Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (Otars)
Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (Otars)
Overseas Territories Aviation Requirements (Otars)
Part 39
The definitive version of OTARs is that on the ASSI website www.airsafety.aero which should
be viewed to establish the issue version of each Part.
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Subpart A — General
39.1 Purpose
(a) This Part details the requirements governing aircraft registered in the
Territory and issued with an airworthiness certificate under OTAR Part 21
Subpart E and any aeronautical product associated with those aircraft.
(b) The holder of an air operator’s certificate or the owner or lessee of an aircraft
above 2,700 kg MTOM shall have arrangements for continued airworthiness
management in accordance with the requirements of Subpart E of this OTAR
(c) The requirements of this OTAR Part cover the grant and renewal of
continued airworthiness inspection programmes and management approvals.
These are the approval options under this OTAR Part:
(2) Subpart E Option 2: the approval of an organisation that does not hold
an approval identified in paragraph 39.1(c)(1).
(e) Throughout this OTAR Part reference is made to the options identified in
paragraph 39.1(c)(1) and (2). The options are not at the discretion of an
applicant but are routes that depend on the existing approval status of an
organisation and are determined by the Governor.
(f) These requirements are not in themselves Law. Failure to comply may not
constitute an offence. However, the requirements reproduce many of the
provisions of the Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order (“the Order”).
Therefore, failure to comply with these Requirements may:
(g) The Order details the legal obligations governing the continued airworthiness
of aircraft on the Territory’s register. The Order specifies these obligations in
rather general terms, therefore there is a provision in the Order which
requires the Governor to publish Requirements to augment, amplify and
detail more precisely the manner in which these obligations shall be met. The
Requirements are the means by which the operator or maintenance
organisation will be able to satisfy the Governor as to the fulfilment of the
obligations in respect of continued airworthiness and the entitlement of the
holder to hold and exercise the privileges of a certificate, licence or approval.
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(h) Other OTAR Parts, in addition to that referred to in this Part, may impinge
upon activities conducted under this Part. In particular, Part 1 contains
definitions, which apply, unless otherwise stated, to all Parts. A full list of
OTAR Parts, a description of the legislative structure and the place of OTARs
and OTACs within it can be viewed on the ASSI website www.airsafety.aero.
OTACs relevant to this Part can be viewed at:
(i) References to the Governor in this OTAR Part mean the regulator
designated by the Governor of the Territory to exercise his functions under
the Order.
39.3 Definitions
Definitions, in the context of this Part of the OTARs shall have the meanings listed
in OTAR Part 1 (Definitions, Abbreviations and Units of Measurement); except that:
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(b) Each holder of an air operator’s certificate shall appoint a post holder under
the requirements of OTAR Part 119 within its organisation who will be
responsible for the continued airworthiness management of the operator’s
aircraft as required by this OTAR Part.
(b) The Technical Co-ordinator identified in paragraph 39.51(a) shall ensure that
suitable arrangements for continued airworthiness management by either:
(c) The person identified in 39.51(b) shall ensure that suitable arrangements for
continued airworthiness management are in place by either:
(1) the AOC holder being approved by the Governor to the requirements of
Subpart E of this Part; or
(2) a Principal Contract between the AOC holder and an organisation that
holds an appropriate approval granted by the Governor to the
requirements of Subpart E of this Part.
(d) The appointed post-holder identified in 39.51(c) shall ensure that suitable
arrangements for continued airworthiness management are in place to a
standard equivalent to Subpart F of this Part.
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(e) any defects and unserviceabilities are rectified or deferred in accordance with
OTAR Part 91.610(a) prior to flight or, as permitted by OTAR Part 91.610(b),
are rectified, repaired or, where approved data so provides, the
equipment/instrument is removed at or before the next inspection required by
the applicable approved maintenance programme; and
(3) procedures are in place for the notification of any MEL/CDL limitations
to the operating crew; and
(1) there are suitable arrangements in place to obtain and assess relevant
continuing airworthiness information and recommendations from the
organisation responsible for the type design and any applicable
accomplished major design changes; and
(2) any required technical and reliability assessments are undertaken and
reports of aircraft continued airworthiness status are made by
arrangements acceptable to the Governor; and
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(h) repairs are carried out and approved in accordance with OTAR Part 21
Subpart M that, wherever possible, do not impose further continued
airworthiness requirements; and
(i) design changes are carried out and approved in accordance with OTAR Part
21 Subpart C and any continued airworthiness requirements arising from
them are incorporated in the aircraft maintenance programme; and
(j) suitable arrangements, acceptable to the Governor, are made for the regular
development of the maintenance programme to ensure effective continued
airworthiness of the applicable aircraft; and
(m) any required technical despatch procedures for special operations approved
by the Governor are complied with; and
(n) for any aircraft having systems utilising Field Loadable Software and
Database Field Loadable Data, controlling procedures acceptable to the
Governor are in place to ensure that:
(q) where applicable, there are suitable procedures acceptable to the Governor
for the control of aircraft, product and component leasing; and
(r) up-to-date mass and balance records are maintained that reflect the
approved configuration of the aircraft; and
(s) arrangements are made for technical liaison with applicable type design
organisations, operators and maintenance organisations to address any
airworthiness issues such as faults, malfunctions, defects, any required
inspection task reporting and inaccurate/misleading airworthiness data; and
(t) liaison meetings are held in compliance with any applicable reliability
monitoring programme requirement.
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(b) In the case of an aircraft not operated for commercial air transport, a person
holding an authorisation to perform maintenance on the aircraft issued by the
Governor may perform maintenance in accordance with the requirements of
OTAR Part 43.
(2) that a fatigue management system shall be in place to ensure that any
person involved in the maintenance of the operator’s aircraft is not
fatigued; and
(5) details of any supplied maintenance data including its revision status
and applicability.
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this OTAR Part are provided. Any OTAR Part 39 requirements not detailed in
the existing organisation documentation shall be detailed in a separate
OTAR Part 39 Supplement.
(d) The Maintenance Control Manual shall contain details of the accountable
manager and a corporate commitment to compliance with applicable OTARs.
(e) The Maintenance Control Manual shall be approved by the Governor and
amendments shall be either:
(f) The Maintenance Control Manual shall take account of human factors, a
fatigue management system and contain details of continuation training for
all personnel involved in airworthiness management.
(g) The Maintenance Control Manual shall contain the necessary procedures for
applicable continued airworthiness management functions prescribed in
paragraph 39.55 and 39.57 to:
(1) ensure the continued airworthiness of the managed aircraft and ensure
the continued validity of the Certificates of Airworthiness; and
(h) The organisation shall establish a safety and quality policy for the
organisation to be included in the MCM that shall detail:
(3) procedures to ensure that proper and timely corrective action is taken
in response to reports resulting from the independent audits.
(i) in small organisations of fewer than 5 people the independent audit part of
the quality system may be contracted to another OTAR Part 39 approved
organisation or a person with appropriate technical knowledge and proven
satisfactory audit experience, in a manner acceptable to the Governor.
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(j) Procedures shall be established for a regular review of the MCM to ensure
that it remains effective in maintaining aircraft in an airworthy condition.
(k) All amendments shall be made in a timely manner and the amendment
status of each document shall be readily identifiable by personnel. Obsolete
material shall be removed promptly from all points of issue or use, and
controls shall be in place to preclude the use by personnel of superseded
(3) any computer based systems and data to be utilised for the purpose of
continued airworthiness management.
(m) The Maintenance Control Manual shall contain details of any subcontracted
(p) The capability and scope of the approval shall be recorded in the MCM.
(q) The Maintenance Control Manual shall contain a list of definitions and
acronyms used.
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(b) The maintenance programme and any amendments require approval by the
Governor for each aircraft, and shall include details of the maintenance of the
aircraft, engines, propellers, rotors, appliances and emergency equipment
(f) The maintenance programme shall readily identify any certification inspection
tasks and other significant continued airworthiness inspection tasks that are
the subject of specific control and mandated by the applicable State of Type
Certification, as referred to in OTAR Part 21.19(a), such as but not limited to:
(g) Each maintenance programme approval holder shall make any revisions to
the maintenance programme as required by the Governor and any applicable
mandatory amendments promulgated by the Type Certificate holder or its
NAA to satisfy the continuing airworthiness requirements for the aircraft.
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(7) sample inspection forms, reports and instructions for their use; and
(b) The application for approval of the maintenance programme shall contain, or
references shall be made to, the following information:
(1) the name and address of the owner or lessee or the holder of an air
operator’s certificate; and
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(7) the aircraft designation, serial number and registration mark for each
aircraft that is subject to the programme; and
(8) any further particulars relating to the programme and applicant as may
be required by the Governor.
(c) Where data gathering is required, the following shall form the basis of an
acceptable programme:
(8) occurrences.
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(1) prescribed for that aircraft or product by the State of type certification
on which Type Acceptance Certification rests; and
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(b) Maintenance records shall be of sufficient detail to establish the full content
of the maintenance activity undertaken and shall include all relevant
supporting information, such as component replacement service life records.
(3) the signature, and authorisation reference of the person certifying the
aircraft for return to service; and
(4) the total time in service by the specified time control basis of the
airframe, each engine, each propeller, and each rotor and installed
equipment; and
(6) the time since last overhaul of all items installed on the aircraft which
are required to be overhauled on a specified time basis; and
(7) the current maintenance status of the aircraft, including the time since
the last inspection required by the maintenance programme under
which the aircraft is maintained; and
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(9) a list of all design changes and repairs to each airframe, engine,
propeller, rotor and appliance including substantiation data required by
OTAR Part 21.73; and
(10) a record of all airframe damage that shows each damage site with a
reference to a certified assessment to approved data supporting
continued aircraft operation; and
(d) The records shall be kept in hard copy form or in electronic coded form
provided that this form allows for the preservation and retrieval of information
in a manner acceptable to the Governor.
(1) for a minimum period of 12 months after the unit to which they refer has
been permanently withdrawn from service:
(i) the total time in service (hours, calendar time and cycles, as
appropriate) of the aeroplane and all life-limited components; and
(2) for all detailed maintenance records in respect of the aircraft and any
service life-limited component fitted thereto, not less than 24 months
after the aircraft been released to service in respect of that
maintenance or until the information contained therein is superseded
by new information equivalent in scope and detail, whichever is the
longer time.
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(b) The owner, or where it is leased the lessee, of an aircraft or the holder of an
air operator’s certificate required by paragraph 39.79(a) to provide a
Technical Log shall ensure that arrangements are established for the
subsequent transmittal of sector record pages to the organisation responsible
for the continued airworthiness of the aircraft.
(3) record of aircraft utilisation including total time (daily, hours, cycles
sectors) as applicable; and
(5) the maintenance status of the aircraft, the identity of the next scheduled
inspection, including date/hours/cycles at which any other out of phase
maintenance/inspection is required; and
(8) records for special operations such as AWOPs and ETOPs; and
(9) the information required by the applicable OTAR Parts relating to the
operation of the aircraft; and
(10) the time when ground de-icing and/or anti-icing was started and the
type of fluid applied, including fluid/water mixture ratio; and
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(11) the time spent in particular engine power ranges where the use of such
engine power affects the life of the engine or engine module; and
(12) the number of landings where landings affect the life of an aircraft or
aircraft component; and
(13) flight pressure cycles where such cycles affect the life of an aircraft of
aircraft component.
(b) The content of the Technical Log may be altered from that in paragraph
39.79(a) if alternative methods of recording this data acceptable to the
Governor are used.
(c) The Technical Log shall be kept in hard copy form or in electronic coded form
provided that this form allows for the preservation and retrieval of information
in a manner acceptable to the Governor.
(1) at intervals not exceeding 5 years or, where the aircraft is part of an
operator’s fleet weighing programme accepted by the Governor, at
intervals specified by that programme; and
(2) whenever alterations affecting mass and balance of the aircraft are
made that exceed the limits for computed mass and balance changes
advised by the aircraft type certificate holder.
(c) The basic record of aircraft empty mass shall be that defined by the Type
Certificate holder and any approved configuration.
(d) Any item installed not forming part of the Type Design shall be entered in an
equipment list with its associated weight and moment and shall constitute
part of the aircraft’s mass and balance report.
(e) Following any change made to the empty mass of the aircraft or its centre of
gravity, an entry shall be made in the aircraft log book or other aircraft record
acceptable to the Governor before the next flight and shall include details of:
(3) the weight and moment arm of each item installed or removed.
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(a) details of the differences from the basic aircraft configuration; and
(b) the empty mass and centre of gravity for the configuration; and
39.85 Certification
(a) All mass and balance reports shall be certified by an authorised person
responsible for compiling the report.
(b) Alternative configurations and changes made to the aircraft empty mass shall
be certified with an appropriate maintenance release recording:
(3) the amendment made to the aircraft’s empty mass and balance report.
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39.87 Applicability
(a) Organisations that undertake continued airworthiness management of aircraft
registered in the Territory shall hold an appropriate approval granted by the
Governor under the requirements of this OTAR Part.
(1) each holder of an air operator’s certificate issued under OTAR Part
119; or
39.89 Standards
(a) Option 1: Organisations approved by EASA to undertake continued
airworthiness management of aircraft to the requirements of EASA Part M
Subpart G as amended.
(b) Option 2: Organisations or AOC holders seeking approval under this option
shall comply with the provisions for an applicable Maintenance Control
Manual prescribed in paragraph 39.59 that is acceptable to the Governor.
39.91 Issue
(a) Option 1: an organisation holding an approval identified in paragraph
39.89(a) may be approved under this Subpart subject to:
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(b) The notification required by paragraph 39.97(a) shall include a request for
revocation of the approval.
(a) hold at least one complete and current copy of its maintenance control
manual; and
(b) comply with all procedures detailed in its maintenance control manual; and
(c) make each applicable section of its maintenance control manual available to
personnel who require those sections to carry out their duties; and
(d) continue to meet the standards and comply with the requirements of this
OTAR Part; and
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39.103 Applicability
(a) Organisations that undertake continued airworthiness management of aircraft
registered in the Territory and operated under an ICAO Article 83bis
agreement shall have arrangements for the continued airworthiness
management in accordance with this Subpart.
39.105 Standards
The technical standard of continued airworthiness management for this Subpart is
EASA Part M Subpart G, as revised, and the applicable requirements of Subparts
B, C and D of this OTAR Part.
39.107 Compliance
Organisations will be required to demonstrate compliance with the standards of
this Subpart to the NAA of the State of Operator and the applicable OTAA.
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