Swan Code of Ethics
Swan Code of Ethics
Swan Code of Ethics
I choose to commit to the following ethical principles in order that my ministry may be
pleasing to God, my service beneficial to the Christian community, and my life a witness
to the world of Christ’s everlasting love.
My Personal Conduct
I will strive to glorify God with my life as I live out my convictions.
I will seek racial reconciliation and equity among people of other faiths and appreciate
our differences by recognizing our God is the creator of diversity.
I will use the platform God gives me to combat racism, sexism, homo-negativity, and
I will neither exchange nor tolerate scandalous, malicious, or inaccurate information with
or about others.
I will nourish myself by growing in intimacy with Christ through prayer, worship,
accountability, and spiritual direction.
I will prioritize my physical and mental health by living an active lifestyle, practicing
good eating habits, and caring for my body.
I will endeavor to live within my income, not to live in excess, so that I may continually
give generously to people who are less privileged.
I will be honest in my stewardship of time and money.
I will live empathetically towards others by being Christ-like in my personal attitudes and
conduct toward all people regardless of their race, class, gender, or sexual orientation.
I will be a faithful example for those whom I seek to serve and lead towards Christ.
Elizabeth Swan’s Ministerial Code of Ethics
My Relationship to Fellow Ministers
I will seek to serve my colleagues with respect and love as partners in ministry.
I will speak openly and honestly with any colleague who is hurting or damaging the
integrity of this Code of Ethics, and endeavor to be of help.
I will engage in prayer for the global church and bring others into the journey of
continually growing in cultural competency.
And when I fail and fall short, I will seek God's forgiveness and wisdom as I humble myself and
learn each day.