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Beginner corner

Medical Ultrasonography
2010, Vol. 12, no. 1, 62-65

Ultrasound examination of the normal pancreas

Roxana irli, Ioan Sporea
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timioara

The pancreas is a challenge for the beginner in ultrasonography, but patience, perseverance and experience will lead to a
complete and correct evaluation of the organ in almost all cases.
A correct examination of the pancreas requires the patients fasting 7 to 8 hours before the examination. Transverse and
longitudinal upper epigastric sections are used to visualize the pancreas, as well as oblique intercostal and subcostal sections
(especially for the head and tail). The best ultrasound windows are obtained by using high epigastric sections (that avoid the
colon), also by using transgastric sections and sections that use the left liver lobe as an acoustic window. In order to better
visualize the pancreas, it is useful to invite the patient to drink 500-700 ml of still water 10-15 minutes before the examination.
To highlight the pancreas, we will start by viewing the landmarks: posterior the porto-splenic axis and anterior the
gastric antrum and/or the left liver lobe. The echogeneity of the normal pancreas can vary, from hypoechoic to hyperechoic,
all normal, provided that the pancreatic parenchyma structure is fine and homogeneous. The Wirsung duct can be visualized in
some of the cases, especially in thin patients, its normal maximum diameter should be < 2mm.
For a correct evaluation of the pancreas all its segments must be visualized: head, uncinate process, body, and tail - the
latter being the most difficult to visualize.
Key words: pancreas, correct examination, ultrasonography

Evaluarea pancreasului este o piatr de ncercare pentru ecografistul nceptor, dar rbdarea, perseverena i experiena vor
duce la vizualizarea corect a acestuia n marea majoritate a cazurilor.
O examinare n condiii oprime se face la pacient a jeun de 7-8 ore. Se folosesc seciuni transverse i longitudinale prin
epigastrul superior, precum i seciuni oblice intercostale i subcostale (mai ales pentru evaluarea capului i cozii pancreatice).
Cele mai bune ferestre ecografice se obin prin seciuni epigastrice nalte (evit colonul), prin seciuni transgastrice i prin
incidene ce folosesc ca fereastr acustic lobul hepatic stng. Vizualizarea pancreasului poate fi mbuntit prin administrarea a 500-700 ml ap plat cu 10-15 minute nainte de examinare.
Pentru a evidenia pancreasul se va ncepe prin vizualizarea reperelor vasculare: axul spleno-portal - situat posterior; precum i a antrului gastric i/sau lobului hepatic stng situate anterior. Pancreasul poate fi normo-, hiper- sau uor hipoecogen
n comparaie cu ficatul, toate aspecte normale, cu condiia ca ecostructura s fie fin omogen. Ductul Wirsung poate fi vizualizat, mai ales la indivizii slabi, diametrul su maxim normal fiind mai mic de 2 mm.
Pentru o corect evaluare a pancreasului toate segmentele sale trebuie vizualizate: cap, proces uncinat, corp i coad,
aceasta din urm fiind cel mai greu de evideniat.
Cuvinte cheie: pancreas, examinare corect, ecografie
Received Accepted
Med Ultrason, 2010
Vol. 12, No 1, 62-65
Address for correspondence:

Dr. Roxana irli

14, Sirius str., ap.5
300688 Timioara
Tel: +40748331232
E-mail: roxanasirli@gmail.com

Pancreatic ultrasound is the touchstone of the ultrasound examination. Therefore, its examination is a permanent stress for every beginner in ultrasonography.
Over time, following numerous examinations, performed
with patience and perseverance, the ultrasound evaluation of the pancreas becomes a moment of satisfaction,
by viewing difficult lesions. But it takes hundreds of ex-

Medical Ultrasonography 2010; 12(1): 62-65

plorations to be able to say that the examination of the

normal or pathological pancreas is no longer a difficult
stage of ultrasonic examination.
It is imperative that the examination of the pancreas
is made on a patient fasting for at least 7-8 hours. The
presence of food in the stomach may prevent a thorough
and complete examination of the organ, or it can create false images of pancreatic tumors. Liquid ingestion
is permitted, but not of carbonated fluids (the air in the
stomach will make the examination of the pancreas more
The examination methods recommended for the pancreas are: grayscale examination, harmonic imaging, as
well as Color Doppler, Power or Spectral Doppler. A 3.5
MHz convex transducer (or a multifrequency transducer)
for abdomen examination is preferred. In very thin patients, a 5 MHz linear transducer may be needed.
Transverse and longitudinal upper epigastric sections
are used to visualize the pancreas, as well as oblique intercostal and subcostal sections (especially for the head
and tail). The pancreas can be examined through sections
passing above the stomach antrum (if the transducer is
placed high in the epigastrium), through transgastric or
subgastric sections (the transducer placed approximately
halfway between the umbilicus and xiphoid appendix).
The best ultrasound windows are obtained by using high
epigastric sections (that avoid the colon), also by using
transgastric sections and sections that use the left liver
lobe as an acoustic window.
In order to be able to see the pancreas through transgastric sections, the antrum (stomach) should not contain
air or it should be filled with fluid, this operating as an
acoustic ultrasound window for the pancreas. Hence,
the practical approach, when the pancreas is difficult to
visualize: the patient is invited to drink 500-700 ml of
still water and examined 10 -15 minutes after. If the examination is performed immediately after water ingestion, the stomach will be filled by a hypoechoic and not
transonic fluid, due to the small air bubbles, that form
during swallowing. So, after 10-15 minutes, the air bubbles will disappear and the stomach will be filled with
transonic liquid, a perfect acoustic window for the
pancreas. Sometimes we might not find water into the
stomach, most often if the examination is made in dorsal decubitus. Then we will invite the patient to sit, so
that the water will gather into the antrum, which is the
ideal anterior landmark of the pancreas. By positioning
the patient in right lateral decubitus, the water will fill the
second part of the duodenum, thus better delineating the
head of the pancreas.
To highlight the pancreas, we will start by viewing
the landmarks: posterior the porto-splenic axis and

anterior the gastric antrum and/or the left liver lobe

(fig1). Between these elements is found a parenchymal
structure: the pancreas. The splenic vein forms the dorsal
border of the pancreas, from the splenic hilum to its confluence with the superior mesenteric vein, at the neck of
the pancreas. At this point, the head and uncinate process
of the pancreas actually wrap around the venous confluence which forms the portal vein, and pancreatic tissue is
seen both anterior and posterior to the vein (fig 2). The
superior mesenteric vessels are considered the markers of
division between the head and body of the pancreas. The
head of the pancreas is cuddled in the second part of

Fig 1. Normal aspect of the pancreas: PV portal vein; SV

splenic vein; AO Aorta; IVC inferior vena cava; H head of
the pancreas; B body of the pancreas; T tail of the pancreas;
UP uncinate process; CV vertebra.

Fig 2. Normal pancreas with the uncinate process: PV portal

vein; SMA superior mesenteric artery; LEFT LOBE left
liver lobe; HEAD head of the pancreas; BODY body of the
pancreas; P.UNCIN uncinate process of the pancreas.



Roxana irli et al

the duodenum and the tail may reach the splenic hilum.
Another important landmark is the celiac trunk, which
generally takes off the aorta at the superior border of the
gland. So, when we find the celiac trunk we angulate the
transducer, slightly downward, in order to see the pancreas (fig 3).
The normal pancreatic parenchyma echogeneity is
similar to that of the liver (sometimes slightly hypoechoic). In obese or elderly patients, the pancreas can be
hyperechoic due to fat load or fibrosis, respectively. So
the echogeneity of the normal pancreas can vary, from
hypoechoic to hyperechoic (fig 4). All these aspects are
normal, provided that the pancreatic parenchyma structure is fine and homogeneous.
The Wirsung duct can be viewed, particularly in
young individuals; its diameter should not be larger than
2 mm. Usually only a part of the Wirsung duct is visualized, only rarely throughout its whole length (fig 5).
The pancreas examination in transverse section will
highlight much of the pancreas, but almost never the
entire pancreas will be seen in the same section. This is
because the pancreas has a slightly upward trajectory. In
general, we will examine various parts of the pancreas,
one by one. The use of transverse sections allows better examination of the pancreatic body and tail. Sagittal
sections are preferred for the examination of the pancreatic head. For the pancreatic tail (especially in cases of a
bulbous one), subcostal recurrent left oblique sections
are used. A special attention must be paid to the evaluation of the pancreatic tail that sometimes can be very
long. It must be visualized in its entirety so that distal
pancreatic tail tumors are not missed.
Regarding the normal size of different pancreas segments, opinions vary. We do not consider them very important, because there is great individual variability. The
easiest to measure is the body of pancreas, in a transverse
section, the normal antero-posterior diameter of the pancreatic body being 15-20 mm. The normal antero-posterior diameter of the pancreatic head is 19-25 mm, and of
the tail is generally up to 20-25 mm, but relatively common, the pancreatic tail may have a bulbous appearance, that may have greater dimensions. We consider all
these pancreatic dimensions purely orientative and with
relative value, because on the ultrasound examination
of the pancreas the essential element are the structural
The evaluation of the pancreatic head is finished with
the evaluation of the main biliary duct (MBD). Right oblique sections are used to see the MBD in the hepatic
hilum, but also to see the intrapancreatic choledocus.
Sometimes, for a better visualization, the patient should
lie in left lateral decubitus (fig 6).

Ultrasound examination of the normal pancreas

Fig 3. The celiac trunk: VP portal vein; AH hepatic artery;

AS splenic artery; TC celiac trunk; AO aorta.

Fig 4. Normal aspect of the pancreas (hyperechoic in an elderly

patient): PV portal vein; SV splenic vein; AO Aorta; IVC
inferior vena cava; Antrum gastric antrum; H head of the
pancreas; B body of the pancreas; T tail of the pancreas.

Fig 5. Normal pancreas with visible Wirsung duct. PV portal

vein; SV splenic vein; LHS left liver lobe; PA pancreas;
DW Wirsung duct.

Medical Ultrasonography 2010; 12(1): 62-65

So, even if the examination of the pancreas is a challenge for the beginner, careful and perseverant examination will allow pancreas evaluation in almost all cases. A
correct evaluation of the pancreas must visualize all its
segments and assess the ecogeneity and echostructure of
the entire organ.

Selective references

Fig 6. Normal pancreas with vizible intrapancreatic main biliary duct. MBD main bilary duct; LLL left liver lobe; PV
portal vein; HEAD pancreatic head.

1. Ioan Sporea, Cristina Cijevschi Prelipcean. Ecografia abdominal n practica clinic, Ediia a II-a, Editura
2. Guenter Schmidt. Differential diagnosis in ultrasound imaging. Thieme 2006:141-151
3. Guenter Schmidt.Thieme Clinical Companions: Ultrasound.Thieme 2007:293-300


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