Granular Sub-Base: Salient Features 2.1 Methodology
Granular Sub-Base: Salient Features 2.1 Methodology
Granular Sub-Base: Salient Features 2.1 Methodology
Salient Features
2.1 Methodology
Remove all vegetation and other extraneous material etc. from the subgrade
already prepared, lightly sprinkle with water, if necessary, and roll with two
passes of road roller.
Obtain materials from approved sources confirming to specified grading.
Spread uniformly the sub-base material in proper camber/super-
elevation/grade, in layers not exceeding 100 mm compacted thickness
(Compacted thickness of layer can be upto maximum of 225 mm, if vibratory
rollers are used).
When the sub-base material consists of a combination of materials, mixing shall
be done mechanically by the mix-in-place method.
Sprinkle water uniformly and mix thoroughly for uniform wetting. Compact
each layer to 100% maximum dry density (MDD) as per Standard Proctor Test
and at OMC with a tolerance limit of ( ) 2%. If the mix has more water than
optimum, left it for exposure to sun and aeration till the moisture content is
acceptable for compaction.
Rolling shall commence at the lower edge and proceed towards the upper edge
longitudinally for portions having unidirectional cross fall and super-elevation
and shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre for portions
having cross fall on both sides.
Approval of the Engineer should be obtained for each layer. Such an approval
would require surface level and compaction control tests.
The earthen shoulders should be constructed simultaneously with the sub-base
2.2 Quality Control Requirements
2.2.1 Materials :
The material should be natural sand, moorum, gravel, crushed stone,
crushed slag, brick metal, kankar or a combination thereof and it shall conform to
grading and physical requirements indicated below :
(i) Grading :
The grading for granular sub-base (GSB) should conform to the
requirements given below.
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TABLE 201.1: Grading for Granular Sub-base Materials
IS Sieve Per cent by Weight Passing the IS Sieve
Designation Grading I Grading II Grading III
75 mm 100 - -
53 mm - 100 -
26.5 mm 55-75 50-80 100
4.75 mm 10-30 15-35 25-45
0.075 mm (75 < 10 < 10 < 10
Note : On clayey sub-grades the material passing IS Sieve 0.075 mm should not exceed 5 per cent.
(ii) Atterberg limits: The material passing 425 micron sieve when tested
according to IS: 2720 (part 5) shall have :
(a) Liquid limit (LL) < 25%
(b) Plasticity Index (PI) < 6%
(iii) Soaked CBR value: > 20 %
(iv) Wet aggregate Impact Value (IS:5640) : < 50%
2.3 Quality Control Tests
TABLE 201.2: Tests and Their Frequency
Type of Test Frequency
(A) Tests Prior to Construction
1. Soil classification as per IS:1498. Average of three tests from each source.
(i) Wet Sieve Analysis, except for
cohesionless soils
(ii) LL, PL and PI
2. Combined Grading and Plasticity tests One test on the combined material for 500 m
on materials from different soureces, length of road or part thereof. "Wet Sieve
mixed in the design proportions. Analysis (IS:2720 Part 4) to be done if the
quantity of material passing 0.075 mm sieve is
more than 9% of GSB material".
3. Proctor Compaction Test (IS:2720 Part 7) One test on the material from each source or on
the combined material, as the case may be.
4. Wet Aggregate Impact Value Test One test from each source identified by the
(IS:5640) where soft/marginal aggregates Contractor.
are used e.g, Laterite, Kankar, Brick
Ballast etc.
5. CBR test (IS:2720 Part 16) on One test per km length. (average of a set of three
representative sample compacted at specimens.)
100% Proctor dry density.
Note : Where materials from more than one source are to be combined in the desired
proportions, the tests at Sl.Nos. 2, 3 and 5 should be carried out on the combined material.
(B) Tests During Construction
1. Placement Moisture Content At least 2 tests to be carried out daily, well
(IS:2720 Part 2) spread over the day's work.
2. Insitu Density measurements (IS:2720 At least 2 tests to be carried out daily, well
Part 28). spread over the day's work.
3. Thickness of Compacted layer. At random.
Test Results should be properly recorded and certified in QC Register I