Volume 01. An Interpretation of The English Bible
Volume 01. An Interpretation of The English Bible
Volume 01. An Interpretation of The English Bible
Late President of Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas
Edited by
J. B. Cranfill
At the time of its publication this set was acclaimed to
constitute "the greatest commentary on the English Bible ever
published" (Baptist and Reflector). It remains to this day a
reliable guide to a thorough understanding of the Scriptures.
The Bible is its own interpreter. That is, we arrive at the
meaning of any passage by a comparison of scripture with
scripture. Revelation is a unit, or system of truth. The
parts must be interpreted to agree with each other, and with
the trend of the whole system. A difficult or doubtful passage,
here or there, must not be set aside but must conform to what
is clearly taught in many unambiguous scriptures.
As the Bible was given us for practical purposes, bearing
upon character, conduct and destiny, our study of it, to be
profitable, must be in a line with these purposes. The very
heart of every lesson, therefore, will be its doctrine on these
points, and this doctrine must be so received by faith and
assimilated by obedience as to become experimental
knowledge. "Whosoever willeth to do the will of God shall
knowof the doctrine whether it be of God."
Continual confirmation and increased assurance that we
are rightly interpreting the Divine Word can come to only
those who can say: "Then shall we know if we follow on to
know the Lord," in the same experimental way which brings
its own blessings with every forward step. "But he that
looketh into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and so con_
tinueth, being not a hearer that forgetteth but a doer that
worketh, this man shall be blessed in his doing."
As this book is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, reverent
and prayerful appeal to him for its right understanding and
application is continually necessary.
There is no school of the kind on earth.
It follows the example set by our Lord himself, and accords
with the Holy Spirit's choice of men to preach the gospel.
It accords with settled Baptist polity.
It is needed for both the learned and the unlearned.
Not being restricted to preachers, it will aid in the training
of Sunday school teachers of both sexes.
It encourages the study of God's Word by the pew, which
must, under divine law, judge the soundness in doctrine of the
preacher himself.
Not more than one in a thousand will study the whole
Bible, or any part of it systematically, apart from the
requirements of a regular course.
Shall we not with joy and enthusiasm labor together to
make this work a crowning glory to our seminary?
Upon the enterprise let us invoke the favor of men and the
blessings of God.
1. What history of the English Bible is commended?
2. What is the proposed course in the English Bible, and the time
required for completing it?
3. Why will it be valuable to take even a small part of this
4. What minimum literary qualifications required?
5. What textbooks required?
6. Helps suggested?
7. Considering the restricted scope of the course, and the
minimum literary qualifications, what things are necessarily
assumed? State briefly and substantially.
8. State briefly and substantially the general rules governing
the course.
9. Why does the Bible, from a literary standpoint, deserve a
larger place in a course of study looking to a liberal education?
10. Why from the standpoint of its inspiration?
11. Are the people generally well informed as to Bible teaching?
12. Do preachers generally study it systematically?
13. Is there a school in the world where the whole Bible is
14. What may be constructed from several sets of Spurgeon's
published sermons and addresses?
15. What does this show aa to his study of the Bible?
16. State briefly the result on human life and character of his
Bible study and preaching.
17. What example of a Bible school have we in the Old
18. What good was accomplished by this school of the prophets?
19. What school in the New Testament?
20. From what classes generally does the Holy Spirit recruit
his preachers?
21. What four significant facts does history declare?
22. What is Baptist polity with reference to educated and
uneducated preachers?
23. How many Baptists in Texas?
24. What proportion of the Baptists of the world?
25. How many Baptist preachers in Texas?
26. About what number annually go abroad for theological
27. About how many annually seek literary advantages in
Texas schools?
28. What proportion of these in Baylor University?
29. Is the course in the English Bible limited to preachers?
30. Why should Baptist laymen study the Bible?
31. What reasons led to the opening of this course?
is the Syllabus for Old Testament Study, by Dr. Sampey, the
professor of Hebrew and Old Testament English in the South_
ern Baptist Theological Seminary. This syllabus itself gives
an extensive and up_to_date bibliography, a great part of
which the reader does not now need, because we are in Eng_
lish, not Hebrew, and because many of you are beginners,
unprepared for many critical discussions. As we progress,
ever, I will mention the helpful books an English student
needs in studying the English Old Testament. An exceptionally
important part of Dr. Sampey's book is the chronological
These contents are very varied, and the styles of the differ_
ent books vary. You have here poetry, prose, history, drama,
law, prophecy, parables, proverbs, allegory, types –
varied. Now, the original languages in which this book was
written: The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, except
the following passages: Jeremiah 10:11; several chapters in
Ezra, from 4:8 to 6:18, and 7:12_26; Daniel 2:4, to 7:28. All
those exceptions were written in Chaldee or Aramaic. The New
Testament was written i Greek. It may be that even the
letter of James and the Gospel of Matthew were also written
in Hebrew, but we know that the whole, of the New Testament
was written in Greek.
Now, to get this Bible, originally written in these
into the mother tongue of each people is one of the most im_
portant things ever done. What was it that brought about the
division into nations? It was first a division of the languages.
God confused the speech. They were of one people and one
tongue, and through the confusion of speech came the division
of nations, not vice versa; not a division of nations and then
different languages, but a division of nations resulting from a
confusion of tongues. Now, the reverse of the confusion of
the tongues at Babel is the gift of tongues at Pentecost. Why
the gift of tongues? That these messengers of the cross might
speak to every nation under heaven in the tongue in which they
were born. Turning Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into English
is called (rightly) a version – that is, a turning of one language
into another; or it is called a "translation," from the old com_
pound Latin word, transfero_ferre_tuli_latum, meaning "to
translate, transfer." Suppose a colored liquid here in an opaque
pitcher, and suppose another pitcher not quite so opaque, but
translucent, you can see through it just a little. Then suppose
another pitcher perfectly transparent. I pick up the opaque
pitcher that has the colored liquid in it and I transfer it, trans_
late it, turn it into the translucent pitcher. You can see it, but
not clearly. That is a bad translation. But suppose I turn it
into the transparent pitcher, that you may see its contents
clearly. That is a good translation or version. So a version is
a translation. The Septuagint Version is the translation of the
Hebrew into Greek, the Vulgate is a translation of the Sep_
tuagint into Latin, the Douay is a translation of the Vulgate
into English.
Now, in another respect, what is the Bible? It is not a his_
tory of all nations. It is a history of the kingdom of God.
Genesis is a race history down to the eleventh chapter, then
it sidetracks all of the families but. one; when the Ishmaelites
come it sidetracks them; when Esau comes he is sidetracked;
when Lot's children come (the Moabites and Ammonites) it
sidetracks them; but it follows a certain family until it be_
comes a nation, to which are committed the oracles of God,
and touches the history of other nations where they bear upon
the development of the kingdom of God in that one people.
1. What the derivation and present meaning of our English word
“Bible," and the meaning of the word "Holy" in this connection?
2. In general terms, name the three grand divisions of the
Christian world and state mainly the parts of the world occupied by
3. Do these agree on the books which constitute the
collection known as the Bible?
4. State the Romanist additions to what we call the Old
Testament, and show just where each addition is inserted.
5. On what grounds are these additions to be rejected?
6. Name another important distinction between their English
Bible and ours.
7. What Jewish version commended, and what the difference
between it and our Old Testament?
8. What two grand divisions in our Bible?
9. What is the meaning of "Testament"?
10. From what scriptures did men deduce the names, "Old
Testament" and "New Testament"?
11. What name would have been better?
12. Cite a hurtful interpretation based upon the name, "Old
and New Testaments."
13. Cite the true interpretation of this matter.
14. Cite the Jewish divisions of their Bible.
15. Cite, in order, the books of The Law.
16. The books of the division called The Prophets.
17. The books of the division called The Psalms.
18. What principle or reason governed in naming the second
division "Prophets," and the third division "Holy Writings"?
19. Explain, according to this principle, why Joshua, Judges,
Samuel and Kings appear on the "Prophet" list, and Daniel appears o
n the"Holy Writings" list.
20. How many books in our Bible? In each grand division?
21. Show how the Jews made out their list of twenty_four books
in the Old Testament, and why? Also their list of twenty_two books,
and why?
22. Cite a New Testament recognition of the three divisions of
the Old Testament.
23. Is the order in which the books of our present Bible are
arranged inspired? What principle governed in their arrangement?
24. Is the present division into chapters and verses inspired?
25. Who divided the Bible into chapters? When and why?
26. When the first concordance?
27. Who divided the Bible into verses, and why?
28. What else besides the Bible ia a standard of authority on
revelation with Greeks and Romanists?
29. In what other way do Romanists widen the difference as to
the standard between themselves and Protestants?
30. What suggestion made relative to the study of the Old
Testament, and what quadruple division of Old Testament books in
this connection?
31. What helpful book mentioned, and its peculiar merit?
32. Show the unity of the books of the Bible.
33. Show that the Bible is a growth in a twofold way.
34. What length of time from the writing of the first book to the
35. What are the contents of the Bible?
36. What are the original languages of the Bible?
37. What is a version of the Scripture? Name several.
38. What is the Bible as it relates to history?
39. What history of the English Bible commended? (Ans:
Harwood Pattison's.)
40. Read carefully the rules of interpretation.
I. Introduction:
1. Genesis 1:1 – The creation of the universe.
2. Genesis 1:2 – The chaotic state of the earth – matter..
3. Genesis 1:2_26 – The Holy Spirit's development of the
earth matter from chaos to order, its correlation with
the universe, the beginnings of life – vegetable, animal
and human.
4. Genesis 1:26_31 – Nature of the dominion and commis_
sion of man.
5. Genesis 2:1_3 – Institution of the sabbath commemo_
rating creation.
6. Genesis 2:4 to 4:26 – Generations of the heavens and
the earth.
7. Genesis 5:1 to 6:8 – Generations of Adam.
8. Genesis 6:9 to 9:29 – Generations of Noah.
9. Genesis 10:1 to 11:9 – Generations of the sons of Noah.
10. Genesis 11:10_26 – Generations of Shem.
11. Genesis 11:27 to 25:11 – Generations of Terah.
12. Genesis 25:12_18 – Generations of Ishmael.
13. Genesis 25:19 to 35:29 – Generations of Isaac.
14. Genesis 36:1 to 37:1 – Generations of Esau.
15. Genesis 37:2 to 50:26 – Generations of Jacob.
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
Light is the first product of the Spirit's breeding power exer_
cised on matter. As a primal subagent in the formation of
other things its introduction was essential at this point. Well
does it deserve Milton's apostrophe: "Hail, holy Light, off_
spring of heaven, first_born." It is the emblem of the divinity
which created it: "God is light, and in him is no darkness at
all." Jesus Christ is "the true light that lighteth every man
that cometh into the world." His people, reflecting his image,
are "the light of the world."
The creation, by the simple fiat of God, serves to illustrate
a mightier creation, the conversion of the soul by the same
Spirit: "God who commanded the light to shine out of .dark_
ness hath shined into our hearts, giving the light of the
knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ"
(2 Cor. 4:6).
Atheistic philosophers vainly attempt to solve the mystery
of light. Apart from Revelation, the Almighty's questions pro_
pounded to Job remain unanswered: "Where is the way to the
dwelling of light? . . . By what way is the light parted?" (Job
38:19_24). The eye is made for it, and truly light is sweet;
but what unaided wisdom can comprehend its mystery? Mys_
terious in origin, exquisitely beautiful in combination of colors,
immaculate and incorruptible. It cannot be defiled by contact
with impurity as can earth, air, or water.
This was not solar or stellar light, for there was yet no
atmospheric medium through which the light of any previously
formed part of the universe could reach and influence the
inert mass of the earth. To call it cosmical light is to name
it and not explain it. The only ultimate explanation is that it
was a creative product resulting from the moving, brooding,
quickening Spirit of God.
Some object to regarding earth light as a creative product
because it now reaches us from second causes – the sun, moon,
and stars. The objection perishes by pushing back the inquiry
far enough. Some one of the existing words of the universe
must have been fashioned first out of the originally created
matter. In the case of this first one the origin of its light must
be referred to the first cause, i.e., creative fiat, since there was
no other world from which, as a second cause, its light could
come. In the case of the earth, the only one whose history is
revealed, external light at the beginning had no medium of
"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the
waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." Firma-
ment or expanse, i.e., what is outspread, is the visible result
of the formation of the earth's atmosphere. This formation is
the effect of supernatural power. The psalmist declares: "The
firmament showeth his handiwork." Milton, in Paradise Lost,
expresses the Bible thought:
The firmament, expanse of liquid, pure,
Transparent, elemental air, diffused
In circuit to the uttermost convex
Of this great round.
The atmosphere is the outer sphere of air fluid enveloping
the earth as the rind of an orange encloses the pulp. Its depth
is supposed to be about forty_five miles. It would be out of
place here to discuss in detail its manifold uses. We merely
state in a general way that without it there could be no vege_
table or animal life, nor transmission of sound, nor the con_
veyance, refraction, or decomposition of light. Its particular
use specified in the text is to separate waters from waters.
The power to do this lies in its specific gravity or weight.
This weight, greatest at the sea level, gradually diminishes as
it ascends, until, by extreme rarity, its upper boundary is lost
in the higher enveloping sphere of ether. All waters expanded
by heat into vapor or cloud rise above the air; all vapors con_
densed until heavier than atmosphere fall below it. You see
clouds above clouds. The highest ones are the lightest. What_
ever condenses them brings them lower until their weight, ex_
ceeding that of the atmosphere, precipitates them in the form
of snow, sleet, hail, or rain.
The cloud, while seemingly only the natural result of light
(or heat) and atmosphere, is really the product of divine
power. "Hath the rain a father? Or whom hath begotten the
drops of dew? Out of whose womb came the ice? And the
hoary frost of heaven, who gendered it?" (Job 38:28_29).
He giveth snow like wool;
He scatterest the hoar frost like ashes;
He casteth forth his ice like morsels.
Who can stand before his cold?
He sendeth out his word and melteth them.
– PSALM 147:16_18
"For he draweth up the drops of water, which distill in rain
from his vapour, which the skies pour down and drop upon
man abundantly. Yea, can any understand the spreading of
the clouds, the thunderings of his pavilion?" (Job 36:27_29).
"Dost thou know the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous
works of him who is perfect in knowledge?" (Job 37:16).
1. Derivation of the English word, "Genesis"?
2. From what version of the Bible do we get the name?
3. What is Genesis?
4. State the twelve sections into which the book divides
5. First origin?
6. Meaning of "beginning"?
7. What does the first verse show?
8. What one word is the explanation of the universe?
9. Meaning of "created"?
10. With God for its subject, how is this verb used in the
11. Do we obtain our knowledge of creation from tradition,
history, science, or revelation?
12. What New Testament scripture expresses the fact?
13. The next origin set forth in the Bible story?
14. Give the Bible description of the earth matter.
15. What mighty agent is introduced to deal with matter?
16. What doctrine does this teach?
17. Given matter alone, what result?
18. Given matter and the Holy Spirit, what result?
19. First product of Spirit energy?
20. Of what is it the emblem?
21. What mightier creation does it illustrate?
22. Can atheistic philosophy account for light?
23. What questions concerning light does the Almighty
propound to Job?
24. Was this first light either solar or stellar?
25. Why not?
26. What is the only ultimate explanation of light?
27. Have you read Milton's "Apostrophe to Light"?
28. Second product of Spirit energy?
29. What is the firmament?
30. What is atmosphere?
31. Mention some of its uses.
32. What special use in the text?
33. What property of atmosphere enables it to divide the
34. Explain the process.
35. Of what natural agencies does the cloud appear to be
the product?
36. What is the ultimate explanation?
37. Cite some scriptures attributing clouds, rain, snow, and
hail to divine origin.
38. The third product of Spirit energy operating on matter?
39. How has chaos been eliminated?
40, What second causes may have been employed to make
dry land appear?
41. Cite some scriptures showing that second causes were
but the servants of the first cause.
42. Fourth product of Spirit energy?
43. What three classes of vegetable life are mentioned?
44. What word alone explains life?
45. What is abiogenesis?
46. Can human science prove even one instance of it?
47. What four infinite chasms which divine power alone
can span appear in Genesis I? Ans.: (1) Between nothing and
matter; (2) Between the chaos of matter and order; (3) Between
matter, even when reduced to order, and the lowest form of
life; (4) Between the highest order of brute life and man.
48. State the great law of reproduction and multiplication of
original forms of life.
49. Is there any evidence that this law has been violated?
50. What is scriptural evolution?
51. What grade and margin in life organisms does God's
plan of creation show?
52. In what one case is the margin infinitely wide?
53. Fifth product of the Spirit energy?
54. Does this mean that these heavenly bodies were then
first created?
55. What does it mean?
56. What three offices of usefulness do the heavenly bodies
render to the earth?
57. Cite some scriptures showing the fact that God did
create the heavenly bodies.
58. Against what sin was the revelation designed to guard?
59. How does Paul state the ground and processes of
60. What psalm is a hymn of creation?
61. What chapters of Job should be studied in
connection with Genesis I?
62. Sixth product of Spirit energy?
63. Seventh product?
64. What organs of movement are adapted to the several
elements, sea, air, land?
65. Mention an amphibious animal.
66. One at home in all three elements.
Genesis 1:26 to 8:3
Origin of Man
"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness" (Gen. 1:26). The creation of man is the last and
.highest stage in the production of organic life. Every step in
creation so far is a prophecy of his coming and a preparation
fee it. This wonderful world is purposed for a higher being
than fish or fowl or beast. Not for them were accumulated the
inexhaustible treasures of mineral and vegetable stores. What
use have they for lignite, stone, coal, peat, iron, copper, oil,
gas, gold, silver, pearls, and diamonds? They have no capacity
to enjoy the beauty of the landscape, the glorious colorings of
sea and sky. They cannot measure the distances to the stars
nor read the signs of the sky. They cannot perceive the wisdom
nor adore the goodness of the Creator. The earth as consti_
tuted and stored prophesied man, demanded man, and God
said, "Let us make man." When he wanted vegetable life, he
said, "Let the earth put forth shoots." When he wanted sea
animals, he said, "Let the sea swarm." When he wanted land
animals, he said, "Let the earth bring forth." But when the
earth was prepared for its true lord and master, he said, "Let
us make man in our image, after our likeness." "Thou hast
made him but little lower than God" (Psalm 8:5). (The He_
brew word here is Elohim, the same as in Genesis 1:1.)
When we contrast the language which introduces the being
of man with that which introduces the beast, and consider the
import of "image and likeness," and the dominion conferred
on man, we are forced to the conviction than between man and
Multiply. Fill the earth. Subdue it. Man was to range over
all zones and inhabit all zones. The sea was to be his home
as well as the land. The habitat of each beast or bird or fish
was of narrow limit.
Man was endowed with wisdom to adapt himself to all cli_
mates, protect himself from all dangers and surpass all bar_
riers. There was given to him the spirit of intervention and
exploration. He would climb mountains, descend into caves,
navigate oceans, bridge rivers, cut canals through isthmuses.
To subdue the earth was a vast commission which called out
all of his reserve powers. Upon this point we cannot do better
than quote the great Baptist scholar, Dr. Conant:
"If we look at the earth, as prepared for the occupancy of
man, we find little that is made ready for use but boundless
material which his own labour and skill can fit for it.
“The spontaneous fruits of the earth furnish a scanty and
precarious subsistence, even to a few; but with skilful labour
it is made to yield an abundant supply for the wants of every
living thing."
heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the
earth" (Gen. 1:28).
For thou hast made him but little lower than God,
And crownest him with glory and honour.
Thou makest him to have dominion over the works
of thy hands;
Thou hast put all things under hia feet;
All sheep and oxen,
Yea, and the beasts of the field,
The birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea,
Whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.
0, Jehovah, Our Lord,
How excellent is thy name in all the earth.
– PSALM 8:5_9
The exceeding great sweep of our dominion cannot be esti_
mated until in the New Testament we study its exercise by the
Second Adam, our Lord Jesus Christ (Heb. 2:5_11). The ful-
ness of it is even yet future.
guard its health and preserve its powers. His powers of en_
durance and of persistent application are limited. He cannot
work unceasingly. He will need regular periods of rest for his
body and mind. He must also have stated periods of enjoy_
ment and worshiping God, that his soul may be fed and
nourished. Man has a marvelous commission of labor, prog_
ress and development in subduing the earth. But five things
must never be forgotten:
(1) Labor that is continuous will destroy both mind and
body. Hence the necessity of regular periods of rest.
(2) The higher nature must not be subordinate to the lower.
The soul must not wander too far from God. Communion
with him is its nourishment and health. Man must not live
by bread alone. God must be loved and adored.
(3) God is earth's proprietor and man's sovereign. His su_
preme jurisdiction must ever be acknowledged and accepted
with complete submission.
(4) Man is social by the very constitution of his being. The
unit of the family must not be broken. But there can be no
permanent circle unless God is its center. And no tie will
permanently bind unless it is sacred.
In subduing the earth, man has authority not only to lay
under tribute the forces of nature which are without feeling,
but to use the strength of the lower animals. These get weary.
They cannot labor continuously. For their faithful service
they need not only good food and shelter, but regular periods
of rest.
(5) Not only animals need certain regular off_days, when
they are to do no work, but all mechanical and scientific im_
plements need it in order to reach maximum usefulness. It has
been demonstrated that a steam engine, an ax, a hand_saw,
will do more and better work in the long run with regular
days of absolute rest.
Man's Spirit Finds Its Health in Communion with God.
Some means must be provided that will keep up this com_
munion regularly and thereby prevent alienation from God.
All man's springs of joy are in God. Moreover, the creative
death, and when death is dead it will be alive. The devil found
it on his first visit to earth, and its sweet and everlasting rest
will be shoreless and bottomless after he is cast, with other
sabbath_breakers, into the lake of fire. Yea, as it commenced
before man needed a mediator between himself and God, so it
will be an eternal heritage of God's people when the media_
torial kingdom of Jesus Christ is surrendered to the Father,
and God shall be all in all. Thou venerable and luminous in_
stitution of God!
Time writes no wrinkle on thy sunlit brow,
Such as creation's dawn beheld, thou shinest now.
It was made for man; man on earth, and man in heaven.
And mark you: The sabbath was made for man, so that the
Son of man is lord even of the sabbath. Mark the force of that
"so." It is equivalent to therefore or wherefore. That is, since
it was made for man, the Son of man, not of Abraham, the
Son of man is its Lord. Because Jesus was more than a Jew,
because of his touch with all humanity, Luke, writing not for
Jews but for Greeks, never stops, like Matthew, at Abraham,
but traces his descent from Adam, the first man.
And as, in his humanity, he was the ideal man who should
be the ensign of rallying for all nations, Paul applies to him
the glorious, prophetic p~alm:: "But one in a certain place
fied, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or
the son of man that thou visitest him? Thou madest him a little
lower than the angels; thou crownest him with glory and
honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: Thou
hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he
put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put
under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels
for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that
he by the grace of God should taste death for every man." As
the God_man he is the Lord of the sabbath. To his cross may
be nailed a seventh day. But from his resurrection may come
a first day. One in seven is essential – which one. is as the
The reader will observe the formula expressing the divine
fiat which introduces each successive step in the progress of
the earth's formation:
"And God said" – Genesis 1:3.
"And God said" – Genesis 1:6.
"And God said" – Genesis 1:9.
"And God said' – Genesis 1:11.
"And God said" – Genesis 1:14.
"And God said" – Genesis 1:20.
"And God said" – Genesis 1:24.
"And God said" – Genesis 1:26.
"And God said" – Genesis 1:28.
“And God said” – Genesis 1:29.
In simple and sublime language his will or decree is ex_
pressed and the result follows like an echo. He created the
world by the word of his power. He spake and it stood fast.
To the first word, light responds; to the second, atmosphere;
to the third, dry land; to the fourth, vegetable life; to the fifth,
light holders; to the sixth, animal life in sea and air; to the
seventh, animal life on earth; to the eighth, human life; to the
ninth, provision for life. Though the formula does not recur,
the sabbath decree (Gen. 2:1_3) completes the ten words.
Primal institutions, (a) Marriage. "And he answered and
said, Have ye no? read, that he who made them from the be_
ginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause
shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his
wife, and the two shall become one flesh? So that they are
no more two but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined
together, let no man put asunder. They say unto him, why
then did Moses command to give a bill of divorcement, and to
put her away? He saith unto them, Moses for your hardness
of heart suffered you to put away your wives; but from the
beginning it hath not been so. And I say unto you, whosoever
shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry
1. Eighth product of Spirit energy?
2. How did the creation prophesy man's coming?
3. In what does the image of God consist?
4. What does it involve and imply?
5. State the Bible teachine on the unity of the race.
6. Importance of the doctrine?
7. Into what five races did our old geographiea divide men?
8. State man's commission.
9. State some details of the magnitude of this commission.
10. How did this lead to the rights of property?
11. How does it necessitate schools and promote arts, sciences,
12. What conditions man's title to the earth?
13. How does this explain God's dealings with the nations?
14. Apply the principle to the Indian tribes of America, and
Spain's title to Cuba.
15. How does it limit the purchasing power of the wealthy?
16. What name was given to the periods of creation?
17. Does this language necessarily imply that the earth was only
144 hours older than man?
18. What three things does it imply?
19. The crowning institution of the creative week?
20. First reason for the sabbath?
21. Creation an affirmation of what truths?
22. Negation of what untruths?
23. Second reason?
24. Third reason?
25. Relation of sabbath to marriage, society, worship?
26. What formula introduces each degree of creation?
Genesis 2:4_25
detail that at first there was no rain but only a mist that went
up from the earth and watered the face of the ground, and
caused the seeds of things which had been created to germi_
nate; then the first chapter states in general terms that God
made man, male and female, without detail. This second chap-
ter tells us how man's body was made from the dust of the
ground, and how the spirit of man was communicated, and then
it shows how the female was derived from the man. This is a
detailed elaboration) or explanation, of the brief statement
in the first chapter.
The second chapter then goes on to supply the detail of
God provided a garden for the man, and how he came under
covenant law to God, and the stipulations of that covenant.
This detailed information of the second chapter is very im_
portant as showing the dual nature of man, how that his body
was formed from the dust of the earth. Here it is clear that
the teaching is that man's body was not evolved from any
lower form of animal life. There is an evolution clearly taught
in the Bible, but it is an evolution of each seed according to
its kind, and not the transformation of one kind into another
kind. Whatever potentiality has been previously involved in
any seed may be evolved out of that seed. From a seed of
wheat there is first the blade and then the stalk and then the
ear, and then the full or ripened ear, but barley is not evolved
from a wheat seed. Each one is according to its own kind. No
research of man has ever found an example of one kind being
evolved from a different kind. It would destroy all law and
take away from man the value of his reason in observing na_
ture's course, or the course of the God of nature so as to profit
by it. This second chapter is equally clear as to the origin of
man's spirit. The spirit of the first man was not by any proc_
ess of evolution derived from any spirit of beast or demon,
but a direct creation of God, an impartation from God. Marcus
Dods, in his book on Genesis, exceedingly lucid and brilliant,
though many times tending to the theory of the radical critic,
asks a question: "Was the first man a rude and ignorant sav_
but such a change as, were you now to see the location, you
could not identify it from the description given in Genesis.
Several curious theories of the location of the garden of Eden
have been inflicted upon the people. A Methodist bishop is
quite sure that it was near where Charleston, South Carolina,
now is. Another says that it was at the North Pole and that
the aurora borealis is still a reflection of its pristine glory, and
that there is an opening into the hollow of the earth at the
North Pole and paradise went down into that hole, and only
the aurora borealis outshines and that God had hedged it about
with impassable ice. The discovery of the North Pole, if it was
a discovery, clearly disproves the existence of such a stake as
the north pole.
One of the most suggestive thoughts in this chapter is the
way in which God made the man sensible of his need of a
companion, and of the kind of a companion that he must have.
The animals in pairs passed before the man and he noticing
that they were all in pairs – a lion and a lioness, a tiger and
a tigress, and so on – thus suggesting the thought to him that
these lower creatures had mates, and he had none, but further
suggesting that because of his difference in nature, he being in
God's image and infinitely above any lower animal, he could
not find a mate among them. Having thus prepared man's
mind to see the necessity of a companion, God, by a spiritual
anesthetic, brings man's body into a state of painless in_
sensibility, and while in that state takes from him a part of
himself near his heart, and out of that fashions man's com_
Here arises an important question: "Was the spirit of Eve
a direct creation like Adam's, or was her spirit derived from
him as well as her body?" This brings up two theological
theories, one called the theory of direct creation of spirits,
and the other the theory of derivation by traduction. It has
always seemed to the author that the common theory, that
òthe souls of men are all of them, each in its turn, a direct
creation of God, is utterly incompatible with biblical facts.
It would disprove hereditary depravity or the necessity of
1. How do you account for the difference of style between the first and
second chapters of Genesis?
2. What says Alexander Pope on the variation of style?
3. What is the style in the first chapter? The second?
4. What variation in the use of the names of God, and how do you
account for it?
5. 1s this peculiar to the Pentateuch?
6. Why, in this section, is man's formation placed before vegetable and
other animal life?
7. Does the first chapter or the second present the chronological order?
8. Is the second chapter an independent and conflicting account of
9. What is the uniform method of historic treatment in the book of
10. Of what do the first eleven chapters of Genesis consist?
11. What details are supplied in the second chapter not found in the
first chapter?
12. Give an account of the origin of the first man's dual nature.
13. Was he, either in body or soul, developed from lower animals?
14. Was the first man a rude and ignorant savage, or the highest type of
his kind?
15. Are the savage tribes of today merely ascending from primeval
degradation in the scale of being, or are they examples of a degeneration
from an original higher type?
16. Does race memory, as embodied in the tribal and national myths,
indicate that man has ascended from cave dwellers of a remote stone age, or
has descended from a primeval golden age to silver, brass, iron, and stone
17. Give a classic myth on this point.
18. Give Bible proof that troglodytes (cave dwellers) were not
separated in incalculable periods of time from. highly developed and
civilized types, but were contemporaries.
19. What bearing have the phosphate beds of Ashley, South Carolina
on the theory that immensely long periods of time separated the several
forms of lower animal life from each other and from man?
20. What ideal homes in fiction may possibly represent how the garden
of Eden was enclosed and safeguarded?
21. Locate and describe it. What curious theories about it?
22. How was this park fertilized?
23. What two remarkable trees were there?
24. The use or purpose of the tree of life?
25. Of the tree of death?
26. Is this garden story allegory or history?
27. Cite Old Testament proofs that the memory of this real garden
lingered long in the minds of the race. (See Gen. 13:10; Isa. 51:3; Ezek.
28:13; 36:35; Joel 2:3.).
28. Cite scripture proving its destruction. (See Ezek. 31:9, 16, 18.)
29. Man's duties in the garden?
30. Nature of his communion with God?
31. Scripture proof of Adam's covenant relations with God? (Hos. 6:7.)
32. Was it a covenant of grace or of works?
33. What prohibition expressed its stipulation on man's part?
34. What is the excellency of this moral test?
35. How did God make man sensible of his need of a companion?
36. Origin of the woman's body?
37. Was her soul a direct creation as Adam's, or was it derived from
38. Who married the first pair, and what New Testament scripture
indicates the ceremony?
39. The deep sleep that fell upon Adam and the woman's derivation
from him therein were typical of what? New Testament proof?
40. If either be done, why should the man leave his folk for his wife
rather than the wife her folk for the husband?
41. In their antitype show that both leave their folks.
42. Where in Paradise Lost do you find Milton's conceptions of how
the man first consciously found himself and the woman herself? Sir
Egerton Bridges Edition, pp. 297_8 and 205_6.
43. Cite New Testament corroboration of the Genesis account of the
origin of woman.
Now we come to the origin of sin. From the most. ancient
times the origin of evil has baffled the inquisition of proud
human philosophy. The Bible account of it is both simple
and satisfactory. It originated with the angels. These angels
were created free, moral agents, under law, on probation, with
power to determinate choice, hence liable to fall. The greater
number of them stood the test. In I Timothy 5:21, those who
stood the test are called the elect angels. But many fell from
their state of innocence. See 2 Peter 2:4, and Jude 6: "The
angels which kept not their first estate." The leader and
chief among them was Satan, who "stood not in the truth"
(John 8:44), falling through pride (I Tim. 3:6). He was
first called Lucifer, which means "son of the morning." He
loses that name and takes the name Satan. This chief of the
fallen angels has many Bible names. As expressive of his
primacy and supremacy over other evil spirits he is called
Beelzebub. As indicative of his hostility to man he is called
Satan, which means adversary. As descriptive of his methods
of malignity against man his name is devil. In this word is
the idea of one who sets at variance. Those whom he seeks to
set at variance are God and man. When he approaches man
he slanders God; when he approaches God he accuses man.
Hence, in his work of variance he is both an accuser and
a slanderer. When he approaches Eve he slanders God. When
he approaches God he accuses Job. In view of the result of
his work he is called Apollyon, the destroyer. He is never a
constructionist, but eminently a destructionist. He does not
build; he demolishes. Because of the form he assumed in the
temptation of man, he is called the Serpent, the Dragon. Very
sinuous, tortuous, slimy, and subtle are his ways. On account
of his rage and predatory character he is compared to a roar_
ing lion. He is called the tempter because he incites to evil.
He is called the receiver because he tempts by lies. That he
may deceive he comes as an angel of light, and that he may
his Son to the angels, and announced that from that time he
was to be king of the angels and that they were to serve him.
Milton bases his statement on the passage in the first chapter
of Hebrews, "When he bringeth his only Begotten into the
world again he said, Let all the angels of God worship him."
Now, Milton makes that take place before there was any
universe. A fair interpretation of that scripture is that when
Jesus died and rose again – that was bringing his Begotten
into the world again – God said, "Let all the angels worship
him." That is the true explanation, that they were to worship
not the Son of God in original divinity, but the Son of God
in raised humanity. So Milton was mistaken about the occa_
sion. Jesus Christ made the angels, all of them. He made
the one that became the devil, and I don't suppose that the
devil's pride or ambition would ever have led him to rebel
against the one who created him through any desire to succeed
him. The question is, What was the occasion that excited
the pride of the devil? Now, the Bible does not say, but I
am going to give you my own opinion, and you can take it as
an opinion. My opinion is that, in one of those meetings in
heaven like that described in Job at which all the angels at
stated times come up into the presence of God, he announced
to them that he was going to create this world and make man
in his image and likeness, and that this man through obedience,
– if he observed the commandments of God and should eat of
the tree of life, – would become immortal and be lifted up
above the angels, and that it should be the office of the angels
to serve this man. Now I think there is where the devil
protested. He was willing enough for God to be over him,
but he was unwilling for a creature, made originally lower.
than himself, to have a destiny that would one day put any
being above him. Every saved soul will be far above any
angel. That is my opinion. If I had time I believe I could
show you inferentially, of course not specifically, for I would
then have to give you scriptures.
Now, in the second book of Paradise Lost Milton tracks
the Bible out much more clearly about how sin originated.
When the devil, after being cast out of heaven, is leaving hell
to go back to find on earth this people that were to be created
below him and one day were to be above him, he meets at the
gate of hell Sin and Death, both horrible. And Just as he
and Death are about to fight, Sin intervenes. Sin is a beauti_
ful woman from the waist up, and a snake from the waist
down. She says to Satan: "Death is thy son. I am Death's
mother. I am not only Death's mother, but I am thy daugh_
ter. Don't you remember that time in heaven when your
pride was excited, that fearful pain came in your head and
it was opened and out I leaped full grown like a beautiful
woman? And every angel said, 'Sin, Sin, Sin.' But, looking
at my beauty, they became enamoured of me, and especially
thou, and thy espousal to Sin produced the progeny, Death,
and Death's espousal to Sin produced the progeny of the hell_
hounds of remorse." That is Milton's idea, powerfully set
forth, marvelous. That coincides with what we were discuss_
ing in the New Testament about sin. There is first entice_
ment, then desire, then will, then sin) and sin when it is full
grown bringeth forth death. That part of Milton's work is
We are now compelled by the facts of the Bible story about
to be considered to take some note of a great mystery. And
that is the power of spirit over matter and over less powerful
organisms of life. "Unquestionably, when permitted, Satan
can stir up a cyclone, or electric storm that leaves death
in its path (Job 1:16_19); or incite to robbery and murder
(Job 1:15_17 and I John 3:12). He can hypnotize inferior
animals (Matt. 8:30_32), and make them obey his will. He
can, by consent of the subject, take possession of man's mind
and make it his servant. Hence, the demoniacal possessions
of the New Testament. One of the clearest revelations of
Scripture is the immediate influence of spirit over matter and
the immediate impact of spirit on spirit. We could not other_
wise understand Genesis 1:2; 2:7; Psalm 104: 30; I Peter
1:21; John 3:3; Luke 1:55; John 8:27; Acts 5:3, and many
other passages. The formation of the earth, the communica_
We have seen the creation of the angels. We have seen
that a part of these angels kept not their first estate. We
have seen the sin which they committed, pride, and we have
seen that Satan is the chief of the fallen spirits that were
cast out. We have seen why he came to earth, to slander God
and accuse man, to make them sin, to keep them from at_
training to the position that they would be above him and
bring them to the position that they would be under him.
But, "Know ye not," says Paul, "that the saints shall Judge
Genesis 3
in her heart that the one who was telling her these things
had given evidence that he waa from God. What were the
credentials? There was one miracle, and that was, talk. A
serpent talked. Eve knew that no beast or reptile had ever
talked before. Here comes this beautiful, flying, shining ser_
pent, and talking. Just like one miracle was a sign to the
Ninevites and accredited Jonah to them, so this one miracle
accredited the serpent to Eve. So when we come to the New
Testament we find that in the last great attempt to seduce
the human race, when that man of sin comes that we read
about in 2 Thessalonians, he will come with signs and wonders
so as to almost deceive the very elect. You must then look
upon this woman's case as a case of deception. In the New
Testament it is expressly stated that the woman was deceived.
I know of but one other instance in the Bible of a brute talk_
ing, and that was the ass that Balaam rode which, under the
power of God's Spirit, talked, and that was a sign to Balaam
that the angel of the Lord was there. The next thing is
Whom did he tempt? He did not tempt Adam. He tempted
the woman. He is trying to get Adam, but he is too sharp
to approach the man himself. He does not believe that he
can impose on Adam. But the woman being the weaker
vessel, he believes that he can deceive her, and that through
her he will get the man. That is the plot. It is expressly
stated that Adam was not deceived. The tempted, then, was
the woman.
Suppose we commence reading the chapter and as we find
a point on the temptation, you notice. "And he said unto the
woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of any tree of
the garden?" There is a reflection upon the word of God.
So at the present time, I come before a man with the Bible
and I say, "You ought to do this." He says, "Yea, hath God
said that? How do I know that God said that?" And he
temptation came through her ear, her eye, then through her
fleshly appetite, and ambition and pride. When she saw that,
"she took of the fruit and did eat." That was her sin.
But she did not stop at that. I never saw a woman willing
to stand entirely alone. So she passed the fruit over to Adam.
Now, who tempted Adam? Nobody but the woman. "The
woman gave to Adam and he did eat." The serpent did not
tempt him. We need here that passage from Milton describ_
ing man's reason for sinning. I heard a distinguished scholar
say that Milton's statement of Adam's reason for sinning,
namely, to stand by his wife even if she went to hell, was the
sublimest thing even in Milton's Paradise Lost. Over in
France, when some great man who has been loved, trusted
and honored suddenly falls, the first question they ask is,
"Who was the woman?"
God is going to hold the trial himself. He is represented as
going into the garden in the cool of the evening, and who can
hide away from him? Jeremiah says, "No man can hide from
God." The prophet Amos says, "There is no place where the
guilty can hide from God." Psalm 139 says, "If I should take
the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost part of the
sea, even there thine eye would see me and thy right hand
would hold me." The theme of this psalm is the omniscience of
God, showing that we cannot escape from it. We cannot hide
even in hell from it. They ran into the bushes. You know
an ostrich thinks if it sticks its head in the sand it is hid.
Sinners take to the brush just as soon as conscience speaks.
They begin to adopt disguises and masks and hide, trying to
cover up their transgressions. If they get a letter they are
afraid to open it for fear they will have bad news. If there
is a sudden sound they think somebody has come after them.
The night is peopled with phantoms, chimeras, and hobgoblins.
Now, the sinners are hid and God comes to make inquisi_
Now God turns to the woman, "What hast thou done?" and
she tells the truth. "The serpent beguiled me and I did eat."
Every word of that is true. She was deceived. She did not
lay this blame on Adam because he was not to blame for what
she did except in one particular, which I will tell you about
after awhile. She told the simple truth: "I was deceived. I
thought an angel of light came, and he came accredited by a
miracle. After I had committed the sin and my conscience
woke up, I knew I was wrong. I was beguiled and the serpent
was the one that did it." Adam was culpable for Eve's sin
because being present he did not restrain her, nor warn her.
The record says she gave to the man who "was with her." It
is poetic license in Milton when he represents the woman alone
in her temptation.
God does not ask the serpent any questions. He pro_
nounces judgment. The judgment commences on the serpent.
First, a curse, and this curse, so far as expressed here, is on
the instrument. "Cursed shalt thou be above all the beasts
of the field. Thou shalt hereafter crawl; thou shalt eat dirt.
Thou shalt have thy head crushed by the seed of the woman."
It is fulfilled in a snake. But those of you who remember the
sermon on "The Three Hours of Darkness" may recall how
in that last conflict with the devil Christ put his heel on the
'serpent's head, and though the serpent bit the heel he crushed
its head.
The judgment on the woman is severe. "I will multiply
thy sorrow and thy conception, thy child_bearing shall be with
pain. Thou shalt be subject to the man and he will rule
over thee." When the man is good, a Christian man, for_
given of his sin, and his wife has been forgiven of her sin,
their relation is like it was before, the woman is next to his
heart, and the rule is not the rule of a lord and master, but
the two walk together in mutual love and support each other.
was the mercy scat and there were the Cherubim, and there
was the symbol of divine presence in that fire tongue or sword,
and whoever worshiped God after man sinned must come to
the mercy seat to worship and he must approach God through
a sacrifice. In no other way than through an atonement could
one attain to the tree of life. All passages that refer to the
Cherubim connect them with grace and the mercy seat, not as
ministers of divine vengeance, but as symbols of divine mercy.
Moses, in Exodus 25, constructs the ark of the tabernacle
exactly like the one here used in the garden of Eden. He has a
covering or mercy seat, with two Cherubim with a flame be_
tween the Cherubim. That was the throne of grace, or mercy
seat, and sinners came to that through the blood of a sacrifice.
So we may be certain that Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, and
the Jerusalem Targum, and Dr. Gill have given the spiritual
interpretation of this passage. It is true that the object was
to bar out man except through the intervention of the mercy
seat, and it is true that the purpose of the mercy seat was to
keep open the way to the tree of life. "Blessed are they who
have washed their robes that they may have a right to the
tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God."
Let us understand that immediately after the fall of man
grace intervened. First, with a promise of a Redeemer who
would destroy the works of the devil. Second, with clothing
symbolizing the righteousness of Christ. Third, with a mercy
seat indicating the method by which God could be savingly
approached. From this time on until the flood that mercy
seat is at the east of the garden and whoever would partake
of the tree of life and live forever must come to God where
he dwells between the Cherubim, where the Shekinah is the
symbol of his presence, and that we can only come to him in
the blood of an atonement. You have only to commence the
next chapter to see how worshipers came before the Lord with
an offering. Where was the Lord? There was a particular
place, just as the ark of the covenant was in a place. They
came before the Lord, where he dwelt between the Cherubim,
1. What: is the subject of the third chapter of Genesis?
2. What caused Dr. Carroll to first distrust infidelity?
3. In this temptation, who was the tempter?
4. What was his object?
5. Who was tempted, and why?
6. What was his instruments?
7. How did Satan accredit his instrument to Eve?
8. Why did he so accredit the serpent?
9. How does this show that he came in the guise of an angel of light?
10. To what solitary point does the temptation by the serpent so
accredited address itself?
11. How did Eve obtain her knowledge of the divine prohibition?
12. Was this second_hand knowledge to her accredited by any
13. Cite New Testament proof that she was really deceived, honestly
supposing that he was obeying God.
14. Was Milton right in supposing Eve to be alone when she was
tempted, or was the man with her?
15. Did the serpent's credentials beguile him?
16. Why, standing by and not deceived, did he not interpose to disabuse
his wife of her mistake?
17. Being not deceived himself, knowing that disobedience was wilful
and deliberate rebellion against God and meant death, why did he eat?
18. New Testament proof that the fall of man came by one trans_
19. Was this transgression the woman's or the man's?
20. Show why death did not come to the human race by the woman.
21. Can you discern in this a reason that redemption should come
from the seed of the woman and not from the seed of the man?
22. What was the nature and extent of the death penalty attached
to the violation of the law?
23. Was this penalty then enforced?
1. Give eleven Greek words for sin and their English rendering.
2. From these words setting forth what sin. is, what does sin imply?
3. What does law imply?
4. What must law provide in order to be law?
5. Is sin limited to overt acts, or does it apply to a disposition or
state of heart or mind? Give Scripture proof.
6. From what does moral law arise?
7. Prove that law is not a sliding scale that adapts itself to our
varying knowledge or circumstances.
8. Cite five false definitions of sin.
9. Expose the error of the first.
10. Of the second.
11. Of the third.
12. Of the fourth.
13. Of the fifth.
14. What is the true definition of sin?
15. What is the essence of sin?
16. What is the substance of Dr. Strong's definition?
17. Cite four characteristics or manifestations of sin as selfishness.
18. Compare on these points the sinless Saviour, giving Scripture
on each point.
19. On the same points compare the opposite of the Saviour, the man of
sin in 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
20. Show wherein Saul of Tarsus was the chief of sinners.
21. Cite scriptures showing the same characteristics of Satan himself.
22. What loss in his nature did man suffer from sin?
23. How does this appear from the necessity and nature of
regeneration? (Three scriptures.)
24. What the penalty of sin?
25. Cite clear New Testament proof that the race did sin and die
in one act of Adam.
26. Give Scripture proof that this applies to dying infants who never
reach accountability.
27. Quote Coleridge epitaph of four infants in St. Andrew, Eng_
28. What is meant by total depravity?
29. Proof from Scripture that apart from grace all men come into
the world sinful by nature and become sinners by practice.
30. What works of grace necessary to save men?
SIN 123
Genesis 4
Mount Sinai – both the thank offering and the bloody offering,
– but it is clearly taught in the subsequent history, and sug_
gested in this history, that the very thank offering to God
which disregards the bloody offering and is dissociated from
it, is void of value in coming before God. The record states
that Abel not only brought of the firstlings of his flock, but
also of their fat. Now we know from the subsequent legisla_
tion that this proves that there was an altar established there
in the presence of God, an altar upon which the victim should
be offered, upon which the fat should be burned. You will find
this in the Mosaic law in Numbers.
The record states that Jehovah regarded, or received, or ap_
proved, first of Abel himself, and second of his offering. It is
a prevalent Jewish tradition that the way i'i which God signi_
fied his approval was by sending fire down from heaven to
burn up the offering which Abel placed upon the altar. There
are many things in the subsequent history that justify this
interpretation, that by fire God bore witness to Abel and his
offering. He bore witness by fire. When Elijah offered his
bullocks upon the altar he asked God to signify his approval
by fire from heaven, and fire did come down from heaven and
burn up the offering of Elijah. So that answers one of the
questions propounded to you: In what way did God bear tes_
timony to Abel's faith?
The record also states that, when God signified no approval
of Cain, nor of his offering, Cain became angry exceed_
ingly, and that his countenance fell; he became very mad.
We will see the fruit of that anger after a little, the falling of
his countenance and the anger in his heart at being rejected
because of the fault in himself. This made him an enemy of
his brother whom God did approve, and from that time to this
those who reject the vicarious system of expiation hate those
who embrace it. There is nothing more evident in the world
today than the hatred in the natural heart against the method
of approach to God through a sacrifice, through the expiatory
or substitutionary victim; and that which is the heart of the
SIN 127
gospel they hate far more than they hate the devil. The devil
is the author of their system of religion, if it may be called
a religion at all. Dr. Eliot, ex president of Harvard, hates the
doctrine that he has dissented from and commends the way of
Cain. He abhors the thought that man is lost without the re_
generation of the Holy Spirit and the substitution and expia_
tion of Jesus Christ. And hence he avows that "the new reli_
gion" will have no such dogmas. He has gone in the "way
of Cain."
"Why art thou angry? Why is thy countenance fallen? Is
there not, if thou doest well, a lifting up of that fallen coun_
tenance?" God is convicting him upon this subject: that his
anger is unjustifiable; that there is no good reason for it, that
there is no good reason for that fallen countenance; and that
if he would do well (and to do well according to the law re_
quired that an expiatory victim should be offered) – that if he
would do well his countenance would be lifted up. Then God
explains: "And if thou doest not well, sin is crouching at the
door; and toward thee is his desire; and do thou rule over
him." – Conant. That latter part of the seventh verse is exceed_
ingly difficult to interpret. I will repeat it: "And if thou doest
not well, sin is crouching at the door; and toward thee is his
desire; and do thou rule over him." Now I will tell you what
two interpretations have been given. They are both by as
distinguished names as there are in the world. After I have
given you these interpretations I will let you accept either one,
but I will give you my opinion as to which is the better one.
Understand that in a matter that is so intricately difficult it
does not become a teacher to be too dogmatic and affirm that
his view is the right one. I will read and show you where the
difficulty comes in: "And if thou doest not well, sin is crouch_
ing at the door." The difficulty here is as to what sin means.
One line of interpreters says that it means sin in the usual ac_
ceptation of the term. Another line of interpreters says that it
means sin offering. The Hebrew use of both meanings is
abundant in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. Now,
thief and must confess it." The psalmist says, "When thou
makest inquisition for blood, thou rememberest." When man
makes inquisition for blood many witnesses conveniently for_
get the facts. But when God makes inquisition for blood Jie
remembers, he knows. At an association I was once asked to
preach a sermon that would tend to convict men of sin, and I
took that text: "When thou makest inquisition for blood, thou
rememberest." It was a singular fact that about a hundred
people in the audience were convicted of sin. God's method of
inquiry into a cause is perfect. The darkness can hide nothing
from him. He reads the very thoughts of the human heart,
and so now he is making inquisition for Abel's blood: "Where
is thy brother?" And when Cain lied God said, "What hast
thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me
from the ground." What a doctrine is here! The voice of
blood – teaching that the earth which swallows up blood, the
earth which drinks up the blood of the slain man, cries out to
heaven for vengeance, and the murderer goes away saying,
"Who knows I did it, if I just say that I do not know and if I
deny that I am responsible for it? Am I my brother's keeper?
Then whence will come any testimony to convict me? We were
out there by ourselves and no man witnessed it." But God tells
Cain about a witness; that the earth would not conspire with
crime; that blood had a voice, and that blood cries to heaven.
Spurgeon preached on the passage in Hebrews, "And to Jesus
the mediator of a new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling
that speaketh better than that of Abel." It was a great sermon.
He contrasts Abel's shed blood with the voice of Christ's blood.
He describes the soul of Abel expelled from the body by
bloody murder, and rushing up to heaven in the presence of
God crying out, "Avenge my murder." But he says the blood
of Jesus comes into the presence of God and says, "Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Now notice the curse: "And now cursed art thou from the
ground, which hath opened its mouth to receive thy brother's
blood from thy hand; when thou tillest the ground, it shall not
SIN 133
that every one who finds me shall slay me." Jehovah gives
him this assurance: "Whoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall
be taken on him sevenfold." That is, man shall not be judge)
no individual can take into his own hands the right of ven_
geance. You cannot justify yourself in shooting down a mur_
derer; God is the judge, not you. We will come later, in the
Mosaic legislation, to study the law of the avenger of blood,
but this is not before us now, nor does it oppose the meaning
"And God appointed a sign for Cain, lest any finding him
should smite him." But, as the thought prevails among the
Negroes, God put a mark on Cain that everybody could see.
I heard a lawyer once say, standing over a man on trial for
murder, "Sir, the mark of Cain is on your face; you carry with
you the handwriting of God on your countenance." It is ques_
tionable that this is the mark. God set a sign for Cain to
give him assurance that he would at least be free from in_
dividual or human vengeance. As yet there was no organiza_
tion of civic society. After a while we will come to that and
show that at least after Noah left the ark God provided capital
punishment. Society might punish a murderer but no individ_
ual could do it.
Cain builded a city; Lamech was a bigamist; one of his
children was the father of those who dwell in tents and with
cattle, and another was the father of all who handle the harp
and the pipe, which stands for the representation of stringed
instruments, the flute representing the wind instruments. Is
there anything in this suggestion? Does the restlessness
of sinners promote intervention of musical instruments as
a means to soothe sorrow? Does the restlessness of
sin in the heart tend to promote invention of stringed instru_
ments? Strange that Cain's descendants were the first city
builders, the first inventors of musical instruments and the
first inventors of manufactured implements from iron and
brass. Take that thought for what it is worth and try to
answer the question for yourselves.
SIN 135
1. Give the "first" things of Genesis, the fourth chapter.
2. What hope was inspired in Eve's heart by the birth of Cain?
3. Show the analogy between the expectation of Christ's first coming
and his second coming.
4. State the system of theology embodied and implied in each of
these offerings,
5. What name does the New Testament give to Cain's theology?
6. Who are the followers of his way now?
7. There was a radical difference between Cain and Abel. In which of
the following particulars did it consist:
(1) Human parentage;
(2) Hereditary nature;
(3) Occupation;
(4) Intrinsic value of their offerings;
(5) Or spiritual parentage?
8. Give New Testament account of Cain's parentage.
9, What bearing on this fourth chapter has the interpretation of the
last verse of the third chapter?
10. What may be fairly inferred as to previous appointment of sac_
rifices together with the time, place and object of their being offered
by the fact that Cain and Abel did, "at the end of days," come before
the Lord with their offerings?
II. What was the bearing of this fact on the salvation of Adam and
12. What two kinds of offerings are indicated in this chapter and
what is the evidence of the establishment of the altar of sacrifice?
13. What is meant by Jehovah having respect for one offering and
disrespect for the other offering?
14. In what respect was Abel's offering better than Gain's?
15. In what way did God bear testimony to Abel's faith? Give proof.
16. Cite New Testament proof that Abel secured even earthly im_
17. What effect did God's approval of Abel's offering have on Cain and
how evidenced?
18. What is the attitude of the natural heart toward a subasitutionary
sacrifice? Illustrate.
19. How does God convict Cain?
20. Give the author's interpretation, of Genesis 4:7.
21. On what ground was the first murder committed and what is the
attitude of sinners toward God's children generally?
SIN 137
22. What inquisition did God make and what the Mosaic law on this
23. Give three illustrations. – Fort Worth, Texas, Sir Walter Scott,
and Lorenzo Dow.
24. What was the psalmist's testimony on this point and what use
was made of the text by the author?
25. What is the meaning of "the voice of thy brother's blood crieth
unto me from the ground"?
26. What is meant by the voice of the blood of Abel in Hebrews
12:24; that is, does it mean Abel's own blood shed by Cain (Genesis
4:10) or the blood of sacrifice shed by Abel (Genesis 4:4)?
27. In either case show how the sprinkling or application of Christ's
blood speaketh better things than Abel's blood.
28. What was the curse pronounced upon Cain?
29. Illustrate the effect of this murder on Cain's conscience?
30. What was Cain's response and the meaning of "bearing iniquity"?
31. What idea of locality is involved in Cain's going away from the
presence of the Lord?
32. Show wherein Cain committed the unpardonable sin.
33. What purpose was served in exempting Cain from human ven_
geance and in the visible mark, or sign, which protected him?
34. What was the mark placed upon Cain?
35. Who was Cain's wife?
36. Cite the achievements wrought by Cain's several descendants,
and show what things originated with them.
37. What is the meaning of
If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold,
Truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold?
38. Who was appointed unto Eve as another seed in the place of Abel?
39. What doctrines set forth in this appointment?
40. Should the last clause of Genesis (fourth chapter) be rendered
"began to call upon the name of the Lord," or "be called by the name
of Jehovah"?
Genesis 5
We get at the age of the human race when the flood came
by adding to the age of Adam when Seth was born the age of
each father named when his son was born and then adding the
age of Noah when the flood came. The figures are: 130 plus
SIN 141
105, plus 90, plus 70, plus 65, plus 162, plus 65, plus 187, plus
182, plus 600; total 1656ùmore than 161/2 centuries.
Another remarkable fact is the longevity of the antedilu-
vians. Adam, Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Jared, and Methuselah all
lived over 900 years. By the overlapping we see how Methu_
selah was a contemporary of both Adam and Noahù243 years
with Adam and 600 years with Noah. Indeed Adam lived 56
years as a contemporary of Lamech) the father of Noah, and
only 126 years intervened between Adam's death and Noah's
birth. In this way all the revelations of God to man up to the
flood required for transmission, by tradition, only one inter_
mediary between Adam and Noah.
On this remarkable longevity Dr. Gonant says, "The great
age of man previous to the Flood, gradually diminishing for
some generations after, till it reached its present usual limit,
has been the subject of much discussion. Some have attempted
to account for the change in the duration of human life by
physical causes, namely, changes in the physical temperament
of our world, in modes of living, etc. Others have maintained,
that the age of man did not then greatly exceed that to which
men are known to have attained in later times; some suppos_
ing that each name represents several generations; others, that
the 'year' was not a solar year as subsequently, but some
equally defined period, as a lunar month, or a period of six
months between the solstices or equinoxes, or a season of three
Concerning Enoch we note four things:
1. He walked with God.
2. The occasion of his commencing to walk: with Godùthe
birth of his son.
3. His remarkable prophecy (Jude 14_15).
4. The manner of his exit from the world.
As a comment on three of these four particulars I here at_
tach a sermon, preached by the author, January, 1894.
" 'And Enoch walked with God; and he was not; for God
took him' (Gen. 5:24). I think it quite probable that to supply
SIN 143
the ellipsis this should read: 'and he was not found; for God
took him.' To show the reasonableness of thus supplying the
ellipsis we have only to read the collateral passage describing
the translation of Elijah in 2 Kings 2:5_18. Now applying
that narrative, I will read over again: 'And Enoch walked with
God; and he was not [i.e., he was not found]; for God took
him to himself.'
"The subject which I have selected tonight is one to me of
very great interest. 'Walking* in the sense used in this text
never applies to doctrine; it applies to conduct, to life; as
when it is said of Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist,
that he and his wife, Elisabeth, walked in the commandments
of God. In both the Old and New Testaments, the word has
that signification. For instance, when God said to Solomon,
If you will walk in my ways as thy father David didst walk
in my ways,' evidently referring .o the life, to the conduct.
Before one's life can be such as is e_pressed by this text, there
is something implied; something presupposed. The prophet
Amos asks a question in the third chapter and third verse of
the book attributed to him: 'How can two walk together except
they be agreed?' So that if it be affirmed that two walked to_
gether, it is implied that the two are at agreement. And it
also follows from the nature of the case that one of the two
had been at enmity with the other and that there had been a
reconciliation. So that when we say of any man that he walks
with God, it implies that he has been reconciled to God. It
does not mean that God has conformed to him, but that he has
conformed to God. It does not mean that the Lord has lowered
his standard to suit the man, but that the man's way has been
subordinated to God's way, and his life to God's rules. It
never implies any kind of change on the part of God, but
always on the part of man. So when it is affirmed of Enoch
that he walked with God, it implies that there had been a
time when Enoch and God had not been at agreement, but
that something had occurred to put them at agreement, and
that after this agreement they had then walked together. This
fact that they do not believe. The conviction does not seize
upon them. But our text supposes that this conviction did
seize upon the mind of Enoch; that it seized upon him in such
a manner that he named his child in reference to it, and from
the birth of that child until he passed away he walked with
God. He walked with him as a familiar friend and lived with
reference to a speedy responsibility. A careful study of this
passage shows that from the birth of that child the attractive_
ness of this world had lost all its power over the mind and
heart of Enoch. The things which men covet most; the honors
which they esteem to be the highest, and the glories that are
the most entrancing to their views, were in his esteem, after
this revelation from God – after this conviction took possession
of his heart – as if they did not exist. The two were no longer
polarized. I mean that there was no conductor of influence.
They did not come in touch. The earth magnet no longer
up high enough to look over it and see how near was the end
moved Enoch. He had seen an end of it. God had taken him
of all earthly things. Seeing that and knowing how little worth
there was in it, he then began to say, 'As I find within myself
the stirrings of immortality, as I am conscious of a deathless
spirit; as I feel myself related to eternity; therefore, as this
world is to pass away so speedily upon which I have my
temporary home, what should be my preparation for the other
world to which I hasten, and how shall I so live that when
I pass from this world I may go to one whose skies are never
flecked with clouds, and whose stability is such that neither
floods nor fires shall interrupt the continuity of their being?'
It was in this way probably that his mind acted. As a proof
of it – and it is one of the most notable things in history, ac_
count for it as you like – whenever and wherever in any age
of the world any number of persons have become possessed
with a conviction of the sublunary nature of things here and
of the speedy approach of dissolution; of the nearness of their
contact with the hitherto invisible things of eternity; that as
that conviction at any period of the world has touched one
SIN 149
left the earth; and there is something about that worth con_
sideration. He was a notable character. In all the mythologies
of the heathen nations they have preserved some kind of a
tradition with regard to him. The most of these traditions,
of course, are far_fetched. But it shows that the impress of
this strange man was never effaced from the world. To him
has been attributed the first acquaintance with astronomy. To
this man have been given the name and fame of originating a
written language. With all of which traditions I have nothing
to do and care but little about. I merely introduce these
thoughts to show that he impressed his age and subsequent
ages, and that he so lived while here upon the earth that he
caused men to think about him and talk about him, and con_
jecture about him thousands of years after he had passed
(This sermon continued in next chapter.)
1. In brief statement give review of chapter 4.
2. What parallel between Genesis 5:1, and Matthew 1:1, and
the bearing on. the unity of the whole Bible?
3. What amazing parallel in 5:1_3, the meaning of "begat a son
his own likeness, after his image," Genesis 5:3, and what doctrines
involved when compared with Genesis 1:26?
4. What are the two classes of earth's population today?
5. How long from Adam to the flood and how ascertained?
6. Do you accept the extraordinary longevity as historically true?
7. What purpose was served by the long life of the early
8. Can you cite any case of long life among the Cainites, or
unbelievers after the flood? If not, why this distinction?
9. How does Dr. Conant account for this longevity?
10. How does the author account for it?
11. Who was the last recorded example of extraordinary
SIN 151
Genesis 5 (Continued)
not know.' Perhaps you ask the wife: 'Where is your hus_
band?' 1 do not know; he is gone.' 'Where is Enoch?' And a
search is installed. The places he frequented are all carefully
searched, and at last, as the investigators return, the question
is passed back and forth: 'Where is he?' And he was not found.
When had any one ever gone so before? Never. Here was a
mysterious disappearance. Here was something that fixed the
attention of that age more than a thunderclap ten thousand
times louder than an ordinary peal – the disappearance of
Enoch. Did he die? No. Was he sick? No. Well, when other
people died we buried them. Here are their graves. We cannot
bury him, for we cannot find him. Where is his body? What
has become of his body? And how that thought would flash
upon the people. He cannot be found. Up to a certain time
the observers saw him. One would say: 1 saw him here last
week.' Another, 'I saw him there the day after, but where is
he now?' Was it witchcraft? Compare the scenes recorded
in the second book of Kings, where fifty sons of the prophets
unto whom God had made the revelation that Elijah would be
called up away from the earth without dying, determined to
witness his departure, and they watched Elijah and Elisha.
And they say to Elisha: 'Do you know that today Elijah is
going to be taken away from you?' 'Yes, I know it.' And those
two walk off together. And Elijah says to Elisha, 'You stop
here.' And they go to another place: 'Then, stop here.' 1 will
not stop; as my soul liveth, I am going to hold on to you. I
want to know how you go. There is the record of a man's dis_
appearance once before, and where he went and how he went
no one can tell. This time I will see.' And Elijah says to him,
'What would you ask of me?' 'Give me thy spirit. Let the
double of thy spirit, the equivalent of it, let that come upon
me. That is, when you leave, let an equal power of the spirit
now on you be upon me that the world shall not be deprived
of the like of your example.' Ah, if someone had but thought
of that in Enoch's time! If someone had clung to him and said,
'As I live and as the Lord liveth, I will cling to you and follow
SIN 153
come, and here was a man that never did go through the river
at all. When he got there God carried him across. God trans_
ferred him; translated him; God picked him up and carried
him over and put him on the other shore. And walking along
here in time and communing with God by faith, in an instant
he was communing with God by sight in another world. Faith,
oh, precious faith! .Faith had turned to sight, and hope had
turned to fruition in a single moment. Enoch was translated.
God took him. And it made an impression on that day, on
this day, and on every day. There are only two instances.
"Now I want to make an application of this subject. What,
under the circumstances, detailed in the life of Enoch and
under the circumstances of the statements made by the apostle
Peter, are the things that keep people from soberly reflecting?
What are the things that stand in the way of preparation?
What are the things which, if removed, thousands would be
convicted in an instant? It is unbelief with reference to spirit_
ual things; with reference to the coming of the Son of God;
with reference to the fact that the world in which we live is
the threshold only of the grand building of the world to come.
Now, when you sit down by one of your acquaintances and
try to engage him in serious conversation, what obstacles do
you encounter? The power of this world, the pride of life,
the lust of the flesh. The whole vision is filled. And you try
to edge in or wedge in a word about personal responsibility to
God. 'Oh, there will be no judgment; things are moving on
today like they did last year, a hundred years ago. They will
move on that way another thousand years.' Will they mov~
that way to you a thousand years? Will it last fifty for you?
Are you right sure that it will last twenty_five for you? Even
if the world should last another thousand years, what is that
to the individual? You will not last that long. Your death
fifty years hence will be a more momentous thing than God's
announcement to Enoch, that 'when this child dies the end
will come,' because that child lived 969 years. With all that
tremendous effect on the mind of Enoch, it was nearly a thou_
SIN 155
sand years off. But is yours that far off? Is it not nearer to
each one of us here than it was to him? Is it not many hun_
dreds of years nearer to any of us than it was to him? Now
why cannot we be induced) as he was induced, to think about
walking with God? Seeing that these things are to be dis_
solved, so far as we are concerned, in a very short time, what
manner of persons ought we to be? What if you die within one
year? What if your friends come and ask about you and say,
'Where is he? Can anybody tell me where he is gone?' He is
gone from the world, never to come back. 'Gone where; where
and to what?' Oh, if I could by the Spirit's power bring down
upon your hearts tonight some conviction resulting from the
manifest brevity of your life! It is not only short, but its
thread is brittle, and may snap in a moment. Shall not Enoch's
case profit you at all? Fix your mind on it. He looks out 969
years into the future, and sees the end of the world. He stands
and looks at itù969 years off, but it is the end of the world.
How does it affect him? How does he apply the knowledge?
‘Henceforward I will walk with God.' Now. here vou are: how
far is it to the world's end with you? How much do you say?
None of you will say a hundred years; perhaps fifty; perhaps
twenty_five; perhaps ten; perhaps one. Maybe only a month.
Why, then, can't you feel it like he felt it? Why does not the.
conviction come to you like it came to him? It is because the.
God of this world hath blinded the eyes of them who believe ,
not. He has put a bandage, impenetrable and inscrutable,
upon the eyes of the people that they cannot see the nearness
and the certainty of the approach of death and of being ush_
ered out of the world for ever and into another world for ever.
Now, that is why I took this subject tonight, January, 1894.
In all human probability one_fifth of us here in this house
tonight will never see 1900. That is only six years off. Some
of you will certainly never see that. Oh, believe it! The crape
will be hanging on some of your door knobs before 1895.
homes now happy will be desolate before summer comes.
will be empty cradles and vacant chairs. I speak of probabili_
ties, judging from what is occurring all along. And yet, how
strange! We carelessly move along and say, 'Where is the
promise of his coming?' No preparation to meet God; no
living with reference to eternity! God help you tonight to see
that and feel that. Is it wrong? Is it contrary to what you
think is best? Is it expedient, feeling about this as I do feel
about it, do you think it would be best for me to stop right
here and make no effort to lead some soul here now to the
thought of preparation for God? Who can tell? It may be
that God, in his infinite mercy, has made this night the occa_
sion of the turning point of salvation to some immortal spirit,
as he made the birth of that child the turning point in the life
of Enoch. Some of your have children. Their responsibility is
on you. They catch their cue from you. They walk the way
you walk. They imbibe your spirit; your shadow is on your
boy, on your girl, on your home. Oh, father, mother, when
you think of your child, had you not better prepare to meet
your God? What is life to young people? What know they
of its anguish; what of its responsibilities? They hear the song
of the siren; their eye is dimmed with the glare of earth's
tinsel; they are swept away on the tidal wave of youth's
buoyant feeling. But, oh, grown men and women, fathers and
mothers, to whom God has committed children, how can you
put your hand upon the face of a sleeping child one night and
not prepare to meet God? Sometimes, even in the thoughtless_
ness of youth, through a rift in the clouds, the divine benedic_
tion falls like a halo of light, and some little Samuel hears the
voice of God, and says, 'Lord, here am 1.' Some Timothy,
reading the Scriptures and hearing his mother or his grand_
mother expound them, says, 'Lord, here am 1.' Young man,
will you not turn tonight? Oh, see the line of demarcation.
Who crosses next? Maiden, is it you? Shall we very soon sad_
ly inquire, 'Where is she?' 'She is not.' 'Not found.' In that
grave, there, the coffin holds its ashes, her soul is not there.'
SIN 157
tian after Jude's day, and that the passage to which I referred
is an elaboration of Jude's statement. I am quite sure that no
man can be safely confident as to the exact date of that book
of Enoch. Personally, I do not at all believe that it antedates
the book of Jude. The question then arises: From what source
did Jude get this information about the prophecy of Enoch?
And you might ask, From what source did Peter get his in_
formation that Noah was a preacher of righteousness? And
you might also ask, From what source does Paul get the names
of the magicians who withstood Moses – Jannes and Jambres?
To all of which inquiries it is the easiest thing to say, and the
most rational, "They got it by inspiration of God."
Then comes up this point: Enoch in his lifetime having
prophesied that the Lord would come with myriads of his holy
ones – angels – when is this coming? Did he refer exclusively
to the coming of the Lord in judgment of the world by the
flood, or even if this be his primary intent, did he also look
far beyond the flood to the final advent of our Lord? In
answer to this question, we may say that the prophets fre_
quently had a primary reference to things near their own times,
and yet the deepest significance of their words looks to the
times of our Lord. It is easy to see this in David's prophecy
concerning Solomon; it starts off apparently with Solomon
in view, but expands into a vision of the King wiser and greater
than Solomon, whose dominion is the whole world. So it may
well be that Enoch, profoundly impressed with the impiety of
his day, might speak in stern denunciation of the corruption
that was then in the world and of the impending judgment of
God, but its use in the New Testament shows that he was
looking forward to a final world judgment which the flood
prefigured. (See 2 Peter 3:5_12.)
Some people make out that the Old Testament saints had no
clear ideas of the future world, that they did not see beyond
the grave. The translation of Enoch is an everlasting refuta_
tion of that contention, and his prophecy concerning the final
judgment of God upon men is as conclusive as his translation.
SIN 159
1. What the meaning of "God took him"? Cite New Testament
2. What other Old Testament case of translation?
3. When, according to the New Testament, will there be other
4. What is the New Testament description of the process
which takes place?
5. What are the things that keep people from soberly reflecting?
6. Give briefly the application of the sermon on Enoch.
7. What prophecy of Enoch preserved in the New Testament?
8. What controversy about this passage?
9. From what source did Jude get his information about the
prophecy of Enoch?
10. What did Enoch mean by the coming of the Lord with his
11. What evidence that Old Testament saints had clear ideas of
future world?
12. How long from the creation of Adam to the flood, according
the Samaritan Pentateuch? The Septuagint? Josephus?
13. According to our Bible what is the antiquity of the human
14. What is the testimony of some scientists and the value of
SIN 165
15. What was Mark Twain's illustration?
16. What was John Fiske's position and what was the fallacy of
17. What two historical events in point and what do they prove?
18. What is the bearing of the process of the flood and the rising
and subsiding of islands in a short time, on the position of some
19. Contrast the poetry of the two Lamechs. Which is the better?
20. Is this later poem a prophecy, and, if so, to what does it
diately refer?
21. What is Dr. Conant's interpretation of it?
22. To what remote event does the author refer this prophecy?
Genesis 6:1_22
(2) He must multiply and fill the earth, yet within the di_
vine laws of multiplication. Multiplication by illegal methods
is not obedience to this condition.
(3) He must subdue the earth and develop its resources,
yet in lawful ways and with lawful ends in view. The build_
ing of cities by Cain's descendants, or their construction of
tents, or invention of musical instruments, or implements of
industry, etc., these are innocent per se, but if perverted to
ends of alienation from God, this is not obedience to the con_
In entering upon the study of the sixth chapter of Genesis,
we must, therefore, bear in mind two things: First, that we
are not considering the individual but the race title to the
earth. Second, that this title is now held not under the condi_
tions of Adam's original probation, but under the conditions
of grace probation, which intervened to suspend lapse of title
by Adam's disobedience. The divine relations are now ex_
pressed in expiatory laws. Keeping these essential points in
mind, we are prepared to advance to the second division of
the outline:
under the grace probation, at which the race title to the earth
is forfeited.
Our Saviour declares that his people are the salt of the
earth and adds: "But if the salt hath lost its savour, where_
with shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but
to be cast out and trodden under foot of men" (Matt. 5:13).
Ten righteous men could have saved Sodom and
but there was only one (Gen. 18:32).
Says Jehovah to the prophet Ezekiel, "Son of man, when
a land sinneth against me by committing a trespass, and I
stretch out my hand upon it, and break the staff of the bread
thereof, and send famine upon it, and cut off from it man and
beast; though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were
in it, they should deliver but their own souls by their right_
eousness, saith the Lord Jehovah" (Ezek. 14:13_14). And said
the Lord to Jeremiah, "Then said Jehovah unto me, Though
Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind would not
be toward this people: cast them out. of my sight, and let them
go forth. And it shall come to pass, when they shall say unto
thee Whither shall we go forth? then thou shall tell them,
Thus saith Jehovah: Such as are for death, to death; and such
as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are for the
famine, to the famine; and such as are for captivity, to cap_
tivity. And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith Je_
hovah: the sword to slay, the dogs to tear, and the birds of the
heavens, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and to destroy"
(Jer. 15:1_3).
And our context: "And Jehovah said, My spirit shall not
strive with man for ever, for that he also is flesh" (Gen. 6:3).
From these and kindred passages three things are evident:
(1) That God made his spiritual seed the conservators of
the world. To the Jehovah worshippers he has committed the
ministry of reconciling and preserving the earth.
(2) The efficacy of this reconciling and preserving power
is vested in the Holy Spirit, who blesses their life and ministry
SIN 171
By the murder of Abel, his brother, and the time which
elapsed until Seth became a Christian, Cain's descendants got
much the start in numbers.
By his going away from the presence of Jehovah at the
place of worship his descendants were separated from the
means of grace, and so waxed worse and worse, wilfully being
without God, without a worship, and without a sabbath.
Through Lamech, one of his descendants, bigamy was
duced, violating the law of marriage. This precedent deep_
ened and widened social corruption (Gen. 4:19) and bigamy
led to murder again (Gen. 4:23), and as hinted later, to
polygamy and a horde of murders (Gen. 6:2_4). And so the
way of Cain led ever downward with accumulated velocity
into the deeper darkness.
how the grieved and insulted Spirit ceased his striving. Just
here I must turn aside for a moment and dispose of some
poisonous interpretations.
This paragraph has been made the occasion of the wildest
vagaries of exposition ever generated by unbridled fancy and
speculative criticism. Many books have been published in
support of one or the other of two heretical theories. If you
young preachers ever dip much into general reading you are
sure to meet some of these books, advocating one of these
theories. It is more than probable that agents for books advo_
cating these theories may canvass your own communities and
poison the minds of many of your congregations by the circu_
lation of their evil literature. In such case you might be dis_
posed to censure your Bible teacher if his silence left you
without warning and without antidote for the poison. Some_
what hesitatingly therefore I venture to clear away the brush
of these false interpretations before submitting what I conceive
to be the true exposition. I say hesitatingly, for ofttimes it
is best not to advertise evil by notice of it, but to trust rather
to preoccupation of the ground by the good and true. So we
now take up
It is conceded that in the Scriptures angels are called sons
of God, but never in Genesis.
The presence of "angels" instead of "sons of God" in some
Septuagint manuscripts is not a translation of the Hebrew,
but an Alexandrian interpretation substituted for the original.
The whole argument in Jude is based upon the assumption
that the pronounn "these" in v 7 has for its antecedent the
noun "angels" in v. 6, whereas a nearer antecedent may be
found in v. 7, namely, "Sodom and Gomorrah." With this
nearer antecedent Jude would read: "Even as Sodom and
Gomorrah, and the cities about them, with these," i.e., with
Sodom and Gomorrah, not with the angels. Moreover the
offense in Jude 7 is not the offense in Genesis 6:2. The latter is
marriage, legal in itself.
"Nephilim," or giants, neither here nor in Numbers 13 _33,
means "angels." This would be to have another offense of the
angels after the flood.
The offspring of the ill_assorted marriage in Genesis 6:2_4,
are not monsters in the sense of prodigies resulting from cross
of species, but "mighty men," men of renown.
"Sons of God" means the Sethites, or Christians, men in_
deed by natural generation, but also sons of God by regenera_
tion. In Genesis 4:26, directly connected with this lesson,
we have the origin of the name: "Then began men to be
called by the name of the Lord." This designation of Chris_
tians is common in both Testaments. I cite particularly Paalia_
82:6_7, where we have precisely the same contrast between
the regenerate and the unregenerate as in our lesson: "All
Means of Destruction
"And I, behold, I do bring the flood of waters upon the
earth." We cannot help going back to Genesis 1:8_10, and
noting how the earth was formed. It was all water, i'hen
God, by atmosphere, separated the waters above from the
waters below. Then he separated sea and land. Now in the
SIN 181
Its Occupants
"But I will establish my covenant with thee; and thou shalt
come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy
sons' wives with thee. And of every living thing of all flesh,
two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep
them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. Of the
birds after their kind, and of the cattle after their kind, of
every creeping thing of the ground after its kind, two of
every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive" (Gen.
"Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee seven and
seven, the male and his female; and of the beasts that are not
clean two, the male and his female; of the birds also of the
heavens, seven and seven, male and female, to keep seed alive
upon the face of all the earth" (Gen. 7:2_3).
This is the first direct reference to the distinction between
clean and unclean animals, which, however, originated at
the appointment of animal sacrifices just after the fall of man.
SIN 183
Its Builder
Noah was remarkable in character, life, and faith. He was
a just man and perfect in his generation. Like Enoch he
walked with God. His faith was marvelous: "By faith Noah,
being warned of God concerning things not seen as yet, moved
with godly fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house;
through which he condemned the world, and became heir of
righteousness which is according to faith" (Heb. 11:7). See
Andrew Fuller's great sermon on this text.
1. State the nature and ground of man's race title to the earth.
2. Give twelve elements of gospel light possessed by the antediluvians.
3. At what limit would the race title to the earth lapse?
4. What double base was there for race deterioration?
5. What four facts of evil practice were the remote causes of the
6. By what last disastrous sin was race corruption brought about and
world destruction necessitated?
7. State the first evil theory of this sin and reply to it.
8. The second evil theory and its alleged scriptural basis?
9. How do you answer it?
10. Show how the ill_assorted marriages of believers and unbelievers
brought about this race corruption.
11. What was the awful result as Jehovah saw it?
12. How did this sight affect him?
13. How do you harmonize the statement of Jehovah's grief with the
doctrine of the creed that God is impassive?
14. What fact of Christ's life illustrates the grief of God?
15. How do you explain the phrase, "It repented Jehovah that he
had made man," when compared with I Samuel 15:29?
16. What judgment did God pronounce?
17. Show how sweeping and inclusive was this judgment.
18. What means were appointed to bring it about?
19. What creative act did this reverse?
20. What respite of mercy and space for repentance was granted?
21. Does this 120 years refer to the future limit of the individual
human life, or the race limit until the flood?
22. What other Old Testament case similarly shows a. space for
23. What New Testament cases?
24. Explain I Peter 3:19_20, in connection with Genesis 6:3.
25. What means of preservation, for the race remnant spared, ap_
26. Of what was the ark a prototype?
27. Of what an antitype?
28. Show this by explanation of Acts 10:11_15.
29. Reckoning the cubit at twenty_two inches nearly, show relative
dimensions of the ark and the Great Eastern.
30. For what occupants with a year's supply of food must room space
be provided?
SIN 185
Genesis 7
to cover the whole thing. We know that at one time the water
did cover it all. Listen to this account in the first chapter
of Genesis: "And the earth was waste and void, and darkness
was upon the face of the deep." It was all liquid. It was only
later that the waters were separated from the land. We study
bow that separation took place by the creation of the atmos_
phere so as to take above a great deal of the water and a
subsidence of the land so as to provide sea beds for the rest
of the water. Now, just reverse that process and the earth is
covered with water again. The windows of the heavens are
opened and the water up there is let down. The fountains of
the great deep are broken up. There you have the storm
above and the upheaval below that will bring about the preva_
lence of the water over the whole globe. It seems that it would
be just as easy for God to cover the whole earth with water
again as it was to take it from a state where it was covered
with water and to bring the land up. He can do one wonder
just as easily as the other. A great many of them try to make
out that the deluge covered only a small part of the earth, the
Tigris and Euphrates valleys, touching the Black, Caspian,
and Mediterranean seas. In order to test that, Mount Ararat
is 17,260 feet high. Now, add twenty_eight feet to that, for
the water stood above Mount Ararat. Yet the water did not
go beyond the Caspian and Black seas. That is a greater
miracle than the other, a great bulk of water there does not
fall down and does not obey the law of gravitation. I have
always had less difficulty in believing just what the Bible says
about this flood than in trying to believe it less than the Bible
The second thing is the style of this account. I have been
reading history all my life. I commenced at four years old.
I never read a piece of history that is more vivid in its eye_
witness style than this account of the flood. Nothing is as
circumstantial as that. Take the history of the conflagration
of Rome written by an eyewitness. It is not nearly so defi_
nite and particular in all its parts as this is. Take the ac_
SIN 187
the head of the human race, so this man's name stands out as
the second head of the human race. The Adam world is all
gone. This man is going to start on a new earth and make a
new beginning for the human race. There were only this man
and his wife, his three sons and their wives – eight people.
What is said about the character of this man? The Scrip_
ture testimony is that he walked with God and was perfect
in his generation. What is said about his faith? I will read
you what is said. Hebrews 11:7, "By faith Noah, being
warned of God concerning things not seen as yet, moved with
godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his house;
through which he condemned the world, and became the heir
of the righteousness which is according to faith." The chap_
ter commences by saying, "Faith is the assurance of things
hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Now, no man
could foresee that flood. God said it would come in 120
years. The first time he limited it, he said it should come at
the death of Methusaleh. The next time he limits it, he says
120 years. The next time he says, "yet seven days." There
was not a sign in the sky above nor in the earth beneath to
warn anybody. But God told Noah that it was coming, and,
moved with godly fear, taking hold of the invisible things that
had been made known to him, by faith he built that ark. You
think that was a small undertaking. Well, suppose one man
and his three boys, and as many people as he could hire,
should start out to build a ship as big as the Great Eastern.
It cost an immense amount of money. Those people who did
not believe that the flood was coming would not contribute
anything to it. Noah had to put his own money into it. That
faith means a tremendous financial sacrifice on his part, to
put everything in the world he had in it. It meant to put the
labor of his hands. The people who were working for him
would laugh at him and call him a crazy old fool. Of course,
they would take his money, as carpenters want work, but
they had no faith in it. I call the attention of the class to a
sermon by Dr. Andrew Fuller of England, "The Faith of Noah
great white sheet held up at the four corners, if you want to.
But it was an ark, just as curious a sight as Noah's old ark,
and in this ark was every manner of beast and bird and creep_
ing thing, clean and unclean. The world had almost forgotten
about that ark into which hawks and doves and tigers and
lambs and snakes and men went in together. God shows Peter
that sight again and says, "Arise, Peter, kill and eat." Peter
says, "I have never eaten anything unclean." God says,
"What I have cleansed do not thou call common or unclean.
I want to teach you the lesson of the ark, the symbolism of
that ark in the days of Noah." The entrance of those birds
and animals into the ark was a foreshadow of the reception of
all people and all nations, tribes and kindred into Jesus Christ.
I have only to present the sabbath, and I am through with
the special lessons about the ark. The sabbath day runs all
through, as "another seven days," showing that long before
Moses put into the Ten Commandments "Remember the sab_
bath day to keep it holy," the seventh day was an institution
that began when God created the world and for man as man.
1. Is the Genesis account of the flood history?
2. What was the extent of the flood, upward and outward?
3. What was the process of the flood?
4. How high above the sea level are the loftiest mountain peaks of
Armenia where the ark rested?
5. What is the theory of the critics and what is the scientific diffi_
culty in accepting it?
6. What evidence from the style of the account in general?
7. What in particular from the dates mentioned?
8. What of the description of the rising and falling of the waters?
9. How did Noah get the animals into the ark? Give reasons for
your answer,
10. What four lessons from Noah's life?
11. What is said about the character of this man?
12. What is said of hia faith?
13. What shows the strength of his faith?
14. What is said about his preaching?
15. With whom does the prophet Ezekiel rank Noah and on what
16. What four lessons for the flood itself?
17. What four lessons from the ark?
18. What lesson here on the question of the sabbath?
Genesis 8_9
from the sun shining on the steam from the engine. It kept
along with us about fifty miles. Wherever water falls and the
sun shines, and you are at the right angle of vision you can
see a token of God's infinite mercy. I said, "Now if you can_
not see any of these things, it is because of your angle of
vision." As Paul puts it, "If our gospel is veiled, it is veiled
in them that perish: in whom the god of this world hath
blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the
gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should
not dawn upon them" (2 Cor. 4:3).
We now take up the prophecy concerning Noah's sons.
Some of it is very difficult, not so much for me to' tell as for
you to remember. The closing paragraph in the ninth chapter is
not only the connecting link between what goes before and
what comes after, but all the future references throughout the
Bible connect with this passage that is inserted here.
I will read and comment. "And the sons of Noah, that went
forth from the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth." I
call attention to the relative ages of these sons, and why their
names do not appear in relative order. Japheth was the oldest
and Ham the youngest. "And Ham is the father of Canaan."
That expression is put in out of its proper connection in order
to explain something that will appear immediately after.
"These three were the sons of Noah: and of these was the
whole earth overspread. And Noah began to be an husband_
man and planted a vineyard and drank of the wine and was
drunken." The word here used for wine contains the idea of
fermentation. "And he was uncovered within his tent. And
Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father,
and told his two brethren without. And Shem and Japheth
took a garment upon both their shoulders and went backward
and covered the nakedness of their father, and their faces
were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness."
We have just commenced the new race probation after the
flood. How long it had been after the flood we do not know
exactly, but some years, because no children were born to
SIN 205
Shem, Ham, and Japheth until after the flood, and at this time
Canaan, the son of Ham) is grown. We see the great man that
was perfect in his generation, just and walked with God, this.
new head of the race that had such faith, a preacher of right_
eousness, as he falls into sin, the sin of drunkenness. This
teaches that no man) however exalted in character or position,
is absolutely safe from a fall. I don't mean that a Christian
may fall away and be forever lost, but I do say that the most
exalted Christian in the world must exercise watchfulness and
prudence, or he will bring shame upon the name of religion.
We have had some most remarkable cases of this kind besides
the case of Noah.
This sin of Noah acted as a revelation, that is, it brought
out the character of his three children. When the youngest
one looked upon the shame of his father's drunkenness, he was
inspired with no such feelings as those which animated Shem
and Japheth. He not only scorned his father, but went and
published it to the others. We sometimes find children who
have not been well raised, who go around to the neighbors and
tell the little troubles that occur in the family. It is always an
indication of a bad heart and an untrained character. The
world has never had much respect for the taleteller and the
gadabout. They may listen to what you say, and may make
use of it, but they will not respect you for it. The filial piety
and reverence of Shem and Japheth is one of the most impres_
sive lessons in history, and their action, walking backward
and holding the mantle on their shoulders so that when they
got to their father they could cover him without seeing him,
originated the proverb: "Charity covereth a multitude of sins."
That means that love is not disposed to point out the sins of
others and talk about them. Love is more disposed to cover
them up.
"And Noah awoke from his wine, and he knew what his
youngest son had done unto him." How he found out I don't
know. Perhaps it was told unto him. Now we come to the
first recorded prophecy, so far as the Old Testament is con_
cerned, that was ever spoken by man, though the New Testa_
ment tells us of a prophecy that preceded this, the Lord himself
having given a prophecy in the third chapter of Genesis that
"the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head." That
was God's prophecy, and Enoch, the seventh from Adam, made
a prophecy, but it was not given in the Old Testament. This
remarkable prophecy of Noah consists of two divisions. First,
the curse, and then the blessing. "And he said, Cursed be
Canaan, a servant of servants shall he be to his brethren."
The question naturally arises whether that curse extends to the
other children of Ham, and if so, why Canaan alone is speci_
fied. My opinion is that the curse extends to the whole of the
descendants of Ham from the fact that there was no blessing
pronounced on him or any of his children in the whole proph_
ecy, and I think that Canaan was specified instead of the
others because Canaan is the one with which God's people
will have to do when they go to the Promised Land. They will
have to rescue it from the Canaanites, the descendants of Ham.
That curse can be traced in history. The Canaanites when
they were conquered by Joshua and by David and by Solomon
were either destroyed or enslaved. They became the servants
of their conquerors, and it is certainly true that the other
descendants of Ham became largely the slaves of the world.
Let us look at the blessing: "And he said, Blessed be Jeho_
vah, the God of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant." Or, as
Jamieson translates it: "Blessed of Jehovah, my God, be
Shem." That seems to make the better reading, that Jehovah
shall be the God of Shem, and Shem shall have religious pre_
eminence. In the line of Shem come all the oracles of God
during the Old Testament times, and in the New Testament
times all of the Bible we have, with the possible exception of
one book, comes from the descendants of Shem. The Semitic
races seem to have taken the lead in religious matters, whether
for good or bad.
Notice the blessing on Japheth: "God enlarge Japheth."
That part has been fulfilled to the letter, as we will see later,
SIN 207
1. How long was Noah in the ark?
2. What suggestion from the Speaker's Commentary, and what
connection between the resting of the ark, the passage of the Red Sea
and the resurrection of Christ?
3. What do the raven, dove, olive branch, and rainbow
What their impress on subsequent literature?
Genesis 10:1 to 11:9
3. Confusion of tongues.
4. Consequent grouping into nations.
5. Assignment of their respective territories.
6. Dispersion to allotted homes.
The tenth chapter of Genesis, with the first nine verses of
the eleventh chapter, constitutes our sixth division of the book,
under the title: These are the generations of the sons of Noah.
This section closes the Bible history of man as a race. Next
to the account of the creation, and the fall of man, and of the
flood, it is the most valuable gem of literature. Indeed the
most forcible writers fall short of the reality in attempting to
express the significance and value of this record. Some of them
say that it is the most ancient and reliable account of the
origin of nations. But this language implies that there are in
the world's literature parallel histories, though later and less
reliable. But there is no other account. This history has no
parallel. It is unique, without a model and without a shadow.
It is both ancient and solitary. Moreover, to call it the ancient
and solitary history of merely the origin of nations falls far
below the facts. It not only cites the sires from whom all peo_
ples have descended, but also tells us by whom, where, why,
how, and when the people of one stock and tongue were parted
into separate nations and divers tongues, and by whom and in
what lifetime came the allotment, of their respective territories.
It is therefore the foundation of ethnology, philology, and
geography; the root of history, prophecy, and religion.
had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they
said, Come, let us build us a city" (Gen. 11:2_4). In v. II we
find that the city was Babel. Here, then, we find the man,
the leader. He was a mighty hunter, this mighty man, as later
(I Sam. 24:11; Jer. 16:16), a hunter of men. The expression,
"before the Lord," evidently means that he pushed his designs
of whatever kind in open and brazen defiance of God's sight
and rule.
There now comes into his mind this ambitious scheme, the
establishment of a world empire. To accomplish this there
must be a center of unity, a city, and to insure stability and
to hedge against the natural and disintegrating fear of another
deluge there must be a refuge. To induce submission on the
part of his following they must be supplied with a motive:
"let us make a name." This brings the situation into similarity
with the conditions that preceded and necessitated the deluge
as set forth in Genesis 6:4, the days of the giants and the
mighty men, men of renown. This inordinate thirst for fame
is idolatrv It is the most cruel of the passions. Everything
beautiful, good, holy, and true goes down before it. As an
illustration consider the ambition attributed to an ancient
painter: "Parrhasius, a painter of Athens, among the Olythian
captives Philip of Macedonia brought home to sell, bought one
very old man. And when he had him at his house put him to
death with extreme torture and torment, the better, by his
example, to express the pains and passions of his Prometheus
whom he was then about to paint."
On this excerpt N. P. Willis writes his famous poem, "Parr_
hasius." According to the poet when the tortured victim asks
for pity the painter replies:
I'd rack thee though I knew a thousand lives were perishing in
What were ten thousand to a fame like mine
Again, when the dying captive threatens him with the here_
after, the painter mocks him by denial of future existence:
SIN 213
Yet there's a deathless name!
A spirit that the smouldering vault shall spurn,
And like a steadfast planet mount and burn –
And though its crown of flame
Consume my brain to ashes as it shone
By all the fiery stars I I'd bind it on!
Aye – though it bid me rifle
My heart's last fount for its insatiate thirst –
Though every life_strung nerve be maddened first –
Though it should bid me stifle
The yearning in my throat for my sweet child,
And taunt its mother till my brain went wild –
All – 1 would do it all – Sooner than. die, like a dull worm, to rot
Thrust foully unto earth to be forgot!
Upon which the poet concludes:
How like a mounting devil in the heart
Rules the unreined ambition! Let it once
But play the monarch, and its haughty brow
Glows with beauty that bewilders thought
And unthrones peace forever. Putting on
The very pomp of Lucifer, it turns
The heart to ashes, and with not a spring
Left in the bosom for the spirit's lip,
We look upon our splendour and forget
The thirst of which we perish!
We are thus prepared to understand the history: "And they
said, Come, let us build a city, and a tower whose top may
reach unto heaven, and let us make a name; lest we be scat_
tered abroad upon the face of the whole earth" (Gen. 11:4).
All popular movements of this kind are directed by leaders
who suggest the watchwords and crystallize the agitation into
forms of their own choosing. The sin of the movement was
manifold. It meant rebellion against God and ruin to the race.
The divine plan was diffusion, and the command was to push
out in all directions, not one; to occupy and subdue all the
earth. But Nimrod's plan was to keep the people all together
under his leadership to serve his ends. The object is thus ex_
pressed: "Lest we be scattered." To this day tyrants pursue
the same plan and put embargoes on outward movements. And
"Come, let us go down, and there confound their language,
that they may not understand one another's speech. So Jeho_
vah scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all
the earth; and they left off building the city. Therefore was
the name of it called Babel; because Jehovah did there con_
found the language of all the earth; and from thence did
Jehovah scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth"
(Gen. 11:7_9).
This is one of the mightiest and most far_reaching miracles
of history. It transcends in importance all the plagues of
Egypt. Indeed it finds no counterpart until the descent of the
Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Dr. Conant thus quotes from
Schelling's Philosophy of Mythology:
Humanity cannot have left that condition, in. which there was
no distinction of peoples, but only of races, without a spiritual
crisis, which must have been of the deepest significance, must
have taken place in the basis of human consciousness itself. . . .
For we cannot conceive of different peoples without different
languages; and language is something spiritual. If difference
SIN 215
of peoples is not something that was not from the first, but is
something that has arisen, then must this also hold true of the
different languages. . . . Here we fall in with the oldest account
of the human race, the Mosaic writings; toward which so many
are disinclined, only because they know not what to do with it,
can neither understand nor use it. Genesis puts the rise of
peoples in connection with the rise of different languages; but
in such a way, that the counfounding of the language is the
cause, the rise of the peoples the effect.
To evade the significance of this miracle the higher critics
resort to their usual refuge, the document hypothesis. They
magnify the tenth chapter and disparage the first nine verses
of the eleventh. The former, an Elohist document, is credible;
the latter, a Jehovah document, is incredible. They claim that
chapter 10 leaves us to suppose that the nations were dis_
tributed upon the face of the earth in obedience to the natural
laws which govern colonization and migration, and that the
present striking varieties in human languages are wholly the
natural result of the dispersion of the nations. The tenth
chapter does not leave us to any such suppositions, the episode
of Nimrod, the references to Peleg, and the three verses, 5, 20,
31, summing up respectively the families of Japheth, Ham,
and Shem, demand the explanation in the next chapter. When
asked to account naturally for these striking and irreconcilable
varieties in the few great parent languages, they reply: Philol_
ogy has as yet nothing very definite to say as to the possibility
of reducing to one the larger families of human speech. In
fact, their oracle, philology, is not merely dubious – it is dumb.
Dr. Conant well sums up all that philology can do with this
The diversities in the languages of the earth present a prob_
lem which philosophy has in vain laboured to solve. Com_
parative philology has shown, however, that many different
languages are grouped together by common affinities, as branches
of the same family, all having the same original language for
their common parent. Notwithstanding the great number and
diversity of languages, they may all be traced to a very few
original parent tongues. The difficulty lies in the essential and
1. What can you Bay of the value of the tenth chapter of Genesis,
(1) as literature; (2) as history; (3) as instruction?
SIN 219
2. In order of time, which comes first. Genesis 11:1_9, or the tenth
chapter, and why this order?
3. What, then, was the starting point and what held the people to_
gether at this time?
4. As they multiplied, what was the trend of their movement and
what modern proverb to the contrary?
5. Who became their leader, what was the meaning of his name, what
great cities did he build and where?
6. What was the meaning of "a mighty hunter" and "before the
7. What was his ambitious scheme, the essentials to its
accomplishment and what was its motive?
8. Give an illustration of cruel, unbridled ambition.
9. What was the manifold sin of this movement and the divine
remedy for it?
10. What was God's plan of defeating such movements in modern
11. What was the counterpart of this mighty miracle?
12. What is Dr. Conant's explanation of the rise of the different
13. How do the critics try to evade the significance of this miracle
and what is this expositor's reply?
14. According to Dr. Conant what has comparative philology shown
with respect to the many different languages?
15. What is the position of the more respectful (mediating) critics
and this expositor's reply?
16. What three maxims of literary composition obtain and their ap
plication to the matter in hand?
17. What was the first effect of the confusion of tongues and how
account for the three great root languages?
18. What is the Scripture proof of the divine allotment?
19. What brought about the dispersion, and how?
20. What objection is sometimes urged with respect to the dispersion,
and the reply thereto?
Genesis 10:1 to 11:9; I Chronicles 1:5_84
among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call to_
gether against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni and Ash_
kenaz: appoint a marshal against her; cause the horses to
come up as the canker_worm" (Jer. 51:27).
Through Magog are the Scythians in Caucasus and the
Russians. Ezekiel 38 should be studied in connection with
the lesson in locating the nations of Japheth descended from
Gomer, Magog, Tubal, and Meshech. From one of these sons
apparently come the Turanian race, including the Turks,
the dwellers in the Steppes of Asia, the Hungarians, the
Finns and many others; the first inhabitants of Hindustan
and the Mongolians. From Madai, another son of Japheth,
come the Medes; from Javan, the lonians and Greeks; from
Turas, the Thracians; Javan's sons occupy Cyprus, Rhodes
and other islands and coasts of the Mediterranean Sea,
and the coast of Spain. According to the record: "Of these
were the isles of the nations divided in their lands, every one
after his tongue, after their families, in their nations" (Gen.
Greeks, Romans, Celts, Germans, Scandinavians, Russians,
Scythians, Finns, indeed all of what are now called the Indo_
European, and perhaps the Turanian races, are descended
from Japheth.
1. What was the secular object of the dispersion? The religious
2. Show how this lesson roots m the prophecy of Noah and fruits
in the book of Chronicles.
SIN 229
Genesis 11:10_32
Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bare you; for when
he was but one I called him, and I blessed him, and made him
many" (Isa. 51:1_3).
The testimony is the same concerning Jacob: "And thou
shalt answer and say before Jehovah thy God, A Syrian ready
to perish was my father; and he went down into Egypt, and
sojourned there, few in number; and he became there a nation,
great, mighty, and populous" (Deut. 26:5).
"And not only so; but Rebekah also having conceived by
one, even by our father Isaac – for the children being not yet
born, neither having done anything good or bad, that the pur_
pose of God according to election might stand, not of works,
but of him that calleth, it was said unto her, The elder shall
serve the younger" (Rom. 9:10_12).
The same principle governed in the selection of Jerusalem,
the Canaanite city, as a religious capital; it had no natural
sanctity. "Thus saith the Lord Jehovah unto Jerusalem: Thy
birth and thy nativity is of the land of the Canaanite; the
Amorite was thy father, and thy mother was a Hittite" (Ezek.
16:3). The prophet goes on to compare that city to a newly
born cast_off, foundling child, which Jehovah had found, puri_
fied and adopted when, as said the prophet: "No eye pitied
thee, to do any of these things unto thee, to have compassion
upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the open field, for that
thy person was abhorred, in the day that thou wast born.
And when I passed by thee, and saw thee weltering in thy
blood, I said unto thee, Though thou art in thy blood, live; yea,
I said unto thee, though thou art in thy blood, live" (Ezek. 16:
It is true concerning this nation, as saith the psalmist:
Thou broughtest a vine out of Egypt:
Thou didst drive out the nations, and plantedst it.
Thou preparedst room before it,
And it took deep root, and filled the land.
The mountains were covered with the shadow of it,
And the boughs thereof were like cedars of God.
of Nahor: and they served other gods. And I took your father
Abraham from the other side of the flood and led him through_
out all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed and gave
him Isaac" (Josh. 24:2_3). "And he said, Men, brethren, and
fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father
Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in
Haran, and said unto him: Get thee out of thy country, and
from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew
thee. Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans, and
dwelt in Haran, and from thence, when his father was dead,
he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell" (Acts
The advocates of modern research insist on locating Ur be_
low the juncture of these rivers, and on the west side near the
coast. Their argument is very plausible but contradicts Joshua
and Stephen. You may see the difference by a look at the
Modern archeological research has brought to light so
much information on the countries in which Abraham lived, or
through which he traveled, that we know their religions, their
arts and sciences, their laws, their customs, their dress, their
field, vineyards, crops, herds and pastures, the business fol_
lowed their wars their civilization and their home life almost
as well as if he had lived in Europe or America, only a hun_
dred years ago.
The idea that persecution was the impulse prompting Abra_
ham's departure from Chaldea arises from an interpretation of
the word, "Ur," i.e., "by fire," suggested by the Latin version
of Nehemiah 9:7: Qui elegisti Abram et eduxisti eum de igne
Chaldeorum i.e., "Who chose Abram and led him from the fire
of the Chaldeans." This is supported by a passage in the
Apocryphal book of Judith (5:6_8): "This people are de_
scended from the Chaldeans, and they sojourned heretofore in
Mesopotamia, because they would not follow the gods of their
fathers which were in the land of Chaldea. For they left the
way of their ancestors, and worshiped the God of heaven,
the God whom they knew. So they cast them out from the
face of their gods and they fled into Mesopotamia and so_
journed there many days." Josephus says that Terah left Ur
because of the grief for Haran his son, and the tradition is
that Abram received the call from God, and his family turned
with him to Jehovah worship; that the Chaldeans persecuted
them and that Haran in his father's presence was cast into a
fiery furnace and burned to death. And the tradition says that
this is what is meant by Isaiah 29:22: "The Lord redeemed
Abram," that is, from persecution. We often find that God"
uses two methods in causing man to move in the right direc_
tion: He holds out an incentive before him and kindles a fir
of persecution behind him.
His appearance in history is due to a remarkable event, the
call of God. The deacon Stephen, in his defense before the
Sanhedrin, says, "Brethren and fathers, hearken. The God of
glory appeared unto our father Abraham when he was in
Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran, and said unto him,
Get thee out of thy land, and from thy kindred, and come
into the land which I will shew thee. Then came he out of
the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Haran; and from
thence, when his father was dead, God removed him into this
land, wherein ye now dwell" (Acts 7:2_4). So that the call
came when Abram was seventy years old in Ur of the Chal_
dees. The statement of Stephen as to the place where the
call was received is confirmed by Jehovah's own words in a
later manifestation: "I am Jehovah that brought thee out of
Ur of the Chaldees, to give thee this land to inherit it" (Gen.
15:7). And by the statement in Nehemiah: "Thou art Je_
hovah, the God who didst choose Abram, and who broughtest
him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees, and gavest him the name
of Abraham" (Neh. 9:7). And while Terah, as the father,
seems, according to 11:31, to head the migratory movement,
SIN 239
the migration was the result of the call to the son. The
mightier destiny of a child oftentimes shapes the movement
of a parent.
In the next chapter we will take up "The Call and Migra_
1. At what point in. Genesia does race history cease?
2. What two discriminating statements in the general account of the
Shem families as a part of the human race at large?
3. How long after the flood to the division of the earth and how
4. Why does the author, having given the descendants of Shorn, in
chapter 10, now devote a special section (11:10_26) to hia generation?
5. Why the partiality of selecting and favoring one nation? Ans.:
Not because it was better than any other nation, but he did it according
to his own will and purpose.
6. What three elements in the selection?
7. What was the moral condition of the earth when Abraham was
8. Cite a scripture to show there was no excellence in Abraham's
9. None in Abraham himself.
10. None in Jacob.
11. None in Jerusalem as a city.
12. That when the city and nation failed to~be world conservators,
both perished.
13. That when the Gentiles, who now have the kingdom, also fail a like
fate awaits them.
14, How does Abraham rank among the men of the world?
15. He is prominent in what three of the world's greatest religions?
16. How old at his appearance in history?
17. How old was his father?
18. How many sons had Terah and which the eldest?
19. What akin were Abraham and his wife?
20. Where do you find mainly the material for a life of Abraham?
21. What relation does he sustain to God's people of all ages?
22. What the second source of material for a life of Abraham?
23. The third source?
24. The fourth?
25. The fifth?
Genesis 12_13
Ur of the Chaldees, while Semitic territory, was dominated
by the Cushites, who were idolaters. There was no suitable
environment among them for the upbuilding of a chosen nation.
The objective point of the migration waa the land of Canaan
(1:31) _ But the line of the movement was up the Euphrates,
not because it was direct, but because it was the thoroughfare
of travel, having an abundant supply of water and pasturage.
There were many of these migrations from the same coun_
try toward Canaan, and the Euphrates route was the usual
way of approach, thereby avoiding the intervening desert.
At Haran the movement was checked on account of the aged
father who died there. Nahor, the other brother, seems later
to have followed to the same point and there permanently
established himself. In Haran both Isaac and Jacob subse_
quently found wives among his descendants. The caravan
from Haran was large. The principal parties were Abraham,
Lot and their wives. But they had many servants and cattle
and much substance.
mascus seems well founded, for there in his house was born
his bond servant and steward, Eliezer of Damascus. (Com_
pare 15:2_3.) Entering Canaan on the north, the movement
progressed to Shechem, one of the most beautiful valleys in all
the land, where was an already famous oak grove. Dr. Hackett
thus describes the valley:
A few hours north of Bethel, a valley suddenly opens upon
the traveller among the hills, which, though not so extensive as
Esdraelon or Sharon, is yet unsurpassed in point of beauty and
fertility, by any other region in the Holy Land. . . . It runs very
nearly north and south, and may be ten or twelve miles in
length and a mile and a half in breadth. . . . Toward the upper
part of the plain the mountains which skirt its westward side
fall apart, leaving a somewhat narrow defile between them,
where stands Nablus, the ancient Shechem or Sychar. A more
lovely spot than that which greets the eye it would be difficult
to find in any land. Streams, which gush from perennial foun_
tains, impart a bright and constant freshness to the vegetation."
Concerning the same valley Mohammed says: "The land of
Syria is beloved by Allah beyond all lands, and the part of
Syria that he loveth most is the district of Jerusalem, and the
place which he loveth most in the district of Jerusalem is the
mountain of Nablus."
It was an ideal pastoral land, becoming yet more famous
in after ages. Here the Lord appeared again to Abraham, and
told him that this was the Promised Land. Abraham erected
an altar in response to this intimation and the place became
a permanent sanctuary. It was his way of setting up a stand_
ard to assert his title to the land yet in possession of the
Canaanite. Under this famous oak in after times the grand_
son, Jacob, had serious trouble (35:4). Moses, in Deuter_
onomy, refers to these oaks. And here Joshua assembled all
Israel in the impressive scenes of the nation's history: (a)
when blessings and cursings were announced from the opposite
summits of Ebal and Gerizim, and (b) when he delivers his
farewell address long afterward (Josh. 24:2), and made a
final covenant with the people and erected a memorial tablet
(24:25_28). Nearly two centuries later the pillar was stand_
SIN 243
ing and the place was sacred (Judg. 5:6). Near the same
place our Lord talked at the well with the woman of Samaria
(John 4). We here note the fact that wherever Abram dwelt
he erected an altar to God. Thus his whole life was a witness
to that faith in the one God which is the groundwork in the
civilization of our age, and is diffusing its blessings around
the world.
From Shechem Abraham makes a short move to Bethel and
erects another altar. This place also becomes famous in the
subsequent history. The historian calls the place by its later
name. The early name of the place was Luz. The name
"Bethel" was conferred by the grandson, Jacob, when fleeing
from Esau, in commemoration of his conversion there when
be dreamed of the ladder which reached to heaven. Leaving
Bethel, Abraham moved steadily south until he had thus
traversed Palestine from north to south. God is showing him
the country that shall one day be possessed by his descendants.
There seems little probability in his day of the fulfilment of
the promise. He and his children lived on faith concerning
the country, and for themselves lifted up their eyes to its
heavenly antitype. Thus testified Stephen: "And he gave him
none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on:
and he promised that he would give it to him in possession, and
to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child" (Acts
7:5). But Paul is bolder: "By faith he became a sojourner
in the land of promise, as in a land not his own, dwelling in
tents, with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same
promise: for he looked for the city which hath the founda_
tions whose builder and maker is God. . . . These all died in
faith, not having received the promises, but having seen
them and greeted them from afar, and having confessed that
they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that
say such things make it manifest that they are seeking after
a country of their own. And if indeed they had been mindful
of that country from which they went out, they would have
And now comes a calamity that sends Abraham out of the
Promised Land. A long drouth, followed by a famine, en_
sues. Pasturage, crops and water fail, a fearful trial to any
cattleman, as we in Texas know by many experiences. There
later, as here, oftentimes when surface water fails, the people
resorted to well digging. Some wells then, as now, become
not only famous, but the occasion of strife. But Abraham
had not yet learned to find supplies of water under ground
as later (Gen. 21:30; 26:15), and so taking counsel of fear
rather than that of faith, he left the Promised Land for Egypt,
even then the granary of the world. The. whole expedition to
Egypt seems to have been a mistake of human calculation,
for in a similar experience in his son's time Isaac was forbid_
den to go to Egypt (Gen. 26:1_2).
We now come to the one blot on the fair name of this great
patriarch. It seems that when he first left Haran to go on the
long wandering among strange people, his mind was disturbed
by the fear that the stranger in the land, having the power,
would rob him of his beautiful wife, and so he led Sarah into
a compact of duplicity, even on his own statement of the case,
which he makes to Abimelech: "And it came to pass when God
caused me to wander from my father's house, that I said
unto her: This is thy kindness which thou shalt show unto
me: at every place whither we shall come, say of him, He is
my brother."
The example of the father was followed by Isaac, the son.
The same principles apply to all three cases. We might as well
dispose of all of them here. In reply to the question: What
defense can be made of the duplicity of Abraham and Isaac,
SIN 245
Indeed, it was the protecting care of God that made them
friends in every place, and camped around them as a protecting
Observe the position already attained by Egypt, and that
her rulers are styled Pharaohs. This was a title, not a name,
sometimes used in connection with the name of the king, as
Pharaoh Necho (2 Kings 23:29), and Pharaoh Hopra (Jer.
44:30). The discussion as to what dynasty in Egypt held
rule in Abram's time may be reserved for later investigation.
Dr. Conant says:
There is reason to believe that the Pharaoh of this passage
was not a native prince, but was one of the shepherd kings
(Hyksos), who ruled over lower Egypt, bordering on Canaan,
from about 2080 B.C., when the country was overrun by the in_
cursion of the Arabian race, known in history as the Shepherds.
The territory was nearly contiguous, known as the "south coun_
try" (verse 9), and the language of the dominant races was the
same in both. On the eastern frontier, toward Canaan, was a
royal residence for a portion of the year, the Zoan mentioned in
Numbers 13:22, and referred to in Psalm 88:12, 43, as the
SIN 247
scene of the plagues of Egypt.
It is evident that Abraham learned some things in Egypt.
When he came out of the land the record says he had silver
and gold, which is the first notice in the Bible of these precious
metals as currency. He also brought out of Egypt a hand_
maiden for his wife, who will cause some trouble later. The
thirteenth chapter gives an account of the transaction be_
tween Abraham and Lot, to which you are referred for the
answers to the questions of this incident.
1. What was the nature of Abraham's call?
2. What were the terms?
3. What were the incentives?
4. What were the objects?
5. What were the requirements, did Abraham meet them and what
was the proof?
6. Why waa Abraham called to leave his country?
7. What waa the obiective point, the route, and why?
8. Why the 80)ourn at Haran?
9. What direction did he take from Haran? Did he atop at Damas_
cus and the proof?
10. What waa the first stopping place in Canaan and Dr. Hackett's
description of it?
11. What events of later history make this place famous?
12. What did Abraham do here which was his custom ever afterward?
13. What was the next objective point, its two names, who gave it
the second and why?
14. What course did he take from Bethel and what waa the object?
15. What waa Abraham's relation to this country, and what the proof?
16. What calamity drives him from the country, waa this a wise
course and the proof?
17. What one blot on his fame?
18. What is the best that can be said of the duplicity of Abraham
and Isaac in passing off the wife as a sister? (Conant.)
19. Show wherein this does not exculpate.
20. What is the explanation of their success under such circumstances?
21. Who was the ruler in Egypt at this time and what did Abraham
bring out of Egypt with him?
22. Who accompanied Abraham from Haran through Canaan to
Egypt and came out with him?
Genesis 12:1_3; 15:1_21; 17:1_14; 22:1_19
1. Where are the scriptures on the covenants with Abraham?
2. What two covenants made with him?
3. In general terms what ia a covenant and what are the terms of
a covenant? Give examples.
4. Etymologically, what does the word mean? Illustrate.
5. How were covenants ratified and what was the meaning of that
action? Illustrate.
6. What New Testament proof of God's oath to Abraham and
the purpose of it?
7. How waa the violation of a covenant regarded, what was
of the Romans against the Carthaginians and how did Paul
characterize all of them?
8. What waa the token of the several covenants, viz.: Between
God and Noah; Abraham and Abimelech; Jonathan and David; God
and Abraham?
9. What covenants had God made with the race prior to his
covenant with Abraham and what nullified the covenant in each case?
10. Since the word "covenant" does not occur in Genesis 12:1_4,
how do we know that this contains a covenant?
11. What covenant was this and what was the date?
12. How old was Abraham and when was this covenant confirmed
with him?
13. What three points are made clear by Paul's statement in Gala_
14. What covenant was made with Abraham in Genesis 15 and
what was its sign?
15. Restate the two covenants with Abraham, where found, the
relation of the second to the Sinaitic covenant, and how contrasted
with the grace covenant.
SIN 255
Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-21; 17:1-14; 22:1-19
1. How does one's understanding of these covenants affect his
ology and idea of the church?
2. What is the substance of N. L. Rice's argument to prove that the
church commenced with Abraham and that infants are members of it?
3. How does the expositor answer it?
4. What are the elements of the law of circumcision?
5. Show why baptism did not come in its place, what does come
in its place, and how the analogy between baptism and circumcision
destroys infant baptism.
6. Give Scripture proof that circumcision was passed over to
Moses and became an integral part of the Sinaitic covenant,
7. What is the relation of circumcision to the Sinaitic law?
8. What did these covenants say respectively?
9. How does Paul get his 430 years of Galatians 3:17, and when
was the covenant of circumcision given?
10. What New Testament allegory contrasts this covenant
sharply with the covenant of grace?
11. What is the great distinction in the law of descent between the
two covenants?
SIN 263
Genesis 14
Ham. Lot, his nephew, is living in Sodom, chief city and head
of the five confederate and petty governments near the Dead
Sea. These are descendants of Ham.
The country east of the Jordan River, commencing at a
point as far north as the sea of Galilee, and extending south
as far as the middle of the Dead Sea, is held by three tribes of
giants, called Rephaim, Zuzim, and Ernim. These are original
inhabitants; that is, they were in the country before the
Canaanites, Ham's descendants, migrated to Palestine. They
were descendants of either Shem or Japheth. They were
idolaters, worshiping the moon goddess, Ashtoreth (plural
Ashtaroth), called by the Greeks, Astarte. The correspond_
ing male divinity was Baal, the sun god.
South of these, and in the northern and mountainous part of
Arabia, were the Horites. These also were original inhabi_
tants, who dwelt in neither tents nor houses but in caves.
Hence they are called Troglodytes, that is, those who creep
into holes. From which son of Noah they were descended
the record does not clearly show) and research has not satis_
factorily determined. This example of cave dwellers in his_
toric times is a sufficient refutation of the baseless specula_
tion that cave dwellers and the Stone Age belong to an in_
finitely remote past, and marked a grade of man's evolution
from lower animals. Troglodytes never mark an ascending
scale from lower animalism, but always a degradation from a
higher grade. Cave dwellers and the most highly civilized
races are contemporaries.
West of these in the mountainous district of Asia, between
Palestine and Mount Sinai, were the Amorites, descendants
of Ham, with some of whom Abraham was in covenant; and
the Amalekites of unknown origin. With the Amalekites our
later history will have much to do. They are the uncompro_
mising foes of Israel after the exodus from Egypt. They are
called by Balaam "The first of the nations" (Goiim), (Num.
24:20). We will hear of them throughout the Old Testament
period. It must not be supposed that they commenced with
SIN 265
We are shut up to three records: Genesis 14:18_20; Psalm
110:4; Hebrews 5:6_7. Many answers by many men have
been given, a few of which will be merely named: He was
Shem; he was Ham; he was an angel; he was a premanifes_
tation of the Son of God in human form; he was the Holy
Spirit; he was an appearance of the divine influence. Only
two of these answers have been made plausible enough to ob_
tain wide acceptance. These two alone will be noted, then one
additional will be discussed.
First, therefore, was he Shem? The argument in favor of
this theory is substantially as follows:
Shem was alive at this date. He was about 100 years old
at the time of the deluge and lived 500 years after that event.
This establishes the fact that he was a contemporary of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
This was a king in the middle of the territory assigned to
Shem, and the place, afterward Jerusalem, always remained
the sacred center of Semitic sentiment and religion. It was
to this place, Mount Moriah, Abraham went later by divine
command to offer up Isaac.
He was a priest of the Most High God. And by divine
arrangement in patriarchal times the head of the family was
the priest of the family. Shem, then living, was the head and
priest of all his descendants.
By virtue of his leadership and office he was greater than
Abraham and was entitled to the tithes offered by his illus_
trious descendant.
It was exceedingly appropriate that the aged and venerable
SIN 269
Our lesson closes with another flash of light on the greatness
of the character of Abram: "And the king of Sodom said unto
Abram, Give me the persons, and take the goods thyself. And
Abram said unto the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand
unto Jehovah, God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth,
that I will not take a thread nor shoe_latchet nor aught
that is thine, lest thou shouldest say, I have made Abram rich:
save only that which the young men have eaten, and the
portion of the men that went with me, Aner, Escliol and
Mamre; let them take their portion" (Gen. 4:21_24). The
lifting up of his hand indicates an oath or vow made to God,
doubtless when he started in pursuit, that if the Lord would
bless him he would not enrich himself by this war. His disin_
terestedness is mingled with justice. He does not bind his allies
by his oath, and insists that they should have their lawful
part of the spoils. The reader will note here the first mention
of tithes.
1. In the great foray of the fourteenth chapter of Genesis, what great
difficulties confront the reader?
2. Briefly outline the situation at the beginning of this episode.
3. What was the extent and nature of the empire of Chedorlaorner?
4. Describe the military campaign of Chedorlaorner.
5. Describe Abram's brilliant counterstroke.
6. To what modern general may Abram be compared in this mar_
velous campaign?
7. What two great events grace his triumph on his return?
8. Who broke the silence first after the first incident, and when does
second voice break another silence?
9, Name several theories of Melchizedek.
10. What is the first theory discussed and what are the arguments in
favor of it?
11. What is the second theory and the arguments for it?
12. The third theory and its arguments?
13. Was his offering of bread and wine a prototype of the Lord's
14. In what respect was he a type of Christ?
15. Why did Abram refuse reward from the king of SodomT
Genesis 15
1. Abraham's Despondency
2. The Vision of the Word of God.
3. Abraham's Conversion
4. The Sacrifices of the Covenant and Birds of Prey
5. The Waiting and the Darkness
6. The Trance and the Prophecy
SIN 273
But alas! natural light cannot convert the soul and make
wise the simple. He turns from the map of the sky to the
face of its Maker, in vision before him, and hears his voice:
"What are land and children and spoils and stars? Abram,
I am thy exceeding great reward, have faith in me." He
SIN 279
forty years later when he gave up Isaac and had God alone
(James 2:22-23).
1. Where in the Old Testament do we find an account of Abram's
2. In the account of his conversion, what mighty words or phrases
appear for the first time?
3. What three other things do we find here?
4. What was the most important new thing found here?
5. What. is the relation of Abram's converaion to ours?
6. What questionings arose in Abram’s mind, just after his great
victory, which prepared the way for the vision which followed?
7. What. was the place, time, and circumstances of the vision?
8. What is tbe meaning of "The Word of God" which came to
9. In what ways may the mind see an image invisible to others?
Give an instance of each case.
10. In what two particulars was the comfort of the "word of
vision” to Abram?
11. What is the meaning of "I am thy exceeding great reward" and
the application?
13. Following this, what question did Abram ask, God's answer to
it and what the method of impressing this upon Abram's mind?
14. What was Abram's response and what was the object of his
15. What does our Lord say of Abram's faith?
16. Where do we find in the New Testament an exposition of this
lesson and what are the several points there made?
SIN 281
Genesis 15 to 19:28
Sarah, knowing that she was barren, and that she and her
husband were old, falls upon an Oriental method by which
Abram should have a son. She gives her handmaiden, Hagar
the Egyptian, to Abram as a wife in order that Hagar's child
by Abram should be as Sarah's child. She got herself, Abram
and the handmaiden, the descendants of Abram through her
own son and through Hagar's son all into a world of trouble.
Once I kept worrying a teacher who had promised that in an
hour he would go to a certain orchard for some fruit. I waited
and waited and asked him if it wasn't most time. So he
took an old_fashioned hourglass, filled with sand and narrow
in the middle so that the sand could run through in just one
hour, and said to me, "When that sand drops through we will
go." I sat there and looked at that hourglass. Finally I
reached over and shook it. That was human effort. It did not
make the sand come a bit faster. So Sarah's shaking the
hourglass did not help matters. When the handmaiden found
she was to be the mother of Abram's child, she despised Sarah;
Sarah began to quarrel and oppress the handmaiden so that
she ran away. We now come to a new expression (16:7),
"And the angel of the Lord found her by a fountain of water
in the wilderness." After this point that expression occurs
often, and all the circumstances go to show that it was a pre_
manifesation of the Son of God. You will see later that he
is here spoken of as God. The angel prophesied to Hagar.
"Return to thy mistress and I will greatly bless thy seed,
that it shall not be numbered for multitude. Thou shall bear
a child and thou shalt call his name Ishmael because God
hath heard thy affliction, and he shall be as a wild ass among
men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man's
hand shall be against him, and he shall dwell over against all
his brethren." When I was eleven years old a man in Sunday
school asked where the passage was about the boy who was
to become like a wild ass. Every boy went home to find the
passage, and I determined to find it before I slept. Be_
ginning at Genesis, I read through until I found it, and what
SIN 285
eous men. God said, "Yes." "Hear me once again, Will you not
save the city if there be thirty?" God said he would spare the
city. "Will you spare the city for twenty's sake?" God said,
"Yes." Abraham made bis last step, "Will you save the city if
there be ten righteous men?" With that precedent why did not
Abraham go to five? That leads to a thought presented by
our Saviour in the Sermon on the Mount, viz.: "Ye are the
salt of the earth" as well as "the light of the world." The
world cannot be destroyed while the righteous are in it. The
reason why the fire has not leaped out of the storm cloud and
riven the earth with its fiery bolt is the good people of God
that are in the world. That only keeps cities, states, and
nations from instantaneous annihilation by the irrevocable
judgments of God. The wicked do not know that all that
keeps them from sudden death and out of hell is the righteous
constituting the salt of the earth. When God raises the dead
bodies of his saints that sleep in the earth, and snatches up
to the clouds the living Christians that are changed, immedi_
ately, as by the following of an inoxerable law, fire worldwide
seizes the earth, and ocean and continent are wrapped in
flames. The conserving power is gone.
I want you to barely look at what is too foul for public
speech. Read it alone, covered with shame, this last sin of
Sodom which gives a name to a sin, "Sodomy." Our courts
recognize that sin, which is incorporated in the common law
of England and the United States. They sought to perpetuate
this sin that night and Lot restrains them. These angels of
God whom they mistook for men and upon whom they pur_
posed to commit this sin, smote the lecherous crowd with
blindness. And after every one of them was stricken blind,
they groped for the door still to commit that sin. If you want
a picture of the persistence of an evil passion, when the heart
is hard and the neck stiffened, when the soul is incorrigible and
obdurate, take the picture of these people, blinded by the
Judgment of God and yet groping for the door.
The record states that the angels told Lot if he had any_
SIN 291
body in that city to get them out mighty quick, and Lot went
to his sons_in_law and urged them to go out. My question is,
Were they actually his sons_in_law? He had two daughters
at home. Did he have other daughters married to Sodomites?
Or were the sons_in_law merely betrothed, fiances? An old
backwoodsman first called my attention to it, and I refer the
matter to you. In the morning the angel gathers the family
out of the city as fast as he can. He says to Lot, "Make
haste. We can do nothing till you are out of the city." You
must get the good people out before a city can be destroyed.
Notice the lamentable fate of Lot's wife, an Old Testament
woman immortalized by our Lord in the great prophecy in
Luke 17:32: "Remember Lot's wife." She looked back and
was turned into a pillar of salt. The angel said to Lot, "Stay
not in the plains." Lot said, "That is too far. Let me stop
at Zoan, this little city near by." Some of the funniest things
I ever heard in my life were connected with that text, "Is it
not a little one?" Like the Methodist preacher's sermon on
"How shall Jacob arise since he is small?"
The destruction that came was a good deal like the report
given in Marryat's novel, Poor Jack. When the father whipped
his wife with a pigtail off his head until she fainted, the doc_
tor inquired, "What is the matter with your mother? Is it
external or internal?" The boy replied, "Doctor, I think it is
both." The destruction that came upon Sodom was both
internal and external. Fire came down from heaven, and tlie
earth opened and swallowed it. It had the characteristics of_
a volcanic eruption, an electric storm and an earthquake. The
destruction was instant and total and down there under the
water lie the relics of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the sea is
called the Dead Sea. No flesh or animal life is in it. Jose_
phus says that when you bite the fruit from the apple tree on
its borders a puff of dust fills your mouth. If you jump into
it you do not sink. The Dead Sea, lower than the Mediter_
ranean, has no outlet. The Dead Sea that receives into its
bosom all the tides of the sacred Jordan from the .snows of
1. How was the covenant between God and Abraham ratified and
how is the primary meaning of the word "covenant" here exemplified?
2. What two interpretations of "Abram drove them away" and
what is the spiritual meaning of it?
3. What trial of Abraham follows this, how then did God signify
his presence and what word of prophecy accompanied it?
4, What two reasons assigned for the descendants of Abraham not
immediately possessing the land promised to him?
5. What chronological difficulty is pointed out and how do you
solve it?
6. How did Sarah try to help the Lord fulfil his prophecy to Abra_
ham and what was the result?
7. How do you explain the appearance of the angel of the Lord to
Hagar, what prophecy did he make to her and what was remarkable
about this prophecy?
8. What two elements of the enlargement of God's announcement
to Abraham?
9. How did Abraham receive the first and what were the steps of
Abraham's faith?
10. Why did God change the name of Abram and what is the
II. In this enlargement to what expression does Abraham give
utterance, its meaning and application? Illustrate.
12. What can you say of Abraham's hospitality, who were the
SIN 293
guests and what is the blessing that often comes from such
13. What is the origin and meaning of the word "Isaac"?
14. After the destroying angels departed for Sodom, what
did the angel of the Lord raise, into what secret did he let Abraham
and what great act of Abraham made him trustworthy?
15. Contrast Jews and Gentiles on parental duty and what
denomination of people stands next to the Jews in training children?
16. Describe Abraham's intercession for Sodom and what was the
teaching of our Lord in point?
17. What is the name which indicates the awful sin of the
18. Did Lot have actual sona_in_Jaw? If not, explain the
to his sons_in_law.
19. What was the fate of Lot's wife and what was our Lord's use
of this incident?
20. By what means were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed?
21. What New Testament use was made of the judgment on these
cities? (2 Peter 2:6_9; Jude 7.)
22. Ancient writers locate Sodom and Gomorrah at the southern,
extremity of the Dead Sea, modern writers at the northern extremity.
What do you say?
23. What does the destruction of these cities symbolize and in
view of the permanent effect, what question does this forever settle?
Genesis 19:29 to 25:18
ens, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy
seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in thy seed
shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast
obeyed my voice." That matter is discussed in Hebrews, Ro_
mans, and Galatians. When I was a young preacher I used
to delight in preaching from this passage, and I like it yet,
Hebrews 6:16, "For men verily swear by the greater; and an
oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein
God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of prom_
ise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:
that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for
God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled
for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: which hope
we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and
which entereth into that within the veil." In order to assure
every child of God that his hope is well grounded and that he
cannot be disappointed, two things in which it is impossible
for God to lie are joined and twisted together to make a cable
which is fastened to the anchor of hope: one, the promise of
God, the other the oath of God. In commenting upon that Paul
said that, though it was a covenant with a man, because it was
confirmed by the oath of God, it could not be disannulled.
In v. 20 we find, "And it came to pass after these things,
that it was told Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah, she hath
also borne children unto thy brother Nahor; Uz his firstborn,
and Buz his brother, and Kemuel the father of Aram, and
Chesed, and Hazo and Pildash, and Jidlaph and Bethuel. And
Bethuel begat Rebekah." That incident is put in to prepare
for a subsequent chapter, showing where Isaac got his wife.
My wife's brother, when he was a little fellow, came to his
mother and wanted to know who were the boys that milked a
bear. She said she did not know. He said it was in the Bible,
so he read, "Those eight did Milcah bear." Then his mother
told him of the old Hardshell preacher's sermon on that text,
to this effect: They got out of milk at a certain house. The
only available source was a she bear, and so the sturdy boys
'full of days' to mean 'satisfied with his days.' " I said, "He
certainly is right. Old age and full of days are distinguished
thus. A man might live to be an old man and not be full of
days. Every retrospect of his life might bring him sorrow." I
am afraid few people, when they come to die, can say with
Paul, "The time of my exodus is at hand, and I am ready to
be poured out full of days. I have fought a good fight. I have
kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up a crown which God
the righteous judge shall give to me."
The next noticeable expression is, "He was gathered to his
people." That does not mean that his body was deposited in
the family burying ground. As yet no member of his family
was in the cave of Machpelah except his wife. In the Old
Testament the expression refers to the soul and is one of those
expressions that teach the belief in the immortality of the soul
and the existence of the soul separate from the body. Next,
Isaac and Ishmael bury him. The last time we saw Ishmael
was at the weaning of Isaac, when he was mocking. Both are
married. Ishmael has a large family. The fathers of these
nationalities that are to be distinct until the second coming of
Christ, come together at the father's grave. It is very touching
that these two boys whom the antagonism of life had parted,
whom the very trend of destiny had led separate, when the
father died, came back without antagonism to bury him.
The chapter then gives a brief account of the generations of
Ishmael, which constitutes one of the sections of the book of
Genesis. Note the fact that according to the promise made to
Ishmael, he becomes the father of twelve tribes. He died at
the age of 137. Verse 18 says, "Before the face of his brethren
he abode." That expression means that he dwelt in the sight
of his brethren, yet separated from them, living his own inde_
pendent life.
Abraham is now dead. Here is a question I put to every
class in Genesis. Analyze the character of Abraham and state
the constituent elements of his greatness. I give you some
hints. (1) His mighty faith, the father of the faithful, whose
1. To whom was Lot indebted for his rescue from the destruction of
Sodom? Proof?
2. What waa the origin of the Moabites and Ammonites and how
does their history harmonize with their origin?
3. In whose country does Abraham locate after the destruction of
Sodom, of which son of Noah were they descendants and what the origin of
their name?
4. Who was king of this people, what was Abraham's ain here and
what notable example of intercessory prayer?
5. Recite Sarah's Magnificat and give a New Testament parallel.
6. What was the occasion of Ishmael's sin. that drove him and his
mother from home, what was the sin itself, the wisdom of Sarah, the
divine approval and the New Testament use of this incident?
7. Tell the story of Hagar and Ishmael as outcasts, what text cited
in this story, and what the application?
8. Whom did Ishmael marry, how many nations of his descendants and
who are his descendants today?
9. What was the covenant between Abimelech and Abraham and
what advice to businessmen is based thereon?
10. What great trial of Abraham's faith and how did he stand the test?
11. What two marvelous lessons from this incident?
12. What blessing from heaven on Abraham because of his obedience in
Genesis 52:19 to 28:9
Now she is going to help God out. Isaac willed that Esau should
have the birthright. Esau ran to kill the venison. Jacob and
Rebekah plotted to defeat him. So she put Esau's clothing on
Jacob, as Esau was a hairy man. Rebekah told him to kill and
dress a kid and tell the old man it was venison, and that he was
Esau. It was a very villainous transaction. Jacob brought the kid
and the father said, "Is this my son Esau?" and Jacob said, "Yes,
father." Isaac said, "Come here, let me feel." He felt of the
garment and said, "The touch is like Esau, but the voice is like
Jacob." Anyhow he ate the dish of kid and pronounced the
blessing on Jacob. Here is thatblessing in poetic form:
See, the smell of my son
Is as the smell of a field which
Jehovah hath blessed;
And God give thee of the dew of heaven,
And of the fatness of the earth,
And plenty of grain and wine:
Let peoples serve thee,
And nations bow down to thee:
Be lord over thy brethren,
And let thy mother's sons bow down to thee:
Cursed be every one that curseth thee,
And blessed be every one that blesseth thee.
There Isaac gives Jacob power over his brother, thinking he
was giving it to Esau. Now the question arises and Paul argues
it in Romans 9, how could God approve such fraud as that?
Well, God did not approve it. Paul says, "It is not of him that
willeth." Isaac willed to give it to Esau. "It is not of him
that runneth." Esau ran to get the venison. It was not of
Jacob and his mother, but of the election, God having decreed
before the children were born, before either one had done good
or evil, that the younger should be the one through whom the
Messiah should come.
The most touching thing was when Esau came back: "And
it came to pass as soon as Isaac had made an end of blessing
Jacob, and Jacob was yet scarce gone out of the presence of
Isaac, his father, that Esau, his brother, came in from his
hunting. And he also made savoury food, and brought it unto
his father; and he said unto his father, Let my father arise,
and eat of his son's venison, that thy soul may bless me. And
Isaac, his father, said, Who art thou? And he said, I am thy
son, thy firstborn, Esau. And Isaac trembled exceedingly, and
said, Who then is he that hath taken venison and brought it
me, and I have eaten of all before thou earnest, and have
blessed him? Yea, and he shall be blessed. When Esau heard
the words of his father, he cried, Bless me, even me, 0 my
father. Jacob hath supplanted me these two times: he took
away my birthright, and behold he hath taken my blessing."
And Isaac answered:
Behold, of the fatness of the earth shall be thy dwelling,
And of the dew of heaven from above;
And by thy sword shalt thou live, and thou shalt
serve thy brother;
And it shall be as thou rovest at will, thou wilt
shake off thine enemy.
it would. It taught him this: Never pay too much for a whis_
tle. John Bunyan, in Pilgrim's Progress, has a picture hanging
in the interpreter's house: Two boys, Patience and Passion.
Passion rushes up and says, "Father, give me all my goods
right now." The father gives him the goods and he soon spends
all. But Patience waits for the right time. Many people are
so governed by appetite that though they may know that the
commission of an offense will wreck their future career, they
forget the future in their lust.
What was the second step to hasten the fulfilment of the
promise? It consists in the concerted action between Rebekah
and Jacob to deceive blind old Isaac and have him bless Jacob,
confirming the right of primogeniture. I shall now proceed to
analyze the sin of Rebekah in this transaction. Rebekah's sin
consisted in presumption toward God in doing an evil thing
and in the overweening power over Jacob's character, who did..
not want to do it. "Honoring the mother," was carried beyond
the legitimate limit. Children ought not to obey their parents
in committing a crime. Jacob's sin consisted in making his
mother's desire greater than the promptings of conscience and
regard for God's will. This did not help the purpose a particle.
How does the New Testament show that it did not help the
purpose? "It is not to him that willeth, like Isaac, nor to him
that runneth, like Esau, but it was of God." It intensified
Esau's hatred against his brother: "He cheated me out of my
birthright by trade, and now out of my father's blessing. I will
kill him." Esau was the fellow to do it. He would boil over,
and in anger would kill anybody. So to save the favorite child
the mother sent him away and never saw him again. She did
not make anything, "but it is true that both of these evil steps
were overruled by the providence of God for good.
1. Why may Isaac be called a "patriarch without a history"?
2. What New Testament passages refer favorably to Sarah?
3. What three revelations to Abraham concerning the "child of promise"
SIN 323
and of what is this child in his birth a type?
4. In what respects of life and character did Isaac differ from hiS
father, Abraham, and his son, Jacob?
5. For what does the New Testament commend him? (Hebrews 11:20.)
6. Bescribe the land where he lived. What waa the great problem
of his life?
7. Though the most of Isaac's life waa joyful and peaceful, he had
some trials and sorrows. Tell them.
8. Cite scripture showing culmination of Isaac's prosperity.
9. In which one of the trials was he a type of our Lord?
10. What prophecy was Jacob trying to have fulfilled in the "mess of
pottage" translation? Was it right to seek its fulfilment in this way?
11. How did Isaac undertake to nullify the trade between Jacob and Esau
and how was his plan defeated?
12. Did God approve such transaction and what Paul's explanation of it?
13. What pathetic incident followed and what was the blessing upon
14. What is the meaning of the name "Jacob" and from what incident
15. What is the meaning of "Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I
16. Give the character of Esau as interpreted in the New Testament and
what other name had Esau?
17. In Hebrews 12:17, was the blessing that Esau vainly sought
salvation? Explain, then, the passage: "He found no place for repentance,
though he sought carefully with tears."
18. What two sad events after Jacob's return to the Holy Land be_
fore he reached his father's house?
19. Describe the character of Isaac and in what was he a type of
20. With whom, according to Oliver Wendell Holmes, must a child's
education begin?
21. What other saying of his bears on heredity?
22. What book did he write on ancestral traits?
23. What forces are factors in every hu~nan life?
24. When does individuality come most into play and the application to
25. What was the mightiest force that touched Jacob, what was the
prophecies concerning him and what is the application of these prophecies?
26. What was Paul's use of the first of these prophecies together with
Malachi 1:2_5?
27. What was the personal privilege conferred on Jacob in these
prophecies and blessings?
28. In what did the right of primogeniture consist and what traces of this
in history?
29. Analyze Jacob's and Esau's sin in the "mess of pottage"
transaction and what was the doctrine involved?
30. How does the Old Testament characterize Esau's sin? The New
31. What is profanity and what proverb from the transaction?
32. What were the sins of Isaac, Rebekah, Esau, and Jacob, respectively,
in the transaction about the blessing?
Genesis 28:10 to 31:55
Haran and stopped at the well, perhaps the same at which old
Eliezer stopped when he went after a bride for Isaac. Here
he meets Rachel, the one woman throughout his life he was to
love. She was a little girl about ten or twelve years old, or
she would not have bad charge of the flock by herself. But in
Oriental countries a girl of twelve is equal in maturity to a
girl of seventeen here. It was a case of love at first sight. He
never loved another woman while he lived. After they were
made known to each other (v. II), "And Jacob kissed Rachel
and lifted up his voice and wept." My first question is, Why
did he weep after kissing that girl? I leave that for you to
find out. When Brother Truett and his wife were here, looking
toward each other just about like Jacob and Rachel, and
we were passing over this, I gave that same question. Some of
the class answered, "He wept because he had not commenced
that work sooner." And one ill_natured young preacher said,
"He wept because Rachel had been eating onions." But Brother
Truett's wife gave the true answer. See who of you will give
The next remark is on the v.. 14: "And Laban, the father
of Rachel, said unto him, Surely thou art my bone and my
flesh. And he abode with him a month of days," i.e he stayed
as a guest for a full month. A guest must not stay too
long. So naturally Laban raised the question of something
to do, and said to Jacob, "Because thou art my brother,"
which means kinsman, "shouldst thou, therefore, serve me for
nothing? Tell me what shall be thy wages." Laban proposes
a business transaction. Look at it. Jacob says, referring to
the two girls – Leah, the elder, was not beautiful and her eyes
were weak, but Rachael was beautiful of form and counte_
nance – "I will serve thee seven years for thy younger daugh_
ter. It was the custom for the bridegroom to give presents,
and in the Orient today a man in a measure purchases his
wife. But Jacob had nothing to give, but he was to serve
seven years without other wages. Young men of the present
day think if they serve for a girl thirty days that it is a
great tax on them, and they begin to think how much they
have paid for ice cream, streetcar fare, buggy rides, theater
tickets, etc., and begin to bring matters to a focus. They
have not the love that Jacob had. And his proposition was
accepted. Next, v. 20, "And Jacob served for Rachel seven
years, and they were in his eyes but a few days for the love
he had for her." There is a remarkable proof of the genuine_
ness of his love. This is one of the most illustrious cases of
deep, personal, lifelong attachment that we have any historical
account of, and has become proverbial: "Serve seven years
for Rachel." At the end of the seven years he claimed the
fulfilment of the contract. Now this young man who had
practiced the deception upon his old, blind father, has a de_
ception practiced upon him. Laban is very tricky and un_
scrupulous. All that crowd up there are shrewd traders and
sharp bargainers. Whoever deals with them has to keep both
eyes open, and not sleep in the day, and not sleep very sound
at any time in the night. They are that way till this day.
The manner of consummating the marriage, the betrothal of
which had lasted seven years, is very simple: In a formal way
the father veils the girl and at night turns her over to the
bridegroom. That ends the ceremony. I have seen a letter
today from a judge who occupies his seat for the first time, and
he says one of the first acts of his administration was to marry
a couple and he tells of the ceremony, too simple to repeat,
but it does not make much difference about the form, the
fact that the transfer has been made and accepted establishes
the validity.
Here comes a general question, What ill_natured English
poet, in order to illustrate what he calls the disillusions that
follow marriage said, "With Rachel we lie down at night; in
the morning, behold it is Leah"? I don't agree with him at all.
There have been thousands and thousands of marriages where
there was not only no disillusion after the marriage was con_
summated, but an ever_deepening, lifelong attachment. I
expect if some woman had written a couplet she would have
SIN 329
bore Jacob seven children, six sons and one daughter. Rachel
bore one son, Joseph, and afterward another. The two maid_
servants bore two each. That makes twelve sons. I will call
the names out in the order in which they were born. Reuben,
Leah's firstborn, means "See, a son." It expresses her pride,
that Jacob's firstborn was a son, and not a daughter. Simeon,
her second, means "a hearing": that she asked God, as the
love of her husband had not come when Reuben was born as
she supposed, to send her another child, but Jacob still did not
love her. Levi, her third, means "a Joiner"; "Now I will
be joined to my husband." But he did not join them. Judah,
her fourth, means "praise"; "Praise Jehovah for the blessing
that has come upon me, now that I have borne four sons to my
husband." When Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid, bore a son,
Rachel named him Dan, meaning "a judge"; "God has judged
my side of the case." When Naphtali, the second son, was
born to her handmaid, Rachel names him "wrestling." She
had wrestled in prayer to God for still additional hold on the
husband. Then Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, bore a son and he
is named Gad. The literal Hebrew means "good fortune,"
but when we come to intepret it in chapter 49, it means "
troop," i.e., four sons have already been born on the Leah
side and here is another. That means there is going to be a
troop of them. Her next son is named Asher, which means
"happy" – happy in getting the advantage of Rachel. Then
Leah herself bears another son, Issachar, which means "re_
ward." Her next son, Zebulun, means "dwelling." "I have
borne six sons to my husband. Surely he will dwell with me."
When her daughter was born she named her Dinah, which
means "vindication": "God is vindicating my side of the mar_
riage relation." At that time Rachel bore her first child and
she named him Joseph, "May he add, as I now have a start."
Later on, Rachel's last son is born, and dying she names him
Ben_oni, "the child of my anguish." But the husband steps
in and for the first time gets to name one of the children. He
SIN 331
He stated the case fairly: how badly he had been treated, and
wanted to know if the wives would stand by him and would
go with him. They told him they would, and he might have
known it. A man need never be afraid, if he is a good hus_
band, of her not standing by him. Everybody else in the world
may go back on him, but a good wife will be true. Laban was
away on a three days' journey, so they decided to strike out
without letting him know. And to add to it, Rachel went into
Laban's house and stole his teraphimùlittle images of idolatry
and divination. Just as Demetrius, the silversmith at Ephesus,
made little models of the temple of Diana at Ephesus, so they
could tie them around their necks or put them in their pockets
and carry them around with them. Wherever they felt like
worshiping, they could bow down before this little trinket,
or as they now tie crosses around their necks, or when they
get up they bow down before that cross or little image of the
virgin Mary. Now, the question comes up, Why did Rachel
steal the teraphim? That is what I want you to answer. I
have my own opinion, but I don't want to force it on you now.
One may answer that she was herself at heart an idolater,
at least in part. Now, you may adopt that, if you want to,
for your answer. It is not mine. They started at a good time.
Laban was gone to that other flock, and they knew he would
not be back for three days and that they would have three
days the start. So they crossed the Euphrates and set out
with many servants, cattle, sheep, goats, and quite a sprinkling
of children and only four wives. It was a pretty big caravan.
I don't know just which way Jacob went. He may have gone
down to Damascus, and from Damascus to Gilead.
Three days passed before Laban heard of it. He cornea
home after shearing his sheep and wanted to find his little
gods, but he could not find them. Then he went out to look
for his interests in that other herd, and lo, Jacob was gone.
So he rallied a party, a flying column, without women or chil_
dren, flocks, or other hindrances, on swift dromedaries, or
horsesù1 suppose dromedaries – and at the end of seven days
1. What was the great event of Jacob's life?
2. State the time, place, and circumstances of his conversion.
3. What New Testament passage explains Jacob's ladder and who
preached a great sermon on it?
4. What melting hymn was suggested by this incident?
5. What name did Jacob give to the place of his conversion, and
6. What vow did he make?
7. What was the evidence of his conversion?
8. What is the secret of a successful, religious life?
9. What do we find here which was mentioned in the Bible only
once before this, and what is the author's belief respecting that
10. How long was Jacob in Haran?
11. Contrast his condition when he went in with his condition
when he came out.
SIN 337
Genesis 32:1 to 34:31
marvelous secret of success that is: "I will not let thee go
unless thou bless me." Anybody that knocks tentatively
at the door of prayer and runs off before anybody comes,
making but one petition, will never succeed. You have heard
me state before, and I will restate it now, how that idea of
persistence got hold of me when I was four years old. I
slept with my eldest brother and he taught me history lessons
in child stories. One night he told me the history of the
g Battle of Marathon, where one hundred thousand Persians
were assailed by ten thousand Greeks under Miltiades; how
the Greeks broke the ranks of the Persians, and followed them
into the sea; how the Persians got into their boats, and the
Greeks grabbed the boats with their hands until the Persians
cut their hands off; and then how they caught bold with their
teeth until the Persians cut their heads off. And when my
brother got that far, I jumped up in the bed and yelled out,
"Hurrah for the Greeks!" until I woke up the whole house.
There is the secret of prayer. As David Crockett said, "Be sure
you are right, and then go ahead." "And the angel said to
Jacob, What is thy name? and he says, Jacob," which means
supplanter, a crafty fellow, and the angel says, "Thy name
shall no more be called supplanter, but Israel, for thou hast
striven with God and with men and has prevailed," power with
God and man. One of the greatest revival sermons ever
preached in Waco was preached by A. B. Earle, an evangelist,
on that text: "Israel, power with God and man." One of my ex_
amination questions is: Analyze Jacob's power with God and
with man. With God: humility, pleading of commandment,
then the promise, then his faith which took hold, then his im_
portunity: "I will not let thee go unless thou bless me." His
power with men appears from the way he got at Esau. He
took every step that wisdom could suggest to placate and dis_
arm the adversary of hostility. Some men have a way of
looking at you that conveys an insult, and others with a shrug
of the shoulders. Shakespeare tells how the' followers of
Montague and Capulet would insult each other, one by twist_
SIN 343
ing his mustache and the other by letting his hand rest on
his sword. They would begin, "Did you twist your mus_
tache?" "I twisted my mustache." "Did you touch your
sword?" "I touched my sword," until finally they got to fight_
ing. Jacob had none of that. He was never going to have a
controversy for which he was responsible. His power with
man consisted in this also, that he never violated a contract.
You can find no evidence in the Bible that Jacob ever went
back on a compact made with men.
"Jacob called the name of the place Peniel," i.e., "the face
of God." "I have seen God face to face, and my soul was
delivered." The sun rose upon him as he passed over Peniel,
and he limped on his thigh. Therefore, the children of Israel
eat not the sinew of the hip. Look at the effect of that upon
Esau: Present after present, and Jacob coming to meet him,
limping, without a weapon in his hand. There are two things
I want to say about this. One is that all the second_blessing
people and sanctificationists make this an example in which
their second blessing was received, sinless perfection. And
they used to go by the name of "Penielists." Unquestionably
it was a tremendous upward step in the spiritual life of Jacob.
But he needed more of God's discipline before he would be
perfectly holy, and we will come to some of it after awhile.
I ask you to read the best spiritual interpretation of this inci_
dent of Jacob's life that I know, Charles Wesley's great hymn.
Every time I teach Genesis I have the class bring out that
hymn, which you will find in the old_time Methodist hymn_
Come, 0 thou traveller unknown, whom still I hold but cannot see,
My company before is gone, and I am left alone with thee.
With thee all night I mean to stay and wrestle till the break of day.
My prayer hath power with God, the grace unspeakable I now receive
Through faith I see thee face to face and live.
In vain I have not wept and strove; thy nature and thy name
is love.
I have a remark for you preachers: Get as many commen_
taries as you can on that wrestling of Jacob. Every time you
1. What assurance of safety did God give Jacob in view of his ap_
prehended trouble in meeting Esau, what name did Jacob give the place and
2. Cite a passage in the psalms on this, "id an incident in the life
of Elisha on this point.
3. What initiative step did Jacob take toward reconciliation with
4. What plan did Jacob then adopt for meeting his brother?
5. What report did the messengers make to Jacob?
6. What are the elements of power in his prayer?
7. What was his request and how does he co_operate in. bringing it
8. Give the sayings of Mohammed and of the British general on this
9. What present did he send Esau and what was the plan of presentation?
10. What was hia last battle before meeting Esau?
11. Who wrestled with Jacob and what is the key to Jacob's power?
12. How was the lesson of persistence impressed upon the expositor's
13. What new name was given Jacob here, and why?
14. Analyze Jacob's power with God and his power with men.
15. What name did Jacob give to the place where he wrestled, and
its meaning?
16. What effect of this fight went with Jacob through life and what
custom practiced by the children of Israel in memory of the event?
17. What modern claim is based upon this experience of Jacob's and
what is the fallacy of this claim?
18. What matchless hymn was suggested by this event in Jacob's life?
19. What advice here is especially adapted to preachers?
20. Cite several instances in Scripture of the change of the name and the
justification for such change.
21. How did Jacob shield Rachel from danger in this plan of meeting
22. What position did Jacob take and what was the effect of all this on
23. How did Jacob evade Esau's proposal to accompany him on the
24. Where did Jacob stop after this meeting with Esau and why so
SIN 347
25. Where did he stop next and what trouble did Jacob have here?
Cite the dying testimony of Jacob relative to this incident.
26. What part of Jacob's character was inherited from Isaac? What
is attributable to divine discipline?
ambitious boys who see the other boys bow down and their
parents bowing down before them? Those boys think they
have the world in a sling." But one thing 'is sure, no one ever
became really great who did not aspire to be great.– There is
an honest ambition to excel, but where the faculty of imagina_
tion is wanting – and it takes that to be a dreamer – that man
can be successful in a matter_of_fact way, but he certainly
can never be successful as an artist, sculptor, painter, or as an
orator or statesman. There is a creative power in the imagi_
nation. Woe to the one who expects to be great and has it
not. It is characteristic of the Spirit's day, as foretold by Joel
and expounded by Peter, "Your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams." Sometimes men who
have not the Spirit, and who find it easier to win in fancy
than in fact, indulge in air castles which need to be ridiculed.
There is a story in the old "Blue Back Speller" of a maiden
who, walking alone with a pail of milk upon her head, fell
into the following train of reflections: "The money for which
I shall sell this milk will enable me to increase my stock of
eggs to three hundred. These eggs, allowing for what may
prove addle, and what may be destroyed by vermin, will pro_
duce at least two hundred and fifty chickens. The chickens
will be fit to carry to market about Christmas, when poultry
always brings a good price; so that by May Day I cannot
fail of having enough money to purchase a new gown. Green!
òùlet me considerùyes, green becomes my complexion best,
and green it shall be. In this dress I will go to the fair, where
all the young fellows will strive to have me for a partner; but
I shall perhaps refuse every one of them, and, with an air of
disdain, toss from them." Transported with this triumphant
thought she could not forbear acting with her head what thus
passed in her imagination, when down came the pail of milk,
and with it all her imaginary happiness. Dr. Wayland, one of
the greatest educators in the United States, has a lecture on the
"Evils of the Imagination," that every schoolboy ought to
read. Even barefoot boys, fishing in the creek, will weave
1. Where did God tell Jacob to go from Shechem?
2. What important step did he take before going, and why?
3. How did God intervene to save Jacob from the inhabitants of
the land?
4. What events happened at Bethel?
5. When did Rebekah die and what is the evidence?
6. Where did Jacob go from Bethel and what the events by the way?
7. Name the sons of Jacob by each of his wives and handmaids.
8. Where were they born?
9. Where does Jacob go from Ephrath, or Bethlehem, and what
important event occurred there?
10. To what is the thirty_sixth chapter devoted, and why the gene_
alogy of the Horites in this connection?
11. Whose ia the most flawless character in history i Ana.: Joseph's.
12. As a child, what could he say of his father and mother?
13. State in order the several causes or occasions of the hatred of hia
14. What mistake did Joseph make in this?
15. What is the importance of dreams of greatness? Illustrate.
16. What is the difference between dreama of true greatness and
building air castles? Illustrate.
17. What is the nature of ungratified envy and hate?
18. Cite passages from "Gray's Elegy" to illustrate this point.
19. What was the culmination of the hatred of Joseph's brothers? Can
you find a parallel to this in the New Testament?
20. How was Reuben's attitude toward the hostility against Joseph
distinguished from that of his brothers?
21. How was Judah's?
22. Who took Joseph out of the pit and sold him? (Genesis 37:27_
23. Explain the confusion of the names of the Midianites and the
SIN 357
24. Compare the dejection of Jacob with that of Elijah, and show
wherein both were mistaken.
25. To what is the thirty_eighth chapter devoted?
26. What was Judah's beginning in this downward course of sin?
27. What four Gentile women became ancestresses of our Lord?
28. Who became Joseph's master in Egypt, what of his promotion and
misfortune in thia house?
29. How did he get out of prison and what six dreams touched his
30. Who was the author of those dreams?
31. To what position was he promoted in the kingdom?
32. What of Egypt at the close of the seven years of famine?
Genesis 42-45
his ten sons to buy wheat. Corn in the Old Testament does
not mean Indian corn, or maize, which was not known until
the discovery of America. Many other things were not known
until that time. The world had no sugar, molasses, coffee, to_
bacco, or potatoes. When Sir Walter Raleigh first carried
Irish potatoes to England, they ate the tops like salad, not
knowing the roots were good. So Jacob sends his sons to
Egypt to bring back a caravan load of corn, and Joseph
recognizes them. As they did not recognize him, he affected
to consider them as spies. But he had a purpose in view. His
heart was very kind and generous to them, but he wanted to
impress some very solemn lessons on them. He put them in
ward for three days. On the third day he took them out and
said that by leaving one of their brethren as a hostage they
could take corn home to their father, and if they had told the
truth and were not spies, when they returned they must bring
the youngest brother, about whom they had spoken.
Now follows this language, which I have often made the
occasion of a sermon: "And they said one to another, We are
verily guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the dis_
tress of his soul, when he besought us, and would not hear;
therefore is this distress come upon us. And Reuben an_
swered them, saying, Spake I not unto you, saying, Do not
sin against the child; but ye would not hear? therefore also,
behold, his blood is required." The point is that they were
convicted of the sin of having sold Joseph into Egypt. Joseph
had not said anything to them about it. The crime had been
committed a long time back) and they had never shown any
compunction of conscience. A circumstance comes up in a
strange land, and all at once every one of them is convicted
of sin. The use I make of that in preaching is this: I begin
at the first of Genesis and go through the entire Bible, mak_
ing a digest of every case of conviction of sin mentioned. I
write that case out, stating what the sin was, how long after
the sin before conviction came, and the causes of conviction.
The object of the study is to prepare me to preach to the
SIN 359
Almighty give you mercy before the man, that he may re_
lease unto you your other brother and Benjamin."
We have an account of their reception in Egypt, and I
want you to note the working of that conviction again. Joseph
made ready a feast for them, released Simeon to them, "And
the men were afraid because they were brought to Joseph's
house, and they said: Because of the money that was re_
turned in our sacks at the first time are we brought in: that
he may seek occasion against us, and take us for bondmen,
and our asses." How easy it is for an apprehensive heart to
suppose that every seeming sinister thing is a messenger of
God and of judgment. So they stepped out to the man who
had charge of Joseph's house and explained about the matter.
They supposed that accusation was going to be made against
them, and sought to defend themselves beforehand. Shake_
speare in Hamlet thus refers to the queen: "The lady pro_
tests too much, I think." Whenever anybody gives you an
explanation of a thing before there is an accusation and keeps
on explaining, it instantly creates a thought in the minds of
others that something needs explaining.
Here in v. 27, is a very touching thing, and in studying
literature you ought always to notice pathetic and delicately
expressed things: "And he asked them of their welfare, and
said, Is your father well, the old man of whom you spoke?
Is he yet alive? And they said, Thy servant, our father, is
well, he is yet alive." Now, when he asked that question how
must his heart have stood still until he got the answer, and
how much he was touched at the sight of B en j amini Notice
in v. 32, that Joseph could not eat with his brethren,
because Egyptians could not eat with strangers. The Jew to
this day will not eat with Gentiles. A Jewish drummer has to
get a dispensation from his Rabbi to eat at hotels. The Egyp_
tians required certain precautions in order to escape cere_
monial defilement, and would not eat with those who ate
certain animals. They would not eat with any one who would
kill a cow, a crocodile, a beetle, or sacred animal. The Jews
SIN 365
1. What can. you aay of the story of Joseph in Egypt?
2. What the extent of the famine in Egypt?
3. What did Jacob send to Egypt after, and what several products
were then unknown to the people in the Orient?
4. How did Joseph treat his brothers on their first trip, and why?
5. What inner nature of history does the narrative of his brethren
6. Show the workings of the consciences of hia brothers.
7. What direction for a study of conviction?
8. What waa the second step of Joseph in convicting them of sin?
9. What explanation did they have to make to Jacob?
10. What was his reply and the lessons therefrom? Illustrate.
11. What waa the proposition of Reuben and Jacob's reply?
12. Who finally prevailed with Jacob, and how?
13. What evidence of the workings of conviction on their return to
Egypt and how did they try to excuse themselves?
14. What of Shakespeare's statement in point and its lesson?
15. What touching incident of their meeting Joseph on the second
16. Why did Joseph not eat with them?
17. What expedient did Joseph adopt to get Benjamin?
18. What is meant by divining with the cup?
19. What evidence of conviction here?
20. What advantage of this principle to criminal lawyers? Illustrate.
21. What is the expositor's estimate of Judah's speech before Joseph
in behalf of Benjamin?
22. With what speech in the works of Sir Walter Scott may it be
23. Give an analysis of the power of Judah's speech.
24. Who sent Joseph into Egypt, and what part of the divine govern_
ment is most strikingly illustrated in. his history?
25. What noted Baptist author has written a book on this subject?
Genesis 46:1 to 47:27
The sorrow of Jacob for the loss of Joseph has become pro_
verbial in the East. It was a sorrow that could not be com_
forted: "I have grief like that which Jacob felt for the loss of
Joseph" (see Arabian Nights, Vol. 2, pp. 112, 206, 222). Scrip_
tural expressions of his sorrow are Genesis 37:33_35; 42:36_
38; 47:9.
When his sons returned from Egypt and announced that
Joseph was alive, he fainted. Note 45:25_28: "And they went
up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Canaan unto Jacob
their father. And they told him, saying, Joseph is yet alive,
and he is ruler over all the land of Egypt. And his heart
fainted, for he believed them not. And they told him all the
words of Joseph, which he had said unto them; and when he
saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit
of Jacob their father revived: and Israel said, It is enough;
Joseph my son is yet alive: I will go and see him before I die."
He was also greatly assured with these words of Jehovah,
46:2_4: "And God spake unto Israel in the visions of the night,
and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, Here am 1. And he said,
I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down into
Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation; I will go
down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee
up again: and Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes."
Their affecting meeting is thus described in 46:29_30: "And
Joseph made ready with his chariot, and went up to meet Is_
rael his father, to Goshen; and he presented himself unto him,
and fell on his neck, and wept on his neck a good while. And
Israel said unto Joseph, Now let me die, since I have seen thy
face, and thou art yet alive." Under widely different circum_
stances our Lord, in the parable of the prodigal son, described
the touching meeting of a long_separated father and son.
have I not eaten. That which was torn of beasts I brought not
unto thee; I bare the loss of it; of my hand didst thou require
it, whether stolen by day or stolen by night. Thus I was; in
the day the drought consumed me, and the frost by night;
and my sleep fled from mine eyes. These twenty years have I
been in thy house; I served thee fourteen years for thy two
daughters, and six years for thy flock: and thou hast changed
my wages ten times. Except the God of my father, the God of
Abraham, and the fear of Isaac, had been with me, surely now
hadst thou sent me away empty. God hath seen mine affliction
and the labour of my hands, and rebuked thee yesternight."
His troubles from the polygamy forced upon him were many.
The sin of Reuben wounded him to the heart. The dishonor
done to Dinah, and the violence of Simeon and Levi left lasting
scars never to be forgotten. His anxieties about hostile neigh_
bors never left him. His loss of his beloved Rachel was ir_
reparable, and his loss of Joseph broke his heart. It was shal_
low pertness and affected smartness on the part of Lady Duff_
Gordon to ridicule a speech so eloquently and so sublimely
More than once has the world been surprised at the wise
administration of national affairs by alien Jews, promoted for
merit alone to the highest political offices. It commenced with
Joseph's rule over Egypt; it is followed by Daniel's rule over
Babylon, and Mordecai's and Nehemiah's influence at the
court of Persia. We have modern examples in the sway of the
Rothschilds over the finances of many nations, Disraeli in
England creating the British Empire, and Judah P. Benjamin
in the Confederate States. There are multitudes of examples
on a smaller scale.
Joseph's administration in Egypt gave it world pre_emi_
nence. His bringing all the land to Pharaoh has been ques_
SIN 373
1. What is the proof that Jacob's migration to Egypt was of divine
2. Show the interplay of human passion, the natural causes and
name the actors who played any part in this matter.
3. How do you reconcile the two totals of sixty_six and seventy
given in the Hebrew text?
4. How do you reconcile the numbers in Genesis 46:26_27, with the
addition of vv. 15, 18, 22, 25, and Acts 7:14?
5. What difficulties from another source puzzle the critics and what
the explanation?
6. What proverb is based on Jacob's loss of Joseph?
7. What are the scriptural expressions of his sorrow?
8. How did the news that Joseph was alive affect him?
9. How was he assured in this matter?
10. Describe the affecting meeting of Joseph and Jacob. What New
Testament illustration of this incident cited?
11. What land did Joseph secure for his father and brothers, and
SIN 375
what the advantages of this land?
12. According to Herodotus, what were the classes of the Egyptians?
13. What was the position of the shepherd among the Egptians, the
evidence and how account for the favor accorded Jacob and his family?
14. What were his famous words to Pharaoh and what Lady Duff_
Gordon's remark about them?
15. What evidences of the sincerity of his words?
16. What New Testament evidence that Jacob correctly represented
his life as a pilgrimage?
17. In what famous allegory is this idea immortalized?
18. How old was Jacob when he stood before Pharaoh and how do
his days compare with the days of the other patriarchs?
19. What the evidence that his days were full of evil?
20. Itemize Jacob's troubles somewhat.
21. What ancient Jews became powerful in the affairs of foreign
22. What modern ones have made their influence felt likewise?
23. What were the blessings of Joseph's administration to the people?
24. What are agrarian laws? Who wrote Progress and Poverty and
what was its aim?
25. Cite Isaiah's prophecy in point.
26. What was Jefferson's position on it?
27. What said Goldsmith about it?
28. Cite illustrations of this in ancient and modern history.
29. How does the administration of Joseph in Egypt compare with
other administrations of like nature?
30. What is the meaning of "Joseph shall put his hand upon thine
eyes"? (Gen. 46:4.)
31. The meaning of "And Pharaoh took off his ring and put it on
Joseph's hand"?
32. Cite other Bible instances of the use of the signet ring.
Genesis 47:27_50
see Levi gets a part, and becomes the priest of the family and
the tribe, and as the priest he is the religious instructor. Moses
tells us by what act Levi obtained that revision of the original
sentence against him. The instance is when Israel worshiped
the golden calf; Levi stood by Moses when he said, "Whoever
is on the Lord's side, let him come and stand over here," and
the whole tribe of Levi came and stood by him. And in smiting
the idolaters, they had no regard of men. In the final division
of the rights of primogeniture, Levi received the priesthood,
Joseph became the head of the tribe and Judah became the
one through whom the promised Messiah should come.
We find that Moses does not mention Simeon at all, but he
reappears in the Revelation list, and that Dan disappears from
that list. Jacob says about Judah:
Judah, thee shall thy brethren praise:
Thy hand shall be on the neck of thine enemies;
Thy father's son shall bow down before thee.
Judah is a lion's whelp;
From the prey, my son, thou art gone up:
He stooped down, he couched as a lion,
And as a lioness; who shall rouse him up?
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah,
Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet,
Until Shiloh come;
And unto him shall the obedience of the peoples be.
Binding his foal unto the vine,
And his ass's colt unto the choice vine;
He hath washed his garments in wine,
And his vesture in the blood of grapes:
His eyes shall be red with wine,
And his teeth white with milk.
The first line of the above prophecy was a reference to the
Messiah who shall come from him. In v.10 is a remarkable
messianic prophecy: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh come."
Shiloh is the Saviour. And so we find that the kingdom remain-
ed (that Judah remained a kingdom) until it was destroyed by
Nebuchadnezzar. Then, subordinated to Persia, civil govern-
There Jacob goes back to the name the mother had in mind.
Let us see how Gad enlarges in the writings of Moses (Deut.
Blessed be he that enlargeth Gad:
He dwelleth as a lioness,
And feareth the arm, yea, the crown of the head.
And he provided the first part for himself,
For there was the lawgiver's portion reserved;
And he came with the heads of the people;
He executed the righteousness of Jehovah,
And his ordinances with Israel.
1. Compare the beginning and end of Jacob's life with Solomon's.
2. Compare Joseph and Daniel.
3. What characteristic of old age was exemplified in Jacob?
4. What was his request to Joseph which was repeated in his dying
charge to his sons?
5. What now are the remaining incidents of the book?
6. How did Jacob thwart the purpose of Joseph to give Manasseh
the greater blessing?
7. What did Jacob mean by saying that these sons should be called
by his name?
8. What is meant by Jacob in this expression: "I have given to thee
SIN 387
one portion above thy brethren"?
9. Explain in this connection Hebrews 11:21.
10. Of what does the forty_ninth chapter of Genesis consist?
11. What 4 things should be borne in mind in the study of this chapter?
12. What wag the element of weakness in Reuben's character which
lost him the birthright?
13. What striking New Testament illustrations are employed con_
cerning preachers who partake of Reuben's weakness of character?
(2 Peter 2:17; Jude 12_13.)
14. How does the dying prophecy of Moses brighten the fate of Reu_
ben's posterity?
15. Why did Jacob take Simeon and Levi together?
16. What was the penalty for their sin and when fulfilled?
17. How does Moses brighten the prospects of Levi?
18. How were the several elements of the birthright forfeited by
Reuben distributed among his brethren?
19. How did Levi's descendants, by a great act of merit, regain a
distinction greater than Levi forfeited?
20. What important messianic prophecy is a part of the blessing of
21. What was its bearing on the claim of Jesus to be the Messiah?
22. According to Jacob's prophecy, where was Zebulun located?
23. In Jacob's prophecy to what is Issachar likened?
24. How in Moses' prophecy do the prospects of Zebulun and
Issachar brighten?
25. Cite the text used by Dr. Burleson.
26. What is the meaning of "Dan" and what illustrious member of
the tribe exemplified the name?
28. What do we learn of Dan in later history that justifies the
29. What deadly secret organization in American history was based
on the prophecy about Dan?
30. Whose dramatized story, The Danites, stirred the popular indig_
nation against the Mormons?
31. How does Moses enlarge Gad over Jacob's prophecy?
32. How do Moses' and Jacob's blessings on Asher compare?
33. What special gift should characterize the sons of Naphtali?
34. On which son came the richest blessing?
35. Which tribe is not mentioned in the blessing of Moses?
36. Which is omitted in the sealing of Revelation?
37. Describe the funeral of Jacob.
38. What was the fear of Joseph's brethren after the death of Jacob?
39. What prophecy did Joseph give at his death?