Iseek May 26, 2010 News From The Diocese of Missouri

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May 26, 2010

In the diocesan cycle we pray for the people of St. Luke’s Church, Manchester (1904), and William, their Rector
In our companion diocese of Lui, we pray for the clergy and people of Lui Parish, and Repent, their Priest

The Plight of the Pelicans l Plight of the Pelicans
l Budget request
Upon his return to the diocese after l Celebration of New Ministry
l TENS conference
sabbatical, Bishop Wayne Smith wrote l Health Care Reform
about reflections while watching brown l Newsline
pelicans on Padre Island, Texas. So it has
been particularly poignant waiting to hear
how the pelicans are faring, as we listen to
the narrative of the unfolding environmental Sun, Jun 6, Church of the
crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.
Sun, Jun 13, Ft. Leonard
Brown pelicans, the state bird of Louisiana,
were close to extinction in the 1970s. A Sat, Jun 19, 10:00 a.m.
Ordination of Pamela Dolan to
coordinated effort of environmental the Sacred Order of Priests,
legislation, clean-up, education, and Christ Church Cathedral

repopulation by government, nonprofit Sun, Jun 20, Trinity-Jefferson

organizations, and citizens brought the birds County

back. Brown pelicans on the Atlantic Coast

Life of the Diocese
were taken off the endangered species list
in 1985, and Gulf coast birds were just Thurs, May 27
removed from the list last year. Standing Committee meeting

Prayer Resources. "The slow-motion Sat, May 29, The Peace Meal
tragedy of the gulf oil spill lays bare our collective failure as caretakers of Project at St. John's-Tower
Grove, every Saturday .
God’s good creation. While unknown thousands of barrels of oil leak into Serving from 4-6 p.m. To sign
the rich and diverse ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico, how are we as up as a volunteer, please
contact Scott Splater. A full
Christians called to respond? While it is easy to express anger and cast shift is from 2-6:30 p.m. and
blame at the companies who owned, operated and profited from the deep a half shift would be 2-4:30
p.m. (food prep and cook) or
sea exploration, we must also reflect on our own complicity through our 4-6:30 (serve and clean up).
endless demand for cheap oil." So begins a bulletin insert (pdf) and resource
for congregations to facilitate a prayerful response to the Gulf oil disaster Mon, May 31, Camp Phoenix
Registration deadline
from the Eco-Justice Programs of the National Council of Churches (of which extended.
The Episcopal Church is a member).
Mon, May 31 7:30 PM   
"O God, the Great, Wide Seas are Yours," is a hymn written in response ESM Book Club Online
For an invitation by email
to the ongoing oil spill by the Rev. Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. She serves with contact Fr. Rod Wiltse,
her husband Bruce as co-pastors of Limestone Presbyterian Church (USA) In May we
discuss The Sacred Meal by
in Wilmington, Delaware. Nora Gallagher.

Sat, Jun 5
More information: 2010 Diocesan Council
Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast meeting Details

Lectio Divina
image of a brown pelican from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Friday a.m., June 4 - July 16
Service Crisis response.
A Summer Opportunity to
Experience Lectio Divina
comprehensive information from the Deepwater Horizon facilitated by
the Rev. Susie Skinner,
Unified Command, which includes BP, TransOcean, EPA, held at Grace-Kirkwood
Coast Guard, DOD, NOAA, State Dept, and others U.S. June 4 –July 16
federal agencies.
There many ways to read the
Bible. One is to engage in 
Bible Study and another is to
  "pray the scriptures."  
Budget Request Time When we do Bible Study we
use our head to understand
To: Priests in Charge of Congregations, Rectors, Vicars, Senior/Bishop’s how the scriptures came to be
written and what the words
Wardens, Treasurers, Program Chairs, Diocesan Staff mean for us today.  
From: Dan Smith, Canon to the Ordinary
Re: 2011 Budget Requests T h e ancient practice of
"praying the scriptures" is
reading God's word more with
The process has begun for the preparation of the 2011 Operating Budget of our heart than our head.  
Called "lectio divina," literally
the Diocese of Missouri. Diocesan Council will review and evaluate all "holy reading," it begins with
requests and a final budget will be presented at Convention in November. cultivating the ability to listen
deeply, to hear "with the ear
of our hearts" the words of
Holy Scripture.  
Budget requests must be received in the Diocesan Office by July 20, 2010.
In "lectio divina" we listen for
Download the 2011 Budget Request Letter and Guidelines in a PDF the still, small voice of God -
that "faint murmuring sound"
document on the diocesan web site. which is God's word for us,
God's voice touching our
Celebration and Installation As we read the Scriptures in
this contemplative way we
The Rev. Jon Hall will be installed as the new discover an increasing ability
to offer more of ourselves
rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Ellisville, and lives to God.
Wednesday, Aug. 25.
Using the readings for the
The service will begin at 6:30 p.m. with Bishop coming Sunday, The Rev.
Wayne Smith leading the Holy Eucharist and the Susan Skinner will facilitate a
group in the practice of lectio
Celebration of a New Ministry.  A reception in Park divina for six sessions this
Hall will follow the service. summer. 

The group will meet on Friday

Hall began serving St. Martin’s Feb. 7.  All are  mornings from 11:00 a. m. to
invited to join the celebration as we officially noon in the chapel at Grace
Church Kirkwood, 514 East
welcome Fr. Jon, his wife Colleen and daughter Abby to St. Martin’s. Argonne Drive, Kirkwood, MO
63122 beginning June 4 and
will continue through July 16.  
-Janis Greenbaum/ St. Martin's (There will be no meeting on
July 2.)  
  Discernment Conference
TENS: The Episcopal Network for Stewardship June 6-8

The Discernment Conference,

from Barbara Robinson, Diocesan Stewardship leader: sponsored by the Commission
"Here is your chance to get your feet wet in on Ministry of the Diocese of
Missouri, is open to cand-
stewardship leadership for your parish. The idates, postulants, aspirants,
annual TENS (The Episcopal Network for and those contemplating dis-
cernment for ministry.
Stewardship) conference is being held July 30-
31 in Indianapolis, an easy four hour drive from
Download a registration form
St. Louis. With a great speaker and helpful online, and submit
workshops, The Grace, Gratitude and registrations by no later than
Friday, May 21 to: Cory
Generosity Conference offers a wonderful Hoehn, Episcopal Diocese of
opportunity for every congregation to experience Missouri 1210 Locust St. St.
Louis, MO 63103 Questions?
first-hand the wealth of information, materials, and spirit of Stewardship Please contact Cory at (314)
available through TENS. Come and find ways to teach stewardship 255-1383 or
education in your parish. I can highly recommend this conference for
everyone, lay or clergy, involved in stewardship in your parish."   Episcopal City Mission's
More links and resources on the diocesan stewardship page. Summer Solstice: June 18

The annual evening of music,

The Mission of TENS is to transform lives by developing a network of church food, fun for the whole family
to benefit Episcopal City
leaders who encourage generosity. We accomplish this mission by: Ministry (ECM) that is eagerly
practicing holy habits of daily prayer and engaging the gospel; honoring God anticipated each year. 
with all that we have and all that we are; and training, encouraging, nurturing,
and supporting the ministry of stewardship at every level. ECM provides Chaplains to
children in the St. Louis City
More information about TENS and County detention centers
and Lakeside residential
  centers.  The chaplains are in
a very real sense the
What Does Federal Health Care Reform Mean compassionate face of a
loving God in the lives of
for Missourians? children who are in trouble
and frequently have no one
Thursday, June 10, 2010 else to turn to.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Lunch will follow)
Episcopal Church of the Advent
Friday, June 18, 2010 from
9373 Garber Road, Crestwood, MO 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM at
A luncheon presentation on the federal health care Emmanuel Episcopal Church,
9 South Bompart, Webster
reform law and its impact on Missouri families, Groves, MO.
individuals, and businesses.
Tickets are just $15 for
adults  and $5 for children 5-
Dr. James Kimmey, Missouri Foundation for 12.  Ticket price includes 
Health President and CEO,will discuss what is in the health care reform law dinner, beverages, and music
from the The House of Bishops
and its impact on individuals, families, and businesses in Missouri. Time will band. This year's auction
be reserved for questions and answers. All members of the community are items include an afternoon
sailing trip on Carlyle Lake,
welcome. Kimmey is a highly sought speaker on Health Care Policy both Cardinal tickets, and other fun
within Missouri and throughout the US. He is also a long time parishioner at and exciting things. There will
be a children's area with face
Christ Church Cathedral and tenor in the cathedral choir. painting and games.

This presentation is free and open to all but RSVP by June 8th, as we must
For tickets, please call
plan for space and for the meal. The Missouri Foundation will be assisting Episcopal City Mission at 314-
with the meal so we need an accurate count for them. RSVP to 436-3545. or by calling the church office at (314) 843
0123. Dismantling Racism
St. Peter's-Ladue, July 9-10

This presentation is one of Advent’s monthly Lunch & Learn Series. Brochure
Registration (doc format)
  Registration (pdf)

May 23
Missouri History Museum will be screening the documentary Unnatural Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc)
Causes: In Sickness and In Wealth Thursday, May 27, at 7:00pm. The film Mystic and Soldier, 1431
looks at connections between health, money, and race. At 6pm, there will
be a reception with light refreshments, and at 6:30, a brief presentation by
the NCCJSTL's Inclusion Institute for Healthcare. After the film, there will be II. Holy God, whose power is
made perfect in weakness: we
a panel discussion featuring Brenda Battle, director of Barnes-Jewish honor you for the calling of
Hospital's Center for Diversity and Cultural Competency; Dr. Sujata C. Buck, Jeanne d’Arc, who, though
young, rose up in valor to
pediatrician and independent population based health care advisor; and Dr. bear your standard for her
David Pole, of the Department of Family and Community Medicine at Saint country, and endured with
grace and fortitude both
Louis University. victory and defeat; and we
More about the documentary Unnatural Causes. pray that we, like Jeanne,
may bear witness to the truth
that is in us to friends and
enemies alike, and,
encouraged by the
Congratulations to the Honorable Joe Adams who is being feted on companionship of your saints,
Sunday, May 30, at a 12:30 p.m. reception in Adams Park, formally known give ourselves bravely to the
struggle for justice in our
as Northmoor Park. All past Mayors of University City have a park named in time; through Christ our
their honor; Joe Adams served on City Council and also as Mayor. Adams is Savior, who with you and the
Holy Spirit lives and reigns,
a parishioner and a past senior warden at Holy Communion. He also serves one God, now and for ever.
on the diocesan Commission on Ministry. Amen.

Jeanne d’Arc [?1412-May 30,

  1431] French visionary who led
the French army to break the
English siege of Orleans (though
Congratulations to newly she never fought, herself). She
ordained the Rev. Robert was burned at Rouen as a
heretic. 450 years later, the
Ard. Photos from Robert's Church canonized her.
ordination this past Saturday
are online. Robert and Sherol The resolution to General
Convention which contains the
Ann Ard are expecting a baby suggested additions to Holy
in September. Women, Holy Men is available
online as a large pdf file. The
edited and official version will be
  published and available next

Bishop Smith's annual visitation DIOCESAN PUBLICATIONS

to St. Mark's, Portland, during
a year of celebrating 100 years Publisher
The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith
of worship and service in their Bishop of Missouri
current church building . Bishop
confirmed two and received one, Editor
Beth Felice
preached on prayer, and with Director of Communications
Vicar Marshall Crossnoe Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
celebrated Eucharist. After the 314-255-1387
service, a festive homecoming 314-398-2209 (cell)
picnic was held outdoors. A few
photos online and more from parishioner Beverly Wilhelm in next month's iSeek, weekly news;
Seek. S e e k and Sunday Seek;

The Rev. Joe Chambers has answered a call to be the next chaplain at DIOCESE ONLINE

Washington University Episcopal Campus Ministry, in St. Louis. His wife, Diocesan News
the Rev. Amy Chambers Cortright will be the next Vicar of Christ Church Diocesan Calendar
Cathedral, as announced previously. Please pray for all of our clergy and Subscribe to email lists
Lui Network-community site
congregations in transition. Missouri deputation-blog
Bishop Smith-blog
  Facebook-social network
Twubs-twitter in a browser
Flickr-photo gallery


l Plight of the Pelicans

l Budget request
l Celebration of New Ministry
l TENS conference
l Health Care Reform
l Newsline

Making Disciples ∙ Building Congregations ∙ For the Life of the World

The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri

1210 Locust Street, 3rd Floor
St. Louis, Missouri 63103
phone: 314-231-1220

converted by

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