children to give testimonies, sing, and share their talents.
44. Allow children to perform short skits. have a worker choose the needed number of children at the start of the program and then practice during the preliminaries.
45. Have the children write to a grandpa puppet, asking him questions about God and the
Bible. Grandpa can read their letters and then answer the questions. Use a mailbox for
the children to put letters in.
46. If you do not have musical experience, have someone prerecord the music and then play
it back.
47. If video equipment is available, you might videotape people whom youd like to have in
Sunday school but who cant be there on Sunday. Then you can play back their message
to the kids.
48. A balance scale can be used for an offering contest.
49. Keep a record of all the things youve done in childrens church. It might serve as a
reminder of something to do later on.
50. Counsel on a one-to-one basis with children who have indicated a desire to accept Christ
as their Saviour.
51. Set up various display tables and allow the children to examine the contents.
52. Allow the children time to go to the rest rooms before you begin your childrens church
program. Once youve started, do not allow them to leave except for emergencies.
53. If your church has a childrens library, feature a book either once a month or every few
weeks. You might also want to allow the children time to browse through the library
before they go home.

54. Bible Tic-Tac-Toe can be played using questions from the Bible story.
55. When special events take place in adult worship, consider bringing your children to these
56. If you have a discipline problem with your children, give a happy face sticker to those
children who are being good. Your helpers can pass out the stickers while you are teaching the children. The happy faces can then be turned in for a small treat at the end of
childrens church. If you cant afford the happy face stickers, any kind will do.
57. Have Bible characters (members of the congregation dressed in biblical costumes) come
into your children's church and tell their stories. Moses, Joseph, David and Goliath,
Samson, Paul, or the shepherds in the field could be use.
58. When children come to childrens church feeling sick, have the other children gather
around and pray for them.
59. Use shadow puppets to present the Bible story.
60. In order to give childrens church workers a chance to go to morning worship and to
allow children to be there too, you might consider having every seventh Sunday as a time
for a united service (parents and children).
61. Have a yearly birthday party. This can be done at Christmas time or during the summer
months. Send each child a candle during the week urging them to bring the candle and
place it on a birthday cake.
62. Teach special classes on prayer and intercession.
63. Start a monthly newsletter and send it to the children.
64. If you are having problems with behavior, you might use the following idea: Decide upon
a set of rules that you want the children to keep. Assign each rule a specific number of
penalty points. Then have a contest. Each child gets 50 points for being present, 10
points for bringing a Bible, 25 points if he joins in and participates in childrens church,
25 points for cooperation, and 25 points if he does not break a rule. Each time a rule is
broken, subtract its assigned penalty points. The contest can run 4-7 weeks. A prize can
be awarded to those children reaching a set point level.
65. Make some signs which have yes written on one side and no written on the other.
During the day, pass out the paddles, half to boys and half to girls. Have these children
come to the front of the group. Then ask some questions about the lesson. Have the children hold up what they feel is the right answer. Count the number of right answers and
add up the scores.
66. The Junior Bible Quiz program and cards can be used successfully in a childrens
church program. Some churches select 10 questions for the children to learn each week.
The next Sunday they are quizzed over those 10 and the ones they have previously
learned. For information on the JBQ program, contact the Childrens Ministries
Consultant, Sunday School Promotion and Training office, 1445 Boonville, Springfield,
MO 65802.

67. There are times when memory work will be required of your children. Use this time for a
period of challenge between the boys and girls. Write single words on pieces of cardboard.
Glue flannel strips to the back of the cardboard. Scramble the words of the verse. Select
a boy and a girl to attempt to unscramble the verse. See who gets done in the shortest
length of time. Another version is to use two flannel boards and two matching sets of
words. Then let each group compete together. Allow the children to give their leader help
and inspiration.
68. If you are not familiar with the childrens names, have them wear name tags until you
learn their names.
69. Explain the order of the church service. What should the child expect? Let him examine
a copy of the adult church bulletin.
70. Have a promotion day for those children who are going into adult worship. Make it a special time.
71. A Happy Birthday poster can be placed on the wall with the names of those children
who are having birthdays that week.
72. Recognize childrens birthdays. A childs birthday is more important to him or her than
any other time of the year. A little card which says Happy Birthday and thanks for coming to childrens church would be cherished by the child. Try to make the children feel
special, even if it does take a significant amount of time. Try to hand write the message
and include their name and something special about them.
73. For older children, a time can be set aside for the teaching of music and music theory.
74. You could prepare a special children church bulletin to let the kids know whats taking
place that day or during the week. This could be passed out as the kids come in or as
they leave. if you dont have time to do the work, let the children do it.
75. Have a special day to present a Bible to each child of a certain age.
76. Study the different aspect of worship. Such things as prayer, worship, praise, songs and
their history, music, communion, water baptism, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit
could be topics discussed. You may want to study questions like why we have a pastor,
why we have an altar, and why we sing songs in church, etc.
77. You may like to have a resource tool called the Elementary Sunday School Teacher Idea
Book, item number 714-200. It lists a variety of ideas you can adapt to a childrens
church program. It is available from Gospel Publishing House for $5.00. Call 800-6414310.

Gathering Resources
Before a children church program is begun, its third priority (after setting goals and staffing)
should be the gathering/listing of resources. In this case resources include more than materials. Besides visual aids, list such things as people, ideas, pictures, audio-visual equipment,
overhead transparencies, puppets, and scripts (for dramas, skits, and puppets). Once you
know what you have you can then determine what you need and make a reasonable budget
Listed below are several companies you can write for a list of materials. I suggest you ask that
a catalog be sent. From the catalog, you can decide what material you would like to explore
Let me also suggest that written materials (curriculum, skits, plays, etc.) from firms separate
from your church denomination be examined for doctrinal correctness before being use.

Quarterly materials
Radiant Life, Assemblies of God, 1445 Boonville, Springfield, MO 65802

Other Childrens church materials

Gospel Publishing House, 1445 Boonville, Springfield, MO 65802
Train Depot, 5015 Tampa West Blvd., Tampa, FL 33614
Standard Publishing, 8121 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45231
Childrens Church Inc., PO Box 773, Corona, CA 91720
Child Evangelism Fellowship, Warrenton, MO 64093
Scripture Press Publications, 1825 College Ave., Wheaton, IL 60187
Caraway Street, C/O Ron Solomon, 14455 Ammons Street, Denver, CO 80215

Visual Aid Resources

Big & Bright Bible Stories, Rt. 2, Box 258-A, Marionville, MO 65705
Bible Visuals, Box 4842 T, Lancaster, PA 17604
Children Evangelism Fellowship, Warrenton, MO 64093
Betty Lukens, PO Box 178, Angwin, CA 94508
Versitron Visual Arts, Box 8932, 4821 Golden Ave., Riverside, CA 92505

Overhead Transparency Stories, Songs, Supplies

M.A. Religious Designs, 1917 Xerxes Ave. North, Minneapolis, MN 55411
Milliken Publishing Company, 1100 Research Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63132
David Winchell, Heritage Village Church, Charlotte, NC 28279
Faith Venture Visuals, PO Box 423, Litity, PA 17543

Balloons, Magic, Supplies

Schmidts Sales, 302 E State, Onoway, MI 49765

Puppets, Scripts, Resources

Gospel Publishing House, 1445 Boonville, Springfield, MO 65802
Puppets From One Way Street, PO box 2398, Littleton, CO 80161
The Son Shine Puppet Company, PO Box 6203, Rockford, IL 61125
Puppet Productions, Inc., PO Box 82088, San Diego, CA 92138
House of Puppetry, PO Box 9269, Little Rock, AR 72209
Puppets, Puppets, PO Box 2128, Dallas, TX 75221

The Fellowship of Christian Puppeteers, PO Box 220601, Charlotte, NC 28222
The Fellowship of Christian Magicians, Box 385, Connersville, IN 47331
The Puppeteers of America, Noven Drive, Fenton, MO 63026

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