Iseek, Mar. 3, 2010
Iseek, Mar. 3, 2010
Iseek, Mar. 3, 2010
March 3, 2010
In the diocesan cycle we pray for the people of St. Paul Church, Ironton (1870), and Catherine, their Vicar
In our companion diocese of Lui, we pray for the doctors, staff, and patients in the Lui Hospital
Music in this Lenten season l Music in Lent
l Youth Missioner
In contrast to the l Thinking Green
l Newsline
trumpets and fanfares
of Easter Day, the
music of Lent is often
sparse, with March-April, Bishop Smith's
sabbatical months
hauntingly beautiful
turns, and much
Life of the Diocese
beloved by choristers
throughout the Fri, Mar 5, Journey to Jobs:
Lenten program for job
Communion. Many of seekers, each Friday in Lent
us sing the Great from 9:00 -10:30 at St
Timothy's in Creve Coeur,
Litany in this season, organized by David Boudinet
and our anthems and of CSMSG and the Rev. Steve
Lawler of St Stephen's. All are
Evensongs reflect invited. Each session will have
fasting, prayer, and a presentation, discussion,
fellowship and prayer. Bagels
penitance. Here is an and Coffee will be provided.
incomplete sampling For more information contact
David Boudinet at
of some of the music or Fr.
in the diocese calling us to a Holy Lent: Lawler at
The seven sessions are:
THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 6:45 p.m., Taize, Compline Beginning; Readjusting;
Committing; Resourcing ;
Bofinger Chapel, Christ Church Cathedral, 13th & Locust, St. Louis Connecting; Deepening ;
SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 4:00 p.m. Joseph Nelson will perform on Trinity's new
Sat, Mar 6, Leadership
Quimby organ, Trinity Episcopal Church, 600 N. Euclid (at Washington) Conference for Clergy and Lay
members of the Diocese,
Public Narrative with Devon
SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 5:00 p.m. -St. Peter's-Ladue, Organ Recital by Anderson.
Andrzej Zahorshki- Organist of Abbey Church of St. Mary & St. Louis
5:30 p.m. - Choral Evensong for Lent, the music of William Byrd Sunday, March 7, 2 - 5 p.m.
Zydeco show and Blues
Review at Emmanuel.Zydeco
SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 5:00 p.m. Vespers at Church of St. Michael and Show and Blues Review with
the House of Bishops,
St. George-Clayton. The Benedictine monks of St. Louis Abbey sing Emmanuel, 9 South Bompart
Vespers as part of the on-going ecumenical relationship between the Abbey in Webster Groves. Also, Fr.
Ron and Sarah offer a
and the CSMSG. program of Contemporary &
Roots music. Tickets ($10)
available at the door.
SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 5:00 p.m., St. Peter's-Ladue. Celebrating the 325th
anniversary of George Frideric Handel's birth (and taking a brief respite from A Lakota star quilt, created by
penitence) with his FOUR CORONATION ANTHEMS & TWO ORGAN a fabric artist on the
reservation, has been
CONCERTOS The St. Peter's Choir and Chamber Orchestra Todd Decker - donated for a raffle to benefit
Organist ER&D. Chances are $5.00
each or 6 for $25.00 and will
be available at the concert on
SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 5:00 pm, Palm Sunday Evensong, Christ Church Mar. 7th. 100% of the
proceeds will be directed to
Cathedral ERD Haitian efforts.
(314) 961-2393
SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 5:00 pm, Passion Vespers: Meditations on the
Thurs, Mar 11, Submission
Passion of Christ at Church of St. Michael and St. George-Clayton. deadline for April/May edition
A service of the spoken word and music featuring readings selected from of Seek.
Scripture, the ancient Church Fathers, and modern-day poets interspersed
with music to illuminate the texts. Fri, Mar 12, Journey to Jobs:
Lenten program for job
seekers, each Friday in Lent
from 9:00 -10:30 at St
Timothy's in Creve Coeur
Funding the Youth Missioner Fri, Mar 12 & Sat Mar. 13
Dismantling Racism workshop
At diocesan convention in November, we affirmed the importance of our in Columbia, MO.
youth and our commitment to youth ministry by passing resolution M-170
Sat, Mar 13, 8:30 a.m.-1:00
regarding a Diocesan Youth Missioner. p.m. St. Louis Community
Farmers’ Market at St. John’s-
Tower Grove.
The resolution, as amended:
Fri, Mar 19, Journey to Jobs:
Lenten program for job
1. BE IT RESOLVED that this 170th Convention of the seekers, each Friday in Lent
Episcopal Diocese of Missouri reaffirms its commitment to from 9:00 -10:30 at St
Timothy's in Creve Coeur
Youth Ministry as a vital mission of this diocese;
2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this convention
Sat, Mar 20, 9:00 a.m.-1:00
encourages the Bishop of Missouri to appoint a Diocesan p.m. Preventing Sexual
Youth Missioner on or before May 1, 2010, for a one-year Exploitation in Communities
of Faith training, a part of the
term; and Safeguarding series.
3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Diocesan Youth Registration required for this
free workshop.
Missioner be tasked with revitalizing the Diocesan Youth
Commission and building a sustainable network of mutual Week of Mar 29, online
ESM online book club
support and creative collaboration for youth ministry in the discussion. For an invitation
Diocese of Missouri. email Fr. Rod Wiltse,
We're on track to announce a missioner before May 1st; there are routine Lenten Quiet Day with the
H.R. procedures to accomplish before this office makes the announcement. Anglican Rosary
club mentioned this conversation style to Fr. Rod Wiltse, book club
Mayo, William W. [1819-March
facilitator. Father Rod exclaimed, “Oh, Lectio Divina!”) At the end of the 6, 1911] In 1889, Dr. William W.
conversation, each member of the conversation considers making a pledge Mayo, with his two sons, Dr.
William J. and Dr. Charles H.
to reduce his or her carbon footprint. If the cafe organizers are successful in Mayo, built the first general
their goal of 1,000 Cafés, this could result in a collective pledge of over 250 hospital in Minnesota. It soon
took on other doctors and
million pounds of carbon reduction. Please RSVP by March 15: helpers, and rapidly expanded to model cooperative scientific
medical care and research. With
the Sisters of St. Francis,
Have you met Sabine McDowell? Some know her as originally a teaching order but
persuaded to turn to nursing,
Grace-Kirkwood Rector Todd's better half, and many their clinical practice also took
others as a LEED AP and sustainability consultant. care to treat the whole patient
both medically and spiritually.
Her website, Our Green Choices, is filled with Today, the Mayo Clinic remains
resources, including Green Choices for Places of an outstanding source of patient
care and medical research. with
Worship. Sabine has offered to work with any parish Charles Menninger In 1919, Dr.
on energy audits, explaining what they are and why they are such a great Menninger (1862-1953) and his
son, Dr. Karl Menninger (1893-
opportunity, and updated information on Ameren specifics. 1990) pioneered a new kind of
psychiatric facility in Topeka,
Kansas. They were joined by
Karl’s brother, William (1899-
1966) and worked not only to
Newsline treat mental illness in a more
humane and medically sound
• PEEPS. Some of you may be following the social media meme of an entry way, but also to educate the
American public about mental
to the Washington Post's PEEPS Diorama contest, portraying the National health. The Menninger Clinic
Cathedral. The Diocese of Bethlehem (where the sugary marshmallow candy remains an important American
PEEPS are manufactured) tracked the story of the diorama including a
"procession, choir, details such as certain famous gargoyle, and even a The resolution to General
peep-docent leading a peep-tour." Convention which contains the
suggested additions to Holy
Women, Holy Men is available
The Diocese of Maryland became an official PEEPS contest partner last online as a large pdf file. The
edited and official version will be
year and is participating again this year. Their participants include published and available next
individuals, parishes and christian ed classes. A short slide-show of last year.
• Bulletin Inserts for March 7th are now available online as a pdf. The Episcopal School For
Ministry Book Club. An online
discussion of great books .
• A message to the diocese from our Standing Committee, on their Selected books from The
Ancient Practices Series,
recent consent process for the election of the Rev Mary Glasspool to Bishop publisher is Thomas Nelson.
Suffragan of Los Angeles. Discussion Facilitator is Fr.
Rod Wiltse, Episcopal School
for Ministry faculty.
• St. John's, Tower Grove has reasonably priced office space available in
March - Sabbath by Dan B.
two of their buildings, 3664 Arsenal Street and 3672-A Arsenal Street, Allender
63116. Great for writers, social workers, therapists, spiritual directors, April - Fasting by Scot McKnight
May - The Sacred Meal by Nora
attorneys, accountants or other small businesses or small nonprofit Gallagher
organizations. Direct inquiries to the Rev. Teresa K.M. Danieley. June - The Pilgrimage by
Diana Butler Bass
Sept. - The Liturgical Year by
• Thank you to the Rector of St. Matthew's-Warson Woods, the Rev. Doris Joan Chittister
Oct - Tithing by Douglas
Westfall, for her information on the passing of a previous St. Matthew's LaBlanc 2010
Rector, the Rev. Dr. Anne Brewster Jones. After a history of firsts, in 1984 Nov - The Great Emergence by
Phyllis Tickle
she became the first female rector of a parish in the Diocese of Missouri,
serving at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Warson Woods. Her obituary is The on-line chat will begin on
online at the Charlotte Observer. the last Monday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. CT. A
discussion area will be open
Rest eternal grant to her, O Lord; throughout the final week of
each month for on-going
And let light perpetual shine upon her. conversation.
May her soul, and the souls of all the departed, Our online classroom is at If you'd like
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. an invitation, please email
The Rt. Rev. Wayne Smith
Bishop of Missouri
Beth Felice
Director of Communications
Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
314-398-2209 (cell)
l Music in Lent
l Youth Missioner
l Thinking Green
l Newsline
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