ReadMe de Unreal
ReadMe de Unreal
ReadMe de Unreal
start Unreal:
Click on the "Start" button at the bottom of the screen.
Move the mouse to the "Programs" choice.
Move the mouse to the "Unreal" choice.
Click on the "Play Unreal" icon.
NoLighting: Turns off all lighting within the game. Looks ugly,
but increases performance on low-end machines.
StartupFullscreen: Whether to start up with the game running in
a window, or full-screen.
UseDirectDraw: Enables DirectDraw full-screen rendering support.
UseJoystick: Enables joystick support.
------GameRenderDevice: The driver for 3D rendering during gameplay.
If you install new 3D hardware, go into Advanced Options and
change this.
---------Game Types
---------For each major type of game supported by Unreal (deathmatch play,
coop play, etc), you can set these options that affect gameplay.
Very useful for internet UnrealServer administrators.
-------InvertVertical: Inverts vertical joystick movement, for people who
prefer flight simulator style controls.
ScaleRUV: Scales the sensitivity of the trackball or advanced
joystick axes.
ScaleXYZ: Scales the regular joystick axis sensitivity.
-------------------------------Networking / TCP/IP Network Play
-------------------------------DefaultByteLimit: The default transmission rate. You should set
this to reflect the speed of your Internet connection, in order
to maximize performance:
* On 28.8K modem connections, use 2600.
* On 56K modem connections, use 3600.
* On LAN connections, use 25000.
--------Here, there are rendering options for each 3D rendering driver
installed on the system.
Coronas: Enables translucent coronas around lightsources.
DetailTextures: Enables special ultra-high resolution textures
-----------Minimum system requirement:
* 166 MHz Pentium class computer.
* 16 megabytes of RAM.
* 2 megabyte video card.
Typical system:
* 233 MHz Pentium MMX or Pentium II.
* 32 or 64 megabytes of RAM.
* 3dfx Voodoo class 3d accelerator.
Awesome system:
* Pentium II 266 or faster.
* 64 or 128 megabytes of RAM.
* 3dfx Voodoo or Voodoo2 class 3D accelerator.
-------Up Arrow: Move forward
Down Arrow: Move backward
Left Arrow: Turn left
Right Arrow: Turn right
Mouse Movement: Rotate view
Control, Left Mouse Button: Primary fire
Alt, Right Mouse Button: Alternate fire
Space: Jump
Enter: Activate selected inventory item
Shift: Toggle running
Pause: Pause the game
Z: Strafe (cause the arrow keys to strafe)
<: Strafe left
>: Strafe right
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0: Change weapon
/: Switch to next available weapon
-, +: Resize game window
[, ]: Select inventory item
F2: Activate/Deactivate Translator
F5: Change HUD
----------------Network Play Keys
----------------F: Feign Death
;: Lob/Throw current weapon
F4: Display scoreboard
T: Type a message
L: Wave to other players.
J: Taunt other players.
K: Victory taunt.
----Although you can rely solely on your keyboard to move around in and
interact in Unreal's 3D universe, using both the keyboard and mouse
simultaneously gives you much more fluid and responsive control.
When you use the mouse to control your rotational movement and aiming you
gain a degree of precision and speed that players using keyboard-only
controls can't touch. The keyboard is best used for easy lateral and
forward/backward movement, and for jumping.
To master the default controls in Unreal, keep your left hand on the
keyboard, using the arrow keys for movement, the 0-9 keys for weapon
selection, and the space bar for jumping. Your right hand operates the
mouse, controlling rotation, aiming, and firing. Of course, you can
customize these controls to suit your preferences via the Options Menu.
-------You can enable joystick support in Unreal through the Options
menu (it's off by default). You can use a standard joystick for
movement and firing. In addition, Unreal has built-in support
for the Panther XL joystick that supports dual joystick and
trackball play.
Standard joystick controls:
* Move/Rotate: Joystick handle
* Fire: Button 1
* AltFire: Button 2
* Jump: Button 3 (on 4-button joysticks)
* Duck: Button 4 (on 4-button joysticks)
Additional panther XL controls:
* Strafe/Look: Trackball
-----------------------Customizing the controls
-----------------------If you don't like the default controls, you can change them
by going into the "Options" menu and selecting "Customize Controls".
Internet and LAN games
Go into the "Multiplayer" menu to start or join a network game.
Unreal supports both LAN and Internet play with the standard TCP/IP
protocol. If you have an Internet connection, you should be ready to
Dedicated Network Servers
----------For optimal network play performance, you can launch a dedicated
copy of the Unreal server on a computer. This improves performance
compared to using a non-dedicated server but, of course, it ties
up a PC.
--------You can launch a dedicated server by going through the regular
Unreal "Start Game" menu, setting the appropriate options, then
choosing "Launch Dedicated Servers". This is what you'll want to
do for quick LAN games where you have an extra machine sitting around
that can act as a dedicated server.
Alternatively, you can launch a dedicated server from the command
line by running Unreal.exe directly (which usually resides in the
c:\Unreal\System directory, or the System subdirectory of whatever
other directory you installed the game in). For example, to launch
the level "DmFith.unr", run:
Unreal.exe DmFith.unr -server
---------------------------Multiple Servers Per Machine
---------------------------Each copy of the Unreal dedicated server can serve one and only one
level at a time.
However, you can run multiple level servers on one machine. To do
this, you must give each server a unique TCP/IP port number.
Unreal's default port number is 7777. To specify a port, use the
following kind of command line:
Unreal.exe DmFith.unr port=7778 -server
Some Windows NT servers may have more than one network card
installed, and thus more than one IP address. If this is the case,
you need to specify the IP address for Unreal to play on using
the parameter such as:
Unreal.exe DmFith.unr multihome=
-----------------------------General performance guidelines
-----------------------------We find that a 200 MHz Pentium Pro can usually handle about 16 players
with decent performance. The performance varies with level complexity
and other machine speed factors, so your mileage may differ. Note
that there is no absolute maximum player limit in Unreal; performance
simply degrades as the number of players grows huge.
If you're running multiple levels simultaneously, Windows NT
outperforms Windows 95 because of its superior multitasking and
Unreal is based on
the whole world is
out of it. You can
you can add shapes
the BSP. You can add and subtract brushes all you want, but if you want
to see your level accurately you'll have to rebuild geometry. This goes
for lighting as well, you can add and edit lights all you want, but to
see things properly in the editor you'll have to rebuild lighting.
You can select any surface in the world by left clicking on it. You
can select multiple surfaces by holding Control and left clicking
on the desired surfaces. To edit a surface's properties, right click
on it. To edit multiple surfaces, select them while holding Control
and continue to hold control when you right click on one of the
selected surfaces. You can go to surface properties on any of them,
where you can adjust their scale, you can align textures on
surfaces, pan/flip/rotate the textures, etc.
Try experimenting with the primitive shapes and seeing what you
can come up with. Once you build a room or two, it is time to add
-------To add a light in Unreal, you can right click on any location and
click ADD LIGHT HERE on the menu that pops up. Or, you can hold the
L key on the keyboard and left click anywhere to add a light.
You'll see a little torch icon that ll appear where you clicked.
This represents where your light source is. You can right click on
any light to edit its properties. Under Lighting and
LightColor, you can edit the light's brightness, radius, hue, and
saturation. There are also lighting effects you can experiment
with, such as flicker, pulse, and disco.
Note: To recalculate and see your proper lighting, you'll need to
do a quick rebuild of lighting. See Rebuilding above.
You can just left click to select a light, and you can then hold
Control and left mouse click to select multiple lights. Now, hold
Control and left mouse click and drag in the 2d views to move the lights
around in the 2d views. To deselect lights, hold Control and
left click again on various lights. You can deselect anything by
clicking the big 0 on the toolbar.
-------------Adding Goodies
-------------You can add monsters, items, and decorations just as easily as you add
lights in the Unreal Engine. First, you need to find them: Go to the
texture browser and where it says BROWSE: TEXTURES, and click on the
drop down box and select CLASSES. Your browser is now viewing actors.
(Actors include monsters, items, keypoints in the level, and decorations.)
To add in a monster, expand the PAWN menu. Then, expand SCRIPTED PAWN
menu. All of your monsters reside in there. To add them in, select a
monster type, and then right click and hit ADD (Monster type) HERE.
Or, you can just hold A and left click anywhere to add that actor.
To add an item, expand INVENTORY. In that area, you have all your
pickups, items, and weapons.
created in Unreal are simply single polygon sheet brushes that intersect
in an asterisk pattern to create the illusion of volume.
To create your own torch flame, follow these steps:
1. Load a fire UTX (one of the pre-made ones are easier for now,
such as the GREATFIRE series) and select your fire texture.
2. You'll need to build your sheet builder brush in the world. On the
toolbar, the bottom right button (looks like a gray
diamond shape) will build your sheet. Right click on the button
and edit the size/orientation. You ll want X or Y axis, try
the default 128x128 size.
3. Now, click on the FIFTH button down on the toolbar (looks like
a regular green square.) A window box will pop up, this is
your ADD A SPECIAL BRUSH dialogue box. Check 2 SIDED (so the sheet
will be visible from front and back,) TRANSPARENT (so you'll be
able to see through the fire,) and NON SOLID (non solid
brushes do not cut up your BSP and add polygons to your world.)
4. Now, in that dialogue box, press ADD SPECIAL. Your sheet will
appear in the world.
5. In the overhead view, rotate your builder sheet brush 45 degrees
or so, and proceed to make a crossing pattern, like an asterisk.
6. Right Click on your fire textures and highlight UNLIT.
7. You're ready to go! Add a base shape below your fire, add a light
source, rebuild, and you ve got a torch in your world.
-----Hit TAB and type in to execute.