Airport Rules Regulations - 1.1-July08

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Foreword. ..............................................................................................................3
Chapter01ApronRulesandRegulations. ..............................................................6
Chapter08Leafleting&Promotions. ..................................................................87
Chapter11AviationCharges.............................................................................1 03
Chapter12SlotCoordination. ..........................................................................1 11
Chapter13CargoOperations............................................................................1 14
Disclaimer..........................................................................................................1 22
Abbreviations.....................................................................................................1 23


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Airports Authority of India (AAI), in the interest of the better management of the Indira Gandhi
International Airport, New Delhi (IGI Airport) and overall public interest, granted some of its functions of
operating, maintaining, developing, designing, constructing, upgrading, modernizing, financing and
managing of the IGI Airport to Delhi International Airport Private Limited (DIAL), a joint venture company
by virtue of the lease deed dated 25th April, 2006 and the Operation Management and Development
Agreement (OMDA) dated 4th April 2006, executed between DIAL and AAI. As per OMDA, DIAL has
the exclusive right and authority to undertake the functions of AAI being the functions including operation,
maintenance, development, design, construction, upgradation, modernization, finance and management
of the Airport. As part of the upgradation, DIAL has the right and privilege to regulate the entites who are
engaged in various activities at IGI Airport.
The Airport Rules & Regulation Manual (ARR Manual) is a compilation of various rules and regulations
prepared by DIAL on the basis of Applicable Law and the prevailing airport norms. It shall be applicable
to all the Airport Users who have been engaged in the business of operating aircrafts for commercial or
general use or commercial activities at IGI Airport and also applies to one time users having no
permanent establishment.



Rules and regulations as outlined in ARR Manual are designed to facilitate efficient and smooth business
transaction at IGI Airport. ARR Manual is intended to be reasonable, non-arbitrary and non-discriminatory
and therefore apply equally to all Airport Users.
The purpose of ARR Manual, inter-alia is to assist in the accomplishment of the following:


Establishing airport safety guidelines;

Establishing the airport as a reasonable, well organized, controlled, and attractive place to work,
do business and interact with users;
Establishing quality standards by which all users of the airport must comply in order to ensure
best possible service standards to passengers and users;
Establishing a management document used by airport management to ensure fair, legal, and
equitable business standards and treatment of people;
Establishing written and approved rules and regulations which will be administered by airport
management for compliance by all tenants of the airport, and the general public.

Scope, Application and Compliance

ARR Manual shall apply to all Airport Users without any discrimination. The ARR Manual is designed to
accommodate the safe, orderly, and efficient operation of the IGI Airport. All Airport Users, shall be
governed by ARR Manual.
The administration of the terms of the ARR Manual shall be under the authority, responsibility, and
control of the Chief Operations Officer (COO) of DIAL.
The policy making activities of the ARR Manual shall be confined to DIAL and are reviewed by the
Airports Authority of India (AAI).
The ARR Manual shall be applicable from 1st July, 2008.

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All Airport Users shall comply with the rules and regulations contained in ARR Manual. Any such Airport
User contravening these Rules and Regulations shall be liable for penal action under the provisions of the
respective Applicable Laws and AAI Regulations.

Applicable Laws: means all laws, by-laws, rules, regulations, orders, ordinances, protocols, codes,
guidelines, policies, notices, directions, judgments, decrees passed by or other requirements or official
directive(s) of any governmental authority or person acting under the authority of any governmental
authority, relevant authority and / or of any statutory authority including the Municipal Corporation of
Delhi, the Delhi Development Authority and other municipal or local authorities, Bureau of Civil Aviation
Security, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Airports Authority of India.
Airports Authority of India Regulations or AAI Regulations means the regulations framed by AAI
under the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994 (AAI Act).
Airport Users: shall mean and include all airlines, concessionaires, government agencies, licensees,
sub lessees and their employees, representatives, servants, agents, sub-agents and all such persons
who work or represent them, and all passengers and visitors.


Updation & Distribution of the manual

It is mandatory that ARR Manual be kept updated at all times. The ARR Manual shall undergo
amendments as and when required. Any such proposed change or amendment shall be approved by
COO. As and when required such amendments will be carried out in the word processing file copy at
COO office and an updated version of the ARR Manual shall be circulated to all concerned.
The master copy of ARR Manual shall be kept at the COO office and the same shall be available for
The copies of the ARR Manual shall be issued to Airport Users on need basis. The Airport Users shall
share the contents of ARR Manual with all its staff, contractors and all other entities who are working at
IGI Airport.


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General Information IGI Airport

The information appended below is obtained through a geographical survey conducted by Cartography
department and inspections by FIU, AAI, at IGI Airport.

Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi-110037


BRG 2280 /15KM from Delhi Railway Station

(Source : AIP of India 2001)

The Geographical Coordinates of the

Airport Reference Point

283407.42 N 770643.69E
h = 174.9M GPS REF.POINT
(Source : Letter No.AAI/NAD/18-24/97(M&C) dt.09.4.03 )

Elevation and Geoid undulation

Each threshold


227 mtrs (744 ft)


218.5 M (Source : AIP of India-2001)

228.6 M (Source : AIP of India-2001)
219.45 M (Source:AAD/TFD/AGME/9A/2001/300 dt.09.1.2001 )
236.97 M (Source: Same as for R/w 10)

Any significant high and low

points along the Runway

(Source : AIP of India-2001)

Highest elevation of the

Touch Down Zone of a
Precision approach
Runway 27
Runway 10
Runway 28

228.56 M / 749.9Ft
220.3 M / 722.9 Ft
236.58M / 776.2 Ft

Runway End Elevations




228.6 M (Source : AIP of India-2001)

218.5 M (Source : AIP of India-2001)
236.97 M (Source: Same as for R/w 10)
219.45 M (Source:AAD/TFD/AGME/9A/2001/300 dt.09.1.2001)

Reference Temperature

410 C (Source : AIP of India-2001)

Displacement of Threshold

Runway 27 Threshold displaced by 152mts.

Details of Airport beacon

Not available at IGI Airport

Name of the airport operator,

address and telephone numbers at
which the airport operator may be
contacted at all times

Udaan Bhawan, Terminal 1-B, IGI Airport, New Delhi 110037

Tel: + 91 - 11 25661000
Fax: + 91 - 11 25672144

Delhi International Airport Pvt. Ltd. (DIAL)

Airport Telephone Numbers:

+91 - 11 - 2566 1000 for Terminal 1 (Both 1A & 1B)
+91 - 11 - 2560 2000 for Terminal 2 (International)
+91 - 11 - 2560 1000 for International Cargo Terminal

+ 05.30Hrs

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Chapter 01 - Apron Rules and Regulations



Inspection of the Aerodrome Movement Area and Obstacles Limitation




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Definition of Terms


An occurrence associated with the operations or handling of an

aircraft in which a person is fatally or seriously injured, or the aircraft
sustains damage. (adapted from the definition contained in ICAO Annex 13.)


A defined area of land or water (including any buildings, installations

and equipment), intended to be used either wholly or in part for the
arrival, departure and movement of aircraft.


Airport shall mean those areas comprising the Indira Gandhi

International (IGI) Airport currently mapped or as may hereafter be
expanded and developed, including all buildings, structures,
hangars, parking areas, pedestrian walkways, ramp areas, apron
areas, gates, taxiways, runways, run-up areas, amenities and
undeveloped areas.

Airport Operator

Airport Operator shall mean any person, proprietorship, partnership

or corporation that is responsible for operation, management and
development of the airport (currently, the airport operator is Delhi
International Airport Private Limited (DIAL).

Aircraft Position Area

The area around an aircraft position as delineated by order

markings and buildings.


A defined area on the airport intended to accommodate aircraft for

the purpose of loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo,
fuelling, parking or maintenance.

Airfield Drivers Permit

The card evidencing the authorization issued by DIAL Airside

Management to the holder to drive vehicle in the airside of IGI
Airport in accordance with the classes of vehicles specified therein.

Airfield Vehicle Permit

Permit for a vehicle to be operated in the airside of IGI Airport


The movement area of the airport, access to which is controlled by

DIAL including, without limitation, the runways, service roadways,
taxiways, aprons, hard stand locations and parking stands used by
aircraft, service vehicles and service personnel at the airport.

Driver's license

A license issued by the Transport authority which entitles the holder

to drive a motor vehicle.

Equipment Parking

Marked-off areas
operational areas


Foreign Object Debris/Damage, known as FOD, is any loose item

on an aerodrome, which could be a danger to aircraft operations if
sucked into an engine. It is essential that the airside is a clean and
FOD free environment.

Follow Me Vehicle

A vehicle with a flashing yellow light, used to guide aircraft or other








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An occurrence, other than an accident, associated with the

operation or handling of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the
safety of operation.


Any condition, which requires medical assistance, including First


Manoeuvring Area

The runways and all other parts of the airport used for the take-off
and landing of aircraft including the surrounding safety zones and
the taxiways as well as all other areas of the airport designed for
taxiing aircraft with the exception of the apron. The apron does not
count as part of the aircraft manoeuvring area.


A symbol or group of symbols displayed on the surface of the

movement area in order to convey aeronautical information.

Notice of Breach of

A report made by the Airside Monitoring and Inspecting Specialist or

Apron Supervisor of any violations of the Apron Rules and
Regulations set forth hereinafter.

Operational Areas,

The part of the non-public operational areas located between the

apron and the public areas and separated from these neighbouring
areas by fences or gates.

Operational Areas, Nonpublic

All those areas of the airport that are separated from public traffic by
fences and gates. These areas comprise the general operational
areas, the apron, the runway system (manoeuvring area) and the
transit areas.

Perimeter Road

That road within the airside that allows vehicles to move around the
airport clear of apron, taxiways and runways.

Parking Place

Marked-off area for parking one vehicle.

Vehicular Lane

A driving lane in the general operational areas and/on the apron,

surfaced and/or marked by solid white lines.


A defined area on the airport prepared for the landing and take-off of

Service Lane

The specially marked intersection of a Service Road with a taxiway,

apron taxiway or taxi lane.

Parking/Staging Area

A marked area next to an aircraft parking position, where handling

equipment is assembled prior to the arrival of an aircraft.

Taxi-in Area

That area of the apron which is used by an aircraft taxiing into its


A defined path for the taxiing of aircraft, marked by a yellow line

and, where necessary, bordered by a red safety line.


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The term vehicle refers to the types of vehicles and equipment

described in the Regulations for the Prevention of Accidents.

Vehicle Permit

Permit for a vehicle to be driven in certain areas in the non-public

operational areas of IGI Airport.

Operational Area

Operational Area shall mean the area of the Airport used or

intended to be used for landing, takeoff or surface maneuvering of
aircraft including the associated hangars and navigational and
communication facilities.


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1. Apron Rules (Rules of Conduct)

1.1 Apron Management

The aim of these procedures is to provide for the orderly and safe allocation of aircraft parking
stands at IGI Airport. Parking stands have been designed and marked to ensure that appropriate
separation distances are maintained, and that aircraft refuelling and servicing activities can be
undertaken without interference to adjacent parked aircraft.


The COO has overall responsibility for implementing procedures for aircraft parking control.
The Head, Air Side management is responsible for the day-to-day control and organization of the
safe and expeditious movement of aircraft around the airport and to and from the aircraft stands.
Within this department Duty officer i.e., Operations Duty Manager (ODM) is responsible for the
immediate operational efficiency of the Airport. ODM is available throughout 24 hours at IGI
Airport. Two Apron Controls exists at IGI Airport for movement area safety and apron
The ODM is responsible for parking stand allocation, cleaning of movement area by deploying
manual apron cleaners, positioning bird chasers, garbage removal and coordination with ATC in
addition to the duties and responsibilities designed and circulated by AAI (HQrs) vide operations
circular no. 15 of 1998.
Parking Stand Allocation
Parking stands are allocated on 12 hourly basis by Apron Control-II for International apron
parking stands. Similarly, for Domestic apron they are allocated by AOCC in coordination with
ATC. The principle objective is to allocate bays in order to ensure maximum utilization of incontact bays. The convenience of operating airlines is also taken into consideration while
allocating bays.


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After receiving ETA from ATC, communication is


if changes occur, immediately ATC, airline


12 hours before ODM/AAMII carries out Parking stand

allocation on the basis of daywise flight schedule in
coordination with international carriers and authorised

Communication to ATC and Airline operator regarding


As far as possible last minute changes are avoided, if


Parking facility limitations:


No night parking is permitted for domestic non-scheduled flights (excluding Private airlines with
their base at IGI Airport, New Delhi).


No night parking/stop-over/halt for non-scheduled international flights and domestic flight with
aircraft having wing span of more than 34.5 mtrs. and length 34 mtrs. is permitted unless suitable
tow bar is available with ground handling agent or on board the aircraft.


The parking stand limitations at IGI airport is mentioned below:-

Parking Stands at IGI Airport

+ 06




Total No. of parking stands
9 Nose in stands
Remote parking stands


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1.2 Aerodrome Reporting

1.2.1 Purpose:
The aim of these procedures is to ensure that DGCA and AIS are notified of any changes in the
physical condition of the airport and of new obstacles that may affect the safety of aircraft operations
and any other significant event which affect the safety of aircraft using the aerodrome.
Aeronautical Information in India is being collected and disseminated by the A.I.S. Section of AAI,
New Delhi through the publication of A.I.P., A.I.C., and A.I.P.-Supplements. At IGI Airport, New Delhi,
the following Units are established, as supplement to AIS at the AIS Reporting Office:

International NOTAM Office.

Pre-flight Information Centre.

1.2.2 NOTAMS:
Broadly NOTAMs can be divided into two categories i.e. short term NOTAM and long term
NOTAM. A short term NOTAM contains information in respect of changes/unserviceabilities etc.,
for more than two hours and less than 24 hrs in respect of locations of direct importance to
aircraft operations, requiring limited distribution to adjacent states only. Long term NOTAM
contains information of a general and lasting character affecting aircraft operations in general.
This series is issued only by the International NOTAM Office, New Delhi under the authority of the
Director General of Civil Aviation and given wide publicity by disseminating to all the recipients of
NOTAMs from the four NOTAM offices in India.
Note: Any change in the reporting procedures shall be reported to Officer-in-Charge, AIS
Section, Airports Authority of India (NAD), New ATS Complex, New Delhi.
Tel. No.: 25653460, 25653462 Ext. No. 1008 /Fax No. 25653455

1.3 Access to the Aerodrome Movement Area

The aim of these procedures is to assist the safety of aircraft operations by only permitting access
into the movement area to authorized persons, vehicles, equipments or animals.
1.3.1 Responsibilities
The responsible authorities for controlling access to Airside at the aerodrome are as follows:
i) Chief Operating Officer:
The chief controlling authority is COO through Chief Aviation Security Officer (CASO) of Aviation
Security Group (ASG). COO exercises the overall control and responsibility for implementing the
aviation security guidelines and to develop procedures; resources are provided for the control of
airside access to the airport and entry into the terminal buildings.
ii) Chief Aviation Security Officer (CASO), Aviation Security Group:
Security services headed by CASO of ASG are contracted by AAI to provide a uniformed and armed
security forces for safety mandatory and regulatory obligations. Their deployment is at all entry points
of terminal buildings, at perimeter walls for checking the airport fencing, operational area and inside
the terminal buildings for prevention of unlawful interference in civil aviation, except aircraft antisabotage which is airlines responsibility.


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1.3.2 Role of Aviation Security Group for prevention of unlawful interference in Civil Aviation:


Access control to the Terminal and Operational area.

Responsible for the discipline and provision of security service at the airport through armed
Responsible for Airport Perimeter security.
Guarding of aircrafts
To assist in implementation of contingency plans related to aviation and airport as and when
Keep in readiness to meet any security threat to airport and associated facilities
To monitor day-to-day security and report to the COO

Inspection of the Aerodrome Movement Area and Obstacles Limitation Surface by

the Aerodrome Operator

1.4.1 Purpose
The aim of these procedures is to ensure that the movement area, related facilities and the Obstacle
Limitation Surfaces (OLS) are regularly inspected to ensure DGCA safety standards are maintained.
1.4.2 Responsibilities
Arrangements for carrying out inspection
Regular and periodical inspection schedule has been drawn for inspecting movement area and obstacle
limitation surfaces. The responsibilities are enumerated below:

The COO has the overall responsibility for ensuring that procedures are established and
resources provided for airport inspection in order to ensure that DGCA standards are
The Head, Air Side Management (ASM) carries out inspection on working days regarding
airport facilities and OLS for the purpose of achieving the standards.
Apron Controls have been set up separately for Domestic and International apron headed
by Apron Manager to carry out serviceability inspections as per the standards.
Inspections at dawn and dusk are carried out as per local timings.
After heavy rainfall, strong winds or other significant phenomenon which
could reasonably be expected to affect the serviceability of the airport
As and when requested by ATC.
After a reported bird hit on the runway.
After completion of work as per NOTAM.
As advised by a responsible official such as maintenance staff of airport,
aircraft pilot, airline representative regarding possible problem on the
movement area.
SAB Surface Friction Tester is used to measure surface friction values of
runways after resurfacing of runways, during monsoon and peak summer


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Basic Rules


General Information





The access of vehicle into the non-public operation area requires the approval of Head,
ASM. Unauthorized access to the non-public operation area and movement area is
forbidden. Access authorization is controlled by means of vehicle permit, checks at entry
gates to the non-public operations area and movement area.
Instructions issued by authorized personnel from Apron Control must be obeyed.
Every person driving the vehicle must conduct himself in such a way as to avoid exposing
himself or other people to danger. This will is to ensure safe and smooth aircraft and
vehicular movements, and to avoid any impairment of flight operations, in particular of
taxiing aircraft.
All vehicles in or upon a ramp and apron area and operational area must at all times ply
on the service roads and vehicular lanes.
Before operating a vehicle, the driver must make sure that his vehicle is fully road worthy
and compliant to the provisions of Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 as applicable. No vehicle shall
be operated which is not in a road worthy condition.
The use of vehicle shall be limited to the absolute minimum required. The unnecessary
running of engines is prohibited.
Drivers are not permitted to use hand held or car cellular phones while driving. If the
cellular phone receiver has to be picked up or held, it should be ensured that the vehicle
is stationary and the engine is switched off. The use of mobile radio equipment is not
covered by the regulations.
Drivers of vehicles shall watch for pedestrian especially in poor visibility conditions.

(Refer: Appendix C Dos and Donts)


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2. Safety Rules within the Airside



Head, ASM has the overall responsibility for maintaining the safety of the apron. Apron control
continuously monitors the movement area to obstacle-free aircraft movements. Along with apron control,
the agencies using apron such as Airline Operators and refuelling companies are also equally responsible
for apron safety.

Parking stands have been designed and marked to ensure that appropriate separation
distances are maintained and that aircraft refuelling and servicing activities can be
undertaken without interference to adjacent parked aircraft. All parking stands at
domestic terminal are of linear type; power-in power-out and at the time of taxi out,
aircraft will be on brake up thrust power only and for high power run-up of engines an
isolated area has been provided with blast fence. At international parking stands, all
parking stands are of power-in and push-back. In addition to this blast fences are
provided wherever required.


Airlines and fuel companies are also responsible for the observance of safety procedures
during the fuelling of aircraft. All personnel working on aprons should, however, be made
aware of the major safety precautions and should report any apparent breach to Apron
Manager and in-charge of fuelling operations. The main precautions to be observed are:


No smoking or naked lights within the fuelling zone.

Auxiliary power units and ground power units shall not be started during the
fuelling operations.
A clear exit path maintained to and from the aircraft to allow the quick removal of
refuellers and persons in an emergency.
Aircraft and supply sources shall be correctly bonded and the correct earthing
procedures employed.
Fire extinguishers of a suitable type should be readily available.
Fuel spillage should be immediately brought to the attention of the Apron Control
and in-charge of refuelling operation.
Fuelling companies should position their vehicles near to the aircraft to ensure
that taxiing clearance limits are not infringed.
Protection from Jet Blast should be 45 meters.

Apron Manager during routine inspections ensures that all precautions are exercised by
airline operators and oil companies while refuelling is in progress and deploys cleaning
staff for maintaining cleanliness in movement areas.
An Activity chart showing action to be taken on fuel spillage during refuelling of
aircraft is at Appendix E.

2.2 Low Visibility Operations

2.2.1 Purpose:
The aim of these procedures is to provide pilots with information relevant to aircraft arrival/departures in
conditions of low visibility at the IGI Airport.
2.2.2 Responsibilities:
General Manager (Aero) has overall responsibility for developing low visibility procedures and after the
approval of DGCA for circulation to user departments.

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COO is responsible for implementation of Safeguarding Procedures and action to be taken by DIAL for
the Low Visibility Procedures.
Watch Supervisory Officer shall implement Low Visibility Procedure when either Touch Down RVR or MID
RVR is less than 800m and/or the cloud ceiling is less than 200ft. He shall also ensure that Low Visibility
Procedure in Force is included in ATIS broadcast.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) have been drawn as approved by DGCA for IGI Airport. These
procedures have been disseminated to all concerned who are associated with the implementation of the
2.3 Airside Vehicle Control
2.3.1 Purpose:
The purpose of the airside vehicle control is to ensure the safe airside operation of vehicles on IGI Airport.
2.3.2 Responsibilities:
Chief Operating Officer has overall responsibility for the development and implementation of procedures
and provision of resources for the control of vehicles entering and operating on the airside of IGI Airport.
Head, Air Side Management is responsible for ensuring that the provisions of the Handbook are
implemented through apron control and for conducting audit/inspection.
Head, Air Side operations/AGM (ASM) during office hours and Sr. Airport Manager (Shift) after office
hours are responsible for carrying out instructions, testing and maintaining records of persons approved
for an authority to drive airside.
The Apron Manager and Assistant Manager (Apron Control) have the day-to-day responsibility for
ensuring the movement of people and vehicles in accordance with the laid down regulations. They
conduct surprise checks, special drives to check the vehicles permits and Airfield driving permits of the
operators, if found defaulter, penalties are imposed.

Speed Limits


In any event, where a Speed Limit is indicated by a sign, this shall be the Speed Limit for the
area. (This speed limit is the maximum speed for ideal conditions and must be reduced when
driving and visibility conditions deteriorate.)


Drivers must obey all regulatory signs and (unless otherwise indicated by signs) adhere to the
following speed limits:
(1) The speed limit in the entire non-public operational area is restricted to
On Service Road: 30km/hr
Vehicles with trailers not equipped with brakes and on apron/vehicular
lane: 15km/hr


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(iii) If the aircraft stand is occupied, all vehicles operating on an aircraft parking area and
the adjacent traffic corridor should not exceed: 10Km/hr

Special Privileges
Speed Limit Exemption
Emergency vehicles such as fire vehicles, ambulance and security vehicles on call must
be given priority to move ahead quickly and safely. Any indication of their approach such
as sirens or flashing lights should prompt the driver to give way by moving to the left,
slowing down or stopping if necessary.
Follow Me vehicles including the vehicles they escort are exempted from the speed limit
when attending to an emergency. They may leave the established service roads if
The vehicles described above, must give way to taxiing and towing aircraft at all times.


Prohibition of Intoxicating Beverages





Drivers who are entrusted with the operation of a motor vehicle or automotive equipment
in the course of their duties are not allowed to consume intoxicating beverages while on
duty or for an adequate period of time before coming on duty. The same applies to
medicine or drugs, which impair driving ability.
Furthermore, an absolute ban on alcohol shall apply to all persons working in airside
operations areas, i.e., maneuvering, ramp and apron areas, including the aircraft
handling facilities and installations accessible from these areas.
The Airport Operator shall be entitled at any time to ensure strict observance of this ban
by carrying out checks, including breathalyzers, and to expel from these areas
temporarily or permanently any person found violating this ban or refusing to submit to a
check. As part of the employers responsibility toward the employee, employers of such
persons shall be under an obligation to take all suitable measures to contribute to the
enforcement of this ban on alcohol. The Airport Operator shall be furnished evidence of
such measures.

Parking, Stopping and Unattended Vehicles




Vehicles shall be parked, ensuring a safety distance on both sides being not less than
0.60 meters from the outer edge of the vehicle.
Vehicles on the airside shall be parked in the marked and relevant allotted parking space.
Stopping and parking are subject to the Apron Rules and Regulations. Vehicles may be
parked only with their handbrakes on or otherwise secured against uncontrolled rolling
and only in the parking areas provided by DIAL.
No vehicle shall be stopped or parked on any taxiway, taxi lane, service road and
vehicular lane, or areas marked by red and white zebra lines.
It is forbidden to park or leave vehicles or equipment unattended behind vehicles, which,
by reason of the local conditions, can only reverse, out of their current position. If in
exceptional cases it is not possible to avoid this, the driver of the blocked vehicle must be
notified of the situation.
As a safety measure and to minimize accidents involving reversing vehicles, drivers are
urged to park their vehicles nose out. All drivers are reminded to exercise caution when
reversing their vehicles from parking lots into the vehicular traffic lane.


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Action in Case of Accident

All accidents and damages that occur should be immediately reported to DIAL and the necessary action
would be taken in conjunction with other relevant agencies. Contact details are as mentioned below:
Apron Control - Tel. +91 011 25653352, 25602516, 25602221





The area of the accident or damage shall be secured. The owner of vehicles and
equipment are required to provide drivers particulars to Apron Control.
The details of a person alleged to have been driving or in charge of any vehicle at the
time of an accident or to have committed an offence shall be provided to the Apron
All persons involved in an accident and witness/es shall remain at the scene of the
accident until an officer of the Apron Control arrives. If witnesses cannot stay at the
scene due to other urgent duties, they shall report to the Apron control immediately upon
accomplishing their duties
Chief Operating Officer ensures that all incidents are properly investigated at the airport
and investigation report sent to the headquarters immediately by the quickest means of
communication, conforming the following information:
a. Details of incident
b. Findings
c. Cause of incident
d. Person (s) responsible for the incident
e. Recommendation for preventing such incident in future and action taken thereof
In addition to the above a monthly summary report is also generated by Head,
Air Side Management and sent to the Headquarters for analysis. The report contains the
following :
Assess the magnitude of the problem
Establish the cost of apron incidents/accidents
Determine areas of future intervention
Analyse the possible trends in incident/accident rates and determine the
effectiveness of apron safety activities
Pinpoint high risk areas in procedures, equipment, and the environment

No Smoking

Smoking and the use of open flames and unprotected lights on the apron - also in
vehicles - are prohibited. This applies also in the baggage gate area in the
immediate vicinity of the movement area.

Safety Vests

All personnel entering/performing work at all apron areas, including all aircraft stands are required to wear
the high visibility safety vest at all times. It is also mandatory to wear the high visibility safety vest while
moving on apron area.

The basic colour of the background material of the high visibility safety vest shall be
yellow or lime green.
Comply with the following aspects:

Minimum area of 0.5m2 of background material

Minimum area of 0.13m2 of retro reflective material The airport pass should be
visible when wearing the high visibility safety vest


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The high visibility safety vest shall be imprinted with the respective organization logo for
easy identification. During inclement weather, all personnel entering/performing work at
all movement areas, are required to wear the high visibility raincoat/rain suit at all times.
The specifications for the high visibility raincoat/rain suit to be used at IGI Airport are as
The basic colour of the background material of the high visibility raincoat/rain suit
shall be yellow or lime green.
Comply with the following aspects:

Minimum area of 0.8m2 of background material

Minimum area of 0.2m2 of retro reflective material

The airport pass should be visible when wearing the high visibility rain coast/rain


The high visibility raincoat/rain suit shall be imprinted with the respective
organization logo for easy identification. It is also acceptable in case of rain, high
visibility safety vest is worn over a non-high visibility raincoat/rain suit.

Safety Belts

Driver shall fasten their seat belts when the vehicle is in motion. All drivers shall belt up where seat belts
are constructed in a vehicle.


Safety Distance from Aircraft

Drivers and airside personnel must be aware of the dangerous effects of jet blast injuries that could be
caused by rotating propellers and potential ingestion when in close proximity to aircraft with its engine
They shall not cross in front or behind a taxiing aircraft that would subject them and or aircraft in danger.
No driver shall drive a vehicle towards an aircraft with its engine running. An aircraft with its engine
running will display a flashing red light signal known as anti-collision light.

A safety distance of at least 5 meters must be maintained from the front of parked
propeller aircraft with running engines. The minimum safety distance from the front of a
parked jet aircraft with running engines is 7.5 meters.


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The minimum safety distance to be maintained behind parked propeller aircraft with
engine running is 20 meters, behind jet aircraft 50 meters, and behind wide body aircraft
75 meters.


Behind propeller aircraft taxiing or starting to taxi under their own power a minimum
safety distance of 50 meters must be maintained, behind taxiing jet aircraft of 250 meters
and 400 meters of wide body aircraft. (These figures refer to the area behind the aircraft
fuselage over a width corresponding to the aircraft wingspan.)


The turning range of propellers must not be entered or driven through at any time.


The safety zone is delineated by an imaginary line running around the aircraft at a
distance of 2 meters from the tips of the wings, nose and tail. No vehicle shall stop or
park within this zone except those in connection with the aircraft for servicing, handling
and technical maintenance. All other vehicles must be parked outside this zone. In the
event of strong ground wind all vehicles shall be parked outside the safety zone and
secured to avoid rolling.

Refueling of Vehicles

Refueling Location:
Position of equipment parking area allotted to ground handlers.
CNG station near Cargo.

To refuel powered engine vehicles or equipment at the apron area with the refueling truck is prohibited.


Display sign Refueling in Progress on top of the refueling truck and place safety
cone to caution other vehicles.


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Additional fire extinguisher.

Plug the leakage to stop the dripping.
Clean the spillage immediately.

When Aircraft is being Refueled


Drivers shall not start their vehicles when within 15 meters of a refueling aircraft.


Drivers of vehicles shall keep clear of the aircraft engines and shall not pass within 4
meters radius around the aircraft fuel tank vents.


Drivers of vehicles shall not drive over any hose or bonding cable laid during aircraft


For heavy oil spillage, scrubbing of the affected area with sawdust is required.
Contact Apron Control (Tel. 25653352 ,25602516) and provide the following
details:Identify yourself and leave your contact number in case confirmation is required,
Describe the location and extent of the spill, and whether it affects aircraft and

Procedures in the Event of Fuel Spillage

This procedure applies to all the spillage including aviation fuel, hydraulic oil, chemical and sewerage.
An activity chart in case of fuel spillage is described in Appendix E.
Aviation Fuel
Fuel spillage covering an area of approximately 4m2 or more constitutes a hazard and
should be brought to the immediate attention of the Fire Department
Do not drive through the spilt liquid.
Report spill to Apron control and the Fire Department.
If spillage is from an underground fuel pit, alert the Airport Oil company immediately and
call Apron Control or fire Department who will advice Airport oil company to activate the
fuel cut-off switch at the affected section of the fuel hydrant system.
Do not start the engine of motorized equipment within spill areas until is cleaned up.
Cordon off the spillage area.
Divert the traffic.
No ground equipment/vehicle shall be permitted to come within 15 meters of the spillage
No Smoking or use of an appliance employing naked flame or use of an appliance
capable of producing a spark or in any other way igniting fuel.
(Refer: Appendix E Activity Chart for Oil / Fuel Spillage Removal)

Aircraft Emergency Exits

While the aircraft engines are being started and after the passenger stairs and bridges have been
retracted, no vehicles shall remain in the area of the emergency exits so that in case of emergency the
emergency exit chutes can be extended without hindrance. The same applies for aircraft fuel handling
operations when passengers remain in the aircraft.


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Reversing of Vehicle

Reversing of vehicle in Apron is not permitted, however reversing and driving backward are permitted
only if the local conditions make it impossible to drive forwards. When reversing or driving backwards it is
the driver's responsibility to ensure that his path is free of obstacles. If the vision of the operator of an
automotive vehicle is obstructed to the rear by the superstructure or load of the vehicle or for any other
reason, another person shall guide the driver. Every vehicle operator shall instruct his personnel and
assistants in the special technical and operational features of the vehicles.

Use of Communication Devices (Mobile phones / Walkie Talkies)

Using mobile phone or walkie-talkie whilst driving within the airside is prohibited. They should stop their
vehicle outside the service road, if they wish to use any communication equipment.

Height Restriction Limit Signs

Height restriction limit sign are installed on the Passenger Loading Bridges. Tall vehicles exceeding the
respective height restriction limits indicated by such signs are to use the alternative route.


Safety Rules for Vehicles Crossing Taxiways

All drivers must comply with all traffic signs and markings provided at the service road crossing. Drivers
are to stop before the vehicle stop-line, look out for aircraft movements on the taxiway at all times and
ensure that there is no aircraft movement within 200 meters before crossing the taxiway.
No vehicle is allowed to stop in any part of the service road crossing that is within the taxiway. In the
event of a vehicle breakdown within the taxiway, the driver must ensure that it is reported to Apron control
center immediately. The vehicle shall not be left unattended.
All airside organizations are to ensure that their drivers are familiar with the rules and regulations
governing the use of all service roads that cross the taxiways.


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Right of Way

On right of way, the following priorities shall apply.



Taxiing and towing aircraft.

Vehicles proceeding with a blue rotating lights and the escorted vehicles
Guide vehicles with a yellow/red flashing lamp on including the vehicles they escort.
All road intersections or junction the left before right principle shall apply, unless
prescribed otherwise by traffic signs.

Driving Areas

Service Road
Roads are designed for use by vehicular traffic and are identified by continuous white
boundary lines and a broken white center line.
They must generally be used.
Vehicles driving to destination off the apron
area (e.g., aircraft positions, equipment parking
areas), must follow the marked service road as
long as possible. In such cases the solid service
road boundary lines (not the solid centerline)
may be crossed with due care. The shortest
route must be taken to return to the service
road. It is on principle prohibited to leave the
service road towards the maneuvering area.
Overtaking is forbidden.

Perimeter Roadways
It is located near the fences that surround the airside. The speed limit
on the perimeter roadways is 30 km/hr.
Maneuvering Area

The maneuvering area is reserved for flight operations, e.g. take-off, landing and taxing
of aircraft. It excludes the apron. Walking or driving on the maneuvering area is strictly


A vehicle not equipped with a two-way radio communication system shall not enter the
runway or taxiway. In the event that a radio communication failure occurs, the driver of
the affected vehicle must leave the maneuvering area immediately while looking out and
giving way to aircraft.

Vehicular Lanes


Vehicular lanes are intersecting with taxiways or

taxiway centerline. White offset broken boundary
lines identify them. Vehicular lanes may also be
identified by the stop marking stop for taxing
Vehicular lanes may be used only if this does not
hinder or endanger taxiing aircraft traffic. They must be used with special care and
attention and must be cleared immediately if an aircraft approaches.


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Driving within the Baggage Handling Areas



Stopping on Vehicular lanes is prohibited. In case it is beyond control switch on all four
blinkers till the time the vehicle is there.

Only baggage tractors and baggage trolleys are

allowed to enter the baggage handling area.
Baggage tractors are to move within the vehicular
lanes indicated by arrows.
Pallet dollies and igloos are not allowed in the
baggage handling area.
Littering is an offence in the baggage handling areas.

Aircraft Parking Stands





The aircraft parking area is bordered and marked by the terminal buildings, service road
and vehicular lane, staging area and by the red boundary lines separating it off from the
No vehicle may operate in or upon an aircraft parking area except those actively involved
in aircraft handling or servicing. Caution must also be exercised when aircraft are taxing
into or out of adjacent or opposite facing
parking stand.
Special caution is advised when aircraft are
taxiing into or out of their stands:
A stand about to be occupied by an
aircraft can be recognized by the fact
that the taxi area has been cleared up
to the red safety lines and the fact that
vehicles and handling and servicing
equipment are standing by behind
these lines. An amber-rotating lamp
should additionally mark on the
equipment where aircraft parking with
visual docking guidance system (VDGS).
Aircraft intending to roll out from a parking stand are identified by the fact that
anti-collision lights are blinking while the jet engines are running and the chocks
have been removed from the rear and or main undercarriage and that there are
no vehicles in the immediate vicinity.
Special caution is advised when approaching an aircraft.
The safety zone is delineated by a safety line marked around the aircraft at a distance of
at least 4.5 meters for code letter C and 7.5 meters for code letter E form the tips of the
wings, from the nose and the tail, no vehicles are allowed to stop and park within this
zone except those which have to establish a direct connection with the aircraft for
servicing, handling or technical maintenance. All other vehicles must be parked outside
this zone.


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Prohibited Zones

The passenger bridges are maneuvered in prohibited zones. They are

marked with red and white hatching. Entry into these zones on foot or by
vehicle is forbidden while Passenger Bridge is being operated. A stopping
restriction applies in prohibited zones and must be kept clear of parked
handling equipment, vehicles or other obstacles.

Removal of Disabled Aircraft

The Chief Operating Officer has overall responsibility for removal of disabled aircraft at IGI Airport.
An aircraft may become immobilised at an airport for a variety of reasons ranging from incidents such as
tyre burst, an aircraft running off a runway or taxiway or major accident involving partial or complete
disintegration of the aircraft. A disabled aircraft on or adjacent to the movement area is considered to
be a major problem as the consequent diversion of flights results in high cost of operations to aircraft
operations to aircraft operators, loss or revenues to the airport and inconvenience to travelling public.
Thus, expeditious removal of the disabled aircraft, especially when it interferes with the movements of
other aircraft, is essential.
Control of the actual lifting and removal of large aircraft is the responsibility of the registered owner or the
operator concerned, although he may seek advice, where necessary, from his insurance representative
or the aircraft manufacturer. However, if the registered owner or operator is unable to remove the aircraft
or is dilatory in doing so, DIAL shall have the authority to act for him with least delay. However, this does
not imply that other than proper recovery procedure can be used for removal of the disabled aircraft. In
case of small aircraft it may be possible for DIAL, with the agreement of the registered owner or operator,
to undertake the responsibility for removal of the aircraft. In any case, it is to be ensured that the disabled
aircraft or its severed parts are left undisturbed and not tempered with or otherwise removed from the site
without prior clearance from the Accident Investigating Authority and the aircraft owner/operator. Only
after these clearances, the aircraft can be removed.

Safety Areas

The purpose of safety areas is to ensure the smooth flow of traffic. They are marked in red line that must
remain clear at all times. Vehicles must not park or stand in these areas as this is the area where
aerobridges move.

Vehicle Lighting

Vehicles driving in the movement areas must switch on their lower beam headlights.
Driving with parking or upper beam lights is not permitted.
During the hours of darkness, during limited visibility in daytime (e.g. fog, heavy rain) the
vehicle's lights must be switched on (low-beam headlights).
Vehicles driving in the movement areas shall display a Yellow flashing light for servicing
aircraft and blue for emergency, at its highest point during the hours of darkness and
during low visibility.

Yellow Flashing Light


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Towing Rules




A truck can tow only small vehicles, subject to availability of towing hook.
Trolleys- Total length including prime-mover should not exceed 60ft. Such as in case of
baggage trolley not more than 4 trolleys and in case of dollies not more than 3 dollies.
All trolleys and dollies must have reflective tape/markings at the rear end of the unit.
All trolleys and dollies must have mechanized brakes which should be checked
No vehicle shall be towed by another vehicle unless a suitable tow bar is used for that
Drivers are to secure their loads before moving off.
If defects on the trailers or dollies are spotted during towing, the driver shall tow the
containers/cargo to the nearest equipment staging area and replace the faulty trailer/dolly
before continue to tow. The driver must report the defect immediately to his office to
remove the equipment from staging area.

Taxiways are reserved to taxiing aircraft traffic. In the ramp and apron area a continuous
yellow line marks the taxiways.
Driving on the aircraft taxiways and taxi lanes are principally prohibited. They may
however be crossed using the vehicular lanes.
Any person intended to enter or drive in a taxiway for an assigned duty therein shall leave
immediately as soon as an aircraft approaches.

Equipment Parking Areas



This is a closed area, painted in white meant for parking of ground handling
vehicles/equipments. It is used for long-term parking and is allotted to the groundhandling agents under the concession agreement.
Such equipment vehicles shall not protrude beyond demarcated lines, which form the
boundary of the rentable area.


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Equipment Staging Area






Contamination and Foreign Object Debris / Damage (FOD)





This is an area to position ground handling equipment on standby prior to the arrival of
the aircraft. This area is located on the either side of the aircraft wing and marked by
white outline.
Only ground handling equipment is allowed to be positioned at the equipment staging
area 20 minutes before the Estimated Time of Arrival of aircraft. All equipment should be
removed immediately after completion of aircraft handling.
All aircraft handling vehicles and non-motorized equipment (e.g. baggage trolleys, pallet
dollies etc.) whether loaded or empty, which are involved with handling of aircraft, shall
be properly lined up in an orderly manner within equipment staging area as marked on
the ground.
Failure to comply with these limit lines can result in an accident when aircraft enters the
aircraft stand.

Waste material and rubbish in the movement areas must be placed in the Foreign Object
Damage (FOD) bins provided.
All ground handling agents engaged in the servicing or handling of aircraft shall inspect
the aircraft stands to ensure that no foreign objects or material are left on the parking
stand before every arrival and after every departure. Items that are potential safety risks
are those that may be ingested by aircraft engines or can cause damage to aircraft tyres.
Examples of such items are bolts and nuts from ground
equipment, plastic bags or sheeting.
Aircraft maintenance engineer shall ensure that the aircraft
path is clear of debris before the arrival and pushback of
the aircraft.
On completion of aircraft handling activities, the aircraft
parking areas must be immediately cleared of all vehicles
and other obstacles. Before commencement of driving, the
drivers shall inspect their vehicles to ensure that the loads
are properly secured to prevent them from failing off the

Special Weather Conditions






The Meteorological Office will inform special caution in adverse weather conditions.
During CAT-III weather conditions all people operating a vehicle shall adapt their driving
and speed to the prevailing conditions.
A notice indicating the commencement of CAT-III weather condition is made through
signs indicating CAT-III weather conditions, located at entrances to the apron areas, as
well as along the roads therein are to be watched for.
In adverse weather conditions all vehicle traffic on vehicular lane in the movement areas
is to be avoided.
Those vehicles which are not required for aircraft handling/maintenance may not operate
on the apron areas under CAT-III weather conditions. The authorized person of the
airline/ground handler will decide whether a vehicle is needed for aircraft handling.
Under CAT-III weather conditions, towed aircraft in the apron area is always guided by
Follow Me vehicles to ensure that they can be clearly identified in time if visibility falls
below 200 meters. The crossing of taxiways is forbidden if a vehicle (Follow Me) with its
rotating light switched on is visible on the centre line.
During thunder storms the responsible persons of the companies operating on the apron
shall decide whether handing or the operation of vehicles can be carried out.


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General Rules for Pedestrian

The pedestrian on the apron is strictly prohibited (except for operation at aircraft). For those in the
critical airside operations, the pedestrian guidelines are as follows:
Jaywalking in the apron is prohibited. All pedestrians must not walk across the apron taxiway
except workers carrying out works where approval has been obtained and where that portion of
the taxiway is closed for works.
Pedestrian shall use pedestrian crossings or walk paths where available and look out for traffic at
all times. Ensure vehicles stop before crossing the road.
Pedestrian shall comply with traffic signs and signals.
Any airside organization which requires outside personnel or contractors to their premises shall
abide by the terms and conditions associated with the issue of airport pass and the general rules
applicable to pedestrians and workers in the airside. They shall escort the outside personnel and
ensure they adhere strictly to the rules and regulations governing the airside.
Pedestrian shall not cross in front or behind a taxiing aircraft.
Any personnel, who had been approved to work at certain portions of the manoeuvring area, shall
not stray outside the demarcated approved area of works. Permission must be obtained from Air
Traffic Controller if personnel are required to go beyond the approved boundaries.

General Ramp Safety around Aircraft Parked at the Stand

Points to remember:
Do not drive behind an aircraft when its engines are running or when the aircraft anticollision light is still on (flashing red light).
Do not approach an aircraft until the ground engineer gives the thumbs up signal when
the aircraft has come to complete stop, the wheels have been chocked and the engines
shut down.
Do not walk or drive in front of an aircraft when its engines are running. Maintain at least
8 meters clearance in the front of its engine. Beware of engine ingestion and to keep
clear of propeller.
Do not drive or park under aircraft or aircraft wings unless the vehicles are used for
servicing of aircraft.
Do not obstruct the path of an aircraft waiting for push back.
Approach stationary aircraft at an angle and keep to the aircraft on the drivers side.
Overtaking is strictly prohibited.
Use a marshaller or guide man when reversing.
Do not leave vehicle unattended with the engine running near the aircraft.
Keep the passenger bridge safety zone free of any obstruction. Do not stop or park in
the passenger bridge safety zone.
Deposit all Foreign Object Debris (FOD) in bins provided after handling of each flight.
Report all fuel, oil and other chemical spillage.
Wear high visibility safety vests at all times.
(Refer Appendix A: Ramp Safety and Ground Safety Procedures)

Instruction of Authorized Officer

Authorized Officer is anyone who has been entrusted with the authority from the Airside
Management, DIAL, to regulate the traffic across the airside.
Drivers must comply with any direction or verbal instruction given by any authorized
officer who is engaged in the regulation of traffic within an aerodrome.
Every person on the premises of an aerodrome shall obey the lawful directions given by
an authorized officer.
Drivers must produce the Airfield Driving Permit upon request by an authorized officer.


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Vehicle Breakdown
In the event of a vehicle breakdown in the airside, the driver shall:(1)

Inform Apron Control at Tel. +91 011 25653352,+91 011 25602516

Try to push the vehicle to the side of the service road or any area that will not cause
obstruction to other traffic.
Inform the company maintenance section to repair or tow the vehicle away as soon as
Not leave the vehicle unattended.
Provide marshaller to divert traffic, and
Ensure that aircraft or vehicles are not obstructed by such breakdown.


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3. Airside Traffic Signs and Markings (other than those included in the Indian Motor Vehicle Act)

Mandatory Signs


Where local conditions preclude the erection of post mounted traffic signs, signs painted
on the road surface have the same validity status. Special caution is therefore advised in
case of poor road conditions (e. g. caused by adverse weather conditions).
Stop for taxiing aircraft when the crossing aircraft approaches within 200 meters.


Smoking and open fire prohibited - including in vehicles and public places at Airport.


Restricted vertical clearance of passages under buildings is indicated by red or red-andwhite overhead rubber guards and signs indicating the maximum vertical clearance.


CAT-III signs are positioned at vehicle entry points accessing into movement areas. If
the signs are switched on, the rule of conduct governing CAT-III weather conditions are


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Direction Signs

Designation of aircraft position: Signboards on buildings and/or posts, or markings

alongside guidelines and roads

Ground: Black
Lettering: Yellow

Ground: Yellow
Lettering: Black

Direction signs to gates, terminals etc. with destinations within the airport perimeters:

98 - 103
Ground: Yellow
Lettering: Black


Service Road: Solid white lines and broken white centre line.


Safety area marking the boundary between road and aircraft position area, consists of a
pattern of red diagonal lines. Crossing prohibited.


32 of123


Safety strips: Continuous Red line adjoining the vehicular lane.


Vehicular lane: Staggered broken lines


Parking position safety line: Solid red line.


Taxiway centre line markings: yellow.


Tank pit edge and maintenance manholes of the underground fuel system: Red and

Must always be kept clear of parked vehicles and other obstructions.


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Barred zone (restricted use): Red and white zebra lines. Areas with this marking are no
stopping or parking areas, which must in principle always be kept clear of parked
equipment and other obstructions. Driving in this zone is prohibited when the passenger
bridge is in operation (flashing yellow lights).


Breakaway zones: Marking on the taxiway centre line to help aircraft tow
truck drivers two yellow triangles connected by white dots.

Special Traffic Signs and Marking in the Maneuvering Area

The special traffic signs and marking in the maneuvering area provide pilots and drivers with
special authorization with instructions, which must be obeyed, unless Apron Control or the ATC
Tower issues other instructions.


Traffic Signs and Marking for Holding Positions



Holding positions are designated by markings and may also be indicated by special traffic
signs and additional markings. Aircraft or vehicles with the permission of the ATC Tower
shall only cross the designated holding positions for the operational level of CAT I or
CAT I holding positions on the parallel runways - These holding positions are mandatory
under CAT I weather conditions.

Marking two continuous yellow lines and two broken yellow lines on a black back
ground. The broken yellow lines are on the side facing the runway or the side facing the
extended runway exists.


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Traffic signs: White lettering on a red background

28 - 10
Before the end of the runway

At the extension of the runway axis


CAT-II / III holding positions: These holding positions are mandatory under CAT II / III
weather conditions.

Marking: Yellow ladder" on a black background. Red inset surface lights are positioned
on the side leading to the respective runway or on the side to the extended runway axis.
Traffic signs or marking: White lettering on a red background


NO ENTRY: Holding positions on the turn-offs from the runways. These holding positions
are mandatory under all weather conditions.

Marking: Two continuous yellow lines and two broken yellow lines on a black
background. The broken yellow lines are on the side facing the runway or the side facing


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the extended runway axis. Red inset surface lights are positioned on the side leading to
the respective runway or on the side to the extended runway axis.
Traffic signs and or markings generally mark these holding positions: White lettering on a
red background


Combined CAT II / III holding positions at runway: These holding positions are mandatory
under all weather conditions.

Marking: Two continuous yellow lines and two broken yellow lines on a black
background. The broken yellow lines are on the side facing the runway or the side facing
the extended runway axis. Red inset surface lights are positioned on the side leading to
the respective runway or on the side to the extended runway axis.
Traffic Signs: White lettering on a red background


Transmitter Protection Zones

Transmitter protection zones may only be entered on foot or by vehicle with the prior approval of
the ATC Tower. They are secured and display special identification markings: White lettering on a
red background



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Special Rights



Traffic Control



The Airport Fire Brigade, Airport Rescue Services, Aviation Airside, Apron Supervision
(including escorted vehicles), Airport Security vehicles are exempted from the basic rules
when conducting operational duties.
Particular caution should be exercised in the vicinity of these vehicles. Access to
taxiways, including those on the apron, by these vehicles is only permitted subject to
prior approval of Apron Control. These vehicles must also give way to taxiing aircraft

The Apron control is responsible for passenger and vehicle traffic control in the
operational areas of IGI Airport.
Permits and/or identification cards must be presented to the Apron Supervisor or Airside
Monitoring and Inspecting specialist without special request.
Apron Supervisor or Airside Monitoring Inspector is authorized to check persons and
vehicles within the provisions of the law.
In addition, the Apron Supervisor is responsible for traffic control on the apron and
authorized to check people and vehicles within the provisions of the law.
Instructions given by the Apron Supervisor must be complied with. The same applies to
orders issued by people exercising sovereign powers within the scope of their sovereign
The Apron Supervisor is authorized to prevent any people from driving whose conduct
(e.g. under the influence of intoxicating beverages) may entail danger. In such cases, the
drivers permit for the non-public IGI Airport operational areas may be confiscated.

Action taken against violators or the Traffic Rules




The Apron Supervisors are authorized to issue notices of breach of rules to violators of
the Apron rules in the operational and apron areas.
If any driver repeatedly receives notices of breach of rules, DIAL may demand that the
vehicle owner should arrange for the driver to be re-trained at the Airfield Driving Class
against reimbursement of costs or that the driver is replaced.
In the case of culpable violations, DIAL shall be compensated by the violator for the
administrative costs incurred. This does not in any way affect DIALs right to claim further
Furthermore, DIAL reserves the right to withdraw permission to enter and drive in the
non-public operational areas.
In the case of gross violations of the Apron rules, the Apron Supervisor is empowered to
confiscate the Airfield Driving Permit for the non-public operational areas and to take
further action.


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4. Airside Vehicle Entry Permit







Only those vehicles and/or equipment, which have a specific and necessary function to
perform in connection with aircraft or airport facilities, shall be allowed entry to the
movement area by DIAL.
The Airside Management of DIAL issues vehicle permits to all vehicles intended to
operate in the non-public operational areas. These permits indicate the access point/gate
to enter inside the non-public operation area.
The non-public operational areas shall only be entered through the access gates. The
identification cards issued by Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), Vehicle Permits
and Airfield Driving Permit must be presented at the access gates without being asked.
Vehicles shall remain in the movement area only for the minimum possible time required
for their legitimate business.
Contravention of these provisions will attract withdrawal/cancellation of the vehicle entry

Driving of Vehicles


Overall responsibility for the safety of airside operations lies with DIAL, which is required
to comply with the requirements of licensing authority i.e. Directorate General of Civil
Aviation (DGCA) and other relevant Health and Safety regulations issued by State
Transport Authority.
A vehicle operator shall be responsible for any damage to any property or aircraft caused
by his vehicle on the movement area.


Airfield Vehicle Entry Permit


Requirements for a vehicle operating in the movement area



All vehicles (motorized / non-motorized) intended to operate inside the operation area
require an Airfield Vehicle Entry Permit issued by Airside Management of DIAL.
The airfield vehicle permit will not be issued unless the individual or vehicle meets the
minimum standards laid down by the DIAL.
The Airfield Vehicle Permit must be displayed on the vehicle at all times when it is
operating at the airside.
All operators shall apply on the prescribed form to the COO for a permit to operate
motorized vehicle and equipment on the movement/manoeuvring apron area with the
following documents:
Registration Certificate of the vehicle registered in the name of the organization.
P.U.C. Certificate of the vehicle.
(iii) Insurance Certificate covering all actions, claims, costs and demands in respect of
any loss, damage or injury to property or people (including fatal injuries) which may
be made against them or their servants, agents or contractors in connection with
the use of vehicles on the airside.
The vehicle permits are issued against the reimbursement of the cost.
After submission of required documents, a technical inspection of the vehicle will be done
by the Airside Management of DIAL.
The vehicle permit will contain the following information:
Name of the Company
(ii) Area of validity
(iii) Period of validity
(iv) Vehicle permit no.


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Access/gate no.
(vi) Restriction, if any
The vehicle entry permit does not authorize / permit to carry out commercial activities
inside the operational area.
DIAL determines the size, colour and legibility of the vehicle entry plates.
DIAL is entitled to restrict the number of vehicles those are necessary for safe and
efficient use and to allot the parking space/area.
Vehicles which are commissioned to be used regularly in the aircraft manoeuvring area
must be painted conspicuously and be equipped with a flashing yellow, red or blue light.
The Airfield Vehicle Permits are non-transferable.


Technical Requirements

Every automotive/motorized or non-motorized vehicle shall meet the minimum technical

requirements of fitness for its intended use.
The minimum technical requirement is such that it will not endanger vehicle users, other
vehicles, pedestrians, and aircraft
No motorcycles / cycles are permitted in the apron area.


Two forward-facing headlights, low beam driving light and sidelights. In addition, fog
lights, reversing lights and working spotlights may also be fitted.
The rear must show two red taillights, two red or yellow stoplights and two reflectors.
Direction indicators must be designed and fitted in such a way that the intended change
of direction is clearly apparent to other traffic members.

Vehicles must be fitted with both a service brake and a parking brake, whereby both
braking systems are to be independent of each other.
All standard vehicles shall have a service brake with a braking power complying with
Indian Motor Vehicle standards. The braking power of ground services and conveyor
equipment shall comply with standards.

The vehicle frame including crosspieces (in the case of frameless vehicles, the integral
base assembly) and the connections between the chassis and the body must not be
weakened at any place (e. g. through heavy rust, flaws, cracks, loose rivets and bolts).
The same applies to trailer couplings.





Loading Platforms
Loading platforms must be in perfect condition to prevent slipping, loss or damage of goods.
The steering must ensure safe and easy control of the vehicle.


The ignition systems of internal combustion engines must feature radio interference
Exhaust systems must be in perfect condition.


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Tyres must be in perfect condition. Pneumatic tyres must show a minimum tread depth of
1.6 mm over the entire surface. Solid rubber tyres may be used only up to the safety
margin marked on the tyre. Treads and sidewalls must not feature any substantial
damage. Spikes and other metal studs are prohibited.
The use of tyres fitted with metal spikes or studs of similar type is prohibited on principle.
The tyres must be in good working condition and inflatable tyres must have a minimum
tread depth of 1.6 mm over the entire thread surface.

Rear View Mirrors

Vehicles must be fitted with one outside mirror and one inside mirror or with two outside
mirrors as required.
Acoustic Signals
Vehicles must be fitted with a horn or similar for acoustic warning signals.
Windscreen Wipers
Vehicles featuring a closed driver's cabin and/or a windscreen must be fitted with at least one
automatic windscreen wiper.
Tanker, Trucks etc.
Vehicles used for the transportation of special goods (e. g. tanker trucks etc.) must
correspond to the relevant special regulations for that type of vehicle.


The operation of trailers without lights is permitted. However, trailers shall be equipped with
reflector buttons or reflecting foils so that the contours may be made out in the dark.

Technical Inspection
All the motorized vehicle operating in the non-public operational area must have fitness
certificate issued by the State Transport Authority.
The vehicle entry permit must be renewed and the technical inspection/fitness must be
repeated at determined intervals by the State Transport Authority.
Documentary proof of a technical inspection is a pre-requisite for issuing a long-term
vehicle permit with an assigned parking place for the non-public operational areas.

4.3.4 Vehicle Registration

Vehicle permits shall be issued for vehicles owned by and registered in the name of the agency
and not by its officials on the following conditions:
Evidence of technical inspection as prescribed in Appendix D
Evidence of a parking place or, if necessary, of a parking lease, or evidence of
authorization to park on the apron.
Proof of necessity to operate on an apron area by making a binding statement of the
purpose of operation on the application form.
Affirmation of the applicant to be made on the application form that the person(s)
intended to drive the motor vehicle is (are) duly authorized by a valid Airfield Driving
Permit from DIAL Airside Management and an airport duty identification card valid for the
apron issued by the BCAS.


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4.3.5 Registration Procedures



The necessary forms are available from DIAL Airside Management

The completed form shall be submitted to the above office, where completeness of
required data is checked.
The Vehicle Permit issued by DIAL Airside Management shall be displayed on both sides
of the vehicle
Vehicles may be submitted for inspection in accordance with safety rules to any official
authorized by the DIAL Airside Management. Either one will file an inspection report and
attach the inspection identification to the vehicle.
Against presentation of evidence of inspection and the evidence required for vehicle
permits, DIAL Airside Management will issue the vehicle permit.

4.3.6 Vehicle Markings & Lights

Except those vehicles specifically exempted by the Chief Operating Officer, DIAL all vehicles
owned or taken on lease by airlines/oil companies or government agencies, etc shall have
permanent logo or means of identification displayed on either side of the vehicle.
All vehicles, which have been issued with entry permits (valid for more than 3 months), shall have
obstruction lights as mentioned below:






Beam Speed


Flash rate

60-90 per minute, with equal periods of ON and OFF*

Special attention is drawn to the need for a flashing light as compared with a rotating light, which is not
Vehicles of over 40 ft. in length shall display two obstruction lights equally spaced between the ends of the

4.3.7 Charges and Validity


DIAL airside management will charge a permit fee in accordance with the current airport
list of services.
The vehicle permits shall normally be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue
and the operator shall take steps to get it renewed before its expiry.
An annual Airfield Vehicle Permit become valid at 00:01 hrs on the day of issue and
remains valid until 23:59 hrs 12 months from the date of issue.

4.3.8 Lost or stolen Airfield Vehicle Permit

If an Airfield vehicle permit is lost or stolen it must be reported immediately to DIAL Airside
Management. Tel. No. +91 011 25696218
4.3.9 Cease / Cancellation of Vehicle permit
The Airfield Vehicle Entry Permit will be ceased or cancelled under following circumstances:

Cessation of the purpose for which the permit was issued.

Change of vehicle ownership.


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Disposal of a vehicle.
Any defacing, alteration or misuse of a permit.
Proof of disregard of Apron Rules and Regulations.

4.3.10 Responsibility of the Vehicle Owner

The road worthiness of the vehicle lies on the organization and the driver for its safe operation
and DIAL has been exempted from claims by third parties.
4.3.11 Parking Space
In addition to the issue of a vehicle permit allowing driving in the non-public operational areas of
airport, a parking space for the vehicle or the allotment of space is required.






The Airside Management DIAL is responsible to enforce the licensing regulations and
issuance of vehicle permit for non-public operational area.
Airside Monitoring and Inspecting Specialist are empowered to check and examine the
vehicles permits. This applies particularly for speed checks and to ensure that no person
will drive under the influence of alcohol.
Instructions given by the Apron Control and Airside Monitoring & Inspecting specialist
must be complied with.
In the event of violation to the Apron Rules and Regulations, the Apron Officials and
Airside Monitoring & Inspecting officials are authorized to issue a violation, warning in
writing and to inform the concerned organization/company.
If any driver repeatedly receives notices for breach of rules, DIAL may demand that the
organization/company to re-train the driver at the DIAL Airfield Driving Class against
reimbursement of costs, or that the driver be replaced.
If the vehicle is found not to be roadworthy, DIAL is entitled to cancel/withdraw the
vehicle permit and, if necessary, vehicle will be towed away against reimbursement of
In the case of culpable violations, DIAL can charge the administrative cost incurred from
the violator. This does not in any way affect DIAL right to claim further damages.
In accordance with the Airport User Regulations, DIAL furthermore reserves the right to
withdraw permission to operate vehicles in the non-public operational areas.

(Refer: Appendix D Check List for Vehicle Permit Inspection)


Basic Rules
Every vehicle entering the movement area in pursuant to airfield vehicle permit shall

Use the marked roads only.

Observe speed limits on airport property.
Stop when crossing aircraft is within 200 meters. Taxiing Aircraft traffic has the right of
Not enter any aircraft hangar.
Not park or drive within 15 mts of an aircraft.
Enter only those areas for which permit has been issued and comply with such other
conditions as may be imposed by the Chief Operating Officer, DIAL.
Smoking and open fire - including in vehicles and public place at airport is prohibited.


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Emergency Call
Fire and Rescue Service
Apron Control


+91 011 25675006

+91 011 25602516 /+91 01125653352

4.7 General Parking Regulations





The Vehicles shall be parked in authorized parking areas within the designated
vehicle/equipment allotted space. Only strict adherence to this rule can ensure troublefree parking.
The parking areas must be kept clean. The washing of vehicles/equipments, change of
oil and any other work, which may cause pollution, are strictly prohibited.
In case of any damage caused by accidents as well as theft of vehicles/equipments, the
concern person/organization will be fully liable and responsible. DIAL has no liability and
is exempted from all the damages which are caused by negligence.
Any vehicle parked in violation of these rules and regulations or which presents a traffic
obstruction shall be removed at the owner's or operator's risk and expense.
DIAL may exclude any vehicle from the non-public areas for repeated violations of the
rules and regulations set forth
The responsible reporting office for damage and accident is Apron Control Tel.
25653352, 25602516

Illegally Parked Vehicles

The Vehicle Permit (VP) will be removed from vehicles parked in direct contravention of
instructions and the Apron Rules and Regulation. The VP may be returned, but administrative
charges will be levied.


Speed Governor
All motorized vehicle operating inside the operational area shall be fitted with speed governors.
The speed must be tuned at maximum limit of 30 KMPH and the vehicle permit will be cancelled
on violating the said norms.


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5. Airside Vehicle Driver Training



Driving on the airside of an airport in close proximity to an aircraft and within the areas of intense activity,
usually in a restricted space, requires knowledge of the rules and standards of conduct in areas primarily
laid out for aircraft, not vehicle operation.

General Regulation Regarding Driving Authorizations









No person shall operate a motorized vehicle in the non-public operational areas of the
airport unless he/she holds an Airfield Driving Permit (ADP) issued by Airside
Management of DIAL and a RTO driving license authorizing him/her to operate the
All the operators/drivers must be familiar with the topography of the airport especially
apron and manoeuvring area and must be aware of the relevant provisions of Apron
Rules and Regulations.
The operator/drivers request for Permanent or Temporary Airfield Driving Permit must be
submitted to Airside Management DIAL through the relevant organizational unit. The
Airside Management DIAL reserves the right to verify the driving license issued by the
Transport Authority under Indian Motor vehicle Act.
All aspirants for Airfield Driving Permit must undergo the training class and qualify the
interview session for obtaining the Airfield Driving Permit.
Training classes for Airfield Driving Permit are conducted by the Airside Management
DIAL against reimbursement of costs. DIAL does not guarantee successful completion of
the training. DIAL assumes no liability whatsoever, with the exception of damage
resulting from a grossly negligent violation or from an intentional or grossly negligent
violation of contract by a legal representative, sub-agent or DIAL employee.
The operator/driver transporting the hazardous/dangerous goods must possess the
certificate issued by the responsible authority proving that the driver has successfully
completed training in the special requirements and skills demanded in the transport of
dangerous goods. Every five years, the driver must have an endorsement by the
responsible authorities or an agency approved by those authorities, showing that he has
successfully completed a refresher-training program in this field (Refer: AppendixB:
Immediate measures in case of damage to dangerous goods).
The dangerous/hazardous goods can only be loaded or trans-shipped by the person who
has a valid training certificate in accordance with ICAO-TI/IATA DGR.
The operator/driver operating heavy/medium/light class transportation must be in
possession of a corresponding class driving license and Airfield Driving Permit.
Any person holding an Airfield Driving Permit is obliged to surrender it to Airside
Management DIAL when he/she leaves the organization or his/her official duty no longer
involves driving a vehicle. In case of non-adherence, Airside Management DIAL has the
right to cancel the Airfield Driving Permit.
The applicant must have minimum 3 years of experience of driving vehicles as per the
license issued to him.

Basic Training Course for Driving on the Apron


The Airside management DIAL is imparting the basic training for driving on the Apron to
all airlines/GHA against reimbursement of costs.
Registering for basic training courses shall be done at DIAL Airside Management Unit.
The Airside management of DIAL also conducts periodic refresher training and
competence checking to ensure that the specified standards continue to be achieved.


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A date for the training will be notified by the Airside Management DIAL after collecting the
complete application form. If the applicant fails to attend the training class without giving
previous notice, indemnity will be claimed for the administrative costs incurred.
Applicants for an ADP must obtain 80% pass mark to successfully complete the theory

Requirements for Basic Training


Prior to the commencement of any training every driver must be in possession of a

Driving License issued by State Transport Authority, entitling the holder to drive a motor
vehicle on the Indian Roads. The driver must also be in possession of an Airport Entry
Pass issued by BCAS for the IGI Airport, to cover the areas they may be required to drive
in. In the case of heavy or specialist vehicles, any driver employed must hold the required
category of license, which would apply to that vehicle if driven on the Indian public roads.


Health Standards - All drivers should be in good general health and medically fit. Drivers
should have
a) Visual acuity, using corrective lenses if necessary.
b) Drivers operating in airside areas must have the ability to distinguish the signal
colours, Red, Green, and White.
c) It is essential that drivers have the ability to hear sufficiently under adverse
Companies employing drivers who will work in airside areas should establish a system to
monitor health standards of drivers in order to ensure that they continue to meet the
minimum standards. Details of the medical standards used by individual companies and
the methods used to monitor health standards must be notified to the Airside

Issuance and Validity of the Drivers Permit

The following procedure shall be followed for issue of Airfield Driving Permit:
Individual applications of all personnel who are required to drive on the airside should be
duly recommended by a designated official of the concerned agency and forwarded to
Head (ASM) on a standard application form.
Head (ASM) should scrutinize the applications and approve the issue of appropriate
Airfield Driving Permit as per the duty requirement of the official and recommendation of
the Committee after attesting the fitness of the applicant.
A temporary vehicle entry permit is issued by the Head (ASM) for a vehicle to enter the
movement area to set down personnel, heavy equipment/material or for any other
approved purpose. A temporary entry permit may be issued subject to such conditions as
the Chief Operating Officer may deem fit to impose in that particular case.
Airfield Driving Permit should be issued with different Colour Code, which will be issued
for specific areas are as follows:
Red Permit for Service Road, all Apron Areas and Manoeuvring Area.
Blue Permit for Service Roads, all Apron Areas
Green Permit for Service Road,
White Permit temporary permits, for a specific area, to be recorded at the time
of issue.
The period of validity for the Red, Blue & Green permits should be one year or till the
Photo Identity Card (PIC)/(Airport Entry Permit) is valid. However, permits are valid till
the last day of the month of issue e.g., all permits issued in the month of August 2007 will
be valid till 31st August 2008.


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Fee for obtaining the Airfield Driving Permit (ADP)

The applicants before undergoing the training have to deposit the prescribed fee for the training
and issuance of ADP.


Driving on the Apron without an Airfield Driving Permit

Persons without an Airfield Driving Permit are not permitted to drive on the apron unless guided
by a vehicle (e.g. follow me vehicle).


Loss of Airfield Driving Permit

The loss of ADP shall be immediately informed to the issuing authority. The holder of ADP shall
inform about the loss of ADP to the nearest police station. The duplicate ADP will be issued after
depositing the prescribed fee and investigation completion report.


Contact Details

Airport Emergency Services

+91 11 25675006

Apron Control

+91 11 25602516 / 25653352

Medical Unit

+91 11 25672778 / 25655576


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Ramp Safety and Ground Safety Procedures, guidelines issued by Government of India, Civil Aviation
Department, Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation. Office of DGCA vide letter no.
AV.15024/12/2007-AS dated 26.10.2007 has issued following guidelines for strict compliance by all the
agencies working at the airport with immediate effect.




All persons including Security Staff, working / moving on the operational area shall wear
high visibility jacket.
Two Wheelers are not to be permitted in the airside operational area and any permit so
issued be cancelled.
All drivers working at the airport are required to undergo a training course conducted by
the aerodrome operator before issue of Airport driving Permit. It shall be the
responsibility of concerned agency to ensure that all drivers of outsource agency undergo
training and obtain ADP before recommending them for Airport Entry Permit.
Vehicular movement in the tarmac area should be restricted only for operational purpose.
Walking on the active apron and taxi lane is not to be permitted. Authorize vehicle should
be used for pick and drop of the staff working in that area.
All the vehicles plying in the airside should strictly follow vehicular lane, they should have
identification markings/lights.
Frequency of monitoring with speed gun should be increased and strong action against
the violator should be recommended which include cancellation of ADP and Airport Entry
Entry passes of the Persons found without ADP, driving in the operational area should be
No equipment is to be left unattended in the operational area. The equipment should be
positioned on parking stand only on the requirement basis and during other period it
should be removed in the equipment parking area and should be properly secured.
Airlines must ensure that minimum number of vehicles should be utilized in the
operational area to reduce the risk of any ground incident.
All vehicles operating in the operational area must be provided with anti collision lights o
as to identify the vehicle.
All ground equipment including trolleys, dollies, trestles and step ladder should be
regularly checked for serviceability, braking action etc and record be kept. Reflective
tapes are to be used on these.


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Goods Containing Unknown Substances, Dangerous Goods, Other Dangerous Substances
Dangerous Goods Regulation
Transport Symbol
The damaged freight item is to be duly secured. People are to be
kept away from the item.
Avoid ingestion, i.e. do not eat, drink or smoke.
In case of injuries, first aid is to be rendered without endangering
Assign an employee to supervise the blocked-off area.
Call the Apron Control Tel. No. 25696107 / 25653352 and give
the following information, in all cases:
(i) Your name, your organizational unit
(ii) The number of affected (injured or contaminated) employees.
(iii) The exact location of the emergency
(iv) A thorough description of the situation
(v) Identification of the damaged goods, including, if possible, the UN number- your
telephone number (stay close to the phone in case of possible questions).
a) Have the freight papers ready.
b) Inform your nearest superior.

Wait for measures and orders from the fire brigade or rescue services,
and, if possible, assign an employee to help direct the fire or rescue



Security Operations must be notified at all times. The airport fire brigade
has to be called through Security Operations if it is suspected that a
dangerous substance has escaped or may escape. Should you have
questions or problems regarding the handling of dangerous goods,
please contact the representative responsible for your sector to help

Dangerous Goods or Substances with High Risk of Danger; Radioactive Goods

Infectious Substances / Poisonous Substances

The affected area is to be blocked off (25-meter radius). Employees

suspected of being contaminated must remain in the blocked-off area,
preferably near the perimeter. Persons approaching or handling the
item/substance should ensure they have Poisonous gas Radio-active
substance the wind to their back.
Avoid ingestion, i. e. do not eat, drink or smoke.
In case of injuries, first aid is to be rendered without endangering
Avoid draft caused from closing doors and ventilation ducts. Goods
Assign an employee to supervise the blocked-off area.
Call Apron control Tel.No./25653352,25602516
and relay the following information, in all cases:
(i) Your name, your organizational unit
(ii) The number of affected (injured or contaminated) employees infectious or
(iii) The exact location of the emergency genetically engineered
(iv) A thorough description of the situation substance
(v) Identification of the damaged goods, including, if possible, the UN number
(vi) Your telephone number (stay close to the phone in case of possible questions).
Have the freight papers ready.

Radioactive substance

Inform your nearest superior.

Wait for measures and orders from the fire brigade or rescue services, and, if possible, assign an
employee to help direct the fire or rescue team.
The airport fire brigade must to be called at all times.


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Put hand brakes ON when vehicle parked in apron.

Remove unserviceable equipment from apron immediately.
Alert adjacent bay user about departure of aircraft from you bay.
Inspect your bay for Foreign Object presence on apron soon after the departure of
aircraft, if anything is noticed, remove immediately or inform the Apron Control by the
quickest means of communication.
Remove your vehicles & equipment after the departure of aircraft within 15 minutes.
Be conversant with Apron Rules.
Comply with all instructions given by the authorized official at AAI.
Be familiar with Airport lay out and the signs and signals used at the airport.
Retain/display your PIC and vehicles pass conspicuously and produce it when demanded
by AAI staff.
Give way to aircraft at all times.
Approach aircraft very carefully when its anti-collision lights are operating.
Remain away from the aircraft unless required to go near it to avoid Jet blast.
Maintain a safe distance of at least 15 meters when aircraft is refueled.
Remain on left while driving your vehicle in operational area.
Drive within the vehicular lanes wherever provided.
Use perimeter road/service road.
Cross Runway/Taxiway only if essential for duty with proper permission from ATC or with
Follow me.
Maintain speed limit on perimeter road 30 KMPH and on Bay 15 KMPH.
Give way to embarking/disembarking passengers on the apron.
Dip the head lights while driving on apron and service roads.
Ensure that you have a valid driving license.
Ensure that all garbage, especially waste food is thrown in covered garbage bins
Do report everything unusual to apron control by the quickest communication means.



Do not leave equipment unattended on movement area.

Do not park equipment on service road.
Do not overtake other vehicles normally, except in rare cases from right only.
Do not interfere with an aircraft movement while driving or positioning your vehicle.
Do not pass close or park behind the running aircraft.
Do not start vehicle within 15 meters of running aircraft.
Do not drive vehicle under any part of aircraft.
Do not park vehicle in the vehicular lane.
Do not leave the vehicle unattended on any part of the movement area.
Do not operate the vehicle in the vicinity of the aero-bridges.
Do not operate a vehicle during night or when visibility is less than 500 Meters, unless
filleted with at least 2 front lights (white), 2 rear lights (Red) and the obstruction light,
check anti-collision light serviceability before entering apron.
Do not operate a vehicle in reverse gear, except for maneuvering or servicing of an
Do not park equipment beyond limits of EQUIPMENT PARKING BLOCK on each bay.
Do not enter active taxiway or runway without proper permission or Follow me.
Do not throw anything, especially waste food in the movement area. This is likely to
attract birds, dogs and monkeys endangering flight safety.


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Registration Book/Certificate
Pollution under control certificate
Insurance papers
Type of vehicle


Company/ Agency Name
Company/ Agency Logo


Rear View Mirror
Condition of the tyres
Brakes/ Hand Brakes
Brake lights
Anti collision lights with flash rate 75per
minute and
power not more than 400 candelas
Oil leakage/ fuel leakage
Side indicators/Head lights
Speed Governors



Name of the Officer
Who inspected the Vehicle


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Inspection by AAI jeep

Inform Rescue& Fire Service















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Chapter 02 Terminal Operations








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1.1. Background

The purpose of this chapter in ARR Manual is to establish guidelines with a view to increase transparency
and awareness amongst the users of the IGI Airport for the four passenger terminals Terminal 1A &
Terminal 1B (domestic terminals), Terminal II (international terminal) & Hajj Terminal (operated for
passengers travelling for Hajj pilgrimage).


Permissions and Requirements

2.1. Lost Property:

All unclaimed items are deposited with the office of Terminal Manager of respective terminals. Unclaimed
baggage / item is deposited with the Department of Material Management after 24 hours from the time of
its receiving. The Lost property can be claimed either by the travelling passenger or by his representative
(subject to the condition that the representative carries a duly signed authority letter from the passenger
and proves his identity). The lost property is handed over to claimant after due verification. Airline staff
holding only permanent PIC shall be authorized to collect Lost Property on behalf of the passenger. Items
deposited in Materials Management Department can be collected during office hours only.
Property unclaimed by its proper owner or items for which ownership cannot be established will be
handled in accordance with the standard procedures and applicable law.

Disposal of Lost Property:

If any lost property retained by the Incharge of the Dept. of Material Management for safe
custody is not claimed within three months from the date on which it was delivered to the
Dept., the Dept. shall dispose it off for a best reasonable price to be determined in
consultation with the Government Assessor or Government approved Assessor and in
the event of his failure to secure a reasonable price, he shall forthwith report the fact to
his superior authority who shall pass such orders as the circumstances / case may


Dealing with Official documents (Lost)

Official documents including passports shall, wherever practicable, be returned to the
appropriate Government Department, Local Authority or other body or person responsible
for issuing them or for controlling or dealing with them.

2.2. Airport Entry:

Entry to the Terminal can be gained through the following(i)

On payment basis The cost of visitor entry ticket at visitors lounge at International Terminal is
Rs.30/- for Departure Terminal and Rs.60/- for Arrival level. The validity of ticket is for three hours
duration. Entry to International terminal is from 8 hours prior to departure. The cost of entry ticket
for domestic arrival and Terminal IA is Rs.30/-. Visitors Entry is prohibited in Terminal IB.


On the basis of Airport Entry Passes - Temporary Airport Entry passes are issued by Terminal
Manager for emergencies, emergent works, for VVIP / VIP facilitation etc. at the airport.


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Temporary airport entry passes are issued only for the following a)

To handle Crisis / Emergency etc.:

As per circular no. 35/2003 of BCAS dated 29.12.2003 Temporary airport entry passes may be issued
in order to promptly attend any emergency consequent to an accident, crisis, contingency, which require
entry of relief team, police / investigation team, negotiation team, psychiatrists, medical representatives,
interpreters, sky marshals, safety security, engineering, technical operations, legal, communication and
planning experts.

Operational purposes and mis-handled baggage:

As per the corrigendum dated 13.03.2006 to circular no. 46/2005 of Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
dated 29.11.2005 - The passenger whose baggage is missing may also be issued with temporary airport
entry passes provided request for issue of such passes is received from the Station Manager of the
concerned aircraft operator.

Member of Parliaments:

As per circular no. H 11021/19/2003-PU of the Ministry of Civil Aviation dated 6th January, 2004
Airport Entry Passes may be given to one personal staff each of Honble Member of Parliaments as and
when required.

ARC Personnel:

As per circular no. AAD/OPS/903/365 of the IAD, AAI dated 11.04.1996 Emergency Airport Temporary
passes may be recommended to ARC personnel expeditiously on their request even on holidays / after
working hours in view of the urgent and sensitive nature of the operations of ARC as desired by the
Ministry of Civil Aviation.
2.3. City side Ground Transportation (taxi, bus, private vehicles):
Vehicles on airport roadways shall be operated in strict compliance with the roadway speed limits, as
indicated by posted traffic signs used at the Airport.
No person shall operate any vehicle on the Airport other than on the roads and parking areas authorized
for use by that particular type of vehicle and operation.
Vehicles are not to be positioned so as to block the flow of traffic or prevent other vehicles from gaining
access to, or departing from, ground transportation areas or any other area at the Airport.

Prepaid taxi: Pre-paid taxi service is operated by Delhi state police. There are approximately
900 taxis at international terminal and 700 taxis at domestic terminal.
Luxury cars: AVIS car rental has a fleet of cars both at the international and at domestic
terminals for the use of passengers at the Airport.
Radio taxi: Air conditioned taxi service is available for Delhi & NCR only.
Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC): Operates buses every hour from both domestic and
international terminal to Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT), Sarai Kale Khan.
Ex Serviceman Air link Transport Service (EATS): Operates buses round the clock to ISBT,
Kashmiri gate via Connaught place and New Delhi railway station.


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2.4. Car Parking:




Reserved car parking This is reserved for VIPs and is allocated as per the list of
dignitaries entitled to use reserved lounge, circulated by the Ministry of Civil Aviation and
with the special approval of CEO and COO.
Premium car parking - At the international terminal the total capacity is approx 200 cars
and can be availed at Rs. 120 / four hours.
General car parking It has a total capacity of approx 500 and 600 cars at international
and domestic terminal respectively. The facility can be availed at Rs. 60 / four hours. Two
wheeler parking can be availed at Rs. 15 / four hours.
Staff working at the airport can avail the two wheeler parking facility at Rs. 100 / month
and car parking at Rs. 168 / month at terminal 1 and Rs. 160 / month at terminal 2. Staff
can get the monthly pass made by submitting a copy of PIC and RC (which should be in
staffs name).

2.5. Terminal Transfer:


Inter-Terminal transfer coach to domestic terminal Inter-terminal transfer coach facility

is available at every 20 minutes from 0530 hours to 0020 hours. The coach operates from
Terminal 1B to Terminal 1A and is free of cost.


Inter-Terminal transfer coach to international terminal The inter-terminal coach facility is

available at the frequency of thirty minutes. The coach operates from Terminal 1B to
Terminal II and is free of cost.

2.6. Passenger with special needs:

Five wheel chairs are available at the Airport Manager office at each terminal. Wheel chair is provided by
airlines for passenger with special need. Handicapped toilets are provided in all areas in the terminal.
2.7. Medical Facilities:
Free first aid facilities are provided through Medical Inspection (MI) rooms located at both domestic and
international terminals. The MI rooms are operational 24 hours and are manned by certified doctors.
Doctor is available on requirement at Terminal IA.
2.8. No Smoking Regulation:
Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the airport premises.
2.9. One Hand baggage Rule:
Only one hand bag is permitted. (Ladies purse & laptop are exempted).
2.10 Complaint Cell:
A complaint book is placed at each terminal in Terminal Managers office with access at all the times to
passengers & visitors for recording complaints at IGI Airport. Complaint Cell receives & acknowledges
complaints from all external sources; it allots a complaint number and ensures prompt & reasonable
action for redressal of each complaint. All complaints are acknowledged within two working days. Details
of any complaint that remains un-addressed after 30 days of its lodgement is uploaded on DIALs


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3.1. Office Hours
Airport operates 24 hours.
3.2. Contact Details
Airport Manager, Terminal 1A
Airport Manager, Terminal 1B
Airport Manager, Terminal 2


91 11 25696150
91 11 25675315
91 11 25656522

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Chapter 03 Fire Safety








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Owing to the nature of airport operations, airport terminal buildings are generally atrium designed. As
such, buildings are large and spacious and any kind of fire outbreak can spread rapidly. This, coupled
with the higher number of passengers commuting through the airport daily, places airport buildings in the
high fire load category. Because of the global nature of airport operations, a major fire could disrupt flying
operations, resulting in high losses to the airport as well as to the nation. Therefore, the fire safety at the
airports needs to be at high level.

The principle objectives of Airport Fire Services are to save lives & properties in the event of any
fire incident at the Airport.
Airport Fire Service remains available round the clock to meet any Aircraft emergency or any
other fire at the Airport.
Responding to any Aircraft emergency in the Airport boundary within the response time of 3
To create awareness amongst the common person to prevent fire & insuring survival guide in
case of fire.
To ensure proper fire prevention & protection in all Terminal buildings, Aircraft Hangars &
Ancillary buildings.



Permissions and Requirements

Raise the alarm and inform the fire control room and / or fire service.
Fight the fire with available fire extinguisher/equipment, if you can do so without under risk.

General guidelines to be issued to everyone:

To know how to report a fire sound the alarm without any delay or take a call.
To know what to do in the event of fire avoid panic and confusion. Decide to fight the
fire or evacuate.
To know the locations of nearby fire extinguishers.
To know the means of escape in case of fire and to keep staircase landings and other
escape routes clear of obstruction at all times.

As a part of the Airport Emergency Plan, Fire Emergency Plans are drawn up (for each terminal building)
based on the guidelines provided in the National Building Code of India 2005 and documented. It shall
spell out the procedures for responding to fire outbreaks and for quick and safe evacuation of occupants
in case of fire emergency. It shall contain the details of the actions to be taken by the occupants during a
fire emergency, their duties and responsibilities, the terminal building layout plans, the designated means
of escape, the emergency assembly areas, the important contact numbers, etc. The objectives of the fire
emergency and evacuation plan are:


To safeguard human lives and property in the event of a fire outbreak in the Passenger Terminal
Building (PTB) by:
establishing a systematic, safe and orderly method of evacuation for the occupants to a safe
area via the nearest means of egress; and
ensuring prompt reporting of fire, and response of fire alarms as designated, and immediate
initiation of fire safety procedures to safeguard life and to contain the fire until the arrival of
the Airport Fire Service and/or Delhi Fire Service.
To spell out the responsibility and role of each individual/party concerned for the emergency.
To ensure that the airport operations and business can be resumed to normalcy as quickly as


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Fire Precautions to prevent fire

Every person going upon or using the airport or its facilities in any manner shall exercise the greatest
care and caution to avoid and prevent fire.
A comprehensive checklist (Fire Safety Patrol ChecklistAppendix-A) which is a part of the fire
emergency plan is to be completed by the fire personnel during the daily patrol of the terminal building at
the start of each shift duty .The checklist after completion shall be submitted without fail to the Head
Terminal concerned (Fire Safety Director) or Terminal Manager/Terminal Duty Officer concerned (Deputy
Fire Safety Director) for information and follow-up action, if necessary.
The purpose of the patrol is to ensure that the terminal building is free of fire hazards, that the fire alarm
system and the first-aid fire-fighting equipment provided/installed are in order, and that the means of
escape is available and unobstructed at all times.


Establish a fire evacuation plan and conduct at least one or two evacuation drills annually at the
terminal buildings.
Ensure good house keeping.
Use proper rubbish bins preferably those made of non-combustible materials, like metal.
All receptacles or waste shall be emptied at regular intervals.
Escape routes (staircase, corridors, walkways, passage way) shall be kept clear and free of
obstructions at all times and be suitable marked.
Faulty electrical appliances shall be repaired/ replaced immediately.
Keep the electrical wires away from hot and wet surfaces.
Always keep the surrounding of electrical / electronics equipment clear of combustible materials and
keep the ventilation points of electrical /electronics appliances clear to ensure the cooling of
Ensure adequate ventilation where flammables are stored and used, prohibit smoking, and use flame
proof electric equipment.
Switch off electrical appliances after use and remove plug from socket.
Ensure the detectors and sprinklers heads are not painted over or obstructed with objects.
Keep all machinery clean and lubricate it to avoid friction and over heating.
Segregate flammable material from source of ignition.
Ensure fire doors are kept closed but unlocked at all times.
Keep the hose reel cabinets and fire extinguishers free from any obstruction.
Use staircase in case of fire, unless instructed otherwise.
Conduct regular tests, inspections and maintenance of fire detection and fire protection systems.
Exercise surveillance over the staff and occupants to ensure that they comply with the fire safety
precautions and take action as appropriate.
Suitable fire / emergency exit signs shall be provided, adequately illuminated and displayed.


Use receptacles that are made of combustible material as makeshift rubbish bins at the
Accumulate unwanted items at the workplace.
Stack up items to height less than 0.5m (or 1m for warehouse) from sprinkler head.
Store combustible material over the electrical/ electronics appliances.
Use candles or other naked flame for lighting.
Smoke in No Smoking areas.
Leave electrical appliances / equipments continued to be energized when they are not in use,
especially after office / working hours.
Place bare electrical wire ends in a socket.


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Have temporary naked joints on electrical wiring.

Cook in the premise using open flame stove or electrical hot plate except for areas that are
allowed for cooking such as kitchens and food stalls.
Keep locked any fire door.
Obstruct the access to fire equipments and fire extinguishers.
Carry out any hot work without the approval from Airport Fire Service.
Use lift in case of fire.
Construction of Temporary Pandal
The materials, design, construction, fabrication of structures within the scope of this standard
shall meet the requirements for the resistance to fire of a minimum of 10m or total evacuation
time whichever is more.
Wherever materials of combustible nature are used these shall be treated with a fire retardant
The main structure shall be erected with at least 100mm diameter post non combustible materials
and the rest of the structure may be of lighter poles and trusses tied/ screwed properly with steel
wire. The poles and trusses shall be nailed / screwed, wherever required.
The height of the ceiling of the pandal from the ground shall not, in any case, be less than 3m.
No decorative paper/synthetic material shall be used anywhere in the pandal /structure.
No temporary structure shall be erected beneath and adjacent to live electrical line. The gap
between the live wires and any part of the pandal shall in no case be less than 2m.
All temporary pandal shall be approachable and the gate provided shall have a clear opening of
5m. Arch way shall not be at a height than 5m from ground level.
The line of travel from any seat to the nearest exit on the seating area shall not be greater than
All exit points shall be clearly indicated with sign EXIT (in Hindi, English & Urdu) over each door
way or opening in plain legible letters (not less than 5cm high and with principal strokes of such
letters not less than 1.8cm in width) enabling everybody in the pandal to visualize the exit points
Exit light should be adequately illuminated with reliable light source when the pandal is occupied
by the public. Suitable directions signs shall be displayed in a consequence location to indicate
the proper direction of egress. Exit and direction sign shall also be painted with the fluorescent
paint. Doors wherever fitted to exits shall open outwards and shall not be closed or bolted during
the presence of people in the structure.
Longitudinal gangways shall be formed at the sides and central portion. The width of side
longitudinal gangway shall be not less than 1.2m and the central longitudinal gangway shall be
not less than 1.5m. Each row (between side and longitudinal gangway) shall comprise of not
more than 12 seats. The seats shall be tied up together in a bank of not less than 4 seats and
secured to the ground.
The temporary lighting of the pandal shall be installed by a competent licensed electrical
engineer. The load per circuit, installation test and the installation shall conform to IS.
No halogen lamps shall be used anywhere inside the pandal.
All electrical wires in the pandal shall be in vulcanized rubber cables of tough rubber and all joints
shall be made with porcelain insulated connectors. Twisted and trapped joints shall not be
No part of the electrical circuit, bulbs, tube lights, etc. in the structure of pandal shall be within
15cm of any decorative or other combustible material.
No fire works or open flame of any kind shall be permitted in any temporary pandal or in the
immediate vicinity.
Kitchen area for cooking of snacks/food shall be totally segregated from the main pandal and
preferably made of GI sheets.
Inside the terminal building, no pandals to be installed to avoid fire hazard.

NOC shall be obtained from Delhi Fire Service.


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Hot Works
To carry out any kind of hot work approval shall be obtained from Fire Prevention officer.
Statutory warning to welding.
Portable fire extinguishers shall be available at the spot along with skilled staff for operational.
Restriction of welding works nearby Aircraft /Aircraft bay/Elect Cadets and sensitive Equipments.
Prior intimation shall be given to concerned Fire Control Room before commencing / after
competition of the hot work.
Before starting welding work ensure that area should be clean and maintain proper safety.
Kept water drum, fire extinguisher and ETC near the welding works.
To carry out any hot work, approval shall be obtained from the Fire Prevention Officer. Cutter /
Welders and their supervisors are properly trained for the safe use of their equipments and also
in an emergency what needs to be done in case of fire.
The floor should be free of combustible materials like oily waste inputs, hessians wrappings on
stored good, tarpaulin, paints residue, rags, waste papers, escalators chips, wooden refuse, etc
up to a distance of 10.5m in any direction from the welding/cutting operation area.
Opening in walls, floors or ducts within 10.5m of the work should be properly covered.
In case of welding/cutting on the ducts, it shall not contain combustible deposits or ducts lined
with combustible insulators.
Purged tanks or vessels that have contained flammable liquids, gases or combustible dusts
should be completely neutralized.
In case of welding/cutting outdoor the entry of sparks into nearby building located within 10.5m
through windows, door or other opening must be protected/ shielded.
Under no circumstances, hot work shall be carried out within 30.5m distance of parked Aircraft.
Extra men should be employed for constant watch of shooting globules and watch should
continue not less that half an hour after the welding/cutting operation have been stopped.
Fire extinguishers must be readily available with in progress should never be permitted.
The air handling unit serving the area to be switched off before starting the welding.
Persons carrying out the work must carry the hot work permit readily.





Allotment of Space to Other Agencies

They shall keep fire extinguishers in the premises conforming to IS 13849.
They shall maintain battery operated emergency light of their own.
They shall ensure fire resistance/retardant paint on wooden portion/ compartment and certificate
confirming this standard should be kept in the office at all times; to be shown to fire official on
They shall inform Airport Fire Services before undertaking any modification / alteration /
renovation work so that fire detector position provided by DIAL should not be displaced or
The existing fire detection and alarm system & sprinkler system will not be disturbed without
concern of Civil & Electronics department of DIAL.

3.1 Office Hours:

24 hours (12 hours shift)

3.2 Contact Details:

Main Fire Station
Sub Fire Station 1
Sub Fire Station 2
Terminal 1A
Terminal 1B/Arrival
Terminal 2
Cargo Complex

+91 11 25662211 / 25696098

+91 11 25662222
+91 11 25602131
+91 11 25662069
+91 11 25662212
+91 11 25602408
+91 11 25601226 / 25601170
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This checklist is to be completed during the daily patrol of the terminal building at the start of each shift
duty by the Fire Party concerned. The checklist after completion shall be submitted without fail to the
Head Terminal concerned (Fire Safety Director) or Terminal Manager/Terminal Duty Officer concerned
(Deputy Fire Safety Director) for information and follow-up action, if necessary.
The purpose of the patrol is to ensure that the terminal building is free of fire hazards, that the fire alarm
system and the first-aid fire-fighting equipment provided/installed are in order, and that the means of
escape is available and unobstructed at all times.

Terminal Building:

Date and Time of Patrol:


PTB 1A/PTB 1B/Domestic Arrival/PTB 2 (*delete where inapplicable)




Means of Escape

Are the exit and directional signs lighted / illuminated?

(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Are the exits unlocked/not blocked? (If no, please specify location
and provide other necessary details below.)


Are the exit routes unobstructed and full width? (If no, please
specify location and provide other necessary details below.)


Is the emergency lighting provided for the exit routes working?

(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Are the exit routes such as passageways and corridors free of

combustible materials such as paper, wood, and rubbish?
(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Are the fire doors closed but unlocked?

(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Are the door wedges promptly removed from the fire doors?
(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details





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Fire Detection & Protection Systems


Is there unobstructed access to hosereels, extinguishers and fire

alarm manual call points? (If no, please specify location and
provide other necessary details below.)


Is there any manual call point, smoke detector, sprinkler head,

extinguisher or hosereel that gets damaged or tampered with?
(If yes, please specify location and provide other necessary
details below.)


Are the fire extinguishers in place and wall-mounted at a correct

height, i.e. 1m between the cylinder base and the floor?
(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Are the fire extinguishers inspected monthly as scheduled?

(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Is the Fire Control Panel at the Fire Control Room in working

condition? (If no, please provide the necessary details below.)

Public Address System


Is the Public Address (PA) System working in the entire PTB?

(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details

Fire Hazards/Housekeeping

Is there any obviously damaged, chafed or exposed electrical wiring?

(If yes, please specify location and provide other necessary
details below.)


Is there any obvious case of electrical overloading at the electrical

point? (If yes, please specify location and provide other necessary
details below.)


Is there any missing or damaged false ceiling board?

(If yes, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Is the NO SMOKING policy effectively enforced?

(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


Is the general housekeeping in the building acceptable?

(If no, please specify location and provide other necessary details


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Are the emergency tools provided in the Fire Control Room such
as search lights and first aid box available and serviceable? (If no,
please rectify or replace them immediately.)


Are the wheelchairs provided in the PTB available and serviceable ?

(If no, please specify and provide other necessary details below).


Please provide here the necessary details for any non-compliance item above.



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Chapter 04 - Airport Security










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This chapter of ARR Manual is to facilitate conduct of bonafide business by various entities. This is issued
by the dealing departments of DIAL in the form of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) so that the
parties are properly advised about the statutory government requirements as well as procedures
designed by DIAL.
The SOPs would thus need to, inter-alia, ensure that the policy issued by BCAS including Aviation
Security Orders/Circulars/Instructions as well as the provisions of Aircraft Act/ Rules, policy directives
issued by DGCA and other concerned ministries/departments are complied with by all concerned .
The concerned parties would need to ensure compliance of mandatory security clearances, filing of
Security Programme by the firms/establishments wherever necessary and strict adherence to security
vetting, procedure for recommending issue of Airport Entry Permits/Passes etc.


Adherence to Security Regulations and Procedures

All persons entering an Airport Terminal shall comply with all applicable security regulations and
procedures. Only individuals who are with proper badges or escorted in accordance with the laws and
regulations shall enter the Restricted Area as necessary in the conduct of flights, inspections or in the
course of other official duties.


Permissions and Requirements

No person may enter or be in the restricted/controlled areas of Airport unless he or she is in possession
of valid Airport Entry Permit/Pass.

Types of Airport Entry Permits / Passes


Airport Entry Permits.

The colour codes of Airport Entry Permits (AEPs) currently being issued by BCAS for facilitating access to
specified areas at civil airport in the country are as follows:

Orange - For access to all areas at several airports.

Orange C - For Airline crew whose duty warrants grant of access to all areas at several airports.
Purple - For access to all areas of mentioned airports.
Navy Blue - For access to all areas of mentioned airports except Security Hold Areas.
Light Brown For access to Arrival/Departure areas up to Immigration counters of mentioned
Light Green - For duties related to passenger facilitation up to check in area on departure side and
visitors areas on arrival side.
White - For access to operational area only through designated gates.
3.1.2 Airport Passes.
Non-Photo pass up to three days.
Temporary photo pass from four to ninety days.
Permanent Photo pass (1 year).


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Airport entry pass application form is available at pass section (DIAL) on request. The application form
shall have the following enclosures:
Police verification certificate which is a mandatory requirement to be submitted along with the
application form.
Recommendation letter issued from DIAL referring contracts signed with the third party.
Copy of contract.
Passport size coloured photographs (2 in nos).
Duly filled Airport Entry Pass application form is to be submitted at the Pass Section, DIAL. After
processing the form, the pass is issued from BCAS to the concerned person only after showing ID proof.
If the pass is lost or stolen, FIR must be lodged at the nearby police station.

Return of AEP

It is the responsibility of the employer of any person to whom an AEP has been issued to immediately
notify the issuing authority when an employee is separated from his company or loses his/her AEP.
All AEPs should be surrendered to the issuing authority whenever the services of an employee are
terminated or the employee is transferred upon completion of the project / contract.

Critical Violations

No individual to whom an AEP has been issued shall intentionally perform any of the following acts. The
intentional commission of any such acts, due to their critical negative effect on the safety and security of
airport employees and the traveling public, is a reason for immediate revocation of the AEP and issuance
of a violation notice:
Loaning the AEP to anyone under any circumstances
Allowing unauthorized individuals or vehicles into the restricted area
Blocking, damaging or leaving doors or gates open that could be a restricted area access route
for unauthorized individuals
Bypassing the security system, passing back an AEP, or providing access to unauthorized
Altering the AEP, or
Interference with security screening, security procedures and personnel

Use of Airport Entrances, Gates, and Doors

All individuals entering upon the Airport shall use only authorized entrances. Only designated emergency
exits will be used in the event of a contingency.




Office Hours

DIAL Pass Section:


9:30 am 6:00 pm
9:30 am 6:00 pm

(1pm-2pm Lunch Break)

(1pm- 2pm Lunch Break)

(Monday to Friday excluding Government Holidays)


Contact Details

Secretary to DIAL Executive Director
DIAL Pass Section

+91- 11 2566 1000 (TerminalI)

+91- 11 2560 2000 (Terminal-II)
+91- 11 2566 1297 (Security & Vigilance)
+91- 11 2566 1161
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Chapter 05 Customer Service Standards



2.2 Cleanliness
2.3 CustomerComplaintHandling
2.3.1 AcceptingCustomerComplaints
2.3.2 AddressingCustomerComplaints









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Airports face significant competition from other airports both domestically and internationally. A
distinguishing factor between airports is an unbroken chain of world class customer service offered by all
stakeholders to passengers.
DIAL Quality Policy states:
Delhi International Airport (P) Limited will deliver world class services to all its
stakeholders through customer orientation, innovation and continual improvement of
all processes, leading to customer delight.
DIAL is an ISO 9001:2000 certified organisation and participates in the global Airport Service Quality
(ASQ) passenger survey. DIAL is furthermore contractually bound to meet service quality standards as
per OMDA Schedule 3 and achieve an ASQ rating of 3.5 by 2010 with incremental quarterly
improvements until then. These requirements can only be met with the full and unequivocal support of all
stakeholders. This guideline on Customer Service Standards seeks to achieve both superior services for
passengers using our airport as well as meeting DIALs contractual obligations.

Service Quality Tools & Measurement

DIAL has established an ISO 9001:2000 quality management system as a backbone for strong and
consistent delivery of processes and service delivery. DIAL strongly encourages all business partners at
the airport to establish ISO 9001 or similar robust quality and service delivery mechanisms.
DIAL also conducts quarterly passenger surveys (ASQ) covering aspects such as:

Airport access
Security & Emigration
Way-finding & signage
Airport facilities including shops, restaurants and services
Airport environment and cleanliness
Arrivals including baggage handling, customs & immigration

All stakeholders at the airport contribute significantly to the outcome of the survey. The embrace of a
service attitude by all staff, contractors, concessionaires, government agencies and other parties active at
the airport is therefore of paramount importance for the passenger experience at IGI Airport.
Consequently, DIAL will regularly monitor and communicate the survey results to key stakeholders
through audits, mystery shopping, customer feedback and other appropriate means. During this
appropriate Service Level Agreements (SLAs) will be negotiated with stakeholders to ensure first rate
consistent quality of service throughout IGI Airport.


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Service Standards

2.1 Airport Staff Attitude, Appearance, Awareness and Knowledge

All employees, regardless of which organisation they are employed with, will meet or exceed the following

Attitude, all employees shall:

Greet all customers in a friendly and professional manner.
Address customers proactively be friendly and approachable anticipate customers
needs. Customers and passengers shall not have to initiate contact.
Display a positive attitude towards passengers and fellow employees at all times.
Project a pleasant, friendly and attentive demeanour and maintain proper posture at all times.
Remain calm when encountering an upset customer; try to calm the customer, listen carefully
and show empathy with the customers problem.
Refrain from using foul or inappropriate language or gestures at any time.
Use a proper and courteous vocabulary and tone of voice with customers.
Maintain appropriate eye contact and a pleasant tone of voice while conversing with
customers and fellow employees.
Make every effort to satisfy customers needs, even when those needs are outside the
employees specific job scope.
Focus on customers and not gather in a group to chat while on duty.
When in uniform should not eat, drink, chew gum or smoke in the other than designated
areas of the workplace, especially in view of the customers.
Assure that the customers needs are met by providing or calling for the appropriate services.
Not nap or sleep while on duty or in a public area.
Not use personal electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones and MP3 players,
while on duty.


Appearance, all employees shall:

Be well groomed, clean and present a professional appearance.
Wear only appropriate accessories, as determined by your employer, while on duty.
Wear name tags and/or official identification that are visible to the public at all times.
Wear clean, neat and ironed uniforms while on duty.
Maintain daily personal hygiene.


Awareness, all employees shall:

Report suspicious items and/or activity.
Inspect the belongings of the passengers regularly for suspicious items.
Be aware of services and facilities available within the vicinity of their duty to direct customers
as and when required.


Other, all employees shall:

Be trained in customer service.
Have undergone an induction training including airport rules and regulations and available
services and facilities at the airport.
Actively ensure that the airport is well maintained and clean at all times.
Any obstacle or risk to health and safety is immediately brought to the attention of the airport
Ensure that their workplace is well maintained and free of clutter, litter, dust, stains and spills.
Ensure that signage or structures must not obstruct emergency exits, dedicated passenger
flow areas or official signage.
Remind other employees of their responsibilities laid out under the rules and regulations.


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All areas pertaining to the airport area including kerbside, approach roads, terminals and ancillary
buildings are to be kept neat and clean.
Furniture and facilities including carpets, curtains etc. are to be kept in good condition, free of dust, stains
and spills. Broken equipment or equipment showing wear and tear is to be replaced as soon as
operationally possible.

Customer Complaint Handling

All employees, regardless of which organisation they are employed with, will meet or exceed the following

Accepting Customer Complaints:

All employees shall deal with customers wishing to log a complaint in a friendly, courteous,
empathetic and attentive manner.
Complainants shall be offered an opportunity to freely log their complaint anonymously if
Where appropriate, customers may be advised of the agency responsible for the cause of the


Addressing Customer Complaints:

All employees shall ensure that complaints brought to their attention will get properly logged
and, where applicable, communicated to the agency and/or helpdesk which is either
responsible for or competent to resolve the cause of the grievance.
Any agency active at the airport shall have an effective customer complaint handling system
ensuring that:
staff is adequately trained to handle complaints
the complaint(s) get logged
complainants receive proper responses in writing to their complaints
complaints are analysed to identify sources of complaints
where applicable the source of the complaint(s) get eradicated
the complainant is informed of the resolution of the complaint(s)
an audit trail for handling of complaints is established
customer feedback and complaints are used as a source for continual improvement
customers will receive acknowledgement of reply to their respective complaints within two
days of receipt of the complaint


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Applicability of Customer Service Standards


Generic Applicability
The Customer Service Standards are applicable to all persons working at the airport both
during official duty hours as well as when on their way to work or leaving work.
The Customer Service Standards have to be maintained at all times when on airport
premises or when officially representing the airport in any capacity.


Any party employing contractors to carry out any work at the airport are required to ensure
that contractors are informed of and adhere to the applicable rules and regulations including
customer service standards while carrying out their work on airport premises.




Office Hours
9.30 am to 6.00 pm


Contact Details
Udaan Bhawan


+91 011 25661238

+91 011 25601014

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Chapter 06 Commercial Retail & Service Operational



4.1.1 CarParking

4.2 IT&Telecommunications
4.3 PassengerAmenitiesManagement


5.1 OfficeTimings
5.2 ContactDetails








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DIAL has a vision to develop the IGI Airport meeting international standards with emphasis on:

High standards of service

Functionality and flexibility
Modern Architecture
Efficient operations and maintenance
Environment friendliness
Cost Efficiency

In order to achieve the above mentioned, this Retail & Services Operations Standards has been
developed for the Retail & Services Concessionaires to follow the standard guidelines for their operations
while being present at IGI Airport.
The standards are to be used to develop, monitor, control and deliver the highest levels of quality
standards within the airports commercial space.

Retail & Services

Retail & Services includes the under mentioned activities/operations:

1.2.1 Retail Operations:

Duty Free Shops & Outlets

Duty Paid Shops & Outlets
Food & Beverage Shops & Outlets
Advertisement & Promotional Space
Videography & Audiography

1.2.2 Services Operations:

Car Parking
Passenger Amenities (Trolley Services/Baggage Wrapping Services/Airport Entry Tickets)
Forex & Banking
IT & Telecommunication


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Retail & Services Operational Standards


Retail Operations (Duty Free, Duty Paid and Food & Beverage):
Retail operators to follow under mentioned operational guidelines while operating at I.G.I. Airport,
New Delhi:

Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the use of any location that is the subject matter of
the contract agreement, for the sole purpose of designing, setting up, developing,
operating, maintaining and managing the retail store/outlet and shall ensure that the
same are designed, set up, developed, operated and maintained as per international
standards in line with the agreed plans approved by DIAL.
2.1.2 Concessionaire(s) should not engage in any other business at the Airport without the
prior written approval of DIAL and not use the location contrary to the terms and
conditions of the licence.
2.1.3 Concessionaire(s) should ensure to apply, pay for and comply with the conditions of any
licence or permits, necessary for the display of the licences signboards and all other
licences, permits or approvals for or in respect of the Licences business / operation of
the retail stores as may be required by any relevant authorities under applicable law,
including but not limited to Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999, Customs Act 1962,
Custom Tariff Act 2005, Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act 1992, and also
adhere to the applicable rules and regulations framed by the Relevant Authorities under
the aforementioned statute as well as the Policy on Foreign Direct Investment and the
EXIM Policy of GoI as may be applicable.
2.1.4 Concessionaire(s) should ensure to employ a qualified manager or a suitably qualified
deputy, who shall represent the Licence on a full-time basis and be available during
business hours to ensure the smooth and efficient operations of the retail store/outlet.
2.1.5 Concessionaire(s) should ensure to obtain the necessary security clearance/permits for
his employees from the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security or any Relevant Authority or its
authorized representatives at its own cost and risk.
2.1.6 Concessionaire(s) should maintain and keep in force all requisite Licences and Permits.
This should be available for inspection by DIAL officials.
2.1.7 Concessionaire(s) should operate, maintain and manage the retail store/outlet, twenty
fours a Day, 365 Days a year, in order to provide highest level of service for the
convenience of the passengers/customers at the Airport.
2.1.8 Concessionaires requiring a temporary closure of their Concession for audit, store
remodelling, maintenance work, inventory or other purpose must advise the airport
operator, in writing, at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the closure and receive
Operators approval. The written notice should include the proposed date of closure, as
well as the specified date of re-opening. A professionally produced sign approved by
DIAL must be placed in public view advising customers of the closure and date of reopening.
2.1.9 Concessionaire(s) of retail and food beverage are expected to open all times during
the designated hours specified in the concession agreements. They should make
every effort to be open on time and stay open during inclement weather, or other
emergency situations, in order to provide services to the travelling public, especially if
delayed flights are involved.
2.1.10 Concessionaire(s) shall ensure that his employees / staff / personnel deployed at the
Airport are in uniforms with personal identification at all times and provide
professional, efficient, prompt, polite and courteous service to all customers without
discrimination whatsoever, in an honest and business-like manner. They should
improve upon the standard of service offered in the Location, if deemed unsatisfactory
by DIAL.
2.1.11 Concessionaire(s) shall comply with the Quality of Service Standards which forms a part
of the Airport Rules & Regulations. (refer to chapter 5 Customer Service Standards).

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2.1.12 Concessionaire(s) should maintain a comprehensive range of Products (which shall be

pre-approved by DIAL) and operate and maintain the retail store/outlet efficiently to meet
the demands of passengers at the Airport at all times. The range of products must be
comparable to the range sold at the Licences off-airport outlets, as well with others
involved in the similar business. Failure to comply may lead to closure of the unit and/or
termination of the contract.
2.1.13 Concessionaire(s) should widen and improve the varieties of products offered, in
consultation with DIAL.
2.1.14 Concessionaire(s) should increase and improve the stock and quality of products, if the
same are in the opinion of DIAL inadequate and/or of poor quality.
2.1.15 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that Retail Store/Outlet be always kept neat, tidy, and
the routine activities like cleaning, shelving etc. should be in place at all times.
2.1.16 In-store displays like window displays, racks, gondolas and other fixtures should always
be fixed properly and should be cleaned/ serviced on a regular basis.
2.1.17 Concessionaire(s) should seek the prior written approval of DIAL for all temporary or
additional fittings, fixtures, or decorations etc. to be used at any of the location(s).
2.1.18 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the size of any advertisement or promotional
material at the location is pre-approved by DIAL in writing.
2.1.19 Concessionaire(s) should keep the name plate within the location to the minimum size
which shall be subject to the prior approval of DIAL.
2.1.20 Concessionaire(s) should ensure at all times, that the display of any marks, signs, logos,
including but not limited to the sale of merchandise at the retail store/outlet, does not in
any manner breach or violate intellectual property rights of any party whomsoever or any
applicable laws.
2.1.21 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that all products are displayed along with their price in
accordance with the pricing policy and no excessive charges are being levied for the
same. The concessionaire(s) agrees to adjust the prices of the products as DIAL may
direct to comply with the pricing policy, in case it is noticed that excessive rates are being
charged for the products in the retail store/outlet (s).
2.1.22 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that all products are not sold at a price higher than the
maximum retail price printed on the pack of the each product. To ensure compliance with
all the applicable laws, including but not limited to Standards of Weights and Measures
2.1.23 Subject to Applicable Law and guidelines issued from time to time by the Relevant
Authorities, the Concessionaire(s) shall accept all major credit cards as a means of
payment settlement and shall not add any surcharge to the charges (except as otherwise
imposed by the card issuing entity/bank) nor impose a minimum spending requirement.
Failure to provide credit/debit card payment system may lead to contract termination.
2.1.24 Concessionaire(s) should ensure to display on a board, in a prominent position, the
exchange rates of at least the major foreign currencies and to update such rates of
exchange on a daily basis to reflect the prevailing rates of exchange in the event it is
accepting payments in foreign currency.
2.1.25 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the appearance of the retail store/outlet is always
uncluttered and pleasant.
2.1.26 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the surrounding 5 metres of area around the retail
store/outlet is kept neat & clean.
2.1.27 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the inventory movement and replenishment to be
controlled and executed in a manner so that there is no inconvenience to the
passenger(s) / customer (s)
2.1.28 Concessionaire(s) should ensure not to use wireless communication systems, both
licensed and/or un-licensed frequency bands within the Airport without the prior written
approval of DIAL.
2.1.29 Concessionaire(s) should ensure that Point of Sale (POS) counter (s) should function
properly all the times and the transaction time to be monitored properly for minimum


76 of123









turnover time so as to avoid any inconvenience to the customer (s). They should use
DIAL EPOS system where it is available.
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the retail store/outlet staff should have proper
understanding in terms of Airport Operations Manual, product knowledge, duty free
shopping rules & regulations. (like how much quantity is allowed, how to wrap and seal
the purchases made by passengers, how, when & where to deliver the purchased
products, various destinations/countries rules & regulations etc.).
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the in-store facilities like air conditioning, lighting
and ventilation should function smoothly without any fail at all the times.
Concessionaire(s) should have an adequate maintenance contract for these. Any kind of
malfunctioning of the same should be brought to the notice of DIAL, at the earliest.
Concessionaire(s) should provide to DIAL on an annual basis, the Marketing &
Promotional Plan, in the format and manner as may be required by DIAL.
Concessionaire(s) should take prior approval from DIAL for the launch of any promotional
programme at the retail store/outlet including temporary or additional furnishings, fittings,
counters or decorations to be used for such promotion.
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that all the price promotion and discounting strategies
are fair and ethical and no artificial pricing is used in whatsoever way or manner.
Concessionaire(s) should maintain a customer feedback register at the location and
ensure that any and all complaints whether oral or written are recorded in the said
register with the action taken report for each of the customer complaints received. The
Concessionaire(s) shall ensure that all complaints are addressed on the spot, but in any
case not later than forty eight (48) hours within receipt of the complaint, in the event it is
not possible to address the complaint on the spot. In the event, any complaint is received
against any of the employees of the licensee deployed at the retail store/outlet or
otherwise, DIAL shall have the right to require the Concessionaire(s) to remove such
personnel/employee and replace him with another personnel/employee.
The Concessionaire(s) shall participate in the quarterly customer survey to be conducted
in accordance with the terms of the OMDA and shall extend all possible co-operation for
the same.
Concessionaire(s) should ensure the storage of the eatables/confectionery at proper
temperature and should install suitable & adequate equipments to do the same.
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that all the eatables should have the necessary sign
tags distinguishing vegetarian / non vegetarian.
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the eatables should bear the manufacturing and
expiry date on the packing. Any expired food items must be destroyed and may not be
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that product menu for eatables should be self
explanatory with the necessary information mentioned over it properly.
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the proper bill is generated and provided to the
customer(s) on every transaction made.
Concessionaire(s) should ensure that the bill to carry necessary information mentioned
such as the TIN number, in the case of VAT (Value Added Tax) being charged to the
Concessionaire(s) should ensure adequate stocking levels for eatables, along with all of
the items mentioned on the menu. Unavailability of the product shall not be acceptable in
any circumstance.


77 of123


Advertising & Promotion


Advertisement & Promotional Space Management:


Concessionaire(s) should take prior approval from DIAL, by submitting pictures and
proposals, before placing any advertisement media.
Concessionaire(s) should take prior approval and work permit from various departments
of DIAL like Airport Operations, Engineering & Maintenance and Airport Development,
before placing any advertisement media.
(Refer chapter 07 of Filming Policy at IGIA)


Service Operation Standards


Service Operation


Car Parking The car parking charges shall be determined by the Commercial Department of DIAL,
based on demand and supply gap, proximity from the terminal building and other factors
as may be applicable. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that Car Parking charges are displayed
at prominent locations, visible to the users, while parking their vehicles. The damage caused to the car parking equipment to be the sole responsibility of the
concessionaire/service provider. In case of any dispute arising between the driver and
concessionaire/service provider, the state police will be the final authority. Concessionaire/Service Provider to bear the expense of repairs/replacement of the car
parking equipment within their designated area. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure the proper cleanliness at the designated
area. Penalties to be imposed in case the area is found in an unclean condition. Similar
penalties to be imposed for non-maintenance of equipment or the equipment being found
in unworkable or unsafe condition. Concessionaire/Service Provider should not display any signage apart from directional
signages or signages displaying car parking information including the parking charges.
Any other signages/ hoardings shall be displayed only with prior approval of DIAL. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that any alterations/renovation required
in the car parking area should be done with prior approval from Commercial Department
of DIAL. Detailed plans shall be submitted by the car operator for the same. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure that proper insurance coverage has been
obtained to cover any accident or other incidents of whatsoever nature that may occur in
the course of setting up and operating the services at the location(s). The
Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that no third party or any other liability
falls on DIAL due to any such accident or other incident and shall indemnify and shall
keep indemnified DIAL, its officers, employees, agents, directors and shareholders for
any such liability. Concessionaire/Service Provider should employ well trained persons of good character
and integrity and should ensure that they are attired with proper uniform and carry
identification badges approved by DIAL. Provider should ensure that the staff employed should
reasonably be able to understand and converse/communicate, in English and Hindi. The
personnel employed at the locations shall have undergone customer service training as
approved by DIAL. Provider should take all the necessary measures required to
ensure safety of the cars being parked along with the parking public.


78 of123 Provider should ensure the installation of requisite systems for

enhancing transparency in operations, ensuring passenger facilitation and smooth
movement of traffic within the car parking area.

IT & Telecommunication



Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that they shall not make any
modifications or connections of any nature whatsoever to the Airport Wiring and
Communications System owned and operated by DIAL without prior written permission
of DIAL. No equipment or facilities of any kind shall be installed or otherwise occupy
airport designated telecommunications rooms or space without prior written permission of
Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that the tariffs charged to the passengers
in no case should be more than the tariffs applicable in the city side market.
Any variations in tariff charges from the city side market would require a prior approval of
Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that the designs and structures installed
at the airport, requires a prior approval from DIAL. These structures should match world
class standards in sync with the airport layout and design.
Any connection, modification, installation or operation of any telecommunications
systems not in compliance with this section of the Rules and Regulations may be
disconnected or shut down by the Airport Manager at his/her sole discretion. Such
disconnection may occur without notice to the affected party if the non-complying system
is interfering with other airport users systems or operations of the airport.


Passenger Amenities Management


Trolley Services: Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that at any given point of time, not more
than 15 trolleys should be pulled. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that Trolleys must not be utilised for any
other purpose other than for passenger usage. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that wobbling trolleys or trolleys with
retarded wheels must not be put in service at airport operational area. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that Trolley queuing should take place
only at and within designated areas. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that the trolley management staff must
be present in the proper uniform along with identification at all times. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that Baggage carts are not allowed to be
used by children under the age of 13. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that Baggage carts are not allowed on
escalators. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that Airport employees and tenants are
not allowed to keep baggage carts for personal use or for any use in connection with a
business, such as to transport materials.


Baggage Wrapping Services: Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that the Baggage Wrapping machine
should be placed in a prominent location to ensure adequate visibility for the passengers. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure quick & efficient processing of baggage
with minimum turnover time. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that standardised Baggage Wrapping
services are provided with highest level of baggage safety.


79 of123 Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that the Price List is displayed and preapproved by DIAL. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure Price List is displayed at prominent
location to ensure adequate visibility for the passengers.

Airport Entry Tickets: Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that Airport Entry Ticket should carry all
the relevant details including price, validity and accessible area for visitor movement. Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure the counter is placed at an accessible
location ensuring adequate queuing space for user (s). Concessionaire/Service Provider should ensure that the processing time for Entry Ticket
should be quick & efficient in order to ensure minimum turnover time.


Forex & Banking Services: Concessionaire/Service Provider should standardise the foreign exchange rates and
there should be consistency & uniformity in exchange rates displayed at all the locations. All Services provided by the Concessionaire/Service Provider such as All Cards
Accepted & Commission, if charged, and all the Rules and Regulations should be
displayed at prominent place to ensure adequate visibility to customers. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall deliver courteous & prompt service to the
customers without fail. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure adequate availability of forex currency at
all times. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure proper Invoicing of every transaction with
the customers. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure acceptance of forex currency from all
customers. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure acceptance of Travellers Cheques (TCs)
without fail. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure standardisation of all the counters and
across all the locations, where it operate and trade from. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure a proper Complaint Redressal
Management forum is available for customers. Concessionaire/Service Provider shall ensure that there is no overcharge vis--vis city
side outlets. For any automated services (ATMs) provided, Concessionaire/Service Provider should
display clear instructions for use of the facility. The service provider should provide a call
service in case of malfunction or any other inconvenience being faced by users.




Office Timings:
9.30 am to 6.00 pm


Contact Details:
+91 11 2566 1140, 25661114, 25661123


80 of123

Chapter 07 Filming Policy






81 of123


Cinematography/Photography/Videography rules applicable at IGI Airport

1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of these rules is to establish guidelines under which DIAL acting through its COO or any
person duly authorized by him, may consider requests from persons seeking permission/s to take still,
motion pictures, or videography for commercial use, public exhibition, publication, or display, or to film any
motion picture, television program or commercial advertisement on or at Airport.
These rules are not applicable to taking of still or motion pictures or videotaping:
By bonafide Airport Users for personal and non-commercial purposes, or
By the press or news media in covering newsworthy events at the Airport city side.
Taking still, motion pictures, cinematography or videography for commercial use, public exhibition,
publication, or display, or to film any motion picture, television program or commercial advertisement in
the Airside of Indira Gandhi International Airport is prohibited.


2.1 A person shall not take any still or motion pictures or video tape for commercial use or public
exhibition, publication, or display, or film, make, or produce any motion picture, television
program or commercial advertisement, on or at any portion of the Airport, including, but not
limited to, the Airport Passenger Terminal, unless such person has the following documents,
permissions and made the prescribed payments in advance, for carrying on the intended

Applicant shall complete and submit a Permit application as per the format
acceptable to DIAL, at least 10 days in advance of intended filming. The same
shall be reviewed by the COO and DIAL Corporate Communications. Shoots of
commercial nature shall be forwarded to DIAL Commercial Department for
further processing. Shoots for non commercial/news media purpose shall be
processed by the Corporate Communications Department. The permit will be
issued subject to the condition of this policy. The Commercial Department shall
apprise the applicant of the monetary charges for conducting videography /
photography as per the rates prevalent.


The applicant shall also procure a valid airport entry permit for all the participants
so as to enter the restricted, designated areas, as per the rules and regulations
prescribed by Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS), Director General of Civil
Aviation (DGCA), Govt. of India, through DIAL after payment of requisite fees.
DIAL reserves the sole and discretionary right to restrict the number of entry
permits to be issued for the shoot.


Photography/Videography/Cinematography for commercial use, public exhibition,

publication, or display, or to film any motion picture, television program or
commercial advertisement on or at the Airport property shall require payment of
the prescribed charges to DIAL as applicable. The charges have to be paid in
advance, and charges once paid will not be refunded. However, at the discretion
of DIAL, in case of cancellation of the activity for any reason/s which is duly
intimated in writing to DIAL at least 24 hrs before such cancellation, only 50% of
the amount will be refunded.
The applicant should take a comprehensive Insurance policy for an amount as
mentioned, applicable, covering all damages and / or loss that may be caused to
DIALs airport property and any third claims that may arise, in connection with the



82 of123

said activity. Irrespective of acceptance or rejection of claim of the applicant by

the insurance company, the applicant shall alone be responsible to settle all the
claims of DIAL and/or third party (airport user/s) without any demur or protest.
Applicant confirms that it shall not raise any objection whatsoever in this regard.

The applicant should pay an interest free refundable security deposit as

applicable. Any and all pending dues receivable by DIAL from the applicant will
be deducted from this security deposit before refunding the same. Further, in
case of any loss and/or damage caused to DIALs airport property, the security
deposit shall not be refunded by DIAL, till such time the applicant settle the claim
to DIAL.


The applicant should submit a copy of the script with the relevant portion
pertaining to the shoot at or on the airport premises, to DIAL for verification
before issuance of permit.


The decision of DIAL shall be final for issuance of permission/s under this policy
for IGI Airport, irrespective of the permissions received by the applicant from
other relevant authorities.


DIAL reserves the right to restrict the number of persons and the type of
equipment entering the airport for this activity.


DIAL will nominate its own escort, which is mandatory during the entire activity.

2.1.10 Any additional requirements such as raw power will be considered on request
from the applicant, subject to availability and will be billed separately on cost plus
10% basis.
2.1.11 It shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant in respect of any clean up or any
housekeeping activity, debris or any garbage material to be removed from the
airport premises, created and/or brought in by the applicant. Any costs incurred
by DIAL due to the negligence or failure of the applicant in this regard will be
billed and recovered from the applicant.
2.1.12 Permit applications shall be considered in a fair, impartial, and content-neutral
manner, and processed on first-come, first-serve basis, subject to availability of
space. If a permit application is denied, the Applicant shall be informed of the
grounds for denial. The Grounds and/or reasons for denial of a Permit application
shall also include:




Failure of the applicant to file a complete and accurate application, or to

supplement upon request with additional information reasonably required
by DIAL to consider the application.
The making of any false statement or misrepresentation in the
application, or the failure to disclose any material fact would make the
application invalid.
The failure of the applicant to pay requisite fee, outstanding damage
claims if any, arising out of prior permits, or to provide security deposits,
surety bonds, or liability insurance, as required.
Lack of available space.
The proposed photography/ Videography/ Cinematography would
adversely affect the safety, orderly and efficient operation of the Airport,


83 of123



disrupt travel, impair airport security measures, or materially cause

congestion at the Airport.
Preservation of public health and safety.
Interference with flight operations at the airport.
Non-compliance with applicable State or local laws, statutes, ordinances,
rules and regulations governing operation and security of the Airport,
including, but not limited to, regulations promulgated by the DGCA and
Construction, repair or maintenance activities at the Airport.
An airport emergency.
The termination of any prior permit issued to the applicant within the
previous 12 months on account of failure to comply with permit

2.1.13 The Permit shall be in writing and incorporate the provisions of these rules and such
other terms and conditions as the CEO may reasonably require, and must be executed
by the CEO or any official of DIAL as authorized by CEO, and an authorized officer of the
Applicant prior to commencing Photography/ videography/cinematography at or on the
Airport premises/property.
2.1.14 The Permit so issued grants the applicant only a license to use the Premises in
accordance with the terms of the Permit and these rules. It is not a lease and does not
create any estate or property interest in the applicant to the Premises. A Permit is
personal to the applicant, and may not be assigned or transferred in whole or in part in
any circumstances whatsoever.
2.1.15 The use of the airport premises/property by the applicant under the permit for
Photography/Videography/Cinematography shall at all times be secondary to the use of
the Airport for aviation purposes. Due to space and design limitations of the Airport and
the Airport Terminal, the CEO may reasonably limit the kind, duration, and location of the
2.1.16 Filming of Photo or Video must not display any offensive or obscene material or any
material with political, religious or racial overtones.
2.1.17 Filming or Photo or Video in any manner with or without intention should not be used to
project a negative image of the airport.


Default and Termination


DIAL shall cancel or terminate the Permit issued to the applicant by issuing a notice to
the applicant upon occurrence of any of the following:


The making of any material false statement or misrepresentation, or the failure to

disclose material information, in the application for a Permit.
Failure of the applicant to pay Permit Fees or other amounts due the DIAL under
the Permit, or to comply with the terms of the Permit and these rules, and such
violation is not promptly cured within three (03) hours of notice from DIAL;
provided, however, no prior notice and opportunity to cure shall be required if the
nature of the violation presents an immediate danger to public health or safety,
airport security, or interferes with airport or flight operations.
Natural disaster, acts of God, unanticipated damage or destruction to Airport
property, Airport emergency, Airport Security requirements, requirements of law,
rules, regulations, an order of a court or regulatory agency having jurisdiction, or
other cause not within the control of DIAL.


84 of123


In the event a Permit is terminated under sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 above, DIAL shall not
accept or approve another Permit application of same applicant or its subsidiary for a
minimum period of twelve months. Upon termination of a Permit, the applicant shall
immediately leave the Airport premises/property together with all of its personal property.
Any costs incurred in removing or cleaning the airport premises will be recovered from
the applicant.
Unless and otherwise agreed by the CEO in writing, all Permits shall be subject to the
following conditions:

Photography/Videography/Cinematography shall be limited to the Passenger

Terminal Building and Land side area as mentioned in the Permit.


Applicant shall not Photograph any Airport User without his/her consent.


Applicant shall not obstruct, impair or interfere with the free movement of
pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or the conduct of any authorized business at the


Except for persons in front of the camera during actual Photography,

videography or cinematography as the case may be, each person engaged in the
activity of Photography, videography or cinematography shall wear an
identification badge while on Airport property that prominently displays the
persons name, and the name of the group or organization holding the Permit.
Applicant shall provide DIAL with a list of contact persons with phone numbers
responsible for the activity and Premises. The list shall include numbers that can
be called during any 24-hour period and on weekends. DIAL shall provide to the
applicant a list of names and phone numbers of DIAL officers who can be
contacted in case of an emergency.


In case any loss or damage caused to the airport premises/property or personal

injury results due to the activity carried on by the applicant or its personnel, the
issuance of any other or future permit/s to the applicant shall be subject to such
additional conditions as may be imposed by the CEO of DIAL including
requirement of additional security deposit, surety bond, and liability insurance for
an amount as determined and decided by the CEO.


The applicant shall provide the list of all equipment and materials necessary or
appropriate, to conduct the activities authorized under the Permit, consistent with
the requirements of these rules, to DIAL in advance. An Applicant shall identify in
its application any special equipment or materials that it proposes to use on the
Premises. DIAL or any Security Agency or Govt. Department Official may deny or
restrict the use of such display materials or equipment and in which case removal
of such equipment will be the responsibility of the applicant.


Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the Passenger Terminal Building, Parking,

and Landside.


Delhi International Airport (P) Ltd., reserves its right to modify, alter, vary the policy
conditions at its sole discretion without any prior notice to the applicant.


DIAL shall forfeit the security deposit in case the applicant fails to adhere to the terms
and conditions mentioned herein above.


85 of123


All or any dispute or disputes arising out of or in connection with the permit granted to the
applicant shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in Delhi only.




Office Timings:
9:30 am to 6:00 pm


Contact Details:
Head, Corporate Communications
Delhi International Airport Pvt. Limited
Udaan Bhawan, New Delhi
Tel: +91 011 25661000, +91 011 25661002


86 of123

Chapter 08 Leafleting & Promotions








87 of123


shall mean advertisement, promotion agency acting on behalf of either DIAL or

individual brand.


shall mean and include the words patriotic, philanthropic, social service, health,
welfare, benevolent, educational, civic, cultural or fraternal, either actual or


shall mean and include the words alms, money, subscription, property or any
donations under the guise of a loan of money or property.


shall mean the repetitive distribution of free literature such as leaflets, handbills,
brochures or similar items

Promotion Kiosk

shall mean a counter or space offered with or without a backdrop, with or without
branding for advertisement/promotion agencies for product display, promotion,
distribution or testing.

Solicit & Solicitation

shall mean any oral request for the immediate exchange of money, credit, or
financial assistance on the representation that such requests or a part thereof
will be used for a religious, charitable or political purpose. These words shall
include the following methods of making such solicitations:
(a) any oral request;
(b) any offer to sell merchandise. subscription, ticket or other thing;
(c) any attempt to solicit the immediate donation of persons or services, but not
including entreaties to encourage the donation of funds at another time or place, or
the mere distribution of contribution envelopes in the course of leafletting




The purpose of these rules is to establish guidelines under which Delhi International Airport (P)
Limited, acting through its Chief Commercial Officer, or designee, may consider requests from
persons to carry out promotional activities for charitable, commercial, non-commercial , or any
other purpose as time to time defined by DIAL.


Permissions and Requirements

Any person or organization desiring to leaflet, set up promotion kiosk, display signs or engage in other
promotional activity at IGI Airport for, shall submit a letter or email with photographs & designs to the
commercial retail department providing the name and address of the person in charge of the activity, the
names and addresses of the persons engaged in the activity, the purpose of the activity, and the dates for
the beginning and ending of such activity.
Upon presentation of the above-referenced documentation and completion of the Airport Application, the
Chief Commercial Officer or his designated officer shall issue a letter of award to the applicant, if there is
space available in the Terminal, applying only the limitations and regulations set forth in this Rule and
Regulation and those affirmations made in the application of the permit. In the event there is not space
available, the applicant can choose to place his or her name and phone number on a waiting list. In
issuing permits or allocating space, the Commercial Retail Team would have right to comment on the kind
of promotion. DIAL may ask agency to change, improve, renew the design of the promotion kiosk.


88 of123

Upon receiving letter of award, the advertisement agency would be given a work permit signed by
commercial retail department to work in the airport premises. The agency would need to approach the
airport manager with the work permit before starting the work at the designated place in the airport.
Once the set up is complete the agency must inform the airport manager about the completion of work.

Promotion activities, Leafleting and Similar Activities

Promotion kiosks, leafleting, may be conducted at domestic/international/cargo terminal with prior
approval of DIAL subject to airport entry passes issued by Bureau of Civil Aviation Security. Such
activity shall not be conducted within the premises of any concession area, office, or other area of
IGI Airport.


Solicitation of Funds
Solicitation and receipt of funds shall be conducted only from within certain solicitation booths or
areas to be designated by the COO for that purpose, and the COO or his designated officer shall
utilize a first come-first serve basis for booth space. In the event that two or more permittees seek
to conduct solicitation and receipt of funds in the same booth or area at the same time, the COO
or his designated officer shall apportion the available booth space among permittees as equitably
as possible, subject to Section 2.1 above, apportioning only one space to each organization if
necessary to accommodate all permittees.


Minimum Credentials Required

Each person engaged in any activity regulated herein on the Airport shall have on his or her
person any credentials as are required by applicable federal, state, or local governing laws


Individuals and organizations engaged in leafleting, solicitation, picketing, or other speech-related
activity shall not:
Intentionally grab, restrain, or in any way intimidate or inconvenience any person being
Interfere with the public's unimpeded and free access to any free-standing concession
counter or area; or
Disrupt or interfere with the free and orderly flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; or
Receive or accept any donation of funds outside a solicitation booth or aria provided for under
this section; or
Use any noise making device or amplification device capable of amplifying the human
voice; or
In any manner indicate to the public that he or she is an official of DIAL, or in any manner
misrepresent to the public the true identity of the organization he or she represents; or
Erect any racks, tables, or other means of displaying printed materials or other items or
place any chairs, boxes or other obstructions in the public areas; or
Attach any sign, circular, or other written material to any wall, booth, post, counter, or other
surface; or
Leave unattended on Airport premises or cause to discard or abandon bags, boxes, or other
containers of literature, food, or other paraphernalia (except in airport trash receptacles).
Distribute any items of food or drink.


89 of123


Picketing Restricted Area & Labour Disputes

Picketing is prohibited in all interior areas of the Terminal and concourses, in the Restricted Area,
and on all vehicular roadways at IGI Airport.
In the event of a labour dispute between any Airport User employer occupying any part of IGI
Airport, and any of its employees who are organized in a collective bargaining unit, leafleting or
picketing will not be permitted at IGI Airport. In any labour disputes, all the Airport Users shall
ensure that no agitation shall take place at IGI Airport and it shall not tend to induce violence,
breach of the peace, or other unlawful conduct, or obstruct or interfere with free and uninterrupted
movements at IGI Airport. Drive-by rallies and any forms of parading or congregating with
vehicles are prohibited IGI Airport.


Display of Permit
Each person shall wear the permit issued by the COO or his designated officer so that the permit
is fully and clearly visible and identifies the individual or organization being represented.
Engaging in leafleting, solicitation or other speech-related activity as described herein without a
permit obtained in accordance with this section is prohibited.


Limitations on the Number of Persons

No organization shall have more than two promoters engaged in leafleting or other speechrelated activity on the Airport at any one time.


Manner of Approach
No more than one person shall approach a passenger for the purpose of leafleting or other
speech-related activity permitted in this section.


Revocation of Permit
If a permittee has been issued a 30-days permit but has violated any of the foregoing provisions
of this Rule and Regulations, the permit will be revoked.




Office Timings
9:30 am to 6:00 pm


Contact Details
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
Commercial Department
Udaan Bhawan, New Delhi
Tel: +91 011 25661284, 25661257


90 of123

Chapter 09 Environment Management







91 of123



DIAL recognizes environmental management as among its highest corporate priorities and a key
determinate of sustainable development. DIAL is committed to maintaining appropriate corporate
mechanisms to ensure sound environmental management of IGI Airport. The environmental policy of
DIAL is given below:




It shall be communicated to our staff, business partners and general public.

In developing and operating Indira Gandhi International Airport, DIAL is committed to manage all
its activities in an environmentally responsible manner. DIAL will strive to protect and create a
safe working environment for its employees with healthy and safe working conditions.
DIAL shall maintain, develop and systematically improving its own system of environmental
management, and shall support to comply with the applicable laws and regulations and lead to a
continuous improvement of its environmental aspects.
DIAL shall undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility by training
employees and providing awareness to its entire staff.
DIAL shall support and provide precautionary approach to environmental challenges respecting
the principle that our environmental programs will be cost-effective, economically viable and
DIAL shall encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies by
applying environmental criteria while selecting goods and services.
DIAL shall work closely with local authorities, communities and other interested parties located
near the airport with emphasis to environmental aspects related to operation of the airports.

To achieve the policy, DIAL adopts the following practices:

Environmental Management System: DIAL will maintain an environmental management system
that is consistent with its Environmental Policy.
Education and Promotion: DIAL will promote awareness and encourage the use of
environmentally responsible practices among DIAL employees and DIAL operators, tenants,
suppliers and contractors and their employees.
Prior Assessment: DIAL will assess environmental impacts before starting any substantive new
project or activity, and before decommissioning a facility.
Emergency Preparedness: DIAL will maintain plans and procedures to deal with environmental
emergencies to ensure timely and effective corrective actions in the event of an accident.
Audits: DIAL will conduct periodic environmental audits of Airport facilities and operations,
including tenant activities where practicable.
Reporting: DIAL Board of Directors will receive reports from DIALs management on
environmental compliance and performance, and will be apprised of significant environmental
issues affecting the airport campus.
The purpose of this document is to make the concessionaires, airlines and other agencies operating at
IGI Airport aware of the environmental concerns of DIAL, and to establish guidelines for environmental
controls during their operations. The agencies working at the airport are responsible for conducting their
activities in an environmentally responsible and eco-friendly manner and comply with the applicable
environmental legislations & DIAL requirements.
These rules shall help towards the prevention and minimization of environmental pollution as well as to
establish good environmental practices. These rules do not apply to pollution generated by aircraft, or to
noise generated by aircraft, except in the case of aircraft ground running.


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1.1 Background
Based on the potential environmental risks the agencies operating at IGI Airport could be categorized into
three major categories of users:
Category 1:

Having High potential for significant environmental risks - these include airlines having
substantial maintenance activities at the airport, bulk fuel suppliers and refuelling
companies and agencies handling hazardous chemicals or goods for their operations.

Category 2:

Having medium potential for significant environmental risk - these include car rental
companies, hotels and non-terminal fast-food outlets, freight companies, commercial
airlines, general aviation (including corporate aviation and helicopters) and Aviation
Rescue and Fire Fighting activity.

Category 3:

Having the least potential for significant environmental risks - these consist of mainly
terminal retail operators, including food and beverage outlets.

Environmental issues arising due to activities undertaken by concessionaires, airlines and other agencies
operating at IGI Airport are required to be addressed by them through effective Environment Management
so as to minimize the damage to environment. Every effort should be made, to have effective control
measures in place to avoid pollution of air, water, soil and wildlife. Waste disposal should be carried out in
accordance with the applicable national legislations and the guidelines mentioned in this document.
Each organization operating at IGI Airport is required to comply with environmental rules relevant to their
activity. It is their responsibility to read and understand the environment rules and adhere to the
environmental requirements, and perform all their operations in accordance with these requirements.
All agencies operating at IGI Airport are required to adhere to the environmental rules; they should
formulate procedures and practice relevant procedures for environmental compliance. The organizations
should, as a minimum, use the guidelines as given in the environmental rules. They are required to
address the following as it applies to their area of work:

Allocation of responsibilities for implementation of environmental rules and regulations (e.g. a

dedicated department) within the organization
Environmental awareness training of staff
Regular (e.g. daily / weekly) field inspections and documentation
Waste management (non-hazardous and hazardous)
Liquid-waste management (non-hazardous and hazardous)
Hazardous Materials Management
Air quality (vehicle emissions, diesel generator emissions (if any) and dust control)
Spill response
Alerting competent authority of concerns - pollution, spills, etc. as and when observed.

All tenants /agencies operating at IGI Airport have the responsibility of formally communicating the
environmental rules applicable to their personnel and lower-tier subcontractors, if any. All tenants /
agencies will designate an environmental contact that is responsible for implementing appropriate
environmental rules.
All tenants/ agencies will perform daily inspection of their work area to document compliance with all
environmental requirements framed in environmental rules. The documented inspection must be kept at
the office, which could be viewed at any time by DIALs Environment Department / Quality Department or
other competent authority.


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Environment Management


Air Quality Management

Agencies / Tenants / Organisations operating at IGI Airport will be responsible for maintaining good air
quality at the airport. All equipment/vehicle being used will be visually checked periodically.
Equipment/vehicle found to be continuously emitting excessively smoky exhaust fumes will not be
allowed to operate. All equipment shall possess suitable emission controls and exhaust systems. All
vehicles operating at the airport shall have a valid Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUCC), validated
from time to time as laid down in the Motor Vehicle Rules. The equipments should be inspected regularly
and should be maintained as per the maintenance schedule provided by the manufacturer.
Diesel Generators (DG) sets shall be of recent design and manufacture as per the DG set rules as
prescribed by MoEF and be well maintained to minimize polluted air emissions. The stack height of a
diesel generator will be as per the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) norms. The DG set to be
installed should strictly adhere to the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) notifications. Regarding
the stack height of the Diesel Generator (DG) sets Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has provided
the formula, which should be adhered to. In case of any deviations from the above mentioned regulations
then the case should to be referred to Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) / MoEF for approval
from them

Water Quality Management

No one shall wilfully discharge any contaminants on land or water body inside the airport. The sewage
water generated due to any activities must be connected to near by sewage line. The waste water coming
out of the operations such as cleaning, maintenance or similar activities undertaken by the
agencies/organizations operating at the IGI Airport shall not be discharged without proper treatment and it
must be discharged as per the discharge standards specified by MoEF. No one shall be allowed to
discharge any waste/wastewater/chemicals on land or any water body.
It shall be the responsibility of the agencies/tenants/organizations operating at the IGI Airport to reduce
the wastewater generation. Water conservation techniques should be utilized.

Municipal/Domestic Solid Waste

All municipal (domestic) solid waste generated in IGI Airport shall be properly collected, segregated in
bio-degradable and recyclables, stored and disposed as per Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and
Handling) Rules, 2000.


Waste Classification
Inert & Non-Hazardous inorganic wastes includes electrical components, cement dust,
construction rubble, waste containers (other than waste / used oil / paint containers), etc.,
domestic dry waste, such as paper, packaging, plastics, etc.
Organic Waste includes waste food material, other organic and putrescible wastes like grass,
leaves etc.
Hazardous Waste includes used batteries, cables, fire-fighting foam, adhesives, general
chemicals, acids, oily rags and absorbents, solvents, contaminated soil, insulation, paint sludge,
used oil and paint cans and drums etc.


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Waste Segregation & Collection

All wastes generated will be identified and segregated as per their nature in order to classify the wastes
into inert, organic, bio-medical wastes and hazardous wastes. There will be separate bins for each
category of wastes and mutually incompatible hazardous wastes will be kept separately.

Bio-degradable (organic) waste

recyclables, inert non-hazardous waste
hazardous waste

All waste shall be collected and transferred to the waste bins provided by DIALs waste management
contractor in the respective areas. It shall be the responsibility of the agencies to transfer their waste on
regular basis to the waste bins provided by DIAL at various locations. Food waste shall not be allowed to
remain in the bins for more than 8 hours. As a good practice, the waste should be transferred to bins
provided by DIAL twice a day. After transferring the waste to the bins the lid/cover of the waste container
should be closed.
All waste containers will be identified and labelled and any unidentified waste in premises could attract
However, at present DIAL is providing facilities for proper collection of waste through its contractor. Waste
collection bins are placed at specified locations and airlines/concessionaires shall put segregated waste
in these bins. Segregated waste should be placed in these bins in tied biodegradable polythene bags.

Hazardous Material / waste

Hazardous Waste means any waste which by reason of any of its physical, chemical, reactive, toxic,
flammable, explosive or corrosive characteristics causes danger or is likely to cause danger to health or
environment, whether alone or when in contact with other wastes or substances.
The collection, reception, treatment, transportation, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes or
materials at the airport is to be carried out in accordance to the provisions laid down in Hazardous
Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules or any other rules notified by the Ministry of Environment and
Forests (MoEF), Govt. of India, in this regard.
Any danger of fire and explosion through the improper handling or treatment of waste shall be avoided.
Empty fuel and lubricant containers and empty high-pressure storage containers for hazardous materials
must be stored only in the areas specified / marked for them until disposal. Combustible waste (lubricant
and fuel residues, used cleaning material etc.) is to be collected in a segregated form in the metal
containers with airtight lids designated for them. Waste are to be sold / auctioned to registered recyclers
as frequently as possible and following specified procedures mentioned in the above rules so as to
prevent the self-combustion of the waste or other hazards. Oil traps and similar containers are to be
properly emptied and cleaned after use.
Agency / organization operating in IGI Airport should manage all petroleum products and chemical
materials (referred to as hazardous materials) to minimize the potential threats to human health and the
Handling and storage of hazardous materials should adhere to the manufacturers product specific
requirements and should obtain Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), which should be kept available at
the materials / waste storage site.
All hazardous material containers will be properly labelled as specified by the manufacturer. If that
labelling becomes illegible, then a new legible label shall be attached. In addition, a Material in Use
label should be attached to all hazardous material containers when they have been opened but are not
empty. Empty hazardous material containers will have an Empty Container label attached to all empty

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hazardous material containers that are not in use. An empty container is a container that has the material
removed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. If any empty container is required to be used
to contain a different hazardous material then it should be checked that the initial hazardous material and
the subsequent hazardous material are compatible with each other. When hazardous material containers
are empty and not being saved for future use, they will be crushed and disposed off appropriately.
Oily rags from the maintenance activity shall be considered as hazardous and should be disposed off in
accordance with the Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules.
Rags & waste from the paint workshops are also hazardous and should be disposed off in accordance
with the Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules.
Biomedical Waste should not be disposed along with municipal / domestic solid waste. It should be
disposed by concerned parties as per Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998.

Spill Prevention and Response

To prevent accidental spills from reaching the water body, soil and other sensitive receptors in
environment, all-temporary hazardous material storage areas shall be managed in such a way that spills
should not reach the nearest water body or soil. Standard Spill Kits should be provided to stop the
hazardous matter from entering into water body/soil. Wherever possible temporary secondary
containment should be provided when hazardous materials are going to be transferred to smaller
containers or the likelihood for a release exists. The temporary secondary containment can be a plastic
liner, or a manufactured secondary containment system as may be appropriate. For better management
of spillages every agency/tenant/organisation shall possess a spill kit and prepare a procedure for spill
management to be submitted for approval by DIALs environment department. The flow chart for spill
prevention and available spill kits items should be displayed at all times for inspection.

Immediate Action in case of Spillage:

1. If spilled material is flammable, eliminate sources of ignition from near the spill area.
2. If it can be performed safely, stop the source of the spill and contain the spill within as small an area
as possible.
3. If the spill is small or minor, less than 25 litres, and is NOT in an environmentally sensitive area, the
spill should be immediately cleaned-up by onsite personnel and properly disposed. The DIAL
Environment Team should be notified as soon as possible of the location and action taken.
4. If it is raining, immediately place plastic sheeting over the spill until the rainfall stops and protect the
spill from storm-water runoff.
5. For large spills (greater than 25 litres) OR spills threatening environmentally sensitive areas (e.g.,
buffer areas, water courses), immediately contact the Apron Control and, if injuries are involved, the
Medical Unit.
6. The Agency/tenant/organization operating will secure the area and establish perimeter control at a
safe distance from the spill.
7. The Environment representative of agency / organizations operating at IGI Airport shall notify the
Apron Control representative immediately after a spill event that could impact human health or the
environment outside of the site property boundary.

Spill Notification

The agency/tenant/ organization where the spillage had taken place shall immediately notify of all spills
and releases, regardless of the volume of the release to Apron Control. The Apron Control will
subsequently notify the Environment Department about the incident. Every attempt to stop and contain a
release shall be made, provided it is safe to do so.
In the event of a spill or release of a significant volume of hazardous material or waste, the following will

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be done:


Contact the Apron Control immediately (24 hours/7 days a week)

If the spill / release occurred in a significant spill the Agency / Organization may incur a fine,
which shall be decided by the Head, Apron Control along with the Environmental Head and shall
be notified to agency / organization and the agency / organization shall be liable to pay to DIAL.
Spill Documentation

The Environmental representative of agency / organization shall document spills and incidents and shall
send one copy each to Head, Apron Control and Head Environment, DIAL.

Penalties for violation of Environmental Provisions

Any consequence or accident caused by any agency/tenant / organization operating in IGI Airport shall
attract central / state legislations. Any damage or penalty imposed by central / state agencies shall have
to be compensated by parties causing such damages and as applicable under various laws.

Reporting of Environmental Matters / Accidents

All significant environmental matters as per applicable Indian environmental laws and all significant
events/accidents shall be reported to DIAL Environment Department.
In case of any fire or leakage having potential to cause fire or explosion, DIAL Fire Department must be
informed / alerted first.




Office Timings
9:30 am to 6:00 pm


Contact Details
GM Environment
Udaan Bhawan, IGI Airport
New Delhi
+91 011 25661000


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Chapter 10 Bird & Wildlife Management


Rules to save Aircraft from Collisions with Birds/Animals and
Participation of airlines, passengers, GroundHandling Agents






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Birds are a serious hazard to aviation. A bird or a flock of birds that suddenly rises from a runway or
surrounding area may collide with incoming or departing aircraft and cause the aircraft to crash, possibly
resulting in the loss of human life. Bird collision with aircraft is commonly known as bird strike. Damage
caused to aircraft usually results from collision of one or more birds with the engines and/or fuselage.
Although most bird strikes do not result in crashes, they do involve expensive structural and mechanical
damage to aircraft. The incidence of this problem worldwide makes bird strike a serious economic
As no two airports are exactly alike; similarly, bird hazards vary from airport to airport, even when the
same species are involved. The occurrence of birds at airports varies according to habitat availability,
weather, season of year, and time of day.
Bird Attractants at Airports - Airports provide a wide variety of natural and man-made habitats that offer
food, water, and cover. Many airports are located along migratory routes used by birds. One of the first
steps in reducing bird hazards is to recognize these attractants. Usually, several attractants acting in
combination are responsible for the presence of birds and their behaviour at an airport.
Birds require relatively large amounts of food. Most airports support an abundance and variety of foods
such as seeds, berries, grass, insects, grubs, earthworms, small birds, and small mammals. Seeds and
berries are sought by several migratory and resident birds such as sparrows, finches, starlings,
blackbirds, mourning doves, common pigeons, and waterfowl. Geese are attracted to open expanses of
Occasionally, food becomes available through careless waste disposal practices by restaurants and
airline flight kitchens. Many airports have inadequate garbage disposal systems that permit access to
various food items. These attract several species of birds, especially gulls. Nearby landfills or sewage
outlets may also provide food for birds and other wildlife.
Birds of all types are drawn to open water for drinking, bathing, feeding, loafing, roosting, and protection.
Rainy periods provide temporary water pools at many airports. Many airports have permanent bodies of
water near or between runways for landscaping, flood control, or wastewater purposes. These permanent
sources of water provide a variety of bird foods, including small fish, tadpoles, frogs, insect larvae, other
invertebrates, and edible aquatic plants.
Birds need cover for resting, loafing, roosting, and nesting. Trees, bushy areas, weed patches, shrubs,
and airport structures often provide suitable habitat to meet these requirements. Almost any area that is
free from human disturbance may provide a suitable roosting site for one or more species of bird.
Many airports are located along traditional annual bird migration corridors. Birds may suddenly appear in
large flocks on or over an airport on their annual migration, even when the airport itself offers no particular
attraction. Dates of migration vary by species and area. Flock size of a given species may vary widely
from year to year depending on time of year, weather conditions, and many other factors.


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E-3 Damage Prevention and Control Methods

Bird strike hazards occur regularly at many airports and require constant attention. Before attempting to
reduce bird hazards at an airport, it is important to assess the problem, identify contributing factors, and
analyze the threat to aircraft and human safety. In case of dealing with migratory and non-migratory birds
that are protected by the state, a state permit may be required while controlling them.
A wildlife hazard management plan should be implemented to make the airport unattractive to birds.
Scaring or dispersing birds away from airports is usually difficult because birds are tenaciously attracted
to available food, water, and cover. As long as these attractants exist, birds hang around in the area.
In most situations, a wildlife biologist trained in bird hazard assessment should be selected to conduct a
thorough ecological study of the airport and its vicinity. The study should determine what species of birds
are involved, what attracts them, abundance and peak use periods and special hazard zones. It should
also include control recommendations to reduce the frequency of bird occurrence at the airport.
Habitat Modification
Several habitat management practices can make an airport less attractive to birds. These include
eliminating standing water, removing or thinning trees, removing bushes and managing grass height.
Bird-proofing of buildings can help reduce or eliminate roosting or nesting sites.
Frightening is a reliable and expeditious means of repelling birds. Frightening programmes, however,
provide only temporary relief and require constant monitoring. An early priority in reducing bird hazards is
to establish a bird dispersal patrol team to harass and scare birds and provide immediate protection for
aircraft within the airport perimeter. The patrol team must consist of highly motivated and knowledgeable
personnel with adequate equipment, such as radio-equipped vehicles, shotguns, and frightening devices
consisting of bird distress calls, live ammunition, and pyrotechnic devices (automatic gas exploders,
shellcrackers, and rocket bombs).



OMDA stipulates that DIAL with the help of an independent expert, shall undertake a full Environmental
Audit of the Airport, evolve a continuously improving Environmental Management Strategy (EMS) and
ensure that the conditions of the Airport meet all statutory and regulatory requirements.



Littering bird-/animal- attracting garbage in and around the Airport shall be a cognizable offence,
punishable with imprisonment up to one year or with fine up to two thousand rupees or with both, in
accordance with the sub-section (1A) of Section 10 of the Aircraft Act 1934, contravention to provisions of
Rule 81B of the Aircraft Rules 1937 made under clause (qq) of sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the above
Punishment for the same offence shall be imprisonment up to six months or fine up to five thousand
rupees or both as per the Airports Authority of India Act, 1994 published vide Gazette of India,
Extraordinary Part II, Section 1 dt. 13.9.1994, contravention to provisions of the Aircraft Act, 1934, and
the Rules made therein under the clause (qq) of the sub-section (2) of Section 5 of the Aircraft Act.
An Airport Manager of an International Airport or Officer-in-Charge of a Domestic Airport under Airports
Authority or an officer not below the rank of a Senior Air Safety Officer / a Senior Airworthiness Officer of
the DGCA or an officer not below the rank of a Health Inspector of Local Municipal Bodies / Civic
Authorities where airports are located, are only authorized to file an FIR with the Police, the offence being

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cognizable, or file a complaint in the criminal court of competent jurisdiction for violation of provisions of
Rule 81B of the Aircraft Rules 1937.


Principles of BASH Management at DIAL

Activities based on Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) carried out by Air Side Management (ASM)
for Bird-/Animal-Aircraft-Strike Hazard (BASH) Management
Apron Control/ASO/ASM carries out regular runway inspections and all Post-bird/animal-aircraft
hit activities or procedures after sighting a dead or injured animal/bird on Runway / Taxiway /
Shoulder grass.
For Control of Blue Bulls/dogs/Jackals/other animals entering runways and taxiways ASO/ASM
contracts NGOs with the guidance of BASHM Expert for preventive actions as well as capture
and relocation to a Shelter/Sanctuary as advised by Wildlife Department of GONCT of Delhi.
DIAL is also exploring the possibility of using innovative methods to prevent problem animals
from entering air side and to enhance air safety.
For preventing water-logging on Air Side, ASO/ASM arranges with the help of Civil Engineering
Maintenance to level and grade the airport ground filling up low-lying areas, de-silt and clean
drains periodically and once before onset of Monsoon.
For Denying food and water to birds and animals hazardous to Aircraft, ASO/ASM arranges to
maintain the height of vegetation on Air Side at 6 or lower in all seasons, apply eco-friendly
biocides to control vegetation and pests, cover large wet drains to prevent access to birds and
animals as well as streamline garbage collection and disposal carried out by the Contractor.
For denying perching, roosting, and breeding facilities to birds and animals ASO/ASM arranges to
remove all shrubs, trees, and unnecessary structures on Air Side and Bird-/Animal-proof all utility
structures on Air Side.
For gathering data on bird concentrations and scaring them to prevent bird-aircraft hits, Apron
Control/ASO/ASM engages bird chasers and sharp shooters in required numbers by deploying
them on the Runway Shoulders to scare away birds frequenting active runways using high
intensity / high decibel crackers or gunshots under the guidance of BASHM Expert (Ornithologist).
State-of-the- art bird scaring devices or bird-hit avoidance technologies are being acquired after
testing and evaluation. ASO/ASM arranges for class-room and field training of Airfield Monitoring
Inspectors, Apron Control Officers and Staff Members in BASH Management to be imparted by
BASHM Expert (Ornithologist).

Rules to save Aircraft from Collisions with Birds/Animals and Foreign Object Debris
Do not indulge in littering on Air Side with garbage and Foreign Object Debris (FOD) as this is like
asking your fellow brethren to pay for your negligence and ignorance in the form of aircraft
delays, incidents and accidents.
Do not litter Air Side with plastic bottles, plastic bags and other garbage as they clog the drains
leading to water-logging and bird/animal concentrations, resulting their collisions with aircraft.
Do not feed birds or animals including dogs/cats/monkeys at the airport, Air Side, in or near
terminal buildings. Doing so is a punishable offence.
Do not dump any sort of garbage anywhere on airside as birds not only feed on littered edible
garbage but also pick up straps, threads & ropes for nesting material.
Do not forget that littering Air Side or any area within Airport or within 10 km radius of Airport, with
garbage attractive to birds and animal may warrant jail term or fine or both for the miscreant.


To achieve higher standards in garbage discipline DIAL wants all agencies on Air Side to
obey following directions:
Secure all garbage in bio-degradable polythene bags and safely deposit them in the nearest
garbage bins


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Close the lid of the garbage bin tightly to deny food to scavenging birds and animals that are
proven hazards to flight safety of aircraft
Do not throw any garbage including plastic bags, empty water bottles, newspaper, plastic straps,
tapes, ropes, threads, paper cups, paper plates, silver foils, and left-over of food on apron, or
anywhere on Air Side other than in garbage bins

DIAL expects 100% participation of airlines, passengers, Ground-Handling Agents (GHAs)

and all other agencies in better garbage discipline that are as follows:
Manifest your belongingness to our airport to solve most of the problems in garbage
Show a sense of discipline and hygiene as staff members and officers of Airlines, GroundHandling Agents and other agencies, as you spend 8-12 hours a day here.
Express a WILL to have a total participation in garbage discipline and there will be a WAY to
convert Delhi IGI Airport into one of the cleanest airports in the world.




Office Timings

Monday to Friday


9:30 am to 6:00 pm
9:30 am to 1:00 pm

Contact Details

BASH Management is supervised / carried out by Expert-Ornithology of DIAL.

Air Side Management
+91-11-25675126 (Extn.2400)
Safety, Health and Environment Department
+91 011 25661000, 25651065, 25651066


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Chapter 11 Aviation Charges













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General Conditions


Aeronautical Users:
Airlines operating flights with its airline code/flight number
The Aircraft Operator;
The natural or legal person using the aircraft without being operator or owner.


Hangar Allocation Policy



This policy shall be applicable only to the commercial domestic airlines for allotment of hangar space at
Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA). This policy does not cover the hangar space allotment to the
charter aircrafts and general aviation, which shall be undertaken by the Fixed Based Operator (FBO)

Governing factors for Hangar land/space allotment:

The following factors shall be considered while allotting land for hangars to the commercial domestic
I. Air Traffic Movements (ATMs) For an airline to be considered for allotment of land for hangar,
it must account for a minimum of 10% of total ATMs of the commercial domestic airlines of the
preceding 12 months at IGIA. In case of a new airline, it shall be eligible for allotment only after
it completes 1 full year on date of application, throughout which its ATMs share has continued
to remain over 10% of the total domestic commercial ATMs at IGIA.
II. Existing area The land already occupied by the airline for hangar at IGIA shall be assessed
vis--vis the additional requirements submitted by the airline. Any further allotment of land for
hangar use would only be done if it ensures the most optimum use of the available land, which
in certain cases could involve partial/complete surrender of the existing land in lieu of the new
land. The authority to take such decisions shall rest with the commercial team of Delhi
International Airport Private Limited (DIAL), which would take inputs from the Airport
Development (APD) team and seek approval on its recommendations from MD/CEO.
III. Credit history The promptness and regularity of payments of the airline to DIAL shall also be
considered. Airlines that have a history of delayed or non payments would not be allotted any
further land for hangars unless.

the total outstanding as on a particular date is cleared; or

specifically approved by the MD/CEO in this regard.

IV. Date of application Everything else remaining same, the airline which submits the application
earlier than others shall be given due credence while allotment of land for the hangar.

Existing hangars - Renewal of License:

The renewal of license terms for existing hangars as on August, 2008 shall be undertaken as follows:
I. Hangar land allotted to commercial airlines shall be renewed by executing fresh license
agreement as per the prevalent rates. However, renewal by execution of fresh license
agreement shall entirely be the prerogative of DIAL and would be subject to considerations


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such as airport development, allotment of new/additional area to the airline and any other factor
which may influence DIALs decision in regard to the same.
II. Hangar land/space allotted to charter aircrafts shall be renewed by executing fresh license
agreement at the prevalent rates as escalated by 7.5% per annum till the expiry of period of
license. For agreements which have already expired, renewal by executing fresh license
agreement shall be done for the next six months or till the time FBO is in place, whichever is

Guidelines for development of hangars:

The following guidelines shall prevail for development of hangars:
I. All investments towards construction of hangars and associated taxiways shall be undertaken
by the concerned licensee. The licensee shall construct the hangars and taxiways as per the
specifications issued by DIAL and shall confirm to standards as prescribed by DIAL.
II. To ensure the prudent use of the land licensed to the lessee, the following milestones from the
date of license would need to be achieved by the airline:
a) Finalization of architectural design - within 2 months
b) Commencement of construction - within 4 months
c) Commissioning - within 20 months
In case the licensee fails to achieve the milestones as laid above, and the delay is not explained
to the satisfaction of DIAL, it would be within the rights of DIAL to terminate the license with
immediate effect.


Guidelines for operation:

The hangar land shall be licensed to the licensee for its own use only for the purpose of hangar
utilization only. However, in the event of exceptional circumstances wherein an airlines not having
hangar space at IGIA, needs to avail the hangar owing to operational exigencies, the licensee shall
be allowed to service the aircraft subject to the following:
I. Prior permission from DIAL management;
II. Revenue sharing (in addition to regular license fee) in the following manner:
a. If space utilized for parking only 50% of the gross revenue including service tax
and other applicable taxes;
b. If space utilized for servicing aircrafts 15% of the gross revenue including
service tax and other applicable taxes.


License Term:
The land for hangars shall be licensed for an initial term of 5 (five) years, which may be renewed upto
the total period of 20 (twenty) years in multiple of 5(five) years, as per the following methodology:
I. Initial license for 5 years;
II. Renewal for the next 5 years subject to DIALs approval (only if the land is not otherwise
required for any other developmental requirements/purposes as contemplated in the Master
Plan), and based on the licensees:
a) Payment track record;
b) Safety track record;
c) Adherence to cleanliness standards; and
d) Adherence to environmental norms.


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III. The license may be renewed for another further period of 5 (five) years period henceforth,
subject to the total license period does not exceed period of 20 (twenty) years.

Commercial Terms:
The licensee shall be required to deposit with DIAL in advance payments on account of the following:
I. Common infrastructure: Cost towards common taxiways in proportion to the hangar
land/space would be allocated to the licensee, which shall be required to be paid in form of
security deposit in advance.
II. Security charges: License fee equivalent to 3 year license fee shall be deposited by the
licensee as security against monthly payments to DIAL.
These deposits shall be refunded to the licensee with no interest liability on expiry of the license


Rate revision:
License fee rates shall be escalated every year from the base price in direct correlation to Consumer
Price Index (CPI). The Licensee shall also be required to deposit the additional amount of Security
Charges which shall be revised after the five years license term based on the license fee.


Termination and Expiry:

The agreement with the licensee shall consist of the following termination clauses:
I. The license agreement shall be terminated at any time during the license period in the event of
the following:
a. Non adherence to the construction schedule as laid out in clause 4 (ii);
b. Merger/corporate restructuring between two airlines in case the majority stakeholder
does not intend to retain the hangar allotted to the merged entity, the hangar shall be
transferred to DIAL based on terms as mutually agreed upon by the two parties.
However, in case no agreement is reached, land shall be handed over to DIAL within 2
months of the merger. Merged entity shall make payments on account of the license fee
for the intervening period.
c. Consequent 3rd event of any non compliance in a 12 month period with respect to
default in payments or consequent non adherence to any laid policies/processes and
Notice had been sent to licensee on each of the previous 2 events of non
II. In the event of termination of the licensee agreement due to the reasons mentioned in Clause
9(i) above, the licensee shall handover the land within 2 months from such termination of the
license agreement and if the licensee fails to handover the land back to DIAL for any reason
whatsoever then in that case DIAL shall reserve the right to move-in and take over the land
alongwith construction/structure made thereon facilities in the following manner:

The total cost of the infrastructure as pre-approved by the DIAL (including all
movable and immovable assets) would be apportioned over the total license
period of (20 years). In the event of early termination, the asset would be taken
over at the amount that remains un-apportioned at the given point of time.


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At the expiry of the license period as renewed upto the total period of 20 years,
DIAL shall take-over the facilities at Re 1/-.

In the event of surrender of license by the licensee during the license term of total period
of 20 years, land alongwith all assets (movable and immovable) shall be taken over by
the DIAL at the nil cost and with no attached obligations.

DIALs rights:
Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in the above clauses, DIAL shall have the following
To terminate the license within the license period in the following events:
a. any future change(s) in Airport Master Plan, which requires DIAL to take over the
licensed land for development purposes;
b. any non-compliance of the stipulations and requirements required to be
observed/complied in accordance with OMDA and other applicable



To inspect the premises for cleanliness standards, conformance to environmental norms,

adherence to safety as per DIALs SoPs.


To monitor usage and access to books of accounts, and


To require audited statements/accounts for any duration.

Aeronautical Services

The airport charges include landing & parking fee, passenger service fee, registered/checked in baggage
X-Ray Charges & CUTE Counter Charges and any other charges as notified as aeronautical charges
from time to time.
Route navigation and terminal navigation services are being rendered by Airport Authority of India (AAI).
The charges for these services are payable to AAI.


Credit policy

As a general rule, credit facility will only be given against security deposit. All airport users shall submit
security in demanded form, value and term as notified by Airport operator from time to time in the Credit
Policy. The form, value and term of security will depend on the users credit rating by Airport operator and
standard commercial practices prevailing. Compliance with security terms shall be a precondition to use
the airport services.
Credit limit will be available to the extent of value of security posted and once the total exposure exceeds
such credit limits, the status would automatically change to non credit limit user of all further transactions
till the time exposure is reduced to match the credit limit. Such Users shall be deemed to be Cash and
Fly operators.


Billing Cycles and Payment Due dates

Without credit facility:


Fortnightly Frequency, Credit period for 15 days.

Upfront payment.

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The credit invoices are raised on fortnightly frequency and delivered at any single notified place of
business of the user. Receipt of soft copy of the invoice, shall be deemed to be delivery of invoice.


Flight Clearance from Finance /CA: 12 Certificate

No financial clearance is required for scheduled movements within credit facility.

Financial Flight Clearance (CA: 12) is required to be obtained from Briefing Section of DIAL situated at
ATS Complex before asking for flight clearance for all non-scheduled departures and scheduled
departures where credit facility has been exceeded/ does not exist.
CA: 12 will be issued subject to upfront clearance of the airport charges as defined in the tariff. Issuance
of this certificate is pre-requisite for approaching ATS /RNFC department for depositing excluded
aeronautical charges i.e. TNLC and RNFC charges.
The representative of operator is required to carry latest Certificate of airworthiness and authorisation
letters while approaching for obtaining CA: 12 clearance.
In case of Non-Indian operators, the charges will be settled in United States Dollars (USD) or Euro only.
Non-Indian operators with no credit facility shall be paying in USD/ EURO currency only. Other invoices
may be settled in Indian Currency.


Statutory Taxes

Service tax and other taxes as notified from time to time shall be payable. The decision of Airport operator
regarding applicability shall be final. On any disagreement about applicability, users my pay under protest
and start deliberations subsequently.


Submission of operational information:

Users need to provide their operational information detail to Airport Operator in prescribed format,
frequency and mode as intimated from time to time for Airport Operational Data Base (AODB). The
information provided for the database will be assumed to be authorised and create commercial

Aeronautical Charges
9.1 Landing & Parking Charges

The landing & Parking charge is based on the Maximum Take-off Weight of the aircraft (MTOW), as
entered in the registration documents, independent of any respective operational criteria
The MTOW shall be proved by the latest certificate of Airworthiness. Until these documents have been
presented, the MTOW will be based on the highest known MTOW of this aircraft type. No refunds will be
A reduction of the MTOW in the registration documents is taken into account for computation of the
charge only with the beginning of the flight plan period, if notice of the alteration has been given at least
one month in advance by presentation of the altered documents. Any increase of the take-off weight of
the aircraft as entered in the registration documents must be submitted to the airport operator
immediately. Seasonal reductions of takeoff weights are not accepted.
The landing charge shall also be payable for touch-and-go-landings with immediately ensuing
acceleration and take-off of the aircraft.

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For the duration of the parking inside the designated allotted Hanger Space of the airline, parking charges
are not applicable; subject to aircraft operator submitting details of such parking durations within two days
of start of following week within prescribed format.
9.2 Passenger Service Fee (PSF)
Passenger service fee is based on the number of passengers aboard the aircraft when departing.
Transit & Transfer Passengers entering terminal facility are chargeable for Passenger Service Fee.
Transfer passengers are passengers, who interrupt their travel by air in New Delhi and proceed by aircraft
with a different flight number.
Transit passengers are passengers who interrupt their travel by air in New Delhi and proceed with the
same flight number.

Submission of Passenger Manifest & Data

Airlines are required to submit the data of embarking passengers by end of next working day. In absence
thereof, the charges shall be computed on the basis of the maximum seating capacity of the type of
aircraft operated, without any credit period, whatsoever. The passenger data need to be validated and
signed by authorised officials and will create commercial obligations. Last Minute Passengers (LMC)
should be included in the reported number of passengers.
A certificate from statutory auditors to be furnished by the airlines certifying the correctness of data of
embarking passengers, within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter.

Incentive on timely payment of PSF (Collection Charges)

Subject to timely submission of passenger data and payment of the PSF by the due date, credit for
collection of PSF shall be given to the airline. No collection charges are payable to casual operator/non
scheduled operators. Taxes charged on the PSF are not subject to collection charges credit.

Baggage X-Ray Screening Charges

Airline/operator has to pay X-Ray charges for the baggage(s) screened out of the X-Ray machine(s) of
the airport operator.

CUTE Counter Charges

CUTE Counter charges are payable by the airline for the usage of the Counter and allied infrastructure.


Billing Procedure

After the close of every calendar fortnight period, invoice for the aeronautical charges shall be raised to
the airline/operator other than airline/operators on Cash n carry mode, who shall be issued Cash Invoice
/CA-12 at the time of payment of the charges before takoff.
A standard credit of 15 Days (Including the bill date) for the payment of the aeronautical charges shall be
given to the airline/operators.
Non payment of the aeronautical charges within the stipulated credit period shall attract interest as
notified from time to time (present rate is 18% p.a.) from the bill date to the date of actual payment apart
from dunning charges


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Procedure for applying for Credit facility

The application for the credit operations by the respective airline/operators shall be submitted to the
General Manager (Finance & Accounts), Revenue Function along with the following documents: Scheduled Flight Operation permit by DGCA concerning IGI Airport.

Fleet Details viz A/c Type/A/c Version/ Registration No. / MTOW / Length /Span/Height &
Sitting Capacity supported by Certificate of Airworthiness of the aircrafts.

Contact Information of the Airline Representative.

Based on the number of flight operations & submission of the aforesaid documents, security amount shall
be worked out based on two months of airport charges leviable. For the purpose of calculation, the
charges for the Passenger Service Fee shall be worked out based on the maximum sitting capacity of the
aircraft(s). The security deposit worked out shall be communicated through a request letter to the airline
representative in writing and based on the submission of the security deposit money within the timelines
as stipulated in the request letter, final communication for accord of credit operations shall be issued in




Office Timings:
9:30 am to 6:00 pm


Contact Details:
Revenue Department (Finance)
Udaan Bhawan, IGI Airport
New Delhi
Tel: +91 011-25661310, 25661000


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Chapter 12 Slot Co-ordination








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As per Article 8.5.4 of OMDA, The JVC [DIAL] is responsible for the management and allocation of
aircraft landing and timetable slots at the Airport, for both domestic and international traffic. JVC shall
allocate slots at the Airport in consultation with airlines, in accordance with IATA Slot Allocation
Guidelines as issued from time to time in a fair, reasonable and equitable manner.
Accordingly, Slot and Capacity Management Department (Dept.) has been established to fulfil the
aforesaid obligation of DIAL.

Principles of Slot Allocation at DIAL

DIAL follows IATA guidelines on allocation of slots.

Slots are allocated as per capacity parameters of Airport in a fair, reasonable, transparent and efficient
manner by sharing airport capacity data with the users for optimal usage of airport capacity.
Notice for Airport Capacity Charts (NAC Chart) is issued before filing of summer and Winter Schedule to
facilitate the airlines to file slots as per available capacity of airport. These charts are updated twice in
each season. Request for NAC charts can be forwarded at following email IDs.
International flights:
Domestic flights:

Slot and Capacity Management Department also undertakes Slot Compliance Monitoring. In case of no
operations for more than three days or significant deviation from approved slots, issue is taken up with
the concerned airlines for corrective action.




Office Timings

Monday to Friday


9:30am to 5:30pm
9:30am to 1:00pm

Contact Details
Associate Vice President (Operations)
Udaan Bhawan, IGI Airport
New Delhi
+91 11 2567 1947
+91 11 2567 1922

All slot requests should be forwarded at following email IDs:

International flights:
Domestic flights:


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Coordinated Aircraft Movements


Domestic Flights


Scheduled Passenger Flights

Scheduled Cargo/Courier Flights
Commercial Chartered Flights
(by Scheduled Operators)
Commercial Chartered Flights
(by non-scheduled Domestic Operators)



General Aviation
Training flights
Military Flights

Not Coordinated
Not Coordinated
Not Coordinated


International Flights



Scheduled Passenger Flights

Scheduled Cargo/Courier Flights
Non Scheduled Cargo Flights
Commercial ad hoc/Chartered Flts
(by Scheduled Operators)
Commercial Chartered Flights
(by non-scheduled International Operators)
General Aviation
Military Flights


General Requirements



Not Coordinated

Not Coordinated
Not Coordinated

All operators, are required to submit their request with the Slot Dept. of DIAL prior to obtaining permission
from DGCA to operate flights.


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Chapter 13 Cargo Operations









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The purpose of this chapter is to establish guidelines with a view to increase transparency and awareness
amongst the users of the Indira Gandhi International Airport Cargo Terminal, New Delhi


Permissions and Requirements


Permissions & Requirements

1. Users of the Cargo Terminal are requested to follow prescribed procedures and where required
may seek guidance, assistance from DIAL Duty Manager, Customs PRO & other officials.
2. The Cargo Terminal is manned round the clock by Shift Duty Manager who may be contacted for
any assistance beyond office hours.
3. Payment made to DIAL is inclusive of all service charges, storage, forwarding, delivery, usage of
equipments, forklifts, tractors, etc.
4. Applicable charges for the Manpower deployed for cargo handling (including contract loaders) will
be paid by DIAL. Therefore, except the prescribed charges against a proper DIAL receipt/challan,
no other payment is to be made.
5. Demanding/paying of speed money is an offence and users are advised to refrain from such
activities. Individuals found involved in such activities shall be dealt with sternly.
6. Acceptance of tips and/or gifts is expressly forbidden and breach of this may lead to disciplinary
action up to and including dismissal.
7. Permanent Photo Identity Card holders must display their passes for easy identification while in
the Cargo Terminal premises. Non Display may result in withdrawal of pass/ imposition of fine
8. Cargo Terminal is restricted to bonafide users (as per CISF) only. Airport Entry Pass issued by
DIAL allows entry in designated areas only. Users shall not enter other areas to avoid action
against them as per security regulations. Daily Airport Entry Pass should be preserved till leaving
the Terminal. Airport Entry Pass is to be shown to Security personnel on demand.
9. Unauthorised persons gaining entry into the Terminal shall be treated as Trespassers.
Trespassers can be fined up to Rs.500/- besides prosecution.
10. Users are liable to be frisked at any time by the Security personnel. Therefore, please do not
carry anything other than personal belonging. Anyone refusing to be frisked will be denied entry.
11. Due to security reasons, persons carrying briefcases etc. are required to keep the same with
them. Briefcases left unattended shall be removed by the security personnel for handing over to
Police/ Concerned authorities.
12. Users are advised not to bring any dutiable/ other items (imported goods) into the Cargo Terminal
either in person or in vehicles without specific permission (in writing) from authorised DIAL
13. Passengers/Importers/Agents shall personally supervise opening and re-packing of their
consignments and ensure proper locking/ repacking/sealing of packages in their presence.
14. Importers/Exporters/Agents should not remove any item from their cargo consignment except the
samples that are authorised by Customs until its physical delivery is effected by DIAL.


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15. Passengers/Importers/Exporters who wish to entrust work of clearance of cargo to an agent

should ensure that the agent is licensed Customs House Agent. They may check the Photo
Identity Card issued by Customs to authorised Agents.
16. Voluntary distribution of contents from the packages during examination or within Cargo Terminal
is unauthorised and prohibited. The users are requested to co-operate & discourage such malpractices which tarnish image abroad if shortage is found at destination.
17. To avoid towing away and inconvenience, vehicles should be parked only in the parking areas.
18. Only licensed customs house Agents are allowed to transact business in the Cargo Terminal
apart from importers, exporters and passengers. Users are advised not to encourage touts, and
inform DIAL/Security officials regarding any such persons.
19. In case of any damage caused to DIAL property due to negligence of importers/exporters/agents,
DIAL will recover the cost of loss/damage apart from imposing penalty or any other action as per
20. All cargo processing areas are No-Smoking Zone. Therefore smoking is strictly prohibited. Any
violation shall result in imposition of fine/penalty.
21. Do not spit and spoil corners. Any violation to this shall result in imposition of fine/penalty. Help us
to keep the Cargo Terminal clean.
22. Users are requested to deposit/inform about lost/found articles to the DIAL Shift Duty
Manager/Manager (Security). They should obtain copy of deposit of such item from the
concerned officer.
23. Users are requested to bring to the notice of supervisory/senior officers of DIAL & Customs, any
irregularity or harassment caused while transacting business at Cargo Terminal to eliminate such
24. DIAL encourages you to bring to the notice of Superior officers any incident of any kind of
malpractices happening at Cargo Terminal.
25. Visitors/Users of the Terminal desirous of giving any suggestion may use Suggestion Boxes or
handover the same to the officer In charge of Import/Export/Baggage Unit or to the Public
Grievance Officer, Room No.220, Export Wing, 1st Floor, Cargo Terminal, IGI Airport, New Delhi.


Operations and Control of Air Cargo

Procedures for assigning Preferential and Common Use Parking Spaces


General Parking Space Occupancy Procedures


Each carrier leasing preferential parking spaces shall have the right to schedule flight activity
on its preferential parking spaces. All assignments are subject to Airport Operations


Each month the Air Cargo Coordinator (ACC) shall prepare a consolidated gate Schedule of
arriving and departing flights as supplied by each carrier.


Each carrier shall make this information available to the ACC no later than 20 days prior to
the first of each month. When a schedule change is planned for other than the first of the
month, such schedules and gate assignments will be submitted to the ACC 20 days prior to
the effective date of the schedule.


The ACC and the carriers will meet, as required, to review the consolidated schedule.
Common use carriers will submit to the ACC parking space requirements 20 days prior to
the effective date of the schedule. Common use parking space requirements will be
incorporated into the consolidated schedule and approved by the ACC at these meetings.


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Criteria for Assigning Common Use Aircraft Parking Spaces and for Scheduling
Preferential Spaces by other than the Preferential Carriers

The maximum common use parking space occupancy period is 10 hours. The maximum
preferential parking space use by a non-preferential parking space carrier shall be 4
hours provided it does not impact the preferential users requirements. Either of these
time limits may be extended by the ACC but are subject to additional parking fees.


Fees for preferential parking space use by non-preferential carriers shall be the same as
those fees for common use parking space.


Each carrier having one or more assigned preferential parking spaces that schedules
more flights than it can accommodate on its preferential space(s) may: first, schedule on
one of the common use parking spaces, provided no other flight activity is scheduled;
and second, may schedule on another carrier's preferential parking space, provided that
the carrier holding the right of rest use has not scheduled a conflicting flight. Common
use fees will be charged for those spaces used by preferential users other than their
preferential spaces.


A conflicting flight shall be defined as a flight which overlaps another or where there is
less than 30 minutes between an arrival and a departure.


New entrant carrier operations shall file its schedule and operation requirements with the
ACC not less than 30 days prior to the effective date of the schedule. If common use
ramp areas are not available, the ACC may assign one or more preferential space(s), as
necessary, to accommodate the proposed schedules and operational requirements,
provided that each space is vacated on a scheduled basis 40 minutes before the next
planned use by the carrier having preferential rights.


Short notice requests for spaces by other carriers shall be considered, to the maximum
extent practical, recognizing the spaces scheduled by other carriers. Such requests will
be accommodated on common use spaces, if possible, first. If common use spaces are
not available, the ACC may assign one or more preferential spaces, provided that each
space is vacated 40 minutes before the next planned use by the carrier having
preferential rights.


Overnight parking (RON) requests shall be approved by the ACC and are subject to the
parking fees established by the Manager of Public Works. Space occupancy in excess
of that established in sub-paragraph 3.2.1 constitutes an RON.


Off-Schedule Operations


Scheduled flights operating on time shall have priority use of parking spaces previously
scheduled for their use.


Preferential parking space users shall accommodate themselves as well as possible on

their parking spaces.


Preferential parking space users who cannot accommodate themselves on their

space(s) will coordinate with the ACC for accommodation. Every reasonable effort will
be made by the ACC to accommodate the preferential user.


Common use parking space users shall be assigned preferential spaces) only as a last


Flights occupying common use parking spaces in excess of the period established in
subparagraph 3.2.1 may be required to vacate temporarily to accommodate an off
schedule operation. This will not be required if another parking space is vacant and
available, or if the flight is scheduled to leave within 15 minutes of the off schedule flight
arrival. Aircraft occupying common use parking spaces will be vacated before aircraft


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occupying preferential spaces. Failure to vacate shall result in the imposition of overtime
fees as set forth in basic license agreements and/or as stated in subparagraph 3.5.2.

Should all parking spaces be occupied at a time when the majority of operations are off
schedule, assignments shall be made to the common use parking spaces in order of
arrival, except that any one preferential carrier may choose any one of its arrivals over
another on its preferential parking spaces.

3.4 Emergency Flights


Emergency flight accommodation shall have priority over other flight scheduling. Every
effort will be made to accommodate emergency flights on a common use parking space
or at a parking space which will cause the least amount of impact on carrier operations.

3.5 Overtime Fees


Every reasonable effort will be made by the ACC to permit an aircraft once in place to
remain. However, there will be circumstances that arise where a carrier occupies a
parking space outside of the rules outline herein, or that require moving an aircraft off a
parking space to allow another operation, or relocating an aircraft from one space to
another, all within the general spirit and intent of these procedures. Should this occur,
the ACC will notify the effected carrier as soon as he/she becomes aware of the action
or need, no less than 30 minutes before the time the vacating is required.


Should a carrier fail to make a concerted, good faith effort to move the aircraft in
question by the time specified, it will be subject to a fee for each successive 10-minute
period or fraction thereof beyond the required time until such time the aircraft is moved.
An invoice shall be sent to the carrier on the next working day and shall be payable
immediately. The ACC shall not be unreasonable in invoking this provision.

3.6 Fire Extinguisher


General: Each carrier shall be responsible for portable fire extinguishers.


Operable Condition: Portable extinguishers shall be maintained in fully charged and

operable condition and kept in their designated places at all times.


Location: Extinguishers shall be conspicuously located where they will be readily

accessible and immediately available.


Marking of Location: Extinguishers shall be placed on a red background and shall not be
obstructed or obscured from view.


Mounting of Extinguishers: Extinguishers shall be installed on hangars or in the brackets

supplied, mounted in cabinets, or set in shelves unless the extinguisher are of the
wheeled type.


Height of Mounting (wall): Extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 40 pounds
shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than 5 feet above the
ground. Extinguishers having a gross weight greater than 40 pounds (except wheeled
types) shall be so installed that the top of the extinguisher is not more than 3 1/2 feet
above the floor.


Monthly inspection: Extinguishers should be inspected monthly to ensure they are in

their designated places, to ensure they have not been activated or tampered with and to
detect any obvious damage, corrosion, or other impairments.


Replacement of Extinguishers: Extinguishers removed from the premises to be

recharged shall be replaced by a spare during the period they are gone.


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3.7 Placement of Ground Service Equipment (G.S.E.) on the Ramp


General: The responsibility for maintaining proper G.S.E. parking rests with the
carrier/owner of the equipment. The preferential carrier is responsible for painting and
maintaining G.S.E. parking lines. Before marking the equipment lines on the ramp, the
parking scheme shall be presented to the ACC for approval. G.S.E. parking and storage
shall be confined to those areas designed as G.S.E. parking, pursuant to license
agreement. Common Use Carriers shall meet with the ACC and obtain approval for any
G.S.E. parking.


Ramp Operations: Ramp equipment may be staged for inbound flights. It is the
responsibility of the user to move their G.S.E. when not in active use to its designated
parking area to allow enough room for any secondary use of aircraft parking spaces and
associated ramp when necessary. When G.S.E. is not in use, the G.S.E. will be put in its designated location in an
orderly fashion and when applicable, brakes set. G.S.E. will be kept off aircraft
operating surfaces and in its designated parking area when not in use.


Chocks: Each carrier shall supply the chocks necessary for their operation. At no time
will chocks be left on the ground or on the ramp. Proper storage of chocks is the
responsibility of all carriers.


Automotive and Powered Equipment: This type of equipment will have its own
designated location. When not in use, it shall be parked in such location without
exception. The brakes shall be set or wheels locked to avoid the possibility of the
equipment rolling into other equipment. DIAL retains all easement rights to those ramp areas leased for automotive
parking and/or staging, more specifically those ramp areas deemed aircraft
operating surfaces.


Automotive Traffic on the Ramp: All automotive traffic on the ramp will utilize Vehicle
Service Roads while crossing the taxilane.
No G.S.E. will park unattended outboard of the Fixed Moveable Object Line, (F/MOL),
Inboard of F/MOL = Aircraft operating side
Outboard of F/MOL = Taxiway side


Pedestrian Traffic: Those employees required to work in aircraft on the cargo ramp must
cross the taxilane to and from that area via an approved walk path.

3.8 Ground Handling of Aircraft


General: It shall be the responsibility of the local carrier manager to ensure that qualified
personnel perform the duties involving the ground landing of aircraft.


Hand Signals: Uniform industry hand signals covering operation and movement of
aircraft on the ground have established and shall be used by ground personnel to flight
personnel when marshalling aircraft.


Parking Aircraft: In painting aircraft parking guide lines and personnel/equipment

holdback lines, the Boeing 727 aircraft shall be used as a model for the hold back lines
on all narrow body spaces and the DC-10 aircraft for all wide body spaces. Wheel stop
marks, typical of the aircraft type using a specific parking area will be painted on each
guide line.


Taxiing Aircraft: When taxiing an aircraft, either in to or out of its designated parking
place, precautions should be taken as follows: No carrier personnel shall direct and no pilot or mechanic shall taxi, any aircraft,
nearer than 20 feet to any building, or 5 feet to any aircraft, ground support


119 of123

equipment, or any other object not specifically designed for closer proximity of
aircraft. No aircraft shall be taxied such that the wings or any part of the aircraft pass
over or under any part of any other aircraft. The planning and execution of taxi routes will require the prudent judgment of
both pilots and ground personnel. Should any question exist that the above
limitation will be met, qualified personnel will be stationed near the portions of
the aircraft which are in question. Those persons will remain in close proximity to
that portion of the aircraft and by careful observation and timely use of standard
signals will insure that the above limits are met. Prior to any aircraft movement, the pilot or mechanic and/or ground personnel
shall all be agreed upon a course of action and upon the signals to be
employed. Flight crews, mechanics and/or ground personnel will exercise all
possible diligence and caution in moving aircraft.

Chocks: Immediately upon arrival, after engines have spooled down, main gear and/or
nose gear will be chocked. Chocks will be placed in front of and behind the gear being


Powerback: Powerback operations are subject to approval by Operations.


Ear Protection: Ear protectors are to be worn by all personnel working around aircraft or
motorized equipment when high level noise is produced.

3.9 Ramp Maintenance (Cleanliness)


Good housekeeping habits shall be observed by all carriers. Working areas around the
facility and on the ramp shall be maintained in a clean, neat and orderly manner at all


Foreign Object Debris (F.O.D.) bins will be provided by the airport. One FOD bin will be
located in specified areas and each carrier will be responsible for the timely emptying of
F.O.D. bins in that area.


The airport will be responsible for scheduled ramp sweeping, however, each carrier will
be responsible for daily sweeping and pick up as necessary to maintain a clean and safe
ramp area including areas in and around buildings and parked G.S.E.


The Airport will be responsible for scheduled ramp scrubbing in each aircraft parking
area. The purpose of the scrubbing is to maintain a safe, oil-free ramp area.


In the event of a major fuel, oil, or hydraulic fluid spill from aircraft or ground support
equipment, the carrier or persons responsible shall be liable for the scrubbing.


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Office Timings

Office hours
Issuance of location slips
Forwarding for customs examination
Issuance of DIAL charges receipts
Payment of DIAL charges
Issuance of gate pass
Delivery of cargo


(Urgent nature Import cargo like life saving medicines, newspapers, diplomatic mail bags, human
remains, live animal, etc. are cleared on 24 x 7 basis, subject to Customs permission)
Office hours
Entry of Export cargo carrying vehicles
Admittance of Export cargo in Customs Exam area
Acceptance of Customs cleared Export cargo

Round the clock

(Services beyond working hours including Sundays & holidays may be availed on payment of prescribed
MOT charges, subject to Customs permission).

Contact Details

Office of Associate Vice President Cargo :

+91-11- 2560 1002 (Business Hours)

Shift Duty Manager

+91-11- 2560 1093 (24 hours) &

Tele Fax +91-11- 2560 1244


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Nothing contained in ARR Manual shall affect the application of any law, rule or regulation, policy for the
time being in force under the Applicable Law, Nothing contained in ARR Manual shall invalidate any order
made or action taken by DIAL in accordance with the procedures followed before the commencement of
ARR Manual.
Power to relax
Where COO DIAL is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so, it may relax any of the
provision(s) of these ARR Manual.
Removal of doubts
Where a doubt arises as to the interpretation of any of these rules and regulations contained in the ARR
Manual, the clarifications issued by COO DIAL shall be treated as final and binding to the Airport Users.
General Disclaimer
ARR Manual is being issued only for the limited purposes of assisting the Airport Users to perform their
necessary activities at IGI Airport, lawfully. While DIAL has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy
and reliability of the information contained in ARR Manual, DIAL does not warrant or make
representations thereto as such materials have been compiled from a variety of sources, and some of the
materials are subject to change without notice to DIAL as a result of updates, amendments in prevailing
laws and corrections.
The laws of the Republic of India shall apply to all Airport Users for the purpose of this ARR Manual.


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