Jacob Barnett Physics Paper

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Origin of maximal symmetry breaking in even PTsymmetric lattices

Yogesh N. Joglekar and Jacob L. Barnett
Phys. Rev. A 84, 024103 Published 30 August 2011
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.84.024103

Origin of maximal symmetry breaking in even PT -symmetric lattices
Yogesh N. Joglekar and Jacob L. Barnett
Department of Physics, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, USA
(Dated: August 10, 2011)









in the time-evolution of a wavepacket [20].

These results raise the following questions: Is this exceptional behavior limited to lattices with -dependent
hopping or is it generic? Which factors truly determine
the critical impurity strength c (N/2) in the exceptional
case? In the general case, how does the critical impurity
strength c (m) for arbitrary impurity positions (m, m)

depend upon the lattice parameters?

In this Brief Report, we investigate an N -site lattice
with impurities i at positions (m, m)
and a constant
hopping amplitude t0 (tb ) for sites outside (between) the
parity-symmetric impurity locations. Our two salient results are as follows: (i) When tb t0 , the critical impurity strength c (m) tb irrespective of the impurity position m and whether N is even or odd. When
tb < t0 , the critical impurity strength c (m) tb where
the exponent (d) d increases monotonically with the
distance d = m
m = N + 1 2m between the impurities, irrespective of whether N is even or odd. (ii)
For an even lattice, when m = N/2, we analytically
prove that all eigenvalues simultaneously become complex when > c (N/2) = tb . This robust result is
true for any symmetric distribution of real hopping amplitudes. Thus, the PT -symmetry breaking threshold can
be substantially tuned without significant changes in the
global hopping-amplitude profile of the lattice, and the
exceptional nature of the m = N/2 case is due to the
ability to partition the system into two, and exactly two,
Tight-binding Model: We start with the Hamiltonian for
a one-dimensional, tight-binding, non-uniform lattice


Introduction: The discovery of complex extension of

quantum mechanics by Bender and coworkers [1, 2]
set in motion extensive mathematical [35] and theoretical investigations [6] of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
+ V that are symmetric with respect to comHPT = K
bined parity (P) and time-reversal (T ) operations. Such
continuum or lattice Hamiltonians [710] usually con = K
, and
sist of a Hermitian kinetic energy part, K
a non-Hermitian, PT -symmetric potential part, V =
6 V . Although it is not Hermitian HPT
has purely real eigenvalues E = E over a range of parameters, and its eigenfunctions are simultaneous eigenfunctions of the combined PT -operation; this range is
defined as the PT -symmetric region. The breaking of
PT -symmetry, along with the attendant non-reciprocal
behavior, was recently observed in two coupled optical
waveguides [11, 12] and has ignited further interest in
PT -symmetric lattice models. These evanescently coupled waveguides provide an excellent realization [13] of an
ideal, one-dimensional lattice with tunable hopping [14],
disorder [15], and non-Hermitian, on-site, impurity potentials [16, 17].
Recently nonuniform lattices with site-dependent hop/2
ping t (k) = t0 [k(N k)]
and a pair of imaginary
impurities i at positions (m, m)
have been extensively
explored [1720], where m
= N + 1 m and N 1 is
the number of lattice sites. The PT -symmetric phase in
such a lattice is robust when 0, the loss and gain
impurities i are closest to each other, and c
where the critical impurity strength is proportional to
the bandwidth of the clean lattice, c 4t0 (N/2) . For a
generic impurity position m, when the impurity strength
> c (m) increases the number of complex eigenvalues
increases sequentially from four to N 1 when N is odd
and to N when it is even. In an exceptional contrast,
when m = N/2 - nearest neighbor impurities on an even
lattice - all eigenvalues simultaneously become complex
at the onset of PT -symmetry breaking. This maximal
symmetry breaking is accompanied by unique signatures

By investigating a parity and time-reversal (PT ) symmetric, N -site lattice with impurities i
and hopping amplitudes t0 (tb ) for regions outside (between) the impurity locations, we probe the
inter-impurity-distance dependence of the critical impurity strength and the origin of maximal PT symmetry breaking that occurs when the impurities are nearest neighbors. Through a simple and
exact derivation, we prove that the critical impurity strength is equal to the hopping amplitude
between the impurities, c = tb , and the simultaneous emergence of N complex eigenvalues is a
robust feature of any PT -symmetric hopping profile. Our results show that the threshold strength c
can be widely tuned by a small change in the global profile of the lattice, and thus have experimental



t(i) ai+1 ai + ai ai+1 +i am am am

where an (an ) is the creation (annihilation) operator for a
state localized at site n, and the hopping function is given
by t(i) = tb > 0 for m i m
1, and t(i) = t0 > 0
otherwise. This Hamiltonian continuously extrapolates
from that for a lattice of length d = N + 1 2m with
impurities at its end when tb t0 , to that of a pair
of disconnected lattices, one with the gain impurity and
the other with the loss impurity, when tb t0 . Note

Here E(k, k ) = 2t0 cos(k) = 2tb cos(k ) defines

the relation between the quasimomenta k, k . In the
PT -symmetric phase, the energy spectrum of Eq.(1) is
particle-hole symmetric [22], and the eigenenergies satisfy |E| . 2 max(t0 , tb ). Note that the relative phases
of (n) are the same at different points within each of
the three regions, although there may be a phase difference between wavefunctions in different regions. Therefore, without loss of generality, we may choose (n) to
be real for 1 n m. By considering the eigenvalue
equation HPT |i = E|i at points m, m + 1 and their
reflection counterparts, it follows that the quasimomenta
(k, k ) obey the equation [21]

M (k, k ) sin2 [k(m + 1)] + 2 sin2 (km)
sin [k (N + 1 2m)] + Tb2 sin2 (km)
sin [k (N 1 2m)] 2Tb sin(km)
sin [k(m + 1)] sin [k (N 2m)] = 0, (3)

where = /t0 and Tb = tb /t0 denote the dimensionless

impurity strength and hopping amplitude respectively.
Note that when 2 min(t0 , tb ) < |E| 2 max(t0 , tb ), k is
real and k is purely imaginary (or vice versa), whereas
for |E| 2 min(t0 , tb ), both k, k are real. Thus, Eq.(3)
represents two distinct equations in these two cases.
The right-hand panel in Fig. 1 shows the dimensionless
critical impurity strength c (d) = c (m)/t0 as a function
of Tb = tb /t0 1 for various inter-impurity-distances
d = N + 1 2m in an N = 20 lattice; we obtain similar
results for an odd lattice. Note that the distance between
PT -symmetric impurities is odd when N is even and vice
versa. We find that c tb quickly for tb /t0 > 1; when
tb /t0 1, the lattice reduces to a uniform one with d + 1
sites, impurities at its end points, and the result c = tb
is expected [21]. The left-hand panel shows c (d) vs. Tb
on a logarithmic scale in N = 20 and N = 21 lattices
for Tb < 1. As the distance d between the impurities
increases, corresponding critical impurity strength de(d)
creases as a power-law, c (d) Tb
where the exponent
(d) d. This behavior can be qualitatively understood
as follows: the system is in the PT -symmetric region
if the frequency /t0 at which particles are created
at the gain-impurity site m is lower than rate at which
these excess particles can hop over to the loss-impurity
site, where they are absorbed at frequency /t0 . Since
tb is the hopping amplitude at sites between the impurities, it follows that the effective frequency of hopping
from the gain- to the loss-site decreases with d as Tbd.





that the critical impurity strengths in these two limits are

known [17, 21]. Due to the constant hopping amplitude
outside or between the impurity locations, an arbitrary
eigenfunction |i = n=1 (n)an |0i with energy E can
be expressed using the Bethe ansatz as

A sin(kn),
1 n m,

(n) = P sin(k n) + Q cos(k n), m < n < m,

B sin(k
n N.





10 1






FIG. 1. (color online) a) Left-hand panel shows dimensionless critical impurity strength c (d) = c /t0 as a function
of dimensionless hopping amplitude 0 < Tb = tb /t0 < 1
for various distances d between PT -symmetric impurities in
N = 20, 21 lattices; note that d must be odd when N is even
and vice versa. It follows that c (d) Tb
0, as is expected on physical grounds, irrespective of the whether N is
even or odd. b) Right-hand panel shows the critical impurity strength c (d) as a function of Tb 1 for various values
of d in an N = 20 lattice. Although at Tb = 1, the critical
strength c (d) reduces with distance d between the impurities,
for Tb 2 the critical impurity strength c Tb (c tb )
irrespective of d and N .

Indeed, when tb /t0 1, the system is divided into two,

non PT -symmetric, uniform lattices, one with the loss
impurity and the other with the gain. It follows, then,
that c 0 as tb /t0 0. We remind the reader that
except when d = 1 (right-hand panel in Fig. 1) - the exeptional case - the PT -symmetry breaks sequentially with
the emergence of four complex eigenvalues.
Origin of Maximal Symmetry Breaking: Now let us consider the exceptional case in an even lattice, m = N/2,
where Eq.(3) reduces to

 2 kN
t0 sin k
= tb sin
It follows from Eq.(4) that the PT -symmetry breaks
maximally when > c (N/2) = tb and is accompanied
by the simultaneous emergence of N complex (not purely
imaginary) quasimomenta and eigenenergies. Since the
bandwidth of the clean lattice is determined by both hoppings (t0 , tb ), it follows that the critical impurity strength
is independent of the lattice bandwidth.
To generalize this result, we consider the system with
an arbitrary, PT -symmetric, position-dependent hopping profile tk = tN k and real energy eigenvalues. In
the PT -symmetric region, the coefficients of an eigenPN
= z (m)
function |i =
m=1 (m)|mi satisfy (m)
where z = ei is a complex number of unit modulus; this
follows from the constraint (PT )2 |i = |i. Since the
hopping and eigenvalues are real, the eigenvalue difference equations imply that for any eigenfunction |i, we
can choose the coefficients (k) to be real for 1 k m.

A real eigenvalue and the (real) coefficients = (N/2)
and = (N/2 1) of its corresponding eigenfunction
| i = i=1 (i)|ii satisfy

+ ( i)
= 0,
det N/21
tN/21 + ( + i)
where we have used the PT -symmetric nature of eigenfunctions to deduce that (N/2+1) = ei , (N/2+2) =
ei . Thus, when > c = tN/2 = tb , the eigenvalue must become complex. Since this is true for
all eigenfunctions, the PT -symmetry breaks maximally
and the critical impurity strength is equal to the hopping between the nearest-neighbor impurities. Note that
when the eigenvalue becomes complex, the corresponding eigenfunction |i does not remain PT -symmetric,
6= z (m), and thus the eigenfunction coefficients
(k) for 1 k m cannot be chosen as real; instead
PT |i is an eigenfunction of the Hamiltonian with eigenvalue 6= . Our robust result also explains the fragile
nature of PT -symmetric phase in lattices with hopping
function t (k) for < 0 [20]: in this case, the lattice
bandwidth N ||/2 whereas the hopping amplitude between the two nearest-neighbor impurities scales
as tb N || . Therefore the critical impurity strength
c / N ||/2 0 as N . A similar analysis for
closest impurities in an odd-N lattice shows that, due to
the presence of a lattice site between the two impurity
positions m = (N 1)/2 and m
= (N + 3)/2, the corresponding critical impurity strength c depends on the
details of the eigenfunction.
Thus, the maximal symmetry breaking only occurs in
an even, PT -symmetric lattice with nearest-neighbor impurities, and its origin is the ability to naturally partition
such a lattice into exactly two components.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the
IUPUI Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
(J.B.) and by NSF Grant No. DMR-1054020 (Y.J.).

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