Halo 2 For Windows Vista Running A Dedicated Server and Creating Playlists

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Halo 2 for Windows Vista

Running a Dedicated Server

and Creating Playlists
March 2007
© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft, Halo, Windows, Windows Vista, and Xbox are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Running a Dedicated Server

You can run a game of Halo® 2 for Windows Vista™ for you and your friends in two ways. One
way is peer hosting, where you also play in the game too. In this case, you create a game
spontaneously in the game user interface (UI) and invite your friends to join you.

The second way is to set up a computer with the Halo 2 Dedicated Server application. In this
case, you don’t play on this computer, and the computer runs certain games off of a “playlist.”
Dedicated servers can run either as a log-on state or as a Windows service. As a Windows
service, a dedicated server can keep running even if you log off of the computer. If you keep your
computer connected to the Internet and logged into Games for Windows – LIVE , a dedicated
server can run on your computer 24-7.

You can host a server game that supports up to 16 players at once, on LIVE or on the local
network. Players running Halo 2 for Xbox® cannot connect to or play in Halo 2 for Windows Vista
server games.

Note: Halo 2 Dedicated Server is not supported by Microsoft support services. For information
about and help with Halo 2 Dedicated Server, see www.xbox.com/en-US/games/h/halo2/.

Server as Host
With Halo 2 Dedicated Server, the server acts as the host of the game. No one plays on the same
computer as the server, so there is no “host advantage” and everyone gets the same
performance from the host computer. Some players may still have better connectivity than others,
so a perfectly level playing field is not guaranteed.

You can run server software on computers in racks in “colo” (collocation centers) or server farms.
Doing this can help with better network access and performance speeds.

Playlist Functionality
In a peer-hosted game run by a player, one of the players acts as the leader and chooses
settings, maps, and game types before each game. In a game run by Halo 2 Dedicated Server,
these choices are preloaded in a playlist, then run in a loop over and over (or shuffled). The
playlist can be small or large, with a maximum of 100 matches.

For more on customizing your own playlist, see "Making a Playlist."

System Requirements
Your server can run as a local area network (LAN) server or a LIVE server.
If you want to run a LAN server, you need:
• 1.7 gigahertz (GHz) 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor. For more information, see
• 1 gigabyte (GB) of system memory.
• 40 GB of hard drive capacity, with 15 GB free space.
• Network card.
• Either Windows Vista or Windows® 2003 Server.

If you want to run a LIVE server, you also need:

• A broadband Internet connection. If you are using a home router, make sure it is
compatible with the LIVE service. For more information, see http://www.xbox.com/en-
• A Silver or Gold Games for Windows – LIVE account.
• A Halo 2 for Windows Vista product key. You can use the same product key that you use
to play the game.

Getting a Silver Games for Windows – LIVE Account

To run the Halo 2 Dedicated Server, you must have, at the minimum, a Silver Games for
Windows – LIVE account. You can also use a Gold Games for Windows – LIVE account. To sign
up for Games for Windows – LIVE, go to www.xboxlive.com. The gamertag you choose appears
as the server’s displayed name in the Game Browser screen for LIVE games. If you run a
dedicated server over a network, your server name initially is your computer name (until you
change it).

Installing Halo 2 Dedicated Server

To install Halo 2 Dedicated Server, place the game disc in your computer and click Install
Dedicated Server on the initial install menu. Doing this installs the dedicated server and all the
default maps. If you have custom maps, copy those over.

To log on to the server, you can either log on remotely using Remote Desktop or work directly at
the server console.

Running a Dedicated Server Manually

If you want to manually start a server:
1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. In the Command Prompt window, change your working directory to the location where you
installed the server program files, for example:
cd “\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo 2 for Windows Vista Server”
3. Start the server by running one of the following commands:
h2server –live
h2server -lan

To run a LIVE server, a couple of additional instructions apply. The first time you start a LIVE
server, you also need to set your product key, as shown:
h2server$ live key 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345

To sign in to LIVE, use the following command:

h2server$ live autosignin user@domain
where user@domain is your Windows Live account.

Your server continues running until you run the exit command or log off. For more on the exit
command, see "H2Server Commands," following.
For more on customizing your server’s playlist, see "Making a Playlist."

Setting Up Your Server to Run Automatically

To run the server automatically, you set up the server as a Windows service. Then, when you log
off of Windows, the server continues running. It is recommended that you create a Windows Vista
user account to associate the game service with.

To set up your server to start automatically:

1. Open a Command Prompt window. (On Windows Vista, you need to open a window for an
elevated command prompt by using the Run As Administrator option.)
2. In the Command Prompt window, change your working directory to the location where you
installed the server program files, for example:
cd “\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo 2 for Windows Vista Server”
3. Create a Windows service to run your server by running one of the following commands:
h2server -createservice -live
h2server -createservice -lan
4. Log out of Windows and then log back on for the changes to take effect.
5. Connect to your new service by opening the server console with the following command:
h2admin -live
h2admin -lan

To set up a LIVE server, a couple of additional instructions apply:

• Set your new service’s product key:
h2server$ live key 12345-12345-12345-12345-12345
• Configure your service to sign in to LIVE automatically:
h2server$ live autosignin user@domain

The LIVE server runs 24-7 and automatically restarts if the computer it runs on is rebooted. You
only need to log in to your LIVE server if you want to open the server administration console and
make changes. The server loads and uses the Example.hpl playlist by default.

For more on customizing your server’s playlist, see "Making a Playlist."

If you no longer want your server to automatically start, delete your server service. For
instructions, see "H2Server Command-Line Options."

Starting and Stopping a Server Configured to Run Automatically

To start and stop a server configured to run automatically as a Windows service, you use the
Windows Services Manager.

To do so, first open the Windows Services Manager. Note that this process is different when
running Vista than when running Windows 2003.

In the window displayed, find the service called Halo 2 Server. Use the Windows Services
Manager commands to start or stop the service. If you right-click the Halo 2 Server service and
choose Properties, you can change the service to start manually, or disable it completely.

Swapping the Playlist

To change a dedicated server's playlist while the server is running:
1. Create a new playlist. The new playlist can have content copied from the old one and then
2. Give the new playlist a new file name with the .hpl suffix.
3. In the h2server command line, type
Play location and name of new list
where location and name of new list is the path to the new list. Paths that contain spaces can
be specified with quotation marks, for example:
cd “\Playlists\Halo 2 for Windows Vista Server\everymap.hpl”

The server switches to the new playlist as soon as the current match concludes.

H2Server Command-Line Options

H2Server is the Halo 2 Dedicated Server application used to manually run a game server, or to
create or delete a Windows service that runs the game server automatically. If you do not specify
a Windows Vista user account to associate with that service, the H2server application creates
one for you. Its command-line options are as follows:

H2server -createservice -live

Installs the server in LIVE mode. Example:
H2server$ -createservice -live

H2server -createservice -lan

Installs the server in LAN mode. Example:
H2server$ -createservice

H2server -deleteservice -live

Uninstalls the current LIVE server. Example:
H2server$ -deleteservice -live

H2server -deleteservice -lan

Uninstalls the current LAN server. Example:
H2server$ -deleteservice -lan

H2server -live
Runs the server as a console application in LIVE mode.

H2server -lan
Runs the server as a console application in LAN mode.

H2Admin Command-Line Options

H2Admin is the administration console for Halo 2 Dedicated Server, when Dedicated Server runs
as a Windows Vista service. You use this console to run server commands when you started a
Halo 2 Server service. It has two options, indicating a LIVE server and a LAN (network) server, as

H2admin -live
H2admin -lan

H2Server Commands
The following lists and describes commands you can give the server. Note in the following
examples that H2Server$ is the prompt you see on the command line while the server is running,
instead of C:\.

The ban command displays or adds temporary or permanent bans for players (referred to as
gamers) on LIVE dedicated servers. For non-LIVE (that is, LAN) games, it bans specific
computers specified by IP address, subnet, or network interface card (NIC) .

ban display gamer

Displays the list of banned gamertags for this dedicated server.

ban gamer gamertag duration

Bans the specified gamertag. The duration time setting is optional. If you don’t set the duration of
the ban, the default ban is permanent (from this dedicated server). For syntax on duration, see

ban display ip
Displays the list in effect of bans of IP addresses and Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)

ban ip (ip-address |cidr-subnet-mask) duration

Bans an IP address (in the format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or subnet (in the format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx).
The time span indicated by duration is optional; the default is a permanent ban from this
dedicated server.

ban display nic

Displays the list of NIC bans in effect.

ban nic Ethernet-address duration

Bans a NIC by Ethernet address (in the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx). The time span indicated by
duration is optional; the default is a permanent ban from this dedicated server.

Setting duration for ban is optional; a duration setting can be used to specify temporary bans.
You can specify a duration in any combination of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

30s is 30 seconds.
45m is 45 minutes.
12h is 12 hours.
30d is 30 days.
3m 30s is 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
2d 8h is 2 days and 8 hours.

The description command sets or displays the description for the session. This command only
works in LIVE (not on a network). You can use quotes to enclose phrases that include spaces.
These session descriptions appear in the LIVE Game Browser’s detail dialog box. Each
description is limited to 31 characters long.

H2server$ description “Mayhem and chaos”
This command line sets the description to “Mayhem and chaos.” To see the current description,
type at a command prompt:
H2server$ description
Mayhem and chaos

If you are running the server manually through H2server.exe, the exit command terminates the
game and immediately disconnects everyone.

If you are connected to the server using H2admin.exe, exit closes the administration console.
The server continues to run, and gameplay is uninterrupted. If you want to stop the server and
disconnect the players, you need to stop the Halo 2 Server service as described previously.

Kick player-name
The kick command ejects the specified player from the game. Replace player-name with the
gamertag of the player you want to kick off of that server.

Suppose the status of a game is as shown:
H2server$ Status
Network mode: Live
Current state: online - pregame lobby
: happy@domain.com
Name: HappyServer
Description: Running small maps
Playlist: C:/server playlists/smallmap.hpl

Playing Slayer on Beaver Creek.

Next: Team Slayer on Elongation.


H2server$ kick RabidDog

This command ejects the player RabidDog from the game.

The help command gives you more information about the list of commands or a particular
command. Type help command where command is the item you want more information about.

The live command sets the server's product key, Games for Windows – LIVE identifier (ID), and
password. The live command also lets you sign your server out of LIVE and get server status.

Live autosignin live-id

Securely saves a LIVE ID (indicated by live-id) and password for automatic sign-in with the
server’s configured LIVE ID.

H2server$ live autosignin happy@domain.com

live key xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx

Sets your server’s product key to the key specified by xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx.

live signin live-id

Tells the server to sign in to LIVE manually, using the provided account.

live signout
Signs the server to out of LIVE.

The name command only works with non-LIVE (that is, LAN) games. The default network name
is the computer’s name, displayed in the Network Browser. For LIVE server games, the gamertag
of the account is displayed in the LIVE Game Browser.

Displays the server’s current game name.

name name
Sets the server’s current game name to name.

A name used with the name command is limited to 20 characters long. Any names longer than
one word (that is, with internal spaces) must be inside quotation marks.

To check the current name:
H2server$ name

In this case, the command returns:

Large Map Server

The game is currently called “Large Map Server.”

To change the name to something else:

H2server$ name “Squash Make Flat”

The game is now called “Squash Make Flat.”

The play command loads a new playlist onto the server while the server is still running. You can
modify your current playlist, save it, then use this command to update the server without a restart.
Any names longer than one word (that is, with internal spaces) must be inside quotation marks.

play playlist-filename
Plays the playlist specified as playlist-filename.

H2server$ play default.hpl
H2server$ play “every slayer variant.hpl”

The players command displays or sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server (or
server instance) at one time. For example, if you’re running small maps and want to restrict total
people per map to 6, you can use the players command to set players in all matches on the
server to 6. The maximum number of players possible is 16.

H2server$ players
Returns the number of players allowed at once on the server. (Sixteen is the default.)

players number
Sets the number of players on the server to the specified maximum.

H2server$ players 6
Set players to a maximum of 6 on the server.
The playing command displays information about the current playlist. If there are any errors in
the playlist matches or custom variants, this command shows you those and lists the line
numbers that the errors occurred on. You can check those line numbers in Microsoft Wordpad—
to do so, turn off the word wrap option, click Status Bar on the View menu, and check the
number of the line at the bottom, in the status bar. A playlist can run with errors in matches and in
the variants. In this case, the matches or custom variants that contain errors are skipped.

H2server$ playing
Playlist: C:\MyHaloPlaylists\LivePlaylists\wildwest.hpl

The privacy command displays or sets the privacy settings for the server. You can allow anyone
to join with open, restrict your games to LIVE Gold members only with gold, or restrict people to
a list of specific gamertags with vip. For more information on setting a VIP list, see the entry on
vip, following.

H2server$ privacy gold

This example sets the privacy level to LIVE Gold members only.

The sendmsg command broadcasts a message to all the players active on the server through
text chat in either the lobby or the game. This command is very useful if you need to do server

sendmsg “message”
Sends the specified message.

H2server$ sendmsg “Server will be going down in about 30 minutes.”

The skip command ends the current game in the playlist and moves the players to the next game
in the playlist, or to the next random game if the playlist is shuffled.

H2server$ skip

This command skips the game ahead and stop the current game immediately.

The statsfolder command displays or sets the location of the folder to which the server outputs
game statistics. This command, if a folder is set, enables the ability to record statistics from the
server games. If a folder path is supplied, this command sets the stats folder path. Paths that
contain spaces can be specified with quotation marks. Put in an empty string (“”) to disable
exporting stats.

Stats are sent in XML format and can be used to set up your own ranked or leaderboard games,
to be displayed on a Web site.

H2server$ statsfolder c:\myfolder
H2server$ statsfolder “c:\my documents\my Halo 2 for Windows Vista games\my server

The status command displays status information about the server’s connection, state, and sign-in
gamertag, as well as who is connected to the server, what game they are currently playing, how
much time is left in the game, what game is next, and whether the network is a LIVE network.
Players are listed by gamertag, which you can use for the kick command. If time is listed, the
format is hours: minutes: seconds. The network status includes details of LIVE or network, your
current signed-in status, and your current LIVE ID credentials used to sign in.

H2server$ status
Network mode: Live
Current state: online - pregame lobby
: happy@domain.com
Name: HappyServer
Description: Running small maps
Playlist: C:/server playlists/smallmap.hpl

Playing Slayer on Beaver Creek.

Next: Team Slayer on Elongation.


The unban command removes a ban from a computer or a gamer (a player).

unban gamer gamertag

Specifies by gamertag a LIVE gamer to unban. This command is only valid with LIVE games.

unban ip <ip-address:cidr-subnet-mask>
Specifies an IP address (in the format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) or CIDR subnet mask (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx)
to unban. This command is only valid for non-LIVE (that is, LAN) games.

unban nic <Ethernet-address>

Specifies a NIC (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx) to unban. This command is only valid for non-LIVE (that is,
LAN) games.

unban all gamer

Removes all LIVE gamer bans.

unban all IP
Removes all IP address and CIDR subnet bans.

unban all NIC

Removes all NIC bans.

The vip command displays and edits the VIP gamer list. VIP gamers are the specific people you
allow to play on your server, listed by gamertag. The vip command works for LIVE games and
LIVE game servers only.
vip display
Displays the list of VIP gamertags.

vip add gamertag

Adds the specified gamertag to the VIP list.

vip remove gamertag

Removes the specified gamertag from the VIP list.

vip clear
Clears the VIP gamer list.

Making a Playlist
A playlist is a collection of matches to be played in order, or randomly, by a remote server,
instead of hosted by a human. The playlist can also contain a game (known as “match”) that has
special rules set up ahead of time, known as a custom game variant.

In Halo 2 for Windows Vista, you can design your own playlist of games and custom variants to
play games in sequence on the dedicated server.

Creating a Playlist File

You can run a playlist on the dedicated server by creating a properly formatted playlist file with
the suffix “.hpl”. An Example.hpl file is included with the game.

Naming and Formatting the Playlist File

A playlist file can be named any name you like, as long as it ends in “.hpl”. Any plain text editor
can be used. If you want to use variant names or map names that contain non-ASCII characters,
you need to use a text editor that supports saving plain text with UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoding.

For each setting, the name and value need to be on the same line—for example, shuffle=On.
Extra tabs and spaces in that line are fine—for example, shuffle = On. You can’t break headings
across multiple lines either.

This format works:

Base Variant = Team Crazy King

However, these do not:

Base Variant=
Team Crazy King

Base Variant
= Team Crazy King
Variant = Team Crazy King

Some of the settings in the playlist file use yes or no, 0 or 1, On or Off, or true or false to
determine if the feature is turned on or off. You can format these in a variety of ways. For yes or
no and true or false, only the first letter matters.

The following examples all work to turn on a setting:

Shuffle = tRuE
Shuffle = yes
Shuffle = Y
Shuffle = On

The following examples all work to turn off a setting:

Shuffle=No way
Shuffle = Off

Placing the File

You can put the playlist files wherever you want. You can also have more than one playlist file.
The server points to a single playlist file. When you start the server, that file is loaded and played.
If you want to run a different playlist, you need to manually run the play command to change the
server’s playlist. When you run that command, you pass in the name of the playlist file and the
path to the playlist file. The server switches playlists after the conclusion of the current game.
Hint: Use double quotes (“”) around the playlist path if it contains spaces.

Optional Section in the File: Playlist

A playlist must contain a [playlist] section.

In the [playlist] section, you define the nature of the playlist to the server. This section may
appear once at the top of a playlist file. These are the options you can put in this section:

;The Sample Playlist
Pregame Team Selection Delay=30
Pregame Delay=10
Postgame Delay=14

Here’s the breakdown on those options:

Defines the playlist section.

;The Sample Playlist (optional)

Gives a name to the playlist in a comment. The user interface (UI) does not display the comment;
the comment helps keep track of which file you are working in. You can make comments
anywhere in the file by preceding them with a semicolon.

Shuffle = On (optional)
Randomizes the lists of matches so that they don’t play in order.

Pregame Team Selection Delay (optional)

Sets the delay, in seconds, that you want the lobby to pause between games if players need to
pick their teams or change teams. This option is used only when teams are present. The
maximum delay is 10 minutes.

Pregame Delay (optional)

Sets the delay, in seconds, that you want the lobby to wait between games in the playlist on the
server. This period is everyone’s opportunity to send text or voice chat, or decide if they want the
server admin to change the playlist to different maps or variants.

Postgame Delay (optional)

Sets the delay, in seconds, that the postgame Carnage Report is shown to the players. They
check their kills, medals, assists, and other information at this time.

As described preceding, there are three timers that delay the start of a game for the dedicated
server. They go in this order:

Pregame Team Selection Delay (silent timer)—the amount of time people have to change
teams (if there are teams), view the map, chat, and read the game rules before a game. People
can join or leave the Pregame Lobby during this silent countdown. The default is 10 seconds. The
maximum is 10 minutes.

Pregame Delay (audible and visible timer)—the amount of time the server waits in the game
lobby for people to view the map, chat, and read the game rules before a match. The default is 10
seconds. The maximum is 10 minutes.

Postgame Delay (silent timer)—the amount of time people have to spend viewing the postgame
Carnage Report, before switching to the next Pregame Lobby. The default is 30 seconds.

Required Sections in the File: Match

Every playlist must have at least one match section. This section can be repeated to create a
long list of possible games to play. A list can have a maximum of 100 matches. The shuffle option
plays these matches in random order. If anything is wrong with a particular match, the server
skips it.

The minimal required format looks like this:

variant=Team Crazy King

All the options in the match look like this:

variant=Team Crazy King
minimum players=2
maximum players=16

In these examples:

Defines the “match” listing

Names the base variant or custom variant that you want to play in this match.

There are several ways to state what match you want in your playlist (or to build upon in your
custom variant). The name used with variant matches the game shell (UI) spelling of the variant
exactly. (For a listing of all variants and their descriptions, see the end of this document.) You can
use custom variants; how to define those in the dedicated server playlist is explained in a later
section of this document. If you misspell a variant name, that match is skipped in the playlist.
Sets the map for this particular game. You can use a Bungie-created map or a custom map, as
long as all the players have a copy of the map or are willing to get a copy of the map. If you have
a Games for Windows – LIVE Gold account, you can get the map downloaded to your client from
the server while you wait in the Pregame Lobby.

If you misspell a map or variant, that entry won’t work and is skipped. Also remove any extra
spaces added between the option words.

Helps you set the probability higher or lower whether this match appears in the server’s rotation.
The weight value only matters if you set playlist shuffle to yes. The weight can be a number from
1 to 1000. Matches with a higher weight are chosen more often than matches with a lower weight.
For more information, see the "Setting Match Weight" section following.

minimum players
Sets the minimum number of players required for the match to be played. If you require 2, as in
the preceding example, and only one person is on the server, this entire match is skipped rather
than played. If no match that fits the minimum and maximum settings specified can be found, this
match is played with the available players regardless of the minimum and maximum settings for

maximum players
Sets the total number of players allowed in a match at once. The game has a maximum of 16, so
this value must be 16 or less. This option is very useful if you’ve designed a small map with 2 x 2
teams, for example. If no match that fits the minimum and maximum settings specified can be
found, this match is played with the available players regardless of the minimum and maximum
settings for it.

Creating Custom Variants in the Playlist File

The playlist file can also support custom variants that you define in the playlist file itself. Because
the variants are defined on the server’s list, everyone on the server automatically has access to
them (no downloading needed).

You can define up to 100 custom variants per playlist. Custom variants are optional and do not
have to be included in the playlist file.

Note: Custom variants must be listed before matches in a playlist file.

Defining Your Variant

To create a variant, first you need to define it. You can use a game variant as a base and modify
it, similar to creating a new game variant in the game shell. Or you can create a variant from
scratch. The tables at the end of this document list options for a custom variant.

Note: You must list either a Base Variant or a Game Type for each custom variant for it to work.

The format looks like this example:

[Custom Variant]
Name=Snipers Special
Base Variant=Snipers
Active Camo = On
Weapons on Map = random
Force Even Teams = On

In this example:
[Custom Variant]
Provides the section header for a variant. You can have up to 100 custom variants in one playlist.

Names your variant. This name appears on the Game Details page in the Game Browser, in the
Game Browser variant column, and also in the Pregame Lobby while everyone is waiting for the
game to start. Maximum name length is 16 characters (including spaces).

Base Variant
Provides a base for a custom variant. There are two ways to start building your custom variant.
You can start with a base variant, which is any of the subtypes or variations of the basic game
types. For example, Slayer is a basic game type and Team Slayer would be the base variant. Any
additional options you add supersede any base variant rules. This process is similar to creating a
new game variant in the game UI by choosing one of the existing variants and then changing

Game Type
Provides a game type to create a custom variant from. Instead of using a base variant, you can
start from scratch using one of the seven major types of games: Slayer, CTF, Assault, Territories,
and so on. Doing this is similar to creating a new game variant in the game UI by choosing a
game type, selecting the Create New command, and then changing settings.

Active Camo
Makes all the players invisible with active camo all the time. This is an example of one of the
game options you can set in the game.

Weapons on Map
Sets the weapons used in games on this map. In this case, this option is set to place random
weapons on the map. Weapons can also be inherited from the base variant. For other options,
see the tables following.

Force Even Teams

Sets whether you want the server to force the teams to be even for a match. This option for the
variant uses Y/N.

Changing Playlists and Match Weight

Changing Playlists
You can change the playlist on the server by running the play command at any time. Doing this
switches the playlist at the conclusion of the current game without booting the players.

If you modify your current playlist (say, in Notepad) while that playlist is being used, you can save
the changed Playlist.hpl file with the same name. Then, at the command line for the server, type
play name playlist-name (where playlist-name is the list name). When the current game finishes,
the server reloads the playlist.

Setting Match Weight

In a random or shuffled playlist, you can set a match weight to help certain games be played
more often. This weighting is done by distributing points to each of the matches to affect the
probability that a particular match will show up more often in a shuffled playlist.

To do this, first you must first set your playlist to Shuffle = yes.
Second, you need to assign a match weight to each match in your list. Possible weight values are
between 1 and 1000. Entries without a weight get a default weight of 100.

For example:
Match A 700
Match B 100
Match C 200

This example picks A the most often, followed by C and occasional doses of B. Even though A
has a much higher probability of being picked, the server tries to avoid playing the same match
back to back. A probable match pattern is something like: A C A C A B A C B A

The following example is a bad example:

Match A 100
Match B 100
Match C 100

All these games, A, B, and C, would come up equally in a shuffle. In this case, don’t use match
weight. Just shuffle the playlist.

To play matches in order, turn off shuffle and order them in your playlist the way you want them to
be played. The syntax here is something like:

Base_variant=Team Crazy King

Base_variant=Team Crazy King


Custom Variant Reference: Universal Game Options

The following settings are used for all game types unless otherwise noted. Options specific to a
game type are listed later in the document in game-specific sections (such as "Slayer Options").

Refers to the variant from a match section.

Base Variant
Sets the base variant. This option can be used instead of game type. For more information, see
the table of base variants at the end of this document.

Game Type
Sets the game type. Following is a list of game types by name.

Game What it does

Slayer Kill as many of your opponents as you can. The player with
the most points wins.
King of the Hill Gain control of the hill to earn time. Keep your opponents off
and earn the most time to win.
Oddball Find the ball and hold on to it to earn time. The player with the
most time wins.
Juggernaut Work together to take down the Juggernaut. Beware, you kill
the Juggernaut, you become the Juggernaut, and only the
Juggernaut can win.
Capture the Flag Capture the Flag: Invade your opponent’s stronghold, heist
their flag, and bring it back to your base to score.
Assault Carry your bomb into the enemy base and arm it. Once
armed, drop it on the enemy bomb post to score.
Territories Find and control territories on the map. The more territories
you control, the faster you earn time.

Game Type = Slayer

Note that King of the Hill can also be King and KoTH, and Capture the Flag can also be CTF.
Game Type = KoTH

Match Options
Option Value What it does
Number of Rounds 1 Round, 2 Rounds, 4 A game can end after a single round,
Rounds, 6 Rounds, First to after a fixed number of rounds, or only
2, First to 3, First to 4 after someone wins a number of
Score to Win Round See specifics in each game
type section below.
Round Time Limit None, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 A round can be set to end after a set
minutes, 4 minutes, 5 amount of time has elapsed. Use this
minutes, 6 minutes, 7 to prevent games from lasting too
minutes, 8 minutes, 9 long.
minutes, 10 minutes, 12
minutes, 15 minutes, 20
minutes, 30 minutes, 45
minutes, 1 hour
Rounds Reset Map On/Off A new round can either keep the map
in its destroyed state from the
previous round or reset it to its original
pristine state.
Resolve Ties On/Off When resolve ties is off a game can
end in a tie. When it is on a winner will
be chosen based on secondary
winning conditions.

Round Time Limit = 45 Minutes

Player Settings
Option Value What it does
Max Active 2-16 This setting controls how many
Players players are active in the game at
once. In non-team games this is total
players, in team games, players per
team. All other players must wait
their turn as active players.
Lives Per Round 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 99; unlimited The Lives Per Round setting
determines how many chances you’ll
have in the game. Once you’re out of
lives you no longer respawn.
Respawn Time 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 Respawn Time controls the amount
seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, of time that a dead player must wait
30 seconds before getting another chance at life.
Suicide Penalty None, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 When you kill yourself you will have
seconds to wait the time specified for Suicide
Penalty in addition to any other wait
time before you respawn.
Shield Type Normal Shields, No Shields, Shield Type determines whether
Overshields players have energy shields, and if
so whether they are normal strength,
turned off, or overcharged.
Motion Sensor Off/On When the Motion Sensor is turned
off it no longer detects or indicates
Active Camo Off/On When this is on, all players will be
invisible with Active Camo. Firing a
weapon or taking damage makes you
temporarily visible again.
Extra Damage On/Off When Extra Damage is on all
players will inflict more damage than
Damage On/Off When Damage Resistance is on,
Resistance everyone will be tougher than

Shield Type = No Shields

Note that Shield Type can also be Normal, None, or Off.

Team Options
Option Value What it does
Team Play See specifics in the game
type sections following.
Team Scoring See specifics in the game
type sections following.
Team Changing See specifics in the game
type sections following.
Friendly Fire On/Off Unwary players can injure or even kill
teammates. Friendly Fire can be
turned off so that teammates cannot be
directly damaged by each other.
Respawn Time Inheritance, Cycling, Players either inherit dead teammate
Modifier None spawn times (inheritance), respawn
together at fixed intervals (cycling), or
respawn at a set amount of time after
they die (none).
Betrayal Penalty None, 5 seconds, 10 This setting determines an additional
seconds, 15 seconds, 30 amount of time a team killer will have
seconds, 1 minute, 2 to wait before respawning.

Vehicle Options
Option Value What it does
Vehicle Respawn Map Default, Half As Often, Vehicle respawn time determines how
Time No Respawn quickly dead vehicles come back to
life. Times are relative to the default
settings for the map.
Primary Light Vehicle Map Default, Warthog, This setting allows you to override the
Gauss Warthog, Ghost, map-specific primary light land vehicle
Spectre, Random, None with a vehicle of your choosing.
Secondary Light Map Default, Warthog, This setting allows you to override the
Vehicle Gauss Warthog, Ghost, map-specific secondary light land
Spectre, Random, None vehicle with a vehicle of your
Primary Heavy Map Default, Scorpion Tank, This setting allows you to override the
Vehicle Wraith, Random, None map-specific primary heavy land
vehicle with a vehicle of your
Banshee Map Default, On, Off This setting allows you to specify
whether Banshees appear on a map
that supports them.
Primary Turret Map Default, Large Machine This setting allows you to override the
Gun, Large Plasma, map-specific primary turret with the
Random, None turret of your choosing.
Secondary Turret Map Default, Large Machine This setting allows you to override the
Gun, Large Plasma, map-specific secondary turret with a
Random, None turret of your choosing.

Equipment Options
Option Value What it does
Starting Weapon Map Default, None, This setting determines which primary
Random, Battle Rifle, weapon players start the game and
Magnum, SMG, Plasma respawn with.
Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Brute
Plasma Rifle, Rocket
Launcher, Shotgun, Sniper
Rifle, Brute Shot, Needler,
Carbine, Beam Rifle,
Energy Sword, Sentinel
Secondary Weapon Map Default, None, This setting determines which backup
Random, Battle Rifle, weapon players start the game and
Magnum, SMG, Plasma respawn with. A backup weapon is
Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Brute optional.
Plasma Rifle, Rocket
Launcher, Shotgun, Sniper
Rifle, Brute Shot, Needler,
Carbine, Beam Rifle,
Energy Sword, Sentinel
Starting Grenades On/Off When this setting is on players will
start the game and respawn with
Weapons on Map Map Default, None, This setting determines the set of
Rockets, Shotguns, weapons that is available on the map.
Swords, Brute Shots, Halo Weapons on map can also be turned
Classic, New Classic, off entirely.
Heavy Weapons, All
Duals, No Duals, Rifles,
Sniping, No Sniping,
Pistols, Plasma, Human,
Covenant, Random Set
Weapon Respawn Map Default, No Weapon Respawn time determines
Time Respawn, Half Time, how much time it takes to respawn
Double Time weapons. Times are relative to the
default settings for the map.
Grenades On Map On/Off If Grenades On Map is turned off
there will be no grenades available for
pickup on the map.
Overshields On/Off This setting controls whether or not
the Overshield powerup is available
on the map.
Active Camo on Map On/Off This setting controls whether or not
the Active Camouflage powerup is
available on the map.

Custom Variant Reference: Slayer Settings

The following options help you create a custom variant of the Slayer game type. In Slayer, you kill
as many opponents as you can. Each kill is a point. The player with the most points wins.

Slayer-Specific Match Options

Option Value What it does
Score to Win Round 1, 3, 5, 10, Points are earned in Slayer for killing other
15, 20, 25, players. This setting determines how many points
50, 100, 250, are needed to win a round.

Slayer-Specific Team Options

Option Value What it does
Team Play On/Off This setting determines whether this is a team
game or a free-for-all. The maximum number of
teams for this game is determined by the map.
Team Scoring Sum, A team’s score can be the sum of all its member’s
Minimum, scores, the score of its lowest player (minimum), or
Maximum the score of its highest player (maximum).
Team Changing On/Off When Team Changing is on players are allowed
to change teams while the game is in progress.
Force Even Teams On/Off When Force Even Teams is on, each team will
only have as many active players as the team with
the fewest players. All other team members must
wait for their turn to spawn.

Slayer Game Options

Option Value What it does
Bonus Points On/Off When Bonus Points are enabled, players can
earn additional points for notable acts like double
kills and killing sprees. (Off by default.)
Suicide Point Loss On/Off When Suicide Point Loss is enabled, a player will
lose a point for committing suicide. (On by
Death Point Loss On/Off When Death Point Loss is enabled, a player that
dies will lose a point. Careful, this can lengthen
games significantly! (Off by default.)

Custom Variant Reference: King of the Hill Settings

The following tables can help you customize the King of the Hill game type. In King of the Hill, you
gain control of the hill to earn time. Keep your opponents off and earn the most time to win.

King-Specific Match Options

Option Value What it does
Score to Win Round Off, 30 You accumulate time in King of the Hill by standing
seconds, 1 on the hill. This setting determines the amount of
minute, 2 time you must earn in order to win a round.
minutes, 3
minutes, 5

King-Specific Team Options

Option Value What it does
Team Play On/Off This setting determines whether this is a team
game or a free-for-all. The maximum number of
teams for this game is determined by the map.
Team Scoring Sum, A team’s score can be the sum of all its member’s
Minimum, scores, the score of its lowest player (minimum),
Maximum or the score of its highest player (maximum).
Team Changing On/Off When Team Changing is on players are allowed
to change teams while the game is in progress.
Force Even Teams On/Off When Force Even Teams is on, each team will
only have as many active players as the team with
the fewest players. All other team members must
wait for their turn to spawn.

King of the Hill Game Options

Option Value What it does
Uncontested Hill On/Off When this is on, you can only earn
time on the hill when there are no
enemies contesting it. (Off by default.)
Moving Hill Off, 30 seconds, The hill will change to a new random
1 minute, 2 location at the set interval.
minutes, 3
minutes, 5
Team Time Multiplier On/Off When on, you will earn time faster
when you have more teammates on
the hill. (default = off)
Extra Damage on Hill On/Off When on, a player on the hill will be
more powerful than other players.
(Default = off)
Damage Resistance on Hill On/Off When on, a player on the hill will be
tougher than normal. (default = off)
Active Camo on Hill On/Off When enabled, a player standing on
the hill will have Active Camo.
(Default = off)

Custom Variant Reference: Oddball Settings

The following variant tables help you customize the Oddball game type. In Oddball, you find the
ball, which looks like a skull, and hold on to it to earn time. The player with the most time wins.

Oddball-Specific Match Options

Option Value What it does
Score to Win Round Off, 30 seconds, 1 You accumulate time in Oddball by holding
minute, 2 minutes, 3 the ball. This setting determines the
minutes, 5 minutes, 7 amount of time you must earn in order to
minutes, 10 minutes, win a round.
15 minutes

Oddball-Specific Team Options

Option Value What it does
Team Play On/Off This setting determines whether this is a
team game or a free-for-all. The maximum
number of teams for this game is
determined by the map.
Team Scoring Sum, Minimum, A team’s score can be the sum of all its
Maximum member’s scores, the score of its lowest
player (minimum), or the score of its highest
player (maximum).
Team Changing On/Off When Team Changing is on players are
allowed to change teams while the game is
in progress.
Force Even Teams On/Off When Force Even Teams is on, each team
will only have as many active players as the
team with the fewest players. All other team
members must wait for their turn to spawn.

Oddball Game Options

Option Value What it does
Ball Count 1 ball, 2 balls, This controls the number of balls in the
3 balls game. More balls equals more chaos,
but that’s not always a good thing.
Ball Hit Damage Normal, The ball is a weapon. This setting
Massive determines whether melee attacking
someone with it hurts a little or a lot.
Default = massive.
Speed With Ball Slow, Normal, This setting determines the speed that
Fast the ball carrier moves in relation to
other players.
Toughness With Ball On/Off When on, a player carrying a ball will
be tougher than normal. (Default = off)
Active Camo With Ball On/Off Determines whether a ball carrier can
be seen by other players. (default = off)
Vehicle Operation On/Off If off, the player carrying a ball cannot
drive vehicles or operate stationary or
vehicle-mounted guns. (Default = off)
Ball Indicator Always On, This setting controls if and when you
Dropped Ball, see an indicator revealing the location
Team Control, of the ball. (default = always on)

Custom Variant Reference: Juggernaut Settings

The following tables can help you customize the Juggernaut game type. In Juggernaut, work
together to take down the Juggernaut. Beware: If you kill the Juggernaut, you become the
Juggernaut, and only the Juggernaut can win.

Juggernaut-Specific Match Options

Option Value What it does
Score to Win Round Unlimited, It’s everyone against the Juggernaut. The
1,3,5,10,15, Juggernaut earns a point for each kill, and only he
20, 25, 50, can score. Kill the Juggernaut to become the
75, 100 Juggernaut. This setting determines how many
points the Juggernaut needs to win a round.

Juggernaut Game Options

Option Value What it does
Betrayal Point Loss On/Off All players that are not the Juggernaut
are considered teammates. When this
option is on, betraying a teammate
results in losing a point. (Default = on)
Juggernaut Extra Damage On/Off When on, the Juggernaut’s weapons
do more damage than normal.
(Default = on)
Juggernaut Infinite Ammo On/Off When on, the Juggernaut will never
run out of ammunition. (Default = on)
Juggernaut Overshield On/Off When on, Juggernaut has recharging
extra powerful shields. This setting
overrides the player shield setting.
(Default = on)
Juggernaut Active Camo On/Off When on, the Juggernaut has active
camo. This setting overrides the
player Active Camo setting. (Default =
Juggernaut Motion Sensor On/Off When on, Juggernaut has a motion
sensor. Overrides the player motion
sensor settings. (Default = on)
Juggernaut Movement Slow, Normal, Determines the speed of the
Fast Juggernaut relative to the other
players in the game. (Default =
Juggernaut Damage On/Off When this option is on the Juggernaut
Resistance is extra tough. This setting overrides
the Player Damage Resistance

Custom Variant Reference: Capture the Flag Settings

The following tables help you customize the Capture the Flag (CTF) game type. In CTF, you
invade your opponent’s stronghold, steal the flag, and bring it back to your base to score.

CTF-Specific Match Options

Option Value What it does
Score to Win Round Unlimited, 1, How many points it takes to win a round of CTF. A
2, 3, 5 point is earned each time you successfully capture
an enemy flag and bring it back to your base.

CTF-Specific Team Options

Option Value What it does
Team Changing On/Off When Team Changing is on players are allowed
to change teams while the game is in progress.
Force Even Teams On/Off When Force Even Teams is on, each team will
only have as many active players as the team with
the fewest players. All other team members must
wait for their turn to spawn.

CTF Game Options

Option Value What it does
Flag Type Single Flag, Flag Per In Single Flag there is only one defending
Team, Neutral Flag team. In Flag Per Team (multi-flag), each
team has a flag and must play offense and
defense at the same time. In Neutral Flag
there is a single flag that any team can
capture. (Flag per team = default.)
Sudden Death On/Off When Sudden Death is enabled, a round
will not end while a flag is being carried or
contested. This can lead to exciting final
moments. (On by default.)
Flag At Home To On/Off When Flag at Home To Score is enabled,
Score you cannot score a point unless your flag is
safely on its flag stand. (On by default.)
Flag Touch Return On/Off When Flag Touch Return is enabled, you
may return your flag to the base by touching
it. (Off by default.)
Flag Reset Time 5 seconds, 10 The time that must elapse before a dropped
seconds, 15 seconds, flag returns home. An enemy near a flag
30 seconds, 45 pauses this timer, an enemy picking it up
seconds, 60 seconds resets it. (Default = 30 sec)
Slow With Flag On/Off When Slow With Flag is on, the flag carrier
moves as a slower pace than other players.
(On by default.)
Flag Hit Damage Normal/Massive The flag pole is a weapon. Flag Hit Damage
determines whether a melee attack with the
flag hurts a little or is deadly. (On by
Damage Resistance On/Off When this is on, a player carrying the flag is
With Flag tougher than normal. (Off by default.)
Active Camo With On/Off When this is on, a player carrying the flag is
Flag invisible. (Off by default.)
Vehicle Operation On/Off If this is disabled, a player carrying the flag
cannot drive vehicles or operate stationary
or vehicle-mounted guns. (Off by default.)
Flag Indicator When Uncontrolled, Determines if and when you have an
Always On, Away indicator showing the location of your flag.
From Home, Off (Neutral by default.)

Custom Variant Reference: Assault Settings

The following tables help you customize the Assault (bomb) game type. In Assault, you carry your
bomb into the enemy base and arm it by standing over the marker. Once armed, the bomb is
automatically dropped on the enemy base to score.

Assault-Specific Match Options

Option Value What it does
Score to Win Round Unlimited, 1, How many points it takes to win a round of
2, 3, 5 Assault. A point is earned each time you
successfully arm and detonate a bomb in an
enemy base.

Assault-Specific Team Options

Option Value What it does
Team Changing On/Off When Team Changing is on players are allowed
to change teams while the game is in progress.
Force Even Teams On/Off When Force Even Teams is on, each team will
only have as many active players as the team with
the fewest players. All other team members must
wait for their turn to spawn.

Assault Game Options

Option Value What it does
Bomb Type Single Bomb, In Single Bomb there is only one
Bomb Per Team, defending team. In Bomb Per
Neutral Bomb Team, each team has a bomb and
must play offense and defense at
the same time. In Neutral Bomb
there is a single bomb that any
team may use.
Enemy Bomb Indicator Always On, When Determines if and when defenders
Dropped, When have an indicator showing the
Armed, Off location of an enemy bomb.
(Default = when dropped)
Sudden Death On/Off When enabled, a round will not end
while a bomb is being carried or
contested. This can lead to tense
final moments. (Default = on)
Bomb Touch Return On/Off When on, you may reset an enemy
bomb to its original location by
touching it. (Default = Off)
Bomb Reset Time 5 seconds, 10 The time that must elapse before a
seconds, 15 dropped bomb resets to its original
seconds, 20 location. Getting close to your
seconds, 30 bomb freezes this timer; picking it
seconds, 45 up resets it. (Default = 30 seconds)
seconds, 60
Bomb Arm Time 5 seconds, 10 The time it takes to arm the bomb
seconds, 15 after you’ve carried it inside the
seconds arming zone near the enemy bomb
Sticky Arming On/Off When on, you can pick up a
partially armed bomb and resume
arming it where someone else left
off. (Default = on)
Slow With Bomb On/Off When on, the bomb carrier moves
at a slower pace than other
players. (Default = on)

Assault Game Options (continued)

Option Value What it does
Bomb Hit Damage On/Off The Bomb is a weapon. This
determines whether a melee attack
with the bomb hurts a little (normal)
or is deadly (massive). (default =
Damage Resistance With Bomb On/Off When on, a player carrying the
bomb is tougher than normal.
(Default = off)
Active Camo With Bomb On/Off When on, a player carrying the
bomb is invisible with active camo.
(Default = off)
Vehicle Operation On/Off If off, a player carrying the bomb
cannot drive vehicles or operate
stationary or vehicle-mounted
guns. (Default = off)

Custom Variant Reference: Territories Settings

The following variant tables help you customize the Territories game type. In Territories, you find
and control territories on the map. The more territories you control, the faster you earn time.

Territories-Specific Match Options

Option Value What it does
Score to Win Round Off, 1 Minute, 2 Minutes, This setting determines the amount of
3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 time need to win a Territories round.
minutes, 10 minutes, 15 You gain time by controlling territories –
minutes, 20 minutes, 30 the more you control the faster your
minutes time increases.

Territories-Specific Team Options

Option Value What it does
Team Changing On/Off When Team Changing is on players are allowed
to change teams while the game is in progress.
Force Even Teams On/Off When Force Even Teams is on, each team will
only have as many active players as the team with
the fewest players. All other team members must
wait for their turn to spawn.

Territories Game Options

Option Value What it does
Territory Count 1 Territory, 2 Territories, 3 This setting determines the
Territories, 4 Territories, 5 maximum number of territories on
Territories, 6 Territories, 7 the map. Notes: Not all maps have
Territories, 8 Territories this many territories. (Default = 3)
Contest Time 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 This setting determines the amount
seconds, 15 seconds, 20 of time it takes to undo someone
seconds, 30 seconds else’s control of a territory. (Default
= 5 seconds)
Control Time 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 This settings determines how long it
seconds, 15 seconds, 20 takes to gain control of a neutral
seconds, 30 seconds territory. Enemy territories must first
be contested, then controlled.
(Default = 5 seconds)

Appendix A: Example Playlist File

You can run a playlist on the dedicated server by creating a properly formatted file. The following
is an example of a playlist file.

This playlist is not shuffled and includes two custom variants and three matches that are played in
the order listed in the file.

; Happy Go Lucky Playlist

[custom variant]
; name Happy’s Special
game type=Slayer
number of rounds = 1
score to win round=50
round time limit=10 minutes
respawn time=5 seconds
suicide penalty=10 seconds
weapons on map= rockets
starting weapon = Battle Rifle
secondary weapon = SMG

[custom variant]
; name Standoff
base variant=Slayer
max active players=2
score to win round = 5
weapons on map= Shotguns
starting weapon = plasma pistol
secondary weapon = shotgun

variant=Happy’s Special


Appendix B: Default Maps Listing

Following is the complete list of Halo 2 for Windows Vista default maps shipped with the game.
You can use this list to create games in your playlist. The names must match the name of the
map as it appears in the UI of the game.
Name of map Size of map (for number of people in game)
Lockout Medium
Ascension Medium
Midship Small
Ivory Tower Small
Beaver Creek Small
Burial Mounds Large
Colossus Large
Zanzibar Medium
Coagulation Large
Headlong Large
Waterworks Large
Foundation Medium
Containment Large
Warlock Small
Sanctuary Medium
Turf Medium
Backwash Small
Elongation Small
Gemini Medium
Terminal Large
District Large
Uplift Large

Appendix C: Default Variants Listing

Following is the complete list of default game variants included in Halo 2 for Windows Vista. You
can use this list to create variations on your games in your playlist: Just match up the variant to a

The variant name must match the variant name as it appears in the UI of the game.

Game type Base variant name Description

Slayer Slayer Prepare for a Classic Slayer duel to the death. 25 pts
to win.
Slayer Team Slayer Take on a small team of enemies in a straight up
Slayer throw down. 50 points to win.
Slayer Rockets Get ready for an explosive game of Rockets. All
rocket launchers, no motion sensor. 25 points to win.
Slayer Swords Sharpen your Energy Sword and power up your
overshields. 25 points wins this game.

Default Variants Listing (continued)

Game type Base variant name Description
Slayer Snipers Steady your shot and aim high. All weapons are
sniper rifles and there's no motion sensor. 15 points
Slayer Phantoms Everyone has active camo, so watch your back. 15
points wins this game.
Slayer Team Phantoms Everyone has active camo and you can organize into
up to 8 teams. First team to 25 points wins.
Slayer Elimination You have just one life per round. The last player
standing wins a round. First to win 3 rounds wins the
Slayer Phantom Elim You have just one life and everyone is invisible. Last
player standing wins a round. First to win 3 rounds
takes the cake.
King of the Hill King Stay on the hill for a total of 2 minutes to win the
game. Hill does not move.
King of the Hill Team King Your team must take the hill and control it
uncontested for 1 minute to win. Hill does not move.
King of the Hill Phantom King Control the hill uncontested to earn time. Everyone
has active camo and the hill does not move. 1 minute
King of the Hill Crazy King The hill moves once a minute. Be the first to earn 2
minutes on it to take the crown.
King of the Hill Team Crazy King Your team must earn just 1 minute uncontested on
the moving hill to take the crown.
Oddball Oddball Get ready for a classic game of free-for-all Oddball.
Hold the ball for 2 minutes to win.
Oddball Rocketball This game of Oddball with nothing but rocket
launchers is a real blast. Control the ball for 1 minute
to win.
Oddball Swordball Tense rounds with swords and no motion sensor.
Own the ball for 30 seconds to win a round. First to 3
Oddball Team Ball Up to 8 teams can go head to head in this game of
team Oddball. First team with 2 minutes ball control
Oddball Low Ball Team Oddball with a twist. Everyone on your team
must hold the ball for at least 30 seconds to win.
Oddball Fiesta An odd game of ball with random weapons. Earn 2
minutes ball control time to win.
Juggernaut 2 on 1 One player is the Juggernaut, the other 2 are
teammates. Only the Juggernaut can score and 10
points wins the game.
Juggernaut 3 on 1 One player is the Juggernaut while 3 others are
teammates. Earn 10 points as the Juggernaut to win
the game.
Juggernaut Ninjanaut The Juggernaut has active camo and a motion
sensor. You don't, so work together to corner him
and take him out. 10 points wins.
Juggernaut Phantom Fodder You're invisible but you have no motion sensor.
You're being hunted, so watch out! 3 rounds wins, 5
points wins a round.

Default Variants Listing (continued)

Game type Base variant name Description
Juggernaut Dreadnaut The Dreadnaut is an unstoppable beast. Fear him
but work together to take him out. 20 kills as
Juggernaut wins the game.
Capture the Multi Flag CTF Defend your flag while launching a coordinated
Flag attack on your enemy's flag. 3 captures to win.
Capture the CTF Classic Defend your flag while capturing the enemy's. 3
Flag points wins, flag must be home to score, flag may be
Capture the 1 Flag CTF Take turns on offense/defense. A capture wins a
Flag round. Flag may not be returned. Rounds last 3
minutes. First to 3 wins.
Capture the 1 Flag CTF Fast Intense 2 minute rounds of alternating
Flag offense/defense. A capture wins a round. Flag may
not be returned. First to 3 wins.
Assault Multi Bomb Defend your base while trying to deliver your bomb
into the enemy's base. 3 successful bombings wins.
Assault Single Bomb Take turns on offense/defense. A successful
bombing wins a round. First to 3 wins. No bomb
return. Rounds last 3 minutes.
Assault Single Bomb Fast Intense 2 minute rounds of offense/defense. A
successful bombing wins a round. Bomb may not be
returned. First to 3 wins.
Assault Neutral Bomb There's just one bomb that starts in the middle. Use it
to bomb the enemy base 3 times to win.
Assault Blast Resort You have just 1 life and no motion sensor in this
single bomb game. 10 second arming, 3 minute
rounds, first to 3 wins.
Territories 3 Plots There are just 3 territories. Earn 3 minutes control
time before your opponents by owning a majority of
Territories Land Grab Own a majority of territories to earn 5 minutes control
time before your opponents.
Territories Gold Rush Grab your pistol and load your shotgun! 2 minutes
wins a round. Rounds last 3 minutes. First to 3
rounds wins.
Territories Control Issues Bring out the big guns to fight for control of just 2
territories. Everyone has overshields, 5 minutes
control time wins.
Territories Contention There's just one territory on the map. Work with your
team to control it for 2 minutes to win.

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