Duplicate Doc Diploma Certi

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Senate House

No.: CE/ADM/08/14/01 Kolkata

UNIVERSITY OF CALCUTTA Wednesday, March 26, 2014

It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that in terms of the resolution of the Finance Committee
dated 16.12.2013 vide item no. 3(G) and the subsequent order passed by the vice-Chancellor on 17.12.2013
the fee charged for verification of each original/duplicate diploma, Certificate, mark sheet, Admit Card etc.
and the fee charged for issuing Duplicate Documents i.e. Diploma, Certificate, Marksheet and Admit Card etc.
issued by the University of Calcutta has been revised as under w.e.f. 01.04.2014.
Document Verification:
1. In respect of verification request from foreign US $ 100 or Rs. 6,500/- in INR for each
agencies document
2. In respect of verification request from agencies within Rs.1000/- for each document
Duplicate Documents:
1. Ordinary issue of Duplicate Documents Rs.500/- ( Rs. Five hundred) each document
2. Urgent issue of Duplicate Documents Rs.700/- ( Rs. Seven hundred) each document
3. Duplicate Documents older than 10 years Rs.1, 000/- (Rs. One thousand) each document


1. Formal request letter for verification has to be issued by a Public/Private sector or any other
Organization or statutory authority. Individual request for verification will not be entertained.
2. Photocopy of document required to be verified duly endorsed by the signatory of the letter of request
for verification.
3. In case copy/copies of Original/Duplicate Diplomas are for verification, the Roll & No. of the
concerned candidate at the concerned examinations should be clearly stated on each copy/copies.
4. Provisional Certificate will not be verified.
1. For issuing of documents candidates shall have to submit the application form which will be available
at sales counter of University of Calcutta, 87/1 College Street, Kolkata 73, along with the documents
as asked in the application form.
2. In case of urgent issue, the first copy of challan and filled up Application Form should be submitted to
the Controllers office just after depositing the fees.

The prescribed fee shall have to be deposited to the Calcutta University Cash Section, Centenary Building (Ground
Floor), College Street Campus, Kolkata 700073 either in Cash or by Demand Draft drawn on any Nationalised Bank
in favor of University of Calcutta payable at Kolkata.
The counterfoil of Cash/Demand Draft deposit challan along with the documents stated above is to be submitted to the
Diploma Section for verification and Duplicate Document Section for issuing duplicate document of the Department of
Controller of Examinations for processing.

Under no circumstances verified copy will be delivered or sent to the concerned incumbent.

(D. Biswas)
Controller of Examinations.

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