Extrusion Guide

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Technical Information for Experts


Screw designs in
injection molding
The classical three-section screw can be
employed with adequate quality for the processing of many thermoplastics. When
demands on throughput performance and
molding quality rise, however, the three-section screw comes up against its limits. If
requirements with regard to throughput and
melt homogeneity are high double- and multiple-flighted screws and also barrier screws
afford significant advantages. Homogeneity may also be improved by means of additional shear and mixing sections. Efficient
optimization of screw geometry taking the
many mutually interacting parameters into
consideration is possible by means of computer simulations. BASF possesses on the
one hand a suitable simulation program and
on the other hand has many years of experience in the optimization and use of screws.



Optimized injection molding plasticating units

The aim in general is to achieve a

quantitative and qualitative improvement. However, in doing so it cannot
be excluded that a conflict will arise
between target parameters. A typical
case which is relevant in practice is the
requirement for a higher mass flow rate
(shorter plasticizing time) while at the
same time melt quality is improved and
the melt temperature is reduced. In
injection molding in contrast with extrusion there is frequently the additional
difficulty that a wide processing range
for the most varied shot weights is
required. Accordingly, it is necessary in
many cases to define priorities or to
accept compromises.
Furthermore, when drawing up the
specification of requirements
constraints arising from financial or
technological considerations also have
to be taken into account. For example,
when optimizing the plasticating unit of
an existing injection molding machine
constraints due the machine size
(screw length), the drive power, etc.
must be borne in mind. In this way
solutions which are too costly in production terms often drop out even
though they would offer processing
Accordingly, in most cases the technically feasible solution is not the optimum design but rather the compromise solution which emerges from
weighing up all the relevant factors
affecting the qualitative and quantitative requirements.
In injection molding technology today
conventional reciprocating screw injection units are employed almost exclusively. For the processing of thermoplastics these are frequently equipped
with a single-flighted three-section
screw (Figure 1). As the name already
implies this type of screw is characterized by the division of the screw into







External screw diameter

Effective length of screw
Length of feed section
Length of compression section
Length of metering section
Flight depth in the metering section
Flight depth in the feed section
Pitch of screw
Nonreturn valve

20 23



Figure 1: Plasticating unit with a three-section screw

three different sections (feed, compression and metering sections) which

have different functions.
At the tip of the screw there is usually
also a nonreturn valve to prevent the
melt in the space in front of the screw
from flowing back during the injection
and pressure hold-on phase.

Three-section screw

metering zones is between 2 and 3.

The flight depths recommended by
BASF are shown in Figure 2 as a function of the screw diameter.
In the flight depths illustrated in Figure
2 a distinction is made between standard screws and shallow-flighted
screws. Shallow-flighted screws pick
up less material and hence the residence time in the plasticating unit is
shortened. This can be advantageous
in the case of thermally sensitive materials.

Three-section screws which are also

commonly known as "universal
screws are designed in such a way
that they can process as much thermoplastic as possible at
12 h = flight depth in the feed section
an adequate level of
h M = flight depth in the
quality. Due to the simmetering section
ple geometry the struc10
ture of the screw allows
Standard screw
low-cost production.
Modern standard screws
have an overall length of
20 23 D (length as a
multiple of the diameter)
the length of the feed
4 F
section accounting for
approximately half the
2 h
length of the screw. The
compression and metering sections have
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
approximately the same
Screw diameter D (mm)
length, the pitch is usually 1 D (0.8 1 D) and
Figure 2: Flight depths for three-section screws
the flight depth ratio
between the feed and
Flight depth h (mm)

On account of the numerous tasks and

demands to be fulfilled the design and
optimization of injection molding plasticating units is an optimization problem
with a number of objectives. At the
same time the individual variables are
not independent of one another but
rather mutually interact with one

In addition, high-performance screws

possessing mixing sections are constructed with a screw length of up to
approximately 26 D for high-speed
machines (e.g. for packaging materials). Long screws are not advisable for
processing thermally sensitive material
grades since overlong residence times
(throughput rates are usually lower
than in extrusion) can result in thermal
damage to the material.
The three-section screw comes up
against its limits as a result of heightened demands for molding quality and
throughput rates. In particular, the
three-section screw without shear and
mixing sections encounters its performance limits in direct coloring.
Although the depth of experience is
currently greatest with this type of
screw the constantly growing demands
cannot always be adequately fulfilled.
Growing competitive pressures require
the selection of injection molding
machines having an injection and
clamping unit which is as small as
possible in order to minimize article
costs through low investment and
operating costs. The trend in injection
molding machines is accordingly going
in the direction of larger shot volumes
and higher mass flow rates for the
same size of plasticating unit in order in
this way to increase the economic
efficiency of the process. This, however, means a conflict in target parameters when improvements in product
quality are simultaneously being aimed
for. For that reason priorities have to be
defined or compromises have to be
Larger shot volumes are achieved at
low cost by the simple expedient of
lengthening the metering stroke (> 3
D). Lengthening of the metering stroke
has the consequence that the effective
screw length is shortened. This can
result in unmelted material and inhomogeneous temperatures. To eliminate
these problems the screws must be
lengthened but for structural reasons
this cannot be done to an unlimited
extent in injection molding plasticating
There is a further risk in longer metering strokes that ever more air is drawn
in, especially during injection. This is
because the screw moves only axially
(no rotation) under the hopper opening

during injection, as a result of which

the screw channels are not completely
filled with material (Figure 3).
The more air that is drawn in by lengthened metering or injection strokes the
more difficult it is to ensure that this air
escapes via the hopper and does not
get into the space in front of the screw.
Aspirated air which is then occluded in
the melt and gets into the mold produces streaks, so this must be
avoided. The minimum condition for
flawless parts is that there should be a
sensible ratio between the maximum
possible metering stroke and the effective length of the screw (i.e. that the
maximum metering stroke for a screw
20 D long should be limited, for example, to 3 D in order to achieve adequate quality).
In three-section screws it is very difficult to further increase the plasticizing
rates and shot weights attained so far
while obtaining the same or an improved level of homogeneity. Due,
however, to the continuous shortening
of the cooling and movement times the
throughput rates must be increased so
that the plasticizing time does not
become the variable determining the
cycle time.

An increase in throughput with suitable

homogeneity can only be achieved
when the melting efficiency is simultaneously improved. For this reason a lot
more thought has been devoted
recently to structural modifications of
the screws. At present this includes
research into the use in particular of
double- or multiple-flighted screws,
barrier screws and polygonal screws
combined with shear and/or mixing
sections in injection molding machines.
All shear and mixing sections have in
common the basic principles of screw
clearance and the division and recombination of the stream of melt. The
Maddock and spiral shear section and
the toothed disk or faceted mixing
section are predominantly used (see
Figure 4). These sections should be
designed as far as possible to be neutral in terms of pressure so that the
throughput rate is not reduced, to
minimize wear and in order not to have
a detrimental effect on the melt temperature.

Partly filled screw channels


Figure 3:
Trickle feed of
material during


Injection stroke

Maddock shear section

Figure 4:
screw with
commonly used
shear and mixing

Toothed disk mixing section

Spiral shear section

Faceted mixing section

Double- and multiple-flighted

A possibility for raising melting efficiency and hence throughput consists
in constructing the screw with multiple
flights. By comparison with the singled-flighted design the increase in the
number of flights in multiple-flighted
screws having otherwise unchanged
screw geometry yields smaller melt film
thicknesses  at the cylinder wall as
can be seen in Figure 5.
As a result of the lower film thickness
there is on the one hand higher heat
transfer from the cylinder to the solid.
On the other hand the lower film thickness gives rise to higher shear speeds
in the melt film which results in higher
energy dissipation and hence
improved melting efficiency.

It must furthermore be taken into

account that in a multiple-flighted
design the improved melting efficiency
is not always desirable in the case of
amorphous and/or temperature-sensitive plastics. If melting occurs too
quickly unwelcome temperature rises
and possible damage to the material
may be produced over the remaining
length of the screw. Accordingly, a
double-flighted screw design should be
chosen when high mass flow rates
(high-speed machines) combined with
high melting efficiencies (e.g. in the
case of polyolefins) are required.

However, in a multiple-flighted construction of the screw it must be borne

in mind that a reduction of the cross
section of the screw channel is produced, especially in the feed section
(see Figure 6). When the channel width
is too small there is not enough room
for the material to trickle unimpeded
from the hopper into the screw channels. This effect is especially noticeable when the screw diameters are
relatively small (feed behavior, throughput rate). As the screw diameter rises
the effect of the additional screw flight
becomes steadily less unfavourable
(starting from about 80 mm).

Barrier screws
There has recently been an upsurge
of interest in barrier screws for the
injection molding process on account
of the results achieved in extrusion. In
injection molding, however, the barrier screw must be adapted to the
changed boundary conditions (batch
mode of operation, shortening of
screw as a function of metering
stroke, etc.) by comparison with

Hopper opening


Second flight
(reduction of
cross section)

Figure 6: Charging cross sections in singleflighted and double-flighted screws

Single-flighted screw zone

Double-flighted screw zone

Melt channel
Barrel wall

Melt film

Barrel wall

Melt film

Solids channel
Solids bed

Screw flight

Solids bed

Barrier flight

Screw flight
Melt vortex

Melt vortex

Figure 5: Section through the melting section of a singleflighted and a double-flighted screw

Figure 7: Principle of a barrier screw

In principle all barrier screws have the

same mode of operation. The characteristic feature is the division of the
screw channel into a solids channel
and a melt channel (see Figure 7). The
solids channel is separated from the
melt channel by the barrier flight. The
barrier flight has a greater gap width
than the main flight so that only fused
material or particles which are smaller
than the gap width in at least one
direction can pass into the melt channel. On flowing over the barrier flight
these particles are exposed to an additional defined shear stress which
results in further melting of the residual
solid particles. The barrier flight, moreover, contributes to homogenization of
the melt.
In the barrier zone the cross section of
the solids channel reduces in the direction of the tip of the screw while at the
same time the cross section of the melt
channel increases. In the various types
of barrier screws this change in cross
section is achieved by varying the flight
depths and/or channel widths.

The pitch is frequently increased right

at the beginning of the barrier zone in
order to provide the cross section
needed for a second channel. At the
same time it proves to be advantageous for the width of the solids channel at the inlet to the barrier zone to be
the same as the channel width ahead
of the barrier zone. This avoids abrupt
deformations of the solids bed during
passage into the barrier zone. In order
to ensure controlled melting the outlet
of the solids channel should be closed
so that the material gets into the melt
channel and hence into the space in
front of the screw only via the barrier
Computer-supported simulation is
useful especially in the design of barrier
screws because the barrier zone possesses a relatively high number of
degrees of freedom in its design.
Although the screw geometry can be
better adapted to a specific application
the system also responds more sensitively under certain circumstances and
contains more possible sources of


ge e
led nc
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In the injection molding process problems such as

difficulties in feeding
excessively high melt temperatures
unmelted material
streaks and voids
material and thermal
fluctuations in shot weight and
plasticizing time
wear of the screw and cylinder
can occur.
When they occur the injection molding
plasticating unit is frequently cited as
the general cause of these problems
but without more precise specification.
The reason for this is that the plasticating unit is regarded as a black box
which is not susceptible to direct
observation. Only a few variables such
as the melt temperature, heating zone
temperatures, torque and the pressure
in the space in front of the screw can
be called upon to evaluate the operating behavior. Matching these quantifiable variables to their causes is often
difficult and requires a great deal of
know-how. There is a major information gap here with regard to interdependencies capable of supporting
efforts towards process optimization or
redesign of the unit.
The combination of the empirical
knowledge gathered in BASF over a
long period of time with the results of
simulation computations is an ideal
basis for rendering the plasticization
process more transparent and more
predictable. This is essential for discovering weaknesses and if possible arriving reliably and speedily at an optimized screw geometry (Figure 8).





Optimization and simulation

Plasticizing time
Pressure profile
Temperature profile
Melting profile

Apart from attaining the targeted mass

flow rate complete and proper melting
is of decisive importance in the optimization of a plasticating unit. The
reason for this is that the attainment of
the maximum possible throughput only
makes sense when complete melting
and adequate homogeneity can be

Figure 8: More predictable plasticating units as a

result of simulation

With the aid of the simulation program

the dimensionless solids bed width Y is
calculated. This is defined as the ratio
of the solids bed width x to the channel
width b (to the solids channel in the
case of barrier screws). Figure 9 shows
a favorable and an unfavorable melting
process. The interpretation of the
progress of melting allows statements
about the relationship between the
conveying performance of the screw
and its melting performance and a
qualitative estimate of the level of
homogeneity of the melt achievable in
the space in front of the screw. At the
same time the two effects illustrated in
Figure 9 (increases in the dimensionless solids bed width and residual
solids content at the beginning of a
shear or mixing section) are of particular importance.

Normalized solids bed width Y

An increase in the dimensionless solids

bed width can cause the solids bed to
break apart due to high deformation
and result in the formation of individual
islands of solids which are no longer
effectively melted by shearing. Especially in the case of high-melting polymers (high enthalpy requirement) in
association with compression which is
applied too early or too strongly there
is the risk that the dimensionless solids
bed width again rises to the value of 1
which is synonymous with clogging
of the screw. In this case in practice
restriction of the mass flow rate and
homogeneity problems can be

In addition to the rise in the curve of

the dimensionless solids bed width the
presence of residual solids at the end
of the screw or at the beginning of a
shear or mixing section must be prevented. In the case of relatively small
amounts of residual solids this would
result in an inhomogeneous melt containing isolated particles of solid. If the
amount of solids is higher, back pressure can build up in shear sections and
throughput can fluctuate. If the gap
were clogged up high pressure loss
(lower output) would additionally occur.
Blockage of shear webs can occur not
only in shear sections having sealed
channels but also in barrier zones having closed inlet and outlet channels.
This is the case when the melting efficiency of the barrier zone is too low or
the site of melt vortex formation is
located in the barrier zone.
By comparison with shear sections,
barrier zones have the advantage here
in that on account of their normally
greater length blockages due to melting efficiency occur only locally. However, these local blockages can result
in unwanted fluctuations in throughput
and should, therefore, be avoided.

In injection molding unlike extrusion it

is more difficult due to the axial displacement of the screw to fix the
beginning and the length of the barrier
zone. It is a problem here that shot
weights and hence metering strokes
should vary. That is to say that
depending on the metering stroke the
start of the barrier zone is closer to or
further away from the hopper, the site
of initial melt formation remaining
unchanged. For problem-free operation it must be ensured that the site of
initial melt formation is located ahead
of the barrier zone in order that separation into solids and melt can be
effected by the barrier web. Otherwise
the melt channel will only be partly
filled which is synonymous with a
reduction in throughput or an increase
in plasticizing time. Local overheating
can, moreover, occur in the solids
channel (especially in the closed outlet)
if insufficient material is melted which
then flows into the melt channel.
With the correct sizing the result illustrated in Figure 10 is obtained: complete separation of solids and melt and
a full melt channel. In this way high
throughputs of adequate homogeneity
can be achieved. It must, however,
also be noted that this result cannot
be achieved with a single geometry in
optimum manner for the entire spectrum of materials and all operating
points, as is also the case for other
screw designs.
In addition to the effects of the screw
geometry, the process parameters
(speed of rotation) and the residence
time, the melting process is also
affected by the properties of the material. There are, for example, great differences in enthalpy (melting energy)
and viscosity (flow properties) between
amorphous and semicrystalline plastics.

Y= x


Screw length (L/D)

Barrier zone

Site of melt
vortex formation

Solids channel
Melt channel

Figure 9: Comparison of different melting profiles


Solids channel
Melt channel

Figure 10: Barrier zone with closed inlets and



Ultramid A3W
Polystyrene 168 N

Ultramid (PA 66)

Polystyrene (PS)



Viscosity (PA*s)


PS melt

PA melt
Temperature (C)

Normalized solids bed width Y

Enthalpy (J/g)

Figure 11: Enthalpy, viscosity and melting profiles for two different materials



10 4



Screw length (L/D)

10 3
10 2
10 1
10 0

280C: Ultramid A3W

230C: Polystyrene 168 N

10 - 1 10 0

10 1

10 2

10 3 10 4 10 5
Shear rate (1/s)

In connection with this Figure 11

shows by way of example the enthalpy
and viscosity curves for an amorphous
and a semicrystalline material. From
the large differences in the energy
needed for melting and in flow properties it may be inferred that it is difficult
using just one screw geometry to
process a great many materials in
optimum manner and to do this at
highly variable operating points.

Even today standard or universal
screws such as the three-section
screw cover a large part of the range of
requirements and materials. However,
there has recently been an increase in
the incidence of cases in which higher
demands are imposed on the melt
quality (homogeneity) than can be met
by a three-section screw. In order to
attain the required homogeneity, additional barrier zones as well as shear
and/or mixing sections are then
employed. The extent to which homogeneity can be increased by such measures can be seen in the example
shown in Figure 12.

To make this clear Figure 11 provides

a comparison of the course of melting
for a polystyrene (PS) and an Ultramid
(PA) using the same screw geometry. It
is evident that there are great differences in the patterns (end of melting).
It would be difficult to arrive at one
optimum design for the screw geometry for use with both materials. The use
of the same screw for both
materials assumes that only
Figure 12: Homogeneity results
relatively low demands are
placed on output rate, the
possible shot weights and

Three-section screw

How much screw or which design

should be employed must be decided
in line with the application. At the
same time requirements, particularly
with regard to homogeneity, can be
highly variable.
The aim of this technical information
paper was to set out possibilities for
screw designs. The universal screw
which solves all problems using a single geometry continues to evade us.
There are, however, enough possibilities for fulfilling the requirements

Three-section screw with

shear and mixing section

Barrier screw with

shear and mixing section

BASF Aktiengesellschaft
67056 Ludwigshafen

= reg. Tradename of BASF Aktiengesellschaft

The information submitted in this

publication is based on our current
knowledge and experience. In view of
the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do
not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests
and experiments; neither do they imply
any legally binding assurance of certain
properties or of suitability for a specific
purpose. It is the responsibility of those
to whom we supply our products to
ensure that any proprietary rights and
existing laws and legislation are

KTX 9908 e 12.2000


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