Graphical Abstract

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Graphical Abstract Description and Specifications

To enhance the appearance or your article on IEEE Xplore, a feature known as the Graphical Abstract can be used.
The Graphical Abstract should provide a visual summary of the findings of the article by means of an image,
animation, movie, or audio clip.
NOTE: The graphical Abstract is technical content, and authors must provide it for peer review during the article

submission process.
The Graphical Abstract must be a concise, illustrative reflection of the content of your article. It should:

Be a visual or audio highlight of the main point of your article. It should represent a microcosm of the full article.

Include a caption or explanatory note about the visual or audio highlight.

Follow the requirements for submitting multimedia as provided at:

When preparing the Graphical Abstract, the following general specifications should be adhered to:
Image Specifications
Dimensions: 660x295
File Types: JPG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, Word, PDF, PS, EPS, and BMP
Recommended File Size: <45 KB

NOTE: All images for the Graphical Abstract will be converted to JPG format.
Video Specifications
Frame Rate: 29.97 FPS (frames per second)
Resolution: 16:9 screen aspect ratio
File Types: MP4 (MOV, WMV, and AVI can be provided and converted to MP4)
Recommended File Size: <100MB
NOTE: Please convert PowerPoint slideshows into a movie (.MOV) and set the time for each frame to display from

3 to 5 seconds. A guide for specifically preparing a video graphical abstract is provided at: standards/publications/authors/mm video.pdf
Audio Specifications
File Types: MP3, AIFF, MOV (Quicktime Audio), RA (Real Audio), and WAV (Windows Audio)
Recommended File Size: <3MB

pg 1 Graphical Abstract Description and Specifications

2015 IEEE Transactions and Journals Department

When submitting a Graphical Abstract, authors must use the following naming conventions:
For an image-only (static) Graphical Abstract:
For a video Graphical Abstract, the author must include a static cover image:
For an audio Graphical Abstract, the author must include a static cover image:

pg 2 Graphical Abstract Description and Specifications

2015 IEEE Transactions and Journals Department

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