About Volante Technologies
About Volante Technologies
About Volante Technologies
january 14th/2014
Financial message-based
data integration has
never been easier
Fiona, what is the name of the flagship product you wish to showcase in Version Control?
Volante Designer. The product is a suite of modular software tools capable of
handling the most complex data integration and management challenges.
From arrival, through process workflows, downstream integrations, persistence
into databases, metadata-based governance, and model-based new development;
each component offers a new and better way to address the challenges of data
Used by major financial institutions, exchanges and industry utilities around
the world, Volante enables users to rapidly build data integration solutions
to handle data feeds and applications used by both internal and external
Volante Designer brings together simplicity, functionality and speed in a way
that no other data management technology can match.
Volante Designer defines the workflow of the data processes. It takes into
account how information is routed between parties, what the parties seek to
do with it, what type of data it is (e.g. SWIFT, FIX, FpML etc.), the source, validity,
structure, exceptions processing and how it needs to be transformed to be
consumed by other parties or target applications.
Volantes user-interface that generates code enables us to build cartridges
(logic which ultimately generates the code) based upon the models for sources or
Volante provides a comprehensive data management framework, supporting
standards and normalisation, data flow and workflow, virtualisation and SOAs,
data governance, and model-driven initiatives.
What are the benefits of the product to end users/customers?
Volante handles the management of message complexity, so firms can improve
their straight-through-processing (STP) rates and take full advantage of their
commercial opportunities by increasing operational efficiency, reducing cost and
increasing return on investment (ROI). The speed and ease of adoption of not only
standard message structures and rules but also the model driven code generation
of transformation, validation, routing and enrichment of data, brings agility with
respect to changing regulation, technology and business relationships with
customers and counterparties.
How long does a typical implementation of this product require?
Integration project times can be cut dramatically when using Volante. The
product itself has virtually no implementation time as it can be installed in
minutes. As an integration accelerator tool, the key elements are user training
and best practice architecture consultancy which typically takes a matter of days.
Version Control January 14th/2014
We reduced time to onboard corporates
from 8 to 3 months...
...revenue improved by 600%.
Volante provides a simple, easy to use
that manages financial messaging complexity.
Automation with Volante
compressed the project into 8 weeks
we expected it to take 6 months.
With Volante we are win
we reduce operational risk, improve service
levels, respond to customers quicker, and
build our reputational profile.
Prediction 1: The continuing impact of existing and new global and regional
regulatory obligations.
2013 saw regulatory reform implemented across many
asset classes such as the global implementation of DoddFrank which created mandatory, trading, affirmation and
reporting venues in the OTC derivatives world. Additionally,
payments infrastructure players in the Eurozone were
forced to focus on preparations for the implementation of
SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) which was set to come
into force in February 2014 but is now subject to delay.
In 2014, the tail-end of such regulatory reform will
continue to have an impact. Organizations, facing cross
reporting thresholds or non-compliancy due to projects
being left late in 2013, also face the acknowledgement
that stop-gap solutions implemented in order to become
compliant, for on-going maintenance or internal compliance
reasons are now not deemed viable in the long term.
2014 will add to this burden with the implementation
of yet more regulation, this time, in the derivatives market.
Global derivatives regulation such as EMIR will potentially
impact more market participants than Dodd-Frank, owing
to obligations being on both parties to report and a lack of
thresholds. This year also sees the possible implementation
date for reporting of energy contracts to ACER within the
EU. All of these derivatives market reforms will have direct
impacts on the messaging requirements of the affected
organizations which will only be compounded for global
Prediction 3: The continuing move away from legacy to services and cloud-orientated
2013 saw a definite increase in the perceived demand
for Service Orientated Architecture (SOA)-based
solutions for data and message integration as top and
middle tier organizations particularly, look to rationalize
often heterogeneous and geographically disparate
systems and functions. Again, this trend we believe will
continue into 2014 and beyond, and in many ways, will
only increase with the impact of the other predictions
made in this article.
Organizations need to be able to implement
architecture that allows them to centralize functions
such as IT and physical communication channels whilst
still being able to support country specific requirements.
Implementing services that can be used regardless of
location for message format transformation, validation,
enrichment, storage and routing are well serviced by a
SOA infrastructure and will help realize other cost benefits
where other highly flexible open technologies such as Java
and Linux are utilized. So, whether it is the implementation
full SAP IDOC and FSN support. Latterly, the product has
also had big-data support added in the form of being
conformant with the Apache-Hadoop standard.
The move to adoption of SOA infrastructure has also
resulted in Volante implementing more out-of-the-box
functionality with regards to the routing of data and
visualization of the end-to-end message choreography.
We intend to continue to add to these enhancements
throughout 2014 and beyond, and will maintain our
focus on implementing whatever message or technology
functionality our customers require to support their
ever-increasing regulatory and cost efficiency demands in
relation to data integration.
Version Control January 14th/2014