Iseek April14, 2010
Iseek April14, 2010
Iseek April14, 2010
Lui website opens l Connect with Lui
l Last Training in 2010
l Two Days Left
l Newsline
Reflection Model On two mission trips to Lui, I have been The elections in Sudan are
extended by two days. W e
asked to serve as chaplain for the group. I have used a are continuing to pray through
simple model for reflection that I developed to lead the group Thursday, April 15th, 4:00
prayer. The model is based on an understanding of what
happens in the eucharist, and centers around five questions.... We have an online sign-up
sheet for the vigil. Send an
email for instructions/
password, and please include
your name/parish. Not online
much and still want to sign
Last Opportunity for Dismantling Racism up? Call 314-255-1387 with
your name/parish/phone and
Training in 2010 we'll add you to the sign-up
July 9-10, 2010, at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Ladue Good Work 4/17
Check your area's census return rate. At the end of March, Palmyra was
Monday, April 26th, 7:30 pm-
leading the state for census returns (article in the Hannibal Courier-Post). 8:30, or until the conversation
wanes. We'll leave the
discussion open for an
Quick answers from the Census online. additional week if anyone
cares to add reflections.
Father Rod Wiltse facilitates
the book club, email him for
Episcopal School for Ministry Summer Term an invitation at
The Summer term at the Episcopal School for Ministry begins on Saturday,
April 17. Courses being offered this term are: Discernment Conference
June 6-8
Liturgy, with Professor Ralph McMichael, the Dean of the School
The Discernment Conference,
Preaching, with Professor Barbara Willock sponsored by the Commission
Christian Spirituality, with Professor Rod Wiltse. on Ministry of the Diocese of
Missouri, is open to
candidates, postulants,
aspirants, and those
The School meets at Eden Seminary on contemplating discernment for
five Saturdays, one each month: ministry. It is also intended
for clergy in the Diocese of
April 17, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Missouri who are new to the
May 15, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. process of discernment in this
diocese or for those who wish
June 12, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. to renew their understanding.
July 17, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. If you are currently in the
discernment process (you
August 21, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. have met with Bishop Smith),
. this conference is required.
Great News! Grace Episcopal in Kirkwood has become accredited as
a Community of Hope Training Center, and will offer training this fall. Publisher
The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith
Details to follow on this vital, affirming program. Bishop of Missouri
Lost and found. We're looking for parishes in the diocese with strong Editor
Beth Felice
singles groups for people in the 40’s to 60’s age range. Is this you? Director of Communications
Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
314-398-2209 (cell)
Making Disciples ∙ Building Congregations ∙ For the Life of the World
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