Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Patient Treatment Manual
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Patient Treatment Manual
Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Patient Treatment Manual
in which individuals can record their own experience of their disorder,
together with the additional advice for their particular case given by their
resource enabling those who have recovered, but who encounter further
stress or difficulties, to read the appropriate section and, by putting the
Section 1
About this programme
This programme will aim to teach you to manage your worry and anxiety by learning to
change the way you think and the way you react to your thinking and other events. In
essence you will be learning new methods of control.
It is important to realize that achieving control of worry and anxiety is a skill that has to
be learnt. To be effective, the skill must be practiced regularly and you will need to take
responsibility for change. The more you put into the programme, the more you will get
out of it. It is not the severity of your anxiety, or how long you have been anxious, or how
old you are that predicts the success of this programme, but rather it is your motivation to
change your reactions.
You may be taking medication to help you cope with anxiety. If you are taking
medication, you may need to talk about the issues discussed below with your therapist.
Antidepressant medication
Many of the medications that are useful to treat a depressive disorder are also useful to
help control anxiety. If your doctor has prescribed you this type of medication,
particularly if you have been depressed, it is important that you continue to take the
medication for several months, and only stop taking it in consultation with your doctor.
This medication typically has few side-effects, it is safe, and will not cause you to build
up tolerance or become dependent.
When you are ready to stop this medication (usually after you have been feeling calm and
in control for a number of months), it is very unlikely that you will experience a relapse
of your anxiety if you have been able to learn and put into practice the strategies taught
on this programme.
Sedatives, tranquilizers and sleeping pills.
This class of medication is the benzodiazepines. They dampen the feelings of anxiety
very effectively, but also produce the following problems:
they can interfere with thinking and your ability to remember new information;
they can make you feel drowsy and sleepy;
they can interfere with your natural sleep cycle and rhythms;
they can produce tolerance, so that you might need bigger and bigger doses for the
same effect;
they can produce dependence, so that you come to rely on them and experience an
increase in anxiety without them;
they can produce withdrawal symptoms when you stop or cut down, producing
unpleasant anxiety-like symptoms;
they can make it easier for you not to use the strategies taught in this programme.
If you are taking this type of medication would already have been asked to gradually cut
down, with the aim to stop completely. If you are experiencing any difficulties with this
process, please discuss it with your therapist who can then work with your doctor in
achieving the goal of successfully stopping the medication.
Section 2
The Nature of Anxiety and Worry
As you can see, this series of reactions, known as the fight or flight response, account for the
many and varied feelings you can experience when you are anxious. In your mind you feel fear,
apprehension, you are on edge, keyed up, and worried.
In your body, you may experience one or a number of the following sensations:
trembling or shaking
muscle tension
shortness of breath
pounding or racing heart
cold and clammy hands
fast breathing
dry mouth
hot flushes or chills
feeling sick or nauseated
butterflies in the stomach
This fight or flight response is useful in the short term, especially if the danger can be dealt
with by physical exertion. But it is of no use in the long term and certainly of little use in most
stressful situations today - it does not help to run when the traffic cop pulls you over and it
doesn't help to fight physically when you are threatened by the boss. However, because the
fight or flight response was useful when, in the distant past we regularly had to deal with
physical danger, it remains part of our physical make-up. It is no wonder that when we are
threatened, we can't get enough air, our hearts pound, we feel nauseated, and our arms and legs
tremble and shake, as all these responses would be useful if we could flee or fight.
The Anxiety Cycle
All of these changes in the body can be quickly reversed once vigorous physical activity has
been carried out. This explains why many people report the desire to run or in some other way
expend physical energy when placed in stressful situations. However, we are not often able to
immediately engage in physical activity and therefore are less able to reverse the changes. For
people who are prone to worry excessively, these changes can be quite disturbing and a new
source of threat. This, of course, leads to further activation of the fight or flight response and
the whole cycle is continued.
Anxiety triggers:
fear-provoking thoughts
feelings, images, or situations
Perception of threat
fight or flight
Worry about anxiety
Very Good
Anxiety Facilitates
Anxiety Debilitates
Very Poor
Very Calm
Anxiety Level
It is, therefore, important to learn a strategies for remaining calm when appropriate, and alert,
tense, and in control in difficult situations.
Chronic Anxiety
If individuals find it difficult to break the anxiety cycle, the problems can become chronic. It is
very likely that individuals with generalized anxiety disorder have had long-standing difficulties
with managing anxiety, sometimes for months or even years. Some of the results of feeling
anxious over a long time include:
When you experience these problems, the anxiety has begun to interfere with your everyday
life. Because anxiety is a normal, in-built, and at times useful response, you will never banish it
completely from your life, but the good news is that you can learn to manage and control it.
single major problem, or several smaller problems, that may exceed your normal powers of
adaptation. When high levels of stress occur, anxiety can result if they produce in you a sense of
threat and lack of control.
The effect of your view of the world
Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder have an increased tendency - compared to
individuals without an anxiety disorder - to automatically interpret information in their lives as
threatening. For example, the ringing telephone is less likely to be considered with pleased
anticipation of a friend ringing for a chat, but more likely to be viewed with alarm as news of an
accident. Or a frown on the face of a supervisor at work is less likely to be viewed as the
supervisors personal problem, but more likely to viewed as a sign of disapproval. This view of
the world is thought to develop from previous life experiences, which might include the impact
of stressful life events, or the messages received from parents and other important people in
your life.
The Nature of Worry.
Worry is a central feature of generalized anxiety disorder. Most people can identify with the
idea of worry, but scientists have defined the following features in the worry of individuals
with generalized anxiety disorder:
is usually a stream of thoughts or ideas;
is accompanied by feelings of apprehension or anxiety;
concerns future events and catastrophes;
interferes with the ability to think clearly;
is very difficult to control.
Research has shown that the typical person with generalized anxiety disorder can spend over
half of their waking hours worrying. In most instances, the individual can recognize, with
hindsight, that the worry was excessive and out of proportion to the actual event that triggered
the worry.
A large number of worries tend to focus on day-to-day concerns, most typically:
family and home life
work and study
illness or injury
Common themes of worry in generalized anxiety disorder can include:
problems arising in the future
perfectionism and a fear of failure
fear of being negatively evaluated by others
It is clear that individuals with generalized anxiety disorder largely worry about events that are
remote (as opposed to in the immediate future) and which are unlikely to happen. This sort of
worry is rarely helpful as it is unlikely to promote effective problem solving. For example,
worrying that a relative might develop a life-threatening illness (a remote and unlikely event)
will not affect the likelihood of it happening. However adaptive worry might take place prior to
an important exam if the worry led to a good problem-solving behaviour a time-table of study.
Reassurance seeking, or needing to check with others that things are going to be ok. For
example, telephoning your partner frequently to make sure nothing bad has happened to
them, or visiting your doctor any time you notice a sign or bodily sensation that might mean
you are ill. Continually seeking reassurance from others might relieve the anxiety in the
short-term, but the relief is usually only temporary. Because you are never really allowed to
deal with the initial worry yourself, you can come to depend on this reassurance, and
unfortunately come to need it more and more to relieve anxiety.
Other forms of checking include obsessively reviewing the report for work or study to make
sure that it is perfect, or not being able to take a break until all the tasks for the day are
complete (and we all know how likely that goal is to be achieved!!). While there is not a lot
of evidence that this type of checking ensures that work is perfect, or that everything gets
done, the individual never learns that their work can be acceptable without the checking or
that they can take breaks and still get things done. Instead, goals are set too high, and the
individual becomes upset, anxious and demoralized when they dont achieve what they have
Avoidance of situations or events that are thought to produce anxiety. For example,
avoiding listening to the news because stories of disasters or illness will trigger worry about
personal disaster or illness. Or avoiding people because of what they might say to you. Or
avoiding any situation in which the chances of danger have been overestimated.
Avoidance can seriously limit your life and the possibility of enjoying a range of activities
that are so much a part of everybodys life. When avoidance is based on an overestimation
of danger, it is unnecessary and the belief of danger is never disconfirmed.
Procrastination, a special form of avoidance, which involves not beginning a task because of
the anxiety associated with a possible negative outcome. Many times tasks are only started
when the negative consequences of not starting outweigh the negative consequences
associated with completing the task - some tasks never get started at all! For example,
consider a dressmaker who can never start on special orders because of her fear that her
client would not like the finished product and therefore think less of her both professionally
and personally. In most cases, the feared consequences are overly negative, usually
catastrophic, and not based on reality.
Another form of avoidance is trying to suppress or control worry. Unfortunately, the worry
might well be made stronger by attempts to suppress it, possibly just because you are
purposefully focusing your attention on it. Some research has suggested that the process of
deliberately suppressing thoughts can cause them to intrude into your mind more forcefully
when the thoughts are no longer being actively suppressed. This process has been called a
rebound effect.
Alternative strategies for dealing with worry that do not maintain the anxiety and worry are
covered in later sections of the manual.
Section 3
De-arousal strategies
Control of hyperventilation.
If you are often troubled by the following symptoms when anxious or worried, you may
be hyperventilating:
blurred vision
feelings of unreality
numbness and tingling in the extremities
cold, clammy hands
stiffness in the muscles
tightness or pain in the chest
a fear that something bad is about to happen
(e.g., a heart attack or loss of control over behavior)
Hyperventilation is defined as a rate and depth of breathing that is too much for the
bodys needs at a particular point in time. A number of factors such as emotion, stress, or
habit can cause us to increase our breathing. The most important effect of
hyperventilation is that it produces a marked drop in carbon dioxide. Through
complicated automatic mechanisms designed to restore the balance, a number of physical
changes occur, resulting in a slight reduction in the levels of oxygen getting to various
parts of the body, including the brain. Many people that over-breathe also tend to breathe
with their chest muscles rather than their diaphragm, and these muscles therefore become
tight and painful.
Hyperventilation is not dangerous. Increased respiration is an integral part of the fight or
flight response and so is part of a natural biological response aimed at protecting the
body from harm. It is an automatic reaction for the brain to immediately expect danger
and for the individual to feel the urge to escape. So, your perception of danger triggers
hyperventilation and the fight or flight response, but once this response is triggered,
there is a natural tendency to begin to feel fearful and think anxious thoughts. This leads
some people to fear physical harm from the symptoms of anxiety themselves.
Do you hyperventilate?
Many people are unaware that they hyperventilate. Their pattern of hyperventilation may
be subtle, or they may be only focusing on one or two of the symptoms produced. To
assess whether or not you hyperventilate, you can (i) monitor your breathing, or (ii)
deliberately hyperventilate to see what physical feelings are produced.
(i) Monitor your breathing.
For one minute (timed), count one breath in and out as 1, the next breath in and out as 2,
and so on. It may be difficult at first, but don't try to change your breathing rate
voluntarily. Time yourself for one minute and write the answer here: ________________
Now consider the following:
Do you breathe too quickly? The average person only needs to take 10 to 12 breaths per
minute at rest. If your rate of breathing is much greater than this (say 15 or more breaths
per minute), then you must reduce it.
Do you breathe too deeply? Does your chest sometimes feel over-expanded? You should
breathe from the abdomen and through the nose, consciously attempting to breathe in a
smooth and light way.
Is your hyperventilation episodic (occurring only during episodes of high anxiety or
depression), or habitual (occurring through much of the day)? Habitual over-breathing
involves slight increases in depth or speed of breathing sustained over a long period.
Generally, this is not enough to bring on a panic attack, but leaves the person always
feeling apprehensive, slightly dizzy, and unable to think clearly.
(ii) Deliberately hyperventilate
Demonstrate for yourself what happens when you deliberately produce the physiological
symptoms of hyperventilation. Really work hard to over-breathe, and stop when you
experience symptoms in the first stage of hyperventilation. When you stop, concentrate
on breathing very slowly until the feelings pass.
What did you experience?
Was it similar to what happens when you get anxious?
How frightening was it?
See how you can deliberately produce this physiological reaction. See how quickly it
goes away when you stop over-breathing. If you can produce this reaction you can also
slow it down. But it takes practice.
Slow-Breathing Technique.
Do this before tackling a difficult situation, or any time when feeling tense or anxious.
Hold your breath and count to 6 (don't take a deep breath).
When you get to 6, breathe out and say the word "relax" to yourself in a calm,
soothing manner.
Breathe in and out slowly in a six-second cycle. Breathe in for three seconds and out
for three seconds. This will produce a breathing rate of 10 breaths per minute. Say the
word "relax" to yourself every time you breathe out. Breathe in a smooth and light
Make sure you breathe through your nose and use your abdomen rather than chest
At the end of each minute (after 10 breaths) hold your breath again for 6 seconds and
then continue breathing in the six-second cycle.
Continue breathing in this way until all the symptoms of over-breathing have gone.
The more you practice this slow-breathing technique, the better you will become at using
it to manage symptoms of hyperventilation. Sometimes you will notice that symptoms of
anxiety return after a short while. That's okay, just do your controlled breathing again for
as long as it takes to settle.
A small number of individuals report that they get symptoms of anxiety when they first
start breathing retraining. This is probably due to breathing a little fast or becoming
sensitive to breathing patterns when you think about them. Keep practicing and the
anxiety will diminish.
Other people report that when they first begin to practice this slow breathing technique it
feels unnatural. This is only to be expected if you have been habitually breathing at a
higher rate, too shallowly, or in some other irregular fashion. As you practice the slowbreathing technique it will come to feel not only more natural, but also more comfortable.
At first, you may need to use a watch with a second hand to be sure that your rate is slow
enough. With time, you will be able to judge the correct rate yourself, and hence be able
to use this technique well even when you cannot watch a clock.
Early morning
Before After
Before After
Early evening
Before After
Late Evening
Before After
After you have finished the relaxation, don't jump up right away. First, you might feel
momentarily dizzy and misinterpret this normal reaction as a sign of some other problem.
Second, you might get straight back into the old habit of tensing. Get up slowly and try to
preserve the state of relaxation for as long as possible. Set about your activities in a slow
and peaceful manner.
Remember, relaxation is a skill and, as such, improves with practice. Do not despair if
you do not reach deep levels of relaxation during your early sessions. The more
frequently you practice relaxation, the deeper the relaxation will be, and the longer
lasting the effect.
You will need to commit yourself to at least eight weeks of daily practice in order to
achieve really long-lasting effects. Naturally, longer is even better. Some people continue
daily relaxation many years after leaving treatment. If you can do this, we recommend it.
However, not all people continue relaxation in this way. It is our experience that people
who benefit most from relaxation either practice regularly, or practice immediately when
they notice any increase in tension or anxiety.
Let tension go in specific muscles: isometric relaxation
Isometric relaxation exercises can be done in everyday situations. Most exercises do not
involve any obvious change in posture or movement. Others involve some movement and
are best reserved for doing in some place where movement or stretching isn't likely to
draw too much attention.
In the early stages of training, you may have to do these exercises several times a day to
counteract tension and maintain a relaxed state, particularly when anxious. As you
improve, they will take less time and become easier. Eventually, you will find that you
are doing them without thinking - that is, they may well become a habit that you will use
automatically to counter tension.
There are some important points that need to be remembered when doing the isometric
exercises. You are asked to hold your breath for seven seconds while you hold in tension,
but some people occasionally find this too long. Don't become obsessive about holding
your breath - try to hold it for seven seconds if you can but this is not crucial. The most
important thing is to concentrate on putting the tension in slowly over approximately
seven seconds and releasing the tension slowly over approximately seven seconds. The
most common mistakes that people make with isometric exercises is putting the tension
in too quickly, or putting in too much tension. These are meant to be gentle and slow
exercises. The aim of the exercise is to relax you, not to get you even more tense. If
circumstances do not allow you to hold the tension for seven seconds, you can still
benefit from putting in the tension slowly over some period of time and releasing it in the
same manner.
Section 4
Thinking strategies
Humans are thinking, feeling, and behaving beings. These three aspects of our make-up
interact with each other. However, thoughts can often go unrecognized and we fail to
realize the important role they play in the way we feel and behave. People often presume
that events lead directly to feelings:
Noticing a mistake in a report you have written for work
Anxiety, annoyance; hiding from the boss
This presumption is important because it may lead people to believe that they have no
influence over the way they think, feel or behave. But thoughts intervene between A and
C, so the true association is:
Noticing a mistake in a report you have written for work
I must be really stupid. The boss will be really annoyed. Ill lose my job.
Anxiety, annoyance; hiding from the boss
Another important point is that different people will often have very different thoughts,
and therefore very different reactions, in response to the same event.
Consider the following example. Three people are waiting at a bus stop. They see the bus
approach, hail the bus and it just drives past without stopping.
The same event produced three different responses, because it is not the event that
directly produced the feelings and behavior, but rather, the thoughts the three people had
about the event.
The first person might have thought, That driver should have stopped! Now Im
going to be late for an important meeting!.
The second person might have thought Im going to be late, Ill never get everything
done in time, and the rest of the day will be a disaster!.
The third might have thought I might be late, but theres not much I can do about it
right now..
So people can respond differently to the same situation. Their emotional response and
behaviour (C) is related to the way they think about or interpret (B) any given situation or
event (A).
If you are like the first or second person in the example above you might tend to see
things as worse than they need be, and you may be causing yourself unnecessary anxiety.
All people who have suffered anxiety for many years develop habitual and unhelpful
ways of thinking about situations. They often tend to expect the worst; often so much so
that they bring the worst on. The way an individual reacts to events and to people is
largely tied into the expectations and assumptions that that individual holds about
particular situations and their self. Some of these expectations and assumptions may not
be particularly helpful.
Expectations such as:
I know that something dreadful is going to happen.
I can't concentrate and it's affecting my whole life.
I'll always be anxious.
My worry will drive me crazy
Everyone will see that I'm not coping.
are likely to increase anxiety.
Typically, these expectations and assumptions have been built up over a number of years,
so much so that they at times seem automatic. They do, however, have significant
implications for how upset you feel and how you actually behave.
It is important to recognize that unhelpful thinking patterns are habits, and that habits can
be changed with effort and practice. Identifying unhelpful thoughts associated with
anxiety is the first step in changing your thinking.
very frightening. Someone who is worried that their anxiety symptoms may really be
signs of an underlying and yet unrecognized serious physical illness would be said to be
responding reasonably to their label, or interpretation, of their experiences. They believe
the symptoms to be dangerous, even though they are objectively harmless. The problem
is that the label applied is wrong! Worrying that one may be ill will cause more anxiety,
and bring on even more of the unpleasant bodily feelings that caused the worry in the first
Once you have been able to identify what you have been saying to yourself, determine
whether it was helpful in the situation. The following guide should help.
Helpful thoughts are generally:
Each of the above thoughts may be unrealistic. If you had these thoughts, you could
argue with yourself about their truth. However, the best test would be to see:
1. if people still spoke to you after you were anxious when you went out with them
2. if the feared event happened if you stopped worrying about it
3. whether or not you still got things done if you did slow down.
Advantages of having to get it right all the Disadvantages of having to get it right all the
It can produce really good work
I get so anxious, I cant do my best
I try that much harder to do well
I dont take risks, and so miss many experiences
When something goes well, I feel great
I cant afford to make the mistakes that are
necessary for learning
I cant let anyone notice my mistakes, so miss
out on valuable advice
When others are critical of my work, I get
defensive and angry
My successes are undermined because
subsequent failure wipes out their significance
I dont have any constant idea of myself, just of
how well I am doing at any given moment
I can never think well of myself because it is
impossible to get it right all the time
My mistakes and failures are catastrophic
What thinking errors am I making?
Some examples of common thinking errors include:
Thinking in all-or-nothing terms . This is black-and-white thinking in which things are
seen as all good or all bad, either safe or dangerous - there is no middle ground.
I am totally hopeless if I am less than thoroughly competent or achieving in everything
I do.
Using ultimatums . Beware of words like always, never, everyone, no one, everything, or
nothing. Ask yourself if the situation really is as clear-cut as you are thinking.
Things never go right for me. No-one else has problems like me.
Condemning yourself on the basis of a single event. Because there is one thing that you
cannot do or have not done, you then label yourself a failure or worthless.
I made a mistake today; I am a complete failure.
Concentrating on weaknesses and forgetting strengths . Try to think of other times you
have attempted or even been successful at something and think about the resources that
you really do have.
My anxiety is taking so long to get over, I haven't made any progress and that's just
typical of me.
Blaming yourself for what is not your fault. This will only make things worse, so think
through the arguments for and against. If it is not your fault, stop blaming yourself (even
if you cannot think of anyone or anything else to blame).
Im too weak to deal with my worry.
Following are some examples of such unhelpful thinking, together with some alternatives
for each of the situations involved.
Anxiety provoking thoughts
What if everything goes wrong?
I couldnt cope.
Surely these feelings really mean that I have a I am feeling symptoms of anxiety, which I know
serious illness
cannot harm me. I am unlikely to have anything
seriously wrong with me that all the doctors
have missed.
I keep thinking that something dreadful will There is no evidence that anything bad is about
happen to the people close to me.
to happen. I won't dwell on future events that
are unlikely to happen.
Helpful thinking does not reject all negative thoughts; it is not simply wishful thinking. It
involves looking at things in a way that is most realistic, given the facts. For example:
I didn't get the job, which proves that I am a failure. I'll never get a job or have things
go right for me.
I am disappointed I didn't get that job, but I can cope.
Who cares! I didn't want the job anyway.
What if I can't cope with this? It will be absolutely disastrous.
I'm going to give this a try. I'll give it my best shot and see how it goes.
It'll be easy!
All our thoughts do not necessarily have to be centered on disappointments, but it is often
in such situations that you can feel anxious or hopeless. If things do not go as you would
hope or if people do not behave as you would like, check if your disappointment is
reasonable. If so, face your disappointment but do not make a catastrophe out of it, either!
Assumptions and core beliefs.
While automatic thoughts are relatively accessible as verbal messages in your conscious
mind, it may be important to learn to recognize the assumptions or core beliefs that lie
behind the thoughts.
Assumptions operate as rules that guide our daily actions and expectations, and are
usually If then or should statements. Some examples of assumptions are If I
dont get things right all the time then people will think that I am stupid or If I let other
people see what Im really like then they might not like me or Others mightnt like you
if you disagree with them.
The deepest level of thinking is the core belief. Core beliefs are absolute statements about
yourself, other people, or the world. Some examples of core beliefs are I am stupid or
Others will reject the real me or It is wrong to disagree
Many people would have held these assumptions and core beliefs since their childhood.
Young children develop rules to make sense of their experiences (dogs bite, dogs are
friendly) and to guide their behavior (stay away from dogs, play with dogs).
Children also learn rules from the things others tell them and from observing the way
others behave. These rules are not necessarily true and, in childhood, may not be very
flexible (all dogs bite, all dogs are friendly). As people grow older they tend to be
able to develop more flexible rules as they learn that everything is not black and white.
However some beliefs may remain inflexible, even into adulthood, and will continue to
dictate how you interpret and react across various situations. If the assumptions or core
beliefs are unrealistic and unhelpful then they may lead to intense or long-lasting levels
of anxiety or depression. Luckily, assumptions and core beliefs can be changed in much
the same way as automatic thoughts.
(i) Identify beliefs
look for repeated themes in your thought monitoring or diary
ask yourself If that were true, what would it mean about me?
(ii) Test beliefs
gather evidence that the belief may not be 100% true
critically examine your beliefs and their effect on your feelings and behavior
consider the advantages and disadvantages of holding the belief
allow more time for change in assumptions and beliefs than in automatic thoughts
(iii) Record evidence that a belief may not be 100% true all of the time.
(iv) Identify alternative helpful beliefs
Through the program, you will be asked to write down your thinking for each situation or
circumstance where you find yourself anxious or worrying. Use the Record of attempts
to change unhelpful thinking found on the following pages. (Extra copies can also be
found at the back of this manual).
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Section 5
Managing Worry
Individuals with generalized anxiety worry a lot. These worries tend to center on
everyday things; we all worry to some extent about problems that might arise at home or
at work, about illness or injury afflicting ourselves or our family, about difficulties in our
relationships with others, or even financial pressures. Individuals with generalized
anxiety will recognize that they worry excessively about these things, that the worries are
often unrealistic, and that the worry takes up a large part of their typical day.
Unfortunately, it is this type of worry that can interfere with daily functioning, and can
increase anxiety and tension levels.
Excessive worry or ruminating about events that are unlikely to happen can make you
feel worse than you need to and may even increase feelings that you cannot cope. It may
feel as though by worrying about things you might be able to anticipate and avoid future
catastrophes, but in reality the worry does not lead to productive or constructive action.
Instead, problems remain unsolved, fears are not confronted, and the unhelpful beliefs
about events or situations continue unchallenged. In the following sections practical steps
for dealing with worry are described.
Problem Solving
Determine if there is a real problem that requires solving. Ask yourself:
Is the feared event likely to happen?
Is it imminent?
Is there anything you can do about it?
If you answer yes, deal with the problem using an efficient problem-solving strategy
(covered in Section 6). For example, you might be in a situation where you need to find a
new job, move house, or put up an unexpected and unwelcome house guest. Rather than
worry about how you will cope, you can short-circuit the worry by planning how to solve
the problem then make sure the plan is put into action!
Determine if the worry is driven by indecision. Many individuals with Generalized
Anxiety Disorder are anxious that they might do something wrong or make the wrong
decision. They may be overly perfectionistic. The anxiety may cause these individuals to
procrastinate or continually put off making a decision, or they may deliberately continue
to worry through the decision in an attempt to ensure that they dont make a mistake.
For example, people may find themselves going through a lengthy series of questions and
answers about major life decisions such as Am I in the right job?, Am I in the right
relationship?. Or there may be a series of day-to-day decisions that cause worry, such as
Should I go to that party? What present should I buy my partner? or Which task
should I start first?
Unfortunately this worrying it through process does not usually help to find the right
decision (as there may not be such a thing as the right or wrong answer) but instead
increases and extends feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, thereby feeding the indecision.
Furthermore, this process may cause you to come up with a wider range of catastrophic
consequences that you would otherwise have come up with. In other words, the more you
worry, the more and more negative you may become.
If your worry is driven by indecision:
Determine if there is any unhelpful thinking that lies behind your worry. For example
Is there really a right answer to your decision? Realistically, what would really
happen if you made a decision one way or the other? Whats the worst that could
happen? What evidence is there that you are unable to make a decision?
If there is a decision to be made, set a reasonable amount of time to reach a decision,
and then act on it! The problem solving strategy described in Section 6 can be helpful
Then make sure that you dont engage in any further worry about the decision (see
Letting Go of Worries below).
Worry about worry
A number of examples of worry about worry can be challenged using the strategies
covered in the previous section.
Worry is really bad for my health
Worry will drive me mad
I cant control my worry
I will worry like this for the rest of my life
Ask yourself:
what is the effect of thinking this way?
what is the evidence to support these beliefs?
what alternative explanations might there be?
what is more likely based on past experience
For example, if you worry that you will be unable to control your worry, ask yourself
what typically happens when you do worry. Are you really never able to stop it? What
eventually stops the worry? So next time, how likely is it that the worry will go on and on
forever? What do you think would happen if you tried to postpone the worry by telling
yourself that you will give yourself time to think about it later in the day? Why dont you
try this and see what happens. What would happen if you deliberately tried to lose control
through worry?
Many unhelpful beliefs about worry can be challenged by deliberately engaging in (or
even exaggerating) worry episodes to see if the feared consequences come about. For
example, if you have come to think that your worry will drive you into madness why
dont you test this out by deliberately engaging in your worst worries and see what
actually happens!
Letting Go of Worries
It may be helpful to think of times when you have not been troubled by worry and
rumination. Probably during these times you were involved intently in an activity that
you enjoyed a lot or that took up all of your attention. It is very difficult to think properly
about more than one thing at the same time.
Thus, it is sometimes useful to have a strategy to draw your attention away from
worrying thoughts - once you have decided that it is appropriate not to continue to think
about them. You have probably already noticed that it is extremely difficult to stop such
thoughts just by trying to push them out of your mind. A better solution is to
acknowledge the worry, and then focus your attention on something else.
For example
Thats a worry. Its not worth my thinking about it. Ill get on with my work
I cant determine exactly what will happen in the future, I will focus on what Id like to
do today
If stuck, here are some examples of things to do:
Concentrate on what is happening around you. Get involved in the moment. Choose
something that is likely to interest you and engage your attention. Give yourself a
specific task; listen carefully to the conversation, begin the next task at work, make
that telephone call.
Engage in some form of mental activity. Read a magazine or book, complete a
crossword puzzle, watch a movie.
Engage in some form of physical activity. Do some exercise, wash the car, take the
dog for a walk.
If you find it very difficult to re-focus your attention, you may need to improve your skill.
Some individuals find that regular use of a breathing exercise or meditation make very
good attention-focussing exercises.
Remember, few people can successfully focus their attention away from their worries on
their first few attempts. It is important to acknowledge that daily practice and repeatedly
re-focusing attention will help to build the skill and maximize the chances of success.
Section 6
Structured Problem Solving
Our lives are full of problems to be solved, ranging from major life crises to the more
mundane hassles of our day-to-day lives. However, no matter how small or trivial the
matter, if problems remain unsolved, or if the way they are resolved is unsatisfactory,
they can lead to feelings of uncontrollability or the perception of threat, which are major
contributors to anxiety.
Structured problem solving is a useful strategy for anyone with problems, whether those
problems are related to anxiety, or other personal matters, such as dealing with a difficult
colleague at work. The approach can also be used by groups of people, such as families,
friends, and work-mates. For example, your family may be facing financial difficulties
and may need to cut expenses, or they may have a problem in that nobody is prepared to
do the dishes in the evening. Problem solving can also be applied to achieving goals, such
as getting a job, planning a social activity, or improving ones fitness.
There are no perfect or ideal solutions to problems, but the structured problem-solving
approach aims to lead you to the most effective plan for action.
Setting Up a Problem-Solving Session.
Because this structured approach is best suited for problems that are difficult, serious, or
capable of causing anxiety and worry, problem solving should occur only in certain
settings and at times specifically set aside for that purpose. For instance, do not try to do
problem solving while watching television or cooking the dinner. There should be no
competing jobs or distractions: Take the phone off the hook, or if you have young
children, plan to hold your problem-solving session after they have gone to bed.
When you first start to use the problem-solving method, try to avoid problems that are
very difficult, emotional, or are particularly long-standing. If people become too angry or
anxious during the problem solving procedure, it may be difficult to follow the steps. It
may be better to first deal with easier issues until you are used to the method.
Do not attempt to solve more than two problems in the one sitting. It is useful to plan an
agenda in advance. In this way, you will more likely avoid unrelated worries or
ruminations that will interfere with the problem-solving process. It is often useful to write
down all of your problem-solving exercises. Use the same structure as the problemsolving sheet provided. Writing things down will often put problems and solutions into
better perspective and ensure that a record of the decisions you make is always available.
Identifying Problems
Most people will have no difficulty in recognizing where their problems lie, but to help
you in this task, the following points may be helpful:
Use your feelings as a cue for recognizing problems. Rather than viewing your
feelings as the problem, consider may be causing the way you feel. If you have
interpreted the circumstances correctly, then the event itself may be a problem that
needs to be addressed, changed or resolved.
Use your behavior as a cue for recognizing problems. If you continue to make
mistakes, or things don't work out as you would like, the situation itself may be the
problem and you may be able to manage it more effectively.
Consider the content of your worries. Is there a problem that requires solving behind
these worries?
Write down some of your problems and goals in the spaces below.
Briefly run through the solutions you generated to the problem above.
Step 4. Choosing the Optimal Solution
In this step, the aim is to choose the solution (or combination of solutions) that will solve
the problem or achieve a goal.
It is often helpful to choose a solution that can be readily applied and not too difficult to
implement, even though it may not be the ideal solution. At least, you can get started
right away. The problem may not be solved immediately, but you might have made a
difference, and what you learn by trying might be useful the second time around. This is
preferable to choosing a solution that is doomed to failure because you have been overly
Outline the solution (or combination of solutions) you have agreed upon in the space
Step 5. Planning
A detailed plan of action will increase the likelihood that the problem will be solved.
Even if your solution is excellent, it will not be of any use if it isnt put into practice. The
most common reason why solutions fail is through a lack of planning. Be sure to spend
some time on this planning stage.
Imagine that you are planning the solution for the problem you have solved. Outline the
steps you would plan in the space below.
The following checklist applies to any problem and is helpful to see if you have planned
Do you have the necessary resources available (time, skills, equipment, money) or are
you able to arrange the necessary resources or help?
Do you have the agreement or cooperation of other people that might be involved in
the plan?
Have all the steps been examined for possible difficulties?
Have any strategies been planned to cope with likely difficulties? Setting specified
times or deadlines will minimize the risk of procrastination.
Have any strategies been planned to cope with any negative (or positive)
Have difficult parts of the plan been rehearsed, for example, a telephone call,
conversation, interview, or speech?
Has a time been set for a review of the overall progress of the plan?
Step 6. Review
Problem solving is a continuing process as problems are often not resolved or goals not
attained after only one attempt. Because not every possible difficulty is considered at the
planning stage, ongoing reviews are necessary to cope with unexpected set-backs. Steps
may need to be changed or new ones added.
It will also be important to praise all efforts that have been made. If you reward yourself
and others for the work that has been done, it is more likely that the successful process
will be followed and that problems will be solved in the future.
Problem-solving practice
From now on, whenever you are faced with a difficulty or problem that appears difficult
to resolve, use the following six-step method of structured problem solving. For many
problems, there are no easy answers or ideal solutions, but at least you will know that you
have tackled your problem in the most effective and efficient manner.
STEP 2: LIST ALL POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Put down all ideas, even bad ones.
List the solutions without evaluation at this stage.
resources needed and the major pitfalls to overcome. Practice difficult steps, make notes
of information needed.
Section 7
Dealing with behaviours that maintain anxiety or worry
When anxiety occurs for the first time with a certain situation, most people believe that
should they confront that same situation again, they would be more than likely to become
anxious. Likewise, certain activities or problems may also have become associated over
time with discomfort or anxiety. The occurrence of anxiety is unpleasant and so, as any
sensible person would, sufferers soon learn to try to anticipate the situations or events
likely to trigger their anxiety.
Of course, it is quite helpful to behave in a way to minimize objective danger, such as
getting your doctor to check an unusual sunspot or avoiding deserted parts of the city late
at night. On these occasions the anxiety that causes us to act in these ways will serve a
useful purpose. The problem is that when they are anxious, individuals with generalized
anxiety will often avoid situations that are not dangerous, such as upsetting television or
newspaper stories, meeting certain people, or anything that might remind them of their
fears or worries. Others will put off doing things that they know should be done, or avoid
solving their problems. Yet others will unnecessarily seek reassurance from those around
them to decrease their fears or doubts.
The problem with these behaviours is that the relief is only temporary.
In practice, the things we avoid become harder and harder to do, and gradually we
avoid more and more things.
The need to seek reassurance becomes greater, and more and more reassurance is
required to relieve the anxiety.
When anxiety is relieved by something we do, the fear can be made even worse, because
the feeling of relief and drop in anxiety following the behaviour tells the primitive part of
the brain that the behaviour was sensible. Thus, the behavior is reinforced or
strengthened; after all, if you can avoid anxiety by acting in a particular way, why not do
so? Unfortunately, you just identify more and more situations as difficult and avoid them
Then what is the cure? If avoiding the things you fear makes them harder and harder to
face, what would happen if you started to confront your fears? If the fear is reinforced by
seeking reassurance, what would happen if you prevented yourself from checking?
Actually, if you confronted your fears or doubts for long enough, it would eventually go,
and the fear the next time you encountered that situation would be less. However, most
people don't like to put this to the test, so they keep avoiding those situations or seeking
One good way to break behaviours is to start with easy situations and slowly build up
enough confidence to face the harder things. The other important strategy is to control the
level of the anxiety using the breathing exercise and controlling worrying thoughts, and
then stay with the situation until you have become more calm.
But how do you organize such experiences? First, you need to identify all behaviours that
might be maintaining anxiety.
Next, rank those situations or circumstances in terms of the anxiety that they cause, or
would potentially cause. If the anxiety is too high to allow you to directly change that
behaviour then:
1. you can break down the behaviour into smaller, more manageable steps
2. you might need to address unrealistic worries about the outcome of this change in
Example: Avoiding newspaper items about life-threatening illness
Planned task
Predicted anxiety
Leave newspaper open at non-cancer illness 50%
article until anxiety lessens
Read non-cancer illness article repeatedly 70%
until anxiety lessens
Leave newspaper open at cancer article until 75%
anxiety lessens
Read cancer article repeatedly until anxiety 90%
Carefully monitor and record your progress on the sheets provided. This will help you to
both structure your progress and give you feedback as to how you are doing., Make sure a
task is attempted every day until you feel comfortable with the situation.
Planned tasks
Predicted anxiety
Maximum anxiety
Section 8
Long-lasting change
People with long-standing anxiety have usually suffered for a long time. Most often,
anxiety problems will begin in adolescence, but most individuals do not reach treatment
until their late twenties or thirties.
In this program, our aim is that you will not only change your reactions and your ability
to cope with adversity, but also change the way you have learned to think. Such ways of
thinking may have become an intrinsic feature of your personality, perhaps even that part
of yourself that you consider makes up what is "you." However, this feature turns you
into your own worst enemy. In effect, you will eventually need to change the unhelpful
aspects of the way you think and behave. You will need to do this in order to make your
life more rewarding, to make you more effective and efficient in your work, and to help
you to become closer to the people around you.
These changes will not be easy, because changing a fundamental part of your personality
is not easy. But with continued and solid practice of the new skills you have learned, you
will continue to make positive changes over future months and even years. Before you
realize what has happened, you will find yourself saying:
"I used to get upset about that, but now I don't!"
Barlow, D.H. & Rapee, R.M. (1997). Mastering Stress. A Lifestyle Approach. Killara,
Australia: Lifestyle Press.
Benson H. (1975) The Relaxation Response. New York: Morrow.
Ellis A. (1988) How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything,
Yes, Anything. New York: Carol Publishing Group.
Greenberger, D. & Padesky, C. (1995). Mind over Mood. New York: The Guildford
Meares A. (1968). Relief Without Drugs: The Self-Management of Tension, Anxiety and
Pain. London: Fontana Books.
Jakubowski, P. & Lange, A. (1978). The Assertive Option: Your Rights and
Responsibilities. Champaign, Ill: Research Press Company.
McKay, M. & Fanning, P. (1987). Self-Esteem: A Proven Program of Cognitive
Techniques for Assessing, Improving and Maintaining Your Self-Esteem. Oakland, Ca:
New harbinger.
Page A. (1993) Don't Panic! Overcoming Anxiety, Phobias and Tension. Sydney,
Australia: Gore Osment.
Rapee, R. (1997). Overcoming Shyness and Social Phobia: A Step-by-Step Guide.
Killara, Australia: Lifestyle Press.
Tanner S, Ball J. (1989) Beating the Blues. Sydney, Australia: Doubleday.
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa
Objective reappraisa