January 10 - 16, 2018 Sports Reporter
January 10 - 16, 2018 Sports Reporter
January 10 - 16, 2018 Sports Reporter
Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
Vol. 78 No. 44 January 10 - 16, 2018 25 cents
Jesper Svensson Wins PBA Cheetah Championship; Denise Fox 300 at Jib Lanes
FLUSHING, NY - Denise Fox 748, Benny Ortiz 256-259-215-
EJ Tackett Tames the Scorpion blasted a 300 game in the Midweek 730, Chris Mayr 259-256-686,
Former Rookies of the Year continue to set the pace for PBA’s youth movement Mixers League at Jib Lanes. Jimmy Ansale 233-234-670, and
Craig Bowden rolled 244-290- Pete Alvardao 255-242-675.
By Bill Vint - PBA
RENO, Nev. – Two former
Professional Bowlers Association
Andres Lopez 300 at Lodi Lanes
LODI, NJ – Andres Lopez 300 took Andrew Currie was near perfect
Rookies of the Year, Jesper
the spotlight in Tuesday Night 4- with his 299, followed by Carlos
Svensson of Sweden and EJ
Man listing a 300 game at Lodi Colon with 288, Sean Meyer 279,
Tackett of Huntington, Ind., con-
Lanes but it was Russ Van Housen Matt Grubiak 279 Tom Flynn 279-
tinued to set a high standard for
earning high set honors with his 767, James Rosado 279-759, John
the PBA’s youth movement with
289-279-240-808 followed by Steve Coleman 268, Felix Perez 266, and
victories in the GEICO PBA
Kotowski with 278-277-249-804. Andrew Suscreba 265
World Series of Bowling IX, pre-
sented by Eldorado Resorts Reno
Properties at the National Bowling
John LaBau 300 at Maple Lanes RVC
Stadium. ROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY - Paul Smith shot 268, Matthew
Svensson, the 22-year-old 2015 John LaBau blasted a 300 game in Franklin, and John Hodge 268,
PBA photo PBA photo
PBA Rookie of the Year, defeated Jesper Svensson the Friday Night Mixed League at John Hodge 264, and Alex
EJ Tackett
Denmark’s Thomas Larsen, 245- Maple Lanes RVC. Bogolubsky 258.
194, to win the PBA Cheetah PBA animal pattern champi- good shots, I’d have a good
Championship presented by PBA onships conducted during the chance to win,” said Svensson,
who finished the preliminary
Joseph Wilkinson 300 at Rockaway
Bowling Challenge Mobile Game WSOB IX and aired back-to-back
round game with a string of eight ROCKAWAY, NJ – Joseph 276 in his 674, Norm Wugman
for his seventh career PBA Tour on ESPN as part of the 2017-18
strikes. “I screwed up a little when Wilkinson tossed a 300 game con- 237-648, Allan Alpaugh 236-622,
title while Tackett, the 25-year-old Go Bowling! PBA Tour package.
I missed that single pin, but I got testing in the Chester Men League Anthony Daidone 235-605, Steve
2013 Rookie of the Year, picked Svensson, a hard-throwing left-
right back in it.” at Rockaway Lanes. Baiard 233-634, Tomy Annibale
up his ninth title with a 245-207 handed two-handed player, struck
If there was anything unusual Stephan Szardenings earned a 227-633, and Walt Rawa 216.
victory over Australia’s Jason on eight of his first nine shots,
Belmonte in the Pepsi PBA overpowering Larsen despite about the match, it was an extraor-
dinary level of intensity by the
Jose Medina 300 at Majestic Lanes
Scorpion Championship presented missing a 7 pin spare attempt in
the fourth frame for his only flaw. normally sedate, emotionless HOPELAWN, NJ - Jose Medina Ray Torio shot 215-246-236-697,
by GoBowling.com. blasted a 300 game in the Garden Robert Girod 223-220-247-690,
The Cheetah and Scorpion “By the end of the first match, I Swede.
got lined up so I thought if I threw State Mixed League at Majestic and John Sidorko and Nestor
Championships were the final two See PBA Page 2 Lanes. Averia 234.
U.S. Stars Defeat International Standouts to Defend USA vs. The World Team Title at WSOB IX
By Jerry Schneider - PBA England’s Stuart Williams, were PBA Tour winners
RENO, Nev. - The five leading American qualifiers in Jason Belmonte of Australia, Jesper Svensson of
PBA World Championship pinfall during the GEICO Sweden, Dom Barrett of England, Thomas Larsen of
PBA World Series of Bowling IX presented by Denmark and 20-year-old newcomer Rafiq Ismail of
Eldorado Resorts Reno Properties combined for 20 Malaysia.
clean frames and 18 strikes in 24 attempts to sweep the In what could be considered the all-star event of
best-of-two-game USA vs. The World team competi- WSOB IX, players earned their spots on their respective
tion, kicking off ESPN’s coverage of the 2017-18 Go teams based on their finishing positions after 40 games
Bowling! PBA Tour schedule. of qualifying in the PBA Chameleon Championship pre-
The USA team, captained by PBA Hall of Famer and sented by Reno Tahoe, Shark Championship presented
22-time PBA Tour champion Marshall Holman, includ- by Xtra Frame, Cheetah Championship presented by
ed PBA Tour champions Kyle Troup, Bill O’Neill, Ryan PBA Challenge Mobile Game and Pepsi Scorpion
Ciminelli, Tom Smallwood and PBA regional winner Championship presented by GoBowling.com.
Matt McNiel. Making up The World team, captained by See USA Page 4
2 SPORTS REPORTER January 10 - 16, 2018
PBA I’ve Seen That Strike Before!
Continued from Page 1 by Dave Williams
A recent article in the December 2017 issue of weeknight at about midnight.
“It was by far the most emotional title I’ve ever won,” Svensson
Bowlers Journal International (“Ruining Movie My introduction to the producer of the filmed
admitted. “Things have happened at home while I was here that…” He
Magic,” by Jef Goodger) got me to thinking about series was epic, but not unprecedented in the annals
stumbled and added, “This title means more to other people than just
how many times I’ve seen a certain strike on TV or of Hollywood lore. We exchanged pleasantries and
me. I’m just really, really happy I could finish it off. I had a friend who
passed away a week ago and I really believe he was watching me today. in the movies. I was given a script which included all of the bowl-
This one is for him, 100 percent. There’s nothing I can do but continue It brought back memories of my days at AMF, ing shots that I was to perform, beginning on the
doing what I love to do. It makes me appreciate that even more.” when media would ask about a shot of a strike for a next night.
To reach the Cheetah Championship telecast Svensson edged Larsen particular commercial or movie scene. Jack Later that evening I reviewed the contents of the
in the four-player shootout preliminary, 259-256, but both advanced to Graziano, Public Relations Manager for AMF at script and didn’t get much past my first bowling
the title match while Australia’s Sam Cooley (236) and Jason Belmonte that time, would contact John Mazey, Advertising shot. It stated, “throw the ball and let it hit the head
(222) were eliminated with the lowest scores. Manager, and he would go to the archives and send pin so that all the pins fall except the ten pin, and
In the second match of the ESPN doubleheader, Tackett made his only video of a strike for the particular venue. make it wiggle.”
WSOB IX television appearance count, striking on five of his first six But whenever the particular video did not match The next evening when we began filming I told
shots and adding another string of three strikes late in his match against what the venue called for, Mr. Mazey would get in the producer about the nuances of bowling and how
Belmonte, the two-handed Australian star who is the leading challenger touch with me to help him with a staged activity at commanding pins to react in a certain manner was
to displace Tackett as PBA Player of the Year in 2017. The win was a local bowling center or studio. As a member of just not possible. He acknowledged what I said, but
Tackett’s fourth of the year, one ahead of Belmonte, but two of the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA), I was we forged on with his preconceived script.
Belmonte’s titles are majors and he’ll have a shot at another one in the in a unique position at AMF to offer a bowler’s When it came time for my bowling shots, I dis-
PBA World Championship finals. opinion while still being in the executive “carpet covered that I was to use an 8 pound bowling ball,
Tackett not only realized where he stood compared to Belmonte in area” of the headquarters building in Westbury, so that the ball would match the one being used by
the competitive ranks, but he knew Belmonte was bowling at less than New York. the young bowler in the film. After about fifty
his physical best after an acute attack of food poisoning the night In addition to offering information about products shots, I told the producer that it just wasn’t possible
before. and implementation, I was also the “bowling ball because I couldn’t control the lightweight ball.
“I found out Jason wasn’t feeling well, but before the first game, I tester” at a time when AMF was experimenting That’s when the producer became a bowling
told him to dig deep…and after the first match, I told him to just keep with urethane bowling balls, from the original AMF instructor! First he had me move closer to the pins;
on going, and he did,” Tackett said. “I told him that we should finish Angle, to the Gray, Gold, Blue and Ultra - the first closer and closer to the pins, until I was within 10
the year on a high note, and we did. It could have gone either way. ball to offer the flair ball track, as a result of vary- to 15 feet from the pins. But alas, still not the
“I knew the only chance I had (for Player of the Year) after the first ing weight blocks within the ball itself. desired shot.
few days here was to make this show and win,” Tackett added. “In my While I now realize that I probably should have So then the producer told me to throw it harder,
eyes, (Belmonte) wins by a landslide, but if he doesn’t win the (PBA held out for a loftier pay check, at the time I was and he would slow down the speed in the actual
World Championship), I think it’ll be a pretty close vote. It’s out of my just so excited to be there and involved that I some- final draft; harder and harder I threw the ball,
hands.” times felt like paying them for all of the free prod- until…
Belmonte’s 269 topped the preliminary shootout. Tackett was second ucts and time allowed to experiment with the dif- Bang! The 8 pound bowling ball hung up on my
with a 258 while Brandon Novak of Chillicothe, Ohio (242) and Shawn ferent concepts. fingers and lodged itself in the masking unit. By
Maldonado of Houston, Texas (225) were eliminated. I probably should have considered contract resid- this time it was approximately 3AM, so we decided
uals as well, because I became the face behind all to pick it up again the next evening.
Sports Reporter
of the print and television ads of that era. There’s a We eventually finished the filming and the pro-
story behind every one of those campaigns, but the ducer was happy with the result. Many years later
one that truly relates to Goodger’s article involves when the National Bowling Council office in
Editor/Publisher Dan McDonough a video session for the National Bowling Council. Washington, D.C., was being dismantled, Lance
Technology Editorial Assistants As the bowling guru at AMF, I was invited by Elliott asked me if I would like the original reel to
Hank Allen Immaculatta D’Elia Lance Elliott, Executive Director of the National reel high band master tapes.
Contributing Writers Bowling Council, to provide the bowling shots for I still have them, and they will someday be a part
Joan Taylor Pat McDonough an upcoming Learn to Bowl series on tape. We of the Bowling Museum historical records. And
would be conducting the filming at Melville Lanes, who knows, maybe the bowling shots will become
For information regarding advertising, which was close to the AMF Headquarters in the a part of those archived videos from which Jef
subscriptions, or editorial content write to: nearby town of Melville, New York. Filming would Goodger speaks in “Ruining Movie Magic.”
E-mail: SportsReporter1940@gmail.com begin after the completion of league play each
Or Dan at: mcdonough1@aol.com
Sports Reporter Memories Are Made At Melville - 3AM
One of my fondest remembrances from the
P.O. Box 1491, Secaucus, NJ 07094 Learn To Bowl filming is this sketch from Paul
Lane, formerly of AMF Bowling Products, depict-
201)865-5363 ing a bowling ball stuck in the masking unit above
the pins, with the producer's last words for that
night... "It's a wrap!"
January 10 - 16, 2018 SPORTS REPORTER 3
All Maple Family Centers Junior League Bowlers are entitled to participate in the
Peter J LaSpina Memorial Scholarship Tournament. To date, we have awarded
over $75,000 in scholarships to our youth bowlers through this FREE tournament
All Maple Family Centers adult league bowlers are entitled to participate in many
Link Charity Tournament and our Strike for Sight!
For Rent
Rob Gotterbarn, Al Spano, George 215-214, and Joe Llivolsi 203 in Email us at: Fall Leagues Now Forming
Robinson, Mike McDonough, and
Brian Carrick 246, and Jason
the Friday Sunshine Kids League. sportsreporter1940@gmail.com Leagues available for everyone
In the Monday AM Seniors Call for more information
Nikol 244-244-226-714 in the League Bob Junge shot 178, and
Expressway Glass League. Al Noll 162. 201.865.5363 Find us at: Facebook.com/oceanlanes
January 10 - 16, 2018 SPORTS REPORTER 7
2 spares and 1 strike this fall.
Nicole bowls once a week with an
ECLC team. Her best game so far
LaBau 270, Daniel McNeill 258, and David Ciofalo 257 in the
Friday Night Mixed League.
Jeremy Ramirez 256-701 at Lodi Lanes Mike Valanzano, Brian Larson Tops in
LODI, NY - Jeremy Ramirez led the scoring in the Ds Team Preps 17-
18 League rolling a high game of 256 and a high series of 701.
Ta k e Hankel Classic League
By John Jennings
Jake Nappi shot 248, Marissa Cosentini 244, Hassan Izzard 237, and
Amanda Madera 225. Yo u r HOWELL, NJ – NJ-Mike Valanzano led all bowlers in Hankel Classic
League at Howell Lanes with a 741 series; however, another talent.
Standings as of now are: Team Ramirez, Team Perry, Team
Cosentini, Team Madara, Team Fuscarino, Team Deliantis, Team Fa m i l y Brian Larson prevailed as Bowler-of-the Month (75 BOTM points).
Max Stalter led all bowlers with 40 BOTM points for the this session,
B ow l i n g
Nappi. and James Rogers totaled 33 BOTM points each with identical high
In the Ds Bantams League Dylan Matawa had a high game of 155. games 279 and identical 724 series. Stalter’s series was 108 pins over
Standings as of now are: Team Lieberman, Team Matawa, Team average (POA) while Jared Brown of Anka Joe tossed a 696 for 102
Soriano, Team Juliana. POA. Leslie Bohn rolled 221-605 for top women’s scores
a 920-917 win. Posting the quartet’s high set was Park Ridge
freshman Joseph Mahoney with 236-204: 611 followed by GUY DOLL
Tipping’s 586; teammate Ryan Kitz chipped in with a second game Name Name
196. Leading Holiday’s squad was Jack Miller who closed with BowlerID#: BowlerID#:
259, the session’s best single; the team’s only other deuce was
David Neil’s 211. Address: Address: